Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1896, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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r 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THJ OMAIL\ . DAILY iE : StTNDAY , JUND 7 , 189(1. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rternoon. 1111 LIio SIze of iimII hon egga
fall , damaging crops n4 brealdog wlnIow
p&nea. Seseral tat-rn bulh1lnga were ovet
turn ccl.
STA NTO Nob. , Juno C.-Speclal.-For ( )
fccvetft ilayi aat thh locality has been
favored with local fihowera aufficlent to keep
vegetation In fine growing condItIon , and
hat night a tremernloua heavy rain foil , no-
compantel by heavy thunder and lnce3aent
SIOUX CITY , Juno 6.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The towns of Ponca and ewcaetlo , Nob. ,
weat of here , were badly flooded by a heavy
rain which fell this morning. Street and
lasomenta were aeveral feet under water
tar a time , and aeveral buildings In low
lying districts vaahocl away. For about a
milo between here and Newcastle the
Omaha track is a foot under waer. Much
track was washed out. and all trains eon.
oualy delayed. A eirnilar condition oxiste
betwcen Wlnshle and Wayne , Nab. Hilt-
aide crepe are reported badly washed.
Cl1lltON , Neb. , Juno O.-Specinl ( Tele-
gram.-A ) heavy rain of several hours hero
today , coming on top of the ucany late
ehowcrc , places Dawes arid surrounding
counties iii mast excellent shape. The sky
today preceding the rain prosente ] a 1nos
peculiar fltclCaraflCe and it became so dark
that in znatiy business houses it was jiccee-
aary to light lampa. Ifowover , nothing but
a good st'aily rain resulted ,
OCONCV , Nd , . , June 6.-Special-Thero ( )
vas a very heavy shower lire at. 1:30 : this
afternoon , lcu'ting neirly ono hour. Rain and
hail fell for thirty-five mlnute9 , then the
wind changed to north and It was next to
ft cloucitcuret for fifteen ininute.Vhcre the
Jroat Eastern Canal company had been
grading , two mile. , north of here , acron
Lost creek , It' had left the ditch in such
shape that the water mu down It and washed
out a number of acres of wheat belonging to
Jacob Walderman and a lot of rye for It. S.
Ililliard , and the embankment of the Norfolk
branch or the Unicn Pacific was cut to
pieces. Tue damage to the roadbed was no-
paired by a opeclal engine from Columbus
taking ill ) filling and oection crews before
the evening trains came through.
FULLEItTON , Neb , , June G.-Speclal ( Tel-
egram.-Ono ) of the worat rain atorms in the
bluitory of Nance county occurred today.
There was a riMe of ten feet In
tue Cedar river in three hour. The water
Ia from three to five foot deep In all dl-
recttona from the depot. It is run-
uing through the depot as the operator aeiida
this unesnage.
LONG PINE , Nob. , June ti.-Special ( Tehe-
gram-So3klng ) raIns fell In l3rown and
Rock counties la9t night anti today. They
were needed and will do much good.
Farmers who Were getting anxIouu are now
cheered up and feel certain of a good etup.
There ivan no haIl or wind.
WAYNE , Neb. , Juno 6.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-About ) 4 o'clock this morning nearly
three Inches or water tell In loss than an
hour , the hicavicat rainfall known lucre for
years. The .guttors were Inadequate to
carry off the water. anti the cehlar of the
Love hotel , Bartlett & Ilolster'cj furniture
store , Kas ? drug store , I' . L. Miller's gre.
cory storo. Jlnrrington & flobblna clothing
store and the Racket store were filled , doing
considerable damage. Sidewalks and crossIngs -
Ings aloig a draw In the we'tern part of
the cIty wore washed out , and water to a
depth of adx inches ran Into the resldonco of
drs. homer. on Third street. causing the
occupants to vacate. The land ot Henry
Layman and the twenty-acre tract of Peter
hluncklo and a few acres of Clerk 1tusell
are under water. utterly destroyIng the
truck gardens and theIr beet crops.
LIghtning struck the residence of 3.
Tower durIng the storm , but little damage
resulted. About 100 yards of the Omaha
track was wazicoct out three nillea southwest
of the city , anti the Norfolk train was laid
out at Wlnaldo. The train on the Bloom-
held branch made the run to Sioux City this
morning. No s'entous damage to crops is
reported , but the bottoms along tha streams
of Plum and Cooii creeks , ix and nine miles
eouthcast of the city. were c3vonod. The
damage will ho consIderable. Several farm-
era report their friices gone south and south-
cast of tle city , while hail did conalderable
damage near 14 Porte.
ST. PAUL. Nob. , Juno C.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.tetlb1e ) storm of wind , rain and
hail occdrrcd ndrti'and 'wet of hero last
ilght and 'did it 'great"deal or damaie. TJce
brldg s acioe the North toup rIver , are
gone and the whole North Loup valley flooded
br miles wide. A great deal of stock ha
been drowned. TIm damages run up to many
thousaus of dollars. Wires are all down
north or Elba and no definite cws can be
had except that all bridges are out. The
South Liup river Is also ric'Ing rapidly , but it
Ii ; hoped to aavo the bridge at thIs Waco.
There was a great deal of wInd , thunder
and lightning , but the precipitation was only
COLUMBUS , Nob. , Juno C-Speclal ( Tolo-
gram. ) Reports from th country east of
this town show that the hail storm was
destructIve to crops and In pmo instacicoc
not Only wIndows , but furniture was de-
WINSIDE , Nob. , Juno 6.-Special ( Teho-
grain.-A ) very heavy storm passed through
this section all last nIght Creeks ace out
of thieir banks and the water Is nicilng fast.
Tyo largo washiouts are reported between
hero and Wayne. A smahi tornado pasod
near town at 4 o'clock this niorning , moving
several houses from thirclr foundations Cncl
blowing fences and trees down. So ar as can
be learned no one was injured.
TIOLDItEGE , Nob. , June G.--Spoial ( Tele-
gram.-Anothcer ) fIne rain visited this ectiog
tpday , making the seconil one of the weehr ,
Crops never looked an well here before at
- . this time of the year. , ,
COLUMBUS. Neb. , Juno 6.-SpeIal Tele-
. graun-Tho ) Loup has oveu'l.3we.l its h'anks
and the Union Pacific railway hicicL'e is in
danger. The water is 'till rIsing rapidly
tund people on the hottoms are molicg.
'There vero heavy ratn this , iter000ri and
the Creeks are hank full , Washuucits are
numerous. A storm isnow coming from the
RUSh ! VILLE , Nob. , Juno 0.-Special (
Toicgran-Onu ) , of the lcenvit's rains that
has visited this section for years fell this
morning. IL was accompanie'c by a high
wind , which diii consIderable clciiuiage. AL
Pine IlIdgo a section of the roof of the
liqspitul was blown oil and the atago which
carries ( Ice luau was blown ov'r , causing
the team to run away. hi this violnity it
tIei'tinyod nan burn , unroofed several others
alici llaYed ) havoc vItbi chimney tops and
siril , out buihdiiige. 'the ground Is thor-
ouglly soaked , and crops are in fine coudi-
tion , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
) t.tlLltO.t1) LOSS \11d14 IIH 11fl4tYY.
- 1juIott l'nu'hllr iii.1 II , . 31 , Suffer by
Jnst NIuiit' , . Srii * ,
Frtd2y cihghiL's atorlu in ( ho b up valley
proved a coutlT one for the railroads , both
the Union Paciflo and the Il , M , nustaining
considerable damage , Fortnnitly the dam.
ago to th , railway bridges anti tracks are on
branch roads and traiflo on the niain line
Is not interrupted.
