- - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - , - - . . . . " ' 4 _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ : . _ _ - TflB 0MAJIA nAIryrn31 : SUI)1Y , 3Ufl 7. ' IETY i E1RL1 SU1IER KountNicho1son WethBng tim Event of th Near rutuTo. USUAL NUMBER OF MINOR FUNCTIONS , ! nn7 I'cnj1 I'rrpurJn tc , iie . , IvlN tO IhV Cool 1tIDtt $ There to 1l.iajiIn 1)irhI tke IIeiitc4 Terni. Society flrntlly taken tTI ! Itu lUIflnOr quoL. end but little can be expected in a iocthI way until ho coming of autumn , * de from a low weddIn Vaat tre to oc.ur In the near future , the nicut Iniprtznt Of whIch Ia tim on Lhrit will unite .1t. NIcho1ofl und ? .1Is Kotintze , and whIch will ho celebratcd Juno 10. WhIle this weddltig will bR a mo8t quiet affair , IL will ho % egartd a the event of the eaon , owing t' tse high a'cI'aI standhg of th contractIng partler. 'rho IIit ot Invited gucoto to the wci'iIni ' vII1 not ho largo , yet It will I1icludo ninny of tim prominent people Gt th cLty , a well n rcmo from abronti. Last eok the nccI.I ev'nta wcr the l3arkcr-SrnIth and tim Iloldon-IIOUSO we- : ! dIng , . Aside from theon two eventr , there wa little that attracted the attonton ! of tim ocIety PeoPie of the city. Of courio there were the uauel nmnber of kenslflgtollB anl minor tunctiono , but there was nothing that wa upon a grand aIe. It wa& not expoctctl that much of social importance could occur , owing to the fact that , like birth' of paasage' aociety dovotoeM wore proparIg to intrato o the cooler climes along he oo9hore. the vOcnIs nn(1 ( the mountain's. ' Of course , everybody will not leave Omaha tO renialit away during the heeted period , but 1iost of the people who can ocrapo together a tow ( ioIIar will Ecek some cool retreat , oven It they have to deprive themseivon of the other 1uxure ! of life. Just where to go Is something that. agitaten the men uiid women of limited moan8 , but they nil feel In duty bound to take au outing , oven if it 10 only for a few t1ay , and that. at uonte resort near by. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S III I t I11 II1 4' r. One of the prettiest and most artlatic 'ked. dings that baa occurred in Omaha for aevera ! aeaoiis tonic pace at Trinity cathedral Wcdncdny evening at 8 o'clock , when Mti Katherine Barker , daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. John Barker , and Mr. Robert Franklin mitli of Council fluffs were married. The church wa beautifully and elaborately decorated with paints , beautiful potted plants , sniiax ! , and 1)111k and white ro'es were placed In large bunches on the altar. To the atrains of the I.ohongrln bridal march the bridal party entered tile church , preceded by Dean Garilner , who performed the ceremony , and Bishop Worthington , who pronounced the benediction. Two pretty little flower girls , Marion hailer and hose CoiTman , led the proCesSIon , wearIng - Ing dainty little frocks of white organdlo and carrying large baa.kets of Ia France rooce , wearing wreaths of pinic and white flowers. Then followed tiio u9hors , Messrs. Herbert Wheeler , Stockton Ifeth , and George Wright and T. C , liawson of Council 131uTs. The four bridesmaiits , Misees Drake , Dick- Insoil , Allen and Cady , were exquisitely lovely III goWlis of pink niulie made over pink silk , trimmed in lace nut ! ruilles. Miss Irako 1111(1 MIss Dickinson were particularly quaint and pretty , with tichus going around tiio neck and tied in the back at the waist line. They all carried handsome bouquets of Ia France roses. Mirw 13db Hamilton , the maid of honor , was becomingly gowned In white organdie trimmed in narrow lace. She also carried a France roses. Then caine the bride , who . .was escorted by her father. She was beau- .t2fu1 in her wedding gown of heavy white satin , which was elegantly trimmed with point lace. The veil was gracefully caught by a handoania pendant of diamonds and pearls. the gift of the groom. She carrIed a beautiful bouquet of bride'i roes. TIIO bridal party was met at the chaiicei by the groom and Ills best man , Mr. Thomas Metcalf of Council Bluffs. TIle entire bridal party entered the chance ! , forming two rows , hrough which tile bride and groom passed after tile ceremony. The reception which followed at the home of the bride's parents , from 9 to 11 , was well attended by soCIety peopie. The house was lavishly decorated with palnis and ferno and was almost a bmver of loses. The iiewly wedded iair received under a bower of rose.s and amliax. They were assisted in receiving by Mr. rnd Mrs. Barker , Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Parker , and Mr. Frank S'art. Mrs. Jiarker was attractive in a handsome gown of brocaded satin and trimmed In duchesse and point lace. Mrs. I'arker was gowned In black nttin with a bc'dico of blacic chiffon over gray s.itin. Throughout tliO drawing rooms assisting wore Mrs. F' . P. Kirkendall , Mrs. L. 3. Dralco , Mrs. Dickinson , Mrs. Cady. Mrs. hailer , Mrs. hianiilLn , Mrs. Metcalf , Miss hawley of Lincoln , Mrs. Cornish. Punch was served by Misses Webster , Squires , Dandy and Amy Barker In the Ilbrary. Mrs. Coffman and Mrs. Allen presided over the ( linhlig room , which was heauti- fully decorated with strings of smilax coniing down to tim four corners of the table anti On which were Ia France roses , candelabra and bonbolls , willie the mantel and sideboard were almost hidden by tile palms nOd ferns. Mids Dickinson caught the bride's , boo- quet. The bride's traveling gown was of cadet blue cloth trimmed in white satin. The wedding presents were numerous and costly. 