Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1896, Image 1

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ESTABLIShED JTJNE 19 , 1871. OMAIIA , TflTJi1SDAYMOUNNG , MAY 3 , 189G. _ _ _ _ $ _ ? FIV1 OENTS.
troet Oar Loalea with iloilday Make
Goes Down with a Crash ,
Collapse of . a Weak tructuro at Victori
British Columbia.
I Passengers Are Plunged Into Twenty-u
Feet of Water.
CeIe1 : I lifli of lic ( tIeitt' Ill rtli.lti
ult fl HllS , eL $ 1IIUL1 .ltt rrI by
II 1'i Ig ii fiL Cii tiit roiilie it ,
. SIATTLIas. . , May zi.-on
tt'arncr 1asafle. which nrrIveI front yF
tora thtJ 'afternoon , cro 100 sorrowt
looking excurE1onttt , the horror of ti
CatatrOPhO ot Tueay being kept vtvhl
beloro them by thu Iresenc of a corps
The .flearner had two dead bodLc on bcai
vIicn itho started from Victoria. One w
thai ot J. A. 'Van flokle1lcn , wh ch was Ic
ut. J'ort Tonend , anti the other wa U
ot B. \t MurraY oZ this city.
"Pecplo up there do not seem to kna
nnytlirng more about the accident titan the
( o down here , " rtId Captain C. W. Ames
the Itostflo. 'The old buihUiig former
calleil tIarque 'tzuaro nrnl used as a cc :
tci- for farmers coming In from the counti
wIth produce 11a9 been turned Into a tnorg
anO as ast as the bodIr are takeil fro
the water tlie are carried to the cncloour
AU tue bodies recovered bad been identifit
when 'W left at 9 o'clock thic morning. i
one was allowed within Lh enclosurO wc
tlio bodIce are laid out. A seIne has bcc
trctched across ( Ito river to keep the ebi
Ing tdo train carrying out the bodies a
they arc using tim steam poaer of a p
driver to work the drage. Estmate fIat
ijy pecple there place the number rematnh
in tim water all the way from Eoveuty-fl'
' to 100 , It Iiii probably be SOflO time befo
nil are taken out , ar.d probibiy some w :
t.never . be tound ,
. 'Tlit people are very indignant oor ti
'a ccident and some action will be tak
/ right away. In every urvey that has be
mad of the bridge foi' the past three yea
It bait been condemned. Tue car that we :
In It is an extremely large anti heavy o
and has not been allowed to rUti or a yea
flu it ss as considered too heavy for ti
"Tho festivities have all been stopped ai
the whole town Is like ono great morgu
Tdcii and women with eyeu full of tearit i
running about the streets , circulaUng fro
the river to the morgue and back ngaln
A Victoria specIal to the l'o.t Iutelllgonc
J ' been roco
- eayn : F'ltty-threu bcIies have
J ered from the Point Elilco bridge wreck al
there are knowil to be three more beneal
the mass of timbers and iron work. flesidi
this It I not known 3tist bow' many tbc :
are aubinerged , but ft Iti believed there a
clooc to tenty. Four bodto were reco
ered tlit oVeflflg , nuktng the full dea' '
list UI ) to the present :
flAflitY' TALBOT. conductor of the car.
qiOIIERT HOLMES , son of a promliic
flaconia family.
tIts. J. A. TItOUT ,
o'llil StlT1I. !
/ GRACIE EbIORI ) . daughter of P. Elfor
lltS. F1t1f ) AlAMS.
prliig Ridge.
MRS. G. II. VOOIlOUSE of Seattle.
MI1S. 1) . lj. UALLARI ) of Providence , It.
J. A. VANBOKIEiEN of l'ort Townseii
.1. K. L1VERIDGI of Spring Itldga.
/ GAI1ltlEIi4F MMIATTA of Seattle.
I GUISEI'I'F MAURO of Seattle.
MI1S. THOMAS I'HYSICK , vlfo of Thom
1hyatck \TanccuVer
MISS lMlLY NAThAN of Victoria.
I MRS. 1)iWFliOItD t Savnigan ) Lake.
Ii. \ \ . AIUIII1JtY , sun of Foremal Murr
or city water works.
w .1. OItO\VELL.
711tS. PItIESTIX ot
MA1tATTA an italian harpist of
NitS. 1)11. I'ItFVOST or Seattle.
I .IltS. lIV.1tI )
_ _ E1)MONDS.
\v. A.
1RS. 0. 1. POST ANI ) lIflit SON.
vit.\NK OIilSTA.
TLll UOOP4CLI of Tnoni
I iits. iltO
coroner" jury at tcday and to1c a
tlntc'ny merely to ldoiitily the
Tue carnival of sports at Victoria had f
zenrly a week been dolzi.i honor to tha queer
birthtliY. ad was just ciositig. Utit t
) nanngCIflIIllt hail Ilanltel ) to nIalle tile I1
IIIO CI1IIIRX of the ceiebitIOfl. A
Paratie bad tiecn aerangetl to tale pleat
at Point Macnuhity , tte rugged liroulonto
that halt girdles the lu'rhr to tile west
thu city , and alterwatti a IltaIll battle v ,
to be given. Tile lunin route froIl ! the ci
Is by the electric line , which crosses VI
toria aflil Of a bridge at Ellico point. TI
first ear got over l'olut EllIce bridge saftI
but vIicit tito rceelld , which was iieavl
latlen. ' .IU' about half vuy ncrosi an oni
IIOUS 80111(1 was bearl that told ol somcthli
givitig avay. The next Insiant the mldd
5litI of the bridge , about 1O Icet Ill lengt
servCd northward toward the gorge and ti
car Vent down with a terrific cr0511. TI
tide was lilitli t. tIle limo and tile car v
conipit'telY llbnlergOtl , going ( lOWfl bitt ) ( UI
twenly-flvo feet of vctcr. 'fho people vi
N 'wore ; tacketl Of tile idatferms web In ti
floit 10111111at0 positlOU. Tt.o majority
them hint OsCOileil Injury froiii 101111
tImbers 5llCchilOJ Iii caving tIlOlflSOlVeS ,
tilOO 1IS lUltliCiCflt debris heating about
enable them It ) ziake their way to ahor
11)Ofl 1)01115 ) 01111 carrIages CillilO trout eve
dlrrCiOll loaded with lIlCn who at alIce hegi
the voik of rescuing those VhU VClC stru
glilIg in 'lie ' water. and 1110 uufortuuat
who weru sutouergcd In tlio car , Thu ( I
clcprtnient also turned out and Ulu'lstI
nIaterlally in the rescue work.
