- . - , - - - , , - - - - . I (3 TIlE OMAhA DAILY iiStLNDY. . MY 01 , 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - - . - _ _ - . . - - - - - - , COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMEN71 ! itl.oII It'VU1N. TIionia Mnloney and wife are h rno tiun \\'araw , III. tIs Imrna 1.outzInr nrrlvud 1oine I evening , after a Px rnonth vIIt wU irkiidi In CalIfonla , (1.V. . Tnncr , the \Vnhi9 reprentatIv at Denvcr , ki In the ctty visiting thu famll3 of Mr. A J. StlhCIThOfl. 1fliup Worthington ( if Omaha will pract p at the Gracu 1pIEcopaI church tlils evening There wilt to * 10 niarnfng ervtco. rhe Oratt'.l ' hotel , CotIt2eIl I3hIftL high c1a ; In every rcsect. ltatcB , $2.SO per da nnI : tiwai L I. F. Clarke , proprietor. i'ark City lodge , Lniepenlent ( order of OI Fe11ow8 , Will meet cn TUC..JLLY ovenitig lol the election ot ofl1cor an to el.t.t repe 3ntfltIVCe to the grand lodge. Council cttnip No. 14 , Woodman of tin World , lti attend a iiioker given by Aih C.Itfli ) NO. I or Oimtiia riiurpday eveiIn Juno 4. 'Fhao deiriiig to attend xvIii mteI aL the hail nt 7:11 p. nt. &iiarp. The hayden 1iru' . ( cain of Omaha art tiit Council iIiuiTs AtIiietIc iil contest Ir a base ball game at the Field club par tIiI afternoon. Tito gatilo will be caileil at oclock. Joe Waih iia signed tIiIu tht locii team aitti vilI 1ay ? hort in tody' game. Time \'omefl's Christlami at.ociatIoit wI levotlonal and bumlnes 3)01(1 Ita regular imteetlflg at the home or Mrs. Sarah 13. Itolirem Monday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. Eac tnemtmiet 19 earnestly asked to be Ireem1t and tn'lp to muako thIs setlon the beet ot the year. All miicmmmbera of \Vorklngnen'.9 Frkndi3 club utid other laborera of time ctty are re. quested to meet at the corner of Pearl street nmtd Flrmtt avenue Sunday evening , May 1 at 7:10 sharp. Important btmi.Imtesa v.111 bi cormI1ered. fly order of time grievance om iimlttce , A. F. liresee , chaIrman. A now featmiro has been Inaugurated at Council camp No , 14Voo0mnamm of tin \Vorid. hereafter time Ladles' circle wit meet Iii the iariors on the I.ame night timal tim camp meets and they expect to 1mmaugU rate time new niovoment wttim a suniptuottt banquet , to wmlclm ) all members and vlsitin sovereiguLm are cordially IflViteI. Charles F. Whitney died at time re1e'mco ! ol his father , corner of Twenty-fourth and evonth avenue , ycaterday at time age of 4 ( years. Mr. Whitney ieavo. a wife amid cm mien , fmtthur amid mother and two brotIier' , Fred Whitney of Laramle , Wyo. . and Oscar Whitney of Oailand , Cal. The funeral will occur train the residence of his father , Twen. ty.fourth and Seventh avenue , Mnday ni 2 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ Stimne I'co'Ie Use a iioe : to get over time ground-but everybody must have shoes. To accommno- date everybody we have all styles and prices. 'To Initiate our now store we offer some bargains - gains that will recognize at once a record-breakers : Ladles' kid button mid lace shoemi , former price ; o.oo , now 2.5O. . adie9' kid button and lace shoes , former prlco $3.50 , tio" $1.75. Ladico' kid button and lace shoes. former price $2.00 , now $1.00. Ladies' oxforda , black and tan , were $4.00 , flow $2.00. Ladles' oxfords , black and tan , were $3.03 , now $1.50. A , tot of ladico' oxfords , small sizes , werd $3.00 and $3.50 , now 75c. A lot of oxford9 , small sizes , 'were $2.00 anti $2.50 , now 5)c. ) A lot of m'Iioos , 2 ½ to 3 ½ , now 7Sc. A tot of shocs , 2ito 3 ½ , now 35c. Men's tan bals , were $5.00 , now $2.50. Men's tan lrilm ; , were $3.50 , anw $1.75. Mcn'tm tine calf almoes , $2.00. Iden's flue cmlf slmoe. . $1.50. Men's low 1ioes , $1.00. Men's plow shoes , $1.00. Men's patent leather bal , $1.00. Men's patent leather bats.Jolmneon . & Mur- p1iy ) $1.50. 4 floys' calf shoes , vere $2.00 , now $1.25. Boys' tan li6es , wcrQ $2.75 now $1.75. Mall orders ) vli1 be as carefully Ill ed a.s If 2 came In person. TIlE DUNCAN SIIO1 Co. , flemoved to 25 Main street. opposite the old stand. _ _ _ _ _ _ St-r.er Pipe , Fire lirlek , neltimig. Wholesale and retail. 3. C. I3lxby. 202 Main street. Iloffmnnyr's Fancy Patent flour malceM time best and most bread. Ask your grocer fo : it ! rwo Vt'it1d It ) . Fmmrmite'rus Arr.Hell. Henry Detchier and Carl Hirsch , both wealthy German farmer living near Minneola , were brought in by DepUty - Uty Slmeriff Ilnicer yesterday morn- Ing. They were Indicted by time grand jury up'n the charge of perjury. Th Offense charged against the prisoners Is ono 4hat has been quite common In this country for many years. It is perjury In connection With naturalization papers. Time two men vcre charged with having committed the crime wlmiio assisting V'rans Lehman to procure - cure hie final papers In Judge McOeo'e court last fail In time to enable him to vote the democratc ticket. They swore that they 7 iamh known Lehamn for live years , when , as ft matter of fact , they were a year or two ehy. They brought a bondsman with them And ieeured their liberty witlmoiit delay. fJliey are perhaps Ies , guilty titan hundreds Cf othera , and their arrest openo up a prom- sIng field for future grand jury work. Each has announced imis intention to turn Informer hnd secured indictmemits of several who were * natrumental in bringing the trouble upon . them. _ _ _ _ _ _ For Saie-Hotei FairvleW , Brown County , { an. ; good building. just painted anti papered - pered throughout. Will mmcii with furniture at. bargain : only hotel in thrivng town , Ad. dreamt J , J. Gravatte , Council Bluffs , ha. Gas ranges and miervico connections at half price for lltteen ( lays. Call at company's otflce for full partlcuiars , 210 MaIn and i4 Vearl streets , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Di' , Cicaver' 0111cc moved to 600 Broadway. l'lelmNmImmt Social lh'mmt. A number of time Omaha and Council I3iuffii friends of Mrs. I'hliip Warebmmni or- rangel a pheasant surprise for her yesterday afternoon , It was her birthday , armd while site was absent watchIng time Memorial day pageant , they