_ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - . . . 4 - . - - oAJ1A DAILY 1J } : 'l'flUiSDAY , JUNii 4 , istrn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . 'Fut OMAhA LIuLY . Bii - - - - - - - L } . flOS1VATfl. Editor. - - PUDXABIIED EVERY iOItN1O. r- TtftM OF RUUSCRfl'VONt DIlt ! ee ( Without SurdY ) Gne Tear. I 04 10 Oft DftIl ? I3C aM Sunda ) . one vjr r1oo ft ix ) &onth * . 4d ' .rhr ) .fot3th , Tear . 2 O 6uiidav He. One Fturdy Ilee. One Year . I I , VekIy lJee. One Ye2r . . . " . . . V OFTICE8 $ Omahi , h E. TtiiIldlnr , t3outh Otmth. . Singer 111k. . Cor. ) nd 24th Rt' Council IUtitre. P ; North MnIfl ttrt. . CbtcaRo Ofle ( , ZIT Chamber oC CAmmetC. . New York. JLomI 1 , 14 And E , Tribune Bldg. Wt&iliington , 1107 F ltret , ? . W. iDURLS1'ONDEWEt MI emmuniatton rhtIng t nw tnd til torte ! matter th ukl be ndlreelt T ) ttC Tdttor. BUstNrsf ; LETTER.3 : All uetne leitern niji rmIttne hnut1 be lddre.ed IC ) The fle. 1'iiIIihIng ComPT'Y. Omnh. 2)rntt , check nfl's ' pOIOU1C crdere to be mtle rSIYI ) * to the on1r of ttiP onIpaflY. TJtI B11 PUDLdSl1U(1 ( COMPANY. - EThTlMiN1' OP Cl RCUL..tTXON. Iltate ot NbrnfkaI DOugtai cOunty. I . Gorr 13. T7qhUckt eeretnry of The llee rub. iiahIncr'mpnny. I.ln illily eworn , rays tlitt the actiffil flUflt'e or 11111 Dfl1 cnm,1et ( ) % ' tir ( hO flatly , Morning , tvntn nnl $ unt1&y Ik'P prlntNt during the month of lt % , Wile aft totIWPt I . p.332 14 lLt74 2 l,2E 17 . 2O.2) 3 1,2)O 1 4 l4.2q 19 i ; 1s.1 2 ! ) 6 1M,19. 21 . 7 ls.o1 - - , . . . . lgjiI R 1,2I ) 2.1 9 1 1 21 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . l.1T5 2 II ls,2M 'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lq 21)7 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 lt.fl3 2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,047 14 it.s : 29 . 22.2t 15 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1S.314 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t83S)2 ) Lee ! ; iI'ituctiong for tinolc1 nn4 return'd copIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.332 Net eate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082.170 Net i.ThIIy nVerne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aionoo fl. 'ri.scnUci. SubetIlCiI In my preeence nnt sworn to before mo this lt day of Jury' . A. P. 104. ( eaI. ) WIfL.IAM RIM1flAL. Notary public. My contnIe.iiofl expiree flecember IS. 1000. 'rII wet tatIier Ii wtIilg flR a natui'aI ( I11lite1 } on ses eritl wOIl1IM1i1g trrigzitioit projects. When Irc5tthIlt Cleveland once corn- theiices to write 1toeS there Is no tdll log v1teii ttiitl wliere lie xvIII stop. It : Is to too SflIpOSCd ) that the free sliver proIIllltIOIIIMtS arc va1tIng for it 1)101)0. slttoii from the other free stiverites. Mr. Br3'flhl'S paPer Is iiow crying fet a btisliit'ss itutil's t1e1ite of the sliver question.lIljt WltS the iiintter with the rceitt (1eltttC ? Siwaker Beel 11105 tltt' gratification of kiiovIiig that his own state iiever S'flVelS III Its loyalty to his cahlUt1a'y ( for the PreI1e1eY. If I'ennoyoi can't 1)0 governOr of Ore- goii he still Can be iiiayor of PortlaniL and intlint c81)acIty Ito 111)10 to lsttu a few more oflicilti 1orot1aInatIo114 to t1i country. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Popuiists have Tointlo I1OtlCeal)1 ( gains In OreioiI. But this merely indicates the efleCt o factional dissensIons iinoiig republicans v1io sIlI got together on nationni I.ssties. It Is loot to le takeil as pointing to any defection front the cause of sound nioney. The latest liflhlle nientioiied among the presitleittlal possibilities or the Chicago COlIVelItiOll Is that of Senator Blackburn ot I'ciittiek. The ( lelllOCVfltS all(1lr ) to be cultivating their peculiar nithutty for the secotid 1ettet of the alphabet- Boles , Blttiitl a ad Biackinioli. The ColltI'IllltiolI Of Miss helen Gould to the St. Louis tornado sutTerer. shows that she hits , tie ] right idea of the re- $ l0115i1)ilhtICS ! of weltItli. . Jf more of our rIchest iiieii anti WOliocil shlfLrC(1 this idea the pOI)11h10 prejuthico against iiihi- Itonaires would b rnaterlnliy weak-cacti. As was to have been ixpccted , the bursting of tiio bubble bank semis a chill of cold shivers down the back of our hullnnlated coaletilporary.Vith no Bohhu in tilt ) city treni4ury atid no political' bank In operatIon Its sources ot conifort and susteuzahlce luity : be .ried tip. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Alaska delegate has inado Ida appetrnnce ahitNiti of nil the other dole- gates. ' .l'lie Alaska t1eitgtite will be sadly ( lisflllOIiltel ) in hii.i eX1)eCt1ttlOllS. ) Nobody met hiiiu at ; the station with a brass band 1(11(1 ( ilobody has oflered to pay his board bill1 uiuuchi less the cx- 1)011508 of his bug journey. Tue theory of the constitution fraineis W'tS [ hint auiy bill tlutt could coinninuth a two.tbivd4 vote Of both houses of coit- VCS $ vhieii stilmoitted for ) : lssago Over the ircitleiit's Veto would hlavt2 stuill- cleat nierit to entitle It to become a law , uuo inattee vIiut objections might have luecit iied : igitliist it. Tue theory - ory Is all right. But titt'ory utati )1ac- ) tice tore not always Identical. Secretary M rtoio is quoted as ttaylng that lie hits given UI ) utli. hope of the itilniiiiist ratIon democrats controlling tIle : ( leinocratit , iiittlonttl COilVtuItIil and that thin. mass of' thin western deitloeritta ULu clean (1LII.V for trea silver.1r. . Ior- ton \vUl move nile coinolation , however. Thu St. I.ouils c uivt ntioa vihl stand HqluLlreiy uigutiiist free silver uund give tiio sound honey doinoeratil an opportunity - tunity to atlnuiuilster an elTeetivo rctnuit. Friends of Miujor McKinley assort t1ui lie has gotten along , so far In huts . campaign vit1iout uunhliug