'Mr. anl Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends in Council limiTs , in honor of the bridal party , Miss hello hamilton gave a charming dinner Monday evening Which was one of the prettiest and most complete of the season , Tile guests were seated at two tables , yliicii vero prettily decorated with flowers. The CeflterlieCo of one Was ConhlosOfi of scarlet gerallIlInlo , the other was of white roses. very enjoyable evening was speilt by Miss flarker , Miss Allen , Miss Webster , Miss Dalldy , Miss Drake , Miss Caily , Miss Dickinson , Miss Ruth and the Missea ham. ilton , Mr. Smith , Mr. Metcalf , Mr. Dawson , Mr.Vheeor ! , Mr. hfotIm , Lieutenants Pelt , Doati , hiutcheson , Mr. herbert Coohe and Mr. McCoy. Time bride gave her maids dainty pearl laurel wreath stickplns. Ono of the daintiest and most delightful luncheons of the season was given by Miss Cady Monday in honor of Miss Katherine . Darker and her bridoanmaids. The table vas beautifully decorated with ha France roses , which fermi' . . ! the centerpiece , Iachi Was given a tutu souvenir wlmich tIle bride. elect wiehed on eanil fair guest amid mnuclI laughter amid merrimnent. Covers were laid for Miss Darker , Misa hello hianhiltoil , Miss Drake , Miss Dickinson Miss Grace Allen , Miss Calpotzor , Miss l3rown , Miss Edith Smith and Miss Cady , .Jfl'klllNI'INll , A quiet hobo wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William F , Knapp at high noOn Tuesday , May 26 , the contract. lug parties being Mr. William M , Jackson , ft risming yomlllg attorney of flodtord , ha , , and Miss Nettie A , Neleon , a vister of Mrs. hCnapp. alli a very estlmnsblu and accom. pushed young woman. 11ev , Wathiell of ihotiford , an intimate friend of time greeni , porforined the care- 0110mw. only relatives almil a fos' : intimate friends baing Prosout , After congratulations luncheon was served and at 4 o'clock the happy couple left , anmid shower of rice , for flediord , wiero thuy P ; wtll c mnmenco lOUsokeoping at once in their own homna , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I oh , iea-hl ems A very pretty wedding occurred at All Saint'a church ruesda , June 2 , at 12:30 : , iehon Dr. Horace 'I' . lloblen was united in marriage to 3itss Lthhian house , The bridal party entered the church to the strain.s of music , preceded by the rector , hey , ' 1' . J , Mackay , lie was tohlowe4 by the ushers , Masses , aouii Diets , Charles 1atleerinan , Howard Clark and Michael Clark. ' sari , thou the bridenmaids , Mi.s.es Parker and Ihausermuan , who vero beconminly gowned in dainty figured orjandiea , niado over jalo green silk. They wore followed hay time pretty little rjog bearer , Carolina Dickay ; lastly the bride and her brother , They wet. met I - - by lhm grabi , and Mr. A T. unimetI at the c'lci'i. vhc'ri palms , ferns am.1 rossi teoro tisad in decor.ztirig. When ieavhn , tha hirc1m , the bridal party wsa precede.i by two pretty little flower gri , , wile strescel rcsce anil floers di wrm thA ap'e. ! The brile , who is a pretty blonde , wa ioveiy in a gown of vhite orgalkhio , made over white silk , trlmnme ilcari pa&ommaenterie. She earie4l bride raes. A re'etIrli , au held at hon'c of the bride's l'arcnts ( III Dodge street , after the cereniony from 2 uiitii 4 o'clock , which wae vehl at. tClltil'lJ. 'FhO preselits vero very beamtlfli. 'rho bride's bouquet was eatight by Miss hlolten , Dr. and Mrs , hlolden left OI the afternoon train far Denver and other woetertm pOinte. They vIhI be at home to 'heir frIends at 2'3G lodge trect ahmorihy. . Cna.-Pnvhr. Or. Decoration mlay Mr. C. 11. Fowier of this city vas imnlkd ltm marriage to Miss Itena 4 Cao of h1oeac I'ahis , N. Y. , at the honon of the hiride'a ilareilts. Time young couple vl1h reside for a chart time at 1571 North Eighteentll street , but. will shortly remove into a home at their own. 1' ret t ? J'a , t li I "i . . gei1flllh , " Mrs. Frederick 1'rjgel and Mrs. Charles S. Jaynes gave a kensIngton Wednesday aft- ornooml btwt'eim the billIes of 2 and 6 at time former's honme , 'trtgotwoed. " The hostesses were aM'ated ! in rcetvin by thIc Misses Orr and Irako. "Eagoiwood" ii beautiful with flowers and sirubbcry tlii time of year and ( ho lawn and hmommso were sliggestively decorated with ql&otatiolls from Shakespeare , whiiclm afforded mnorrinment to ( ho guests , oven to the motto , "Get ye hence , ye hii creatures , " which mnystcriousiy appeared oor tlo gate as the gtlot took I heir departnrc "Progressive Cat" vas a fratmlro of thoentertainmont. Mr. 1\'elke ? won the greatest number of ganmomi , and receiet1 the first prize , two conning - ning cat pictures , framed in grilmi. Mrs. ( limo was given th consolation prize , a drawing sinto and pencil. Tim guests Ircsant vere : Mesilames Copeland - land , Lord , hteemi , Lawton , Iimncan , Simeidon , Quo , Adanms , Lohnmer. lioudinot , Strassner , Walworth , Usher , Rich , ihradbury , U. L. Fishier , Dayton , Dryant , Smith , Neal , Canan , II. S. Jaynea , 0. F. Jaynes , Stokes , Mchn- tosh , Lewis , Wallace , iteynoids , Weber , Climbs , Garratt , Miller , \Vhitakor , Lawe , F. Patrick , S. 0. l'ntrlck , Walker , Carleton , Eddy , Mitchell , Cowgili , Axtoii , Engleman , Lamphero and \'lnter. tlrs. ICa-lIy's icnsiimgtnn , Mrs. Kelly gave a very enjoyable kensington - ton Thursday afternoon at her home , on Wirt Street. The house was prettily decorated - rated with potted plants and cut flowers. Each guest was given a paper , on which was written the. name of a soti. On another - other paper she illustrated thto solmg , and this was passed from one to another , and guesses were mode as to what soimg the picture represented , Of the thirty-six numbers - bers given , twenty-one were correctly gues.ed by six. In ( ho draw Mrs. hhyher won time first prize , a beautiful DresJen china berry dish. The second prize , a pretty china plato , which was for the best illustration , was captured by Mrs. Cathiors. , Tiise present were : Mesdanmee W , D. Percival , C. Simepard , W. L. Itoss , Charles Johnson , John A. Eyler , John T. Catlmers , George ii. Eddy , Jay D. Foster , S. D. Lece , Thomas It , Word , Ben itobidoux , 0. H. Cur- ( Is , Robert hunter , Janies liowie , Wallace C , Drake , Ed Mcachron , Robert Mcach- roil , D. W. Morrow , H. Bc.tebener , hI. T. Fahis , James Traihl , G. W , Lower , W. D. Crawford , llryce Crawford , Frank Martin , Ed Smith , Herman Ochiltree , Carl Ochil- tree , Asa Laimd , Smith , Charles Stokes , A. S. Oast , Howard Ochiltree , John Platner , v. 0. henry. Ed Smith , Miss Tenlo Ilowie , Miss Warren , Ci'Iehrmatei 'I'hi-Ir Ilirtimilnys , List Friday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. 3. Carmody a very novel triple birthday party was given by Mrs. T. J. Carmody , Mirs Mary Fisher and Mr. James Connelly. The lawn was Illuminated. Dancing and gaines were continued untii a late hour , after which refreshments \vore served , 'Fhose present were : Mr. and Mrs , T. 3. Carmody , Mrs. Janmes Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. 