Imrocured the key to her lmomn'o oil Washington avenue amid were react ) ' to receive - coivo her tmemt she returned , Time dining room was arranged for a S o'clock tea anti oyerytlihmmg necessary wa provided by time guests. Time Imarty was well piamine4 cml the urprIsu vas complete. A rmummmber of sirnpie tiut haridmmio liresomits were bestowed , Timoso tflvitpl were : Mrs. Ilaimnici , Mayble Adntmms , Addle Strong , Maloney , Atwood , Mc- elure , hal inger , Wihilaumsoti , Bradley , Keller Catmlati , ICeiiy , Ferron , Adolph , Stomie , Vi'hmeeler , Rhmoades , I3timpaon , Rich , liremina- onan , Lynchiard , Ohmiier , clood , Burgess , Tiiormiburg , Shepmemd ) , Williams , Matthal , chinerr , Bryant , Waterman , Sarmduiky , Mmml. iloilamiti , Minnick , Manley , Warehamu , Catmmp attn Tullis of Omnalia ; Missee hansen and Mimimmie hlapsemm , Strong and Leutsinger. hlotmsekeepers are in desimair wlme they islt the Durfec Furmilturo comnpamiy. All the miw things are so Imandsonie and so cimeap that they waimt. time whole store , v ( , ho the Frmiummimmgj Our prices are righiti Otmr goods will please yOU , II. L. SMITh & CO. fimnulimi 1'mmgltte ArresieI , A woman giving time namno of Mrs. Su&c iTo1mn'on , amid a man asmneti ICImmg , vhma proved by a marriage license that Ime was tier buabamid , were arrested by a squad of tifllcers ye.sterday morning at a house on Pierce street , Time womnan was charged with being a ttmgttivo front juotice , and the moan , Wlmo sought o prevent lmer arrest , \ as charged with interfering with oflicers. ? mirm , Joimmison 1.3 ui0 woman whom tbe Oimta otilcers pIaed under arrest upon time clmarge of being a procuress and from whose poaes. ekm me 15.year.oid girl as taken. The vomsn eacaped before elms was locked up and tied to this city , Time imman yas die. charged yeterdny morning , but the wonian 1i.s Imeid for requisition liaper. We offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery seivice at lagle laundrj , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157 , Vall paper cleaned , new process , witlm patent right atMiller's , 108 MaIn street , Pastura8o. I. . j ) , Judson , 929 Bixtb avj. ALL i'JAItCIL ' [ 0 T11 CRAVE Bunos is iispet1od hi Council Bluffs t Celebrate the Day. THREE THOUSAND ChILDREN N LINI 1'rocessljm flii t lmmeiim.hedl All lime 31111 fnm'3 mutt ! Clale Orgit mtlnl * ml t1m Ctt3Smmce'Jm'H itt time Cc imi e S a ii es. Memnorlal day lii Council Bluffs was oh sorvotl upon a i'caio that far exceeded anY thmmig of a Pervious nature that was eve attenipted In the city , The program , witlei : immtbhistd several days In advance , brouglm hundreds of strangers to lime citY , Al classes of bimsimiess was stmspended amid al of time people of the ity turned out of thei hommies and gatimered along time trCets h watcim tlmm , proceasien. Time mageamit was tb longest of tl'e kind in time hIstory of tIme city Every mmihhltary timid civk organization tha had been invited responded , mind every r gaimlzatlon appeared on the streets with fui rim ii 1(5. One of time striking features of the iiro cession viis time presence in time line a nearly 3,000 school children , Each Bchoo moarcheti by Ittcif , iTeaded Li ) ' hammers am flags. Time mnllimary imrecision of the stepi of the little boys anti gins showemi the cx temit of time training they 115(1 received It mimliltary tactict. The liuplis of time Twentieti Avenue school nmarcheti without breakini rammks a distance of nearly forty blocks The line of march followed the course in dicated by time printed program , and ever foot of sidowaik along time entire line wam occtmpieci by pepie anxious to see timt pageant or show timeir appreciation of thmm tetitiment of the ( lay. The exercises at Falrview cemmmetery wer beautiful amid elaborate. The great woodem hark that kioks so peacefully down upon thmc vailey of time Miesouri river was crowdei with people. and the driveways wer thronged with carriages , The published pro gram vmms carried. out.'hiile time cerenionlet of decorating time graves wore in progresm time Dodge Light Gtmarda anI ) the High school eadeto were promninent figures. Tin guards stood company front emi time weal side of the graves and ftred three volieym over the mounds. The cadets stood at at tention on the north side , but (11(1 riot fir on account of time iacic of ammunition. Wlmemi time ceremonies were Concluded tin lieople gathered. around time natural amphi theater , Whore the speakers' stand hai ben erected , Daibey's band furnished tiic music , President E. L. Shugar Introducec lion. A. Il. Anderson , and In the course 01 an eloquent oration of an hour's duratlor Imo gave voIce to many beautiful sentiments lie said : MEMORIES OF WAR DAYS , "I am tellIng bra tlman the truth when I cay that the memories which this occasor aroues in me are almost tea gro3t for ut terance. This aesembiage ho a typo of thc very imighest and best In our citizenlmip. Ii Is an object hoaion to time old aldiers who timirty-five years ago , girded up their lo1n and wont out to fight for the Inheritanec lionded down from the fatimers of the revolu- ticn. They can oe In miniature in thim gathering something of what they went out to fight for. Those now living can reaiizc here that their comrades who seep art eternal slumhor on time battiefleide of thc south did not die in vain. "This occasion Is peculiarly touching tc 1110 because my life from hoyhod was sponi In Iowa , and thlu waa the etato fronm which I enhirtted to fight for my country in timc war of the rebellion , On yonder slope tin regiment which I joined rendezvoused beforc starting for time front under time command of Unit grand Ic low-citizen of yours , Gi-en. vlilo M , Dodge. You v1li bear with me 11 my emotlona are difficult to portray in vordo. "After an abrommce of four years I come back. to IoWa , prouder than ever of imer. II nothing had becu caved from the wreck ol 1861 but the etato of Iowa , It a one would imavo paid for the loss of life and treasure , Iowa is the typical piece of overnmnent. a model state. I sometimes think that die tanco