' - 2 TrIEoMAllA DAILY RE'Ifl : TUESDAY , MAY 2G , IS9G. truM ntyle , wa wrnnche4 from the ground and catterod over the raIrIo. 11T1tI T1II PIItST VICTIMS. The flr fatality ocourrel two nilI , east of Ikn Iiirarit. The liuiu. of Itotert , I3atky , Ot'UIlPI ( by hltne1. sItn and seven chil- ( IrOn , W& & dpmollnhed. Mra Halley , itobert , age } 21 , 1IzzI , ageil IS , and John , gd it ; , were iclilel outright. Mr. Halley l1taIntj inJiJrIr's that wlfl probaby roiilt fntnlly. F'ron tliI9 point the storm f1lowej the Great W'.trn mail to a point aiwe Ira , In MarRhalI county , where thu last taeo of It ae found. The towi of Santinge wa wrek4 , and a faintly named flolenlaugli , nntIng ! of fathoi- . mother and one child , % ere kIIle4. 4 flflfllhOl were Injurer ! , but It I not thought any rt the Injuries are erIou. The tiext town In the course of the storm wa Valerlii. it as swept almost frofl the fa'o of the orth. A trrIbte rPedaclo % as presciitecl In one ( IeflOIlI1ed h0Uf3 In % 'nlerla. Seven tnem- lieri of one family , father , mothet' and five chllilrnn , ere tOUflI ( ly ng ilead among the wreckage In one room , except the niotlier , who Is not expected to lIve. ClisrIw Vhafbn and tiIi five children were kIlled. Ills vlto arni } itn , VIl Ic , are also badly injured , the former probably fatally. Two clilhlren named AIken were airo k lieu outrIght - rIght anti a large niimler of peojlo In the village anti the adjacent country were bully injureI. The following 1niIldIng vero wrei'ke1 In Vaierta : Chicago Great S'rtern (1eIOt ( ) , one drug store , three general stores , pctomce , itotnan Catholic churrh , one cream- cry. two blacksomlth simop amid twenty-five dwellings. % wltnes. , of the storm m'aya the aDproacim- Ing cloud IcketI lIke an tnvertei beer hot- tie anti dMed ! down at Valerla wIth sud- minness anil frIghtful effect , wrenchIng trec.i two Lect In ( Ilamoter or pulling them eut by thu roots mis If [ hey were we3ls. Thin track did r gut of way of the Chicago Great \Vi'sttirn railway , with a tiumber of brIdges and tretlework betwoemi Ira and Mitigo , wa wa'hrd away. The lrm'Perty ) loss In the track of time tor- nab is c.Mtlnmated at over $100,000. WILOIJGIT ! lIAitEUL HAVOC. Thu storm occurred between 9 0)1(1 ) ( 10 o'clock , accompanIed by a deafening roar , delmie of rain and hail. Its track vam several - oral tithes In length , anil from a iiiam tur to halt a mIle In width. A great amount of Ivn i'oe1cvaa kIlled , aimil thin cropi lii thu path of tIme storm were utterly ilestroyed. It Is not likely the svreclc vIIl be repaired so that tr4lllc can ho reaumned for iuverlI days. TIme iiMtrlct travereed by the sturmn ii sery for- tile. It In sCttiC(1 ( with well-to-do ( armiit'rm and vlhiagers. TImber nail dead stock are etrewim over the path of the storm In all dl- reotlonmi. 'i'lio ilcath iimt vI I probably aggregate - gregate twenty-five. a a numlu'r of pErwnls are still mnisslng , In adilitlon to those reported Icilleil amid Injiireti. The fowa river hero bm 81111 rIm'fng. Julio Maxwelh wan killed by lIghtning ilur. ing the storm , hoar Iloim 1)urant. IIl'O'I' C ItItIl'DFl' It ' . 1' II I tI.OOD 'l'li rep Clilllrem mu imI n ilaim Are Irmnji.-mi it t I ) mm umt ligim. flUfl1QUI , May 2t.-A terrIble electric storm , accompanied by a deluge of raIn , swept over thmIH sectIon at midnIght , doing Immense damage to railroad proforty. The rainfall vas 2.8 inches and It came as stid- fierily aimil Iii such volume as If a water- spoilt hail burst mipomi thmo place. Time MIs- tilsslppi river ha9 1,3f ) feet in twelve hours and Is still rising rapidly. The greateet damage was to railroad prop- erty. Not a train has cotiio into Iubuqno from any illrcctlon slnrc' Sunday afternoon , It i reported that on time Illinois Central between Dubtique amid Sioux City eighteen bridges vert washed aay miii another at linilovue is gone. Time reid northi is iudiy wai'hed out. On the ( ireit Western east of Dubuque one bridge l tios'ii , but on the same road vest the work of time etorm was most disastrous. Lcmt bridges and washouts and wires dowii are roporteil all along. Time miiot appalling calammiIty occurred at Derange , a smimall hmitmnlet on the Ch.cago Great \Vcstormi , eight imiiie north , where live PeIoJia were drowned , Time dead at Dmmrangu are : 1iItAKIm1AN JAMES GItIFEIN. FOUIL CiiILIItEN of MRS. CLA1tIC , the railroad utatlon agent. All vere mirownemi by time sweeping www of time depot , where iimoy hail taken reimo froni time flood. BesIdes the Clark ! amliy , there were In time depot Peter Moss , Jamnm' Iilion , lirakomimaim OriOle , Airs. Clark's berv- ant , May hhndriek , F. Dralier , vife anmi two ciiiltiren , The little frame depot was lifted from Its foundation anti floated into time maui cimanumml of time river , 200 yards below. amid there struck a tree aumi careemied to one sub. As t1m ilepot turned over the hIaimtim went out and time greatct confmm.ion prevailed. As time depot careenemi. Brakenman Jmmmnos ( iriiiin , 24 years old , seized time aimlest Clark girl and plunged lmmto the ilOo1I. which } imow extemniomi froimi blmiff to bluiT , a distance of bait a mmihle. Time brakeman anmi child miiimt have met almmmost Instant ticatim. The othr ttreo children uZ Mrs. Clark were entire tire sdo or the depot whciiveiit ! down and wben It rose again a mnoimmemmt later to con- tinmie its journey dowim tue streammi , time three children % 'ero niie's1ng. Janmcm Iliiomm and Peter ? dca iiiamimtgefi to catch time overhang- 1mii : bramilmea of a tree amid horn they were discvere4 when a recimiiig larty , arrived. 'rime others remnaimied in time depot , wimen It moimui imaimmst a tree a half mile or so beIev time depot site. Time body of one of j Mrs. Cimmrk twins , a g ml 1 years old , was foimmmd iifiy yards below the tree against which time ( ielOt lodged. The bodcs ! of Grit- , fi. and time girl lie imami atemmmpted to rescua were found three Ilmiie.3 dovn , lodged In ii time drirtwcod. Time body of time otimer child wac eccn in time flood four miici down the - river. ii from the railroads tell Iteports only of m m1et rmictioim by time i1ols. On the Illinois a : Central , eeimth of East Immbmmqmme , eight miles , , of I i a'ky5 ewopt Immtmm 110 river , amid east elm time mmlmmo roami it is simld sixteen bridges are gone , mind wasimoutim are mimmnieromlim. On d ; I iii' Mllwammhee , sommthm of here , brdges are :1 : gone at Catero , Slrlmce Creek and hiehlevue , T ' amid on time mmortim trains are delayed by rashb (111tH. Time Great \Vestern suffered time . gmeatest 1om at Diirammgo , viiro a nmlim of si - track , mm hirimigo cmiii a miepot went ommt with I time tide. i'mmrthmer wmmt and northwest time . track vims tormi up at several idaces , At Itoclulitie , ( ommr imilim's vest , two big iron rail- m road bmidges are miimdernhlneI ( , and tbmcy mimay ai ' I not lie mmsod for acverai days , c 1mm tlmimi vicinIty there' was no mlaimmage by ' . r I wlnmi , tmimt \Ianclipstem , a tornado swept : the country illstricte' , razIng bum ems amid omIt- bulhiiimmgs. l'wo hmertmomms , Mrs. Ira IiovIanii t ammil 'IlUamn Murray , cero icerioushy imurt at : Manchester. No details imavo as yet been 1' reported frommm that point. In Itmbiiqtmo ha county roamis are Imilimassahilo for oven wagons .t. - auth scarcely a bridge is left in time county , At last Iubuquo thin mlamimage wIll be fully g ; ; .O00. In thl city estlmmmatOmm now place , thin ios to muimicipal amid private Iwoperly t at $10,000. NOILA $ i'ItINGS , In. . May 2.Time most ' , destructive raIn storm for years vashed out , email bridges tmnml culverts in all directions , am - Time raimm IndIcates mm fall of lIvt Imwlmei. CIiEltOlhl , lit. , May 25.