. . .f . : ' . . S i . : . . . ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . . . 1r - ESPAJ3LIS1LED JDE . . 19 , 1STi. _ oMAhA , SA'I1UBDAY - MOUN1NG - - _ , - JUNE (3 ( , IS9B-TWELVE - - - 1'AG-ES. siNarAE uov irrvii O1NT. FOR COIIEXGEEENTTEE ) \ \ Plans of the University of l'ebrazh for t Annnal Olosing Eiercises. I3ACCAIAUREATC SERMON ON SIJNDI Clift tic.1 br fncT.eni ' % VIII I'renrli I 1.ftflKI , up I'Iii ti t.r to I I.e f ItItItM , i1 fbi' I'uIitI'-I her Uiil I , verkit ) I.1NCOL Juno & . -Specla1.-Ths ( ) yc no pcdal Invitation will be sued by t VIhCr8tty ! ot Nebraska , simply a card announcement of the cvont of commenc ( inent week. For the bacalaireato erm by Chancellor MacLean Sunday evening t1ckct will be issued , but the lower flo of the Lansing theater will be reervd I the unvcrsIty people. Tickets are now rcai for nil other exerc1es and w1) ) be Issued fru the exccutica omcc of the unIvrIty. Th can be prccured as fo1low : Saturday , 8 to a. m. , seniors and undergraduate asIstnnt - Saturdays 2 to 4 p. rn. the faculty ; Mo : I- dny , 10 to 12 a , m , , the alumni ; Monda 2 to 4 p. m. , the student bady ; Monda 4 to C p. m. , the public. Following are the programs of Cota and \S'esleyan unlver8itIes : Weleyan university : Sunday , June 7. 1O a. m.-Liaccalaureatc Eermon , by Cha otlior Crook : 4 p. in. , union nc ing of ChrIstIan associations ; 8 In. , univerily Fermon , by Dr. Emo , Miller of DCB Moines. Monday , June 8 , p. in-MuIc recital In chapel. Tuesda , Juno 9 , 10:30 : a. m.-Academlc commune mont ; 8 p. m. , elocution recital.Ve1ne day , Juno 10 , 10:30 a. m.-Coinmenceme oratlcn , by 13hiop Fowler.Veineaday eve ing , chancellor's reception. Cotner unIverSIty : Sunday , Juno 7 , Ii m.-Ilaccalaureato eermon , Dean W. Aylsworth , L.L..1) . Monday , June 8 , S m.-Exhlbltion of the Neotrophian soclet Tuedny , Juno 9 , 8 p. m.-Exhlbltlon of ( I Mahesian society. Weinesday , June 10 , p. m.-Annual recital of department music. Thursday. Juno 11. 10 a. m.-Cor mcncement exercises. Thursday , 7O : p. i -Heception of the art ( leparmont. : 1'oIlowin is the class of 1StG. which tli evening graduated from the Lincoln ! li echool : Tammle Frnncenna Itymni , valedi tory ; Lina Frater Cutts , Mary E1ean MortImer Clara Mao Crabtree. Carrie Del Ackerman. Carrie Aura , Maurice l3crken : Lola lilckneli , Minnie Ilickneli , Gertrtu Eva 13ongardner , Gretchen Edith flomarI ncr , Mary Gertrude Chambers. Samuel Dc : ter Clinton , Ernest Bradford Cook , Rut Mae lobson , Mamie Ellis , Clara Wood Fo icr , Minta hail , Mabel Alice Ilnrtzcll , Esth I'carl Ilensel , John herman , Ida May Kee ter , Amy A. Lasch , Ida Lewis , Clara Edit \ Idorgan , Charles Stuart Ileed. Jtobert Lesl fJJ , Ryan , .Adelta Stifle. Zuella Althea Treste Mabel itose Wallinglord , Clara Rachel Wa ton , Martha Mctler Walton. \Vcduesday next Governor Ilolcamb w the cloring exercises I deliver an address at the Institute or the I3lind at. Nebraska Cit and on Thursday he will speak at the o etticra pcnc ! at Palmyra. lie \iIl also dl liver the Fourth of July oration at Hoidreg LIVE STOCK RATES CHANGE TODAY. ' 1ho State l3oard of Transportation receIc word today that the change in live stock rat t ' roads In the stat lad taken ett'ect on all the This was oltlclai notice from each one of U roads. Today Is the ( lay agreed upon betwec the roads and the board for such change. Today E. H. I3ignaii. ruperintendent of Ui northern division of the Burlington ratiwa : 1BUed a circular announcing the appolntmet of l.V. . Carter as trainniaster of the nortl em divklon in place of F. D. Itoulette. r eigned. A few week.8 cince Mr. lloulette wc to Mexico or a vacation. and It is rumorc that the Mexican Central railway baa ofterc 1dm a higher and more lucrative position. I W. Carter Is an old employo of the l3urlim ton , having commenced his career with U road on December 8 , 1592 , as a brakeman. Orrie Smith. an niployO in the press F031 of the Evening Call , this afternoon had tit misfortune to have his left hand caught I a prers , which resulted In its being very badi lacerated. It is thought that the band can t saved. 't the farm of Granvllie Ensign , about te miles from thia city , a cattle shed 400 1c long wae torn to piccec by the wind Ia night. A fine grove on th farm of G. I Oarlock In that vicinity was almort t tally destroyed. Mr. Garlock states that Ui wind in that district nearly reached the v belly of a hurricane. The following Jury has been secured to tr the case of Henry Gerner against C. W Mosher and certain stockholders in the Cap tal City National bank : P. W. Werthlngtol C.V. . Lyman , J. W. Dell , Leo Ludtke , C Thebaut , James Eagan. M. Adler , Fran Chrastle , F. J. IJoevink. % V. 31. Sutton , It. i Brown and 0. E. Titayer. IntroductIon c evidence was begun and Gerner placed on th atatid as ftrst witnear. lb was followed b Iteceiver K. K. Hayden and John A. CrUUF ton , a bookkeeper in tim banic. Counsel to the directors objected strenuously to the mire duction of any of thIs testimony , and thor are Indications that the case wIll be bitten : contested in behalf of Mother and the di rectorL George Saxton ba8 filed with the dlstrlc count a claim for the IQOO reward olfere for the flock lIand train wreckers. liic claim Is hotly contested by 1)etective MalOne Saxton lie was the llrst man to suspec 1)avis of tue crime. and that tie tipped hi upiciofls oft to Malone and made the at rest of Davis 1)OESlble. Davis is tiow servln a tycnty years' centence for tbo crime. Omaha people In Lincoln : U the Llndell- Id. C. ICibbc' , N. E. Lcase , W. .1. Miller ' , W. II I' . llemb Drown. At thu lncoin-Georgo \v. S. Jessup , E. L' . Ilenjammn attil 3. V. ljiriuingbam , leanc Alatl23. 'l'4) St'S t Jo % II * Cr Clii iiiiN. LINCOLN , Juno G.-Spocial.-Tho ( ) Shit U.artl of IrrigatIon ba ieued the followin notice : Notice is hereby given that hearings In tli matter of ndjtulicnting rights to the u' a Vflter claimed prior to April 4 , 1k95 , witlil the % v.tel'helt of the Nolib Platte an I'lnttp rivers will ho held ( or the severn ioufltIes therein hr nu ciiiicer of the Stat Itoard of Irrigation 81 the places and upo tile dateli inelkated H5 follows : For lawsofl , Iluffalo , Kearney nml PIIC1I ccunties. In Lexington ott Tuesday , July iis : ; , ot tite court IiOtiii. For Llneolu cotinty In North Platte oi W'eclne1ay , Jell ) ' S. 3(6 at flu' Court ) lOUS For Keith count ) ' , In Ogaiiillu on Fridu JUl ) ' 10 at the rourt house. g For feuCI cnnty. In Chappeli on Satur \ da' . July II , II6 , tit the court hmue. % lor rtieyellno IIIId itantier countie. it Ilnyard on Tttesday and \\'edneeday , Jul1 II Ritti l. lSd. l"or Heotti' Itlurt SIeux countic , i ( k'rlng on Friday , July 7 at the oilic of C \v. Gardner , CIaftnilit are expoctcd to ettend at hear 111g4 