Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    I .1 II at
TllJ ( ] ItAILA. DAILY'1 , : SATURDAY , , TttNE G , 1$9(1 ( ,
E. fOSENATVR. I dltor ,
FUn1.is11C1) Iiv1 tY MOnNINO.
T1SItMS oi' gunscntPTlo V :
flee without Sunda ) ) On # Year , 8 R to
n11Y nee and ( Sunday , Una Year . . . . . . . . . to 0a
Hlx Dally Monthn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 2
, a Sunday hrte Month flee. s One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " " 2 e )
2 y )
. . Onn Sear . , . ' " '
.I tunlny
-Veekly flee , One Year , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " &
Omaha , The net teullding.
Snnlh Omnhn , Inrrer 1W. . Cor. N and 24th Sts
Cnuncll illunfi , tfi North Mnln Street. .
Chicngo Oalre , M7 Chnmber of Commerce. ,
New F ion i 1 rnP13. . 14 trN 1 VTrlbuno mdf
% v11n1iAPONDENCGt
Ml cnmmunlcallnna relating to news and edl
t ( ial nmacr should be n11dre 'edt To the 131Itor.
nt.Mnmss T. TTiRRSt
till Irdaln. se 1Ntera and remlltance % fihould he
, ,
1'ubllahing ConpnfY
addreaard to The Ike
Omaha , Drarlfi , eIuckq and po tonmce order to
be mn11nT111 flfE ' N .
ST.tTfMUNT 01' C1flCUhATI0\
fltnte of Nebu,1ut
Dough , emmly. I .
( corge U , T2ch wk , arcrrlnrY of The mien rub.
1lahlng cnmpany , ) wing duly Fora , eaYa tlmt Ihr '
netual monler of full and rnmtlete enplPA of t'r (
1)nlly , Mornktmg tVrning and 5onay ace prlnleti
during the month of May , 1190 , was as foIIO
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 9222 1G. . . . . . . . . , . . 19.C )
. . . . , ) 17. . . ,
, . . 19.297 1R , . . 19KG
4. * . . J4.2 R 10. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.111
I ; " . , , , . . . 18,101 20. . . . . . . . . . . .74,67 :
n . . . . . . 14,1r 2I . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JR.c 7 22. . . . , . . . . . . . , 18x11
R . . . 1R.21n t3. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ] 8.iC9
0 . . . " . . 1R 1 * 21. . . . . . . . .1 ncr
) n. . . . . . . 10.17 , 22. . . . . . . . . . . . ' ,
11 , , . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.211 N. . . . . . . . . . . . . t.I2i
12 18017 27. . . . . . . . . . . hm di
. . . : . . : : : : : : : . : : 29. . . . . . . . . . . . 70I
11. . . . . . . 1t 2.R , ; 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2 n
r , . ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
21. . . . . . . . . . , . 1n,3)
1btn1 „ 5,1Sk
1.r5a dnlnclinna for naid and rclnma1
coplrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 012
Net sales. . t42Un
Net tinily nVrrngo
aT (1Itc ( IL Tzscnt1C1 .
A 8u1 , ! rItwd In my pn Arneo 0011 Awnrn to before
rot' thlA 1st t1A ) ut Jun A. ) ) . 191.
( ACnt. ) 1w11.LI,1JiN ; tMt flAbllc.
M ) eommlaaton explrea December 1R , IM ) .
Tot , strayed or stole-one Cnrf ( V
ordinance , Tnfornmtion lending to Its
recovery will bo properly rovardled ,
Mr. Carlisin now counts 'h1)nsnir out
of the presldeutlal Ilsts. It Is 'n ( hCA
Uol , too , wvhether he ever counted h1m
self In then.
i 'I'ce repubfeatt party IA the pnrty of
princlpies. That Is wvhy It 1 ns met
than regained Its former popular conll
deueo nod popthhtr Support.
Will our prohibition friends give the
IvaUunal lirew ers association celiit 1'0'
Its $6,000 coutribullou to the relief of
the St. Louis tornado suffe ere7
It Is n great deal 1o have been conn
side ctl by ones friends worthy even
to .aslih'e to the highest oflice within the
gift of the people of the greatest republic -
public ever known to history.
Spate Is 5nld to look to France for as.
slstanee in Cohn. France , however ,
o1Cc tried to ) nix up h1 the affthr5 of
Dtexico to Its sorrow- , and Id imarCIIy
'likely to repent the experiment.
If time influence of a president were
Measured by the utuuber of votes
in cougreSs which he could change from )
one side of a measure to the ether by a
veto message hov UlTeront frog the
common IICCe1)tatiou w onld he the relative -
tive ralik or our executives.
The outline of McGufley's fatuous new
school renders is dead. 7'110 fact that
these new school justices were new more
thnii twenty years ago will not detract
front the feehiug of ge umitme regret with
which the souse-tine cllhidren In time
' pnbile schools will hear of his demise.