-A cloudbmmrst b ' 4 vahom1 about 2i,00 feet of roamibemi oti thin Iowa Central , imeam' Merrill last imight , eamma. 1 ! iimg a seven-imomir delay of paesermger traiflc. Several hmummdreti feet of ballast was also ' carried iiway At Qulmaby on tIme Onawa branch of the lhhlnnim Central. ConslticrdhIo Li damage was done to liroperty by lightning , JFFFflitSON , Ia. , May 2-Speciah ( 'Feb. gram ) --Timp imiormu last night wimleim wrought such havoc oust of here formnoil about thie ! city , mu ito damnego Is reportemi vest. T\I ) xmmIhe ( roam hero a big barn mas scattered ' over forty acres nmmd rjmomts fronl tile easthi , urn part of the county of mLmmmago dommo have WI comae i all day. In ' ; } : \ ' hIAMhI ON , Ta. , May 25.-Aimgust fri (1oiime micail and hl wife dying and tcnty- ( CI _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Un Much in Little is cpcciahly true of HoomVs l'IIis , for no mmmcdi. gr clime ever comitalimed so great emmmntIvim vower in i 51) simmill : MIiICO , They are a wlviie medicIne Iood's2 cttcit , aiwayj ready. ci. CCC ways efl1cieuLalwya satLJ CIII isfoctory ; a cell or fever , cmire nil liver Ilh , iick lieamlache , jatmnmlice , coimtlpatoa , etm. t5C. p : TlieoniX 1'HLs to Lsk wiU Uomi'a Lamaapar1i1.t , ' - - - - five barns 4otroyed In the record that the tornado heft on an area of about three Pquare mIles , emeven miles north of here last night , between 0 and 10 o'clrck , At Alta Vinta , fifteen miles north , and at Elma , store fronts were hlown iii , nail at the latter place the creamery was destroyed. qIMh Il'i'.t I ! .M II' 'I'IIH % 'hI h'l ( , ) ( , $ ( fit thn''imur.m' of ( hit.t , - fill Mirmn 'I'hirmmmglm Iumi. IM S MOi4ES. May 2.-Time storm origi- Imatemi near the town of Ankeny. ninety-five miles nortim of lIes Moines.s near mis can be ascertained tram those who saw the lgiit , two cicumis , cue from th miOtthWe' and ooo from te ? nuthwost met sari miroppeil down on the earth and aroimgimt their havoc on mill that wnq loose and fut. Tiir stormn IIICVPII nortiiostward. Near the ton of lIeu Ihirant It killed Ita firat vietinia , the rmli'nmberM et tIme Dailey family. The stormmt was senim from Ihomi ltiant. Many tarmuers I who had mUtemideil the churcim services had been inhmlm' to get home before tile storm , mmmi their lives were thmii saved. Time trark of th toriiacio at this point was abnmmt a quarter of a tulle wIde. It iaaod onwird. going north et th town of ammtlago. All along the course the fences mliii bimmiidiiigs and crops ahml trees acre romnplereiy do- m'troyeil. In places thin b.mrk was peoimI ( roam the trees , time ho.ieme'a . were lifted imp and hmmiripI mlowmm atmd hrokt'a iota spiImmters the cellar. ' sm're hmeipcmi full of mnumi and 'lebris , ( .ftvn jmartia1i covering tiiose Iio had taken refuge In tht'mn. Thoew' who lied to caves % % ere InvarIably save I , but so suddeii as the approach of the strmn that mmmammy were mmmi- able to fiat ) that shelter , timnugh the caves were only a temm rods away ( roam timema. l'aeaing onward the storm struck 'aloria. The rallwcaml rtmge ! tin time ChIcago Great \Vesterfl waci the first object it wrestled with. The brIdge saa comnpietely deimmohishied amid tim rails were twiaiemi amid bent omit of ehapo. Time town was almost canmpieteiy ruined. Time dtilhtiing were demnolimthn I svimeim they storm ! 1mm time ( mmii farce of time etormu amid those m ) ' iou stcod along time edges of thit' mmtormn were imioveti and twisted and 1mm other ways immjurt'1. A echool imommie was takem ammay bodily amid time fragimients of it imavo .o far escaped diScovery. Cimariem I'hiaiien anti hii family seem to have been time greatest smmft'ererz micir this lOhtit. 4 iiltifmih story is toid of how tao children tried to hmoki time mInors agahimet time mmtormn until time house was lifted tip bodIly. I'ItANIS OP TIlE TORNADO. There were .Somlmo srange imr.mm1c played near this town. Ami old main. imoliuing a babe , was lifted mmii and tirop.ei1 1mm umm ad- Johimimig held , withmotit tlm least Imijury being done to either imiimm er tim chii 1. Ieaving tiit wreckemi town , the stoimmi muoveti forward laying time commntry bare , wrecicimig hionacs anti kiiiimii time imimmmates. Omme olicerver near \'aitrim ; , who saw time storm and oh- served it camefimhly , saymm thu. time cloud appeared - peared to be a imigim Iailoon. dark green iii color , \ ' itii a light streak' In the center , It traveled at a tremnentiomis rate , tearing Imp time largest treo9 by time roots , or strip- iimig them clean of ilinims miami bark , tiny- lug poets ln'o time earth anti twisting build- lags in time edge of its track end first , spat- tening time imotmeos close to It vii ii mmmii mimmi saud , stmIppimmg imedges and licking time g mica train time Ileitis. Prom Valerla time stormim inoveti on. passing - ing mie.mr time town of Mhmigo. At Ira. time ciomid did Its ia.st ilamimage in Jaspt'r county. Sonic of time spactators say that time ciod divided , others that it was lifted upward or sped eu in midaum witim a frightful noise. Time latter theory is probably time correct one. one.Later Later lii time evomilmig , a tormiatlo seems to have strmmck near Mammcimester , in telaware cotmmmty , altimommgii reports are still very immeager frommi there. Timeie m'ere serious disturbances In northeastern - eastern Iowa , mind. they immay have beemm in time wake of time menumme cloud , crossing time Mississippi river In Claylomi commzmty , Time \veatlmen btmrcau Is attemmmptlmig to trace time irogress of the storm , a Is here limdIcate'l. The total loss of property is hard to estl- mate. 'i'hio crops whIch were ruined camm be ruplammteti In mimany case , as time season is still coimmimaratively early. The buildings ilecroycti svlii aggregate froni $100,000 to $200,000. $ Portonatbiy , only omme thickly Populated conmimmunity , Valerla , lay in limo hiatim ot titta storm. 'I'ItUm'I'y stoum .tIhi0IiIMvN I'tVS. j sl ii II y I''rM mm ii e I i.J U i'm-mI , b ii t % m ii e itillemi ill ilmmmiiI ( i.'Immt'mN , aiiiii. MOUNT CLEMENS , Micim. , May 25.