- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ . , - - , - - . - . - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rr . 8 . TflE O3IAITA DAILY : ThURSDAY , ty 23 , i\IUcI1 \ IAIRIED IRI ILOPLUNS Wife Number Potir Granted a Divorce by Judge Powell , DEFENDANT CHARGED WITh CRUELTY TIit c , ( % % 'oflhI'U ) ( , % ( ' Thu t tnr. Iitge ' * IIN fl IitIIsr , % IIIIC ii 1uurt Ii IIrit Ilefure AMIlilg fll II Iteree. t I Juilgo I'owcI h:19 : grantc(1 MrR. Pearl 1. ( iopkln , flee Tyner , a dRorco from Albert . M. llopldns. llopkln wa for icvcral years z ctirt re- l porter In this dltrIct and figured very prominently - nontly In the divorce court oti former cc- caion , The last Mrs. Hopkins was No. 4 , anti all have been dlvnrccl except No. 1 , vliu . dlcti , All Of the vlvc liavo told the anio utory of cruelty on the pirt of lIOpklfl8. Ilopiclns' flrst entree Into the rnatrImonIl rIng In which ho lia been a star performer , nccurreil In Vnlparalso. IntL. where he mar- rIeI Mhu I3c'8Ic StorrJ of that pace. _ She ( lied In abcdt Ix months , and about one afterwarti llopldns married Ml Grace Oar- : j risen , aho , ot Valaparho , lie decrted her In . a few xnontli and came to Omaha , he alter- warl tiIiig for and gettIng a divorce on tim grouni Of de3ertlon. In Omaha IIopcIns figured quite prontlnntly n a member of thu Young lcn' ChrItlan ac3octatlon , and of the Pre'bytcrIan church , takIng a proml- t nent part In the ProccetIIIIis and alwaya having a great deal to say. iftc : ho had lIved in Omaha about four - , years lie was marrkd to a young woman of - good fiimlly , and tim young couple lived at the home of the wIto'a parents for a ( ow vceks , after which they moved Into a flat down town , ibutit fuur months after the marriage IIophIti aent iil. young wife hotne , , telling her ho was tired of her 011(1 that no ) nhlt leave him. lIe told her what to tell her Parents , and lntructed her that ho souId write her letters , beggIi her to como back to tutu. but that If tthc caine back lie would kill her. She wa lntructecl by hIm how to answer the letters , anil Ii drafted letters ( or her to copy In replying tO his niTssIvc. i'tftcr the girl hati gone borne she tolti her Iarents about tue life she hah led. Hopkins had continually taunted her , she Faki , from the very day of her wedding , about hib Intrigiie wIth other women , and had struck and abused Iicr in the most shameful manner. Ho also reuzd ta proVide - Vide her with enough to eat , They boardel at a restaurant and lie sould frequently go to iiI immoals and leave her aL their ronii. This sort of thing veiit on during the entire time they ilrid , togcther , she told her par- cats , and When lie afterwardii commenced proceedings to obtaIn a dIvorce on the ground of ( lc'ortIon , 110 contest was made , tue only provIsion being that the vite asked to have Imor maIden name restored , which was done. The experIence of the last wle had been almost the samno as that of No. 3. Sue had - been married to hopkins but a short time when her troublw commenced and her life was mdo miserable. lie finally deserted ber whelm ho lest his pc'Mtlon as court re- 1 porter last faIl and cent to Chicago , whore I ho is supposed to ho at thIs time. She corn- , mence1 proceedings far a hIvorco on tli grounds of cruelty and adultery , Both chirgea were substautiatemi , and the decree ae rante.l. - VfAXAtN S Iciit is t , i Uiimx'r. \'IIi,4 In the lIISVNIII t Ih'umig lit _ tgLI nsf VUII Etteii. Mrs. Julia Fiannigan recovered a jiidg- mont against David and Emma Van Etten amnouritimig to $1S31.fO , In Judge DickInn's court yesterday morning. Mrs. Fiannagan stied Van Ettcn for $2,000 , that being the alleged value of , tlio Flanna- gami liouestcad , In lloyd's addtion. ! In the nortliweetern part of the city , which had btcn sold to Satisfy a Judgment obtained against the Fiannagans on a note they had signed for Van IJtten without knowing what the note contained , neither of the Fiammnagans beIng able to read or write. Van Etten put in a cress petition , claiming ; g0o a , attoiiey's fees in defending the case in which the Flaunagans were stied on the hate given ac an accommodation to Van Etton. The jury ignored the cross t claini and returned a verdict for the plaint - tiff. Mt's. T.Ii.gimt'1 ( sets ii IIvoree. Judge ICoyser rendered his decieion yesterday - torday In the Lingaflt divorce cate , grant- F lug the petition of time wife , and gave notice - tico tiit In case the partIo could not areo on tlio amount of attorneys' fees and alimony time enurt would fix It. In passing upon tito case the judge stated that time allegation of the plaintiff had not been sue- tafnod iii regard to habitual drunkenness of tim defendant , but It tad been clearly os- tabilsimed the defendant becanme Intoxicated at times and abused his wife and family. The judge alsa took occasion to score came of time people In time neigimbarhood for spy- lug lute time famIly afairs of time Llmmga- ( cite. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilolin Nit Yet Out of Jail , henry bun imas not yet been released cmi bail , his ball bond not having been per. . fectpd. hits brother arrived In time city Tuesdoy afternoon fromn Blair , amid ar- I rangonments vere muado to have iilmn anti lions Beckman , henry's father-In-law , give thu $ iO,000 bOnhi required by time supremno court. l1iImi atated yesterday Immorning the lie had not been able to sea his attorneys to have time baml nmaml'i up and taiccn to Llmmc3imi for approval by the cleric of time supreme court. : iii 11am' 1i , t i'r I ii Con i1 , The imlt of George ii , McArdic aguInt Iaytlmn ! hires. i mi trial In Judge Dickin. iqn's court. McArmlle sueu for $10,000 tiammi. ages for injuries received by failing down time siioft of the freight elevator whIle en. gaged In loading a i'iano lno a wagon , ' Rachel V. Truasell ha3 appiled for a mhivorc from her husband , Loreuzo J , Triirmeil , cmi the ground of deertton. Time parties s'ere mmiarrcm1 In Cincinnati , 0 , , In ISGI , ammtl time iammabantl deerteU the wife In May , 1886 , liico 'imich time imo says sIn , luau ! ben Ignorant of his whereabouts , The jury In time Eiiegan case found time defendant guilty of beimmg the father of the little yellow baby of Cora Dmmncan , anti time defemiulant vam remimmimided to jail to avait sentence. The defendant Is a negro boy about 18 yearg of ago and time commiplaimiing witness colored girl apparently of about time tunic age. The trial ofS'altcr 0. Fayc wa coin. menct'd In th district court late yecterday afternoon , Fayc Is charged wIth forging aiim ! counterfeitIng a bond for $1,000 of time school district of Cook county , Illinois , and wIth uttering and ixissing limo saimmu Febrti. ary 1 , lSti5 , Iii thk , city in tbo Oiiialia iirowlmmg association. flu Nut Do ThIN. na hot bo induced to buy any oilier It yom have immado up your mind to take h1ood' Sarsaparlila , hiemember that Hoed's Sir- saparlila cures when alt otticra tall , Do not give up In despair becaui'e other mnedlelmics have lulled to help you. Tske IIooU' ear. saparilia faithfuiiy amid you immay reasommatiy expect to be curemi , hIo4'e Pi'is are Purely vegetable , carefully preparel from time best tnrodients. , - - - - YOU OnAlit ( U. See the buixiess the Burlington' , "Vestibuied L'Iyer" Is doing nowadays. ' .Vonderut-sImplj Wonderful , Extra coaches ucti sleepers every day last week , . - You ought to seb It. Y9u ought to trevel 1mm It , 1.eavc Omahia-5OO : P. M , Ix.f1y , Arrives CiIcago-8:2O : A , M , NO LATEIt. . Sieeper.chaIr care-diner , - Ticketa at 1502 Farmiam street , , - _ ! lx TIiIrt 1' . .l , TraIn of time - , CIIICAUO. I N1I.4'AUCEhi } & ST. I'4UL flY , . Best service. I.L.flCThtIO 1.10111'S , . 1)Imiing ear. CII ) ' Omee , 1501 Furpaui. tiiiTij : : ilocic IS1.tI'S MAMMO'rhl 1NiINflS. Tiai.'y , tre flieet'iItn In onmc IIiild It a ii milng. The hock Island road has juct had constructed - structed at Its own shops two eight-wheeled , American tflio engines that are expected to develop some phenomenal speed and Power. They are numbered 1101 and 1102 , flfld are being broken in In the frelgimt service of time rosul , They imavo already shown tinut timey can run eighty mhlc' an hour , and when placed In the passenger service they are expected t maintain a rapid rate of speed. Tmm have beemi con- strueted WIth ft view f suPpassing all prevIous records of AmerIcan or forei.n typo of engInes , conaltiering speed , power and econommilc operation , The engInes were buIlt under the Imme- dlato Mmpervlsion anti on the plans and specIfications of George F. 'iisoim , stiporln- tcimdent of motIve power and equipment. These itlans vcro decided uipoti by imlmn after a long amid coimipleto series of tests tamon ) from experimental results ( It differ. emit patterns of locdmotlvo building , Time enormnnims size of the engine and a view of its capabhilties may he seen train limo tel- lowing dimnensloims : Cylinders , 19',4x26 Incimes ; boiler , 61 Inciies in , liamee ! : , wIth 1PSS square feet of beat- lug surface 811(1 215 square feet of grata surface , time fire box being 9 feet Inside ; total weight , 123,000 pommimds ; driving ulieel base , S feet 6 inches ; driving wheel uliamneter , I ; feet 6 incItes : tender , water capacity , 4,300 galiomms ; tender , cccl capacIty , 7 tons ; butler , eiiImt loaded , 76,000 hounds ; mmum- tier of flues , 260 ; wheel base , Including tammlc , 48 feet 5 % Incites ; tank , 20 feet 2 indies ; length over all , & 9 feet 8 Inches These engines follow In time wako of ( ho spccdcrs of time New Yorlc eommtral , No , 9ti ; of timu ilurlington , No. fO ; of time Northi- western , and of time Cincinnati , llanuhlton & 1)ayten , No. 210 , and a comparison of