CataIi , Grant's grounds and houo we :
thrown Open to rocel'e tboso PPIJareI3t
drowned. Aa boon 1110 bodIes were takc
( roul 11111 water. volunteers. acling Untli
thu direction of pilyliclans , quickly arrly
Oil 11,0 , SCCUO antI began the work
( 'bllCIt.lttOil , If ninny casea their eftor
irec CVOWflCd with aticcess.
Willie many Victorian. were on Ilto fat
cat. the majority were vialtora ani U
of Wentifteatlon is consequnty ) IThI
cult. Irlity.aocn bodies bavo thua tar bte
idcntifled. There are others whaso nan
cannot Yet be ascertained , anti atill moi
uudoubtedly. 'those bodies ltavo not ) 'l
I , be It recovered ( roni ttaO water.
ThoUsands of aorrovtng frianda and reli
tlvea crowdel Eroulul the approachea I
the hrklgc eagerly leaflilixIg each body aa
waa brought to lanil. Mothers. crazed t
children ,
to rescue theIr loved ones. A one aft
another bedy was brought to the silt
crowds rushed forward to search each ma
gied face , yet tircailing tlio possibility U
It might be that of sotne one whom Ui
hoped hati escahieti from the death trap.
Twenty persons known to have been
( lie bridge at the time of the accident e
miMing antI It is SUppOs5i that these na
perished. The car register 4h0v9 nim
fares arid It is protabie that over 125 p
were Og banr1.
On the stirface of Victoria arm struggli
peopl fought to gain the shore. Strong ii ,
and ( ml women battled for their liVes. Iii
bands emerged from the wreckage , only
find that theIr wives hail gone down to dea
Children \Vere carried dowli by those t
% tero stronger , anti fathers also had truee
from beneath the timbers and debriy of C
bridge and car and carriage. , and returned
their doom In vain endeavors to rescue lb
babes. The waters of the arm for yol
around were tled roil with blood anti fib
lag out to cea went corpse after corpse , bor
on by ( lie
The Rliriekg of men , tue screams of worn
antI children. filled the air and nerved t
crowd of re.ecuers on to rents that endangar
life and limb.
The nuniber of carriages Iott anti the ft
pai.rengers carried doWn In the wreck cam
be learned , It is claimed by many that In
200 Ilersons Went down with the span a
that more than half of titCrn perirhtiii.
The recuo of some of the victims un
the circumstances waa. In some Instant
ahlllr."t tniracuou. ! Among tliceo saved w
Mr. and Mre. Foster of Seattle. Foster stc
00 the outside of ( lie electric car and I
vifo was seated within.'hen the car wi
darn ho jumped and dived. Conttng up a
Catcliliig a brlgo timber lie saw a lady r :
near him and seized her. She was a V
toria Woflian who had accompanIed hirns
anti wfe. Then lie aw his wIU's do
appear upon the water. lie called to a in
to save her anti not in vain. for the in
a'warn to Mr. . Foster's rescue anti bore I :
to the land.
Superintendent Jamcts 14. Wiison of I
Canadian Pacific railroad telegraph was dr
ing a carriage contaIning his vlfo anl 11
children directly behnd the Ill-fated ci
ifli , vehicle Was swept down and in a 'a
iflerIt the entire family were struggling
lii. water.Vith rare presence of mind
'iiiin succeeded ! fl saving his wife a
four of the chidren. The fifth child. a lit
biy , was wedged baneath seine wreckage a
- - -
- p
'I'I&irit Altittitil Session ttc1s iv ! ( Ii.
Idarge At t i't.1icae.
LOUISVILLI , May 27.-The thirti bienu
general federation of women's clubs w
formally inaugurated this mornIng at 9
It is eRtliflatell that about 700 visitors a
in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by M :
C. I' . Barnes , president of the Louisvi
Vornans club , and after a short invocati
by Rev Anna Garland Spencer of Pro'
deuce , an eloqticnt address of welcome w
delivered by Mrs. I'atty Semple , first vi
President of the Louisville club. Mrs. He
rotin , p : Csident of the General Federatl
of Wemer. ' . clubs , after a few words
thanks , in lieu of a set speech , refcrr
tiie delegates to her Printed address.
The a(1fress fills thirty-three pages
a smith r'ainphiet and deals largely with
practical features ot the work of the fedi
aLien. In the course of the address M
Ileurotin says : 'TiioVomens club mo
IIICnt. has been one of the educational L
toes of the century and It has been valual
as it has enabled women who could i :
Iave home to proceed with their educatl
through classes anJ in tue department cite
to transmute Into action the knowledge th
had acquired. The club work gave tIll
that exact knowledge and experience ; ht
enabled them to act with decision anti cat
age-a Courage which nothing but IVISJI
c1Ii jlislfy and which only women of bro
ayznpathy CflZ ) inaice available.
"Tho next step in the development of C
club was to .atudy parliatnentary law , ath
a cenatitutian and in many casea take
charters. To study soon ceasee to sath
the Club , and thus tue great lepnrtm
club was evolved train the literary ci
VOIiICII , being above all practical. desired
put III action aonte of tiio many t.eorIes !
Which she had become Iflterertt. anil ml
of the clubs began rork on phi antiroj
linc.a. They have eniarged their scope i
tue club calendars ziow cubrace clvii
hou.eiioitt economics. education , socicio1
literature. art and science.
nix Years ago tue general federattn t
cragnlzed , having as Its object the inoIl
tiia clubs of the counlr3P to promote tb
etilcieiicy by the comparison of niethods
It ode , to enlarge aiitl quicken the Intellecti
anti aocinl life of women. The federatl
li an organization of vart dtmcasioi
numbering over 47S clubs and twenty .ite
federations with 947 cnbs. The ineinbi
Dill ! ) of the general federatIon by vtate
as follows : Alabama , 2 ; Arkanzae , 4 ; Ca
fnrnia , 17 ; Coloradp , 12 ; ConnectIcut. 7 ; De
varo , \Vanliington ; , D. C. , 3 ; Florida ,
Gt'argia , 4 ; Idaho , 5 ; Illinois , 74 ; Iutliiji
22 : Iotva. i35 ; JCaiisaa , 2 ; Kentucicy , 17 ; Lou
:1110 , 2 ; MaIne , 4 : Maryland , 3 ; tass3eljtlsCt
59 ; .iiEsttur1 , S : Montana , 1 ; MississippI ,
Ncbr.ts'ka , 1 ; New iIanpuhlre , 1 ; New Jt
ecl. IC ; New Mexico , 2 : New York , LI ; ; Nor
lakota , 1 ; Ohio , fl ; Oregon , 3 ; l'enrisyls
lila , 21 ; Rhode Island , 3 ; South Carolina ,
SoUth Dakota , 2 ; Tennessee , C Texac ,
Utah , 2 : Vermont , 1 ; Vashington , 7 ; 'IV
consul , 8 ; IndIa , 3 : England , I ; Australia ,
Reports were received from chairmen
cniiiiiilttecs on credentiiis , rules and regul
tlont. reciprocity uilcl correopont1cnce , a
on baulgej. Reports vero a so received
tim treasurer. Mr. Cooper of Sap Fra
cioco , the auilitcr , Miea Anna Iaws of Ci
clunall. the reourtilug secretory , Mrft , C.