a single PlOluuiS4 of political Preferiluent. lOut a great many such jurornisos have 11111(10 uiu huiiit l' lui authorized oiun. . authorized oepresentatives. "uVhuen ule- ICtnioy as irvsitheuut Is uusketi to r.Otlty these : tgreoiuuent ho will zu (1011h1 lx surprised to thlscovor how uuunuierous they are ainkhjow.dlilIeuIt It vIhl be to redeem them. Next to the sfutbUlty of our currency muut be the stability of our IIfllkH Iluuiks that have no ezupitaL of their own are always a ourco ( it tbniger to the couuuuntty Instead of a source of atrengthi. It Is just thmnt eluiss of couu- corns thittt strikes the poor jeojile the huarilcuit when t1Le do go ( lOWul utad tl.utt Ia the most serious feature of their OhIHhhiuuttiOil , In the emoti , however , the eQIulnUutity' , lu the gaiuutr by tln itur- vIYi1 of tb4l fitteSt auth tIme uttrongest. so.1Ir rflvJ24 b ? ' PROTECTION. The le1)IO of flue thuitcd Stnte , on tli eve of a preskienthtil campaign. nre PlUfOtlflhly Interested in tim guentlon ot 8 ttuiIl ! that will give the government utflclent retenh1ft nuul niford a just uulcftstIre of protection to Auuicrican In- dtustrles nail labor. V1uiio thio democratic - cratic party , nslsted by a few free silver 1Cltlll1C11115 ) , hins forced the ctur I.oIlc7 qtuestlon into prominence utuiti Is endeavorhtig to make It ( lie leading 1stuu of the Iuupeuiliiig camjualgiu , the masses of the ieoiilo ate chiefly concerned in tegard to to policy that vlhl cumnblc them to cant uuiouioy--n PolicY that 'hh ) revive Imudustrien and create a. demumond for labor. Tue millions of vigc-cal'ners III time United Stnte wuuiut an oppor- tuuuity to luetter their couuditiout nuud they kuiow that flits is aim ly to be laId tln-oiugit thto restoriutioum of tlio inotective polity of time republican iuntt judiciously regtu hltl2(1 to existing coiuthitiomueu , Senator ? doru'ihi salti In his SPCcCIL in tutu ljnlted Slates senate I'tIeSIOY ( that had tIme coluultry betat sitheldeti by a. soutntl protective tuutiff titiriuug. ( lie hope- hess yeaiu of time ht18t'ult deuuuncrntie nthiiiIitituittIoii , uutticit 01 tIme hiusiutess distress utnol voe of nhutiunlhoyel ) ( labor might lmavo been averted. 'Jluere cannot - not be a rensouithie : doubt of this. ] tir yearS ago the Utuited States waH at the highest co ilitloui of iwosveri ty It luuitl ever knovii. I 114 foreIgn afld domnestic couulmerce lund reached an- hmrahleled proluortlons. . Its uuuamnifac- turing tiuthiustries were increasing uind vel.t2 fully employed. Everywhere there was a ( heluifluid for labor at re- uuuuuierativc wages. According to trust- vor1hiy tntistics the ulullull)0L Of hitiutls euuiploycd lit 1892 iti niaiium'actiuiluug iii- ( ItustrIeg vas 5,300,000 , etruuing neariy : lOOOOOOOOO , uumre labor thaut was ever euuuphoyed anti inure wages thiirt : wls : ever lflld before or sluice In tuo.e } In- tltjstrks. ljuider time POlICY of Protection - tion the coiniltion of time labor of flue country hiati stetitlily ituproveil , vhuihe there vuis achieved unexampled uuia- tonal deveIo + ) unent. I t wits tlihu lOliY , its was said by a distinguIshed repub- hican seulator recently , that eutableil the country to overcoitlo all the dullleulthea guowhiig out of the civil vnr , to restore the credit of the governuneult , to macct entreat OXlellSeS anti ( lttF' forward great natlouunl i1uulroYe1CIltS , to 1ensioii the voumn1ed amid the loreavetl , to bring tlte viust ulIttottli t of ll10L ) currency to It 1)ltt w-ithu gold , to reduce lf large annual hmuYmneutb ) ( lie natiouuah delmt nuud time heavy Interest charges it carried , amid to do all this wIth so little ftlctiomm ituuti With ! such StCll(11l3 , increasing irs- perity that all . civilized natloums , 'v1uo had watched with wouueL the struggle , w.el.e still inure anitt/.ed at the SpienlId ( tttttelttUu1Sh1hl ) that carried time cotuultry through Its umuyriu1 Icrlhexlties aull mmmdc ft strouigtr lii all that collsthtute3 pttiouinl : l)0W01 ) nuid IlatlOflhll ProsPerity. In view of time disastrous effects of deir.ocratic policy , which has checked muttlonal tievelopmneilt , imnlaire(1 tut. , jIUlohic rcdht amal tutciensed tile inuimhic debt , brought woo to labor anti enoruious : losses to capital , It is not surrIsing that time tlouumocratlc 1)tlIt3' sluotulti seek to divert IOPlulOi luttelutiOll fiouum tIme tariff. litit In this thue vihl not succeed. The 1)t01)lC ? this year know' what they want. Four yeats ago they were ( lehule(1 ( ( niud misled. They thu not appreciate time fortuutute condition of time country. Their experience since limos emuhighteumed them 1111(1 they ll0l)05e to halve restored th vise and beneflceumt l)9iicY ) which Ivils thou lmiintlly autl foohisimly rejected. 'I'hmey menu to return to the control of thin governnmeumt time ltrty : of protection nutti soiimt1 mnoumey-thie luarty that has always cimanflmloume(1 Anmerienum inhmr amid vhmieim believes tlmat the earuluigs of tiunt labor shiotihl be paid in mmmoney as good : ui th9 best lit time world. . rim nirr'ii ctTTLk ; In fr4. AummtMicllut cati he griers will vatcim with no hittie interest time PrgrCSS of time ummeasmira in time Itritishi pa rhiainent w-imlclu 1W0VIIICS for time exciusloum of foreign cattle , though lerimlIlS ) It Is a foregone COullUHiOlt that whatever amity be ( lone iii regar(1 to cattle froimi Ihrlt islu coioimies therelhl be ( liSClhimultmlttiOml ngnlmm.t those uioum the United States. Time ihe- lilte lii time house of Coumunoums oum Times- tiny disclosed ( ito fact ( limit. the p1e5ilont ( of thu Board of' Agriculture Is fuhiy con- viutceti tltitt thiei e ht ; PIC1IIO-lfllCLfluOnhii aunoumg time cattle tmf ( lila country aumil hue 'hii 'ilndOlIltt1lly have imo duftleuity In satisfyluug the house thuuut such Is tIm cuise , despite numy tieimini that mummy be iuuittl imy t)111 Agricultural tlejntitimmeumt. 