Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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'l'lI.E MA1IA flAIFY flEI
. - - : iniiy isisn ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ pc'iaI meefing rt ifiuff City 1ogn No.
7t wlH occur tiI evring. Work In Ma&ter
. , M3.-tl' dett o.
' , " tnaTrIaO IICcfl ! Wa SUN1 yRtetday
I t 1.flhIcr ind MI Joe \Vetzel ,
1 1) tb of Conncfl tJIuff.
! n th. d'trIct court yetert1y 1' . I. Ca
nily 'ntct' Jt1gment In favor of C. 11.
Jacquemin & Co. for 12O.3G.
The Urnnil hotel , Ciotincli I3tif1. High
c1as in uvery upect. Hittes , 2.BO ) cr ( lay
an'i upvan1 , E. F. CIar. proprietor.
t A 1CenIngtoii III ho hdct In the parlors
Ii of the Pirat PresbyterIan church thie rafter-
: ltrofl fruni 3 until o'clock. All ladies car-
I , dialiy liivIto1.
The case ot Mottaz ngilnst littliet , a
, litigation .ver a lot line on Upper Broadway -
way , vaj tibmittod to Judge Smith yesterday -
day nitornoon.
) The fiiends of .Jnlian C. Mitchrlt ytir-
. prlSCl him last 'Cnng by ns.ting hint
\ to celeirnte his 45th ljlrthdr.y. Among the
' kindly remcnibranc voi ; a liandEerne flflP.
h. Mrs. . .1.V. . Crosaland ilieci In tliii , efty
' f A 1at evening afler an Illnei at about a
\ , jc weic. 'rite t1occa&1 vas born In this etty
. : : it 1851 and all her life hat , been spent
' An Important buinc change was an-
flounced ycstrday by whichV. . 13. flcd ,
I OX-CoUnty treasurer. ljCCflhiO litlt owntr at
Il the floral and horticultutil huatners Of .1.
c n. McPherson , at 12O : ; ist I'Icrco street.
A 'sliock party' IlI ho given at the rci-
I denco of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atidna , 134
4 Park avenue , thl c.vening for tlio benefIt
' of Grace chinch. A catcty program has
. , been arranged , In which Jules Lutabard of
Omaha will have a Promlncnt pkice.
' Tue marriage of Miw JoaloVczeI to
. Mi . l.V. . Milior occurred last evening nt
0 o'clock at the re.ldcnce of the brld&
. niotber , 1OT Broadvay , Itev. Mr. Senseity
omclating. The yotaig people rfll be at
home to their frioniln at thnt number nttcr
. _ j today. lor sovc.ral years Mls Wetzcl wa
chief peritor in the tclcphono exchange.
I Czu or Tiutuks.
, , The Sie'tors of SI. Bernard's hospital rc-
I turn their heartfelt thanks to the ladica
. t of St. 1rancls Xavier parish , the Innisfail
' - Dramatic club , the press nod the citizens
, v1io kindly made the ploy a financial suc-
. ces , . A check for $3O wa haniled to the
; . Sisters by the committee and viil be used
to furnish two wards In the now wing , one
called the Innisiall , the other St. Francis
Xavier pariah ward ,
Hoffinayra Fancy Patent flour makea the
. bcst and most broad. Ask your grocer for it.
Irs. r. .y. CIitrk' , Isperk'II ( e In the
St,111t 1est & 'vdn lhoiii I ij.
Thi thunder storm that burst 'ith such
fury upon thu city yesterday morning came
I dangeroutIy near counting Mi's. T. J. Clark
oniong Itt , vlctimn. Mrs. Clark. whoie rest-
donce hi on South First street , was milking
a beautiful little Jery cow. Time animal
was in a Pasture lot adjoining F'alrmount
park. standing close to a wire fence. Mrs.
: ' Cleric had scarcely finished the rnrk when
time storm burst. Big drops of rain vero
fa1itn when she ) ( through the wire
fence imtl etarted for time homme. The cow
Waii. a pot and when Mrs. Clark c'osecl the
: gate the animal pressed up against the wire
Zemco for a iarting carer's. lIar mimtre's
, ! patted the velvety nose of the pet for an
ii Instant until'admnonlshcd by the slmrp light-
fl ning that time storm was cieso at hand. anti
( a otarteti rapidly fem the htomi. . 3hmehmat1 emily
I' gqne a short dttaimco when .the lightning
atruck a little walnut tree cio'a to th fence ,
: bmt 'ovcral hundred feet away. The current -
rent leaped from the tree to time fcnc and
ran ulcmiz the wlre until it reached time
COW and instantly kit ed her. Mrs. Cl3rk
was severely shocked , limit not injured. Site
1 vaS h1iimot hieartbrokemi by the death of her
: Ict. ,
The mother of time cow was sent into thmo
p country a few days ago , and the day after
) simo phccd in tIme pasture of her how
. q nor alto 'aa } cthleml by lightning in aimoot
IdentIcally tIme tmnb way.
. -
Timp Manawa tooter cara will blmm to
; run .Saturtiay. Colonel Reed las kindly
given tIme ladles of St. Paults church one
oar for time entire day. They will have
all the fares they carry on their car. ale'
! the exclusive privilcgo of selling refresh-
, meats at the hake. A royal good time
: promired all vIeiLori ? 0
'Water iressuro filters , $3. Stephan Bros.
Gas ranges and service connections at half
price for fitteon days. Call at companys
office for full particulars. 210 Main and 214
" .1 reari streets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' \ ( Pasturage. L. P. Judaco , 029 Sixth ave.
'l'em-Yi'ur-Id hey 'shstitgItth.
' It was not due to any desire to prevent
' ft that a driver of an Omaha Jroery wagon
' was not guilty of killing a 10-year-old boy
I yoterday afternoon , The boy is the son
of Claus Thommin , a siloomi keopr on Upper
: Broadway , and , the driver of the wagon Ic
I at present imnknowmm. The wagon was pass-
I lug along the street oi Upper Broadway
about 4 o'clock , the big team pulling thin
, ontlerotms yohicloalang at a lively trot. The
boy caught on , baiminti and vas swinging
ulo'mg , occasionally touching the pavement
'with life feet. The wagon was empty and
time endgate 'as do vu so as to perqiit the
driver to see the boy , In sSmno mnamnier time
boy's right leg as caught. in the wheel
' and was carried against the bolster stamjdard.
