- - - - . i : TIlE OMAtIA DAILY IIEE SUNDAY JUNE 7 1896. 19 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , , - I SPORT FOR TIIEROSY \ urory Ooip c Events at Haze and Abroad. , JIM AtID TIlE TIGER OF THE WATERS I Opf'nInZ of the TrcftIng 3crtTlit ' I'cnnnnt Cbnp-t'u tJ1)i the : J hlnxerN nnd 'hooting - . iizzd ) * hlbin. ; . . E trotting inoeting thit . I' opens up on the Jdmt .T1l -k-- m3x In the his. tory of Otn&Las turf It hhI be a uurnahis of ; _ light hatnea racing. ncb as hai ae1om ben enJoye1 beta. The atst4ea are filled with nottd antmas awl thel baits b.en put through a cour o Igmuz training for a I big bread.wlnning wrck The grounds . forn1h & sUrfing scene. The big ztabei wJth the neighing sna atxning mutates are the tenter of attraction , while everywhere ( are to be aee'n the bike enikies , swasbing d' tuckete. bright btanketa , bits of harness ) &nd occaahonally a o14.tlrne high whe.eler I looms ui In baa rt4ief adaing lctureaque c rets to the teene. and extending to the c ' rtrlthr srne idea of the hard work that s , going on In repartian. There are awarms of callers daiI3 and rail birds are as thick t JT as nDsqnithes in a Jersey swamp. They - ? i : bask in the aun as if that were their only mlesion on earth. But It is noL They watch every horse that is aeeed on the , track. Tley note hxh condition-they tre t ge'tthg a line on the various corners for : oture purpoce. They will be b1e to tell , you next Tutadsy the capability of every boree that comes to the poet. The track Is t 'very fast an It being kept In perfect condition. The opening day thould * e a great cruch on ban3. . It. will be Oznaha day" and all the bualneas bouces will cloae durthg the afternoon. This ehould assure 1 . . the rnoettng suocess alone. an probably l - Well , id McCoy a not a cb inplrn yet by a long eliot. ha bet' It will bk lntereetthg to bear from the fistic tout now , eluce heudanne. clever , ot Dick Moore all but put the Kid out last Saturday night. It happened Iii Thookyn. ar4 Dick gave the I atroulog HoosIer a most terrIc beating. t He iande time and again on hie clasaic jew just like eating abortberry atraw cake , and in the early rounds iad him bathed from bead to foot In his own cochineal. But Dick tsn't a Deby winner , only a trial boss. He couldn't ; go the dietsace at the rollicking pace be cub out at first , and dcCoy outpointe bim , n the latter rounds , and a prejudiced referee decldra In his favor. Dick was right there at the nd of the Len rounds , though , and 'wanted McCoy to malza a finish cf it. But be declined. He eiid there wasn't anytbiug r fl Otbera thought differently. They r thought there was at least a Ikicing In it for o or the other , snd they dldnt have t their minds on good old Dick , eyther. , : To t'ay that McCoy's stock has gone down - wcuid be but uild1y exprathg it. He i . . ; abonld now ocone off. Ilie. gaaeonde sod blu'ter wont go any longer , and his talk . about F1thImmons s Idiotic. FItZ would knock his tiea o the first dash out of the box. But. just for inetance. what fris . IicCy done to make him a niddlewelgtt , diamplon ? I've got a. renord of every aght be has made. and be must show ins. I can't fin.d a mau higher then a fifth-rater be has ever -shipped , excettng Dick Idoore , who is a short skate in first class company He - -WhIpp.-Mi Tommy Ryan , to be sure , but he can't do it again. Knocking c.ut welterweights - - - weights , kowevet' . IA flO open sesame to the 31S-pound championship. I hare been con- , aervative on this fellow nil along. and take . a uatifleble pride inmY judgmen.t. It looks as if Iowa was bound to produce - the champioti sprinter. For sears the state - has been a rendezvous for professionals and - at Duo time , several ycars ego , It contained no less an illustrious gang than harry * Behune. IL d. Johnson , Fred Stone. Reddy L Ross , Kttleman , the Hougha. Pulley , Copple 1 and Flyn. They were collectively on the hunt for angel's and oscialiated between Davenport. Des ! oines and Coucl1 Blufs for a whole ieasoa. But the day of the akin - \ ' - /profes9lOnai orems to have gone forever ; they are unable to make any aurt of a cUr in the world. and the names of many of the old timers have bororno burled In oblivion. - College athletes are the tad and for exploits - - of brawn nd mw.cle , Eped and endurance , , the athletic curriculums of the big univor- , IUe must be turned to. Just now the Iowa - college at Grinnel ] Is renewing her claIms . on the coming champIon et the cinder path. . She sae .1. V. Cruxa's alma mater , but Cr.im's fall down on Manbattain geld lost I him cast , and be eee-ms to huve abandoned ? the track. The present hero of the colege is W. A. flush. and he comes from Waterloo , I ha. He Is I years of age , itanda dye feet I * en. and weighs 1fO pounds. He has never - bten cnched in running , but acquired all of his knowledge of the sport by watching - cther' . lIe lisa a clean. natural action of bis o'n , and at the Marshalltown Inter- coliegate names the other day. like Jack F Spratt r.nd his ceUmable better halt. he about swept the platterclean. lie won the entire - runatog card. at4'O. ItO. hO , G. and 4O - , yar& . in OO 2 : itt seconds flat ; 0:12 1-5 ; - o:2 : d-5 , and 0:50 flat. And the natural , question crle'c.s. 