- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - -S 4 C _ ' 1111E OMAflA DAILY ij SUNDAY , JUNJ ' 1 , isno. -5--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - . _ - . - . - - ; _ _ _ _ . _ : : - . - - - - - - . - - h COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT - - lIxoIL 3I1XritN. , rom Clark hA9 returned front a wotcrn tnp. II. ,1. Sargent ha returned from Ch- cago. Horn , to Mr. atiI Mrs. WIIHarn Mothaon , a FOfl , Oharley Flt.her of } at3 City 1 vlt4flng Council iJ1uff trkni1i. It , N. EIII returned ycteri1oy from a vl1t cIth friends n Sac City , Mm Iattlo Palmer will lng at ( ho Fir8t flaptiot CtITCh ! t1iic nrniiig. 'Porn Lawlor of ShflaflOflh , Pa. , i slstt- ins Deputy Sheriff \Vcightman. 0. P. McKesson was called to Lincoln Fri. ilay ; ilght on important buslnoss. lie to. (11IflCI yeitcrday , 3. V. howard ilI ak1re ! the men'n niect log at ( ho Young Mon's Christian asocia tioti today at 4 p. rn. Mrs. 3. V. 1ahno 7ia left the city to g , ) to her 01(1 1iunO , Now York City , hcro & 1o will meet her Iupban(1. A niarriogo liceriio va ! 'suet yotOrtaY to IL , I , . Itoberson ot Couiicil l3IuIfs aud Mi93 cdiio hunter of Omaha , The Union Fiftecntli Street Misioii will hold service every iftinda ) morning at 10:30 : a , ni. Sunday rchool at. p. rn. The BrOWn and McCarty have ball toama 1ayetI a game yesterday morning hlch ( ho IJrown9 won by a score of 14 to 0. 'rho Grand hotel , Counci ! fluffs. high class In every Iepect. Rates , 2.h0 cr day and upward , E. F. Clarke , proprictor. Colonel Ihogeland. "the lIcw8boyR' friend , " 13 In the city , and will codeavor to have the city council pass a curfew ordinance. The funeral of MTR. CijarheM Gregory hhl take place from the residence on lUuff street at 4 o'clock this aftornoon. 11ev. Dr. Ihclpe 'e iIl olflciatc' . Mi20 Katharine M. Sliepler arrived iii the city Friday , from Lobed. 3tanford , Jr. , uni- verity , anti 18 Ut ( ho homo of her parentR , 1(07 Fifth avenue. If the groundR are in condition , the Coon- cli flhtiffu tenth and the Fort Omaha EoldiCrS 'will meet in a base ball contest at the Field club park this afternoon. The regular nieeiing of Excelsior lodge No. 259 , iF. . awl A. M. . will be held Moo- day etoning. ( Juno 8. Viitlng brethiern cordially Invited. fly order of ( ho W. M. George howe , aged 10 years , ton of P. L , hiowo of 1Canaa City , wa9 at the court hiouo. today. lie iH a runaway and lies been traY- cling over Iowa and M1souri for a month past. C. H , h1ownn and wife leave this evening for a three weeks' visit In the cast , Mrs. howard , goiiig to Jackrinvihle. Ill. , and Mr. howard to his old home 1 l'cnnsyl- ya n in. Mr. John 1. Richardson of the Union Park church , Chicago , will render Patti's favorite sacred solo. entitled 'For All Eternity , " at the flroalway Methodiat church Sunday even- tug , Juno 7 , The remains of John Smith , the old man icho died suddetily Monday , will be buried from Lunkloy's undertaking rooms tomorrow at 10 o'clock. No word has been received from eastern relativeA The heavy flood In Indiaii eFeek eoverel omo of the strcctn in the western part of the city with a heavy deposit of mud. There 'imo streets had recently been cleaned at a heavy expense. Frank a Clark , cahler of the Omaha & Council fliufT Itailwny and Bridge corn- pany , and Mi93 Bernce Bennett , an operator at the omce of the telephone company , are to be united in marriage on the 10th. The Jury In the case of the state against Otto Ehiler , charged with havIng assaulted Dr. Engel of Mindcn , was discharged yea- torday , after having been out forty-eight iour' , , without reching an agreement , All members of the ICnIg1ts and L2dIcs of Scourity who are desirous. ofl going to Omaha will meet at thio corner of Broadway and Pearl streets , Monday evening , Juno 8 , at 7 p. ! n.sharp. fly order of the presi- dert. Prvate Watchman Mesiner sgnaltzed biN advent into the secret nervico c the Rock 1sanl railway company yesterday by orrest- . ing two men , Bud Sellers and Edward Grober , who broke open a cealed ( ar at Neola and role to this city. Sheriff Schaap of Sioux City and Marshal O'Brien of Osage City were in towi yesterday - day with a prl.oner whom they had captured - tured in Nebraska. The man wau C. B. Mc- Iloiigh and ho was taken from Beatrice to bini old borne to .anNwer a serious charge. Council Bluffs tent No. 32 , K. 0. T. M. , will give Its fifteenth anniversay sthial and bail Wednesday evening , Juno 10. at Royal Arcanum ball , Progresntve high five included , l'reeonta will be given to the best lady and gentleman player. All air knighti and friends invited. Mrs. Engiesperger lost a valuabe ! gold watch in Brown's grocery on Broadway yen- terday afternoon. Slio had it wrapped in her handkerchief and heard it when it ( hI to the floor.Viien she came to look fm' it a moment later it was gone , The police were notified and it is likely that the pernn who picked it up and left Urn store so nuddenly will be asked to return It. Suit was commenced by Urn Globe Pub- Jishing company in the district court ycater- day against W. L. Henry for $689.95. The claim wan based on printing done for Cap- tam henry lbzlng bin years , of litigation wit ! , E. Evans. Tlio petition ahIees that Caplain Henry Is a nonresident , arid that he is about to dispose of his property. for tim purpo'e of defrauding creditorn , and an attachment is askel. That great lecture on Abraham L'ncoln by Bishop F'owler hi.as been secured by the Methodist veoplo of the city to bo given In Breadway M. B. church Thursday , June 11. ThIs lecture is a manterplece. BIshop Fowier lectured in Cleveland last week tea a $2,000 audience. Ticketsat Camp hires. I know of a nice four weeks' old baby . boy who iieeds a home , 11ev. Charics W. avidgo , vaster l'oople's church , Omaha , Abraham Lincoln , by flinhop Fowler Juno 11 , Broadway M. B. church. Qnt'er StIrY front the I'olice Court , Mark 'F , Chapman and James Patteo were locked UI ) ysterday on the charge of vag- rancy. They were found In an apartment houoo on the corner of Grace ad Pierce stret , known as time Bee hive , living as boarders with a poor widow named Graus. berry , Tim woman has a 14ycaold daugh- tor. and the ouspicions of the police were that the ipep