Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1896, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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    'i'il.E V1.AJLA 1JALLar 1iJfUitSIJNUAY MAr 31 , U3UU. 5
rabilo Dnsinesl Suspended and All Joined
in the Work.
Vnrtnua ( lrnnd Army Anrletirs Tnko
"un In tir OhsrrrnUnn of the
( lcrnsian-t'rngrnnrs tit
Oilier Point. .
- _
LINCOLN , May 30.-Speclah-The (
weather was threatentng but Decoration
day war generally observed , and the crowds
along the street and the throngs al Wyuka
cemetery atleated the tact that the patriotic
sentiment of the people had not in the lenet
abated. Public huslncaa was suspended. The
celebration proper wee in charge of a joint
ccmmttteo of Farragut and Appomattox
posts , and the Woman's Itcllet corps.
Wrettha of evergreens lied been prepared
. end the contributions of flowers were gon-
.r eroue. All during the forenoon ladies and
children were at Grand Army hail , corner
Twelfth and N etreets , to receive them.
At 1:30 : p. m. , the main procession
marched from , the corner of 'rwelftt and 0
streea ! to Twentyflrst , where all the school
chlldren were grouped , and from there cars
were taken for Wyuka cemetery. The prin.
copal exercises were held ut the Grand Army
of the ! tepubllc burial lot. This Included
depoaltlug memorials for unknown dead by
the \Voman'e Itellef corps , end Sons of
Veterans , appropriate music and the Grand
Army of the Itepubllc rhuallstic service.
Decorations by committees closed the serv-
ices. There was no memorial address , which
was an Innovation on old-timo celebrations ,
but It had been decided by the joint committee -
tee to dispense with such address , and the
result was not disappointing. One of the
pleasantest features of the observance was
thin appearance of the Sunday school children.
They formed along Q street , and on the ap-
pourance of thq. main body of ; the parade ,
gave a flag salute , and sang patriotic songs.
Different achoofs were arranged along different -
ent blocks , and the showing they made was
quite attractive. The Elliott school met Inv
aide the cemetery grounds , In open ranks ,
near the tittle bridge. R was remarked by
all at the conclusion of the exercises that the
observances of the day had been as elaborately -
ratoly carried out as at any other previous
occasion ,
The omees of the stale departments at the
capitol were closed all day. Quito a nun-
bor of the state efllcers are at different
parts of the commonwealth , where they today -
day delivered orations. Governor Ifolcomb
le at Broken Bow.
The procession to the cemetery formed as
follows :
Iloarao containing flowers ; Farmers' and
Nerclianls' colored band ; Company D , First
regiment , Nebraska National Guard , thirty
men , commanded by Captain 1V. M , Decker ;
Lincoln Light infantry , fifty men , in command -
mand of Captain Campbell ; Farragut drum
corps ; Farragut and Appomattox posts , and
veterans , nuinbering 220 ; Post Commanders
James Stevenson and Porter Itedgo ;
Woman's Relief corps , and Daughters of
Veterans , forty-eight in number , commanded
my Mrs. P. M , Vaughan and Mrs , Francis
E , Priee.
Captain Joseph Teeters oflclated as marshal -
shal of the day. A noticeable feature of the
\ parade was the large number of aged vet-
trans in line , many of whom vs ere much
enfeebled by the march. The ritual ser Ices
were performed at the cemetery by Commanders -
manders Stevenson of Farragut and Porter
hedge of Appomattox posts , The bugler
was Master Eugene Llndcrman , Following
is the program , which was carried out :
bugle calls ; Invocation ; reading of general
orders ; music by glee club ; depositing memo-
rlals for unknown dead by Woman's Relief
corps and Sons 'and Daughters of Veterans -
ans ; music by the glee club ; Grand Army of
the Republic ritualistic services ; song ,
"Anucrlca ; " decoration of graves.
The graves of the following veterans were
visited and decorated in the old fashioned
way , which can never be Improved by oratorical -
torical eloquence or modern ostentation :
George W. Adams , A. A. Austin , Adam
Adams , David Brown , William T , Daseter ,
Franed ! II. Brown , James C. Bryan , Osslau
Bugbee , > 1'Illiam II. Drown , Guy A. Brown ,
C. 3I. Bowman , Charles Butter , Alders Cody ,
Thomas Chestnut , John Creamley , John It.
Clark , Jamea R. Carson , William B. Cardell ,
A , J , Curry , David Crltciifleld , Rev. It.
Cooley , David Cauliflower , Thomas F , Coate ,
f J. W , Davis „ Wllllam Drlnkwater , W. K.
Dow , Dennis Dean , J , D. Defsless , William
Day , Lewis Detsall , J. B. Duran , E. F ,
Fuller , Otto Funks , Dr. F , G. Fuller , Richard -
ard Foster , J , E. Forsythe , J , C. Fetterman ,
William Flick , John W. Fagan. A. L. Gow ,
Edward Goleell , William Gray , Charles Kauf-
famann , John D. Hart , J , W , Henry , Jonathan -
athan Ilobbard , Byron A , flaw , Rev , I' . hart ,
Calvin I. floe , E. P. Iledenecog , Walter J.
