Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TflL OMAHA DAILY flEt1I ! [ TIIURS DAY , JUNE 4 , 1890.
Bad Crop Reports the roaturo In Wheat
Vnri * W'n Sicnly nhI L'stM ) on Lnrgcr
Locnl fleeeIif itt S3'lL. .
1)LtlIl witit the IJecline
. . in V1tcnt.
cittc4tco , June L-lJacl crop rnW gov-
rned the Idea9 of wheat pCcu1ators toduy
. end July wheat closeil nt an ath'ance of
about from % c ti 10 nfter neorly a 1o of
o. Corn , oats nt1 provleloim ruled firmer
and c1Oe higher , though no Important ad
Vance was niade in any cnPe.
Wheat was a fair , qeeufatlvo trade , the
market ruling qutto LtCttVO at tfmei , having
been ubjcct to rat1ier frepicnt changes
wfthin the tnb1is1icd range of 1c. The
weakness during the early ptrt of the ses
eton wa attributtthle , in a incasure , to the
disappointing tone of the Liverpool ndvice ,
( ho market there being qtlotel t2flcliaflgcd , .
which , In the face of ycsterdny's rise oil
this side , was taken as it little 5lgnfflcitnt ,
ilnhl then the weather was generally favor-
able. Northwestern receipts Were iignin fib-
cml. amounting to 373 carS. niid London re-
pDrte(1 ItisInn wheat very venk. Under
all tlil fielders lost conildelico and 8old
* out , Short selillig vns free. littt after ieli-
trig ofT 'c the decline vns nrreted. MIs-
noun n crop refort showed five lloints loM3
iuring the past month niul it wes followed
by one from Ohio showing a I0s of two
points there. Minneapolis wired that ship-
flng purchoses of wheat there yesterday
were .OOOOO bu. ; In Toledo , 100,000 bU. Then
bad reports concerning the ICansas crop and
the SCfltlilleflt became more bullish. Tile
northwest niao sent In good buying orders
t and with clearances agnin fair the Price
Hteadllv improved , selling up c from the
loW point. July opened about lower at
I tC ½ c , fell quickly to from 1,60 to ric , then
gradually aOiti UI ) to Th market
I continued to improve during tlio Int hour.
'rho into cr01) flOWS WOS till bad and shorts
% were driven to covering. There was also
I some investment demand and July sold up
to 571/4e. closing firm at 57.
Corn was ( iuiet itini teay. Prices were
ft ahade easIer early in iho esIon on larger
local receipts than expected and in sympathy -
pathy with the decline In wheat , but later
an crop damage reports continued to cOme
in priceS fldvnnced and a firm feeling prevailed -
vailed at ( lie close. July opened about Unchanged -
changed at 27c , touched JTc and closed
; c higher at 28c.
. In 0at only a fair business was doing ,
prices being largely influenced by wheat
and corn , though a. firm undertone existed.
July opened 4c higher at % and ciOcd
steady at lSc bid.
Provisiona opened weak and at recesilons
on the slight easing ot the stock market.
, Short covering was Indulged , hoveVer , and
thill. with the iinward turn in grain , lielned
rices. July pork closed 2'c higher at $1.&O ;
thy lard unchanged at $ i.17 ; July rIbs 1c
higher at 3.7VA . A fair business sas trans-
I Estlmatoo for liursday : Wheat , 7 cars ;
corn. 503 cars ; oatS , 372 cars ; hogs , 29,000
I heat ] .
I Tue lending futures ranged as follows :
I ArticioS I 0)3:1.1 : JIIli. I L3v. I CL,3) .
Wheat. 20.2
.Tiino 5I ( t
. . . . . . . . & 73I r.o
Sept . . . . . . . 57G57 5c3ciTh sf
Corn.No 2. . .
. . . . . . 27t4 27 27
July . 273 2S 27 211
I . . . . . . . . . 2934Zf 28' ( iu
Oats. No. 2. . .
July . 17Th 18 274 18
Sept . . . . . . . 18)f4 ) . 11 18tj 18 (
l.iay ' 00. , . 21 ] 211 ( .i1 21f
July. . . . . . . . 0 n : ; 7 O74 0 871. 7 0l
Sept. . . . . . . . 7 10 7 22i 7 O 7 20
Lnrd.lttO lbs
July..4 ] 2I 4 17 % 4 12 ? 4 1714
. . 4 2734 4 32I 4 2t 4 20
Short lllbs- . .
July. . . . . . . . . 3 70 1 SO S 70 8 7714
Sept. . . 8 85 3 0234 3 8214 3 11214
Oatiii quotations were as follows :
Fr.OUlt-Fasior ; winter patents ,
winter straigttts , $3.2J3.4O ; prIn patents , $3.4O
L75 ; spring' straights , 3.t3.2. ; bakers , I2.2
2.40.V1tflATNo. . 2 spring , G1c ; No. 3 sprIng ,
No. I rel. G01WO4e. '
IN-No. 2 , 27ltj2e ; No. 2 yellow , 23SC.
OATP-o. 2. ISo ; No. 2 whIte , llitjl9c ; No. 3
wilitC , . lSt19 * .
RYE-No. 2 , l2132l4e.
IJAItLEV-No. 2 , noniinal ; No. I , Z437c ; No. 4 ,
FbAXSgtD.-No. 1 , 7'c.
PItIMl TIMOThY t3Ei1)-43.15.
PflOVISIONS-Mes oorlc. per IJbI. , $7.OOiI'7.0 ' ;
lard. per 100 lbs. , 14.10 ; short ribs , 51(1(5. loose.
$3.7OJ3.tO ; dry nltecl shoulders , boxed -I.12tj
4.3730 : short clear sides , bxcd , t3.87VGt1.00.
\VJIlSKY-DitI1lcr finished goods. per gal. ,
SIJOARS-Cut loaf , $1.95 ; granulated. $5.32.
'OULTflY-t3teaciy ; tutkeys , 7tjSc ; chickens ,
spring , l281Sc ; ducks , lltfllc.
The following were the receipts ana shIpment
today :
Articles. . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IItecClptq. ISItlpiiient.
} ipurbbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . ( ,
Vbeatuu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 23.0001 01,000
Combu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ois.oJ0f 210,00(1
Oatsbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I sottoooI 591,009
llobu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I s,000I 2 000
iiarIeybu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 6.ou1
On the ProitlcO exctutlgO toiay the butter market -
ket was firm : creamery. I l13c : dairy. tn
iSo. Eggs , firm ; fresh , 014J100. Cheese , steady ;
0)tL7c. ) _ _ _ _ _
Quotation , . of the 1)ny on Varioii
NEW YOR1 , Juno 3.-FLOUIt-Iieccipts , 71,100
bbls. ; exports , 6,600 libIs. ; stroilger today , helped
by the latest strength In wheat , and resuited in
betttr demand ; winter patents , $3.C.l3.70 ; winter -
ter straights , $1.30j3.40 ; Minnesota , patCnts , $3.0
t3.95 ; Mlnnesuta liakers , $1.75113.2 $ ; spring low
tidoz , Z2.001.75. Southern flour , mtre active ;
r 33Z(3.40.
CORN MflAL.-Qulet ; yellow western , coarse ,
J3AflI1V-QtiIet : ( ceiling bzirfry , 2.g3Cc.
DAI1LIIY MA1Jr-oiiiInal ; 411t45c.
ItYll-Weak ; No. S western , 29/t40O. !
WIICAT-ileccipte , 167,101 bu. : expolts , 149.100
bu. ; spot. tiulet. bUt firm ; No. 2 red , 70c ; No.
1 hart ] , C1'c , OptIons declined nfter the openIng -
Ing , under better crup estimates anti locid pressure -
sure , but were ralliul by unfavorable state rePorts -
Ports , notably oto : and Missouri. which leti to
active covering and a sharp afternoon ativnce ,
assisted by ( oreign buying , closing tJc higher ;
No. 2 ted. June , closed Sic ; I3eptcndier , U241cI3c ,
ciosing , G3e.
C'OlU-Itecelpt , 23G0o Pu , ; exprts , 175,00 btt. ;
spot , flrfllerl No. 2. 33Yc. Options hitowed coiisltl.
crabie strength nil day , advancing on light COtlO.
try offerings and sympathy with wheat , closing
6tlo net Itiglier ; fleptunber , 841oc , ciositig
OATS-.UeCeIptB , I41.100 bu , exports , G3 , 1,1
spot. steady ; No , 2 , e. bptions , quiet , but
firmer with the oIlier markets , closing net
higher ; June , closed 22c.
1iAY-tty ; shipping , 70'7&c ' ; good to choIce ,
Ilot't4-DuIi ; tate , common to choice , 1894 crop ,
2ctr4to ; lt93 , 342o ; I'acitic coast , ISI1 , 2',44c ' ;
3ss , 8141C ,
1llDt0S-ulet ; Galveston. lie ; Iluenos Ayres ,
dry , lee ; Texas , dry , Sc : California 12lc.
llU1'Ti1t-1ttceipts , & ,512 1,1(1(8. ; lrni ; % vesterfl
dairy. ethic ; creamery ii4jl5io ; llgIns , 1S2c ,
CIiI1FSl-Itecipts. 1.710 Iew. : steady ; large.
5tec : pittall , 4U7c ; part skittis , Oi141o ; full
lIiiis 1'44j2c.
jads-itceipt 9.I2 pkgL ; steady ; tate anti
1'ennsyI'ttnia , 1241113c ; western , l1'4tl2'c.
1'IIOVJSIONS-ihvt , etcati ) ' ; $7.W11.QtJ ; heef
hania , $15.00 , Packed. Cut fllefttB , steady ; Pickle' ] ,
lirm ; * 9.2MIS0. Lard , steady ; Seeslerre Steam
$4.3 ; ellneil stea(1y. l'ork , duil anti enay ;
tneis. $ S.25tf.Z5 ; short clear , 19.001110.00 ; family ,
fAOATIIIIII-1)ttlll hemlock , ole 11. A. , light
(0 heavy veigiiis. 11tiv : ; ectd , IiJlle ,
OlLS-CGttonrttl oil inactive ; Itrime crude ,
tie ; tirime yellow , 24Ic : off grsties , l014jQ3c ;
rIitiS summer yellow , 25c ; oft summer letlow ,
40 ; prime while , Ole. l'etroleum , quIet : United
cioed at $1.00 Itosin , steudy ; strained , con.
nba to good , $ ' .601Jl,85. Turpentine , quiet ,
ltiC'Il-QUiCt anti steady ; domestic , ( tiir to
extra. 3'4iGe Japan , 3tJ4c.
MOLJ.HS18-1)Uii' New Orleana , open kettle ,
to choice ,
M7FAl.5-1'fg iron , qulet southern , $ i0.7 (
13.00 ; northern , 811.001.113.00. Copper , firm ; Itrok.
cr5 , $ li.00 exchange , Sil,4t1i5. Lend , quiet ;
brokers $3 ; excittitlito , 'flit , 035) ; straits ,
Il3.trei3.4S ; plates , quiet , $ peller , quiet ; dogacs.
ho. $4.05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ltyerpoul 3iur1etn ,
IIIVIIRI'0014 , Juno L-WlIl1/tT-Spot stead ) ' ;
demtuid lor : o , 2 ted winter , & , 4t ; o , 1
hard. Manitoba , So 1ti ; No. 2 Cnlifornta. .s si ,
} 'uturtb tpetied quiet , with near anti distant i -
ritionli unchunseti ; closed steady , With
d higher tinil other months uncliange'l trutn
"estertlay's closing prices ; btiiines tjout squall ) '
Ietributed June , 4 * 114W ; July. 41 llttl' , % Ugtlst ,
45 1ld : October 4s 1114d ; Noveniter , 111W.
cOlIJ-8pot , firm ; AinerIaa inixetl , new , 2
lil4d. Futures opened flrai. with near end diu.
lent PositionS uneiangct1 ) closed 11cm , with July
It2 ) iighet' , anti other mouths ' .ti higher ; Li.i.
sea about equally distributed ; June , 2 113ti ;
3uly 5s 44(1 ; August , s Id ; Iepteiiiber , sti 13d ;
Oetor 35 2' ] : Ncvcntber , Is 2tI ,
"t.oIJit-tlteady : demand fair ; freely supplied ;
fit. L.outa fancy Wiiter , 7. ,
i'EAH-Canadisfl. Ii
J'IlQVlSjONl3-ltacoa , quiet deman4 poor ;
Cumtteriurlti cut , 28 to 00 lbs. . fls Gd ; short rite ,
25 lbs. , 260 Cd : io.iig' cisar , ileht. 2. to 45 il-iL ,
24e1 Jtrt clear backs , iiht , 18 lbs. Zs iiurt
vicar inildIe , heavy , ItS lbs. , 22w ; clear , oiiks ,
14 ti , 16 lbs. , 52s C' . Shoulders , tquare , iS to is
' lbs. 22a. Slums , short cut , 14 to 16 ibL , 50g. Tat.
low , fitie ortIi AmerIcuuI , iTil. Ifeef , extra. In.
dia. mess , 3i 01 ; prIme tue. . 4-3. 9d , Perk ,
preIle mess , fine western. 47. Gd ; inediulit West.
ecu , 40i , . ] .aid , dull ; prime western , Zla $4 ; cc-
fIned ifl VeilS 215.