'How eye you going to - beat him ? " . The "Darby"-the blue ribbon event of the , Engl.eh turf. was run at Epeom Downs last - , Wednesday. The usual Ierby throng at- : aemb ed eti the famous course and the came t old a'ghts and eenes described annually took : p.s-ce. The prince of Wales' colt Perelminon , t i ; to I. waa the first under the wire , a half tel ; in the lead of St. Fruquln. the layer ' This is the drat Derby Inco 17S - , .won ty a prince of'a1es. . and the grand - eve't ws royally celebrated at. Marlborough ; ouso th.t evening. The English Derby ibis year , bad no cepecial Interest for Americtus , - there b ng no American horses among the . , emaIl ibid of etarier. . There was quite a coterlO Of distinguiehed Yankees on the a ground , however. and they got much satis. : z focten oat of Helen Nlcholla win in the Eepoca Town p'ate , in hlch the betting was 10) to S against her. helen NiehoU beloeg , to Mr. 'ishxsrd'a stable. . The beating sustainedhy Handaprieg at t l.Iorria park in the Belmont taicea last Tursisy ket him out of the handicap at Graveacod Thur4sy. and the fioty , * ( In Clifford as a lead pipe , slthoub SL g ? daxim and Sir Watcr had a coed follow Inc. I The race waa a bruising one and Tarala nazter1y boreemanabip was all tast pie- . vented the favorite from carrying of the Princely swag. Sir Walter , the coast-bred - : * 'aecond plzeer , ' beat him oct by a bead , ' . . .w Lb t. Maxim third. The Yttle crew is at last on the boscn o be big briny enrouto to Eoglan& The - cla&c cgatta at Ilsuley is but a little more than a forthight away and the great event Is the ece theme which collede men have aow Urne to talk upon. Yale's visit to tue looks like' a sort of a resentment of the. taco- - ner In Lieh CoTnhl w ; treated by the ngfl.bhnsn last year , and Bob Cook's sturdy . lads are crossing over with the grim de- termlnat4on of giving the Bribes a good old C.onnectirut beating. And I think they will do It. Yale never bad g more caretully pre. . pare'i crew. notwithstanding the vublguoas slzlOg up their old coat-b baa 1ren to the 4 preas. If they fall to return with the : flags It whi ! only be because they went apiast t the beet gang of boys that ever pulled ae ; oar on the Iegendaq Thames. It ha cue- ceded stat the race will be a epriet item tue start. for the distaee t nhy one taflo an a bait. Yale bee be-en trained for this , and there Will be a cbaue in btt t&CtICS. zotwltbatatullug they maintained the. tz1. tiooa-i Yale troke In their ta-st practice at ew hiaveo. In any event all America. is St the4r baek cod if they caD only lose ibs : \ - ug1IahmeD CM tasir own waters they can . ' have the ieyi tattae. UnitSd StaUs mint when - ttc' et baclc. hi the eaerii Interest crer the coming tug eeot at hleahey caroparatively lieu. is heard regardtng the qiadnag1e pull on the r 1Iudn between Ccrneil. Harvard. Colum- bla a.a.4 Pcosyir&ais The eaeva tip im en Harvard. bet tips are detee1ly uneertata In all fermi , of spot-i. Cornell learat'd a healthful leasen over the driok hat year , and C.c4embis'a work has be-en of a natsie calculated to enthuse . her foihow&L "Peesy. " too. Is glib axid chipper eeogh to satiafy her cohorts. ati altogether liar- yard will not base the. romp some of her arrogant ad'eietts claim. With all of hat- varda arftrterraey , there ii mce'a on her back a yard bag aol enough bayteed In her hair to ar a ten-acre fe4d. It will be It hard chase don to the ; o4 and Cohembta wifi either show the ay ' ' fMIO the leader. We tie net have mh bOStISS OUt here us the prairie , but therf are a at s who have seen lets of ii Is the baleyoe days of the peat , and I don't know but what a . 'toUt ' at this eed of the line Is about much to be depende.dofla csie 00 the spot. With the match between Maber and Slawla o. the next beat thing to chat about In this line ta the victory -Ororge Lavigne over Bngland'a preenler hlghteIght , Dick Burge. Unexpected so It was , dean , iherough and effectual. The JohMt Beii css only In It In name. The Saginaw youth ent alter him from the start , lambasted him luriow'iy all the way , and was only spared the trouble of putting him to sleep by the humane intervention of a very dhs.creet referee. The lumberman knocked him dean to the seven- teeoth z-ouo and as ha ahowed a decided fondness fur a recumtiettt pieltlon , the referee give the tnWe to LaT1Ve. ThIC unquestionably raises the Michigan flghter to the pinnacle of pugilletic fame. Still. It does not decide the championebip. McAu- life ettil clings to that boar with indlsrreet tenacity , and. while he holds the title , L.avtgue Is really the champion. McAuliffe will or at least should not , ever at- temit to fight again. Jack has never been in anything like good form Mace the night he put Billy Myer out at ? 'ew Orleans four years ago. lie pretends to think that he Is as good as ever , and may give Livlgne a go. If he doea his old time followers will go over to the Kid like a flock of sheep through a hole in the fence. Unlike Kid ) icCcy , Lrrlgoe's rise in the dghtlug world has been of the genuine sort. Two years ago he was a doat in the riff-raff of the game , but en the night of the Johnny Gritno-Soily Smith hattie at Ruby Tommy Ryan told me he was the bet in the world. H , was little more than a featherweight then , but Ryan said he wan good enough for any of the lightweights. Shortly after that the Kid demonstrated hIs ability to turn down the phenoenenal Criffo , then he tsily defeated the flralntree boy and Andy Bowen in roeeessiou. and there were none who held him safe. But hI remarkable victory over Wolcott. the Barbadoes ourang outang , was the event that seated him on the topmost rung , and. uow that he has added the English champion's close-cropped scalp to his colleotlon ci memcntoes , there s.re none who dare defy him. Halma. the great eon of Hanover , wh mouths ago was thought to be a likely can- didale for the Brooklyn Handicap and Suburban - ban and who was thtw out of training some iI ' .ks since by a slight straining of a tendon of one of his fore legs , is back on th track at Gravesen and will probably yet be seen in 0)100 ! this season's eastern handloapu. The mighty colt has recovered