On the B. & M. % hn storm was most severe
otweeii . % reailia and Loup City. There are
zover.iI washouts on the line between those
places. The extent of the damage Is not
3tnown , us urn definite hews hail leached the
zcuidquarter flom this branebi up to date.
tit Mduton a box car Was blown off the
tracka , thn track was ripped up and It I
. - runiorud ( lieu a church wa bhouiu down ,
The Ii , & M , also reported ( hint soyerah
r- smahi bnidgea vere badly daniaged on this
line. -
- 'rho Unton PacIfla reported heavy rains on
the line running north frooi Grand Island ,
In some pluca it was reported that six
Inches of rain hjac fahleg during the night.
\VashOnts are nutnerouis , and a bridge on
the Y at Loup City waa blown out ,
; sroitn IN $ OU'I'l !
IIisi % hhii's Uf flnilroil Iteudrere.l
Iinsnfo for Triftle.
c - YANICTON , S. D. , JUDO 6-Speela ( 'role.
grain.- , heavy rain and wind storm oc-
cured here at 0 o'clock , but no damage baa
yet been reportei , N'avly two jncheu of
rain has foilon In twenty-four haours.
CANTON , S. 1) , , June 6.-Spoclat ( 'role-
gram.-Six ) Inches of rain fell today , The
. tail end of a celone icassod over here , blow-
tuii down a circuatont. A tow bridges ere
washed out , but railroad traiflo hi not hit-
lFiAIWOOD , Junie C.-peu'lal ( Telegram. )
1ror the past two days a continuous raIn-
fLu hai pret'aiiod throughout thu hula , and
while It has been of creat beiiallt to growtn
crop , lucia done a gract deal of damage to
faniuert end ottuero iivin along the butch ;
of the numerous streams which have their
heads In the hills proper. MT the water
cour have been swollen until their banks
have been unable to contain them. At 11cr-
mesa , Rapid City , Fairburn , and other 'points
along the Elkhiorn railroad numerous wsah.
outs have occurred , and as a consequlence the
eastbound Elkhorn train , which left Deadwood -
wood last evening , wea compelled to tie tip at
Itapill City. At Ilormosa and b'airburn the
rain storm culminated in a clouiclbuiv't ,
ItAl'lI ) CITY1 S. D. , Juno G.-Speelal (
Tehograrn.-'rlie ) dry opeli of weather thtt
has prevailed here the past cix weeks was
broken today by a heavy rain. The slgaal
service station in thu city reported 233
inches precipitation within the paat twenty-
four hours. 'Nearly a mile of the El1hovn
track was washed away near I"reneh creek.
IlUItO , S. I ) . , June 6.-Special ( Tele.
granij-it liasbeen raining throughout thio
Jim ILis'er- valley since midnight , over four
lnchie.5 having fallen since that hour , Ono
Inch fell in forty minutes , tIde afternoon ,
flooding storea , basements , cellare' , and submerging -
merging low places throughout the cIty.
Iteports show seine very heavy storms over
the ct'ntral part of the state.
MlTCllEhJ , S. 1) . , Juuie 6.-Rain began
falling at midnight and caine down heavily
until noon. 'rho prcciiiitation was over an
inch. CrOps are looking fair. Corn io in.
jureul sonie Icy cut worma.
Vrit S.iriit iitIi.sSensoiu at C'lnt'
liii i' isis ,
CEDAR HANDS , Ia. , June G.-Speclal ( Tel-
egram.-One ) of the worst storms that ecr
vIsited this place struck lucre this morning ,
The Cedar rIver Is out of Its banks , The
Cedar Itapida Improvement company's losses
nro $1,000 to $1,500 and crops In the lowlands -
lands are badly damaged. No fatalities are
reported as yoL The loss on live stock Ia
quito large , Four wagon bridges on the Ce-
ular river were swept away and ( lie railroad
bridges are Impassable ,
ANITA , Ta , , June G.--Spechal.-A. ( ) daniag-
lug hail storm vIsited this vIcinity list even-
Ing. along with a strong wind , whuihi 'lain-
aged crops very much , Awnin were torn
to PieceS , windows brokeic out In most 'vt'ry
house and some stores and fruit treer ruined.
Farmers report great dant.cge to crops and
fruit. Foity-six glass wore broken In the
school houso. Many peopo wont to. their
caves. This yas the worst aterm that
over viitcd this Part of the country.
I1OCK ItAI'XDS , In , , . . Juno 6.-Speo'al (
Tclegram-The ) heaviest rob of thu aeaucn
occurred this forenoon. F'cree aitd clue-
third liuchucs fell ln six hours. 'rIte greatt'r
part fell In one huour. T.hsnccpti aires arc'
down , railroad bridges waahcd on : atuul uiunch
damage done to crops on irw. ltnds. 'me
river has risen four feet , aaJ ts still rising.
No trains wIll got through under twi'nty-fcur
ho ui-s.
SIOUX CITY , Juno 0.-Speciai ( Telegram. )
-Cyclone carca were In demand lucre from
6:30 : to 7:30 : thIs evening. A high wind from
the southeast uprooted shade trees , tore
down chimneys , prostrated many poles of the
local telephone company , and did seine damage -
age to small frame buildings. A heavy
storm to the northweet is reported , but no
definite information has been received.
R.'quit'st for lTeli.AiIslrcMMe.l Only to
IllInoIs ltie's.
ST. LOUIS , Juno 6.-Pursuant to a resolution -
lution of ir.atrucUons adopted by the citi-
zons' executive committee of East St. Louis ,
Mayor H , F. Bader of that city today sent
out addItional appeala for aid to all cities
In Illinois with a population of 1,000 or more.
While thuo relief corps has sufficient funds
to meet all Immediate expenses , as well as
continue its work ten daye longer , it Intends -
tends to overlook no opportunity whereby
iti means may be augmented. While the
starving have been fed , and mcet of the
homeless housed , temporarily , the need of
relief work will continue for some time.
Another body , that of Jacob Wendt ,
watchman at the Union elevator. was taken
from the river , increaaing the list of known
deaths to 104.
With the exception of a branch , managed
by tbe Society orSt.Vincent. . do l'aui In the
first listniCt at Sev hthu and LaSalhe streets ,
all field statldiws In St. Louis foc the relIef
of tornado euh1erer will be cIoaed tonlghuL-
rho moSt popular plan- anti the one that
will undoubtedly tie adopted , Ia for thoMer-
chanth Etchango committee to assume active
control. of thie field. If this is agreed upon
the organizatIon vihi have charge of all
money , as heretofore , and a ! all donations.
One mammoth distributing atatlon nih be
provided. and from it will ho delivered all
od and other articles.
Two (1u11.lren uliusi a Mon Drowiicd
In Iown
WINTERSET , Ia. , Juno G.-Speclal ( Tole-
grain-Arthur ) Turner was drowned in the
North Branch rIver this morning while tak-
log a drove of boras acroee the ford , The
river was awolion by recent rains , The drove
stampeded as It went into the water and
Turner was drowned. He was 22 years of
ago.CiDATh RAPIDS , Ta. , Juno C.-Special ( Tel-
egram.-A ) double drowning occurred at Ma-
rengo this afternoon. WhIle the .two little
children of William Wilson were stauding
CR the bank of the Iowa river it caved in ,
throwing thuG children into ( hue water. lloth
were drowned and neither of the bodIes have
been recovered.