( lards , Alonzo Ilan , Charles Ilagan , WII-
11am ilarnmill , D. R. Ilarwood , A. G. Ilast-
Ings , George H. hlurd , Fleming Harrison , J ,
N. Iilggins , Richard Iahmae. H. G. Jessop ,
Peter Karburg , James w. Kennlson , Amos
R. heeler , Christopher Kennedy , Thomas J.
Kldd , J. D , Kloutsch , W. M , Knowles , George
C Lonhart John Liddy , J. Edward Long ,
J. I ) , Lottrldge , JOhn Lutz , Rev , Lamb ,
Samuel IL Law. D , Marshall , Edward Man-
che ter , J , L. Merrihow , 1V. II , II. Moore ,
J. G , Mowberry , Henry Miller , A. F. Mc-
Candles. ' , Dr , S , I. . Morris , Charles McFsd
( hen , James 1. Meek , Cannes F. Morris ,
Charles MEller.Jantea E , Meaner , John Mllea ,
William Moor , J , N Mains , T. M Marquette ,
Sidney Miller , A. D. Martin , E3 A. Morgan ,
1V. I ) . Martin , C. McLaughlin , Adam Ohier ,
.V , P. Phillips , A , G , Porter , Joseph W.
Owens , J. IL Phillips , Ii , II. Polk , David
Porter , Pomeroy , Mrs. Harriet H , K I'aintor
( army nurse ) , J. C , facers , S , A , Pratt ,
Myron Pratt A. G. Porter , J. II. Painter ,
John Pierce , William 1. i'orks , William S.
Iteovcs , Silas W. Robinson , Silad I' . Ititchoy ,
J. R. Richards , R'llllam Ricker , George
Scott , Granvlllo Severn , Fred E. Smith , JOhn
Smith , James Sudduth- George A. Summer ,
II , W. Summerladd , Prosper Smith , David
Snyder , John II. Strubble , David Strlekor , N.
S. Scott , John Smith , E , Stratton , Judge W.
H , Snelling , Warren F. Trueil , Thomas 1V.
Taylor , llarrleon Vance , James B , Webb ,
Alvin 0. White , W , II. 1Vataon , J. I. ll'iley ,
Robert AVoods ( colored ) , George W. Waldo ,
Charles 1Vest. C. C. R'hite , Edwin Welden-
burg , C. Young , Joseph Young.
The graves of the following old soldiers
in St Theresa's cemetery were also decorated -
orated ; I'elur Burns , John Gllllck , Richard
Murphy , Paul Rooney'llllam Terry , Charley
Thompson , E. T. Parrish , 1V. II. Snelling , L.
N. Teachman , Timothy Kelly , Thomas Kinga
ley , W , W. I'ursoll ,
PLATTSMOUTH , May 30-Special- ( )
Decoration day was observed In this city In
I more elaborate manner than for years past.
The exercises were under the auspices of the
Grand Army , the Woman's Relief corps and
Modern Woodmen , This nsornbig La Rue
camp of Woodmen came In from Union , and
a large delegation of the + anio order came
down front Ilaveloek , accompanied by the hi.
& b1 , band of that place. A seine of base
ball between the Woodmen Blues of have-
lock and PlaltsntoUU1 was played in the fore.
noon , resulting in a score of 26 to 16 In
favor of the former. At 1 o'clock a pieces.
Bien was formed , composed of the above
mentioned lodges , and accompanied by two
bands , which marched to the cemetery ,
where eloquent and appropriate addresses
were delivered by liev. Mr , Couffer and Rev ,
Mr , Youlxy , The graves were then strewn
with flowers ,
WAYNE , Nob. , May 30-Speclah ( Tole.
grain-Three ) thousand people attended the
menwrlal exercises here. At 8 o'clock a dl-
vlsicn of the Sons or Veterans , under Captain -
tain Matthews , met Judge W , bI , Jtobertson
of Norfolk , orator of thu day , at the morning -
ing train and escorted hint about the city.
At 13 0 this afternoon the processlou formed
on Main street , headed by the Wayne Corn
I'slace bind , the Sons of Veteran , and firing
squad , followed by a large number of the
school cbl dren with flowers , the Modern
Woodmen , Odd Fellows , Ancient Order of
United Workmen and citizens In carriages.
After the decoration ceremonies at the cemetery -
etery the procession marched to the opera
lIause , where there were 1,000 pople asaspm-
bled to heir the address by Judge Robert-
f son , while hundreds were unable to gain ad-
misskn. The weather has been fine and the
Decoration day sierclua have bees th. mast
successful in the hlatory ct lbe city. There
are sixty grand army men here.
LEXINGTON. Neb. , May 30-Speclal- ( )
Decoratlon day was observed in a fitting
manner. The Grand Army of the Republic
posts , Sons of Veterans and Ilellef corps
forming and marching to the Presbyterian
church , which was decorated , and services
held , All business houses were protwoy ;
decorated ,
NEfSONJ Neb. , May 30-Special ( Teie-
gram.-The ) decoration exercises wore attended -
tended by the largest crowd ever wltnoaed
here on a similar occasiea. Rev. A. bL
Perry delivered the address. Tan exercises
were held In the court honyr , which was
filled to overflowing. The attendance of .old
soldiers waa large , many coniing from all
parts of the country.
FIIEMONT , May 30.-
Special-Decora-tion dsy was generally observed bore , This
morning McPherson poet , Grand Army of the
Republic , the Women's Rellef Carps , Ladles
of the Grand Army of the Republic , Sons of
Veterans and Daughters of Veterans decorated -
ted the soldiers' graves at both ccnteterjes.