E1S1-ias ; demand poor ; finest J.mcr-
icnn , nliit , 4t , 64 fInest American , colored , 39s.
nuT1'lit-1inest United States , 70q ; good , SC.
Ol1S-TtlrpOJltifl * pIllts. us t1 ; rosin , common ,
45 I'd ; cottbnseed oti , Liverpool selineti , 153 Sd ;
liaised oil , lIe 3d.
JtCrfllaI1iUtTOfl flC1r-1'orequarters , 2ti 1
hindquarters , r'4tL
1iOI3-At ; IAndon ( Pacific coast ) , Li ISS.
O.ii.tILt G11Elt.tIj MAItICIIT.
Contilfioti of Trade nuil QltoIntidfl
on 51fl5)I ( ' nii I'niicr l'roduee ,
According to Cliicngo l'roduee It was dalmet ]
eiriy last weck that storage stock. of eggs in
Chicago at the dufle of loisinesa Saturday , Me ) '
23 , wee 311,00) eases. Of these it was sakS ( lint
1S8IY ) wcis in tile liouec of one of the big
conipnttka , 112,000 in the second and 11,000 In a
thin ] ,
Iltit storing Is not yet at an end Consider-
Oble stock % VCUt in last week , swelling the total
to , , O00 at least.
It the above figures are cotret tat. season's
total ef storage stGcks wilt probably equal the
total at the close of last reason itit the claim
is still being made ( lint Inst s-ear A total will not
be leached ,
To fix it market f r storage eggs is rnttir ft
dihltcutt undertnktiig. Sales are made according
to quality Ott , ] the same Inltuences ( lint have
ndvsnee,1 the geiierni market do not operate witti
eitinl effect In storage buying , A heavy dealer
lvhti ViiC nskeJ 1'riilsy to give thio .terngo price
for eggs , said : 'I do notthtink country iiacke'I
eggs for dotage wiit hiring more than tory would
ft VtL'k ego. The advance of the matket Intel ) '
him been for eggs wattled b local trade , tiler-
age buyers are not inclined to follow the ath'nflce.
3 ltnl'e a Cat of lowft eggs 1nekei for storage
( list I eiii sell or 102. 1 yuuld say tile tnarkt
is 51ff4 100. "
. ' , iotlicr dealer soul li tin' bn offered from
St. J'ntit eggs iiC1ic't1 for dotage fit lie. lie
said lie lint olii Feveraf cars uS eggs that are
in the coolers at lie.
Another ilottlef' iepoittt the pale of a car of
eggI In tue cooler at l3c anti ttll another as-
PCI tetl ttutt there are eggs in storage Which Sc
vitl bit ) .
To tneirnre a ear In Chicago for storage would ,
according to dealers , cost 11Ao ! to ll-c.
'i'Iius liie market lirice deliends Upon whether
the vgge are country pacltcil or packed in ( 'hI-
engi , , or wlietiiei' they conic from Iowa or littano-
sOii or some oilier reetton of the egg-producing
territory , Quotations ;
11(108-Choice stock , $ * Stc.
1iUTTilt0-Cnitnon to fair , 7419c : choice to
fancy country , bIllIe.
\'ilAh-Clioice ( itt , 50 to 120 lbs. , are quoted at
7t44Sc ; large anti coarse , 4015e.
CtttllIS-Dotnestic brIck , lIe ; Edam. per coz. ,
I.0 ; club house , l.tb. ] ars , pet tioz. , 53.&i ; Litu-
berger , fancy , her lb. , lIe ; Itoquefort , % .ib.
jars , tier doz. , $3.10 ; Young Aineticas. lbc ; twins ,
fnhic ) ' , IllIc.
] 'OUL'l'ltY-Live--lfens , &IlI',4ct coCks , 3c ;
tttrkoys , 7ajSe ; ducks , Sc ; geese , Gdl spring
cnlclens , 12Ill2c per II ) . for weights tootling
from II ; to 2 his. ; springs , uttiler I il-i. , very chili , . .
I'iOiONS-Llt'e , 71.0Q3jl,20 ; dead IIgCoilS nat
hAY-Upland , $6 ; midland , $7.70 ; lwiand , : ;
rye straIt' , (1 ; color olakee tli price on tiny :
light liaise sell the best ; otily top gradra bring
top prices.
ititOOM CORN-11xtrmely slow sale ; sleW
crop , delivered on track in country ; choice green
eelt-woekhilg carpet , her lb. , 2c ; choice green ,
running' to hurl , 2e ; cominoil ,
viu lTAflLCS.
TOMATOIS-I'er 4.basket criitc. $2.22.
1'IOAS-Ilenio grown , 11Cr bu. , $100.
TOP ONIONS-t'er doz. , tiurtcli"s , GlilOc.
CUCUMiti1ti-j'er . ,
- doz. , 100f7c
NlIV ON1ONS-Sautliern stock , per lb. , 1c.
VAX ] IIOANS-l'er ho. box , $1.t0.
HTitiN(1 IIIOANS-.Per Lu. box , ll.25Ill.4.
i'm l'LANT-llcme giOWZi , per lb. , ic.
CA1ilAGF--7ctlspieslppi , per crate , $3.
I1UANII-1ani piCken navy , pr bu. , $1.40Il1.0.
IilVL1iT l'OTATOIS-None.
LIliI. % . IIflANS-I'er lb. , 4c.
\VATEIt ORlSS-Netie.
1'OTATOl0.S.-Ittinnes'ta Ilusbanlec' , 45IlSOe :
southern , new , tier bbi. , $3.00 ; California , new ,
Zc per lb.
IIIOI1MUDA ONIONS-Per crate , 2.
There Were quite a. good many strawberilee In
( lie market yesterday , but it wzui very elililcult
to get stock that would stand shipping out on
orders. Quotations :
S1'lt.AWI lL5RltjE-.MIsgouri stock , $1.000j3.27.
A i'PLllS.-None.
OALIF'ORNIA CIIIOI1ItIES-l'er 10-lb. box , $2.91
$ OUT1IIItN cimnnnos-rer Zi.qt. case , $2.23 ;
1,4-bu. basket , $1.P ) .
OO0S11til1thtmS-Per 24-nt. case , $2.
ItLCKllI01tlthl0S-1'er case , $3.00.
ItbAcic flASI'IICIIItIES-Per 24.qt. . case , $4 ;
24 pt. case , $2.00.
ORAN010S-Mediterrancan sweets , $4. .
LIIMONS-Messinas , fancy , $4.10 ; chOice , $3.75
Ill. 00.
1tANANAS-thOicO large stock. per bunch ,
$2.00l2.25 : inodlum-slzeil bunches , $1.i(0Il2.00. (
I'lNtAl'PLES-Per doz. , according to size ,
NUTS-Almods , Cniiorrta , per lb. . medIum
size , 10c Tarragonn almonds , per lb. large , l2c ! ;
IhrazliS , per lb. , Sc ; Etiglish walnuts , per lb. ,
fancy soft shell , lIe ; medium eize , lIe ; iiihert ,
per lb. , be ; pecans. Polished medium. c ; large ,
lIe ; Peanuts , raw , G'Il7c ' ; r9aeted , 71Oc.
hONEY-Fancy white , per lb. , 14c ; choice.
lIc ; California amber color , lIe.
MAI'LE SYItUP-F'ive gal. cans , each , $2.75 :
gal. cans. per ttoz , , $12 ; ' . gal. cans , $6.21 ; quart
CanS , $3.50.
CIDER-ClarifIed juice , per half bbl. , $3 ; per
bbl. . $5.
PtESE3ItVES-Aaorcd , 20-lb. pails , each , $1.40.
COCOANUTS-Per 100 , 54.50 ; each , Sc.
FIGS-Imported fancy , 5 crown , loxes ,
14c ; choice. 10-lb. boxee , 8 crown , OGliOc.
DATIS-ilailoween , per lb. , Sc ; fords. 10-lb.
boxes. per lb. . 7c.
MAPLE SUGAR-Choice , per lb. , Sc.
I3IIEV-.OOO4 eieers , 400 to 600 lbs. , 6',40j7c ; wCst-
cr0 , steers , 6I36c ; good cows and betters , COlt
6c ; medium cows and lieifera , 5Il3c ; good
Torequarter , cows anti heifers , IIl4ifc ;
good forequarters , native steers , 434005c ; good
liindciuarters , cows anti helter. , , 701Sc ; good
hindquarters , steerS , SPIliOc ; cow rounds , Cc ;
cow ptate , Sc ; boneless chucks , 4c ; cow chucks ,
le ; steer chucks , Ic ; beef teniterloins , 23c ; beef
rolls , boneless , Ic ; sirloin butts , boneless , Sc ;
loIn backs , boneless , Sc ; loIn backs , 7c ; cow
ribs , No. 3 , ( C ; COW loins , No. 3 , lIe ; beet trimmings -
mings , be ; rump butts , Sc ; shoulder clods , Sc ;
frozen. 4c.
MUTTON-Dressed lambs , $ c ; dressed mutton ,
7c ; racks , bOo ; legs , Sc ; saddle , Sc ; stews. Ic ;
sheep plucks , Sc : sheep tongues , per doz. , ISo.
i'OIiK-Dressed hogs , 4c ; pork loins , Gc ;
spare ribs , Ic ; ham sausages , butte , 4 ½ c ; pork
shoulders , 414c ; posit shoulders , skinned. 41c ;
pork trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not rendered , 4c ;
tenderiotne , jOe ,
hIDES-No. 1 green hides , 4c ; No. I roen
hides , 210e ; No. 1 green salted hides , Sc ; No. S
green sailed hides , 4c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 1 !
lbs. , 6c ; No. 2 veal calf , S to 15 lbs. , 4c ; No. 1
dry flint hides , G433c ; No. 2 dry flint hides. 4Il5e ;
No. I dry salted hides , 6c ; part cured hides , % c
per il' . lees than fully cured.
SliElli' PELTS-Oreen patted , each , ISOIGOc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , lIe ; ( It ) ' elitarlings ( short wooled earl'
skins ) , No. 1 , cacti , be ; dry elieariinga ( short
wocilecl early skins ) , No. 1 each , Sc ; dry flint
ICaniecs am ] Nebraska butcher vool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , &UGe ; dry Ihint IGanpas anti No-
liraska Murraln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
4Il5c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual weIght , 40J0c ; dry ( tint ColoradO
Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4015c ;
dry pieCes and bucks , actual weight , 4Sc ; feet
cut off , as it In usetess to pay freight an them.
