c e . t y2 [ ' 1tL UDt11ll11 Uti11.Y 13Jr1 : yU l)1fY , 11tAY S1 , : ts9 ( ; , 1 TIIL O1WL1 SUNDM BI ; . _ . _ - _ _ E. 1IOStaVAT19B , Isdltor. _ e-- PUULSSiIIU EVERY MO1lNtN0 TE8NS Or 8Ufl CIt1PTIONi Dally are ( Wlthout Susdar ) One Teats..I batty ilee and Sunday , Una Yeer . . . . . . . . . . . 1 mx ldontha . , " ' Three Jionlha" ' ' Ong'Ynr' , 11andar lien Fatunlny 4 ' One Yesr . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekly Ike , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UFI't , rsl Om Tie D e ttallding. South Omnha , sings elk „ Car. N and 24th Cnunell nlu7e , 19 worth Mnln 8trect. I ( 'hlcago Oalce , ZC ( niamher of Cetnm re . New York , Rnnma , 1S , 14 and 13. Trtbune 131 waahington , 1101 i , Street , N. W iAlitltlSPON IIRNCI : All mmmunhi tItna relating to news and tnrlal matter ahotdd be addreaeed : To the Edl RUSiNisSs Lii7TCRS : AU bualneta letters nni temlttancca ahauld addreeed to The nee PubII 11Ing Compa Omahn , Dmrta , checks and poatome etdera be made pynhle to lh ntder nt the cnntpetr , T1119 tRn i'U1l1ASIIINO COUI'ANI 8TATI MgNT o' CIRCULATION , Ore U. Tasrhuck , aectelary of The lase ' lung compnny , being duly awnrn. aura that actunt numh r of full and complete cnplea at IttQ ) . Mnrning , fvening and Sunday lIee prln during the month nr Apatl , 1890 wan ns folio' ' I p . . . . , . 11,918 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li 9m 11.11. . . .1111.11 t3. . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,949 . . tg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti. . 4. . . . " , 11 . . itne 19..1111..11..11 17 ' , 6 1I.1) 2a , . . . . . ' ' 1' . e . . . . . . . . . . ] 1.931 2L , . . . 1. . ! T. . . . . . . . . 11,020 22..11. . . . . . . , 11. . I . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.9 < 8 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . II. 911. . . . . . . 11RI7 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii fa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i7A 2 IS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL 11. . . . . . . . . . 11.944 2011.11. . . . . . , 19 , ] . . . . . . . . . . . , 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. , 1I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'.AIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f3 , 1/.11 . . . . . . . f.9 29 , , . . . . . . . . . . . .11. 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19,078 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18. Total . . .W4 , trsa drducttona for unsold nod remirned copten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 , Nit a ntea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net dally nwerngr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,1 7ronrln 11. TZa(11it1c1 : . Sworn to lu'for me and anbscrlbed In r M ( een ) this del dnN nP. P1 1Ta.Notnr % Public Dottglns county bus hecn lueard frol F'taut nnw oti the NCbIUska stltte cnu pllgii ts II1 bet In to be futerostlug. 'I up ot ' 'llll'all wlrc' 1nu4t go. 11 ' 4 ' Hlhl : lenr11 this II'sSO11 if we live throup enolgil l1CSt'11CttVe storms. I'erhilps tlmt 1101111 juror i 1iiip 1)111)041 hlmsclt ' ! 'lint ht tvhltt U smh ched Bolhl atloru(1y would hat us belleve 1 A p0n11y suVOd Is 8 penny earue 'Phis Is the melody that pervades a parts of flue presidc11t's river 111141 hnrbt veto message. P E , Bitlell Is not n stalking lloru i foe anybnty. IIe is a eannlldat ) for U stale trensurerslllp amid feels coulltieut I his o vtt uolulnatlon. Notlilug 1l1 e a little storm should 1 perndtted to interfere w itll the nouulnl tlou of the next IVeslIlCmt of the Unite States on Schellnle thne. The swPet girl grndnate has arrive an schedule tune and in numbers ttu will dlsappohtt not the most extracu gamut forecaster of ] ter coning. 'l'luIs is to be a year of Splits an split-tall tickets ; Time jroluilitiormist led on tvltlu their national ctavmrilo 811(1 10(1 oft With the party , split. - . lfnrton , retuned to 1Vasl Jngton ltmiU 1'realdeuit''Cleveland vetoc tiuo river and huber bill. Rciunrkubl cohneldeiiee , if not cause and effect. ' 1'o11ay is the u11nIte sar'y of the grey Tohmstown 1100(1. ( But that terrible ce tfSlrOphe no longer tops the record.n deatl deulilg collisions of the elemteut : Senator Voorhees denies time repo that he is renily to retire to prlvate lift But that n ill have no effect on his r ( tlrcuent , which will be compulsory , umc voluntary. Olio thing Is settled. The next got error of Nebraska will itul 11:11 frtn Omaha , lint flat vIlI not Intoner with the success of the TrnnsullsslssIPl oxposltlan Eastern papers refer to time colImtls ) ' of n 111111 of operatle mnmlgers ai crash in opera. " 'i'lle opera uatrall ; had to maintain its reputation for cols t ) tic very end. It is to he mioted Hunt the twist nips always deseniut on the scientific aspec 'of a tornado fit a sate distance from (11 ( 500110 of LVreclcnge nud fit a safe tlno after time storm. A