' The edge of the stammd3rd was shod with iron ,
: iresentimmg a sharp corner. 'Fho boy leg
ivas drawn between title and tlte imub of time
wheel. lie cimtmig to the ondgmmto anti
' screamed with haiti. The mirlyor looked
: around , limit mmuilo , no effort to stop
lila team. 'fho lay fInally bet his haiti and
fell to time pavement , and by an accident
that is tilthicult to accoummt for wlmeit his head
struck the granite jmvemiient his foot clipped
' from time citmtehi of times'imecl. . Time
shirLeks of time chili ! cotmld be heard for a
dLtanco of a block , htmL they tell on ( loaf
cars so far as time driver was concerned ,
If time ) ' had any effect upon imlimi it waii to
make Imitmi hasten time speed of his horses ,
\ ; wlmcn the boy'c head ( liaappeared , time duiver
gave time lmcrses ami extra cut with imis whip
amid sent timeimi away at a swift naco , an.'i time
. child was left lying on the pavemnent writim-
lag in Pain. Time driver occasionally looked
' p- back over bin shoulder as ho continued up
, - thu street. Time citilti was picked imp nod
1 carried Into Dsvis' drug store anti a phyil. .
cin emimimnOiieti. lie i'as covered with immemmi
an1 timQ blood was streammmlmig from scut _ on
litmi leg. When time mud sva Wnalmed away
It 'as foummml tlmat a gasim immid been cut cmi
time ! of time cimilmi's leg below time knee
r smeariy four incites bug oxtemmtiing to time
: bommo. Ito 'as lidty bruised in oilier places ,
Officers were lcokimmg ( or time. drver , but
ho managed to got out of town and escape
aI'roDt for tito time lining.
( mir furnn Oimtimtg.
' A party of Council lucite people departed
for hloitmiami lake tolay to enjoy an outing
for a week , Time crowd was cenmpceti of
; Messrs.V. . C. Fstei , , W' , A. 1Iigimsmittim ,
Taylor \Voolse ) ' . J. C. laiienivck'alter
Beebe , Id , F , htobrer , J , W. Peregoy1 S. T ,
.4 \ ic\tee , hurry liawortim , C , 11 , Sherradomm
if \ cmiii C. W , McIonald ,
Housekeepers are 1mm ( ieeiflir Wlmen timoy
vit : to iurfco Furniture conmjmauy , ii time
new things are so imandsomne anti sa cimeap
timat timey 'ant time whole store.
\\.o ocr you 0111) ' dccii , crisp , snow s'imime
t lauimdry work and best delivery sevlco at
Eagle laundry , 721 liroatiway. Telephone 157 ,
lint Ohed 'tiMii.
We have 1,000 hot bed sash which we are
going to clOse out , They won't iast bug.
' 110w mummy tb you want ? \Ve wiii ummoke you
It price that camm'L ho duplicated , C. 13.
Paint , Oil and ( Bass commmpany , Masommic Temmi-
pie , Council hliuffs.
: IVimen Baby wmu sick , vo gave her Caxtorlit.
t'heu time 'ns a Cimilit , slum cric'd for Castoria.
f i\l2eIm LhU becamnu Mhs , ime clung to Castorimi.
'Vhn 1zu hid CImUJ.rumm , the gaj tbnui Ctostrt.
Quo Way to ett1o Up the Sick
huh iezu I I ( IhIm thud lie S'tN liiterest.'ml to
LI .inre or Iegree its Tuk-
Ih.o Cure' Itt tii I'voimert ) '
iii Sight.
The detailed rcport of time administrator
of time estate of C. 11. Sick shows that it
is pi'ofltabie to be an aduninletrator , pam'tlc.
tminrb ) ' If time admninistrator is an attorney
and hams a partner to 'took after the legal
bus1imcs of the estate and has a stenog-
i'aplmer whm can work in a bill of good
proportions with or s'itimotmt provocation.
Frommmont lienjamin of Avoca was admnln
istrator in question. Ito bums mantle his final
report and Imas been discharged anti time
esate settled up. Time reporte of time administrator -
ministrator are on file in time ollico of the
clerk cit Limo courts. The reports show that
( ho estate in cash proceeds amounted to
$1,015 amid that Margaret Sick , the mnotimor
of time ticceaseti , vaa the sole lisle. Accomu-
panying the meport is an Itemized account
of time ditrititmtion of the Immoney , and hate
i where time simowlmmg of profit is mmmdc.
01' coum'so , the first thing necessary in time
mannagemnent of a big estate like that was
limo appointment of a referee aummi time report -
port simows that time referee , witnesses anti
stenographer's services aggregated $210.95.
Of this amount $10.05 for witnesses amid
$25 for meforee. Timl would leave a little
imiattor iike $175 for stenographer's fers , anti
in this case the stenogmapimer happens to
be the wife of mba adumminletrator. Prior to
time final report timero s'as an ahlrmwammcm of
$50 for stenographer's fees , immaking a total
of $225 for Mrs , Benjamin.
with a start of that kimmd it was necessary -
sary , of course , to get an attorney , anti
Admitmistrmmtom' flcnjammmln Iticked omit a good ,
careful law 11mm amid gave time business to
mmmi attorney named Preston of the law firm
of Bemijamin & Prestoum , By time time the
estate was settled up time law firm imad been
paid $200 , the claim of Attorney lienjanmin
being carefmully consIdered anti finally ap-
; roved by Adninietraor ! hlcnjaniin and time
details of the busimmess taken in simortimand
by trs. Benjamin. Attorney l3enjaiuin was
called upoum to imss upon time elating of
Almmllnhmmtrator Benjamin and decided to let
hun imavo $210 for his services in closing
imp the estate.
There \'ere a few otimer claims against
time cstae ; and Amiministrator Benjanmin , At-
torumoy Benjamin nmmd Stenograptmer Iieumja-
nun Imati them carefully atiditod and vaid
pro rata. This cost mnoney , of course , amid
after time attornoy-admimmistrater.etenogra-
plmci' cambination imad drawn omit $665 amm
imad paid a few minor claims it was found
that Mrs. Sink waa entitled to time munifi-
ecmmt cimmo of $60. She was apparently sat-
itified to get anything amid signed her acceptance -
anco of time report , and ito there was notim-
log for tite court to do but allow time cialnis
of time admninlstrator amid discharge lmim.
Itciim evil Si ( mC ,
In threa days wo timove. We don't want
to move jtny more god than we cami help.
Comne anti help its mnove ; we will pay you
veif for It. You : icver imad the chance before -
fore to secure high grade goods at mamch a ro-
tiuction itt price. Don't let this chance pass
without taking advantage of it. These prices
hold goad mmntil we move.
Ladion' fine kimh shoes , hand welts and
turns ; fcrmer price $5 , imow $2.75.
Ladies' fine kid aito s wera$3.50 , now$2.
Ladio , ' kid simco. were $2.50 , now $1.50.
Ltt1ie' kid shmcaz' , were $1.75 , now $1.00.
Ladies kid shoes , email nizes , were $3 and
$1. now 75c.
Lhics' kid shorn , 2 anti 3' . . 35c.
Lacuna' 1ici : Oxfords , 2 % antI 3' , SOc.
Ladles' white kid Oxfortis 21,4 and 3 , SOc.
infantr ' Shoes , were lSc. now lOc.
Mon's calf sbaem' , lace amid congrers , were
$5. now $2.50.
Mcn's tan bale. , were $ , now $2.50.
M"n's taim bis. , wore $3.50 , now $1.75.
Men's fine satin calf bale. , wore $2.50 , now I
$1.50 ,
Mcmi's low cuts , were $3 , now $1.
This is htmL a small portion of time many
bir2ins we have to offer. Jill our shoeo
imavo been remlmmctd at least one-halt.