lends enchantment , and that you win are imero fail to realize your bleaings. Herc is an equitable distributiomm of the good timings of time earth. Iowa has no city which im a squalid hsmnlet. . Iowa has few rich mcmi amid few poor. There is 1e Illiteracy in Iowa titan in ammy other state , yea in any other country on earth. There is scarcely a pooc forty in the etate , and in all ite borders - ders few , If any , who know what real want is. "This Is an inspirog day , and timie gather. ing reflects credit on thce who have gatli- ered to decorate time grave of the old so- diem Of the American armnies. Those men have been cannonlzod. This day Is singled out at' a school for patriotism , amid it ii with much , pleseure that I eec in the throng hundreds of time children fromn your schools which are under the ouperintendcncy of my Diii friend , Sawyer. Time old soidicra who yet live must feel grateful to know from oc- asionj iiico timts timat they are appreciated. "When I epllsei ( ] I knew but little about government or Its ya'ue , but during the years of orvico and fighting I learned 'that lesson and found out that this government - mont of ours is the best governmnent on time face of the eartim. Our government itt time iroduct of tyranny. No great virtue imas over been worked out except as a product of aammio great vice. 'fhme crowning feature of tim Declaration of Independence was the equality of all men before the law. But oven wimilo it was framed the enemy of free guvermmmmment was present taking advantage of tim dls'essions which aro'e as soon as our ( orefathmermm tere , in hiommicly language , 'out of time woods , ' I never did imave a doubt itt time good intentionim of George Wmimmliington and timr.se who vero with hint in forming time Anmericn government , but strange to say , time inatitution of elavery was allowed to remaimi unmoiesttd by them. Timey be. lioved It would die out of Itself 'mmnder ' time tiew cc'miditlons of freedom , Timey were doomed to disappointment , It throve anti gatimered strength anti force mmntil , in 1861 , it felt abe to core with freedom , When the teat caine time very flower of nortimern chivalry gatimered to the defense of Olmi Glory. anti no old soldier vimo went tlmrougim that war but is glad ito hived at a tlimie when imo coulti have time privilcgo of show- Ins himnmxmif werthy of the immimeritanco of liberty hamided down to him. \VAR OF CIIIIISTIAN DEFINSE. "Time conflIct of time civil war 'as notaijic In Its Cimrlstlami arid imumono i'plrit , Thc.rc were other great generals before Grant There were other great battles before thoe& of time W'ildcrneos , Vlcksburg and Stone hirer. Put I csahlengo hIstory to produce a hmaraflel io time Chrl'tiam t'prit ) of time meus Ureim taken to suppress a Causeless anmi wIcked rebeihiomm. Timet. watt mia war of con. quest. but one of Cimrlstlan defense. This , old saldiere , Is your crown of glory. Otimere fought perimapmm us bravely as you , hut item ever before fought on such imunmane , cIvilized nni Clmrlutlamm lines. Vimeri before 1mm bmistory mild immature retiction briog to the vanquished time cormvictlon that time ) ' were really victors Time nation you saved is cemnonteti togc.tlmer today , not with standing armmmiea , but by mm commimnitmi latriotIum. under a common flag. "But eternal vigilance is time price of Pb. erty , and the old enemies of freedom are still atmiong us , as timoy were in ISdi , and their spirit is still Immlmieal to our institu. tiono. There its practically n opposition tc time great pay roll wiiictm our government maintains fo time btmeflt of its voeranma , and it there be those wins thminlc some good tlmtmmge are too rich for time old soldIer's biood timey simould bo niade aware of their mistake Lot your last acts show as you go off the stage timat you are just as good as when you cammie on.'e shouiti be moore Amnerlcan. I do not say this in a spirit of enmity to those alto desire to coins frommi other lands to make their home witii u ; but I belIeve they ehmould comno to stay and bocomne American citizens Wii should beware of entangling alliances with ammy Europeami power. I amn opposed to any ahliummee formimed for tim PUrpoo of sqa. teinimig any institution which cannot susfain itself among us. I favor intertmationaliam , but internationalism of the western hemis. pimero. I believe iq an Amrican contInental polIcy. I believe Ito the Monroe doctrine , op. posed to the holding of land or power on tiii continent by gcmvcrnnients whIch do not haVt time'ir prirmclpai place of iitm'lnes here. Imath ratimer see this commntry the cemiter 0 ten AimmerILcmn commateilatlon than the tall cot of an alliance with European powers , ant arncimmg thorn oir ancient onemmi3' . There it bmmt ono way t , preserve American institu tiorms , ntmd thmat is to keep out of all en tanglimmg ailtancei with Europmxmim powers ant to do bimsitmes , with ommrcelves regardless cm the oiTct on our circulating medium or any timing elt'c. ' Prof. It. W. Sawyer deilvereti an exceileni admires's on time subject of the nation's deb to the soldiers of time clvii war and paid brilliant trlbmmte to time menmory of time sleep lug Imorcee. AT WALNUT hILL. Waimmut 11111 cemetery , one of the most beautiful vpota of time mnany mnagniflcemml places surmoumithing the city , was oxqtilsiteI3 beautiful , The verdant hills , smniiing in the sunshine of a perfect day , looked down ii peaceful oremiIty upon the valleys , rich ii growing vIn and gardens. The happy twit. ( or of mntimg birds , time ameet hrtath ol bloom in i ; clover , peeping moodoatly through the luxtmriamit blue grass , the sturdy oak ahim valmitmt trees , bending their protectIng armut its silent benethlctlomi over the graves , time shrill cadence of nmyrlads of loctmst in Sects , anad with joy at tlmeir liberation front their prisomms 'In the earth , mmmttmgiimg with time inertial strainc of fife anti rumns , thc mtmltitmmde of people hearing their burdemis 01 flowers , made a perfect picture of perfect peace. Fluttering flags marked the gravce ci time nation's eieatl. \S'hmon