Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1896, Page 14, Image 14

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1 4 _ _ _ _ _ q'I1j OMAhA DALLYjlItrNIAY : , MAY 81 , 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - -
obheM Roprt a Vary Pair Mocmont of
! orc11tn1f.
% Cotii CrlbIrIVIU 1uN'
I'IeIi ty Of fllII ( ) 'VrI ug to 1lIiv
ArIiIunr' . I'lii . . . . ( ) lIgtrLt4
Ihi ? elVIiNISL n ii atju.i tice.
A critloni survey o ( the ocit1 butIe ! pitti.
aUon would falt to bring to Iht nny very
tmportnnt ehangC within the ptt vek or
the vo'ume ' ot
ten dLty , n nU t1epnrt7IICntR
trade tuu ; remained about tatlo1Iur ) rnl
flew fenttIrel4 of Iiiip rtttncc 1itVe not becfl
develijijeiL 'L'ht JiDblng ( trade oC the city
may be aIi1 , * JiOU the whole , to be In a very
healthy condltlofl itiul faitly BnLIstfletorY In
cvey retcct , wIth the 1ngIe fXCCPtIOfl that
the volume of mtrciIflfl(1C ( tnVlflg Is not
so largo nP many would like to cc. The
coniunlng , I)0WCt of tI't ' , ; eotIe Is FtIII tnaII ,
twIng to the scarcity of money , ulid while
the pieflt low tirlces for lenilIng fatin irod.
uct8 continue there can be Iltth ehnnge for
the better.
It Is ztIfO the time of year when a lght
trade is to be expect0 In a gooti inatly lines ,
\S'lLh un alIItIlaflCe , ( of garden vegetables nut
pluity of fiult in iurPeet ( , the country will
not buy liberally of such articles as cnnnt'd
gooIs , drl1t frutt9 etc.
CuliectiOfl $ uire yloW , but no more so thnn
they luuive liCeli for uouuue tune ,
Some one lies obeI veI that there nra three
classes of prevnricuutor-COlntflon. 'very.tlay
liars , hat s , and 'tatIsticiuuns-nn nuierton
I % luicli the , tverlge Neb utkutn can flp1)reCftte
nfter glancing over uuomo Ilgiures that are bt' .
lug icnt out froun Chiragu. The 8nmple et
lintiti 1u4 In the form of ii fotler , repreentiuig
Stuuteu.'Ithtn the br-
a unij of the United Stuuteu.
, i2eru of each stnte nrc iurintett U coltiunhi ot
ulgures bovIng It stanuling nu c31U1uR1ed
% Itli other Ktnte In the matter of furm jiroul-
Uet4. * Th tutal , a it whole 1u4 very IntruettVe
anti Is c14Ig1ed to luow the resources o ti )
tcrritory ti lhiitnry to Chicago , anil wi.i no
( bOut tini } a lilace on the wailu of a great
rnauuy olIlceL In all sectlonu of the country.
The Chicago stuitistlelan ( nIl to utato the
tourco of hIs ulgures but It is very evident
that they were iuaiei uouu tile CZOP ue1)outu
, of 1S9I , the year bf the drouth in Nebrutuka ,
und that li ; where the uiutsrepreuentnthfli ttu
regnrdR this state come ! in. W'IdlO the ltg
tureu4 nrc prolnhly a falu' stateunent nu to the
Fituatlon In that year , tluy do Nehrnlca a
reLtt InjtitIce , US there Is n3thlng to duow
alt what tIle ) ' are averulgei covering a nuni-
her of yenr8. rhl state Ii represented as
beIng twEnty-thirul In the list of corn-produc-
lug 8tutte , when as a tnntter of fact there
Were only four 8tateu , lnMt YCflV that pro-
(1CCl more earn thuin Nehrnka , naunciy.
Iowa. I.linois , lCuiiaH nail dIsourl. In 1b93
thl5 HtfltO was uliend of Kansas in the yield
of corn and In 1892 aheatl C 1 Missouri. The
: same n'srepreeuuLLtuon occurs throughout
the whole list of farm crops.
COflN IN ( : ltIltS.
- All over the corn.growing belt there are
scattered cribs within which are utored hundreds -
dreds of thousnntlu of bushels of corn and
not a little good Omaha maney has been
put to that purpose ( luring the pwt year.
The utnouhut of corn lucId In that way is PrObably -
ably larger than it has been any time dtuce
iMil , and as the HiflUOfl atlvauices and prices
remain low while thCre Is every propect
of a large crop of new corn , the cribbers
who have their money tiel up are by no
menus rc4tlflg oil easy seat. Cribbing corui
as a rule Is a very unprofItable blISlnes4 , accordIng -
cordIng to the statement of H. C. Miller a
. local grain man , for any one except regular
grain deulirs to engage In. 'l'he past year
thoustnds : of people in Nebraska , Iowa ,
Knnts and Mlstouri cribbed corn simply
because Mr. Armour vas doing so. Those
vho had never cribbeil corn took it for
grantel that If Mr. Armour thought there
\vums money In It there certaInly niust be , aad
followed him as fast as their limited means
woulI permit.
The farmers reaped a substantial benefIt
I as a result of the craze , selling theIr corn
to the erlbber ( or 3 cents to 6 cents.per
I bushel ruora than It would have brought
t In' any other market In the United States.
The general supposition Is that Mr. Armour
I sold a future optIon against his cash pur-
clmsos , and then bought In the future options -
tions on dedilnes , repelng this process
several tImes , the onportunities to do so
having been afforded by the fluctuations
of the market. This plan of operating has
materIally reduced the cost of Mr. Armour's
corn , while thr great Juik of the cribbers ,
havIng bought their cozn for an investment ,
(11(1 not protcct It by a sale flnl still have
It on hand , and , barring some va'amity to
the growing cr01)vlll certainly lose money
on the investment.
Scarcely any of the cribbed corn In the
Idlssouri valley has ns yet been moved , and
the tiunnhlty in cribs and in farmers' hands
Is of such great proportions that if thIs
seauou1's er-p matUres lower prices must
) revali. This is not a peasamut Predi ° tion
Lirevali. Li gives expression to a condition thai
will have to be met sooner or later.
There Is flOW every prospect of the raising
of a Very large winter and spring wheat
crop In Nebraska , and as many conservatlvo
grain ( tellers are predicting 45-cent wheat in
Chicago ' It would Seeni to be advisable to
market 'the crcp as rapidly as possible. Mr.
Miller EtH that reiiaho Information mis to
the sItuatIon in the winter ehent district
and from tlte states east of the Mtesls.slppf
river lead hIm to believe that from &O cents
to 55 centS will be as low us wheat vl1l sell
in Chicago in the course of the next twelve
mutouths. This would net the farmers of Nebraska -
braska fair PrIces for theIr wheat.
OM.t hA G IIN1iiItAl MAItI(1I'v.
Conill timmit of 'Frie ale mumu. ! Qumotuitlo uN
( ( II Stutile uumimi Iiume ) I'rnmlimee.
'The egg market of the past wtek has beem
very' firm , owing to the lIght receipts. Tb. .
rutl.Ien fallIng oft In the receIpts was something
In tIme nature of a sumprise after time very
heavy receipts alt the sprIng , anfI seemed to be
due to the ( mtet that tIme tam mers lmtve bCn
busy. and the country roals In Poor ( 'ontlitioti
In moKt localitIes.
IL vmmLi only ii. little whIle ego that eggs ere
about th lowest avtlcle In the produce list , hut
now It lB pultry. Old fowls are very low
and are umiow sal at any price. A good man ) '
are conilng. While t tie demand is extrenl'Iy light.
jrlmig ctIekenmm have also dreilned. during the
W't'k. Qunlatlon :
l ( ] OH-Choice stock , Sc slow.
llUTTlEt-Comnmucn to ( alr , lfJc ; choIce to
faumey country , lOl2c.
'FAI-Clmoice fat , 54) to 120 lbs. , are quoted at
7tj7t4c : large nail coarse , 4l1.c.
CIlICb'1'i-Imnestlc brick. ISe ; Idnum , per doz.
$ .to ; club house , 1-lb. Jars , per .loz. , $3. & ) ; Lint-
herger , fancy , per lb. , I3e ; Itoquefort , 4..Jb.
jars , ter dOZ. , $3.G ; Young Americas , 12e ; twins ,
fancy , ll.4c.
i'OUtrltY-Ltt'--Irens. ( EJ5le ; eochs , t71c
turkeys , ltfSc : thick , , SItlOe ; geese , CtJ7c ; spring
chickens , lttJl3o per lit. t..r weights running ( momut
imp. to 2 lits. ; sprlmig. under I-it. . . very .ltull.
IIAY-tJi.lnnd , 16 ; mIdland , * 3.50 ; lowl.mntI , $5 ;
rye srnw ( , $1 ; color makes the price on hay ;
Iiitt 15(1CM sell the best ; only tel' gruithum bring
tOil prices.
11110GM COllN-ExtrmIy slow sale ; now
crc ; ' , .lelivercti on track in country ; choice green
mipif-norking carpet , per lb. , 24e ; choice smeen ,
ninnlg tv hurl , 2'3e ; common , 1'c ,
I'lfliON-Ltve , $1.OOtjl.20 ; ticati pigoonim not
wanted ,
TOMATOES-ChoIce stock , 6-basket cratea ,
U&o ; i'r 4'basltt crate , $ .5otf2.I5.
t'1At3-llnunt' grown , per bu. , 11.25.
rol' ON1 Nt-i''r tloz , , bunches , StilOc.
CPC't'MiII1ti'l'er .loz , , SOUGOc ,
Nl\V ONIN-I4nmtl'rn ( , stock , per lb. , Ic ,
WAX IIflAN-l'er Lu. box. $ l.40t11.5O.
i3TItlN ( ) liiANH-ler hu. box , * 1,40211.50 ,
1'11 l'l..NT-lItmm , Knits a , l.r lb. , Ic.
( At'tJ l1O\'t'It-Nne ,
( AliluAO1-Missiu.sipii , ver crate. $3.
I1IANi-llmtmml picked navy , ir bu. . 11.40211r.0.
sv i i' I'OTA'rOlS-None ,
lAM ) . . iIIANS-I'er II. . , 4c.
\VATlIt CIt it-None ,
FOTATOES'-Minu cola Iiurt'anks , 40 ; C310-
rado. 45c' ; south In , lar I ii , , $3.25.
IilltMLlIA ONiONi4-I'.r date , 12.
I'lttiITS ,
Tlue Imirabrry tmaIo um , to the present limo.
has teen conm.llsrutle of n ( tiszIpisIntnten $ to
dealers. 'Pimo 00 ( UVIruIbl ( ' veat her In I he giow-
tug sectionM hap been tile calls. of most of
lit. receipts b' lag in IttIl siumpe , in sonte local.
itles the dry eather cal 11cr in time season luau.
thu tuerrie small , nniI then when Picking tutu ,
arrived the eclssite rain , mmmdc titemit soft. A
iimrge quantity of terries hami b.'en lustidleul at
hula i'ulnt , but lb. scarcity o ousi stock has
miusule it much lcuus satlaf.uctory doing bUinra.