-A ter- m rilic tonmmcio , accompanied by a heavy rain , trmmcit this city timis evening. Some thirty houses emi Frjnt , holier amid Inches streets werti blown clown , amid mrnmny of themmi liter- thy torn to iieCes. As yet rio deaths are reported , but nman1)001)10 Were lnjureti. Fime list of injured t'i- Mr' . Aimna Poimi , back broke.i ; cannot live. Adolph Pohi. . C \S'ihiiarn Poiml. C Mrs. it. Carter , ' : iiiiy lnjut''J. Mm's. Onmmmsby , arom tmtoiccmm. c Thmo houo of Mrs. Anna I'ohi , a widow vithi three small boys , was blown down on imeir honda , amid the four immommiiicra of time a amntiyvere Pimlinimed in the wreckage. Ow- mig to th darkness amid storm it was comae .11mm before assistance amnlvcd. Three of hum bays' , 4\hOhihi , Henry anti Willlamn , are flare or less injured , limit vili recover. Mr. amid Mrs.Viliiammt lCratz were standing j ml time front romn of. their hmouo when the tormn stntmcic it. They nmau1t za rmimmhm for time rommL mioor and at time smmio tUne the buildIng av tern to piec. Thmeyz escaped without b scratcim. A large miow tvo-tory house WZiiOtl mind Occupied by Ruisci Carter was acHy damaged. Carter was injured by a fly- mg board. A fine truman residemico bzelormg- mg to Ammgust lienkol was turned over emi its ide , The main partz was left standing tip a time air. Time water works voro Partially eatroyed , time ihiterimig house being wrecked ' miii time large brick chimmnoy leyeletl evemm pith the roof , Time tornado struck time city near Gratlot treat bridge mind pa9seml In a mmortimweteniy Irection over time city , leveling nearly every- itmg in its latil for aioimt 150 yards wide. , imu principal dmmnmago a was eu Front street veen liutier anti Robinson streets. At Ci obinsom street It. C crossed. time river amid truck time eastern nart of time city at Du- mck'a mlii , whom many hmOtmes eere do- royeii , the mmmiii badly damaged amid ' 10 iminiber In time yards PiCked ii like cimimft amid carried over into limo lield cross time river. 'limo large residence of aptalmi Lotus ( iimarboneau was dommmoiihmcti. lie emily accident to crsommc imene yet no- mted mmas that of Mrs. Orsmmmby , whmo r.- 0 ilved a brolmemm armmm in attemmmptlimg to ha it of lien house. I ) 0mm llathborm ; street. east of Dimlack's mill , arly mmii of the lioures are down , Four rg lea hiomise belonging to charbommeaum roe. are in time river mmmi vii ) obstruct imavi- ttion , A large bilge immimli , weighing 1,500 ummdc was carried about fifty feet and romvmm into time river , ni : hteports ( mmmi time commntry are to time effect it : L thio damage is wIdespread , Thin farm- 11150 anti barmms of John Irwin wore leveled mu trees 1mm hIs orchard torn miii. It is im- smsibit to ca'tlmtmate the datmiago , but It. will I mmmmany tiiouemmimtls of dollars. Nearly all W time buildings aiommg Fnommt street waco iv , omviied by thrIfty laboring mmmcmi , anti tout twemmty of them are ruined. Time Imsec on Itatimbormi street sere miii imirgo of aidemmeemi. dtoiommg thin destroyed was time iarbommeau imommiostead ammO limo residences r v. Oramaby , Alexaimmier Dtmmmlap , Henry tCrotx amid \Viillmimmm Jocicmmi , be ( 'Ii iviigm , il I r.'t-is Fiumgmsli'd , thim ChICAGO , Mmmy 25.-A storm of imnusual be verity atnmmck Chicago at 2:15 : thIs morn- g. ilatmmmemitim in time t1os'iitown district no fltotimI amid much tiammago was domie. u the short t'paco of tlimie of ten amlnuies ) mmm 2:20 : to 2:30 : nearly aim Incim of water du Il. 'I'hmo storm was accoimipammled by tarTv he Ihundof amid iigimtnlng , Time cowers were lie abho to carry away tIme water a fast as it Ii and the streets becammmn flooded for a an lie. Time dorm came at about time hour ut men . the nowepapermm mrero vrevarimig to go nl pi.os. 'rho Sress roomimo of nearly all limo ( C : eat mnormilng dollies were llodeiI , imecessi- Sill ting the cauhing of mmzcimmiance of thin tire tie. we rtmncnt. It Ii frareti that mmmcii duummago it been thono thmrougji the cIty by limo heavy 'Va tall. During the etorm a t'ottego on North AshbtC mit a'nuo was lifted ( roam its foummilatlons pom ii carried a distante of timirty fect Into a aol rant lot , This bmiiiding , thought badly Isteti and damnageti , bCit ( together mini tim ert 'upaimli' , Junmes Demmster , imis ivifo nail iliree de Iidrt'mi , cecmped lnjmmry with thom exeeptlun .ilis , hJeuster , who received a svyc ahp Cu ml. a the submmrhs of Edleen varlc , Norwood rk , Irvhumg I'ark mind 1vanswood a iatmmi of gra mnly a score of Ijuilitiagim , twe of them : vsm s4sae ' . . . _ cimurciies , were cieniohlsimc4 and himmnmireds 01 m'bado trees were uprxmteti. The rainfal aniounted to a cloudburst , time irecipitatioii , being. acrorthing to the weather iitiroaml , 1.4E inmh 1mm ten mnIntite , breaking all previomm : local records. I ii i.os ( iii' idhD % 'I' 'h'it'mi Ih'I ' .1' to'l'hulrty i'u'r'nn.s II e- iort m.d I mm lit' flrmimimt'iI. lt'ih1TQ1TF , 1mm. . May 25-Paesengera on a train from the north tonight say that fran : I twenty-five to thirty persons hiave been drawneml at North McGregor. Ammiong the dcatl are a macn mmamned Maloney , his : vife , cii I Id an d gnu midciu i 1(1 ( , mm a 1 ( a iii i i los mmmiii , emi lituiki' anti Myerseru wiped omit , leaving at ) trace. Eightcem , are ahd to have bern drewiie1 , in those three families auntie , A imtnimier imr triumps mire aio known to have tepmm lost. Other miames cciii I not be hail. Two sniahl streams tummle : at. iltula amid how fmomn that point to time MlSiOiimpi. Time flcor of time two ummited mmmiii swept overytiming , luniber yards , imommsas anti ears. hietween himilmi and North McGregor into the Mtsia- Fiphil. l'revious cetinmates of hoes of life piacel time nmmmniter of mlrowmiei at twelve. A partIal list of the micami Is as fohlom4 : ! dhtt. MOIZOAN Iht1htlf , lh1I.iAM lhUitli JOhN GOlLiTT. MtCIIAhL tiAVhbL1i. JOilN' LAVOTCII. JoiN : MAi1ONhi' . MRS. .IOIIN MAI.ONE % . M1CIIARL MALONEY. LA\VI1IINCF : lhiYElt. MRS. LA\VILENCE MEVEIL. ANTON MIYfllt , son. MEYER , chilkl. ttltYE1l , child , MEYER , child. JOhN N1ChlOL. - GhhtAhtl ) . Tue bodieti of tue ahiove have imeen no- covercil. M1L\'At7lCEE , May 25.-A cloudburst at Nontim McGregnr , Ia , , re'mmltot1 In great thesirmictton of property atmd probable ioss of several hI'es. Omit , body hma. been removed frcmmi the tht'hjrls. A mile of tracks on time St. Paul read mire tinder water amid trains 1mmitvcon Mllwaulcec anti McGregor only are mumming. time caimnection eat hemig brokemi. A emmirtil telegraph otlice a McGregor was conipietehy . mt.shmeti mtwa y. itmmmummimmg tbmrougim McGregor is a smimail straamn bearing time imistoric mammie : of Bloody Ilium. ThIs enipties Into time Mimsisvippi jimmit below time towmm , hut after thmmt cloudburst this mnonmilng time rtmn was immialmlo to carry time immmmeimso mimmantities of water miami it oven- flowed ita bammks so quickly timat Iteolulo were commu ph etehy takemi by tin rprise aim 0 bum ii ii 1mm ge In time raVmie ahomig time ii roammi : ore Inundateil bcfore they mere aware or coumlul mmiove mmmuchm of their ; mnoperty. One boil ) ' has beezi fouummi and reveral persnmu's arc' reported uuiis.s mtg. Tlmo repent received from lnltlts 0mm time St. i'aui ronul mire to time effect that large qt.nuttlties of driftwood descended eu the town dowmi time little stream. Time \vater anti d .bnlmy filled tim e I ow hmiuimi , carrying away time tetegraphm aihice , covering all time coin- ; ammy's track betweemi the mimolmi towum and North McGregor , whore tue roummdbousc is located , time area being about a tulle in ox- but. TIme la'senger train wimicim left Mllwaukea hat night for South Dakota points was mmna- bie to ljroceetl fartimer tlmamm McGregor nn.1 it ras ordered back to Milwaukee. Time liur- ihmmgton , Cedar Rapids & Norihermi rccil mimmifered several b.mti wasmoimts beyond l.a. Crease , \Vb'commsumm , anti at La Croeso ttiriuemi its Chicago passengere to time St. Paul , which road was running all right today be- twecil Milwaukee anti La Cnoae and as far ito St. t'ammh mmortii. On a braumcim of time tltm- oral Poimit division of time St. I'ammi several wasimouita occurred , delayimmg trains to anti from : : Simuitsbumrg. No other daniago on ita hino was reported. ( .11 at'i' : 1)thAio''uit ; is 1I.I.INOIS. P'otir lIilei muummi MaueImmjuuieul mit ituu'kXtmrit imy % 'iumuI mmmiii 'ii t..m. . I1OCIU"OIID , Ill. . May 25.