'mV. McCormick , Mrs. Kingston , Mrs. Milatead , Mrs. flolan , Mrs. Athmorton ; Mbaes Kathryn Fisher , Marie Fisher. Kathryn Hay , Lizzlo Devaney , Emma Meyer , Hannxh Seivey , Lucy Fisher , Manilo Coagreon , Nellie Ilolan , Jean McCormick , Julia Gorman , Annie McCormick , Ida Manger , Hattie Manger , Dora Manger , 'Mary McCormick ; Mesers. George , htmiihian , Williams , Willie German , Siattery , Connelly , Huane , Spencer , Treitake , M. Williams , jr. , German and Schiller. Jimlin illIIt'r's I'ari' . One of the pleasant events of time week was a party given by Mr. John Miller , at lila home , Thursday evening , Games were played and dancing was indulged in until a late hour , when refreslmmnents were nerved , Those present were : Misses Ada Chembor- Un , Josle Galles , Lida Ellis , Lii Mesh , Lea- lie Ellis , Jessie Gihhlam , Maud Meak , Lena Peterson , May Ihilis , Grace Gbdwyn , Alice hirlttcn. Maud Baxter , Lena Guiwits , Fay Arnaton , May Wright , Minnie Buxton bud Pearl Stevens ; Messrs. George Mesker , Ches- tar Graves , Fred Drown , Joke Kirk , Low Dradehaw , Charlia Uritton , Rob Miller , D. Giles , Charlie Peterson , A. M. heron , George Golf , Art hiahlerd , Frank McDonald , W. lien- dryx , Archie fluiwits , harry Ford , harry 11111 , Charlie Mack , Fred Anthony , Lester Miller and John Miller , l'Ieismint Church Social , The young people of St. John's Episcopal church held a very pleasant social at. the residence of Mr , G , J. Storiey last \'odnos. day evening and enjoyed timenisoivem , with games and music. leo creammm and cake were served during the evening. Those imi attendance wore : Misses Mahel Ii. Armstrong , \Vinnio hliahmop , Edith E. Mathis , Mabel Mthki , Clara Turner , ] 3ertha Morton , IAda hhrainard. Clara Nelson , Mabel Nelson , Grace l'arics , Bertha Pixton , Lou Estii , Elile hirainartl , tIme Misses Morton , and Miss loft of Lincoln , Neb , ; Merers. George F. Stoney , Joan Stevens , ilurt Stevens , Arthur Lulbi- burg , F. Valtors , Walter Austin , Arthur HaUl , James K. Stommoy , Ed hladfleld , Ernest Mcssersrnlth , itobors Springburg T. Estil and Thomas D. Stonoy. Slmrirlsemi IfsM StnfTrd. A very pleasant surprise party was given Miss Marie Stafford at her home last Friday evening , A aelected program , consisting of speaking , music and games occupied time evonin. Those present were Misses Myrtle Woarnie , Edith Keats , Corn Sirartz , Jemmslo Withirow , Editim Paulson , Nellie Burt , Mao Burt , Edith Stafford , May linac , Susie Griffith , J05i0 Julio- son , May Seanman , Julia Lang , Marie Vomn Wag , Louise VJnI Weg , Lizzie Swartz , F'rank I3ryammt , h'aui Van lervoort , Veno Coy , Hal Copyrack , Earl Tunlaun , Albert howell , Dan' Kinney , Roy Parker , George Parker , George Roche , harry Withrow , Charles Bemoan , George StueffeiFredEvamms , Himmier Frusull , lhlli.rtuhleI her Suhmoul I'rit'smis. Miss Clara hlcrvey of Walnut 11111 enter- tamed at her homo last ThursJay evening ; thmo occasion being iii honor of the class of ' : ia of the Walnut 11111 school. Time penny gamuma was playei during tile evening , at which Miss Edith Dumnont and Mr. George Scateli won the prizes. Thcoo Present 'yore : Iiilemes Davis , Maybel Hull , lttmtlmViley , Editil lumont , Idnmnma South , Liilio I'alm- ( mist , Jalbotlo Miller , Jeaslo Johnson , ; Memmsra , hiomm Seatan , Dale Dawson , Clarence Owen , George Seaton , Edward Itooney , Earl liorvey hiatt Wheeler , ltcderick Robert. , Mont Ca.oo and \Vill harvey. A I'lensnuj Surprise l'urty. Last Monday evening MIsS Sara Thompson waa given a surprise at her lmonu , on North 'Fivonty'tiiltd street , the occasion being her eighteenth anniversary , Itefrestimmiouta were served. , Among the participants were : Mr. and Mrs. Whmitolmouse , Mr , and Mrs. Gray , . ' .l , amid I Mrs. Baldwin , Mr. end Mrs. Walker , Mr. and Mr. , . U. Y , Anderson , Mr. and Mrs. Thomp. i son ; Mesdanmceo Creemi , Jeifrie. , Durold , Jerm- son , lilian , ICelley ; Mules lilian , Jeffrios Truinbuss , Tbompsomm ; Della Tbomupson Messrs. hirown , Andreesen , Cliamiea Thomp.- sau , hialfiwlim , . HlmterinhmleI for fbi. Chilidri'n , A number of boys and iris wore enter- tamed by Mrs. 0 , C. Kuemmno Wednesday , in honor 01' imer little guest , ltosio Wippe.rnian. The little ones very pleasantly silent the I afternoon , playing various games. Lunch was served at 5 o'Clock , Those present were : M1SSM Itosie Wlpper. I 11108 , Gertrude anti Marie Dake , Ella and Gu.sale Draste , Lily ltoaunzwelg , Matilda 11011 , 1 _ . - - - - _ . _ : _ _ _ _ _ - - ' I3erthia Ackerman , Grace Me70t Masters hiohert Luke , O'c.'r Ituenne , Carl Locke , Jobmo Dehsny and Jce Meyer , Ccrla.ii Cliii. lntcrtuin. The final fleeting of time Nebraska Ceramic club was held in the parlots of the Millard Ttmc'day afternoon , After tile businees meet- log , Mrs. Keysor gave a delightfully interest- log talk 0mm "A Visit to the Royal Worcester Factory , " which was thoroughly enjoyed by nil present. Therm , were a ntmrtmber of friends of tim club invited and about forty jmresent. He- freshilnenta wore served and a plemuant afternoon - noon Foent , 3tiss Dickinson's l ) : ties , A very enjoyable daimce was given at the Millard imm time new ball room by Miss 1)Ickn- ! son heat Saturday evening In imolmor' of Miss Katharine hiaker and Mr. Robert Smith , Time roomn Wfl5 handsomely ( lecuratel ( and time orchestra played behind a screen of Paims 811(1 ( llaflts. Supper was rerved in the crmilniry dowmm stairs , The party was largely at- tendril , many dropping in after the theater. Ihmlsrjrtimisti mit ft O'Clock Ten. Mrs. G. C. Kuenne very ploanntiy outer- tamed at i ; o'clock tea a number of her frlend Tuesdiy , in honor ot her guest , Mrs. 11. Wlpperman of Grand Rapids , \VIs. Lunch % 'ea served. The guests were : Mrs. II. Wipperman , Mrs. Stratman , Mrs. 0. Witham , Mrs. W. A. Wig- milan , Mr. , . C. Lucke , Mrs. CL Dake , Mrs. ltosenzwcig , and Mrs. Draste. \'chil luage mmma1 Lhmmf.emmgemmelltN , The wedding Cf Miss Edna Ituth and Mr. McCoy viii occur Tuesday , Juno 10. The marriage of 1dls Frances Miller flume and Mr. Green at Eastport , Md. , occurred on Tuesday of this week. Mirs tlurmma is the dauglmter of Mr. and Mrs. hi. S. horns , who formerly lived in Omaha. Cards were received In town last week announcing - nouncing time moarriago of Miss Josepimino \Veicim , daughter of Mrr. Susan S. Welch of St. Palml , to Mr. Charles Freier1cic Pocimler , \Vodnesday evening , Juno 3 , at St. Clement's church , St. Paul , Mine , l'iemsimres I'mtst , Mrs. Cimarles leimol entertained the sew- log circle last Friday. Mrs. William It. Morris entertained for Mrs. ROgers Wednesday evening. Mrs. Milton Barlow entertained at luncheon yesterday in honor ot Mrs. Charles Gardner. Mrs. Philip Potter entertained at luncheon yesterday in honor of Mrs. Jay Morton of Chicago. Mrs. William A. Redick entertained in imonor of imer guest , Mrs. Warren hlogcrs , Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lewis Bradford entertained infor- maliy In honor of Mra Warren Rogers Wednesday afternoon. In honor of her guest , Miss Pickons of hastings , Mrs. G. A. Itathmburn entertained pleasantly at luncheon Wednesday. 