Quotulioni :
$ TltAWl1i1t1t1E-Miu.ourt stock , 2.25 ,
CALlFItlA Cll1lt1t1IS-1'er 10-lb. box , $2.
EuOt1TIILitN Cl1Iitltlt-l'er 04'qt. case , $ : .Z5.
OOOilIIlt1tlEs-1er 24qt. case. $2.
UbACLC itiutItI : Ii4'-1''r U 'it , case , 12.50213.00.
IILACI ( 1tAhi'iltltll1 1S-l'er t.utt , ease , $4 ; , vase , $ .35.
O1tA2'(1l8-t'Ittittermunt'.tmt sweats , 13,50213.75. , fancy , $4.50 ; chtte , , $2.5
lIAAA-ChlOtCe large tock. per hunch ,
l2.00t,22 ; mite.liunt.sizeui bunches , * 1,50112.00.
PlN1Al'l'l.ES-I'r u1o. , uceordin to size.
lZttt2.25 ,
NIJTH-Ahmnonds. CalifornIa , icr lb. . muedlumut
lz , ISo , Tsmasuuta , amimmutmud , , uer It' . , large , 1t40 ;
tirasill , u'r lb. , be , lnguishm walnut , , ; uCr lb. ,
fancy loft slush , Ole : nusdiuma lze. IOcl flhl'ert , ,
I'r lb. . iDe. leaJt , . i.oIlhiet1 imuediulum , be ; large.
1Oe lucanuts. raw1 5&4V roustsd , 7tc.
llONI1-1'unvy whult , , ler lb. , 14c ; choict ,
tic. ( 'glifornia ammdr color , bc ,
M&.PJ3 I11tU-iib , gal. cni. e&cb , $2.71 ;
I al cans per i1'i ' , , $12 $ ; .4 * I. cans , * .1 , qmfttt
tans. 5fl.
( 'IlIlt ( 'letiflt.l Jules , per half bbl. , $3 , $ er
1,1.1 . * 5
iit1sr1t.liti'.ortot , tails , each , $1.40.
( 'OANI'T-l'Pr 100 , * 450. cacti , Sc ,
I..IflsIInlsStC,1 fancy , 5 euattn , ) , loxeq ,
14e ; elmolec , I.lhm. box , 8 crown , PIOlOc.
1)ATIit-1nllowf'Cfl ! , per lb. , Sc ; ( sal , , lO.Ib.
ljeum , pe lii , , 7e.
? ufAPfl3 Ht'bAIt-ChualCe , per lb. , IC.
1)ltKtl ) 1uIIOAT $ .
1lt101-fIoe.l sicers , 400 to GPO lbs. , 4q7C W5"
em , steers , GulG',4c ; good cows end helfers , 650
Sip ; medium coo's saul helter , , &tJ&C' ' gonil
fc'rcquam lets , coo's nab imelfr , S
( ' ( ) , treqzartems ) ( , uuahl'e pt'ers , 44515c ! ; gOOu
hulmaiqtuuut.'rs , vows nail helter , , I4tiS'4e ' : rood
hmlnduuurt'rp. Steers , 5'51Ic ( ; cow i'OlIfluiS. 5t'i '
cow imP's. be ; boneless chucks. It' ' ; cow Chucks.
Sc' siCer ( luumvk , bc ; beet tcn0erloins 25c ; beef
10115 , loutciess , Ic ; sirloin tuilts , toneless , IC ;
bin Inrkr , lotueles , Pc ; loin luacks , I'/me ; cow
rile' . 0o. 1 , 5 ( ' ; eulte loins. 0o. 3 , ICc ; beet trim-
nulng'm , Ic : rump butts , Sc ; shoulder clods , So ;
fresco , 410. .
Mt'rToN'-.1Iresed luimlus * ' 4C ; drt.t4 mUttOn ,
Ic ; mnks , 10 ; legs. 100 ; Salhles ( , be ; stewS. Sc ;
tieu'li plucks , be ; sheep tnngtle' , per doz. , t.c.
1'Oiti-I1rm'eI hag" , 4&e ; 1.01k loins , lIce ;
su'are I ii , 4e ; 1ni snusoges , butts , 4'.c ; ; uotk
siunumlulenu , 414. ; Isirk pimutulers , SkInONI , 'c :
t.rl triunnuings , le ; leaf lard , not remilered , SC
tendemlolna , lIe.
ItiliS .INI ) TA 1.1.0W.
Il1Tigi.-.o. I gleen hulIem' . 4o ; 4o , 2 meen
Iulutes , 2'4c : o. 1 gucetI eumiteul hihles , fe ; o , I
greun enit.,1 hulties , Ic ; I'l. I 'eal calf. S to 1 !
lbs. . Ce ; No , 2 veal calf , S tii 15 lIp. , IC , ' 0. 1
dry mli.t , . hide. . ' , 6t7e' Na. 2 , Iry flint hides 4fie ;
No , I dry u'n licil ill , ! . , , 6. ; lam t cured Ii ides. 'c
11cr it , . Ies I inn fully cull oI.
ii ui : il' : I 'flt.l't"-tIm't'en suited , each , 221C0c ;
gm'en palmed shientlings ( Stun wo,1 snub , ' skifl ) ,
"nell. I 'r ; ( I ( ) ' sli , nil hugs ( short vtwtll catl
skiuish. No , 1. each , lOc ; hr ) henrllngs ( stort
sn'lc'l . 'xirly skIn , ) , No , I each , tic ; dry Ilint
1utnpas no.1 0u'eIrumskn butcher conI pelmi. , lr lb. ,
netual weight , StIfe ; dry hint iinmupnu' nnib e.
turskn Mumritin ' . ( 'Ol Ielis , luer It' . , actual weight.
4S" ; , lr ) ' flint Colorado i.utclier wool icits , ; uer
lb. , actual u'elghil , 451G'c ' ; dry hut t Cole , auto
? uttum'mimin enl pelts. iter ii , . , actual weight , 445c ;
.lry luau bucks , actual weight , 41Sc ; feet
cut off , as it Is mus'iu'ss to 1a freight on them.
1'A1.TOS' A01) UItli1t-Tnliuw. No , 1 , 2e
tallow , 0u , 2 , 2c ; grout , . , hllc A , 23c ; greast
vIuit. ' it , 24v ; gr.'nse. 'elioa' , 11Ac ; grease , ilark ,
ic ; old letter , 2ft2mc ; beeswax , tribe. hS2j
22. ; tugim billow , 1t' .
1m0N1P-hut car lot , , % % elghe.t . sad ulehivered in
ChIcago : lry lufinlo , Per ton , 112,031111.0) ; they
coubtey , bhnchud , per ton , * 10,0(0412.001 ( ttry
colt ttl I y , (1111111) anul ) ' per toil , 16(1)213.00. ( )
W'tO1.-t'ttu'nstc.I ) , mine heaVy , 661c' ; line. iigbt
1615e ; quarter huleod , lOtihSc ; ecdy. hurry nni
chuniT ) ' , lQI' ; cotteI and ) trokemt , cuirse , Itise ;
cOttal and 1roken , line , CliSc. FIct'ee tcashoh-
Odeul lUnI , I 561 lIe ; mine , 14 21 lIe ; tutu mu , 'tmed , 1641
1)'u' ) ; tuinek. Sc ; bucks , Ce ; lag locks , 22j0 ; dend
pulled , 521Cc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'l'vmuul1103 Ito thierImiIt amid Pimuggi tug
iii $ eeumrlis's.
Nlew 't'OttiC , May 0.-In thu. clock excimange
titta week there was no relhectlon of the cheer-
fui teinluer tha I laud dun tact em Izel I Ito d.'al Ing
of the 'eek Previous. 'l'iti' mupeculnilim , levei-
itteti a dull nimul ilaggitug tenkucy tuiud evo1tu
Lull ) ' munteulal comucesslens in a aUlaer of shares.
t.ondn illul not ligure oxietu'Iv.'iy iii thu. muar-
ket , but was a etenuly seller of the leauling
sliar'a. Itel izing imucideni tmh to the nd'anceuu of
the iureviotls % 'eek gave Iltut iniiiai Impetus to
the , lonward drift.
' .I'tue gold tmto'cIn..flt nuaintttinch Its usutnl Pront-
Inence as atm unfavomabie tactot' nulul in a number
of instann's lit. t i atlic reint ions of ni lit oa&1s re-
101 teul l'el C clisall.uuiflting , ltt'htilI as those of I lie
: iL l'uttti , I tom I lmtgtott Iteaui Inc tumtul NeuV .1 em soy
Central. Tue decrt'itectl enstiottnd ton'uttge 'ta-
I itics tulso haul a. , Iamnhcnlmug effect , mithUgii
the hatter sltos'oh seine itttprsvemaeitt. 'rite spec-
uhntlon vuls coatlauttt'ly in 'rofcssiomvul control
and mus'clnI ) efforts vem c. iset.'mtlhe to tdtttke out I
luing stocks. 'l'hue hiquiuluutlan , uIes were evident
In sonte instances , motnlly ) In Lac'Iede Gas and
iimgutr , time litttcm' being ttiT"cleh by unavoldabi
trade contti i lotus , utnul sutI t apleulmed to tie
tt'tttuorariiy withdrawn by imisile I ntet eSts. There
tIlts semite I tuquir ) ' for ctulee lmuvestntent ptck
tmnd transactions l'ere noted at innterittlly im-
utrovel ilgures , Tue teams diibnyvul activity Ia
puttIng cut hines ( if shorts ml , , closing , lenI
uind the olTeringa were incrc'aseuh after ( Ito nes
of tbe it. 1.nuis disasier.
The railway stuart's ligumed pmnulnently in the
market , owimig to the general. Pressure aglnst
the' list , In connection whit foreign mi..Iilttg tind
the delimesslon ) f time rnihroal retUm Its. itS well
lilt the great datoage to ; rope'rmy from the south-
Iveitetn toraudo. 'flit' more mi'tab1e extreme the-
cliac'it were in ltlnniutittun , 4 l'tr cent to 1'2f ;
t.acit'ule Cas , 4 hier cent to 22 ; Stmgtmr , 31 tier
cent It ) 121'j ; , 4 p"t' e , tut to 2) ; Itumluher
; neftm roil , 3t4 , l'r cent to 5O'n ' lluttllngton , m5
per c"nt tu , 7 , tintS Cotusoiiihatetl ( La' , 3 h't cent
to In g.'netitl tlte selling pmessttre wits
txltauste,1 ott Timttt tutu ) ' ti nh a hntyi'g ntoventettt
for hoti arcoutuis set in ttndet' the itafluenci' of
lighter g lii expo : ts t ban Itad Iii' , it nntielp.t tuti
It nil to' : legal 'ictory for liii' JOt lIt 'I'm ttilic ttuieo-
elation. 'flue nggmciattu sales l'cr. 538,50) eh.'t"es.