The Chicago 'I'Imes-iIerald , the recognized -
nized McICimdey organ of the west ,
i calls for "plain English at St. Tomils. "
As the vast majority of time republican
steto convent lolcs that have expressed
t tltentseives on the subJeet Imve spolcen
ugalgst 16 to 1 free silver coinage In
thu plainest of plain English , It is dlfi
cult to sec how the St. Lolls convention
I rna posslbiy express Itself In any other
The supreme coat holds that for pnr-
1 pseS of tieslgnatlon of canilldates ou
the oliicinl ballot there can be two dental -
cratic parties do Nelraslut at one amid
# the seine time. Of course if there cmtii
U0 two lucre cm111 be tut'e'e , or four , or a
dozer , if a democratic party does not
grow upon every bush in timis year of
alandnut rail and flue crop prospects
it ) Vitt not he the fault of tie' supreme
court's comislruetloi of the Australia
ballot low' .
" 1'he dlsMlssal of the land forfeiture
setts drought by the goverunnent against
time holders of laud taken by time lluriimmg.
tot ht excess of Its land grant Is , we'
are told In railroad headqultrters , w'el
collie news to the i,7001)oumt tide settlers
vho pnrchused the lands. Always time
I poor settler. IhmL it is thrice welcauuo
uot's to mho Ifurlilgton rend , which thus
escapes time obligation to llefeud tileso
salts or make goad the 1(15505 sulsltlueml
by the inrcluisers , whose titles time road' '
mind .guaranteed.
Time record of live stoclc reeofpts for
the past week shows the Elkhorn road
to have hauleth a large proporUou of time
northwestei'n shipluent5 , ) s'hlch are
ti11g to be Very heavy. Every ear of
live stock ( ronl that seelou Ahnuld
naturally seek a utarket lu Omaha. Ca-
dltlons arc ubuurmal when Chicago amid
ICansas City uu1 come 111 , as they did
last year , turd take Aoumo of this busl
n0av froul Ounmlm. All the vast domain
to time uo'tlnve5t whichl affords the
largest cuittle ranges lit time world is
tributary to OMnlnt. If time business
does not collie hero soumtluhtg Is rmudl-
cally wrong.
The Associated Chmuities has nppearhd
in a Imew role-that of defulding a
womiun In distress against the exuetlous
of usury sharks. 11'hilu this umny not be
N , Atrletly within thu province of the
ablu ities hOUI'l ( , time adieu nmust certainly
conuuead hlself to the .itverge lat1zemm.
Certainly Nonlo mile ought to tithe up time
dofensp of iuifartauto people who timid
themselves It the clutches of chltilel
niortgagu umol , tvlio have Ylohted time
usury Iatva of tau state with immpualty
for yeal's , if limo Aesoclatetl Chnrit1e
coin , by nu appeal to the courts , saws
furtimu' hnpoditiou
even Duo victim from
It Ivlll have perfeeamed a good ollice.
For the presklcntinl noniimnllon nt
Chicago the element that Is umow prnctl-
ally certnin to control the convention
IIIIA thnue ovoved caulidates , who have
received the endorsement of their state
couventluns. These nro ex Cmlgress-
mmlu lalnntl of iIlssou I , ex Governor
holes of loan and Senator Biuckburn
of Kentucky. As to the latter he can
hardly be regarded as a possibility ,
eldefiy for the reason tlmat lie is not
classed among time leading cxpotlents of
time free silver policy. While probably
imaving as much ability as the 111ssnorl
free silver emulldate , Mr. Bland , time
latter Is a veteran In time emtuso s'hio lion
persistently labored for it during twenty
years or leuger au8 whose nnme is
spicunlsly NemtiOed with legislation in
time Interest of sliver. Mr. Iilaehburn's
effective work for sliver bns 1)0011 Coil-
hued to lcummtueky. Ifesldes this , ho
has little to rceomnniend himmi as a presl
dentin ) cnndidntr , Jt . Iil0ull is flp
parenlly mint being nlnch tilollglmt of otmt
side of Missouri amid 'Veit in that state
there is 111110 manifestation of interest
111 him , Ills friends reasonably urge
that lme is time logical camididnie if the
unbound couveution is do minmited by the
free sliver mneu , but this does not seoul
to make any very strong or extended
hupresslml. ' 1'be inferenee Is that there
is a great deal of doubt aboutt the Misr
souirinu's availability with time supporters -
porters of ( rite silver who are not denio-
cents , but who it is expected will be
drawn to the support of a free silver
candidate. 7'hc leaders Of the clement
) thick expects to nntke the plntforul anti
nominate time candidate at Chicago dc-
sire a 1111111 who will be likely to attract
populists nod free silver republicans.
I x Goveruor Boles w'onld undoubtedly
be n more available candlddtl' than either
lilaud or Itlnckbulu and lie probably
has a better clm nice tbnu either of securing -
curing the noumilaatlon , but be is not be.
lug as nau'im talked of now as he was a
few lveeks ago by those who will have
a great deal to do with slmnping events
at Clmlcago ,
It Is quite possible that there will be
repeated at Chicago time history of 1572 ,
tVieu time democrats euidorsed the nonil-
nation of Ifo'nce Groeley by Chic fur
d0pendent republican eonvcuitiom , hoping
thereby to attract cltotgli republican
votes from Grant to defeat hint.
