Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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rI1i OMAhA DAILY BIDE : ' 1UY1ISDAY MAY 3G. 1 89G. 8
' % IIMJIt I'1'JON.
.f I
Coiint iiprvOr tcnte or Shelby
) II the c.ty ytcr1ay on orncIa btincst.
JutIc. Cook ycterby tiitkd * In marriage
Cliaria f.oii ; pn1 MItink Uctitry , coIeRtL
both of thiK city.
TIi Urat hotel , Cannel flIua , lUsh
O1tr4 in t3t1.V IeqpCt. itlitC ! . 2.j er day
ani uiprJd. 1. t. Clttrc , prnprlctfr.
In tltt : t1itrh't court at jtilgrncnt 1ia
been rcri.k'reil 1r t ! iilahiu : ( in Ihn cac
of W'IlIIan ! iilllw ugaildt .1. CL MePherrin
for ur. arI g nttrr3'N ( cea.
r 1In. S. \Vttiwortit .viiu tin the tret
) 'ester 1y TTCt lying unratIktticfl9 % upoti Iil
rccvtI' , frijm a Ieo tif piettrnutiia , ,
'iIfli eoItiiilIe1tlona 01 kIt1ntcy troubi.
i'lio lle'l ti.1tIce-Uetci ) ntiglsborh.oil row
shlili hi iice. & uU trial In maLice Couk'
court for two ay voa In It last ptges
s hen tt.c entirt djctiinetl i.t oeiiIng. The
AtttrlL % i1l mnkc their at gttflcflt tfliS
mornhtg ttiil the citrt will ta1n Lhc' cBe UU
der alrc'innnt , Thirty ir , forty \ % Itnosae
I lwcii xInIthC1 tn both aIt1e. and ( he
chuructuia of 3t11 of t wonon : anlietL
The hidfrtmcut Cf YOUI5VaiIice 1)y the
grb:1 jury yctcrd.y in.tik te , 1at t'IcthU
who IlI be ptr&cctttvd Iir the niurcier t1
poor oh TCXCH Ihiker. There were sec-
eral other rtes Prent , WilcU the aBatlt %
sraa iiao , LncIu1ing Irark Jackson , but no
eVIlCflCO ( haM bc'en round c'inectIng , them
vIth the crrno , and thry are breathing much
eaaier 10(1.4) ' than they did a few ( laya ago.
Herniall 1)riigt' , ' ho fileti an IlifCrniatiOn
gaIiiaL hh , otu , clitugitig them with assflUit
with Ir.tcr.t to do grerit lrnilily injury. ( ailed
to nJliear 1111(1 ( proectite the 'ape when it.
van ctIht1 In itttlce ( ojkH cotirt yesterday.
Tue soii were dicutrge1 ) , and the cost'
were flSaM'd in the ulil tiii. An oxecu-
Lion was irtiec1 (1UIifl1 the afternoon for
the piirpoe of fu cltig the collection of the
( costs.
_ J. L The Moflhlay Musical club held ita last
S reptiitr nieothig ( cr the ar yesterday at
the restLionce or Mrs. Sapp. A comniunlea-
tion was received train Miss Julia Olticer
; aiirioincii that she otild return home In
) a few days und reuc..tlttg that a spacini
mectliig cit the club be held at which a program -
gram hc.tilt1 be rendeRcl ? eoope'i : of thu
best selections froni the prorama during the
year. rhe request van agrce.1 t nud neU
Friday flxcd for the date of the musical.
rtie liumlItoti & I'oinirtt Specialty corn-
aiiy CpeIi ur on engag'nicnt ( if JIVe nights
and ma'lnae at the OIt.ta haue this evening
at imiular prices. The cnpan7 coine here
from Fiernont , nnd the Ilerahi of that city.
under flato of May ID , says : Thee who t -
tcnded the eiitcrtnnmont gh en by the ham-
hlton & Leonaid company at Loves last
night expressed themselves as svehl pleased
'vitii tIme performance. The company Is
composed of eflong pec'alty ' PCoPlC throughout -
out , and are nil worthy of mpecIal mention. '
.Tudge McOce yL'.stotdny acmwed a ( time of
15.20 against Davis , time fcilov who claimed
to be tIme advanto agent of a circus outfit
that Is supposed to be lmcalIng this way.
Davis could foil no frIends who were able
' to raise the ammitimnt , of his fine , and had Ia
go to Jail. It ha possible that the federal
ouhlccrs viIl taLc' hmlmn In chiarno until thc
can give r. , atIfactory explanation of ltiu
purpose of carrying arnund a roil ct Imitation -
; tion money. If Dayts worled any of ( ho
buslnei Immen wIth whom ho made contracts
for hmIs slmw , they have iwglecetl to notify
the police.
vhII . 'MiMt ( ) inuli to Imioris , Imi.
A prahimnlnary meeting was helit at the
: , - hloyal Arcanum hail last night to consider
.y' \ the proposed catertalnmnomit In Council hlIuffe
of time ttocgates to time convention of time
Comnmnercia. Liw : League of America , alilchm
will be held 1mm Omaha , Jul 21-4. Cummm-
missioner Utt of time Camnmncmctal cmii , w. ii.
: ltoberm'on , manager for It. 0. Dun & Co. ,
and G. II. Paimner of II. E. Palmer & Son ,
comnpascd Limo committee of the Coniinerclal
: club charged with time duty of neertaining
what part CoUncil fllulfn would take 1mm tIme
entertalumneot of the delegates tn . the coo-
vcntiomL . - . I-
; It i expectel that ( mmlly 1,000 ddlegate.s
wll : attend tlmo conventiumi , ammd It was pro-
pomcd that Council fluffs entertain the dde-
gates one aftcrnoon'and evening during the
convention. Time matter mwas informally dis-
cussed. ammil a general umiderstamuhing reacimed
thst time cltIzemms of this city vlhl provide
entemtaimmment to time ( ielegatos one afternoon
and evenimig. The plan that was favorably
considered i to give time delegates a trolley
ride from Ommtha to Flrmommnt park , whore
a propcr program will be presented for the
entertaInment. 'The matter was loft to coin-
initteos to tiring it before time Bar ascia-
tion , time flhi'nes3 ! Mcn'L' am&ocIation , antI the
! crchiants' ammd Manufactmmrers' association ,
. \ I lt'iiisinh ziie.
