1 : TIIT olrAL DAILY iH E : SUVD &Y , eTU1l 7 , 1.89G. TtE } OM U1A SUNDAY Di i . ltOSr tt'A'1'I 1 , lidllor. - - = --A.----- ' -1'IJOhlattlb SYIItw alOttNiSO TEItMS or SL'TISCRIVT1ON. ' ) ally It" , ! (9vtthout Sntldn ) i One Yenr.d R 00 Unity Itra And Sundny One Year. , , ht 00 Nix months : M . 2 bq Three mnntha tai . . : : . . : : . . Nunday Itre , One . . . . . Nnturt y itee , One Yenr. . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7' Weekly lice , Onr trnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Ot + 11'CS ( ! Omnhn , The are Itutbllng. Nvuth Otnnla , alnSer Ifk. , ( or. N and :4th fits , ( 'nnncll BIufA , 10 North Alain Nlrcet. c'hteii 0tH217 Clamber nt l'onunercc. Nrw York , Itonma. 12 , 11 and 1 , Trlhuue Uk g. SVashington , 1101 1' 8ttnet , N. W. cOltlti il'o N nliNCt1 : All romnfunfratlnnA retthu to now and edl tonal matter should 1 , nddrer + , tt To mite Gtltur , nns1Nlss Lu 1t-rinN , All Ii lnee9 I ters ( and rrmlltances hnnid be nddresee ( ! In 'rile nee t'ubllrhlng mpnny , Omnhn , itnffa , cherk , nnt poatelllce , , deli to bo made p1ynI In t ( thr nnler of the ennipnnY. T11C Mai l't)111.IS11ISU COML.NY. HTATtIM1iNT o' CIIICUI.ATiON. Nlnte of Nehrasknl IougIAA c'lIlnty. ' I 0ecrge h. Tisch lck , gecretarl' of The free 1' h- Ilahing cunt1any , bring duly Aworn , aaya that the actual number of full rind cmnplelr ee1rs ( of Gtr Infiy. bfotning , l % ning find finhdny Ike prlntM during the month of b1AY , 1590 , was ni lolinwst 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.232 it . . . . . , . . . . . . .19,209 mr , : , , I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : . : . , 9 1. . . . . . . . . , , , . . 19,2.9 19 . . . . . . . IL"n 1. . . 19,1nt 20 . . . . , . . , . „ . ] 8,072 n. . . . . . . . , 18,19 ; 2t. . . . . . . . . . : (0.709 ( i. . . , , , , , , 19027 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IR 12 R . . . . , . . , . . 18,210 . " . . , . . . . . 18TfA a . . 1a 191 2 $ . . . . . ] 704 fo. . . . 19:1T : . . . . . 19a A 11 1t,2.l : P „ 19I'2 ' ; 12. . . . . . . . . . . 18,207 21 . . . . . . . . 13. . . . . . . , . . . . . 18,213 29 . . . . . . . . . , , 21.911 11. . . 18,219 2) "f.249 11. . . . . . . . , . 18,211 30,1. . . . . . . . , . . 10iq ) 21. . . . . . . . . , . . . . in a e Tntnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 189.91 I.eai tPIIPIInnA far unsntd and returnrd cnplrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Ca2 Net aaIrA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.10 Net dally ni'erago , " is,783 broltat n : 1 Subscribed In my presence and awrrn to before me tilts tat day of Jlmr. A. D , 1 94. ( Sent ) tt'iLLLt1f Si2tT 1lAre Notnrr i'nbllc ' My commission cxplrrs Decernber IL 197) . Arizona delnn l 8Is me for free sliver. That do setlie It. The Itlaud boom Is grotvlmig If tin' oficini nnnnmitt0enu'nt is to he believed. So is the grass. Keep Great Britain busy in Africa and It U ou't have Ilene to retie9v its Ihtermeddling hl Vetezlh'Ia. Frain present appe rahIctw the third term questlol will trot be a long the Issues raised at the Chicago conven- tion. 'rbnse coltest Ing delegations to the St. Louis cniiventlot are day by duty asstlnting a Silntler and smaller 1111 purttucc. It is 9vitlliu the range of pos.ilility that the Chicago convention wall rival the St. Lots convention as a political love feast. Il yep tvitnt nlvico on any sulJect ttudcr the Nun Just apply to the annual cemueneeacut ( otator now in the height of his glory. If the ( iuhans are prevented frou cx- ) O1Uug tobacco to the United States. they may pu5Nibly acquire a tnste for smoking good cigar themselves. .w These cyclo1) threaten tit hltrodnci a noV style of architecture : The l1ouge of time fnttt d bast lutve a , colhu' , even It It hap nothing else but a. roof. It may be well to renlenher that 1)01)0 of the large siibatantinl llreprnof t9trgctures that grace St Loris auferrd more that noninnl Injury front tie destructive toruado Thn vice presidency ( night perhaps not be able to ndth to the greatness of Speaker Reed , lUt Speaker heed could certainly ado nntcll to the greatness Lind Importance of the vice presidency. Speaker fde(1' $ word is as good as his 1)011(1. ) 'l'ie p0ople tvho have l/e'QU ex- presshlg doubts 1)5 to his jutottiou to give tllo Exposition bill a hearing as promised simply didn't luioty the lulu. 'l'hle ensiest way to evade the responsibility - bility for smtying something that ought not to lore been sold is to reluldint0 the hitervlety amt heap tire Mane spot the paper that govt the accurate report of what was stateth. ' ! 