There is a movement to make
Senator Teller time candidate of
the Chicago convention and if
time Colorado senator is willing the move-
nment Is not unhikely 1o tithe on great
strength. It is said that seine very
earnest work is being ( lone to press the
clnhn of Senator Teller for time Chicago
nondnatlou. ' 'hose who are dolmig this
urge that bis popularity In the west
would carry for uny ticket whieh he
headed time electoral votes of nearly
every repuhlicai slate west of the 'itis-
' ' that his nomina-
snarl river. 1'hoy say
fout tvolldl be endorsedby the populist ,
coiveutiou nud 1)y the cnnventiot of the
natlonal sliver party , both of which will
uteet subsequent to time convention at
Chicago. 'l'imey urge , above all , that
Senator Teller stands for time embodi-
nie11t of time free silver idea and that his
nomidnatiot would arouse enthusbdsm
for that idea in all time states west of
the Alleghenies. So fur as time Colorado
senator is concerned , there Is little
1'085011 to doubt that lie would accept n
notnluntion at the hands of time free silver -
ver deniocats. All he is as a public
mall h0 owes to time republican party
and he will go into the St. Tools cotven-
tlon a5 a delegate of lint party , but lie
has udrtsathy auiounced his deterumintion :
to desert time party if it declares for time
gold stauhrd. If , therefore , time free
silver deutoeats wet Mr. Teller they
may he assured of two things-that he
will be given the opportunity to withdraw -
draw from the republican party aid
that he will accept a noutiitniion at timeir
hanls. ( If the Chicago convention Simouid
nondmiale Teller the democracy wouhil
be nlorotoverwimelmingly beaten than It
was with (7reelov ( in 1872 and wotid
hnve less chauee thou It then had of
surviving its defeat.
711E co n'iCT LAIwf I'ROIJLE.IJ
One of time most perplexing problems
with which time .contimmg legislature -till
have to deal is the management of the
peultottia'y amid the disposition of the
labor of the convicts. Time mist legislature -
ture nbrogatcd'time lfositer convict labor
contract and lease of the petlenthu'y
not so nmueli perhaps because the agreement -
ment wus fraudulent aitl the terms
dut'lMclnht to the state its because there
w'as a jab in sight in buyimmg up the Dor-
gan claim. Time provisions of time law by ,
whoeh the purchase of Dorgat's palfteu-
t1Jry belougiuls was effected limit the
tine for wlulch time convict labor cau be
lensed to the pei'lod expirimmg with the
close of time session of 181)7.
It is no' estnlilislmed beyond a doubt
by time oxperieuco of time post year that
direct state management of the state
prisoim Is uuoro econolilcal for time tnx-
pnyers 110111 the old leasei4ystonl.under
whlelm the state was cotupelled to pay
time contractor , In addition to the labor
of the couvicls and free use of time prison
i ulldings.nnd grounds , 40 cents per day
for limo nmitntennneo of every prisoner ,
If It tvere 1)05511)10 to get honest co11)p'tl
lion auioug time contractors limo state
could without gaesUnn dlsposo of time
convict labor on hush more fwornble
tones Uutlu it has ever hind. It might
even make time instiluilon entirely self.
sustaining l11steud of a constnnt dram on
the treum5ury as herotofore. Butt coin-
bhMtlous and corrupt nmnlpulntion nro
next to inevitable ahtotmld time legislature
nndrrluke to revive the old system of
long ; temm louse. Public sentlaiommt , too ,
Is decidedly adverse to another prlsoi
loutse , as It is to the wlmolo system of
contract convict labor. It therefore ro-
ntains for the stiato to adopt the most
feasible plat for direct control of the
prison labor amid the euploynmot of limo
coavlets emi such classes of work as will
( .01110 In least conflict with time luterests
of skilful free lnber. On this some
Time lice \111 have more to say ha duo
thus ,
Recording to reports that reach us
from the smite capital , the convict labor
peeblcln Is already forcing Itself to the
front. A controversy seetus to have ro'
ceutly arisen as to time disposition which
shall be rondo of the convict labor not
comprised In time Dorgan subleases recc
ognized by the state and nlso as to the
demand for reductions in payments
made by several of the sub.eontrnctors.
These men assert that condttlous do not
warrant them In nbitlhlg by time terms of
their agreements stud have even timreat-
clued to throw up their contracts. This
sitmtion presents features whielm will
require discreet banning on the part of
time state authorities. If time contractors'
bonds are what they ought to be time
state will suffer no loss. There Is cer-
taluly uo law tlmat would authorize mummy
state otilcer to readjust amid scale down
the price of convict labor under nuy
valid contract. The redress , If there Is to
be cozy , Iles witii the legisinttlro. Whore
the contractor is bnsolvemmt mad his bond
worthless the state nuthorities should
make temporary provision for keeping
time prisoners at work amid Jroveumtlmlg time
contractors front ( milling behind in their
payuuents ,
Ex-Senator Sanders of M01tata is
making a brave fight in tlmt stale for
the nutute nnnce of time sound money
cause nod be is 'not ' vitiolt ) hope of
a good result lie wants an explicit
declaratio11 front the St. Louis cane11
tiou against time free coinage of sliver ,
1t a letter to General Meerilt of Pots-
thorn , N. Y. , Mr. Sanders says : "A noble
ble utterance on this subJect wilt clear
the polltlenl silly amid in i tomtluma null
lice surrouuding states trill do more to
re-lusphe vvillm time tltnmost valor her
repnbllctuls than anything else which
can be suid or (10110. I do toot doubt
but that with sueh a platform we will
carry the state of mIonhuul this year
by a good majority and never
fled more trouble with the ocom01nie
heresies wimlcli d01niuate time igmnant
anti the counplafsnnt" It is to time coil
of Aucim ntcml , wimo are battling agmdnst
time free silver fmuutticLsut 111 its storm
canter , tint time sound muoney repro-
seutath'cA to time St. Louts convention
5110111(1 gh'e heel. ( These valiant cimam
pious of honest matey do not advisee
conuiromises or cnucessious or straddles.