\ ' , . _ . f In three days we move. WTe don't want
q. to nmovo atm ) ' more goda time we can Imoip.
Como and help us mmmovo ; we will pay you
Well for it. You never had the chance before -
fore to sccmire high grade goods at oncht a re-
J duction in nrtce. Dan't lot thin chance pass
wltheut taking advantage of It. These ircee
Imoid goml utmtil we move.
Laihioc' fine kid mhoss , imand welte amid
I turns : former iirico $5 , now $2.75.
Ladles' fine kid shmoes were $3.50 , now $2.
Ladiem' kid shoes , were $2.50 , now $ lf0.
. Ladks' kid s.lmoc& , were $1.75 , now $1.00.
Ladies' kid shoes , small cizes , wore $3 and
$4. now 75c.
LI3dICP. ' kid hocs , 2'/ and 3 % , 35c.
Lathoa' kid Oxfords , 214 , and 3 % , SOc.
Ladles' white kid Oxfords , 21/ and 3 ½ , SOc.
lnfaumts' sImoe , w ere ZSc , now lOc.
Men's calf shoo' , lace and congress , were
$5. now $2.50.
Mcmi's tami buis. , were $5 , now $2.50.
Mt'n's tan bals. , wcre $3.50 , now $1.75.
Mon's line satin calf balms. , vera $2.50 , now
Mon's low cmmts , were $3 , now $1 ,
Timie Is hut a small nortlon of the many
b.mrgolr.s we have to oiler. MI our shoes'
have been roductd at least ono.hahf ,
Next. to hleno's.
Iirtn'i tiie I ii mm Liy Sill
In time suroricr court yesterday a jury
: heaIl time eviilciice In a asse brought by J ,
B , Johnson , a real estate dealer , against
L. W.S'eber , a immail carrier. Several years
ago Webc'r placed some real estate property
In time Imands of Johnson , In the hope of Imsa-
terming a sale , Time proiemty ) was a lot on
Main street. In time course of time Johnson -
son effected a saks of one-hmalf of the lot to
I- the Cattlemmielt's bank. A mmlmort time ago
' I'redldelit Kerney , of the bank , concluded
lie wnmmted the oth.r halt , and entered Ino :
negotiations with time owimer direct , Time
deal vas consumunmated witimout Johusoms's
3uowletlgo. Johnson demanded his gommis-
slots aim time property , but \'cber failed to sea
thu jtmstlco of the cialmn and refusel , Jolmn-
son brought suit , alit ! a jury em'tablislmed his
right to the commissIon , whmich amounted to
$80 , Jtmdgmmmemmt. was rcimdered against Weber
for ( lint amount ,
S't'I' l'ilis' , L'Ir. ' lirlok , ltehflng ,
VlmolessIo and retail. J. C. Blxby , 02
? dnlim street. _ _ _ _ _ _ I
\\'all vaier cleaned , now nrocess , wIth
I patent riglmt atMiiier's , 108 Main street ,
S I'rulni , tIiitft'rei ,
. . Jtitlgo Smith muade entries In tlmreo probate
. ( cases yesterday afternoon ,
In time case of tile estate of David C.Vard
time flimal report of the administrator was
received ,
Time special administrators at time estate
: of j'smhihiuon Coclitan nero given authority to
sell certain vcrsoimal property , lmmcltalhlmg
farxmm macimlimery.
: In time estate of Jesno Aylesworthi , a
minor , time ietttioll of time guardian for
tzutiiorlty to mnortgago real estate was
: denied. *
( has ranges and servfco connections at halt
Price for fifteen days. Call at. company's
: mtI1co for full Particulars. 210 Main atid 214
l'eari streStu.
l'abturmsgo. . P. Judsoim , 029 SIxth aye ,
III'CIIS'il tu % 'ce1.
Marriage licenses were issued by Clerk of
tha Courts fleeti yesterday a toliowp :
Name and i-esidenee. Age.
\Y. : r. arnyiill , l'ottawattammio county , . 28
1msmia Oulli , 1'ottavutimmnio ( county. . . . . . . . 37
A. Is' . 1'oote , nms. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . .
' ? dary C , Creen , Omaha , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' hlolfummmyr's Fancy I'atcnt flour mmmakei time
' best and most bread. Ak iour grocer for it.
Water pressure filters , $3. 8tepban h3roi.
PUTSUS the U , B. M. 13. A. Into Court
Urging Its Insoveucy.
.tset flint tla CaIIpnfl"a % % tsiirs Are
iii Iletter litiiie 'i'liiimi far it
IoiW 'Fl me , SIiiisI miii
tlic Pigiire ,
Gcorg' . J. Crane , aided and abetted by
.r. J. Shea , has brokemm Iimto time coUrts with grievance agaimiat the United States Masonic -
sonic Ihoimovohent assocIation. Cratie was
formerly employed by the company , but got
gL ehamico to quit seine time ago , and ha
been flakIng ar en time association ever
since. llL , heat move was fo fila aim application -
cation in time ( ll.strlct court yesterday atking
that a receiver be appoInted for the organ- !
Time Imetithoner bass's Imis right to commemice
the action on time fact. that lie has three
pohicica in time company , aggregating 5,000 ,
taken out on Decemnber C , 1895. tIe alleges
limsolvency , imilarnammagemneot and misappro-
iriatlumi of time cotmipaimy's funds by the
otilcera In charge. Time petition charges ( tint
tlmo commmpany is insolvent nmiil line largs
death losses vhicim It cannot pay. Crana
also ehargea that 1red II. Urowmm , president
ut tha association , and John Fl Itlelmardeon ,
ita secretary , tire usimig , mooney coming ftoiii
assesmneimts on imienihers for purpcaes not
contemiip'.ated by its constitution , by-laws or
iitmrpo'es , amid are appropr ating such funds
to their own use iJnher alleged contracts
with themselves for servicets. It Is charged
that uelthier Brown nor 1ttchardon are real-
dents of Council Bluffs , amid that they are
neglecting the business of time company and
pcrmittmig ! Insurance to lapse.
