Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1896, Image 1

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Ha a Meeting with Lientanant General
Porrero and is Under Arroat.
lI1 I ( nr ) U ii1 ( ncrtisiicnt Circles nt
.tziiIrI1 Stirred Up ( lit , SctisIL
tkUiI t fair $ ( ( % ( Scun-
1. ( firM or SiiJll.
CopyrIght. 1S % , by Prt rubtIhIng Company. )
MADRID , Juno 3.-N'cw ( York World Cable-
rarn-Speclat Te1cgratu-TllS iUtcrnoon ( ho
military autliorltlei at Madrid prevented a
dUel tflklflg place betWeen Marshal Campos
arni Lieutenant General florrero , both of
vhona were sent to their reepecUvo ) Iousc9
on parole , not to attempt a froh encounter
untU ( ho minloter of war and ( ho government
The cauo of the 4iiel was an Insulting letter -
tor from General Ilorrero to Marvhal Campo.
The occontla were civiltan. It. is generally
hellevedl the government will act rIgorouiy ! ,
as it deems it necci'aary to put a stop to
divacndlon between ( ho generals , who arc
Henators and likely to take SIdes in the cent-
ing debates itt Parliament. Thcro I' great
excitement in vclitlcal and military clrclw.
Spiiiti CotIlItM ult tlieUornl iiti.1 I'll ) 141.
Cfl I S141)lOrt ot 11cr Nelgitipor.
( Copyright , 1SG. by 1'rti publishing Company. )
MAIILID , SpaIn ( Via Bayonne , France ) ,
Juno 3.-New ) ( York World Cablcram-Spc-
cia ! Telcgratn.-Amoflg ) the reasons that have
' encouraged the Spaniards to look to' France
for aitanco In the tact that in every stuge
of their difilcultica with the Untted States
ftnl ( , Cuba in ( lie lact Eeventcon months the
French trCsa has ehown ( Item more sympathy
than the prcs of any other Furopcan nation.
The SpanIards argue that , even if France anti
Spain liatl idot do many common Interests in
Morocco , In Mediterranean qucstiodw and In
Igypt , their financial and coinincrcul connections -
nections alone would justify a cIoO3 under-
' standing. Threo-quarterv of ail the shares
and boiid of pantsht tssueo arc In the
hands of French capitahirts , who also have
' Iiivctoci several hundred millions of dohiaru
In Spankth public works , gue and electric
companies , ittifles , wino growing estates and
inunicipaIioanI. Last , but nt least , French
Investors hold about $10,000,000 of the
Slani9 ) 4 per cent debt , and ab3ut the same
amount of Cuban bonds.
French bankers advanced hart year
; $1o,000.000 to the Spanish government for ihe
Cuban trearury , and since then they hiavo
made further advances on Cubart bonds for
war oxpeiitflS. The canto partisan syndicates
of bankers sent to Madrid last month repro-
untatIves , whio obtained from the Spanish
government a irolniEo that It vjhi get d huh
through the Cortei at 'thus cession for tide
rohihf of ( lie ralityny cottp.anies , undrotand-
log that In return tim said bankers xviii hiehp
Spain in r tsibg all the ponoy required to
gq i with the war In Cuba and to conph-
idato thto Spani&.h floating debt , amotinthng to
about $200,000,000.
, I3csidca the financial connection , Spain has
a c3nsiderablo commercial connection with
France , as 40 per cent of the total Imports
into tjts kindqp , 9m0 fipFrapce , and
about 3 per cent of thto total oxportti go to
The Spaniards believe that France must ao-
sist them SOIflO day because her West India
coioflles. her interests In the Panama anil
rohiemes and her trade with Cuba and Porto
RIco , which hPs suffered much already from
competition with America. will make her
de.5tre to check AmerlcantinterferenCo In Cuban -
ban affairs. The Spaniards say that the
French government and French statesmen
must be alive to the ' erloils , consfqueflces for
French Interests in Spain , which would follow -
low the loss of Cuba and the effect of auch
a loss dn Spanih finance and trade and do-
mesthc policies. They thtnk Franco and
fluasta would h In better position to make
their influence felt in favor of Spain tItan
Germany. Autrla and Italy would , however
the royal famiiicu and ( ho ; ovcrnments of
the triple ahiianco may sympathize with the
queen regent and the Spanish monarchy In
tlto hour of Its peril , if the prertigo and pop-
Ularlty of Spain'o present institutions were
hiakeIi by the lose of the colonies.
Until ( ho present crisis awakened Spain
to a sense of her isolated pcaitton It had been
the constant hiabt of her etatesmen , with
tue exception of the republicans , to ray that
her best policy was to remain aloof , from European -
ropean conflicts antI complIcatIons with which
Bite had no concern and nothing to gaIn in
being made a tool of dual or triple alilances.
Foremost among the Spanielt statesmen who
advance the neutrality and isolation policy
for Spain was Senor Canovas himself. Even
now Ito seems to persist In disrenting from
the present sentiment of pubiic opinion. lie
viul court no European ahhianco as long as
lie can keep up appearances of cordiai relation -
tion with tide United Statci3 , but Ito allows
his ministerial papcr , hike ( ho Epoca and
the Nacional , to hint frequently that Spain
may possibly obtain more than platonic syrn-
path ) ' frotit the great powers It the Monroe
doctrine or American Interference in Cuba
becontos a menace to all nations having col-
ontcti in t new world.
( EIM.tN OVFlCiil1S
Ciiisiese SldJIcrNl'Ik ( , io Vitiiey tdl
Iiiiiiiitetl IIpdtruetors.
LONDON , Juno 3.-A special dispatch froni
Shanghai says that the G'rman othicers whic
wera sent to drill the Chinese army hav
been subjectctl for some time to intlignitie
S aitti outrages , the motive of which was ( C
force them to resign. Recently two of the
' Gernians were beaten by soldiers antI no
an officer named Itrauss has been murdered
by the bodyguard of Lin . Kim You , the
viceroy of Nankin ,
III consequence of those events It is ecideti
( ho entire German squadron in Chinese
waters haH been ordered to Nankin and it
Is believed that the Germane will withdra
the ilfty otilcers now in the Chilioso army
and InsiEt Upon the payment of the whoi
amount of their contract ,
Another dispatch says that the ICausut
rebels have defeated the Chinese genera )
'Tuftg , with terrible slaughter and that tli
viceroy of Nankin has ordered the ( lernian
drhiiel troops to assist In suppressing ( lie
rebellion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" 1)Ilt lii hit CXeCddIIY4 Council lrow.
' hdiI.1 More flidtI tleprtt jtcute.
LONDON , Juno 3-Tue Times' Capo Towt
cerre ponilent * ; iy ; "Ttio pllt in the l'ro
torla executive councii is becoming mon
acute , Secretary of State Leyds and Vic4
President Joubert oppo&o ) 'rei'ident ICruger
who favors reforms. Dr. Leyds is very popu
br and Is likely to succeed Montague \hItd
as consu ) general of the Tranevani In Len
don. The Ozange Free State ha. , deiinet
to entertain Dr. Leyds' proposals for join
aggressive action against Fn'giIsh edith French
Intere.sti' , but IL has agreed to Codntdine with
the Tranavaai to resist any wanton attach
on the latter.
Mr. Mom ant ) a tow of ( Ito reieasd retorn
prisoners sailed for England today ,
It tI14sIdi VaIrdIdI thu l'dde.