their work with time records made by these en- glues will be himeiesting. ( ) I'i'OSii ) 'I'o SUXIA' 1XCtTISIONS , huh vnmiii iii' , , Sii 'I'hl ( ' ISo % nt liene- lit the I'eople. A'sIstant General I'aserger Agent Smith of time Iitirlington imas returned from 1Caicns CIty , where lie Timesday attended a meeting of time roads in the tranamissouri territory of ( Ito Western Passenger association. Time cub- ject of reduced rates for summer picnlce out of Onualma and other large cities was consid- ered. Owiimg to time absence of reiirc'cnta- tives of a nimnmber of the lines , however , no definite conclimsions wcro reached. The opin. Ions of thce roads viil tie sought before any ammnoumiccmncmit of ratea Is made. Gemmeral l'assoimger Agent J , E. Lockwood of time Kansas City , Fort Scott & Memphie presided - sided , aflmi Aasistammt General I'auuaonger Agent I'ayne of time Missouri l'achilc acted. as see- rotary of time mectimig. It Is umnaermtooti timat a number .of limo lines arc opposed to low rates for Sunday picnics out of time large citlen to subumrbamm towmis. A reprcsentative of a local road said to a lice reporter yesterday : "Such excurIorms dci no great ammmount of gOoJ. If they took people into time country towns iii order that they itmiglit make purchases or in some way benefit the people of timese towns , it ouid lie a dlfferemit matter , bmmt they don't. The roads have dIfficult work in maIntaining theIr tarIffs anyway , and we do not think it vise to break away from timemninumis case. " Au Adv'r ( I , emieiii Cimmises 'rroiiiiie. There has been troube among tIm local tici.-et agemiti for time last low days on account - count of certan ! athertisements of two Omaha lines that have appeared In the daily paper. It ha an unwritten law of raIlway etiqtmetto that no advertsement of any road alma ! ! reflect cn any other road. Th city ticket agents of several roads have taken offense at time advertisemnenta of tin- oilier road concerning time voitlon of its trains at time imniom depot. One of limo offended ticket agents hmac gone so far as to report time matter at headquarters amid a conference on time subject between the general - oral moanagers of the two reads is not Un- likely. The other advertsemen which. has caused bad blood to boil amommg the "low joimmts , " Is one timat refere to time dlvcion of time various Chicago roads into two classes. htzuiivzt Notts tim , , ! l'ersonmils. S. C. Ifayeui , a ccnductor on the Unon Pacific. lo.st a hand cn time rail laet week , Seventeen machinists from Denver have jtmst secured emuployment in time Union I'a- chile shops at Cheyenne. w. j. Scanlon , a Union Pacific brakemnan , received painful Injuries about the head time other day. It Is smmpposcd ilmat a brake was released batore lie was aware of it amid struck itlmmi iii the head. I. It. Burgeon , general supemintendemit of time Utah Central , has been appoimmted general superhmutendcnt of time Ohio Southern , witim lioadquartero at Springfield. Before goimmg to the Utah Central Mr. Burgeon was for sommio years connected with the Indiana , I3locmzmiington & Western. Ciii' , , uiti Iletititiclie , As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded iiabtuai sick headachea , yield to Its influence. We urge all vimo are afihicted (0 ( procure a bottle and give timIs remedy a fair trial. In ca'cs of habitimal constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to ( lie bowels , and few ca'c.m long resist time use of tlmi medicine. Try it once. Only fifty cents at ICmthmn & Co.'s drug etore. Tim National bicycle cannot be beaten on time road , and for tricky track tactics It is a ( op netchor. - p rrnlmi 10 ) 1.0(10 feet down , gold is found In abundance ; time deeper you go time richer the ore. These art' facts concermiing Merctmr , Utah , T.e ! Union Pacific is the only all rail line to Mercur. For Morcur leaflet giving full 1)artlcularo call at City Ticket Office , 1302 Farrmamn street , C 0 am a it ti-C ii t cit gup et' ii L A , Special Train to Chicago . . for - Oninhm travel excitmaivviy NOltrIlw'EsTEiON LINE. aio : : every night. U , - id ) Ilmirry 'i'Ihi a ttt iiI ci. Spend all day 1mm Omnaima anti leave via "FilE NOIITIIWESTLII1N l4iNE" OM.li- ChICAGO SPECIAL at 0:10 : p. am , ( dining cur. ) NO IIURItY TILL YOU START , Then there's commsideablo hurry , for time train arrives at Chicago early next niorimlug. This train is equijipeti with E\'tItYTIIINQ , and words are very lmard o find ( lint do It Jtmitico , If ytni mmmtis ( leave earlier , inquire ubotmt ti'o 4:4r : , p. in , Overland LImited , City office. 1401 Fartmamn St. 'i'hie ( laily 't'tim- _ to go to Califormmia i itimout. delays or amincy. anccs.antl in conmfort , Is via TIlE UNION You don't have to change cars , and you get timere several hours aiicat of all other ilmmos , For tIme tahmtos or other , iii formaticn , call on A. C. Dunn , City I'aesenger anti Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnm stre"L. 