TALLOW AND ( II11IASII-Tallow , No 1 , "flc
tallow , No. 2 , :10 : ; grease , white A , 2c ; grasL
vhite It ROe ; grease , yellow , 14c : grease , dark ,
1100 ; old butter , 2012t0.c ; beeswax , prime , 1501
220 ; rough ) tallow , l'Oc ,
ilONIOS-In car lots , weighed anti delivered in
Chicago ; Dry buffalo , ier 190 , $ lI.OOIlhl.00 ; dry
country , bleacliect per ton , $ lO.0001i2.00 ; dry
country. damp an meaty , per ton , * 0.00013.00.
\'OOL-Unwashed. fIne heavy , GtltTc ; fine , lIght ,
S4Sc ; quarter blood , 104112o ; reedy , burr ) ' and
chatty , SlOb ; cotted anti Liroken. coarse , lOlSc ;
cotteit Cad broken , line. C41Ic , Fleece washed-
Icteduiam. lttl8c : fine , 144J16c ; tub washed , 1601
ISO : black. Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , lIlbe ; dead
pulled , 511Cc , _ _ _ _ _
Share Svcciilniout Iz.ils 4o DispIn ) '
Asiy IIllpro'e'lttcIlt.
Nl1\V Toll-K June 3-The share speculation
fahied tic display any Improvement In paint of
animation or disiributlon of business , The
market at the otitset was weak anti lowe ! , tics
concessionS , however , being fractional. 'rice
traders Who W51'C resicensiblo for ( lie bulk of the
litniteti deallilge lvfre unfavorably imressed by
the binlal liaeage of 1110 Butler bond bill by the
United States senate and by depression in the
L3ndon prices for Americans. Tue lower range
iduCtd c.otne coveri9g purchases. anti a little
tuyiag for long account , although tue succeed.
intO liric were somewhat irregular , the niniket
In a general way irendetl upward , sail late in
11cc' clay almost lice entire iist disiIaycd improve-
nient over ) estei1taY's closing , ¶ I'he ititiuistriels
were conPliicUouS it ) ( Ice dealings , cinti in some
instutices the movement that occurred was cyf-
denlly insptre-ci by insolpulation.
hay State Qa. was taken in icamt ty inside
interests and worked up Ii'S per cent to 27 , C'ov-
eriag of shIrtS maikecl the n'l'ance. Sugar ,
a neriul Electric anti ltianlcattaiu moved Within
It range of about a tcotJlt. but left oil without
nutewoc thi' change , Totcacco developed lcCnvinc'is
in ( lie lInt' dealIng. anti broke l3 per cent with
lice selling stimulated Ii ) ' impending reductions
In certalis grades of hue icroduct handled Icy the
trtist , 'the gifletni imiiitet seas not esice
thuclly iiihhuuuct'd Icy the weakness of this spe-
daIly , a4 Cio5cl firm with Iho railway list
rtiengilceiued by this. favorable rxhbite $ of ccciii.
impi preentett , includIng the annual r1cort of
the Bock Island , showing' a surpjus of 1500,1.52 ,
after the 2 lcr cent dividetid chitibbrsement , Oil-
ver certiltccutocl wro unusually active today , the
sales aggregating $ i40,000 , and the price moving
up front 69 to 631 * . azuii clcln& at GO , 'rice nt.
yftncu wits due to the sp.cuiati'e purchuaea , acid
the reacttloit to sales , Lit ( lie top by agents of tlc
liiutucers. The chcangc9 in liricee vere duo to
statenuents enud assumptions by the Street re ,
garchilig this lilitleat probabilities. Itatfway
bonds were quiet and lower. with decided weak.
lies. In some of the speculative issuis at tlcq
cia. ) on foreign edferlngs. The sales were
8843.000. The prIncipal declines vera in Chicago
& Norttern I'aelfto Itrst tiust receipts , Z1 per 'foxes l'uciflo firsts , Texas I'sciflo seccxids
SOil ltCansas & Texas seconds , 11 hcer ccitt , and
ipokccne & l'aiouse ftrts , trust receipts , I per
ccrl'i '
clccvcrnment. lacked feature , but were vei
lucId tin sales tiC $ Z&GO0.
Thuo Evening l'ost' London financial table-
gJ.iiil says ; 'ThU stock markets were touch
quieter tccdtiy. tics Eieoin races having drawn
a large contingcct frolic the 0(00k ( exchange.
Pastries. In Aulericsna ii restrained. pending
nea 5 of a character wlclch will afford u root ,
accurate orecMt of the presldontlaj clcctioa ,
Cnn meantime pricep are dropping , mdc and
flrIIn merkeis we're aIo quiet. but stectIy , COPper -
per sutures continue to manifest strength ,
The following Were the clostng qUotatIOns on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
Atcliton . , , , . . . . . . 144 dopfd , . , . . , , , . , . 1411
Adams 1.1 * . . . . , . , . . . 14 l , V. ( entrAi , . . , . . 511
Al'ociT. Ii. . . . . . . SO 'N. V. & N F . . . . . . . 45
Ant , iSxiiress . . , . , , 113 OntarloJ tv. . . . . . . . 14
ilaltincoro &Oiclo 117 'Oregon Itiup . , , , , , . 1
Catcada i'aciflc. . , t1li Oregon Nir. . . . . . . . 14
Caniclrusonthern. : , 4P4'O ' , S. L. A U. N N
Central l'aciflo , , , , 3 1 l'aclfle Mail . , , . . , ,
Cues. & 01110 , , . . , 154 Peoria Dcc , & } i. . . . ' 2
Chicago & Alton. , 157lPiitsbuirg. . . . . . . . . 163
C , , It. &Q . , , , . , , , 771 $ l'uiilinnn I'aiaco. , , 158
Chcicaro ( n'i. . . . , , , O7i41fleaciiicg . . . . , . . , , .
ConsolIdated Gas , 355 ' 10 , i , W. . . . . . . . . . 311
(3. , 11. , C , .1 : St. st : It , 0. V. hId . . . . . - 42
Cob. Coal A Iron , 1 t Itocce Island , , . . . , ,
CotlOii Oil ( bert , , , , 14 St. Patti , , , , , , , . . . , , 7i3
Ielnwnro& ituiii , , l2t4 ( loprit , . , . , , , . , 127
Iel. , Lack. A IV. , , I I I St. 1' , , Omaha. , , 4'2 (
l&lt.i , cfd . . . . . . 47 dopfci. . . . . . . . . . . . 123
1) . AC. F. 0. . , , , . , 17 SOuthern l'aciflc. , 381
EnetTonci. . . . . . . . . 14 Suigarltotlnory. . , 122t
Rrla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Tcnn.Coai &lroi 2o4
Erienfti. . . . . . . . . . . 2014 Texaicl'aclflc . . . . , -
Fort SVayno , , , , , . , , 303 ' 1' . & O.fiOnt. pft. , 711
fiNorthicrn pld , . , 118 UnIon l'aclltc , , . , 714
9. & ii. I , pM . . , , 89 U. S. L'Xnrss 41) )
hocking Valley , , , 15 W. St. I. . , li 1' , . , , ,
Illinois Centr.ll 03 W. SL L. .lt I' . f.l 1li6
St. I' . .lc Duluth , , , , 23 Welle l'c , , OS
II , T. lift ! . . , , , , , , 2414 SS"-BicrU UnIon , , , 13 t $
Lake Erie .lt Vest I 756 S'iceelliig Sc L. } 3 . P
cloittt , , , , , , . , , . , 7014 do ! . . . . . . . . . . . '
1.nkoSlcoro. . . . . . . . 1411 Itt. A St. I. . . . . . . . . . . 374
Lead Trcit. . . . . . . . 14 IA IL 0 . . , . , . . , . , ,
boulevillo A N 41)4 It , 1 , , . . . , . . . . . . . , , 321 $
L.AN.A . . . . , . , . , , , 811 N , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Zilaniuattaiccon , . , 10214 0. lt' . A . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S.IetiiphcliA 13 . , , , 115 'do fltti. . . . . . . . . . . lOt )
Zillchlgan Cent . , . , t)4t ) P. itt. 1. . A IC. C , , . . 5
? .Ii'csoutrf l'acii'Io , , 24 $ T , St. I. , . &lC.C. pOd II )
Mobilo& OhIo , . , 101 $ S. It. It. . . . . . . . . . . . t )
Nneluvitlo'Iiat , , , , (35 ( 5. it. It 'itit. . . . . . . .
HatloiifilCorclage 514 Am. Tob. CO . . . . . . ( ii
flat. Cordzuzopfd , , It ) do p1.1 itt )
N.J. Central. . . . . . . 104 Aiii.TolAti.Co. . . . 02
N&Wpfd. . . . . . . . 394 Coiic'lCtibioCo. , , , 15th
Northi Acci. Co , , . . , 4 $ Am. Sugar 111(1 . , . . . 102L
Northieric P.tciilo 11 U. 8. Cordage gttl. , 211
N , i'actiio nfd . , , , , , 1514 11. S. Leather pM. . 0314
11. 1' . 1. ) . (3.'I U. S. Ituibbor . . , , . , . 2l4
Northwestern. . . . . 10-114 do POd , , , . . Si
S offered ,
Tiut , total sales of stocks today' were 116.524
shares , including : Americct Tobacco , 13,50) ;
Auilerienn Sugar , 25,700 ; Ilurhlngton A QucincI' ,
5,100 ; ilstilling antI Cattle i.'eethlng , 4)00 : Louis-
yule & Nashville , 4,40' ) ; Ontatia . ¼ Western , 6.200 :
St. lauil , 10,100 ; Tennonsee Coat nnd iron , 3.000 ;
\Vnhnsii A Lake Erie , 3,400 ; Silver certificates ,
140,091. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Neo. Meuie' .
, Juno 2.-JutONilY ON -
Easy at 1',4f3 per cent ; laat loan , 2 per cent ,
chest-cl cut 24i2 per cent ,
I'ItlMt. ] MEIICANTIL1 ] PA1'Eit4Il5iper
STERIANa IIXCIIANOI1-Stendy , with actual
t uslness in bankers' hills at $4.8S0J'i.S3'dc for tie-
ntnnil , 111(1 51.871414.5714 for sixty days ; posted
rates , 54.58014.11 , and $4.S90llSO ; commercial bills ,
$4. 50 ½ .
I1AI1 8tiXlil-52c.
GOVEI1N1iIIINT IJONIS-Stcadl' ; state bonds ,
dull ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U.S. 11111 $ (1 ( , 1' . tel-aol ' (13 , , . , lt)2 )
U.S. .liitlOuli ) . icilY , 11(114 ( 'U. A K. (3. 7s. . . . . 111
U. 8. 115 , rer. . . . . . . 1i2j U. & 11. 0. 4' ; . . . . . . 1)1
U. S. Os.coup. . . . . . l124 grlo2ul'c. . . . . . . . . . . . 041
11. S. 4s , reg. . . . . . . . 11)794 ) C. Ii. A S. A. tiq , , lt)3 )
I , . S. ( i , cutup. . . . . . 109 0. 1 ! . .l S. A. 7. . . . , 1)734
U.S. 2e4.ra. . . . . . . . . 11114 it. , IcT.C. . . . . . . . . . 109
i'ncitle (114 of 011. . , 1O0 $ do li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Ala. . clusa ; A. . . . . . 11)7 ) N. . IC , . T , 1st 4 , 8234
Ali..cltisa it. . . . . . . lot ) tlo2il dx. . . . . . . . . . 118
Ala.class C. . . . . . . 100 Mcctuict : Untontla Ill
AIa.Ctirroiicy. . . . . 100 N.J.C. (3eii. Se 111) )
l.i.l'oW Coic. 4s , US No. I'actilo jst'i. , 11714
Misbourills. . . . . . . . 10. ) 410 2tIH . . . . . . . . . ] 14
N. C.Ils. . . . . . . . . . . . 124 N.W. Con'v1i . . . . . 3:15 :
N. 0.45. . . . . . . . . . 704 ( lOS. F. Dab.5s. 11014
S.C.nonfim.t. . . . . 1 ILG. We'd. Isti , , . 71104
Tciiii. new sot thc. lIt ) St. V. Ccs1 ; 7cc , . itll : $
Tenci.ncwatSuc. . 108 dalI. &P. W.1i. 1111
Tenic. old ( Is. . . . . . . tilt St. L. I. M.Gan.5 71) )
Va. Cetituriut. . . . . 00 St. L. &S. F. Ga.iJ. 112
doetcterre't. . . . . . 13 ToxaaI'J.e. letic. . , 8034
Atelcloii 4M. . . . . . . 7874 ( iO 2de. . . . . . . . . . . . 2(1
jtcnlsoui 2d A. . . . . 4034 tO. P. its of ' 80. . . . 103
CaiuctluSo.tlcts. . . . 10114 WestSiiora in. . . . . iotil
1. . .1 N. tiiitiietits. 77 0. It. . N. lst'i. . . . 111)34 . )
Southern Sq 0:1 : N. l'ac. . . . . . . .