.htidge SmIth has set the hearing of the
apilicatlon for next 'rtmcsday , June 2.
Local officers of the tmrsoclation have not
yet 111cm ! the r reply to ( lie appllcatioim , as
tlteim' attorney Is at prcssent 1mm ChIcago and
will not be hattie until toniurrc.w. They do
not hesitate to charge that Crane's apphica-
tlomi has been niado ampiy ! fur the purpcac
of anmmoying the memimbers of the oiganizatloii
fur a grlovance which he has held against
them since they can fit to get aloni without -
out his seryces. TIme company has been In
tight lines for a year or rnre. in eommnoii
with all other insuramice companies , but
vltii'n the part few imlonhIms the preent urn-
cers have reduced the comnany's inclebt-
eIlflC5) in a manner satisfactory to the state
auditor , and have bcemi getting time affairs
of time concern In good shape. A circular
letter , sent out by tif orncers of the nasa-
clation under date of May 21 , colita mis a
detailmd repcrt of tue condition of the aao-
cintleii affaIrs , at that time. The report , in
part , is no follows :
With the huge tmtimber o losses eu hand
when we took charge of the affairs of the
ass elation , a very eimibnrfbsng ! question
arose , viz :
Fii 5t. iDiould we nmnke u sveeping us-
s.smner.t to cover mdi the losses oi himnd ;
Scoisd. Should we divide them Into s'ev-
eral ascssmnts , end by a s'erks of increased -
creased nsscs'snments gzudtmaliy cvortnke the
loss on hand ?
It ii ; very mtlpament that the first methic.d
would muke 0mb slnglo tIa.seament tto large
that vei' few , it any , of tim nst'nibers would
PZL3' the same. TlmL'm might lma'e resulted
iii time total faIlure anti collapse of the
iusocIntlon. Time beneficiaries woul : have
received little , um1 ] the members who had
stood by the association for years might
have lost their insurance.
After consultation with the state auditor
w.e decided to adOpt the second course , and
consequently , a you already .ln3w ; fotir
assersnionts iPsuel AIa' I , Jtmly I , and Stp-
teinber 1. o 1805 , antI January 5 , lIrd , were
incrcased about 10 per cent. The adjusting
agemit in the meantime ' levoi'l ull humi
energies to the exmimninat'lnn of claims amid
th adjustment and settlernt'nt of those
which lie deemed should not be hiall. fly
pursuing these methods we are able to
present the following report of death lasc
and liabilIties since the iirst day of January ,
1895 , to date :
Lorses reported by former secmelrmry
December 31 , 1191 , $25.SOO.
Actual losrs on hand at that time. . $ irO ( )
Losses reported durilig S95. . . . . . . . . . 2T7,250
LOteR reported SInce Jnmmtmary I , 1S96 ,
to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,750
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41t'Sth ' )
r.oses Imaki anti settled since Jar.u-
nry I , 1895 , ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
Claims not yet disposed of. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 13,75O
'rho loscs r pomicil and included in those
yet to be disposed of are divided Into the
fohirwIng clnsscs :
Death losses assessed for May I , 1S9. . $ l5.000
Death losses rcportcd , but not yet ad-
Jurted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 ( ) ( J
Death lassos resisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From the foregoing report you will oh-
serve that time death losses dtmrlng 1815
reached time enormous simm of 277,2O or
over $ J 000 er month. ( luring the vmolo
year , while since January 1 , 1SY3 , far nearly
live months the total losses are only $18-
750 , or only a little over $9,000 per month ,
'l'hs ! shows a very gratifying ( hpcreamle in
limo death rate , s'lmIcim is time rcsimit of Cne
year's work in weeding out fraudulent
risks. Time secretary's financial report of
April 50 , 189 ( ; , shows the following assets
anti liabIlitIes :
tnveIed Assets-
fitmaranty fund notc. . . . $35,032.OQ
Guaranty fund loans .on
real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,217.05
Ctmarmmimty fUnd , special
depositi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,526.11
Vurnitimro. . llxtures ,
printed matter , etc. . . . 450.00
Casim Assets-
Interest on real estate ,
loans dtme auth accrued
unpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 325.00
Ommaranty fund , unln-
ve.mteil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expepe fund . . . . . . . . . . . .152.51 .
Ucimeral fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.53 $ 12,551.W
Tatith cash oral Invested -
vested asset's . . . , . . , , $181,906.59
Money received in adVance -
Vance of asessmcnts. . $
Balance net assets , . . , $181,551.59
Time circular letter also roasts some of
the former ofilcero of the asseciation for immik-
log false reports of the condition of the cr'imm.
pamiy'a finances , Unofficially the ofllcero
state that time work for tim month of May
has been very satisfactory and they feel qo
alarm over George J. Crane's application for
a receIver. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hut it. ' , ! vu
W'e hiavo 1,000 hint bed sash vhicii we are
going to close out. 'l'lioy won't last long ,
how many do you want ? We will make you
a price timat can't ho duphle.atei. C. 13.
Paimit. Oil and Glass conspany , Masonic Tern-
plo , Council hlltmffs.
Davis , drugs , paints and glass ; tel. 289 ,
, % , Ili huitmir clt ,'N ,
The field day exercises of thmo Sotmtimwest-
era Iowa Athletic assciation will be imel'l
at Atlantio on Friday , May 29 , There vill
be seven Iligit scimooie represented ,
Time atliloes of limo Council Iflurts 111gb
scitool have decided not to send a team ,
but will go as representatives of time Cotmim-
cli Ihluffs Field cltmb , Time young men viio
v1hl compete in the various contests mire :
It. Dailey , Warren Dailey , 0. Cl. Butts , Mel-
via Otmotild , llooiy Saunders and I'aynter
Knox ,
Time Council hiluffs Atimlolic association
has arranged ( or two gaines of base bsll ,
On Saturday atiornoon the Oakland testis
will ha hero for a game , mind on Sun'iay
limo hayden hires. ' team of Ommushia s'IIl
como over and get a drubbing. Time local
team is ptacticing daily , anti will soon be in
simapo to give the crack teams of the west
a run for theIr money. Time University
teatmi of Omaha vill be cutertaismeil 'ery
soon. Turner and Shatter have been secured -
cured for the season for the locals , and no
stroimger anmstetir battery cnn ho found in
this hart of time country. Turner is get-
( lag speedier with every day's practice , mind
is anxious to get up against sonic of time
8WdiIel ( up teanma timat have been having
everything their pwn way.