11cr guests were : Mrs. Harr ) Nott , Miss Martha Stone , Miss Sargent and Miss Lindsey. Mr. and Mrs. John Mnncli entertained at dinner Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 0.V , Lininger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank hailer. Time centerpiece was coIn- posed of damnssk roses , Covers were also laid for Dr. armd Mrs. Lawrence. Misa Subway entertained eight Lasailo girls charmingly at luncheon last week in imonor of her guest. Miss hone. There were present Misses Alien , Taylor , Tukey , Stone. thme Misses Tuilcy , Gleason amid fleebo at Council Ilimmifa. The table was prettily trimmed with roses. Mr. Robert I" . Smith entertained his ushers with an elaborate supper at time Grand imotel , Council Stuffs , a week ago Thursday , The ushers were nroscnted witim hmammdsonlo card cases and pocket books coin- bined. There were toasts and a pleaaammt evemming was siment. Mrs. M. B. Pratt gave a very enjoyable tea last Vednesday afternoon between time hours of 3 and 6. Those present were : Mesdanies G. W. Lower , S. N. Drake , H. Mc- Echron , IV. 3. Gillespie , Flanders , J. John- ascnm , 3. F. Gathers , F. Bacon , IL McEchron , A. M. ltnbb and W , Mallory. In imonor of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. C. W , hiuli entertained the Whint club. Present were : Mr. and Mrs. Ringwat , Mr and Mrs. Clmasa , Mr. and Mrs. Lehmmer , Mr. and Mrs. hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. Wimeeler , Mr. and Mrs. Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. Ijeuel , and Mr. and Mrs. Redick. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sorensen gave a do- liglltful party to their oldest son , John , in honor of his eleventh birthday , Tuesday afternoon , June 3 , who assisted by his younger brother , Walter , received and on- tertalned his friends ii. a most pleasing macnor , whilst his mother provided for these little folks su&i a feast of good timings as only a good mother can contrive. Some very nice presents were received. Among timcso present were : Mabel Strait , hiulda Carlson , Tulle Driefold , Clara , Coreno and May Sorensen , Doihlo Jensen , Laura l3avlful and Lloyd and Fred Jenson. Out-of-TouIL ViuIir. Miss Icnippenborg Is the guest of Miss Nah , Mii's Matthews will visit Mrs. Worthington this veek. Mfrn Fuller of Cleveland , 0. , Is the guest of Miss Nortim. Mis Johnson of Fredonia , N. Y. , is vistIng her sister Mrs. T. C , Van Duren. Miss Carpenter , a'ater of Mr. Frank Car- pouter , is the guest of Mrs. T , Hi. O'Neii , Mr. Parker of Boston spent several days in town last week , the guest of Mr , F. P. Kirkeimdall , Mrs. Jolmn A , Sargent and little son Edward - ward , who have been visiting Mrs. H. C. McSllane , returned to their borne in ICansan cty : , Tuesday. Miss Davis of Leadville , Cole. , who has been the guest of Mr. and Mr. . A. L. Heed for tIme past three montims , returned to her home Thursday. Miss Katharine Belle l3ragdon , dau1mtor of Professor flragdon of Lassaile , is the expected - pectod gimoat of Miss Grace MIen and Alice Andreeson , Mrs. fi. F. hlauck of St. Louis , Mo. , time daughter of Frederick Motz , ar. , is in time city the guest of imor brothers on South Twenty-eigimtll street , Miss Emma Sharp , who imaa been the guest of her cousimm , Mrs. F. P. hCirkoncjnll , for somno timime past will return to her home Iii California , Wednesday , Mr. Frank Lowden Swart caine from Clii. cage to attend time Darker-Smith wedding and Is now time guest Cf imis sIsters , Mrs. IOiln flarkor anti Mrs. Parker , Mrs. Ellen flesh , ho has been visiting friends mind re'atives in town for several weeks , left Tuesday for Orange , N , J. , where elme will make her lmonio with her son. Miss 1)andy , Wile has been time guort of Isa Webster for ( ho host two weeks ieft rhureday for Itock Island , Iii , , whore alme ivill be brideanmald at thu wothhimmg of a I friend. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Frii-imtIlr Gossip , Mtas Edna Donahue is visiting in Spring- hold , Ill. Mr. F. P. Kirheontlahi returned from hioston Thursday. Mr. 'William Koenig ima.a returned fromu a visit to St. Louis , Mrs. Z. T , Lindsey returned Wednesday frcm Louisville , ICy , Miss Dma Kelly was the guest of Mrs. Ilouts of Lincoln last week , Dr. mmii Mrs. Allison are at home at Tweum. Ly.sovonth and Famnam streets. Tim Nicholson'ICountzo wedduimg will occur at naomi , June 10 , at St. Matthias , Mrs. hlos. . and Miss Zotta Ciiurchilj me- I turned from ClmicagoVedmmeimday Mrs. Jolmmm Dolmorty and Miss hdmmimmia Croigim. ton returned frormi Chicago yesterday , Mrs. W , F. Miiroy and children have gone to Ilaltimore , N , Y. , for time auumnmor , Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gygem- have taken I.lju hmouso at 1228 Soutlm Twoiuty.eighth street. 3tr , and Mrs. harry Jordan will spopd Limo suimmimmer witlm Mr. and Mrs. J. 3 , 1)ickoy , Mrs. Robert Ii. l'eattle baa returned from Cimicago , where she visited for several wecka , Mr. ld.l Qygor of i'hIladlimhla , l's. , arrived 1'riday and will visit friends in towim several iaya. Mr. and Mrs. N , P. Fell and Mrs. Edward - ward hiosawater returned Ironi Cleveland Thursday , Mrs. Charles Gardner and children will leave Tuesday for Hayfield , where they viii mpend the eunimumer , Dr. and Mrs. Horace .udington have takes for the sunimmier time residemmee o ir. Parker , 1528 1)odge street , Mr. Paul hiudington , wimo ma been studying mnedicino at limo Univer. . 