5 offered.
San Francieco Mining Quotations.
SAN 1'I1ANCISCO. Jniia 3.-TtO ; ottLlal clositi
quotations for iiitatii atco to 1 11' Wera aC t.ii
lows :
Alto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Goniut .lc Curry. . . . . . so
A1nicCon . . . . . . . . 22 iIalo.orcross , 12110
Antics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 .Tuistlce. . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ilelcicer. . . . . . . . . . . . 72 LadyWastu. Con , , .4
Ilcstc ltolcicor. , , 145 ltiextcui . . . . . . . . . . 105
110db Coii. . . . . . . . . . 07 . OccIdental Con. . . . . 1711
. . . . . . . . . . . . Otuicir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
nuitworcon..2 Overnuaui. . . . . . . . . . . 28
Citltt10iIi1. . . . . . . . . 10 Potost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Clcalleicgo Coo , . . . 411 Savao . . . . . . . . . 1115
Cliolla. . . . . . . . . . . . 3111 ScorpIon. . . . . . . . . . . i'd
Cocultitcicce. . . . . . . . . 330 SiOrra Nowa'ta. . . . . 105
Con.Cai.&Va. . , , 21)5 tiniOntion. . . . . . . . . ito
Con. Iniocrini 2 Utah Con. ( . . . . . . . . . 18
Crown l'otnt . . . . . 011 Yellow Jacket . . .
I0xclioqucr. . . . . . . . U _ -
Stlvqr Iriri , 8 } Mexican dullar3 , 54ii13414c ,
Slgictdraft'c , 12'ac ; Lebogr.tphula. iSa.
An assessment of bOc a shore baa been levied on
Mona and lIe on Occidental.
Iloslon Stock Quotations ,
BOSTON. JUlio 3.-Call baits. 21414 pr cent :
limo loans. : i3j3534 t)3r cent. ClO3tiiJ pr1c3 for
stocksbondsaiil OiliiIl atu1Ji :
AT.&S. F. . . . . . . . 1414 Wecttlngii , Rico. , , . 30
Anc. Solar. . . . . . . . . 12234 % V. Elec. . . . . . . .
Mn. Suigar pOd 104 Ediiioii Elec. Ills lOu
flayStatoGa. , 130 $ Gao. Elec. pfd. . . . . 72
lIeu Teloichono , . , 200 Atchison 49. . . . . . . 7(1
ItOstoti & Albany , 212 New Enelanci Cs. , 112' (
ilonton&Malno. ' 1113 Altouez flItting C 1
0.0. Aq. . . . . . . . . . . 771 $ Atlantic. , , . . . . . . . . . 2(1
Fitchbnr . . . . . . . . . . 03 Itoston , tt ltiotit.m S7 (
ficii. Electric. . . . . . 2314 itutto& BO3ton. , , , 234
Illinois Sleet. . . . . . Ct ) Caltimet & Hecla. , 1108
Mexican Ceatral , 054 CentennIal. . . . . . . . .
N. Y. & N. 10. . . . . . . 711 Franlellit. . . . . . . . . . j 114
old Colotty. . . . . . . . 171134 lOcaricargo. . . . . . . . . . 3:334 :
itubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2l5 Occeeola. . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Sa.ifllego . , , , . , , 10 Quiiccy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Union l'aciflc 7 Tamarack. . . . . . . . . . 81)
% VestEicul. . . . . . . . . . 715 $ Wolverine . . . . . . . . 734
Vest Etid tifil. . . . . 11014
New Yorkitltning Quotntions.
NEW YOIUG , Juno 3.-Tue foliowin nra the
clostiigmtnttcg quotations ;
Ituiwer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 OntarIo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12l0
Ctinllar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Odd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Cr01111 Point . , , , i0 ; 'Plyncoutli. . . . . . . . . 20
Con Cal , & Va. . 275 Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 175
Ilea.lwood. . . . . . . . 125 QuIcksilver pcL , , 1400
Gould A Curry. . . . . 135 Sierra Neradta , , , , 301)
Uctle & Norerosic 270 Standard Con. . . . . . 175
lfoiiietake..2701) Union Con. . . . . . . . 011
Iron Silver. . . . . . . . . 17 Yellow Jacket. . , , CO
Mexican 05 _
S asked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
London Slack Quotations ,
LONPONJnno 3.-I p. ni. cioatn ; :
Console. m'y..I 13 3-141 Mciican ordinary , 1H
Conicola.ticQ't..113 . 5-10 St. l'tul coca. . . . . . . 774
Con. i'acliic. . . . . . . 04 N , 'i' . Central. . . . . . PU
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 $ Peiciteylyantt. . . . . . 5394
Erie ltpfd , , . . , , 350 * ltcadicig. . . . . . . . . . . . 514
lii. Central. . . . . . . . . 9534 Mox , Ccii. new 4s , , 7I9
it flM t SIL.VE'lt-ll 15-lcd per ounce.
MON1CY-tt % per cent. ,
Thou rate. of discount in the open marker ( or
short ant. ] three months btlls is 13-i64)7 ) per cent ,
Foreign Uiiiiisiigt1 ,
I1ERLTN , June 3.-llxchcange on London , eight
days' sight , 00 marks 41 pfg.
1'AitlS , June 3.-Three per cent rontes , lIlt SIc
for the account ; exthango on London , 2Sf lie
for cheeks ,
LONDON , June 1.-Gaul is quote" ] at Iduenos
A'rllI toilicy at 157 ; 1ctwlricl , 11,211 ; Lisbon , 20 % ;
Athens , 373 ; Itome , 17.20. The amount of bullion
gene Into thco blank of England csc balances to.
dab' , 11,091. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iCIsinucicil Neites.
IIOSTON , June , 3.-Clearings , $16,591,629 ; bal.
alice. , $1,885,156.
IiAl.TIMOIUO. Juno 3.-Clearings , $2,584,673 ;
balances , 1530,224.
PISILADELI'3iIA. Juno 3-Clearings , $13,659-
4)2 ) ; balances , $2,303,100.
lOT. LOUIS. Juno 3.-ClearIngs , $4,560,653 ; hal-
anceci , 1490,222. Money , 60114 pq' cent ; New
York exctccuige , $1 premium ( itO ; $1.25 asked.
CHICAGO , June 3-Clearings , $8,13,517 ; money ,
steady and unchanged ; New York exchange. tIe
pIemiUln fcregn echarig , , stead ) ' dtmad , $ ;
sixty days , 04.88.
cNi3\V YORIC , June 3.-The St. Louis cinch San
Vianeiccco re'rganization plan has been declare-cl
operative , hut deic'sitswill be received up to the
Itithc instant without penalty. The stiounship
Colombia ovill itcku out tomorrow 161,000 ounces of
silver an' ) 25,000 MexIcan ilolianc. Clearings ,
$10,325,400 ; balances , $1,612,691 ,
c Dr ( iu'5t1 ,
NF3V ) 'OIlIC , June 3.-in a. quiet Inanner considerable -
siderablo btisines hcu ien done for autumn in
the , placing of orders for speclalies , . . such as
prints. staple ginghams and funcy dress goads ,
'the demand for staple cottons vae voy slack ,
as it wail ale ) for slaplO drcss goods , thiouglc ( or
huighi. novelties flatter , ineny ordeis are in lirocess
of execution. I'rinting clothp , dull cit 2c.
l'ALL ItIVilit. Mass. , Juno 3.-l'rint cloths ,
very quiet at 2c ,
'rleilo ( rsii * ,
TOLIIDO , Juno L-W31IOAT-iiigcer ) ; active ;
No. 2 cn.hi , Ole ; July , . ( do ; August , rtic.
COIIN-Duil ; steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Gc ; No , 3
mixed , 2514c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 1Sc , nominal ; No , 3
white. l9c.
il-YE-inactive : No. 2 rash , lOc.
(2i.OvIIt SUED-pull ; steady ; prime , October ,
$4.45. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sugar Market ,
NIIW YOflIC June 3.-SlYOMll-Raw , easier ;
fair refining , 5140' centrifugal , 56 test , 33c ; sales ,
2,000 liege San 3)otnlngu , centrifugal , 86 test ,
3o' refined , quiet.
I.6NDON , June 3.-SUOAII-Cane' , declIning ;
no buyers : centrifugal , Jays , 12i 3d ; Muscoyado ,
fair reilning. 11. ; beet sugar , flat and loiser ;
June , lOs $4 ; July. 105 1Old ,
MiilIttl1iilIN ' 'lietit.
? .IINNCAI'OLlO , June 3.-\VJIIIAT-W'cak ;
June , 1.50 : July , t41.434c ; September , SIc. On
track : No , 1 hartS ound No. 1 florihuelO , 560 ; No.
S northern , 54c ; receipts , 176 cars.
Oil City 3lnrkct.
011. CiTY , Va. Juno S.-Crtdi ( batences , $1.91 ;
no bide far ceriihltates hiirtient , 70,631 bbis. ;
runs 53.542 bbls. _ _ _ _ _ _
'l'rI5ofl ' . 'Jiettt 4tsottttlous ,
SAN Fi1ANCISO , June 3.-Vi'JZI3AT-Steady ;
DecetaWr , t5c ; clear.3 , 117,711 , eptala.
Run of Cattle for the Midweek
anil S&1ciWcro Slow.
1 : , t It
Priees 'iVere i1h4 the Same , or it
.Ati1liitig it Shic
Arrisnls It'n1'ier cx 1)rzig ott
WFDNEDM' , June 3.
lieceipta for the days Indicated are :
Cattle. hogs. theep ; horses.
.Julne 3 . . , , . . . , , , , , , 1.533 . 8,899 [ .36 91
June 2. . . , . , , , , , , , 1,085 9,414 250
June 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002 2.022
May 30 , , , , , , . , . , . , . 44 : ; 0.173 773 ' 2
May 29 . , , , , . . , . , , . , 1,238 7,8,19 1,77o 6
May 28 , , , e , . , , , . . . . 1.076 7,193 2,151 , . .i
May 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,403 8,049 793 15
May 26 , , , . , . , , . . . . , 2249 6,235 571 . . . . -
May 25 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 021 2,031 2,575 III
The ofilcial number of cars of stock
brought In today by each rotiti.wa00
Cattie.irogs. hiceI ) , horses.
C , , M , & St. P. . . . . 1 . , 1 .
o.&st.L , . . . . . . . i 5 , .
Missouri Pioclile : . it' , ii 2
U. 1' , system . . . . . . . S 21) ) . .
It. lit. It. . . . . . . . . . ' 15 35 . .
C , , 11. & . . . . . . . . . ' 1 . .