The monument to the unknown dead erected
by the Ladltw of the Grand Army of the no-
public was also usvolloi. The exercise at
the unveiling of the monument consisted of
a vocal selection by a male quartet , address
by Itev. W , If , Buss and ritualistic exercises
by the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re.
public. The monument was unveiled by Miss
Ida I'Iper of the Daughters of Veterans. It
ls a plain shaft of blue Vermont marble resting -
ing upon a rectangular base of the same material -
terial with a square foundation of lime-
dresseJ granite about three feet in height.
The base bears this inscription , "Erected to
the Memory of the Unknown Dead , May 30 ,
1830 , " On the east and west sides of the
shaft near the base are cut the badges of the
Grand Army of the ] tepubllc and Ladies of
the Grand Army of the Republic respecllvehy ,
Dr. Been' address was very filling and ap-
pruprlate , and though delivered in the rain ,
was listened to with close attenton by a
large crowd of people. The decorations In
the cemetery were very elaborate-never before -
fore wore so many graves covered with 110w-
era.This afternoon occurred the usual decoration -
tion day parade and public exercises. The
parade was formed at 2 o'clock in the tel-
lowing order : The orator of the day , lion.
Frank 1)olezal , and committee in a carriage ;
band lodges of the Grand Army of the Ite-
publlc , Women's Relief Corps , McPherson
post Grand Arnsy of the Itepubllc , Sons of
Veterans , children from the publle adhoois ,
normal ehchool band and young men from the
normal school. There were noventy veterans
In line , The feature of the parade was the
school children. All carried small tlags ; most
of the girls were dressed in white. Love's
opera house vas Nled at the public exer-
cises. After the close of the ritualistic exercises -
ercisos by the post the Decoration day address -
dress was delivered by lion. Frank Dalezal
of this city. It was an earnest and patriotic
tribute to the memory cf the men and the
principles which were so successfully defended -
fended in the late war , and waa of a higher
grade than the average Decoration day ad-
This evening a patriotic entertainment was
given at the opera house under the auspices
of the Ladles' Guild of St. James Episcopal
church. A most interesting feature was the
flag drill by sixteen young girls. The bootblack -
black drill by twelve boys was good and
created a great deal of amusement. The en-
tertalnment closed wIth Decoration day ex- by ten girls and members of the
Grand Army of the Republic and tableau
"Columbia. "
LEIGH , Neb „ May 30.-Special.-Docora- ( )
tlon day was appropriately observed hero.
Despite the theratening weather of the
early morning , an Immense crowd from th's
and neghboring towns gathered at 10 o'clock
in the beautiful grove cast of town to join
in the services of the day. The Grand Army ,
Sons of Veterans , public sahools , Women's
Itellef Corps , Modern Woodmen , Odd Fellows
and other secret orders participated in the
parade , The Instrumental music was furnished -
nished by the Leigh Carnet band. The vocal
music , furnished by a mlxoi quartet , was a
feature of the occasion , The Grand Army
ritual was conducted by Post Commander
Klpler. The orator of the day- , Colonel
James C. Elliott of West Point , delivered a
very appropriate address. Ills remarks were
logical and eloquent throughout and evoked
frequent and prolonged applause. Upon the
conclusion of the exercises at the grove , th ;
procession moved to the cemetery , where the
graves of the old soldiers were properly
decorated and a siluto fired by a well-druid
squad of Sons of Veterans.
NEWMAN GROVE , Neb. , May 30.-Spe- (
cial.-Emerick peat , Grand Army of the
Republic of this city , held decoration services -
ices and decorated the graves of the heroes
of the war at the Emerick cemetery , twelve
miles north of here. The Newman Grove
cornet band furnished the music and all of
the citizens who could procure conveyance
attended the exercises , The village had a
deserted appearance all day and all buolnes3
louses vrero closed. Colonel Simpoon of Norfolk -
folk was orator of the occasion. The weather
was perfect.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , May 30-Specfal.- ( )
Memorlal day was observed here In a fitting
manner. There was no grand display or parade -
ade , only post No. 10 , Grand Army of the
Republic , the Woman's Relief core ; and sol
dlers marching In the procession to the cemetery -
etery , where the graves of the twenty-six
ooidlers and one member of the Woman's
Relief corps were strewn with flowers. The
city was profusely decorated with flags and
flowers , the postoflice being the only public
building where no flags wore seen. In the
afternoon Department Commander J. II. Culver -
ver made a splendid address. The exercises
were interspersed with the singing of appropriate -
priate selection by a choir of mixed voices.
NEBItASKA CITY , May 30.-Speclal.- ( )
Memorial day servlcto were observed here
this afternoon by the Grand Army of the
Itepubllc and other civic and military associations -
ciations and the citizens generally. At 2 p.
m. tlse procession formed at Memorial hall
under the escort of the cadets and marched to
the court house square , wh.'e an eloquent
and patriotic address was delivered by
Thomas J. Majons of Nemaha county. Other
exercises added to the Interest of the occaelcn ,
after which the procession marched to the
cemetery. where the graves of the old soldlera
and others were decorated. The citizonn
decorated their stores and homes , Busineas
was generally ouspended during these cxer-
WATERLOO , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tele. .
gram-Decoration ) day was fittingly obaarve
here by Atlanta post , Grand Army of the Republic -
public Ladies , f th e Grand Army d of Sheridan Rcp bllc
vhho marched from their hall to llorringtou'a
grove , whoa Valle orders bCapt ain
font Blair Y , reading ,
Glimoro made a abort talk to the comrades
and friends and was followed in prayer by
Chaplain Strain. The Waterlco Male quartet -
tet then tans , "Rest , Soldier , Rest Colonel
Osborne of Blair delivered a stirring address
and was heartily applauded by the veterans.