Next to hieno's ,
Dr. Cleaver's officocuoved to COO Broadway.
t'hi cm'i 'I'll I ef Co ugh C.
A. A. Ilazzard returned frein Crescent
City last evening anti brought , the report to
time police station timat the village authorltioz
imad What they believed to be a wheel thief
under coirvellianco timcro , During the tatter
imart of the afternoon a etro'mmgcr ' rode into
tovn on a good wheel anti began trying to
sell It Tie offered to part witm , It for such
a i.maii sum that time officers were mutisfied
imo had stolen it anti asked hlazzord to repart
time facts to time Council BlUffs police.
\Vitiiln live minmmtcs after Ilazzard reached
tcwn time.Iqwa Wheel company cant a mime-
mmormger to notify time police that a fellow had
rented a wimeel dmmrimmg time thay anmi it imad
good reason to believe ime had stolen It. Time
name anti mmuniber ceparted by Ilazzarmi
proved to correoponmi with timeir miaming
wimeel. Tiio Crescent people were tom-
imboned to hold the wheel amid arrest the oman.
Ten mmmintmten later a mersago was recive(1
annotmmmcing tlimmt timey had umucceedeti in miolog
both , Commetabio Aibertl happened to be
1mm time station when the message vao ra-
ceivod , antI thirty minutes later had a var-
m'ant from Cook's court in imis po'ession and
watt on his way to Crescent. lie imad not
returned at 11 o'clock.
Se.vii' I'Ite , I'It'i' ItrIc'k. hI.i t
W'lmoieeale and retail. J. C. iiixby , 202
Main street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
itiiihviy Strosm' .
Gossip In connection witim time railway
sclmethes LImat imave been talked on alt tdes
titnce the role of time Wabash last winter syas
given a fresim start yesterday by time presence
in time city ofS' . it. Timurmnontl , an attacima
of 1lio chico of time general solicitor of time
Kaneami , l'ittsburg & Gulf Railway conmpammy.
He spehmt eemv mrai imours in , the cpunty court
house looking over toe tax boTc anti Jmidg-
mont reccrtls for time Iurpose of ascertimmirmg
if timcre were any unpaid tnxei or elalumis
mmgalrmet time Omaha & St. Iouiv. Ho had
rmotlmimig to say in answer to juemttomis be-
yomiii immtlnmatimmg that mmonmetiming would soon
trammo'iro ' timat woulti _ b of Immtorest to Council
lilmuffs imeollo. Ho intimated that time oiti
Wabash iiime woulti soon be carrying mumore
litmolness titan almmmost ammy other road reach-
log time city. It is geumerally supposed timat
inference is nmado totime traiitc arrangement
by wimicim five or clx & 'outtmermm and eastern
lines will urn the Omalma & St. Lomilmu tracks
for tlmcir nortimern and wc'tcrim bueirmesa ,
\'aii paper cleaned , now lmrocees , witim
patent rigimt at Miller'milOSMain street ,
% e ) ) o I lit' l'rz , , isiiiglh
Our iirlces arc right ! Our goods will
pleare you , If.1.SMITI1 & CO.
Davis , drugs , paints and glass ; tei. 289.
II Igui Sititotil Cmtilt'IM' hiItt lou.
Time Coummelt Bluffe , Iligim bcimoob cadet
eampany heki its annual election of conm-
missioned officer3 ) 'esterday , Timero was
quite a Contest betweeim the noimminees for
captalu cuid second lientenant , Time first
ballot for captain stead : First Lieutenant
Fmyles , 34 ; Second Lieutcnaimt Vamm Ordar ,
31. Toe second baiiot elected Charlc J.
Saylee by a vote of 36 to 30 , i'aul I. Van
Order was elected first lieutenant by ac-
clammmation. Time contestants for the secoumd
lieutenant shoulder straps were Einmer
Matimers'iii l'ardmy and Charles S. Mac.
ionaid , MacDonald was elected , the ha- !
lot being : .Matimors , 21 ; Pardoy , G ; Mac-
Danald , 39. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Young mnothcrs dread the summer months I
, n accqun of time great immortality among cliii-
Iron , 'caused by bowei troubirs. l'crfoct
tatety unity be assured thOse wimo keep on I
imammd IoWitt's Colic and Cholera cure , and I
admoinister It prouimpily , . Fqr crammp , bilious I
oltc , dysentery an alahtmoca , U affords In- C
Laut rebicL ,
I'L.tXS I'Oit lItiiAt , .SiIt'itLS ,
Cond I tIout I'ii , 'nrnblm. for go il'hItm I I fimi
( ) Iuser n 11Cm ! 01 I lit' Oeenmiioui ,
Conditians are favorable for an impreselve
anti bcoutiftml observance of , Memoriai day
In Council Ilimmils , anti preparations are being
made to conduct the ceremonies upon a
scale wor'tmy at the event. No May day
ever saw a greater profusion of flowers ,
esiecially roses. The biusmes ore lotion with
their fragrant bbot'amns , anti the ownero
have been zealously preserving them for timO
great memorial festival , The women of the
military anti patriotic orders have uimder-
takeum time work of collecting time flowers
and havoj sent appeals to time citizens to
contribute themn. The Womon's Relief corps
asks mmli who desire to contribute to leave
tumcir offerings at 18 Pearl street , where
they will be taken in charge by time women
and wrougimt into wreaths and bouquets for
time soldicre' g'raves.
The obeervance of the day will include a
parade and exercises anti mmddrosmes at Fairview -
view and \'aIumut 11111 cemeteries. Major
A. It. Anierm'on and i'rot , 11 , Vi' . Sawyer
will be time principal speakers at Falrvlow ,
where the services will be in charge of tme
Qrammd Army of time Republic. Time Union
Veteran Legion will have chmorge of time
cervices at Walnut 11111 , but the programa
tlmat has been arranged , including the speak-
era , has not beemi given to the newspapera.
Vitim tiii exception time prograns will be
fl follows :
Line of Mamch-1Uglmt of line reeting cmi
\'iIiow avenime anti Sixth street ; timence
sommtim on Sixtim street to Sixth avcmmue , coet
on Sixth hvemmue to Main street , miorth on
Main street to Broadway , east on Broadway
to First street , north on First street to
\'asimington avenue , west omm Waslmington
avenue to Oakland avenue , north on Oak-
lanti avenue to cemetery.
Time column will formn on Sixth street
amid \'iiIow avenue at 1:15 o'clock p. mu.
and move at 2 o'clock 1mm the following
order :
First-Platoon of city police on Sixth
street nortim of'IIio' avenue. facing hay-
lies pork ; marshal of time day and staff ;
Dalboy's band , Dodge ilgimt guards , high
scimool cadets , Abe Lincoln post and aid
soldiers , Quick bOSt of Quick , Joe Lyman
post of Crescent City ,
Seconti-lmmticpeumdent Ormior of Otiti Fel-
Iowa lodges will form on Sixth street , near
First avenue ; Canton of Pottawattammmle No.
6 , Council Bluffs ioJge No. 49 , Humboldt
lodge No. 174 , ilnwkeye lodge No , 184 , Park
City No. 606 , TwIn Brother encampment
No. 10.