'here are ( I,6.Si' puhhic school huildhngs in the state nt Nebraska. No better meaure could he had of the sa'rllices the 1)001)10 of this stale wlilingly uutke in the interest of the educttlou of the ceiling generation. The next presideut of the iJnlted Sties will have elIllgll iihiiiet tllnher over after having selected hits ndvlsers to keep even the ! " ( -each gorernment br supply oj1 cabinet ulfnisters feu the relitnhnder of the 111neteefllhi century , That admiulshatieu de incrntie dele- gatlout trait Nebrllslat nldy after all couclndo that there is no use for it to present itself at the coltveuilot doors h1 Chicago , only to have then shunned Iii Its face Its soon as the hndy organizes. ' 1'he terms of one-third of the ntenabers of the senate expire of the fourth day of AIuirehi next. Not a single r0lnlbhieul : Nester twill he snececded by a (1011)0 et : lt 6r populist , but several democrats and populists tvii ) , unless till signs fail , have to nlnko way for repuhltclll Nue cess0rs. To get Senator Vest to agree with Presileut ( Clevelmiul 011 ( toy pVOIHsit ) ) u has note lCeonlo 9vurse that hop0less. If bur Clorehud sllould ntflelnhly deny tint tlmo union is undo of green cheese , \05t tt'on1ll ImifelIlltl'iy pep up to say thirst the presidot didn't know what he anus tahl ing about. \Vestliighiauso company 11118 Just inere8Nwl ItS capita ( atoek front 110 ; 000,0X ( ) to ti IGXNXO ( ) , ( ) , 'l'lue diliereico Irpreseuts Lrr the cost part thin 9vatel Jujeeted by tilt nciuisttion of Itunh'r Ills elech'lc lighting plants throughout the eonntry. And the co11s1I1ilers of electric light will foot the hill , The own015 of cerlaln } 'yolmig t'Inil mines are said to luiYn dlsevereil that the ecuil they I11LVe bceu huu'ketlug at $ : i par tau contabls frail to ; S per ton of grold. This Is possible , Alll ( yet It It tvottldeost , $10 per ton to get the gold out of the eulti the 11)1111) oVnelr luny have bceu getting all therr product was worth. Xf ) STR.IDi)1 L dT ST. LOUIS. Twelve years ago that. most brainy and brhlliatt of republican leaders , .1511108 G Blame , lost 1ho presidency through tin' over zenloua utlernnco of u fool friend. Far the sake of the re- publlcnn party and the country It fate to be hoped that the BUrcharti5 of 4aericou pulilles will , not be allowed to a ubu : rass 11'Illbun 1leMluley and eUiminger repubileah supretuncy by their super so'VIceabie zeal ht his be. half , The American 1)001)10 ( , rill not hold Major Mclanley respolsible for everything - thing Nahd by lnol who profess to speak iii his 111111)0 bttt those foal friends 1)lny a5 tvell understand that the republican candidate for presI ( cut of tile Cuited States must stand far Ilxed principles nod dcfiiiite poll- cics on the questions that most vitally e011C01'll thin 'pcople. In the Ill ldst of an hldustrhti criMls , as fu the midst of a great battle , there slut be mio cotupro- hulse ou 111e inn in Issue Upon w'hlch the ttvo great. larls are dlvided In the coining c lupaign the liics lutist be squurcly drawn bdlw eeu the forces tint favor bnlest uto11ey turd the ulalllte- nn11c ( ' of the p11hilc eredit and tits forces that demian(1 the redaction of the U1) lion to the single silver standard tlnotlgh free nod nnllult0d coinage at II ) to 1 1111(1 through this the scaling of PUblie 1)11(1 private debt. It is shnulllllcoil sly II 1111fUnced free 1Vnshingtnu and St. Lolls that the platform 111)011 t9 ilch 1Vllifnnr JleKilley expects to present 1(1ulself tor the suffrage - frage of the people will be a comiipro- 111i5e , or in other words n straddle entire tire nlot0y' question. 1V0 do not belle9 c that any inn or sot of melt has Lilly right to couhhlt either'uVllliltln lleliu ley or tie rOlubllchl party in advance of the national couV1ltlon to a straddle or Juggle of the silver question. 110. JlEluley spoke for hhnself tvhell he Ill'eitll'CU at the 1iarquette club bauuittet ttt Chicago that llq tvonid stand squarely on the platform that should be framed at St. Louis. Ills otvn views on the /luestiou / wore clearly expressed by hlut four years ago iii his speech node at i.hlcolmi ht this state when , bt reply to the question , 1lhttt about sllv.r" he interrupted his speech to respomil ( : I'll tell you , my friend , what I think about silver and It's what the republican party thinks about It. I believe , and tbo repub- llcan party thinks , that every dollar , be it gold , sliver or paper , should ho the equal of the other. The farmer and the laborer more than everybody else want an honest doaar. When the farmer sells a bushel of wheat he must use a full bushel and when ho gets his pay lie demands a full dollar , worth 100 cents. The farmer whio wanted a full dol- Inr worth 100 cents in 1502 wants the saute html of n dollar In 13)0. ; ) IIe will not be sntlslle(1 with any two-faced ex prdssiolt on this sulJcet. Neither will , the farmer who clamors for 10 to 1 free' ' coinage regardless of the action of other hntlnus. It is arrant nonsense to expect - pect to draw votes from the free cnht- ago ranks by proulises of international agrconent either at the old rmlti0 or at seine new' ratio. The free silve ite 9vltnto er his politics any' have been , will stand out for IG to 1 regardless of other nations or nothing. On the other Mold , all voters vvho 1)elleVe ht 11011- est.y nod fgll value money ( hemami(1 an explicit , unequivocal declaration against free atuL unlimited silver coinage and the nie0ace of n sliver standard. R'lillo hot 11 single vote cab be gailted by a staddle , hundreds of thousands of votes will be assured for McKlnley and the republican tic1 et by a fearless and tin- compromising stand for sound money. It nmist bit borne ht mind that a very large percentage of the independent vote , the vote that has turhed the hai , ance In ddbatnble States l1 prevlous'I ' elections , will be gallted or lost on the money plank. 