'I'ite bond ilui'CUlfltiiI of tie lvek was ulepresseul
I n tone , 1.0)110 ) seniut Iottah d'c'ln i's 1etng rotel in
a nuttuluer of ( ifl littit iuiattuin. I trouktyn
1ievutted itriuts .iru.p.'t S. per cent , hirokIyn
1:1 e'itte'1 m'ecottds 0 per ccitt tush tmtion
vateh firsts G' per cetti. Tue lrt'ak was at-
tributeul to Iii. anttIc tnuli..y eonlpt't I I louts. St.
14)ttis & San l"mancis , ' , ) eouloi , 45 ( i'll 6 per cent.
On , list'-'ttisfaction of ( it. holders ilver the terms
, Cfered in the reorgattization itinut , Otnaho & St.
IMuiIl litilt trust ieCeilts liSt 5 per cent. nail
1'omt'ortii & j'n or City hltm.t trutst receptm. !
F , per c''nt. On the otlter hand , Oregun Improve-
tnents itriuts rose S 11cr cent on tim favorablC
treatment occotihed the honda in the reorganizut-
tio't lilitmt. Tue oilier cituingu's were let's Important
anti a helter mitac pri''aPel in time late dealings ,
reoveries of 1@2 pet' Cent ti.'tng iniudo ( rota the
exumemo how ioiflts. 'kite ittitit % Veme $4,01e00.
( lovertiments were mtctt'e nitd holler , with the
liriaclmial tienlitigs auth conctutalotis In tue new
It' . Tue saIv were 37u04) .
LIverpool Markets.
LIVFfltPOOL. . May 50.-W'II EAT-Spot , quIet ;
demanui poor ; o. winter , Sm' &hih ; No. 1 hard ,
Manitoba , 5 * . 2t4ul ; No. I. Califurnta , Sa 4j.
Futures closed easy , vitIt near atid dittant tausI-
tiona C ( uIi lower ; business niutiut equ.mlIy ills-
tritiuteil ; Jitete. Is ' , ul ; July , Sn 1ih ; Attg'ust ,
55d ; iept..rnber , 511 tOil ; October. Is % l.
t'OItN-Spuit. mirm : Atmiemicun tiuix d , new 2s
llt4il. 1"imtules closcul etenily , with i4'ptc'nuiucr ,0
lower tittit oilmen months utucitangel ( motti ) 'eser.
dt5 'luttng price , iiuslnr'as aieut ( .lUillI } '
dlstrlbttled ; .hUne , Zs ½ u1 ; July , Is Ii ) ; Attgtust ,
as Itlil ; Sepienitier , Sa 3d ; October , 3s d.
ri.OI'lt-lull ; i.letttamttl Itoor ; St. Lenmis fancy ,
wittier , 4. 7d.
l'ltOVItONS-haenn. qulei ; deitianul pam ;
Cumhieritnil cut , ; a to 2 , ) lbs. . Zs 6th ; short m its ,
23 Its. , Its ; long clear , higitt , 5 to 45 lbs. , 24
.liI ; short clear backs , light , IS his. , 2s ; simoit
clear nuitbhles. belts' ) ' , 55 lbs. . 22a Gui. Stuiulii'rs ,
sCltuitt' , 12 to 11 lbs. , 's. Ituttits , e.ttort cut , 14 to
Ia lbs. , 3"uu. " Tallow , iitte N rtn Anitticuin , 1s
au. It. . ! , extra 1 fllttt uncut. . 53i P1 ; pt late litmus ,
43,4 Oil. l'ork , prlnte lIne western. ISs Gil ; tni'uIiumltu
westermt , 40' . . 1arul , , iuiet ; westom n , 22s Itt ; relined -
lined Ia enils. s Cd.
c'lIlOlStO-Wi'ak ; demand for finest American
whIt. ' . 43s ; nest AmerIcan coircd. : 51s ,
itt"PTlIt-Ilnest L'nlted States , lOs : good , Ion.
OIL.S-'t'urpefltino splrit , ha 11th. Itnu'in , coin-
mmtun. Is lit. Cottce'tted oil , Liverpool retInal ,
Ir'i Cd. Linseed oil. ISa 4d.
1tlPItiGl1tATO1t I2HlFleoreqimartors , 3ul ;
hindquittrters , 5t4.I.
I1Ol'f4-At I.onloal'ttclflc ( ccast ) , ISa Id.
1)r ( ) (
FALL flI\1R. Mass. , May 30.-The movements
In the print chitii znutrket iluring the weyk itaul
rather tt uhu'1ir'sslitg c tect , The manufacturers
were slow' to in'c't the uletmmanul for goads itt
2 0-lIe , anti buyers hiu.t In tito tony dealings.
1atr the ) ' sustltttttul * 2'hc ( or 2 0-ISo in titehr
bliluling , murtil tlto deittut nil u'tts I tghtt , After a
day's wttltktg , a few SPOt regttluii'H were sold at
2'fe , eslmiillshitng , iii. market pnm' moore at rock
littonl : uricet ( . The sales wte light , Itowever.
ainil a mnoiherato ilemanti tit 2tc continued , whulcit
t h' mnnnhmfmtcUtrertl ii hI mint tn"et. 'rite tit'os-
peet for tun hmtuprovemt'nt iii prices Is not gttiui ,
owing to tile , lrag of the bteavy stock. All
time sales of rigulars ilurliug tlut' week vere
iOtit ) , tinul mutest of the goals .oiil were puts.
'Flue market , It. stettuly at 2'Cc ' , itmuil the' deininil
is qu let , witii uilmn'ist no opistrttlimit y to I U ) ' , The
ptoeks of odds fs'll off ti few timuius.intl Jiheces , amtul
regulars gaIned mtc'curilingiy ,
Vorplgmm S'I nit mielo I ,
flFihtI.IN , May 30.-lxcitnngo on London , eight
ilnys' sighut , 20 mnarkmu 41 % iufg.
l'AltIi4. Mn' 30-Three 15r cent rentes , 102f
12m,40 for tittu account ; exchange on 1.omtih3n , 2Sf
170 for check.
LONPON. May 10.-Tue amount of btilllon
gt0 into the hunk of 1ttgl'unii on laulamuce today
iii f30tke ) , C.oluh is ulttotid today at htucutos Ayres
at 197.2S ; Mauiriul , 19.25 ; h.tbon , 21 % ; Athens ,
IT ; Itomite , l07.01t.
IIiibOmi Sttii'iC ( ttmntm t latiN ,
LONIION , May 30-I it , , ' ; ;
Coumitohut. iut0' . . . . . . . . I 1t ; .tPuitcumi . . . , . , . 78Th
Comtsoltt.flcC't. . . . . . . . 11:1'S : " . . ( Iciutrat . , , . . , ti" ) (
Ca mu , I'aoi tic. . . . . . . . Ii 4 14 i'oui ( iMl'l vauItn . , . , , . 11344
Erie . , , , . , . . , . , , , 14)4 1teidttig. : . . . . . . . . . . .
Erie lust utut , . , . . , 311.4 M.'u , Ccii , fleW IN. . 72
Ill , Cemulrni. . . . . . . . . 1)554 ) Ateitltiomi , , , , . . , , . . 3 SIC
Mexictuti Oruilttflt7.btb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hiAht SItXhIt-0I 3-ltd iwr oz.
MONlY- % tier cent ,
Thai malt' itt dlceotint in tht open market for
huort mtnut three inonhts' ( bills. 4 lice cent ,
Ilimuler Arrest for 1Immhezahemnt.iit.
NF\V YORK , May 30.-John I. . White ,
forhuerly presitlent of than \\'hlto Locomuotive
cOmnpahiy of Buffalo , Is in custotly here , ac.
cumsed of the eumibezzlement of $60,000 , It
is alleged that Mr. White's altortago in his
accouttts with the corporatIon namned are
much be'cItd the sum namneibVltRo resIgned -
sIgned the presidency of time COIfll)301 aomno
time ago , beIng succeeded by Henry Mc-
ICeuizle , who caused an exatnlaa'tloli of the
books to be made. It Is alleged that numerous -
ous false entries were dlscove'ed , sluowlng
that the company itad ts'en robbed of between -
tween $70,000 and $80,000. Mr. White refuses -
fuses to say auytlilng about the charges
against him ,
\Vlhl 3htilt- TheIr Iymt Mt-illt'Immts ,
SAN FRANCISCO , May 30-The CalifornIa
State Pharmaceutical society lta.a decided to
evtabllvh a laboratory here for the nanu-
facture of imtany utuedlcinea that titey now
lturcliase Iii tile elat. L2rge eastern firma
elI to California drqggsta preitarod articbea
such sum linIments , cough mixtures , etc. to
thu yalue of several humitired thouatnda of
dollars annually. it Iii i'teted that the
formula of ( tie dlrreremut Itateitted mnodlciuiea
Is well known to all druggIsts , and caui be
as easily and as perfectly ituittla bcr aa ultie-
where , anti at halt of Uls CQSLj
Cattle Traao Entirely Devoid of reatures
but Prices Rule strong.
hitmsimut'sa Pnlri3 lIrisk , litit Closimig
S'emtk Si t time 1oest l'oln t iii
Ivmsrs-SIii-ei , Close' Active
itmimi Strmig.
SATtIflDAY , May 30.
ReceIpts for the days IndIcated are :
Cattle , hogs. Sheep. horses ,
May 30 , . . . . , . , . . , , , 445 6,173 172 2
May 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,238 7,839 1,775 6
May 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,076 7,4913 2,151
May 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,403 8G49 788 15
May 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,219 6,235 571
May 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . 922 2OSI 2,875 52
May 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 5,012
May 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.,7 4,12.1 230
May 21. . . . . . . . . . . . 959 11,664 10s7 2
Tite official number of ears of atock
brought lit today by each road vns :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. 33 fly. . . . . . . . 2
0. & St. I. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Mo. Itac. ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 3
union I'aciflc S stem 6 16
lh. & 0.1. Ii. It. I . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C.,13.&Qhty. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 1
C. , It. 1. & I' , fly. , east. , . 1 ' .
C. , St. 1' . , 101. & 0. thy , 6' 3
F' . , 1. & M. V. fly. . . . . . 5 32
Total receipts. . . . . . . . . 22 95 4
The dispositIon of the day'sreceipts was
as follows , each buyer purchat.imtg the IluIn-
her of heati IndIcated :
lluyers , Cattle. Hogs. Slteep.
Omnnhmmt I'acklmg Co. . . . . . . . . . bti8I . . . ,
The G. II. Hammond Co. . , 42 3,000 . . . .
Swift and Cctmpatiy. . . . . . . Suit 1iJ (
The CtIdaIIy I'ncking Co. . 50 1,57J 16
J , 14. Carey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Ileitton & Underwood , . . , 20
C. P. & I' . Co. , Neb City , . . . 212
Cudahy from IC. C. . . . . . . 42 . . . 46
Other hul3'erms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
L.eft over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . .
Tottul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 6,205 172
Receipts for tlte week , with cotnparisoas ,
are :
Cattle , hogs. Sheep.
