- - - - - - - - - - - - - - r T11T OMAhA DAILY B1F ! 'L'V1SDAY MAY 2 ( 19a. 4 : , , . - , - _ _ _ _ _ TIlE O1Al1A DAIiX I3EE. , . 1tOiWAT1ft. 1dItot. MO1tNt. - V TITIM8 OF SUflSC8lPT1O : Daily flee ( VIthout IundAy ) One Year I Cl XI1) I1 tlfl(1 SUhdThY , One 'Yeal . . . . . . n , Mintha so , , Tbree Months . , , . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' fundny IIe , Oni Yr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; aturd7 flee , On Yetr . . . . . . . . . . . - . . S 50 Veky 11it , ( ) rnl Yir . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Or11C : OmAhi , Th fl , fliflIIng. , flnith Omthn. Singer flfl. . Cor. N ftncl 24th t ? CtincI1 lUtirr 1 tThrth MnIn Strect. CbIego Otfle , 817 Chamber of CoinmPFb. ) ; ew Tork. flnm 13. 14 an4 15. TrIbune 13td Waahtngthn , fO7 t' Htret. ? . V. COflUI3PONIECt AU ernimwnfrttnnq rrtntn to news ? IT4 cdl. bunt mitter hotild he nildrespei To the 1dltor. UUSIN1SS LTrrTlfl8 : All tilnes lettra nnd remltthnee ! chould be dreMel to Tbe fl rubuh1n ComplflT. Orrnthi. flrarte , cheek , nnT otflt11Ce otdere to be mile tynbte to the nricr nt L1C omlmny. PtIflT.ISIITNCI COMI'ANT. STATflMtT OF CITiCtJt.ATION. fleire It. Tzechuek. .ctethry of The floe Pub Ilehing cmnny , being iltily wnrTI. n4 tiffit the fictual nuInwr ot full tint cntnplet cflpte.1 of the Daily. Morntne' . Itenln 'irnl i4IIfltY 1C prlnt'd diir1n the month nf April. I5 , Wee Ac totlflW I . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 17.pl * If ! fl.OI4 . " . . . . . 17.01' ; 10 4 . . . . . . 1o.A ; to . 17,027 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i0.ln 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t " . , . . . . . . . . . 17.007 21 . " ' 1.o4) fl 1 V02'7 ' . . . . 17.D 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . 17,49 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.12 03 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.04 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19A , ) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.n' , ) 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-3 1 . . . . . . . . . . , t7.tli ; 2q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT.91 1 . . . . . . . . . . . , . 17 w1 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.994) 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , isOoq 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.,103 Tnfnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514,12 L.eie t1er9ttetten' fnr unoI4) end rettlrfle(1 cnpfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6IO1 Net pair ! . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net liilly nv0rge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 17.93 $ t7EOflGI2 11 , TZiUTTt1C } Swnrn to bnfore mi' flOil eihecrlbetl In my preenco ttile let di ot MnV. 1t96 CEn1 , ) N. P. 27F11L. itnry Public. The COh1te4t for first 1)111C4) ) On tile F ( ' . pilbilcait state ticket Is still a freefor-aI1 nice. A Mt1iot1Ist btslioine ! k apparently nfl longer what It ivan 011cc cracked up to be. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1xcurstou rates to Cliliton vIlI be on tilO ) rOg18111 Just. o SOOtI nil ? IttjOr Mc- ICitiley's flolnIOntIoll Is effected. For a roster of the mayor's aplolntees coiisult tlttlIit4 01' Broatelt tiulegates to be voted on at TIlt1I1a3's IrIrnarIes. New York will have to wait for Its 11l1letgrohlII(1 $ ( rapid transit Hystein untIl Clllciigo CfltlltH up with It In the Illatter of elcvnled rallway8. \1l. 1t'y811 has up to this Iltite iteen JO4ll1g ) before the ll11)lIC ) fl4 I lie getitle- Iltilti Iii iiolItIc. hit IL appears that lie has beeti only 1)05111g. No itiiii : lIa4 ever been presldeiit of the IliiItetl States tlii'eu ternis. MI. Cleveland I as well aware of this fact as are all the voters Iii the country. T Now they are quoting svhat Clarkson salt ! three years ago. As If It made any ( llff4iIeIICe s'hat Clarkson taId three yeaiu 11 ( ) or three days ago. The iwesldent Is tietermlned that no 0110 shall Imagine his veto irnwer to lutve elapsed by nonmiser.rJltt : Is vhy lie keeIS On giving congress occasional V CN11111lleS of the excrcle dt tlitt lowttr. Nothing like time coronatIon of the c'tr : sil1 ever le $ eemt lii tlihi country , 1)ecausc' ) tiit' 1)COllie of the ITIIltel States iotmltl IleVer tolerate any (0mm of gos'- eriiiiteitt that Is not 1)0111 ) constltutiomiitl nuti rel)11l)1IC1tfl. ) If the fotiiot1hit coliference w't'ie only to coiitiiiue Its sessions mm. few \veek longer its members would be 01)1(3 ) ( to raiik themselves ammmommg the immost accoin- llIShel ) timid cxleridnccd 1)lI'lIfllfleIItaV- ) 10118 in the country. 'l'iie eiinctiitent of the Tramismnissis- sippi exposition bill Is an assured fact. Paste that in your bat anti banish all tlttIltR ) about congressional recognition of the great enterprise before time nil- Jourminment of tlils session. Time Nebrns1it farmer Is not conmpluiii- big of his condition Just iios' . It Is only tiit , IV01'SSiOllill ) lOlitICitl agitator w-h Is trying to nmake liliti belles-c that he Is the victim of a terrible conspiracy against the free and unlimited coinage r lo to 1 silver. Time next Nebraska legislature will ( mayo to il8s : iiiioii some of titt' nIost liii- tie rtaii t I)1II1 ) Sil 1eS Iii t he ii Istomy o f on r state Iegltiiii tion. i\Ieti of siiitili caliber and elastic consciences who are aspir- trIg to legislative olilce slioulU be promptly LCltgflted ? to the icar. The Cripple OPOCIC iflSt1i1fl8teI who biiriieil Ill ) mimnlelivcred mali s'Iil prol ) . ably IICILI soimmetliltig to his sorrov froimi postal headquarters before long. Uncle Sam iifls 110 IIIOVO right to ( h'stroy lLo1)- erty eimtrtlsteU to his cat-c titan ba any citizen to 4lestroy his neighbor's 1iotne and coiitent. 'l'lIil ntlmlnhmtration tiwnocrats hnve UtteIl tue lmarnes of their delegation iiu4oltetI 1)11 the ollieiiil list as the ne- creil iteil relresentntlves of tue Nebraska deilloerlIcy. at this tact there Is 210 qilestioli. lImit wliet.lit'r tln'y 'ill he able to Jilililltltill tlii'ir iiiictt ) In tile lIlt- Lineal Colivetition vilL Ilt'lOIltl neces. aiiiy tlioit ) tilt ) coiiiplexioii of the mest of the delegates. ' .l'lte men vlio are keeiing ) till ) OIl the diVisiolt betiveeii the soillIti mlllIt'y alit ! free shyer forces at Cilictigo ) $ iii jitit tIilg Nebraska in the sou ltd lilOllt'y eel ii iii i i I I rye II a nil his tohiowtm'o to t1l12 cout rary uots'ltll- stilIldhlIg , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Congressional mipproprlatloiis for iiver itnIroyeIilntn 1111(1 goi'eruilieilt itlilhillg ( coIlstrtlctIofl ha this locality hmtve met with perlexiug 111)5 itlici ilo-iis iii the jreseilt S'ssIUll. 'I'IIC Nebnmslut tlelegt. : tiOlt % ' . 