'l'his Is specially true of the Gernm ii , Sc mnilnavlan and Slavic popnlatiol who are fiUlost to a 11)11) for sound mousy and against free s11- ver coinage. Mr. Grosvenor minks , Where will these votes go to sluice It Is foreordained that both democrats and populists will endorse time silver idle 81011 ? Suppose they take to the woods , 'f'iat would meat a loss of hundreds of thou iiids of votes lit states where every vote is needed. This , however , Is the cowardly sluts. Time repubilciuti party hoists that It hits never faltered before a great Issue. 1Vhy should it tie so In the year 1SJIi and Irt1'llCt ) tile agony born of u11eerluhlty as to the future policy of the Amerlcmtn government - ment ? 'the assertlon that the battle must b1) ( OUght on the protective tnrilY alone is absurd. General rope when 110 had his headquarters hi the sadIUC , once decided to tight a decisive battle at 1Varreuton , y11 but Lee iutd Stonewall Jackson. turned his /lank and forced hint to tight at Alantssaa. In the 1a- pvnding camnpnign , JrcIChiley tvlll stand for protection mutt the lighting will be forced of the hires of free coinage whether tit republic ! ) u generals choose that battle ground or riot. 'fills view is clearly expressed by that square- headed Scotchmnu , Andrew Carndgle. The sturdy lion nnt8ter , who is a Iwo- tt'etionlst from the SOlOS of hmia feet to the erovn of hula heud , boldly declares 111 the Jtule North .Unerican Review- : These who prescribe tariff changes as a cure for lho deep eaated malady which has poisoned the natton'a currency-the life. blood of prosperity-renihnd us of the quack who vended pills to prevent earthquakes. Tint business men of the country understand - stand thiii. ' We may collect all the surplus revenue Inaginablo ; nmayn legislate - late in any andt all directions upon other than the financial question , and all will ho In vain. Capital front abroad will continuo to avoid us and capital at home rentabi paralyzed - alyzed ; new emmterprlses will not be wider- taken , labor will ho poorly employed , wages tail , depression continue with panto over looming in ilia distance Until we cease to threaten the god standard under which the republic has outrailed all others national prosperity must remain a thing of the pant , for until mho standard of value to permanently u ttled nothing 1s settled , if the fathlt lleul teI ( men who ur0 try lug to dodge thu a ulu issue of the Im- pendiug cmnaign by snbterfugo and conlprlmtbe would rotlro to time rear amid let the tlgithig Ines occupy the front ranks , the battlaof 1500 vvlli reghstar the toast signal victory the rdpublieuu party has ever won. ThIC lessot of the St. Louis tornado Is thut the wires must come down , it tilt 1 telegraph atilt telephone coulpania ( do not take them down the storm 9vlli re- ( love them of the trouble. cuulirh S UnPGYIS1rLD PIIUblCT 1. Tito shocking accident by which Aus- tht Cor11h1 host his life has removed from time sphere of 1)tlsineSS activity one of the most enterprising of Anler- lea's 1nodern ndllinminires. .tusthl Cor- bin wns a ntnmi of marvellous etlimelty mid compreheltslve grnsp 't'wenty fire years ago lac was one of the progresslve capitalists of Da. vdhport , ht . , where he lilt thin foundation - tion of the fortune that lie has since utaattged to build up to colossal proportions - portions by slu'ewd ilveslum'ul in pro- dnctlvo vc11tureN. At the thus of ills tenth ire 1111(1 several proJecls that gate i)1eutise ) of changing the channels 0f htterntltlnuni cow11erce by the estab- lisiunemit of a short transatlantic sleuth- 51d1) route beltveen Jloutauk Point , L. I , , and 1111ford llavemi , Eng. It had beol A\I1' . Corbin's eierlshed pint to shorten the time of pnsseuger travel alit ! mall b0tw'den New York alit Inni- dot to live days , and hits nrratgeuents were hourly cnulpleted for the construe- tint of several fast steamships 1111(1 time bulldhig of the hiu'bnrs at the ter- nilnnls. Ili conncctlOll with this prnicct 11r. Cochin had nlo comicelv0d the idea of estal lisliing n free port oil lines similar to those at ilnnlhurg auti Cope111ungen with a' view to colcentrathtg the inter- natlonal carrying trade at Fort Pond Buy1)001' Jloittattk Point. A hill au- thiolzitg 111o cretttlmu Of this free port is mio9t' ) e11lhig in congress alt would doubtless sooner or hitter have become tt lml\V , It is to he 1101)041 that the untimely - timely death of Austin Corbin