ReceIpts this week. . . 8,359 3.S,507 8.0. ,
Iteceipta , last veek. , . 6,314 32,178 17,112
Sttme week , 1505. . . . . . . . 6,930 28,318 1 ISO
Sittite week , 1191. . . . . . . . 13,646 i15,161 8,722
Same veelc , 1S'i. . . . . . . . . 14,172 2:1,741 : 3,175
Same ; 'eehc , 1892. . . . . . . . 11,703 6i,3i1 1G92
lleCt'lltm4 for tite year to dtte ; , as comptired
with corresponding period of previous years ,
are : -
Months Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Janutry : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,193 117 367 12,810
P'ebruary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.150 79.773 13,248
March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,812 11,697 17.101
AprIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,825 S3C6i 20,114
May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,590 121,3S 60,450
Five months , 1856..182,728 467.S75 124,511
Five montits , 1805..181 005 576.509 83,475
Five monthts , 1891..319,810 713,751 107,725
Flv months , 1893..855.007 522,415 127,459
I"ive months , 1802..195 531 678,740 118,761
CATTIE-It was a holiday anti a Saturday -
day , a sutlicient explanation for light cc-
ceiptit and a featureless mnarkot , Less titan
500 fresh cattle of all kinds were on sale and
they were practically nil killIng cattle. Thti
conditIon of the tratlo could be summed 111)
in a few words-it was a good , strong and
active market on everytltlmug tbesirabie.
There were some big , coarse brandeti cattle
in tlte ytrdsjtnd they were no more thaut
steady. Every omue was in a huru'y to get
through anti ( ito yards were soon clearel.
The quality of tite cattle watt an Improve-
meat over yesterday , so that the sales sltow
111) mttch better on vapor.
Two loads of pretty good luelfers brought
$300. but that was about the extent of the
offerings of butchers' stock.
'i'ltere were no stock cattle Cf any account
and nothIng to make any tent of the market.
The past week has vlinessed some decided -
cided chtttiges in the matter of values on leof
cttttle. .Tite week opened Witlt a good , strong
market , but large marketings at all PoInts
gave values a downwttrul turn on Tuetsbay.
Again on Wednesday the market was quoted
lower , and it was easier on Thuraduty , the
tlecline for the week amounting to 100120e.
Heavy cattle , especially those on the coors-
lush order , suffered the most , whIle handy
little cattle experIenced the least decline ,
Friday there \'as a decIded improvement in
the market and at the close of the week
values are not far from \vhere they were at
the opening. The demand for desirable
beeves has been good all the weehc and in
excess of the supply , so much-so titat pack-
era have been forced to shill IncattIe from
other markets. The only kInd of cattle tltat
have not met with ready ale were the big ,
coarse cattle. which have been slow In all
markets. Butchers' stock has been active
sad the offerings have met with prompt itahe.
Stockers and feeders have been in light
SUltpl ) ' all the week and tile market has not
been quite so strong as it was , but still the
prices paid have been high as compared
with fat cattle. itopresentative sales :
No. Av. Pr , No. y. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2..1301) $3 sa $3 s 6 , . .142t $3 so
6. . . . 1166 3 60 80. , . .1534 3 80 06. . . .issa 3 t
1..1220 3 6.'i 20..1137 3 50 17. . . .132.5 3 05
10. . . .1003 S 75 23..1223 3 90
1..118) I 2i 6.1116 2 65 3.,1236 3 10
1. , . . 'JUc ) 2 10 1. . . . 900 2 80 2..1240 325
1. . . . 110 2 hO 1..I05) 2 80 1.1330 3 3)
1. , . . 060 235 I..l15l ) 290' 2..1i5 : 325
4. . . ,1027 2 60 3. , .3013 3 10 42. . , , 034 3 rO
8..1133 2 61
1. , . . 40(1 ( 2 CO 1. . . . 390 3 ( JO 8. . . . 576 11 3)
3. , . . 46(3 ( 250
flU LLS.
1. . . . 700 1 80 1. . . .140) 2 75 1 , . . .2030 3 00
1..ISSO 2 0 1. . . . 970 2 72 _
2 , , , . 320 4 00 1. . . . ill ) 5 25 1 , , . . 190 ri 50
1.130 47t ;
sTocicicns AND FEEtERS.
9. . . . 714 3 i'/l 9. . . , 461 3 60 1. . , , 50 3 75
2..Stuu ) 351)
No , Pc.
I cow anii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 31)
1100S-Itecehiits of hogs were large at liromni-
neat tnttrkeis In ephie of the fact of its being
a Itolidny. Tite market at titia point epuacil
tart ) ' tutU ii'tmm'Oflahil ) ' active at a decline of about
Sc , The demand on lii. ptrt of beat buyets
% satt goid. end the most of the ntfeiings chartgud
hands eturly. Tfle dcc. was weak owing to a rt-
15)1 led huu'a'y decline at eastern mtrkeis. Ite&tvy
bogs Fld largely at $2.50 , nail ntixeul at $2.05 , the
tittik of all tile hogs selling at 12,50212.05 , its
against 12.05213,5) yesterday.
Tim tendency of the ittlmmlcet on Itoga ulurimig
the Icst Wei'it huts been tiiovmmward , 'lthIe tIm
decline has carried Itt. umtaukct to the lowest
) OItti. in the hIstory of the yanis , hue failing
off in values from a veek tigu , was ttut large.
Ott Monday Itogs sold itt $3,0ui413.12 , but pia- :
Chillily at $3.0OtS.05. fly Wetltteuiday the mnttrlcet
hail dropped to a. point u imeie the bulk of tb'
hogs sold at 2ilG212.t4. On Friday titer. was a
slight recovery , but the ntttiket fell back again
( itt the last day of the tveelt , Tite dcmnn.h' tuna
been good , enil In i'pite of iii. ilownll'artI tea-
done ) ' of values the miurket hits lawn acti'e
ua tnoit days and all arrivals have atet with
ready isle , Itepresentatlve sales :
No. y. Sit. Pr. No , Av. Sb , Pm' .
49 , , , , . , . , 341 130 $2 85 60..273 . . , $2 02 ½
. . . . . . . . . . , b7 ½ 56..265 II ) 02 ½
165 . . . , , , , 201 120 00 52. . , , , , , , 112 240 112 ½
(3 , , . , , . , . 200 150 91) 57..271 lIt ) 92t
. . . . . . . . . , , 90 65 , , , , , , , ,2 68 . .
II ) , . , , , , , . 2)4 . . 90 130 . . , , , , . 261 40 02 ½
14 , . , , . . . , 308 80 50 65 , , . , . . . , 243 . . 50 92 ½
14..337 , . 90 . . . . . . . . . 80 115
32 , . . . , , , . 300 . . 00 58 , , , . , . , , 223 . , 95
57..2115 80 00 66 . , , , , , , ,2. Z 80 05
41..217 . . 00 62 , , , . , . . , 260 30 2 115
64 . . . . . . . .315 , , 'JO . . . . . . . . 50 2 91
67..288 50 00 62..263 , , 2 95
CI ) , . , , , , . . 306 80 ItO 60 . , . , , , . , 248 50 2 ItS
. . . . . . . . 50 10) 57 , , . , , . , . 250 160 05
60 . . , , , . ,2 S5 , . 00 72 , . . , , . . , 226 , . 2 115
. . . . . . . . , . ito 19 . . . , , , , , 271 , , 2 III
63 , , . . , , ,311 80 ItO 60 . . , , , , , . 251 , , 2 05
56 , , , , . , . 212 40 ItO 66 , . . . . . , , 238 80 205
Is..2116 . . 'JO 65 . , , , . . . . 213 tO 95
66 , , . , . . , , 279 ' , . Ill ) 67 , , , . , , , , 251 . . , 2 05
72..36) 40 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . , 111
51 . . . . , , , , 304 160 ' 90 . . . . . . . . . - Ill
50 . , , , . . . . 517 80 III ) 69 , . , , . . , , 226 . , I'S '
54 . . . , , ' . , 299 , , 0 : ) 70 , . . , . , . . 347 , . 1. 95
' . . . . . . . . . . ho 64 , . , , , . . . 271 . . It )
. . . . . . . . 110 III ) 63..S'iO 260 ' Ill
17 . , , , . . , , 215 tIll Ill ) CI , , , , . , . , 363 . . Ill
08 . . . , , , . , 273 50 90 135 , , , , , . . 262 10 2118
( .0 , , , , , . . 123 . . 1(0 ( Ii. . , , , , . , , 248 160 . . 115
' ) . . . . . . . . 90 2 00 63 , , , . . . . . 2.t . , 95
re , . ,2T7 50 110 45 , , , , , , , ,2 74 350 if VS
51 . ,308 50 110 52 . , . , , , . . 203 , . 15
Cd : . . . . . .203 50 90 . It . , , . , , , . 234 , , ti
14 230 90 'JO . . . . . . . . , , 9z.
& : : : ' : : . , 10 144) 66 , . . , . , , . 142 , ,
Is . . . 203 . , 90 64 ; , , , , . . . . 327 . . 1. ItS
63' . " . . . ,2 ul 80 iji ) 39 . , , , , . , . 246 , . 2 115
CIt .279 itO 02 ½ 66 . , , . , , , 251 . . 95
, . 112 % 74 . , , , , . , . . 4 180 93
: : : :
Cl . .277 . , 92 ½ . . . . . . . . . . il
60 291 tuS'4 ' 65 . , . . , , , , 231) ) 80 2 911.4
63 .214 . . 1u2'4 69 , , , , , , . . 225 . , 117 ½
58 ' 203 50 2 lIStS 73 , , . . , , , .2 12 163 3 ( A )
51 21.3 , 9254 . . . . . . . . 80 3 ( It )
231 92V 68 , . , . , , , , 344 80 (0
13 200 82 ½ 65 , . . , , . , . 251 50 3 (5)
7' ' ) .256 . , 92'4 76 , , . . , , , .5 21 , , 3 0' ' )
,278 . . 93m4 46 , , , . , , , . 163 . , 3 10
IOSIIEI'-Tiiero waN a faIr run of sheep , but
tiny acre all conslgnud direct to the iuacl'ers
, xi'eitt tine lOad of native lamntsi , which soil
out tiW nutuket , The demand % aH good and
lbs market unit , ltellreuieitttttive satei
No , Av Pr ,
3 bucks , , . . . , , . . , , . , , . ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' 233 1250
123 native luituba , , , . , . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . ' ' 64 4 Li )
ltOillS ( ) I''i'liii itiW' VOItIC lIACICt
i4liu , ig ii Slight Increase in flit ,
Ajulouhit of Id Ic Cttuuli ,
NhOS YQItIC , Mit ) ' 50.-The t'tatemmtent of the
New York clearing luoUse bunks for ll'e day
emtditug May 20 , while it. ltovs a siijciil Incriutse
Ia the amount ef idie cash In banule ' , aults , is
St I Ii Cs u t ii i it s i' , u Itt I p.ui'i I imiar TbtC ( 'N
hitilt 1 ti ' ii luSh tbi It ii ilsrflthn5 of
th utecic , the u uuuhuwshs fir Pttmii1AY'N gaul
'h rt hiilng I mhnubt nhtPt the , t'tnlSc hitul
teen ° ntI'tltrl : : .a. ttmnfltiufl of bonn. Was
SI. .90 ( ks ) anti fihISiSimali tbds total Is flot a large
as miliglit btttvt. ti'fufl.SNlsh'il It prtbntuhy reflects
name. inere.ntil. , 1)iiianii , fl Sttwk CXCiAflgC )
hilftiflii % ns tilniC. inirnant. 'I'tip decline lit
money tale , lirni4Jh1tY amcoumnta for tbtl ! txpfln.