cmnpany of Prhtcelon college stn ( louts Is am'raimgtng 1o visit time Lvest lilt suuuier upon a geofoglcal expedition It Is ultitost paradoxical that they 810)1111 go to the netVCSt part of time country , t Iltlti time oldest fossils. Our prohlhllhadsts are one'-Idet tact on 011(1 Idea only. As 80011 us they de part front' tlln prohilItlm1 nmorimg they develop as umch discord on every , llvt Issue of the tiny a5 could the Illost cum gloulerato collect lon of uten hnocnluttci 1Vllh different 111)1)1)105. Joan of Are's annior is sold to lunvl been foetid. But lime secret of the warner nor nmld's niilltary successes reuulinl 215 hitch 8 tmy'slery as ever. Allll nue11 are peopltt w ] lo refuse to credit hem avllh thin glory of thu famunus vlctorle : that hmtvu been attributed to hot prowess , ' < Youder Whet a teal live cyclone woulil do it It hladvertCntly got nulxed tit nmoug so111q 1)t tutu slcyscrnphlg tower : of our hunger cities ? 1Vou111 a eyelont have the nerve to tickle a twentystory building , or would the very sight of II cause It to tarn taut stud uutkt 811 uu eeremnniogs escapu ? We hatro nlrendy'a 110W scintor elect for Louislanmi. 'Phis iwoido of l.oulsinnn do not tnleu41 to ruu time risk of belmti only iult rejreseuted In the stuutt0 lul order to lmidulgu their legislature lit tau pastime of it prolonged anti resultless senrttorlnl contest , Lonlsluua (1005 not life to repeat the experience of iehu. w are uud ] Centtcky. Congpessnuluu 1w. S. LInton , tvbo con , slltltolt tire Lend of the h)1 8ideIutlill ticket prnehLluled by limo local organ of the A , 1' , A „ humus just bectt ruu0mlulntCd for congress foe' a second tine. 'I'Ile question Is VhIRt kluul of n cuusolatlout 1i11Z0 will be coufelTed of do other pntt of the Llnlon presidential ticket ? l'erlmpd Mr , Webster eaa throw light IU lhlnr dark subject. ' e U'Ii.4T IftrJLAB [ CD1INT1' A8h8 , For the past tnnr years Dmlp cofluty tins been time republlcntl Mr ( hold of NobniNkn , Bepublicnn cu dittos on the state ticket , whim one t gle I'xceIltlon , have hccn given ) Joritles iii this county ranging fr roOo upward which , It Iriulsfurred their oppnneuts , would have ( tint their victories into defeats. 'rime tai representutlol neconled Douglas soul In reptlbllcnn stale contentious therefore , fie more than it Is Justly titled to. In the h11pendlug stale ca paign ns in previous campaigns 1 nttitltde fit Douglas county repttbiten toward the candldacles of i romhu aspirants to state ollice Is cousaiitcl of more than ordinary , nioutent. A converlthon coruqosed 0f reprCsen tlvo republlcanl4 of this city and c umm convened for the purpose of uleell delegates to time state cnntentlon 11 after dtie deliberation , given nutlmori live expnession to the sultimenl a wishes of time rank nud Idle of the pin' First amid foreutost it hind been deers in the republican printnrles that enudldate for the ollice of govern should be presented , fly nu ov whohuhng tote of time couteutlon t resnlutiau deunnnding the renoulhmnti at A. S. Churchill as attorney gene lVns rejected. By this action the cc Qntion only eulphasized the selutiune prevailing throughout time slate In : ; ard to 111 . Clurchlll's cnudlduey. ' 1'1 ; cars ago lie. Churcit111 secured n pin 111 t1iL' state ticket by a 11tlscotult ' ' 'Ightfully uonlhmtcl cluldlllato for 1 orney guttural , 1V. S. Summers , w educed to nequlesce in thiM Juggle if the tally sheets on thou assuran lint dlr. Cluttrchill would not prose llutseif for a renonduatlon. Time t ntblfcaus of Douglas county Itavu tnkl Er. Churchill at his word , aithouglu I Lppears to have beenme obliVtOmis lie circtuustances under which he h : 10(111 perulltlell to prollt by a uouliu Ion which did not below ; to 111111 The couteution , on the other bun my ut vote of 111) to 11 , Instructed ti elegates choscu to represcit Doug ! : onmty to cast their votes as n unit aver of I'1ward ; 14. Balch for the 0 LCC of state treasurer amid of G. It. WI Runs for the ollice of couuulsslo0er : untie huuls : amid buildings , nud to g1 ash of these mcn their earnest su' ' , art so bong as either one of them ha chance of nontlmttinn. : Both of the : memi are staunch ] republicans. of tin leniished repntallon , amid thoroughl ualltied for the respective posittot o' which they have been endorsed. Mr. Balch is au lxperlenced RCCOIIU tit and one of time best. equipped 11uam in ! experts In the state , If not to tl rest. The position he now occupic t one of the great banking establish rents of this city affords abuudnl u uramty of his Integrity and ctpaclt ; ? dr. 1Vlllianis Is one of the west nut lantlul and Intelligent futrniers ht tlml aCtlous nud huts for tlve years put luiaged : the affairs of this county n tuemnber of the eounty hoard , of tvhic 0 Was for two years the clullu'muu 'n mmuli In time state Is halter qun110e n , the discharge of time responsibl titles attnchlumg to time ollice of lut : nflutlsstoner than is 