5. ety of I'Cflfl7ii'(5 ( , 'Ta t'hilmulelphia , ta cx- pecteti home for the vacation during the Woe-S. Saturday evening will occur th'e annual flimmaical at hJroiyehl ball. Commencement will cccmmr June 15 at S p. m. Mr. and Mrs. WV. . Uniated end son of Omaha are the gmmesta of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. H. Smalley , Queen Anflo bill , Seattle. Time a000mmncement of tIme wemhidog of F. A ; Swallenherg amId Miss Lucy Edwards of this city , on Molmda ) ' , Juno 22 , has been made , Mrs. George H , lybaii ) has returned to Omaha after a month's visit with friends and relatives in time rmorthmern paCt of the stato. Dr. Leo returned with Mrs. John L.Veb miter from New Yorlc the early part of time. wools , Mrs.Veivmter is slowly recovering. MIs. , Grace iliniehmaugh , who Imas been visiting triontis irm Des Moines and Chicago for time liast six weeks , returned home Fri. Mrs. George Forgan left for Erie , I'a. , Tuesday afternoon , having been called there oil account of the serious illness of lmer motlmer. Mr , Seth 1)rake and Miss Josephine 1)rako left Thursday for Franklinm , I'a. , where timey yili visit their sister , Mrs. A. F. Miller , for several weeks. Mrs. Ezra Mtliard and family , who Imavo been in Eimropo for time past two yearn , me- turimod luome Timeaday and will spend tim sunmmmmer in Omaha. Mrs. 3.V. . Cotton and Miss Amy Barker expect to leave Omnaiua abnilt Juno 22 for Mommtreal , from. . where they wihi sail for Liverpool on the Parisian. Judge E. . thmmmdy has returned from a fotmr.mmionths' visit In Japan and Clmina. Mrs. Dundy , Miss Dtmndy and Mrs. H. S , Dundy will return imi about a week. Mrs. Jolum Francis , vhmo was cailed. to CIII- cage oh account of luer sister , Mrs. hi. T. Fisher's , illmioss returned imemo yesterdaY , 11cr sister is slowly recovering. Dr H. C. Moore has sold his residence on Soutlm Thirty-ninth street to Mr. G , A. Llmid- quest. who whl move iii shortly , Dr. Moore and faimmily Will occnmpy their forummer home at Twenty-miluth and 'nclIlc street8. Tile June Review of Reviews contains a very conmpllmmmentary article by its editor , Dr. Albert 51mw , on "Tile Rosewaters and The 13cc of Omaha , " wIth special reference to time coming celabratton of time twenty-fifth anniversary ottime foummdimig of Time Bee and wltlm a group portrait of Mr. Edward Itese- water and hIs two semis. SO'l'ES FILOM OMAHA SUIIIJISIIS. . - t hlemisuim. Artbur Joseph hma gone to Iowa to visit with relatives for a month. Mr. L. IIo of Perry , Ia. , visited In flenson last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. McLaughii wps the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mooney last TiiursJay amid Friday. Mr. C. Minehart of Creighton , Nob. , was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stiger during the past week. Mr. hliiiyard'i family horse , Pink. was foimnd at Millard last Tuesday ovenimig. It had strayed away Friday a week. Time Ladies' Aid society of time Methodist Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. F. A. Bailey last Thursday at 2 p. in. Mrs. B. I. , . Ge'oves departed inst week to join Mr. Grovesat I3looniington , Ill. , where thmoy intend to make their hmomc in tllo future , Mrs. harvey Groves went to Ashland last Monday to attend conmmencemnent at that place. She will ho time guest of her sister wimilo there. Decoration jay was observed by the schools last Friday by exercises appropriate for the day. A pretty hag drill was given by the eighth grade. Mr. Gray niet with quite an accifiont while working with sharp tools last Thursday , Ho received a. painful cut on the knee , which vill lame him for sonic time. Miss Edith Munson was the guest of Mrs. Fuller of Council Bluffs this week , returmming on Thuralay , and took hmer departure for her home in Minbemn , Ia. , Friday afternoon. There are lrespects of a new society in Benson. A meeting was lucid at the hotel Tuesday evening for time purpose of discuss- lug organizing a moiety of Modern Woodnien. The initiation of the girls' I. A. II. society occurred at time chureim last Wednesday even- lug. Their first regular meeting was hmeld at Mrs. Morganrs imomne Friday afternoon , Last week being quarterly conference , Rev. Yost of Valley was present at the Methodist Episcopal church to conduct communion services - ices iii the place of Presiding Elder Maxtleld. Mrs ; Charles Smith left last week for Iowa , where Ime will meet Mr. Smith , mmd from there they go to Ohio to visit relatives before going to Chicago , where they. 3vilt make their home. A number of our young people went on a fishing excursion at Elk City last Saturday mornimmg , remmiainipg two days. They reported having a good time , timough it rained most of the time. The gins cooked fish and fried coffee vh1'o the boys made hay for the horses and cut wood for the fires to cook the flalm by. Tbmoy said they did have enough to eat while there , thiongim notiming but fish "stories" were brouglmt homne. Those par- takimig in time fun were : Misses hhlllyard , SalTord , Stiger , J3unson ; Messrs. G. Stiger , lhiihs , McGhminimm , Young , Stiger , Saftord , and Mr. and Mrs. U. Mooney. Dundee Notes. Mr. D. I.i. Johnson was in Iowa. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis have returned from their trip to Now York. County Smuperltmtomident I3odweli visited Dumideo schoo1. on Friday. Messrs. J. B , Carmichmaei and H. A. lIon- 5on have gone teMercur , Utah. Mr. J. IL Parroto , who recently purchased - chased what lisa been known as the Shmannon property , moved to hmts now' biome this week , Mr. H. M.Vehlnuini returned the first. of the week from howard county. lie delivered the addremms on Memarioi day at St. l'aul , Nob. Nob.Dr. Dr. Van Nose and family left for New York Tuesday , Their return to Omaha is doubt- fuh. Mrs. Van Ness said : "If we (10 coins back Dundee will be the first 1aco we will seek for a residence. " Last year tile Board of Tm-imstees caused to be iilamited in the village of Duumtloo between 1,300 and 1.400 ehado trees , wimich timey kept watered and protected dimming tIme hot months , Timi.9 year time abumidant rains have made sucim lmrecautlOfla unnecessary , but time trees have been trinmiiied , straightened , and are oiready a great addition to our beautiful rliiago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,5:1 rim I Ii' t (5 l'n I at Itoses. Considerable interest Is bcing'manitested my thmose wisiming to learn to paint roses fromn ho natural flower in 4lbort Itothiery's Juno : lass Imi painting. ' Time entire course Includes lie painting of a perfect frieze of roses 'orty-four inches 'long , and Is given at the iomninal cost offl0. T1'oeo joining time class eforo Juno 15 'v.W i-c oivo time full course. ; tudio , Ummited.tatos bamile building. I ) . ' l - IILtV hlIUTlfltt. ' & 'AICIO A 'MLtTlON. , rmu 1. . . _ Ulosimmg ' at time Nebruisleji Selmo111 kr time Dent , Time closing 'xecises of thte Nebraska ehioo1for thueoiI will take place at time nstituto Tuesda.athruiO uI 'at 2 o'cloclc , Time 'ollowing is thI'iVam : illumlic . . . . . . . . . . Invocation . . . . .jIOIfl iUsIo Ldaaay-Studiest IIature , , . . , , . , , . , , . . . , , Nettle tlurmows , Ond. Ichool exercisqpe $ ' . , , . . . , , , , , , . . . . . , , . , , , , ( a ) Languagi 'pje , . . , . , , , , . , . F'irst grade ( b ) Nimomber imdC0 StYOOfld gr.niu ( a ) . , , , . , . , , . . Third grade Iuetu . . . . . . . . . ' . , [ 'antomnimu-l'iiIPh Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t'aum Drill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'antomlmo-hiTtTtWJ Seqno . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.rt Sketchiet-ft4fltska'a Past , l'resont and Futur'l Iasay-1'ropamnIIq.4or Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.ma : lhxtord , Fairbury , Awarding of dipiomnas. Doxotogy * * I. ' Benediction. r Ifomimu Industry ninrrr. June 10 , 11 and 12 , r. Id , C , A. bmnihl , Price 25 cents. ; IMY. LAWYERS ARE COIlNC Over Ono Thousand Expected at the Moot- lug Itoro Next Month , PROGRAM OF 1IIE THREE DAYS SESSION Mnmiy huimpnrlnnt Topics to lb lis. etmaseut h , ' S.ui * Of time hiright- emit I.e-gui 3Ilmi.i of tl Coumsmtr' , The meeting of the Commercial Law League of America , whiichm convenes in tlmis city July 21 and cobtinucS three days , will bring to Omaha a large numnbi.r of tie legal freternity traIn every state in limo union , Judging from Previous meetings and tIme correspondence - respondence of time oflicors , it. ( us coniiiien.ly expected ( hero will be imi ottentlanco frummi 1,000 to 1,200 nttornoysvlmo mnako a spo. cialty of comnmerclal law , and are thins brought in touch with time great ilnancial inmtorests of the land , While the meetlrgs will bo devoted cmmtirehy to the discaasion of Imiatters of little direct interest to the hmublic , time visitors will have considerable timmmo at their dispuai 1mm wimicim to view the city , antI it is mmojmed Lime ) ' will return to their clients witim a goad opinion of ( no towmi and its people. The following lrog'am has been arranged for the meetimig : Tuesday , July 21.-hO o'clock a. in. , call to order. I'resident W. C. Sprague ; opening Prayer , Rev. Varfioil ; addresses of welcomno , lion.V , J. llroatch , in bohiolt of thin city ; lion , Charles F. Weller , in behaif of Coni- umiercial climb ; respomiaco , John II. Green , New York , amiti Cimarlee N , Fox , San Francisco ; mmmiscelianeoims busimioss ; anmmoimmicemiiemits. iUteruioon : Annual address of president , 'IV. C. Spragimo ; anmmtmal report of corresponding secroiary , George S. hlmmli ; ammnuat report of treasimrer , Eilward K. Sumnerweli ; anntmai me- liort of oxocimtivo committee , lion. B. M. Bartlett ; discussion , theme. "The Cormmmmior- cliii Law h'ractlco ; " address , "Ethics of Corn- ummercial Law , " liiii Montague , lticlmniond , Va. ; address , The Conmmmiorcial Law I'mac- lice-Its liglmity and Usefulness , " J. F. Burke , Milwaukee.Vls. . ; address , "Corn- mnorcial Law as a Specialty , " H. F. Wellington - ton , Rochester , N. V. ; discussion ; nilseel- ianeous business. Tmmesday evening : Literary and mustcai emmtortainmmmemmt. \\'odnesday , July 22 , 9:30 : o'clock , a. m.- Annual report of time conmmmiitteo on legal elucation and adniission to time bar , chair- moan , Martin Clark , Buffalo ; address , 'Somo Defects in Our System of Legal Education , " Griffith Ogden Ellis , Detroit , Mich. ; annCal report of time committee on grievances , chair- umiall , Charles H. Miller , Canton , 0. ; annual report of the commirnltteo on membership ; annual report of the conimmaitteo on judiciary , chairman , H. C. Ferguson , Chicago , lii. ; die- cimamion. Two o'clock , p. mn.-Address , "Con- trol of Trusts and Monopolies , " lion , lIen- jammiin l3uttorwortm ) , Cimicinumati , 0. ; thenie , "Needed Law Iteforme , State and National ; " address , "Unfavorable Symptoms and Reun- edies Prescribed , " J. N. Baxter , Denver , Cob. ; address , "Itoformu in Judicial I'ro- coduro , " A. J. Hirsch ! , Chicago , Ill. ; address , "Time Enforcement of Creditor's Rights in Indiana , " Louis Nowberger , Indianapolis ; address , "The Vicious System of I'roferonce in Insolvency , " C. A. Dudley , Des Moines , Ia. ; address , "Neoded Aunendments of the Assignment Laws of Kansas , " J. V. Daugh- erty , Wichita , Nan. ; address , "Seine l'ocuii- amities of the Clvii Law of Louisiauma , " E. T. Fioremico , New Orleans ; address , "Time Attachnient and Insolvency Laws of Massa- chusatts , " J. II. Butler , Boston ; addreas , F. H. Foster , Detroit , Michi , ; address , "Re- formn in Legislative Methods , " G. II. Flet- chler , Miundapoils , MJnn. ; address , "Pref- erontiai Asaigunment.s via Trustees , " Charles P. Simmons , St. Joseph , Mo. ; address , "Reciprocity Between States in Insolvency , " F. 1. Knowles , Newark , N. J. ; address , "Tile Now York Cede of Civil Procedure , " C. U. Moore , Plattsburg. N. Y. ; address , J. . 1Cotteral , .Gutimrio , Okl. address , "The AssignnientLaw Ot Pennsylvania , " J. S Letsermring , Altoona , Pa. ; address , "A Needed Itoform , " U. S. 0. Cimerry , Sioux Falls. S. D. ; address , "Texas Trust Needs and Exemption Laws , " C. A. Keller , San Antonio , Tex. ; Address , "Exemptions , Preferences - onces and Judgment Notes , " C. D. Morrick , Parkershurg , 'IV. ye. ; discussion. Wednesday - day evening-Reception at the residence of lion. G. 'IV. Lininger. Thursday , July 23 , 9:30 : a. m.-Iteport of special comumittees ; addresses by collection managers ; "Up-to-Date Metimod of Handling Rural Collections , " lI. 'IV. Gans , with Auit- man-Taylor Manufacturing company , Mane. field , 0 , ; "CourtesIes Due a Client by the Attorney - torney , " G. hi. McCall , with Russell & Co. , Massiilon , 0 ; 0. P. Early , withi Gaar , Scott & Co. , Richmond , Did. ; "Evils to Overcome as Judged by time Forwarder , " A. H. Urion , with Armour & Co. , Chicago , Ill. ; C. C. Kirkpatrick , with T. p. Mast & Co. , Springfield - field , 0. ; "Model Reports on Claims , " A. T. VanSeoy , with Milwaukee hlardwaro corn- pany , Miiwaukeo , 'IVis. ; J. S. Smitim , witim Scuddor-Gale Grocery company , SL Louis , Mo. ; "The Commercial Lawyer ; (110 Secret of His Success and the Cause of Ills Failure - uro , " 0. L. Saddler , with Aultman , Miller & Co. , Akron. 