time leaders of time section to whom va delegated the dtmty of comiducting thc exercises anti decorating time gravei rmrthed time cemetery they found that iitmndrds of people had in-eccdod them , an-i every grave on the grassy hillsides , with time r xceptioii of those of the soldiers , ani Imoro and thrrc a mmegioctefi mound , had been strewn wltlm flouers. The services were tinder the direc. tion of the mnemnbcra of time Union Vcte'r.n legion.V. . S. I'aulson Scott Rice anti John harding were time oiflcormi of time dab. When the Imeati of time iotg procealon icached the' center of the grotmnds time decoratimmg contmmrmit- tee \va called forward. The committee was composed wimolly of soldiers , ani they ere divided Into four sqmmads. Two sqtmaJs were ccitt to decorate time graves tim tIme Cathmoiic cemetery , where sleep a score or moore of bravo nnefl wlmo gave time best iii their lives to timeir country , amid two wore givemi charge of time Proteeta t sectiomm. When the bugle sounded a beautiful scene transpired. 'flm aquads of grizzled veterans , tadan 'ith flowers , separated , and into the ranks of each dctaclmnmeiit twenty little girls marched. They vere the vestal virgins who received time flaral offerings from the rough hands of tIme soldiers and deposited them tenderly upon time graves of their dead comrathos , The work was done owiftly and s'IlefltW. Not a grave was forgotten or slighted. TIme offer- ing.i of flowemm had been ao plentiful thi.t timere were enough to almost ctver each grassy mound. When the work as finIshed the bugle call was sounded , and thaso w.io cared to bear time mnuolc and speakIng ro- rmaIre to one of the natural anmpimitimt-aters in the hills , where a stand and platfctrmn had been erected. ConepIchmoua on time plstfrrm was the bent figure and kIndly face' of th'c blind veteran , Captain 0. ' , V. lltgimt. Buck of the staild , On the hillside , a mmmrtltl band waked the echoca with the .stra1ma ef "March- log Through Georgia. " The exerci'eas sere opened with prayer by 11ev. 0.V. . Snyder Cf St. John's Lutheran church. 0mm the pat- form vaS seated tle choir , canmpoeci of Miss Mrs , Snydar , con- Minnie Evors , eprano ; trait" ; Mr. Frank Carley. tenor : 11ev. ' G.V. . Sr'yder , basso. Mr. arid Mm. Snyder's fmmlry- like little daughter presided at the orgn , dressed in ahite , uith an overekirt of roil , white and blue. Their opening song , "Hmmr- mb for the Red , White and Blue , " as beau- tifuliy rendered. COUNTING THE COST. Rev. Stephan P'helps , D. D. , of time First V , ' . Presbyterian church , was introduced by of t nftcr000fl. the speaker \v. Waiiace as He began by remarking that m thcre' wce tolay -decOrates thmtn more graves many . .f time ever before , and drew a vivid picture terrible asptct of war , "Wh3t have our hib- eitfea cost ? The sacrifice of time lives of In the full vigor anti prine o.er 300,000 men ' others , and hundreds of of iL'e ; many timotsanuls wounded unto death ; seven bil- liens of doilars , or a number so great , ii side would pave a street halfway - loi'i sdo ! by , around time world : desolation and be- way meavement of pIhlirimR of ) momes and the run- gutsh of mnillinns of happy hearts. Are our liberties worth this fearful cost ? Ask thl qt'etion in a voice that can be heard from one end of our country to the other , auth time answer cornea fram a mUhlomm cemeteries , wimere ceretnommles similar to timce are octir- ting today. Go ask the wo'nen and chilldre'm . Go asic wimo suffered nmore thman others. time veterans who have survIved their stmf- fernga and their wounds , anti nil vlll answer \vitl-L a grand ringing yes , that cm be heard around the world. The president's calls in 161 brought more titan 1,000,000 Into the field. What a sense of time greatness of the cuntry niust President Llnc.iltm imave had when ito realIzed that he could call linen by thie millions from their happy homes to time chetense of their cauntry. The nation was aicat then , bitt how much greater todayt Our country is now so great that the sun never sets upan Its boundaries , for when tIme last rays are disappearlmmg over time Aleutian islands , the dawn is breaking on time coass of Maine. TIme' effoet of the soldier's sacrifice is seen in the Impulse timmt has been given to self- government among the pations of the earth. \'hen time war closed Maximiiian was seek- log to restore a monarchical form of govern. meet In the only otimer republic on the American continent. Then there were no Scuth American republics worthy thmo name New. witim Limo exceptiomm of unhappy Cuba , which viIl soon be free , there is no real mon- archmicai irmfiuetmce on the westerim imernis- phoe. This is one of time great results of the war , for tue preservation of the American - ican union , one of the eternal elements of glory , earned by the patriots whose graves we honor today. No such cause can ever arise again to make war possible. human slavery is gone , and time mooted inmltmstrial ronhhi't is imuprobihie , anil Imnposaible. " lie threw a pretty iicture of Amer'ca'a 'irmy. them army of peace , whm'cim ' could be trins'ormned in an immstant , if time necul vere prerented into an army of war and von- geamice , "Our commntry Ja 110 great nmmilltary camp. We have no stmmnthiimg Imordes , eating the atmbstance of time industrious , tnmt time milItary spirit 1mm predominant , Cadets are lr'hling and marching tomity by , the nmllllon , narclming with the tread anti precision of veterans , honorlg time 'graves of their taUt. era. Let our flag be attacked , amid an army of 5,000,000 intelligent. educatetl and swell drilled snidier viil spring to arms , " At the close of time speech time choIr ssng "My Country , " and time benediction was pro. nr.urced : , _ _ _ _ _ _ Opemmi misc of 1m iumtvn , Time ladiea of time Episcopal cimurchi yester. day formally orened th season at Lake Mammawa , They assisted Colonel heed in operating imi mottr line , served lunchen in time pavilion all day anti nUde time event tumeimmoruble , while at time same Unto a nice summm of nmoney for the church , A large crowd ca'a present 1mm tIme evenIng , wbmen the eopecial feature was time concert given by Ialbey's band , The evening was delightful and all present vera splendidly eoiertained , Trains will run today , and from now on time regular Manaa season is open. Davis , drugs , paints and glass ; tel , 280. Water pressure filters , $3. Stepiman Bros A1ie.rt'mI Forger Arrested , CI1ESTON , 1mm. , Mmmy 30-Spccinl ( Te'e. grarn.