had not only imposed upon an honest and hard-working woman , but bad wronged tln daughter also , Tue woman cameo hero from Atlantic a short tirno ago 1 destitute circunnrtaimces , Chapman and l'atteo came later from the same place and made arrangements to boarti with tier. They have bad no visible means of support , and yesterday the 1)011Cc diuy. ered that they had been trying to disposu of some uncut dress patterns. and upon the preunmption that they had stolen them , the arestu were made , 'Jhie little girl was also takeim to time station , but was not do. tuinetl. Time arrests vera made 'bile the ' mother was absent mt. work , and 'hon s.o returned and found that her rooines and her lnugtmter had been taken to time station she was tiearly distracted , She indIgnantly repelled the intimation that a crime had been committed against the chiid and do- ck.red that time drOSS patterns vero her own property. which rho hiatt given to the moo to Bell , for time purpose of raIsing money to buy food. Chapman has a brother In At- lantlc. who is vehl used , and Ito ha appealed to liini for assistance , Lnlo tii piiii.si Tritlitu. Trains for Lake Manawa will leave Council Bluffs as follows : 10 a , mu , , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6:30 : , 7:3Q , 8:30 : I , In. I.ast train leuvr the lake returning at 9 it , om , Commencing Iuitday , Juno 14 , trains will leave every thirty mioutes after 2 p , to. Housekeepers are in despair when they visit the Durfee Furniture company. All the now things are so handsome and so cheap that they want the whole store , 0a5 ranges and service connections at halt - - price for tttL'en days. Call at company'I oflica for full particulars. 210 Main and 214 Psarl streets , _ _ _ _ _ _ DavIs , drugs , painta semi glass ; tel , 289. Vater pressure fllt.ru , ; 3. Stephia Bros. I NEIVST1BERNARD'S ' hOSPITAL Mnty Guegts AssinL1a at the Opening of the Inttittttlou. WHERE HUMAN SUFFERING iS MTKATEO IcNerIptIou of tls Arrangements Pro- llI.I b ) the Sl.iers fur ( lie Care of tite SlckElnbornte hteilg- bus Cereiitoniea , In the fell of ISST two Sintcrs of Mercy arrived in Council 111:1119 : , possessed of net- tlier ecrl , nor duo raimnomit , and rich only in their hove and sympathy for suffering ltuinanity , and iii their devotion to the mis. sloe , to tue success of which ( hey hind pledged their lives. Their nmlroion wan to establish an institution for the relict of suffering and helpless humanity , amid , as a result of their efforts , St. Bernard's hoe- iltal was founded , on September 24 , 13S7 , at time liunthorn residence , on Fourth street , Untiring acol and strict devotion to the cause in which they had enlisted their life % VOrk lion culminated in ( ho building up of One of tIme most complete hospitals in the country , the format dedication of which in its ' completed form was celebrated yester- day. day.The horpital remained n time Fourth street site fromn Sptenmber , 1887 , until May 24 , 1888 , whmen the sistew bought the Geiso rcsidcnce , ( lie jmropcrty now occupied by them , Time buildimig was a hmandommie two- story brick structure , containIng seventeen rooms , which were uecl for hospital pur- lL'OS until 1890 , when the cant wing of tiio building was constructed for on Insane ; vard , In that institution now are the insane patients from seven Iowa countle , with Private patients from Nebraska , South Ba- 'kota , Kansas , Missouri and Minnesota. Last year , in the face of the busineas depreosion mmd confronting obi'tacles thiet s'ere crip- ling private enterprises , the slstere undertook - took the work of erecting an additional wing to time building , to be Ured fr time siek. Time building In three stories high , with ilnished basement , is GOxiQO feet , and furnishes time equipment of a complete imos- pltai rervice. Time rooms and wards are all high , light , perfectly heated and ventilated , and arranged according to the most approved modern plans of hmom.'pital architecture. The formal opcning of timi part of the building was the occasion of yesterday's reception. Elaborate preparations had been made for the event. Almost every businens mami in the city showed his interest in the celebration - tion by his appearance and by donations of flowers or mooney. Fiorteta McPhersor & Reed donated the decorations for the hahn and parlors , while Mr. Wilcox's green houses contributed their choicest products for the adornment of ( ho dining rooms and the private rooms and wards. Private donations of flowers were mnado by Beau & Co , , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel hlass , Mr. and Mrs. Ed hart , Mrs. Fred Gelso , Mr. and Mm's. S. A. i'Ierce , Mine Ryan and others. Mr. W. A. Maurer an.'i B , t , Sargent contributed money donations during the day. The dayc's services were inaugurated by the celebration of high mass at , 9 o'clock in the forenoon. The mnuslc an furnished by the choir of St. 1"rnncis Xavier church , assisted by Mrs. Lange of Omaha , with Miss ICea ( ing at the organ , 11ev. Father Walsh of St. Peter's church of Omaha was celebrant , Father Smyth deacon , Father Kenney of Piattemouth subdeacon , and Father Natini , ebaplairs at St. lhernard'o , master of cere- monica , RECEPTION AND EANQUE' ! ' . At 11 o'clock the doors wore opened for the reception of the invited guests among the business men of the 1ty. Those who responded represented Urn leading business omen of the city who felt an interest in the Institution that was strong enough to take theni from their husineas on the busiest day of the week for the purpose of joining in thc celebration of the success of the work of the sistere. Misies Garvey of Omaha contributed - tributed a nuimiber of selections on the mad- dohimi and zither during the time spent by the visitors in inspecting the building. Shortly after the noon hour time guests wore assembied in the parlors of time hospital and conducted by Father Smyth to the epacious dining room in the basement. The dining room was tautily decoratol In white with emliax festooning and the tables ornamented - mented by hugh vases of bright flowers. The guests snore than filled the dining room and made nohessary the Use of a side room for time ovcrflbwlng meetimig , A splendid iunqheon was served and