'rime voting In time imousim iiuliCatel that Canadian uti vehl us Ainericaum cattle will be excluded , the preslleult ( of the Board of Agoicumituro Imisistliug that thm Cititiithiait tralo SOtuhl ( hot suffer , its It vuld ho coimvertetl Into a tlea.d nmemtt triuli ammtl Onuadimni breeders would itc- comnimiotlutn thiemimselves to thin how COI1 ihitloims. , It Is Poibie that time proos'ed legislation will be souimovhuat nuoduiled lit the Intemest 01' Cauumtmha ! , but there ap- 1)CPVS to be 110 doubt that tIme exehiusftimu imoilcy whil be fully en rried nut tovuirtl this country. A mimomisturo' iras Intrtuhuccj iii coimgmess sonic tlimme ago providing )1 ictahiation Iii a. ClOSe of thus kind , but it 5001115 to hinve h > ceit droiIme(1 ( , Its adop t lout umm Igl I t iutvo I mmd need a d i Irtueim t disposition in l'nghuud regmomdiuig 'mumueu- . Icutum cattle. 1-on 1'.Ufl _ irni I''tU1'1UIILIJ T.IX4TIOA So long as tIme ittm'assessnmeiit roil hits not hct'mt tNliuiht.tetl ) : tuitl hmanthi.ih It ) time Board ( If County Comnmnissloumets for rotIIllatIon ; as a. boartL of euiuuahiza. thou , It Is not too Into to imnpre ss iliOhm ) tim assessors the necessity of retimnuIuig thu tui.iblo : IruPertY of nU , rIch aumtt poor , lug izimul blttIO , _ at a futlr utud equitable valtuttlin , 'Vhme lice hums meptiitedly ( 'audi itttCumtItfl tO time gross Itiequitiitles in time zissessumment rohis ot vrevious years imual time imudisguulsed discriuniuma- ton ! in favor of time large franchised (1)rIOittIOumS. ) and Iutiueumtial tuxsiiirkera mitt against time simmumil hIulme Owutel , vhio imits imo. QUO but hmlmustubt to look utter his interests. That there Is a vast aimiount ot PFOP erty in tiuls city legally stubjeet to tax- atlon , but whuiclm i'scatos histluigalto - gottmer , otIs yalued ut $ an utlmurdty low Ilgure , hIts zmevet been sue'esfuhIy , douuled. Wletiuer this is traceable to coumnivuinco on the imurt of tIme flSsesor5 , to iuegiigence or t igluorant lncoumi letCumce , It numuotints to tIme atuIo tiuhimg ! ( ) tar n time iioumest. anti conseteittiotis taxpayer Is eoumcernetl. It lmleant3 tliiit tim great body of smumahi proPerty owners support time state nimul local governumments aumd imy taxes for thioqe vliose resources are inure namphe and whose ( hulty to comm. tribute In au equitable ratio shotilti be just as hmimpet-ative. As 'rue lIce has also timue amid ilium agutiul zIsserteh , thin vor to remedy these Z1ltiseS lies with the assessors. Couucetlo tlmat our revenue system Is sadly defective aumul in um'gent imeed of revluuloiu , yet the usseaor.-u can , if they will take It ns It Is total hisehmmurgo tiielt dtities feutriessly nimd vitImotit fmt'tir , inuike It at least lmiiraltie , If miot imerfection. ' , % 'iieum time totals of. the us- sessmneiit i ii are 011Cc iumade iii ) the eouhity board cuim iio no more timitn equumol- ize thubturdcits _ 1)3tmtisiimg omte vaitnttioim every timume it mmmukes it eorrespotuduimg tieetemtse. Tiuc mIssessmrm4 ( lute thin ones to gIve tus joust taxatioum and timey mmmust imerforni tiuls work before timey turn their books over to time couumty author- ( tics. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uIn'xnszzvl TIDY l ( 'Or'VE2VTPTh. ' . Time qltestimil of it cimnmmgo lit time representation - resentation to failure reituliicall ) natloumnl conventions , vimIeim iimis hocut SOlmuOViiflt ( liScuisSetI for several years , will probably - ably be preseimted for tlut' cmlusileralioul 01' time St. LouIs conveumtluuu , it beIuum unlcrstood thiitt time Peiiiusyhvitmuitt ( hehe gatioit imas ( heckled to (10 thIs. 4\t time mneetiimg of time rehuihicau ) umutloniti coin- nmhttee uiftec time last iresldeultIlti dee- thou a umicimmimer offered a resoiutloii that iii time future m-ipiiseumtatiomm of time van- Otis coumgresslouuiti dlsttictm4 lIe bmised oil time republican vote poilel thmeneiii , one dqlcgato being utliotted to eacim district for each 7,001) ) votes , with an addltloimni delegate for a fraction exceedimig hail thleletf , each district to huive : mt i'.t (1110 delegate. ' 1hue expres'ions of oimhuo- iou iii time cuimiitmittee uenmed favorable to tlte imhitum. The advocates of timis muetimoul of reireseimtatiOll urge thumit time lriucipie ) huts been midopted Iii nearly evei y state , for In niumost evety state mind county convention III time coummtry representmmtiomi Is hluSe(1 upon lime ic- puliicami vote , flhml tlmey timere Is ito good reasoum vimy time samim pnincille ) sitotihi mmot uiplIy ) to time sulmreimie body of tue IOptIlIiCmlul i1 rty , time mumttionai cout- veittion. If timis prolosition ) slmoutld iie atlopted the iepreseumtation of fifteen states , twelve of timeni In the south , vouiid be decreased , ( limit of twenty-six wouulti be increased amm(1 the representation of four \vouhtl reummaln as it is. Nebraska 'tvould gahmi two votes , Iowa. twcive Imimisam3 six , South Dakota two. Of course there would be it very viorotis ohposilioul ) to the cimauuge froimi time states' timat. ' would lese relreseuitultiolm anti as tiiis opposi- thou was able tb ( lefent the prapositlnim lit time convemitlomi of ISSIt nulghmt dose so In time St. Louis convemttion. 'i'hmere Is unqulestiQnabLy a. very strong .aIing however , timat t lie present miietiimd 100 great ii relirescuitatiomi to the south- 0111 Stittc5 , in sonic of time coumgressiomitl : districts of wimleim there Is hardly mno'c timaut a. corporal's guard of republicans , while many of time delegates coming froumi that section are niivays ready to sell to time highest bidder. It would per- imithS bc wehi to get an expression front the St. Lotus convention out time qomes- tiouu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissioner Jenkiuts ronuarks con- cenmiiiig all Issue at' bommds to pay time ioor farm jtimlgmneiits are In hue with time views expressed rtmieatethly by The Bee. It Is a siummpie propositioum. Tue ctses : Imave been ( lCCihei liy thu court of last resort. Time couumty lutist pay time judgummdntit , all of which. are now draw- lag itt least 7 hOP ccitt. 