from his trouble nndis again being given a "prep" for some of the bIg 'racing events to come. Lamed , AznerIcas lawn tennis acmpinn- for that Is abott his measure-Is cutting a pretty wide swath on the. other side. He hasn't been on the loser'o tde yet , although his first foreign appearance was in the nature of a severe test. It idaow generally ex- peced that the young tuericun will give a good account of himself in the Eniish chaio- pionshlp games , sthlch .begin at Wimbledon on July 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ Jut A1cD HIS I1flI PICICERItL. Another Week wIthTfl Votaries of Field aenn' . ' JIM PRESTON of the ' ' Chicago , Idliwaukee & f : - . ' % y' - - St. Paul.is n ardent _ _ 111t lover of the rod and and , what is _ - more , a very uceeaa- - S Zul one. Lake Wash- .3j- . . . . is his favorite i1t 'f _ ington _ u _ , , ( ; stamping ground. and L , be mak9 monthly vsit5 there throughout - out the seenon. He was there en Dcora- tlon day , with Ron. Billy Glass , CharlIe Carter and other local expCrts with the rod. Of course. they stopped at Sheehan's. But the weather wasn't good. neither the ash- log. A north wind , and reoh. blew per- sistenUy the. livelongdz.y But Preston was as persistent as thooresl god , and be kept his man Friday bartUig .blm up and down the beautiful bfllftry lake without rest or Intermission. He hugged the selvhdge of the. reeds , trolling for bass , pickerel or mermaid , It mattered little which , although Salmoides Mlcroptertxs was preferred. He got an occasional 'strIk. " and. as a con- sequence. landed an oocaainnal ash , bat none C , ! a sulficlent magnitude to give cause for especial enthusiasm or jubilation. The lovely Nay day was wearing away. Jims heart hung in his breai't like a chunk of eawer pipe. But be would nt eurrender. On be weal. The mellow light 01 the sun u-as slanting shafts of gold over the rim of the weetern woeds. JIm'E "clinker" was coasting lazily down the southern shore. now in the lights , now In the darks. It turns languidly into a little bay wiL11 a baldrlc of silver atid llireads noise- Ieasly along through. the thin tulles which extended eatter1ngly out into the lake , Jim had forgotten about his line tend was abstractetEy spdyiag the dark green poish of the water alleys and the growing aba1ows fIlled with epriukis.1 light flut en be trailed , like amudturUe. 'round the graceful cure. but there was no strike. Back they pur.bei Into the outlet , under the frown of the beetling bin. The water was deep and weedle.to , but littered with vagrant fragments of froth and foam. Jim glanced longingly toward the tavern on the crag. A idngflsher. perched on an old overhanging - hanging limb en the margin , gave a hoarse shout as if etruggling with eengesUo caught from the damps of his trade as be swooped down over the water. .t redheaded woodpecker - pecker followed lfm with a taunting cackle , while bullfrogs began their evening serenade In the lily pads. Jim was sad , sore and die- appointed. and be gazed list3ensy about him as if be didn't care whether echnol kept any longer or not. The sky overhead was of that tender , transparent azure through which one seems to penetrate Into unbounded depths , sad over it the summer evening breeze wreathed its graceful cloud paintings. Now a fleet of snowy-winged nondesrript ships psasad : now a plhiazd palace , and now a turritod cas'Je. Then came a troop of wild brrveman. a cavalcade of camels with their Arab riders , Spanish muleteera , enormous gulls. gigantic rolls of cotton , and next a magnificent lhitnaleyan peak would rear Its superb head from out the ever-growing. changing mass. But Jim didn't see any of these be&utiea of nature , neither did be note the swaying branches of the tlg oaks , nor the blInking argus eyes of the white maple , not. the meadow-sweet lztsdng the wild rose which opened its pink beauty in every inlet on the shore. Nor did h bear the murmur of the waning breeze. b1ch , after its run through the wood ! , betock itself like a ag to the n-ale : ; skimming away like a fabulous waterliy , throwing a dark mantle over the surface , then leaping into the alders and pulsating again o through the dark- eniag forest across the narrows. No. Jim didn't see any of these things. He was absorbed In bipwzt melancholy over the perrerweueas dt be Irhthyologlcal denizens of the deep , an the probable out. lock for the Milwaukee iifth the big eacur- sion of presidt-at-xnakerc to Chicago next Jui. and be was actually closing a contract ( or 'steen cars wttb the Samoets sad Jad. senlana , when there came a tremezdou , tug on his line , with a sud.cnnres th.a not oniy fairly took b's breath. but a2mat pulled him backwards Into Waahtcgran's peUneld dvpth. ' It was a "strike , " and'w1j that wonder- ml perspicuity of the experienced angler Jim knew that t nap a big 11th. o tn'ii try eeztld give auth a prodigious Jerk as that ; :30 one , or two..er even three or four puon4er cOUk Ieewith the velocity that Ji = . catch left after that frst tremen- claus a.dmoe.itOTT tue. i'v. gut 'star' cried , flni , exaltantly as he brace bitaie.if and increased his grt on his bending rod. Away acat the atricten flab ilk. a hot from a gun , er.aktng Jtm's a-eel click a , t Lever c3cked before Today be swears be Law th sarka ej e she ailk with the Ughtalag's gleam. Jeff lb. nicieled wind. teas. Bet allowances sheal8 it. made. Jlz of eserse , was nervous. bt exultant. and now that It Is all over , true to the tepeis of his craft. i prone to the hyperbolic. Per r'venty yars the catch ran befere stoppng. then there was a halt and down be went into the netherxnoet depths of the lake , . He ulks there a anemeet. and Jim $ Is unable to move him. bet presently be e'tart asain end Jim reels in as fast at nimble ngera are capable. The eb lunges torwat- , ten feet at I cU-eke , then breaks the water end leaps Into the air. and Jim exc1ims : 'A p4ekerel ! And he's a wbale' With ferocious energy the b g spotted monster eakes himself. Dot it is no use , and down be goes again. 