for their r'spcetive counties in orde to ftirnib to tile otlier reSidIl1g at sal htearixigs the nec'et.ary pioc'fs , It any be e qttlred to Lllstaln theIr iI.dms ; otIicrvls said claims will be diiuliseJ. $ I&iiiIiI ( & fleet et'ils Irunt St'l.ri.iIcn GlLND ISL/ND , Nob. , June 5-Speclal. ( -Ii. E. Ilrysaeibout , sup3rlntendent of tin Onard suger ! actor , sbipped nnet.threI ! of Riein W'anzleben beet sugar iced te the PecOs Valley Itcet Sugar company , Call fornia , last night , Thia repreentoel live bill of tb eced.t iugar factory 1 $ flOW be1n built there by M. Saudi , thto same engineet who put up the Lugar factories at flran latid sad Norfolk and wto Jfl bulb threw of Ihe ceveit sugar 1ctorto in thil country % \ hlea the l'cc's vnhlei tacbor II con''leted , _ _ _ C&isiilsi the * lie A vliIeiin II Il les on FItEMONT , Neb. , JuoeSpecialTht ( P different churches ci the city wli hold e ira53 ittettog at Love opera house Suads ) evening ( or thu ptrpco of considering the Armeniaii questie.tddresses will be del v. ce-ed by lisa ialors of tlii , differed cliurchel utid a co'lecttnn ' taken. This sneehlng Is rs.led L by the Vomea s t'hratIKn Temperance un'c'n. . - - - - -u.- I , Ij. ( 'rVSM 0 t"Fi t' % VtM.t . 'S C I.U .tflltUSII ll'etllI of Ohl1ceri 3tniie I'hi'nn lit ( ) eenNtftn. NATTSMOtJT1I , Neb. , Juno . -Spcca ( -Last Friday evening the Woman's club this city held lt. second annual meeting I the eleetlon of omeers for the ensuing ten Tile club was organIzed by Mrs. Ilclt Stoutenborough jtst. to years ago , Its mci berhip numbers nearly eighty , comprisil the leading women Cf the city. The treivu boasts of a lianilsomu surr1u , and the prc h1cct. for future development are very brigi Mr.t , Stoutenborough , as rresident. and C other retiring omrer have held omee for t past two years , which ir the imniit preecnlh by the lass of the club , anti Friday nighi election mit in an entirely new rot of ci cta1. The new omeers are PresIdent , Mt 3. 1. tjnruh : vice prcadent , Mrs. Cant lie Mtt Edna Adams necordli icr ; treasurer , secretary , Mrs. Mary Jennette MeLenna corresponding eecreiry , Mtr Treesie lice I "el upon tile intalmntrq t these oflicent' MI Stoutentorough dehtcred the following a deer. ; : Matiam Prc'i1eit and MemberR of t Woman ; ; Club : Tliiii gnvel Os many of v prnsente(1 to the club Dy itiI know , vnn tl speech lIMIt In tltejiresentatlon Chapman mndrt from the tirt b tutu us that It wits rtentl that WaS lJrOUgIt tcro the Mirott river to l'h'.ttsmottth. It ii a typlcnl p1 neer. and as you have thought beet duili the past two Years to emigrate with me In 1101 % . and untried domains , I fancy that ho the gavel and .myeIf will go on record I heaven' . and tonight I take the place , op ti Ittie Ciernian chIldren say , as "GroR Mu tier" of your club. The modern improvemeflth which are su to follow under a new administration 1 shi etijOy with you , since we ure nil to YIt the same tlrealde. I can but think , Macla I're1dent , that this citib Is standing on 11 threshold of great opportunities. and Ui there are stored lii ) IOWC. of catrublilti lIt this memberehip of whIch , poeslbly , ' have never dreamed. Its educatIonal ( 'Ife hail teen and s'ilt be felt in Its diufusioli literary ta5te , extending to the homes I Our city and In the etwakening of IncuR ! which have long lain dormant , rrhe work elccoml1shed ! during the pa two yearc ii due largely to the cixecutli hanril anti to the leadeis of depVtment won and I wish to thank these women anti eiu IflcilVlIUUI member of this club for the hearty co.optiition. and IC I could prophe tonight It WOtill be to repeat my i'efltlmel vhefl you eftetqieii.prma'cit organiant 0 "You are buhidieg petter than you know taking , potsibly. Ue ttone5 which ; have lot been buried in the chill and gloom of ti rarth-surroundITig circumstances-beanie heavy vnlle , tover and turreta of gnlevoi burdens ; taking these to carve anti 1)0115 makIng strong. beautiful corner stones. may be in your future stately edifice , tl Woman's club of Plattemouth. Then before the motion to adjourn could 1 put a beautiful dealt was brought out an prcscnted to the retiring president by Mr tinruk on behalf of the members of the cli In the following happy 1itt1 r'pccch : Mrs. Stoutenborough the Retiring Pre lent of the \\'oman's Cfub : The keynote Vi truc1c to the universal desire of the inca bcrshlfl Of our \Voman'i club whole a pro : osition was ; naele to present you wIth toker'i of our contldence and affectionate F gard. Believing that the success of our cit iltiring Its brief lifa has been largely due 1 ' 0Ur untirilig and eitlclent efforts in In parting to us a share of your energy ar teal for Intelligent improvement anil dl 'c1opnicnt , in behalf of the Woman's cub l'Iattsmouth , I nni requested to presant ye wIth this desk as a slight symboi of ot ippreciation. A deiic that was fashioned from some Ti owned anti peclumed wood of flnest fibe would have been more In iceeptng wit ur wiiie. but simple as this one is , fill ; wcet affection aftl goodcheer cover It wit 1 rIch 'arniih. that shall be more preciot Lo you than costly settings of pearls ac 'ubieic. iere valuable to the voi-ld thu iountnlns of guineas vi11 It ha If It aba iOFVO as ft meana whereby truth shall evei none be crowned and "wrong doing" be di hroned. Seated at ths modest desk , as the gent low fesila frQm the quiet heavens. so ma reel ; Inspirations fall upon you , which I urn. Khnhi be breathed upon the wont ! I eautlful and wonderful creatIons , liftin tthcrti Into the higher atmosphere of' the ulture which means the perfection varmest sympathy. brlghtcs intellect an ) urest religIon. May the summIt of yotj ar-reaching thoughts mount heavenwar intil you catch bright glimpses of the da3 ireak of eterntty , where. at last , wIth gin oataiepi. may you calmiy walk the. shin rig track and your "longIng for perfectio ' 0 changed to certainty. " L.OtDED WITS ! STOLN 1'Roi'Et'i" L'ssSIiHiICIflhl4 CJinrncior IJn.ler .tr rest ut Illiilr. BLAIR , Neb. , June 5.-Special.-Bia ( ) ! ad a bit of excitement lart aight. It onde I ) the arrest of a couple of men who are sup osod to be burglars and thieves. It In be loveti that they have made one of the raid It storee in country towns which have boa eported recently , as a quantity of goods sva outt'll In their pessesslon. The shenift spotted the two men late in Ui fterncon , but they were suspicIous end a ace started to leave. One was capture ItbIn the towr liniit. The other , however iade hIs escape into the country. The slier got a couple of deputies and hired a hand ar , Thea be set out upon the trail and 'ple Is man In a. sLqt time In a 'wheat field ho fugitive wn iurounded. Ito showei gltt at firstdawiaga revolver upon liii ursuens , buthe flcedIiy laid down his arm ad surrendbrd. A quantity ! ; f new kals'cs , razors , revolv re , watches awul clothing was found upi e Inca. They were unable to give a satls tetory account of how they came IIit IXV ) ession of them and it is believed that. thel roro atolen from some country store. Dc etirce froni Omaha have been detailed te xaminc. the property for marlis of identifi ation. _ _ _ _ _ _ I'r4itt'sg , gsiIis * I Ii ] 2eiisIc.I I LINCOLN , Juno . -Special ( Telegram.