C. , 11. 1. & 1' east' . 1 0 . . I. & P. , rest : ' . l . .
p. , 10. & M. V. . . . El 41) 2
C. , St. 1' , , lit. ' & 0. . 3 7 . .
Total receipts. , i 2 . , 2
The disposition Of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the 1111111-
bar of head itidcated :
ltuyers. Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
Omaha l'aeking Co. . . . . . . . . . 13t
U , ii. Hammond Cu , 273 161
Swift anti Company 428 2,017
Cudahy l'cicktng Co. . . . . . 113 2&Oti
It , Becker & Degan . , . , . , 32
lietuton & Underwood , , 173
lillian 1)resseti ilef Co. , 153
Nelson Morris , Chicago 40
Cudahiy hires , Cd ; , Mu-
waUkee'it , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-19
Cudahy , .Fansas city. . . . . . . 224 . . 536
lClngnn & Co . . . . , . . , . , , , , , , , 315
Othcr buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Left over . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -i:0 : 536
CATTLE-There was ony : a moderate run
of cattle for the iliidIe of the week , the
receipts showIng a fhlling of elf about 400
herol , as compared with yesterday , and 900 ,
as compared with a. week ago. The break
In the market has evidently had somethIng
to do with shutting oft the receipts at
this point , tilough. most markets reported
a good run.
Advlces from other large matkets were
not of a reassuring character , and the trade
here Opened rather slow on fat cattle and
the same moderate Pace WftS maintained all
the way through , handy light and veli
finished cattle yold the most rethilly of anything -
thing lit ( lie way of fat cattle , but at prices
thlat vero a little easier , heavy cattle
were rJl0c lower anti If they happened to
be on the coarsfsh order , very slow. A
good share of the forenoon was consumed in
offeotirig a clearance.
Cows and heifer were more active than
fat cattle and the. offerIngs were soon
cleaned up at pricea that were steady to a
hatlo easier. The decline on fat cattle
makes the buyers oL.butchers' stock a little
bearish , but at tieltane time the demand is
so large in comparisn to the receipts that
it is no easy inatte to force the market
downward. . . 15
Stockers and feeders did not sell much
differently fromc'venterday. seVeral little
bunches brougiit i.5fffj3.75. Representative
sales : " . . .
. fllP-STEEflS.
No. Ao' . Pr. Nuev , Pr. No. y. Pr ,
3..1200 $3 00 Ir.1223 : $ t.C 11.)212'a 7(0 (
1,1ll0 ' 3 00. )3.1"S .3 3 3i.,1" 3 75
1. . . . 570 3 01) 1Ic.1Vk2 63 l.142c . ) 711
'l..lOOi ) 3 :5 : ; 3jiitS ; I 65 12..i78 3 711
1.ino 3 23 03.iii 3 SI 23..1020 3 73
2. . . , 550 3 23 4. . . .1110 3 70 17. , . .1513 3 75
1. . , . 650 3 40 .il'T 3 70 I0.1230 3 75
1:6. : , . .i22s 3 co 4g.,12i 11 70 19. . . .3421 3 m
25..i146 3 5. ' ; 1a1391 3 70 24 . . , )337 37
15. . . . 731"3 115 l1lli23 3 70 201..1430 3 75
16. . . . 910 3 0) C.llito 70 ie , . .i35S a to
32.iJlllSS 13 C9 61.11S4 , :1 : o 2).1194 3 80
57..cifill 3 6. ) 1..14IO 3 70 I 80
4..1C40 3 60 00..4lSS 3,70 19..1275 31. )
22. . .11i5.(3 Go IV.3.tlS . 3 70 . , , sIi2o , I # 3
6. . . .1331 a co'i ; : . . , iioe .3 7) 19..1265 3 60
9..jlll 3 60 v.i.2I1 ; 3 70 23..144t 3 83
COwS .
1. , . . 850 5 ( ) 3 , , , , , 940 . 70 3.,1OG0'.S 10
1..i020 18) 1..1I1. ) 2 70 ' 3)030 3 111
1. . , . 560 9) 1 ; , . . 1040 2 75 3..ilO(0 3 15
2. . , , 954) 00 9.1071 2 75 2..1I3S 3 15
2 , . , . 895 00 2..itlO 75 a : . , . 1.23 3 15
1. . . , 310 . . 10 3 , , , , 510. " 73 3.120 3 15
1.,3000 2 : ; lc..1l00 2 83 5..12.t(0 3 20
1..i170 23 1..1.29 21.5 1.,1lS0 325
2..llOO 2 25 1..1800 a $5 9 , . . , 513 3311
3..bOlO 2 25 6.1116 290 2..120 ( ) 3311
1.,1O40 a 25 l..1000 2 55 2. , . .1200 3 33
1 , , , . 930 _ 40 3. . . .IISI 3 00 2. , . . 5501 3 3.5
2.,1093 no 1 , . . . .0(0 3 0) 7 , , . 1152 35
1. : , 840 50 9 , . . .10423 , , 10 3 , , . .1113 3 41)
2..30G3 205 1.lO50 , 310 3.l2IG 3411
1..5io 265'
4. . . . 617 2 50 I , , , , fiG 2 85 1. . . , 910 3 10
1. . . . 50(0 2 50 1..60) 2 ( tO 1. . . . 760 35)
3. . . , 6513 2 75 2. . . . 711) 3 00 ] 4. . . 665 3 85
2. , , . 775 2 80 1 , . . , 460 3 10 5. , . . 814 3 53
3. . . . 453 2 81) 1. . . . 400 3 25 1.,1051) 3 610
1 , . . 1020 2 50 l.1210 I CS 1. . . .1740 3 0)
l..1350 2 50 1. , , , i773 2 75 1..1l1) 3 03
3.r.30 2 fO 3.,1420 2 511 1.,1l10 3 25
1,3&&o 2611 1..1Cs0 3010
1.'IO ' 315 .
1. . . . RO 4 0(0 ( 3 , . , , iso 11 0) 1 , . . , 34' ' ) 5 P0
1 , . . . 170 5 0) 1. , , . 180 5 50 3 , , . . 3113 II 10
1. , . . IGi ) 55(0 sto 1. . , . 230 560
3.350 560
2 , . . , 522 3 00 i..1070 S 10 2. , . , 790 8 65
1 , , , , 550 3 10 3 , , , , 7840 3 45 7 , , , , 645 370
1. . , . 150 3 25 3 , , , , 770 3 50 15 , , , . 632 370
1. . . . 950 3 23 63 , , , , 733 3 50 35 , , , , 702 3 70
l9..1719 3 311 8.,1038 3 55 . 4S , . , 810 3'iO
40.7..1073 3'3" 3 , . , Ia' ) 3 60 4O , , , . 7112 3 75
12. . . . 848 3 40 3. . . , 5110 3 60 6 , , , , 626 1 75
1. . . . 450 3 12.i.1065 3 60 , 14 , , . . 6810 375
2. . , ) 945340 LIJ30 .
No. . . . . . .Pr.
1 cow anti calf.1 , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 springer . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .1 . . . . . . . . . , . . , i' " ' 23 00
I eprlngez' , . , , . . , , , . . . ; . . . . . . , " . . " . . ' , , , , . , 2600
1 springer. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Si )
Scow anti calf . . . . , , ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2900
lIOOS-1he yards wire full of ) iogs again to-
clay , aId ciii other markets reporting large
fins. AS compared with yesterday there was
a fallingQff in the tirrivols of 591 , heed but
tile-re Was ft slight. gain as compared with a
week ago.
'rice mauket so , nuehi like yesterday that
there ie very 111115 In the way of new features
to report , The popular price was 12.53. and so it
waeeserday , , , aicci lIce bulk of jill the hogs
sold at 82.85012.50 , There vero not quite 0) many
totes at * 2.00. anti ( lucre were a few more at the
top than ) 'eSteria ) ' .
The market was not very active in spite of
( hue fact that ( herb was a very excellent de.
mend on the part or both rhiippers and pacicers ,
but it 'VU ( ably so , and the most of ( hue hogs
cluanged hands early , Late trains which
arrived after the most urgent enters were filled
did not sehi ca freely end the market closed
slow and easier. fleircsentativo sales ;
No. Av , Sic. Pr. ' No , y. Sh. Pr.
65 , . . , , , , , 336 . . , $2 So cii..237 , , , 32 65
52.2810 1.0 Si ) , . . . . . . . , , , 85
ii . , . . , . , , 245 210 tl 46..303 . . . 2 81
23 , , , . . , , . 30-4 , . . 801 . . , 65 . . . , , , , , 273 50 2 85
16 . . . . . . . . 2911 . . . Si ) 63 , , , , , , , , . 0 . , . 85
. . . . . . . 160 8' ) . . . . . . . . , , , 85
24 . , , , , , . , 310 , , . . 8Q 57.cZII 80 2 85
l0 . . . . . . .200 . . . . s)1) ) 61 , . , , ; , , , 157 80 85
57..295 360 81) 57 , , , , , , , , 292 80 2 itS
16 , . , . , . , , 303 123 . . ,8) . , a . . . . . . . . 50 85
68 . . , c. , . , 311 itO 514g ( ; 5 , . , . , , , il-lb 120 hiS
67..liO"120 8is. . . . . . . . $0 83
60 , , , . . . . , 316 80 2 82 % Cc , , , , , , , , 266 80 65
62. , . . . , , , : ioi , . . 3 8234 53 , , , , , , , 303 , , , 85
57 . ' . ' ' ' , . :0(9' : ( 60 U-ct _ 63 , . , , , . . , . 2 70 , . , - 85
29 , , , , . . . , 297 ii ) 2-8.18- . . . . . . . . 80 85
53 . ' . , ' . , . 25. ) . . , 2 82 % 70 , , , . . . , . 2118 40 85
Si . , , . , , , , 319 59 S . . . . . . . ; . . ,
48 . , , , . , . , I .0) , , , $ tq ( .4 , . , . . , , , 227 50 83
SO , . , , . , , 321 360 3.1 . 63 , . ; , , , , , 312 16' ) 85
fill..3213 80 it f.O.i,103 80 85
Ui , . , . . , , . 329 . , , W i to . . , , , , , , lot ) 1.0 85
12'.290 , . . Sti u 65 . . , . , , . , 260 160 85
18 . . , . , , . ,3 10 . , . Z'1 1' 67 , , , , , , , 268 11G. 85
47 , , , , . . , 293 240 8.81 Iii 64 . . , . . , , , 278 , , , 85
Si , , , . , , , Ill 160 $61 t 6'.294 . . , 83
to , , , . , . , . : ( s , , . a.s 101 . . , . , , . 292 100 85
r..i . , . 293 . . . 5O .c 70 , , . , , , . . 259 1.1) 85
ai , , .270 160 GO..265 , , . 83
65 , , , , . . , , : toi . , . 651 co. , . , , . , . 202 160 263
58 ' . ' , 261 . , . -44-3 _ ( .3 , , . , , , , . 2 62 80 2 85
50' . ' .lOt . . . 8.V , ii , , , . . , , . 261 80 85
60" ' 32(1 ( hO 5 , si , , . , , , , , 268 80 85
9) : : , 80 .8. ' ; ix , , , , , , , , 246 50
. . . . . . . . 160 .t5 30 . , , , , , , , 267 , . . 2 87 %
fti , . . , , , 206 80 65 67 , , , , , , , ,217 80 4 8734
67 ' 24S , , , 85 65 , , , . . , . . 222 , . . 2 8734
1.43 ' 272 , , , 19 , , , , , , , , 47 50 28734
CS , .3.43 , . . 8 $ , 66 . , , . , . , . 249 1010 2 * 7 %
55 ' 264 80 f.0 . , , , , , , , 271 81) 2 8714
GO ' " ° " ' ' 107 . . . 811 61 , , . , , . , , 250 j5i ) 4 8734
71) ' ' 234 1,1) 65i GO , , , . , , . . 231 40 280
62 273 161) tr . . . . . . . . to 2 50
45 258 , , e : 60 , , , , . , , , 247 . . . 2 1(0 (
: : : : : ' : , ) , . . 53 t ) , , , , , , , . 204) . . , 21(0
51 ' " 300 240 & ) ,0 , , , , , , , , 253 . , , 21. )
1:3' : " 263 . , . bS 64 , , . , . , , , 224 80 2 1. )
74" 245 200 85. ' 62..259 , . . 2510
64 ' ' ' ' .2111 80 83 i 66 , , . . . , , , 234 80 Is )
( .8' ' .21.3 , , . 85 67 , , , , , , , , 223 , , , $1)
15 : . . . . 281 . 85 ) . . . . . . . . 8) 50
66 " 254 . . . 85 I 6) , , , . , . , , 243 1.0 1(0
61"239 160 85 . 32 , , , , , , . 216 , . . 140
60 83 . . . . . . . . 60 93
' ' '
: : : : ,295 60 85 65 , . , . , . , . 264 . . .