after it had been properly considered , Father Smyth took the poriIon ( of toast master. Ho epoke of the origin of the work of the nisters in Council Bluffs and paid a graceful tribute to the devoted women who had labored unceasingly for ( ho aleviation Of the suffering in the community and Ofl timeir behalf oxprersed their appreciation of the support lent by the citizens generally to the worthy cause. Of all the clazoes , ho said , that had been in mnost active sympathy with the work of the sin. ter. the medical fraternity deserved the greatest credit. There gentlemen had' devoted - voted mnucb' of their time to the work of helping suffering humanity and , next to the riaters , had felt the need of auchm an .instltu- ( ion and had worked bardest for its upbuild- log , One man enpeciahly had given much of his best work anti effort to the caCao and he desirei to call upon the Neater of the omodical fraternity in Council Bluffs , Dr. Donald Macrae. or. , to respond to the toast , "The Medical Fraternity. " BR , MACRAE'S RESPONSE. The tribute to Dr. Mactao's work was generously - orously applaumlech and lie was given a very cordial reception whmen tie rn to re'pond to the toast. "I have never taken , " ho said , " ( ho least credit for the stupendous undertaking - taking , time consummation and completion of whmicim we are celebrating today. I have , it is true , in common with other physiciana of thin city. taken a deep Interest In tb's work. \Ve have watched Its progress with snore interest - terest , ICrhaP' , than any except thmoso immediately - mediately concerned , and I don't know which to admire most , the class of women who give their hives to the work of humanity - ity withmout mmioney or without price , or time mother t the heath of this institution who hiss the confidence La , thi city to un- dartako such an enterprise In the face of mdl kinds of obstacles and opposition an carry it to a successful completion , If the immen of mneamms and credit in this city had done half as much as Mother Vincent and Motimer Magdalene in time way of enterprls- ing work ( lila city would b far aimeati of what it is today. ( Aimplau8o , ) Timcy have buihded for time future and 1 hope their confidence has not been muisplaced. There must be sometiming mere titan business Judgimient in all tlmi. There must be some- timimmg to tlmeso women In tha promso of the Great Healer , 'Inasmuch as ye imave done it to the least of these , my brptrcn , ye have donq it unto me , ' And on behalf of the physicians of tIme city , I vishm to say that we will do all In our power ( u strengthen tIme hands of these benevolent Women , to do mdi we can to help them in relieving pain arid saving hmumnami life. " In a gr.iceful comnphim&nt to time city ont. daIs for time Interest timey had shown in ibo work , Father Smytim proposed time toast "Time City of Council Bluffs , " amid askeci Mayor George Careen to respond , Mayor C.irson expressed imis pleasure at time completion of the addition to the hog- pital timid the prosperity of the institution , In paying a tribute to ( lie women whmo have the work in hand , tie said : 'Theirs is the highest , noblest calling in life , In every other hues of duty there are limitations and restrictions that hamper and hinder the work of then , On this field alone are they unlimited in their sphere of activity , Here alone hounmhless goodness iminy obtain , These women are walking in the garden with God , anti my hope Is that tbo barriers that prevent time universal brotherhood of man nmay ho wiped away , all divisions overcome - come AntI that the good of himmnanlty may become ( lie common purpose. Time lives of these womnemi and this institution are devoted - ted and consecrated to the he1ples and the unfortunate , Time imomehess wimo come here find a rnrni hearthstone and a welcome and came at the hands of timeso women whmos , mission is the highest on earth , " INTEREST OF TilE LA\VI'EflS "Limo hiai' of I'ottawattatnie County" was ( be toast responded to by Mr. J. hit , Oavin. While claiming modesty as a characteristic of the protcasiomi , Mr. Calvin aaerted ( hint the heart and time a'ymnpatliy of the lawyer were always found with time penitent and ( ho pimbhican , rather than wIth time pharisee. Much of time beet thought and bt time of time lawyer wan given for limo benefit of others cmiii every institution that helped to alleviate bunion suffering , that tended to increare the Suit ) of imunman hmappincss , that was ii city of refuge In a world of trouble and a imaven of rest from a stormy sea , hind warimi supporters iii the mucmnberim of time legal fraternity. Stichi an institution , ho said , was St. Bernard's hospital , cml ( ho only reward of the women mit its head was trearmres in heaven and grateful imearts. Time man who had received time hienefits of time work of tlieso women found a new immoaning in religion when lme thicugimt of time kindness timat had been dia. penned beneath the simadow of time cross. lion , A. T. Fiickinger , on hielmalt of the comnmlssionors of iemunity and the county offlciae , spoke of the satisfaction with which time sisters had cared for tIme Insane antI time county patients , and Paid a glowing trlb- uta to Mother Vincent and her cohaborers at the imoepital , Dr. Riley of Omaha responded to the toast "Our Sister City. " He said that they imad a hospital in Omaha , the new St. Joepii' , of which time city' and the medical fraternity was Juetly proud , but hmo bad found no point in whmich it was in any way superior to St. Bernard's hospital , with its recent acquisi- tiommn. lie congratulated time city upon imav- log such a complete institution. Fatimer hayes of Imnogene responded to the toast "Time Clergy. " lie hind hot been cx- pectirmg , imo said , to be cahied upon , but no man with a soul of imI own commid fail to gather inspiration from the meeting amid to appreciate the work tba was being done iii hino with time injunctions of time great Clergyman of clergymnen. Time work of time c'ergy end of such institutIons as St. Bernard's was to teach the lemon of the sanctity of imumnan life. It was time perfection - tion of the ideal of material hire s'hon time causa ot humanity , time care of time suffering and helpless commanded the