- ) L requislticn from Governor Drake of 1ow 'as laid bolero Governor Ilolcomb g few dayi Inca ten one Asa howard. who , it is alleged as wanted indJlls , county , lowe , for grain irceny. Ilawrsl ias In Piatteinouth iii 110 tIme andin vigorous protect iediately flied with Governor Holcoinb b : Itorney Malt Gening of that city agains otioning the requisition of Governor Drake 'itt ) matter has remained stispendod for fur her Inforinotion It appears that Attorao ering flied a similar protest with Go'erno : hake , as t day a mesaEe was received ( non ho latter saying that the requicitiati migh 0 dantuant for a 'ajale. at least , and It Ii inugbt that this amounto to a virtual with rawai of the dcieipnent. Tlto cnliuo Is al gcid In have beenl unmitted May 2 , IS9G loward having flJlle stale of Iowa on Ma 1)adgc Couait ) hitch Czii.e .igulu. FItIMONT , Nob. , .Iunu 5.-Specai.-Tlic ! ) edema of tbosuprtac court in the Dcdg aur.ty ditch catem' . Slate cx rd 'Ulea aganst ! an hart ; , revrspg the district court , ac uioneel conbiderable eurprlso uniong those uvotitIg the tilicli. it. is thought that pro. redlugs lli have to b comniencel anew In ider to bavu the ditch put in. In PILe of bite heavy rains 11113 spnIn tnpanatively little dtmagci has thus tr been reported to the bottote inds From to much aster. Tbl is prob. bly due to Ibo exveedittgiy dry weather of ie vast two years. it Is not known yet hat epa , if any , wiii be taken toward puttIng I a drainage ditch on the bottoms near tiles. _ _ _ _ _ _ Senls hic ' * liiiiiI Itoh. " ZIASTINOS , June 1-Spccial ( Tclegrani ) . . . tines flames , a oung 1e1lcr who has been onkilig around thee..judson.Fergusoa gate- ing house. s041 who baa been entrusted ith the "baak rc.IL" several times , wes uste4 once to pften and siIppeel cut ; ; lth ; Out l0O , lie sent to Council Bluff. , hero he ' &a captured and Iliost of ( be one ) ' recovered. I1eiti not be prosecuted , lH LIe ) iIc'chii.t F'i ttill' lIiir , ? it'COOIC. rcb. June . -SpecIal ( Telegram. ) 'Last night little Frank Newkirk coasted on 5 bicycle lab a team and was seriously Jured , lila jaw us. hr'ken and ( be back his head terrIbly cut. lis : eccvery Is in tubt. TiIs morning Misi Maudu IIUrCs ( cli ( foal chctfy tree and broku her area. NOT CONSIDERED . A BRIE Merrill Gump says Ho Looked Upon I Money as a Gift. WEST ENTERS A GENERAL DENt Sn's lie 1Ciev Ntithtlii of the liribe or In ) lIII'H ( ir Moii' Utt i I 1"I t- intriek Cniiio to hilni for I i1vle. Mornill clump aCid the defendant liime Were the principal witneraca called yesterd in the trial of Attorney \Veat , charged iv contempt of count in connection with the br cry of the firet flolin jury. clump , while the stand. did not , deny that lie received money ati detailed by Fltzfatrlck , but i deny there was any arrangement concernl its payment previous to the discharge of jury from tim consideration of the case. I asserted ho cotiIdered it a "preoent , " 1 maintained that its receipt or antclpatcd ! I ceipt had not influenced hIm in forming verdict. Attorney \\'est made a general and sped denial of all the charger so far as they relat to him and stated the only money lie es gave Fitzpatrick wan ha haul loaned him tht'iatter's urgent roqucot. The attendance of epectatorent the licari was Ia'rger yesterday than the dabefore , greater part of the visitoro b lhg attorrie : The Jury box was cecupied by lavrs , I tently histealng to every parGf the evideti and every chair within the bar , of1tho cat Is occupied by a disciple of Ijlackstone. T objections of the defense were Icea auinero than on the day before , the rillngs of t court made Thursday applying to the ci dence introduced yesterday. JUROR GUMP TESTIFIES. Morrlll Cuinp was the first witncaei call yetterday morning , and ha tetifled ( list waa one of the jury at the first trIal of Doll The first time he saw Fitzpatrick was the evening of the day the jury was d charged. Wliea the jury was discharg Gump went directly home , to South Omat i1i4 ho anti his brotiier.ln.iaw , Sneenc cania to Omaha after eupper. tTiiey went FitzpatrIck's house and saw Fftzpatnick his barn. The wltaees and Fitzpatrick we Introduced by Sweeney , and bey talk about the way the jury votutLo F'Itzpatnl told them to come around the iexL day , lie would liavo to see Wept and get money. The next day the wltnes.3 a Sweeney again wont to Fitzpatrick's hcu and the s.itness saw Fitzpatrick in his bar Fitzpatrick handed the witness some man and he at once put it in his pocket witho looking at it. Afterward he lUIICd it o and found it to be a $50 bill. On cross-examinatIon Gump testified Iii be had fa idea. untIl the jury had been d : charged , that he was to receive anythle lie said lie understood that the money FIt patrck gave him was a gift. He dcaiei th any oae had intimated to him. In nay wa that ho wan to receive anything.for liangi : the jury or voting for acquittal , or that had been approached regarding his verdli Ito said ho voted for acquittal all the tIn becauca that waa his canviction. On redirect examInation GUflip said he we Lo see Fitzpatrick at Sweeney's suggestlc lie said , "I thought if they were 100111 cnough to gIve inc anything after the thh vas all over they mIght do it. " The coart took a ban ] and drew Ire 3ump statemeate that Fitzpatrick bad to ilni to came the next day and he would mal , 'It' all right , lit , understood "it" to me aioney for iiimsalf. Fitzpatrick dlii not o lien anything and he pretended he did n cnow what the money was for. PRESENT FOR CORCORAN. Neil Corcoran was the next ititnese. II orroborated the tratlmony of FitzpatrIck r ; arding the plan to get at Gump while I a'as on the jury. He testified tiiat FIt atnick showed him a note from Gump , a' ' ! reaed to Sweeney , saying to close the de md chasIng with the words "I'll hang. " 11 denUded a note written by Sweeney I ump , saying tile deal was ready to be d1oe f ho was willing , and askIng Gump to gii us consent. ThIs tiota was scat to the jui oem , but was not allowed to be do1iverc rho wltnera said Fitzpatrick offered him ho day after bite jury eaa dIscharjcd. bt 10 refused to take it. The next. day Fit : latnidic gave him 1O , saying it was ireseit , " The tvitneea t'aid the money we a payment for hIs services in nccura ! iweeney to corrupt Gurnp. It lIed been sal 0 ) iln ; by Fitzpatrick when iiio first a reached the