\'t 1)0 flu' I'rgiiiiI.giI
Our lmriccs ard righti Our goods will
pleamic you. 11. L. SMITh ! & CO ,
Dr. Cleaver' . oMce moved to 600 l3roadway ,
A1.1)liti1'N fl'Iltl1 GOOl ) NA'rult lID.
htcgiilmir ' , 'ekl54essIomi of ( lie City
( .nitiicIl.
Tie ! regular weekly sat'sion of the city
c'uncII was held last evening , antI the aldermen -
men good naturedly dirctms.sel ssverai things
of public iimterest. After the opening of the
teasion a iviigthy reolutlon was introdtmced
and read , as the r.eort of time special corn-
niittee appointed at the provlotms meeting to
take suitable action upon the death of cx-
Mayor Addison Cochran. The rerolutions
Were signed by City Attorney A. S. hazel-
ton and Aldermen J. M. flarstow , L. . A. Casper
and li. M. Slmubert , They nero adopted wIth.
out tllsctission and became a part of the city
The communIcation from the Working
Men's Frienihly club , received at the prevIous
meeting , asking for the smee of time coimncll
cimnmnber one milglmt each week , was reportotl
favorably from the committee of time whole
titit IL was decided to give the cltmb permuis-
siomi to use the imatrolnmcns roam In time
patrol bimihling , instead of tao chamber in
the city building. Time use of the room waft
given with the tmimmlorstaimding ( lint the meet'
Immga of tIme club shntmhi be eubject to any
ri'gtmlatlon time lmiayor or council might take ,
Time coimirnlttee of the whame recommended
the passage of an ordinance ordering the re-
Pavdlnemit of Southm FIrst street with haitI
burr.ed brick , and the report was agreed
htesoiutions were passed authorizing the
cost of graihing Fifteenth Street and tIme side-
snIks constructed by Contractor hlardln to
ht3 tnxe3 to tIme abtmtting property.
An ordinance locating amid cotabhishimig
Bridge street , time atreet recently opened
through the Motor conmpammy'e property , near
the eastern apprcachm to time bt'idme , was
passed. The ordinance making it mis
demeanor , rubjcct to a line of $5 , for any
person to tiirow a banana peeling on any side
walk in the city , was parsed , and tithe agrect
to , Alderman Pace and Graham voting tiny
A commmimmunlcatlomi was recetved ( rota time
Omnahmit State Fair association calling atteit
tion to the June speed races and tle.gnatin. :
Jtmmme 11 na "Council llluffs day. " Tile corn
mtmnicatlon t'stondet1 a cordial invitation te
time people of time city to ha prerent on that
day and nil others , and asked the council to
pass a resolution requerting the busIness
hoUe to close In honor of time event , Ttir
cornntunlcatiomm was received in a very frienthI
imianner , but on laotian of Alderman l'acc I
was rc'a and tilaced oem file.
Johmm Coyle , through hmi nttcrney , gavr
ittice to tile city that ho would comnpromier
his &ainm for damages by rean of the over
flow of Indian creek. for $2551. It was referrct
to the comimmittee On police and health.
a. A. Holmes asccd exemnpticn fo.n city tnc
utica of several tracts of fruit and agrlculttira
lands within the city llrnltr , which were as'
sessed for city purposes pan a valuation o'
$1,400. Ileferred to the eomnmlttee on judicary
\r. II. hiaverstocle , hI. 11 , Oboriioltzer armc
v. M. Squires aL'ed for an eight house cweT
On Falrvletv avenue and Worth street. Re
ferred to nolcn thid imealtim commIttee ,
A thug milacurslcu upon time suhject of the
First street paving was introduced by the
ruggestloii of G. II. Jacks'an , that the cotmnci
shmotmld do something In the way of repairs
that would enable imini to drive up to the
curbing In front of his house. The paving
had beets washed out and a deep ditch cut
in the rcadway. It waa decided to fill thm
hole with earth until the new paving could b
all. John Green made a ratimer tint spsechm In
'ppo'Itlon to any sort of paving on the strqat
and declared ( lint he would fight for hi riht
an' ] It would be "woo unto tIme titan that at-
tcimmpted to rob lmlm. " J. C. IIIxby , Sit. J.
Graham , G. II. Jackran and others' all spoke in
favor of the paving , but asked permission to
have sometiming to say about thma kind of
material that .sbould be use ] , All rerc ie
favr of vitrified brick , and Council IhIuffr
brIck , it pnmsible , Mr. l3lxby brought up the
ubject of a sawer on the street , ani made a
strong appeal for the pa.'sage Of an ordinance
crderlng it. Mr. Graham , who owns SO0 ted
of park lands fronting on time street tha
bring in no revenue , thought tIme rower would
not be constrtmcted any ftmrthmer up the stree'
that was desmmando3 by a mnajarity of the prcp
erty owimers. Ills street improvements had
already cost him $3,800 , and ime wantemi the
council to relieve him of as mtichm of the ex-
pence of repaving as possible. lie was ir
favor at paving , amid thought time majority ci
the property owner , , were also , but the coun.
I sd , lie believed , would encounter some op
posiltion if the sewer wams ordered also. After
a lengthy discus-aba the city engineer wa
Instructcd to draw up two ordinarees ani
report at the next mseting , one pravi-Jing fi
time reparenment of the street with vitrlfic"
brick and the other for time cnctruction of r
tweve-incim Imcuse sewer , the pavement ami
, eawer to entend from Ilroadsvay to Malisor.
avon ue.