'flS nsstiretl alto tliiy of t heir early asslgo only to sea tIlelil Iieived , emit t1ovn or killed. ! I'iiiis tiu'ir labors have bl'Cll iloulileti concerning matters aloul ) w'hieii tilOEO siiouitl have been no ijties- thoU Iii thito niiuds of congressnien. All know the ( 'Izarlicter of the Big Mtldtiy aimmi ( limit coustalit tire multi v'urk is nceesary to Ift't1) ? tlitm river withhmm 1)01112118. The iiecessity for the early COlllpIJflOil ot the 1)05t0iihC ) 1)tIhidIflg iimmist ilso be 1intent , ret mis 1101w that before tlitm adjourIlment of congi'esa those approprhatious uiuy both be passed. 4 a ! To 1111,14.4 .11 T. IJfl1'.l .V III tilO OhItOliIII ( coinlifils of the lma1r ot wilicil VOll nrc the ECSlOfliIlC ) ) c'iiltor you hare se'en lit to' ciinige iiw 'wlth feasting tlhl1 ) slallll4r niiil t141IghItiilg Lii thit' listrtlctklll ( of reinitat Itiis , , " oi1 have falsely cliargeil I1II.i Vilil "sliowitig 11(3 ( lI1C3' ( Wliire thi iit1rciia5 Price of COiIiiiiett' obt ilinet to iiy mit'tiiiilit1 ll1S flot liecil toi'thicomithiig.1 Yin ) . JIJLV&t falsely cliargi'd tlntt "tIi. tl1t. Of No- lmrnska Is fulh of good IIICTI viitse rivt' 1112(1 clihllirn ! iiav letUI colIlliohItbI to shed hitter teflrs because of my fll1iIg- liant attmieks tillOli the lICflti Of tliir iltIllie' . S\lieu cillIIloilgetl to M11lrt&2IItIatO your false lleclisatiOnt4 hY prodilrlfli1 the lIallies Of tilt' tgooil nieli i'hio have beeii viciously mtttcket1 and irseciiteti , by iiic you have pisenteil a htt of 111 Ilrotd : nnnger 111111 iolitieians WilolIl I have hiil occasion to criticise : iiiii 01)1)050 ) Iii the 11:1st : tWiityhiVe years. Yon cinpliitshze onr itleal of "good" uteri by lfl.01)Otllidiflg tile following ijimes. tions : I , ; thu ttomwater who mad9 Thomas Ii. Klmballe life tnlerabl by persstont and uncalled-for attache the same flosowater who now mmnds UI ) the piantive appeal : "Picaso , Mr. liryan. make 'cia uiL7" e the flosowater who perstently ! app1otl to the gray-haired James Croilmton mmdc- served cpitheta the same itsewatcr ) lmo now Pleads : 1'ioaee , Mr. Bryan , make 'em quit7' Is the floc'owater who co persistently assailed - sailed Casper 1. 'ort tiat Mr. Yost was compelled to apply ttio too of hi boot to the boiom of Rosewater's trousers the same Mr. Rosewater who now cr109 : "l'lcase , Mr. flryan , maka cm , uIt2" Is the Itosowater who followed Frank Welch to his grava and lampooned Jameu Lalrd oven whIle the big-hearted Lain ! was enterflg the valley of the shadow of death- Is that the same flosewater who. confronted by a Iegltlmte and honc't exposure of hIs hypocrisy , now lleadS "I'Ienso , Mr. liryan , make em quit ? " Now let tue assure yetI , Mr. Bryan , that Iosewnter will never hog you to quit. You have given me the oppor- tunlty I have long irnen waIting for to unmask 3'otI anti time seomitidreis for tvliolii you are acting us lllOIItilpiCC ( ' . I feel grateful to you for eitnbhimig 1120 to refute the vihlahnous lies that lutve hiecli COllclCtCll amid circulated SolelY to the- stroy lIly 1e1)utfl.tiomI 111111 inthuenco alid Illake Tlio lIce IllirIflieSs as thin inIlllc- ) ; able foe of thievery , jobbery and corporate - porate extortloll. Yeti ask ivitethmer I ani the mann vhio inatle iime life of 'l'lionns 1 _ ICIlIIbtll : nmiserahile. I aiiswer that If ? ilr. T'ZillIiHlhl' $ life vas ninile flliSr111)lt ( ? , vhielt is iiniht- ( iii , It vmts ulimle SO by himself. I'liomnas L. i1mnbahi caine to Omimahia out of the i)011t1C.ll tiaining school of 'I'olII Scott , tIme railroad dictator w'iioe consent \'iS always ISkI(1 ( by the Pennsylvania legis- latnie ltfore it could fldjOIiLlLr [ _ I'ill1- 1)1)11 ) , ivhmo vas Scott's sub-boss Iii P01111- sylvaitia. organized tilt ) Union Pacific raIlroad into a Political machine. 1y colil- 1)11111mg Its forces wttii tue federal office- hold tag lrigalIe It e sough t t o doni iiia t e' the state anl silhijilgate its PCOille. It was charged OlOlilY ly Toiin 0. Cow-ui lit tilt ) republican state convent ion of 1870 that riKhmiihall iiid other Union Pacific olilcials Iiii(1 bought 1ilega1t the floor of tli comii'ention 211111 luOclIrel the nomnitia ( ol' Frahlk 1Vehclm , l ) , ' the Ct)1111it ) 1151' of 1l1i1eyflhIi ) ( ! ) : ltlOIIage. Agahiist this debmmieiiery : of our cItIzenship 1111(1 ( against tln foisting of mmmcmi into otilce by lllerCelIill'3 hordes i : liittled ) iithm all mIght : Imitl moo In In Seasomi aiii omit of sensoim. If 'mlr _ ICliiihiall felt the lash of reprovril it was Ills COIISCICIICC that SIliote liliii i1iil Jiot fly (1tIIIIiiCiOtIOIlS. Since lie hills 10- tired fron the political areiii : lie has liaL no grounds for conllaillt against Ole amid COil Poillt to no word Iromil me iiltCllIlel ( ti ) w'oiifltl hIts feehumigs. If mp- calling these Incidents is as distnsteful to 11111) ItS it is to IIiC , you , Mr. Bryan , InlIst bear time blame. 'Plus Is also trim mis regards the ohhiei "good" immeit wlioni you have included In yflfl lIst of lily alleged 'ictIins. You single ( lilt , Tammics Orelghiton , w'imomn I 11111 chiirgt'd : vitii persistently trilthtic- lug , vlth iiinlesem'vcd Qpltllets , w-lien you know , or otight to kiio' , that my her- sistent opiositioii to WOutitli ) ? 1)100k pave- mnemits 'IIS the 01113' cause of grieviinee that citii be truthfully alleged in leliOhf of mIr. Creighton. If there Iits : l)0'ii ( iiiiy I1II50IY in this CilSe it 11115 1)01211 ) that of 11112 1)0(11)10 ) , 'ho lntve Pith ! for these t1t- 0m13'etl jllVellIelIts ) iimnl the hL'lhlU ) ( ) w'hio mime coinpellcil to travel over tilelu. Yell 1111V0 tue audacity to assert that I lnts'e It'I'SiSteiltlY ) ltSSltilCll Cmisper Fl Yost nxitl that lie , Yost , wits comlllelletl to iiip1y time toe of his boot to tli bosom of lily trousers. In this you shmov yourself - self a iimnster In time at-t of Irazezl falsihicatiomi. CilSiL'V fl. Yost hover clIflIe iii irsommmt1 contact svitli miie , although lie i1lli limivo inciteti ci imeis to umersolimmi 'IOlt9I1Cfl upoii mIle. Casper F ) . Yost wits (1491)tlt3' 1)051 imiaster of Oimiahma when I started Time lIce. lie wius at. that tinie a. large shimtreltoliier Iii tue 'rrilnuimo muimil IttipUliici.l1. Front the day The Ilto flpLoitred lie ituni hils associates sotuglit to miiiff It out by denyimig It. time I)1hV1- leges of time ilostollice (21mJ1)yei iy ) other iHhLOrH multi I ) ) ' Oi'OI'Y otiiiir IUC1IIIS , wiwthier iegitiiiiattt or hhit.igithnmute. lVhilie ( JCPIItY postuiiiister , Cmmsper F ) . Yost CoUfltellflhlCeI ( mimiti nihlatlceI ) ) ( the ier- $011111 nssalllt imlitlie lmy his uiotwy order ehci k 111)011 1110 In time postotilce inuhlil. lug , w'Iit're I 'ils quietly trying to get niy imuitii out of iiiy psto1lieo ( iray'r , utiiul 'hit'it this chL'rlc ivns tiumtni In thin iXiitO' cotirt for ilsSlttllt 1111(1 lfltt tory , : hi. Yost hUtiti lime fimme far imimit vitlu that faitmotis Chirhmt-liiler olieck. Later on , vhion this good maim wits itostlnastt' a nil I lie e .x osures worn mimic ot ohlhtiai cohitisioit vItim lottery svhuiuliors viio lint ! loCmi giauited the n'Ivhlego of t.otnmuiiiuug their ow'ii mmiii iii their ovn olhlcns n uiti scuidluig omit ss'ugoii 11)11(15 of umllnaliiibie lottery inmttter dlrt"'tiy from thouquarteis lii United Stmttes until \vtmgouis syithiotut goimig tltrouighm thin Postohhico at miii , they % ' ( bl ti tOhIt)0tl by the nuirtlem-omis Curmy ttssauit , CmullYOfliiuig vhmiehi \ \ .1. Coim- ult'hl , tlit'ii prosecuting nttorno3- for thus district , swroto to I he 10s1 master general In sllIn4tBiletu LlPt ( ohlow-s : "Iii thiti 1)iOgress ) of thin lliqllir3' call- duieted I ) ) ' time special graini Jury liii- iianeletl to hui'stigmtte tile cirtuunstaitees of time lilulrlierlus missatilt ivitit a shuuiig- tiiiot 111)1)11 ) Fih'iim tI itosewajer by RlChI8I'l ( Curry , It was shmowmi that the 05511 nIt was Imlm4tigateti by i'mutul Vautier- voort , chief clot-k ot time Union Pacific 1 rmiitwny uminht service. flIlti Cmisper T. Yoit. lmlmrttr. hIt tht' teetIullony fShhli ! ( tO show that tile said Valider voort nuid est knew ihumit tue nssatiit SS its to ho inn do ivithi a ilentihy sveml pon. ' Givilig Vainlervoort 1111(1 ( YOst the bciie' lIt. of tile doubt as to the use of the foiur.ounct' bIlly by Curry , time filet tilttt tlio.wotuith . Intrigue to set on a negro wium iveighmt'il 2.'i ( ) PotilIlhs to nitiilt inn tlluhlV.i. pLeti'lise of chastIsing flIC for im0iilt luig otit. Curm-ys resort as it gnuilh- ihulg ilt'n nlny In your opInIon entitle 1110111 to mi huhace lii 3'Oilt list of "good" hInt lttrsisttiumtly ) hiouiitdul by mum' . You is'ailt to know wlit'tlit'r I 8111 the htosolmtlter ivito followed irank 'cVClCll to his grave uiulml lIl11uplnled .Tuiiies Lutim'd while thin big-hearted congresS- 112012 ivall' ellteriilg the Vtthit'3' of thin slintiow of ticath , . Vail flVC trying 1)3' iilllIleuilO ( to reVIlilli ) thin vile slanders timmi t arigluintisi iii thiO IIltilI of that lileitilt'St of corporation tnol amIti howest I of political hIrelings , Paul 1'mtndorvoor ( _ ftVllS lie ii'huo first cluilL-geul Inc wHit going iii ) to'hsmier iunuii dhatoly a flee flit' denthi of Frauik ' % 'eichi to 102111) lit- stilt Ilpolt his famnlly , vhiert mis ii utiatter of fact I iiiivn hover up to thus (1:13' : set foot iiiVisuior , atitl ivhen , 11150 , mIS it umiattemof fact , I mit tended tiit' mhitniiie tervIces ovum''olchi mit 'shtsottie : hmthl : lit thi1 city. Fumimik 'i\'eichi ' tiled smiilili'nly of Ileart. uliseilsI' . Iftit that could imot pueveilt couiseieuteeless lnIitI'lltil5 fromit aseiihhui it to uiiy Ilililosit 1(111 to his POhlIiC8l mispirmitlons , itutul thmtt : , too , itt a. tiiiio vhiomio vi'rn iler5oltitll3' llOut ) gonil teruils vithi out' itttotltei. tM to .Imt utles La ird , your faht'Ieatlolt is eqtlltll3' grollutuihess and lht'SileflhhO. ) I OilIOSel ( Jo uttes 1.81111 ilOhi tiethly : for good 111111 sullk leiit reItsollS. I fe represeitted thin eleiltoitts of thit' railroad mtlerceltnties by Whtoill time republicans of N'obraskt : 1111(1 hiceit coerced :111(1 : ( dcinorall'i.etl , w'ltile hIs ollllohteflt , Captain Stickel , viloul II SlllliOrte(1 ) ( , 81(11)11 for thin lilOtiVit sought to free the state from corporate iitis ritle. Lllt'd : w-as , a nlnutly titmi t1ttl lie ! 10"'Ot limurliored persomial ieeiititteitt agmtiuist mlii' , knosvltlg full vehi that 1 limni only acted out 1ll iloilist enuuvic- tious. F'ioiit time dm13' of his last re-dee- tion I ( iVOiiel ) thit' fight mtial accorded hInt courteous amid ftii treatnlent. This lie mtekmiowledged tIle lUst tiiute that I lliet 111111 \\Ttsliliigtomi by lutvltlng Inc to ) drive with him in his carriage. This Vt\as ten itloltths hnfor lie eiitied thin S alley of thin shiatlowof death , aitil all your iitslmtuttioits : of itounding a olying 111011 1110 COmitrUdhl'tol by the fmuet that itot mt \ VVhSitS t'ver JtilhlShidl ) 1)y iiie rohiecting lihIOlt his it'tsoitui : chiaritetem- istics. Withi this IOSitlVe COIlttfllICtiOii ( before - fore 3011 , will yell , ? ilr. Br3iit. : llaVe thin tleceuicy to correct your 11listate1ile1tts ? Or do yeti Irefer to take your stammd witli time nlen i'hiO think tilt' : ; can get a. vhitdicttioii : by uintpluig : vItuperation 111)011 mite ? K ItOSEWA'1'Eit , 7I,1 ; SIRJ1I U 130 UNTY DFCISION. 'l'itt' t4tiii'lltl. ' couit of tile Uiilted tites : has theeltied that the mtIlropria- tiOiIS itUttle l ) thin l1'1ft3-thIiCd comigress for lfl3iig the .stignr lOUfltieS ) eatiied under tim tarhhl' : ict of. 1S90 am-n valId miltil the 11101103' , aiiiotmnting fo over i- ( XOOO } ( ) , will lie a t omlce 1)111(1 to the chthitttitts. : 'I'lin eXtItOPlilIaI'y amiti lIlt- htCc0Ielltc(1 ( action of the conlptrohher Of thin treasury ut holding up thin , all- hmrOIl'hltiOltS , en , tiio grouiitl that coil- gross il'ImI 110 comtstltuhioual authority to lflt3' bounties , for which he fotlud ymu-- llltt ; Iii ml. decisloit of a court of the 1)istrlct of Columitbla , Is vehI reutenI- l)2red , such an exercise of authority by it , tlllOrdilllttO ) oth1ciih of the government hiitvhiig iittttrithly cmi used w-hulespreul : at- tentlon and comililloltt This aetloum of ( Jonpttohher Bowler was sustaIned by thin secretary of tIme treasury , of Coure ; with tile lihIrOVai ) of the Piesideilt , lliil ( iiIPelilS to Ule so'cretni-y by the ioullty ) diiuIiiliuilLS hntving beeti unavailIng tIiy vent to the courts. ' [ 'he federmul court of aiieils : ill LouIsIana decideti in their - [ 'avor mliil ( that ( iOdiitilll has miow' been ithlhiltiel ( by tim sttpi'eliie court In tt UtlillihllloUS oiiiilOih 'I'hie sllprenie court ( liii not flmul it nec- esatry : , l'or thl ( iLlllOHeS ) of the Clt5 iWOe11t0t1 , to decide whlethter loluity iegbmhii tlOlI is heynumil the pou'er of coum- guess , ltit th nprolrbatlomls of iiioiiey ut time act of lSI ) to mmInutlfadtllrers amid 1)t011110e1S ) of sugar vhmo hind complied with the act of 1890 were w'ltliimi tim hWeL ) of congress to mtmake anti wore ( iliuStItlttIotiiil itiitl vtlIll. 'Fime 'sitlbtlity of tii bounty legislation hmnvImi never 1)0011 ( htlestiomteth by any ollicetof time govem'mtmnent actIng ulmidttr It 1111(1 flIt iii- dtustry hmavimig beeti fostered by It iii- volvimig Imirge iuiS'cStiiInlltS of capital , liii olhlgatiomi hind beeml assltined by thin gover2lliIoflt w'liichi It was Its duty to I)1i3' ) itttil of wimichi it was not relIeved by thin stlhnmeqtlemit 11'iL'li ) of time bOhIflt3' . 