wtncss. : thatitie money wt rem West and that IL wai' rnished b 3olln's sster anti brother , as Della had loney himself. Fitzpatrick ald there we 1100 in it" for Corcoran if the jury iii tuittid flolin and O if the fury simpi iung. and $500 for Cump. Henry O'Neill , Fitzpatrick's brother-tn CW , was called and corroborated Fiti atrick's testImony regarding meetIng We ear the Paxton block the Suntltiy evenln clone the jury was discharged. The wit ces could not remember anything that wa aid except that Fitzpatrick told \\'est Ii ad seen Sweeney. I George Phillips , a dIstrIct telegraph me ; eager , testified that he was given a not y Sweeney to be delivered tnt the jun DOfli In the court house. The bailiff re ised to take the note anti1 t9lU the , witnes a 0011)0 hackj the next tty ipl ace lb adge. The ibto was retiircid to Swceiie 3' the wicss. . ; ll- lzirl hone , a bailiff in thb rliplpal count airboratetI the testimony' t'tlie'last wit , ess. STATE RESTS ITS CASE. When court convened yertentlay nfternooi uldrigo 531(1 ho ; nere'y wanted to prove tha 'itzpntniek iid a check for $350 which ii ad received rom \\'est. Title complete he evidence on tlio part of the state , an lid defense commenced Its evidence. Joel V.Yest , the attorney charged wIll oeitcmpt , was tiio first witness and took th ( and to te.tify In his own behalf. lie sxui 0 was acquainted with Fitzpatrick. but tic lcd ever having known Sweeney , Corcoran 'Neill or Gunip. lie also denied havin polcen to any of them , Ills acqusicitanc ith Fitzpatrick grew out of the ( allure c lie Morse Dry Goods company , Fltapatrlcl aving been an employc of that concern afl awing a claim for wages. West detailed ef arts lie had made to find employment fo itzpatrick and said the latter caine to Iii tiles frequently to see if anything hai irucd up. \'est then testified that before the firs 'lal of Della lie sal Macfaniantl were cup tied with camplete jury lists and they em loyed agenta to inveetigato every man whos ame appeared on the list. In thi. opera on.Vcst said , ho came aercas the nam Kemp , the address being given at a hous a Cass street , tiear Scventoath Street. II tnt a note to Fitzpatrick asking him ti irno to his ( West's' ) oflice. Fltzpatrck : cami io next day and the wttne.as asked bin jout Kemp. Fitzpatrick said Kemp was i elghbor and \'est asked him a number o aestions regarding Kemp's fitness as nor. Fltzparck 'aId Kemp would make i od juror , as he was not a man of fixet ) ItiiOfla , but would be likely to go wIth thi ajonity'eEt denied that ho bad eali ; ything to Fitzpatrick regarding approach Kemp or any other juror. Iia named amber of men with whom he had consultet arding the various men tbose names ap cancel on the list , The conversation wiU ltzpatriclcVe.st said , was held on Sat. day before the jury was impancied. The ixt time ie ; saw Fitzpatrick was the Sat. tlay just before the jury was diechargeil , lila was at the corner of Sixteenth an urnani streets while the witness was stand. g talkiug with l1olIr. Fitzpatrick canie eng and asked bow the trisi iaa gettIn onE. 'ezt oaid lie told him the jury wat iii out. and that they etood nine to three , it he duln't know whetiser the nine were r acquittal or conviction. Vest said ho uId like to know , and Fitzpatnic'k said ' ( bought lie c clii finil out lie agreej to V to find out item ONeil , who knew one ttte bathiffe , and it was agreed that Veat should meet Fitzpatrick the next eveni ( Sunday ) at West'ii cfflce , to learn ihat I'll patrick had discovered. West deletl lb anything bed been said of a dlff rcpt natui At noon Sunday FitzpatrIck came toea ofilco and raid he hsd'lc'arned nothing , b itt the evening FItzptrick caine hgaie a said the jury stoOd nhm ( er convtctlon.a : three for acquittal. MA1CE A GEIiL DE4lAti. "I diti not see Flrznatflck again' until M S or P. " continued Wcet. "I received a li ter froiii him and hecaner. to see me aba it. " The letter was , rad in evidence. was dated May 6. sndiatee1 that Moat : had been at Fitzpatrik'louso and want bin ; to enfrss to liavjagflnIbed a Jurc'r. T letter otated that it ' a. blackinnhli : t'illcifl ; ( . end that this 'ter 1cnew nctth : abut it.'eet raid he advln'eJ Fitzpatnl nct ta be alannied abou ; the matter. Referring to the check for $3.10 , Wc testified that FitzpatrI katme tohiin to hr row 5 , saying ho mNt .havo it to pay I Interest on a chattel rnotgae on his lieu ; hell gods. \'cst said ha gave Fitzpatrick check ( or $3.50 and .ln eiver. Weat testified to hvtng , seen Pitzpatni trequratly before he was arrested. The So day before FItzpatrlckyan arrested ho cat : toVet't'.a house and 1tahl him about bali harassed by Sweeney and Corcoran. 'I' witness and FitzpatrIck walko1 about I rrctnisca , but W'cat denied that naythutig w raid abaut hcrses or giving Fitzpatrick team. . team.'eet testified that atter Fitzpatrick v arreeted his wife came after We3t , and I rracured bali for him. Afterward Ftzp.i rich iu'anie.l'est to defend him. The wI flora tcld him lie would not take the ccc In the afternoon of the z'.inio day Fitzpatri' ' came to Wet'o oflice again. hero \Vest's attorneys attempted to lint the editor of The Bee into the case in C same way as was done while Fltzpotrli aa on tile stand , but the court ruled tI matter out. West then denied that he had ever givi Fitzpatrick a O b1l ; he alto dned havit given lilni a cent in any way from the tin the flr.et Ilolin trial commenced until C pree'ent time , except the $ to which lie l' testitcd. , Going hack to the time Fitzpatrick came West's office in response toihe note : ent 1 \'cst , Weat said Flizpatrck ! told hhni a mc named Ccrcoran lied tdld him ( Fitzpatrlc that $5000 ; lint ! been raised to Gecure IlolIn acquIttal.'est said lie told I"ltzpatrh there taa not a word of truth In the stor that l3ohln didnt have dollar except wh : had been sent him by tls eIter to pay U epenses of his trial.'est testified that aft the second tral ! of 1bhp he.Vest ( ) recalv 95 frcm Bolin , which Jiad all been used I paying court expenses. lie further te.stitl that lie bad not had s much as $10 in I ; porsesaion over night oi over two month and had not had 5O In his posser.cn ! belont lag to himself or any gao elro during cith , trial c lloln. ! . On cross-examinatlqa I3aidrgo ! establiahie the fact that friendly relations had existt between West and Fltapatricic for a consli enable ierlod previous to the firet Della trio GUMI' ALL RIGHT. Taking up West's ataten\ent regarding wlii Investigation had been made into the varioi men on the jury panel l3adrge ! drew fro : \Vest statements that a detective had bee employed to inveetlgate every man onii lint. In cases where the report was not sa icfactory further inquiry was made by U wIt'ies. The report on Kemp itas not ci t'rely ' eatlofactory , and Icr that reason \\'c : caid lie Cent for Fitzpatrick , as Kemp live near him. Searching questions were put I West th show what had bcn done toward It esttgating other men. 