' ' ' , IS ,
liserliui iiunllons Nosy Couuiplisined of -
I , , MitAy Sredern Cltiu , .
KANS4S C1TY June 6.-Chairman W. fl ,
Morrison of the Interstate Commerce cent-
nuLasion concludOd taking testimony In the
case of the 'railway commissioners of Kansas
versus the Tranemissounl Freight as.ocIa.
tion this afternon and left for Chicago.
"A date for the final bearIng , " saId he
before leaving , "will he announced by the
Interstate Commerce commission after fit.
teen days. whIch tinto will be rpqulred for
Inter-pleadings , "
\v. II. McNeifl , local agent of the Anglo.
American I'rpvieion company , finished his
testimouuy thIs morning. Mr. MeNeIll had
been directed to produce his books showIng
the record of daily pprchuae-es by tile. om-
PanY. lie stated frankly that hue kept no
aiwounts because lie did not care to have
them ordered Into court , therefore ho could
only present a little memorancluin book as
tb record of the vast transactions.
F' . W. Balcer , of Groenieca & l3aker , Atchi-
uon , was forced to admit thuat ho had received -
ceived front 2 to 5 cents a hundred elevator
fees frpm the MtcsourI PacIfic railway - engrain
grain that ho had bouglt and shipped to
Atchison. Judge Itichianului of Fort. Scott ,
representing the MissourI Pacific , croes ex-
aminbd and endeavored to show that the
tees in question ware a legItimate subsIdy
to get lnisnesa ! for elevators built ouu ItB line
and hail inference to cut rates.
v. A. Henderson , manager of the Gal.
vcston Traneportatiqp bureau , . presented a
map covered wIth higures and representing
what the wltuiess claimed voro i-ank diucrlm-
Inaion ( in rates against Txaa points. The
tuukiuig of testimony closed at 4 o'clock.
It b said that Chicago viil present an
Intervening PotItiolt demanding a revIsion of
tariffs. ChIcago claIms that she is beiuu
discriminated against , in favor of lit. Louis
and St. PauI , The vouttroyersy lta nasunned
larger Proportions tunn was oxpecte saul the
comuuuiailon may have to sit in vuriaus
Places all over the west and aoutbwest l.etero
the case is concluded ,
Fires of a Ilny.
NEW flRITMN , Coon , , June 6--Tbe Booth
block , the largea busIness block In the city ,
was damaged by fIre today to the extent of
$65,000. The orIgin of the fire is not known.
but the police are at. work under the belief
that It was IncendIary , -
NE % ? Yoluc , June 6.-Fire In the leather
factory of howard & u1c1)4rinott , at Sch'uncck
end I'ark avenues , Brooklyn , today , did
00' ) damage , gutted three Jjuhidings and was
thuc means of putting 500 persons out of
work. Incendiarism It' euuipccted.
Chuinus 'iuhuinblu Luiesis iii Ghuiengo.
CHICAGO , June 6.-flavid Iecne , who
owns some VnIentno scrip , bepen oiect
mont proceedings today ujjalnt th city
of Chuicaijo , tiu Chicago public library
ai2 the urand Army luaU and Meunosial I
association. The plaintiff claims to lie tIm
owner of the tee of tluo laud upon which
( hue pubhie library now stands. It Ia claImed
that the , lend which yas formerly known
cia the l'or ( Iearborn military reservation
is bejd smear imperfect tItier. ' .flie land I
Is vcJt-th ubout ; 3OOO,0O.
rorm of Keeping Records otho State Fish
Commislion ,
IiueoiiuIili't iii Iztua1s'viit1nI Ie.
in I is it nil , I Iii ilis , ic-
cultist of hIo' the .tlIiuuUt
I % 'lt'I Jxpeuuclesi ,
LINCOLN , Juno 0.-Special-The ( ) mom-
hors of the State Fish cununisslon have
submitted a report. to Governor Ilolconub
coiucernin the Incliner In which the busi-
nose of the commission ha been condtucted.
After saying that the records of the coiti-
missIon a turned over are very inconu-
Idote. tIm report goes onVo : have made
such InveetigatIon of. tim commission as we
rero abio rronu tIi vouclier , on file in ( ho
oflice of the auditor of. public accounts , and
rent ouch vouchers we dm1 ihat the bust-
ness of thic commission hea not been ccn-
siucted in accordance with business niatluodut.
Wo find that quite a large sum of money
Was paid coch year to Id. E. O'Brien , su-
penintondent , and by huimut expended. In
souite inpauices he filed itemized tatouiuents
showing to whom and for what ha hind ee-
vended the money , but in no tns'tanco did
he file receipts froucu the p.irties to vhuom
lie claimed time money was paid , stio'ing
that the money was actually recetvcl by
the parties named. In many lumatauces luflup
Zulus c moutey were paid to him , without
even an itemized statement made by hunt-
selZ , showing for what purpose the money
waa expended ,
" 'e find that for a time it woo custotnar'
to dc-liver the warrants for wages du the
emnployes of the hatchery to M. E , O'Urien ,
euporintendent , and in canto instances , It
is claimed , these warrants were disposed of
by him and the money never Paid o tluo
"We find that in some Instances mipey
wam paid in , lump uma bef3ro it ha'l bedhu
dIsburus ] , with tIm undenut.t.nJing , rtouibt-
lees , that itemized statements of thu cx-
pondltures should afterward be filed , hichs
was not always done.
'The bills allowed for various extinses
Incurred by the commissioners and eupenin-
tendent were frequently not itemIzed. and
such indefinite bills as these testify to the
careless manner of disposing of the state's
bus inocz ,
"Juno 7 , 1595 , James U. Melkle , cash spent
iii attending legislature , account tipproprla-
tion bIlls , 3I.
"August 2c ; . 1S , R. IL Oakiey , prosecuting
violations of Iluth iaw-ecpenses six days'
time , $47 ,
"September 30 , 1893 , M. E. O'Brien , procuring -
ing lishu , fish eggs , planting halt , transportation -
tion for-expenses Pail for commission ,
$14.5' ' .
"On several instances gross sums have
been paid Mr. W. L. May for expenses in
attending national fish meetings ; while it
is understood that the ex'eflses were no-
counted for at the commissioners ? meet-
Ingus , when the nills were allowed , no itemIzed -
Ized accounts accompany the bIlls.
"This disregard for ordinary business
methods seems to extend through the entire -
tire work of the administration of affairs
under previous commissions. "
Captain John F. Guilfoylo has submitted
the followIng list of appointments of corn-
missioned otflcerut of the corps of cadets of
the University of Nebraska to Governor
Holcomb. The commissions are now being
made out and will be Issued on the 11th Inst. :
Captains , W. D. Reed , 3. P. Sedgwick , C.
C. Pulls , Charles F. Schwartz ; first hieuten-
ants , -V. H. Rhodes , William FL Ilenjamin ,
C. Id. Adams , T. T. McCarthy , . H. . P. Lacy-
itt , C , D. Warner , Ernest A. Bessey ; second
lieutenants , Edward A J3easey , At W. Sa-
yule , H. W. Qualntance , W. T. Elmore ;
first lieutenant and adjutant , J. 13. llarnes ,
Jr. ; firet lieutenant and quartermaster , N ,
L , Pollard. , , ,
, The following lacbarge.swere 'announced
todiy by Adjutant Genera Bayi frqmthe
Nebraska Nattonai Guard : Sergeant , flurton
Fisher , colppany C , Geneva , accepts promotion -
tion ; Sorgeint Joseph N. Snook anciJ'rtvate
Walter Draper , battery A , Wymore , - expira.