LONDON , June 4dtspotch front Con
etanttnoplo to the Times says ; lttlsla had
warned the Porte that a Christian niassacri
In Crete would unite the whole of Europd
against Turkey.
hIczttt ) to flo Supes'Inteusleii ( .
PERU , Neb. , Junii 3.-Spectai ( Tebegram.
-l'rot. Ilcatty was today elected to bt
prIncipal of the State Norniai school by tin
unanimous Vote of ( ho State hoard ol Edu
C&tloa ,
Nev C)1114111 leiietiii ArrIves JtiMt In
i'Iiiie ( ci Secure a CliNt' .
( Copyright , ISDO , by l're , h'ubhlshtng Company. )
HAVANA , Cuba , Juno 3.-New York
World Cablegratn.-Special Telegram.-Con- )
sul General Leo arrived tolay from iCey
\Vest , There was no demonstration of any
kind. The liotir was very early , and few
peepio wore at the dock , Tue retiring con-
mdl general , Mr. Wlhiianis , Vice Consul len-
cml Springer and ( htlllermo Zaldo , a Havana
hanker , met Generui Le at the steamer in
Senor Zaldo's steam launch , and brought the
party ashore. Generai Lee was accom-
uanied , by hut eon , Fitzliugh , and ' 1' . A.
Jones , liii , secretary. The party went directly -
rectly to the lintel Ingleterra. General
Leo spent tim afternoon at the consulate.
lie vlii be received by General Weyier Friday -
day morning. lie found here a tlIc'patch
from Mr. Taylor , the American mini'ter to
Spain that an cxequatur had been granted.
There i.i work already cut out for the new
eansul general. Thomas It. hawley , a Netr
York correspondent , was arrerted last nlgt
in Artemisa , tite headquarters of General
Molguizo , the commander of the troha.
Mr. Iowiey proteuted , but was locked up.
Today he arrived In Havana , and wa.i held
at. 1)011cc headquarters inconintuniead untIl
afternoon when he was taken to More caetle.
No one is allowed to 'ieo him. Information
of his arrest caine in a note iron Mr. Dohey
to General Lee , reading : "I have been ar-
lcctetl at Artemisa , I don't knov for what. "
Time ncte was piaced in General Leo's hiaml
Immediately tipon his landing. Mr. Dowiey
was born iii Connecticut , but. lived in SpaIn.
Ito carried an American passport an.i crcden-
tlais from Madrid. General Lee vIli give
the case Immediate attention.
Gcncrai Leo'9 rereonahity has lmpresred
favorably all who have met him today. Tue
Americans are elated over his arrival. They
feel eafer. It Is believed that the first thing
hti wiit (10 will ho tc et on foot an Inquiry
Into the question whether there Is a war In
Cuba or hot.
The newspaper La Lucha prints the substance -
stance of ( lie \Vorid'n Madriti dispatch reia-
tiv to ( ho granting of autonomy to Cuba by'
Spain , giving it much Importance. I'rcsident
Cieveland's plan of pacifying Cuba , as developed -
veloped in that dirpatch , excites both hco-
tihity and rIdicule. It is looked upon ac a
Yunkeo devIce to extend trade. La DicusIon
prints a humorous eldt satirizing the proposal -
posal , in whicii Americans are represented
as "Rev. Mr. CocktaIl of New Babylon ,
Mat's. , " advising General Gomez to accept
autonomy. Goinez frIghtens Cocktail from
camp only to find the ainbaisador has left
behind a' stack of btblee.
The insurgents have planted dynamite on a
sectIon of the United railway between Duran
and La Guyra. W. W. GAY.
For Jim Offe'nMe lie 114 Now A'iviiling
ilie I'IenIldre ( if General " .S'evler.
hAVANA , June 3.-Ai American citizen
' named Thomas Daily , said to be the corrc-
spondent of a New York newspaper who wan
detained by tue Spanish authorities of St.
Criotobal , provInce of Pinar del Rio , on the
charge of having taken photographs of the
country in vIolation of the military regula-
( ions , arrIved hero under escort last night
and Is tott' at the chief police station , hcre
ho W held whIle awaiting Instructions from
Captain General Weyler.
General Linares , near l3aracoa , crossed
the river and capturel an Insurgent posItion
en the other eido wIth the loss of flve men.
lie later took some Insurgent positions pn the
neghboring ! heights , Inflicting a loss of
twciity-fesi ; ljlled. gn he enemy. , enrtl
Moro of the spanish force was killed while
wading nerocs a portion of the ricer , which
had overIlbtsod. In addItion , eight soldiers
'a'oro wounded ,
Tholocal guerrihia forces of Calabazar have
captured Julius Itodrlguez , an Insurgent cap-
tam. Tue column of troops commanded by
Colonel Mordada hiss been engaged with the
ipaurgent band commanded by Aguirre. The
enemy numbered about 1,000 men , and 'cc-
cupied the yuctoria farm. I'lie troops captured -
tured the insurgent camp and the enemx loft
five killed and retired with fifteen wountied.
Tim insurgents have blown up with dyr.a-
mite a passenger train at Union do ltcyea.
It is reported the troops have put to rout
( ho vanguard of a numerous force which was
advancing westward trout Matauzas prov-
i nec.
KEY WEST , Flit , , June 3.-A passenger
on tfle steamer Mascotte by the name 02 Lu-
pea wan arrested and taken ashore by the
Spanish ofliclais jutt before the departure of
the steamer from Havana. A few inifiutes
before a small boat came alongside the Maa-
cotte and one of Its passengers handed p.
paper to Lopez. Whatever was contained In
the note eflUEOi him much agitation , and lie
hastily destroyed the paper and cast it over-
board. This action , it is supposed , cauced
his arrest. Maximo Comes , at the head of a
large force is now at Iioyo Colorado. about
fifteen miles from Havana. General Coiazzo
has succeeded in crossing the trocha.
JACKSONVILLE , 1'ia. , Juno 3.-The
steamer Three Friend. , which left here May
23 , loaded with amnniunltion. and arms and
bound ostensibly for Key West has returned -
turned , No landing was made at Key \Vcst
nor were the goods brought back. Though
the otflcera are reticent It lu almost. certaIn
( ho munitions were landed on Cuban soIl.
Several conz'ignments of arms recently ar-
rlved hero aol It is expeetoi that the Three
Friends wlil soon make another trip.
WASHINGTON , June 3.-Gonzala do Ouc-
sada , one of the official Cubait representatives -
tives in the UnIted States , has received
telegraphic informatIon of the. safe arrival
In Cuba of tito "Thtreo Friends" and the
"Laurada" under conunand of Colonel Port-
uawlo. with full cargees of arms and am-
niunition for the insurgenta. The cargo
, included six twelve pounders and over
1,000.000 cartrIdges. There were also 100
I men In the party.
hirltisit Dehegietes to Cnble Comifereidee
L LONDON , Juno 3.-Tlio earl of Selbourno ,
under secretary of state for ttie colonies , and
a. H. Murray , chief clerk of the treasury ,
I have been appointed British delegates to the
d l'aciflo cable conference , made up of dole-
t gates from the Australian colonies , Now Zealand -
- land and Canada , together with the hirltisti
delegatc , which meets in London this week ,
( ' , erItdlIiIy VcclN Sure of' l'eiit e.