110w systemat- It1ty , how expertly and bow nicely Jim plays him ; now reeling him In a ways , now allowing him to Click of ! a few yards at his own sweet will , bet never chewing the twisted silk to sIck or s-ag. Jim Is too old a dt'g'for that. Look at his facel It is set enh rigid , but there Is a gleam In hi eye that b&peska of hs perfect reliance in his own prowess. In comes the big plctrel by degree ! . new breaking off spasmodically to this s.de or that , but always approaching. Within twenty feet of the motionless boat be reaches the surface. and. apparently half lmwnsd , is pulled alcog on his side in full view. What a znagnldceflt fellow be' is. and how his golden aide and white belly hhn- me : In the dying sun's rays. Jim straightens binteelt for the grand finale , and steers him In alongside the boat , where be gets a good look at his mammoth bead , as the pusher makes ready the landing net. net.'L.ook , Andy , look ! He barn t got a book in hIm ! Look ! he's simply got the epoon in his mouthi It's no use ; we can never land him. " And , true as Jim said , the dab had simply cloord his big jaws over the spoon anti wire leader ; there wasn't a hook' embedded ; all three could be seen protruding from the side of his mouth , which was closed like a vice. while. his eyes were gleaming with a baitful , deflant light But Andy meant to try , anyway , and be lifted the ntt and bent over the gun- wales. . That single motion was enough. With a crack of his tail on the watrrs ant- face , which sounded like the report of a pistol , the tiger of the waters whirled and went down and off like a streak of blue electricity. Fr a hundred yards or more he rant then to the battom again , for nqother a'nlk. Jim. old fox. let him lay quietly far a while ; then. ordering the boat anovol gently round Into the shallows , he essayed to move bite. The drat effort was futile , but the second started him , and to Jim's delight - light he made straight for the boat. so fast that Jim was hardly able to reel in the slacking line ; but he did it. and had it ail up by the time the pickerel was within reaching distance , Delicately Jim handled rod and reel , and almost imperceptibly worked him again alongside the boat. There were the honks protruding from his ugly month. just the same. and the nasty look was still in his fiery eye. nut this time be calculated without his host. Already Andy had the. not In the water , and , cautiouSly worked It up under his peaked annul. He was about to dip , when abruptly there was a great commotion and a great splashing , cud to show him bow easy It was to bane their best laid plans. Mr. Pickerel made a dive. But lackaday for him and joy for Jim , he dove straight into the net. and then JIm and Andy , heaving like giants , hoisted him over the gunwales , and the neat instant a big eight-pounder was slapping the bottom or the boat viciously. but velny , with his broad tail ! It was the catch of the season , and with chest shoved out until It look-ed like the bump on a dromedary's back Jim was rowed back home in the sft light of eventide. As he and Andy skimmed along the strange bravura of a loon sounded across the water from the upper bay and a winnowing hawk gave. her god night scream. Down the wild lahe they merrily guded ; past the bald oak , sowing with moss. Uks ext old bearded prophet ; past the lightning-riven elm , Its top tilting to their ripple and rats- ing dimples In the calming waters ; part the gray finger of the. okeeton cedar ; past the water mapler' peristyie of pIllars , upholding - holding the blended dome ; past the ledge gre-en with the trailing morning- glories , past tho-tongues of the hanks.tbrust far out into the channel. and the coves of pollced Zoiiige 'sbere the i1ulngteaI , . welt hidden , bad cast enchor for the night ; past the dog 'wood thickets. hardened into iron like the trees of .Tarnvid. and wreathed Into green zofthess by the spIral-teadrilled mosses ; past decsyed trunks , wrestling on the border of mazy thickets of fot- eye grapevines , a Ioacoon of the woods ; past black sunken legs , where the ripples un- duisted ; over the geamlng pebbles of the shallows ; past the rockp escarpment ; past the cragg cliff ; past nil these. wild and entrancing - trancing pictures they gayly gilded abog , until at last the boat's prow grated on the sands at the foot of the slope leading to Pat's glorious hostelry , and the long day was over , with its crown. a great yellow , spotted plekerel-Esox reUculatus , the fnny hue- caneer of the American waters. At a Jolot meeting of the Creorent and . 