1r.1Vlllimns [ an is nonmhmttion would not only gratif pnhllcaus of Douglas county but all rengtl to the entire ticket , tvlmne , o IC other humid , the prescht incmliIben cis all the eleluents of popularlty all ' 011111 have to he ctiried : by others , 1VIth their prefereucer clearly e1 resell , 'repnbllcaus of Douglas count five a right to expect that the scat ) nventlnn will carry out , so fur a my be possible , theft recouuueudn rots and resp(1c their wishes as rl u ds lltct whose caudidacles is tiled forth expressiOlts of their dl : Ivor. TIiE.IGRICULTURAL PRORLgJL In every civilized country thin agri tltural condition is commanding th trious consideration of statesuler ! hat shall lie done to relieve the farm ig pop111atlnn from distress is a quiet on that Is receiving the nttention 0 urnpean governments anti in cur owl nmtry there is no subject of greate WortanCe than that of conserving th terests and tvelfare of time great ngrl infral eriss , the prnsper Ity of which most essential to national progros mtl to the tve11 being of every , othe 1185. Thin present British minlstry camn to i nwer pledged to do somethlnl tlpfnl to British ngniculture , which is never been In greater distress than : present , 111111 a bill hi now bafor arlhunent 'vhiclt irOVl(1cs for lessen g the burden of luld taxnttoli. Tub now extreluely heavy and undonbt Ily hue proposed legislation Would hl materlnl relief , but it Is questlolutbll helper It wnuld uccoinplish all thin I promoters hope for IL The British rnlcr Is 8tllJcCted to at colistutllthy In easing colnpetillon , which will 110 1 lessened by relluchmg taxutbit of nd , 1Vluat he tvnnts ill sonlo sort of otectiimu , so ething that vhhh cued u compatItlon frenm Itnssht and Ar nthul , hilt this 110 eaullot get uecatist 0 ruling class is hnmovnbly oppos(1i everything in lime nature of proles tm ' 'imit Iiritish farmer tvIll thet'c no have to be satlslled , at henst tor ii fig tlute to come , lvilh a Mitigation 01 xutiou , Its 1'ranee ngricuituru Is t ( uu ) extent guarded by protective dies nud w hmho these have not In tit so of all products bean found so ct etlvo as wins expeetetl It is Rnques 111111)10 that thmu policy luau been beue Ind to thu faruneus of Franke , whost umdttiOm its al lvhioie is hettet' thine that the farmers of any other Europemui unty. Germany also accords a vtsuro of protection to its ngrlculturni oducers , bat this is less now tball rruteriy amid there is nmuch cnnlplnlut ) um ilia farming lumh'rest and abuosl nstant nppeatt5 to the govermmueut for let. Comnmofcini treaties 1)rpveut 1ltpluuten tvtflt the dcmnnt [ for hlghuer tits mull Gernun statesmen have boon deityoring to timid other exjodleuIs r the mltigttlon : of ; ugncclihlrnl tlls ss. 'Oue of these of a practical un o is the fornntlou of tarulers' so. lira for the purposC of disposing cuuttmni of tutu products of tlmo soil , the estnhilslunrnt of silos , store. uses sad ehyuters. Is to time ngrlculturnl producers of I United btatea , whose condition as r a whole Is far from being as had that of the producers of Eurupo g erttlly , Improveulent tvlll be found It Polley tint will build up time ho market and increase the consttul capacity of the people. To whnte' extent the products of American tar are now subjected , through nntriemu legfshutlou , to foreign coulpetINort , t1 should be relieved of It , hilt the bull lug up of the house market ii ; the si tray of promoting agricultural pr ierlty ) lit the United States. i13 To Fflhls AL'Udl01N Few people commparatlrely have n collceptloli of the nmount of nlco that is used in the arts nut ! In nimum facltlriug tut ! hence there Is no gene upprccinlion of the huportntier to 1 ntcrous htlerests of the bill te11 passed the 10use of ropresenttlh the past week repenthlg the sectlou the tariff htw which provides that a maulufacturer tinding It necessary Ilse alcohol In the arts , or in luy me dual or other Bice cuulpound , stall eulitled to receive from the trensll of the United States a ruhate or ptynteut : of the tax on the alcohol used. ' .1'he house of representatives 1 voted exteudud couslderatlou to t bill repeallug this section , there bel strong opposltlou from nmeutbers tin lug nianufaclmrlug coustltmeuucles , l : It wits adopted by a lunge uutjority , : gather with authority for a Joint m oct cottutdttee of nloumbars of tlw se tto and house to comislder all questio plating in the use of ullclool ht t uauufnetures 1111(1 tuts , free of tim 111l to retort their coiicluslous to cc tress at the beghltting of the next St flout. 