At noon a basket dinner was serve ; . After
dinner John Dutler , E , J , Cornish , Dr , lUck-
elts , R. Scott and others from Omaha deliv-
crud addresro. Thu Grand of t he Republic -
public , Sons of Veterans d Circle
Ladles of the Grand Army of the Itepubllc
then marched to the unknown graves , whera
Chaplain Strain delivered an Invccatlon and
vas followed in sang by the Vniley quartet.
The Grand Army of the Republic and Sons
of Veterans formed a hollow square , the
Sheridan Circle of Ladles decorated the
graves and adjourned ,
SUTTON , Neb. , May 30-Speclah ( Telo
gram-Memorial ) day was duly observed by
intereatbng exorcises at the Methodist Epic.
copal church after decorating the graves cf
soldiers at the cemetery by the Grand
Army of the Republic and Women's Relief
Corps , a large number of citizens parllcipa
ttng , including the band and fire department.
Exercires at the church were : Prayer by Ilev ,
Mr , Stotta and an oration by Rev , Mr , Fowler -
ler , The vocal selections and orchestra music
were very Impressive and flowers were used
In profusion. Thu city was quite Ilke Sunday -
day ,
IIASTINGS , May 30-Special ( Telegram- )
Memorial day was appropriate'y observel In
Hastings : At 1:30 : this afternoon the mons-
bers of the Grand Army and the Itellef
Corps preceded by the military band , Mayor
Evans and members of the city council and
followed by a long line at citizens in carriages -
riages , proceeded to I'arkvlew cemetery ,
There the graves of departed comrades and
the unknown soldiers who lie burled there
were strewn with wreaths and flowers. After
the observation of the usual ritualistic core.
moay , the procession returned to 1)utt
ton hall , where the memorial address was de
livered by lion. Charles AV. Everett of Denver -
ver , There was also a abort musical program -
gram , including a tribute to the unknown
dead by twenty-four school children ,
BRAINAI1D , Nob. , May 3&-Special.-
I Memorial day sirs dtliugly celebrated here
nn .
"The&ate" I
, .
'vVhen we bought the Weinberg stock of Capes , Suits etc , he had orders out for quite an
amount of goods that could not he cancelled-These goods will be placed on sale Monday at
greatly reduced 'prices-remember we have moved and the
New New New New
Waists- waists- w assts- Waists-
Dimities and grass cloth- In the finest dimities that \Vein Silk waists that 1Veinberg picked China silk waists with white
with white collars- ' berg could buy -every con- out of a thousand styles- collars and cuffs-
Persian and Dresden effectsceivabie style and color- There are no two alike- Weinberg expected to
big sleeves-Weinberg made up In the very latest every one different-env sell them for $7'5o-
intended to sell for $3- _ .10 fashion-an unusual ,40 tirelti' new-prices from .50 but we lvill sell them .50
our price bargain at $4.95 down to - quick at - '
. . New Dresses and Skirts for Less Thati Cost.
New New New New New
Dresses- DressesDresses - Skirtswrappers -
Perfectly elegant Duck Duck Suits and Dotted Swiss , trimmed 'in entirely new line Elegant Print Wrappers-
Suits fwd Wash 11'nsh Dresses-la in lace and ribbon- of Iigured and plnln till the newest
Dresses-that 1Vetnberg a great variety betultlful creations that Matte Mohair Skirts- effects-in a
Intended to sell of patterns- 11'eblberg inteutled to sell the best Weinberg could buy- large variety
at i.00- .75 regular , $7.00 nod .00 fur $1rr.O0 nod $1S.0000 go . Monday at from .98 of patterns- .00
go at - ; SOO goods for our price - $0.00 down to your choice
e New ac an an Capesat Less than Cost.
To the Public-Within a short time we intend remodeling this building to suit our business , and will put in a full , new stock of Men's , Boys ,
\Vomen's and Misses tine , ready made clothing and furnishing goods-In the meantime this stock must get out of the way.
Wi1Irp ® u as Street ,
® ew ore
today. A large procession was formed at
the opera house , headed by the Brainard
Union band , marching through the principal
streets to the cemetery , where the graves
ware decorated. At the opera house an oration -
tion was delivered by Rev. Mr. ' Malley of
David City.
WEST POINT , Neb. , May 30-Special.- ( )
Memorial day exercises passed off very
quietly in West Point. D. S. Crawford post ,
Grand Army of the Republic , marched to the
cemetery , escorted by the West Palot Cadet
band playing martial music. They were fel-
towed by the pupils of the pub-
ho schools , mayor and corporation -
tion , Sons of Veterans , the fire department -
ment and a large concourse of citizens in
carriages. Large delegations were present
from neighboring towns.