Lion of term of service ; Privates Ciaiede G.
Drew , Logan.L. . Pethuond , , Lemuel P. Ges.
ecu , Johun A Freeman and Guy M. .Haunilton
of compauiy C , First regiin nt , on account of
Superintendent Corhett is preparing the
now school appointment and will Issue , the
same to the press on MOnday ,
Clerk of thue Supreme Court Campbell today
approved the bond of henry BolIn for $50-
000 and the prisoner will be released. The
bondsmen are Augustus liolin and Claus
13e-clcmann , quaiifyingfor $60,000 and $15,000
rutepectively. Notice will b sent to the
mihenift of Douglas county' by Clerk Campbell
and Jlohlri will , he given his. freedoninponding
the appeal of hia case to the supranth court ,
There are ovldences of activIty in relation
to the Grand Army reunion tobe held this
fall in L'ncoln and the local committee La
now makIng trips , to , tile fair grounds , which
have been selected as thie place of holding
tIme aesembly. It Is unomcially announced
that thecoitncll of administration wIll accept -
cept the fair ground site as the location ,
TIme grounds were carefully inspoctpdlast
qveging by. the comtttee. One of the corn-
mittoe said t a flee representative that. the
rummier that there would be but a few tents.
thus compelling visiting famIlies. to room
together iithe AgrIcultural hail , was untrue -
true ; .that. there would be all the tents pro-
yldod for in the contract , and that those who
preferred , tents cquld have them. Public
meetIngs will probably be htld In the hail
antI the tenting ground wIll not be. far dis.
Late this afternoon Judge Holmes granted
a dIvorce , from her husband to Mra. Rhoda
II. Stewart. The defendant's name is L. L.
B. Stewart and ho has been quite prominent
In business and political clrcos In Lincoln.
Mrs. Stewart flied her papers , by her attor-
'toy ' , A. B , Talbot , a 2 o'ciocl p. m , anti tue
dofendgit's aucsor was filed , Immediately
afterward , At 3:15 : thm dIvorce was granted
as prayed for. 'rIte couple was married at
Teciumnaeh March 12 , 1885 , and a daughter ,
Grace , aged 10 years , is thm0 only ISuo of
the marriage. Mrs. Stewart in' lien peti.
tion charges her' husband wIth cruelty and
non-support , itileglng that on AprIl 20 last lie
was guilty of calling her vile names and
otherwise making her life miserable. A
general denIal was entered by Stewart to
every allegation made by the plaintiff , Mrs.
Stewart was awarded the cuatody of lion
The Lincoln Life aseuociation has just corn-
nienced busIness In this cIty. Following are
the otficers : A. , J , Peterson , ModaIeIa. , . .
president ; James Doughty , Sioux City , Ia. ,
vice president ; W. fl. Proctor , Lincoln , eec-
rctaiy ; E. F , Philbrook , late of Minneapolis ,
supe.nliitendent of ageflcies.
'rite general agents of the Union Central
LIfe Insurance company of , Cincinnati hold a
meeting today -at the Lincoln hotel. It Was
at the call of 'John M Pattison , president
of the company. - Purely routine busiucces
was tranracted There were present John
31. I'attiaon , president and director , C. II.
VrIght of Cincinnati. M. I : . Nichol at Sioux
City , .7 , A. Eddy. of Cedar Rapids , Dr. . , P.
Cnllorn of Denver , George W , Yates o To-
peku.1 , M. Edmiston of Lincoln , A. It. Ed.
inlsthn of Oupahia , Allan Waters , auporintenl-
cult , Cincinnati ; George It , Van Norman of
Iransas City and W. II. "Vbito of Des Moines.
Omaha people in Lincoln : At the Lindell
-11. N. Wood , .7. A. Epenoter , 3. Il. Sutber-
land , F , L. Lewis , Ii. C. Rountree , S. C.
flowan. At the Capltal-W. 13 , Howard , At
the Lincoln-Mrs. Grace B. Sudboroughi , A.
n , Edmiaten. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'seuuiohit'M Y , I , C , i % , .Aeti'e ,
FREMONT , JUne 0. - ( Special. ) - 'rIce
? oung Mcmi's Christian association rQoma
were reopened last evening after being
uIte extensively repaired. The reading
room has been papered and painted and new
hard plus floor laid and new foumudatlvus
utt in , t social was held at the rooms last
evening under time auspices of the young
ueople'a mcooiotles of the different churehues.
An entertaining musical program was given
antI refreshumenti served. The capacity of
the rooms was tuXed to their limits ,
l'olte Couiatty ) fortguge Itu'eoriL
OSCEOLA , Nob. , June 6-Speclal.-Tiuo ( )
'ecord in tIme county clerk's office shows
bat during ( ho month of May there were
an lana mortgages mild amounting to
G,6Tl ; released , uine , $10,145 ; town and city
uorlsgea flied , five , $2,145 : released , six ,
3.916 ; chattel mortgages flied , six , $20-
3S.8 ; released , twenty-one , $ a,7T ,
011) OP ClItThtCIIMflS ,
Ilishni , llnnnenrn.nuial IIiI Pniets
- . ( nt V.'nr.
AUBURN , fb. , June G.-Special.-TbO ( )
, difficulty between Bishop llonacuini and cor-
tam priests of the Catholic church is about
to come to a head , The calm of the last few
rnonth. has been caused by the absence in
Rome of Arehtbichop lennessY of the Metro.
politan court at Dubuue , to whom the case
has been sent by time propaganda at Rome.
On May 19 the bishop wrote to the
priests sacg that if they did not take
seine stepsctthtn the next seven days to
bring their c'e before the Metropolitan curia
at Dtibuque,7ime would , May 27 , conirnonce
proceedings lt the ctril courts to eject them
front the premises which they were then
, occupying.
This was the finaL officai ! notice that the
priests had at the return of Archbishop
Ilennessy , and upon receipt of this letter
the Priests wrote to the archbishop a.king
him if he authorIzed the writing of such a
letter , nuid ho replied that he knew nothing
of it , and aalptI that. tin-u vapors and dccci-
( nents be sent on to him , and expressed cur-
priso thnct the vcar general had not lire-
ocntei the cace to hint before. The papers
amid documents were lcromnptly cent , antI
soon after that Bhshibp lionacunc caumsol the
following notice ( a be nerved On the pricots.
"In aceorianca with instructions received
tlis day train the sacred congregation ol
propaganda at' Rome , under date of May 8 ,
189 , you are hereby Informed that the case
of the diocese oj Lincoln against Rev , Dennis
Fitzgerald and Rev. Villiam Murphy has
bean traneferred from the Metropolitan
curIa of Dubuqut' to the apostolic doegation
at Washiington and yoi are hereby cited to
appear , either Ia pemon or by advocate ,
before the rai apostolic delegation in the
city of Washington at ruch ttmo as lii
emInence , the rcost reverend delegate
apoc'tolic mna iflc His eminence , the pro-
delegate apostblie Is empowered to make
final disposition of the case In the name of
the holy see.'t
This letter baa been , reforreul to Archbishop
liennessy , pnd his an.cwer . i awaitei with -
anxiety. ,
( tOIvoitjc OF' StI'I0 ImJOVidIt4 ,
Ihiuiilc Esenpes . , but the I'ostollice Loses
1meui'il- ,
ELMWOOb , Neb. , June 6.-Special ( Tela-
gram.-Thie ) liank of Elmnwood , Nob. ,
was assailed -Into last night , or early this
morning , with crow bar , jimmy , chisele ,
drills and gtmnhowder , without other damage
then breaking the lock and dial plate of the
otmtsido vault doer. The roblors seemed to
understand 'thel s'ork , no a hole wan skillfully -
- fully driled thurougj the vault door , but the
drill misaed an ihuportant point aimed at , and
thiuu the rebb m were foiled.