'Jlmis time ttx. : ptYers mntmst IYTimey cannot evade It. 'Yimy simould timis themnl horse be palti for iii one year's or two years' levy ? Our people are taxed all timey colt stan(1 at thmis time. Timey tiemnauid an easenmemit. County bomids can be floated at 4 per ccitt just as readily as time city sold 4i/ bonds last niontim. If lioutt1 Were Issued to ummi 11w J)001 turin jutiguneut our taxpayers would save . $ Ti.oo ; annmuahiy in iuttercst cimaige on jtttlgmmieitts entCre(1. ( Extend thu time of nmattmnlty of hioutils for flfteeui or twemity yeim Ls , ereitt e a simmktiug fund , 1011(1 time iwople of Douglas county cmiii lIIY timis debt wIthout feolimmg It. All lroimrty owiters , save one , have \vltivemi imossibhe damages atteimtlluig flue grading of South Timlrtecumtim street lead- hug to miei % ' Fort Crook , amid time pros- hectm4 are time w'onic emout soon btgiim. A gient deiti hums becut Iliti(1 abput this loIuievltiI ) ( mUlti tint mmecessity for Its eouistnuietiomm bel'orc the fort is garri- mommed. I t is a immuitter In vimicim time jimereimituits of Oummaima are vitally litter. ested , tr time frmule of time army is highly desiritimie. This Is tlm cold lausi- hess vles' of It. Time hmnlmoseml dilve. vity will soomi become time ummost ruoinm- litt hmeremmbont , mis It. Is suuni'tetl along time crest of the bluffs , atTording a. ( IC- higimtful view on eithmer side of time divide. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It is wimoily w'ltimln time vrovllice of time mlmmIyOt imimd council to deteniniumo htet lien 01 imot a. tlmeclmui : nIprolrln tiomi slmail 1)0 immmtdo for time use of lim park bound , immiti itcmi much tmiit apmroimnimmtloum simmohl be. 'uVlmemI It coimmes , imowevt r , to ) resrIbiilg how timat money shall be speimt , It enters tmiioii a. disputed held. . It' tIme council camt say whiero time umioime' simmtil 1)0 mupeumt it calm siiy to whmoimi It smut lie paid , and coumphetoly usurp time iowe of time litniC CoummulllmSiolmdr $ . \Ve do lint. umpprt-imdIlI ( tlmmtt timeru will bm buy He0iOLi3 objection to expending tIme speciiml nllrolnIrItion as suggested , hut Umom park board will hardly accept tim council's aetloui its a. . butting Imreee tlLI1t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ An limiportant deumomuhmtatloumal event iii Onimtimut timis week iii time Swetilslm Lufimerumi conference , whose territory- emmibraces tIme entire imorthwest mIamuy dEaf inguished wedJshm-Ainenicimuta will hatticiuitte ) Iii the deilbem-atloims of time coiit'reuice , wbielo legislates ( or a. mmmcm- bertIuIp of about 14,000. 'I'he conimee- t1im hma.4 simovu rapid groivthm in recent a ' e- ? years , 1111(1 hia sereim deiioimiituttjouuuul colleges couuimtry. Onimuiua luau becut especially favoi ed in that It lYflhl hoseim as place ot this com1fereumcemu..oI there Is iittlo * lotmbt time vhli express duo apprecint hbm iei time visitors reach hmere time imett few t1my. South nrnitimgltmg tot ? a. ecle- bratioit of Ioumrtim iii iliveiview ilirk. TiI3-"Lmfo1Thse to tnmiko It. time euuter of ' - feature of time , tlmiy. I im thilHmommlhemivor they vihi zecelve time uimhs of imeopie miii 0el time city1 , o oilier Isuric 1mm the city is luuite so vcii adapted mis to ho- cation iuimti topography for lmidepeiid- elleC day exercises , nut ! if a programum pieseumtiimg it few original featture4 siuimil buS a tmuuouuucemi , time bt'aumtiful path sviil be cIOO'heuI nil (1113 bug. \Vhieui It Is StfllC(1 timnt 2l.SjO ( in inunses buns ieWI liming tip anti timat 801) entries have been ummndtm for the maccu In timis city itx1 veek , tlmere Is iittic uiecessity for a muore exhiiktt stuteumment iii SuuluhmOit ( if time inehlct tout flint time macut will ecliie guumytluing of the kind lieietoftirij iltteumittmd ) ) vest Of time uIis- sisslppi t i-cm . IiiIr weather Is tue ouuiy iciuiiSIte ( reuimmilmmiuig , ituiuh if tue iventimer ciemk shall acquit .imiinseit as imu simouulti the event ilhi attract tlmou.sitmmds of Peolmhe to time city. Time editor of Time lIce regrets to lie coimtlelled to . say titmit iii' imns yet iteand iiotluiuu frOm olme Coimm harvey fluml time two $1Ot stimna which imo voii frommi time simuuriouu umpostle of free coin- lte mtccorthitmg to tim terilms of imis ovn eimitiioimge. There are .sevcrti : chiaritabie iuistitut bums in ' Ouimmoima iviuicim could use this mimoumey to idoauitage. But it sceumumo that 2li. IIat vey hrefols to keep his tWil cohim rmtthuer tbimiii imis vord. Ex-Oommgressriiitt Ihryaum luau beemi os-er to Chicago commsumitiimg with Governor Ahtgeid out time stale of ( lie umatiomi. Tim imatlon ss'iii mmatuurahly rest munch easier 11015W for a. few (1838 at least. Too ) i(111 IlCiI)13 for \rIM. cmIioLx , Tribune. Time puight of the democracy .an lie bctter appreciated s'lmen It is rerncmnbcrc that oven Secretary Morton Isnotsimylog ammytimLg. "Oun" 1ic-s' Itel ef P1tii _ Nev York Mail anI ixpies. Ummele Horace Boles of Iowa is profoundly cormviumcetl that time way to mnalco the country lrOZPerOtls is , tp reduce time price of time American dolli50 cents. Ummcle Horace evidently baliqvc that ho could get a greater quantity of wheat into a car simply by arranging - ranging that u ulucl should contain only two pecks. 