-Mmmrslmai ) Rhodes today arrested J , A , Cimac ? , it smnoothm confidence man , yimo has been operating in rorthiwestern Missouri , and Iii hmoidhmmg limo mmmmtil ofhlcers fromn Ilopkine , Mo , . arrive , there Clmaso is wanted for forging a check on time Webb.Flelmlow Mer. cantibo conipany of icarme.is City. Several chocks hmao gone into a Kansas City bank mend been pronounced forgeries. Chase's opor- tmtions are extensive , and unany have autfered. 3imml st'rmm ielmml Iilxt'relses , MAIIVERN , ha. , May 30-Special.-The ( ) opera liOUo was crowded last evening to wit- nea tbo nimmthm annual commencement exer- claus of time Malvorn 111ghz school , Time grad- ustos are : Lore and lmlannio h1arniton , Adda B , Ward , Daisy II. IJartley , Katherine Cottrell - troll , Marie A. Cimrimmty , Jes.aio M , Place , George E , Masters , Leonard Wjlkinruou , Leo 0 , Gordon sad Melvin 0. hIensley - - - - - - CAllErS LI)1fl CIiASII C _ _ _ _ Se'mmstttlemmmni 1iiIcmmt of nut IhiTort It flu fm1'i ) I iit1 I iii' . Time Dodge lAgIit Guard : and the High hooi cadets wore gIven I taste of real soltlter' life yesterday afternoon and also some rper1ences in discipline tima will prove vaIuajd o all concerned. Inmnmo dimmtely after thjrose ; of time exercises a Fair'lew cemeterSorgeant Elmer Matimor : of ibme cadets VOR arrested by a squad of ( lit gmmards , lie resisted1 aimil was comnpehieti ti subunit at tie point of time bayommct. The arrest was rustle near time cemmter 0 time coimmetery. It was witnessed by thou santite of people , but the majority of tiioum thought It was a part of time mimihitary tactic : of the day. The arrest Was sue roummtle $ with A many serma tional elements , Sergeammt Maimers is ale a memnber of the Guards , and an yesterdtm was a imoliday and the appearammce of time guards was in response to orders from the adjutant general Of ho state , the saldieri were militiamen doing mmmlhitary duty. l reutai to join tIme conhiammy made the arrec of the offender imperative. Time 'oummg ummam overlooked this fact , amid conchtmded to ninrel With time cadets , whose mmobby grey ummiformnu anti imammtiru'ome trappirmgs mimmicie them a mmmuch lucre inmposing body thmarm ( ho more busincssm like , but mu'onmber blue clotlmes of time gtmards , Yonmng Matimers was ordered to report at the guartis' armory for duty but refused , \Vhmen Ime appeared on time streets with tIme cadeto lie was ordered tm heave their ranks anti take his place witim tht nmiiiitirumnen , anti lie again refused , and lila ar rest attempted , By this time there vau cammsimlorablo feeling ammmong time nmemmmbero o iictit orgamizations , After time services , wimem the squad was ordered to arrest Matimers , tIme cadets forummed a cordomm around him ant protected him with timeir guns. Time guardu % ere ordered to fix bayonets ammd take thmm prisoner at all hazards. Time cadets' gum were without bayonets and the cold stee won time day. Mathers was taken to time gtmarde' armory and locked up , but during time evening was given his liberty. It is pas.'bhe ' that time act on of ( lie cadets wimie it Was chivalroun' , brave and manly and sometimtmmg they umeed mmot feel ashaimme of , may evemmtually result In some trouble It time matter was pualmem ) it might catun tlmenm to io't'e their gumma , for their action in endeavoring to protect timem- comrade wet clearly insuhardination. It was , however too full of military spIrit and good intemit tt Justify any ammo nuaking time formal conmplain necessary for oiilclal.action. ItlOSUi/1' Oil' 'l'IIH CADE'I' FiEld ) 1)AY l'm'egrnmmL for lime I1iiim St'lmool Atli' ' ' , Afterutuium. ICt'M Ott 1'tmesehm Time high School cadets will imbld their fielti day exercises on Tuesday afternoon Time event has been billed for time driving park , but an effort is being nmade to havc the Field Club park selected inctead. TIme oventu are seventeen in ntmmber , and all oi time youtmg athmletes In time ranks of tim cadets are entered for the conte'ts , Thc program and emmrirs pro as follows : Company drill by.time cmitlets. Fifty-yard dOthTFlammaumt , \ ililamne Eututideue , GoukiV Pardey , Johnson. Standing broad 1tip-W , Dally , itonham Amucleraomm. Smith , Spencer. Half-nub bic'eiu e race-I3onham , Sayics Butts , hiam-artrmL.quires , Gaines , Stodmiard 13011mm. . Tntllvldunl comlktllivO thrill by members a : the cndet battfflicm. One-mile run-it. Daiey , Johnson , Knox Kynett. ltummntmmg broa1 ump-W. Dailey , 13 ) nham Saundirs , Dtinoan 'Anmiei'somm , Boson , I3ae hall thro--ihliams , Duncan , Gould Welch , Datesuuin' Two hundred -mnt1 twenty-ytirtl hurdle- Flammant , W. Dailey , it. Dailey , Gould , An derson , Johmnaon , IC-tmoX. ' 1'hree-Icgs.d rece-Johnon and Flammant Fietelmer and MtlLer , Kymmett anti Dateummun Juilton and Wnlren , One-mile wahlKmoN Kynett , Boesciro. - .tunnIng Dailey , jt. Dil . i3onhnrn. ' - , - ' ' . I , Two-mje icyciepce-noptiaM , iilft. Doiih , Sai'ieGutnes. Sttidtlamd 'utthmmg the sht-Gould , Mother , Welch Bam-nOrd. ittmpning hop"stCp an(1 jump-W , Dailr'y , fl Dnlley.Duncarm , Saunders , Anderson , Boson One hundred-yarmi dnsh'--Flnmniamit , Wil Items , Saunders , Could , V. l'ardey , John son. - i'ole vaulting-fl. Dal'ey , Bonimam , Duncan H. Pmmrdcy , Barnard , Imeardmmi y , , 1uiimroviuig 'Fehemmhesie Service. JEFFERSON , ha. , May 30.-Special.