64 276 . , . 83 CC..213 . . , 80
85:295 : 160 72 , , , , , , , ,23.5 , , , 14214
540 . , . . , , , , 3110 1.4) 83 . 55 , , , , 3. , 2)3
53 , 285 , , , 85 ' 75 . , , . . , , . 227 50 82
" " ,254J , , , 85 66 . . . . , , , , 215 , . . 821
65" 266 . . , 85 68..207 , , . 253
61 . , , . , , , 204 , . 3 , , , , . , , , 223 80 295
55 257 85 43 , . . . , . , , 233 1.0 195
; : ,234 . . . 65 ' 83 . . . . , , , , lit , . 2195
1.9 , 233 80 83 SI..203 , , , 2 195
' 11. .253 * 0 88 76 , , , , , , , . 231 . , , 195
68 233 50 85 63 , . . , , , , . 223 , , , 2193
G3:269 : : : : . . . 8 $ b10.2l1 , . , 5 00
64..I&2 * 0 t * 5 8i , . . , . . 153 . . . S 01)
( .3 , . , , . ' , 26(1 Si ) 2 85 66 . , . . . . . . 161 * 3 3 0)
2 . , , . , . . , 410 . , . 70 5 . . . . . , , , 5111 , . . SO
S , , , . , , . . 4(15 ( Jco 5 , , , , , , , . , , $3
8 . . . , , , $33 ) 75 4 , , ' , , ' ' . 523 . , . 2 S9
6 , ' . . . , . . 253 , . , 75 1. . . . , . , $17 (0 13
S . , , , . , , . iii , , . ; 5 . . . . . . . . , , . 5)
2 , . . , , . , , 310 60 Pt . . 4 , , , . , , , . 711) . , . 83
S , , . . , , , , 155 50 75 6 , . . , . . . . 111) . . . SO
C , , , , . , , , , O2 . , , 75 P , . . , , , , . i3. . ) , , , :1 53
5 , . , ' . , . 350 , , , 771 0 . . . . . , . . 241 . . . 2 6)
11 , , , , , . , . E6 . , , 7714 8 , , , . , . . . 360 . . . 2 53
2 . , , . , . , . 330 . , . ui1 S , . . , . . , . 234) . , . 2 53
. . . . . . . . , , , 7l4 ; : : ' ' ' ' ' , . . 53
2 . . . , , , , . 265 , . . ' 1734 - , . . , . . ' lg . . . 53
S , , , , , , , sG3 80 771 6. . . ' 1 , P 53
S , , , . . . , , 146 , , , 77 % . , . . : : : : : : : . 2 85
I , , . , , , . . lit ) . , , 711 . . . . . . . . . . . I 53
9 . . . . . . . . 277 , , , 010 1 . . . . . . . . 310 . , . I 8134
SIlll3i'-Two cal-s of Sheet' were renerted in
the yards , hut tiie' were both conicigneil to local
hackers aii Overe not 0fferd on tIcs market.
Choice Steers. Vtntl Stile Inrly at
Stead ) ' i'riceR ,
CIIICMSO , June 3.-A few choke , smoOtll
steers foUnd sale early at ItCItil ) ' itricee , hut
weakness soon lirevaileti in ever' bronchi , Si1
fair to good grades of bcef si.seis soul lIe lower
then Monday ; sales cut $4.10 weio rnr , the
built of thin fair to clcoic beef anti. shIpping
steers going at from $3.75 to $1.50 , au , ] plain
lots nrounti $3.60 ; calves Ivere iii itioiIrAto SUP-
iii ) ' flnti hcc't sold lii , to 53.20 , anti liulit elcoleC
cilves nrottzicl $5. Late sales of grass 'I'Cxatui
have' been largely no from $2.75 to IS ; semite of
extrft quality telilng around 53.3.1.
ltcrl' tricclei in hogs Ivere quite brisk cut OIl lfl
PriceS. huit Wealuness Prvalied inter , nmi7i a 30
tlee'iini. ficiloneil , l'rimno luat'5' slid tan ) ' arotlucti
$3.10 , anti choice humiehiere' up to 83.2. . ) . i'ittiey
tIght sorts sold around $3.iO , coil big tough lots
down around * 2.00. Most of currftnt arrivals are
nietiluim anti iceav' mi.v..i that sell lit from $2.51)
to $3.10 ,
For sheep the demand was not ito urgent anti
prices Itero from lOc to 20c Inner ; fancy natlve8
ccclii at from $4.35 Ii ) $1.50 ; t't 69.11 , . chippIng
icutiche went at $6.10 , 01)11 most geniI to choice
lots at ( tutu * 5 tic $3 ; ) caor to fair veiling very
slowly at from $4 to 14,73. Most fair to choice
native sheep sOld at fretuc $3.65 to $4.53 , mud tiil9
to fair liuixeti lots nt from. $3.11) to $3.60. Ilulls
anti Texans go at front $3 to $3.10.
Iteceipte : Cattle' , 11,000 head ; hogs , i,030 iceat ] ;
Shell , , 16,091 hen , ] .
ViliiiiC1i1' i'ACiCING IIOUS1.5 OUT1'U'r.
ltCCi1)f of llegsinwt'c4teriu Mnrket
Ciiim 4 I lisle , Lit rge ,
ClNClN.t'l'i , Juile 3.-Oleciai ( Telegram.- )
Tomnorrotv'cu I'rico Current will say lteecipts
of hinge in Westcrn markeis continue large , The
ecic'tt packing is 280,000 , comiaieel with R5,000
tie : preceding week and 200,000 last yenr V'romn
March 1 thu total La 4,080,91) , as agaInst 3,653,00)
a year ago , Prominent places compare as
follows : .
15)0. 1SPI.
Chicago . . . , , . , . , . , , . , , . , , . , . . , . , , 1,155,9)0 1,303(4)0 )
ganaia City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G2).091 508.00)
Omaluct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294,1100 282,000
St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30501) ) 218,010)
Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194,000 155,191
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155,00) 134,000
Slilwaulcco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eoKo > 108,00)
Cedar Itapicis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,00th 53,000
Ottumwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,030
St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s&jij 10,00)
St. Joseph . , . . , , , . , . . , . , , , , , . . . , , . f.St'ic ) 87,000
Sioux City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ( . ) (40)9
Nebraska City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,000 29,00)
ICtilicaN City Itvc Stoelc
, 3.-CATTlE-1leceipts ,
1,600 lien , ; shIpments , 3,700 head ; market fairly
actIve and steady ; Texas steers , ; Texas
COWS , (1,50412.00 ; beef steers , 53,20014.00 ; native
cows , $ l.804f3.2S ; etueker and feeders , $1.254j3.75 ;
bulls , 52.236J3,10.
IIOGS-Ttecelpts , 17,000 heafi ; eliipmenth , 1,700
heath : mantel- steady to strong ; bulk of sales ,
12.85012.95 : heavy , 82.00133.10 ; hiackers , 52.530J2.95 :
mixed , $2.t4003'.3AIQ ; lights , $3.'J00113.011 ; Yorkers , $1.53
013.05 ; pigs , $2.00j'3.00. '
$ CiIEEl.-lteceipts , 700 head ; hipmonts , 500
head ; market steady ; lambs , $2.&I5.00 ; rout-
tons , 12.00014.10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New York Live Stock.
NEW YORK , June 3.-IJEFSVIIS-Recclpis , 916
head ; fairly active at etndy itrices ; native
steers , medium to lirime , $4206141.0 ; etitlers. $2.7i0
(14.15 ; stags and oxen , $2.5003.f4 ; bulls , 52.5001
3.40 ; fir ) ' cows , 51.50012.85 ; Ruiepectu caties quote
AmerIcan steers at tf10c , dressed weight ; rofrig-
erutoc' beef at G017c ; exports , 4,700 quutters , of
ShEEP AND LAMIIS-1teceipis , 7,281 head ; ac-
ttvo and flrm sheep , pozir to lrinie. 52.75014.75 ;
yearlings , 11.50015.40 : Bouthern lambs , common
to choice , 56.00011.60.
liOOS-ReIpts. 7,332 heath ; market slow and
easy at 53.50013.90.
Stock in Sight.
iiecora 'of receipts at. ( hue four principal mar-
bets for Wednesday , June 3 , 1896 :
CaStle. liege. Sheep.
South Oamha . , , , , , . . . . , . , . , , . . . 1,538 8,770 626
Chicngo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,000 31.000 16,00)
Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.600 17,000 700
. Loticic . , , , . . . . . . .c . . . . . . . 7,500 400
; ' 'i ! ' - _ _ _
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,138 6-4,270 17,636
St. i.ocils Live Stock ,
ST. LOUIS , June 2.-CATTLE-Iteeeipts , 5,000
beach' market active nnd steady ; aatlve steers ,
$3.501i.30 ; stocjcera , 52.30013.60 ; Texas statEs , $2.60
013.70 ; Texas cows , $2.000JtGO.
ItOc3S-3teeehptB , 7,1.00 lice. ' ; maricet. 601160
higher ; light , 53.00433.25 ; mixed , 52.75013.10 ; heavy.
52.30013.20. -
1SIIIOEI'-flecetpts , 400 head ; market steady ,
Flour Output at time Various Centers
of Trade.
MINNF3APOIAS , June 3.-The Northwestern
Miller gives the following summaries of the
wetk's milling newel The flour output last
; eelc at three centers , with comparisons , was ,
by barrels :
May 20 , :690 : , JUno 1 , 1895.
MInneapolis . , . . . , , , , , . . . , , . 283,815 219.575
Superior-Duluth . . . . . . . . . . . 27,211 1(1,010
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,30) 39,910
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259,100 308,495
Minneapolis reports ( he flour market pretty
tame most of ( bce time last week , Milwaukee-
A somewhat better business was done inst week.
Superior and IJuluth-Thoro was no Improve-
ment. In domestic trade to ppeak of , the selling
being light in the aggregate. arid mache up of
smell lots. Valley of the Ohio-A tow millers
reported a better trade , but they were excep-
tional. Mlchcigan-IJusinos.a light , Dalcotoa and
Northern Minnesota.-I'rospeets are for a much
curtailed wheat acreage , Tennessee-There was
little busines , and some of the mIlls shut
down for repairs. l1uffn1o-.Milier vern firm in
th8ir attitude as to prices , and run their mIlls
lightly. ltoehester-Considerabie trading was
tk'ae , but at 'very small Proilt. New York City-
hut little change apparsnt in flour , i'iiil-
aclehphta-A very dull and unsettled ronilcet ,
1taltimore-Demoalizcttion of flour prevailed ,
Iioeton-1)emand was very slow , ChIcago-Nearly
all grades of flour , except clear , were almost
at a standstill. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St , LouiN General Market , . ,
ST. LOUIS , June 3.-FLOUR-Dull anti weak ;
itatente. 13.30013.40 ; extra fancy , 53.00013.15 ; fancy ,
12.50012.60 ; ehcoice , , $2.300J2.IA
V1ii3AT.-11pecuiation wtca dead at the opening ,
offerings were much iarger than ( lie demand
and the market showed no response to lIce bull
news prevailing , anti soon declined , but later the
market advanced in sympathy with Chicago ; doe-
ing nbove yesterday ; No. 2 roil , cash , elevator ,
6434a asked ; track , ; July , &ic ; August ,
& 44iS5c ; Septeenber , 6&c.
COltN-Vuturee ailetunced on bad crop reports ,
closing above ycittrday. Spot , stronger ; No , 2
mixed. cash , 211 ½ 0125c ; July , 26c , bid ; Septem-
her , IIY.0127c. -
OATS-FUtuireff , firm. Spot , sicady ; No. 2 cash ,
17c ; July , i7e ; August , 17',1c , bid.