The offer ef It. D. Amy to lease to the city
the vacant buithlng and aajacemit groun'
adj"ning ! the city property on l3ryant slice
for the tise of the rtrec ( amid engineer'r
departments , wa. , taken under advisement
Tim property was offered for erie year at a
rental of $100. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' , ' ' li.tlCFiIt'S ti
1,0 AVIIXGIO 'l'FIX tiRlillit.
'i'Ii Irtt 'lhiiit XVII I I'rusceiied for
. . hit' Crlitmt' .
If the plans of the county authorIties are
carried out , "Tex" Baker's death u'il be
amply avenged. Two men are alreody In time
pcnltcmmtiary nerving torini , for participation
lii the figimt that catmsetl tIme ileathm of Baker ,
amid time grmtnd jury ha indIcted a timird
mann , fllciiamd Wallace , wimo t'iil have to
answer to the charge of mtmrder.
Ilak'cr , who was a negro amid a well
knowa character , was assaulted on ( lie night.
before election last fell , near the North-
vesierim depot , anti beaten in euch a nmanner
that imisi death reculted time next day. George
Rcper , JoimnVehi.ter and Frank Jacluon
were arrested mind charged with time crime.
After a preliminary examinatIon Jackson
'Va : , fully exoncratcd of time charge amid dis-
missed. Webeter pleaded gimity and was ,
sentenced to twelve ye3rs for murder In the
second degree. Itcimer rtood tral antl was
comivicted of manslaughter and ecntcncel : to
eight years' ' in time penitentiary.
DurIng tIme trial of Roper it developed
tmat Wallace had had a imand in the tight ,
and had booms more prominent that iiid been
mit first thought. Time couimty authoriticu
begui iaveetigatiimg time case , and seen bind
evIdence enough to warrant his arrest , Then
to make limo case strongtr7ebter ve-iIe-
card after ime got to time penitentiary and
euealet1 , telling the story of the fracis
amid designating Wallace as the maim who
had iiaimded Iiliii tIme club with which he
crtished flaler'm , skull , On this showing time
grand jtiry rctimrimed time intllctrtient.Val -
lace line beau aware ( lint hiu cae'e wa belmig
iriveetigateil , but ( lecided to stay mind see it
through , lie expreeses his confidence that
no conviction can blow in imimi case ,
Time grand jury also returned an indIct-
merit againit harry h1lser , wimo was charged
with shooting "Cyclone" McCslmont withi intent -
tent to murder , George h'erkins , whmo stole
a watcim freimi Jacquernlii's jewelry store , was
lniiIctt'd for larceny from a btmljding , Itamn
Covlngtoms mind Atmguet James , vere Indicted
for larceny front a building , Tlmc'y are time
men wimo etolo * .omno clothing front Machim's
dye imoue'c , Jim BarreL wile indicted ( or
shirotlng at an unknown man In time Northwestern -
western yards. _ _ _ _
We offer yeti only clean , crisp , snow wiilo
laundry work mind best ( leiivory saylce at
Eagle laumidry , 721 Uroadway , Telephone 157.
housekeepers are iii deipair when they
viet t.ho Durfee Furniture company. All tue
new timings are so handsome and an cheap
that they want , the whole store.
. -
II lgliaviii&ieii Si'ntt'iii't'.l mid Siimii CIt.
SIOUX CITY , Ia. . May 25.-Speclal ( Tele-
grnm.-C. ) A. Lathiam , clalimming to be front
Chicago , was rentenced here today to eleven
years iimiprhaonrncnt for a series of dar ng
imigtsay robberies In the cIty anti a tour-
derous ar.auit on one of hIs victims , who
resisted imiin , 0. S. Willis , hIs accomplice ,
a well kimown young businims man of thus
city , escaped with a five-year sentence.
Alle'IXI'II liiislcVri''it.r Not GmiIlt' .
PAl I1PLAY , Cob. , May 25.-FIx.Treasurer
Breem , president of the Iealvi le Ravings
hank , who was chargetl with rece'vinj de-
$109115 after lie knew tIme batik was Insolvent ,
was today found not guilty. The jury was
out thirty-six houra.
'fhere was a full attenmc9vhmcn ) the city
councIl met last evening.
Councilman hlyiand res1 report dIrecting
the sircet commissioners to tear up the ride-
walk on C. : tl. hunt's i mcrty at 2609 N
street and allow the propcr4ys owner to lay
a sIdewalk to suit himself. The walk that the
city laId is one foot short and e'tormn water
has been running into the celsr of time buildings -
ings , damagIng the foundations. The tax
against the present sidewik' is to be reminded -
( minded , The report was adopted.
An order was Issued allowing property
owners on Twenty-fifths street front F to it
streets to remove time trees now stantilng in
the street , provldeil the reimmoval Is made
wltimout expense to time city ,
hfyland Wantemi the street comumissiomier to
raise the brIck paving on the north side of
N street between the South Onmahma National
batik and the Plvonka block. Thus pavement
has been undermined by the heavy rains anti
has stink considerable , so timat the street is
Schultz sprung a stmrprti'o by making a
motion that time cotmncll proceed to reorganize.
CaIdwehl offered an' atnemidmncot that
llngimea be given the places on tIme commIttees -
tees that Iiianchard formerly occupied.
The arne.ndnment vas bet and the vote on
the original motion wa a tie ; tIme mayor
voteti for time resoluticti and declare.i It car-
ned. lie thicis stated that he would have the
now comrmmnhitecs rcamly to em.mbrnit at thud next
niceting of time councIl.
The mropoaitlon of the county cornmuiosioim-
eru to pay the city $100 if the city wodid
agree to take care of time surface waler on
Soutim Thirtenthi street wa refttsed.
Schitmltz latrotitmeeti a resolutiomm , vhmicit was
parrel , which conipth tIme gsmmmblcr to yay
into the city treasury $50 a month commimemmc-
iimg Juno 1 , for this' privilege of Lulng allowed
to keep their ; mlaces open.