-Four killed anti ninny Imijuned , a umuumbor of then : famahly. s time result of time cyclone whmicim swept Lbmrougim this section last milght at immtdniht. besides great hoes to lopcnty and the comim. pheto ruhm oZ 1rs. Gotifrey , lliitlebranil , living iiear Men- roe. was behwadmmd while goitmg doi into thin celhar to &cae time storm. Jierziamigim- er , Elsie , was Instantly killed , and her itisbaimmi , who i a prommiummemit Grand Arnmy iman , ! dead from iajures receIved. Sl , thers asleep in time house were biowmt across ho street and injured. Time house was coin- micteiy demmiolished. Near Egan CIty. Mrs. : zora Bird was imrtantiy killed nail imer lvii cimiltiren badly immjured , two probably atalhy , Near Leaf ltiver , Mr. and Mrs. eorge Garner were bothi irloumily Injured. U Adehine tim Methodist Episcopal churcim vas hilom'n dowim nut ! time United lircthromm imtmrcim unrcoed. At Foreeton time steeple if the Motimodtst Epscopai church .was blown mite the roof of time paraonago next door. rmushmimm It in and injuring 11ev. amid , Mm-tm. 1. Coivln , who were asleep. Many- bridges U this sectioul were washed out aiim ! tran m1 time MIlwaukee roam ! have been abandoned. ihinois Central and Nerthwestermm traimme rero all delayemi eeverai hours byvaa'omita. ! . lrc'at damage to buildings was doumo at Egan lty , Davs ! Junction , Dyromi. Leaf River , lotimit Morris , Steward , Ilehoit , llocktomi , orc..mton anti otimer plices. Time rim a. which cconmianfed the wluitl , 'ttt5 time heaviest in ears amid all time creeks are far emit of tlmeir anics. Hail as larco as imickory nuts also miii in great cmuantlties. stripping the trees t their foliage amid heveitng crops. Every uliding in time patim of the tornado was do. mohirheti and much ive : stock killed , Tiio ins cannot be estimated , but. it will ho cry large \Vlnnebago , Ogle , Leo aimd leone counties , wiicli seemed to suitor the lost severciq. ELGIN. May 25.-Thme factory of thin Eigirm owing Macimiumo and Bicycle company was amnaged buy the storm to time extent of over 100,000. Time winul worked imavoc aumiong e tents of four smallpox pat. ents juet out- Idmi of thmo city. Every temmt was blown away c nd time patlemmts , after several umarrow oa- apes from death fromim flying debris. sue- ctiod lii finding sumelter in an old cabIn. 0 here thmey wore found. v GALENA , Iit. May 25.-Thin storm last a ight can-semi a property hoes of $100,000 in C alemma. The river svclled rapidly. lloomiimmg iveral streets. Li. was time hmeavlest fall II rain over known hmere. Not a train can ft mter limo city oum ammy of the tour railways. Ii elegraphm and teleiimommo service is inmpairemi , tine no fatality Is reported , Airs. It. 1) . Strickfi ad , who was drowned 1mm imer home. . htOS'N1lD iii. Pl.tIS ( IN KANSAS. ; ; ; : . ci eriuIs tieti GygiiIvem. Itls' acid Scormtl h'euiuho t ru' ( 'nirit.ui . % vmiy. ti LA CYGNE , Ican. , May 25.-Time Marais P1 c Cygmies rIver made an additional rice of no immcimes today , and is etihi rising. I'at.ai. fr Cs are reported fromu : miii dmrecthnu , but as am t only immeagor details can be ohitirmtl , 5 ( : sterday a young boy was drawmctt : at SI aching Post , timis county , anti it is said a mole family lerisuued In time Iowhands utimwost of floycomirt , live malice saailm of Is place. One man living at Fanhinville. temm miles soimtimesr host sixty-live imead flume hogs last nighmt nd repor's of cattle ra ml horses uirownlmmg are comnmon. Thin er 'or is time hmigimest ever knowm , ammti south at town Is t.os'eum miles wide. Txmouammnul5 K acres of corn , flax , Datmi and wmeat hmtvo w emu entirely destroyed. It is tljrimgiit cc Cl. several mumlies of time Mcmmmphlmi truck m'bhi h wmtshmcd out before immonimimig. - - . wI hlemit'hieii Over I it to InIluimmn. be INDIANAPOLIS , May 25.-Indianapolis ftercd from a severe wind amid rain storm ring limo early hours of thIs nmurmmkmg. . i.0 immcimes of rain foil and tIme ttrects wore odetl. The sewers failed to carry of ! the 11' ' Icr as fast as it fell mmd th4la rusmitted In overflow in many cellars , Time wind blow Lime rate of twenty-aix niile aim hmour amid Nm my flume shade trees were destroyed. A da v minutes of maii did sonmo danmago to time cii all fruits. Some of time atrot car hhumce cli TO 11cm ! up temporarily. ) uuiiutu gu' I ii I lie Semmilumohu' Cmiiiii CANSAS CITY. May 25.-A special to time tic if ( mommt Outline , Olch. , says : Meaner no- Inj tmm of a disastrous tornado In the Seunl- 0 country reache imore. Several hives liii no iost anti muchu daummage done to hmrop. thu y. many large ranches being commipletchy ey astatemI antI thousnuids of cattle killed en I ecattened. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hcl ego In ? ortlie'ut. * erim Iomm ; . i4tso : cti'Y , Ia. , May 25.-Slmeciai ( Tele- tnm mn.-TIme mmortlmt'astern part of Lime state ag : deluged with water last nIght , doing tin - - - - - - r great , wagon roads antI railroad tracks. Ihetweon McGregor anti ! flheiilah for timi nmoa the track , bridges I and nil are WaC1mel away , and It will be m i'verah days traiflc can be remowed. m Most a I th simmell brltigea anti eimhvenia thmromigimcut tiii &rmflro territory are wasimoul away. 'AS iI.th ) hW.t. 'I'ms mm 'h'uumym..J iii I Im Ie'it rut'mi mm nil lfl1't1imn ) iCilheul , Sr. I'AijL , Mh 25.A special to time 1)Is- patch fronm Elmas , hi. , pays : A terrific atonal. cychanic in frmTh1 eccumrreti here last night. Maay bmilldinHs were mmnroafeul , trees Imp- roetemi and ottiIoitOs smmmaahod. Telegraph anti teiephmomit' Ire's % VCfO tiommiohtmiheti mud mmtimneromm.mi bmmsin nrc fronts were simmaimimeti In. TIme town Is almost a lake. Iltmndreds of tioliars' wrrthm of dammiagi' was miens , imlit mm ( iflO hurt. The people took refuge lii cellars , Time Stormmm struckimere at S p. mim. anti hittcti an hour. At Aita 'lumta a mamm was kIlled anml two children hmthly imurt. A simeini ( roam Maneheter , Ta. , to time lipitch ) says : I cyclone struck Manchester at almomit 10 o'clock hmittt milghmt , heavIng a track six or seveim mlIe In length in rumlums. Mrs. Ira ilo.miammds anti William Murray worn so- riousiy injiureui. Crt't'ki . % ri. 'h'Isruq' MIlt's Sliie , 1CA4SAS CITY , May 25.