attention of time people to the extent desired and required , Father hayes paid a glowing tribute to the work of time nuns In charge of that and aim- iiar institutions , and added his expression of appreciation for time sy'mpathy and hmcip of- feted by the citzens generally. At time conclusion of Father hayes' addres Father Smmmyth again tiianked ( ho citizen for their kindly interest in the institution and dismissed ( lie guests with a benediction , ThOSE WHO WERE TIIEILE. Those present at time dinner wore : Dr. F. S. Timommms , Freeman Reed , 13. F , Baker , J. hlensen , R. J. huntington , Dr. Barstow , Dr. Treymmor , Dr. Dean , A. T. Fiickinger , ' ( V. M. Simeparti , J. itt. Matthews , S. B. Wadsworth , Perry Kerney , B. G , Auld , D. 3. O'Donoboe , Adolph hieno , Fatimer Jennette ot Omaha , Father Carroll of Omaima , Father Galvin of Omaha , Dr. Charles Furay , Dr. Riley of Omaha , Dr. Macrae , Dr. Macrae , jr. , 'tv. H , . Hunter , I. F. hendricksV. . C. Eatep , Br , Waterman , Dr. Montgomery , George F. liugimem , , J. C. Lange , J. B. McDermott , James Harrington , J , 3 , . Ilugimes , Samuel llaas , John Murphy , J. J. Brown , J 3. Shea , Ed McConnell , Charles Bone , Martin hughes , sr. , H.V. . Binder , William 1owersm , J. M. Lane , B. IC. Gesford William Maioney , H. J. Paschel , Father McDevott of Omahb , Chris Straub , Fred Herman , sr. , Dr. Chris- tiansen , Dr. Robertson , P. J. McBride , T. B , Hughes , Charles Panchel , I' . 0. McDermott , J. Id. Calvin , W. A. Maurer , 'Fathmer Hayes of Imogone , Father Walsh of Omnaima , Faher Snmyth , James Mithen , S. S. Keller , Mayor Careen , A. C. . Graham , John Mulqueen , sr , , Peter Weis'e , Ralph Williams , S. T. MeAtee , Sheriff Morgan , Dr. Seybert , Dr. Bowers , A. Whiteiaw , M Gallagher , N. Green , Dr. Jen- flings , Dr. 'Deetkin , J , C. Bixby and 'Dr. Stephenson , Thmoso present at mass at ' 9 o'clock were : Xenia Lange , Jonnie ICeating , Miss Brown , Mrs.V , A. Maurer , Miss Dobaney , Mrs. Spencer Smith , Mrs. Mitchell of Des Moines , Mrs. Fred Gelse , Mrs. Frank i. Lange of Ommmima , Miss Gerner , Mrs. George Gorner , Miss Maloney , lIfts. Wliiam Maloney , Mrs. N. O'Brien , Mrs. Coyne , Mrs. Dr. Thomas , Mrs. Samuel hlnas , Miss Ryan , Mrs. hlenry DeLong , Mrs. hleafoy of Omaha , Mrs. M. II. Baird , Mrs. C , Matthmal , Mrs. A. J. Blood , Mrs. W. S. Baird , Mrs. Dr. Macrae , Mn' . Dr. Macrae , jr , Mrs. S. A. Pier'eo , Mrs. H. F. Pierce , Mrs. John F. Coad of Omaha , Mrs. J. M. Lane , Mrs. S. T. McAtee , Mrs. John Muhqueen , sr. , Mrs. John hlulqucen , jr , , Miss Kate Vickham , Mrs. J , O'Donnell , Mrs. J. C. Lange , Miss Babe Lange , Mrs. ' I , F. hendricks , Miss J. RockCfeliow , Mrs. J. Sill- liven , Miss Conner , Mrs. P. H. Riley , Mis'3 Riley , Mrs. U. W. Gregg , Mrs , P , Thou , Mrs. P. Wiess , Miss Clara Reed , Mrs. Durgan , Mrs. J. J , Brown , Mim' Smith , Mrs. h'aschei , Mlrs Mitiien , Miss Mary Paachel , Miss Rose Burke of Omaha Mrs. fleorgo F. hughes , Mi Mulqueen mind Mises Garvoy of Omaha. After the gentlemen who had partaken of time hospitality of the sietera hind departed time building was opened to a reception of the public , and nearly 300 visitors were recaived and shown thirougim the institution during time afternoon. Pho following firma antI individuals have contributed to the furnlslming of time rooms and wards in the recently completed wing of the hospital : John Beno & Co. , Mr. Wimito- law of time Boston Store , Mr. and Mrs. Heaf y of Omaima , S. P. McAtee , S. S. Keller , hmmnisfall Dramatic club , ladles of St. Francis church , medical staff of the boa- pitai , and other friends of the institution. Sewer ripe , Fire Brick , Belting , Wholesale anti retail , J , C , Blxby , 202 Main street. _ _ _ _ _ _ - Miss Julia Officer will accept a few pupils for the study of piano , during time summer , at 533 Willow avenue , A Neiglmhorhmood Row Settled , in Justice Conk's court yesterday time final touches wore put upon a neighborhood quarrel that hint. cost time county a large sum of money. Silas fleokwlth was discharged because - cause the prosecuting witmmesxi was no on hand to substantiate time charges made in time original Informnatlcam flied by mtra. Carrie Beach , charging imijim , In connection with his wife and her brother , Mrs. Rico , witim as- aauit with intent to do great bodily jnjury. Numerous pimaes of time case have been under judical investigation for moore than a mouth , and about fifty witnesses have told their stories to thu court , Mr. Beach is a mnotorman , and has been living with his family near the corner of Thirtieth street anti Avenue A. The neighborhood hiss boch made so unpleasant for him ( lint lie would have left it long ago , if he had not owned the prc'porty , Time Rices and Beckwiths have mnado life a burden to hilmn and have mnafio nuimmerous assaults upon imia wife , once with a clothes him prop , and another wltim a re- vohver , wimicim was exhibited , but not fired. The case was setted by time unpleasant nelgimbora agreeing to moyc and by the court placixmg time flockwitim woman ummder bonds to keep time peace. IVARD IIEEL'iSACE \ \ \VAII \ , ii ; , Prof. Sawyer ' Enmity to Some : rItAit , 00 r- ThAT ELEMENT bMANDING IES hEAD No Simbatnimfini CItiemi , llowea'er , lie- hiccl ( ii lie hlntlmerliig 'Vimeiim- , selv&.i (0 AcmIIjiilMlt ( limit . l'imriiose at i'resent. The election of a superintendent of ( ho City schools will come before time Board of EducatIon at an early meeting , and there l a Irety mc ss of trouble brewing , Time ward heciera of tii city are demanding time removal of l'rof , Ii. w , Sawyer and some members of tIme Board of Education seem ( ii5posetl tO interprettho voice of time imceier Ca the voice of the people , and there's wimero time trouble will conic In : The stuatiomm hag sonic peculIar features , features timat wouhi , be amusing it It were not. for tIme fact that time interests of time city schools are so closely affected by the deals ( lint have been hmatcimed up by some of the aspiring politicians. Time situation is just ( lila : l'mof , Sawyer was eiected suporintemident of time schools six years ago , lie camne on time imeete of a nasty schoOl bcartl flgimt , Time schools were In a son- ousiy deimmoralized condhtlomm , Thmero was no ima.nmnony between time superirmtemmmlent and teacimers arid time Board of Education , Time fight hind been bitter , mind ( hone was enough bad biood in sighto create a half dozen Cubami I evolutions. I'rof , Sawyer accepted time position with it full knowledge of the situation , Today ( he euperintondent and thm& teachers are in ierfect nccord , 'rho schools are iii better condition thah they hare ever been before , and all parties Interested admit ( hits 19 tlmo tact and boast of it. No member of time Board of Education hn questioned Prof. Sawyer's ability as an instructor , his hugh rank as an educator , or imis nlethmods of conductimmg time gchoola. The men 'ho are opposing his re-election candidly admit that they have mme fault to find with him , and when preseod for a reason far time desired change state that i ( , is a question of ward politics , Prof , Sawyer is a democrat , That may be news to many of lila friends , No one ima ever accused him of taking any part , how- eer small , in petty pohitic or of using political - litical methods in his educational work , but "time boys" have declared that "we m'nust have one of our kind" and that seems to be the emily excuse for the opposition to his re-election. J And here's another-peculiar feature of the opposition. Usuaiimi Ovhjan a pohitlcai movement - mont is inaugurated the leadera of ( ho party interested are in atmuii way connected with tbmo movement. 'I 1'm is different in this Case. For i instance E. L. Shugant , ChancidiOr ' Rote , Spencer Smith , A. P. Fiio'kingr , hi. J. Chambers , A. S. Hazehton , cmMaybr Cannon , Colonel linker , Judge Smnitl'm'upd men of that cimarac- ter and standing 'rr'U'ecognized as. rcpub lican headers in thp'dt ' , and yet not one or ( hem is n favor f 4 change at this time. On time contrary , time are all nitspoken him Superintendent SaCf's behalf , and have no hesitancy in statlg , hlat a change at this time would be ilammgenous , arid not for the bc.st interests of time'sehools. Seine of these gentlemen have ixxmo interested , and will probably prepace a remonstrance again'mt any chmapge being rnftdeby the Board of Education - cation at this time : ' , JluCkYpfl'fAriI1oa $ mi' , : 'rho"best na4m.'smnin the. worldrngr ( Cfl ( bruiaes ) sores , t ulbes , 'Salt nhetim , feven sores , totter , chapped hands , cimhitljmins , , 'cbrna , and all skin eruptlon , and posItively cures piles or no pay recjlred , It in guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- funddi. Price 2 cents per box , For cain , by Kuhn & Co. . 4Qy M'KINIAhY'S ON1X ? EI'IiEW. Defends gin Assnuitnuil Battery Case in n. Lcni Coimsi. For the past two weeks at lrreguiar intervals - tervals Justice Cook has been hearing a number of ammsbult ahd battery cases , which grew out of a general fight in the southern part of tile city. Ncls Johnson , Chria Christofferson and Frank McKinley were all tinder arrest , the two latter upon the corn- plaint of Christofferon , and thin gentleman upon tIme complaint of hIs felhow countryman , Joimnmon. All but McKinley's trouble was adjudicated some time ago , and his case was settied yesterday by the justice ills- charging him and denouncing the prosecuting - ing witness for perjury. McKinley Is a bright young man of 24 yoara of age , and throughout the trouble has borne himself in a manner that line caused favorable corn- meet. ht was only discovered yesterday that ho was a son of Governor McKinley's only brother , and vas , born In Ohio near time McKinley homestead. ' lIe has not paraded the fact that lie was so closely related to time great protectionist , but on the contrary has sought to conceal i ( . Ho only admitted it In answer to inquiries of the court. Physically - sically he greatly reaamhies the presidential - tial candidate. lie came hero ( rein time south last spring and but little seems to be known of his business. In time quarrel that resulted in his , arrest be was not the aggressor , html after time gentleman from Sweden had assaulted hum ho gave hlni an excellent trouncing , and during its progress both fell into time cellar , "i'iie Sumimmer Playground of Aimmerlen" is time sobriquet given'tho sea-simorci resorts of Maine. It ha there the magnificent new Puli- man vestlbuied train of tii GRAND TRUNK RAIIJWAY SYSTEM , known as the "Sea Stile and White Mountains Special" finds its final stopping place. Train heaves Dearborn sta- ( Ion , Chicago , every'Wenesday afternoon at 5 o'clock , cornmnencimig June 24tim , Full information - formation of L. II. Morrow , City Ticket Agent , 103 Clark St. , Chicago , For Sale-hotel Fairvlew , Brown County , Kan. ; good building , just painted and pa- pared throughout , \Vili soil with furniture at bargain ; only , bet l in tbnlvng town , Address - dress J , J. aravnttq , Cpuncii Bluffs , In. % 'all paper clcajm flew process , with patent right at Mtlir'h , 108 dain street , ililitli ! Trouble ( jot" ills Soim-isi-Iiiw , John \V , Sprimmkii 'ims given a hearing before - fore ? yesterday upon tito charge of inlgjrccpting time mnaite of his son-in-law , .7 , 4. iiti ! . Sprinkheis a black- vmithm , who lives k't' ' Mondamin , amid Mrs. Smith is his stepdaughter , 11cr husband is an engineer upfnlthe Normhwetern railroad - road , Sprinkle wa opposed to the moan- tinge , and his opinismi of imla son-In-mw hmas riot Improved wit,1lpo. Last winter Mrs. Smith visited imep.jqhml imomo at Mondamin , and her stop-fathert attempted to create trotmblo between this lvtomnan and her husband by intercepting ( hb ° 'iottera ' Smith sent to her from Des Molhtea where thmey Imatl been living. The lOtrs that fell into imle hands were not biltftitd , but were returned * 0 time sender , AS1hk other timings Smith sent his wife a t1uihk dress by express , Sprinkle secured thmimimbeere time woman knew of its existence and zetunimed it to ( ho sender , Time letters that. Sjmmith rccelved train his wife did not Justify the suspicion that she wa5 spurning his affections and lie began to investigate , When ho discovered ( li causO , , he laid time niatter before the pstaI author' itios soil the interfering fa'hmer'ln-law was promptly indicted by time federal grand juirS' at thi March term j hto ie4al court , A bench warrant was Iued