'Flits drew out U rtatements that thb detective had reports that Gump was "all right : " that he as a I' . . P. A. his natIonality , religion , busines and similar points. Wcst"alro'sfated that A Loracy Sutton of Southi'Omiiahad told liii In the court room , nItthrl-.Gum1 ' mlled on the jury. tiat hie 'iiad better ne hallengo Gump , co lie had some of the sam cInfi of trouble himself and was not likel 10 be hard on Dolln.1 Attorney Tipton ale idvaedVest , so he teatlfleil , that GumI vas "all right" and us hd better leave lile In thU jury. On the point of theteejimony of West the it' bad procured bail for Fitzpatrick We ; aid he was acting as coqneat for F'itzpatnic hid he aaid FitzpatrIck have him 25 as a r aIrier. At this statee n FitzpitrIclc grince roadly anti cheek tu head elnphatlcali3 Vest conitlnueJ by saying that Fitzpatrie ; ave him the money in his ( \Ve.t's ) office ti ; Lftcrnoon of the dayafter ho was arreatec Vhca Fitzpatrick toititlie witness of the par IC had played In the. bribenyVet said ii a'o the money back to .F'tzpatn1clc and ad : red him to got another. attorney. Wee nhatIcahly denied th detail every assertlo : if Fitzpatrick tcndin to connect him wit he bribery. This completed the. &uminatlon of Wee nd Charles Ogden wa called to tc.atify Veet's character , but \vrangle ensued owe ho admis.ion of thIs , ktnd of testimony , ii ho mIdst of which court was adjourned unti his mornIng. LSICES A 'EW. OCH.iN ZtLtCOltIl egsIiier St. I'i ill SlinyciN 'Fhiree hour suiiI re half. NEW YORK , June 5.-The American Ha teamer St. Paul ban broken all Southamp on reccrde. Sue wea sighted east of Fir sland at 12:22 this altern,00n. The St. Pau ft Southampton at noca May 20 , and passec ho Needies about 1:25 : p. m. Allowing ai cur and a halt from Fire lsian4 to Sand look lightship , she wiil be duo at that poIn dora 2 o'clock this afternoon , and her timi iill be abuL six dayc , flveand a half hours ho best previous western record of thi I. Paul was made ore her labt voyage hlch ended 0n May 16 , and wa : a nine hours anji five mm tea. She lice , tb rcfcre , oi liar presen rim ) reduced that time by.over three and alf hours. Arid not oai has she reduce' er own reccird , but has ala , made a net' ' estern record. Until today the Southamp ) : record lice been held by the America : ncr New York , and was , six days , seve : ours did fourteeA minutes , made in Sep mber , 1S9. _ _ _ _ _ _ htli W'ENP BiCi ON 'I'JlLi hEUSii.tXfl Irs. hlebe'nI'rir' ? sIlovs the Iui ; t ( :1) Ii ) Jsifl. E. D. Echenberg end F. S. Patterson lint row in a room at 218 North Sixteenti reel , for which they vero arrested and tried ceterday thoriilng. TIme evidence showed tat Patterson had tried to avoid a fight b ) rawhlng out Upon a rof. lipon this show ig Eclieuberg was dOled 1 and costs , while atterson was dlschaed. A peculiar circumstance In the case was ; at Echenberg's wife refiaed to py he : usbanil's line and lid will hQ cojiipelled tc aard It out. She ale reIucd to ball him it aftefl the arrest , btII put up 20 for atterson's appearaec for hearing. Strati ; full lot 'ilti's' Fitt'rs , BOSTON , June 5.-'it the nintit annual invention of the Assoclatlonof Steari ; and ot Water Fitters and helpers the follow. g oltlcers were elected : PresIdent , Martin oore , St. Louis : third vice president , James aeon , Cleveland : secrtary.ircasuner , E. F. arrison , New York. V. 0 , Drown , Clove. ad ; iii. C. McGrath , ' Detroit , and Iloljert , Spark. , Washington. were put upon the iecutivo committee. . Vi' , F. hanky of Sb. sul and lietnard Fypn , ChIcago , were ectec.l western anti , centrai district organ. era , respectively. a I . l'eugile I'olc.C ; , the Cehlnrs. ST. JOSEI'Il , JugoJ 5.-A severe wind oral early tbia mo azig caused many peo. 0 in this city to v.etk their cellars. The tad blew a perfect dale ( pr about halt an ur , anti many were almost terror.ztrlcken. eez were blown dQwp and outbousea over- rneel in the city , sad it Ii feared there sti a severe storm in this vicinity. lhrewers' , MsoIstlom ; Auijouirzis , PhILADELPhIA. . June 5.-After Eeiect- g Iiuffqlo as use next place of meeting , the nited litates Iinqwcrs' asaoriutton ad- urnei sine die A juegram was received era Mby r Wulbnldge of St. Louis ac ΒΌ ept- If the t5O& offered iii behalf of time zu- rers' relief fund of Ihse itonin. DEATh ENDS A BUSY CAREE Colonel Edward IF , llo3ker Succumbs to 0 Ago and Disease. TIIIRTY.ONE YEARS IN 0tE POSITLO Iivforti , 1sulcrlug the Luihuiy of (1 ltuieh lp'ltind ito % 'iiM Sn tierli- tt'iuulent ( it I lie Stage Coil- Dflhi ) ' In the % 'eut. , Edwari F. hooker , one of ( lie oldest cit rena of Omaha , a pioneer of the old u-ta cach lines and a veteran enploye of t Chicago , Itock Isanti ! & Pacific road , ti at the Pactoii hotel Thursday night at 11 : o'clock , No announcement In recent yea hco caused such general regret among lot rallnay men as the iiewe' of "Coloac lloakers death. lie was in the vest lo : before the advent of railrcnds and when lb came along they adopted him. Ever sin the coming of the railrcadi , nail railroad in to Omaha the deceased has been c1osIy co nected with then ; and hs position , which recent years baa been a unique one , is 0 : that. will remain unfilled , sacred to his met ory. ory."Colonel" Ilooker , for that t'as the tit by trhIch he yas commonly knmvn , was fir connected ih the National Stage compal in ColumbuO. As the railroads were bul further and further vest thIs company ci tended ite hues. aiwayc keeping ahead of II Olcam horses ; tlint'ere crowding the stag ncarcr and nearer to ( lie l'aciflc coast , I the fahi of 18115 he came as far wert as toe City , Ia , lie had been eapenintendent of th National Stao company nt1 wa sent we to hold a imi1ar poation with the Westei Stage catupany , The latter was a branch I the National and was controlled by I 'Coionel" Ilooker did not remain long I loiva City , but soon removed to De Moine ; ucccedlng Vie Leunaberry as rupenintendee there. The Western Stage campany operated sc Dm1 liner , of stage coaches through low : Nebraeha , Kansas and Missouri. One of (1 r1vcrs employed by SuperIntendent Ilooki vas Janie Stephenson of this city. The : lines rn no further we't than ICeorney , th Latc. Ther , tey connected with Ilolilday 3tago conir/ttbe hatter carrying pascet iers and niaJtM'ough to the Rockies. Wbe ha raiIroaa : came aleng the etage coat business was extended till further west I ) rder to kecp In the van. "Colonel" Ilooki lien become euperlntendent of ( he new lie : t coaches that ran over the Shasta routi ctween Sacramento and Portland. Th rQltO carried ; tiail alone , and the "colonel tlways hind a goad stock of stories to tc ibout his experiences In the undevelopc territory through which ; ho traveled. Shortly after the conclusion of the war he rebellion ho was offered the position ; eneral lire stock agent by the Rock Ie'lan oid. lie accepted the offer , and for Ui ast thtrty-ono years hIr name has bee : ; cot .inuouely en ( lie pay roil of that rallroat lie was at first cztationed at Salt Lake Cii : l'hen ho woe transferred to Cheyenne , an ate in the 60s was at St. Joseph. lie wa lie general live stock agent for the coot iaay and did a great deal toward building u te freight traffic , his experience as a pionec a thio stage coach busnee'a having p ullarly fitted bin ; fo the position. Per the lut few years the deceased wa 'a ' attache Q the4 , acal office. , . . Alhou.g of failing hqaltt ie reportc1 overy'morhng ! to General Freigl tgent Snyder. lie made his daily tn lirough (1:0 South Omaha yards , and u intil a. week of hiri death displayed a kee nterest In tin ; transportation of live Stoc ly hits road. About a week ago lie was compelled to mis us regular daily araignment and from the mlii hiia death was confined to lila room a he Paxton hotel. Ye.eiterday afternoon h as seized with severe crainpe in the am ; nd legs. Dr. Galbralth/ attending phy : clan. said then that tile end was not In ft. his death was due to general debiiit 'he ' reinaiiia were taken to Des Molne : iL't evening. The funeral wIll take placi mom the reeldenco of one of hi daughter : Ito. Skinner , in that city , and will be at ended by a large number of railroad me : ram this city and from the general office r the Rock Iaand road In Chicago. "Colonel" Hooker leaves a tulle and foe lilldrea. ttrr. Hooker and his single daugh er Miss Elizabeth Hnokcr , have lived witi im in this cIty at the Paxton hotel , Ther re two married daughters , one living a lee Moines. the other at Atlantic , Ia , II' : an , Ned Iiookrl'Is engaged in the commis ion busIner at South Omaha. Varlou esti iates on "Colonel" Hooker'n age hare beet ; ade , not cren his most intimate friend nfl the members of h's family knowing tb xact date of his birth. Ilis ago was aiway : matter upon wbich he was very sansitire L is known , however , that be was very cio a O year old at the time of his death mong the citizens of this city who kne im best , having been aaeclatcd with bin i Nebraslca'si early days , are William A axton , President March of ( ho Union Na onal bank and James Stephonson. IllltClLtc'rS 1i.t'I2 A GltIli'ACfl , ( to lli. , , l'resruitei to 3tisionr , . hJ'ua'lIlc OllleIuls , Assista On1T4l Agent Pimihlippi of ( iii lircourl DaVihliam II. McCord , presi cat of tb 1tjorci.flrady Conipany , and Jobs . Utti to\rssioner ! of the Coniniercia ub , went tWiinaasCity yesterday mornin ; I lay before Freight Traffic Manager l'arkce : ( lie Misacuri Pacific a gricvaice that maba shippers have long borne , Although Falls City and neighboring towni ma about the same distance , vIa ( lie Mis ) uni Pacific route , from Kansas City u.s the3 ro from Omaha , the jobbers of Kar.oas Cit ave been enjoying for some time the ad autage of lower ratea Into there towns enahia jobbers have complaIned against it Ut have never succeeded in securing thu utes equal with those cnjoy..d by thou : ansas City competitors. Tue MeCord radv company has been one of the local noses to feei most keenly the effects of this nfair cornpetitton , but thiero are other uces that have been Inlureel almost am uchi. Tue dlctance train Omaha to Flle ity Is 104 miles , from Kansas City to hit irno station it is 101 mIles , or but three ile ! shorter. Yet the difference in rates considerably in favor of the Kansas City bbera , hiatt's Is ) lisa Ciss'etiioi. Wectorn roads have agreed that during 0 meeting of ( lie democratic convention in Iiicago , a rate of 7 wiii be in effect be. een Chicago anti Kansas City , Atchison , tavenwortli and St. Joseph ; . During the eciting of the republican Convention ( lie to between St. Louis and Kansas City will I ; 4.Lo. Between Sb. Louis and Leaven- nth , $5.25. and between St. Louis arid Ichison , & .G5 , Itepreientatives of the Burlington. North. cetera , Milwaukee , Rock Island , Missouri ucitic and Wabash are now in session at Chicago conference on ( lie subject of no. iced raten between Omaha and Chicago arid nahia and St. Louis during the na- ) nat democratic and republican con- ationt' . Just wiiy the reduced rates be. een Kansas points antI the convention lies hIve been announced before thou-c from us city is net known. ltailwsy ofilcials V thiat Omaha is not likely to be alighted the matter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Xutes isit I'ersongujj 1tislII * a , Genenal Passenger Agent Franc ! . of the & M , is in Kaneas City attending a nIerenco of the various passeilger agents the llunlington S'stetn , M the suggestion of a number of the rail. eds running out of Omaha through No. auka. a proposition to make a one-bait ro for pflties of five or more laborers do. lag to go out into the state to help in ( lie iefl tiaTsest baa been subniited to tue iiterU l1aesenger ashoclatitni. It the proposition is adopted , as is likely to the case , the tickets will be good for use transmissouni terrItory Juno 9-30. The Missouri l'aciflo has issued a tie folder giving a list ef conventions and a nual meetings ( list vIhi 1)0 held between C heckles anti the Mississippi river this set tiler' A. I ) , Stiles' , traveling passenger agent the Union Pacific' , with heatiqumanters in thi city , accompanied by Mn' . Sti'es , liar gone Portland , Me. , to attend the fur.eral of Ii 'irter , Chairnian Caldwell of the \'cstera Pa senger association hiss issued a voluminol report in reply to Geniral Passenger Age l'ond of the % 'isconsin Central road. Ti latter road endeavored to put into effect ; order declaring that bic'chcs are baggat and should be carried free , of charge. 