'i'itOSO vhio had contiilel w-itim the Jaiv svliile it was lit ( omen hind a just chuint to bounty nud it was In time Iower of congress to tlete&miliuie VIVIIILL thieyV shiotihil i-eceive nitil to order It lOhh. It w'ouilih seenI tliitt time dedisioll , in effect. estab. ilsiuns the consthtnthmitality of boumttlus. C muptu'ohier Bowler mitiI3' hhmiti r'vnuIse for hmia actiomt Iii time juidiclal dtChHliul lihIOli w'ilieht lie gtOlluuleh ( it , 1)111 ) 50 able a. haw-yer as Sect-obey CmtliisiC , thiotighmt by hIs feloutils to , be oil tIreh3' conhhetdmlt ) to crt'ti Itltlhy ) occuiiy it phmuco omm time supreme lomicim ) , uutigimt reItsomlIlhihy hmmtvo beoii eXleCtel ) ( to tithe thin vlouv of time imimitter ivhilchm huts laemm 1hOClltCtVl ( by tIme hIghest ti-ibtmnah. Per. hialo ; JttCctitmm of time treusury : lmmtil soimiethmimig to do ivltli 3lillIutg ) thin see- r'tflt'3"tt jtmdgmtieumt. 1 is Smtl'n t sity thtmtt lii ) comptroller of thin trtmmsiily w-ihi hueremifter vemiture to hold imp a congt'es. sionni im PiImOlrill t limit or vresti tile to lii)4)ll thin cottstbttihbomti.ihity of itn mict of coligress.V . ) fiiIij TITH 1SUFJ O1d.tR. ; 'l'imo Chicago comivemitlomi , It. Is almost et'rtmiin , i-LiL ( ht'dhmurtl for thin free 1111(1 ( lIlt. ihiutited coimitign of sliver by tbu hulled States at tim exlstltig legal 1-atlo , 'Vite imtost careful amid eottservatiu-n t'stIuiiates give thin free sliver elettuent a mitajoriby iii time cotivemithoim timat vIhi enutlmle ht to Ilium ho thi o 1)111 t forull LI jul to iioiuih tin to t hue cituiihhtitite. It is ito less certaimi , fioun nil iresttt ) hiiditUttiOlis , that thin St. Louis coutyemmtltmmi will itiuko an unequivocal deelarittlomi ( or tue mtummiimtt'uamieo of time gold standard and It Is itcediess to say _ _ _ _ thu t flue ncmttlln T thlc tothiehitiout ivill lit' Ill full necor1 jtvithm hut' dmittoiiU , AS imeutehy 814 can t'e"misenrttiined. ' conimitler. abiy lll(11i ( ) tiui'b-tiifrt1s of the delegates - gates to ti4 d.JdiuibllCa1l itsilonal coitvemitlout r i00 OlPOSCII to ( lie fi-ce and Itnihmiitnd ) coinage of sliver at iO ° p,1 01111 thia most htVt7rfu1I huihiti4t't , yithmimi time party vhhl ho' hitouigiutJ't' bear 1111011 thIn C01t ventlomi In favf'1p it dIstinct ilml(1 mimi- lulIstilkIl bin ImnmllIlcduIIemmt ) for t lie gold StiltIthIttI 111111 iI'giiijmst free sirver. 'l'lie tietlIllild ' ( mi Yummt thin Issue on tIme ctlrreIle3' be iuntMunhwolntt'hy ; clear , so ( lint imo votert-ith" POSSilhY uhismulIder- shmmimil It or be inlhed regarding It. Thin C1)iltest betuveout soutid illouley aiim ! ut iitthicy of etlrrtilb $ thehasettinilt must be fought otmt. this sear. 'l'hun integrity of thin governitlemlt niul time welfare of thin PeIihe ni-n stalled miumu timid 155110 111111 its tletei'llliilatbomt simoutid mInt. be hunger ihoStLoui'tl. 'rue tithe is ripe for obtain- big a liopular verdict on tiuls great hlles- Uomi that vhl1 1)0 bIfliti , 0L WliiClL W'ili settle for years to caine whether ut mltttjorlt3' of AuiieiIcaii voters ivmittt thin nmomic'bary stuiitthaiml of time great cmliii- mnei-cini natioiis of time WOlid or miie v1hilmtg to 1)111cc ) the United States on a lliullliCliti level vithm ( jltlmia mimiti other silver stainlatil conimtt'ies. It. is 5111(1 tiiat thiei' Is sthhi sonic ituixiuty lit linnuteiitl mtitd buislileims cir- cbs t'gztrtliulg tue imature of thin cur- toitey emmuiteiatiomt ( if the St. Lotmhs c-on- vetitiomi. Time ttlIiehicmtsioti ) ) exists to sommm extetit tinmf. tli eotivmtmttion iiiiiy uot iiitki. ' its mhedlulttlolt 5(9 ephic1t for thit' gohi stmtiultmrul mis It hiotihd tb , that it 111113' ite hod to ntiopt it ctit10it03 p11111k svlileht viil ituimnlt of a double ColIstilIc- titimi. 'l'imeme tlods hot mippemir to le muIi3 good i''IllI ( tor such a fcam Not otuly tloc the : mtt I t 11110. of a large mtinjoti ty of , tIme delegates to tlte St. Louis convelt- tlott 1151411CC 811 llcCeitltble souitid litot103 tiecimttmmtioli. hut titi' viiolo record of tue t01)tllhidIu1i ) 1Uutt.S'II rramtts cotilitleitce tiiitt It uvhhi treat this quiestioii with st en Ighmtforw-a vol con ru go 'l'htn colili try 11115 liit1 it ( lOliiOflStVIltioll of repulhicaii i4etitiilioitt regitrdttmg sliver hut thin over- vhieliit1mig ( hOfelit of a free sIlver uuopo- fliott imy thin uresettt , house of repie- seumtntis-es , wiiieii oitghmt to go far t\'Ittl ( zetttmuu'iumg all ) ' llOtllt ) thiiit tltL' iulit3exceptIng. . the small minorIty hit thin silvetstmibes , favors thin malltte- 111111CC of time e.xistlng stiimnbmi'd _ Bit ito hiiu'itt vihi be doiie by stettliiy ut'gimtg thin duty amid ilecessltv of iiinklng , It souiiul imiomicy th..cinimmtlon : tt St. Lotmis ithotit vhiIcim tiim $ can be lit ) iiiisiiiiiler- stamlhiiig or thijit. Its teitdeitcy wihi i.iithlem. be to strefigtimeit tim llitiO5d of the honest llmOit3 tlpbegmtes : to the coit- vcntlon , viio lmeuimm the' deimmanil of tue financial nmiml hiuuiimcss htttorest of time coumttry wihi il e5i iikely to consliel niiy overtures thE niy 1)0 ttiatle looking to comupromiiise i.ui tosoliie c-oiicessIou to thin free sliver chdmitent. - . ttiJV't'V Dr. George r7rlne , 111)011 Itis recent trip to time east , brogii ( hionme with lilni tu-o sigmi Ithc'amit tinpressuoiis. One is that time eomnmtiuiliah world Is upoum time eve of'a' great t-eyR-al , wimlcli mnimstbe molt.imi.thte a thittsL other Is thitt tiiC vise muon of time east V seem to cart hlttle thmc IliltiOtial tlelliocratic COmiVOIttloli 111113' tIn ltO\V thiiit it is zmiparcmithy certain that thin St. Louis convention will declare for soutnol money and elect it stmiidtrd-Iwimrer : Upoit timat idatfommil. This view of tire Inatter Car- 1olorlites thin tiit'0F3' V that tilt' tttwt whia bail In time great business affaIrs of Ihti' country litve : kept hands off thin inimchmhume whilcit Is dIrecting time dentocratle hmnsth. AmiI this eX1)haIuIS i-lt3' I ime ( leIiloCrac3' of Iow'a , wimhch for a quttiier of : t centimr3 lis voted l'oI Ii sound anti stable cur- teI1C3 , couhd vitlmin nimiety days b con- erted to the free sliver doctrines. No. i)0d3 SeeiiiS to care s'hmat deltioeracy ntay do. Preparntlomis for Meniom-hui day exem- cises mire ivehl-milght conipiete amil ( tue promise Is that time occmtion will be littluigiy observed. Twenty years ago \It'utiot'Iti olay iii Onialut wits cehebralo tl by tIme eittIi-e iioinmlation _ OmitI)1'Oimhe imti : t keeui sense of time sacred obliga- thou tnstiiig tlpaiiVliiifl to Coliiliiomiiorate thin deetis of those wbii fell Imi defense of time mint lout , 1111(1 ( In those hatetthays thmny ame mint ultiuimilfmIl ( of the duty stiii tie- volvhmig tIIOII thmeiii. loiimit 'l'lIemL Vu , . I'liIlatlt I plilu Ttnws. Time best timing tjiat could happen for thi safety of the vtmbhle credit would ho for al& time ( rca silver cranks of every tihado to got unIted In one party and make a natlomiai battle for thmo derradatlon of tile currency anti the overthrow of ( ho honor of time iiation With such an organuzatuon waving over it the flag of the cheat and the donia- gogue , iionet't macft of every faith would make common cauco to defeat tue ( Iestructiorfsts V by a majority so ovei-whohumiing ae to wipe timeni out of axlsteocS. The way to meet an evil lIke ( ho free oliver craze is to let It come scmuareiy vltli nil Itn etrongtit aunt- iiioned and accept a batto to the death. Ilumlialozing Must Hi Sl'Ij'res.e,1. Cltcug Times-i lersld. V The remedy miit.iho not in attacks on clvii rervco reforni,1 hut In a more severe enforcement of tI , , Itter of the law by hIgher oiihcals. TIpa.Is ) mio objection to po3tai carriers. raliway maih ciorks or cus- torn house Jnspeetormin asocIatbons , From the nature of thIngs such associations are hnovitabie. Itiit t the lhrit sign of a perversioli of tumetji.stles to Influence leg. islatioui or to actel engage In Pohitics they should be dIsbanded. Time unorganIzed poUt cal veriturce of empioyea of the gov- eminent lui former wcro not nearly as dIsreputable as thIcdTU-bhooded method of dragoonlog Public il by force of vicIous combInations. Iriic. flub. I 1trookiyi.1Je ( dein. ) . Ivldance ! I1creas"tt the free sIlver men wtU ho hut a nmaJoI.t1n the ChIcago convention - vention Thmm ni'Jb2y will not be two- thirds. Two-tlmlrd' tihmo nuwber required to nomInate cammdidt for president anh ( vice president. ThLS lia4 been so since 1841 , when its adoptiote prevented ftm& roimoimubna- tlort of MartIn Vanjiuren. No such mumajor. ity ia requIred tO adopt a , pltforin. Only a bare majority ls'necded tot' that , The eame bare majority , however , can repeal ( he two- thIrds rule , heretofore requIred for 110101- miatiomi.s. That rule Is not soif-comitixiulng , It hau been formally readopted at racim demnocratic national aonvqnttori. iluies for thu goverimniont of conventIons are the tiret matters considered by uuchm bodIes. The lnaiuutenazice of the repeai of the two-tim rds rule on flOlnlrmatboml.9 vlfl , timorefere , early come before the Chtcago conventiout. Up to thts year the subjecv has miover excited mutich attention or any opposition. The two-thIrds rule baa been regarded as his. torlcaiiy bindIng on tile party. Time mime. dhato cause whi'chi first led to lie establIsh- mou ( hong ago ceased , The antiquity of the rule and time atlvanUmges whIch I secures , as wehh as time difflcultiesV aganet ! whIch It Insures a party , have retaIned hi In every ttIonal conventIon for fifty-two years. rim l1OT.TN Vailo EnterprIe ( reps ) : It mnoro embea- zters were flume trc'ated we would have iePa stealIng of publIc funds. North fiend Argtis ( rep. ) : Fx-TreasurC'r hiohin of Omaha receIved a sentence of nineteen - teen years In the penitentiary and to pay a line of $211,000. Masher shiomuid have been tried by the mtmo court. hhel ( 'hotud Nation ( rep , ) : henry iiolin , ( Ito defammitlng treasurer of Omaha , was senteuiced lact week to nineteen years ho the etato pen- ltentlai-y. It Is a imari sentence for so ohil a moan , but for so bold a thief Is merely justIce , Hastings Tribune ( rep. : Embezzler bUn of Omaha receIved severe but none too do- qtiato LtmnishinCit for tue crinie. Ills was a case deserving severe condoninatioct. lb sqatmndered time public nioney for that which was In it&ehf a crhmo or a series of ctiiiies. i'aphihioli Tiunes ( rep. ) : \Va know the passing of thIs merIted st2fltCIICO v1ll do much to revive time fast. thisappearimig confidence - fidenco of ( ho public In our cotmrts' ' , cud we trust It lucy be the beginning of a bet- ( or grade of rentiment among our dIstrIct judges. Central City Nonpareil ( rep. ) : henry I3ohln , ox-treasurer of Oniaha , gets mmmc- tee0 years In the PenItentiary for msing Oma1ia' Inonp- wIthout time consent of thIn council. Nlmmoteen years ha a song timne- in fact a genoratlomi. May his case be a warnIng to others. Auburn Granger ( rep. ) : hx.Clty Treastmrer i3olia of Omaha lies been convicted of cot- bezziemiient and sentenced to time penitentiary for nlnetemm yearn and to pay a flue of 2t1OOO. hula attorneys think time sentence too severe , as Moshior , for all hIs crooked work , tild mmot got It In thu neck one-half so hmarth. Fihcy Republican ( rep. ) : Hoary helm , the defaultIng treasurer of Omaha , was son- toiced by Judge licker to nineteen years' hard labor in the penltentlar ) ' lIollu Is now h3 years of age , did this Is almost equal to a life semitonce , and while it may seem severe , yet crlmnos ilko tile 000 of which Balm was convicted are of too frequent occurrence. lCearmmey hub ( rep. ) : Thio sns of one-half of the world continue to bring sorrow to thu other haIr. Our readers have re d of ( lie death of a sister of henry folio , i.tued by grief at hils convIctIon and aentorco for embezzlement. in an evIl hour bun rushed the lOiitiCai growler , and the end Is the end that conies to ail weak-minded men who trifle with a publIc trust , LeIgh Wend ( rep. ) : ho-Treasurer flolhii of Oniaha has been found guilty of embezzling $105,500 of school and cIty tmlndL Such occurrences - currences are In these latter days so frequent that a mnami may misappropriate aliiiost any sulli , so It is enormuotme , and yet he looked upon withi no utile degree of respect and admiration. It is to be hoped that nothing short of justice wihi ho dealt out to liohln , A life's sentence to time penItentIary would nil the rcqulreimicnts Seward hteporter ( rep. ) : Judge Baker son- lanced Henry folio , the ox-treasurer of Omaha , to nineteen years In the penitentiary and fined him $211,000 , double the amount of his defaicatlon. Tim lhno wthi probably never he paId , v.a liolIn has no property. Ho wIll have to go to the penItentiary , however - ever , and ao he Is 53 years old , he wili most likely end his life there. t was a so- Vera 8ontenc. but the offense was great amid could not be condoned by any lIght pun- Ishiment. Gretna Reporter ( rep. ) : ThIs will ertab. hall a preco1ont Iii meting out justIce to defatmlters of public ftunis In the future , whIch the publIc has long stood in need of. ' ? he embezzlement of public funds has long boon looked upon as an offense for which a nmniInal If any penalty was attached. A tow such sentences as that tviil do more to break up the practica among custodians .of public funds of robbing the taxpayer.3 than any ameunt of tirade against the evil. Ashland Gazette ( rep.Aftcr ) a long delay , Henry Bolhi , the ( hetaulting cIty treasurer OtV Omaha , had justice macted out to him. On hIs second trIal lie wes convIcted and has been sentenced to serve nIneteen years at hard labor III tim penitentiary. Thir meanu that the balance of hIs life wIll be spent behInd prison bars , unless he Is re- , ieased by .c'xocUtivo clemency. No one ought to feel other than a sentiment of pity for the ntali , yet it Is a lemitence that justIce would not revoke , or mItigate one iota. Weeping Water Republican ( rep. ) : It zooms to us quIte probable that bath Bank Wrecker Mosher recalved a sonteiiee