'I' ii ii " 'l'i'mt I ii mm ii hi i' S . 'e , , mm ii 'I'rti t' it' ' Is time I1urlirmgton's ° Vestibuled Flyer" for Chicago. You dOn't hav to cilnmb. over car pint. forms or fall over baggage trucks to got to I'mi " ( ho ( ruin on time ecommd tr.mck. " EasIest to roacim , Best to imiake. thto trip iii. J.ervea Omnaba-5:0Q : P , M.-EXACTLY , Arrives CimicagQ-820 A , M.-NQ LA'rER. Sieepero-Chmair Carm-Dimmv1 , ! J'ieheta at l&02 Farimanm atr cjt Sitimi miter ii esir , - There are many cit them on tim itimmi of TIlE UNION PACIFIC. aii before armanging for your sUmuuucr outing you ahmouU make inquiry as to rates and routes. For full in- formnatioa call at City Ticket 0111cc , l202Parnamtret , . I ' - Mutisicrit. Fhu enormous enin'i .Ut baul "Time Nprthwesterzt Limm' . 9MAIiA.Ci1ICAGO Si'ECl.l east at 6:30 : every evening ( Union i'acillc diput ) aril info rhicago at tiQ : imest umori'ing--vcii worth tmtiupg a little ( line to , - C , I Ii imi - a r.t lung I t t his coutu I ry like themim -imeari as hmi'im % he deimut , but not qUite as iog. City olilce , 1401 Farnani . - - - - - - - - : OSINCVEhNBERC'S \ ' STOCK Positively the Wind-Up of the ] 3iggcst Bargain Giving Sale , JUST TWO DAYS OF CLOAK BARGAINS Nittiihtig ( , - CinnkN _ Stis Cit imeN-.Vniwts.--nt lie - - - limaNt lt'Mhier- 15(0 l'rlces liver Nzmiti.l far tit lin.l of ( otIiN , You'll be sorry it you don't take in tlmn last two days of thIs sale-and there's peal' tively orly two days of it-we Imave to move out of time V. M. C.t. . building at C o'clock Frimlay of ( his week-Thturtsday atmd 1m'lday are time last days of it-we don't care very much for mnommcy mmou-We do care for the imiovhlmg-we can't immove timeni-wo don't want thenu-Umoy nrc ours anti If you cami real xi it yell surely cati see that no ouch bargaIn giving sas over atteimipted in the history of time cloak btmriness , All of Weinberg's $ S.10 capes , $2.95. All of Weinberg's $1350 capes , $3.95. All of VeInberg's $ l1.00 capes , $1.85. MI \'einberg's $18.00 capes , $7J.0. All of Weinberg's $25.00 capem , $10.00 , All of Woinborg'c $2.00 wnist. , GSc , All of Weiitbcrg'a $2.50 waists , USc , All \'elnberg's $3.00 waists , $1,10. Al of Wolnberg's $1.00 waists , $1.40. Wohmmberg'o $0.00 black cassimmiero shawls , $1.95 , Time $9.00 all wool beaver simawlat , $3.00 , Time $10.00 camel's haIr ahmawis , $3.50. Weinberg's $30.00 broclmo shawls , $10.00. All of Vclnlmcrg's $2.50 wrappers , 85c. All \Veinberg's $3.60 wrappers , $1.20 , Au \'ciimimarg's $4.00 wrappers , $1.40 , Weiimberg's $2.00 duck suite. 8e. Weinberg's fine $10.00 , $12.00 and $20.00 suits , go at $4.00 , $5.00 and $7.45. Weinberg's $5.00 , $8.00 and $10.00 Infamut long coats in tan and creamn go at $2.00 , $3.50 timid $1.00. All Weinberg's nuacklntosheum , an ehegamit line , for a timird of Weinberg's cost , All fur capes and wimmor goads at any price to close. TIlE STATE , V. M. C. A. fluildlung. Closing out Weinberg's stoclc iii two days. U- Wanted , large couthcast front room , well fuirmilu'imcd aimd goad bath. Must be con- trahiy locoted , on car line. Ad. It 3 , Bee. Samn'l Burns lta fitty-to many-toilet sets amid waumts to get rid of themmi at i , ririce. See his east window. e - A. L. Deamme & Co. , 1116 Farnam street sell Union amid National bicycles. Stteimgerf'st Olileimmi Itomife to Pittt- Jjtirg Pennsylvania Short Lines from Cimicago omelal train will leave Chmlcago Uniomi Sta- tlon 7:30 : p. mu , , Sunday , J0i10 7 , over PanHandle - Handle hlommte. Exctmrmion tickets will bc cold at $10.50 via I'an-llamidle ltiUtmi and $12.00 via Fort Waymie rtouto , Jimime 6 , 7 , and 8. Solid trains fromn Chicago Union StatIon to Pittsbtmrg Union Station. For particulars address lierimig , 248 South Clark street , Chicago. Stumimiiiem IO-etirslmtm , , to Colorado. Tim "flock Icland Rotmte" has now on sale tourist tickets at greatiy reduced rates t9 DenverL Colorado Springs and Pimoblo. flcniemnber this Is tIme only line running Its own traIns witlmout change from Omaha to all of time above points. For full infor- nmaiomi call at flock Island city ticket 0111cc , 1602 Farnani street. v1I la o'I' MONEY. , Iiiilge SiiirnN Ieeide Agztiiist ( lie 1ViiIou- ( hit ( lid , Zhmijimmermimmimi. In thio federal court ( ho jury in time case of II. S. Woodworth , charged with semidimmg lotkry' adlertisenments through the mail , returned a. rdit of not guilty. Jtmdgo Shuiras decided against the wife of time late Cottliob Zimmerman in ( ho umlt brought by her cmi two life imusurance poi- iciai for $1,000 and $2,000 respectively , issued - sued by time Masonic Aid asockmtion , of Dakota. Time policies provided that no pay- nient slmcmuld be made on them in case time insured took imrs own life. Zimmerman was found dead in Syndicate park , South Ommiaha , about a year ago. with every In- dicatiomi thmat death was ( hue result of sut- dde. Pcrmnisslon was granted Milton Dialittlo , receiver of time North Platte National bank , to sell real estate belonging to the bamuk and apply time proceeds to liquidating claims amain.'t time bank. Frank Goodwin , Jolmn hammond anti Freult Itosm of Decatur have been brought Imi on Indictments charging them with selling - ing liquor to Indiamms. Cimaries Itebeck , Cimarles lawton anti Walter Cutler Imav also been brought in , clmarged with cuttimmg ( imumber on time Pine Ridge agency. Dtlrrng time afternoon time trial of Hemiry II. Rye . of Gordon , charged wIth unlawfully having hi his pos005sion Indian cattle. , was taken up. Time $25,000 damage stilt of M. 0. Daxon against time Gorniuliy & Jeffrey Manufacturing - turing cornpatiy was timrown ou of time United States court yesterday emi a umotion to quash the service. limo ground of time mo- ( Ion being that notice was served upon a man alleged to Imave been time managing agent of time comnpany in Chicago , evidence being introduceti to show thmat the man in question was not such managing agent. Ai'gmletL Smilve. Time beet salve In time worlml for cults , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rimeum , fever sores , ( otter. chapped hands , chilblains , cormms , and all tkin eruptions , and positively curc piles or no pay required. It Ia guaranteea to give perfect muatisfactiomi or mmioney rot rumuuicd , Price 25 cents per box. For saic by Kuhn & Co. -0 - The Ummion bicycle never was known to break. - , * - " ( ) 11lm ii U - ( I Ii I eu go Li am I I e ii. " MIL\VAIJICEE flY. , Built for speed , Comfort nun safety , Short iine , Block sym'temi , Eiectm'ic liglmt. Finn Cuisine. City ( icluct aflce , 1501 Farnam street. Far itt'iintcI , unit's. To till rumimmer resorts call at hlocIc Island City Tlclet 0111cc , 1602 Farnani St. -a 4t. 311N ( ti.t' Stii'vimm're. A ststemmment iii yesterday immorn. lug's ( lispatchics from \Vashuimmgton , that Senator Tlmurstomm was about to leave for imommio cmi account of time serious ilirmese of his fatimer-Imu.aw , seems to be unfoimmideil , Imiquiry at the residence of Senatom Thurstomu in this city elicited time information that there must have been semite mistake. Imr , Polaimd Immmd hmeen indIa- posed for a week cm' mimoro , bitt hue Illness was iii Ut ) WOY serious , and lie Is now mmitmeim better. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It is a well authenticated fact timat a spraIn mmmay ho cured wIthin timrea or four days by mipplylmig Chamberlain's I'aimi Bairn freely , Amty one who line been laid up tor three or four vcekmm with a sprained ankle will be likely to reniotmibcr timla. Time 25 antI S0-ccnt sires are for sale by druggists. MhI i'rit lNi'i'If , ' 10 'rAiiI I'.titI' , iCmIiKhtM ( If . - ; ; ; ; , trrnuiglrg for I ii t' iP ii h'n rod e. At time regu1ameeting of the Hoard of Governors. iCn gbtnof Mc-nr-flen , ycater- day a communicallon was received froni Ci. \v. Suet' , Suggestitug that time militia conipa. nlem of the state be ipviteti to take part in time nihiltary and civic parade of September 1 , lIe bellevel that the Ornalma Guards and the Thurston hilfies cmmltl ho interested in the immatter , one looking after time First regi- nient anti time other the Second regliiietmt , as they are members. There ate a number of vacant buiidimigs the city the Use of wimlcim coimlil be sectmred amid these , if fitted with cots or straw shuts-downs , would make atimirablo quarters , the visitors furnishing timeir own meals. The idea niet with imeam-ty exprescionim of approval anti referred - ferrod to time parade committee , whichm ha to act wIth Mr. StiCs , Time treasurer was Instructed to keep imp the insurance emi time floats and paraphernalia at time den anti to immcrcase it from Utile to tinie as the building went on. Time nuattor of costumes for limo fall pa- rules was timorougimiy discmmrecl and time para - ra Ic conirnittee iiistrtmcteti to report time prc.b- able cost at the next meetimmg , They ate to be ninilo from special ( leMgtms , of the finest material amid will iii ninny respects outshine timoso of last year. lieritles the large number required b time nurmakers cmi the twemity floats there will be tweive ci- pecially designeti for the nmarslmale. Mim1i satkfactlon was expressed with time imianner in which time ranks of the icnlght.o were being Ilileti up this year. Another large clam's went tbrough time "machinery" last Monday night at the den , anti to a mitan exprersed their satisfaction with the fumi they imiul. Tlii Immitiation is hot altogether for time purpose of maimitnttuing a secret society - ciety , but to bring our best bucimmera macmm together iii the bommuis of goodfeilowsimip , for ,1 mmieetlrmg togetimer where , once a. wcelc , they can east dull care