What they ask is a clear , unequivocal
ennuucl ration by time repnblieml party
in favor of too existing stmldard , so
that time people shall have a fulr opportunity -
portunity to tilis issue anti
dispose of it for years to coupe. There
( s every reason to believe timat they
will get this. The sentiment ht favor
of a sound money declaration at St ,
r.anis Is stronger today them It has
ever beCui and timere is no danger that
it will weaken in the few days before
time tneelimlg of time couveution.
Senator Dlorrill said In his recent
spceclm hum the senate that time democratic
tariff lmas made simeip husbandry no
longer successful in any American state
and this most attractive national imi-
dustry , if free trade supporters ] mold
the power , is to be wholly and forever
abandoned and extluguished. "Now , "
said time senator , "while time woolen
mills of Great Britain are busy and
have nothluig to couuplaln of , lucre in
time IJnited States it is differeuit. " Time
statistics of wool imports sloww how
time industry of wool growing in this
country has been stricken. The imports -
ports of woo ) In time year ending June
0 , 189"a , were ° _ 06,000,000 , pounds. Time
first nine months of time present fiscal
year show Imports of very nearly 200-
000,000 pounds , assuring a total for
time twelve months largely in excess of
that of time preceding fiscal year. In
a letter to IIon Ifichnrd P. Blu id of
Missouri , Mr. Moreton Frewen , an En ; ;
iislm free sllverite and free trader , referring -
ferring to the depression in Australia ,
said that but for free wool In our tariff
the situation of Australia must by this
time have been desperate. Not oni'
has time production of wool in Australia
lutgely increased during time last few
years , but time price lugs fallen 60 per
cent , so that America11 wool growers
imave been suibjected by time present tar-
1ff to this destructive compotitlon , tor
getimer with that from other wool-grow-
lug countries , and this is not mill , for
the democratic tariff has encouraged
nn clormous importation of siudddy ,
displacing to that extent how-grown
wool. It may not be creditable to
American mauufaetnrers that they use
this adulterant a > , d counterfeit , but
they may fluid some pallintiou for doing
so in the greatly lacreased competition
of foreign woolen goods.
At time beginning of 1801 time number
of slmecp in time Uulted' ' States was over
17,000,000 , vahred at Xl25,000,000. In
two years there was a loss of over
6,000,000 sheep and time value of those
rclnnitiug was reduced on&lmlf. It is. .
needless to say that there has been no
improvement in this industry since and
timero will not be wlmile time present
tariff law condoles In force. Time blow
to the wool-growing iudnstry 'bus been
most severely felt min time far western
states , wioso people should -welcome
time opportunity to record timeir verdict
against a policy that has bean so dan-
, fmglilg to them'
Time oid tiuue volume of business Is
rapidly retu'ning. to the South Omaha
stock yards cord packing houses. Time
official rocordis of receipts at 'South
Ouutma and Kansas City show that our
market is attracting nuoro shipments
titan the sottimern market. This means
that prilees lave averaged better and it
also menus Hutt time cnttla and hog rids.
lag business la Nebraska amid South
Dakota ims witnessed a wonderful re-
Vival. With a direct rail hue to Yank.
tat mumd beyond limo Omaha cattle market
wlll be supreme.
It will not be necessary far Presldent
Cleveland to veto Wo auti boud bilk
The repubitenn imnurso has s uthheient in.
terest ht pLmi.u0ldhmg time pnbile credit to
ntte11d to'Niths little bill without time
- - -
The Chlchmga Insurance autocrats wilt
make rnt " .f 9r Onlplln have reschitled
their nouseiu q.l order coiltllllmg retltlced
rates to property hl time ilmStlmt ) Ss this.