-A u'paeaI to time Star fromum Emmmp3nia , Kan. , saye : l'imo Cotton. vooi1 mmmmtl Nohmo rIvers , : m'lulchm am hmigimor titan they have becum for flfteemm years , be- g.tn failing this nmormmlng. Time creek Is timremm allies witie. The rains of time Post ten dayui have becim heavier thamm ammy raimme in any ten cnumsecutive dayc imm twemmty year , . The air Ic fmml I o ( ci.ln cii bum gs tombi y. hmiuiuumgu- ililimolti. M1r1\vAIJICEE , May 25.-4 special to limo \'iscommein troun llgimm , Iii. , says : A tormiatlo visited this sectiomm this morning , Joimn Keogh , engineer of time e'tnto Imisnmme aeylmmmn , "as kIlled by a failing cimimmmney. Time Elgium Suiwluig Maclilac amid iilcyche factory vam' blown u1ovim nnmi mmmaumy latin buildings were leveled. Time bicycle factory employed 300 mmmon , a- ) ' ) ) ON Thild ithY QIIES'l'hON. l'i-uli limit I-il 'iVihl 'i'imkiSItu's ummi I h-e SI ivi'r htiut' . I'ITTSFIURG , May 25.-Au time tlmno fem time umatiomial prohihitlon convommtloum approaches time prospect for a bitter iighmt over time money plank of the imiatforzmm hmmcreases. Samimmmei Dlckle , ciuaInrmmmmm of time miationah central commi- mitten , wimo hums attended every natlomual con- ventloim sluice time prohibition party started , tmald today that lie humid umever hofore seemm the linen so sharply drawn upon any quoatiomm In time party. To adopt a free silver plaimic he believes will cost time party 100,000 votes at the election. On the other imaumfi , ox-Governor John P. St. Johmm of lCanoas believes the adoption of a free silver plank , together : vIthm lmlaumks for govenmmmnommt owmmerahip of railmm nymi amid telegraph - graph hues and anti-ummommopoly , viil add 100,000 votes to 'the party strength , If not secumre time election of a timird lmart' prod- tleumt. "if McFlnley Is nomimimmated at St. Lotuia , anti If tlm democrats adopt a gold stammdand piamikat Cimlcago , timen time irohi- bittoim cammthitiate , lori lmresldeimt viil etand a good chmmmmce for eieotimnm , if we adopt. a free sliver tilank , " Imet ualmI. As yt't time nmmmmilmtir of delegates who bmave arrived Is so ilmaltemi that It. cannot be told with : ammy degren eu accuracy whmo will wium , limit timcee vimo mare here hold radical oploloma : for one slulc ontlui , totimer , They are out for aflghL i 'i Ileloim M. ( lougar of Indiamia , a strong llroa(1 gauge atlyocate , arrived today. "There are just timreo timlilga wimlcim I , aslc , " said sue , "amid If the ocnmvention rfuuses I shah withdrav mmmy ' ecumpart frommi Ume national ticket. Time phitfumni immust declare for pro- hmihitlon , wormmfnm eaffrago and finamicial cc- Sorm. " L ' Mrs. Gouger went on to say that if time c'onveiitlon failed to do this all time actmve advocates would withdraw vit1m imer , heaving "a hot of old 'fossils , witluout inilimeumco be- yonti that thmey.vu0samas at time weekly lunayer mnmmethmmgs , " to mmmanage the caniuaigmm Sue aimmi time others ireiievlng lit 'hiroatl gauge" wIll go hack , sum says. to their respective states anti york for timeir state tickets , lg- mmorlmmg tiie' miaticimal ticket. She Is confldeumt that. time 'broad gauers" will wium. but behaves - haves there will be a lIvely fight. Shn Is an ardent admIrer of ex-Governor St. Joimum anti believes timat tme represents the sentiment of time raumk and file nrolmibitionlsts wei.'t of time Ailegimammy ummoummmtauims , jummit as Mr.Varti - well , treasurer of time Staumfiard Oil coin- pany of Ne' York , represents time gold mitanmiard hrolmlbitionlsts of time easL Sue de- dared that Chairman Dickle of tIme natIonal committee dId not represent time sentiment of Michigan. wimichm , , mihe says. Is for free sliver. I1 rcpreoermts Mr.Vardwoll amid time gait ] standard mmmcii , ' 'wimeimco commes his ' ealary. " a All this goes to show time acrimonlcums feela lag wimicim exist.a lim hue panty betw'een time ) noatl gauge , or free silver , aimmi the C tingle lemmume. or gild stamidarul. wings of the P , arty. Each sitle is confitletit of victory , and t : imucim is preparing for a bitter fight. I\5 to the tempgrary chairnmimnship , time V 'broad gauge" olemmlCnt will present Charles Ci 13 , Bentley of Nebraska , their presitientlal : ammrhudate , for th isltiomm , while time otimer wIng will advocate A. A. Stevens of Tyrooe , 'a. Uotim faction repudkto the so-called na- U ioumni reformmm convcmmtioa. wlmlcim met today , mt the Itastance of Daniel Swoger of this Ity , Ommly eleven delegates , mmmost of vimom ' . 'ore fronm Plttsburg , attended thmo gather- ng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ al : ( ) XEY OI'I'OStlS ALl. IJEMOCII.tTS , dl - hi uImiiul on syeiilet' heolIlleM (0 Sumpumort rt liimitms iiitil ( it her i'imh hdl'llt muM. am OTTWtIWA , Ia. , mI 25.-Speciai ( ToleW rarmm.-In ) answer to m. query sent out ( noun his city word hue beemm received ( rome J. S. oxey , at Maslilon , Q. , whIch declares that Cl be popumiists will not enpport Horace Bales r army otlmor democrat if nomlaated on a ciiem or platforumm. ' 'hijiving irlhleui nine free colmm. gti imioacures bet ra commgrens , " says Mr.fo oxey. "anti iiavimmg opprovcti the crime of fli r3 , after eoimtienmnlmig it for twenty years , aving been weighed iii thin huaiaumco and vl und wanting , It s Preposterous aimfi absumrti 50 ) SUlpO.SO time micimmocratic party can secure rn lie least miereo of confidence anti rolmect tim ronm time popuilets. " so Il . 'puulillomi 1114 III \'et-ji mig 'tVmi ' tee. G ( \VEEI'ING WATER , Neb. , May 25.-Spe- ( Ihi ah.-At ) time mmmeetlng of time republican con- ai cormimittee It wne decidetl to hold time rimanles June 6 , Amid thin county conveumtIon Iii 1)0 held at l'lattsmimouth , Jumme 13 , at 1 clock. Plattsumiouthm oeolmle guarammteo a eU dinner for. alk.delegatcc , and hall free I an inducemmmenttttl meet there. TIme repro. untation is baaetbdn time vote at llomm , J. hi. rode. ire Z1 r.t' Pmmumt'ral ( i Gtmit'rii I Viiirtjhulhii. MADISON , \VLLI , .May 25.-General Luciumi ainchild , who died Sattmrday , will be humrlemh Rim ml ! limo military cerenuony to which hmimi ak as bnigadi&t' , mormi Is entItled. Gov- 'nor Upimamn ima arge of the arrauiomommts ni lie lies selec djutant General Chiaries lag to look afb , details. General thug Ill have persouf argo of time tmilhltary os- irt. Tue funerAl whi take place from the ) tmso at 2 o'cio4k 'pesday afternoon. 11ev. myotto flurdlnfo irace ipiscopal church ill conduct thmp , rlces. No sermon will u preached nor ' + ! iii remains lie In state , LCfl 'ii It I'l'I'hS. 't'4't a A hmermmmIt . ; grauited to Charles amlhius to build a $2,000 resIdence at 2213 uth Twermy-nIntim street. A meeting of tim m depositors numly , of time ibraska Savimmgs aumtl Exchange batik Thmurci- y ovenlog , May 28 , iii time Coummimmercial ab , to protest mmgInet the receiver now 1mm argo. Time exhIbit of sciiQoi cimlhdren's drawlngn ii be opened Tuesday ovenlmmg on the toper or of thu city ball ui limo Board of Educa. mum rooumms , IL will chesuVednesday oven- Mr. W' . B , AustIn of time flosenberry piaum- g mill talked to time oumglnoenlumg ciass of e Young Men's Chmnlstimmui association last emming Oii time subjects of "Smoke Commsumn- 5" amid "limo ConstructIon of Funimiture. " WimIho In a atone yesterday afternoon , near urteermthi aumd Fanimaun streets , S. hi , Col. 8 residIng at 3315 Spaulding street , lost ick of hIs two children , a boy and a girl , ed 7 anti 5 reap 'tlvely , A description of em i been given to the police. - p -p kITTACES ALL TIlE IUTUALS Attorney's ' 1riof in the Innranco Oaio Before - fore the upreino O3lirt. ASSAILS TIlE V1IDITY OF TIlE IMY i'oiimti .tgai In.tt ht 4istItiitioimnhIty lte'l teul ii miii A igiimutt' ii ( for time A lurutii t I on of I is i'ri- i IMIH 1mM l'resemmt'ul , LINCOLN , May 25.