ItylO-ile. on track ,
cOitN MIIAL-i.35011.40.
liltAltJ-Oft'ered this id0 at toe , and bid that
at east ( muck.
FLAXSEIIIJ-Llwer at 11c , bid.
TIMOThY SEIII-$2.50013.00.
3'OUTRYUncha.1ged ; chcickens old , Cc ;
spring , 160 ; ducks , old , Ge ; spring , iJ0iQ0.
' il01I6c dairy , 901
iitfl'TER-Steady ; creamery , ;
lIe.3WGh4lt'Itm at t4c.
WitililcY-Firm at $1.22.
MIITALS-Lead , dull and unchanged at 12.773401
2.80. Spitter. dull anti easy at 53.72 % .
h'ROVlHlONS-I'Ork , higher ; standard mess ,
jobbing , 86.71017.23. l.arc ] , ilrm ; irimo steam ,
$3.76 ; choice , * 4.0216. licceon , bsXeit shoulders anti
longs , $4.10 ; tilts , $4.63 % ; shorts , $4.62.1)17 salted
imiucts , boxed shoulders , $3.75 ; longs , $3.50 ; shorts
and ribs. 54.12 % .
itgciiir'yO-lloui 2,1010 ; wheat , S , iO bu , ;
corn. 34.000 bu. ; oats , 17,040 ha , -
Slili'MENTO-Fiotir , 6,1(00 ( bu. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ;
corn , 5,000 bu , ; oatS , 6,000 Pu ,
Coffee Market ,
NEW YORIC.June ' 3-COit'FF5l1-Opt ions
opne4 steady ; Junic it1vanced 10 itoiflls , othit's'
months S points higher to 5 itoints lower ; busI.
nose ruled quiet , with trailing chciefiy local ;
clescjd steuiy . at unchanged Itrites to 10 iohnt
net advance ; sales , 7,710 bag. ; including ; June ,
811.950112.00 : Oeptetxttcr $10.65. Spot coffee , nom.
inal ; No. 7 , $11.73. Mild , dull ; Cordova , $ l6.N4f
18.91 ; aIce , 600 bags Maracatbo p. t. Total
warehouse deliveries frommi tIle flailed States ,
1,639 , includIng 7,10) legs from New York ; New
York stock today , 187,216 heigs ; Unitetl Otates ,
bOi,3S8 bugs ; afloat for the United hlttutemi , 169,110
baguc ; tettici visible for the united Slates , 367,6094
bags , against 082,756 tags last year.
8ANTOl ] , June 3.-Finn ; good average SantoS -
toS , 11,400 rels ; receipts , 7,000 bags ; ttock , 108,000
IIAMIUllO ) , June 3.-QuIet and unchanged ;
salt's. 7,0010 lags.
ItlO. Juno 3.-lt'lrmI No. 7 , * 5 ; exchange ,
10 & .i6.1 : receipie , 8,000 bags ; cleared for the
United States , 8,000 bags ; depictS for Europe ,
2,000 bogs ; stock , 103,000 bogs ,
ICimmisue City Murlc.'tu ,
ICANRMI CITY. June 3.-W1IF3AT-Uieady ;
No. 2 hcccrcl. SOIllic ; No. 3 , iStJlbe ; No. I led ,
Sic ; No. 3 , SIc ; No. 2 sprIng , 100 ; No. 3 , 47419c ,
COION-Irreslittr ; lo. 3 mixed , 21j22e ; No ,
3 whIte , 2214422c.
OATS-llrm ; No , 11 mixed , 351J16c ; No. 2
syhite. 3SQlSc.
3ty10-Stsady ; No. 5. 32fl33e.
IJAY-WeSk antI unchanged ,
Iltt'rI'iith3teady ; creamery , 120113c ; dairy ,
2934 (0 IZe.
EGOS-Steady ; strictly fresh , 7017c ,
Von1 Mnricet ,
IIOBTON. June 5.-The American Wool anti Cot.
ton 3tcporter wuii ray tomorrow of the wool ( rode ;
The pales in the three itrlncipah meiketa have
aimiounteti to 2,830.110) lbs. of which 1,486.390
hid , were clomestio wooI. 8farket c-ndhlic.eil hvo
not essentially changed , The demand is certainly
not active , and prices are cci uncertain as eter.
ldaclufectUrcrii are ready to turn their hands to
anything tlct , clli sell , butt ax as yet in a
q'iIndar ) ' 5 * tO What sins' flied the poruler do.
hnand. Titer are C5fls.lue'nthy not in th etuarket
tot. any cozsidtibIb amount of Itock , thus few
xceDtiOVi Of theI tlIitl have betn .ehiln # t
eittltle8 otihy proVin the rule. TIc seit- , sInce
JahlUftr5' , ISIS , hal's etghegtutSd 55,435,915 Ii' , , : in
the corresponding lterled of 1853 13.1.530,345 this.
wore cold. floston sales have amounted o 1,600 , .
50Q ibsi of whIch i,0ltS,00i ) lbs. were demestio and
753Q03 lbs. tOleiGTh Sates PincC Jantlary , 1 , 1590 ,
gglegsle 45,370,010) lbs. In 1155 the ) ' amounted to
60,864,410 lbs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton inrkct ,
ST. LOU18 , June 3.-COTTON--QuIet : sales ,
* 9 batesl lnittdilfli3. I 7.i5 ; receIpts , 43) bates ;
sluipinents . , 1.23 bateS ; 'iteck , 54,420 l'ul ,
? .tU % OI1LIIANS , Juice COTTON-itctl ;
middling , 7 S.iGc : 13W huddling , 7e ; good oit.tinu-y ,
$ ici receIpts , 1113 ielct exicitft , constaise , 2IaJ
Ueet' les , P ) I.ales stOck , 153,165 bales ,
NiI % ' YORIG , .Ouite 5-130'I'TON-'Qtmtct ; flttl.
lng ; , 7IC ) : ilet receiltc' tionel 61055 receipt. , 70)
holes ; torceartlhid , 1103 tale8l scIes , 2,116 bales ;
spinners , Ut bates ; stock , 311,286 hides ,
Before leaving tionto on your aunmcr va
erttion proctro a bottle of Chnmberinin'a
Colic , Cholera nut ] DIarrImoa Iteniedy , It
lii almost certain to be iieedcd suit may save
you the necct'.tity of returning lcoiiio before
the end ef your vacatioli. The 25 and 50
cent sizes for alc by druggists.
Sthl'itEMIl COUIIT SVLI.tflr ,
Wnrier ngaInt hutchins , 1rror from
York county. Allirmned , Opinion by Chief
Justice Post.
\'herc ft 19 alpnrent from an Inspection
of a bill of exceptions tlmnt material cvi-
dence has been omitted therefronl the jutig-
ment or order conilainetl of vili not be
reversed 011 aCcoUnt of toe Insuiiicietie' of
the proof. NoleOl ) against Je111iiiI , 43 Neb , ,
2. A motion to correct a bill , of exceptions -
tions by Ittillllying evltlence otnitted ( lucre-
from through tnadvertnhice will not be entertained -
tertained his , the court , Idicltal agaitist
Dutehier , 35 Neb. , 761.
Stephiciia ngninst harding. Apienl from
Sauladern eel-lob' , Aiilrmcd. OpInion by
Chief Justice l'ost ,
Under out' system of vlentlinio the nature
of an nction Is determined , not hi the nrner
for relief , but ( ratio ( hue character of the
facts alleged.
2. l'etition exninlned and held to utflto ft
Catlee of action for the 1)tirchmaso Price of
land under a parol agreement to coii'e1'
upon Performance thereof by the hiaithtiff.
3. The rights anti liabilities of hiartlelt tt
a pasol agreement for the conveynticT of
renl property nrc not necessarily reciprocal.
0mb who ehiters into liosnession of land under
a parol iromieo by thu owner to convey ,
the latter' subseqtlently fully performIng P
tile tender of a good nnd SIiIilC'iellt tiect
lila ) . be iiabio In nit action for the Purchase
price , although such possession be not of
itsoif such Icart performance us would entitle -
title hlni to an nctioll for speclile perform-
alice of ( Ito contract ,
4. Objection out the ground of a detect of
Itarties must be raised liv answer or do-
niurrer. Otherwise it wfll be deemed to
have been wni'et.1.
I ; . Evidemuce exnmnind anti held to sustain
( ho decree appealed from.
ilittwcoln ngainst L.nntry. Appeal from
Douglas county. Motion to quash bill of cx-
Ceptioiis sustained , Opinioti by Chief Jus'
tice l'ost.
The code previous to 1577 required cx-
ceptions to ho reduced' to writitig ahici ni-
loweel during the term at which they were
taken. JOy amendment in the year named It
Vflm3 ProvIded that ( lie party excepting must
reduce his exceptions to writing within lit-
teen days or in t'tich time as the cotlrt iiiay
direct noL exceeding forty days from the
rising of the court. Section 311 , code of
civil procedure.
In 1SS1 raid section was so amended
as to authorize an extension of the time
by the judge before whiotn the cause
Ivas tried not exceeding forty days in ad'
dition to that allowed in the first instance
UlOn it showing Cf ( hue diligence. Held , that
the applicatIon tinder the amendment Inst
mentioned shbuld ho addressed to the juitige
to whose ruling ( ho exception was taken ,
and that an order by another judge of the
district extending the time within which to
settle th t bill of exceptions is ineffective
lot' that purpose.
2. Tile duty of a. judge with respect to the
allowance of exceptiofl is , within statutory
limitations , a continuing one and does not
terminate with the qualification of his sue-
cessor in olilce. State against Barnes , 16
Nd ) . , 37 ; Quick against Sachsse4 31 Nob. , 312.
3. l'nyno against Jones , 33 Neb , , 260 , dis-
Ilendrix agaInSt Kirkpatrick. Error from
Sarpy county. Aflirmed. Opinion by Chief
Justice Post.
An account stated in an agreement be.
twean p rsons who have had previous tdeai.
thgs determining the amount due by reason
of such transactions. McKinster againgt
Hitchcock. 19 Neb. . 100.
2 ; The rendering of an account between
parties and agreeing upon the amount due
as appearing iherefrom will support an ac-
ion for the balance thereby shown without
an express promise to pay.
3 , The failure to obect to an account ran-
dared Is admissible In evidence as tending.
to Prove an acknowledgement of its correct-
ne , lL ve1ghlor suiilclency for such purpose -
pose , being a. quOstIon of fact for the con-
siderntioa of the jury.
4. Verdict for defendant In error who sued
to recover upon an account stated held ,
from an examination of the evidence , to be
warranted thereby.
George against McCullough. Error from
Lincoln county. Reversed and remanded.
Opinion by Judge Harrison ,
In an action of ejecttnent unihtr the provisions -
visions of the code of civil procedure , it
mutt ho alleged in the petition that the
plaintiff is entitled to the iOSsesSiOn of the
premisea sought to ho recovered.
Woodworth against I'arrott. Error from
Iloone county. Ailirmed. OpinIon by Judge
The finding of a. jury upon conflicting
evidence will not be disturbed Where there
is aufficient evidence to support it.
2. The , evidence examined anti held sufficient -
ficient to rmstnin thie finding of the jury.
3. An assignment of error as to tile giv-
log or refusIng to give a group of instructions -
tions will be considered no further than to
ascertain ( lint any one of such group was
properly given or refused.
Objections to ttfl instructioa examined and
held not well taken ,
J0olan against Black. Error from Gage
county. Affirmed. Opinion by Judge liar-
risen ,
In an action quin. timet in this state the
question of title between ( lie parties may be
fully litigated and determine' anti a. decree
rendered assigning ( lie title to the real estate -
tate or any part of It to the party entitled
2. The statute t limitations will besjn 10
run against the title of a party purchasing
latdD from the United States from ( lie chute
o ( his compilanco Will ) nil the requisites to
ciititie him to a patent therefor in favor
of one uvhio holds adverse possession of the
real estate.