for his arrest , but when time ofllcers went to servo it lie coiiI iw ! o founi. Deputy MarsiUmi 1lIilw ' brommgh'I film before Colonel Steadman ) ttJ- day , lie walvei examination and wan imiacCd tinder $ tiOO bonds to appear for trial at time September term. , Conuuiieimrcuicu ( at School for Ihent , Commencement exercises at the Iowa School for time Deaf will ho held on Monday afternoon , commencing pronmptly at 2 o'clock. Conveyances will leave tIme Grand hotel at 1 o'clock , A fare of 25 cents for the round trip will be cimnrgeih. Lost , Ladies' gold watch , open face with chain , iii C. 0 , B. Brown's grocery ; sao wrapped In handkerchief. Return to thee olilce for reward. Closluig Out tiiiiner' SnIc. All imnt at neil below cost , A niro trimmed lint for l : nil untrinmrneml hints 10 , 25 and 00 centS , Miss htagadaic , JO Pearl at. 1)o ( hue ll'rnmnlnglh Our prices are nightl Our goods will please you , 11. I. SMITh & CO. We offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery service at Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157. hfoffmayr'a Fancy Patent flour makes the best amid mnost broad. Ask your grocer for it , - PIINH It A I. 0 1" Pit 11 I ) S C l.l.E It S. Cherokee Ciizcnsiiuteresed iii ( lie Y'ebruslcL ihumriler Cmi , , , . . ChEROKEE , Ia , , June 6-Special.-The ( ) reillaimis of Fred Sellers , time man wimo was shot at Oakland , Nob. , Tuesday , were brought here last night by Mrs. Sellers. Time funeral was hmehh today at time Baptist church. TIme building was filled to its utumiost capacity. The scene at time close of time services was pathetic in the extreme. A great many citizens lucre arc of time opinion ( hint one of time boys did the kiilimmg , while otimers mimalmitain that ( ho girl fired time fatal simot , Time statement that Sellers en- ( Iced thin girl to Oakland is given no credence - enco by his friends , They say that he has been trying to get rid of her for some timime , It Ii , claimed that time girl has been given money on several occasions upon Iromise that aimo would leave time country , She ai- vays went , but returned as soon as her money ruin out and demanded imiore ; that as long as financial aid was forthcoming every- timing ran along smoothly. On ono occasion a wonman was sco walking - ing on time railroad track at a late hour near Cherokee , Time night was dark and the woman was thought to be crazy. Time officers followed hmer with a locomotive and as they aimprouchmed her rime opened fire on imor pursuers with o revolver. The strange woman was recognized as Olive hhiscox and thmo pursuit was abandoned. That night she walked to Sellers' farm and quiartcrd In time , barn , Simo was discovered the next day by some of the boys , who entered the barn only to retreat at. the muzlo of ( ho revoiver that checked the 'ocomotive. She was given mnomiey on this occasion and heft , return- 11mg in a few months , Time hliscox boys lmavo for somno time borne an unsavory reputation , having frequently beemi searched for stolen property , at one tinio being arrested for hog stealing. Many think that Sellers waa killed out of revenge by one of time young men. Parties lft for Tekammth this evening 'ho say they will push time case to the bitter end. Time best of legal skill will be secured. ifummdrcds of " , Voodimuesm Ceielm'nle. OTTUMWA , La. , Juno 6.-Speclal ( Tele- grani-Fivo ) hmundrei delegates of the Woodmen - men o tIme World held timeir sixth annual lodge hero today , listened to ( lie reports of the grand ofIlcerG , marched in a big parade an4 , gljcted time fohlwirg omcers : George mfle rd-4et , lttarsimahitown. president ; B. T. Palmer of Marshahitown , secretary ; T. Bend- . lage of Marshmahltown , treasurer ; rice pros- ! dents : George Mentzer , Cedar RapIds ; C. F. Robinson , Ottumwa ; T , J. Norfolk , Ottumwa ; Ed Werner , Duhuque ; L. B. Bennett , Lyons ; Sam 0. Smith Davenport ; 0. W. Wilson , qounchl Bluffs , Time next annual log roiling w ihi be held at Marshalitown. , Tonight the meeting cloaod wIth a program at the opera imouse , . the features of which were time ad- dreciee by Soereign Commander J. C. Root of Omaha and the music by the Otturnwa male uuartet. Worumua Damimoging Crops. CRESTON , In , , Juno 6.-Speclai ( Telegram. ) -Farmers in the city today report great damage being wroughmt by ( ho army worm. Thd worms do not seem to be confined to any special locality. J. J. Baxter reports fifty acres of blue grass pasture destroyed and the worms are now in his rye. Joseph hathaway and Duncan McFeo also report damage arom the worms. Guni'.I , ' Emmenmnpimuent Arrangeul , CEDAR RAPIDS , ha , , June 6.-Speclal ( Tel- cgram-Generai ) H , H. Wright and Colonel Frank \V. Mahman imave selected Independenc as the place for holding the annual camp of the First regiment of time Iowa National Guard. I will be heidAuguat 15 to 22 , ERNST MAICES A ( OOI ) Sl1OVhNG. hiroolelymi Lightweight Shun's Young GrIlTo a Merry 'l'limie , BROOKLYN , June 0-Young Grlffo of Aus- tniia and Billy Ernst , time Brooklyn light- weigimt boxer , met tommtghmt at thC Unique time- ater , Williamsburg , in a twelve-round bout- at catch weights. Several of time bouts wore uneventful. During ( ho second round Ernst landed a ticavy heft awing on Grifre's face wimiio the latter was frying to break away. There were seine exchanges in. time third , with Grirfo having time better of them , Billy got in a blow on time head wimen Griffo was on time ropes in hits own. corner in time fiftim , Ernst hind decimledly limo batter of thin ninth round , as lie uppercut Griffo twice on the face while hme was ducking , and lme alee ripped In a few right 'hand body blows , which winded the Australian. In time eleventim Ernst jabbed his left in GrJffo'a face wimen the latter was dodging a rlghmt head and made a creditable ciiowthg. Griffo landed three ( lines in succession on the face with his laft and Ernst played for th body In the twelfth , Gniffo vae by far thai cleverest , but. time ref. eree declared time bout a draw , as it was agreed that if both men were on tbmelr feet at the end of the fight a draw was to be ( rime result , Sammy Campbell , "Manley's coon , " and Jim MoVey of Brooklyn fought eight rounds , at catch weights to a draw. Billy Moore of St. Louis anti Joe hopkins of New York , bot.tm colored. fought mit 130 pounds. Time referee stopped time bout in time ( hurl round , whemm Moore was practically knocked out , SItmirke % 'imntu to Meet CorbeU , SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 6.