'Pima proposed repeal of the free 1 oho ! sectlou of the tariff law tv u'ged emi ( lie ground Chl&fiy that It wi tecessary to protect the uttiotutl treut r,3. Already the iaahus for thin r ulyulent of the tax sluice the la v eel itto effect amount to millimts of dolls and according to. time estimate ci' ti omntlsainuer of hutermtl rergnue tl htluls under the hate will antouumt lerlhnms $10,000,000 a year. It v ! howit that time free alcohol provide ( fords au easy way , for frauds Ilpc its trclsury , which It would be lumpo Ihlc to prevent Without having u rnmy of htspectors. It was also ca lnsively , shown that it Is of no bendl a the public. The practical oimratlc f the jwovlslotl is that } t allows mtU ; ody calling himself a manufacturer I et alcohol , pay the market price ft t , use It lit what he calls the arts , 1 l utedlclutal or outer like cotnpotnut cll it : tt a full price , luchtdlug the tit ; mad utter that huts been done go to tl ; rcasimi amid get i1.1 ( ) a ga11oL by w' ' : f .t gift front the treasury for ever : tllon of alcohol lie has used. There bus been at great pressure 111)0 Lie louse on time part of uutnufacturc slung alcohol in upposhllon to time 1)t : 08011 repeal and this mressure will m onbtedly be contlnued on the seuati tit It will probably be no more arse re with the latter body than 88 with the former. Free alcohol fc so lit the arts hull muuutfactu'es eta e desirable when the revenue can U pared , but nation . present conditlom Is manifestly , not good policy at merefore the action of the house w 0 nquestlouably judicious. There Is ref tit to expect that it will be prompt ) ) tteurrdll In by the senate , where ' 111 collie up for consldcrntlon wlthl to next few days. Iisb'11IiItI.1G JUST IiMITS. It Is a Jest chmu ge against the got ruuleut , or more properly against con ross , that the practice of deferrln 'hut year to year the payment of debt tic ht the form of claims anioummuts a ] Lost to a species of llsllonesty. } Tim ieseut congress promises to follow tin talmipho of Its prl'dccessors lit thus r ( ) est. Appropriations may be male to part of the clnhus long due , but b ; ur the larger proportiotm of such cltltn : Ill rot11hlluu unprovldcd for , to cam p again ht succeeding congresses nn : robably meet vltl : similar tieatmnenl notable illustration of time ( lerelletlol ' congress lit this respect is the foe at the 1'rencli spollatlolt clatuns au ill umipald , although nearly a ceutur ; is passed since the debt seemed. Th cited States government received ful duibursenient for daumgey lnfilcto loll Its citizens In the acquisition o mnlsin11a : tad our great northwest ter tory. These clnlnls were offset as : trt of the lnu'chuse money. Sine itt flume the dnlunituts , their heirs am wlgus , have been appealing to th1 retsuly : dppartIulent to pay over t1 em time mmnomtts wllleh the govern out secured on nceonnt of dunage : stalueil by Autericiun shipping , 1a itiu the exeeptlnn of the ( ow that Vert et by npproprintlon ht the FIftyIlrs tigress the creditors ern sail wlthou Lymncnt. 'J'hiq nmost uuJust treittuenl thaw who are entitled to the nuouey lilt to our government by t'riuuee tin : wit vigorously condenmed In the pros : 141 In colugr'Hs , but tVI thout producing o doslre11 result , : umd these u11pnli tines still stand a reproach to 1h ( v'ornnment nud a retlectiolu upon tit nmesty of congress. Piero are also deferred war clalun ) Mich lnug ago pn85ed the ordeal of ugresslounl recognition nud Jndicltl t4stlgntlon , for the nonPnynmeut 01 filch there ! s no valid excuse , 'J'uesc tlnmtt are far the property of loyal .JZumLS tint wits destroyed or taken ' the tuition forces during Nm civil tr mild In every hmst umeo the goy. : uncut hits for moro tlu111 thirty years red time clainutnts or their heirs the tnluut duo on nccamtt of this prop ty. ' 1'iuero is no question regarding a justko of these elnlms. 1'nch : one them hits fought its tvay to recngnl It its congress and for pernissiou to th a the lest of thorough investlga- dt by the court of cialms. Each mho d heeu mussed upon by the ( till bench the court of clnluis. They constl l1) as bindlug um obligation upon the vermncnt ltd nuy debt ! t owes and ury3 conslderatloli of right and . 0 end of tllo duty of limo governmcu Its citizens domuuds thut they be ld , teferring to the course ht congress hl turd to these obligutlous , the lwnsii ; tou eorrt tpoudent of the 1'hiiadel- la Lodger says It bus beeoulu un e axlout thnl the utore holiest n claims , in other vonls , the debt mine by govcrluuelt t0 n creditor , the seal time chnnceof Its mlJuslunent by c gressloual enhetnent. "It is the cli of clalmis ; says tits corresponds "which re(1llirb ( lrnlsterlmig , whlell 4 for speciui : dt'orneys , which ileum privnto cot v4rsutiuus in counnit roouts not ? v'orlt tit the hobbles , tv'blob corm ets gives closest nttenti tvIullo those wltich depend uo11 tin honesty 11111 luerlt fall by tue ways Ili debate or cult lit eoufereuce. " ' 1 Is a ntost ttlieoulpltuteulnry nrrnt maent of cnggruss and one which ' Atuerictut l > Qople n11iy dlslhI 1o he go out to the."Work ! , but miufortuuat there is nbillidm mt Justtllcatluli for Perhaps the Nato is not reutote tt I It higher souse of duty nud home : tv'ill enutrol pie nutlou of the 1)001)1 represeutntives .1ItJA'IC11'.11 , 11CJI1 ; fluids. Ili his notes out city , gorerntneut hum Louts in the Currolul Century Jingnzi Ur. Albert Shinv , tv'lmo is without qu Mott the forenuokt itltlliorlly In I United Slates tlpplt problt'ms of mnnl pal nuuuigenent , refers to that city iio Illost sittisfaetory exponent of tel : luny be enlleti the tuns ] tilstluctlvl lnmericau systeuu of city goternnme hint the eoumuty affords on any settle nnguthlde.'VIue nine great itchlevetme fur wimle)1 ) St. h orals is to be iraised ) he says , the cornpietoness WI tii tvhiclt tits won Its iiberty anti stltutls for t' : ' niuclple of hour ) 11110. IIe classes vitlm the "free cities" of the 1141(1 Iges becntts0 its eharler , instead whmg min ie for It aunt conferred ups t by the legislature or souse other stn . geucy , was mate for It by n body. ° eprPseutntive local citizens elected f lint purpose anti then ullolitdl ! 1)3' II 'otees of St. LO1dd at a simecliti eleetlo lluuulcipal home rule hi St. Loimis tat row 1570. The coustitutluultl Conte Inn tvhlch land beep hl session tin lit curl then It found Itself face to fa vlth time prohlem of provldlumg forr ti ; OV0rmnu'nt of its chief uuulicipall tit the Cordinn ] mot by referrlug ti 1.1011) matter to tine penplo lniuledtate ouderued. It provided that this ci lid county gnveruuleuts might , if the loose , agree to hold a special electic n order to 01100130 thlrleen mcl to dna ii ) a scimeme for the entire separatlomi : he city from the county am11 to dua charter for the reconstituted city. ' 1'h rogrant was carried out , 't'he city amt ounty governments were consolidate ndCr cnutlitiens satisfactory to hot : frun twor14of , sovertuneut wits , em : tell for the new muuicipallty ( hicll Dr. Shaw speaks entiursinstlcall ; t111e the boon whlch time dluartt umfers Iles IJ1 Lls oplulou , lit the fat mitt , so far as city affairs are cot erred , the assembly is a fully en owered dellberallve body free from me perlotllcal Interference of leglslutit ileh'mteddlers , Time example of St. Louts has bee ) ] lowed h a uunmher of oilier chtlc u a tiny t ) comuend It to time attei on of all tudeimts of Amerlcvt man ipnl gov'er11ulent , amid there Is no t1ou1 ut that lmi some suchh selueme of man pal home'rale lies ' time key to on tnnlelpal reftn iu. Umufortunatcly ft maba , tie prepesitlon to subunit a utendmeut to 'the constitution tin oall enable ! t to frame its own clan it ant secure a Ilutlted spiere of h ei)0ndpuce of legislative donluatlo thud to secure the requlsito approv : r tie two houses of the last leglslnturs m amituiidnunt ) , iowever , is 1)e (11n ( ) be voted ou at the election t11s fn 'itch world , If ratilled , euahle tie cit m take one step in the desired dh et oil by tuerghmg the goveruumeuts of citt nd county nud consnlidntiug ollice mat have to do LV1t1 nunlogons dntle : Lust as Lulf a loaf is better than m at , the adnptloll of this aummulunen 911 be time 'tirst ' move toward the mac sired nuuulcipul Louie rule which lough del.tyud , must eveiutuully coal Ills. Attorney General Churchill Ilu eatuat Is stated by coinulou report , to aveng Is defout In tilt Douglas county semi tutiou by open iuud relentless warfar 11)11 the state treasury combine whlcl seeklug to retain control for tw1 to be able t intN amore. lie professes ] fold a title which Will cmise : ever ; ' ' to for qunrte Le 01' his ndversiu'ies cry ld premises to use time putldr of hl lice to their discounlltun0. Stich : 11151) upou lI ( ihurchill's part tvouls Itlbtless ho ) I' grunt beneflt to the state ho surprising timing is that llr Ilnr'clllil Im.s kept this important Ili rituttloi to htlimusclt so bug. unyor Broatch h11s still a great op irtudty before uluu lu reforming ul1 Istlless nduiiuistrntlmt of time eIty'u tabs' nud giving the p00PIU the coo nmiial mmilclpnl government n'ldcl ) s0 freely prOUdsed last fall. II ( i1y effort lie mummy make iii that direct ) l Imo will have the cordlnl support m ho Bic. And every olllcinl act of tin uy0r for time peonmtlon of the genera L111c WOlfitrt ) will receive uppropriatt uunieneation. Iccordlug lplhe , cousulnr reports , tilt le twin , betwpeu Clduu 1111(1 Japan did t Injure { ilcZhiuese tnultu with fern ; n lull iomisr tilt thu least , lint ! t'It'lht Costly luiCu ty. for UIlum to Puy tot mkim will. tllllvo the proc00ds of itt elgn eoluumerco for sonic tltue to come. l'hio orighmitlacoppy constiUttlon the Cubiilr' feptiblle is nhhssing and retvurd hr'fh'urcd for Its uitun. A ward far'tile"discovery { of tueiubnn ) ublic LVllhalso be offered nml cbcer Ily Auld by time Spanish mllltary uu ) rilies lit. t/tin / Island , t , lull tier il ) itiilors w hmo are shutting tin their dlstlllerles chthtu , there hna It tut ovt'rhrollllctint of whisky , liar. uu 1latrotld will soon be tviutting to ow wimy lt.IB that the price of toddy s not Caine dotvn. Iexlco now hlis a femulo Messiah Lo confutes borscht to time predleti mg shless , .ts long as time ( huuuld : for 'hwly lusplreil umortnls 1WihS out the y he sure th0ru will be no dearth 1u supply , Swiss. professor of mathmauutics Ims to kayo Invented 'a bicycle that Will comnpel the rider to keep nu uprlgl sitting postlrc. If this Is so the tie' Swiss whe'cd can not be Introduced an too soon to skit time Lovers of artist ] Iaudscnpcs , Tnrmied Omit that wny , 1'hlladelphln . In cutting off limo mpply of Cuban lobacc haan't Weyler cut off inure Ithnn ho ca chew ? Chonpor t" Jlos c. In(1lanspolla Journal. The tew mcn who nro advocatlug secesl ( In Colorado can get rid of the United Stats easily by omlgrating to Mexico. Syutpl0uri of Iho Cnmpulgn. Cldcnga Itecord. A cure indication of the progress of lh campaign Is limo fresh crop of ptorlea rolatin how certain presidential candidates like I alt an the corner-grocery cracker boxes an in plnln Jeltersoninn simplicity swap stork with the grocer's boy and the people of mil village , _ . . 'I'hc Idntorttlnlnr ileflllal. 8pringliet ) Ilepubllcan , The competition of the American dentist In Vienna has met alarmed the native pract ( loners that a meeting to consider the nmat ter w'as recently called , After dlvaussion I was agreed that the American deiitlat "doo not abandon hits patient to nmebncliotytofiec lion , but whlla altehdlug to his sclantifi lutloa dlseouroos enlertatuingly upon a vs rlety of subjects , " The deuced Yankee ! horn IIgltl for Loan Mousy lit Paul ( 'laneer l'ress , Mr. Tesla's Improved eectrlw : ilght , , b ; which 10 per cent instead of ter cent of tune electric power I : onverted Into Tight , is said to Illumine i o0m so conphetely that photographs can UU akon by It In two seconds. A brighter elec rlc light than the sae now in use for him same money wotdd be n welcome advomce iut more light for less money is what 11 ilalnted for the Testa Invention. Church 84.IIII'N. Chicngu Tlmes lletnld. The Preabytorlan assembly , after a Neale : : ontrovefsy , dccded : to remain loyal to th indeavor society , decllnlng'to encourage th : rganizallen of other rival societies. Tim ttethodist conference , however , after a dl's : ussloa that deveiopcd much acerbity , decide : hat the church should not recognize In ant natter of leglslat on the Chrletlan Endeavor ocmetles'br sanction In any manner thi flltation of theta eoeioties with the Epwortt eause _ It world seem that an altitude of untmiend mesa on 1110 part of the church toward any rganmzatlon of young people banded together or Chrlstan : endeavor lit these days whir hunches lament the Indifference of young eoplo to Clmrlstlan leaching us unfortunate ad Illadvlsed. TiI1d 11FIPllomIST Immsmioi's. Globe-Democrat The tact that the two ow Methodist bleimope arc both natives fat hlo may be a more accident , but It serves , evertheless , to ompbasize , a certain "stream t tendency" Iii the country this year. Springneld Ilepubllcan : The two new Isliops of the Methodl0t Episcopal church ro natives of Ohio , as Is also the retired Ilsliop Foster ; and six of ttmo sixteen other ( shops are also Ohloans. The Ohio monopoly 1 not confined to polltlcs. New York Tribune : The deadlock , of a ort , that oxieted 111 the Methodist general inference was broken when Dr. McCabe nd Dr. Cranston , the two leading candi. ates , were elected bishops. This result was uttafactory to the conference , and will hem m the Methodlst body in generate Both the ow blahope have high reputations ac pulpit ators , and their executive ability has been emonslraled In the Important business po tlons which theys have held respectively In cis city and Cincinnati. P111adelphla Times : There Is little doubt mat the conference selected its two strongest en , If Editor J. 11 , Buckley of the Claris. an Advocate , is excepted. McCabe and ranston led all the other candidates fromn 10 start , and but for the rule requtrJng , ave vo lhirda vote to elect , there would have lioth still In cea no prolonged contest are I0 height of their physical and Intellectual gor , and both have had experience do ad. tnlstratlve positions , so that they are well 1a iced to caller actively upon their new ltles , S)4CPL.tmt SItOTS A7' TIIu' l'1'LPI'i' , Detroit t'teo Press : The seven udlllu Chtlatlan Endsavorers In the world wi learn with Interest that tha I'reabyterla general areeinbiy dlecinim any lutcntlu of suppressing them , Denver News : ltev. Sylvester rays "Ma was created for Joy , " but the bible rays h Is of few days and full of trouble , and as thl Is bouao cleaning time we tear Job had late and better informnllon than the pastor. Indinnapolls Journal : lire , Tinglcy , oe' heed of the Thcuslphlcal society , weigh 200 pounds. Madam lllavaleky was n heavy weight also , is there anything in abundur flesh which tends to esoteric knowledge n do adopts In cccultisni just naturally groi tat ? C1lcago Post : A Peru , Ind. , church Is cni to have tired of crater 0nppers , ice cream festivals aml ether regulaltoti affalra in th