IIEItLIN , Juno 3.-At today's sittIng of
the budget committee Ot the lteiehstag , 'lur-
; lug the debat cii the proposition to amend
( tie law regtiiatliig ( ho pence effective of the
, arny , thin minister of war , General llronsart
r yon Scheliendorf , declared that there wae
no need for rattling tue saber , for peacQ
appeared assured for a long time to come.
CitlitilfiS Arrested for Heeling.
LONDON , Juno 4.-A dispatch from Madrid
I ixzy that General Martinez Campos and General -
eral liorraro have liceit arrested on a charge
. of dueling. Thin quarrel grew out of a die-
pub over thio Cuban campaign , NeIther of
. the generals was hurt.
Atili-Jesult LItVi4 In lzinger ,
LONDON , Juno 4-Tho cOrreslOfldent of
. the Chronicle at I3erbin says : Thin centrlnt
have decided to revive the biii to repeal thin
) anti-Jesuit laws. It Is believed they will ob.
tam majority enutigh to induce the govern.
: meat to toke action.
1.nli ) henry is Ite-Elected.
LONDON. June 3.-The important step at
I the meeting of the I3rltish Woman's Temper-
t anco aaeociatioii today 'aa tlt re.eiection of
Lady henry Somerset as president. The
I chief resolutions will be discussed tomor-
( row. _
hleriiiir Sets Comiveiitiomi Itutilleil ,
LONDON. June 3.-Tue4 BorIng sea convention -
vention was ratified title afternoon by pelted
States Ambassador flayrii and the narqub
. of Sahibbury , as mintatet for foreign 4ffalrs.
Silisnhash ci , ility's liii irolaninil ,
BARCELONA , June -The municlial au
, thorltlea of this dty have decided to put-
chase the Italian ironclad Genoa and present
It to the government.
t No Csibiuet CrisiM In Spielti ,
t MADRID , Juno 3.-The teports of a cabinet -
. net crisis hero eeeis 4o ho deyoid of Lounda.
tion ,
Two British By-Elections Ehow Heavy
Ministerhi Losses.
'iReohdiitVeiiioiitii nidul Sir , Tiiia
l'eiisler Siict'eeieiI by SuhhnrterN of
( lie ( hiiiusitiofl ( iseriimitcdLt
I.Opies l'optilnr Siipiirt.
LONDON , June 3.-Iti the election in the
Fromo division of Soinersetshir yesterday
for a member of Parliament to succeed Vie-
count Weynouth , who , on thin recent death
of lila father , the marquis of Bath , entered
the house of Lords , J. E. Darhow , liberal ,
was the successful candidate , polling 5,062
votes to 4,763 for Alexander George Thiynne ,
brother of the proscmt marquis of Bath. At
tile last election , Mr. Darhow was defeated
by 374 vdtea.
An election was also held yesterday in
the Wicks hlflrghs for a successor in I'arlia-
ment to Sir John I'ender , liberal unionist ,
who recently resigned. T. C. Iledderwick ,
iiberal , vhm was defeated by Sir John I'en-
der at the general ciection by a iitajority of
24 , was chosen by a majority of 1,054 , a
gain of 1,076 votes. The unionist candi-
tiato only polled 842 votes.
i'htINCl'S 'lC't'OltV A I'OI'UIjAIt ONE.
I'ChlIe l'leiiNeli it ) SeC ( lie heir Take
the CaNim.
( Copyright , ISOG. by I'rCsd I'tibllshlng Company. )
LONDON , Juno 3-New ( York World Ca-
blegram-Special Tohogram.-The ) extraordinary -
nary popularity of thin prince of Wales was
sufficiently shown today at Epsom Downo.
The press dispatches swill give you details ,
but no pen can adequately deecribe the scene.
When Lord Rorebery' Ladas won the Derby
two years ago there was a great dcninn.itr-
tion , but tcda it was the delirium of joy
whIch gretod the princo's victory. Never-
thehess , it wan undoubtedly a fortunate thing
for hia roYal highness that the race was so
hotly contested and won so narrowly , since ,
if St. V'rusciuln had been beatoii by even a
length or two. the crticis'ni ! of many people
% VOUii have declared the result to be due to
Sir Leopold do Hotbuehlld'u loyalty or sub-
serviency. It happened that two of , the
prince's ' victories with Fiorzel ( tue brother
of today's winner ) lait year were ( Inc to the
scratching of the favorite only just before
th respective contests , In one instance Baron
hirsch purchasing the favorite , with appar-
ently' that object in view. The Derby was
last won by the prince of Wales with St.
Thomas 108 years ago. There were eleven
starters , an today , but the stakes then were
only 035 guineas. Besides a purse of 6,000
sovereigns the prince is understood to have
won a , very laro sum.
hziternatiomini Arbitration Conference
.hiIL ii. liritisli Jelegate ,
MOIIONIC LAKE , N. Y. , Juno 3.-The in-
torrational conference opened a three
days' session here this morning. Ex-
Serttor Edumuds of Vermont 1pre-
lded today , and about 130 repro.
sentative men and women were
present. The general subject for discussion
Is the best , means of securing a permanent
court of arbitration to deterrnne ! questions
in dispute between nations , and espeiahiy
between the United States and Great Britain ,
One of ( lie guests 'anti speakers at the coir
ferer.ce Is Mr Ilodgkins Pratt , chairman of
the International Arbitration and Peace society -
ciety of England , who has come to this
country ! r this o casio . Th speakers
at thl morning's sessln were ox-Senator
Etlmunds , Rev.Dr. . Lyman Abbott of Brook-
iyn , Dr. William Mown of Boston , Iov.
Dr. Edward Everett Hale of Boston and
Mr. Pratt. This evening the conference
was addressed by Dr. Truebiood of Boston ,
Judge Stiness of the supreme court of Rhode
Island. Prof. Clark of Columbia unlveraity
and Rev. Dr. Thomas of Brooklyne , Mass.
Most of the speakers agree upon the desira-
bulity of a supreme court of nations to set-
tie all differences , rather than separate corn-
missions for separate cases. The obsticles
to the establishment of such a court seemed
to be fully appreciated , however , anti ttcy
were effectively presented in. Prof. Clark's
Fhainc Get hold of Ozie of ( lie Lnrg-
( 'Mt Structures In the City.
MINNEM'OLIS , Juno 4-2:30 : a. m.-Tho
Edison building , one of the highest and best
buildings In the city , adjoIning the Lumber
exchange on Hennepin avenue , took fire about
an hour ago. It was suppored to be fire-
The loss will be very heavy.
'V e1 Deaths ln it I'hiiliilcljihiiit Fire.
PHILADELPhIA , Juno 3.-Two fatalities
attended a fire which broke out in a North
Sixth rtreet tenement hirniso early today.
Mrs. Emmett and Mrs. Sullivan jumped from
( ho third otory window to the street , the
first named being jellied outright , while Mrs.
Sullivan was so badly injured that death
resulted durtng the day.
Iezilhis of ii. laity.
DES MOINES , June 3-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Dr. W. C. Pipino was fatally injured this
evening by botng thrown from his horse. lie
went horueback riding during tue evening
and how the accident happened is not known.
From appearances ho had evidently , been
thrown front lila horse and kicked several
times in thin heath , lits skull was crushed in
three riaces and lie Wae unconscious. lie
was taken to a hospItal and cannot live till
morning , lie wan one of the best known
phiysiciania lii the county or even the state.