will only temporarily delay the execution of hits tvcll nurtured designs , of which so much lvtls expected. DICI'CLL1'Q dND ItUSlA'i SS. Eastern papers note that nlerchnnts ht Vnrlols bramiches of business amid theat'Ical nlitlagerr are realizi11g that the greet growth of hicyclbig huts tut unfavornlle ) effect upon their business. It Is estimati'd tluit the expenditure for bicycles in the iJnlted States this year w lhl approxiltate Q.iOO0,000 ( and this must necessarily have a nitu'ked hifiu dice upon the trade In other articles witch are not necessaries of life. Cnutplaht of the detrtuemit i effect - fect upon their business of the demand for bicycles collies froht watchmakers 811(1 jovelers , f on confectioners , froni ( Oders in tobacco mitt cigars , from tailors , hatters , slioemnnkers and even the booksellers , not to ntentlon the liverymen. It Is undntibtedly a fact that there has been sons disturbance of business from this cause , hint it cannot he ad- nutted that It is quite so serious as many tradesmen represent. If time demand - mand for some things has fallen otT by reason of economy of time part of bicycle buyers It is by no u)0ats to 1)e assumed that there are ho comitpensat- Gig benefits. The money spent for bi- cycl05 is well distributed , It goes to thousands of skilled workntcmi turd the salesmen and agents , whose ependi- tllres tile increased very nttelahhy ht cohsequetee of the boom in the manufacture facture amt sale of bicycles. 'there has beet created a net' in(1nstry aid lit ( hit' nature of things time nlthnate results of this nest be far the general good. 't'here is a bright stile to the picture even now , for it sahl that butchers anti bakers mint grocers are doing more business - ness thtut ever because of the hicreased nppetlte and rejuvenated tligestlals whisk rlding has camset. At say rate , one tiring eau be said within absolute confidence and that is that bicyclhig has cone to stay. It has come to be recognized as one of time unst vduable nietiods of recreation. whet wisely employed , mind it has other merits. As time New York Post says , na a social revolutionizer it Ims never hlul an equal : "It Inns put thio human race on wheels and thus chluiget coin- pletcly mmuly of thin most ordlminry processes - cesses and methods of social life. It is time great leveller , for not till all Americans got on bicycles was time great Auterlcan principle , that every mnu is Just us good as July other man , and generally u little better , fully realized , All are on equal terms , all are happier tittl ever before , old the sullcrers In pocket front this universal fraternity old good will nay as well make up their muinds to time new order of tiiugs , for there will be no return to the old. " This is obvlously the common-House view to take of the sittmtion , If those tvho feel that they are victims of what they cull the cycling craze will be patient - tient they will timid Gm due tlmo that thin hove of bicycle riding is not the disastrous tiling to bllsiltess It minay now seen to be. FRANCE PiOTFSTS. Time Fremirlu goverutiucut does not lilfo the policy , when applied to the Inter- eats of Its otvn ieOpiO , which it applies ( A ) this. country , IPo' years Prance has discriiniuated agalust Aularlctni cattle 1111(1 nett 011(1 till efforts to Induce that gnvo'unu'ut to remove or modify thus diacrimhlatiOIl have been unavailing , Our minister to France during the Iiur- riwn admhilstrntton persistently iuLorod to bring about a change from this policy , but wine he recelved promises that something would be done tlh'y were uulforntly disregarded. Everymtilstry mauifesldd time Stuuc dlsposltlou in re. guard to this matter , and outlining' could be accomplished. Thu pretext for this diserluhinatlon ho , of course , disenso Iml Amerlcumt cattle , though t Ito sutiafilctory proof hmns ewer been prest'11ted of lie discovery of this' ease. The French government has relied - lied upon the testimony of "experts , " ti honr It Is cosy to understand natty he iterested hit the exclusion of Auie lcnu cattle. No conside aUun whntover has been given to the represontltiots of o1) goverunleilt regarding thin ihorouglluess of the inspl'etlou here , the conduct of the Preach go erltnieut in this respect ahtountilg virtually to a declaration that It timid ho cotmIldeuce hr the otlichul sttteuieilts and assurapees coming burn our Iepariuettt of Agriculture. 