They were more Successful in their assiult
upon the poatoiflee iii the adjoining building.
at , the safe dqor va tompleteiy blown off
and about $120 worth of stamps
taken. No clew as yet to the robbers.
Mr. Jenny , president of the bank , went to
Omaha tohy-tqget.a new lock amid comnbina-
tion. and the vault door is now In as good
condition as ever. . The bank was started
here ten yorsdagoand tluisls the first ox-
penience auit1 , . lucky' one , as the , burglars
might have lo1e great Injuty to the inside
safe by defCin'lt , aenud , It nothing else.
I _ .i.-
Morrison ir ; Itetuiruis a Verdict of
: , 3i't
RUSHVILL1teb , , June 6.-Special ( Tel-
egram.-Tbe ) Jiry in the Morrison case returned -
turned a verdict Iot not guilty this morn-
log at the onln'g ot the court. TIme sentiment -
mont in tlie1ujqmpiunity on tIe quetioii of
the jstnesspf1tJce verdict is divided. The
Case has bean conducted with ability on both.
sides and ererypoint luae been stubbornly
contecAed. .it underatcod that .Mornlson
wilt not rcttri t0 Crawford to hie but will
take up Iui. .tkuicIiInoe _ somewhere else.
- , , -tI , I ' ' -
Jruggists , iiiiot .ielL'a5k11 Cit ) Maui.
NEI3RASICA CITY , June-0.-pecial.---Tlio ( )
State Piiarmaesutlcj Druggivt.s' associationi
wh1fW'Iut VdI6jtren1 : at IShticaifl 'henortd Ne.i
bi'1ki"Clt' l3"electing john J. Te president -
dent for the enauing'ysar.Tetanus one.of the
neeat widely knowndruggiste 1n Iio state.
,4 , mecting o.tha Otoe County Medical society -
ciety wao heiq. . today 'at thd ofilce. of Dr.
0. 0. Heiee. , Buslnc-ss of Importance 'was
transacted 'and officers weroelected for the
encuing year. Tile meeting was attended by
the most promhnentilayaieians in the county.
The society wliI mqet again - June , ,15.
tJscil Iyuniialte , on a Postoltlce Sitfe.
SHUBERT. Nob.- Julie 6.-Special ( Tele- .
gram.-Thio ) .postofllce hiere was broken into
last night and the safe blown open with
dynamIte. 'Tui Fobbors cecured about $50.
The mail and- stamps were -not disturbed ,
About $50 of priyate funds lyIng in one car-
nerof-'the safewas not taken in their haste
to' get away. Time Oxpiosion awakemied some
_ pr tue cltizeq9. , bdt tefore jseistance could 'ho
arpusod the rnbiera'vero gqne without I ay-
fag any cleW , : - :
Iciuriiier Piiiils Life it Iltirileis , '
hASTINGS , , Yune6.Speeial ( Telegram. )
prospeoustIei'mah farmer ( lie
-A by name
at IL Ennenga , , whib has lived In Hanover
township for 'a good many years , committed
suicide last nlglmt b'lp emitting his' throat wIth
.1 pocket knife. Ho has had 'considerable
famtly trouble of hate and Itis thought -this
weighed so on his mind as to cause him o
go. insdiie _ _ _ _ _ _
-iv. C. 'F. Li. Couivc'ntloui
ORAFTON , N b.Juno 6.-Speclai.-Tjie ( )
tenth annual convention of the Fillmore
County Woman' ! ' Chritian Temperance
cuba was held bore -Thursday afternoon
and Friday morning. It was well attended
and all enjoyed a' ( Ino program ,
. '
lit IL , , ' ' ,
1CEARNIY , tb7 Juno 0.-Speciai-A ( )
few clays tigo , vImile , Simpn UJirig was out
driving , . hIs tfani jan away aud 1 ' -was
thro'.sn out , breaking three ribs and su-
taming other sovar injuries. He has beau
in a critical coplItion since.
- , ICliii' Afnlfau ,
I3LOOMING'1'OI , Nob. , June G.-Speclal ( , )
-M , Barber , a iau1imig'farmer ' , has fivemowers
cutting his nlfahfa TIme field contains 240
acres , standing twenty Inches high. A year
ago lie paid $20i an acre for the land ; new
lie rusoa i ,
Stuui'on ' 1'ripsiviiig to Gche1rit
'STANTON ' , 1'eb. , June 6.-Speclal-For ( )
thc jirat time 'In t'hre ciaia Stanton vIhl
celebrate July . Aranenlbnts are beIng
iiiadoJoul a gragcl tim . ,
, , _ _
. Iuuc'eiil himriq-tsnfIjli4eiI Ilumuu.lri'd-Tluuu-
, siiust ljljitr Disuse mit Erie.
EI1IE , Pa , , Juno 0.-The mammoth naw
flour warohousp- Anchor line in this
city was tota1Ihkflcatroyed by fire early this
morning , A lueavl rain storm came up during
the progress 8t1t ? flr which probably saved
several adjouitg ( elevators and freight
hiousea. The oJ o James Goodwin , tue
night watcllrnaufls ( the warehouute , was found
in tbe vessel ali'p alongside time warehouse
this niorning0 IL ia _ rumored that the fire
was started ) } eidianies. ; and the watcbm-
man was put lur or the way to prevent his
uivina an alarm The loss is estimated at
tl00000 ,
4a1p- . ,
I'USmSImRI ) WQ&cIlLOlJlllNG 'l'lII u.tsic.
Va IlL-
Emsib'zzltui gCutrliur "sYhto 'VrIi'il to
Cover mlgsrisue with jtnotlmt'r ,
PRfNGFIEL1I Ill. , Juno 6.-Canl Kiop-
penbumrg , cZibher of the State Bank of
Buffalo , who , 'wltb hLa brother , Joseph Ifiop-
penburg of this elty robbed the bank a few
weeks ago , pleaulii J1iilty' in the Sangarnon
circuit court and w'aa sentenced to Chester
penitentiary. Koppenburg was an embezzler
and the robbery was committed to hide lila
crime , JCieppenburg's sentence is an In.
definite Oni ! nuder the law pertaining to
such cases , and La according to behavIor ,
flomthss ( of is Iisy
FLINT , Mich. ; Juno G.-z-Governor Jo-
slab W. Begolo died at a late hour last night.
lie bad been gradually failing for the last
two years. lie was 61 years old and leaves I
a widow and several children ,
ALBION , Neb , , June 0.-Special.-Clin- ( )
ton A. Ketfoury , an 'old resident of this I
place , died yeater4ay at Omaha while undergoing - I
going a surgical 9peratiofl his remains wilt
be Interred tozoro.
- _ I _
Oommoncoment Ezercisos Celebrated In a
Number of Cities.