1JII1 iif t1- sm1r Crnze. Intervli,4/vIti , Senator A11i'ich. If the reputIica at St. Louis nominate MclCinley omm a'squaro sound money plat- lorm , as tImeychoubtiess will , he vili carry every nortlierut ithte east of the Rocky hountains , tw8thtes on the Pacific coast , Delaware , Mat Yiitntl II1(1 % S'03t Virginia , and 1)olslbly ICohtii Mtssourt and Tcnnosaee. The ountry i'Iildmide so overwherningiy in fav6r of prbtutfbn add 6utid money that th slIver craze wlfl ho given Its death blow , andaftcr N6v mbcr next It wlll qulctly disappear. I -F It. ) - - Cofli4i2ijninhizL'i. . lViey. . ' Dre Moines . . Capltai. ' i'i Omaha'tconfert" t0solr - 'over-tIme remnovai of the Mettiotlis ; bishop by saying that Ime hover lived there , anyway. Probably the making of time Omaha MetI1bdIt A4vocate an offlciai organ and th p6iiect that city has of gaining the book depository viii compensate the brcthrer. Ily time mvay , Omaha i soon to have an 1mprrtant meeting. Th& Comnierelal Law league oh tue United states wili convene there June 21. This is one of the most important organizations in time United State.e. Ito chief purpcee Is to endeavor to effect uniformity - formity of commercial la % in time states of time union In the interests of internal corn- merce. Iepesv niiti TJiirsloii. at. Louis Uiobt-Democrat. John M. Timurston of Nebraska Ia another of time now sendtors sent as a delegate to the national convention. Eight years ago Mr. Thtmraton was a delegate to the Chicago convention. He was temporary chairman also. Ho attended a dinmiar which Mr. Cimauncey M. Depew have to certain west- era delega.tco. Mr. Depew ivas playing a brief ommetgenmont as time candidate of New York far time pre.ihency. At time cicta of time dinner Mr Dpe * asked Mr. Thurston : " 110w many votes itlil I get'ln Nebraska ? ' "Not one , " reilied Mr. Timurston , candidly. " 110w mumany delegates are there train Ne- asked Mr. flepew. ° TveIve , " replied 'Mr. Thurston. ' } Iow many railroad lawyers are there on the Nebraska delegation ? " asked Mr. Depev "Twelve , " said Mr. Thuriton. "Then what db you mean by saying I can't got any votes from NebraskaV'asked Mr. flepew. "I nican , " 'aid Mr. Titurston , "we'll be so d-n busy explaining our own records to time people this fail that we won't have any time to explain yours. " Mr. Dcpew pursued the inquiry no further. 'l'IIIJ 'i'LLLEIL i1)i/t. . "liiietitliifliit" 115 he-hued 1y ( lie Coin- , Senntnr. ChIcago Tribune. Semutor Teller gave imis definition of "hi- metalhlirn" time other day , as foliovs : "Iii- mctnliismn means time free access of both nmetalm/-gold iand silver-"to time unhmmts on " of silver being equal tcrinrm"-ulxtoen ounces - ing caled equal to one ounce of gold. This meauw that a man who lies 23 1-5 grains of gold , worth 100 cents , can taco timeni to the mint and liavo timent coined for hint leto a dollar , which he can. ua to pay his dobte with , . At time aemno ( June a oman who has 371's grains of silver , worth 51 cuntsy c.in take tlmeui to the mint and have them coIned lute me iloliar for him , mind timen use that dollar to luy his debts witim. Toiler approves of that , " The else nmnyt-beostated differently. li merchant hns jJj score sonic goods not yet paid for , for-which ho owee a thoueaimd dollars. Ho can take mine of those geode , buy with thmemrqpmojmsammd dolars wertim or gold , which iie ci have coined Into a thousand dollars amid pay his debte witit them. Or Ito cjmju1e. about half tue quan. tity of geode , buy with tham 510 worth of oliver bullion , uiumd hayo it made lute a thoueand sliver 'dollars , with wiuteim lie will discimargo his lndobt , iness , Teller thinks a rnu should have a rlghmt to pay his debts aftqr either of those fam1i- iono. One eceums tmhiiiu as lmone9t as time other. It also eoemto luiuim flint silver and gold will have acccft tuu the mtnt9 on oqtmal terimma wimemi alto o..lmeom goe9 there tinder false pretenso-p'et mmdin to be worth twice what it abm1' ( i. If what TeiithiUs biinetallim were in force no mercHak ouid buy gold to pay his debts In , wh8'could pay them Jim bait. value silver , Ntuld , any one ever take gold ta a miuL. to be coined. Only iivor would go there .and OniT silver would dr. cuiate. None save cranks and raacala call that "biummetalltam. " Intelligent amid honeat mcmi call It th9 ihver nmonornetaiilsua of Mexico and China. SPANISH CRUELTY IN CUBA Fiendish O.utritgo by One of Woylor's Guerrilla Chiefs. BRUTAL ATS ( ; OF COLONEL LEWIS MOLINA mut'milee Wotnen lujemltcjt nnsl Tor- tureil , 1Inle Shut nt Th1r Mothers' lirnns no.1 BC * ( if C4I1)thCI5 GOilgOil Omit flitli flay.ncts. NEW YORK , June 3.-Time WorM timi morning publishes the fohiowing special car- reslondonco from Macagua , province of Matanzas , Cuba , doted May 10 : "Reports have reached hero of a number of recent uflwarratmtti murders and outrages by bands of Colonel Lewis Mohlnas Spanish guerrillas. flohizaria Nodarez of thmi town robatee time particuiar of a fiendish attack tipomi a Cuban woman , "Time guerrillas of Colon , Mr. Nodaroz says , whiho on thmo way to Cahinmete , stopped at the tmou&,3 of Mteo Martinez , wimo had been forced to cubist In a body of insurgents under time comnmamid of Juan Pabio Jablo , Time officer in comnmatmil inquired front Sonora Martinez time whoroabauts of her hmumiband. 'Indeed , I can't tell , ' sbiu replied , 'I 'I'll umlako you tell , ' said the Spaniard , and ho proceeded to tear oft her clotiming , lb thou questioned her aumew , and receiving no answer from time wommian. who wits crying htymitericahly , ito unslienthoil his sword anti foli to cutting anti e2aehin his victim until her blood covered the floor and she fainted in a corner. 