Time attentioii ct time couacil was called to
time fact that about $ S,000 mud be raised to
pay Interest on bomids. which becoimmes due
June 1. Upon motloit of Mullaly the mayor ,
chiairmnn of time comnuittee on financa amid
t'ao city treas'ttrer were authorized to immako
arrangcmelltsitht cause bank for takiimg carc
: f thus uttered.
An ormhinanCe declaring thin painting of time
Ii aimmi Q etreet viadtmcts necessary was reed
for the first time.
l'roperty owners on tIme east si.e ! it Twer -
ty.fourim street , from A to F streets , vere
rderei by ordinance to lay within thirty
lays a sidewalk six feet in hitli. If , at
he expIratIon cf the thIrty days after the
-assage of Site ordhmiance , the sidewalks have
, It been laid , the work Is to be done by time
Ity anti assessed aghast thio pr-lerty ,
An ordInance repealing the occupition
.1x , now paid by saloon keepers , was reach
: sr tIme first time , and referred to time
: mmliciary comumittee.
The c'rdiimammco abcl'shmlng time oltico of city
lye utock inmipector wap to have been read ,
tlt Caldwehi had nilelalmi It , anti time matter
ent over for one week.
The ordinance governing the city pail'
as called U ) flIlti reai fo time secani tIme
"ho judiciary committee reported favorabl
ncn the ordinance and the report an
A petiItn : was read , requesting that z
'ross walk ho placed at ctlue east esoss-
'mg of Twenty-fifth antI I streets.
Protests were read against granting liquor
Icenees ta P. hlr.anihnn , cJoscpim lCoutshcy
rid J. Novaceic , becauee the applIcants lied
'ot advertised two wceks , as requIred by
'iw , hughes moved ihmat thmo couimcil meet
'riday nght to hear ( he protests.
City Engineer heal was Instructed to ex-
mine the guard railmilon the 14 street via-
luct , and report time candltton. Several of
he rails are gone. and Ctlmcrs are broken.
hlennet fferea a resolution , wlm'ch was
asteJ , directing time.Set7eet railway ccm-
.tny to remove the unured. car rails at time
xest end of the L .street vadtict.
Time chief of police was Instructed to ar-
est eli draymen who bra plying theIr voca-
on wi-bout a licanste. -
Franek wants an ordinano drftcd , hs'cat.
ngh fire hydrant at Eighteenth andulroy.
treets. The attorney.ftwns imm'mmmmmctcd tc
l'aft the ordinance. 'tmL'i
Schultz ked that a comrnitee of timico
be appointed to wait on time Metropolitan
3tr et Railway compan' and tmrge thi cx-
.enslon of the service' out Q street to Timlr-
ictim. Time mayor apponed Schultz , hIyais
: nmt Bennett.
The catch basin at Twenty-seventh mind
streets , Vami ordered repaired.
A crossing will be laid at Twenty-first
and II streets ,
.tn ordtnac.ce was ordered nreparecl'corn -
ailing all int'aranee cornranies doing busi-
"as In the C ty to pay a licensa.
Franek moved that the councIl recon-
tier the vote taken to rcorganze the coun-
il , The moton carried , but no further
teti- was ta1en.
.I.i effcrt wao mafia to suspepd the ruter
anti ps the ordlnancc repeallmmc the occu-
Pathon tax. hlmighes protested stmngly
aganst time rut'oir.g through of such busiric'se ,
% % 'htch Imivolved the taxpayers to hit' extent
, f $5,000. lIe wanted the council to at cit
to the rules and not push matters throtlzb
under whis' anti spur. When put to a vat-
ttu , moton waim lost , th vote standng from : .
ror and four migalmiot.
The mimics vere suspended and the ord- !
miamices declaring time necessity for paIntIng
-he L and 0 street vaducts ! were called " :
far second auth third , . reading amid vera
passed. As befcre , Mr. Hughes protestc-i
against suspending the rtmlca , ami lie did not
consider the case urgent enough. Ills pro-
f , . happy r.malm ma
\ I a healthy luau , and
a healthy tuna is
. , ! emierally happy.
. . \'ou miever saw a
g happy nina iii
, - life who hail mdi.
. , . . , gestloti. If a mann
'I. gsts ; tip iii the
- . i.isormm I mig' witlt a
foul taste and
- . ' , . .fottler breath ; if
lie feels hitles amid
- . animate lie steps
out cm ! bed ; if isis breakfast d can't taste
gtmoci ; if lie feels utterly incapable of vomk ,
it 11 ; a pretty sure sign that lila digestion is
oat of ord'Ir-tluat his primiejimal trouble is
comsatipatiomi. I f lie icta this condition ntis
arm , there is no tc1hhm : it'here It ivihl stop.
Nine - tentlms of nil imumiman sickness conies
front coimatipatloit , Tite first tlsiimg thmcii
cve.ry doctor asks wheim ' - Is called to see a
patmemmt Im ; whether tIme j'cls arc In good
otder , It is nonscimse s'call a doctor fos
such a almilimle thing. It is miomisense to let
mmchm a ammumpie tliumsg grow limb atmeit a serious
timing , as it always does if neglected. Dr.
l'icmce'a I'ieasamit I'ellcts cttrc constipation.
'riscy not emily afford imntntdiate and pleas.
emit relief ( rout all thie'ilistressimig symp.
tommml4 , but they cttre perimiammently and posi.
tivciy. There are IdbTnscdIcincs tlsat caim
be taken , to give rttmjierary relief. 'rite
a Pleasant Pellets " ite ihac msly timings thai
remillyeure. .o lolL
There are plemity ofr.thrtmgglsts who i'iii
tr ) ' to sell you sommiqIq eir.e. Vuti know
j mist as well as % V tjo that au homiest
druggist wouldn't ' Rim sucim a thing -
that an honest drt/gg , wotmid give you
what you ask for , " know tlmat whets a
drtiggimst hmisista you sommietlsimig
else , there muttat ii , .ii asomm ( or it. Wc ,
know what that rem mtl-hie makes a big.
ger profit on the ) . Ammy drug.
gist in Auserica wil ) flmpply the "l'ellets'
if you fails ! ott It.
r"S.t _ _ ThlFeflIe'5 Common Sense
MemIiclAlvieer , In pinin ide.