- ( ) Time local telephone limme has been sol'd to a company cotnoid of capitaists who pro- Paso to coimnect time town with Ileendon , Jamaica , I'crry , and timus forum a direct line with Des MoInes , and on the east with Boone , via Ogden and Grand JunctLn , and on tlm imorthm with Fort Dodge. It is proposed - posed to materially reduce time rates , put in long distance 'pImomme and give earvice superior to that of time old line companies. At Boone and Perry time local companies arc gettIng time bmmlk of time buhrmes , in spite of time big cut made by the Iowa Union- time old company. iosvms Clmtmrclt Commm'en tlumm. CI1ESTON , Ia. , May 30-Spcclnl.-Tlme ( ) Chrisan ! churchmen. of hiimion and Adams couri ties have recently adopted a new method of holding conventions. It imas been decided to nmeet semnl-mmnnuahly , time mactinge to alternate between Croutton and Cornimg , , A very smmccessful and iargely attended conven- tian was imeld TlmuroJay and Friday at Corn- tmmg , All departimments of clmurchm work was ihisoussed , ammtl much profitab e immstructlon eiiciteml. 5onme of time atate oiflccrs wore present , and aided in increasIng time interect af the convention. - Qmmcvr Fl nil 'mit' nit Iit-i Fmrn'e r , JEFFERSON , Ia. , May 30.-Spoiah.- ( ) While imuirrowimig 'in id.s field , Joimn Dinmn Caine across a large land turtle , In getting time htoact imomne time under side of the slid was oxpoced to view , and noticing some pe- cimlimer niarke , tie wasimed oft time shell , arid there could plainly , be sen tIme InItials "Itt , S. , . and a shield of timu United States , with time stars arid the vertical bars , Beneath was time elate May 1 , 1875 , The hetteriumg was badly worn , makimig it esy to behievo that time tortoise was inscribed twenty-one years ago. _ _ 1te't't'i't'.e mm Colic cmi 1,1 , , ii 3ihih. JEFFERSON , Ia. , May 13-Spocial- ( ) Iohmn hi , Mberto at this county has just ro- celvod from time World's fair committee of awards a bronze medmi and diploma for time ilnest display of 'German unhllet azimi field corn at the Colui'nbian exposition in 1893 , Alberta Is lmiglmhy elatecl timat iii conmpemtjtlonm with time world lm9 should lmave carried off he imonors , 't' { 1oenteil , CRESTON , , , 30.-Special ( 'fele. garn.-Otflcer ) liarlson thil meriting cap- tUreth Charles Utmbiow , an insammo man wimo hiatt a ummarmia fpm4pahing. ? A sarctm of iiim imotiie found thehhasomnent filled with stolen property , By mI'Iurrest the officers imave cleared away a mny 4cry. Suoblow was sent to the asylum tim/44) / ' . 'Ill J1'ifl U l'zlimil Brief. DUBUQUE , j ; lt1ny 30-Special ( 'role- gramn-Tkmo ) pumpai'm brief oppolmmting Vicar General Ryan dodeVtIc prelate will be read mit St , Patrick's touecFFpw arid ide irivesture with limo purple robpmid time title of mommueigneur viil bo conductodf lay Arclmbhshop hlenmumensey , t-i-.t IC'um'rmth JuumeH Imm imgi'remmmsl ; I II , DUBUQUE , ia ( ' 3iay 30-Special ( Tele- gramGeJierat1"t4orgu ) , Jones , oldest living ox.tjniteeMtmttemi eenator excdlmt hired- bury of Matne oxmd second in time Graves- Iihley duel , is dangerously sick. Semitic Jmeicotn lmnmetlsts Ii , 'ltt't'l. ' ALExANDItIA ; .5. D. , May 30-Special ( , ) -Spencer , just east of timis county , is preparing - paring for two events of mere than ordirmary imimortance. Time Baptist association of timis district will hold its annual rneetlnmg ( inure June 13m 14 timid 15 , Timese meetinge are largely attemmde and are of great interest. Time soveumtii annual reunion of the McCoolt county veterans will be held there on Jurme IC anti 17. Tbess reunions are largely at- temmdc4 by prand Army of time Republic rmmeum at this county and grow itt interest from year to year , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It iii a well authenticated fact that a sprain rosy bo cured wiihiri three or tour days by rpplythg Chamberlain's h'ain Balm freely , Any one who has been laid up for three cc rout' weeks with a spralaed ankle will be ikely to remember tbi. The 25 aad & 0-cen mizea are for saiQ by drugiets. _ - - - - - - SOUTH OMAHA NI3WS' * oeeQ Iccoratlon clay was observed by mncntber of time Grand Army and its auxiliaries ar(1 tmo ! pupils of the public schools , Stimnr' cii th'm business PiSCes % CO decrnted with flags and bunting and time ely oiileiu'i mmr ml banks were closed all tiy. The veter ans , niomnbers of time \'m'omnan'a Relief CUClit anti school chlliren r.st at thme East Al. bright school itt 10 o"lock mtltu'i ttarcimeml It Laurel 11111 cemetery , hdei by a band \'lntn all lied gathered at the conmcery timc axc-rcises were opened by Limo rcadimmg of the orders of tIme adjutant of the Gramid Arnmy of ( ito Republic. F'ollowIn timis cammmo the opemming prayer by 11ev , C. U , SmnItim , pastor of tile First Baptist chmmrcim A song by the school cimildeen caine next and timen Rev , 3. A , Ve'ilson , pastor of tlmc Christian church , delivered an address , 'rime pimpils of St. Agnes' school went through some exercises , and then followed a short address by Rev , 11. 3 , McDevitt , SOrvices at atm tmnkrmown grave were held by the Womiman'n Relict corps , and then came the mernorhmi burial service by members of Sairmuel Den. nis Post. Time strewing of flowers on time graves of the dead soldiers concluded tue services. Iuring time day several timommsarmil persomis visited the cemetery , stcrri 'I'll IIA''Ith A CiT1ltIijLt'L'IX , Nmitlomi't , Dirt limhem 3oiIe AhiipromrhiIt'I Olnme'rvemi mit Semi tie Omii liii. Sotmth Omimaima is to have a grammti celebratiomi on July 4 , Timat. point watt settled at a rneetimmg of bimsiness men held at time mmmayor's omce Friday evemming , Somnetiming over $301 imas already been subscribed by local nmer- chmantis and ummammy otimers have promised to put their names down wimen time solicitors get aroutmti to timemmi. Time pecking houses amid stock yards will be askeil for domttlons by J. S. Walters. A large nummibur of bucmimnecs nmen have agreed to Prepare hoots for time parade , anml ama effort will be mnatie to have time parade surpass the one of two years ago. John Flynn , J , itt , Gallagher and S. P. Iirigimammi have been appointed a conrmmltteo on Imriflt. ing.One One of the anmusernents of time day nih be time turumimig hoes every imour of a greased mig. The persont'ho captures time pig is to own time creature. A competitive drill between civin societies will be