11cr shrieks and entreaties only served to Irovoko the brutal laughter of time soldiery. "Mr. Notlarez says Ito iaid time facts in wrIting before Colonel Molina. Time chief replied by sending a miqimad to arrest anti Ohoot time cornpiaiumant. Ibis brother , liruno , a tobacconist , heard of tito orter Iii time to infornm llohizario. Time brothers lIed and Joined tlio rebel force of Coitido Garcia. "Colonel Molina a tow days afterwards stopped at tiio house of it farmer. Omuiy a woimman and baby were in time houu'o. lie demanded that eho toll wimere time moon were. Sue protested thmat she did not knooc Ho cahied for a idmitoon of eotdiera , As time platoon entered the cabin Mohimma pointed to 11cr amid said : Ptmhi out that rebel hag and shoot her. ' The mother and child 'ore dragged some twenty-hive feet. train time hut and a squad mimoved away a few paces. . , , wihi you speak now ? ' the colonel do- ummantletL , , 'For God's alte , I don't know , ' cried time woman. , . 'Then fire ! ' ordered Molina. 'Tho woman tried to tmioid ) her child with her body , but time merciless bullets did theIr work. "The baby was not killed outright , and one of the oobdier , moved by a cart of barbaric pIty , crushed the little one's skull with Limo butt of his rifle. Tile bugle aounded , 'fall in , ' and Molina , after 'etting fire to time hut , coolly monmited his horse and gave the word to 'nmarch. ' "In one of the outrkirto of San Joae deLis Lis Ramos and about three miles from the village there is a sinail house occupied by F'redericico Fuontes. Fuantes had two large canellelds. He complained because the Spanish idiors destroyed his cane instead of simply taking time fodder Time santo comn- unand en route to protect time Espana planta. tloim a day or so later stopmed at his home , having miacked a town en route and drunk heavily. 'Tho commander accused hIm of harboring an insurgent cimlef named Maw. Ftiontes thought It was uelee to defend himself. Time olflcer then bade the mioldters to punish huh antI his companions as they demiervod. A score of machetes flashed and in a few monlents time prisoners were a mass of blood and rags A drunken fancy seized tile mnurderers. Cutting off time heads of timeir victIms tlmey hung thorn to the key of the grocer's door. while the hdrror-strickemt nghmbr iookcd bn 'without daring to in- terfere. Only 'under cover of night wore the glmaetly remains removed and buried. ° A resident of time town of Cascajah says one of Mehina'n guerrilla bands was marching to Rerlbta , tIme bugar plantation of Senor Sardlmmas , far tue purpose of escorting a train of pack mulce.w the guerrillas approached time toWb of Cascajal they passed tile farm of a Cimbami mmmcd Garcia , whose two brotimera vero in the insurgent force under Dimnas which was operating in the district between Itecreo and Roquc. "A portion of this force occasionally camped near Garcia's house and ho was timen visited by his brothers. Wlmeii time guerrilla band arrived , however , the insurgents were not iii the neighborhood. Garcia was alone iii his house. , . 'Where are time insurgents encamped ? ' the lieutenant demanded of Garcia. , ' 'I really don't know , ' the man replied. . ' 'Tie him to that ehmair , ' time ohlicer corn- mnanded and the soldiers lashed Garcia aecurehy. . , 'New will you tell me where your brothers are ? ' time lieutenant demanded angrily. , ' 1 cannot say ; I iavo not Seen them , ' replied Garcia , . , ' know lucre last night 'ha , I they slept , but since your eyes seem to be usehem I will reiiavo you of them. Put them out , ' be cried , turning to his soldiers. "TIme sergeant thrust the point of his bayonet under thmo unfortunate man's eyes and burst them out , despite the agonizing screams of time victim , "Aim thtey left the house the iieutenant jokingly remarked that time tmext tirno GarcIa wouhd be able to say truthfully that 'ito bad not scout time insurgents. ' " LFi'I'TEIl FItOM GHNJhtAfi GOMEZ. Colinie Lender flechmires tim hievolu- * IOIL iS hdmimlnemithy Siat'eesfiih , NEW YORK , Julie 3.-Tue following iettor , dated Tay 16 , from General Maximo Gomcz to Senor Estrada l'alma , tbe Cuban delegate in tills city , was given out at the tmeadqimar- ters of time Cuban delegation today : 'Tiiero Iii no doubt timat time revolution imas successfully - fully gone through its third period , and 3 now powerful all over time island. Thu first period was time outbreak. in the second was our organizatiomm. Finaihy , time third period is mimarked by time lumvastomm to the weet , rovinces amid the winter campaign , whiicim Line Just closed with no result fuvorabbo to time cause of time monarchists , iii spite of their famous army of 150,000 muon and timeir powerful inipleunent.s of war ttmrough out time country , TIme torch was stopped as soon as time hilanteru were diverted trout grinding. Peasant proprietors were care- tuhly respected , and their crops were not do. otroyed. "The revolution timumi entmS flit its fourth period in whulcim tIme critict wi8 idsUifle a severe . character for Spain. Smimnnter Ic ( itatil to. thorn ; our soldiers , on time coimtrarY , mire niado of steel , and the sun that kitis the Spaniard Is a friend to tIme CUh30 , Wyicr will go , and it is hew raid tnat l'olovioja will replace him , All to no purpo5 , . What en oral Martiimez Campos was imn'ublo to do at time beginning no other wIll 'le new. "Time Spanish soldier Is kind and has no enthusiasm to keep lila courage up. 'I'hera is no spirited soldier when his stonmach t empty. The Spanlsie soldier must be paid , oven for hits vices , if lie i to be of any good and Spain has no longer the money for IL. I nmade tree yesterday two prisoners whom I hardly think will go back to theIr own corn- aides , They scorned eo wtuiing to remain with us and share our abuntlaut. . food. 