FREMONT. Juno 3.-Speclai.-Mrs. ( ) Corn
11. Cuddingtorr , wife of ( cargo Coddington ,
deputy county treasurer , died this morning
of peritonitis , aged 25 years. She had been
sick but three days , and from ( ho first her
recovery was considered doubtful , Mrs.
Coddlngton wile a woman with a wi.le circle
of acquaintances and very popular with oil
who knew her.
Ic8 I'ythiitiiis Isikc a Chiiimmge.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia , , June 3.-Today T , II.
lianley , grand chancellor of time grand lodge
of Iowa , Knights of Pythlas , with the cpnnent
of a niajority of the omccro of the grand
lodge , made an order changing the ihaco of
holding the next convention from Spirit bake
to O.'kaloosa. It wIll meet Augunt 12.
'l'Iiii itk $ % ' 'oiiiliig lteImuhlhi'nmiN ,
NEVCASTLE , Wyo , , Juno 3-Speciah- ( )
? t. B. Camphin , who was chairman of the to.
pubhicarm state convention , has received a letter -
ter from Major McKinley In which bin says :
"I beg to extend through you to the republicans -
ans of your state my heartfelt gratitude for
their expression of confidence , "
31111'Ciimefld $ of Ocean Vessels , Jimmie Il ,
At New York - Arrived - Itaiia , from
Naples ; Latin , from lirernen ; Aurnnla ( rein
Liverpool. taiiel.-St. Louis. for Soutkamp.
ton ; Majestic , for Liverpool ; Westerniand ,
( Di' Antwerp ; Ztiassiia , ( or Hamburg.
At Ztlovlllo-Arrived'--Anchorla. ( rout New
York ( or Glasgow.
At Southntnpton-Arrlved-Troave. from
New York for Bremen ; New York , for New
Yom'k. Salied-Ilextel , from 1hremep for
New York.
At Liverpool-Bailed - Teutonic , for New
Yi.rk' Waceland , for Philadelphia.
At tvleinufliie-Atriyed ( Juno 1)-Norge ,
from New York.
At Ihsemen-Arrlved-Munchen , from Hal.
At , Glasgow'-Arrlved-Anchoria , from New
, At liotterdam - Sailed - Spaarndam , ( or
New York ,
A t Boston-Arrived ( June 3)-Iilbernlan )
front Glasgow , Salied-Corinthia , for Liver.
A t haltlmore-Salied-Noekar , ( or Drenien
Scotia. for Hamburg ,
MONEY TO ltElhUlLb itktlNlli ) ILOMIIS.
St. lliiiiN hItsNIntM 'M''tt. IOIIIMC PIIIiIIN
for ( lie 'i'oriii4ilo S'ietIiiiu ,
ST. LOUIS , J no . -/t movement has
been inaugurated teara1s&a 'flmnil of $250,000
or more to aid ( hone tie lost their hiomnes
in their efforts to rebuIld. At the first meet-
lug , an Irnpromptu one iied at the Noonday -
day club , $35,000 was centrhuted ! by proml-
font burineel imien , atld , this will be increased.
It is proposed to ioat tornado sufferers money
on e'econd mortgagoa' .
S. D. Webster , gfnorai claim agent of time
TermInal Railroad ' associatIon , nitnounces
( hint tile upper roadway of time bridge han
been completed so so to admit the passage
of foot pniengers. The roadway was torn
up a distance of 550 feet' . Part. of the debrin
was pileil on the rnilrosd tracks , and all
the next day after the ptorrn was occupied
in . clearing away the rocka anti other
wreckage. When ( liii , er.s finished the
trains wore allOwed to cress. The wor4 of
orcctlimg a tt'nipornry roadway end supports
was then commenced , This has been carried
oil steadily ever simice , 'but the vorlC pro-
gresned slowly , owIng to the fact that the
vorkmen were obliged tb keep ( ho rallronti
tracks clear. A large amount of timber
hac been used in the repairs , which arc
temporary. The masonry vill ho replaced
later. S
Ilullding Cormimsionc ! Itandahl predicts
that within the next two or three mnontlts
the only outward sign of Wednesday's tar-
ratIo In the devastated districts lii ho fine
eubstantial new buildings itanding In fln.o
contrast to the old aiii dingy ones that wore
lie adds : "One thbusand will not cover
the numbel' of houses damaged by ( lie ( or-
nado. I calculate that at least half of that
number will have to bQ built anew. I have
seen and talked with many of ( Ito property
owners , whoao liousea were. destroyed , and
all express the determination te speedily
rebuild them on anenharged and more sub-
atantial 1)1511. ' '
LOS ANGELES , Jqno 3.-The manufactur-
OIt' aeaoeiaton ! at .a tmceting loot night
unanImcusly adoptel a rpsolutlon expressing
sympathy to : St. LouL-ant1 Eact St. Louis
and offering to join , n 'giving financial aid to
the cyclone sufferers. '
PIIILADELI'IIIA , jJuno 3.-The National
Brewers esociatlon at Its 'meeting' In this
city today voted to , c9nttlbut $50,000 toward
the alleviation of the t. Louis storm cut-
ferers."S '
Cli cycunc Proiiii'it'r Informimesl ( lint
liir1tNli Pitmids Art' Not Oln iiiimiIt' ,
CI1EYENNI , Jur 3.-Speeial.-Wlhiiam )
, Sturgls of this city , a ponioter of irrlg3tion
anti mining enterprleea , has been working
for some time to sd uro capital for estab-
lihing a big irrigittiomf enterprise In the
Goshen Hole region , vhire an immenna nerd-
age Cf arabia land cmn'1ba made subject to
agrlulturo if water4can be put upon It.
Survoya hiavo shown , thht thlu can be done
by bringumig water from 'the North Platte
river , though at considerable expenne. The
amount needed to carry. the enterprise
thrc.ugh Is $2,000,00G apil , It was expected
Englith capitttiintu would furnish ( lie moucy.
Sturgis is miow informo0 by his New York
connectiona that It wIll be Imposiible to secure -
cure capital fCr the entcrjrIe if the elec-
tlons of ( lila .year rush commit ( lie dountry
to the silver doctrtneF . The 'letter thus.
advising him says inipart : ' "The unsetted
condition of our future financial policy added
to ( Ito very strong jInoorn ! of the present
congress .has completely disgusted all , lnglieh
flnanclerb and prevented them from making'
any things , American.1 It
the next iresident Is. electetl"on a geid plot-
form wq vlii be dbho to carry through our
western enterprises on English capital because -
cause they 'nihl then look upon'.Uf'o ilnoncial
po'Icy 'of this cahntry as settled for ( lie
coming four yearpat leant ; but if thck is
'a straddle or a diver uiohicy adopted we will
not be able to daanyh1ng in the hino of
our present efforts-at. least not In England
and cotland.
"Do not' ' understand that I am taking sidee
against silver , for L'un'aot ; I' anisimply tehi
lug you plainly what the facts arc rehativa
to our being able o carry through any kind
of' an Industrial undertaking where we have
'to depend upon forclgii capital. "
( union Cotmmrt'14 ' , Vool Chip ,
RAWLINS , Wyc. , June 2.-Special.---Tho ( )
he3p ahtearing seaEO In thith county was fin-
! shed yeserilay. 'The 'total clip for. Carbon
county will exceed 4. 00,000 pounds. Prices
are lower than evqr before in the hstory ! of
the wool industry in tjhseoction , but even at
the low prices there ban been a fair percentage -
centage of profit Id thcbusincss. The amount
of wool consigned , to commission houses to
double ( lint of haat yn' , as ( hero in a , gefi-
oral feeling that prIces are going to ad-
vance. The 'sales are cerrespondingly smaller.