eating line ; ' and to have givou a "bob banquet. " ewe admit that It ens nn human vatlon , and only regret that the Item tall to tell how they were coohced or served , irooklyn Eagle : There are to be no nun ! aunts In time I'roabyierlau geuerol assenmhl tills year , Bereav Is , of course , a very ha thing , but the pursuit of It Is worse. Tim men who Ignite themeelvnl with coals troy tlac altar of hadeu. In order the mar furiously to do the work of the I.urd are tim mcn of whom lades alomo laas cause to b : rood , Chicago Tribune : ltev , C , M. Wineimeste of Mlddlelown , N. 1' . , Is the owner of i park and an advocate of the bloomer to women to such an extent that women blcycl riders who do not wear bloonmera cannot cute his park , Mr. R'unchavlor may think it healthful costume , or ho nlny be hear sighted and think it a beautiful coalume but the reports indicate ha is not In tt least ehorl-alghled and therefore thinks I an attractive costume , anal- attraction I what 11o wants for the park. There is nu doubt Mr , 1Vlncheslcr's experhncot will b watched with Interest , but this has cause the damn of bloomers elsawhero-that the ; were watched with lee much Interest. If 11mm girls of Middletown arc of limo rlgh cart they will continue to ride in skirts nni avoid the park of itov , C. M. Winchester. 1'1vltS0NA1. ANTI OTlllv'uuvlsl : . Chicago's record as a haven of agitated zephyrs appears to bet hopelessly in the shade , The first batch of oranges grown In Italy from Florida seeds were landed In New York last week , Greater Now York is talking of running the street cars with compressed air. The resources - sources of the town In that respect are en- llmlted. A rocky section of a Boston suburb shows unmistakabie signs of gild. The discovery promises to vary the hub's wcaknez'i for literary rocks. The Chicago Chronicle has just passed the firut milestone in It path , b'or an infant of 12 anonthe , it allows rernarknblo physique and lung power and a full sot of teeth actively - tively employed In masticating the dishonest dollar. The Chronicle was not born with a gelds spoon In Its mouth , It achieved suc- iesa by deserving It. The yearly income of the Gold family from is holdings and \Velern Union and Man- sattan Is about $4,500,000. George Gould the mead of the family , gives just enough carp to ) uulness to ee0 that the Income comes In egularly. fie would rather ta'k fishing than hence , and prefers Furlough lodge In the woods to l9fi Broadway and Ilutsell Sage's alk. alk.A A touching steno at the' funeral of Claris- Ian Bennett , at Mount Pleasant , Mich „ oc- : urred recently , when Emma Yawba , an aged Indian woman , who has for years been , ltbout support of any kind , save that retched - tched by charity , passed down the room tad , gazing steadily Into the casket , mur- nured : "Ch , my , Dan , Bennett , " and then with streaming eyes 11Red her hand and , aolnting heavenward , muttered a prayer in lie Indian language. The dead man had : over refuted to help the old woman , and she anti practically Iliad on his bounty. No less than a draCf court cases sprang rom a blush that purpled the cheek of a hale gosolp monger of Flatbush , a solemn and sedate suburb of Brooklyn. The owner if the wagging tongue saw a young widow ripping over n muddy gutter and also saw a ialr"'or ivoll roandod ankles."Dtd'hls- ecelve him ? Nay , nay. Shocked , ho ( coked gala to make assurance doubly sure. The j fight oat his tongue do action , started a amity row , three fights and much hair pull- ng. Peace was restored by the court nmuz- Iing tlao original blabber. lml..ts'1'S 1 'IIOJt IL. % l'B IIOfN. An empty head and a rattling longue gt well together , d The hypocrite in politics can double die li' count the hypocrite In the church. Godb way of nicking a man rich has al- wny's beets to first make hint righteous. Prayers are e7mellmns msdo In church that the devil would like to see answered. Money that has limo bloc , ! of the ytoor liven it cannot be of any real benefit to the neb , There are too many people In the church who have religion only on one chic-the out , side , Perhaps utore people in your neighborhood would want religion , if you would show them what It Is. A preacher does not lmelp limo Lord any by preaching muoro truth than ho is willing to live up to. llread cast on the water may sink out of sight , but sooner or inter it will cease back to the lop. U11M1ST1 ( ' . llY1S. Chicago Thnes llerald : Persona who lack gilt might try a course of boarding house etrawherries. Chicago Tribune : 'You've been going to nee her three yenta and deal dare to call her by her Ilret nnmic ? 1vu11 , you au'o w'nst lag 1'uur tuna You're courting the wrung girl , ' 'No , she's the right girl , I'm afraid the trouble is that I'm the wrung units. ' Detroit Free Press : "After a Inca ha reached the il e of forty , " said Mrs. Die. brow , "he thinks every good looking woman he sees Is iii love with halm , " 1 am sue , my dear , " retorted Mr. D „ "I hnve never ncctlscd you. waeluhlgton Star : "And i not fully able to su m wrt your daughter , sir , the Young titan snli , m : coucluslun. " " sold the pork baron "I dmun , I mlunno" IIiought Ifully. 