Timird-Knights of Pythias , onVlimow
avenue , east of Sixth street , right reetlng
on Slxmh street ; Uniform Rank No. 1 , St.
Aiban's lodge No. 17 , Concordia lodge
No. 52 ; PatrIotic Orders-Sons of Amnerica ,
Junior Order of American Mechanics.
Fo'urth-Ptmblic scimools. The public schoois
will form on Willow avommue , right resting
on Sixth street.
Fiftim-The cimalrmnan of the day , B. L.
Shmmgart , public speakers , ministers , glee
club of fify singers from time schools ,
Women's Relief corps , disabled soldiers ,
mmmmmyor and city coummcii mind oilier city amid
county officials In carriages will forni in
time above artier on Seventh street , time rigimt
resting on Willow avenue.
Sixth-The fire depnrtmnont will form on
Seventh street imorUm of First avenue. The
speakers , minIsters and glee clubs will meet
at time Gramid hotel iiromnptlY at 1 o'clock ,
wimeto carriages will bo in waiting for them.
The Union Veteran legion anti carriages
going to Walnut 11111 ceniete y will form
on Fourth street , with rigimt restimIg on
Broadway , will march with main column
east to First street and then break column
and march direct to Walnut Hill cemetery ,
wimibe time main column will prcceed to Fairview -
view cemetery.
Programn at Fairview-Cali to order by
ChaIrman E. L. Shmugart , music by band ,
opening prayer by Eov. John Askin , somig
by quartet , oration by Major A. It. Antler-
son , song by quarteL mpsic by band. L'np
of mam'cim resumed tO graves' of uiiIn wn' '
dead , reveiiie by drum corps , opsnlng prayer
by Rev. McDonald , sang by sclmool glee
club , address by Prof. Sawyer , song by
scimnol glee chub , firIng salute by the Dodge
light guards , benediction by Rev. Senseney ,
taps by the dtum corps.
F'1I"I'Y-FIVhi AICE 'I'O HH'I'121)
hlonsul of ( ( ' ! ( ) ( hzIkt'M I'Iiu ItM for
hCtua'ha Sehiotul ( nmm mutt'imeenment In ) ' .
The Board of Education held a brief ses-
sloti last evening cimieihy for timO purpose
of passing the customary rcsohmmtioxm per-
mnitting ti'e graduaticn ct the iligim school
class. Some other busincas would have
been brought up for consIderation if time
secretary had not been absent. This was
the betting of the contract for time steam
heating liamit in time Nor ii Eightm street
scimooi. Time bids were filed with time eec-
rotary on May 20 , and lie had mvrangetl
with ' Imis clerk to have timein before time
board , but time clerk forgot all about it ,
Special messengers were dispatched to hunt
hmim up , but talbol , anti the crowd of seam
heating men preaent went home disap-
palntc ti.
By resolution time board obilgoted time eu-
pcrlmmtentlent to confer tlliiornas upon the
following pupIls , vlmo imad passed time re-
(3tmim'etl examination :
Ciussicumh Curse-Cieargi. Seokel Cavmn ,
Gcorgo W. Flc'tchmer. Oertrutlo Green , L'l-
lion \I. hiahlatkmy. I3eso Huntington. Essle
IC. Anderron , Edith U. Joseph. Lila It.
hiiaino , Zua M. L.'e ! , Minnie M. Evers June
N. M'ies ' , Alice Foster , Ilenrictttu 0th' . Net-
tie Grcneweg , Grace l'u'len , Mabel Gertrude
ltobnson ! , Corn A. Smith , B , Emigonin Sivtcr.
Aurehia IL Tiniey. Ile'mrietti Cocehin Vatcer.
Rosalie \Viison , Ilimtine'iu't. .
English Course-Andrew T. Brov'ec II r
man G , Iioemehe , Itacimel Ii , Carson , Mittie
J. Clark , Cam re A , Event , Freimi Ebren.
ste'n , Agnes Eaney. Roberta D. Halitlay ,
T1p3)te A , lumman , Clara Id , Kraeimt , C'trrte
Lauer , Chares Martin , James \ % ' . Owen ,
Florence N. Shaver , Clmmmries 11. Smith , Sarah
A. Shaver ,
Grmnan Course-Louis F Orcutt , Mary It.
Barclay , lizzIe It lhoiun Mimmnto ilolining ,
Urn i3radhcm , Lauretta edge Emma N.
Fro'Jrlck , Anncttmi Gras , Eunice hii'tman
Smme V. Morris Hattie Fi , Pace , Bertha ltsee'
M'n"ie V. wnlac : , Gertrude Vi'ilson , Lel
CtleteVilsomi. .
The wlmoic nmmtnler to ho gramiuateti is
forty-five. Only one ef time entire class failed
to ra time necessary exammilnaticmm , The
problems connected with time immanagememmt
of the graduation exercises \vere discusred
anti some Cf timemn decitled. It was deter.
mimmed to limit tim number of tickets to Ic
Cold to any one person to five. The nunm-
ber of commmpiinientmmrloa to be given ui
was also fixed , Each member of time cln
vaa allowed two ; nmembcm's of time board , five
eacim , and each ef time daily paperm mmix. This
uvhi make a tctai of 101 , leaving abomut 10OO
to be sold at 25 cent , each to pay time costs ,
Tickets , will ro on sale at 9 o'clock Turoday
mimorning. Time board tiCcided to require time
mecretary , or aommmo ommo representing him , to
rommmaln in the b x otiice ammd take imargc
of mill the cash received from sale of tickct ,
Suporiumtendent Sawyer nftitiemi time board
that a number o time teactmoro desired to
leave time city 0mm Monday , mint ] as time bankr
would not be open on Saturday it woiiid be
necessary to depomit limo pay roil en Frdav !
If the desires of the teachers wore coaxuited ,
Time brard agreed to the request anti ordered
time pay roil warrant drawn Friday mornlumg
and as tmuany Cf time teacimore as desre comm Le
haid Frlay afternoon.
Superlnteumtient Sawyer was given full
charge of the exercise , ' at the opera imoummo
on commencement clay , mmext Wedmmesday. The I
board atijourned until Friday evening , wimemi
it will meet and award time contract for time
North Eighth street school steam heatmig.
'' Ieg.r for Utt. hhiuJu' ,
A year or more ago a little girl named
Anna Leitue , wbiie playing around time flock
Island raiway yarde , received suclm lumjurics
tijat it was necessary tt anuputato one of
tier legs. The family wss 1mm poor circmmm.
mtr'xmcea and a daummago volt brougmmt by time
parentu against time railway commmpany was
muon b time counpsmmy. ieverai day ego a
uubcription was started amnotmg the Rock
i&and emmiployns amid a suflicient omummm raised
to imay for aim artificial leg for the cimild , 1
u'as received yesterday and last evening the
Ittie girl was convoyed to time rcsidonce
it Mr. Jacobs , omme of time primno muavers In time
mciianmo , and time leg fitted in place. After a
ifliem practice time child walked imommie without
mer crutcim , . ii , T , Hubbard , 'Vm'illiammm
Urlggs amid George Jacqbm were time prln.