trlcts and huve permitted time reduction
to apply to the city as a whole , lust
why the liutmithtion wes first made it is
dillicuit to" 1414 , Time greatest risks , of
course , artq lt.time eompnetlybuilt b11si-
11055 st'eots'down town , where if a lire
breaks o11 1 h11 o11e store it minty btlril n
w9mlo bloci ; . , Ole 6 per cent reduction
was first confined to narrow limits , lemty
imig the old excessive rates atmid lu out-
lyimg sections where risks are never
The 'Board ' of Public Works is now
11dverlislug for bids for pnviug repairs ,
to be nmdo upon specltlcmitlous emi 111e In
the otilee of time board. Agalu we suggest -
gest that there Is no reason why the
city should coanult time folly of entering -
ing Into a lomg time contract for this
work , as there are three asphalt 1)1011114
in time city and conpetitlumi ought to be
active. If it is possible to get greatly
reduced rates by a long-term contract
there unigimt be sonmo excuse for it , butt
we apprelmeud the bids uvill disclose thu
fact that the city must continue n good ,
still price for paveuet repairs ,
11'hen the 11mnmingers of tile Aic-Sar-Ben
festivities offer liberal prizes for the
best city or county floats they give the
people of the slate to understand that
the Feast of Olynmpfa is not exclusively
aft Omaha affair , but rather a state
enterprise , old tut time sane time
oiler i11duccniemits to conmpetltors whlcll
must result in a 11most brilliant pageant.
Omaha last year produced a grand street
spectacle and ) viii do so huts year , but
time gorgeousness of the show can be
intensified If leading cities of the state
can be induced to provide floats as con.
tinplated by time muunmuagemutnit.
The coluagc of 1,600,000 standard sU-
ver dollars by the Uliiled Stales ntuta
during the month of May gives the lie
direct to the assertion by free coinage
agitators that the white metal humus 1)een
excluded fromum mintage anti its value as
a money ntedituu destroyed. Time total
coinage of standard silver from 1793 to
1373 Ives only eight mind one.
quarter rutilions , so that the gov-
crn0tott has coined as many silver
dolinrs In time month of May , 1890 , as ft
did on tlte.avermuge min fifteen years before -
fore time alkged crime was counnltted
IZnoepri Yhereof lie 51)enka.
ifnnyas City Journal.
Secretary rlterton thinks the 'republicans '
can count onr uomp democratic beip this year.
Well , yes. The republicans are rather ox-
fleeting som4 little assistance In the shape
of a few hun'dredt thousand democratic votes
for their ticketu t Democrats are hungry for
prc porlty , op well as other people.
, I.
I'rea Idei.e pores tilt' Ilelpless ,
U : : a sas City Star.
A curious fogture of the St. Louis tornado
Is the fact 1)lat the inmates of the city
hospital , wliq were , supposed to have been
deetroyed , are all accounted for and un-
injured. Tbps the sick and the lmelpless
escaped deatf , wulte hundreds of persons in
the ( ell fusJ got , health and strength were
stricken down „
souudioney and 1'rotectlon.
Chlcago Tines-Ilernid.
The American 'standard should and can
be the world's hlglieat standard in national
and iudivldual prosperity ; but It can be
made and kept en only by rigid adherence
to time American protective system. The
people know what that meano and the days
will pass slowly for most of them until they
can get back to right principles ,
't'he Slnuglrter house I'rgphet.
Springfield nepubtlcan ,
Henry Wattoreen will have to be recognized -
nized as a prophet. Ho didn't like the
political outlook , intimated that the democratic -
cratic party was doomed , pulled out of politics -
tics , packed his trunk and sailed for Europe.
Events right In his own state have shown
that the brilliant editor possessed the gift
of foresight at this time , 1f never before.
Au Eternal llurinl.
New Yomk World.
After having hung by the neck for thirteen
days and having survived the ordeal , Id.
Durand , a Parisian celebrity , now proposes
to bury himself alive and to remain bmmrled
for 300 days , This , however , Is not so remarkable -
markable a performance as the one promised
by time tree sliver leaders of the democracy ,
who propose to bury themselves alive and
to remain buried forever ,
Tlfr AYTf-IioxD nILL.
Kansas City star : Not for 100 years
or so ought there to be another United
Slates senate so completely lacking In common -
mon sense and patriotic honesty as to
deliberately pass a law intended to bankrupt -
rupt the govermnlont and destroy Its credit.
Indianapolis Journal : The lest veto on
time bi1L to prohibit the lesue of bonds shows
that the silver majority of seven ! n the
senate is solid , It consists of seventeen
democrats , ten republicans and five populists ,
whllo the sound motley senators number
sixteen republicans and nine democrats ,
Chicago Chronicle : It is not agreeable to
know that seventeen democrats voted with
ton republicans and five populists for time
bill. But it Is sumo consolation to know
that all but two of tlue democrats 'voting that
way 'hail from southern states which 'Lave
unsavory reputations in rho matter of
financial integrity.
Chicago Times Iterad ! : Shameful as the
adoption of the Butler declaration Is , It is
impotent. The country cannot think worse
of time senate than it has thought shim
tree silver and-popullam became predominant
in it. Novenber next steps will be tekmu
to mbilmize its power for mischief , and
within two yfers , its fangs will' bo drawn ,
Globe-Democrat : Populist Dutler's bill to
prevent the tsaliezof bonds without the consent -
sent of congress , which would be practically
a repeal of the resumption law of 1876 , has
passel time seqptp This , however , is as far
as the bill will l If it ever comes up in
the house Rwiljbe defeated by more than
100 majority. Tife policy'ot infamy gets no
quarter In that , Ddy ,
Chicago TrIOnnd : The senate is not con.
trolled by tlp3-republicans , The house Is ,
The latter shoui j lose no tlrno in condemning
and ropudiatingthe ) course of those so-called
republican sop ( < Xora who voted for this In-
famncus meastmroslvhleh meets 'with the disapproval -
approval of t 6-repubiican party , The house
ahould take u : this bill at once and put the
seal of its co 'demnatlon on It.