0 ; discussion ; address , "What the Chamni Forwarder h1a to Contend w1th" 4. II. Glcas3n , Now York ; address , ° Judgment - mont Notes as a Factor In Commerciai Law , " C.t. . Barnes , Jacksonville , Ill. ; address - dress , "Lawyers as Spongers , " D. IC. Temi- ney , Clmiccgo. Two o'clock , p. rn.-Addrc.ee , tiiemiie , "Time Mercantile Agencies ; Their Use and Abuse , " H. J. Whitehead , New Tone ; address , "Handling Commercial Dual- ness-Old. and New Metimod , " George Clap- liertomi , Grand Rapids. Micim. ; address , "Ito- iation Between time Country and City Attorney - tornoy , " Frank Lindlay , Daimvllle , Ill. ; address - dross , "What an Agency Itepresontation Simould Mean , " Walter S. Stilimuman , Council flluff , Ia. ; addrcao , "Time Relation Between the Agency and ( lie flimsiness Man , " Earnest S. Moo , MiiwaimkeeSis. . Four o'clock , p. rn.-Speclal m.essionim imi varlouk hells : See- tion A , "Iiuiforumi CommercIal Laws"-Ad- dress , E. C. Ferguson , Clmieago ; address , H , Y. Prlgnmore , Fort Wortim , Tex , ; address , Etmiil Newman , Savannahm , Ga. Section 13 , "Itequireimments of the Modern Law Oflice"- . Address. 'Iv'IV. . Watts , Louisville , ICy , ; address - dress , B. 0. Bennett , Des Moines , ha. ; address - dress , 0. P. Cobb , Cinciminati , 0. Section C , "Fraudulent Failures-Their Prevemmtion and Roniody"-Address , Joslohi Cratty , Chicago - cage ; address , "Some Measures of Safety , " 'IV. F. Stevens , Lincoln , Nob. ; address , 13 , C. Corioy , Decatur , Ill , ; address , "Nocoasity of Compelling Traders to Keep Books of Account - count , " A. V. Cannon , Cleveland , 0. Sac- tion D , "Time Business OrganizaUorms Amommg Lawyera"-Mldress , U. C , Bloke. Cedar Itap. ida , ha. ; addross-E , ill. Coffin , Lincolmm , Neb. ; address , J , I' . . iiornaday , Somerset , ICy. ; address , T , Moutrlo Mordecni , Chmarleston , S. C. Section Id , "Special Session of Cohiectiomi Managers"-Adtlress , " 110w Can Wo Got /U- tornoymi to Timoroughiy Acquaint Theumiselvos situ tile I'ccuhiar Detail of Eachm I'articuiar Kind of Collection , so as to Enable Timoni to do First-Class Work ? " A. J. Parlium , witim Canton flaking Powder coinponmy. Cmncimmnati , 0 , ; address , " 110w to Got the Best Service train Attorneys , " 31 , J. Stohi , with Timomas Mimmmufaciurlng compaumy , Springfield , 0. , and 'IV. F. Miller , with Tonument-Stribling Shoe company. St. Loui , Mo. ; address , " 110w Should Fees Be Measured ? " 'IV , 'IV , Haggard , with Runioley & Co. , La I'orto , md , , and 0. 1) . Cimaluiberlain , wIth Chiammiberinium Mcd- ical coummpamuy , Des Moines , Is. ; address , "Negligenco on tlmo l'art of Attorpeys in tile Collection of Icbte-Tho Roimmodlos , " Ii. J , Stolle , with 3 , S. Merrill Drug company , St. Louis , Me. , amid Edwin J , Fisher , with Wlnston.FarringtOn & Co. , Minneapolis , Mine , ; address , "An Ideal ( himattlo Mortgage Law , " I" , C , Stilson , with Nichols & Simop. imerd company , flattho Croak , lilichi , , and Ciiarles Fl. Walters , of Cimarles Id. Waitoro & Co. Omaha , Neb , Thureicy evonipg- Banquet. Friday , July 21 , 9:30 : o'clock , a. mn.-Sei. .Hgt ( } 1it1 in Leavczng Power.-Lateat IT. S. Gu"t Rcpott pyaI PowcI Baking MSOLUTEL' ( PE& _ _ _ - - - - - - cotton of next meeting phice : eheetlon oi ofilcora ; rt.rolutlons reported by committees aummi special sessions ; closing exercises. Tw o'clock-Trip to Lincoln , I.lNCO1.'d'S SOCIAL 511)13. LINCOLN , June 6.-Speeisl.-Dan Wing rotmmrzued frprn his summer vacation 'IVednes- day. lie visited time vai'lotms fashionable me- sorts ot Cnstcr County. Mn , S. Ii. flumn- barn imas gone to thin old Kentucky homno , Mr. Hartley , state treasurer , hm sent imis family to Eumropo for the suninier , Mrs. i'OltI , ( list vns Mary Miller of Oak Park , hmtun armiveni imm time city amuti Is the guest of imer sister , Mrs. 1) . H. Thamupsoim. Miss Uris IColey of Onmaiia is lucre visiting tim Iloutaim and Lonmidgs , She vIil remain several weeka. Emery 1ardy was married on Wednesday to Miss Amino flhlr.abctli Seacrest , at the roe- idonco of Mrs. l3mmimmia Soacreat , 1117 Id etrcet. Mr. hard ) ' is a muemmiber of time drum of time hiarmly Fumrnlturo company , and a graduate of the State. university , as is also time bride. For a year or more last past Miss Seacrest vaj ; aaistamut iii time departmumcnt. of ihiioe- ophy at time ummivorsity. Mr. alml Mrs. Ilmurdy are spending their honeymoon in the Black. hills , On Saturday last Mr. Robert Joyce gave A very succesafimi tahiy-ho party. They mimet at Mao Burr's at 3 o'clock ahil rode out to Uranvillo Ensign's farmmm , where luncim was served , followed by daulcimug. Those iii the party were : Ohivo Latta , Grace Oakley , Marie Marshall , Mao Burr. Lumcy Grifllth , Nciiio Lao , Miss hiudimon , Alice Slaughter , hloloii Namico , Will Clark , Johmmu Dixon , "Hobby" Mallahiou , iteese , Ilughmes , Lansing , Mr. and Mrs. Itotmimison amid Mm , and Mrs. Marahmaii , Mr. Faucon will leave for fasten next wools Wednesday , lie is to be succeeded by F'mank 'IV. Smumith of Alliance , one of time Smmiitlm hoys , a brutimer of A , 13. , 'IV. Famnamn amid C. Y. Mr. amid Mrs. Smmiitha lived In Lincoln up to a few years ago , Mrs. liemiton gave a card party on Tuesday ovemmlng. l'rogrosslvo Imlgim five was the game. Gmaco Oakley took one royal prize and hr. Stewart the other. There were ton tables and suimmrnc'r refroshmnentmm. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dorgan en- tertalrmest a large imuimiber of their friummds at Burlingtomi beach. Mrs. Guihfolye and her daughter , Christine , have returned from Fort itobinson. Mrs. hlruco Cofrroth on Wednesday morning - ing entertained seine ladies with cards. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Id. Nicholson of Mm- neapohls are guests of l'eof. H , 11. Nichoishm. Mrs. lInker gave a damnimmg kemmsimigton on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ladd entertained informally on Thursday - day , Mrs. hieoson had a animili card party of four tables on Wednesday evening. Arnasa Wilson , from Denver , is visiting his motlmer amid sister. helm Itelenseil on Bail , Henry Ilolin , ox-city treasurer , convicted of ( lie ombezzement ! of $ i03,500 , sentenced tea a term of eighteen years imi the penitentiary and to iay a fine or ? 