Ilarnes or lbu1sviIle..tha vorrcrpanding
vt'tsry , Mrs. Pilillip N. Moore of St. LauL ,
'l'Iio regular department meetIngs w
citetieti at 11 oclock. That at Maciuie
theater vas devoted to literature , Ch2irm
Mn' . F. howe ilail of Plaliifield. The lack
at'derleranz hail gave their attention
financial ( itleStiofla , Mrs. Loligetrutji 01 Ph
adolphl.i being chairman.
lii ( lie tuiiday School room ot ti.e Cbrla'tt
cliuicii the t'tlltject tinder t1hiiioiicn t
piillanthrophiy. Mrs. J. M. Flower is chairm
C ! this committee.
'rite first work of the afternoon vas
itarliatnentary practice , conducted by M
ElLa O"ood of Maine.
.t 4 tt'clock tile c1ialrmn of tile ate
cornnhlttPu 1110110 theIr reports , oecupyl
three IllilIUtCS each.
At ulgbt thin \Vomana club of IuIeyi
gave a reception to the visiting deirgat
at tue Gait house.
i.tRMlIt Ills Vl1"iPS 'l'IIItO.i
ln frI uititlitil Y'fl * lirt , In 'III itnir1 lb
. Ilruglt t Nii ( osh 1.iick.
LA 1'I4TA .Mo.May 27.-George A
derapn , a farmer , ( rnzloi1 witil jealow
mashed his 'vito's iieati into a jelly vi
a iiatnnier at their hioiiio eight miles soul
Cst of here this morning , aiiti then , alt
cutting her tiitoat with a razor , lasii
his Owli throat with th annie weapon , T
% VOlilLtt $ ii ; de,14 , ; itliderbOIi may recover.
\Vlien nciigbbrn gathered after the trage
Alldcrson Iiitf.ticd with theni to "finIsh lihrii
Tiio room wllcre tile liitlrder was corninitt
silOWit elgus of a terrible struggle , tile IL
nituro antI clothing being Lpattere wi
blood. 'rho 0111) ' witness to tue trage
was Mrs. Andoraon's 4-year-old daugb
by her ( crmor hiusbanti. Tile Anderso
were only tllarrcd in August , 18P5 , but Ii
tilco separated. Axiderson accusing lila w
of inildeitty. Tue murderer Is 45 ycara c
and Is a prospcroua farmer ,
' _ _ _ _
Sj.culu ( urn Sltot'kctl ii I Si Ifiissaitig.
LIOISI. Idaho , May 27-James llilngt
was hltng'ed bore toSay for the murder
( Ilarieg liriggi , his empleyer alter a qua
ret regarding tagea. on December 20 , 18I
Just as the drop fell at 9:21 : today a dri
hilled tile black cap. oapashng Elllngtor
frmtureu. The horrible spectacle cau
strong liteli to turn sway. EiiIngtc'n
vronouuced dead nine udnutea after the dr
fiuNiTIoNs o' vki SEIZE
EQ1Q1o' Supplies Captured In the City
Out' fllgllMl ) Plrtit IIMNuleM LIII
U ( tiers 'I'Is rtii it'll Cu Inerense
( lie I'tiiie tlIIflhIg ( lie
MercitniItH. I
( C4Ipriglit , 1S9C , iy I'r..a I'tilltshln , Coman
hAVANA , Cuba , May 27-NeW ( "z'oi
World Cablcgram.-Spocial Teegram-Me ) )
toil , the American correspondent arrested
the schooner CompetItor Is tick , ho baa be
removed from Prison to the mIlitary ho
pitai , i'hero he Is kept 'inconrnunlcata
, His disease is said to be dysantery.
Two htititlred dozen Remington cartrldgi
were seized today opposite the cable offli
in Cafe Vivero. They were done tip
packages of ten , wrapped lit copies of tI
rovaltitionitry iiotvspnper La Patria , pubilahi
by the jillita , In New York. Meat of ti
packages were addressed to hotel Ricard
I'hiiar dcl Itho , others to susploictis addressi
let various districts. The Cuban owners
the cafe were arrested. Itcvoititlonai
newrpaperS vere found in theIr possessioli.
The action of SpaIn regarding the e :
porting of leaf tobacco is causing moe
dIscontent. The firm of i'artagae & Cc
limited , of Ibavana anti London has bee
ilirsoived. The business has been assunu
by Juan Illances. This company was or
of the most important tobacco concert
In the business. The withdrawal of U
Eiigilsit stockholders is lookel upon wit
anxiety by busilicas men , as the witildraw
of foreign capital might produce a panl
Tue disturbance of busIncs as a result
the war and a lack or confidcnce In ti
ability of Cuba to endure tue extra horde
beIng Imposed 01)00 her is supposed to ha
brought about the dlssoiutlon.
Niaw's t1'ES FHt.U 01.1) liIaXICI
'otiIiI.c Itidliitt GIrl lniiiig it Itejiuta
I hut Its It PrtiII.teNi.
CITY OF MEXICO , May 27.-A gran
function occurred here yesterday at Profeta
church , in commemoration of Saint Folly
Non , patron alnt of Mexico. The apoc'tok
delegates , arrayed l full pontifical robes , prt
sided , representing the pope.
A sensation has been caused In the stat
of Tobasco by the appearance of a youn
Indian prophetess who predlctu a general cot
fiagrathon , to be preceded by signs and woe
der , among them the fal tng of edifices an
tile premature speaking of infanta. Sevcr
bridges have fallen and the Indiana bellevin
tliee Incidents to be the fulfillment of Ui
prophecy are alarmed. The bishop of T
basco has scilt for the girl , who claims t
have had celestial visions during her recee
&iajourn In the forests along the Grijalva ,
Successful cxjieriincnts iii the preeence
I'roaident DIaz have been made with a ne
cxplosiyo Invented by Manuel Game , a Mex
can cltizeii. It watt coir.parcd with the beef
of foreign explosives and that of Gama
near y double their penetrating force.
Complaint Is made by authoritiet , In Ui
state of MIchochan that some robbers ha
been shot without due form of trial. Then
Is dicusClon going en In the prea' ' , tiio oppt
sitlon papers accuaing the authorities wit
duciabedienCe to the law.