-'Thmomas Shmar- key , time bmeavywe'ght pugilist of ( he navy who knocked out Jim Williams of Salt Lake Wednesday night in eight rounds , has imapira- tionmi to vear the chmamnpionshlp belt. lie has depoaied 500 forfeit to macct James J , Cor- bett in a four-round go , lie says that the man who put out Sullivan and Mitcimeli will not have any show so far as making him quit in a tour.round bout , ImJs'l of z Fuiruui ihisid , A farm hand living mmear Wnhmoo , who refused to give iii correct name to the 1)011CC. went into the iioUi'e kept by Fior- coca Dryden , 103 South Ninth street , last imighit niui when lie came out lmmo the fresh air found that ime imad been robbed of hIS. 'Fime woman ima beeim arrested , _ _ ww- _ , _ ' June 740 , THE Passed all Examinations and Marked by SULTAN4 PROFESSOR SMQKER , D. D. S T ioo Per Cent , _ _ CIGAR. _ _ _ _ i * I Is the 1est lOc Cigar on the market ted ay. S * + i4t4emhm444 + 1444 * + ' 4 TRE SULTANA , * A Cigar with 'True Merit , j jUEIN OF ALL M OORE & ELLIS SoloAgents. There mummy he "otlucris" later osu , but Just nov thier 'i only one CIGARS , C _ _ _ _ t _ - - - - - - - - - 5TL O1'k ' ; qE ws EGI4e o After at least bait a dozen postponements time preiimiiuary bearing of the Foid boys and 1rod iarku , charged with manslaughter in time killing of Oswald , as taken imp yesterday - terday afternoon. The hour of the hearing was set for 2 o'clock , but it was cmi hour hater before the case was celled , The court room botti omitside and inaid of time railing was crowded to suffocation and standing room was at a premium , Assistant County Attorney Jeifries opene , the ease by reading the state complaints flied by Chief of h'ohlca hirenmman against limo 1.rls- oners , All or the lrlsonora plenmied not guilty to the two coummts in time conmpinimmt. amid limo taking of testimony was commenced , John Caumiphc'hl 'as time first witness , lie telti again ( ho story of time tImnce , thmo trouble with i'arks and his fight with Parks after the ( lance , lIe saud that just before I'arko struck mim Mike Peril struck Oswald , say- imig , as he , struck , " 1)-u you , we imavo you liols' . " Thus was oil time. witness knew about time fight with Oswald , as lie sas busy % 'itht lila own fight with Parks , A great deal of time wan spommt by time fiVe attor- neyc that represented the Prisoners in crosa- examination , but nothing new was brought out. \\'muter B. Hicks ailded nothing new anti tie was excumseti after a few qtmestlens amid Clara Schmidt. took time witness chair. She told about comimmg down time rear stairs' with Cmumlmbeii and Oswald and witnemwing the conmlmmemmceflment of the ilgimt , hilt she diii not testify to anything mmot irinted at thin ( line of time coroner's immqurst. omcer Mulcahmy told about being notified that a miman wan lying in time alley back of l1ivonka's coil of procuring a wagon and taking Oswaiml to time doctor's , who vro- nounccd him dead. At tlmi point there was consimleralmie delay on account of two doctors miot being vros- cot who were wanted to testhy regarding the woumids on time body , Finally Dr. Sla- baugh showed up and lie gave a description ot the wounds and stated ( hint death hail been caused by concussion of time brain , The wound In the corner of the eye was the one lie considered fatal anml gave it as his opimilon timat the wound had been made by a ehmarp pointed shoe. Roy Simamnbiin , imo was hold by the coro- micra' jury as a withers. gave imis account of the affair , which did net differ rnateniaily fromn hmi story to the coroner's jury , and he was released from custody and excused. Arthur South told how the crowd came down thmo front steps of time bali and ran around to time silo door wimere Campbell and Oswald were with the girl. Saw James Ford knock Oswald down twice and lmord Oswald say : "Boys , I don't want to fight , " Janice Ford knocked Oswald down in time alley and then ran over to where Parks and Campbell were fighting. Witness dfd not see Orwald get Up , am , ( me joined time crowd that went west. oil L street after the fight , The next morning ho saw by The Bee that Oswald hind been killed and ho went to Tenth and Pierce streets , Omaha , where he bond time Ford boys playing ball. At that time lie told the Fords that ho did not know any- thimig about the matter , When asked why he made timat statement ho said that lie was afraid of the Ford gang and he tlmoughit that if he let them know that be had aeon James Ford knock Oswald down they might treat him time way they did Oswaid. Court then adjourned until Monday fore- noon. _ _ _ _ _ _ Itmui'iumg' Money for the CeleBrnhIOii. The Fourth of July committees will imave a meeting Tuesday evening of this week. Collections of money to defray expenses are being made daily , and there in no fear hut plenty of money will be 'iaised to make mime celebration a great success. Time ccimlpeti- tve ; drill of O'iC sootiummu , it s oxem'1i d , vlhh attract a'.t litier from all suth rodties In th 000nt3 , . A large nunmbcr of entries are looked for. The drills will be lid ] on Pwentytourth street , between 0 and Q streets. TIme pavemnent on thin smctclm of street utIn rood cobdition , and is brok'n only 1y .a ahnglecti'r tia lc. All of thq corn- niittees apiiei to be taking considerable in- toreat in limo celebratIon , amid a big time is hooked forward to. Gasuublers Irall to Contriliite. By a full vote of the city council ama ordinance - dinanco was passed some time ago levying a tax of $50 a month upon cecil gambling house in thmo city. The ordinance was to take effect Juno 1. and the contributions of time gambiers were to be paid to the city treasurer. ihe first of every month. in ad- vance. Up to the time of closing the tress- urer's office last night not a singie donation Imad been received from the five gambling houses now iunning full bhmwt in the city , If an ordinance won't bring forth the dons- tion , the mayor states ho viii take other mneans of producing time contributions. Mmigic