. _ _ 7a1 gush , or 2iiedidmme Idmimplifled b
? orm ILV. Piercej-M. lChlcl Constml
w _ . lint l'imysjcman totime Invalids' Ito.
"j"i tclamidmirghcal Institute , buffalo ,
' * c , . N. V. , jooS pages ,
I G8ooo ccpfes old et Ji.o. Now
I 101St , paper.boVmid , Arsou.uact.Y
I vtu'.a en receipt of am One-Cent
tL,44 stamnp. to pay fur iiaiiiug ash.
- , .19 _ , . $ . h'-e" , ; i . 'm.ove
Council B1ifis , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,090
% .I5 1)IdS1IID TJUB. C LLi1C'j'lO ,
i'cR CI2NT 1'41D ON Tih13 flI11'OSITIJ ,
tort was , however , voted down , Vansant alone
voting wth hughes.
Adjotirneil until next Monday night ,
tsiglc CIt ( tssII , ,
A. Spaulding of North Bend is In ( lie city
looking after hmi property.
Ilenjanin Painter of Topeka , Ken. , i here
for a day or so on busIness.
II. 0. Page of Norton , Ken. , was at ( hmt
yards yesterday with two cars of hogs.
Kay hunt went to Nebraska CIty 'estcr-
dos' mornIng to attend to sonic legal busi-
flea. .
Taylor Ctmnningiiam of Canton , Ill. , Ia the
gsmost of John Galiaglter , Tnemmty-fifthm and
K streets ,
13. 0. Ramsey , who bias been vistng (
friends here , rettirneel to hii home at Ftc-
imiont yesterday.
Bert Slocuns has gone to Missouri Valley
vbmere hits will work for the Freinont. Elk-
hiofli & Missouri Valley railroad ,
Mrs. Anna ChillIn of Des MoInes , who has
been vIsiting her sieter , Mrs. 13. Johnson ,
Ttcnty-first and P streets , returned to her
imonie yerterday ,
The total feeder ehipmments to the cotmmmtry
last week were forty-fotir cars , 1,254 heatl ,
01' whIch tienty-six loads went to 1ow and
fifteen to Nebraska.
The last meeting of time Kimig'ms 1)aughiters
tom' this season wIll be held Thurstiay after-
flooii at time house of Mrs. it. B , Montgomery ,
Twenty-third and I streets.
FOII5IC.tS'I' OF 'I'OlA % " $ 't'lLt'i'iI lIlt.
It Vili lie Gt'mieriihly Fahi' , iitli tirtl&
VIiiis Iii Xi'hrnMiil.
W'ASIIINGTON , Mmiy 25.-Time forecast for
'ruelmty is :
F'or Nebraska and lCmtmmsas-Gomsei'ttliy fmtlr ;
miortlici-ly winds.
For Stith Dakota-Fair' iioi'thswesteli ) '
For Idahmo-1'msir , exccpt in ( lie iiorthiertt
portioims north'estcrly winds ,
For Coiorndo-Fotr : cooler In tIme soutisern
portionl miortheill' vltuls. -
For Wyoming-Fair ; imortimerly to westerly
WI ads.
Far Montmtna-F'milr except siiovem's in
ths' nnrtheastermi nortlon ; westerly 'iiim1 ,
For Okinhionin mmmiml 'Imullama 'l'ersitory-
Fair ; sautimerly i'inds , becoming variable.
Fur Mlssotit'i anti Iowa-Generally fair muid
' lear weathmer , wIth northtwestci-ly winds.
IO'im I hteeord.
OMAhA , May 24.-Omaha record ci ( ciii-
Pc'rnttiro and rainfall compam-ed with time
corresliomidlng ( lay of time jiast fotir years :
1896. ISOS. lS9i 1813.
Mmiximum tcnmperattmre. . . . 7S 05 80 55
Minimum temnpet'mtture. . . . 72 57 52 43
Avem'uegc temnpermtttire. . . . . . 75 Cd CO 49
l'rociptation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 ' 1' .00 'r
Condition of temnperattire minmi preciplta-
tlon at Omaha for the day and simice March
I , ISIG :
Normal tensperitture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
llxcess for time day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In
Accumtuiatvtl extras simice March . . . . . . . .
Normal PrecIpitatiOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Inch
DefIciency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 ( itch
'l'Otti preeipltnti.n since March 1.13.76 Inches
I6zce.'e , since Mmtrch 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.70 inches ( or or. Period. IS5 , , . , . .2. 67 incites
Dcuiciency for cci. pr.o.i , 1831..71 ladies
lteorts froim& StuttloliM at S ii. iii.
' .3'V
. . .
Onmatma , ciear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 8
North Platte. clotmdy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Th .t )
iait 1411CC Cay , ccar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl 21 .o
Cheyenne , I4rt ticti1y . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISI 3 .0)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ltnii.t Cimy , 'art clcimtty . . . . . cc so .o
huron , pait cloudy -.I c o .o
( 'Imleago , mirty cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s cot
t , Louis , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Is ) ! .0)
_ t. l'mtul , part dlotmI ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Gl 7Sf
tJmtv ( npol t. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 71 . SI .00
. , mInsmld City , pam t cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Ileienmi , pam-S clotidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si ; . 6' ) .00
iluvre , ci.udy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 $ CI .01
mllsmmrniek , car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 511 tSj .52
'llltstoi , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 l .me
Univetomi , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8u s.d .oo
. indicates trace of nmeclmiltatlon ,
1. . . A. WI1.ci1I , Observer
flOAP 4.
Purifies and Beautifies
P12 1-iii
by restoring to healthy
activity the Clogged , Ir
ritated , Inflamed , Slug"
gish , Overworked Pores.
add throughout time wnrid , Poitse fl.uo 50
Cola , . Coar. Po 0 l'opi Uo.mrni , Ii. 14. A.
a-s-"liow mo'udry anU b05ui tlmc setn"ms1lsdrrce.