Somnq growers have dld a portIon of their
clip and codnigned t1o balance. Eg-Govornor
Osborne is preparing to make a. shipment to
London , and will probaly ) send two cars.
Siirveyhiist In ( lie Viiid lLi'rer Cotimitry
ChEYENNE , \Vyo 'June 3.-Sp ( cial.- )
Two government oiivylng outfits will leave
hero tomorrow for the Wind River country ,
whore surveys will b2. made of a large tract
of land. The partIea.who viil be in charge
are John Hunton of 1ort Laramlo and B. E.
h3rame ) of Laramnie. ' ami will be in the field
all rummer.
'i'lLiiitu J _ tt3flniiUl4I' of lentlwoot'i
I"rigiitfuhii 3tuiigleiL
DEADWOOD , Juno 3.-Special ( Telegram , )
-At 4 o'clock this ; morning Thomas J , McDonald -
Donald , employed as an oiler in the Kiidoran
mlii , got his clothing tangied around a rapIdly -
Idly moving haft and wa whirled to hiis
death The accidentwas not noticed at the
time and it was at least half an hour before
the unfortunate oqan vas found. Although
fearfully mangled , airimcxit every bone in lila
body having been broken , lie lived for an
hour and a half in great agony ,
htC'ShItIOht a simm mitlInsi itgemit.
ROSEBUD , 5 , 1 ? . , 'June 3-Special.-A ( )
farewell reco2tion wasglyen to Agent Wright
Saturday' by the RoLbfd teachers , mlsson-
aries and cmployC. Many from Fort Nb-
brara , Valentine , Crokton anti Deadwood
The Rosebud fribns , f Mr. Wright made
1dm a present o9a 2iqautiful diamond ring
and a gold wateh.(4dhaln , Judge-Burns
of Deadwood madiii ? , pspsentation , Time In-
diane aIs. made lingarescnt of a hatber
traveling , trunk tii yphiso Iloihow horn
Bear making tbo'jiceemmtation.
Fiio Indians arr iayl d great celebration
at this ttmo In , flac of time regular Fourth
ofJuhy. . 'I-
ltiijibtt citNCh&'rw Orthiinmmce ,
RAPID CJT'Y"C Juno 3-Speckil- ( )
The recently electeLl c4t'council : entered upon
Its duties last by passing a curfew
ordinance that prqvjes ( for the ringlmig of
thio rp beii at 9 o lc'Jn ) the ovenng , after
which tlnre all chfldriinder 16 years of ago
must be off th pbbi trcet ; an ordbnanco
prohibiting the sal'pf garottos and tobacco
to minors , and an oUliico prohibiting see-
ond.hand dealero qrawn brokers ( rOte buy-
lug goods from mninpe ,
- Sottls.DaLtota
YANKTO , 5 , p. , Juao 3.-Speeiai (
gram-Tiie ) grafl'd lodge , ICaighits of Pythias ,
LI in annual eessiofm here , with U0 dole-
atea present. Tbi'rty-aix lodged are represented -
' sented , 'The secretary's annual report
shows that , notwithstaudng the hard times ,
thin ledge hae Increased In meinbers'hiip , while
' no ledge has sUspended during ( bat ( into.
Time election ot otcers wiij occur Thursday ,
" .Vorii of SomalI hhi'ii.
flOCK 1tAPJD. Ja. , June 3.-Speeiai.- ( )
' The micteantawho did pp nnci ) damage to
tile : bcme of J , C , t4iuier , prorpd to be three
boys about 8 or 'O years of' age eons of
. George Watson cml II , .0. McMl an'a son
Samuel , ThQ boys wetp fqun'I by asking
, another boy to g and ee what they had
done and also by tbe finding of a toy vistol
' hicb when precenied Li ) " . ( ho teaebqr was
I 'claimed by 'S'rnueL
Miss O1'vo Hftcox Jailed for Shooting
Fred Sellers.
Girl Aeciiscl of liii' Crlmiie ( lie Pint
to Carry ( lie evM to
( lie % 'heiin'u
' I ' 'i ' Vlfc ,
TEICAMAI ! , Nob. , Juno 3.-Speclal.- ( )
Olive Ihlscx , ( ho accused mnurderer
of Preil L. Sellers , at Oaklaitd
yesterday , and her brother , Calvin
iilscox , antI halt uncle , Grant Iliscox , who
arc iieid tie witndsses. , were brought to Te-
karnab last night and confined in the county
jail. The prisoners vero interviewed by
Tim Bee represntntivo today. They would
talk but little about time trouble. The vomnamt
accuoed of ( lie murder is a night little per-
non , neb iooking over 21 years of age , while
her brother is about 25 and the uncle a
or more younger. Thin trio are bright young
people anil look at tite situation in a cheerful
niaimimcr , feeling thtat wheit their case is heard
it. vi I result favcrabhy to ( item. They deny
( lint thin girl nought or followed Sellers , intl.
mating that lie sotighit anti enticed her aw.iy.
Front time interview witlt tlieni it is believeti
( lint justiflab e liinicido Will be the lhiio of
defenea. Mis3 hhlecox Is 'a plucky little per-
sen and has itliowed no feeling through thio
The brother stated that ho was well ac-
quninted with Sd OtS , having worked for him
scvcral years on a farm bn'Iowa. lIe know
that Sellers amid his deter vcro in Oakharnl
and he hind been over to Oakland. to see his
siuter about a week before tue murder. lb
anti his lisif uncle had been living with a
brothter , who lives in this county , near Do-
They arrived In Oakland , so they my , about
8:30 : the niornhiig of the mtirilcr , having
camped a few mnilems out of Oakland over
itight. Vhiilo ( lie brother was nutting. his
team up at Sci'ers' barn tue unctevent to
thio house where the woman lived. After
m Cie3etI knockingo and getting no rerpense ,
ho calUd her name and ho carne to the
door and told him lie could not COflIC in. lie
returned to the barn and told ( ho brother
that she would not let him in , that lie
thought Fred ( meaning Sellers ) was there.
The brother then went to time hiotmse amid
called his sister out. on a back porch , where
they had a taik anti cite told hIm ( lint Fred
\vad , going and that they could comb in. They
\ent in amid did 'not see Selheri , for sonic
minutes ; when thiey raw him standing in
the center of the kitchen , thmey being In the
front or sitting room , he spoke and said
"goodbye , " he was going. lie moved tosyard
tile door , but hesitated and again said lie wan
going , when thte girl r.oke up and said :
" \Vehl , why don't you go ? " I-Ic went out
into au entry Way , where lie romlned seine
momomits and again caine back and called
time wcmnii , she going out with hiliti. They
remained out nome minutes and botht returned -
turned , hi following. They entcred thto
room where the two boys were anti hind
got only fairly into the room when Sellers
ceizeil her , A brief scuffle ens"meii dtiring
witich a pistol shtot was fired , The brother
'nayshmoseized his dater and she sti I had the
revolver In her hands.
Tito county attorney vIll probably neprat
the prisoners until time for their trial
which , unles. a s.pecialterm can be secured ,
will not ho until the fall term , whiiclt is set
for , October 18. 'There Is some talk of ' try-
leg to get a special term. The woman will
probably be taken to ( lie jail at Blair in
Washington county.