Hlie of lime Cii' I'rescuut to Huuciumr-
oge Ihte Si'liolmmriu of that
'I'iiu-ii iii 'I'huelr Orator-
lemul HiTorts ,
NEWMAN GROVE , Neb. , Juno C-Spe- (
olal.-Tiio ) commencement exercises of the
Nearnan Grove high school wore held at
the operd house last evening. 'rho opera
house , which is the second largest in the
county , was filled beyond its seating ca-
WISNER , Nob. , June 6.-SPecial-TliO ( )
Wiener school board suet last night and no-
elected the following teachers : Prof. Id.
It. Snodgraas , principal ; Misses Clara Rich-
anilcion , Nato Ieilor , Bertha lCnoii and
Leona Hunter , a sistanta. There remains
ono position yet to be filled. The Past year
has been one of the most successful In the
history of the schools ,
GILA FTON , Nob. , June 6.-Spocial.-Tho ( )
Grafton school board at a meeting Wcdnes-
day evening elected teachers as follows :
Mips Nellie Stevens , George F' . Burt , Miss
Ida Chase ; principal , V. Id. Sheppard. All
ralarico were cut $5 per month.
ICEARNEY , Nob. , Juno 6.-Spocial.-The ( )
past weak line been largely devoted to ode-
cational work , class day and graduatimig cx-
orcises. Tuesday night the grahuates and
pupils of the High school Imeld their annual
reunion tie the new high school building ,
amid the room was crowded with former students -
dents amid graduates. A very Interesting
program was rendered , after which refresh-
mnentevero eervd and a social time en-
joyed. Last night the graduating exercises
Were lioluL in the opera houne , and the bulild-
Ing was well filled with frIends and relatives
of the young iaclles and gentlemen taking
part in the exercises. The graduates and
subjects were : Lucan 3. Marsh , oration ,
"Peaco or'ar ? " Burton 'i' , ' . Whittier ,
"Crises and Great Men ; " T. Wesley Ilockett ,
"Advance of Freedom ; " Miss Minnie Norris ,
essay , "Gladstone ; " Miss Bertha Tufts ,
"Music's- Ministry ; " Mio Osa B. l'ickering ,
"Educational l'rogress ; " Miss Elma Hibberd ,
"What Shail Out- Ideals Be ? " The subjects
were ably handled. The exercise's were iii-
terapersed with music by the High school
ladies' quartet , after which lIon. John Ii.
Webster of Omaha gave a very interesting
and highly instructive address on "Four
Epochs in America's Destiny. "
I3ELLEVUE , Neb , , Juno 6.-Special.- ( )
The pregnant for comiiiencc'ment week at
Bellevue college In as follows : Baccalaureate
sermon , by the president , Sabbath , Juno 7 ,
10:30 a. ni. ; address to the religious eo-
cbottes , Rev. E. A. Bell , 8 p. m , ; Mondey ,
Juno 8. field day , 2:30 : p. rn. ; class day oxen-
does , 8 p. in , ; Tuesday , meeting of trustees ,
11 _ a. m. ; musical , S p. iii , ; Wednesday.
commencement exercises , 10 a. in. ; anneal
address , 3 p. m.
President and Mae. Kerr entertained FrIday -
day evening for the senior chase. Miss
Painter , and Messrs. Lowrle , Williams , Morn-
in and Teylor at Rankin bali. The rooms
vcro beautifully decorated with ferns , flow-
era and the class colors. blue and white.
About seventy-five guests were present to
do honor to the class and to welcome home
Dr. Kerr , who has been in the east for some
time. Among the guecta from abroad wore
Misses Inca Fisher , Papilhion , and Carolyn
Alexander , ' 95 , Mount Ayr , Ta.
The young women of Beliovue gave a
farewell reception to their college friends at
the home of Miss Oastler this afternoon.
Missed Oastler , Wallace and Kayser re-
ceiveil , and Misses Seelemere , Longsdort and
Wright. presided in the refreshment room ,
BERLIN , Neb.Jour' , . tL-Speclai.-Thme ( )
henlin schools hod their closing exercises
and commencement Friday , morning and
afternoomi. Mt excellent program was car-
ned "out. after which dinner 'was served to
100 pupils. besides visitors. Then all no-
paired to the park and engaged in games.
OSCEOLA. Neb. , June 0.-Special.-The ( )
beard of village school trustees held a meeting -
ing yesterday and engaged these teachers for
the next school year : Prof. L.ahr. prilici-
pal ; Harvey Heald , assistant , and Miss Elsie
Sprague , Mis.ut Ella Westburg , Idles E. May
Henderson and Mrs. Id. 3. Conkiyn. The
board cut the wages from last year amid will
only pay the teachers $35 per month , the
principal $75 and the assistant $40.
BLAIR. Nob. , Juno 6.-Spectal.---The (
twenty-first annual gradnating exercises of
the Blair High school were lucid hero thtl8
evening. The ball was crowded to over-
flowing. 'rice exercises were very fine. The
names of the graduates are : Blanche L. liii-
ton , ' Jc3ephi e' B. Palmer , Fred It. Getty ,
John McKenneT , Drtmsiila A. McDonald , Nellie -
lie Fair , J. Roy O'Connor , E. Maud Cnn-
ninghiani , Arthur Grimm , Willkfrn Itt. Palmer ,
Richard Murray and Horace P. Parker. Title
is the program : InvocaUon. John Rhoades ,
' 92 ; "WelCome to Class of ' 96 , " Julia Meson-
voy' , ' 87 , presIdent asosciation ; reopqnse ,
"My Last Inning , " John Id. Kenny. ' 90 ; "The
'Second Generation , " Edna Id. Murray , ' 73 ;
"In the ' 70s , " Cornelius Farrell , ' 73 ; "The
Board of Education , " Secretory H. W. Me-
Bride ; "Our Alma Mater , " Nora CsrrIgan ,
' 91 ; " 13. H , S. . ' 97 , ' 08 , ' 99 , " Id. M , I'atter-
Bon _ , principal High school : "A Country High
School , " Superintendent J. Vi" . Henderson ;
"The Class of 1908. " Jennie Rhoades , ' 59 ;
"Two Years A-Voyaging , " Anita McKercber ,
' 94 ; "Otto Year's 'X'-Its Solution , " Irno Monroe -
roe , ' 95
SUTTON , Neb. , Juno 6.-Special.-Thie ( )
twelfth annual commencement of the Sutton -
ton high school occurred last evening 'at
tIle apara house , graduating five girls
and 'i erie. boy. The sumlijects of their
orations vere asfollows : Saiutaiory ,
"Louisa N , Alcott , " Id , Eotelle Brown ;
"Night Brings Out the Stars , " Ruby
Anderson : . "Our Strength from the Soil , "
Roy Id. Clark : "Unrest the.Mothuor . of Progress -
ross , " Ada U. Irwin ; "National Perpetuity , "
Leia ? uf Brown : valedictory , "Bleeding Ar-
meals , " Anna Spiechi ,
WAN'I'S TWO 1tMEItICAN WAlt 51111'S.
Jui1uitiu ( ] I't't'4 COiiti'iI'tM to ] lusihls'rs In
This Country.
SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 0.-S. Asano , one
of time chIefs In the Naval department of the
g9vernnient' 9f Japan , will arrive In San
Francisco on the next steamer from the
Orient with contracts in hls posCason for
tlio erctlng of two war ships. for the country
be repreosnts. One of those , It is ummiulerstood ,
will go to thtoUnlon Iron works In this city ,
time other to the Cramps company of Phil-
adelphta ,
Captain Id. fluogoiny , charge d'affaires of
thto Japaness arniy , arrived from Takie on
the Peru inst night to visit Irving M. Scott
cpd arrange for the building of thu ship
tvhmiehm bias been awarded to lila tomiipany.