( 'Inn In hart. TbSi 'ulterIor recehIit hate Iesn
quIto huge i1tirinccipl reek , Tlte deposIt tohnh ,
however , as 'ns hIts cH5 'Itht char Items ,
dries not reflect ttiti cendillons. 'Ftlk'fl Cs it
tu'imle , Ibit' ftinteniht tim hetter tItan , 'ailier' haul.
ratIons , The total recelcits of the New i'trk
bank , ale now vi1ghJJy In xC555 Of * 22,000,000.
or nbn'tmt half of the antotint repcuiteui for time
corcesponuhing wt'Sk' InSt year. The tOtal ilepo'Its
crc * 6SO'l.O.s . lessjin,1 loans are $27(00t ) ' lower
tttnit for time eorrrl.lnling t'ek In lS0. . TitI ?
banks inuve gnhrte0 abeut $ t2.000.0'IO In goih ilutring
tlte liresent iiontit 1,111 stIll hmold * I1.0O'.000 let's
than on Fetiritnry,4uist l'etore they began to
turn goiih Into ttti'tjasmcry for bonis.
CO-lull lilt .t'i'tV Id Ii OlI tO liii 1,1) I
1'rtlnrmtimis tipm' flue .t mtiuuml Iet t I uig
of flit Xnt lomumul lpn go. ' .
The fourth anImal meetIng of the National
Leagulo of Local Loan anti ibuilding aseocIa-
( Ions wIll be held in Pitiladelplmia , begIn-
nlng July 22 , at 10 a. hO. Tile prospects
ar for ( ito largest attendance In ( Ito lt1-
tory of the leagthc. Very wisely the ( late
of tltt meeting Itas been placed In time vaca-
( lout season. The delegates appointed from
tite different states wIll combine btislnoa
with pleasure , making theIr attendance upon
tile lengtle an incident of theIr sttnttnor vIsIt
to ( Ito seasIde or otiter resorts ,
4 ntiinber of new state leagues will ha
represented for the first time. Kentucky ,
WisconsIn , Maryland and Texas will be in
ilime. Organiztmtiotu Is ponditig in other states ,
and It Is evidemut titat by the tinia tile atu-
llllal nueetlmmg of 1897 rolls round nearly
every sato in tlte unIon vlll itave fallen
Iuto the vrocesslon ,
0110 of tite itiost interesting features of
tito progratn s'lll be time report of the
committee emi protitotioti nttd education , tip-
Pointed last year , consisting of lion. Fred
Bader of CincInnati , chairman , 811(1 Messrs.
I3ergfeltl of Missouri , Fidrcdge of Massacliti-
settit , Dexler of Ne' 'ork anti Vaseit of
llllitols. 'Fite huost prominent leaders In the
association ltovetttent are on hue program
for papers oti a variety of ilnportant sub-
I'resident Julius Stern of Chicago aitd See-
rotary 'IV. L. Finch of Cincinitati imave givell
niuclt tlmne and titollCht to time preparation
of the program. Its prIncipal features arc
as follows : 'Iteruort of Comnunittee on EOn-
catIoti , ' Fred Bader , CincinnatI ; "Thuc
School Systema of Savings , Itt heveiopment
and Growth , " I ) . Ehdreibgo , Boston ; "The
fltliiding Society ae a Peritiancuit Savings
Ftlmul" G. B. Vaunemt , Qulney , Ill. ; "Tile Rate
Per Cent It Actually Costs the Borrower
by the Several I'ians , all tite Factors Iti thte
Qucetioti Being Known , " It. V. Haytnaker ,
Defiamtco , 0. ; C. K. Ciark , San Francisco ,
Cal , ; E. Ii. Cove , Springfield , Ill , ; "Pentu-
syivanla Locil Btiildlng Asnoc atlons , " M.
J. Ilrowtt , I'htiltttlelpluia ; "Development of Ce-
operative Finance on a Co-opertttive Scale ,
etc. , " 11.V. . 11. WillIams , New Oricatus ;
"The Voluntary Liquidation of flu Iding Ae-
cociat'enr , " C. F. Bentley , Granti Island ,
Neb. ; "BuildIng Ast'ciatIuits in tile South , "
F. H. Weatover , Wllhlatnatown , Ky. ; "The
lteai Estate Depression of tite Past Three
Years attd Its , Effect on fluildhmlg Societies. "
II. ' 1' , McClung , St. Paul ; "The Best Metitoibs
of Paying Matured Stock , " Seylnour Dexter ,
Elmira , N. Y. ; "Tlte Merits or Advantages of
the PIt ladelititia Piami and the Dayton Plan
littilding Societies Compatt1't Joseph 11.
Paist , Pltlladc'iphla , and S. Ruftts Jones , Dayton -
ton , 0. ; "The Effect of Building Societies on
th Growtht of Ohicago , " W , It. Sntitlt , Chicago -
cage ; "The RelatIon of the Co-operative
Banks to tito Cujmtnua ty ; " "Legislation and
Judicial Contra tlon , etc. , " J. II. C. Royce ,
Terre Haute , lad. ; report of the movement
in eacht state by the respective delegatIons.
Discussion will roIltv the reading of each
pape : . , 1
'rue Pettneylvatia league , through Its president -
dent , Joseph i'Pditt ' , and its secretary , M.
J. Brown , aseittcd by tito executive comtnlt-
tee , arc utuaking coibpieto arrangements for
the accommodat'lomu for thte league sessns
and the entcrta'1ntpt ef the delegates.
Iowa associatI' i mllaaagers are comewhat
perplexed as to. what will be expected of
them UabOr thoOtie ( law requirIng them to
conform to iatn fixed standards , make
report.s to the t1dfldr of state amh submit to
examinatIon. The laa. Is a pretty strong
one , and It wlh'crequiro ) , every asoclatIOn
organized in th ° s'tato to citange its piati of
busnea. ! Nearly all will have to reincorpo.
rate , and there Is scarcely one but Iia some
objectionable or weak feature that will be
weeded out. The law goes Into effect July
4. and ( Ito associations. have sixty days after
then to ccitiply with it. Tile law expresely
prohibits all manner of wildcat or risky bus- !
nest and brings everything out vhere the
stockbo'der can see what Ia going on. The
aasociatlons will not be allowed to loan
money on anything but real estate or stock
cf tile aessotatlon making the loan. Foreign
associationut will have to put up $100,000 in
securities with the auditor of state to pro.
toct the Iowa stockholders before they will
be alIo'ed to do business in Iowa , No as-
sociatlon 'ill be allowed ( ci (10 a banking
businea. or to receive dcporits and pay in-
( crest thereon. State AudItor C , G. Mc-
Cartily Is prc'oident of tito largest buIlding
and loan assoclat'on in tile state and Ito is
giving bile personal attention to preparing
for the enforcement of the law. Charles B.
Walters , a CouncIl Bluffs banker , has been
appoltltoil examiner and is now engaged in
preparing the blanks.
It Is quite an ordinary matter In these
days for a unan or woman who has been
foolish enolmgit to pay a high premium in an
association to transfer the mortgage soon ,
afterward to some association where pee-
miuzn paying is not so much of a burden ,
Tue prospective home-owluerl learns very
quIckly , as some boards of management
know , anti many home-seekers prefer tile
low rate , even if the association with a high
premnium is sltowing a larger pereetutage of
Mr , Seymour Dexter of Elmira , a well-
known authority on buIlding and loan asso-
ciatlop matters , and ( Ito author of the build-
imig eociey motto , 'Tho Ammierican Home , the
Safeguard of American LibertIes , " proposes
that a victUre be designed which could be
hung on time walls In the itonies of those
who secure their homes through local build-
11mg associatIons , illustrating his motto , lie
has enlisted a promnlnemit firma of artists in
tito work and line several sketches before
hIm which comae near itla Idea ,
Time annutal report of tile buIldIng and l6a.s'
issociatIoros by time state auditor of public
uccouuts of IlhIuioia shows titat thirty new as-
joclations were chartered during the year ,
twenty surrendered charters and two vent
into the hands of receivers , Seven bun-
( bred and forty-two are doing bttalness. lie-
celpta of these during the met year aggregated -
gated $46,306,069.96 ; disburse-
mania , $1,412,045.03 ; total aasetit , 82,639.-
258.24 ; total surpltms , or profit , $17,780,821.24.
Five Itundred ars1 eIghty- two thousand five
Imumitbred and twenty-five shares were issue4 ,
60,798 matured , -035,445 wttitdras'n , 165,343
loaned on , and 23O5435 are In force at time
proo'eimt date ,
The questIon 9f how long a borrowing
1)1 omnbor , 'hto t 3h perhaps unfortunate
circumstances is' be'bInd In his payments ,
simahl be ailowed-t9-conttmiue in possession
of time propert' 'l't , vexed one among the ,
boards of directdtg' 'of seine co-operative
building amid loanareoclatloni' , It Is the
comlsemwJs ; of opTmti t'j aumiotig several dlrec.
tors that no itaq an fast rule can be laid
doun in regard ia'ttime time of beginning
foreclostmre prOCeelhIhlga that each case
$1101110 be COml5i4erd independently ott its
1terItL' These nttmS , contended that a little
sttlltinlolt can be wtsehy exercised in seine
Inetances , and that' 'the asociatiom will be
t.he gainer in tit . imll , , On the other hand ,
oibtcera. of not a toy Lsaociatlons believe tltat
business lnetitodPUrO and simple , should
always be the cubit and that the constitu-
Lion ShOllid prelr.ijiiii certain rules In regard -
gard to dehtmiquefl borrowers , whulcim , of
course , caitnot be deviated fm'onu ,
% 'IiJCOM12 'i'Jl12 IhiSitO OF' litiluli II1Li ,
Itrass liii mobs itmid J4jiet t'lses for it Vim r-
.botue.t Strilft , Lt'tiiler.
VICTOR , Cob , . May 30.-Robert J , Lyons ,
a header of ( ho millers during tIme strike In
1894 , wito was convicteil of Inciting ( lie Co-
struction of he Strong mine shaft house ,
was welcomed back to the camp last night
by 2,500 people with a brass band on imi return -
turn frotmi the peimltelltitlry , a pardon having
been granted itlimi. Mayor Doyle made a
speech of wdlcOmmle. Tue mnituers , to shots'
their good will. set fire to time celebrated
Fort lean ) , 011 huh 11111 , end it was entirely
An Invcnton Attributed to Tclophoua Boil
that Was Not in , ntot.
Time , Uuid Ipit'o'i'reil Ut'n its of Coui'e3'-
imig ml Senaihule liming. , ar linlures-
Iiimi b' PeIt'g ro ii-Aut I i1
tervlew with i'rof. Bell.