YORK , Neb. , May 30. ( Speciai.-Mo- )
morial day was appropriately observed at
York. Most of tyre schoolu held exercises ,
which consisted of speeches , etc. At 8 o'clock
a. m , the Grand Army of the Republic decorated -
rated the east cemetery graves. The main
exercises began at 10 a. m. A procession
formed at the court house square under the
cornmantl of J , 11. Lctller , officer of the day ,
with J. 1' . Miller , A , W , Wlrt and D. Brown
as aides. Those who participated in the prot t
casslon were an folhave : Company A , Nebraska -
braska National Guards , York drum corpo ,
Robert Anderson post , Grand Army of the
Itopubllc , mayor and city council , Ancient
Order of United Workmen , Modern Woodmen
of America , Lyceum League of America of
York , High school under command of Av. L.
Kirkpatrick , Woman's Relict corps and cltl-
zens In carriages. The procession moved to
Greenwood cemetery , where the gravea of
veterans were decorated. At 2.o'clock open
exercises were held in the court house
oquare. Music , stirring speeches and rltual-
latle services by the Grand Army of the Republic -
public were held ,
CREiGHTON , Neb. , May 30-Speclll
TclegrautJ-Decoration day wan duly obz
oerved here. An exco lent program was rendered -
dered at Grand Army of the Itepubllc hall
at 10 o'clcck , after which 1,500 people went
to the cemetery. The line of march , under
the supervision of the Grand Army of the
Republic , was eompcsed of the varlouo lodges
of the city and Creighton and Bszlle Mills'
bands. Dazlle Mills cemetery was visited
this afternoon. Speakers of the day , Rev.
E. Murphy , Prof , L. A. Ostlen and 11ev , G ,
W , James ,
NORTH PLATTE , Neb „ May 30.-Special (
Telegram-Memorlal ) day was appropriately
observed here , lion , Aaron Wal of Lcup
City delivered the address to the Grand
Army , and Mrs. Rosalie Condon of Pawnee
City to the Relief corps , An immense crowd
of people also assembled at Fort McPherson
and oheerved the day ,
IIEBFtON , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Rev. ) J , C. Redding of York dclty
'rod the memorial address at the First Pree-
bytorlsn church this afternoon , to a crowded
and appreciative audience. Ito paid a glowing -
ing tribute to the old eoldlero. Tlds morning -
ing at 10 o'clock Morton post No , 17 marched
in a body to the cemetery and decorated the
graves of the departed heroes.
GREELEY CENTER , Nch. , May 30. ( Spe-
clal Telegram.-Memorial ) day was observed
here by exercises appropriate to the day.
The parade was composed of the Grand
Army of the Republic post , Greeley cornet
hand , Sons and Daughters of Veterans and
the chlldren of the public schools. A program -
gram of music and patriotic recitations
was given , which closed with an address by
lion. W. II , Conger of Loup City ,
ALBION , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Telo-
gram-Decorntion ) day was observed here , A
very large crowd gathered at the opera house ,
where the people were addressed by lion ,
John Peters and other speakers , who paid
appropriate tribute to lire memory of the
dead soldiers , after which the crowd went to
the cemetery and decked the graves of the
honored dead with flowers ,
CIJAIRON , Neb. , May 30 ; ( Special Tele-
gram-The ) usual Decoration day exercises -
cises were observed here today under the
auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic
and Woman's ltelief corps. Hon , W , S.
Surpmcra of Lincoln , as orator of the day ,
delivered a moat pleasing and pathetic address -
dress , after which the graves of the fallen
comrades were decorated ,
BLOOMINGTON , Neb. , May 30-Special. ( )
-Memorial day was duly obior ed. After
decorating the graves the people listened to a
brief address by lion. J , Ii , Churchill.
WYMORE , Neb. , May 30-Special.-Dec- ( )
oratlot day was observed very generally
here. Bualneus houses were clcved untll
after the exercises were over and a large
cord of people was in attendance from the
city and surrcunding country , At 10 o'clock
the procession formed on Main street , headed
by the Knights of after ahich
came the school board , followed by scholars
in charge of teachers , city council , Grand
Army of the Republic , 15'omaa'a Relief corps ,
Cower girls , Reynolds' band , Knights and
Ladies of Security , 116dern Woodmen of
America , cltizens in carriages and on foot
Rev. J. S , W. Dean IQU7eroJ the address.
Affbr the speaking at tUe'U hoa ( house thq
proccealon resumed tbe'thatch "td the came
ter $ where the exgrclzds,1f-ho ( data' ' wera
LYONS , Neb. , May 30. ( Speclal.-Decora- )
tion day was observed here with appropriate
ceremonies. The train from the north
bra , ht large delegations from Pender and
Bancroft hundreds of others cause by team
from the adjacent country , and by 9:30 : the
town was full cf teams and people. A. L.
Wolfe , marshal of the day , had all in line
by 10:15 : , and the procession moved to the
cemetery , where the Grand Army conducted
its burial service , after which the Woman's
Relief crops decorated the graves. Thera
were over 5,000 people at the cemetery. 3trs ,
Mary Morgan of Alma spoke to a large crowd
of people at 3 p m. 3lusic was furnished
by the Ponder and Lyon. ; brass bands. The
local choir furnished some excellent music
for the afternoon oervces , Miss Alma Waite
conducted a beautiful drill by thirty school
ICEAIINEY , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Decoration ) day was never more genera -
era ly oboerved In the city than 1t has been
today. The etroots have been profusely
decorated with the national colors , and all
business during the middle of the day was
suspended. The procession to the cemetery
thin morning was the longest ever seen here
on a edmilar occasion. It is estimated that
fully 3,000 people were on the grounds 'at
one time. This morning Armory ball was
packed , and this evening the city hail la
packed with citzens listening to exercises
under the auspices of the Union Veteran
lei lon.