Chicago ReC id1 Time spectacle of the aenato
attempting to prohibit the issue of bonds ,
without even trying to remove time causes
whiell make the bond Issue necessary , caps
the climax 1W time career of a congress noted
for the puerility of Its efforts , As 11w house
Highest of ail in Leavening Power-Lattst U. S. Gov't Report
oyal Bbking
R Powder
will not pass the bill , find the preeldenl
would not sign ll It pessed , there Is occasion
not for alarm , but for disgust The question
of the rights of silver need hot enter into
consldorntlon here. The point le that we
have a senate whlclu not only refuses to
enact helpful legislation , but proceeds in
what appears to be a spirit of utter wantonness -
ness to kick over what safeguards we already
have. The country looks to' limo houso' to
kill this vicious measure.
DFMOCItACV's SIbYi lL CiOtills.
Minneapolis Journal : 'fho itentueiuy tree
ailverites indorsed Joe Blackburn fdt the
presidential nomhnalion at Chicago. Well ,
Joe will the as well as Tlllmnn or Bland to
be knocked over by the republican triumphal
procession in November.
iluffalo Expreaa : Sliver men will inevlta-
hly control time Chicago convention. Demoe-
racy having taken up every menace to ltlo
republic , from slavery to tree trade , and lust
with each , is now about to male a last der
peralo effort to keep itself alive on the
fallacy of free silver.
Sioux City Journal : It is said Carlisle's
speeches of 1878 were new to the voters In
the back districts of Kentucky , mind they went
whim the free sllverltes in order to Ilmo
tlienisohves up with Carlisle. It was lam.
posslblo to convince them that a Bourbon
statesman ever changed his nmhul.
Loulovlllo Courler Journal : You bet ! ICon-
lucky Is in time saldo , ; slue is on the tandenm ;
alma Is astride the quad , Lift up your heads ,
0 ye gates , nod be ye lifted up , ye everlasting -
lasting cellardoors ! For limo coal holes are
too small , and weans are all juat a-wntlln'
and a-Lenin' to shovel in our winter supply -
ply 01 free sliver and be done with the job.
St , I'aul Pioneer I'ross : Five millions of
savings bank depositors constitute a fairly
large creditor class , even it there were no
others. These people have in the savings
banks of time United States en average of
$371.36 apiece. It ! s not a large sum , but It
repreeents In nmany arses the tlmeift tumid
economics of years. These are the people
u 1mo would ho utmost defrauded if time value of
every dollar were to be cut down from 20 to
60 per cent by time abandonment of the gold
standard ,
St , Louis Republic ; Mr. Bland's direct
answer effectually disposes of any lurking
suspicion that he may oppose the efforts of
his friends to tmrgo ills candidacy. No posei
blo injury can be done to limo 16 to 1 movement -
ment by malting an active campaign imi behalf -
half of Mr. Bland. If the Chicago convention
declares unequivocally for Ilidependent free
colilmigo at the ratio of 16 to 1 Mr. Bland's
nomination is time logical result. No 16 to 1
democrat has a moral right to mquot wltim
any other 16 to 1 candidate wbilo Mr. Bland
is In the field ,
New York Sun : Above all the noise of the
cartwheoi captains and the shouting , the
strong , clear , deep , sonorous and entrancing
voice of one elan rings supreme , like a chine
of bells over a concert of jewsharps Time
lion. Hez Lung remains the most powerful
and the most attractive of all of time silver
orators. Others may spout or dribble. lie
alone is as majestic and unfailing as time sea.
If the argyromanlacs want to nanmo far president
dent their noblest champion , they can name
no other than time Hon. Inez Lung. lie lives
In 'Mercer county , but Imo belongs to the
whole world. In the language of one of his
admirers , ho "Is the Eagio who bears aloft
the Buzzard Dollar. "
The into John Stetson recently remarked :
"There are more men who are fools In Beaten -
ton than there are men , "
In Boston resides Miss Elizabeth C. Adams ,
granddaughter of the first President Adams.
She lived in the whllo house during the term
of her uncle , John Quincy Adapts. She and
her brother , I. Hull Adams , are time only sur-
vlving grandchildren of the second president ,
A few days ago a very large and a very
small 1)180 met at Belfast , ] tie-J W. Past
of New York City and Don Orman Robbins
of Belfast. Mr. Post ! s 93 years old , stands
six Yeet high and weighs 998 pounds ; Mr.
Robbins is 32 years old and weighs thlrty-
cleht hounds.
A rare honor has fallen to time lot of Postmaster -
master General von Stephan of Germany-
that of having erected
in his lifetime a
monument to himself , which was solenudy
Inaugurated last -week at Emden , In the park
fronting the postoffice , In time presence of all
the municipal and postal authorities.