't.nder&on Gun clubs held at the cce ef J. .A. Dories , 1114 Farnom , one evening last week a consolidation of the two teams was erected and the following oThcers elected far the current year : J. A. Davies , president ; M , C , Watts , vice president ; B. A liner , secretary ; Charles Curtis , treasurer , ad Charles I..oog , assistant 'treasurer. The regu- tar weekly shoots will be hold teniporetihy on the -club's present grounds In North Omaha , but a committee.was appointed lo select and secure new grounda S. G. V. Griswoldwas made an honorary member of the club , whose membership now fonts up to something over a halt hundred. Slteri Johnny McDonald put in a oup1e o day , during the past week on Long Pine creek trout dshing , The sheriff proved himself - self no novice , for .he brought back as nice a basket of rainbow trout as toe could with to see. Idessrs. Scott and Coolty of the Northwestern vere the sheriffs paituers , and they , too , made a good record. Andy Hunt and Mrs. Hunt have r turned from a delightful few days' outing at Lake Washington. While the debing was not as good as it might have been , they made a good catch , Mis , Hunt carrying off the palm with a three pound pickerel. G. S. Delter of Wisconsin defeated Fred S. Gilbert , the trap-shooting champion , of Spirit Lake , on the TBurnxlde grounds' at Chiesgo last Tuesday in a lOO-biid maich for the Dupont trophy , representing the American championship. by a score of Site to 53 , There was a large crowd of spects- tars present and the birds were an extra good lot , but. the score little bet'er than what would have been expected from second raters. On March 18 Senator Wileon thtredued in the seniLe a bill "to authorize the see- rotary of the treasury to issue leases of certain land , in Alaska for the breeding of faxes , " and on the 27th the bill was favorably reprrted by the committee on public lands , with certain minor amend- meats. Although this bill has been the source of considerable amusement , the stnements : made by the men interested in its passage were a revelaUon to the zuexa- bees of the committee on public lands , and deeide.dly interesting. it bows that , as fat back as 1.5S4 , certain men , at. that time real- dents of Alaska , took up or aerins consideration - sideration the problem of the future em- ployaneut and support of the natives of the Alaskan Islands , when the fur seal , the otter and the wairos , should have beotae exterminated. The suggestion was made by Captain Mor- gin of Conceccut that the blee tax might be domesticated. and , under proper coodi- Clefs , bred with prodt , thus utilizing many barren Islands and furnishing employment t ) tbe snderiug natives , Four men nally decided to iubaerlbe l.C'CIO each , to try tke experiment A small number of young foxes were bought from the naUves and takep to North SernMI island , about ? ? S miles eovthn-ect of Kodiak. sad a small colony of natives , with a white keeper , were left with one year's supplies , to try the cx- perlment , Alter rainy ups and doe-na , and the cx- panditure of over Ii&O ® in money , the cx- peitment proved a seeccea , and It was dem- onetrated that both the Was sad sliver fax could be deanetcated and bred. Froen this small betuzLthg there are now no less this twenty-two cokeies on a. many h4aud , devoted - voted to this business , end uere than IPO natives are plndtawy enopioyed In its prose- cetica. These islands are mn-thy barren rocks. rising abruptly from the eons , and the faxes are allowed to roses at ni:1 : over them. Each island ha a fluie seuIernes , where the keeper and his native g.astntem live. and whet-a the' faxes are fed regularly cad hese they suoa learn to come for their food. food.Pbe.top'apbs taken at feeding time showed the foxes eaUng fr'xn uegbs and quarreling over choice nore'sls like dogs in a kennel. The food consists of cooked indian meal and blubber scrap , and on it the fhxes grow sleek and fat and produce a tar of the dnest goal- ity. Senator \\llsen , ntwltbstanding the good n-stared joke , of his fellow s'snatOts. bat worked for the biU with energy and en- thustaim , for , as h says , It will not only be the means of saving from exUnetion a race of valuable fur-besting anhasis , but will pen- pie the barren islands of the. Alaskan chain and rescue from misery ad starvation the natives who , now that the fur seal is becocu- lag extinct , see oarvation stzriag tbt'cn In the face. - Judge Clinton Powell ttrd 'John F. Dale have returned from a dshfl trip to Lake Madison , Minnesota. Just what luck they had hit' not been reportt4Itsit no both are old bends at the sprrt it"It presuzuci that they Mind their croels. ' ON Till. iI.tLLlflLD. The Big have nzi4ta Along the Line. HE only ° 'iangea In the C:7 ' iik-- W the paSt'"week was the -A _ passlag1 flitImore by the Ciatelands , who iaIn toec.the list and this iinieswhth ihe roost eomfortae lead - -n any - . : : : _ _ . te.atu hazasanme,1. Cleveland - - land is bertainly playing - - championship ball , and it is doubtful whether they are again ever beaded. As Patsey Both-ar says , the Spiders are just as fast and just as strong 00 foreIgn grounds as they are at. home. This they have proven bT their easy victor- lea over the Beltimores , and the tact that they bare. dropped but three games out of nine since they struck the Orient To be sure. , two at these were tie's , and they have enjoyed some ia-re. luck , bat rare luck is synonymous with great pi.aying. But as 0. P. Caylot' is wont to chirp , th season Is young yet. Baltimore La stacking up the reel article , and Cincinnati Is maintaining her encouraging gut fairly welL The Phil- lies have caught their second wind , Brooklyn is playing steadily , and Boston is doing well. The Bean Eaters , however , are dleap- pointing their home followers , They were expectel , aftei reaching the Hub , to sweep everything from the face of the earth that dared venture In the.r ! lot , but they have failed sadly , and inotead have hardly held their own , Waehing1ore is playing doggedly and are not to be despised , even by the leaders , while the. much boosted New Yorks are steadily climbing. Pittsburg it playing the most luckless game of all ; Chicago Is wobbling. and St. Louis and Louisville don't count Freedman is credited utth caying that he would not trade the New York team as at present constructed for the Cleveland team , in a.u even trade , much lees give up a bonus of O.OOG for the. Forest City organization. No ; Freedman wouldn't give confederate money for the real coin of. the realm. He wouldn't swap his 800 buggy bree for a half Interest In Handspring. tie wouldn't trade his lease on the polo grounds for a quit claim deed on the Waldorf. No , he wouldn't , just try him once. Ar-lie Latham will not remain with Set-an- tore very long. The stage will know him ft-urn now on.