The cattie In the interior have been periC
lag for lack of pasturage and the price
rltlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i't't.ple In Cit ncst.tretrez , ( I ) AInrite
ut ( lie Tirl&isii OlitrngeH ,
ROME. May 27.-An official dlspatci I ro :
Car.ea , Island of Cete , says that fresh di
turbances occurred there on Tueslay. Ti
peaplo arc panIc-stricken and communic
tion was interrupted wih : the adjacent vi
lages. Whole families of Mussultnans at
Christians are believed to have been kilie
No further news has been received regart
Ing tile Turkish garrison of Vamos whit
is besieged by the Insurgents.
iirt Senilzt I Iii ( lie 'i'rnIiMvnIl.
LONDON. May 27.-A PretorIa dispatab I
the Tlmea says As an outcome of the re
elatior.a of Llooel Phillips' private ietti
beak. implIcating pronitr.oiit men of U
Kruger party in the Rand for acceptir
bribes from the mIning hctise.a for advan
ing the Rand Interests in the Volksraad , U
Transvaal government has suspended Judi
do Korto and has asked the Rand tc appali
a court of Inquiry. The 'ransvaal goveri
meet is tryIng to supress the scandal a.
the reeling is very bitter. The police watc
the house of Dr. Layd'i , the c'acretary
state. and detectives foliow him whenever 1
leaves the house.
1i'te Mcii l.OMt lit Sect.
HALIFAX. N. S. . May 27.-About
night the Ncrwegtan bark , I3aodrene. fro :
Avonmnouth for Atiranitchi was wrecked ha
a mile fromi , the whistle on St. Paul's lsan !
it thick fog and heavy sea prevailed at U
time. Capain : II , Wilson , F'irat Nate I
N. Sweenson , Second Mate Theodore Perac
and Seamen liarolil Nelson and EmIl Sote
stron were lost. Five men were saved.
Ii.oUIt lIUlit1l ) 3IINHItS Altii ( ill'
Proliteet fur Setit'iiie , , t uf I lze Styli.
II , ( _ tIIl rtI ( ) Itt Itt' .
lENVEEL , May 27-"Tliero to no prcspei
at pre.eent of a settlement of the atr ka t
tile northern Colorado coal miners and U
canditions are most .erious , " ealil w. I
iClett , sato labor comnilsehonor , who ri
turnad from the eceno of the trouble toda :
"Tiio men are deermlned : to remain out at
ri.ik the consequences , while the operate :
are peulatent in their efforte to have wet
tesumneil o oil ( lie' moines In the datrct. Ti
total number of men affected by the stril
Is c1030 Of to 400 , "
The Marshall Ccai company is stIll di
termined to evict the minert' and their fan
thea if the men do not return to work t
next Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
G ntis ; tt rs Urgeil I o Vlsi I 51 I lw , . ii he
Mil'I'AUKEE , May 27.-An imporiam
meetIng of the mnanagars ilt the atreet rat
way strike was held at headquarter , of U
atrkerd tlii morning anti when It was ovI
Presldnt Mahon atated that telegran
would be sent to I'resident Gompera of U
Anierleari Federation of Labor urgtpg tin
ito collie to Milnaukeo without delay.
lb the further proceedings , President Alt
lion would not talk more thaii to say ( lie
there would lirobably be a meetIng of tii
men tonight , witeci a vote would be take
ins to future action. The rnembera of tl
committee are confident that every man v
stand firm and in anticipaton ! of this iii
telegram to l'rcaident Gonipers line bee
iIliltM.tNS l'.tSSII ) 'I'll lii ) hIGH iitl'I"I'I
lIsjiosi'I of ( Iie Clot iii. , , imI .tnile Sititi
iue'iitiiI * 8 1 I liii t I'Imtci' .
MINNEAPOLIS , May 27-it special to tie
JouriaI from Butte , Mont. , say : ito'
Francis Ilermans , sio is wanted at Sc
I..ako City for the alleged killing of tw
Women , Henrietta Clauson and Annie San
ueiscta , was in Butte subsequent to the dii
appearance of the two women. He arrIve
with two trunks , one of which contairsa
Personal effect and tile other , he said , ha
tue apparel of his wife. He asked Itci
Mr. Melby of the Lutheran chureb to se
it for him. aa he wai tired of carrying
further. It was sold and parts of the cioti
lag waa dlepo.re5 of , Mr. Melby was at
quatutoci sub lIaa Salnueison and now ci
hooking over the undlapoacel of content i
the trunie recognIzes the atu aej baying bt
ionge to her ,
H.tS'liHtS I ) IS1'l ZI.lhl1ES 'j' ( ) ( 'ljSl
, It. , , 'I'liUNZI ntl ML'tI In Ie 'Fit mutt Oti
ofVork tm SeiIt'IIIit'r ! I
NEW YOIIK , May 27.-MI the rye whisk
diatilior ili the eastern states vIii stispen
operations on September 1 , . next. This wI
throw out of employment 2,000 workrnoi
coopers and labelers. The skilled workme
about the distilleries will' be kept , ne the
are tinder contract and ant of peculIar an
specll valtie to theIr omphoera.
Tills action \vas resolved oion at a meet
ing representing. It is estltnatdt1 $25,000.01
capitsl at the \Valiiorf hotel. J. 0 , l'ontc
tract presided nr.1 Edward V. Doughert
sas secretary.
Mr. 1' . E. 11cr of the Willow Springs dim
tiilery vae' seen in connection with the re
port that the Omaha plant as to be ciotie
Juno 1 In purcuanca to the report pub1I.iie
in Chicago papers that an ordcr would see
be issued by the American SIrlts Distillin
company so directing. . Mr. 11cr saul
'Tho interests of the Anioricen Spirits Dim
tilling company and the WIiiqw Springs dli
tillery have nothing In CoinInOn anti any em
dora issuing front Ito omces wotild have a
effect on the Omaha plant. The Willo
Springs plant was pnrchaaoii ly myself Ma
1 , aliil has passed entirely ooad the contri
of the Aiiierlcan Spirits DtstlIIng comnpan
Business with us line opened tip very favom
ably since the first of the month and w
are nos' running with aboOt halt a force t
operatives. 'IVo expect to increase the nuir
her of empioyca as tue demands upon ii
increase and the prospects atpreserit for a
enlarged output are cxcellentt
"The only other plant at pront ovzod I
the state by the old corporation is one k
catoi : at Nebraska city. The dictillery
that point has been. closed devil for sever
months and there Ia no prospoc that. it WI
be reopened. I do nct think , for certal
reasons of my own , that they contemplat
rolling it Intimated In a Into intcr'ie' '
wIth Levy Meyer , counsel for hio compan
Conelderable Influence tins . been brought
bear upon me to Induce me to re-enter Ui
combIne as there Is considrabie ill feeiln
still exirtlng between the tid combine , know
as the Distilling and Cattle Fedora' associa
tion and the new trust , known ac the niar
lean Spirits Distilling company. I shall no
enter again imito tbo trust pad the WiIlo
Springs plant will be conducted upon an In
dependent volley. "
I'ltlll'AISIS ( .tlHG CI1I.taIilta.'rIo
'I''flhleMMCC'H Ceiiteiiflhlli tIN It State I
lie CuiititIeiiIiritteil % e5t ) lontlimy.