-Speclai.-Attonimey ( ) C. 0.Vbmceloum lists opoimed time ball against time mutual Imm.smmraumce couimpatiles of time state. but in , appears to be running the tIming 0mm liii own hicok , mis State Autiltar Moore washes iuIi hiaumtki of any commmphlcity with time cammm- paIgmm immaugurated by Mr. Vm'hemlcumm. Time lattem' imas , accordIng to permmtissioui gl'emm by tiiP sumprenmo comirt , filed a brief attackhtmg time oou'stlttmhlnmmaulty of time fanmmm rs' iuismmraumce law of 1S91. F'oiiowim.g : a leumgtlmy Intro.htmc- tory , m oimcarsing , a Imistomy of time controversy betwecum time larumm rs' Mtmttmal comumpany of Umls city and Atmiltor Moore , Mr.'houlon says 1mm his brief : 'rIme net ita'it tiiseloes time rt'mmson why t lie coummpmny : so strtmmumotmsiy objects to time court leLmslumt impout the Imiest.on of thu. constltutloummmimty , amid thie hot least lmoteumt of thmeme rc'nnmummi is founml In thme lait clamist' of thmti Inst SectIutm tt time act , which lIre- V ides t ii t t couimpm mm Ie. orgaim itw I utmile t' t lm 1mm act mdiii I I imever ml oem no aim y d i vicienmis , Ills commteimtlumm that time act of lSOi is mmmi' coimetitmitloumal is based tmpamm time foHovlrug groumntlv : Finmmt , becau'e time act Is mimnenilatory of ttectiomm 3 , clmmmlmter xliii , of time oummplletl i.tntUtei , atmd time sectommue ! mimmm'mmtietl WCe not repealeti , &t remlimireti by the coimstitu- tioui. l"or tlmiu u emtmmomm sc'ctlmmum 1 of tlm itch 1mm uiecimineti to imt tm imco tis I I t ti LImmma I . S ct nti , reetloum 11. of time imiw is declared to he in- S'miIftI bemiti'e it ulupiives time immmmmmntnl of time right to it Jury trial iii cast' oh' loss. 'I'imird , 'ectiomm 10 is 1mm cemumilict vitim mcmii amnendatory of sectioum 17 , dumpIer xliii , tommllmlht t mtmmt- tmtei4. Fourth. mieetiomm 19 l 1mm cimmilIct vIthm tuttl itmmtermdmmtouy of sectioum 32 of cimnptem' , tilll. Fifthm , section 19 , wimlehm ImnoyldeS thmtt nmuttmmtl Immumurani'e camimammies simali never numake nRmmessment mmntij ltn'mm hmmu ( first oc- Coined , tmnIes time directors by a two-timirtis Vote ordeu' art missossmntmimt , because It con. utletm4 atmd Is mmmmmencIatory of section 18 , imapter xlii , of time complied statutes. Sixth , section S of tle act Is uncoumetitu- tiemmal becatise it provlmleg "that any coma- hlaumy fot'mnt'd nuttier tIme proylsiamus of tmtim } let amity , iii hit by-lavs , limIt time per- a't.imtflget of time liabIlity of Its mmmeuumijcrmm. ' ' Thmtmm Is tleelmtrett to ime class legtslnttoum , ro- Imibited by the constltimtion. Time mmlnthm c'omm. temmtlon i that there is imm time title of time act of 1SII umotimimug wimicim wotmiul lmmtllente that vltImImm time bt.udy wotmld lie t''mmntl ' ' itmo- % 'is louis "hi 1dm I mm mm u ati lea I mum mmmi ei mummemmtl existing iavmm rehimilvo t ) mmmtmttmal immstmrmjnee romnpmiumles , The act contimin smmbjeets not commtmtiumeiI In It title. ammtl for timat reasomm is 1mm conhlict with : tIme constltutloum , Mr.Vhedon coneiumcios hits brief as tel- iowa : If time act of ISPI Is Iii commihlet : vlthm time comisi ittmtlomm of time state , tlmemm time commmlitny ) is mint autimorizeth to trammmmnt't business , anti it icimonid not lie anmmmeti s'ltii a cettlilcate if ntitlmority Ismimmed by the executive olilcer of the state , to vimonm tii ieglsimmture hjimmi ntrusttitl the simporvlsiomi of time Instmrammce iitiitiimes. ANOTHER CIIAPTEII IN TIlE \VALTON CASE. Time hlootl perjuu'y case : va before time district court today azmd quito a l 'tge mama- bor of witnesses were oxaniltmed. Time alleged perjury grows out of time \Vmiltomm divorce came , vimfc1i has beemm lull of tteiisatlommal ea- turO. from : : its limcoptiomm cuimmmlimatlimg In time suicide of youumg Waltoum , son of time defendant - ant in the care. who recently ended imLs I Lu by timrowimmg hminmacif In. front of a train of ears on time Itock Jeland road. At thin trial flood tostliled that. lie had seen Mrs. liarI I ara'altomm , piaiimtil ! Ium tue case , at time E'uhlerton grocery store on two occaslomms , Oii mumo of which J. Cimarlea Fuilerteimi vent ut time back way timid was met em : time corumer I ) ) ' Mr's.Vaitomm anal walked away with hlmmm. ThungVaitomm went on lined's imoud. hut a 'ow daya subaeqmieimtly secured himi reieaso : mtd tmmrmmed time ummamm over to time cotmimty allen- . Hood ima hji'etm In jail ever a mice. L'oday Hood emmtered a plea of Imot guillty mud anmiouimceui hils rcaullness for trial. The Firmit National bammk has ihletl a cross metitlon lii time camie brought by the Globe c'an anti Trust conmpany to forecio.o cmi ltimer university. 'flme bank limos a cialmmm if $11,772.62 agaInst time univermitty , ammO mae tweutty-nitmim of time $1,000 honda Issued my the Inatitutfon as security. Articles of Incorporation wore today filed nith time secretary of state of time Timad 11. Vocdwnrd comn'aimy of Limmcoln. The bust- less of the corporatiemi will be time mmmamau- acturo and sale of trusses. Time capital i trek is $150,000. Time tnconloratomare 'had \Voociward , John 11. liii ! anti hay- moral P. Baker. Time ease of Salouno EnmimmInger aganat The irmiahma Street flaiiway commipaumy was ap- ealed to th emmpreimle court today on luctl- iomm Iii error. 1mm the dI'trlct court of DougF mu county , February 3 , 1896 , the Plaintiff t mucovereui a judgrnommt of $ i0OSO agatnst time ompammy before Jmmdge Slabaughm. a ALLEGED GAMIJLI1IIS GET AW'4tY. The garnblimmg case agalns Tomum'dick 'as dlsmni.ssud totlay by Jmmctlctm Mccmjmmchlezea upon pen \Vldick paying time costs , $21. 'i'he II ISO agaimmet Ed Webb , another of time , mcvemi h rrosted umeanly a uumontim ago , was coumtinmmed mr thirty days , when hue will , doulmtiess , pay in eauime amount anti luavo iml case dl.s- 11650(1. 501 Ojmpemmmimetmmmer , who was arrested ' 1' tIme mtammmcm t.mmme amid bouzimi over to time h istrct court , says that he imroposr to eve time conmimlalmmaumt , Cyrus 0. Ilrowmm , an- isted for ltenjlmry. lie ahlegen that flrowg : md Attorney : tI. I. Ilatilehd alleged timat lie as Ii : a gamnhmlimmg imouso on limo nmiglmt of N pnli 2 , ivimeum lie w as mat a convemmtioim , as 3 cam : easily Irove by time teetlummommy of TI epresemmtatIve W. ii , Robinson , J. J. Mc- Ic-Ilaum. harry Almbott and others. tC Title mmmormmimmg time State IVisim commmnmlusloum Ju et at time etato houo ammti transacteti comae CI ) mmUne huslmmc'smm Iii time ss'ay of auiowimmg a be iv bills. There svcro tmreseumt thmo ( tull com : : . St is.siomm. I1C % % ' May , JO5CIhm Oberfeltior of Sid- my anti W. S. Kirkpatrick . Mr. Oberfelder Ill leave for South IhenmI tonmorrow , arid me tlumme mmext week the full comtumtse'Iomm Ti ay rendezvous at that ooimmt. At timat time tim a hatcherIes ummay recelvo a timonommgim In- ecticum. Oumialma people iii L'.ncoln : At time Linmiehi- merge it. lay ) , Saummuel J. Potter , C. 11. utiler. T. V. Little , Jr. At time Lincoln- hc E. liughee. Timwmmas D. Crane , It. J. Ruedr II , A. I' . linink. Iii - - - - - - - V I lEl1'r .tT Siimt1 le.tl.l.M. , Mnmi ( flhliiIiImIi'iti 1)5 er ( lie hum- hug fuiiui. SIOUX FA11LS , i. 1) . . May 25.