( Colmyrlgltt , 1806 , ii ) ' time Author , )
Thercby Itamigs a moral. ibut first the tale ,
It hami been sQitie tIme sInce I had any nest's
of the progress of I'rof , Alexander Onihmain
hell's endeavor to convey a sensible limiage
of Imprees'iomi by illealla of a telegraph wire ,
aini I called to ask ( ito vrofesoor as to ItIs
eticcess. I 0 Id ( hi I s , you understand , iii ai I
innocence of heart. I hiatt beemi readIng of
I'rof , Hell's experiumments olomtg tills lIne tinul
was ctlriOlms to knots' wimetiter or not he wotilti
be able to (10 for light staves what he had
for 501111(1 waves , anti traaemnit the image
of a face just as through his telephone lie
floss' does the sotimid of tile imunman voIce.
Now Prof. hell , It italipetis , Is a Scotch-
bonn anti ittis one of those healthy. Ittsty
laughs that sotmntl like a guet blossn off tile
banks ammO brace of BonnIe ioon , Very much
to mny stlrpree , lily qttestion excited one of
these. When It laid subsIded Prof. Bell salti
to lute : "I svlhl tell you time hietory of t fa-
mnous hoax. "
\Vitlm this tlte famous electrician said : 'I
have in may lIbrary tile full anti autltemttlc
details of time whole case. You mmiay read it
or I will toil It to you , just as you like. " I
suggested time latter , amiti this a thto profes-
sor's story :
"You know tIme years milomig from ' 80 to ' 82
were star yettrs in the electrical world , Then
great things were being tiomme , now dircover-
les were beIng amlllolinced mulmnost every day ,
and others that. itad been ittade somne little
while before score titan comitlng Into geiierttl
use. Time telepltomte imad been Ierfected autti
swat spreadIng its network over the cetmntry ;
olcctric light was beginning to suliorsede
gas , telegrapiters htad found a way to send
niore titan a single mnessage oser the tatlie
wire eiitiultaneously , anti people st'ero talking
of the day wlmen the electric ntotor would
rtln street cars antI railroads , and do all
Corta of timings. Electricity ss'as quite literally -
ally in time air ,
"It was slIght wonder that wIth all Vie
lnarvels and mmiiraclos to be seen rIght tinder
one's eyes , niamiy attemmipta to do abetted
things should be ntade , a great mutiny absurd
announcemnents hIlt forth. To ihltmstrate this ,
a noss'spaper puragrapiter ; imivented ami item
to tIme effect tlmat a Dr. II , B. Lix of Mauch
Qhttmitk , Pa. or some other prosperouut towmt ,
intO folmnd a way to 'see thmronghm a wire , ' amtmi
had beemi able by this means to convoy time
image of a IUI1SY cat and throw the picture
on a screen before thm dellgimted audience.
The paragraph was tutu of tecitmilcal electric
terms aitul of proper names , founded , like
that of the alleged inventor , Dr , II. B. Lix
( helix ) , upon electrical words.
"It svould seem as thmotmgim an one with
a gleam of htimnor ss'mmld have seen time cvi-
dent satire of time paragrapit. But no , it was
taicen with perfect mseriousmues , and was duly
copIed fro.n one paper to anotimer as time hat-
est wonder in electricity.
"Now it happemled just at tile tIme that I
was at work upon a series of investigations
looking toward tile conveyance of sound
by miteans of rays of light. I imati fairly
perfected ami iuistrummient for ( ii's purpose.
when I ss'as commipelled to drop my investi-
gatlons for other work. It seemed to mne
timat I had made a discovery of comae imn-
portance. amid , whIle not wlshming to an-
flounce it , I svantcd to fix the date of may
discovery anti I therefore filed a sealed laCk'
age containing a full description , svitlm Ilius'
trations , of my inveetgations ! , in th Sm'th-
sonian institute. Just why or how I do not
know , but time fact of my having filed this
package soon camne out , and along with the
paragraph concernIng time ss'onderlul 'Dr.
H , B. Lix' and hl discovery , went another
item concerning the marvelous Prof. Iloli
and his discovery , whch latter myrteriouc
affair had been sealed up in a package in
the Sniltitsomlian institute.
"After traveling the rounds of time Amorl-
can papers. hic and little. time two itemns
took their way over to England , and , as t
itappened. made their appearance together ,
ube one following tue other , iii an irsue o
tite English scientific publcation ! , Nature.
I think that the iteams must itavd been
ellihtly garbled and rendered obsctmre , else
the mtake ! which occurred could imardly
have been made. but at ammy rate In the
very next iaua of Nature cante an indi-
nant letter tromn Profs. Ayrton amid Perry ,
ntsaui'nc me in time moat violent mmimmncr ,
As they had read the itemne , It was I and
't tite lnytitcal ! Dr. 'II , E. Lix' who was
claiming the discovery of a meamus of trans-
itiitting Images by wIre. But may glory was
not to last long. Prets. Ayrton and Perry
mtiade haste to lift from oiiy beau my hard
earned laurels and place them on their own ,
They. not I. it appeared , were the real ds-
coverero of this muarvelous process , and o
them belonced ( ito laurel and the crown.
" \Vehl , as it took a fortnight or more for
the English journal to reach this country ,
I remained in blissful ignorance both of time
fact that I had claimned to be such a dia-
coverer and that I had been thus ruthlessly
ebrmi of my prize. Meanwhile tile war
sweat on. In tile very next number of
'Natimre appeared at second letter from another -
other inventor or scientist , whose mmame
I do not now recall , , claimIng titat he wae
time true discoverer , the first to have thought
of the great anti valuable princIple for the
tramtmtmnlssion of images by wIre. If Profa.
Ayrton and Perry had been long before me
in the dktovery , he , in turmm , had been long
in the fielli before Profe. Ayrton and l'erry.
My nlemcry is a trifle indistinct , but if I
recall nrlgiit there were several other men
of science who appeared to do battle for tile
credit of tills great discovery , all of whom
you will lindorstazmd had itlt upon the timing
years and years before tile man who had
made the last claim ,
"Well , in the course of tlpie ( ito matter
got out of the scIentific Jourmials and into
the public prsim. Tue London abbe had a
long article revIewing ( ito case , which was
afterward copied in a Boston paper , ssith
tue result that the matter came to the attention -
tention of American inventore and witim a
like result to timat produced In England ,
"In a leadIng scIentific paper in New
York Mm' , Sawyer , now dead , and a very
wc1l known electrIcIan in his day , came
forward to say that upon such amid smmch
a time Ito made announcements of ( hue ibis-
covery of the principle in question , which
dIscovery it would appear by reference to
the files of some paper , , was made years lie-
fore ( hint of Ayrton and I'orry , years before -
fore any claimant who imad up to date ap.
peared in England.
"This reemeti to gIve a final quIetus to the
case , But it wac not to rest here. Follow-
lng Mr. Sawyer's letter title scientIfic jour-
nai entereti the dlscuaaon ! to say that , highly
as It esteemed the talent of Mr , Sawyer , it
was Its regrettable duty to anmiounco that
several yearn before the date assigned by the
latter for lila dIscovery , a young man of
genius hitiul filed with It plans , descriptions
and specificatIons of exactly how to send an
image through a telegraph wire ; and titere-
with this journal repubhit'ltod in full time tie-
tide to which it made reference. I ammi not
sure whether time discussion died down at
tills time or not , In all probabilIty It did ,
for it is clear titat hmati It continued , the
actual date of the marvelous discovery of a
means to transmit Images by wIre would
have soon retired to a period before ( lie flood.
"All title you will uiuderstand was about
aixtetmi years ago , and in connection with
time mnatter I point you to ( hue foilowlmig
facts. First : That I had never up to that
time , so far as I can recsll , made any ex-
perlments whatever upon the subject in question -
tion ; second , tiat : the paragraph announcing
that I was engaged irs tiuch a work was the
result of a curious and absurd mistake , and
titled and finally , titat ( lie diticovery of a
means to do just this thing-to tranemit
images by wire-has not yet been made.
hundreds upon hundreds of ingenious in-
venters anti clever investigators have , I
doubt not , been at work on ( lute prob.em
withmotit , hip to the I't'sf'flt limo , st'u flir * 5
I know , echuIcs'ltig amy l'csiilt Whllti ! % Cr
"NCs'ertheless iiiud iii 'splIm' ct biesc' fcciis , ,
rt'gullarl9' and about once a yt'ar the an.
Itomummeemnemit i. umiade Iiy newspaper filciuds
that iiiy eXl't'rItlielttC iii this directIon are
colfllllete amid that I shmouulul suomi lay them
before time public Now , I ss III hutit say ( hut
I hmns'e never mantle any such exeriuit..imts ;
im liolmmt of fact , I ae force I to take tip the
stibject Iii 1i0er self-defense. It was obs'l-
euisly abatird that I abotili give time nets's.
papers mm Jtustiflcation ssllats'er for relter-
atimig the Imnmtmhmmence of another great die-
covery whml.'m I ss'as tO tuiske iii the realmiis of
electrICItY. hut I hint'e iiiad no exl'ritiieflta
wiiatc't'et iui ( hit' last tour or five 'e.mrs , ss hat.
es'er I lmmn ) ' have done lIt ( lie stay of think-
lag about the matter. L'arenttetlcally ) , imm
vIew of all the' discoveries whiehi tile ) ' hmmut'e
mmmaube cancerimhitg mmmc , it itas emumeub to tue
Cat m ( lIttle cmiriotla tiimtt tiutee clever itess a-
11811cr lflCfl sbmfl'lltl never hmarc suggtetcd to
Celtic eientlfic investigator tile possibility
( hint the mmciv X-ritys hiiflY lwrltnhS oiler a
solution to this , Intricate Irobiema of tile
trahistllll.4i011 of itimagee. I mumike this aug.
gestion aer'OthSI ) ' mtnti COillflleIlti It for comi'
' 'fltmt all this ashile , tim titer ) ' whIch I have
related of the famnous hoax is elmo 5 % lmlchi Iiast
aloays ititCFeitEtl ? 1110 , for bslOe its persomirti
beutrlng , it scenieub to imie hot only a cimrlouis
tale , btit cne ss'Ith a loimtt , 'Vu'hmones'er I read
of the clalumiants to this amid that d scovery
or especially to somtie Ins'entioil upumi ss huichi
anotiter htlrtfl line got a patent , wlmeites'er I
hear of time 'trsle discoverer' of time htoemitgen
rays ot' of tite electric lIght or ( lie teiopiuomie
or some other usefmmi devle , I recur to imiy
muter ) ' of the host of clalninmmts tvhmo arose to
wrest fromu mile the ltomlors of a tiicovery
witicim I had never oven remmiotely cialtneul to
have made , amid si bich line not beemi itmado to
this thai' . "
\'u'imicil was titt' mmiorai I referred to at tito
beginnIng. 11 , F , JOKOSA.
- -
PolIsh Itivimlit ; : ' ; 7 ; ; . u llsptite 'vi'Itlu
Ca Nit.
A queer incident Iii Polish cor.rtslmip oc-
ctmrred lii Ilazelton , l's. , ri'cetitly wilIcIl
brought tthtout time mnmtrrimtge of Stanley
Ibinoshd to Mary Sepoliski , Mary Sepohir'kI
has been only three steaks imu this country.