: ipai wins who procured the fuati to pa7' br
ho limb.
Dnbs-Eeh3r Church Qn'trr1 Will lb
Resurrected , ,
, 'Ut
( . , i'
-t mi
I II irpeuml Uititi } iuu , I t' Proceed-
10gM to htenuljtut time' I'rumet'emhimmgut
SuuVuCh to hig'e ) 'iIe.en
DES MOINES , May 27.-Special ( Tele-
in Ies Moines wlmlch
granm-Thrco ) churches ,
are nffiuiateti with the Dubs facttomm In time
big 1)uba'-Et'imer light in time Evamigelieal
Chtmrcim of Nortim AmerIca , antI wimich were
turned out of their eilfices by the decision
that the Erhmer faction Is the church proper ,
will go into court anti renew the figimt. All
tIme naemnbers of time Evangelical church hero
were Iubsltes. When time Fisher faction
was detcrtnined to be the church , and was
given control of time property , the three
chmmrcimes hero were all boked imp and boards
nailed over time windows , as' there were no
congregations to uo thOrn , At the commfcr-
eumce for this district today it was about
detertninetl to reopen the fight in time courts
and endeavor by an equity proceeding to
get time property restored , Time Evangelical
people of time city are united in oppition
to the Eshmer faction and will imave nothlmmg
to mb with it. There are a tmummmber of other
chmurches in time tlistrict in time sammme condition
and they will join in the fight.
ILICIITS \'hiiiidIM1iX h'OI.ViiD ,
Ci'ciist ( it' LIII Iutvn'I'ums'im hii' tIit'ni
to time Coimm'N ,
JEFFERSON , Ia. , May 27.-Special.-- ( )
Time effect of time recent action of the city
council in timis city absolutely prohibiting
time use of the midewaiks by wlmeelnmen is
liable to hc'ati to a iaw stilt that will raise
a peculiar law Point amid one that is of
special interest to bicyclists. Attorneys
wlmo have looked into the matter hmoiti that
If time city autimoritio , make mm effort to
keep time streets in suclm commdItioum that they
can be used by wimeelmen the latter nra
justified in using sidewaiks , and being
driven off they can comae on the city fcr
d'ammmugomm. Time bicycle has had Its status
tieiinitiy estnbhiimetl by time legislature ; is
classed as a vehicle. aseensed and accorded
the sanme privileges as a buggy. The law
says that tb city authorities nmust take
each actiomm as wiii mnake the reeds passable -
able for veimicios. after rain storimme or otimer
agencien timat interfere with time free use of
time road. This 1toint has been raised by
time fact timat owing to time continued raimms
time mnoro timan 100 wheelmen of this city
have been unable to use their machines
for months and ore being denied time use
of sitiewaiks , even wimen not occupki by
pedestrians , they have been put to great iii-
convenience. Attorneys claim timat time fact
timat bicycle are assesed and timat timey
are comning into such ) enem' I use mumakes
It incumbent upon city atflithrities to rcc-
ognize timeir rights.
! ! rlek 'l'rusi ( ; Is'en n 'huupek.
DES MOINES , May 27.-Speeiai ( Tce-
gramn.-S. ) A , Itobertsomm , a 'loathing stcCk-
holder hi the Iowa Brick omiipany , today filed
a petition to prevent it' from bidding on
crntracb fcr paving which 'the city will
let Jimmie 1. An lnjmmmmction i aelced on thin
ground timat time p'wing brick , muanumfacturers
of time city are in an iliegal comnbiime or traot ,
for time purpcee of regalating prices. Ito
charges that a trmmst has boon formel by all
th brick nmakero imeroand , , tlmat timey are
cimarging tile city ummoro fpr'paing brick than
they charge outside cities. .This is 'admitted
by the brick makers , the flake no denial
of time trust wimihi Ft nutuai
protecrn. Robertson has boon frozen out
of the , managemecmt , oi1ik company , amid takes
timiui method to get revemge. Time trust is
a plain violation of the crimmuinalstatutc of
Iowa anti If theease , , is pusimed there will ho
smmme sensational developimments. Robertson
says lie xviii stay by the stilt to time end ,
The brick industry is the largat in time
city , emnploylng about 700 nmemm. four comn
panics being in it , The Iowa , Capital City ,
Flint anti time Des Moines. ,
hiuitiii'ii HOt' Cnmmipn mi'Foreeul to Pity ,
DES MOINES , May 27.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Timo ) suprenm'o court of Iowa tolay
decided a case in which an insmmranco cam-
pony attemnpted to avoid payniemmt of an insurance -
surance policy on the grimmmi1 that time build-
log was used for Illegal sale of liquors. The
case wan that o B. 13. flrb , against time
Gernman American Insurance company of New
York. Erb sued to recover on an insurance
policy. Time company smot up first , that lie
was conducting a drug store without a permit
from time rtate pharmacy commmmmuiseion , a viola.
tien of law ; secommd , that lie was soiling
liquors iii violation of la' , without a pernmit
or even a government license. It was
c'aimem that insurance on iroiwrty used for
illegal purpores wa ) vcid. Time supreme
court , in a long cpimmion , holds , as timero woo
no Fecific intention to commit fraud whmemm
time insurance \VZ5 placed , it cannot nous' be
urged that time PiaclnJ of time lmmsuraumca
vtoiated time law. Time policy Itt hmeli good.
itt'I Igloims O'gsimiiazt tinmmpt in Gomart.
SIOUX CITY , May 27.-Special ( Tole-
gram.-Ilfferonco ) of opinion between time
Tcnmperanco union arid the I'eopbe's miusion
ac to who is duly ammthorize&l to dispense
salvation to time reaidents of time city brought
time rival organizaticos tno time courts tomlay.
The I'oapbe's mniesion wit first on time ground.
Soon after it started its uvork tIme otimer society -
ciety u'as forimmed ni a bramcim. : Finally it
separated altogether fron ; the parent ergan.
izatton , Time latter recently nmoved out of
time hail u % imicim time two imall been occupying
tc'getimer ' orm the ground that it couhd do
better in another iart , Cf too mu. It aio tie.
mantled poraeiion of time furniture in time
imall , The lmranch replies that the old sactety
immti virtuahiy tiled a mmatural doatim ; timat time
branch had Inherited the property and timt
it could not otmrrender t , Rev. itV. . Jam-
leon , the imeati of time old organlation Is
endeavoring to C"ecuro time furnitimro in Comm.
troversy for the old s..ciety lay mmmeamms of a
writ of replevin ,
Vl I I lgtuort ! m'giNhumis'e flumguetui'tm C
DES MOINES , MIty ' 7-Speeial ( Tele.
grammi-The ) Itnu'a mnoumnent coommiss on will I
not imuake time changes qrdered by the last
egislature , wimich medallions
at soldiers amid replacd atheom by tableta
bearing inscriptions of 'zauihort history of
cachm Iowa rOgimomit.trimerTthange was or.
lered by remolutlon , bmi Smpprci1riatiou u'a
provlied for it , The c izmmmjssion Zma spent
iii its mommy anti lmanqsktl th attorney
general for on opiniotmv'utbetimer it has a
iIglmt to exceed its irfiprIation on time
abtimorlty of time r0zdttij. Time attorney
enerai toys It has mi. 0fhls means that
tIme orders of time legigure will not ha
arrled out anti time tumext legle'aturo viil
very likely reveree thu h ommu amid maYo
Limo mnedaiilorms wimore 'tii ' were originally
ntended to be placeti ,
, ,
14) Ceiebrt ; le h u'nt lout iiim' .