-iiirimi ( Tolegrmnm.-The ) greatest erowtt OVOr mOrn 1mm this city , except on State tal tiny , tli % ( ti the streets todar. It is thmat frtmmim 5,000 to 8,000 strangera "ore pr'n. . r Timiam watt time result of time ommmimhumeti n tt.i. tlons of a cireu ammi the M st. : Slmulmme mmmeetlmmg. Fommr special trains ran in. i'tmily Sot ) Mystic Shirlumermu worn hasro. wemmty.flve cities boumg ni'prcsenteti. A CI Ieumdiui lmageant s'a5 limo ShtImme pammle. Ti 'a cit. cums imeepie timrnetl over timt'ir eielmhrmnts , canmt'ia , brass hauls anmii otimer Ilaraimim rmmalla. For y eandldate seimt over hue hmmmunlmmg santia. Cii iI.ul lam ta % nrhi'm I ii ( ' ' luau , NOlITlI LOili' , May 2S.-SoecinlJ--Oui ( Snttmrmlsy afterumr'omm itimtl evemming time regular nmmoetlumg of thin l.otmp 'ahhey Ilumloum of ( .Imris- tiaruVou'kers , wimicim eccmmrs mmmmmiiuly , took Place In tite liaptiet ehmureim at thus iliee. St'Ssfomis hmI mmg imelil hot ii n It ermine mm a mm 1 es'um - iumg. 1)wlmmg to I hmcu nitsmmee of i'remideum' ( 'oniucli vf Seoti. time thmmieiu ! of time cimair tit'- vnhved tupon VIeD i'rnsldemmt Mamiti Mayo. Mommy mimemmmbermu from : : nbroatl were Itresemmt at the ovenimig cuusiomm , In w luich time time was largely devotemt It ) LImo dimurmisslon of the eumb- Ject of 'Whmmtt anti What Not 'o ItotmO ; " It'ti by an aitlres by lr. F' . 0. hitmrdiek , ftmiltmwcd imy 11ev. 0. hlaimoock , Prof. lliromms of thma , city schools , 11ev , .1. ii. iimuriey , .ttormmey E. J. IIaltcock and etimors ; time object heiumg to tli- courage time readlmmg of the trashmy lleratmmut. : of time tthy nmmui syanum ube yotmmmg agaInst time Pernicious Immiltuemmee on time flimmml of time iowr chassemi of elmeap hltermmtumre. Time mmu't regular mmmceting of time society will be hell in time l'resbyterimmn chimrchm at Scotia. .Si.s'oii I u'om-Vu'n r h.uti'iif 'i ( 'IlIum hug. l'LATTSMotrrfl , May 25.-SpcIah.-Tbmt. ( ) ilerlodlcai pest kumowmm at , time scvommtecmm-yer loctm.gt humis mmmdc Its appearance lii thin part of tIme coummtry. Several tiay.s ago Jammmeo Price , who lives num the large islammd In time MIusummurl river below this place , brought a umuuummher of time lmmseetam to l'iattmmmmmommtlm immitl rclmorted thcumm to hit' coumming mup omit of time grotmumul em : the IsImvmti in counties mmmmummboit. At that tluume ! mouue imaul imeoum noticeti omm liii' mmmain lammti , bait withmlmm time llait time titys tlmey have beu : coimmtiug tip at aim mmi.mrummlmug rate. Old settlers hmeram say tutu tIme i.aem visit of the locust to thu vk'iimlty was sigh- teen years ago , anti that althmomughu time'y stripped time trees of mmmcci of their foliage. timey diti Coimmhmara I ively little hmmmrmmm to time crops. Little apprehmenmlomi Is tlmerefore felt at the imreseimt inivasioum. NEBRASKA C'i1' ' , May 25.-Speciai.- ( ) The cicada seimti'mmdccinm or cevemi teemm-year locust Imas put 1mm his ahipearaneca umti the iatmmmc ! of iml thrill voice Is heard emu every side. iliIamuiVluu ml i.lvi'l , ( nmiir. WAHOO , Neb . ,1thmty' 25.-Slmec ( al.-Time ) 'Pickups , " svhmo are how styled tIme "Colts , " by tlmmilr pitcher , "Simakes" Crawformi , nuummost l 'tuffumned a shunt cut yestertiumy nftornoomm mi a limo fair gm-ommmmmis at time hmammtis of Illliami linac. ' Clerk team : : . Ed lhilliamt was in time box for thin Clerk.s , amid Pitchetl such queer ball that time ' 'Colts' ' ommiy iumcceptIt'mi ium tommcimhmmg hum amp for four imits , w'imile "Snahces" imas batted to tlm four cormuens of time earth , eleven imlts imeiumg imiatium oft' luinm. Score : Clerks , 6 ; "Colts , " 2. Ii te' : Clerks , 11 ; "Colts , " 1. Itrrorm : Clerics , -1 ; "Colts , " 8. Passetl balls : Johummeoum , 2 ; lhmmatp , 1. Ilat- ' tericem : Killian anti Johmnsniu ; Crawforml numul ' Knapp. Tiummo of game : Oume hour mud twcmmty a nmimmutcm. , Ummiplre hush. MIsulig hio i'iuiuuu1. PLEASANT DALE , Nob. , May 25.-Spo- ( cimml.-Thme ) nmleslmmg school boy , Clam Bowm m leim , amid timougimt to be drowned , has finally been fommimtl. lie borroivoml a horse and swami : time streammis and wemmt to Lincoln. lie Was founti there by imis tummcle , at whose imouse hO has stayed the last tlay or two. lie mcdl Imoem : corrected , for some oITeumo , lmy imls father , amid ho tletermmmined to run away from mine , When fotmmmd , lie was deterurmineti lot to return , iharit-ul i'hielr F'lfthi Chithul. M'COOK , Nob. , May 25.-Speclal ( Telo- gram.-Thimm ) nftermmon Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lewis of tub city buried theIr little e'omm , Edward - ward , nunkimig time fiftim chIld tlmette dlatracted aremmts imava' lost fronm mvhooplmmg cougim. TheIr umly rernaimiing chIld , a bnighmt , pretty little ldnl , is i'erlow with time caine straumgely atal mnalamiy. TimImu ummimsual case has tomucimed hue Cytnitatimetic heart. of this whole con- nunity. _ _ _ _ _ _ % Vuuiuttmau'it CI mum i0it''tM 0 llleers , NEBRASKA CITY , May 25.-SpecIai.- ( ) % t the aummmtmni imiceting of thuoVonmaum's climb c amit Saturday the foiiowimmg officers wore miected for the ensuhug year : 1'rcaldent. Mrs. . S. brsbm ; first vice president , Mrs. Ware ; lecond vice preeitlemmt , Mrs. Dlttummar ; record- ng secretary , Mmm. Morgaum ; corresponullng cmetary. Mrs. Simimnmarm ; trea'uror , Miss des- he Pa3'imtm ; Mrs. Simuummami , deiegato to state ederatIomm of clubs. Xii , maum'naipu Cliu'iM SerJiuaIIN. DAVID CITY , Neb . , May 25.-Speclal.-- ( ) - toy. J. J. Mailoy preached time chanm serummoum D tue high cchmoah gm'admmates last oveumimmg t time Metimodit Episcopal cimurch. The oummmimencc.nment exercises wilt be held at the ocra house Frimlay evenIumg. AShLAND , Nob. , May 25.-Speclah.-ltev. ( ) V. J. Denmmy preached time class e.unmnomm to me graduates of time Ilighm uchiool at time opera ouise last raight. iuuvIut ( ' ) ' , high Seimooh 'uVlma.t. DAVID CiTY , Nch , May 25.-Speclal.- ( ) lie initial ganme of a series to be layod - etween tIme Seimimyler high atcimool aiim mmmii avtd City 111gb school nimma was lulaycti atumrday afterimooui amid resultetl In favor of layhmi City by time close score of 15 to 14. mm am e e C'uu ii ii I s's Cu' ii t i-n I ( 'uu iii in I I I Fi.JLLEI1TON , Nob. , May 25-Speciai.