BENKELMAN , Neb „ May 30-Special (
Telegram.-Decoration ) day exercises were
appropriately observed here today and an
exceedingly large crowd participated In the
M'COOK , Neb. , May. 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Memorial ) dry was observed by J. K.
Barnes post Grand Army of the Republic of
this city this afternoon In an improo lve and
appropriate manna with craticcis , music ,
flowers and the asaislar ce of the public
schools. A monument was erected to the
memory of the unknown dead in Longview
cemetery , where the graves of a dozen or
moro departed were decorated by loring
hands ,
TECUMSEEJ , Nob. , May 30.-S ( eclal Tele-
gram.-Under ) the auspices of Ileckathern
post , Grand Army of the Republic , the patri-
ntlc citizens of Tecumseh ebeorved Memorial
day. Judge Applcget delivered the oration at
the opera houoo at 11 o'clock. A large audl-
eace was in attondanco. The procession
starched to the cemetery at 13:30 : , ghere ,
after holding short services , the graves of the
fallen heroes were profusely decorated with
flowers ,
SIDNEY , Neb „ May 30.-Special Tee )
gram-Tbla ) city presented a gala appear.
ante today and hundreds of people came In
from the country to witness the parade and
usual Deccration day orjtpry. The procession
moved promptly at W o'clock , headed by
the Sidney brass band an $ drum corps. Then
followed the Grand Afmy' of the Republic ,
Woman's Itellef corps , Sons of Veterans , fire
department , civic orgatilz Yions , school chill.
dren and citizens In cart ges and on horse.
back , All repaired to tp court house , where
an excellent program was rendered , Iev ,
Allen Kenworthy dellvJei4d the opening ad.
dress and lion. Franlf'Lh'Boema of Kear
ney was the orator of tbdlday , Hla address
was replete with many houghbd and proved
to be a veritable gam.q , received a grand
ovation at its conclusignl. Music was inter.
apersed during the qrg edings and two
splendid recitations , we I' tted for the occa
lion , were rendered , Th Ity was profusely
decorated with flags atl untini ,
ilYANNIS , Neb. , , , - ( Te'e
gram.-Decoration scry' ) p.a were held at
Hyannis. The altendae i vas large , and the
floral display magnlflaen The graves of
the national dead j4droL wreathed with
flowers. The exercises consisted of vocal
and instrumental recitaitone and an oration
by W. L. Matthews.
111ura uud Grays 1Rrpls Side by Side ,
KANSAS CITY. May 3D.-The feature of
the memorial exercises in Kansas City today
was the street parade , in which the veterans
of the blue and gray marched side by side
to the cemeteries , whore they participated
together in decorating the graves of their
dead. The services at the several cemeteries
were brief , and at crone of them was the
attendance large. By far the biggest crowd
of the day was that which attended the
Waldo park road race , but there wore alas
unusually large crowds at the various
suburban pleasure resorts.
Services at Ch'yrnne Interrupted ,
CIEYENNE , May 30.-Special ( Telegram. )
-A storm of hall and rain commenced here
at 11 o'clock this afternoon and continued
with great severity for over three hours.
The Memorial day parade , which was just
terming , had to be dismissed on account of
the storm , and all outdoor ceremonies were
abandoned. The parade promised to be one
of the most imposing ever seen here. The
Eighth United States infantry , two companies
of state troops , public school brigades , Grand
Army cf the Republic , Cheyenne fire department -
ment and a number of civic socletlea would
have taken part. The indoor exercises consisted -
sisted of service in the .Baplist church , at
which addresses were made by Captain J.
K. Jeffery , C. F , Justis , J F , Groesbeck and
MRSIaltl.11. I.tY OUSGIt 'l.n IN 1O VA.
Veternus at Creston ( i''n a Spl'udid
Opportuelq .
CRESTON , Ia. , May 30.-Spoclal.- ( )
Memorial dry exercises were held here this
afternoon at Chic pubic park. The city was
crowded vIth visitors. Veterans from surrounding -
rounding towns were present and participated -
ipated in the exercises. The program wan
rendered at the park in the afternoonPaul
Maclean , editor of the Gazette , Rev. C. P.
Lang , pastor of the Evangelical church , and
City Attorney John D. Sullivan , delivered
short addresses. These rpeakcrs were appointed -
pointed by the citizens' committee to male
addresics , and the old soldiers had ex-Sen-
ator J , B , Harsh respond in their behalf.
At the conclusion of the program the aol-
diero were conveyed to the cemetery in
hacks , where the Grand Army of the Republic -
public ritualistic services were held , and the
graves of the departed ealdlers decorated
with flowers. The observance of Memorial
day was a departure fromn the usual custom ,
the citizens bearing a I the expense and
making the necessary arrangements , thus ro- n
lteving tire aged veterans from the arduous
duties necesnry to such an exercise.