. 'Thmo peculiar location of the wound whfcit
caused Sellers' death will enter largely into
thie trial of ( lie case. The bullet entered
on the right side above the nipple , naming
through both lungs , severing several largo'
arteries , anti wan found iii thmo cavity next
to thq ribs on ( ito left side , having foloved
.a course straight nerds. , and backwartt
through his body. As Sehiers was a Than
over six feet tall and ( lie woman in below
thin metifum height for a woni'an , there is a
qnesticn as to the posItion of ( ho principals
at the time of firing time shiot.
Miss Olive ItlHCOxhI'Jl for ( lie Kill-
lug of Fred SeilerN ,
OAICLAND. Nob. , Juno 3.-Special.--MIss ( )
Ohivo Hiscox wan held by the coroner'o jury
for ( i.e murder of F. L. Sellers , who was
fdund shot to death in the woman'a residence
Tuesday morning. The testimony adduced
at the preliminary Investigation was rathter
sensational and while It failed to clearly in-
dlcato the person responsible for time killing ,
it placed the crime cioso to thio door of Miss
hliscox ,
The fact was established that Mias hliscox
had been the mietress of Sellers for a num-
bet of years ; that ho had furnished tim
money to send her to school lii Onawa ; Ia. ,
anl when bo finished ached several months
ago , brought' her to Oakland antI established
her In a reIdenco a. few blocks from his
Calvin hiiscox , brother of the girl , told the
story of the shooting thus : "I arrived at
my steter's home the morning of thin killing.
She refused to admit me at first , saying
Sehlera was there. I had known of their in-
tirnacy for three yenra. Finally I went in.
I wan In the hiouso perhaps one minute when
I saw her standing In the kitchen and Sellers
said to her , 'I am going , good bye , ' antI
stepped outside of the door into ( ho entry
on time north ! de , and in about one minute
Obhio vent out , and lie said again , 'I am
going , ' when she cult ] , 'why don't you go ? '
The next I saw she came running in through
time kitchen into the front door room , with
Sellers behind her , and ha caught hold of
her , and before I could get to her a shot
itas fired , "
The \vifo of the victim testified that elm
hind known of time intimacy of her husband
anti Miss hliscox for several years , She
knew that the girl bind threatened to kill
him , The morning of the shooting Mrs.
ehlors said Mias' hllscox came to the Sd-
lera' and said : "Come , I want
to show you something , " "I naiti I didn't
care to go , and aake'i her what it was I
shiouid see and she replied , 'your dead hue-
band , ' I asked her who killed him and she
answered , 'I did. '
Public sentiment in dlvfdetl , but a fair
share of It , especially that of the women of
the city , is witit the girl , claiming that cir-
cumnstances and conditions surrounding her ,
drove her In desperation to do the deed ,
ltiilh Cmli l1err'Iiiilut IOWII hiiti'e ft
" , % 'nnmit SeNNioli ,
DES MOINES , Juno 3-Spccial ( Telegram. )
-Time liret of a seres of debates between
J , A. T. huh , congressman from this die-
trict , and James 0 , Berryhmlli , lila opponent
for ( ho nomination , took place tonight before
3,000 people in tim Tabernacho. Beryhili hind
( he opening and closing. The tickets had
been glvemm out equally by the managers for
time two candidates , Thmo autlionco was
equally divided betweeim supporters of the
two nina , and each was applauded to , time
echo. The discussion wa chiefly on ( lie
railroad pooling bill which Huh , as a mom-
her of cOngre , supported and for which ho
has been denounced by flerryblil. Time do'
bate developed mnuclt bitterness and both
speakers were vindicated in the extreme at
times , but Hull kept hmle temper beet amid
made om the whole a better impression lie'
cause of his ability to do this. lie defeniletl
his votes on the ppoilng bill and declared
that the measure was in time interest of
better control of railroads rather thami a
measure to compel rabhroad to cornblno
Into a gigantic treat against the people.
Another debate will tie hold FrIday evening
when Hull will have the opening and cbs-
Homiors for Vonfcdersite le'sid ,
C01.UMHUS , 0. , Juno 3.-A detachment of
volunteers from the Fifth Ohio National
guard will fire a salute en next Sunday
morning over the graves of the 2,500 conS
federate dead that are burled here ,
NA'rIN.tli T. . CON'lTh'1'itN.
Seernt Sehieiiie ANIMtiiig Con-
greMN IIlNeI at leiigtlt.
DETROIT , Juno ' - . o national conimner-
ciai tariff conventijourimed tWo afternoon -
noon after having d a provisional or-
ganlz'ttbon to contl tli the next converi-
tlomi , which It s'as i' aI to call on the first
Monday in iccemb io affairs of tim as-
ociat'nn nrc heft mneaiiwlillo In ( lie
hands of an cxe'utl ninittee.
At today's rcss eomniittce on or-
gnmiization recmum ( l'at tIme name of
( lie associatotm ! ba ational Commercial
and Industrial asrociatlon , and detailed plans
for its nianage'uent. A long dlsturoiun cli-
cueti coimcernlmig the atlvisabihuty anti propriety -
priety , in view of ( ho small attendaiice. 'of
forming a permanent orgami'i'atlomi. Secre-
tiny Archer , whose letters were ( lie mncami.
of bringing the delegates together , expiaincd
thin steps whelm hail led up to the convention.
lie could not explain by so few delegates
hail appeared , since lie hail received creden-
tiahmi from so maul business orgamiizationa.
This cadiventlon finally adoliteti the eonimnit-
( co's report otter amending it so an tq imiake
the amncmitlmnent provlsioimah lr.cteatl of iieriiia-
nent , anti the neat convention will be holtl
icccnibcr 1. provided a third of the mncmnbero
hero represented sig a call therefor.
Time majority repoi't of time tariff committee -
tee was submitted , It aimnpiy declares lit
favor of taking thc tari question out of liar-
titmt hohit'.cs ) , anti requests tlm iiroviIonai
comninitteo to Investigate the sutijeet and
frame a bIll for the accomnpll.shing of ( limit
ptmrposts , niid to present the same at tim next
convention of time association.
Charles II. Leonard of lramtil Rapids of-
feroti a minority report in thin nmottmro of a bill
for the establishimncnt of a natonal ! tariff coin-
mnitoioim , whose members lmahi represent ag-
ricimlttmral , conimuercial , mnanimfaetUring afld ha-
her ornnizaiona ( , who lmall ascertain time
dIfference bctwuemi thmo labor atimi material
eoOt.s of prcdimcts in foreigi countrIes anti in
the Umi'tc'J Statts and miinlce mcconimiiendationa
it ) commgresn as to schedules In proportion
therewith , Mr. Leonard argued ( lint lila bill
was a fair coniproinise between free trade
and protection. Time other delegates , hmow-
ever , ummanhimioteiy opposed having the present
coimveimtiun declare itself on any mneaotmre to
lie presented to congress and thmo minority to-
portwnu voted down and the majority report
The conimitteo On comisular service recoin-
mended in general terms this placing of the
servIce in the hiands of mcn having knowledge
of business and interimational law , their corn-
pensatiomt to be based emi amoumita of exports
froni the United Statco to th'Q several countries -
tries as well as the amounts therefrom. Plauis
tie' reciprocal development of South nieri-
can trade were also arguedThio comnmnlttco
on department of commerce , manufacture anti
trade recomimmiiended tIme establishment of such
department by the government. ' After con-
tlniilng the president anti recretary In office
'until ( ho Deccaiber meeting the conrentiomi
adjourned sine die.