State cx rd. roy against Mote. Quo wnr-
ranto. Writ allowed. Opinion by Judge
To warrant an Order by the county board
incorporating certain territory as a village
there must be 200 or more actual residents
of such territory.
2. An actual resident within ( ho meaning
or the statute in relation to the incorporn-
tiomi of villages is one Who is in a place with
the intent to estah'lshi there his domicile
Or permanent residence or titus done so.
3. Evidence examined on' held to show a
less number than 200 actual residents of the
territory ordered incorporated cii. a. village
by the county board at thio date of such
4. The law authorizing the incorporation
of villages does not contentpituto including
in the corporate limits remote territory or
purely ngricultural lands not actually connected -
nected with the village and not adapted to
municipal lurPO9O , State against Dimonti ,
44 Neb. 151.
5. An owner of lctntis illegally included
within the boundaries of a village can main-
tam proceedings by quo warronto to ( Icter-
mine 11)0 validity of the order of incor-
poriutiC.n. State against Dlmnond , slipra ,
Farmers' antI Merchants' Insurance coin.
pany against Moore. Hrror from jitatlison
county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion
by Judge Norval ,
Hxcept cue otherwise provided In the code ,
every cti0fl mulL be prosecuted In ( he name
of tue real party interesteel.
2. lieltI , that the petition fails to siioov that
the plaintiff hiatt Stbch an iti a policy
of firti insurance its to entitle her to main-
taifl an actIon thereon iii her own name.
There is One medicine rightly named , that
it' Cimamberiaill'H I'ain Balm , One application -
tion will relieve the severe palnu inclthent. to
rheumatism , and its continuetl US ) , effect a
complete cure. The 25 and 50 cent vizes for
sale by druggists ,
'Brokers aud
have you read the Fig-laws of the NI3V CON
CIIANUL1P 'fhey offer advanteges (0 ( you nevet
accorded bus patrons by an cicdhiangc before ,
Non-resident memtersTHAtTh WiThOUT COM'
MISSION tlcroughi salaried and bonded brokers.
Write for infounalion ,
Consotldated Produce and Stock Exchange ,
Coneolidated Exchange Iiidg. Chicago , lii ,
! 'tilCpllOilO 1tU0 OintIIaI ; , Ntb.
horn 11134 , hoard of Trade ,
1rct Wires to ChIcago atuti Nets York.
Correwpeadenti John A , Warren is
Home Industries
it , , PurchmnsIiij good. mntto at ile fgi ,
loltimiw Nebraska fnotores. t yiiU
cannot flnt urimat * 'ou rnpt conutnunt-
cage itlt tiSe ultflhllifaetUrers n.
% hut .1cst1rs handle their goods.
. - . . . . 'A
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2ttiiutactumer. of all kinds of cotton intl Th111.
leic bags , eetton flour tacks Sflti twins s ipso.
laity , 614.(1.GiI 8. 11th Bi.
- - - - -
Cr iolti shipments roads In our own retrig.
Staler cars. Jibe lttbbon. Elite Export , 'ienn
xport , anti Fatally Export , delivered to all earl-a
tf , city.
li'LO UR.
- - - - - - - -
- -
S. L7.
Manufacturer of aolti Zdeda1 Flour.
C , * 1. hiacic , Manager. Omaha. \ y
IllO4 % VOItIC8.
1'AVJ&O'imilL 11I\WOft
lean eiisd lirn'i. IrntliId'rs ,
Manufacturers auth Jobbers of ? ttaciuiiuery ,
OCtietiui melimuirilug IL ! ltecilult ) ' . Iirpt clfl hi.
cycle tepalis. 1501 , 1303 and 1603 Jnckson street ,
Ulciatca , Neb ,
Mre.utacturing and lte3siding of nil kinds of
IT.fltldlfler ) ' , engInes , 1100105. tleu liters. printllg
presses , hangers , shafting rind counags 14 % anti
1408 Howard lOt. , Onircha ,
Mnnufacturets of Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry , Machine and iiIctktnith , Work.
Engineers and Coatreecora for Fire I'root
ll'.alldings. omco soul work , : U. 1' , fly , mind
So. 17th street , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
NIGhT wi.'rcn , inio srntvicn ,
The only pevfect protection to property. lixamiflb
It. fleet thing ott earth. Reduces insurenc.
rate * . 1304 Douglas St.
Exclusive diatom shIrt tlhceL .423
'rlINTS AND .t\4INGS ,
Maciufacturers of tents. awnings , tarpolinn ,
flags , banners anti streamers. 'i'llb"I'S FOIl
dENT. 703-705 South hlixteenthi street , Oiiuatia ,
E3lcctrotyplng and Stereotyping
yen Tug TaAnE. Plates macia b us icro noted fo
their superior ilnisic antI trlutctcg quality. We
guintictee ilrttt.cldies work. l'rornitt service anti
roasontble cIcrges. Write for cwtiuistee. IleticI fog
one of our latest Cit cntshngtcet' .
' ' 'i'Yl'IS rOUNDI1T
1114 howard IlL , OMAuIA , NCmi ,
p R.
,1. S P E C I A L I ST
Veaknen & Dh.rder
20 Years Expcrience. '
, 9 Years in Omaha.
1100k Fees. Conauitatio.
and Etanclaaiion i"rce.
, 14th and arnam St $ . ,
. OMAHA 241089.
To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and
real estate abutting on or adjacent to thd
streets , alleys or avenues herein named
or situated in whole or itt part within an
of the districts herein EieCiti0fl
You and Liachi of you are hereby notifiet
that the city council o the city of Omaha
will sit all ft Board of Equalizatloii , itt coma
mlttee room A in thu city hail , Oinahu
Nebraska , on li1rlday , tile 5th day ofJune ,
18013 , from 9 o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. mi
for the purpose of considering and equalizing
the PrOlOsOd levy of special ( altos and pa-
sesamentS 165 shown by "Proposed Plane o
Assessment" now on ille in ( he oiltco of cjt
clerk. and corrcctiti0 any errors therein , pn
of hearing all complaints that the ewilera ot
property 50 (0 be asse aed and taxed malt
make : said special taxes and assessments
icroposd to be levied being necessary to
cover the cost of the several improvement
duly authorized tO be made and now corn , \1
pleted as follows :
To dover tile one-half cost of griutling ( lie
alley north ) of Dodge street , from Thirty-
eighth avenue to Thirty-ninth street , Ir
block 3 , Crescent Park , murnounting to tiuci
sum of $116.28 , which sum it is ProPosed bw
a report duly adopteti by ( lie city cuncll , W
assess on the real estate on I > oit sides of saltS
alley , pro rata ier foot frontttk'e , ssccortitnff
to the usual utcniin back lurocesi. in depth
from ( ho alley , as ollows : I
On north sitle , to center of blade.
On south side , the depth of one lot.
Itate per foot , 50.18168.
To cover the cost of opening and extend.
ing Nineteenth street , from the north line of
Hartmun's Reserve to Center street , amount-
fog to the coin of $10,031.44 , rlilChc muIn it i
propdsed , by a rclOrt duly ndoptetl by th ( )
city council , to 05508 $ On thin reai ectate on
each stile of Nineteohltli street , from ( hQ
south line of tot 53 , Ilturtmltn'd * adtiition , to
Center street , pro ratu per foot frontng
accortting to the usual sealing back process ,
in depth frOnl tile street. his follows ;
On east side , to center of lot ,
On west side , to Ninetectithi avenue.
On east side , 731.55 feet , at $3,420) , $2,612.65.
On west lde , 736.55 feet , at 110.2028. 57,538.512 '
To cover the remuitider of the cost of paV'
log and curbing in Street lnhlrovelnent
district No. 517 , amounting to the sum of
$147,611 , whici sum it is proposed. by a repoft . I
( lie couiicil to diPSeRa ron
duly fliOlted by city ' '
on the real estate on both sides 'of 'rjirys
sixth street , ( rein Farnam street to tIle auici
3tithi of JctClthOt ) street , pro rota per foot
frontage according to the uisucui scaling buick s e
'in dcnth ( roill time ttreet 1113 1)01'
process ,
district crecitotl , Ratq per foot , 91.00113.
'ro the cost of sewer In eew'r district
No. 210 , nmnotinting (0 t1m 81119 of $1 1(39.13 ( , . I
roper1 duly
which sUIn It is iiroitosedJ , by a
adopied by the city council , tic assOeR 019 tIllS 3
estate on hioth sicks of uiid sewer in 1110
sewer district cc , creaie'J , Ire rata Per foot ,
frontage ccortiilig to ( lie usual settling back
, idrovitie' , limitS corner lots hiuevimig 1 $
sewer process on ; two ide shah Pa asee5ec1 for the
frontage only. Haul rewer district
longer No , 210 cornlrises ( Ice ( ohiowitig lots anti
tracts of rt'iil estate , towit : i'
' scilsllvision.
Lots 7 and 8 Dcnnett'tt
Lot 1 , block iiti , and lot 1 , block 21 , OrchmaXol 0
If I..ats iii. 1 ? 13. 11 , 15. 393 , 17 , 38 , 19 , 20 , 21 and 22 ,
biock 3 Orchard 11111. -
Lots 1 , 2. 3. 4. 5 , 6 , 7. 8 , 0 , 10 , Ii. 12 , 13 , 14 , lIla I
16 17 , iS , 111 , 2. ) , 21 and 22 , block 4 , Orchard 111111
tots 1 , 2 , 3. 4 , 6 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 11 , 10 and 11 block 0. t -
Orchmard 11111.
Lots 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 and
20 block 8 Orchard hliil.
Lots ; 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 amitI the north 133 feet of 'C
lot 7 , tin' the west 1010 feet of the north 130
feet of lot 6 , block 5 , Orchard 11i1 ,
'rile South ) 160 feet of ii'oelc 19 , Orchard 11111.
The east 16 feet of iot 2.2 , Mayne'id addition
to Orcharti 11111.
Lots 0 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 and 27 , Muyne'l3 hutidltiOfl
to Orchard Hill. MI ill mtectioii 17 , townshiP
ill , muse 15.
Rate per foot , 50,411302. i I
, The "usual scaling bucic process , " to which
reference is made in thmi imtlee , is as fOl. .
lows One-third : of such pro rain cost upZn ( ho /111.
one-sixth Part at the whole munolint of ground
to be assessed first abutting upon the street
lined 111011Sf saiti imirovemeiits , ,
rota cost upon the
One'fittlt of uh 1)10 )
gccond one'eixthl part Cf the whole amoUnt
of aiti grotlilti next adjacent.
OrdO.ClXthh of such Pro ratht cost UPOn the
third One.SlXttl tnrt of the whole amount of
tttiti grounti nuxt ttdjueemit.
Amid thirei'-teiithis of staid vro rota cost upon
. of said
tIco adjacent or rernainitig oue.hiait
gtouncl. Volt are further miotifled that said 'Pro. -
potieci lhitnI3 of Amwec.idmnenlare now subject
to tIle inspectiot ) tinil examination of any o
the owners of said lots varts of lots
or pieces of real 05(0(0 ( , or the in. -
nectiozl cr eXamnilltltioli of tiny oilier
Icerson inteh'cateti In ettid proposeti
uitstiesmC'nM , Ut the office of caiul city
clerk , amid ( hat by a leport of a committee of
8uid council duly adopted it Is proposed 8us $
tiiibsi ! for good anti suificierit COUPO it m&ey/ /
be otherwise ordered IlIiI determined ] thxt
the coat of said improvements respectively be
usecd on ( ho several lois , imrls of lots and -
pieces of cciii estate as sltoXi by paid pro- II.
iOSOd plaits of assesemelit ,
You tuiuil each of you arc hereby notified t
nhipear before said floard of Er3uaiizdoiofl ( at
thu tinlu omni iiiaco above SidoCIliedi (0 ( make
any coinpictint , utuemnciit or objecti a yoi
desire coticeraing any of said proposed lovIe
and asseesmeitta of ejiecial taxes.
City Clerk. 8
Omaha , Neb. , Muy 28 , 1SOG.