72 association niled that the rtiad could III issue such an order anti remain bi the a sociation. Thereupon General Paseeng Agent l'ond addressed a letter to Chainn ; Cahibscil , stating the tutUon of his re. and his reasons for tilting to lever tI wheelmen , Tue reply flereiy acids anoibi chapter to the mass of literature that hi been lirinted on the much debated questio liltO.t'I'GI I iI&G ltS tI'F'I'lNG ld''I hiefuse's to Signtinusru tuuusi 'ti 51i4'8 r'M n In r , % Vii ru-n us ii , . Mayor liroatch told Chairman Munro of ti Board of l'ubhic Works Juet before the rece pnimarieo that it ho was beitten lie propos to "get even" with there who bad refuced support him. Mere recent developments I dicato that the executive has already u-tart on lii. campa'gi ; of retaliatioli. When May hiroatcit rtgncd ! the May salary tuarrants I overlooked those of Chairman Munro at Sewer Commissioner Winspear. No explan tion was vouchmfc& , but he simply returni the warrants without hi signature , tries pr ventIng the two officials fran ; drawng the ralanier' Thu warrants of Street Commi sloiier Kaspar and other einployes of ( I public works department were signed i usual. The animus of the mayor's refusal to si the warranti , dates back some days previot to the primaries. whoa i'everq of the en iiloyes of the floaril of i'uLlf''orks wet ailet1 Into the mayor's o t where thc nero toll that unlees j'/lot out an hustled for Droatch the would mu-mu 3treet CommLczioner lcaepar to dischar Ihem , The men went to Chairman Mum evith their story and asked whnt they slioul lo. They did not want to work for Broatel iUt , Ofl the other hand , they could not affor lO lose their pcsit'ona. In order to prevent cii 'urther use of tue street department as Elrcatch recruitIng agency , the board Ia' ) ff all the employee In both ( lie street an tower deartments until after the pnixnarie tCaspar acquiesced in th.3 ! arrangement , lit ifter a conference with Droatch lie cm ; ack and asked ( hint the records be change 10 show that he voted against it. Munr md WInu-pear , however , held their grount tnd this is the only reason they can gv ! or the apparent displeasure of the exect ira. It Ia well known that both Winspear an tiunro were against flroatch in the recoii inpheasantnee's and his action is prooumetl ) ci nfl illustration of his way of getting ever tccondtng to the latent of the charter , th nayor will be compelled to veto the tW tern. : ; at the next meeting of the cotiiici n ease ho persists in his refu"al to sign th varrant , and there is considorabie curio : ty as to the reasons that ho will assig or lila refusal. WOhLl OF TIIfl LIJTIILiI1AN SYSOr tnuinnl .4dclres at J'restilcuit Swan Jt'tlvere.l 'Yos5ei.lit' . , Outofl72 enrolled deheates to the syno f the wedi h Lutheran thurph .l7 ter resent at yesterday mornIng's meeting , tb pening E5sion. This is the largest attehdanc hat has been noted at the opening eioi I any synod of the church for severa ears past. After the reading of the minute f the last synod , which were approved 'resident Peter John Svard of this city tie Ironed the president's annual address. The address called attention to ( lie tuonl I extension that has been in progre : ithin the church during the last year. Tii ; Ission field hiss been considerably extendet ad the territory within which the chord ; at trork extends from the Atlantic to thi celtic and from British Columbia to Florida 'he president stated that theme hind btci large increase in the membership dunini lie past year , but that ( lie financial condi on of the synod had been severely affectet I the hard times that had prevailed. After the reading of the president's ad teas the synod took up the discussion o roviding ways and means for the support o lie Thealogical seminary at Rock Island 1. , the church colleges at Llndsborg , Kan. od at St. Peter , Minn. , and the churci hiool at Wahoo , this state. . S. I'hItJGlI lUSP I"ACI Ills .tCCIJSIIILS VIII Sfn' In Jisiluntil bruit. Slie'rIf It rr I yes. Charles Ii McHugh Is at the city jail , oolced for "afo keeping , " Ho is wanted I Sioux County , Iowa. whore lie will bc tiargeil with seduction. i1& was arrested I Deatrice , from whicit pqintJi'e was brought eaterday morning by Sbenifi,1Nl93n. lie ill be handed over to Sheriff Schaap 01 ioux county. Sheriff Nelson hen bail auito an experience Rhi his prisoner. McUugn was arrested oii larch ; 11. last. lie refused to rcturn tc nra , without requisition papers' , end before ieso were obtaIned , habeas corpus proceed. ga vero begun to secure his release. On me hearing , the dietrlct court decided againsil Icllugh , but that only darted the trouble , r tIm case was carried to the nupronie tort , This tribunal decided hiut a fett tihys o that Sheriff Nelson was right in holding I to his prisoner , McHugh ii , a married man , hmis wIfe living I Sioux county. lie Is a veterinary irgean. The girl lie is charged with betray. g is a resident of a farm a ten' inilen froni awarden , Mtli.t GE't'S ANO'fitHlt SiIO'F.fl rune 'rlinn IlluIf fin IiIt'hi fit ltiiiii lii ' 1'1)1' ii f ' 11 I ii Ut t'i , Omaha was visited by another unusually eary rait ; yesterday altcrnoonantl while it ritiflueui only twedly minutes , there was .G2 ' an inch of precipitation , The rain was a . itnpanied by ball , yet there was not enough I do any damage. Tb'.tlain came in such ilumes that it filled the 'uters , , clogged time wers and flooded the basements In some ) rtioos CC thio city , During the time when it wan raining the ordeat a woman , not a member of any imano society , stood tin the corner of xteenhi ( and Iouglaa streetmi and held an nbrclia over her hiorzo to keep the poor 'ute Gr. \Vest of Omaha ( lie downpour was much eater thun in this locality. More bali as reverted. but it is said that the growing .ops have not been damaged , -a- vuiI Loolt .Aftt'r Ihic lliilers , henry Doyle of the New York Journal and ' n. Grant , who have been In the city ar aging for the great bicycle relay Ce from San Francisco to New ink , finished their work yesterday ternoon and left for Cheyenne , hey were In consultation whiilo lucre stiti ; 'iiiiam Lyle Dicltey , who has charge of this ction of the race. They propose to conic ick on the train , keeping along as near sa ulbie to the bicycle riders to be of assist. ice in case of ernergenclec. 11 * United Stistes Cesiunt. Time trial of Felix Murray , llio Missouri illoy railway clerk , has been vosposed 1(11 ( ( lie November team. r. J , Dugeon of homer , Convicted of sesic ] . ii obecemie matter timrough the mail. , was aided U0 and costs antI sent to jail until pays the amount. Lhianles Tipley and cleorgo Goodwin were fore bite United Stae count ye'trday rnutig eliargeel with selling liquor to ( lie naha Indians. They went , fInd $1 asic tts each end given twenty Jays in the anty j..iJ , OBJECTS TO ASSESSIENTS 0harcs that Soni , Lot Owners ilavo Bec ravored at the Expense of Other3 , READJUSTMENT IIKtLY TO BE ORDERED ( ( uuuuciuIucuu 'hseciuu'r ituuil Iluuseni I o I ho Ilonnul of liitiiilirsu 4 mum ; 'l'nku leu'itlons II , It'tisni'i 5 , , I're- , 'ciutc.t fur Couuslile'rnt ( oil. The city council was in setion as a board o quaiization yesterday , svithi Cotmieilnuaii Dun- :1511 : Iii the chair. Two of ( lie hliamis ef nntjca. meat that are uider cotusiderat on involve scriOue , objections on the part of property wners and yesterday nuorning the board s'as lehuged stitli Protests. The genenitl fight ii , auntie em ; the neasneo wlichi ! contenplntca levying a tax anotintiiig th 10O5l.44 for oreniuug and extending Nineteemith street5 maui tue north line of liartmnamu's liceerve , tooth to Center street. This improvement