SENA'I'OlL 'I'IOl.Lillt FOIL l'ltiOSIlEST.
OhIo Ielegettcs ( otlie St. LeniN Sliver
OhiVCiitiili , Chosemi ,
COLUMBUS , 0. , Juno 3.-A small meeting
of business mcmi who propose , It necessary ,
to act outside of this old leading parties ha
the coining presidential campaign in imi sos-
sian here. Speeches are being made by
Judge Oliver of Cincinnati and General A ,
J. Warner of Marietta. The meeting will
appoint General Warner , Judge E. J. fInn-
din of Cleveland , ox-Congressman Benjamin
flutterworth of Cincinnati and no doubt II.
T. NIleim of Toledo as delegates-at-large
frormiOhmie to the St. Louis convention to be
heltE'Jt1ly .22.
, , 'A"commi1tteo he to be appointed to select
two delegates from- each congressional die-
trict to attend the St. Loui.s convention.
In the event of hie platforms of the pnrtj
being unsatisfactory ( ho silver committee
wiil pILL-tip a ticket for president , If , however -
ever , one of the old party platforms is oat-
ie'tnetory tile sliver party svill not put up a
tIcket. Thmo sliver men in Ohio who are
active partiana in the old parties were not
at this meeting today. The meeting opened
at 2 p. in. with speeches and consultation1
the latter of a conversatlonai turn , to elicit
opinione upon proposed plans. It wil' ' atl-
journ this afternoomi ,
A conventlomi of silver men 3vas held thil
afternoon lit thio Young Men'a Christian
aesociation auditorium for the purpose of
electing delegates tq this St. Louis silver
cmtvemitlOn next niontlm. The engagement
of the auditorium for the occasion proved
to have been au entirely unnecessary precaution -
caution , as there were not over twejmty delegates -
gates present. Mr. henry 2\ Nibs of
Tcledo briefly stated the object of the meet-
lug and was made chairman. Judge E. D.
Stark of Cleveland , vlio , last year , was ( lie
populist candidate for supreme judge , was
elc'ctcd secretary. In the course of a somewhat -
what lengthy speech , General A. J.Var -
nor of Marietta gave a hmistory of time mauve.
macnt for the independent , silver convention.
General Warner said that during ( lie past
forty-eight hours ho hind been in conference
with Senators Jones of Nevada , Jones of
Arkansas , Morgan of Alabama , and otiiet ,
and that nil were agreed on the propesitiomi
that time lssuo must be fought out thin year.
It would be divuighmig no , sectet , General
\'arner said , to state whom , they looked on
a the coining dandidate in the event of the
democrats falling to come out for free eli-
vor. This wan is Senator henry M. Teller
of Colorado. Mr. Teller was satisfactory to
all of the silver men , with whom he had
talked , .
The followIng to ( ho St.
Louis convention were elected : Benjamin
l3utterworthi , Cincinnati ; General A. .1. War-
ncr , Marietta Judge E. J. Blandin , Cleveland -
land ; A. T. Nibs , Toledo.
Time committee was authorizeti to select
thIrty-SIX other delegates to tIme St. Louis
esltventiQn. Timers will be one from each
district anti fifteen at large. The shim attendance -
tondance today was oxplatimeil by the fact
of tIm strong probability that the democrats
will ficcial's for free coinage at the coming
state convention.
hitS No fliseretiiL iii Ivii ) imior i'itii
'i'ickels Niiiiiesl ly Fitetitimis ,
LINCOLN , Julio 3-Speclal.-AmOmg ( ) time
numerous decisions handed down today by
the supreme ceurt is one iii the case of
l'heips against Piper , which has been pend-
lug in ( lie court since the comiventions of
last tall ( lint nominated candidates for su-
prcnio judge aiid regents of ( lie State umil-
veralty. A writ of mandamus was naked by
Phelps , tree silver democratic candidate for
mtuprenua judge , to compel Secretary of State
Piper to place his name on tim ticket as ( lie
regular democratic nominee. The vrt is
denied. Thin syhiabuI of the opitiloim , written
by Commissioner Ragan , saysi
It ill not ( lie province of this secrctnry of
state to dtermino which of two rival state
conventions of ( lie i'asne marty is entitled
to reengnttlon as time regular convention ,
2. Where two factions of a political varty
nomnlntite candidates iiiid certify such miomi ,
nation to ( he secretary of state Iii dtia form
of law , time latter 'will not Inquire into ( lie
regularity of the cormvCntion haul by either
( action , but will certify to thin .everai count
cieilcs this nmirnes of the caniiiiltttemt nom
nateci by vach , stmeh practice being in liar-
mony with ( lie rule which requires courts ,
in cUFO Of doubt ( n udapt that construe'
tiOfl which aitords tue citizen the grouter
lIberty In castitmg hmiii ballot , State against
'Allen 41 Nehm. 6i1 followed ,
a , Tie questIon as to which one of two
( actions of a poiitieul imarty is ( lit , true representative -
resentativo of such ioiitical iiarty Is rather
a political than a judicial luestiomi.
I'hi tbeisi ( usd1 , Qmiiirrel ,
IMIS' MOINES , Juno 3-Spoclal ( Tele-
gam.-Tbo ) negotiations for a combination
of the Iowa Allison anti the Iowa Allison-Me.
hCiniey clubs have been brolcn off , At a
niceting held this afternoon ( Ito executive
coniiiiittee of the Iowa Allison-MclCinley club
doietnilfld not o unite with thin Alhi on club
iii the formation 'of the propomed Iowa Re.
publican club to o to St. Louis anti deter.
iiiiited turtimermro to change its name tim the
bAa MclCiniey chub and go to St. Louis with
the Ohio man as Its avowed first choice for
presidemit. The club contaIns branches in
nearly all the principal cities of the state ,
hIi'iliibliiiiiN tO Itivt Ut % 'est
WEST I1O1NT , Neb. , June 3-Speciah.- ( )
'rho republican county convention was cabled
to macct In this city Saturday.
Kentucky Democratlo Convention Is All to
rrdo Coinage ,
'I'en Out of lil'VCtt liNtrIdM .me tot'
hit , \Vhite tt'iii iiiitl lit ( Ito
0 * lien 'lucre , is iii
ConteNt ,
LEXINGTON , ICy. , Juno 3-Time drift of
time tlomnocratic state comiventton today has
bemt to endorse Seimator lliaekbumrmi for preel-
dent miti ( icitorni P. W'ntt hiartlin , ( lie do.
fcntetl camitlitlnte for governor , for his sue-
cessor iii tile ronnie. Time coniiiiittec on , crc-
ilcitbais : Iii temi to ono for thu 10 to 1 ratio.