TWiN O3T DY wois
p'ii ;
Cothhg ! , Dr0ss3 au 11ollS1OlI ! Gods
OMtIIA OFPICB-it2t Famnam. Tel. 1521.
COUNCtI flLUFFS-Vorita and 0111cc , Car. vs.
nue A and 25th St. Tel , 310.
Semm3 for riles 1.1st.
MtDIIW'OltlC GILtIIAN'l'lIlIl ) .
316 RO.DIt ! ( ' 9jl }
Dohally Theatoll.
Five NIghts anti Rmtturiiay Zshmttineo , Corn-
TuesdayMay 26.
A show that pleases all , New anti up
to date. Box oflice oiiemi from 9 a , mum ,
AU 1'.trts
1 OcTo
' 4I of tlic 11011513 , c
A Qiiesthuit That is Often , % skcd Coitcrzhllhg til Stiess of br t.opaI.Llt ;
niut Sjiciatsd in Cttt'iiig 1.SIng 'Fioubles ,
flr.I. Cojmelnnd nail Sliemnri do mint
iirofCMs ( I , b uble to cflru uotMImiiil-
I liuii , 'I'It , , ) oinimit ( lint its , ( 'Umtli'ieim
( , . or trtmtlifttt t'Is slImims yt-imild
lieuimi smut imneht ft litijic ( U it ,1liig Immnmi
( it' iiIilii. 'l'ltm' ) flail , htisaea'm.'t' ,
thcre hit , . Ie'it ( lmri1J41btit I ii Is re-
51101 % , i1te It II miinrmni n-r rend limes" nit
( hit' mnmrt of plmysielntms tO ihingmiiSe a , ,
cImiimmnist mit cutses u-hitch itro renil y
Uutl nhIIt ite'it 'tiiiii it lislis Or hittii"
t'lmisiI trnmilIr , ii 1st ( ' 'itritlle ,
I'lm'.lelituis lmo lissilimme ( U ii iItI.tiiOMi'
ut Sting iiiemit' , p.hmiilhiI 1,0 tltUtitiii1 )
iireimii'ci for I ii , ' , heiie'uite' tii1 , fl ! .
HO iii Istim Le' cnimlih him' ittore , ii'rIemtt
( ( it' I lie , ( ' % thin it 1(5 ( ( 'II hslims ( Imutt
lii , lilmig. , mmr ( ' nlT'eletl nulls' tue ml is-
cost. Is yet lit time It'nitehiittl timIepi
mmmiii CuilimilIlt ! ( It arrest iiiiai cute.
Pu Isa , IIngin"is tins t'iit iiiitI' it It"
( bitt In mm t'oIiImmiiit l'e'M II'ne.
ClIitIu liiINCIII'l'hil.
Sstcmit llmmihly hitili'tetl II. % Cnmirrl&- (
11:1.1 .tll time Sigits at Serlnmms lmmmig
I I I s cit ' 4 C.
Mt-s. J. C' . V'c'lmmemnan , Boone , Iots'a , wlfo
of ma gemstlcmnan cominec'teml with one of the
lesuhimig emiterprises of ( lint city , stmtte9 item'
icastu as fohlL.u's
tzjc ,
' 1'
_ z -
MRS. .1. C' . W'IIINiIMAN , Iioone , In.
" \'httt first imlilmaired tmiy iiecslth nmmd got
mile on ( hue down grads' , physically , was ri
e'iuroflln i'atmtm-rimmii moim'nhmig tluttt seemed to
( III mimy % vboe sstemn. Thus began a bait
ny back , sonic ten i' litteemi years ago.
I begitit liI's ( to flotlee it In mit' hittil. MIp
nostrils wstmiul s\vehl mtiml , dccc , ilrst one
itiuii then the otimer , t'lthi a commatamit aIii
over time eyes , ste batl at timmies that I cotmlti
scnmc'ciy t-mslro nm' head , 'l'heii usy thirtmnt
hs'cmiiti thy and raw maid time catnrrhmrtt
mnLictis began to di ii fi'imi may hienti into
titO , i.imtlctchm. Front tmii ) I tegami coughs-
limit 'ithi what 5C'miid it tiettied iimilrtmiiinn-
lion of time l.rumiclmlmil ttIIs % , attebded % itlm It
bt.rmiIn haul tiiidvr ( Ito breast bommo , shoot-
itig hams in tile 51(10 amt shoulder hmit1e5
and (5. fettling of fevemlshi heat ittiti soreness
a Ii t Ii rutmg it t him' cli ci. I a imil ltmimgs ,
" 'imat was at first a mill' , ncivetts lmttck-
lug at the tlito'tt bcentrte ii wasting amid
deliihltntlmmg cotmgh.
"I gi en' weak and began to stiftr ( rein
nigiit sweats , c'eniimg fevers amid chill . ! ,
itis's of ' 3ltc and tlilhlm.'ult lum-enthming. ' 1.0
d dfttcli lite coInlmhic'atiomi indigestion frOmm
lillitifli failure of tue stc.mmiaclm and bowels
set lii ,
' ' \'hiett Dr. Shepamil ilm'st took hmoimi my
% s eight hi'itl fmt'ltmi to lid PettlitiM onmi I was
lmritmklim g every timmy , 'l'lm e titmIltlimig-ti It imit'st-
Iclne for itty 515(01mm ( ilmitl time in-brealmitmg (
of hm'aling balms ( hint vntmt clear into time
depth of miii' ltmitgs hieipcil mae right off , I
kept on gitbnlng till I was etmremi. I now
¶ vc'igh 14 1 petmmls , ii'itii IuIaicticnhl' hierfeet
lmealtim LimitS flO sIgn at Im'lltimtoiit about inc
of mmiy forimier mimalady. In vIew of tiii
gm eat chmmingo it is no woniler titmit I feel
Caine emtthmtmsiasm over time treattnent tiimtt
( lid time Work , "
ANN' flFUlSS FbSlIl ON AI'l'l.irA-
'rio. 'l'iIOfil'iV11O rANN0'r coii 'i'o
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