-ClnclnnatI Enquirer. WTh.ats he going to do , drive It. Will the Cincinnatis ever reach first place again ? We. doubt it-New York Morning Advertiser , Well , you wouhln't if you knew how Toni Davis and Captain Goeta are pulling for them. Billy Barnie , the old-time bald eagle of the Chesapeake , claims to have unearthed another phenom pitcher. His name Is Seeds and he'll be plaatd about the time he gets into one of the blg leayues. Sam Crane calls Cunningham "a fresh young blood. " Whit Is the matter with Lew Dickerson. Dick Higbdon , Levi MyezIe and Willie Bill Traffiey ? Ciilriy was a vet. out be.ro In the WstenIe eight years ago. - Speaking of WIllie Billr7affley reminds 'no that. the senile pIe eatez bce capped the record with Ma Des bloite fa.m. Twenty- four straight victories ta3ca the bakery since the inauguration of. pt-of ess1onaI leagues. -a About the whole caboodt o minor league clubs have been importunitryWashIngton to let go of Jack Crooks. b they might as well desIst , as dancer , Scbmelz says the whole combination couldnt raise enough money to buy him. . After ala long , wcar laggng years Grandpa Anson and F-.z PZeffer have fallen on each otbTs , necks and wept. . The old secotid baseman is back with the Chicagon antTp1sing very ltke Arlie Lathrin ball. W1iat'Freddy wants to do is get a od shady job in a foundry and forget that he was once a baIl player. It looks very much as If big Iliisie had run up against the same old stone. wall that the insurrectionist Mullane , and Tom Lo-sette once butted against. That he is in th wrong is evIdent from the fact that not a eignal club owner In the. league Is with hint In his trouble. Mullane , to be Euro , Is otill playing ball. but. he is out of the big league for good and Lovette Ia selling "booze" at Providence. - Ducky Holmes broke hiscollar bone early in the season and now he. has jammed his withboue back between his shoulder blades and will not be able to Let Louisville on fire again before firecracker day , Wonder what Mulford , Weldon , Zuber and the reet of the Cincinnati base ball his- torlans think of Hay , Miller and Burke ihiso days , and whether they are stIll pining for "Snapper" Kennedy. Every time I think of that "Snapper" deal I take on three or four pounds of fat just front laughing. At the present writing that flubison-Brnrh- Indianapalta-Cleveiand-Westera-Leagne- - tional-League deal Is surrounded by all the mysterious attachments which history gives to the assailant of the. Immortal W'illiatn Patterson. Mr. Brush and Mr. Robleon are now engaged from 8Z0 a. m. to G5 p in. on week days In denying everything , but have not yet caught up with the rumor out- gut. So says Charlie ? ewer , All the same , Indianapolis will get. the Cleveland club naIl season and Omaha will get Indianapolis. Drive a s-pike bore. ctxsbit GilT ThEM t The AuatrnIianCric1.ters for a Gauss , OMAHA. June. 4.-To the Sporting Edi- tar of The Bee : I notice that in your sport- log gossip in last Sunday's flee you suggest that the various cricket clubs of Omaha offer the Australians todocementa. to atop off here on their say to the coast pelt jail. I am sure that nothing would give. the lovers of the game of crIcket. so touch pleasure as to ace such a first-class team as the Australians play in Omaha , and out'4de of that , I believe a good many people , who know nothing of the game. and s ho pretend to acorn it , would be. wining to par admission to see such a team as that play a gaznt. However , of course. , there al-a numerousobstacles to overcome - come before we can even ask them to come here. In the first place. th re Is no crieltet ground in Omaha suitable , , on which to plsy s'aeh a game as they wonid put up. The grounds of the Omaha CTftktf club are the best of their kln In the are good enough as far as the pitch s igceread , but a' there is tie fence zuthAtaLtng them. it would. of course , be ixn paae to charge a.dxnleaion to a game piay3 ca them , The only ground that I ege te-&tpresent , that is at all uttalsie , IL the VrtatUy park , arid r sn afraid that a hard-1Iji team , such LI the Australians bat-e. * bu.ld be contirtu- ally putting the bali ovmttbe ferice , and In addition to that , it woulat4e very bard to prepare a pilch there twthi would be good enough to ask thorn toaiay on. Thea , too , it must be reuse1ser61a.t this team ls nut trave11n fOr its bIb , and would not step e In Omaha Ju.fLeneommedats ievez of the same here. r ak that In si probsbiltty e should hw.itc guarante It $ .D9. at the least , grv.tljbe question thee arisen. Can we raisc thst smOuct ? 01 course we could rely ikin In some money gi. the gate , but thbuId sot ilk. to count on every inch frees that nausea. r ahoud very ranch Like to hoar what SFE oui LINE OFNEW TRAPS . Over 250 _ _ different , IT styIci to , ; : _ _ flIZIkC It2LjT _ _ your selections k _ \ from. _ L5 No t 0 % trouble I . ' - - - I- - - to I- . - show 4 , - \ "T\ OUR 4 e \ \ STOCK. 4 4 \ Aliwork 4 perfect 4 8 In the contruclIon of our velilek's eve effort will be made to exeell nil previous no-I ninke 4 them the ACME OP PEItF'ECTION IN DESI ( . LUXI.'IIY , FINISh AND QUAIATY , and more forcibly impress nion be public the fact tlrnt we stand at the HEAD of the COLl'M for fine WOlI1i.iNS11lI' . 4 A We are gent5 for I Rubber Tires and 4 4 Toomey & Co. , Bike Sulkies. ) Ball Bearitig Axles f 4 Frazier & Co5 , Bike Sulkies J A - and Carts. Furnished when desired. 4 4I CO1UIIIOUS Buggy Co. , I Send for catalogue. 