JEFFERSON , Ia. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
gram.-Perfect ) weather resulted in observance -
servance of Memorial day by an lmmenco
MISSOURI V.tLLEY , Ia. , May 30.-Special (
Telegram-Memorlal ) day was celebrated (
under the auspices of the Grand Army of the
Republic , Woman's Relief corps and Sons of
Vetcranc. Four thousand people listened to
the eloquent address by ex-Attorney General
MacPherson of Ited Oak , the orator of the
day- .
dayMALVERN , Ia. , May 30.-Speclal.-Dec- ( )
oration day was observed by the Grand Army
of the Republica and friends , but was nrnre
what marred by rain.
IOMEIISON itOLldat 3llldS IIIIItNIlsl ) ,
Lass Isstlnurted tit 'rn rnty 'Thousand
EMERSON , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Tel-
egram.-The ) Emerson roller mills burned
this evening. The fire started about 6
o'coci ! ! In the bran bin , while the nilll force
was at supper , caused , it ( s supposed , by
spontaneous combustion , Most of the flour ,
a portion of the wheat , and some of the
machinery was saved , Tire loss is $20,000 ,
with 57,000 insurance , C , C , King of Emerson -
son and G , Y , Bonus of Sioux City were
the principal owners ,
Irrlrrutlun Compnniea tit % 'nr.
GERING , NebMay30.-Special.-An ( ) injunction -
junction has been Issued upon the petition
of the Castle Rock Cana ) company , tem-
porarlly restraining Philip Juriech front
crossing its right of way with water from
the Steamboat ditch for the purpose of lrrl-
gating laude lying below the Caste Itock
canal. Jurisch le one of several who have
flumed across from the Steamboat ditch , and
he is enjoined in order to test the rights
of respective companies in the premises. The
action will wind up in the supreme court
and decide several mooted points which have
been disturbing irnigatlonlsts.
irnron'ra' Clubs 1lecoarisrlr i'apalrsr ,
ORD , Neb. , May 30-Special.-Farmers' ( )
clubs are becoming quite popular In Valley
county and are proving a great benefit to
those who attend , A very succoastul meeting -
ing was held at Hawley's grove , some nine
miles west of'Ord , E , T , Gardner read a
paper on "Deep vs. Shallow [ 'lowing , " and
Mrs. Aubio one on "Poultry Italsing " The
pfoceodings were interspersed with music ,
recitations , etc ,
Ilothn'ehl Usutlo Cure Alnin ,
NIOBRAItA , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram-Jamey ) RothweU , George Thomas and
William Lyons were arrested yesterday on
cmplaint of John P. Larson for all ged cattle -
tle stealing la 1893. This is one of the caeca
that was never prosecuted during the other
trials and It le expected that other prom-
leant citizens wiU be Implloated in this
Cotnnlissi0nors of Northwestern Nebraska
Hold a tonvention. )
Alnatania to Ire Paid for LrusdCou-
deusned for tied Iii rpoae
Una of the 1'alrls in
Order ,
NORFOLK , Neb. , May 29-Special.-An (
important meeting of county commissioners
of northeastern Nebraska has just been held
! n this city. The attendance was not as
large as was expected , but an exceedingly
interesting and instructlvo session was held ,
Contrary to the views expressed by a number -
ber of papers , there is no politica connected
vithi the object of this asaocation. : It is
simply a desire to get together and discuss
tine manner of conducting ecunty affairs In
the best manner and of securing uniformity
of practice by the various counties.
The meeting was held in the reception room
of tine Oxnard hotel , and the delegates were
welcomed to the city by lion. A. Bear ,
mayor of Norfolk , and hater addressed by
Judge Barnes , on the "Duties of County
Ceurmlaatoners , " after which the delegates
were busy as bees discussing live topics
and knotty problems , which arl.e in the ad-
nnnistratlon : of county affairs. Some of the
subjects discussed were in relation to the
opening of section-line rondo and the amount
paid for hand condemned for read purposes ;
the manner of purchasing lumber , bridge
material and supplies , the annual equalization -
tion meeting and methods pursued , deln :
quent taxes and how bandied , and the manner -
nor of assessing land.
It was dechdeto chan.o the name of the
aeaeclatlon to the County Commleslonere and
Supervisorn Association cf the State of Nebraska -
braska , making it a state aarociaton : instead
of simply North Nebraska , as heretofore.
The next meeting will be held at Lincoln on
the second Tuesday iq December , 189G ,
S'ttlcd It ' . . i Iii the Sup'rint'nd.'nt.
NQRTH PLATTE , Nob. , May 30-Special (
Telegram-Recently ) an insane woman ,
73 years of age , whose condition did net.
mernnit her being kept here , was offered by
Lincrln county oiflcials to Superintendent
Mackay of the Norfolk asylum , lie wrote
a very sarcastic reply , refusing to take her ,
Letters were written to Governor Ilolcomh
and the matter laid before the Board of
Public Lands and Buildings , and yesterday
Sheriff Miller started to Norfolk to personally
sonally interview the superintendent. Today -
day Deputy Sheriff Kellher received a ma-
sage from Sheriff Miller saying : "Recall protest -
test ; Mackay wlll accept patient"
allllnrrl I'ostolli" Rubbed ,
31ILLARD , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Telo-
grann-This ) evening about 7:30 : , while
I'ostmaster M , Tex was absent from the
ofllee , same one stole about $00. A stranger
giving the none of Charles Adams , who or-
rived In town on the 6:30 : train and had been
selling needles , was arrested a taw minutes
after the discovery of the loya lie was
searched , but the money was not found on
his person , Adams strongly protested his
Innocence , but two different persons claim
they raw him enter the ofl1co while Tex
was absent lie la being held until further
Ord Will Celebrate lire Fourth.