Cit ) ' Gossiji. John U. Lucan of Elm Creek spent yesterday - day in the city witb friends. J. W. Ferguson left yesterday for a two weekim' trip through the eaot. S. L. Olson ( a circulating a peUtion asking time mayor to appoint him building inspector. W. A. McReynolds of Ashland was in the city yesterday and visited time stock yards. "Infant liaptismn and Child Church Mem- bermmhip" Is time topic of Rev , D. C. Win- - . , thmip'a nmornlng strrnon at flip rir.t 1.tathodl5l / church , In the th'cnlflg the anti' , , f jtct wiil be "lcurning ( hioe , " Mrs. Sanmuet Pander of Malvc'rn , Iii. , is , ii. lung hut brother , S. W. Terreil and famnily Twtnty-siath timid it .strtetn. \v. 3 , Cuhberteoh of Phillips was looking over ( ho yArds yesterday cmiii telhlmig vhat fine crops time trmcns had out in his see- tie of time couumt'ry , . Boy Davis , ' % enty.flfth auth J streets , is receiving a visit from his toothier. ibm , to Mr. and Mrs. Tinmothy Coffey , Thirty-second and ' 1' streets , a son. lev , Bell of hiehlevumo will occupy the pumi- pit at the First Presbyterian church timia morning , The Stewart base hall club and time hayes will Play a game at Tenty-fourth and U streets thie afternoon , Potuumdmnaner Mmuiy gathered In a bunch of eleven horses yesterday , Time horse potmimil Ia iii ( ho rear of hloltmie' livery stabie. Mr. Charles It. Daniels will preach in Grace Methodist Iipisopat chmmrclm this afternoon - noon at 3:30 : o'clock. Everybody iiivitu ] , Time Woman's auxiliary will lmave charge o time imieetlng at time Young Men's Chili. ( Ian associatIon timi afterneomi , itsv. Mary Cl. Andrewa of Omaha will deliver an ad- dresi , \ Tie contest between the Reds and time \ hlimmes of the Youimg Men's Chnistlamm ease- ' ( elation resulted iii a tie , eachi aide aenimring twenty-six new members. Another contest is belimz talbed of , Expert Accountant ltntlmbmmn Is 110w cmi. gaged in going over the books of time Hoard of Educatiomi amid expects to have a coin- photo reimort. ready In about a week , A spe- cliii immeeting of tlm board will be lieu Mon' day evemmiimg , Jimmie 15 , to hear the report of Mr. Itntihun , Pout' double decks of Colorado slmeep and litmus \ern received at thin ynrths ycetermhmul' , mmmmikimig 3,514 for tIme week , Lait ueek'a footings were S,91S amid the sanie week a year ago 1,481. Only part of yesterday's cfforiimgs % i'ero sultablo for shmmugimtcr , time balance being on time feeder order , Thin demand is good anmi prices art ) strong. Time funeral of J , 11. Eggers will ho imeld this afternoon , Timere will be short services at lime late resitlonce of time ( leceuaetl , Twenty- fourth amid C streets , at 2 o'clock and ( lien time reimimmimis viil 1)0 ) takomi to time ( iermmian Lumtlueraim church , vhmere ltev , Adammis , time pastor , will imreachm a fumieral sermuomi , In- tCrmmient vtli be at Laurel 11111 cemetery , Freul Johnson , the young Inuun vhmo was stabbed last Summitlay by Jack Leonard , in ( till at time imosimital and is reported as doing nicely. It is expected that lie will be able to be out iii a week or so. Leommard ima riot yet succeeded In getting bail and i , at time city jail , wimero he appears to be quite comfortable. ho still (1011105 tlmat lie did tIme' cutting. Mayor Emmsor is preparing a procinmnmatlon , in whicit he arks all of time business nmen in time city to chose thmeir places of business on time afternoon of Jumie 10 anti attend the races , that day being set aside an South Omaha , day. Thmo mayor is anxious to have every oiie attend on South Ornaima tiny in order ( ma show the people timat South Omaima is inter- eated iii time Fair and Speed association. Au the hot weathier anmi its attendant eviha approacbm , bear in mmuinml time'old adage : "it stitch in ( hoe saves nine , " It is well kmiown that a dose of Cimarmiberhaltu's Colic , Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy taken In tlnme is bet- ( Cr than nine doses who iroatrateil with cholera miuorbus or diarrh , m. It should be' kept in every home , ready for instamit use , Time 25 and 50 cent sizes for nab by drug. giats , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I ) I II ii. SCIIWENK-GeorgeS , , June 6 , ron at George E. and Lizzie M. Schmwenk , iged , 81. dmty. Funeral at 3 o'cocic Simimtiuy aft - i' noon , .Tumne 7. fronm time f'miiill m'tsdt'fleO , 1834 ½ Nortim Niimotceimth imuneet , to Forest Iawn cemetery. O'HERN-i'atrick , aged 31 years. Funeral AlOflha' , Jumie 8 , at 8:30 : cm. in. froimi fnmuiiw resitlemmce , Van Camp avenue and Soumtlm Twentieth street , to St. Patrick's chmurcii7 imiterment , St. Itlrmry' cemmietery , Mr. O'Hern has lived iii Omaha eiiiteen ycanl and was connected with the Union Pueblo ( Or most df thIs time. Is it Worth Trying TO CuT A PIANO FOR NOTHING ? To bring time pui.hie gemmermily in olosor contact with us we 1)tOPOSO a Contest Oft tiio words , Royal Hardmaii Piatio And give' time islnmner ono of these 1550 \ instriimcntmi , iii any fmtimcy wood FREE oi CiZAitOR , For particuimmr address ( ho Mu1toi' Piano & Organ Co 1522 Faniiammi , Omumiiimi , Nob. , or 103 S. MnIm * St. , Comiumil Biuff4 , In. Whe.n It pays to buy the best ; It pays to buy wheels ofhonest value ! You want something for your money , Do not be misled-you can't afford it ! ? You will make no mistake when you choose a wheel covered by our guaranty ' It pays us to offer the best for the nioney , and riders now appreciate thefact , ' Trib tine Wheel oftime dlIy-$100.OO D eere Ltdm1sThb0 nckuo 'wlcdgcd Iciuder ' ' 5- tIme miteditmin priced high grtidi.'s 9OOO Sylvan iuiidbuiIt , ' $75.00 MOP S ' ; _ ' bestlos'pricctIw'lice1osi A's. I L the iiinrlect , 'I'hiig w'lieel Is no ' 'stool piguon , " bitt a bonn fidu bicycle tumid will attumid up $60.00 F We carry the largest and moSt complete hue of Sundries and Supplies in tlic mid-west. We are general western distributors for the famous , ffercu.'cs I'f'ood Rhii , the wonderful "Jtform" ? Saddle , and tile ( , S. Cyc/omefer. Liberal discounts to Dealers and Agcntfi. Write for catalogue. DEERE , WELLS & 00 , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. J , ' 1' , FINDLEY , Local Agent for Council Bluffs. WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Local Agents for Omaha