1608 , 1610 and 1612 Harney Street. 4 s- . , . - & - ' - ' - , - & - , , . - , , % . . - 4 think could be done toward getting this team here , and I feel sure that it ouch a thing could be accomplished It would be a great advertisement for the game in the. wat , and not only for the game , but for the city of Omaha. HARRY H. C. NEW , Secretary Omaha Cricket Club. The Bee will endeavor to outline a plan in next Sunday's issue. The Australians are anxious to make a two days' halt midway between the oceans , and , this be-lag the case. it seems as If Omaha ought to stand a better show than any other western city.-Sport Ed. Did you everthinow readily the blood Is pMsarn'J by constipation ? Bad blood meant bad health and premature old age. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers , the famous little pills , overcome obstinate -unstipation. LITTLE ROMANCES. Strnaige ) ieeiingantl Iqarringe of Two Dtvorec.l l'-ople. A couple who gave their names as 0. Syl. vestcr Hughes and Huida Slankard procured a marriate lIcense from Deputy Recorder ttetze ! at Clayton yesterday and were. roar- ned by Jostice cif the Peace William . Wenglor , says the St. bouts Republic. Hughes aad : he lived in Norris City , White county. Illinois. and the bride iad her borne was i-a Gcayille , in the Lame Cotmt ) . When children they were neighbors ad were pupils in the same scboL As the lady described their relatioro' . "they were friends , bound by a love which l.a only possensed by the young and innocent. " When they left chol they were saparatesi and did not. meet again until Friday. Alter their separatlcn esh married , but they were not happy , and after a time. each separated from the partners and about fourteen years ago each was di- vorced. Friday morning Mrs. Siankard came over from her home in IllInois to St. Luis to view the ruin wrought by the tornado. Hughes , -who is a cornicemalter , and who has been working in Kansas City , also came to view the ruins. While viewing the Coe Manufacturing company's building at Elgh- ts-enth street and Cbouteau avenue they espied each other. Metnorico of the past flitted through the mind of the wcanari and her heart swelled as her love for Hoghts was revived. She said she was the first to make a move after the recognition. She approached Mr. Hughes slowly and before either had spoken a ward they clasped each other's hand and for several - er-al seconds etoood in silence. looking into each other's eyes. They walked about over the debrs on the streets and excanged accounts of their lives since they separated. At a downtown cafe they rcoIved to never aran part until cap- crated by death. and they decided to be mar- rind. Yesterday morning they vent to Clay- ton. procnrrd a license and were married. Hr. Hughes cold they expected to leave for Kansas City In the evening. He said they would remain in Kansas City until next fall. and then return to ? orrii City , Ill. , where thaT will reside. Reunited After 'l'vventy-Five Years. About twenty-fire years ago George James arid Ezekiel Kerr emigrated to Chester. Ill. , from a small town In Pennsylvania , nd engaged - gaged in farming. Later they acquired a leasehold of 261 acres in the Kaskaskia commons , the finest farming land In the great American bottom , end are considered among the mEt eubstanVal citizens of Randolph county. It was generally understood by the community that the three brothers were single. men , nd they neither by word or act indicated snythiog to the contrary. Recent - cent events , however , have brought about a decided change of opinion. It now transpires - pires that when George Xcii left Pennayl- vans he also lift behind tim a young wife , wham be could not induce to make the long journey westward , and she remained at home with her mother. intending to join her husband later. AU the time a correspondence was continued beween husband and wife , and seeral months ago Mr. Kerr. now grown rich in this world's goads , made a trip to his old Pennsylvania borne to see his wife and persuade her to return with him to his western home , but Ire. failed to fully accomplish his mission , only receiving her prcmiae that she -would c tme to him In the month of May. Mr. Kerr returned to his haute to await his wife's coming , and , true to her word , she arrived here a few days agu. was met at the. dept by her husband and taken to his new residence in Kacknakia cc'/nmons. They will celebrate their silver wedding after twenty-five years' separation , but always true to each other , A Tuekstloe Bridal Party , Down from Tuckahoe came. yesterday a mature but ardent couple bent on matrimony , relates the New York Sun , The bride-to-be is a fanner's daughter , the groom a pies- tern. His trade has left him poor , and be score his working clothes. The bride bad a bonnet with' an exterisiv& flower garden an it. Her dressaI short enough to display see enlist aunts than her substantial shoes. She is the widow Ellen Kenney , 40 years old. The happy plasterer is James htyan , a , widower , with a son -who objects to the mar- stage , He is not a. bard-hearted yotb , but he thinks his father should have. forgotten love's young dream in the sixty winters which be has weathered. The couple are 'etk in puree , though strong of mrpeae. and when they counted up ens- tare they found they had only enoogh to take them to Williamatiridge , "We'll walk ; " said the bride. 'By gosh , we will ; you're a brlie after my own heart " said the groom with en- lb usia am. They walked front Wihhiaznabrldge to 1.1cr- riasala arid drifted into the police cow-i. "Are you tired , dear ? " Ryan inquired as be dropped Into a seat with. a. sigh of satie- faction. "Tiradi What Is a five-mile stroll en one's wedding day ? Just a gisacure trip , an' not.hrn' ibortev" asid the bride. This gave big Policemen Qobi a hint , end he hUTTISd up to Clerk McCabe with the Is. formation that a bridal party had arrived. , The cleele took a look it lb. pair and car- Tied the news to ! tagiatrate Daul in the beck : -aoa. 