ORD , Neb. , May 30-Special.-Arrange. )
merits are being made for a Fourth of July
celebration in ON this year. Two hundred
and fifty dollars have already been sub.
scribed , with more to follow , On account of
the hard times Ord has had no celebration for
a number of years. The committee in charge
of affairs la : B , J , Clement 1t , Coombs , J ,
L. McDonough , A. bl , Russell sad H , West.
over ,
Hey Seriously Hurt ,
NELSON , Neb. , May 30.-Special Tale-
gram-Frank ) , the 6-year-old ion of henry
Meter , living fire miles southwest of Nelson ,
was thrown from a mule this morning and
his loft arm brokers and was otherwise semi.
ously Injured ,
iCIekrd to hectic by a. Itorsc ,
GERING , Neb. , May 3Q-Spocial.--Jobn )
Card , a well known farmer living twenty
miles southwest of this place , near the
Wyoming line , was kicked by a horse yesterday -
day , resulting In his death la a few hours.
Storm , ] { 'purled fu J/muj' I'nrtt of the
- Stilt. .
CIIADRON , Neb. , May 30-Spoclal ( Tele-
gram-A ) heavy rain has been pouring
for sonic ( hours , and from all appearances
will not cease tonight. This , following the
many showers of late , makes oven the collectors -
lectors for farm nnacisbrery companies predict -
dict a good crop in Dawes and adjacent
ELWOOD , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-7'hree ) fonrtha of an Inch of water
fell lucre this morning ,
NORTH PLATTE , Nob. , May 30-Special (
Telegram-At ) G o'clck last evening a heavy
rain came up , which ! s still tallng ! , and
Dramiras to thoroughly scak the ground , A
heavy rain was reported last night in the
northern part of Lincoln county , and all
over I.egnn county.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , May 30.-SpeclalJ- (
A half inch of rabi fell here thta morning , ac-
companled by a severe electrical storm.
SIDNEY , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-A ) heavy rainstorm began here al 5
o'clock tlnia evening and it continues with a
proswot ; of lasting all night. The whole
county is a river of water. It is estimated
that fully three inches of water fell in four
KIMBALL , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Tele
gram.-Tho ) first heavy rain of the seasons
connnenced falling this afternoon and will
probably cojtlnuo all night. This insures a
crop of small grain.
M'0001C , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-This ) section was visited today by
two heavy rain storms , with severe eloctrlml'
trimmings. The downpour was heavy upon
both occasions and the farmer is excusably
BENICELMAN , Neb. , May 30-Special (
Telegram.-.t ) steady rain began this afternoon -
noon , which has the nppearanco of being
general. The water gauge shows that a trac-
tlon lose than two inches fell ,
Iron'ned Ls IniL' IC'nrn'p.
KEARNEY , Neb. , May 30-Special ( Te'e-
gram-About ) 4 o'clock this afternoon Funk
Frazer , a boy 15 years of ago , was drowned r
while bathing in the upper end of Lake
Kearnoy. His home wan at North 1'latto ,
but he has been attending the I'latle Inetl-
tute hero for a year , Tbo rennalns wuii be
taken to North Platte for burial tomorrow.
IIUMUOLDT , Nab. , May 30.-Spacial ( Tdl
'gram.-Guernoy ) Philpot the 19-year-old
son of S M. Phlhrot ( lumber dealer , warm
drowned this afternoon In line lake of tire
1luinholdt Irrigation company , about two
miles east of the city. Hla companion was
unable to lend any assistance , as the water
is twenty feet deep at the p1aco he dihtap-
peared. Thu body has not yet been re-
NORTI ! PLATTE , May 30. ( Special Telo-
gram-Frank ) Frazier , a Northt Platte hqy
attendtng school at Kearney , was drowned
at that place today , lie is the son of a
widow living hero ,
\1'emon injur'd tit West I'nbmt
WEST i'OINT , Nob. , May 30.-Special (
Telegram-Whilo returning fromn the memorial -
morial services today a teem beeame unmanageable -
ageable and Mrs , Christ Ackerman , wire of
ax-County Treasurer Ackonnan , and Sirs.
Holtz of Wayne were thrown violently to the
ground and sustained injuries , Mrs. Jullus
Tydole was also slightly bruised.
Tire 1'yrnurid 1'1 to Cure Ihm Only I'llo
Cure Itccanunended by ! 'hjsl
clans us Being 1''r.
feetly flute ,
No Opluut , Cocnlne , Nurcollo or
Other Pelson Iu It ,
The Pyramid I'llo Cure la probably the
only Pile Cure extensively recommended by
hyaiclane , because it la so sate , so prompt
in the relief afforded and so tar as known time
only positive cure for piles except a surgical
In one year the Pyramid file Cure has become -
come the best known , the safest and the most
extensively sold of any pie cure before the
Nearly all drugglala sell 1t at tO cts , and
$1 per package.
Address the Pyramid Co. , Ahton ! , Stich „
for book on cause and cure of piles and also
hundreds of testimonials front all parts of
the United Stales ,
Ii suffering from any tenon of plies ask
your druggist tor a package o1 Pyraould rile
Cure and try It tonight