Miss Winnle Simpson of Garfield , Wash. ,
makes quite a snug amount of pin money by
shooting squirrels. Simo handles a gun to
better effect tlman many of the men in that
region , her average being thirty squirrels
a day. She aim dlstinguiahed herself lately
by winning the first prize In an uratorlcal
contcat open jo bolls sexes ,
The St. Louis convention hail uns hulit
whim a view to political oratory. Therefore ,
the cyclone scnrcefy phnscd It ,
'fho bronze statute of ( harfieiml by Augustus
St. Gardens ass unveiled at Faihnmtnl
park , Philadelphia , after nlghttnll oh
Memorial day. It made a rare spoelaclo ,
for tlmo statue stanJ beaido a driveway of
the banks of time Schuylkill , and thousands
had gathered along the triveway and on the
bhtffs nboro it , nldlo sleanmere amt yachts
amid small craft adorned with lanlerus and
carrying excursion parties proceeded up
tire river abreast of the procession , and all
the scone was Illundncd by elcclrld null
calclum lights.
Chauncey 1)l , Depow's world-girdling mires-
sago nppears in the Londmm papers as n corn-
monplaco utterance , all becauo of tlmo 1n
sertlon of an "apostrophe's , " The way our
19ng11sh cousins road it weal "God created
Nature's treaeures anti science ntiilzes
trio power for the grandeir ut Ume nations
and the Peace of the aarhL" This is as had
as the London Tiules' report of Mc llaynrd's
recent reference to the old lope about the
1'Ilgrimn bathers "falling first on their knees
and tlmon on the ahorglmies. " Time Tlntes sub.
aliumted savages for aborl incs , thereby
wholly missing the pun.
Mlv itltl' JIS(11J95.
Indlnnnpells Journal.
It's not so touch for costumes gay
That lumen dislike time bloomer girl ;
it's chiefly owing to the way
He' mile keeps getllmg out of curl.
Chicago Ileeord.
lie said : "I'll love you more tomorrow ; "
ammo hung her head itm wnumlell sorrow ,
"ronlurrow la-swecthemrrt , take ehecr-
The longest tiny in all the year , "
Cm act nnall linqulrer.
Says 1Veyler : "Our gloriems cause
Lnowa uo such word its ( nil ;
Our hearts nro stanch , our Pens are bright ,
Our Inlt small ne'er tarn pale ! "
Plttubnrg Dlepalch.
The bold , bad caterpillar noon ,
All snugly Itld from view ,
W'lll murmur to time suauncr girl ,
"l lmavo a drop of you , "
Detroit Tribune.
She was nhcut to fall upon Ids neck ,
So did her emotions stir
When a big greet worm , nuts to say )
Antlclpaled lien ,
Washington Star.
The place soon will fall 'iucatli a silence unbroken -
broken ,
When time members of congress have flown'
There are numerous speechea thatnu'er ! will
be spoken
Amid ilk weds that ne'er will be thrown ,
Indianapolis Journal ,
The deaf man now no longer needs
To walk the railroad tics :
The scorcher finds hum or the street
And nails him to the skies.
Detroit tree Press.
"Yes , I'm joyously laughed at , " mudmnitted
the mule ,
Yet I may be peruttted to beg
That you will rellect on the fate of time fool
Wlmo ventures on pulling my leg. "
- - - - - -
Atlanta Consitlutlon ,
Blow the bugles ,
Bent mho drums ;
Lot life candidate-
He comes !
Itidin' early , t
Ridin' late ;
Watch out for
Thu candidate !
Saw the war through
( Sure o' that ! )
Got life record
In hum hat.
Knows lees needed
Dy time state ;
Save the country
Sure as fate !
Good at firmin' ;
Got a plow
In ! da bnck yard
Rustln' now.
Doctor- !
Anything the
People caUi
Free , religion
( In the lurch
If lie didn't
Like each church. )
Round to please you-
1)ent the ( lrums ;
Lot the candidate-
He cones !
ldAhlNG 8I'iwd1At lI..l'runEs ,
ItODN19Y STONi'l.r
A ItE111NlSC'1'.NCF . 01' 1'1119 RiNG ,
in. A. CONAN DOY h't
A new serinl story begun Faster Sunday -
day to cmainuo for seventeen weeke-
The title is told by time hero Ilhnseif , a
rcth ed naval omeer , and he recalls time ,
Incidents of his cancer when a boy-
The story has been pronolnmeed by cmn-
hwtout critics to be one wrtlton in Dr.
Doyla's very best style ,
'l'ime story of each national couveution
of time re1umbllcnn 'avt graphically told '
by a - nddltion to its im-
1)0llnut news vnhme time article is of sb-
sorbing Interest trmn Best to last ,
CHAT WiTi1 NiiCOl.A TiSi.A :
An interview fn wvhlclm'resln gives him l
t io va on work sleep , recreation , '
lingo and the + utnre extslence-A char- ,
looter sketch of 'l'eslu setting forth the
hunmu side of nuum-One Ilhgtislion , In
which appears a portrnlt of Tesla ,
"Duff" Armstrong's own story of them
famous nllmrle ease In ) vldeh he np
peered na defell iuut and Lincoln as hfa
cumumsel-Llncolu , in lfl , proved "Duff's"
Innocence by reference to nn nhnanah
and by n touching appeal to the jury ,
It is not genenmlly kimono tlmt wo have
in this country soma of the finest eel-
lerlions of grins in the world-'l'ime most
important collectluns described by Mr.