aside , have a good laugh anti go Imonse arm iii arm disctmssimmg time best interests , of the town. There is natimhmig like it anywhere 1mm time United States amid time lively interest mmuanife.tett after omie year's trial elmouva that it is tip. predated by all who have taken imoiti of it. U , A printer In thmo office of the News at Morgan , Tex. , suddenly disappeared from ( ho omce. On his return a few mnintmtes later lie prcduced a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ITo imati a severe cough amid cold , anti In explanation said , "What is the use of niy coughing my head off , when Cimanmber. lain says his Cough Itemmiedy will cure mne. lIe says so himself , and pays time news- oaoor to say so. I have set up his advertisements - tisoments in twenty different states , and it mnuet ho so. " It did cure him , timen Ime know it was no. It always ctmres. Time 25 and 50-cent bottles are for sale by druggists. YiSIIII.E SU1'i'i.Y OP ICE ltfliUCEI ) . 3otmtlm OhlimiluiL IceCommipit mii's I'iimmm C I ) i's C m'oeI by Fl Thmo manimotim ice house of the Soumtim Omahma Ice and Coal company , situated near Sixth and Nicholas streets , was struck by hightmmtmmg yestertlay ujorning shortly before S o'clock. TIme building was completely destroyed - stroyed with the oxcsptiomi ? of timat portiomm upon which the Ice was stummitlhmig. It was a well buIlt structure and iii said to have been tile largest in time city. It \j aboimt S0x125 feet in size. It was owned by time Ummion Natiomiai bank antI valued at $3,000. There was no immsuranco. Time house contaimmed about 5,000 tons of ice , according to Mammager Doe of the comtmpauy. TIme manager esttmate.h this unorimimug that about 40 per cent of thml would be a total loss. It ii , thommgimt that time reniainummg 00 per cent cami he remnovemi in .i saleable condition. The buidlmig 'ins almnort Immediately en- veioped In flames , at , the liglmtning seemned to truCvorse the structure to time north. 4n alarm wea turned In from Tweiftim and Nicholas streets , but it wasomno ( line befcre the department could get at work. Tim time meantinme the flanmes spread rapidly , as a strong w1ndm.'sas biowimig troun. tlte south , Dimeuuhty was encountered in obtaining water , The nearcat hydrant to the structure was at Tenth and Nmchmolas streets anti it was fommrmd nece.9'ary to lay ( Ito hose over a considerable number of railroad tracki. Finai ) t\io streams Were obtained , but these were weak , despite tue assistance of engines , as the water had to travel a commsiderablo ilirtance , One tlmoimeamid to lmunuired anti fifty feet ot hose was laid , The rain which was falling was of material ascatamice in prewentng time spread of the fire. There were fommr or five cottages just north of the ice imumse. The failing rain vetted time roofs elthmese structures , thereby averting the dangCr produced by hying sparks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aim IitmtiimiMIit,41. , Mr. L. Hayden of Waulonia , ICy. , is en- thuslastic in imis praise of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lie says Ito has used It in his famliy for years anti Can safely recommend it to time iiubUe as time best medIcine in the world for bowel troubles. The 25 and 50-cent sizes for sale by druggists. _ _ _ t- - iirs. 111'EIimimt'mt i ii 'I'rtmlIt' Agimi ii. The McEhliattOflR are in trouble once more. This ( line Mrs. McEihatton has been ar- retod nt the Instamico of Mrs. G. Smith and Eti Dilnier on tile charge of disimmrlming the uisace. All the patriots live on tue bottoms in the vicinity of the water works pump house. at the foot of Nigholas street , anti vam. Is waging most of thiC time among tlmemim. The Dricormis. the stlts : , COstello nnul Coyles , all neIgimtori. have combined to make life miseraile for tile MeEtluattons , at ienmmt scm time head of the McEiimatton tao- lion alleges , amid all of the earticitmants have higureti In police court a nunmber of times. Tuestiny night Mcfluiintton himformeti the pa- lice that Mrs. Smith anti 1l ] ) ilmer Imad been hmurimig tOneS and vile epithets at him- elt anti wife and he wished it stoppemi. Ha also mthegeti thmat Dilmner tuitmi time Smith snlan were hiving together without the formality cit first hmaing married. Time urrest of Mmii. MeElimnttomi is time cumimiut'on of time micIgimborhtood stro. - iIimiI ? hiCi I Pt I ii Utiiil I'in. KANSAS CITY , May 27.