It wra thought before the districts met thiat
( lie gout standard niert wptmld get the Chicago
delegates , amid othwr representatives out of
three districts , but ( ho Louisville district is
tIme only one of the elevemt that time gold macit
cotitrohicti , antI this conimnittec. on crodentiaiil
Is laboring all mmlglit on contests ( lint mmiay
Wrest ( ho Fifth district from thin gold macis
anti glvo a solid delegatiomi to Chicago foe
free silver. The delegatiomi is bn.trimcted to
vote as a uliit for Illackbtmrmi at Chicago , anil
Blackburn is sitting iiim nil nIght tithing part
lit the contests before tue coiiimiilttco cit ore-
dentlals. lllackburmi's cniicihlntcry course was
followed in the renoltitlomimi amId thio advice
in ( lie rpcechcs of Blackburn amid hiardih
iiot to give one'lota of their victory away be
likely to be . , ( ollowed iii limo report on ore-
dentials , In which event a bolt tomorrow Is
iircbable. The Firs't antI Second districtia
comiihemmi Secretary Carlisle by name in their
resolutions aimil p.11 the districts except tIme
Fifth condemn ( ho miational atimulnistration ,
hut thie comnniittce anti cotiventiomi n ore miior
coimservative. This com1'entori uttempteil to
prevelit time Fifth district delegates from vot.
lug till tIme report of the comnmmiittco on crc-
( lentials was adopted.
Colonel hlicitey of Mbssotmri , niemnber of tIme
Bland executive coninilttee , liar beau conferring -
ring with Iliackburn during thin clay , and it
is statcti tlir ' ciattons betweemi thieni are not
only pheaant , but alco 'satisfactory. The
features of ( lie day wore , not so much the
speeches of Blackburn anti Ilardin , ns the
ovatiomis ( hint are tcmmdoroti ( hem lit tIme hotels ,
convention hail , or wherever they appear.
1101 flthta arO expected tcimiorrow en cre.
fientlals itilil resoitmtions. .1 , C. S. lllaclc-
burn , I'V. . hiardin , W. T. Ehl' and John
S. lien have been determined upon for dele-
gates-at-large and W. IC. 'Wheeler of l'adu-
calm for permnammemit chairman ,
At the meeting of tlmo delegates by
congressional districts today two dole-
g'ttes nail two 'alternates from each
district to the national convention at
Chicago were selected , as well n state corn-
rnittoerneh , othiceru and macinhere of the 'van-
ous convention committees. Tim following
are tlto district delegates :
First District-OhIo Id. James , Crittentien ;
Augustus Tlmonias , Fraves ,
Socond-J. M. Dennis , Ilopkinsvihlc ; 10. P.
Miiiott , Owc.nsboro.
Third-b3. L. l'erkins , Elkton ; J. M. Richardson -
ardson , Glasgow.
Fourth-fl. B. Lancaster , Lebanon ; D. R.
. Murray , Cioverport. ' , ,
Flfthi-W , 13. Ilaidemnan , Zachmariali Phelps ,
Louisvhhit , .
Siozth-J. , Walton , Boone : I. S. Scott ,
' , . ,
Grant , t "
Seventh-It. F , Peak , La Grange ; T. E.
Moore , Show. .
Eighth-J. A , Tomlinnon , Lamicanter ; a. c.
Gilbert , Siielbyvilic.
Ninth-George lt. ' Vincent , Lawrence ;
George 'V. Bramlet , Carlisle.
Tenth-John E. Garner , Winchester ; George -
13. Clay.
flloventh-V P. SmlUm , l'uioskI ; C. M.
Sallee , Adair.
District electors : First , J. C. Fboimrncy :
cecond , C. 13. Bradford ; third , 'Edward
Dra1C ; fourth , Augurus. L'rown ; fifth , Walter
McKay ; rilxtlm , Harvey Meyers ; seventh , W ,
, 1' . Kimball ; eighth , Liiard Carter ; ninth ,
\V. 0. Ramsey ; tenth , J. M. Webb ; eleventh ,
llenry M. liuchmamp.
Some of tIme district conventions hasted un.
til afternoon some were delayed until after
2 o'clock ,
Dtring the noon recess mcnttiers of corn-
mnittces met informally. First reports indicated -
dicatod much work for time committee oh
credentials , but as the committee stood ten
to one for silver It was apparent tIme work
wotmld roon ho 'disposed of , as ( ho goki
standard men had only the Louisville mcmbc
on thin commIttee on resolutions. The adop.
tion of the platform agreed upon at th
silver conference last night Is assured.
Silver nien control all limo districts. , cxcep
the Fifth , In which . Louivvbhlo is located ,
In the' Fifth district all receiving places , 'ere
not , only Instructed ( or time gold standard ,
but each candIdate svas niacin to pledge hiin
eif before tile district. Every elector wap
made to expreso lilniseif ,
It was raining this afternoon as the dei i-
gates gathered in ( ho pane. , , , The music wa
comttinuous and the decorations were elabor'
ate. I
It was after 2 o'clock vhmen' the chairman
rapped for order , lion , Chance It. Long ,
chairman of tim state democratic entra
and exectmtiyo conimnitttee , selected last year
when thic gold stanilard macmi controlied tii
organization of the tate convemitlon and corn-
iiiittees , In calling the canvcmmtion to order
gave an Interesting history of thin hIardin'
Bradley cahipaign and comfiest for thto con-
( tel of ( ho legIslature , concluding as f'ollows :
"Whiilo I , 'ithi many oilier deniocrate ,
differ with you greatly on ( ho imioncy issu ,
and regard It as the issue of supreme lm.
portance to our country , I , as a democrat ,
submit time lames anti results to 'tho party.
Tim issue vIhl ho met by ( ho ilemnocratlq
party in our national-conventIon , and if your
position and views prevail and are approvet
tmntil thio ballot , my camtdbd judgment is ( ( mat
you will be most grievously disappointed ,
We hope that time action of ( lie party hero
and lii Chicago nmay lie tempered with wia-
doni and sound judgment for the best In-
tereits of the party , and we shall await thio
result , after wiiiot ( ho people will pass jutig-
mmient cit time November electIon and render
timeir verdict accordingly , Ileforo I coil-
cludo I hog your kind indulgence to state
that Grover Cleveland stands today aa ( lie
equal in devotion to the best interests of
our government and faittifimi service of any ,
president such as preceded iiini In office ,
and the country is Indebted to ( lie democratlo
party for his election , and I doubt not tbt
you wfli give him your support. John 0.
Carlisle stands for the American pesplo to.
day as one of our purest statesmen amid pa-
triotlo jmubhii cervamits , lie today embodica
the clemn'enis of ( lie political character anti
capacity uimii faithifuhimess that would mnak
hIm the next democratic liresident if our
party could have and exercise that clearness
of political foresight that lies before us , "
There were some cries of dis.ent during
Chairman Long's address , When thmo speaker
reaahcd the part of imia nddresa referring
to Mr. Cleveland them ivaa a storm of hisses
anti ( ho demmionstrution kept imp so long that
few of the delegates heard anything of what
Chairman Long raid about Carlisle or the
conclusion of his address ,
Chairman Long reati his speech , anti stated
that lie ( lid so Instead of speaking extempo-
ranooimely , as has been hits custom , because
lie wanted to be correctly understood at thiimm
crisis in the nffaht of ( lie party and of the
nation. 'Photo was no applause up to this
time or dumipg thin reading of the speech ,
and close atontiomt was given to the address.
There was a change of scone to one ot
contintmou cpplauso when Judge Rhies , the
chianiplna'of free sliver , presented ( ho name
of senator Charles IC. llronston of Lexing-
( on for temporary chairman , amiti absohuiG
uiienco prevailed when Bennett Young pro.
aented Judge Alexander iiumphreyc of
Louisville on tim part of time gold standarti
much for temporary chiairiiiao ,
lIlies made a. short , brilliant preaontatlow
of lironatomi's iiaine , while Young misi4. ia