SiLVER CITY , Ia. , I4u' 27.-Special- ( )
I'imls city Is making r4tmt preparations for
ho celebration of Deoqat'jon day , 110mm. J ,
II , Van luzen of Otmih4 s to be time prin-
pah orator , Time mm'e qrnpimitimccoter Is
argo enotmgim to accoflumnodate an lmn.
nenso crowd.
Jim. ! , mm itt'ui 31 mu u ; f'umt 'to i'iect.s ,
BOONE , Ia. May 7.-t-Speciai ( Telegram , )
rrackmnen on tIme Chmicap & Northwestern
'osti hear Ogdemm tbim fno'rmlimg found time
Coiiucil BIulIs , IOWL1a
itPITAL , . . . $100,000
) NI5 OF 'ihtid OLLiiiST 1ItNICS J ? IOWA.
terribly manRic'd remains ef a man w'mi hm..ti
been run over in the night. it 'as f.imn'I
the d'ui man was Thomas itobit'ou , mm youuig
farmer aged 23. Ito had attemuptCd ti walk
home on the railway track tram OjIemi.
lie was intoxicated.
, ritI.t ia Ci' S. .1. SI'tUiilNG ) lIlUt N.
leIitsltig Trenstmrer itt I Im Intuit
I'Itisrumir , ' ( 'ouuuinl.utlumi l'IouhutiulC.e.
iES MOINES , May 27.-Sleclsl ( Te'e-
grnni.-Time ) trial of S. J. Spaimhdir.X , d -
faulting treasurer of time Iowa i'imotimmae ) '
commnionion , began today. ito side over
$13,000 of funds of time cOniiiilssi.n. As
SOOtm as the statem began time introutmmtlom
of evidence the defense objccte1 on the
groumid timat Spatuitling wits not an tmmphoya
of tIme nab and In no way rcpommsibie to It
for fimnmle left In lila charge. it S'flS rep-
rc.'enteti that under time law timero Is no
such oflicer in time state's employ mis tress-
urer of time pharmacy comnimmisslon ; timmtt he
wits eiectc.1 by the comnummissiomm atmil tespan-
sibbe , If to ammy aimthmority , to it ommiy , ammd
the commission was responsible to time state
for Ito funds. Arguments were begumim entitle
title objection anti lao'tel all tlmiy. 'rime
plmarmnacy lavs are defective anti it Is l)05
slblo that tmnmier timemmi time cbjectiomm mtmmty
ho sustained anti Spaumiding freed , TIme
money ho took was wasted In Board of
Ttnde operations , ammtt actioums wili be Cohn-
mmmenced by time tnto against the dealers
vimo got It to recover. Time case iii opeum
imp sOnlo qimestion no to tIme legitimmmaey of
bucket simops that have never beomm ruled
aim in Iowa. _ _ _ _
lfl'A ii.tNtCiiitS' ASSOC1.'t'hON.
Ttmt Im Aimnumum I St'sloii'clconieul dealt
alt , rNImn lhIuvti ,
MAitSltALLTOVN , ha. , May 27.-Time
tenth annual meetlmrn of time Stmf'te Bammkom's
association of Iowa convened hero this
mnornimmg. One imuntired amimi fifty delegates
froni nil parta of time state were proseimt ,
and es ninny more are expected on later
Senator J. I , Carimc'y of this city delivered
an address of welcome. lion. Calvin Man-
mming of Ottummawa responded witim a ringing
epeeclm , Ahludiumg to time mmmoumoy questiomm ,
Ito altI paper mmmoney votuiti be wortimlesi'
without time governimient stamp anti silver
itsj titan 50 cents emi time dollar , but that
gold was always 'orthm its foco. oven 'itii
time governumiont imiscription stricken off.
President Ilelzeii of Rock Rapids ummdo a
lermgthmy atidress in which ito tiephoremi time
failure of time Iowa lcgisiatumro to tax cx-
vress companies anti require depoets Itt
time coiiimties of time state wlmere they op-
crated. Time report of time secretar ) ' amid
treastmrer were rend and discussati amid time
comntiuittee appointed , Time cotivemitlami ad-
journeti until 2 p. mum ,
, l.i.l , , ItiI itt Ke'I'rM . ' .rresleul.
SILVEI1 CITY , Ia , , May 27-Speciai.- ( )
Fritz ammti Clone , two Dutch saloon keepers
of Council Blimffs , camno down imere sonic
weeks ago and started two joints anti ruum
thmemn wide opetm. Sheriff Tubbs cammie iii last
Saturday anti gobbled time men , whisky ,
beer and all , amid took them to GlenwoOti
for trial. i3oth arc 1cm jail nwaitiuig actiomi
of tIme court , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' ' Suieimlt' .
( , tIhLr hhi , ComilmilitH
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. . May 27.-Special (
Telegramn.-A ) 14-year-old boy namned Mcmi-
cimek , living near Ely , comnmitted nuicide
thus attermmcon by hanging hummaseif In the
hay loft. No cause is known for the act.
5'OItICtS'I' Oli''i'OIA't"S'E'I'tlIdIZ. .
Geiut'rmhi' I'nir mummiLShigIuI' ' , 'nrmnm'm'
IN Chit' i'redletlitii for NeIrimmkmI.
WASIIING'I'ON , May 27.-Time forecast
for Timursthtty is :
For 'Nebraska and Kansas - Slightly
\vartner gemmerally fair ; northerly ; vintlt' .
For Colorado-Fair ; warmmmCr in time nortlm-
em poTtiOn variable vinul.
For South Dakota-Generally fair and
\\'mtm.tTmc2' : nom'thwcstorly vinds.
\'oming-Ftuir wnrnmer In time east-
errm portioti : varimilile ' : tnuIs.
For Iulontanu-GeflerflhiY fair ; warmer ;
westerly winds.
For Oklahoma and Indlan Territory-LO-
cal tiitmntiem' storms , 'lolioweti by fair ; cooir ;
variable windmt.
For MImouri-GenCrnhiy fair , preceded imy
riin in time extreiriti outhenst imortion ;
mmortimely vinds ; coler in time soutimermi par-
tion.Fr Town - Generally fair Thurrday ;
nortimvesteu'iy wiimds.
Itexil htt.coril.
OMAhA , May 27.-Omaha record of tern-
hicraturo amid rainfall cotmilmared with time
corresponding tiny of the pst four years :
1896. iSIS. 1891. 1893.