Siuo was brought over imero by Michael
Cokinsiti , svho stay her lover in ( hue old coumi-
try , ammO into lntemidemi to marry her at the
I' iIItil church , tile tiny belmig lixed for ( lie
ss'eddultg , Cokinski rented a lmtmtmse out North
\'yomnhitg street sad Itmrtmieited it to take his
bride to as o3ml as ( lie imiarrittge ceremimoumy
i.its over. Durlmig Mary's little time in this
coumttry she met Stanley flumuoski , mu gmat-
looking ) 'ouuig l'ole , wtmo was emnpioyed at
the Cranberry Colliery , amid both bocammmo
fond of each other , a fttct that was eooii
mnado kmiown to Cokimiski. Mitry dcoired to
be released froma her emugagemnent , but Ce'
kinckl womuid not listen to it , tie ite had gone
to considerable oxpeutse in the niatter. A
meotimig of tue rIvals sins held itt Mtirees'
saloon , svlien Kokimiski oifered to sell lila in-
tenled wile to Bumioshl for $250 , llimioski
said that he dId not iave that amnount , bmmt
tS'Otlli gIve $212 for her , nil the money lie
imad. Tue alTer was aceeited , ( lie mnoney paid
and the girl delivered to the liimrCiiaeCr.
There was a large crowtl preetent wilen
Binoski and Mary were married.
Ios'eml for StN''iit ) ' % 't'nrN.
A romance in real life is revealed by the
death ivithtimi a few hottrs of each other of
two of ( 'he oldest anti mmiost Imaportamit citizemis
of Quebec , Chevalier Louis the Gonzagtme
I3aillalrgo anti MIle. Jimlie Teasier , each of
them 87 years of age. They store miear mteigh-
hors amid nearly seventy years ago woo engaged -
gaged to ho mnarried. Ibothi were wealthy
and beloimged to leadlmig Cammadian fammiihiee.
The lady was a sister to the latoJudgo Tee-
sior of tue coimrt of ( lie queen's bench , says
tile Pimiladeiplmia Telegraph.
Mr. Baihlalrgo received bitt title of citeva-
her from time pope. For miiamiy years past ho
iiad mtiaintaimied four imiisslonary cliurcimes ,
one in each of tue four ( luarters of time svorld ,
besides contrlbutlumg hunmlreds of thousammibs
of dollars to ( he commetraction of Ronman
Catholic cimurches and convents in Quebec.
He was the owner of the falmious Drapeau de
Carillon , the 01(1 flag for which the French-
Canadian people hmave such a sentimental
reverence , from iime fact that it was brosmglmt
back fromn time expedition of 1758 to Lake
Chiammiplain amid Lake George.
Many years ago Mr BaIilarg ' furnished a
itand mo residence in 'St. Lsiils ' street ,
which has never been occupied since , For
same reason , known only to the princIpals
In the affair , the marriage imover took place.
The furnished hmoimse , with itit antique mna-
liogany cabinet ware and massive old silver ,
has renimtincd under lock and key for over
half a century. During all those years time
intimacy berween time couple had lasted , amid ,
unless prevented by Illness , time chmos'allcr
had called daily upon the hamly. A couple of
weeks ago lie called upon her without beIng
able to see her. Sue was ill. He went hommie ,
took to his bed amid died. For some time
they kept time news from her. When she
heard of it silo raplully grew worse and
wlthlit a test' hours tolloe'cd her life-long
friend and courtly admirer into time great
U nkno Wa.
lIndeN 'lwIlIiig , ' , Yimsliluigtoti ,
The innocence of the average bridal couple
( lint reaches Wu.thlagon ( in time course of
the wedding journey is somnetinmes truly
mtmueing , In ( lie hearing of the writer a
very wehl-dres3ed and IntellIgent young we-
moan , leanitig on the arm of a young milan ,
solioso relation to her no one with half an
eye to such mnattere could mistake , inqtiired
of the guide nccomnpumiyimig them , pointing
to tue picture In the eastermt wing of tue sea-
ate of Comniodoro Perry at the battle of
Lake Erie :
"is this 'Washington Cronaing the Dela-
ware' 7"
An equally unsophistIcated bride , lookIng
at a wretched copy of the well kitown iulcttmre
of "Charotte Cortlay in PrisDn , " which iiamigs
in one of the rooms of the white house , remarked -
marked : '
"I always thought It an outrage for' time
government to hang that Mrs. Stmrratt.
Doesn't Idle look too sweet for anything behind -
hind those prison bars ? how could they
ever hang her ? "
Still another bride stood mnusingl' before
( he statue of hancock in the capitol , on tue
pedestal of wimich are chiselled the words :
"He wrote his name wimere every nation
should behold it and time itself should not
efface It. "
"Alt ! " she murmured , as she nestled closer
to her protector , "that's the main Garfield
beat for time presidency , I don't woimder-
wearimi rucim clothmes ! "
Nii 'I'rouihle to iiurr3' .
An ttmllsIflg story iii told Ity Youth's Corn-
panion of ( lie way in which a Now limiglanil
coupin ivero married over fifty years ago in
a small New Jianipahire town ,
The minister had a sawmill , wimicir occupied -
cupied mimany of his week-day itourit , amiml lie
was standing In the door of title sawmill
one brIght September morning , when a horse
canto along time road whIch wound down to
( Ito mill , On the horse was a young man ,
a macmember of tIme rnlnlster'tt congregatIon , tmmtd
a pretty young womnan froma one of the
mieighboring villages.
The mInister looled : at thorn for a moment ,
and titan said cheerfully , "Vant to get TIt'ar-
ned , I reckon ? "
"Tee , " replied the yoummg mnmin , with an
Ingenious blush ,
" 1)0 you take timla woman for your wethilod
wife ? You needn't get off ( lie horse , " said
the minIster.
"I do , " replied time young man ,
"Anti tb you take this mnan to be your
wedded imui'bantl ? " contlnumeul time miiiimister.
"I do , " said tile pretty bride.
"Very well , then , you can drive on , " saId
the mmiInister aed forthwith lie resumed hIs
work In the maui.
SmituigiCICd tIme OhhIier Alomird ,
SAN FRANCISCO , May 80-When the
ahip Aryan * iauied for New York
Tiitmreday , Chief Ofhicer St. Clalr , sviio has
been her mate for three years , was iutowt'tl
away In her , lie remnalned huidiben until the
ship got well outmsde tue heads , ( lien ho
caine on deck and was deciaretb to be in au-
timority by Captain Dickinson , ( lie ship's mnas-
( or , The Aryan saIlors Old not sueliect that
St. Clalr wae emI board , for if ( hey had they
wouitl not have loft the ititore In time vomsrel.
Previous to sgning ( lie crew inforimmed Dick-
Insomi they would not ship witit hmimn it he
carried lit , Chair , wimo had a record am , a
brutal ofilcer , St , Chair wished ( escape arrest -
rest on a warrant citarging him with assault-
log a staiior Oil ( he high seas.
- a.
iluirilcreil buy sin tljukusoit'ui ,
CINCINNATI , May 8O-Mrt , Nellie Sc''p ,
coloroi , died today , Last Wednesday night ,
while walking on & aurburban street1
- - - - - - - - - - . - . . - '
I ' : ume tltlk,00'l $ ) t'tt'lmh Ilmrfttg , froIrt
it lonely spot and smt ? tier , 1'ue had heeli
iaireuI three iilmies anti was muet divorce
fr iii hcm' la'.t hmlh5nd Jesitimme ) ' Ia tiehicye1 "
to lie the cutmIe , and 1ei' last huisiiantl , who J"
aecomupami ed lint \'cthmes lay imlght , Ii. . sus. .
leckj , I
= -
I3rokora Chicago '
No , 3 Chlongo Uoird of Trdo ,
Exoouto Ordora for the Purohnno
or Sale of CRAIN , PORK , LARD ,
Corroap ndoicoItivItod
ATA 1i1 A ' .
trout's ill'ltf.jNtl'toN .i i6 ittvilt : .surmss
, , thtu.huutL'mhomtelui ) , 10th & ? 'Iat'umm sts4 Omuuha ,
5iuluut ; . . . . . . . . . .1'en % cm' l'tlree5. . . . . . - : : - . timrt
4 : lf.lumn. P1k hllls ! , 1duflt. & l'ugst b'ttd 13.t. 4:501'mmi :
4 : . . . . . . . . . . . ) % ' : ct's . . . . . . I tStummi )
7 : Q5puim . Nebmaskmi i&ieuti ( except Siituha'i . . 4llimii
. . , l.itucolmu I. 't'iu I ( extept i4ttmmdat . I I 2tma
. & 1li ! ! : . . ' . ! , ! ) ! . UOr 1,10(011th daily .
Las'esChmlC.kflO ) , htitilNl'l'0N ) ( & Q Arrlt' \ /
Omuttihmiulunioum lelioi , bO'h & Masutit Sti' . I Ommuuthi ,
5Olpimi : . . , . . . . . . .C hiciugo'eutilule. . . . . . . . . . . . S0'an
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' iitlui'i' . . . . . . . . . . l'l&pni
; : S0pmmt. . .Ciibu'agi , .5 : St. l.iitil" itlumi"it' . . hO0amn :
II . . . . . . . . . . , , Tttmrctlon locmth 610pm
. . . , . , .V'ast Mall. . . . , . 2:0iutn :
- ' - -
I.cnee ICItlflt ) , MIt. . & S i' l't'L.iAtuit'es'
OnimdtiulUnhtinltepol , 10th , : Mmi'omm , sip. ! Ouitalma
C$0tmtl. . . . . . . . . . qiult'nei. IimIied . . . . . . . . . .
Lais us tCIh lt'AflO & ' NOItTi l'\V1S'i'N.iArriV'
Omuim.muiUmiomi ) , ! DCiuut , 10th & Mason sis.i Oimtduit
fOtfani. : . . . . . . . . . : TsRtemn lIxpr'7 . . . . . . ' ' 3I0pI :
. . . . . . . . . . , , lhmmuitei. . . . . . . .
: . . . . . . . . . . . h'ttuil liamures , . . . . . . . . . . 9:3flamm :
& : . . . . . . . . . . . O'aui Lbmltat. . . . . . . . . . 9Olmumms :
.3Oitifl. . . .Ctrrohl & Siotix City I.ocal . . . : i(1pm
6lipimi..Ommitubta : Chlrngn lmi4chN ) . . . . . .
Mln'i'uni ' , dle ) ' bient. . , . , , , . 9:3ouma :
; ; ' CIIICAC'O.ii. ! . & h'5Clt'ltmArri'cj"
OinniiaiUmmlnn 1)eiitiWtli , ' 'hasiin mOt e. ( Omurtlma
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tAST.
jOT4Oani..AtiflfltiC lxttm'us ( , ) . '
7:0tuifl. : . . . . . . . . . . Night irum : cc , . . . . . . . . . . . iiikimn
4Iopm..CiilCflgO'esuliitiiul : Otmmtiieii . . . . i
: & , . , . . . ' _ ' ( ' ! l.mlh'l. ! . . . I _ 33m'ni
pniiiiii77i&TC'cflM E.exSUn..l0l1fltm (
i : . . . . . . . . . . aim l.tnuiteui. . . . . . . . . . 4 : OQpmms
; : ; . 'i'T'ii1r. : P. , M , & 'iT
Omnnbni hepot , Irtli aituh i'clater Sic , I Omaha
9:15am..Sioimx : Cimy Acc'mmttitnttrimiomi. . . . 800pmmi
12:3pmmu. : Sielix Cli ) ' t.xi ) eta ( cx. Suit. ) . , 'l 5mtm : %
iitl'atml lJnui _ . . . . . .9'iO.timi'cs 1 F. . 1. & 310'AluhtY. . tAmrlvemt
Omitahmatltpot , 15th aitiht'et.sier Sip. T . Omitabma .