11or last three Uusbnmails aii elnhneti shit was Imsupportable. " Chicago Record : "My lnieband always a'ullcs past the hat rack cant puts his tint cu the ' : . ' used to do 50 ton , but I cured kilns , " 'itow dial you , do ii ? ' ? ' "I moved the picaao Into the hall nod brought the 1mt rack lnto the parlor. " New York World : "I never seem to bo uUto to agree with you she said , "Yet , " he uetorleti , "i distinctly remember " 'or being on my side upon one occasion , So snyiamF , Adnnl threw n trlumphnnt glance fit Ave and took a turn around the garden alone. Indiana polls Jonrnnl : "Cone , old man , " said the kind friend , "cheer up , There are others. ' I don't mind her breaklng the engagement - ment so vary much , " said the despondent young : nun , " 11111 to think that I have got Lo go on paying the luslallttieals tin the ring for a year to como yet , That Is w'ha ? Tars mite. " , UNui mt 'pub ] Vml LOW' . Written for The lice. rile tslllow bends low o'er tine grave where l he sleeps , tail sfloat wllch , i11cc n sentlnel , lceeps , : ind with arms outstretched in motherly 1 care , ' ! eons to lovingly guard the hallowed spot w there , + Where our soldier Iles sleeping. 'he night winds are singhig a requiem low , uut the stream Vows past , solemn and slow , Ville holy and cnlnm , from the spent skies , 'he attire look down with pitying eyes , Where our eoldlcr lies sleeplug. 1 'hen ' bring tlno bright flowers , the pansies ! anti roses ; king this oftering of love , lhieso beautiful posles ; tad make of the blossoms a sweet , fragrant pillow. 'a ' lay on the bed benenth the green s'lllow , Where our soldier lies slecphag , IIELLA E. 1101VEL1. . Goad Night. S. Weir Mitchell , 100(1 night. Good night. AU , good the nlghl , 'hat wraps thee to Its sliver light , load night. No night Is good for mine 'but does hot hold a thought of thee , l ( 'loud night. lood nlglat Do evey aught as sweets I love complete , which auntie our s that shall be wien ) death 'Ill that lust night no brie ( "Good night" for tlee and Inc. Good night. A I'nrnblc. .alaomas Ualir ) ' A1JrJfJj , no ( vent east and one went west I Across at ! both the the rl' onsthefselfeaune quest. ov , one there was who cared for naught , So stutyct at home ; 1 of the ( only oalonly oal . 'ho h reached thie g by luau The sale big ins Monay ; lllorning' at S o'clock. , , . GETTING GETTING r ; : : 11 : ' READY ' y' READY ' L . , M.M HoWNIN VINO TO . 3 CO - 1 TO l REMODEL1 EmoDEL ; 4F 1 OMANQ STOP ? , Getting Ready to Remodel It I The Old Stori , 25th and Dorf ; as. Just as soon as we can dispose of our present stock-the largest we've t had in years--we Will begin remodelling our present store building , which we intend to transform into the finest clothing store in the i west-to suit the requirements of our constantly increasing business- i TG do this we will-commencing Monday morning , June ist-sell all our Bo ' and Children's Clothing , Men's Boys'and b . at 90 Per Cent Discount . A genuine and sweeping reduction that will enable ydu to buy our 1) 01'5' $15,110 Stills for , , , , , , . , , , hlt,00 . . . . . . . . , , , . , , , , . , , . N rn'n $ ,1,110 Salta var. 91-11,1)0 ) ) toys' $1.,50 Solis for i 10.019 Jll ll'a . .511 Simile fnr. . . . . . $ IN , Iluys' { I1f/,1)0 Sultd fur . , . , , . , , , $ N.UII I Mena mllitO,1111 Suits for. . . . . . . . . ) l4i.110 Ilo'S' $7.50 Stills for. . . , , . , . , . $11,01) Men's $1NIh11 Nults , , , , , , . , , $ : liuyn' WI1.00 Snits for , , , , . , , , , , Wi.51) , , . , . . . , , , , , , , , , . Men's $ i5,11f1 Butts $ - Chlldron s W7.50 Bolts for ; W/J.I)4) 1 Men's lilr.51) Suits , . . , . . . , . . ) ) Ohlldrens $ ILGi ) Suits for , , , , , , 4 , . , , , , , . , N/10 , . . , , , , Jtrll'e $ I11,00 Bulls for $ Chlldrerda JiiOf/ , : Suits for. $ 1411) Jlcu's i S.5a Bulls fur , . , , , . , . , . $ ll.t'O Ohlldren's $4O0 Smiles for. . . . . . $ : LU ) Mcu'I $7.5 ( ) Butts for , . . , , . . , , 1110,00 Cltlldremi's l i.5 ( ) Salts for. . . . . . $ : ; .NO v choice at So cents on the do ! . ' Every suit marked in plain fiftires-giving you ] ar--Fnlst Clay Worsted Prince Alberts and Professional Frocks-latest sum , 1t met fashionsand Patterns-all the boys' and childreii's suits-everything in - eluded-not a single suit reserved- everything at 20 per cent discount-- ' a 1 We're not ( liven to extravagant statements or , misleading advertising-You'll 1l l find these bargains on our counters as hell as on paper , IYc ve told yon tlfe plain , simple truth in a plain , simple ( say , and Yon can 't a ard to stay azua } ' . , t : Largest Manufacturers of Fine Clothing iii the World4 Browning , r Ca , Sa Wa COR. 15Th : AND DOUGLASa