-A soecial to time Star ( ruin Clovelatitl , Mo , , says : Despite the verdict of the coroner's jury , whmielm imeiti thmat Mrs. Martin Frost , wife of a farmer , drowmmed her cimildrcmi , Mary , Carrie and James , and then cut bier throat in a fit ot tcrnpoary insanity yesterday , thmere are those who talk of ( emil play. No clew to substanti- mite (1mm claimii is apparent , however , amid as notiming In time Itemise in time way of valuables was tilaturbod , there s000is to be no basIs for It. Mrs. Frost was 30 years old and time CiiillrOfl froni 1 to C years. liii rry ( ouhIVLm'hm Ilomimimi Over. harry Gont1riel hiuim ) mccju bound over to time district court ii1y Jtmmlgo Cortloim on a clitirge of imrcukiimg .into and emitering time rom of "Generul7 mwashmimmgton Fioltis , in time Drown imiock. Ho is alleged to have taken several ImaiSs .ot pants be1ontiimg to Fi&tls anti aftorivard soiti them to mm seconti ' hmanti clothing dosaitir. Gootirhchm was hio'd in miefault of $ SJ0 ( bCiids mmd Watt remnamtded to jail to await trimtij - : ta rrtugr l.it.eiiHt N , Permits to svtuif iumve been issued to time tcilwing parties ii ) ' ( lie cotmnty judge : Name timid AdtlrtusH Age. hures A. ItaiisitIt'k. Oninima , . , , . . . . , . . . . Eiinor H. Nece , ( Jihiitl , I'u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 'imaries Carson , Onmuehma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emma Swansomi , idnimilma. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . lupentm 7. . Arnmstroflg. Omnaima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Annie H. 1tljbiStQfltauia 30 - Raymo4 _ W1flSfldbYonl . 4. A cithng gift hotid ! be something. Iasting-ike Gor- ii arn'5 Sterling Silver-among 0111cr seIccttons we have a spcia1 piece-a handsome open work fruit bowl-s tcrl ing siIs'er-$4o , 1Uyffloud , Jeweler. I . 10im amid Louglmus. - - - . , t-r-- _ _ - d _ . - - : = - - - - - b : Lththt bL4 t lice , May 27 , 1800. oo1 Kotes . . - - Have you ever noticed , In time winter , when the days are colti , Time Iceman leaves a great big chunk-most all your box will hold- L' ' But in summer , when it's hot emmommgim to almost fry your fat , 2 ! . lie loaves about a spoonrul-hmavo you cyor mmoticod that ? Spcaking of icc-have you scen those cool coats j &c . arc selling for 5oc ? They are so cool that we - - - ticed 110 1CC watct Oil the floor vherc tluiy are and & our competitors have a cold chill vheimvcr they sec eM one on a inaa's back. For 75c we sell coats that - - - other stores get a cool $ I,5o fot' and flie coats we sell for $1.50 arc not soid for less than 'scvcntecn tn:1 : . ) , c over in England1 where they arc supposed to sell - - - tliugs cheap. 'l'hcrc isn't a style or color of cool coat made but vliat ycu vilI find here , hicluding blue l. % _ and grey scrgcs at $1.90 , black and grey worsteds at T $2.25 ; silk aJpaca at about $2 and mohair coats and .t vests at prices that arc as light as the cloth. . Itt G. A1 R. Sitits . ; ; : ; We offer for Memorial Day a teal indigo blue , strictly all wool suit in rcgulai and extra sizes , includi tf ing complete set of buttons , for $6.75. We warrant - ; ; these suits to be strictly all wool , fast color , and the . ! ' _ equal of any $10.00 suits sold in this town. Square i ! .L or l'ound cut , i . Iegra4&a t'oti4i4 & h t . . W3 A 11- V - . . 41c . : iAL'd. ' I\ \ \ . ' h&'N & . - - , - _ = - - I = 4f . - 1 _ , - -a LJ. - : 'i . " ! ! P ± J9L . . . . , . . . A better way to gc'.t : our trade quickly thait to get : the best materials for you ' to select frorn We sell for cash. : That means that you'll . . have no one else's loss to pay. . - . Pants to order , $1 to $12. Suits to order , $ li to urSO. - . Samples Mailed. : 0 . . - . ; TAMLOR lirAmiclicS iii all Primicipuil Cities , 207 South 15th St. 4 ! , RHEUMATISM1 : / from a Bad" . . , t Liver and canbe I2i Cured by Using r. J. H5 McLEIIN'S LVER AND I I3ALM 3 A Certain Remedy for : Diseases of the Liver , Kidney and Urinary I Organs Fit Druggists. Price , I.OO Per Bottle . 7115 DR. J. H. McLEAN Mroictur Co. aT. LOUIS , MO. L3 , ' l htemxmejy CALTHOS rr' , situ 'I1 51 ieglgusrtmntteihmlitCALTmmOHthlll , , . , . , . . . . 141 01' hIisIu.c.t . EnI..Ioni. ! etuiu : 5.rnIrrhea.YirlcocJ I end mnsromimIot : Vigor. C- and /av i/satisfied. I I , 54rVON MOIIL. CO. , J - _ _ _ I' ' McCREW jig ONLY A SPECIALIST \ WHO TREATS ALL PIVATF. DISEASES . & Udc , 0. ' s. ; , . . ONLY Veari 0 Years in Omaha1 - . _ _ _ flock Ftc. , Conmultaltoim - and Examination Ftcr , - - 14th and Farnam Sta. , ' . . _ _ _ OMAII.t NLU. 44 1CURE YOURSELF ! ' USC lug ( I for t'MEi urmnaturai I. I Wida , , . dirhargt. , jtmtlaiiimallen. , so QimirszIa.J to , tmnu. of Irritation go mm c o , U or ritemmiIraia ulcerahiuu , . . et , , , . ; . tortaiao , l'ahtmieaa. a04 mmoi saliho. S. rHIEcsCHIulcsLCo. gemmi or pOIautmuu. , cnhiINmm4Ti.o. oId by Jrughita. , , . , or sent iti pl&kt , I S. A . & wrapper ' /11 , P . , by I.ma. cxvres. r 3 bOttle. , prepahd , 12.75. , for % tircuiar stat vim ic'piva , ' . . ( faty mamma uteti Wool Soap ) (0 ( wlsbemulne Mdl WOOLENS WILL NOT SIIIUNK It S'ool Soup is ueod n thtO laundry. Is tiioctcanslntofwlntcr bmankotsmiunmmema and all wooi fabrics boioro storing for thoseasco , ' 1hu value of WOOL SOAP is inestimable. Wmzstmcssihka , laces and afi ourntTm"r himbrics myittmommt injury. ICqualhy vatuablo ( or bath , houselmaid anti geuerai laundry urposes. 