1ivery- boly at all familiar with lie matter tulderstauds , however , that the real motlvo for this dlscrlmtnuliou is Iwo- I heNon of ) G hrendl Ltrmrur and stock r81ie1Onwltir which no funlt eodth be found Iftt1I4Ig'09ernmilelt w lnl(1 ca11 ( Idly aekuolvledge it , butt when It a8 sects that } mL eattk are excluded be- caltye oP (1f , nits tilt effect is to create ( lislenat thniitnglmig generally t0 this lui portent A11n'1l0Jum interest , The mu'tlou of ( he I"ru 111m'1 govertltnt cxe'Is nn inllnence 'ho4jere ( amid might trtlsonn- bly' be mull ) nmt excuse by other guv ( 'rminhnts ! forriif lltutlug a shullar policy. The course ( il'h'rmnuy in regard to our cattle , vas promptly followed by llel gh1111 a11tt el It' } ' COnlltt'lt's , lint ItS the result of hileytigNbOit oil ( itch part , but slntply/imt.rccognltlol / of tilt' sutili clency of ( tlihiin ) authority' that disease lad bean found among Amet ietut cattle , 'flie's can b0 no doubt. that the hostile attitude of 1''rance ht tlds nutter bas exerted a very detiimelt taI Inlluetce , 501110 1nonliis ago Ills govertuncu t adopted toiVlird hrulnce amid Germiutlty the stuue 1)niky those gov'eruments up- ply to us , also hteludhtg S9vitzeriuu d In the cxcludlmh 'flit' Inlpo'taIiou of cattle front those comimitlev t9'ns pro- hihited , ou 1he ground of diseases Lihlomig t11eui , mold It appears tint so far as Frtluce is concerned our governuleut founti w'nrramit tot' Its act lout i11 rehto ts of lime I''reneh ' Agricultural depa thcnt , shoving the prevLiience of disease tit VmlhOliS limes lit the provhlccs. it t1p peals tint this attracted no attentinu umitll a fot9. weeks ago , tvhcu the Amiiel- eui consul at iblvre stopped the Shill- ) meat of cattle from llut port to the ijuitet States. 'I'lle French shippers prevented tine case to the governnell , tvhiiclu tlu'reupou couuuuuicnted witii the Fre)0it tmlhnssudor ut 1Vtuslmliigton , tvho his : subnltteti tire natter to 011' government lit time form of a protest ttgaiist ( what. tune French gnver11htcllt is pleased 111 regard 115 retaliation , although - though tie nclion is grounded upon much better lestimouy thou ( hunt got'- el'Illlletlt ever ( ) lfel'e(1 lit Justi11catien of Its course iii excluding Antericut cattle. It is to be hoped that 0111' government will not recede from time posittomi it huts tttkel , whether it be regnrded as rc- tnhintory or not. ' 1'110 secretary of ttgrictiture points out that our i'eula- tions ht regard to foreign shlpp01r of cattle are Very iellient nod uo Europeau county has eiijoyed more fully thui : France the adruthtlge of these reguha- ttons. It is true that the iulpnrhtlna of cattle from that. cohtry is mint large , but that tines not affect tic questiou. It is the (111(3' ( of the United Stales gov- ernueut to requlre just treatiileilt fin' one of the most lutporant ( Interests of its penpie tutu to onploy every legill- m ute uldtums o Qoupel such Ircntnlemit. It is possllii tit lttiwthe Issue lbttt has been rafsed bmt hiu protest of France miltiy have very uiportant results , ALMTT DF)11YSRLESS. The coltuiittee of the ! hilted States senttto to eYanii le time coast defenses at N w Yorl ih,11de an inspection of them tie past t9gLliSul it is said that time report this c o luiftttee will make to the seminte will : Cpnc itt 1'ely show tint the cohditlmt ot ; a 'it's is not at all ( i0 sirable. TLi 'Q ( ort will be subnlltted to congress1j ! ore adJutu'ument , in or- de' ; : iv'Seitti Or g11ire ytnted , that cot- giess nuly h nqw the cltnuces tint are belmig taken lit case of/war. The senator - tor front the state of Washington Dos take ( great bttetrst in the subject cf coast defenses timid wiatever shall be accomilplished in tiii direction in the fntur2 lie will desei've mio sumall ntetsure of time credit for , 'iris countlttee fomml the ia her of New York ahuost defenseless against the great ships of Modern navies timid yet the defenses at that port are iet- tet' than those at any other port ht the United States , from tvhicit may be Inferred - ferred what the condition is elsewhere. Speaking of time sltatiou Senator Squire said : "It is disagreeable to tell the truth , but the people have been sluabeeilg too long.Ve lithe a good , although it is a small navy , If we tie- Veld upon ( tie navy to ddfeu(1 a city we tvlll lose , for fortilicatlous should he the protectlon of the navy. Ships could not be at all polut5 at the saule time and if they we'e what would be- comae of our commerce ? Our shipyards nett protection. 1Ve are tes1)eratehy in mieed of strong humid defenses , such its a foreign envy du'e : not emicom1ter , Then we can a0'nrti to be independent amid take a position and not b0 brought to our knees wlmeit lie tlnie for actlou cones through fear for our utercautile hit crest ' . " 'l'ime senator expressed - pressed a hope that boti the coiling nntioal conventions vviii adopt planks ht their respective platforms etd coast defenses and certainly the repnbllcttn convention will do this. ' ! 