NAShVILLE , May 7.-Great preparation
are in progress tor the centennial celebratioc
of Tennessee which will occur on June 1 ant
2. The city is beIng decorated handsomel :
anti everybody Is looking forward to one o
the most notable demonstrstion in the his
tory of time state. There will be a grant
parade and pageant on Junel , the Tenncse
centennial day , and the ceremonies at th
exposition groundie wIll be imposing aild im
preeeis'o. There will be a unrise salute o
sixteen guns , Tennessee being the sixteenti
state admitted to the unlon' ' dud after th
parade a flag raising with c taluto of on
gun for every state in the union.
The principal speaker of the occasion wil
be lion. J. M DickInson , emsaistant Ilnitei
States solicitor gdncral. The other speaker
\iuil be lion. . A. Taylor and Hon. E. 'IV
Carinactc. The different sbeleie wIll par
tielpato ahd the exercises for tile two day
will be niost elaborate anti interestIng. Th
president and cabinet , diplomatic corps , gov
ernors of states Und many lignltaries hay
been Invited. There will be'a treat mllitar :
display of fOeral amid state troops and i
grait coming together , of tith peoplq of th
C .i
An Important feature of tlie'exerclses wil
be the formal unaugurationuf the Tenr.csae
centennial exposition , 'which will not b
epetied , however , until May 4. 1897. Th
expoa'tlOfl , wimFe in celebration of the 100t
anniversary of tb state , will be of natiomia
anti international lmportane and proper
tlons. The buildings , sa.verai of which ar
already erected , will be of exceptional beaut :
and dimensions and the grounds will be ne
with dioplays of , flowers. , Applications to
space for exhibits are coaning in from i'l
qtItrtOnS of the globe.
I wati originally Intended , to open the cx
positon thiti year , but for bettar preparatioc
the opening was postponed until May 1 , nex
year , which will not be a polItical year.
CocI'IJSTS : IIi.Fn\s'i'rJI M.iNLH't
One ltminlrel , intlIi'IffySIx COIlte4t
Iris : Delegnielt for St. ) otiH Alritly.
AUGUSTA , Me. , May 27.-Hon. 3 , 11. Man
Icy , secretary of tile reptiblcan committee
has sent to chairman Cartop the followin
letter : a
AUGUSTA. Me. , May 23.-1Ion. Thomas ii
Carter , Chairman flepubliQian National Coat
mittee.Vashingtonlear' ' Sir : ConteI
have been flied svth m' In' the. foliotvin
states and districts. Theronre alxty.sevc
contests , Involving the rghits of 156 tie
gates :
A'abama. tour tiele'ntes-at-iargo ; FirsI
Third , Fourth. F'.fth , Sixth , Seventh. Eight
and Ninth districts , makIng twenty delegates
gates in all.
California , Third and FottrtJ districts , lou
Delaware , six deiegates-a-argo ; six dec
Florida. four de1egntes-nt-irge Firat an
Second districts , eight delegates.
Gergia. tour delegate-at-lnrge ; Firsl
Ninth and E evnth dIstrlcts term deIegate
Kentucky , Fifth district , t'o delegatea.
L.ouiHiana. four ; Firsi
Secnd , Third and Fourth'dlstrcts ! , twelv
delegate ? .
! tliSsiStiPpi , fourdelegates-at-largc First
Second. Third , Fourth , Fifth. Sixth an
Seventh districts , eighten deiegate.
New York , Sixth , Eighth , Ninth , Twerti : :
ThIrteenth and Fif'onlh tlhrcs. (
Nrth Carolna , Eighth diStrlc , two tick
gates ,
Penneyivnnin , Third district , two delegatei
South Carolina , tour ildlegates-at-largI
First. Second Third. Fourth , Fifth , Slxt
anti Seventh districts , eihteen deiegate ,
'rennes-ce , S'xtii antI Nitii dIstricts , tou
'rexa , four ileleates.ait.Iarge- on
or tile thirteen districts , . thirty tleleg'it's
Virginia. Seconti and Ti4nd districts , ( cu
delegates. I
ArIzna , six delegates-ot.iarge , eic dole
'l'iiere may be other contests yet. to b
fEed. I am , youni. , etc.
J. U. AINIY , Secretary.
S. % . _ IiWYIJLIIS ± id : _ : : .fT Jl.tGGiUE
itmihiruncis I a hat' Vesumi , tsclttIii
'I'ilL Sttiiil 'r1tjt'ItJir ,
ChICAGO , May 27.-Tbzm iMajority of thi
rbaeis in the Vi'estera 1'ae'anger a.'saclatto :
are elated over the declaistion of Ciiairmn
CaIdwell that. tIm % VIscaptmiJn Contra ! rnua
give up ito intention ofjaarryImg Ucycc. ire
or ccaa to be a member of lie association
Several of the weaterji rpadepre much o
paeml to Iho tree transarttUlon of wheel
amid they will not under any crcumnstance
enter into any agreerent poydlng for thel
free tranrpctrtation. No vpri was receive
by the chairanan ate thiocuae the Wiscan
sin Central would pursue Je ijan matter.
It ii , expected that the aiuqi report of th
Chicago & Nonthweaiterp rtid , s'hlch vlii b
e.'ubrnitted to the annual jupeqlng of the d
rectors next week , vIll malle be best ribow
ilig of army aimibir report rqao In recen
years , It Is thought that It vil show an in
crease in earnings of over . $5,000,000 and lii
surplus will be tht iarges In tea years.
Iielilt 4 , ? t. Ja ,
KEAI1NEY , Neb. . Msy 27-Special. ( ) -
Mrs. F. 1' , Wiitey , win. of County Super
intentloutVilsey , died Mothiay morning an
the funeral was held from the First ? .Ieth
edIct Episcopal church tI. afternoon a
: i o'clock.
O3CEOIA. Neb , , May 27-Speclal.-Th ( )
funeral of James 'IV. Ilcebe waa held thi
afternoon at flUelsh chapel under ( lii
au.epices Pt the Osceola Mgsonla fraternity
AIr , I3eebe came to thj.g oursty in 1S76
when he } V5a a mere lad , and has lived hen
ever since , lie waa 35 yars aid. .