'rite m.glaunte upset the plans of all concerned. "lAtin them ? ? 4t a bit of It , " be said. I 14et thaxa bunt up a usiniater willing to makecneotGOand Id. I gan' ; do that kind of additlop. " Cier McCabe had to go cot md explain thaI ha bitt on hand cniy a very bashful HE WHEEL That held up 16 tarn at one time , a total walglit of 2,44S pounds. . . . S.- , " - - i.t" _ , , :1 - \ \ . ' - i ; ' : # .s-tpr. : . . _ ' -.s" - StrDtgeat , - - - Fittot , . the Best . - - Btrictiy High Grads . : r WOLPE ELECTRICAL - : tv ; ICI4Caplt.olAvc , Agents Co . - ' , _ ' - - OMAUA , 7RB. _ I Opp. new P.Q THE REMINGTON.S \U/ - \lI/ /d d'S 'S ' ' . -1- J _ L . //r\\- \ - r . Hit-re you seen It-especially the LndI's' iTheel-a wheel designed with a rhew to the corn. . . . , fort of the rIder-i..d ruas as ev as a diamond framS whcL Duu't decide on a wheel tui you've exmntnrd ThE BEMINCTON. Cross Gt-tii Co. , 116 S'I5th St We make a speetrUty ef tenting wheels. -4 , cz r.3 LOUIS FLESCHER L .J - 313.315 So. 18111 St. 'I'd. 323. oooo- magistrate. , who did not. dare face the bride in so trying an ordeal. 'My sakes ! I don't see why be should have any feeling about-it. I wouldn't let hint 2lsa rae if be tried to , " said the bride. 'And I guess I wouldn't if you would ; not much , " said the. groom , Seventeen men and all the court squad volunteered directions to the many churches in the annexed district. The couple seleeed one In Washington avenue. The crowd fol- Ic-wed them , and frightened them by their numbers and anxiety to be in at the finish. The couple lengthened their steps. They distanced the crowd without sprinting , and , turning a corner , were lost to view. It. . pretty certain that they got married , be. cause the last beard from the groom was : 'Well. I don't care ; we'll look up a minis- tsr , and' he'll have to wait for his pay 'till I get in a caupl a' week. . work azf w e get I.a rights. " Jternarrieai IEl Former Bride. Joseph Stulta was released from The south- era Indiana prison the other dey , alter corn- pietlag a ten years' sentence. The story of hi. life and the circumstances cnpected wills the crime which placed him behind prison bars Is a etsange ens , Stuhtz was met upon his retease by his former ie and her father , wbo spent a fortune in convicting him , and allot-word had the marriage of Sinks arid his daughter adnulled. - Both now greeted him with open arutL , ' Nearly tea years ago Joe Steftz 'wac a leading member of LouisvUle alr1ty , and a member of the Louisville legion' 'lie ' became anqualuted with pretty Carrie Ashley , daugh- leT of William Ashley , a member of a waaltby tailoring fins of LouIs'rille , and the busbnd of a aiter of Stuits. Through IsIs re1allouaip Stultz bad an excellent eppor- totaity for lovsmakthg. and be wooed and won Miss Ashley , sad they-eloped its ? ow Al- tlty and were married by Rev , Charles hiu'etsinaon of the Third PresbyterIan church. Docla Hunt , a well known young man , made the iJfldaylr as to Mite Ashley's age , As soon as the nets reached Mreshtey b. went to New Albany and caused was-rants to be lasted for both fleet and Stults , charg. tag there with perjury and subornation of f.erjisry , raefdtiiely , and so great was bic anger that Mr. Ashley gays up his business 5514 dercted bimatif to the pnulslmueat cf the men who bad taken his daughter tsar Mrs. Staltz. see Ashley , who had before ueoningly been Infatuated with her bros. Land , also Joined with or lathes' In the prosecetten , Befetre tle trial Stuita arid hurt attempted to eadape from jail , bitt were recaptured , The trial was long arid hItterl contested , DoTu ear1es & Searles ¶ SPECIALI3T8 I.q --1 ' Chronic and - PriTate fflSS3. WEAKMEN EXUALL ! , . - f , , I , 'All I'rlrata biseaiI . . .dhJLaOrdCtC Of alan . - I , . Treatment tPl mail ' a OUnurliatlon tree' g SYPHILIS Cures for Us-c Lad the palsn * t.oroaxtli , tatird from tb yitstn. I'ILE.S. IriSTUI.A an B-ICTAL. t7ZPEfls , IITBJtUCII-itS AhIJ VABICOC'ltLE erinansnhIy 110.4 eucssetutl7 cored. MrthC4 new soS , usfalltr.g. STAICTUHE AHU BLEE1flts-I By new method without pa-b or cutting. Call on or adOrns with stamp , Tie oirl" I. llpirla' 110 h. ltthSt , M&i tY4.U , ) s ) .at4ib , Omaha but Hunt was convicted and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment and Stuits to ten years. Scion alter Mr. Ashley had the roar- stage of isis daughter with Stults annulled. Ao time passed Mr. Ashley lost Iris posses- sits nd be besnte a comparatively poor man tind the feelings which b. and lila daughter entertained for Stuitz became soft- etsl. Sores time ago they began circuLaith petitions for Etuita' pardon , Mr. Ashley rock. Ing stverai unsuccessful trips to Indian- spells in hi. behalf. Stulta proved to be an exemplary convict , zid his good time ibort. coed his term almost two years. mu. mediately following liii release ? .lr. Stulti and Isle fosrots wife were reunited In marriage - riage , Br , Hutchinson again ofliciating , -5 Before leaving borne on your rjnomp va- catian ps-cow-c a bottle of Chsmt.es-laIzs'a Colic , Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy , It is alniot certain to Is. needed arid mnsy says ytie the necessity of returning bonus betor. the end of your vacation. The S and tG cent elsea for asic by drtaggMs , - As Engilib advcrti.enrerst readt "Mr. Brown. Stars-ret , beta to aneounce that be wlU mike up gowns , capes , etc. , for mdl out of their own skis.s. " - - - - -