one of the features of time dm131 and casim prizes ciii be offered for time winners. All cIvic coctetice in Douglas county will be ailowod to enter and commipete for time prizes , There will be races and gaines of all kinds , and in the evening a graumti display of fireworks , Vell kmmown speakers will be engaged to deliver addrcee during the day , SI , ilrielget'm Church Concert. Monday evening tIme young women of St. Bridget's church will ghe a concert at V. hut. 1. hall , The entertainment is to ba ummder the direct nmarmagemeumt of Miss Madeline - line O'Rcrk. The pregranm is as follows : "Sweet Bells , " Mis.es Warmi , Casey , Mc- Kmmlgimt , Broderick ; "Cairn as Night , " \Viil McCutme ; "When Love is Told , " MIe O'Hork ; "Roaa , " Mr. Baetons ; recitation , "The Dimm- tier Party , " Mrs. E. ItIatheau ; "You , " M i.e Hayes ; " \Vaht.z Song , " Miss Knox ; "Gavotte Eiogante , " Dr. Ilaruthans ; "Don't lie Cross , " Miss O'ltork ; "Timou Art Like Unto a Flower , " \\'iil McCunme ; recitation , celected , Mrs. Mathmeson ; "Tell Us Merry Brda ! of Spring , " St. Bridgts choir , Messrs. Calm , Landebery and Owen , accomumpanhsts. % 'iilluimn. 3tcGuirk 1)Iem of Coummetmumipt lou \Vilam : McGuirk died shortly after 9 o'clock yesterday forenoon of consummmptiomm , after an illness of about four mmmommtims. The deceased lied just pas.d Imis 21st birthmday and was one of time best known young titan in the city and was universally respected by all. all.For a number of yetrs Mr. McGulrk held a reapon.lble pceltion with the Cudahy i'ack- ing company and was a prominent member Of time Ma oaloes . in whmI1m order 1mt.Jle was immsured Sbbrt fneral servicea will be held at-the family residence , Twenty-third anti.N treets , at 8:30 : o'clock Tuoday morimlmmg , after which the remains will be taken to St. Agnes' church , where the cervices proper mmlii ha held , Intem'mont will be at St. Mary's cemetery. _ _ _ _ _ _ AmuPrOVemI 'i'ss-o Ordimmnnce" . The judigiary committee of tIme city coun- oil imas oxamnined the mnlik ormlinance , immtro- dtmced some time ago , and at the meeting Mommday night will repart favorably upon time ordinance. The price of a license lmaa been fixed by the committee at $25 , This corn- mittee also examined the dog ordinance , anti will rccarnmend it for passage. Male dogs viIi be taxed $1 and females $2. Time poundmaeter will be allowed 75 counts for destroying each unclaimed dog. As saon as time nmmilk ordinance is passed , Mayor ihnaor wIll send in time appointment of a milk in- spector. It is expected that he will nanme Johmmi Carroll for tIme place , Close of the I'tmlumle Sciiocum ( . On Thursday of this week time public ch0ols will close for time sumnmer. Tuesday evening , June 2 , Chancellor MacLean of time Ststo univereilty will give an address to pupli and parents at time First i'resbyterinmm churcim. Wednesday evening time closing cx- erctses of the eighth grade wIll be held. Ott Thursday evening , Jurme 4 , time graduating exerciecs f the 111gb school wIll be helmi at time First Presbyterian church , An inter- stIng program has boemm prepared anti a amnall admissIon will be cimargeuh. The gram- Estehlo B. Camp- ates are : Grace W , ilirge , boil , Margaret D. Kruse and Menzo 13. Dar- hog. - Itotiril % ViIt Elect 'I'emacit'r $ 31ommlum. On Monday evening tIme Board of Edmuca- tion viil meet in regular montimly session anti teachers for time next scimool term will lie elected It has been the customn of time haard 'to raise tIme salary of time leachiers $50 eaclm year until limo rate of pay is $60 a mmmontim , which is time limit , anti hilo there Imas been sante talk of cutting down time teachers' salaries , it is Imardly expected timis will be done. Schools in the Second , Timlici and Fourth wards are overcrowded , and somne arrangeunemits still have to be mamlo to take care of time cimlidren when cimooI opens next fall. _ _ _ _ _ _ l"tmmtt'rmml ( Pt .1. 1) , Simieltlm4 , The funeral of J , D Simields , ommo of time oldest tuernber of time South Omaha Live Stock exchange , was held yesterday after- noon , 'tic tollovtng meambers of tine tx. clmmmtmgo mCte'd as pell bearers : It ! . It. Murphy , \v. II , Waiwork , I , , F. , htohemts , D , 0 , Mc. Phail , Al I'owefl , John L. 11.11 , A , , Tutulusctmm anti Janics Foley. litmimmetvi Was emmapenmied and the members of the excimammgu attendcti the funeral In a body , Time services were ccii. tltmctcmi by lte' , J. M.'lison , lmnstor of time Catehlnr Street l'resbyterlan church , Simiidn3iemitttrlmti Se'rs-it't'ei , This mnom'ning Samuel Dennis post , No , I37. Grand Army of the Itepublic , will lmoith mmmc- morial servlcc' nit St. Martimt'a Ellitmeopal chmmrch , Time ordei' of service fuiicmws I'ro- ccaional imyimimi , "Oft in 1)aimger' ' burial chant , chant of victory , cmaimt ) of resum-rectiomi , hmymmmti , ' 'Soldiers of Christ ; ' ' atmtlmemmi , "I Heard a'oleo fromo heaven ; ' ' imymmmum , ' 'Otme I"mttlmers' Goul , to Thee ; " recessicimnl , "TImo Son of 00th Goes i'ortim toVar. . " 11ev. irvimmg Johnson will preaclm to time veterans a see- moon emititlemi "him that Overcomneth , " IiV ( ' Shuck Ilactiutsige 3it'c'l 3tonmmimi' , Monday afternoon time Sommtim Ommmnhmmt Live Stock exclmnmmgc will hold its regular muontlmiy meeting. Time qtmestiomi of allowing each comim- mnirsion firm only one travelimig solictor ; after January 1 viIl canto mmli amid be votel on. Time excimnmmge at lCammsn City has already 'otemi in favor of tlmo nmumemmdmmment anti it is expected that it will carry at tithe exchange Mmigte Cit ( leisNip , During the montim of May the police mnnmic 158 arrests , 0. It. flail hums returned fm'onm a trip to lCammL'ae City. forum , to Mr. and Mrs. Miles Welsh , Twemmty.thmird amid K streets , a semi , Judge A , V. Ihdgerton of Grand Im'and was thmo guest yesterday of Mayor Emmsor , Frammk E , Scott of Sioux City is spending Sunday with Imia fathmer , T. I ) . Scott , Dr. Schmindel left last ovenimig for Cumimer- lnmmtl , ha , , to apeummi Summday vitlm friemids. Mcmi. II. Cimildors returned yestermlay frommm eastern Iowa , whore sIte Inns been visiting. Ittl Jetmmmle Ittetzgem' hmamu gone to Waslmlmmg- ton eoimnty to Sluemiti Sunday with frientla , W. It.Tamt Alaiine of Colummibus spemit yes. terday Pm time city iookirmg over time stock yardo. Frank Taylor has returned fr.'mn Exciter , % e'hmero lm visited his parents for a few weelts. Louis Meyers of Presthmm , Is , , i visiting his mother , Mrs. A. Mcintyre , Twenty-sixth and I' etreets , Miso Manmie Ilause of Bartlett , is. , is vie- lUng Miss Ilossie'arrick , Taemmy-svozmttm and G streets. 