After ciosing up his bqslness here ho will
go to I'hiladelphmIa to consult with the
Amiother important inater connected with
the coming vIsit of Asino is the opening of
t new steamiirhuip line between Tokto anil the
Pacific coast. in heralding ( lie advent of this
new line , Asano wIll ay ( lint it. will huauidlo
freight cheaper than any of the hues run-
chug from San Francisco antI l'uget soulumil ,
and that time landing place on this coast ivill
be at - Portland , Ore.
SIlO'S. ' 1iI1L JItJSiIiND'S MtS'l'Ij ISS.
11ov it Splritesl hnnsns Vife Jlriile
Us , silt Iiudrlgimi'
FORT SMITh , Kan. , June 6-Shortly after
o'clock last night Mrs. Fagan Jiourland shot
twIce and fatally wounded Maude Aflen , awl
then fired upon her own busbad , TIle I
mhiooting was the result of an intrigue of long
standIng between liourlanul and the Alien
soman , and ltaa nbt been unexpected , iii view
of less serious difficulties that have occurred
from time to time. Ilourtand Is quite
uyeaithy and hula wife is a meat esttmnabla I
Ihdy and a leader in local society , Sue has
aot been arrested and probably will not he.
Three shot * were fired , one taking effect in
( tie Alien woman's left breast and ono siting-
: ido the Itead , Time last abet struck a rock
uuid bounced against Ilourland's leg. ? dr .
Liouriand disguised herself by blacking her
! 400 in order that she unigbt conic upon tue
: ouple unawares. It La thought the Ahiep
Onian will not liv. ,
That "Tickling Seiisatioii iiithe Tliroat"-Wliat It
Means-It's a Waritilig of Vital Iiiiporfaiicc.
Tijo Cough That Carries OfF Every Consumptive Originates n
a "Tickling In the Throat , "
Multitudes of people have lund coughs nail
colds at intervals for a louiS lifetime , and at
( ICathi their lungs have boon round Perfectly
healthy. Yet , of nil who di a natural
death one in every ix has a cough anisiiig
front a diseased condition of the lungs , Title
cough origimintes iii a tickling sensation at
the litte : hollow at the bottoni of the neck ,
In front
Sometimes this tickling disappears of itself
in tt week , a day , au hour. Sometimes it
lasts a seoi'o of years , as in bromiciuitis , with-
omit seeming to shiorten it. Then ngain , if it
always comes in ( lie morning , not necessarily
at oIlier timneuu , with two or three ether symp-
tomu ( lint are kindred to it , it umiay mean
consutuuption begun null death wIthlntwo
years on an average ,
What should be ulone ? What can be done
for the hers-one whose weakening syetenu
and fatling breathing power show themselves
in this first symptom-the tickling iii the
throat ?
The thing that should be done is for the
patient , first , to quit taking cough drops , or
pastiies , or troches. The trouble is too deep
to bo warded off liy this sort of bird eliot.
Whucut can hue done ? This :
' 1'Ilh ? INCIPI1IN'F IISHASH enmi 1st'
stair , ' , ! , iurest lIsit ivi'l' unit uut'ranmu-
umentlby ( lit , Iuhi3'sleiiumi vi'hut ) IiitlLeIt
the treatniesit of tithe sliselisse his
SSiI'iIiLlt , ' niuti life's ivork ,
Dna. Copelanil and Shiopard read tItle warn-
lag to all : Attend to the tickling in the
thront new. Don't let it go on until the
graver symptoms develop , when a cure is
doubtftmi , but attend to it now. Dre. Copeland -
land and Siiepnrd cnn cure it for you.
$ : ; , O ( ) 1'Elt SlON'I'lI
Ii tIme Ii'ixeul immid Uiuiforsiu Fee for All
Cii sos.
Till ? 'I'IIltO.VI' _ "
It is not upon &niple hearsay that Rev ,
a iii , hunt , pastor of the Methodist church ,
Elgimi , Neb. , now -commends the Cop-land
anti Sheparti system to the sick , but as the
result of his own experIence of that sys-
tern. He writes :
REV. Id. E. HUNT , Elgin , Nob.
"After realizing the excellence of my
treatment by Drs. Copeland and Shepanul
and the manifold general advantages that
their system extends to the sick and suffering -
fering of every' class , I would feel that I
was falling in my duty to othems if I neglected -
glected to acknowledge , however , briefly.
tI-me Inestimable benelits vhicli I myself have
received from that system.
"I had practically been an invalid front
catart'hc of the head , throat and lungs for
twenty years. A tickling in the throat with
soreness was one of the first symptoms. M. '
hose vas tightly Stolrecl and my sense of
smell abotil. ulestroycci , My eyes tvnre imi-
llatuietl , tvntery niid t'enk , giving ace coim-
stamit annoyance and sumfteriuig ,
"My voice 'ns greatly iiiipnlretl by the
catnrrhnl inflammation spreafitmig front the
hitui to tIn , larynx and wind PiPe. I also
hind froquient and severe attacks of headache
whiicht would come on by taking the least
"Though I tiegni tli luau trecitinent with
little hmopcs of beiieflt , I very soon realized
that 1 was getting well , I'erhuulis thici leit
roinmomit I cou.ul make on thid trc'tttrncnnt is
to say that it lins been of umntohil bominfit to
me , The distressing symptoms I have listed
above nrc practically gone. I find inypc'lt iii
re-ostahlishetl luc'altii , tinder tIn' lil niethi.
od of tretutmemit nothing settied to give inc
atty rd let , bum t I here is ice ulotuhit iii my nil nil
tkat the iiow treitcincuit of lrci , Copeinncl
nail Sheiam'd ; , iusthliea all the liraise It has -
OF'l"ICE " CAN ltld ltl'Aflht. ' CUItEI ) Il' ,
TIlId 11OMl TItl'ATiEN' , "
Iiyutlllj , , Iumupl-luiw Iii lersnn will be
a'rleuiit' I , , a tm'inl trcttmuu'im ( ts'ilhunutt
uiuimrgi' , 'cvhuiutt.s't'r t1u mutu ( sir- f time
uuhuromi Ic nilliot lou. Ii'or tliit , tflleii
full trt'iutiiuemu t t ltr is iso cxeuus ,
hii''ouiil C lu' ltssessuicjmt of iS iumouithml ,
lli'luillumg iiiillt'iiie ,
'I'luis Lcttci fi'oiua 1)lstant Lady
l'atlcmct. Shu's how' Chronic Imi-
valids May Be Ctmz'eL itt Ilomtic
'l'luIt1gl1 the Mails.
Mrs. Margaret S. Ilighee , Bumrdette , } Can-
anti , writes its follo\-s to 1)rs , Copeland timid
Shiepartl :
" 1 received this month's niedicines promptly -
ly , nnfi with ilCitstire I can inform yeti that I
ama still iinprovlmug. I nun actunliy gettimig
fat ! However , I nun not mit all alarmed
for my frail france cnn take on a great uicat
of Ilesh and still ho tiiimt , for hien I coin ;
menceil with you I s'uue it. "more shiailoii' .