'What I say about General Weyler is from my nirfect knowledge of this omen's hmistory I am imot influenced by vaion or hatred. I am iirnpiy one of the few survivors at the famous ljehhe of Cases ltedermdo , anti am not going to forget the bloody scenes of the 'white rage' in which Weyler was time hmstru- mont of Vairnareda. Sincerely yours , , 'j , M. GOMEZ" Highest of uIl in Leavening Power.-Latct U. S. Govt Report I' RcyaI Powder Bbking S A OLUTELV PUIE Pflhifl 1hhI.Vit MiD htitOCit.tCY , lndtanapohla Jourmmai : Now that the cii- 'rerltmot are tmro of Kentucky' anI lihinoic , the president anti Secretary Carlisle mIght call in the Xcierai amecra who have been at work to defeat Blackburn nail AILgelti in those states , Ohicago Chronicle : The Louisville Cotirier'Jourmiai 50)8 that the victory of time shiver ainglo etaimdarti f5c- finn at the present time gives that state to the ropmibiican , for at least twelve years In the future. The prethictiomi bears the inspIration of accurate propbecy Washington l'oat : Time result In icontucky Saturday , when the sliver democrats rac- ticahhy swept time state , makea it absolutely certain that the free coinage men will be In the majority at the ChIcago convention , It tie unit rule Is enforced imm various etates where the gold advocates have a tow delegates - gates tim majority mmmay run as high as 150 , Under time most conseivativo estiumiato it cannot be less timan 75. Minneapolis Journal : it Ia , perhaps , jtmst as well for the free sliver ummon to capture Limo Chicago convommtion. Thmo issue then wilt be clearly and dLtinctly before the country- time maintonalmco of the lubilc credit and thmo national prosperity or a depreciated sitver currency , bankruptcy , contracted credits and wide-spread sufferimig. Time paralnoutmt issno iviii be the money qtmestion. There ha imoth- lag so lnmportamut bforo ttm country , Chicago Tribune : Mr. Watterson's paper is undoubte'hhy toiling time truth , its Casino- dra did , and to as littla purpose. The free sulvorites i'iii hiot heed It , anti Kentucky viii go more heavily republican this year titan It did bust year. Then the democrate Put a rotten . money cantiidato on a sound money platform , mind he was beaten by 8,900 votes. A free coinage candidate on a free coilmago platform will fare niuii woroo than that umext November. Louisvihio Courier-Journal : Saturday's work , for one timing , makes iCenttlcky ro- pubhican for years. Ileforo Sattmrday iltad- leyism was death. lImit Saturday made it possible for any repubilcan to carry Ken- tacky over' a party witicit binds Itself to time corpse of tree sulvorismmm , The 0110 chalIce nOw for time Kentucky democracy is that tue Chicago convention shalt not ratify its stut- pondou blunder , and timat climmnce seems all too remote. With tlmo natonai democracy fahhiimg into time same Imit into which tIme Ken- tuckS' democracy has plunged , the most crushIti defeat since its birth is in store for the . party. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F11p31 GAY TO GILA''E , Minneapoiio Journal : TIme great Moscow pageantry of power and weaitim and luxury and joy is very quickly fohiowcd by a series of fummeral lrocesrions longer than time czar's procession of trltmluilllu , Moscow mourns more ( lien mihe reloicos. Cimicago Tribune : The music that in- 8pired the dancers within time French em- bossy mnust have been hardly distinguishable - able above tlmo lamentations of the thounands outside , but timero was no thought of stop- plug the nmustc. No more significant corn- mnentary could ho nmado on time cheapness of time Russian peasammt's life , Time absolute scorn of the czar could have boon expressed in no more poInted niannor than by his dancing on such a night , Kansas City Star : The terrlbio disaster at Moscow , where over 1,000 persons were trampled to deatlm in tlmeir eagerness to partake - take of the tree feast provided by order of the czar , was , after all , a fitting sequence to the costly spiondors of the coronation in a land where so mammy thousands of people suffer - for tlmo pangs of hunger amid want , wimile millions of dollars are lavished upon those glittering pageants which servo to symbol- iso the power of the timrono. Indianapolis Journal : The disaster at Moscow - cow , besidez , being terribly destructive of lie- imian iife , difforn in character from any that ever occurred before. It ia the first time in time history of the world that any government has attempted to feed 500,000 peOple in the open air and present each one with a souvenIr of the occasion. Whatever time motives of the govcrnunont may have been , It Is evident the common people regarded the feast as a rare oppottunity to gorge .tbemselvos , Chmicago Chronicle : That thiero was no touch of real sympathy with the people among whom the czar scattered largein , cyimose salt- respect had been trampled out before theIr hives were , is demnenstrated by the fact that after lie had given orders for time burial of lila victIms ho went to the French ambassa. dor's ball. There , among the imersons of wlma he doubtless regards as a superior caste , this God-anointed ruler treaded a mneasuro , "chased the glowing hours with flying feet. " ChIcago Inter Ocean : Time horrible episode may prove an event iii RussIan history , It was a revelation. It affords a glimpse of time barbaric character of time conimon people , the immeneo distance between tIme educated upper cmos and time uumtutored peasantry , Russia imas enough modern civilization to cast a glamour over tlmo natkn as a whole , but tile great mass of tile poptmiation sit in the darkness of the dark ages , it haply they have attained to oven medIeval semnl-civihlza- Lion , Pumiladolphia Times : The horror at Mos- coni casts an unexpected and unwelcome gloom upon the cioso of what had boon a moot briiiiantly successful festival. That there might bo danger In so great a crowd was foreseen , but tile danger timouglit. of web not time more physical peril of uncontroila- blo numbers. What happened might have happened anywhere under iiko circumatancee , only time circumstances could hardly be repeated - peatod anywhere else. It is roost pathetic that time emitliuslasm which breugimt together such vast numbers of peopbo should head to so appalling a disaster. 