Maximum temperature , 78 92 70 70
Minimum tcmperattmre 58 f'J SI 45
Avrago temperature . . . . . 08 75 62 53
l'reciiiitntiOfl . . . . . . .42 .00 'r ' .00
Conmiition of . temnpermttimrc and precipitation
at Omaha for time day mmd since March 1 ,
1896 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excess for the tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Accumulated eXcess since Mardi I. . . . . . 116
Nrmmml precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 inch
Excess for the tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 inch
'rotal mrecpitatieii since March 1..i4.18 iumche
iOxcem's stncO Mnrclm 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,82 Incimes
Deticteacy for cor. parted , 1895. . . .2.99 inches
Deflcieumc'y for cot' . pertoti , IS'Ji. . . .4.03 Inches
iteilorIM frtmmmm SimudioliM itt S mm. mit.
I "I
m :
' "
\'EATIi1Bt. p
: 3'
: r :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ornilma , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 71 .16
Nortti i'latt. ' , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CS 72 .00
5ait I.itie ( 'lty. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lii t .t )
Cimeycatme , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0) Cl .0)
htnml.j City. clear.(1) Cl . ( IO
ltutm'omm. cloimdy . , . . , , , , , , . , , . . . . . , . , . . , 41 ( i .18
CtIlcmgt , , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 72 .01
St. Louts , rnmniimg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 t 1.11
it. i'aui , ralalnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tG CO .02
tat'emmiort , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CS CS ,4 ( )
! Caabmls cmty. ci.atr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 S .00
helena , imart cloud ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ) .0)
I Itmvre , t'it'ur ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ; c Go .06
ihtsmmtnrch , hart cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO 64 .01
Vllilt'totm , etommtly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( lalvestirn , lmtrt clouly . . . . . . .
T indicates trace of precipitation.
I. . A. 'ni.sic , Obervr.
'I'ILE ItJl.h/VY I.iitm1ti'o' .
INVES'i'MENTS placed on record Wednesday -
day , May 27 :
Andy Lorenmton anti wife to (1 II ,
Payne , trustee , w 32 feet lot 4 ,
biek "C , " I'rospect Place . . . . , . , . . , $ 1 00
0. 11. Payne. trustee , to Dwight
ilcuiry guartlimun , same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
M. 0. Itlekects mmnti wife to A. 13 , flu.
bernmami , lot 4 , block 7 , Bedford
Pmtcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ® 00
F. K Bell amid w'o to W. F' , Nine ,
lot 2 , l'ruiyn's mubtilv , In Siiinn's add 2iOO 01
amne to same , lot 3 , same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100 oo
\'elster Snyder mind wre to iavid
MacAlsami , 56.16 acres in so 18-16.13. . 1 00
3imsrift to (3. II , Nwtop , lot 15
Forbes' subtly. , , . , . . , , . , , . , , , , , . . . , . . , 3000' '
Total amount of tm'amisfers.$7,703 00
how Is Your Liver' ?
\ Or , Hobtm Little Liver Pills Don'i Gripe.
Hr. Ilo5ba LUIIo timer I'Illa net genti
yet t'rotmjtiy on thu .Lirii ,,4 ( 'II ,
sea lit ) flJ:1N , dig.ciilima IloaduchteVuv.
0t , iiitl ( otI , , cleatm.umi' : Cite emmuom thor.
otittiyflJ titoy cure Immibitual contlpatiomm ,
WY ar o URtf.COltteI , verr , rnaii , mta.l mite
m'tmIet ) ' O.t.tit , a , t'tmt itt , In , .eremm.cop viii.
etw s t''malnIgm it Phi , . l'erfert mhle.tIon
0 OWl timoirume 'a'jeyt..oluteircuroskk
eicav , amid ama rccommnez.ds.i by pby.
I C mliii end drucglt , , Price ,
it0mm4 c" . , ( I.lea ; iu1 It. , Iraneieo
HONARE , YOUR KIDREYC ? Dr. hobbs Spar.
5VU4 klttav 'tmull. t.hht - , , - el'- Prtre. re cts.
MAIIdVOIIIC GIT.lt1t'1'EitI ) ,
Joiimm irea , \ % Ito baa jtmst lute fourt a
year as a star tin icr the mumaumagsmmemmt ;
I Chaties FrelmiuMi. wlli belmi a timrLo night
emmgaenmemit mit the Creighton , sItim t performance -
formance title a'eimIng , ltres.ctmting die at bile
latest co.iietly euccesses , "Chmrstopimor : , Jr , "
which I frommi time ion of Madehimme i.u"ctte
Ri. Icy , Mi' . Drew liSa piayeti tlum-aumum thid
entire ac.isomm In one cit3'Nt'ut''otk. . Iltir.
I lug limb , protracteti eta ) ' , % shiicim is ami achieve-
macmit iumipnssibio to P.ffl time best mind macst
liopuuhar of stars Oumtelmlt' of himself , ito mumlde,1
tire * 'UccesCeu to imt'J I eportorl' , time first ,
"Clmrstqmhmer , Jr. , ' ' which Is a u.piommdld love
commiedy , auth time second , Ii. C , Carton's
beautiful play , "TImo Squire of Dmmues. " btlm
of which lmrot1ultians uilil tie etagti mluirlimg
the ongmmgemimetmt Imere , "C'hmrhstoptmcr. .ir. " be'
lag tIme bill tonight , iona.rrdi' mmiglmt and
Saturtlay immatimmee , whmiio "rime iqumiro of
Ihmmrct , " will Ito prostamied Saturtitty niiit
only. Local anmimsemmutot seekers will tltU
, have atm opportumnty to see tub' pohisitod
commictlian in hi best plays , itt wlmiclu Mr.
Preltnamm : hiss yet imreseOteti imimmi. Time ecmn-
pany emmpporting Me , , 1)row ) has alwni' . t.cen
above rehuroaclm , but tlmis year it is e'muimi to be
strommger than ever. lie still limos MInm Mmcim1
Amimutime , uho has been with tmimmm nil tht'ommgim
hIs stolInr career , for imis leati ng lady , nmitl
time otimer peoimitm in tim orgammisattoim arc :
Amimaic IrRim , ( l'.mmtiys'muliIs , Ethel harry-
mimore , Atiumie Ailmumns , hairy ilarutooJ , Arthur
Byron , Lewis linker , Leslie Alien. ilerbert
Ayehing anti Frank Lantli. "Ciirstoiuhmer Jr. , "
time openicmg l'Iay , Lii , mitt imas beeti 'nIml , a love
commmedy. its light amid exquisite vein is
tleiigiutfuily geumimimed itim sermtinmtmtmt , aimmi time
imeart immtorc'st Is of mmiumcii greater itimportammco
timami is imrtmmtliy time cattee with cemnediamme of
tlmis school.