Tue catnrrhal secretion is mntuch thinner ,
there is not that thick , temiitclous nuticuis ,
and the drippimig of philegm from the hictud
to ( lie stoniachi is lesc frequent. I ama vem'y
much elated over titis , for I rather doubted
your ability to conquer thmuut lit inc. as I hituvu
had It so bugMy voice for singing icc also
i-eturniutg. The niteratton in my appear-
once is very noticeable , buoynuir'y of niaminor
amid vivacity of expression taking the place
of the look of dumb hopelessness which hail
been mimic. Tint leaden load of iihsicai
suffering itt gradually being lifted from itty
brain , fat' I new have hopes of being i'eit
and strong once more. The liomo Treat-
niemit is simply wonderfuml , Yours respect.
omce Rours-9 : to 11 a. iii. ; 2 to 5 p. in. Eve.
nings-Wednesdays and Saturdays only-
6 to S. Sunday-b to 12 in.
National Life Jnsllranco Company
of Montpeliei' , Vermont.
FoTrty-Sixth Annual Statement.
- NE' 4SSETS , Dqceinler 31,1594. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 0,20G35D
Puemiunus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,772,536.56
Interest and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,027.83 3,209,473,67
' ' $13,005,109.27
Death Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 726,203.55
Matured endovments and surrendered polieea . . . . . . . . . . . . 544,682,57
Surplus returned policy holders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,465.27
Annuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,690.75
Saiarieo of olilcers , office oniployes amid directora . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,505.32
Medical examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,111.28
Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Legal and loan expeuisc's and real estate m'epuirz . . . . . . . . . . . 18,008.60
All aggncy expenses , including commntmted commisslon'c . . . . . 600,454.29
Advertising antI aupplies. . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,107.16
Postage , telegraph and express , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii,013.31
I'remnium on bonds purchased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,971.75
All other expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,811.59 2,223,761.49
NET ASSETS , December 31 , 1895. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,281,347,8
Interest One and accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 331,086.56
Unreported and deferred premiums , net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365,878,13
Market value of stocks and bonds above I-ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169,440.41 860,405.43
011085 ASSETS , Decemnber 31 , 1895. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l2,147,753.2
Computed reserve ( Actuaries' 4 per cent ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,255,709.21
Death claims in procesa of adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,680.00
Premiums paid icr advance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978.74
Unpaid surrender value of cancelled policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,815.10
Unpaid dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,722.51
Extra reserve on life endowment policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359,570.36
Alt other liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,498.67
Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,70i,911.71
SURPLUS , on 4 , per cent 1)5515. . . . . . 1,442,778.50
Deajii Claimiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . , , . . , , . . . , . . . , . . . . , : , . . . . . . , . . . . ( ttlI4)uuth.7 ( ) )
Matured endowments , surrendered policies and
Surplus returned to policy holders , . . , . . , . , , . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . - , , , , , , . , , , , , , , 2In,1)7.77
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i11lliu1)l.iO ( ) (
32,742 policies tn force , Insuring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7,523 polIcies issued and revived itt 1805 , lnounimug . , . . . , , . . . , . . , . . . . . . - 1' I , , , l'il) ) ( ( )
CHABLES DEWEY , President , 3AMES C , IIOUGHTON , TroaaureZ' ,
EDWARD DEWEY , Vice Prea , GEO. W. REED , 8ecrotary
, , , AGENTS
401-4 Paten Block , 'Olflflhif.lNelVflSltl.
' 1'ItI1LP. 2l 1JI1iHit IN CALII"lIINIt.
Vel1 ICuiin'ii , truuiniuitmfl null his Son
situ ! Iiiisduttir Foisiul Jcimul ,
FRESNQ , Cal. , Sumac 6-lu online , which for
wauiton atrocity lisa ice pau'aliel in ( tie eninc-
nal history of Frcusno county , was perpetrated -
trated last night within two miles of this
cIty. TIm three victims were au of one tam-
fly , father , daughter atiul son , 'Fliey neru'
Stephen Slmabinunirlan , lila daughter , aged 27 ,
ami Uaiijamnhii Simahamuiiniaiu. aged about 18 ,
all Anientaiis by birth. TIme triple murder
occuirruxi in time vinoynra of Dr , Meaux , in
Fresno colony. The crime Is an iiiystcrloPs
as sanguinary. 'rite identity of the aeuassln
lcas not yet been established , although one
person , Daniel ShualinminIan , a nephew of
( ho slaughmtered family , Iii In cutody ummidor
suspicion ,
Tue iih.fated Armenians were last scout at
I o'clock last night at theIr home. The actual
limo of their departure front their home for
the lonely opel a mile away , where they met
iimc'Ir tate , Is uiot known , for no 0110 has yet
1e-en found whto saw ( bela leave the house ,
Just before din-k people living contiguous to
Ihie Mcclix vimucyard heard three pistol shols ,
whhcim attracted no special attention , At 7
, 'clok this morning a pietunioJi On ( ice Meciux
mmmcii sucJilenIy came upon lice bodlts of the
rnuriier&d , krmnemmlans , All three were lying
ogeihier 'upon lhe grourmi. No cause for
be murder ii knonu ,
ICIUing ( bitt Vna Not Munilus.
SAI1 L/i.1CI6 Cl'I'Y , June 6.-Harry
hinds va , today fotmnd not guilty of tour-
icr by the jury bstore which he Yas tried
or kliitcma' Wshtoi' luiwoody whom he
iUrI'nlitutl anA aJet In. his wt/e' he6rooni
haiuI un.xpeCt.Ulr ksi
- - -
- - - - -
- . - - -
, I'iIiiY 1)Il'll ) 'I'S ) iJ'Il ' 1'Iil-l1I 111)5011 ,
Nd t-Suerllie.i of ii is .tu'iueimis , im % Vomumu a
II um.l 11cr 1)mtsigli Is'i' ,
SEATTLE , June G.-"JIly iitothcer surul ala.
ten forfeited their hlvc'e to save their hdnor , "
writes an Armenian of ( lilt' city , After visit-
hag Pahon , formerly a city of 50,000 people ,
btut which by time Turkish butcheries ban
been m'eclttci1 ( ci about 3I ) pnuils , in quest of
1mb , mother and sister , the writer rays tiiitt
lie found that after having been stolen by
time Ttmrks the two women had titrean titeni-
aelves into a rIver mind wuro drowned , jire-
joining death to tlishmtnur.
Contimmuming , time writer Vayel "Little tha
ItOOPlO of a peaceful natien realize the torn.
bIn pmlvationc the Armeniauus tire suthijecteil
to. Being ( tiC weukelt of ( lie puimmy trbe.m
lii ' ( mit-boy and the esliecial butt of Turiclu'i !
a.uysges , every nina's hand Is tujed sguhiet ,
them , rlioy eternally sloop over a ajuuuilwr-
imig volcano , They know alit at what moniept
their houa'ut will ha pillage-I , their utnies
looted nail their wives , dmtughtere nail sictej ,
dllionored. "
_ -
Fell 'l'ltiriy l.-ot to 1)i'stthi ,
BETII1.EIIEM , Pa : , Ju'i 0.-Cyrus ' 1'ser
vv : killed and Ais'can-Jor Kicid fatally In.
jurcd today by the collp of a scaifohil at
the tup ci on elot'ator altaR at J.Ips & Sullen's
silk mill. rhme men fell to the cellar , a ills'
i400i ) of thirty feet. Moser' . neal' te
bruikn tund lcidd had 9101041 every bone lu
his body huroken ,
Grumiii Luthsrssmss. AdmIt Teauus ,
! cIILWAUltFi , Jima 6-At time ( lerniss
Lutimui'n s'no4 unetinI : cul&y tIme uueslloa
of o'Imiltinx Texas wita hotly debated , but
ua1Jy asled by a close vets.