any. thing like coulmensurato with hIs crIme that [ bun would not mmtv 1)0 in his presen , predicament. Ie no doubt thought that be could follow in Mohier's footrteps and bF treated in like manner , but a ( Iliferemit tn bun2i sat in judgnient on lila caco. The only way to niake some men ! iomie.tt is to give thorn a horrible example , and wc favor making time exampbo so horrid that a thief would fear to take any ehanc&u. Ponca Journal ( rep. ) : Jx-Troaunor BolIrm of Ozmlahia who was convicted of omnbez. zllng $105,500. ha been sentenced to nIneteen - teen years in the penitentiary and to pay a fine dcuble time amount of the embezzle ment Bolln is iii lila 53d year and widm such a sentence impo'od ho can hardly feel a sonsa Of hope thIs stde of the grave. Only black despair can encIrcle a man whose life has been shorn of every means of hp and happinea. But sad as it Is to see one spend his last years In panab servltmmde , thin preservation of public interests requires a just vindIcation of time law. Blair Lender ( dam. ) : The publIc damnor tcr severity in tue case of Henry Bolhum , Douglas county's defaulter , iia been moore thaui met by time action of Judge Baker. In fact , S'O are inclimmcd to think that me- verity was tinged for Teal' that justIce would not be done , imot that every one no- jolces In the rigoroims punishment of the defaulter , itather we are glad to ceo the sentence of a thief In 111gb phacea Compare scmetiiat in punishment wIth the petty thiicf NIneteen years at hard habot- and a line of twica thin amount embezzled tvil 'rather terrify the one who thought to go Into the business after tIme Mootmer uzntence. IOW'A'S FAYolturi NO. 2. Chicago Tinies-hherahd : Without the aid of Horace Boles' name tree sliver would not have won a majority of the Iowa demmiocracy's delegates. it was time thought that In Undo Horace they have a possblo preiident that decIded the weak-booed contingc.mmt to join the silverites. New York Mall and Eprees : Uncle Horace BoIo is riot only time favorite son of tue Iowa democracy , but lie is a delegate-at- large to carry it's OWO boom to the ChIcago conventIon on a largo and richly chased free silver' charger. Uncle horace Is clearly ile- termulned thai the artIcle ebmall not be cast aelde among time unclatmed baggage. New York Suit : Well , Uncle lied Bolos of Iowa has got hIs silver rattle. It snuinhe \teIl , and no doubt is iwetty ; but It Isn't solId , It isn't worth mimucii , but mmiay do very we I , "not so ntuch on account of tite intnimi4o vahuo of the , lft as on account of time spirIt in which it Is made , " iw time orator says whoa ito nmakea the pnesentatioii speech amid awards the cyciopedla to thuo winner of the spelling xnatch. Iubuquo herald : In turning down Coy- ornor floIei' planic for a parity , ho is vlr- tually told that. unless ho swallows 10 to 1 without any "Ifs" or "ends" hio cannot hope or expect the support of the radical silver leaders who are just 110W in time addie , lie is also told that it Is useless tomhmlzii to try to favor a coinage which shall be blImietaliic , but. that ho must coumme out for silver mono. mootalllismi alone and throw gold ontlrehy overboard. ChIcago Record : ily one of the strange fluctuatIons comnmon In politics Horace Boles of Iowa , who premIsed maine weeks ago to cut conmparatlvely 1 ttio figure lit the cant- I jabgn , steps to the tore as a ( ull-Ihedgei canI I dldato wltit time democracy of hil' itteta at hIs back and the smtlo of hope upon lila i taco. Tue cause of hIs prominenc ; of course , 1 Is sliver , and It is ai the representatIve of I time silver wing that hioies w.Ii step into time national comivezitioru , 11. as seems moat probable , thatconventioum he to be-controlled by silver sentiment , Bolos will have two very strong poInts ill his favor. lIe is in accord with time tree coinage advocates end lie ha'ls Iroun (1m0 ( wemt , which Is time stronghold - hold of the silver eiementa. - - % Viilhliuiz ( III I iii. iioumnilur. ChIcago TrIbune. An Americait symid cato lies obtaIned a wlmkiky monopoly In Venezuela. It Ii Scared when time syndicate gets welt cstabhlvhued time Venezuelans wIll be unable to follow that boundary Ilmie at all , Couldn't our celebrated comnmisaiou do is hittie buaiucm , here ? NEBRASICA LEADS TilE LIST al-op Record In Thin State Kept Better Than iii Any Other. EXTRA PAY FOR TIlE LITTER CARRIE R i'viihutch of Juuilguumeiud' ; for flsCr tluiie It ei.orte.I I ii 'ii bum ( hum , liii' , , Porn , ' lie Cmi.lbtr,1 wil ii ZivetIt , _ ( P lie 't'imonui n ii iol Ia re. WAShINGTON , May 2&-Speciah ( Telo- grani.-Tho ) weather bureau ha lust. Issueti the liret of a series of new bulletins , not only to include ( Iep.lrtures from normal beimi- peratmmres afld ralmilails , but also crop yIelds in the Past ten yecr Nebraska inntmgu- rates time series , which i purely experimental in character , because that state , accordIng to ( lie ilepartnment , hmas a larger nuimtber of volunteer stations , and the records are lint- tar kept than in any etato In ( lie minion. The Publication will be ready for ilistnibu. tlon tti a tow days , Senator Thiurstmt has Introduced a penlon hill for the relief of Mrs. Kate A. S. Connor - nor of Nebtaska. Tue Nebraska senators have smmeeeedeml In gettIng lbltn the deficIency bill time delta of Stout , hail & Bangs for sonic $ h0.0O0. Yor six years W hi. 13 , Stout hums becit lighting for this recognition of the claIm , lie caumie to stay three weeks. Years huivo broken him , flnauiclaily as wehl as ithtysicahly. Leave of absence for three nioumths is granted First Liemttcnant Elisha S. liemiton , ThIrd hntihIey. Captain Ira McNutt , Orilnamico department , Is ordered aim an iuislCCtlOii tour to Somutim Bethlehem , Captain Asliton 13. lleyh , assistant - . sistant surgeon , is relieved from ditty at Fort Thomas , iCy. , and ordered to Fort RIley , SCan , , to rolles-e Captain Thomas U. Raymond , whu Is ormiered to Fort. Canby. First Lieutoiiant Alfred S. Frost , Twenty- fifth Infantry , is detailed to attend time on- canipnieiit of the South lahcota National Guard at Abonmheen , June 5 to 12. On account of illsqualificatiomm , Second LIeutenant - tenant Charles U , Lyman , Second cavalry , and 1irst Lletutenant Aibret J , ltussohl , Soy- enthi cavalry , mire retIred , Itepremomitativo Strode prosoimtecl ( ho major. Ity report in time case of Martin against Loclchmimrt today , seating MartIn , a mopmillst. ThIs is the first oopulist seated during time present sesmlon of comigress. Secretary of the Treasury Cariisle has sent to congress a supplemental iist of judgments in favor at letter carriers for overtime clalmna. Time list collies very late and niimy have to go over until next see- don , bmut aim effort will be niade to include the amnotunts In tlio gemierni doficlemicy bill , now In comifereuice , Nebraska is interested as follows in these claims : Beatrice , $1279 ; F'remont , $4S2 ; Lincoln , $4,347 ; Nebraska CIty , $976 ; Omaha , $21,060 : South Omaha , $73 ; CouncIl Bluffs , In. , $6,000 ; Atlantic , ha. , $29 : Iowa City , $1,830 ; Marsiiailtown , Ia. , $2,735 ; Ottumwa , ha. , $2,979. Nearly a lull- lIon and a half Is involved in this latest ro- turn. Secretary Smith today rendered decisions in the following land cases : Nebraska-Wil- 11am it ! . Davison agaInst Charles G. Alton and Naminie G. osborne , from AllIance dls- trict ; Osborne's motion for a review denied : the secretary says that all the points in time case tv"re fully considered in the do. elsion , and he sees no reason for changIng Iowa-George M. hoc agaInst heirs of Sam- uei I. Plumiey , Des Moines district : commls- sloner's decision aihirmod and heirs allowed to coniplete entry. South Dakota-In re WillIam 11. hlauiser , Aberdeen district , former ( locislen reversed and Ibauser's final proof accepted. Jacob Bozchman against Charles G. Goettiing , Ab. erdeen dIstrict , decision amrmed ; land awarded to Bosebnimin. WIlliam 11. Nes- iiitt agaInst. heIrs of Henry L. Beard , jber- sheen dIstrict , motion for review denied ; land awarded to Nesbitt. Charles S. SmIth against Wimifleid S. Janes , Aberdeen dIe- trict ; defendant's motion ( or review denied. In re Horace L. Hauser , Aberdeen district. departmental decIsion reversed and Ilauser's final proof accepted. Comptroller Eckels has approved the UnIon National bank of Omaha as reserve agent for the Northwestern National bank of Sioux City , Ta. Coinptrohler Eckeis today declared a third dividend of 15 per cant In favor of time cred- ltOis of time FIrst Nationah bank of Itediheld , S. D. , making In all CO per cent on clainis provcd , amoumitlng to $70,843. Barnes and Warren of Barneston , Neb. , are on time ground to aid In time settlemeimt cf claIms between the settlei-m 1mm Gage county anti the Otce and MissourI Indians. James Harvey has been appointed postmaster - master at Stuttrt , hIoli , county , Neb , Justice Brown , itm dissentimig from tim supreme - preme court in the case of flaco lEorse , a Bannock IndIan , against the sifenlfr of Uintah county , \Vyomnlng , raid : "I regard time preservation - ervation of ltlbiic faIth of greater impor- taimee thali the punIshment of a helpless Indian. " TIme case of the Union Paci11 against Cran- yule James , in error , was decided in favor of James , who was a brakeman on the Union PacIfic , anti who was immjurcd by that railroad. UlLmmllJs'm'maim iNG CASh us lEC11)mlm ) , Suipri-iuu- Court Sui-s flue lloren's lOx- ? ieiItiim % % Vli $ lilt-gnu. WASHNGTON , May 25.-Chiof Justice Fmmller today delivered time OIiliIOfl of time supreme court in tim case of time United Stiten agaliiet .l IL S. Wibarg , captain of the steamer Ilorsa , amid others. Time case l tiio olme which was recently advanced by tIme court at the instance of time attorney general , for the purpose of securimmg a do- cislon of tIme count as to time colistructiomi of our neutrality iaws amid theIr effect In pro- ventlimg filibusterIng oxpemhltlons against fninimdly powers. Wiborg tsae time captain of time Horsa , and with his assoclatca was accused of attcmmiptirmg to laud arias rur- roptltiously in Ctmba. Thmoy wore found guilty mumidor time neutrality laws In time Umtitoti States court at Phiiiadeiphia , Today's opinion lied timat tIme decision of time Pemm- Sylvaimia court was correct on timi nahmit that time expeditIon was a vIolatIon of tim neutrality - ity laws. The jutlgmnent of this court was affirmed as to Wihmorg , hut reversed as to time ruatcu , Joilammeen anti Petersen , on time ground timat they were ignorant of time purpose of thmo expedItIon. JustIce harlan conciurreti In time reversai of time jutigmiicnt an to Petenmien mind Jojuan- semi , but diasonteil from the judgimmemit amnn. log time sentence agaInst Wibong , Ccl iiilCn'ejc simuil Its i'st siigut..r , WASIIINCTON , May 25.-Postmaster Comm. eral W'lison will take early steps to appolmmt a succemor to I'oaniaster hose at Cripple Crocic , Coio So tar no official amivices of the repented wanton destruction of mall mat- ten have been rcelvoti and oiilclal'i are not inclIned to to hasty lit believing Roan ime , canmznltted any crimInal offense , Tim of- tense H a serious omto and omouid ! it be fommld true will be' followed by imnrnemliate steps to secure adequate 1)lmnlsimmnont ) , Frequent reports - ports imavo been received here from Inspec- tora chargIng inconmpetuncy and general unfit- nose for timti ofilce agaimiet Mr. Itose arm4 ime would hmave heemm uemnoved bug ago lint ( or the dlthicuity in thndimmg sonmc one qualified to Lake the place. It mmiay be mmeceaoary to give V thu appolimtnieimt to an outsIde mmman , JuiIgi' Xiul'H Cimse Agisimist LoeImr-im. W'AShibNCTON May 25-'fmo boieltcr $ onerah today , hit time suprcmmme coumr : , tiled 1. motIon to dlanilse tima case of C , I ) , J.oimg igmilimet William Locimrt'n , iste eonimmuiesiencr ) f peiislons , on tlmo ground thiit the catisa tad beemm abated by reaeomm of the resIpma- LIon of Judge Locitremi , I .tITlii Tlfl SrTfl OVrbCl , ( iranil bland ilepubiloen ( rep , ) : Tue Re. / I'ulhllosn It. iinconchItionshiy nail unreservedly for time lionminetlon of W. M. Cieddea for state atmititor , A better selection could not be made , \'Isimcr Chronicle ( rcpI The 'ork Times says that. Stiperbntentlent Ccmbett will be a- ! lace , ! to select his delegates to the state conventIon train York county , which showa how he stands where ho immu taught anti Is best knowum. limirchard Tlmee ( rep. ) : ivery newspaper alan in Pawimee commnty , Ithomit regard to Political affiliations , wIll 'oto for Charhes 1. Casey for stao treasurer if he shell receive time imontinatlon , They know hIbmi and hope for his nomination , Sidney Telegraph ( rep , ) : GIve us MacCoIl for governor , i'lper fat secretary of state , Geddos of Granti Immiatid for stab audItor and lney of Omnima for state treasurer , and the relmmlbllcaum majority In the stitto will ho as large as time corn crop of Limo state will be bommuitifuil , Alma htecord ( rep , ) : Datuglas county is a great bIg bluffer , She hiss eatmthldacs fur governor , treasurer anti attorney genorah. Horo' aaytlmg that time candidate for attorlmoy general thil be Imoihiimmted , lie wIll also have lila ci'tinty delegatIon behilid hmimn. but whether it Is or not , ho will ho llOlimlmimttlxl amd : electoti in spite of Doitghan comunty. tIrk Timnos ( rep. ) : Charles Fl Casey , i1restent of ( he Farmers' National bank of I'awmteo City , erie of the strongest financial concerns 1mm southeastern Nobraslcmt , silent ( lie day Iii the city. Mr. Casey is uuakiitg a oti-omig anti vlgoromts cammlimalglt for time ropub- Ilcami mionminmutlon for state trnastmmor