John 14. Smulhii'amu ammmi Pathiy Ryan , time
two ex.cimnhmmlmiumm heavy ii eIght pugilist , wiI
appear at ihayil's timc'iiter Mnummiay anti Times.
day ovenitmgs next in thmo rimig seemme tml the
Irislm coimme 'my'tlrammmtm , ' 'TimeVich'iov i'Uet-
nmamm , ' ' Etugemmo 0' itoumrlm o , time I rislu coutme-
dint ! , assUttmcs the leading mole of tIme imlay
amid time cimam'aetcr Is said to tit him cx-
ceptiommaily well , Qmmite a mimmnmbem' of Simort-
lug celebrities , tmmmmnmmg titenm i'mtrsoim 1)avles ,
are conmiectt'ti u'itii time orgammtzttion : , amid
each omme iili tie imis beet for tIme enter-
tairmumtent of time attdiemmee. The oalc of seats
tot' tIme emmgagcmnemmt tif ' 'Time'ickbow Post-
man' ' will open at P o'clock Satmmrtiay mmmom'n-
j-p. . , A dismitercstctj
and clear - lmeadcd
. 'I 0 judge doesn't mu-
' ioi' hinmself to be
' 'r. , biased by vrcu.
: ' . dice. Superstitmomi
doesn't afl'i'ct Imis
' ticcisiomis. M
e r to
tradition Ii a a mu 0
Place Iti hmimm tea.
' sotming. Vacts are
' time only timings
' . . wimicit lie comisid-
- - ' - - , ' - . era. If time limteill.
- ' gent nmcmm amid
: : . ' Immen who immakc up
- ; . tlmis great couhmtry
' ; ' of oumrsvihl sinmply
brimmg tlmeir reasoim
- ' mmd conmmmmonscmmse
I ' ¼ _ , to bear on time
' . . . . of
'i-a'.i. jiroimlemum ctmrimmg
- - " - - : : - - - their sickumcss , we
- vihl 50011 be a Ima-
Lion immost rcmmmarkablc for health amid longev-
it' . TIme plain , undecorated facts aboimt Dr.
Pmerce's Golden Medical Dimctm'ery arc all
that is mmeceem'ary to cotmvimmcc fair-nmimmdcd
people of its tramiscemmdcmit nmcrit. They
are as follows :
All diseases commme from germs. Time germs
get immto time blood , Iiropmmgutc amid immcreasc
iii time blood , wimicit errics timemu miii over time
body , Wlmcmm they immid a weak spot , they
stick to time weak spot. It beconmemu a dis'
cased spot , ammtl time disease is called by time
naumme corresponding to its locatiomm in time
body. The cause s time rammie for nearly all
diseases , All inmpurities arc gcrmmms , or breed
gertnmt. Imnptmrc bictod nmeahs germ filled
blood. Kill the gcrnms , eliamitmate time 'mmmi-
puritics , cmmricht the blood , nmmd it vihl force
itself into time disea , dspot amid stremmgtimea
it , and give it power to throw fi' time germs
timat exist there , Dr. l'icrce's Golden Mcd-
'meal ' Discovery is desigmmed to do this-'timat
is time tlletiry. Time facts arc timese-temme of
thmousaimds of people Imave used time " Dis
covcry. ' ' It used to be o1d vitlm tIme tmmmdcr-
stamitlmmig that if it didmm't cure. it slmomild be
returned , amid time money i-cfummded. No.
body ever asked for timc money , ammd so tlmat
clatme was dropped. Timimsatmds of people
imave written volcmntary letters of timanks to
its discovemer. A few of these letters Imave
beemm included iii Dr. Pierccs great timou-
satmd page book , Conmnmon Sense Medical
Adviser. It will be sent absozite1'f'ec atm
receipt of 21 omme-ccmmt stamps to mmmcl' for
ninihimig ott/v. Address , with stampsWorlci's
Disjmetisary Medical Asociatiomm , No , 66
Mama Prect. hiffn1 , ' , , v.
' , & - ; / ,
Gladness Comes
lCttet' ' ' of time
\ Auth ; t ) umtutit't'stuumuiBimg
V V tm'mmimsleni iimmtnre of time mumumy plm3's.
lemil Ills , st'lmkim 'nnisIm btifom'c proper of-
forts-gt'mtt Ic e irtmvts.-pl eiimumm t efForts-
t'ghmtiy dim'eetetl , 'l'imot'e is conifort ii *
tlmt' icnou'iei1gn , timnt so ninny hmrimis of
Idtumecs mum e not , the to mummy uctuni ti Is-
01mM' , Imuit sitmiLily 1(1 It COiitt1litt'h nouidi-
flomu of time s:5'stemmm , ' 1tIcim the idcmtsmimmt
lsumut i'e , Sv ' of , '
fmtimuily _ m'ump Figs ln'otnlmt-
ly reutioves. 'rlmat Is vity It. Is the only
itnmitt1y ' 1thi inthllomis of fmtmmuiiles. and is
c'ei'y'hmei'a estt'emmmed so itig1ul , ' by nil
'iuu value gooti Imemultim , Its lmemmet'icImul
effects nrc titic to time fimet , that iLls thin
ohmto 'eimtetly s'Im1eli pt'ommmot es imtem'nutl ,
clcnmitues' ' 's'Itluout dt'iiflhtntiumg time
ot'gimumm , aim which it tints. It lit timereforo
nil Iuumporta lit , 1mm om'tler t a get. its bemie-
flebti effe'cts , to umote s'iii'n yttm 1mr-
chte : : , titut. yout have time jeimimimme tmrtt-
do , vit1cim Is mnauiuufiuctttm'ed l' tIme Call-
fmI'nhu 1"ig 83'i'tll ) Co. otmi , ' timid sold by'
miii reputnide tlu'imggl'-.ts.
if in tue eumjos'miiemit of good hmealtim ,
anti time mysktmm is regular , iaxmtth'es or
otlmt'r m'mtiedIos mti'e tin'ti umot. miecdcd , If
tltiiiL'tCul 'ltht mtmiy tmctmmmul disease , enc
tmmny lie comnimiemmtlctl tO time lutist skuilful
pimyhichmimma , hut if in ( ' ( ' ( if Li
Due aluoumid immure thC imest , imimtl vithm time
tveii'lumfortmiet1 e'cr'wlmcrc , Sya'up of
Figs btmmmmtts lm'mgimest utmud is miutist. lmui'gely
usad mind gives murist gencm'nl smutisfact ion.
Now Dohally Theater.
Five Nights amid Stturmlay : Matinee , Coni-
TuesdaMay 26.
A show that pleases nil. Now and up
o date. Box 0111cc open frumim 0 a , mu.
1 To All Ptm'ts
.J. _ ' _ _ J C time 1lOuhSO , .1 / C
I , P'4'74.iJ
' -
1olhiug , Dress3 ati,1 1onsliol1 ! GO(13 ) (
OMAhA O1FICE-1521 Fammiumim. 'ret. 1521.
OUNCmb I1LUFFS-Worha anti Omttce. Cor , f.m's.
nun A and 26th St. Tel , ItO.
Scn.1 fcr Price Ltit.
Not Better thait the Best
But Better than the 1est
c1i ; : - THE
; ' !
- - - -
von S.tLIt J8Y1
12 to 24 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA ,
' -r' wo I " mc- claitm' , Goods delivered tu
- - - .D I E ' . .
r---3' : mmli part. of too country.
CouncUflIuffulmi , .
. .
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
' - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - -
- - - -