St'vere for .tssiul ( ,
RMVLINSVyo. . , May 2-Sprclai ( Telo
grani.-Chanles ) $ mltb , qonylcted of a.m'iaui
with intent ( a commit murder in tbt shoot
lug of A. it ! , iticAnoily , was aentenceel thl
morning to fourteen YQr5 tit bard labor
Vincent Selects Topeka and Newman Got
to San Pranoisc ,
3ietlititi 1st Ctii fertii' l > t'fers A Ilte
tutu OIL 'l'iils l'uitt ( Inc li'otIr
'enrs..t.'J , tirt' ) , Fl cc I , isurn nec
I'liit .ttiutiteil.
CLEVEL.AD , 0. , May 27.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram.-Oniaima ) baa lost. and all becau
Bishop Vincent. preferred to live in Topek
to residing In either St. Louis or Miminocip
oIls , both of which cities vcre open whet
lila turn to choose his residence In order e
his ecniority in time episcopacy arrived. Ii
is senior biqiiop to Iiisiiop Newman , alit
when the choice "Omiiaha or Topeka" wa
left to liii' bishop lecting the Nebrask
and Kamisas flehil , it was supposed that I
would be Omaha , because poplo assutilel
thot I3ishiop Vincent votmld take any on
of two or three better cities than Topki
which would be open at the time of hi
choice. It vcnt without e'aylng that I
Omaha was open when Bishop Nownlaif
turn arrived in its order ho would retail
his residence there iii preference to going Ii
Topcka. however , Vincent disregarded ( hi
advances of St. Louis 011(1 Mlmmneapolls , boti
better towns than Topeka , because lie likt
the pIece amid was acclimated there alit
because Mrs. Vincent liked it. lllCllop New
milan , vht.n his turn caine , had tour held
from whIch to choose , San Francisco , Clint
taaiooga , New Orleans or Fort Worth an
I'ortlaiui , Ore. lie naturally chose the inc
tropoils of the Pacific coaSt , Omaha belni
gone by the choice of Vincent under tin
A surprise was sprung tipon the conferonci
today , when a motion was niale amid car
ned to refer the report on constitution ti
a committee to report tour years hence
This report baa beii tmmider dircussion ( ci
three days ahiti lion nroured much dsctmssion
The reason for today's action is believc
to be a dinausalon which will depart mont
from old lines than did the report of tlit
committee. There is a feeling that the lay
men should be given more representatIot
and it Is hoped it may be grantetl in thi
contituticfl which the comurniosion will pro.
Bishop Fowler presided at the openint
eceslon of the conference today. Surprise
was create ] wimon 11ev. Dr. Gouchmer , chair.
man of the committee en constitution , math
a stmggestioii that tIle whole matter of con.
stitution , which has engaged the conferenec
In debate for over two days , be referre
to a commission of fifteen , to consist of sia
ministers , six laymen and three bishops , tc
report four years hence.
Lay Delegate Swartlioot offered a subot.
tutc that ( Ito question of constitution be
reterre to tl.o people for a vote Imi creTe :
that it might represent the people. The
substitute was promptly tablei after e
speech by Rev , Ut , Chaffec. The metier
was then adopted and thu matter was re
ferred to the' commission.
Lieutenant Governor Mansur of Vermoni
secured the privilege to make a report ci
the cemmittee on arbitration , which author
iced the secretary to communicate with tht
predcnt and ask that the government o
theUnited Statco cuter Into negotIatIon wit
the powers' of Europe with a view of for
ever preventing the . repetItion ot the Ar
inenlan outrages , IC. carried without a di.t
entiag voice.
Dr. J. 13. Yotmeg submittei tIm inst report
. : f the committee on Stinday school anc
tracts , whiCh was routine in its nature. It
Was adopted without debate.
Dr. Swink mnao the repart of the cam
mittee on insurance matters. After statii
the great saving which could be imiade pay
siblo by a church insurance plan. it reacin
mended that the general cnference adopt
the olan followed by the 'IVoat Wisconir ,
conference for a mutual church inaurance
company , and that the husiurtis of the cain
pany should be transacteit by a board of in.
surance , con'iistlng of fifteen men. on
from each general conference district. it
ha elected by the delegationa amiti fivi
at large to be appo nted by time blnhops. Thi
plan was advocated by Dr. Swindeils iii
prolonged argument , in which lie raid thai
If adopted it meant the saving Cf millions ci
dollars by hundreds Cf churches. A die.
cuaslon followed , but it was all in advocacy
of the measure.
General Rushling condemned the scheme
as visionary and impracticable amid said ii
would re.atilt in a scandal , as lie said th
Asbury life insurance echeme did
Dr. Wiison offered an amendment whic !
provided that the report be referred to a
committee of fifteen , to be appomited by thi
bishops. This committee was to carry ccii
its provlsionit if found pract cable. It .wa
tabled by a email majority. The report wam
finally adopted by an overwhelming majority
A recea was then taken.
When time essiofl was resunied 11ev. Dr
Necly peacnteci a protest signed by evcnt
members of tue conference against the ac
tion in admitting laymen as members ci
limo missionary annual comiforonco. The pro
test was spread UPOU time records aftem
considerable opposition.
Tue committee on location of the nexl
conference reported invitations of Saratoga
Springs , Chicago , Kansas City anti Ocean
Grave , N. J. The committee reported ii
was unalilo to decide and askel that the
committee be continued with an addItion
of two members of the book eotnmhttcc.
It was referrcti to the book comniitec.
Tim reciiimiinendatinti of Freedman's Aid
socety ! , whIch was more in the nature oh
a report than a recommendatIon , 'vai
adoptol. After ( lie eep'rt ' of tue Epwortii
league , which recommends that the Epwor ii
league , In extending the spirit of national
co-operation to other young pepio's so
cieties , should never become affillateil iii
any manner with any other societies wh'cii
were not dIstinctly Methodist , Time con.
fercnco adjourned until 3 o'clock.
'IVIIEItE 1)181101'S WILL. GO.