11ev. E. D. Gideon will preacim at Grace Methmodst ! Episcopal cimurch tlmis aftermicon at 3:30 : o'clock , A rail omm time switch track tinder time L street viaduct , spread last night and an empty box car was wrecked. Mrs. 1V. L. . Holland , Twenty-fourth and G streets , has rEturned from Greenwood , where site spent two weeks with hmer ummotlmer. The 8-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. 'rlnmoihy Monger , Sixteentim end It ! street. tiled yeaterday inornimmg and willbe buried timla afternoon , "Cimrlstianity and Woman" is 11ev. C. C. Sunith's morning topic at time Baptiah church. In the evening ime viil preach on "Clmrhsti. anity amid Pl'iarure. " During time month of May 37,500 cattle were received at time stock yards ; 121,376 hogs , and 60S50 elicop. The receipte simow a large increase over the same month last. car. car.A special meeting of Washington tent , No. 67 , ICrmights of the Maceabeea , will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Masonic imail , to make arrangement for time funeral of Wiliamum McGulrk. Time street signs ordered by the cotmncil sonic time ago , are being painted and will be ready before long. The contract calls - fee l,0flt sigrs , CII ) ' hingineer Heal Es pro. nrtmg ! a list of the itmtersectiomms whcro lbs ignem tiil Ime piaed. In all there aTtn 700 Intersections 1mm time cty , but ummly 500 wii tie proidc'ti with sIgns. Cit\htS IN ltAIt.VA V CIIICI.15. tr , 31mm n Sei'snl'romtoI inimNotc. Ateiiig time li mie' , Clretmlars lmave been sent out from the geumermti office of time Itiisuormrl Pacific an- mmoun'irmg tWt cimmernge.a in limo rorvico of the motuh , 0mm June 1 lh , 0 , Mamm will become division smmpcrlntemmdemmt of time westermm division - vision and Its brmmmclmemm , ithm imemitiqimarters at Atcimisomm , lie ammcceetlsVilhiamn Cotmgimlin , Wimo hiss resigmmed to accept mm liositmi else- - Wimero , Mr. Man is stmcceetled by I. Ii , Lake , The latter on Jemmic I ill beeommmo divisIon emiper- intemident of time cemmtrmmi brancim of tlma timion ! l'aciilc 1mm Nebraska , amid the Rooks' Cotimity railroad. Ilis imeatiqimarters will be at Concordin , Kan , lIm1l mmt ) ' ? c' , em it iicl ( lc.sime , B , Il. hinrey , a tnemmmlmer of ( elm tmiff of llummmti-McNmtiiy's Olhlcial itailway Guide , i liitime city today. Richard I1attee of the Great Nortimern is 1mm the city latin ) ' telling abommt ( lieu mitirac- thons of I.eko Minnetonka. j Gemmeral l'utnwemigcr Agent V'rammcle of the Ihmmm ilmmgtomm is expected imommmo timis afternoon , mmfter mu fortmmigimt's trip tlmrotmgim Califormmia amid Mesico , . ( icorgo \ . Dmmback , murunietant gemmerat vas- i'mmger ' timid ticket mmgemmt of time hock island systemmi , Is itt tIme city tomlay , lIe is enrommto fmoumi Chicago to time Pacific coast , J. C. Coliirms , 1ormmmemy a Ummioum i'acifio agent itt iduilmo , itit been appoimmte I by lien. cml Agommt ii , 13. Keoser of time Missouri Pa- cub ti'mivciltmg freight agemut for time road 1mm W'3'omniumg , Idaho ammui Mommtmimma , On time miimmmmeapoin , St. I'aul & Satmit Ste. Marie tlme fireummerm am-c not Imireth by time corn- pamly , but by time immdivithmmal emmgimmemnnn. This plati has umow been Iii oleratioum mmmore than a year amid a immmlf , and time oflicero of limo road are so veli pleased t itlm it timat timey timink of tryimmg it 1mm time ( service-timat is , ot allowing each commductor to engage his own brakemnen. IIhrmim'v hlcumrml , iet't imiu. At time m-mugmmlar mimommtlmly mnoetlng of time pumblic library board Friday evening there vcre present President Ileed anti Directors , W'al. lace , hailer , Kmmox , itosewater , Similborougim annul Chase. O'miiy ' routimme business wa timmnsacted , bills to - time nmnoummt of soumrn $1,100 beimmg approved amid tine librarian's mmmommtlmly meport received anti placoJ on file. Is it Worth rfl.yil1 , TOORT A PIRNO FOR' NOTHING ? To brlmig time pmm'.lie grt'r lhy 1mm ohosr cottimmCt ivitim us we proiou a contest. on thmo wortlm , Royal Hardiiiati Piaiio Anti give time wimmnor onto of tlmesa 55O inmstrmirnoflts , in any f mnmcy WOO i FREE oh' CIIA1tGE. For P trtletmar.4 muidress time MuoIor ! Piano & Organ Co 1522 Farmiitui , Ommm-mlma , Ncb. , or 103 S. Maid StCouimti Biufta , Its , Not Better thati the Best , ' ' - - ; ; : Btit Better t1uii the 1 st , , - - t ' l . i ' ' ! , : . - . . - ' ; - ; ; R : - THE - : ' ' " HAMILTON % ! L FOR 4ALI3 BY HENRY HVao BRUNT ' 12 to 24 Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , ItPays to Investigate ! , Before purchasinC a mount for , , ImlcycIe wilt , lime season. Our siand mnveutiSUtion. We inai'e subtafl- cagnot 'to assertlo'5 we .iatt , W'e imace letters of rec- , mmendatiOn aol praIse from espermenced cyciist throughout c.mr territory , Our competitors howi-we can't help it , because our wheels are preferred to others , Our agenta are not corn. . 10 cut prices to sell , Our ' pehied . - . if guarantee is worth omething. , 1. It means omettming TI1IImUNES-"Best in lime . $ t : . . : DL.LRU MODFLS-Tmme acknowledged . , , , , . - , , the of leader - - knowledged -3 r . ' . t.c " .m , , f - , medium pricol high grades $10 . , " 1 ' " . , ' "m. . . . ' syrviN .tODSLS-Bulll - whepntbernar : : - -I- Largest line of Sundries and Supplies in the mid-west. General western distributors for the .TJ'erculcs Wood Rim , KY/teeter Reform .Saddle aui U. S , Cvc/one/er. Write for cata1oguc. SVrIte DFERE , WELLS & CO. , Council Bluffs , Ia. LOCAL A6LNTS- J. T. FINDLEY , CounQi l3luffB , Ia , WILL BARNUM & ] 3R0. , Omaha , Neb.