: . . . . . . . ' Mull anIheprese.
1OOmuc.tCx. : Siit. ) W'yil. lix , ( cv .Me mm. ) .
7:54.imu : . . Norfolk lapress ( cx. Smtmlliu ? ) . . . lO25.immi
7S0tim. .Fm'cmimoflt Locmul ( Siutuulli'a Only ) . .
Chlpiui. : . . . . . . . . .St. h'atul h.luuc.s . . . . . . . I ) tAint
l.iavEs I ir. C. , ST S. & C. ii. iAmrls'e
OmtmahuttiUnloti Dcpii , fOtbu .5 : 5Iiimmn Pint Oiuiaittt
9:21rtmn..ifen's" : City Itty , , ' ( . . . . . Gloiumn :
lUU0mtm.E. : C" , Night hx _ ' . to t. P. 'rrrlmlm'.C.tnN : '
ii'es ' ' : tIC. X1
Otuiu.iiitl 1)epot , lti , amid \t' . hinter Ste. I ( ttmaiui
ih : tSmmi. . . . Ncbrislta&OCnfleanl.iiuiiteil..II , 1Uit :
: . . . . . . . . , CII ) ' tixpmea" . . . . . . . 6Oilani :
. , ! ! h-colex.Smtmml . . . . . tOOani
Leases I S1Ot'X CITY & PACIFIC. IAril''er
Oniahtal Depot , 15th _ clOt \S'uiistu'r $ ts. IOrttabta
6lsmtm. : . . . . . . . . . ! : . ! imu Iinhiicih , . . . . . til0.mmit :
; ; tuT7
Omiiaiiaittnlon DeliOm. I0tlt & ? ttasonStm' . i 'Otimaima
5:40am : . . . . . . . . . St. I'atml l'ast'enger..11 lhopumt
; % . . . . . . . . Cits' I'uisuuemiger. . . . . . . . oomins
: & . . . . . . . . . . . t'uiui Lhitiiiui. . . . . . . . . . 9ltlamtt :
. ' I'ACIFTC i\imit'
Oiuhialt'iuiortfleitot , . , 10th & 1tasen Elis.f Ommtalia
. ; ' ; - . . . . ) ' ' . . . . . . . . . . 4llOpmn
9:20am. : . . . . . . . . . . . Ovem limit llmiteih . . . . . . . . . 4 .4i'mn
3l0iimmm.iteat'cu' : & Strontsb'g Ex.ex Situt ) . 4 10pm
I'4.upmmi .Uramtd Isiatmi Express ( cx , Sumn..12 :0lumn :
3:20pm : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fast Mali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40.tmn :
( intahalUnion Bepot , I0tbt & MiisOn . Ss.i Oriii
1:50pm..St. : Louis Cannon 11a1. . . . . .
cII , . ( )0''I1CIAI , N'V1CIS.
'ro ( he osvnors of the lots , parts of lots ana
root estate abuttlitg cimi or adjitcent to thin
streets , alleys or mivemuutes herein mitimucil
Or ituated lii whlole or Iii part 'within any
of the districts hereimi m.pecitied :
You amid cacti of you are itereb ) ' mioIfle (
that the city cotmncfi oi" tire clt' of Oniaha ,
will sIt as it lboatd of Equalization , at corn- '
mnlttee room A , iii tile city hmill , Onuttima , 1
Nebraska , emi l"rlubay , the Slit dmiy of Jumie , '
issi ; , from 9 o'clock a. mu. to 5 o'clock p. m. ,
for tue hitim'PCC of comislileritig anti eqmittiizlng '
time prOlioseti levy of special taxes tumid as-
sesamnentit tts slmown by "Proposed l'lamis of
Assessment" 110W ( In ille iii tue otilce of cIty' .
clerk , and correctimig army errors thereIn , and
of hearing all comnhtlutints that tIle oss'ilers of
property ito to be a.ssesseii mtnd taxed mnay.
mnmtice said estecitil taxes amid assesememits
proposed to fie levied being necessary to
cover ( lie cost of tile several Improvements
duly authorized to be made and nosy coma-
1)lCtCd , as follows :
To cover tile one-half cost of grading tile
ithley north of Dodge street , from Thirty-
eighth avetiuc to 'l'iilrty-nlnth street , hi
block ii , Crescent l'ai'k , atnoumitimig to the
sum of $115.28 , is'iticli sum it is pruiueseii by /1
a repOi't duly ttdoluted by the city cotmacil , ts \
assess on the real estate timu bcutlm sides of salil
alley , pro ratmt per foot frotitage , iiccoriiing
to the Ustitli settlIng back pmocens , lii depths
fromu tile alley , as follows :
On north 111(10 , to center of block.
On t'otitii side , thin depth of omie lot.
Itate per foot , $ tl.18lCS. '
Ti' cover ( lie cost of opening amid extend'-
Ing Nineteenth street , from time miom'tli hue of
Hmurtman'e llesem've to Center street , amount-
lug to the coma of $10,051.44 , ss'hkh sumn it is
proixn'ed , by it reltort tlttly mltbOltC(1 by tiio
cIty cotincil , to assess cmi ( tie meal eatate on
eaehl sIde of Nitieit' 'mltim street. ( ruin ( ho
south lIne of lot 53 , Jiartmnmtn'H aduiitiomm , to
Cemiter street , itro rmtttl tier foot fromitmige.
according to time umsttmtl cmtllng back proceuts5
Imi depth Iroiti tile street , mitt folioss'ut :
On east it1e , to could' of lot.
On ivest itle ! , to Nimmcteemmtim mts'tititie.
Ott east tilde , 731.55 feet , at 83.4209 , 32,512.10.
Omi west siule , 731.55 feet , at * 10.2128 , $7S'i8.521 $ , .
'J'o cover this remmimilniber of the cost of Ititv-
lag and curliimlg in Street lmnpros'emmlent
( histrlct No , 517 , mtmmiotmnting to the ttititi of
147,65 , which sum it is proposed , by a t'eporC
duly mtbopteil by tile city councIl , to iciseal ,
oml tIme m'e'mil etae on both sides of 'rhtirty-
sIxth street , from Fttrnam street to time milley
itotith of Jnckon street , pro ratic uter foot
fm'mmtage , accoruhing to tile tistitil scalimig baclc
jiroctuss , in derutht fromn time street as her
dtstr1t cretmted , Itmite her foot , $000113.
To cover the cost otitewer 1mm seWer district
No. 210 , anmounuitg ( to ( lie sum of $ lE19.J-3 ! ,
wiiicii slim It is proposed , by a. reom't ; ulmib'
adopted by ( lie city councIl , to assess on that
retti estate on both mtileH of said seiver In limIt
sewer district iii , ereateul , PCO mitt mutT foot
frontage , mtceording to ( ho utitil ecitlltig hadc '
lirocess ; [ , rovihtMl , that corner lots lmtviitg w
sewer on two cIties slmtiil lit itese's d ( or thu
longer frontage only. Saul sewer district
No. 210 comliriitesi time fohiowing lots antI
tracts of real etuitt' , tots'it :
Lots 7 and 8 , Jieitmiett'mt msulsllvision
Lot I , block 20 , and lot I , block 21 , Oi'cha1'
iots 12 13 , Ii , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 10 , 20 , 21 antI 2 ? .
hilock : t , Lircimtrd ! lull.
Lots i , 2. 3. 4. 5 , 6 , 7. 8 , 9 , 10 , II. 12 13 , 14 , 1
16. 17 , 18 , 19 , 2) , 21 arid 23 , block 1 , Ocitard 11111.
Lois I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 5 , it ) and 11 , bock : U ,
Orcititril 11111.
tota 9 , 10 , II. 12 , 13. 14 , 15 , II , 17 , 18 , 19 amZ
20. hilock 8 , Orcittlrti 11111.
Lots 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 minul time north 130 feet of
lot 7 , muiul time ivest 100 feet of the itorhm ( t3
feet of mt 6 , block 6 , Orehimird 11111 ,
' ) 'hict south 160 feet of b'ock 19 , Orchard 11111 '
Tile east 36 feet of lot 22 , Maymie's nihulitlomt
to Orchitird lull.
Lots 6 , ' iSi , 24 25 , 26 and if ? , Mayne'mt iiilulitlOft
to Orchard 11111. All In section 17 , towm'ahllV
15 , range 13.
Itat' her foot , 80,4(1(02 ( ( ,
'i'he 'usual settling back process , " to which
rt'fere'nmce is mambo in ( iil mistice , is as tot-
lost's :
0mw-third of such pro rota cost upoim ( ho
one-Itixtim part of ( lie whole nimlOUni ( ci grounmul
to be itsu'est'ed ilru't mmhttlttinlf upoml the street
line alonmg sttld imaproveimiente.
Omme-ilftim of such lure rtttmt cost uiuoim the
second oume-sixtim hittrt of time whole amount
of saiui grouimul next utiijmtcent.
Onc.sxhi of uclm Juro rutlt cost Ultoti thin
third one-sixth 41mlrt of tue Witolti atmmottit Of
miIiI groumtd miext mttljuct'iit. 4
And ttmree-tentlls of tualul tire rota cost upomi
the adjacetit or remmtaimmiiig omme-iislf of saltS
gnound ,
saul "Pro-
Yeti mire further notified bmat
poseil I'latis of AiiHem'i4mfli'iit" mire nosy subject
to ( lie inspeetlomi attd exiiminittion of any of
time OWill'i'uI of , ald hots , larls of lots
tie itl'Ces of real estate , or tii in-
r-peetlotm or utxaiiiimtiioii : ( of any other
horsed imuterem4tttii iii ald Itroiet
ussessmneiita , mit tIme ohilce of mtIil cIty'
clerk , and that by it report of a commimmilth'e of
ttti councIl duly ailopteul it lit lropoed titat
umnless for gooul anti sttthiciemmt eatmee it mag
lie otherwIse orderemh ammd doterimmtmmed tbmat
time cost of saltl Improvements respectIvely be
um.s'vseui Oh tIme several lola , hans ef lots lititI
PieCes of real estate as simown by said pro-
flosed lulans of assessment.
You anti etchi : of you arc hereby mtotlilt'i to
tipitetir before said Iloutrul of lqlialiZatlem ) at
( lie timmie and itlace above specllled to make
army comnplaimlt , stateinemut or objecticmm you
desIre concernhmig uny of said proposed levies
amid ufesmnentH of ccliii tuxes.
5f01 ECIiBII hilOlbY
city ltrif.