1'futhiONAi A4D OTuitflWIII" , lip to date , IlCtIfOrIIOfCOIO&ttO Hemp have h0 secession scheme all to himself. Thomas A. Edison'oats sparingiy nOtI spasi mnodichly when at work om Investigating eie. . trical mysteries , Gail iianiiitn COntins to lmftrove , Itol' phyalcian states tlmat unkes she suffers * tolapso simo will be able to. go outdoors in few days. Sardoui Is now GO years old , wrinkio anti halt bald , hut In his ciastia stop * nil bthi- liant eye as youuuiftil as a boy. ho is ld to hye earned $1,000,000 tram imis plays. The preaont king of Denmark was so Poor during hula early married life that ho used to gtvo drawing lessons tinder Limo rose in the families of time rich Frankfort merchants. liradley Nnwolh of Vermont hue become ' well imeeled" since ito eumtere,1 upon lute career as a hmoalor , In other words , ho lies linde $25,000 since time 1st of last Jatmuary , lii time vihiago of iltmticut , Iou. , there to a. amen hmame&l Archmibaid Ilammimor. ! fr. Itam- lmier ima three sons , whose names era Trip Hammer , Tack hammer and Sl1dgo iiAnunur , Thmomnas Fitanmorrls , a farmner living at ' White River Junction , Vt , , was fined $31 for giving away two drinks of imrd cider to visitors at his home , and the sheriff eon- flcateth 200 gallons of cider found in limo collar. This was clone nuder time prohibitor law' ot time state. The studio of the great Gernian painter Menzel is almost hare of ftlrnituue ami decoratIons - ratIons and in striking contrast to the average - ago artist's atmidie , 5itii its luxtlrious trap. pings. "I foam' nm workshop Is bare ama ! cold , " saiti the artist apologetically to a tic- itor , "but I ama aecliatomimeti to it , " Accordimig to time Medical Record of New 'York , great Success is attendaimt UllOft Limo efforts of tIme anti-olgaretto ioagtmos which hmavo been formed in a great niany cities nnti especIally in the gramimmoar siioois of Ohio metropolis , On time annie authority it appears timat thmo anti-cigarette law in loiva Is being clrcmmmnventeml by I'iiiO Ilmahiti- facttmrors who cover their cigarettes with ft light tobacco scrapper Itmstead of pnmer , wimicum mmiakos it nOt a cigarette within tIme deccrlptton of time iaw , 'ltl'1"1'LhD 'I'O A I'OlT. ' CIncinnati Tnqtlrer ! : \Vnhince-Isn't that a rather uiretty girl Mr. Ferry Imna us 8 typewriter ? Mrs. Perry-I-I-guest sue Is. It is a pity she Iii o deaf. Mr. Perry hmns to lean over her right shoulder Whemi die- titLing a letter , Somnerviile Journal : The iiiftercnco be. tween the tutesmnimn and time imhIticirin I , timat time politician Is in It for what ho .cnn make , and the stmttosmmmami tom' what ho can tie. Cleveland Plain Denier : 1erhert--Tho love of wealtum irradiates time very coun- tonnimco of that oi,1 ponmmy pinchier. Span- ocr-Sort , of a dough face , Isn't lie ? ChIcago TrIbune : "I can't understand , " 4 observed Rivers , "how that watch coimipany over at Rocleford failed If its nasets nra $300,000 greater than ha tlnbihitioa" "Its ttsets commslst of ivatehmemi amId bati debts , " remarked fliberes. "it's a case 01 too miiuch tick. " Washington Stnr : "how is that song getting nionu ? " naketl the pubhiehmer'mm Irionh. "Splemulitihysns the enthusiastic reilly , "mt is going to bo one Of time hits of Limo tummy , Every musician wimo has heard It says timat ' vile. " it'll I' Now York Commercinm : llobson-I wontle how it ill that new stories of bravery dtmring the hate war keep conming to the front i long afterward. Dobson--My dear boy , tlmla Is an ago of wonderful invcmitionmm , CIncinnati Enqulrer : Wallace-For time hifo of me. I imave never been able to hauum at one of those niothier-Imi-law jokes yet , 1'crry -If you had a. niother-imm-iaw worth $85,000 , as 011110 is , you would hougli 4 every joke he made. TO GENERAIJWEYLFR. I Wiuhmington , Star. Think not to ( right us witlm your threat When froni your Information bureau Comes news that we no more shail ge Out- fragrant clare or mnmtduro , With resignatIon , not with grief , When On our 'customned Weed you siclm We'ilow the humble onbbaFe leaf Makes incemise worthy of Uhymnpus , - vItoYIiutims UI' TO IA'rE. . Chicago Journal. Tile world's a cycla anti the folks Are miotiming but time cycle's spokes. One man may seat a cyhit fair , 1iut ten men canmiot keep her there. She rises brightly with time dawn , While yet tile dew Is on the lawn , And ore 'tis dried from lmlli and plain , She rises many a time again. A novice and her wheel soon part Anti Pride Is Imunibied at the tnrt. Tue upright rider wInnetum praise But vimo can mend the lmumped one's ways ? Behold tue woman ruling down w1ft as the lightning through the town , , She scoreheth through time outer gate ' And goetii far and atayettm late , 1-Icr husband , in the mokot place , Time elders inockethi to his face. "Thou buttonless ! " they cr' ; "all hail , Go ciaaD thy raimnent witim a naill" Ho plucks his heart ! and saitum a swear , But ho doth not Imime garments tear , For no one bides at home to darn * ( Save orally ) hIs suit of yarn , 2O % ' For Your Money And any man's , boys'or child's suit or overcoat in the house t1ii'own in. That's what it amounts to atour "Getting Ready to Remodel Sale. " ' 20' per cent discount on everything in the store-except furnishing goods and hats. - . . ; Largest in the World. Browning , King & Co. , S. W. Cor. zth and Dduglas. . - AL