Kunz-'I'ce J , 1'ierpout Morgan ceiIertiun
enlbrnces over a thtnlannd epechuens
nnttu'o to tlw United Slides ,
This : ( 'OMiNG U19119RA'1'10N :
Ohowltwo littlehlllurnummml lads moved
their father from millhlry service dvlth
the Giant gcard- slow 1S'estlughouse comm.
calved the Idea of his
pnlcut air-braise--
l'rallle of time youngsters and other en-
tcrndnhmg reading tor thu yang folks ,
Airysunuuer ( rocks for hot weather
dances-Newest armies for sleeves
amid saslmes-Att aeilons and draw-
bncks of dentistry us n protea- t
slot for ) voumon-A Nrhrnsium girl
) vho Is Preparlmmg to practice nit a
demllst-1Voumu in time press gallery at
lVnsldnglon-Decadence of the elaborate
comnencement exercises-Gossip about
well known women-Seasonable fashion
notes ,
The Smith-Barker wedding the event
of the week-Eutertahmmeuts for the
bridal party-interest centering in con-
lug miuptlnl events-People beginning to
leave em summimer excursioms-Out-of-lumvn
vinitors-9lovrnients and whereabouts of
Omaha socidty folks.
Wheel makers and wheel dealers so-
eretly hulling prices-FtTects of the
wheezing craze o ) time roads of time coun-
try-Time inwv of nccident immsurnlmee-
Mnking collisions amid falls nn easy pas-
time-News 11010 $ about wheels nod
wimeehnen everywhere-What the local
bicycle clubs anti their menbers me do-
Newsy gossip on current sporting topics
about events past , presort and to come-
-Latest hi time base bail situntiol-l'ros-
poets for the local lovers of time horse-
Movements in the arena of college nlh-
hettcs-Just what every sport is interested -
ested dn.
Full Associated press foreign cable and
i deeeate telegraph service-The New
York World's speeinl foreign correspond-
ence-Unrivalled special news service
from Nebraska. Iowa and the western
states-Well written and accurate local
news reports.
Trn OMAHA SUND4.Y Bi ; > h 1
't'he linnmu r ns n Converter.
Washington Post ,
The other day Senator Butler of North
Carolina taunted Senator Gear of Iowa with
imaving written a free sliver latter in 1890
and with being now against free coinage.
Soma one asked him yesterday how he cone
to change his mind.
"R'hem I take n ten-dollar gold piece and
a sllvor dollar , " sold Senator Gear , "anml batter -
ter them all out of shape , time tom-dollar gold
piece remains $10 , and the sliver dollar
is worth 5i cents , That Is the object lesson
which converted me. "
20 Per Cent off on An Man's Stilt.
tt tt tt tt tt An Boys' Suet.
tt tt tt tt tt '
An. Suit.
. Child's .
' " " tt ' ' tr tt tt tt '
All the Overcoats.
' , , It ' ° ct it tt h All the Pantaloons.
l tt tt tt tt tt
. All Alpaca Coats.
. . . Everything we have that you can wear. ,
- ' ; ( except hats and furnishing goods .
From our Plain Marked Prices on every Garment /
because we are
Getting Ready to Remodel
, ' . , , , , , , , , , hays' $ JG.OO Stilts for , . , , . . , , . . 11112.00
2VIa's i51G.00 9nlls fur $ :0,00
, . , , . . . . . . . .
' . . . . . . . . . . , Ilays' Salts /
Men's $22.50 Suits for. 11118,00
IQGO . . . . . . . . . . .
' $ Salts tor. )14.00
' . . . . . . . . . , , net's'
Mien's suits (
it1O.O11 * net's'm . , , . , . . . . , .
' ) Stilts for-
' , . . . . , . . . . hays' m d7.G1) - ft1.Oo
Meet's ) sal is for $14:10
11115,1)0 $ : . . , . . , . . .
' , , , , , , , . , , ' . ' ) fur.- Qlfill
Diner's ) ) grits
it1Gtd Ooyn' MOs l1)
. , , , . . ,
hlldren 50) suits for
' , . . , . . . , . . . s
Dien's Suits for. > I11O.0 ( iu7G0
$12G0 , . , , , , . , .
CIrIdresssnits for
Dtea's , ( ) Salts fur. . . . , , , , . , $
it10,0 uIH,0O . , , $4.00
, , ,
ltleu's 14.50 suits for , . . . , , , , . , 150,60 Chlldreu'u $ for ,
* $5.00 . , , . , , 1. .
Dleu'r 157.50 Suits fur , , , , , , , . , 150.00 ' 15 .00 uIM for. 153.0
en's Qa.GO Salts fur , , , , , , > § . ,80
A genuine sweeping 'reduction of 20 Per cent all over the store on
everything in it except hats and furnishing goods. . i -
, Zr a
fFM , ' y Ir ,
. , & co
w „ awN
.w N e e i e r a
aP- : -z OMAHA
S. 'GiT. Cor.l5th and ] Dottgla > i.
- - - - - - - - - - - -