'here is , of course , i nthi11g to'crente alarm In the fact that the great city of New York would be at the mercy of a foreign fleet 0t war vessels 1111(1 ( that all of the poets on our seacoast ILFO still more vuinerable , because there is no present danger of this country being engnged in u war with any power that couhl sInd a fleet bit ) our waters which our nttvy could not cope with , There Is nntlming to 'also apprehension of war ' viii miny nctlon except possibly Spate , whoso navy Is considerably - smaller thnllx bpi and cold stake no serious demonstration against tiny of our ports. Il t ! t Is certainly not good policy , looking at time noutter ( rout time most prtaetlcai stutlpolnt , to allow our great settports , which comfit property valued at thouthinds of millloms of dot. hors , to remata ip the almost d ( emise- less coudltiun19ttt whleh they now are. The report : ' senate committee on eeast defenseuwlli be very likely to arouse publle , ntrentlon on this smatter ll : ' , a and strengthai pgiubtr seltlulent in fa vor of ndequnteioast deenae9. rr I' An Illhlols Jury huts Just ( mind another - other man guilty of boodllug it connec- tlomi with the passage of u bill in the last legislature. 1VIth a few exa11n1)1es like this before us we may reasonably hope that lie day viii cone when tine pnulslmwnk of the bribe giver anti legis halve hoodler tvhlh bit as swift and cer Lain uw that of the ttoh'sslolal thief. Tie prohibition fight ls beginning to tLikn slutpa up ht South Dukott and the cmiupaign prouises to be laid much on the llueg of that In Neblusku lu 1830. I'rohibitlon was over\vheimingly (1e touted in Nebraska in ( lint year nntl the advcates of the repeal of the pro- hibilory clause in the South Dakota tonstllutlon cult get sonic vallinhle paints from a careful study of the sttc- cessfnl campaign in this' state. 'rile tuisentcd deulncratie representa- tive' of the First South ] Cnrolinml district would nut care so much about losing his 1)l1lce in congress If it were lint ( hint the snecessful clittestnnt is n colored miuul , idite tire tiuh ) when Powell Clnytou of Arkansas ( vas beaten for lemporttry chnirni ut of the repullicall natioal couVeutioi by Joh11 ] t 1.yndl , the clordl lllssissippintl , ( lie defeat Is doubly distasteful to southcru chivnlt'y on account of tilt' color of the victor , 1Ve fear it wllh still be sonic time before 9(11110 parts of the Noutli 9x111 measure tt vote for a Negro alt the shills ScitieS mla they do a Vott for n w'1(1te 1111111. The lice has beet fNhled why it gives So 111tlcit spine 1o reports of scinol Cnut- lueuceuicnts throughout the state. The lice has no rcisou to apologize for treat- lug lilt graduating exercises of the pub- Ile ScIlotlis lit Illatters of vital l11tportutce to Its readers. 't'hey tie of vital lni i rtnttce because they uurh the en trance of scores amid hundreds of young met amid w'omieu lute the t'nnks of steady , saber citizchship. The cere- 11Unlles which accoulpltny the close of ( lie school year ought to be and are , nit- less we ace atishlken , autong the best nest's items viilch are laid before ( lie hoYsp81ter rculiug public. The Free iuuch Sluuglrler. lndlannpolia Jeurnni. Latest estimates of the number of victims in the terrible dlsasler at Mascaw stake it the utost destructive of modern times if not in the history of the world , The casuullies in acme great battles have not exceeded 4,800 , A 111Nlttlu'n Cs ii'l islon , Mlnnsapolls Tribune. Nebraska shows the smallest percentage of illiteracy of any state. It ii , only 3.1 , w1tllo in the whole United Stales it Is 13.3. And Nebraska , solitary and alone of the transndasouri states , sends a sound money delegation to the Chicago convention. The Cant TruNl Cousplritey , Chicago Tribune. During the rebellion men who endangered the peace and happiness of the country were sometimes ! rot Into Fort Lafayette. It would not he a bad Idea when this trust puts on Ita screws if some of the leaders engaged - gaged in oppressing the consuinarsot a prime necessity of life were conned do some of the empty forts under strong guard until they repent of their misdeeds and promise reformation. It certainly would be a Less evil than to endure their robber practices. Self-defense is the first law of nature. - p - - Compllmeuta of the Season , Indianapolis News. The Omaha flee this monh attains its twenty-fifth birthday. The flee is still owned by Edward Itosowater , who founded it , and It is conducted by him and his sons. Although republican in Politics , The flee is markedly independent. It has from the first taken a strong position against the sliver - ver craze. In a comnmunlly ivhero populism has raged , It has vigorously opposed the efforts - forts of populists to dominate Its own party , In local questions , as well. The ilea has not been afraid to strike out boldly , and as Omaha has been a sufferer from Inemcient local administration , the paper'e servic s in this behalf have been of great public bemte- fit. The Review of Reviews for this month gives an account of the history of The flee and of its owner and editor. Mr. Rosewater - water lies for lds assistants his two sans , Vlctur aul Charles C. Itosovater , who have been thoroughly educated for journalistic careere. The News , which is two years The flea's senior , gives its best wishes to its Nebraska contemporary and hopes it may long continue to teach poItleal : sanity and the importance of honest local administra- . SLCOr.A1l 911/11'9 .t't' TtliI