Tiio bishops have selected their plce
of resIdence as follows ; Alallaltou , Irene
Buffalo to Beaten ; Fouler. from Mlnneapoil ,
to buffalo ; Fitzgerald , from Now Onieani
to St. Louis ; Joyce , from Chmattamioogme It
MinPeztois ; Newimiami , from Omaha to Sat
Francisco , qoofoeli , rein San I"rumicieco Ic
Chattanooga ; McCabe. to Pert 'IVorthi ; Cran.
ston , 'Io Portland , Ore. ; Foss remalna iii
Phliadeiphiia , Merrill in Chicago , Andrews in
New 'c'cnic , Ninde In letrolt , Walden in
Cincinnati , Warren in Ienver , hurst in
\Vasliington and V ncent in Topeka , New
Orleans and Omaha , by the new arrange.
meat , are left without bisiiope' . Illitmop New.
man hiss the choice of either San Frau.
deco OF Los Angeles , amid there will proji.
ably be a warm contest between these cities
aim to wimichi ahail be time place of Episcop3l
ncaldcncc , The bishop may , however , alter.
nat i batweetn the two cities. iltahmop Mc.
Cabs bia the chio ce of either Now Orleans
or Fort \Vtrth , Tex. lie has Practically
decidcl in .Javor of time latter on account of
its bettor facilities for reaching time north ,
where ho wi'l ' have a conidorable amount
of work to do during time next two years in
finishing unconipietod missionitry business.
When the conf renco reconvened this
aftern-oti certain minor cliangee In time man.
ncr of trying perens Under charge.z were
adopted upon recounniondatton of be corn-
ruittee on judiciary. The proposition tlmat a
rerson under chmarges might be tried at once
by a court to be railed logether by the iire.
siding eider was strenuously opposed and
laid tin the table , the chief objecton being
that It gave too itmuchu liowen to the preeidlmig
elder , Thu coimirnittec report recommending
the coosolldatlon of ( lie Sunday school and
tract societies was laid on ( lie table ,
The conference was informed of tile death
of a unisaionary lay delegate , Dr. , Juhian F ,
Scott , at the Forest City house , The cause
was consumpt on , Dr. Scott wios a medical
mIssionary in north China and waa about 3
i'eara old ,
Terrible Tornado Rages with Fury Through
the City's Center.
Flospitals Crowdcd with Wounded , Morgue Filled with Deaci
and Bodies of the S1au Lie Scattered About
the Streets and in the
. Ruins.
spEl , 1.01115 , en 24.4tortimido b1u'Iiig at tiit rate of eighty iiilks an IloTIr
trtieIc St. I.otiig at 5:15 : tlii eve'nliig anti t'migt'd for lutif an hunt' vit hi iremtt ful'y.
i ; me i'estiit ihtlll(1t'eiiS ( ? of livtia vt'i't' lost on both skit's of ( lip iIv'r. Ala hA' blihhtl.
hugH 'I'I'Cre iiiow'i' (1OtVli nibi se'eiitl rIver st'ntneis suitla with miii On iioriI. At
hreSOllt ) It 1 $ liiiliosslbie to t'stiinnte lii e titliuiioi' of iivt'e lost. lnslilti : , ltI'O
full of hIlJtlred niitl the inorgtie contitfiis iiiuiiy eTt'ni , t liei'tteiil of tlit' east emit !
at tli Fmids bridge im ( le.'ti'oA'ee1. 1'ite gl'mlull steitid itt tiit ( mcii' grouhIis mid the
t'I.olnnht'S lOi'tIOut of tue jmili flee blovn dovii. Time'ree oil w'oriam4 mii't
Ittirnitig mimi huillihiiigs In vntloiis se'et ioiim of ( lie tovui miie till iii. 'i'm' Plant
ilotir iiiills : ilul tile St. I.otils iroit itiul iteel vorIas are iloiiiniislieel a liii ( lit' liii-
iil'iise : 'li1)Iie8 ) block Is iai'liiliij' elesiroyetl. 'i'lie tienel aitid hrijtlr'd are iteltig
taken froiti the .
At East St. I.oimit ( lie ilesti'ut'tlomi iw'eliis genut'ra1 , 11 , C. ] tk'p at Cut' htt'lmiy
, lepot Cli tiit' tist sub chiillii'tl uli'i'a4s lilt ? ( lt'litilisll'tl ) lritlgtt ) atiitl r'lorts ( tlitt : tlia
mitIomimi1 lintel , 'l'roinout house , ilflrtt'l.fle\\'oif cafe , IL. H , Zeil 'sl ililug coin-
iaiiy'inll1 ) , IIoi'n's cooptt' dull ) anti a runt iiuimiy ti'I'eiflhiged as faii' as Ilftii
tmeet : iie goite anti inanv 1)eoiio ) kille'ti.
' 1'ii 1Tahtiinorc & Ohio full \'alitimtiimi i onini house at 1it : St. LOUis iiiiil thie
i'esceutt elevators arid lvelve freigitE liouseae on ( lii' k's'eo miie tlt'iutolislit'ii. 'J'lio
31'mtlil Itltiillc { ? mimuti macveral mnort e'xciit iioui steiiiicrs : vitii mill on boatel are ic-
: ) ortuti suiila lii the ilver 81111 mill ste'ainpm S mit tilL' levee iiiv ; gone i1ovti ,
A. rough estitnuite lilaces the iiuiuiber o f killed amnivoiimitloml at 1,000 , Both
ilieVcstern Union and Postal companies lost every wire out of the city , which
[ S In total thutrkaies. It. Is imapossible to get off any more front here at pt'cscut.
TEIt1IIJILE hAl. ! ? IlOtJIt IN 5' ! ' , LOUI
TrenIelIIltIs DtiitIi Sveili-.i 1 ,
Siulclmt ( if Cruviit'tl Steuiutcrs.
CHICAGO , May 27.-One of the gre.ates
disasters of recent years overwimelnied tin
city of St. Louis tonight iii ( lie shape of m
tornado which began simoitly after 5 o'cioci
and for thirty mintite tore its awful wa
through the city with a velocity of eve :
eighty miles ami imou Ahthoughm report :
from there are very meagre owing to the cii
most total destruction of time telegraph wires
it ceerns certain the numher of dead am
wounded will amount to fully 1,000 and ( hi
damage to property to millions of dollars
'rho city hospital , which 'fortuna1y survivei
( lie storm , I , filled to overflowing with man
pled inca and chlidrep anti tile morgue
within two hours after the end of thi
otorm , was so foil of corpacs that It was mice
essary to provide other quarters for the re
ception of the dead.
Ia addition to tilcee who were killed ii
their houses and in ( lie streets , hundreds a
dead are beneath the waters of the Mlssi3
.lppi river. Of all tiio steamers on Ibm
levoewhen time storm broke , but one is nec
afloat. All the otliers have gone doiyn
in many lmistanccs every soul on board belni
lost and in others not over two or thret
being able to reach a place' of safety
Among the boats destroyed is the excursior
, tteanier Grand Republic , one of time 1arge
steanlers 011 tIme lower river. Not a mar
escaped from imer and it is said elie woe
crowded with cxcuesionttts when the stern
The center of ( lie city is a wm'eck. Man
buildings have been demnelished amid otheri
partially wrecked. Time strceLs are utterhj
impzaable to street cars , and in mnariy place
progrces 011 toot is a matter of great diffi
cemlty , To amid to time horrors of time night
the electric lighting plants were rendere ;
incapable of service amid time gas lamps art
aba ibut ofT' , leaving the city iii total dark
hess. Fire also broke nut in sevemal per
ticina of the city and time fire departmemi
was unable to inalee an effective Ilgimt becausc
of ( lie chmoleod tip codhtton of the etreete
and the large uiutubor ef firemen who went
engaged in time work of rescuing the doa
and wcunieil.