11,0OO , was releasel front tim county jail last imlghmt pelmlhimig an appeal that had been taken to ( lie supreme court. Ills bond In time sum of $50,000 , signet ! 0K. . SCOFIELD Will soil this wools a now hino of CHIRT no L ) WAISTS1OC Largosienve and porfoetcut In do- siriable simmidos and pretty patterns -TIc would ho miono too nmuch , Shirt Waists 98c In noyr styles No ; colorings ' $1.23 And prettiest shmownin Omahma $1.48 Ladies' Suits The only perfect fitting , correct slmanes shown in Ommmalma-to lie sold at i.3 , $8 , iO , $12.50 , f15 all this week , Ladies' Capes. Newest , Latest Shapes for Juno' ' Eam'ly spring presented A I 'N"nothing , as Pm'OttY at 9 $10.00 , Ladies' Capes. In this 1t ivill be found A t JI 11CIoth Capes , Velvet ' 1' Capes , Silk Capes , that would be cheap at $20 , Lawn Wrappers. You may Bee aomo as pn'otty 9 8 C ° ° ' ° r ° at $ ! ,60 but not , for less. Wo ace selling everything on time "Nimble Sixponee" plan. Come and 500 about Everybody knows wo cuz'ry only reliable goods. . .SCOF'IELO U I CIOAKS.SUITS. FASI l'axton Block , 16th & Fnriitiiii - - - - . - . - - - by his brother and liens Jieokman , wan I proved by Clerk Campbe'ih I Notica of the approval oi time bond was me- calved at time jail at 9 o'clock and a few momnenta later iiohiri was given 11th iibrl , lie rns mnet at the Jill door by Mr. . , fleitmi amid one of 1mi attolnel's and at ono e corleti to hmi homo in the north part of the city , A , I. . 'IVooster , a prominent citizen of Os. ( ' 00 , Mich , , after suffering osemuciatlngly from pile for tumemity yeses , was cured in a shoti tiimmo by using DeWitt'5 'IVitch himuzel Salve , an absoltmto cure for all skin dlease , huIor of liii , preparation is need than all others combined. - lrOithC.tS1' 01" 'I'OD.U"S VE.tThtHft. Pi nmmul Cnnlrr After thi. Stormas i Ibmatorn Sirnjiln , 'IVASII 1NOl'ON , Jtmmio 0.-The forecast for ihimmujay is : l'or Nebmaska-1'nr ( , preceded by thimn- demstomiii , Imi eastern vortiouul cooler ; nortim- vest Winds. For Oklahoma amid Indian Touvitor- Fair , except local thimoderstormims , probably nuevere lIt mmou'tlmwcateca portion south ; w indi4. For Missouri antI Iowa-Increasing chommd- mess with Copihitlons favornimlo for severs local thumn.lerstoruuus ; south wimuls , bocomut- Imig variable : allgimtly cooler. Per Xammsmms-Seycie local thtmnt1erormq ( followed by fair veimtimer ; cooler ; vimida ahiiftimmg to nortliwnist , For Colorado-Fair , lirceeded by shower. Imi pouthweittermm 1)Omtien ) ; north wmmutls ; cooler ili soimtlmemn Portion. l"or Somitlu Dakotn-8e'pre local thiuntlor. stornms , followed Imy cionrimig wentimer ; Wlmmfi shmifting to miorthi : slightly 'varmer. \Vyonilmmg-Fnir ; northwest winds , For Momitmtnn-F'imir Pm'eccded by almowera in northeastern , . Portioums ; miorthm'est Winds ; vaummIci. in southmermm liortion , 1.temil lireorml. OFFiCE OP' WidA'I'hiElt T1UILEAU , OMAhr , Stoma d.-Omzmha record of 101mm- perntute amid i'Iuimmfnhl compared witlm the eorresponmlimlg day of the four years : iSdil. 1S05. 1594. 1893 , Maximum temmiperaturo , . , 88 ST 77 ' 6 Milmlmmmtmun tt'mleriituro. . 69 3 47 1t4 A'erluge temuipcrature. . . . . 78 74 02 ( .5 l'm-ecipitatiomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. , p ® Condjtion of temuperature amid trociiui. tuition at Omaima for time day nnt since Murcim 1 , 18th' : Normumai teflihiOrntmmro . . , , , , , . , , . , . , , . . . , , . , , , 69 F3xct's for ( ho dmty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Accummiulated excess simmee March 1 . . . . . . 147 Normmial precipitation , . , . , . , . , . , . , , , , . is inch Ieiiciemicy for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . immchi 'I'otiil preeipitatlomm since Mmircim 1. .19.11 inch F3xcesim iimco March 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,07 immch leilciency eorresmfuiing period itOfi 5.83 inch DefIciency correap dimig Pariah 1891 & , i3 inch L. A..ldLSlf , Observer , ( jilt ffiIt omit , ft trill , mot appear agalts , Word Contest $1,000.00 111 GolcL I 3 , . A 1st . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 2d " . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 3d " 4th " 50.00 30 next pi-e'mns $5 etsoli , 150.00 :31 : prehninmsnmounting to $1000.00 'I'Imo ubovo premiums will be awnrdcd to tim. . , , umccesfuI eoimtustnmlts iii DUItIIAM'S woiw coN'rEsT. timu object bolmig to formn a list commtuliilmim the greltommt : mmlllmmbr of Emmg- lish voals ( room tlio lettera tontaluit'd 1mm the woml DUitiIt 1.1'S SUItED C000AN UI' . ItULiOS AND CONDI'l'IONS. Vonhui inmist bo brimmed elitirely tuoma the letters contmiuol in the words IUIthlAltl'S SihlUH ) c000ANU'r. No letter can ii ii8Cl oftomier timuim occurs In tlieiea threu words. \ Oiuiy words doflimed imm Webster's Umi'i- bridged flictiormory vIi1 be ; mlloived-imouio others. Commtoat clos August 31 , 1800 , amid promt- UfllH awal'tle'l tiuirmmedlittely lhanreahter. List or awartla mumailed to amlyommu omiciosimmim' ittamimp. lAsts roccired first will ba CIVL'I this pref- crane , , In case of tle. Writs clearly ammtt dma- timidly , gIvinmg fmlt niamim mal address , mmmmii ALatt , imumumberof words commtalnCd 1mm list , Mi 1)0555g. , nitmst hO fully siepahi. Any imiqutiry romtiirlmie amlawor must be ncconipanmotl by atuimp for reply , EliChi list must be accompanied by the tradelnarkim cut from tile front and' hack of one package of Dun- lmam'ms' Shred Cocoanut ( mmny size ) , DUNHAM'S lathe ORIGINAL " 81111161) ' cocoanuL Over ono mu- lion naulsages are smeed rnontillIN 1'LA . .ld Ob' F'ItF3SII COCOA 1ITS , for mmilsimig cakes , plea ' puddings , canmlieP , etc. and ( or spr'lnkilimg over frmmit and berries. It is better for all jmmrpesea , being easily digested , amid imavimig time fimil , rich flavor , NO 0th III6ING DX'l'JtAC'TEI ) , Oil FhAVOIt LOST , AS FROM OTIIIdR ] CINIS. Jfu'h 10 semt paelage soalafus tlm jiitultt't ofo sit , st'huls stirotsa mit. it 1sfum simfim 1pj over .100,000 girocerl , in let , ti" Sittif 5 ( ) CCitt JCikIJCH. Not sold in Depam'tincnt Stores. ' ' ' Wohti ) Address DIINIIAM'S C000ANU'L' CONTES'I' , P.O. IioxOi , 'hmw York , N.Y. The OMAHA GAS MPG CO 217 South Thirteeiitli Street5 This Gas Range we are now setting up with all connections , for . $10.00 0 0 S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , eez * . _ _ _ ' -I , ' I _ _ . S _ . , , _ $ ! Ifl _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ : _ ' ; . , : Can you afford to be without one ? .