amid car- rica a large aimd grtwviug boomim with hIm , Wmuliaco Tug ( rep. ) : If ( hero is aimy good reason why A. I ) . ICImig of iiltchucock county sltouldn't be a candidate for stale trcamcmirer It has not been immade PmIbilC. Mr. King Is a etaumiehu relmlmbhlcan , ( lit old soldIer , a stmccese- ful aimmI lmprlghmt hmusIimes mtutit , amitI a real- dent of thin southwestern tutrt ( if time suite. lie will iiat'e a smtolig following In tli con- i'emmtiomi , Tohmtiumah hleraid ( roil , ) : There Is no or- gaimized opfmoCltion of time waimicil of time ntato to SuperinteliViemmt Corbett's renomlnatlomi as ima4s been ciittrgcd , On tIme contrary , ho hiss been assured by a nimtimbot of lending , tvomemm of the s'ato fiat they will support hllmm , There ate a great mnan' who oppae Mr. Corbett that cannot hmOw mis good support fm-cm hoimme as lie ccii. Ills houme county will grant hlmmi time privIlege of miamiming hits own delegation , Niobrara Tribune ( rep. ) : As the tIme ap- itroacimes for ( ho mmoniiiiatiomi of the state treasurer the imammia of lbomm George A. brooks of Bazile MIlls memo vividly sparicles before the eyes of all good , earimest upporLers of ro- pubhicaimiani that would have time positIon 00- Ctmpletl by a imian who will ( sllottld lie be V nominated ) be z'eeeit'eml by the voters of the state with loud applause ziiiml carm'y the iI'tato by a very heavy vote. iiroolss has an ox- ceodtmtgly large aumioumtt of energy , busimmess quahifleatlomis and popularity that constItutes time making of a good Incas-tuner. Gotiieimbung Itidependemmt ( rep. ) ; Tlm canmil- ( lacy of George A. Brooks of llazlie MIlls for state tncaotmner Is gmmlning nioumietitmimil as .time thmmio for holding tile state coitvention npbmroaciios. That time nmrtimenim scctloim of the state is to be recognized this year is colt- coded , and Brooks has qimalificatlons that entItle - tItle him to comisideration. bIle record Is clean , iii financial standlmmg lmrocIuides tue possibility of imis tiring time stato's funds for any but strictly legitimate purposes , while imla Imitegrity is unqtmostloned , Time fight will be betweemi Casey of Pawnee , Ircy of Douglas - las mind I3rooks Gramimi laland Iiidepenmlcnt ( rep. ) : Tismay Is timnowmi into the camp of masculIne candidates - dates for state superiumtenmlermt of itliblic instruction - struction , Mrs. Grace Sudborouglm , principal of time teachers' tralmiimmg school In Ommmabmt. is uimderstood to be a candidate for state elm- , Ponimitentlent of pUtiIC Imistnimctioii , and her name will ho presoimted at time republican COlivelItloim to ho held Iii Lincoln. She says that it must be undemimtood that she is not aeekiimg to defeat aiiy 0mb 1mm partlcimlar , but allows her naimme to be used at time earnest solIcitation of mmmembers of the Woman's club. Should Mrs. Sudborommglm be successful and secure enough votes to guarantee imer ehection Ncbratha wIll be another of time weetermi , 4 states to hiave a lady In title Important. poiV. tion.Vyoniing and Colorado introiucod timia custoni last yeam. Candy Pioneer ( rep. ) : No personal ob. jections have beemi urged against C. C. Mc- Nih of Cunting county , candidaio for the republican nomination for state treasurer , amid he will have coimeidenabie stneumctlm , but It i quIte offen.iive to republicans who desire square ijoiltica at a state convetmtioii to hmear it whImpered aimiong time politic one that State Treacurer flartlev'a Plahis to name 2.IcNeim as hmla succosaor are to be carried out. It miimould be the busIness of thin republican party through its deIegmttiim in state conven- ( ian to name its candidates. and bommiemfl aimould be squelched from time start. it it is time butminess of the state treasurer to SCiOtV iml mmtmccessor time saimic prvllege should ho accorded to other state oliiclahs aimmi then the state convemitlon woumith not be necessary. Nebraska republicans are not In a mood to be trifled with In audi mmmatter,3. The me- lectlimg of a state trcmtsumror was nmatmipulated for ten or tweive years by a umlaut wlmo lied a dcaigii In his manipulatIons and the result was disaster mind disgrace. We mIstake the tomer of Nebraska repiubhlcans at thm.mm home If they tb not rebtiko thIs system of nmanlpu latlutg timla office. Nothing can he more iianmicrotus to time state than that a state treasurer shoUld be penmmiitted to dlct.ato t'hmo shah be his surcemr.V ( J.tLCULA'i'll ) 'It ) 'z'mcui.I. V Yomikere Stntesmmin : "r hear your friend is mractlcimmg the mod rigId cCouiOni ) ' ? " "Yes , sue does nothing but shop. " Judge : Teacimer-Now , here is an example iii mental uritimxnctlc : 'IIosV olti ts'omill , a person be tt'lto was born iii 18t38 ? " Toimumiy- l'hease , mummi , was it a moan or a womaul ? Cimicago 'J'nibuuin : "I wonder , " soiilrmjuizeii tue monkey , looking through time bars of Ita cage at thin bloomer tIll , ' 'If thimit crettumre V Isn't time mmiissing lInk time evolutionIsts have bec'mt imumitlrmg torI' ' Judge rwynti-I tiimould timimmk that a etimt. tenlimg nimimm wouhmi naturally lie mmmi excelleimt grammimnuriamm. 'l'ripict-L don't see wimmit tlmat liami to do with It , 'fwymmn-\Volb , lie would be famIlIar wIth time parts of speech. Columbus (0. ( ) Journal : Keep your inwmi nioweti. If ) 'OU are lmmoxpenielicetl boimow your mieighmbor'tt lawn mower ; anti , beiim 1mm- cxperiemmccii you don't want to brertli a good IlmaChilile. Jimet get hmilmi to comne over slid show you 110w to ntmim it. You tvill pick UI ) tini Idea at a few mmlttlutgs , Cbmiclnnati EnqnlreniIe-Don't : you sup. pose the wIld waves mire lembuinlng to any - eomeUmliig down ut time tiemtmimmote't Sii-i don't below , I tie know what limO wlmmds are sayIng , timoughm I don t'tlmlnk you lo , "No , What do they say ? " "Wool" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V AN iNl'f.UIONCJO. . I ' \Vashtnm'ton Star , Tnnkimid loves a lover , we've Ott hoard it said , And now tvimon tile 1ties are 50 friendly ttntl eear ; Whoa time miimelteniumg trees weave their bumtnctmei o'enhitumil , Ammtl great , pulsing Nature imotdmi every- tlmluig demir , Fartim's nose-laden bounty seems never to tire , In a moemisomi when only to hive is a boon , o joy scums too much for time imeurt to desire. For time world is in love , amid hIs awed- heart is June , Cite gariantieth forests tire WItICuenlng saft , 'rue mamlow's , rich tmipestnietl glemim once migitin. fimo birds imurls itla heart into music aloft Anti tile prodigal iiowtmrs arc scentiumg the 1)11118. &hi , fmtlri would we lInger as guests at time it feast , 'Nemttii the radlmtimt pehi of a fair honey- 1000111 ( iii the low , bitter strain in iIos cimorus line c4tm4et1. For time would lit in love alid his hiweetlmeani is Julie , . , . . j Highest of all in Leavening Jower-Latet U. S. Gov't Report Bakii RpyA1 Powder AnSOLTELV PU