8olth by all dealers. Rawcrth , Scbodde Sc Co. , Makers , ChIcago. -eWYOrhoOti1ccJeiLeOnard Ru. Uoston.iflhathamBt , 752 RiVct made of ttro rubber liokis tile hill-Dog Garck , A AtiY Hose toge1er. hi ( holds the ordinary rubbe , i-r garden hose together. Tue strength of hose depends On these ru ) . bcrrivetstecllnicailycahied ( ( riction ) . A shoi rjvet Is stronger than a long one. Bull-Do : rivets short. Theory and results prove Dull-Dog sIrohI est hosefor money made. J3.'ton Woven hose & Rubber Co. 2 $ Devoiishire Si , . Boston , or , SOS Lake St CiicsOo , G Reaie st. , N , Y. 709 No. itti t , SI Louis , lOll Water St Cieveiancl. l7aQAa.1'1JmQetDa/er. TrCmUt , SaumEran. a Tlnirsday's i Special i : Sales a at the- BigStore c _ sii the Btittci'Ik P.ttttrng. i NAYD1N BROS. - - - ; - " ' A Remai'1ab1e Sale of.1Yen's [ and Boys' Extra Fine Suits 1 , ThIs sale means to you gemitiemen's i. stylisim and Perfect flimsiness Stilts , nobby Caseiimmere Suite , testy ilommiosimuns , durable c fancy Chmovlots-In the newest hmatteras of - time season , timat will commiparo faverabiy with time best that nmiy clothIng imotmso has yet _ been able th otter at l5.00 , ammti yotm can buy time sammie stilts M hinymiemu Bros. ttm1 c veek for $7.50. , - I This sale imicans to you time very finest ' Glebe siik mmiixtmmres and Emiglisim worsteds , _ Suits that represent time hmighmest imerfectiomi of immodc.ra tailoring ; Stiita the like of which - c misercimant tailors got 335.00 for , and which - I ready made , were never lmoretofore eqimaled I for less than 20.00 anti $25.00 , amuti - . 3OU cami buy timse gmtms of ( lie tailors' are - . this vc1t at hlaytiene' for $12.50 , , Boys' I.omig l'ammts Suitim ChmIs week at - $3.50 , $5.00 amid $7.50 ; all regular $6.50 to - 15.00 Stilts. Boys' lCmmce Pants Stmitn timimi week at 950 , $1.50 , $2.75 and $2.75 ; all regular $2.00 to $5.00 Stilts. Fast color \\'ashable Suits timis week at a very special hmargaimm-laimyard and whis- tie-for 35c , SOc , 75c amid USc ; iortii fromma $1.00 to $2.50. \Vaslmabie Knee Pants at lOc. Special Sale of Men's Furnishings. NothIng like It ever seen in time west , 500 dozen men's lirhtIsim Sox , 'orth 25o pair , go at Dc. 1,000 dozemu men's Neckwcar , cenio in bantl bows , tccits amid four-imm-hnmmds , nmado from elegant ilk amid beautiful Patterims , worth 25o to SOc each , cmi sale at 12 ½ o each. I I Men's best qimutllty Ceiuleid Collars , all shapes and sizes , Sc each. 2 We will put on salC 100 dozen mcmi's fob Negligee .Simirts , none worth less than SOc. your cimoice 25c. Mon's halbriggan Sldrtmo mind Drawers , iSo each ; worth 25c. Mcmi's fancy Latmmmtlered Simirts , worth 75o and $1.00 , go at SOc. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. 100 dozen chmildremm's fast black cotton Hose , made with a double knee , only ISc a pair.Our Our regular 25c quality ladies' ( mill regular made hose , fast black , 17c ; worth 25c. Corsets , 100 dozen ladles Summer Corsets , 35c ; worth SOc. Ladies' and Childrens Underwear One case of chiFdremm's jersey ribbed \Tcsta , Sc : worth 25c. Ladles' Jersey ribbed \Tecis , Do ; worth iSe. Ladles' Lisle % 'osts , worth SOc and 75c , go at 25c. Silk Mitts \ / 500 dozen ladice' extra heavy Silk Mltt lOc per pair. One lot Silk Mitts , glove tlmuimmb , 25c wortim SOc. One lot of 5 and 7-lmcok ICitI Gloves , 75c worth $1.25. Ladies' real ICiti Gloves , S and 7-hook , iii all colors , every pair warranted and fItted , only $1.00 ; worth $1.50. Silk Specials for Thursday Striped Wash Siik , full assorinient , 21G yartl. Checked Wash Silks , full aseortment , 21o yard. Corded Wash Silks , full assortment , 21o yard. Plaid Wash Silks , full assortment , 21o yard.Natural Natural Pongee Silk , 18 Inclmes wldo , Ha yard , Natural Pomtgeo Silk , 27 Inches wide 2 yard. 1-d i ; - ' Ji-t\ 4 % , , . . - tLiV. New Velvet Capes AL $3.75-"Juet Out" tashmiouma In Velvet Caimos , imlain and jet triinnmctI , sillc jIned tityhisim length maid full aseep , such as you bOO elsewhere for $7.75 , at Hayden Bros. , Children's Dresses ' A full line of Clmhidren's Dresses , Tiioi are mimadq kotn Imamuittorno dlmitita anti iiwaa , witim whIte tucked yokes , ruhile over shmouider , with enibroitiery unit lace trim- : miings , sizes rormm 2 to 6 ycarsi ; time imrices. are 25e , 4th , ISo , 95c , $1.25 up to $2.25. Thu newest auth best are time cimemmlmest , Our New York Buyer NotIfied us by t&egrapbu today that lie had purchased at auction 250 iileces of Shik , oiaimi anti fancy , at prices much less timait hail their value , Thmes will be on sait In our Slut Departmnunt Moimminy mmtornin , arid we can assure our cdatoumtcrs that wu will have Silks at pricco ( lint have never been equaled In hhmls city , Full particu- harm , in Sunday lmaIera , 1