l'Utd'1't' . Somerville Journal ; No minister ever yet made ithnrelt unpopular by shorte'ting up his ecrmong , Minneapoik Trlbume : A St Paul preacher told hits cnn rcgatlon Sunday that the St. Louts disaster wns a jadgmeot upon time wlekednes9 of that city , his reasoning If followed out , slloultl cause ids congregation to begin building cyclone cellars at once. Mlneeapotls Tiniest Ths clergy 511(1 good people generally who deprecate bicycle riding on Stutday shoitd po'aess their souls in pa- tionce. After the first fever has subsided the great majority of rulers , even though they arc fond of ( ire apart , will not allow It to Interfere with their home or rellglous ditties. Ietrolt Free i'ress : The i'resbyterlan general as umhly denounces bicycle rdhtg : on Sunday surd the Melhodleta deuoaeo cards and dancing. The haptlsts , not behindltand , dencomea klsaing games , at least a meeting of ilaptist mhIsters ) held in New York re- ceully listened with approval to a ! roper by one of their tmamber in which such games were denounced , it wvuhd be lulerestlmg to know Just what amusements nro to he per- utitted to the church nrenlber of the future , Detroit Trlbunet It would appear to be ill advlscd fur any body of religionists to take nctlon antagonistic to such a movement , the inllueace of which is written In uilllluns of lives amid in the promotion of entcrprlses tlitf arc counting for the elevation of morals coil the cause of good citlzenshlp It is n false notion that Cltrlstian Endeavor is destructive to loyalty to church. It Is tallier n grand recruitlug arnmy for the churches. mitt by providing a broad space in the open wlmeru all donominatlons can meet lu Christina concord - cord and uureslralued fellowship , It seeks to promote- the spirit of unity and harmony whore now there Is too much of factional strife and unwortlmy , amid sometlmcu bitter , con + petillon , New York 'hrlbulie The Methodist general - eral conference lmas committed the church tea a deubtfutl experiment in approving the forma- tlon of a Methodist fire insurance company , to engage in the business of biouriug church property. For some time nn organization known as the \t iscunsn ! Methodist Church Mutual Insurance canpauy has been in ex- Istomn It was organized in' order to give cheaper insurance to Methodists lit Wisconsin Utah they could get in the regular companies , and thus far It appears to have bceu success- . Its success has so impressed the general oral conference that it has voted to have a shnllar orga'Ization under tlmo nanagouent and control of the church , to do a general business all over the country , 1'LItS0NA1. A\0 07'IIIIt1YlSL. Forty thousand pounds of the Chicago Fat Men's club assembled at a picule the other day. It uas a select , swell front affair. A alx-foot pugilist attempted to fan with his hams the dimnimmtlvo marshal of Ovid , Mich. The latter cia ibered o ) the pug's noels caressed 1113 windpipe , made him squeal for breath , anti led hint to time loclup. 3. . it. Sage has been reappchnted chief of the Iowa Weather bureau. As ho has accu- mniated quite a etock of experience in the weather lie , It is expected that ilia predictions - dictions and his nnnte will harmonize pres- . The prince ofValea Imo consented to dine with the ancient and honorable artillery of Iloston In London , next month. Fears of a rupture of friendly relations may be put aside while an attack on the commissary department - partment impends. The New York Sun's collection of quaint antiques 1as been replenished with the name of lion. Ifez Wun Lung , a Kentucky statesman - man whose vociferous capacity casts a doubt on the accuracy of hie name. Sa marvelous is his bellows that tm ! Sun is convinced ho would lay out the cyclone of to Platte at orate sitting and have several lungs to spare. A French genius lira luveted n marvelous calculating machine. Al ! the figuring is done automatically , whether in addition , subtraction or multiplication. Wben the figures run Into the mllllons , the machine's performances are extraordinary- fortune awatte the inventor in the United States. An automatic calculator is absolutely necessary - sary to grapple with republican majorities next , fall. Mr. ( henry Watterson , who is roaming about Paris , visited the forest of Fontain- bleau and wreathed with the memories of bygone icings. Mr Watterson is not an admirer - mirer of royalty , ' alv4 ! o' ' dead , but of the many shades recalled in the famous forest , the t ho believes that Louts Quatorze earned on earth the Molten Crown of ilades. The oplnlgn is Interesting as showing that henry's historic reference to "open graves" has not been forgotten in his rambles. ttl..ts'rs FIIOM R.tM'S IIOIIN , ttellglnus halo le ( boniest reientiess of s1 ! ' , he te. Crushing a rose make , it bigger than It wan before , Tim man who is trying to got to heaven alone Is nee fit to go , , ,4 , Seine a11epitords scent to make a specialty " - h of feeding the lambs goat's milk. Many a boy tins turned out bad because his father bore down too hard on limo grind- stone. , . The less people know of mite bible's spirit , the n'orn halrsplllling they will do over its Irttcr , 1 The trouble about sowing wild oats is that ttu ! same hand ( limit sow a must do the I reaping. , The devil spikes a gun when the hnpres- sion prevails tint ( lie preacher is proud of , ilia bend , Shonlhtg in church is sometimes one kind of religion , wltlle paying the preacher's back salary Is snottier. 