'i'iio only authentic ireformnntion ( rota thu
stricken city tonIght was lent out by ( hi
agent of the AciCacielted press , wile niannec
to reach an outlying eiegraph office and cent
the brief memage primitci nbat'e ,
The 'IVestern Union Telegrapii comnpanb
iiae announced timat because of its inabIlity ti
keep uii its wires it a'nuld be impossIble ti
send out any mnoro imiessac'a tonight Iron
St. Louis or vicinity.
The reports neegardimig tIme duration of Ibm
storm arc conficttng , About S o'clock tin
operatar On tile Wabash road at a email eta
tlon not far from East St. Loulo managed It
ge time operator at Ieratur , Ill , , long enougi
to seati him nerd that tue rotmndhmouso of thi
% Vabaslu road was blown down anti that tilt
freight house of tile Vandalia was wreciect
amId thirty.Ilv mnen were kllicd in time rutims
% ftem' ho hati told tilL3 much ( lie wire ( alIce
1dm , Slmortly . after 5 o'clock , tile Wabash
operator at Decatur reitorted to time dispatch
era' chico at Fotrect , that a tornado liar ! just
ilassed through time country to the south ci
Decatur anti ( lint it was repartol to hvi
domlo great d.Liiiage , In a few momnrznts hit
sent word that a tmcomim1 storm immiti passed
through the qouuitry almost cxactiy In tin
track of the first amid that lie was tmnabic
to get any more informuaiQp regarding it , but
that it wais tiwugimt to bava done great darn
ago east of St. Louia ,
The operatora eq the Altoti road were run.
able to get ny information ( rum their men
in the neighIiohoed of St. Lout ; but re
ported that just before all their cominectioni
with that city broken oft they ba
received worth that there had been a sever
tornado at hush lull , Mo. , wlmicii I , a sinai ]
town on tIme Alien road , not ( a ; ( rein Mexico ,
Mo.The dispatchers' Wiles of the Ilhiuaua Comm.
tralvag unable all night to get any informs.
tion tram any point on time line south of
Centralia. It was reported to theimi , however ,
that a tormiado had swept through all the
country uth of tbat point.
It is difficult to estimnato tile number of
clench and wounded , but a rough estimate
would place the number at about 1,000.
Both the Western Union amiil Postal commiapnie8
have lest every wire out of time city.
One of time worst features of the disaster
is thought to have taken place at the race
track at St. Louis , where races were in full
swing and the grand stand wan crowded ,
.t oturns from the St. Louis mice are recelyetj
at ( ho track at Lakeside , , . Ini. , and a low
minutes after 5 o'clock the operator sending
the report of the races etopped imi work
Icng enough to romnarlc : "There goes the
grand , stand ! " and timeti the wire collapsed
one ! nothing more was heard front hlni , ib
a few socomids tIme same meaago wa repeated
froni Lexington , ICy. , with ( lie additional
nforination that fully 150 people Were dead.
This informmaation wau suhseqmfelltiy corrobom'-
ated by the operator of ( We , 'IVeibash road
at Decatur , who said tlmat In hits cec000 moe. .
sage received from East. St. Louis it was do-
dared the gramid Etaumfi at tIme races ivaa
down and that fully 150 people wcro burled
in tue ruins.
A few minutes after Ii o'clock , time operator
of time Associated press at St. Lottie , who
vae in the act of taking time smnual report ,
ict word that it was growing very dane an
asked for a minute's delay that Imo unighmt
provide hiimreit with a light , In a second
more the wire SllclilpCd amId it i I.e lmnpoe-
sibie to , getamly further Informuatioji ( torn him
or ommi of the town.
'l'imo iocal weather olflcials in this city'
were unab'o to nivo ally information regarding -
ing the storm as thiS > ' were informed early
in time eyening by tiio Western Union that It
would only be able to send time tmsuai weather
bulletins from St. Louie. It was sold , however -
ever , at the local 0111cc that the conditiona
had been nil day favorable for m'avere storms
all through Mis3auli cmi L'oulhienn liiinois.
It is timougiut tue etorimi swept over St. Louis
from time northwest to time southeast , as it
Is consIdered probable the etcnmii tvhilch wa
reported In time afternoon at Rush 11111 , Ajo. ,
woud require several hours to roach St.
Laula' and ( lie stormins at the iwo points are
rcpoitc aim havini been long eunmmgii apart
to enable time stormn to cover tue distance betWeen -
tWeen flush lUll and St. Louis , Time atorqa
which tore throtmgh time country south of
Ceuitrahia , Ill , , is raid to unto occurred at
about 6 o'ciocic , or an hour after SI , Louis
e'au dcvaetatctl , These three POltita are in
a direct line froni time nortiiwes ( to time southeast -
east and time wcatlmei ofilcials are inclIned
to believe that the abram vuis one and the
Time Eacla bridge , which Is reported a hayIng -
Ing been badiy damaged by time storm , wam
buit In 173 and wa censitiereti one of the
etrongest arch bridges in time world , It was
built without a draw and reso to aim elevation
in the center and sloped down to time shore
on either side , There were upon it a double
raiiroad track , which was used by the trains
of time Wabash and the Alton railroads , a
double pai'aageway for wagolis , and a double
Ilathiway for hiedetrIaits. From time reports -
ports received it Ia not tima'igbt ' it is uo so.
ricualy damaged as to delay the train service
of the roathi whmichm use it to any lingo cx-
tent ,
At mitlnighit It was rcpr.lcd ( at time djs.
putchers' chico of the 'IVabaUi at Forrocit
that It was immiposslbe ! to reach any poipt
( urther south than Narneohj , which is niLe
iiiileis northwest ( rein St. Louis. The opera-
tot at that iiolnt said that up to mIdnight
it ham ] been lmpoesiblo to obtain any definlto
information from St. Louis , but it was con-
ta'n ( last fearful dsinago bad been done ,
lie said the ruins at East St. Louis wore on
fire and burning fiercely , but could tell no-
thmti'g nioro than ( hat. lie bad not been
able to obtain any information train any ot
the \\'abaahi trains that bad passes Lii ati-