--- ( me repubhIcamm central conmummittee of Namice tir.ty mmmci 1mm this city Smmtumrday ammti fimctl moo 6 as time date for imoldirmg tIme commmmty L mmi'eumtion , Commgrossmmnn Meilulejulmu : will m allowed to select time delegates to thin ate commventloum. - Iu1 umoeg hi hu'uigmmum Ceit'bram I lomi , SYI1ACLJSE , Neb. , May 25-Special- ( ) I me Ejiworthi league of timh Place coitmhjratefi c'iti 0 sevoimlim nnumivcrsary of time urgammizatlon J. sterday cvcmmlmmg. ihuauly ua ( ii LI tIle hero l'uiaiuul. J3 i AShLAND , Nub. , May 25-Spcclal.-Timc ( ) dy of Ilermnaum Fowier , tIme lath who was owned 'i'lmuroday ovuamimmg lum Vaimoa creek 1mW cmmdcavor to rescue bitt piaymmmatos , was - - - -V 8W , "APENTA" THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATERI l3ottlcd at the UJ H U N YADI spruigs , tiuda l'est , Hungary , 7I Under 1/ta am5soII control of I/se Royal /fim'riju : CiwinicalsiIuI , 1 I ( ilfinislry oJ 4grics/Iurc ) , Jjiidmi 1's/ . L'er I ivi iviVa Va I We know oF no Spring wimicim shows so great ricimness in Mineral SaiLs , or which conilmines sucim mmdvantagc , as timis watcr. 'I Professor 1) : , It , C. Tu'll1oumii : , LL.D. , F'.C.S , , F. "C. , Dublin , " 0 This \Vatcr is richer 1mm Mineral Salts thiamm / all Continenial Bitter Waters , anti its tfiicacy is to ' c' A/S , , great ilmat even the nmalIest doac secures the best reuIts. " F Swain Chrmisi its hula /'ai , V Prices : 10 contii arid 25 ceuts per bottle. ' . t73U OF ALL IRCIGCIS'I'S A.t ) .lIfm't:84L ! I4TER DRl&VS. _ - - - Full Analysis and additional Testimony anti intorrnatlon supplied 'my CHS. GIIAEF & CO.1 32 , Eicaver Street , New York , Sole Aoumts ° ; YJE AJOLLjV4'1RJS COAII-'ANY , LIuIIITED - : . toumntl thtu' morning hay Mr. Moss cmi the bank of time crock Aboumt one maim ulown from whueru , hut foil 1mm. Dot'n of amen have been dragglumg time creek day ammil nlgimt , tiuuith , hiuhitmi 1)1.1 Si-I tler. Al.EXAN1)ltlA , S. I ) . , MnyriiutoeIai ) -Time eigimmh aumnummal reunIon of the' ohal set- t1er of Hansoum anti Miner coummiles viii he hmelti at 11. II. ( ilmmrk's ? iaet' mm tIprla'imtlt lOWfllthIt1l , timl coumnty , Jaima' R. Ar nmmge- mum emm t s im ai' be n nmmitl u' ton ma , umi tim : ic , ml I ma u or. an adti'rss , mntuslo inch bnse hhi. I't1qa' me- amumions grow iii Iumtvrcst nimml atteum laim 'r' every year , ammO the Itro'etmt imrouuises I , , b limo mmmost stueceesfami ye : hell. V Ai . 'm a'iutiiamu ht.'uailta. iii a Shiutiufiuig , S'EItMILI.loN , S. I ) . , May -(9pt'a'nl ? Telegrami--JImum ithuimut'imart of tutu city shot mmmd i'eriommsly womummtied George Ltrtme mit Meit'khiumg , i'igiut mmuila'uu ii eat of imerru , ietiiiy. lthimmt'Ouart aeCmms'tl . i.arime of stemllimmg ft imorso froim : hmimmm sonme hunt' ago mmmd uhiuring n imcuiii'tl nltercaiiomm Itlmiumt'imart drew mm revtlivt\r anti etlmot Lanamo. Lariat' is in a lirecaniomms eommtli. I Iomm . II lii mm ( dim nt tmaoummm ttl a imorm'e .i mmmi Ii cti. lie Is still mit large. lhumiui''u of mu 'ii IsMI iI iummi h'uuuuamui. fltlrP.tLO , Wyn. , Msy 2S.--lteeIaIl _ Parts of tIme skeleton of a man have been dimicovereti Iii a crevice of time rocks nucar the mmturthm email of hike' leatmmmet , mmeimr time pros. lwctlumg cammmim of hiumnmus & ICitchmc'n. Time re- uimmmluus mire imeiiveti to ime' thmok' of Jimlimus Nelson , a immmlf-wltteml mmmiii , itimo wimuimleri muvay frcmmm llamffalo ittmout fomir ycarm' ago , auth of s'hmomum umothmlmmg iimis chico iuremi mmcci : or imeam-ti , % 'lu.'rr h't hi In uu SVI I I ( ia I lieu- , YANICI'ON , S. I ) . . May 25.-Simceial. ( ) Time mzrm'ntl ltmtigo , Kumigiats of Pytiaias , i % ill mmmeet \'ammktemm on Jimume 3 for ii thuret ! dmii'.q' ties- 'tom : . One hmumumulmed mmmmd lifty tit'legatemm mm lii ho iireseimt. Shmoum i'm' ' , iii 4uuuit Im hInluutii , 'l'YNIJA 1.11 , S. I ) . , M.iy' ! 0-SieeImiI ( Tole- graumm.-hiomm ) I Iommmummo coumumty emmj.tyei ammothu'r shower of oumij immmti cumt'-lualf iimcimes. Thin ( lit. forti mimmtt St'ymumour resitlemmee's ivero stnmmt'k ti ligbutmmiumg. CroIms' nmr.ver lonketl better hiruuuul.limgs ( rauuI.aia' limuumulat ) i'd. 'mANiCTON' , S. I ) . , May 25.-t'iperiiml I Time 'irmtrd of Ealmucat imus emmmpioyetl i'ro ! Schmmimp , a gratimmate of hinook.umgs college , mmmi I mm s trial or mm ( I enmmmmtum lIt t im ci ty cimutmls. AMU@EMENTS. OCOCCOOCC4OOOCCC1aCCC Ct 'roumight at iieytl'.s . Mr. M. ii. Cmmrtmm wmii give his farewell lterftrtmmoumce of ' 'Smsmum'i of I'osemi , ' ' time play timmmt mmiatlo time faumme of mIS L'tar numul author lam a umigimi. Creigimtom : Mtisui' hail % itS hilled ivltlm a arge ammtlioumco last umlgimt , which thu r aumgimiy mmjuyetl the cimamige 1mm lmrogramam alTered Mommt- mt.cry ammtl Stomme , Aaimt himimmumett. .huulhtm ( hover mumtl lCimmzo mine Immclmmtlasd Ii : tiutt cast shmtch vill remmmalum the s'ammme for time balmmnct' of time reek. 'mIr. ' Jobun Irew will imeglmm it timnee-mmiglmt em- agtiumrumt at time Crclghiotm Thmursdmy evemm- img , May 28 , lmreseumting time gremtest : commmethy mmecess of thin Eimmplro thmeate'r , Netv York , 'Cimriettmimhmer Jr. " There are four acima to 'Charlstopimer Jr. " Time ilrst taitos ltlmCe In Lomitloit mittic , siuero time lucre ltretend eoumommmy , ivlmene his father visits imlnm ; limo ecommal is at aim Enilshi cotuntry seat amid the hlrd amid fommrtim in a btmumgniow 1mm liummmbay. In. lrew's commmpaumy Imiclummio Mammd Atiamne , mmmma hiehmmmommt , Elsie Be 'mlf , /tuummle jtditmua , tarry ilarw'ooui , Lmiivis Ikmker , Arthmmir Ilyron , 105110 Album , herbert Ayehlumg and 1'raimk - 1anmb. sFO URES SOROFULA BLOOD POISONS S THE URES CANCER , ECZEMA , TETTER. S oioo \r' _ _ _ _ DUFFY'S ltj PLME MALT WHISKEY . All Druggists. - - 1imItlSliiION'I'S , - - , Till. . 1531. EI1 OEIIIIIO I ah AY 4-2l-u : , . er mwven coritmocutive nuimthis In Now Vumic , MR1 JOHN DREW i'm'sntumig v.ry umt'rtormmlta nec 'stept ; la I ti1ta i' av.mimiig CHI1STOIHE. J. , tbt turtlimy mu iiim t ( emily timmm - ) 1fl3 SQUHU OF DAMES Oniy umuatummemi Smtimriay. ickotma on a'umi.uiuie imitmimimug at S , . ' m. Na mit u , , 'm oah wim littmt iltma..tamt. m'it'tn 2'it' , SOt ; , , , Si tilt , Ii 1. itt. - mt m..a c , tile , 7it' mmmi II 0 I. .Jmmite 8-12. hrtmmmhi alias'- ' . ( IV i'c' SUN. , MoN. , 1U115. , ' -F A iF iJ MAY 23-25.20. 'I'lict itnimma'n I ( 'ormmad mmum , IR. M. B. CURTIS iii time taupiml ar "ommm dy . ' . ' ; AM'L or Po2EN. " ritcq , 21k , r0e , Tic mini Il 00. t made of pure rubber ) ldS the 13u11-Log Garde ; ksv hose together. 'A ' holds tile irdhiary rubber ( 'T garden hose together. 'lit strength of IhosC elepemitis o'i tuez i'iib' rivets ( teclimiicailycallcd frictiumi ) It Stioil tt is Stronger timan a lommg ouie. 13ui1-Do ts r 1iort , hory nrmrl results prove IIullD'g sitolig- iiose for inouiey made tton ; Woven hose & Rubber Co. 23 Levonshulrc st. , Boston , or lake St . Ciamcago. 6i Reai St. , N Y. No , aim St. St Louis uo Water Si Cievean. ! Arspeimoe SI. , Denver z Tremnnt San Jrn p CURE YDURSELFI V 4 I:1mia : Liti iui : di for ummnslmri I , m n S a s , , .iiarimau rstia , i am flu iii cilia luiti. Gtsta. ' $ lreiisitu.md ur iuh'osIIout I W ultio..f. , of iii am r U ti S rttemaaliuita , Cuv.um , o.aomI. I'ninl-u , , in'i maul aiim-jim. I't4tA'(3 ( OstitettIlo , ZPumu or Ioivmmotis OININmIITI 0. Uhlt 1J7 Jrugl.hai , U. II. A , ' . Ii tea. hr 3 itttlle , . Is 1:15 CIrcular sea en -