'l'be greatest waste of ( bite we can be ' , guilty of in this world , in to neglect to prepare - pare for the next , I I)011115'l' I O 11)1' 1.9 , 4- Pliilalelphla Record : Mugglns--\Vhy did you allow yuur daughter to marry that cashier of yours ? Ihtrglns-I w'antell to keep the money in the fautcy , 1Vnsbiugtott Star : "Loot ( lure" said the telly edllnr la the new reporter , "you nnude in this story to Air , Roswell mis n Iinancier " "Why , he handles a great dent of none ) . " "I duat't care it he does , I don't want you to call him a financier , lie hasn't nny slde-whdsllera , " Chicago Record : "For three ntantbs dur- Inn time tvnr 1 eccugded time most dnngerous pasltlntt im my company : " 'Indeed. "Yes ; every mnrnlni I curried tin' eight mules belonging to our cuuuntssnry , " Detroit Tribune : " sighed the F.vit One , "we cmt't do a thing with actors , The minute we try to nuke it hot for them t11ey get up n benllt perfartnanc tut ( , of course , you know that momma a trout. " lveui : the supernatural , it seemed , had occasionally to meet up with lhnlttttiuns. r New York ilerahi : Vinlet-Mr. Fiddle- back lots asked me to go to the thenter with him tonnrrow' night. 1)asy-Thnl's strange. Ile has asked me also. ' I hint I wouldn't r 1'Iolet--Yes. told ga without a chaperon. IVomnsocket Reporter : "Sontebdy , she faltered , "nay conic between us. " Ills breast heaved. "Whoever would do such n thing , " he fiercely exclaimed , "would be contengttiby : small" And with that he moved even yet uenrer to her. Judge : Flowery Flelds-W'y did yer leave yer wife , Winton ? Weary \Vlliinm-Oh , she wuma nighty nn' changeable. Usetor hide her pocketbook In a different place 'most every tine ; never scented ter care how much trouble she made one. Detroit Free Press : ' ry husband was a dyspeptic when l married bunt' "That must have been a great nflliellon to you ? " "On the contrary' , it was a blesaing , lie never alludes to Ills mother's cookhtg , " IIarper's' Dazar ; "Did he talc you In his arms when you accepted hltn ? " "No ; he couldn't" "Couldn't ? Was there somebody about ? " "No" "Was he paralyzed wills joy ? " "No ; he proposed over the telephone" Indianapolis Taurnalt "You remember when I prcpased to your' said the young husband. I believe I do recollect something of the sort , " nnsivered the young wife , , "And you told me I would have to see your mother. " Yes. ' + "I must have misunderstood you. I never dreamed that it was the program that t should nee your mother every day I came home. " - - ' ' , + Totl I A'1'ti Pirime Cam-flu in Item's horn , ! 0 words of dreadful , solemn warn- - To heedless souls wpo rush through LIfe's bright morning : . Adfloe reproof amid-ioving counsel scorning. Too late ! Too lute ! Too late ! 'Tla here ; the moment unex- pected. IIov can we seek that love so long neglected - lected ? 110w dare we aslt the alit so oft rejected ? 'Poo late ! Too Intel 5s c i ru : L ' W4 ! . -z OMAHA 7j : STOP. . t Getting ' : : 5 . . . . , DISCOUNT. On every Suit-Overcoat-pair of Pants-Alpaca Coat-boys' } Dr men's or children's-except ( hats and furnishing a goods-not ) a , thing reserved- n Ilos' 11(1 ( Stills for , . , , , , , , . , , fSLi 1515,00 Men's )923,00 ) Sulfs fur. . , , . , , , QZO.00 ) ' , . . . . . . . . . . , Sills for. ) ) Jh4ays' I4Z2,5O NU11,1)1) ' . . . . . . . . . . . Men's M J.ri1) Sultry fur $18.00 ' , . . , . , . , . . . . Days' 11510,00 Suits for. f5H.0(1 . Men's 1.0.111) Sills for , . . . , . . , , 151(7.01) ( ' . . . . . . . , . . . . Eoh' 147.30 Sails for. ( ( 1(1.0(1 ' ' . . . . . , , . . , , ) Men's 318.0 ( ) Suits ( or $ L1ith . ' . . . . . , . . . . . . lloy $ 15(1.(10 Sulk tor. 15.680 Alun's til5.OO Suits . . . , . . , . . ) . ( ( : ' . . . . . . . . . . . Chlldrsmm's Si1.ai ( Sluts for. . . , . . 1511,15) Men's t412.nO Snits ( or .1510.11(1 . , . . , , , . , ( .ltlldreu's5(1,7l / ) Suits for. 13,211 , , Mcrt'a 1510,0(1 Solis for. . . . . . . . . 158,111 . , , . . . . , Chlldren's 153.00 )4ultr for 154.00 Men's ltIHGI Spits fur. , , . . , . . . . 15LS0 . . . . . . . . . . Children's 15..0 ( ) Suits for. 511.20 . 310n' lf17.30 Suits for. , . , . . . . 15U.00 Chmlldren's 15JL0 Suits for. . . . . . ff2,8O - r That's the plain-simple story - none exaggeration - plain facts-just a 20 per cent discount off our plain marked figures for any suit or overcoat or pantaloons in the house , CO. . , Getting eadY to Remodel the W.Cornerl5thandDoulasOrnaha. i' ' 111