tvaa made several years ago and sliuco then several matters pertaining to it have been In liLgation. The protests are nlgneci by Fcrdlna Streitz , herman 3. Meyer and Clinics Ii , iIarman ( , who contend that ( ho improvencmt In question was nuatho riuoro than six ycara ego ; that ( hue nseesciiueiit is excetive iii that Ihie only claims reniaiiiing on the fund are tarrants nnimmntiag to IO0 antI arm over- Iraft of lOG6 , and ( hat it is inequItable in his , that the oiutiro tax sync levleJ on the roperty adjoltitig the district , while oIlier ropcrty that was equally beneflte was not ieessed. It is also alleged that blue nseess neiut is erroneour in that three-fourths of thio ax was levied on ( lie lots on the west aide ) f the street , whieiu thioso on ( lie east side cro equally benefited. A casa was cited iii vhich a forty-thrcc.fort lot on the west side tas taxed 441 , While the sovciity'five.foot ot opposite was only taxed $225. It was also hated ( hat timcee a'Iressments represented fore than the actual value of the lots. Two paragraphs iii time protest of Ferd' land Streltz caused a somewhat breezy in- erval in the proceedings. The lroteetanC hleged that Counciimei ; Wheeler amid ilar'calt vcrc not proper persoiis to act on the matter , La they were not on good teraus with the tarty protesting : that Couneiliiiai Saunders ccc disqualified because ho was the attorney or E. V. hear in a case in which ( lie matter inder conelderation wa3 involved , Wheeler and htacahi inslu-ted that thi members of time as a personal reflection on ouncil and objected to the recehutloi ; of ( lie retest uness the objectionable paragraphs : ere strIcken out. They sItu refureti to how the attorney for Streitz to be heard , iascahl tatcd that if such ecaiudaioua nstter ns allowed to go eu the record , lie would Co that oilier scandaloun matter was brought efore the council and spread on the journal. ' his was aimed at lt'inent , who hid insisted hat Streitz had just as good a right to be card as the other jirotestante. After came further dietcuu.eion. the at. . arney conoonted to svitlidraw the offensive aragraphis and hicu-tilitics scene tcuspcnded. I is expected that thio ontentioi ; of the roperty owners will be sustained and thaL he city engineer will be directed to prepare more equitable iilan of aasessm'nt. The proterts of John L. Kennedy , J. W. t'ah ace and W. T. Mien againrt ( lie nsecj. lent to pay the one.half cost of grading the hey north f' edge u-teet , between Thirty- iglith and Thirty-ninth , svere altia flld : hey allege that the improvement in a amilge rather than a benpflt anti that the ix is therefore inequitable. . tSEI ) VOlt E.tItIG A I.IVINO. ' , u ( ) 31cm ; \1u ( , Caine ut Coistruet with r.i rIige ( ) rIi Iljtfl ( ' ( ' , "lie is fIned for working , " exclaimed art oh ! bite-haired colored man yesterday morning 'lien ' Judge Gordon flied his sore $10 foci sisting arrest at the hiands of Garbage. master MacDonald. I The son , Thomas Comps , and L. Danks , , vo colored boys , had been trying to earn few penne.s by hauling garbage as they uld find nothing eho to do. The garbage master caught them In the act of violatin in monopoly and without ado , attempted t rrest them under authority of his power as ) ecai ! policeman. Jho colored boy3 did no ok upoa hlim 08 a proper oflicer , hiowcs'er , rid before he succeeded in arresting ( hem5 rock him several times. Judge Gordon found botht guilty of thd arge of resisting an ollicer and fined Conpt [ 0 and costa and Banks 25 and costs amps' father ta ked of appealing tue case t a could secure mnoney to py the expenses. Jp "It is a alamo that MacDonald ehould have ie power of an officer , " nuiti a mnenber of ie police department after ( lie decision had , en handed down. "lie io using th ithionity for no other purpose than to c'tedt his monopoly. If hiiu contract i be. . g violated. lie should be compelled to come to court like any oilier citizen and swear it a complaint against the guilty iartles.'t a ox AND IIICICS lr1lI hiti'r'rirs. ' ' lie Not One Cht 'i'OVL' ' that 'Vlie' l''rssu.uls 'I'.a's. The action of the city council in ordering le city treasurer and comptroller to dedumet iioUnts duo for personal taxes Iron : the , lary s'amratits of city enlploycs is ire ictive of some complications. Chief of tectives W.V. . Cox had 7 deducted front is last month's pay , anti as ha declared that S taxes , were already paid lie ttaa full of math. But hi lirotest was In vain until ir SD discovered that a W. W. Cox who for- erly owned a grocery ii ; thio north hart of ( lie ty was time delinquent individual , Tliia \ % ' . lx left town ioiug ago anti left his accurnu- ted taxes to hiarasu lila ilomeeske , The ictako was dually diacovereil nail adjusted tel the other \V. W. Cox feels better. Itoberi lIicks of the fire department lied a same sort of trouble. An amount. syco ducteci from lilt' warrant for taxes as. cd when lie wee in the army and ditJn'i mow there was such a town as Omaha on e map. his very vjgerouu lirOteet led tq 0 discovery that It was another lbobcr Icka , tvhio owed time taxes. In order to vrevent any sitmullar trouble I : e future , Comptroller 'estlier ; tvili riotlfy I etnployes whose salary vouchers are ac- mpanied by a tax statement , ' of tim facts , order that they rny protest before th. propniation ordinance ii , riadci up , , hand sit Coioiel ( 'resls's' , ' Colonel Ilarrisomi W , Cremer , tiio died in is city \\'cdncslay , wee buried yesiorcaZ terhoon In i'rcm'pect Illli ceiicitcry by the iiitary Order of ( lie Loyal Letiei ; , of which tier lie hail been at ; entliub'iastic inembeu rice 188G. A ( ow words of euiogy were oken at tim grave and "Tapo" on ( ho gb closed the simple antI solenn ceru . oar. Colonel Cremer was born in PejmnsyIyan ISil , and lii family later inot'eil to Iow * , ) Crci in l8Cl lie enlisted as a pnivato in mpany 1" , Fourth Iowa cat'airy. I.ateci I was pronioteci to lieutenant , coiiupany Of veath iowa cavalry anti , for menitoricue nice. was promoted to ( ito ofilce of cape In of the nanie Cornpaii ) ' In 18G4 , and br ( ted major ant ) licruienaut coioiiei in iRdij a suas an active , bravo cod falthirul soldie , , ring the entire ivar. Soon alter ( lid In be came to Omaha and entered tiport S busineca career , in which ho had been tentive and successful until a few ear 0 , wlieii his hesith tailed , fluiyit''I'orejt Co'u'em'u'iI , am Down. , representing harry Richtnon , catchi.as.catch-can wrestler , called at Th a 0111Cc yesterday morning and deposited $2 ( Ui ( ho sporting edticsr to cover the tortqi L in th eamo hands by Tom lavie. , Ui iifornia wrestler , for a match ; wilts any mn in Nebraska or Iowa , The inca Will cet at the sporting department tn The Dc 10 o'clock this warning W arraage detaiil . the match.