Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TH1i3 OMAfA DAILY 13 1't' : AWEDNDSDAY , MAY 20 , 1591. 1
Lines Draw Around the Probable Mur
dorar3 of Harry Oswald ,
) reu 's u Wert' nt Ihr Innce or Sat
the FIKht tlnnltlluK to Tell
All They ICnosv of the
The Inquleltlon Into the death of Ilarr
Oswnld was continued by Coroner Ilurke
ycsterday afternoon. A largo crowd fine
the lobby of the council chamber long befor
the hour pct tor holding the Inquest w'a
reached. As on the day before Chief liven
nan clearel the room of spectators and oleos
the doors of the chamber. This action dli
not. have any effect on the crowd , for oil tit
afternoon the street and Mdesralk hl iron
of p011ce hcadquarlera % vas blocked by tlu
curious , County Attorney ] laldrlgo was do
( abed In Omaha and the state was repro
tented by Deputy Attorney A. W. Jeffries.
It was 4 o'clock when Ernest Norton , lht
first witness was placed on tlto stand. Nor
ton was at Uw dance Saturday night anti wan
being held by the police a9 a wltuern
Saw' Oswald leave the hall with Campbel' '
anti Clara Schndtll by the side door. Wit
mile saki he left the hall by the front door
and stood on tlro corner and saw alto crowd
around the side entrance , there was corn
siderubio laalse and some awearing , lk
didn't eeo any stones thrown or club :
flourished. R'itneeo said ho watched the
scuffle tor about ten minutes , then walked
south on Twenty-fourth otrcet. Ile uael
lucks , who told him there was a man laid
out In taw rear of Ptvouka's saloon. The )
returned and saw Oswald lying lu the
alley. Norton then walked to the
police station and reported tau
matter. Ha then shooed two policeuter
where the body was lying , and then scut lc
his home at euty-sixtll and 0 streets.
Norton said that while up in the hall hr
heard Oswald tell Campbell that if the Parks
gang attacked him , he , Oswald , would lien
hint ,
rho next witness was S. F. Logan , who
lives at 'fwcnty-sixth and M streets. lk
left the ball by the front way and wont
htto the ntloon , where he reiahned for c
moment , talking sslth a friend. Saw tit
crowd start to run toward tire rear door , but
did not follow. After a long quesllmling
during vldcii nothing new w'a' brought out
thu witness was txcueed and 11'alter I
Hicks was called , who said ho wao about the
last ow to leave the Imll after the dance
lie wac escorting a woman home , and
crossed the alley , wlitre he saw a man ly'itiF
in the mud , and remarked that "some mar
1s awful drunk. " Al Twenty-sixth street
fro parted with the woman owl returned U
Plvonica's , where he met Son Logan. 11'It
nev ) asked Logan it au had seen a man lying
In thu alley , old Logan answered that ht
had got up anti gone. Oswald had not gone ,
and found bite
however , as witness went back
there , lie then called for Logan , who did
not respond , bat Norton did , and they bolt
walked to the police station and reportul the
IV. A. lucks waa the next witness. He
said ho went to the dance with his brother ,
but left before the la , > t dance and svcnt tr
Albright and did not r'ee tlau fight Duri ni
the evening he heard ! 'arks and Conpbe.
arguing ubout eaniething , but paid no atten
tton to the talk ; did not know Oswald ,
833 North 'twenty-fifth street
L. Daly ,
testified that he pacsad Plvonka'a about 93i ;
o'clock and saw Prichard on the sldewalt
talking to a svomnn ; heard him say , "I wit' '
get that helara morning , " but did
act know who Prichard referred to ,
Charle3 Sive , Tidrly-y2coud and I streets ,
met the four Ford boys , John , Mike , Jack
and Jamet' , and they all went to the dance.
Nothing epecial developed during Slvo'c
to iniony , except the statement that as ho
left the -Juil to go on the witnous stand Jllku
Ford called to hint to be careful what he
said , and not let any two men get to questioning -
tioning hhn at once. Thia statement was
only brought out after a good deal of ques-
tioning. Flanks , the witness admitted that
ho saw 0110 111(111 down in the alley with another -
other luau an top of him , but did not pay
any attention to then ! . Sonic one called out
" ) lire collie the pollee , " and lie hurried
along and caught up with the rest of the
gang , which was going west en L Street.
Arthur Smith Faid that he front to the
dance about 1030 ; o'clock and stayed to the
close. Heard seine one yell fight , and ha
saw ten or a dozen men jump onto Oswald
and Cangibell. Ile heard Oswald say , "I
don't want to fight" Several men attacked
Oswald at once , and he saw a big fellow
strike Oswald In the hack of the ucclr , nud
ho fell at law alley crosshtg with lwth bands
ell ,
11'Iuicss did not know the names of any
of the men who were fighting. The tnaui stlua
ltnoclted Oswald down lead on u dark sstnl
lowtuil coat , dark pants , tan shoes and had
light hair and was smooth shaved. During
the fight Oswald was knocked down nvo or
three times.
After a recess of half an hour , during
which tluto Arthur Smith waa closeted with
the comity attorney , the taking of testhuony
was coutitaned with Martin Lecox , an en
gitteer , on the shad , 1VIUtess heard thin
there cae a fight at the rear of the building
and ho went around. The first thing he taw
was Oamphiell picking himself up off the
pavement Asked hlm what s'as thu matter
and was told there bad been a Ilght. Camp ,
hell svaa the only man alto complained o !
having been struck. Noticed a number cf
men ruunin % vest on L street.
Another htiertulrelon wan talten at. tints
point null Campbell was Placed on the rack
In the sweat box.
Deputy County Attorney Jeffries stated
that lie was In possession of sane
valuable Inforrnat'oi ' , but did nut
preps a to bring It out before
the coroner's Jury , lie further said that
all et the wltneases were afraid to test
If they told the truth , they were afraid o'
haing killed by sonw of tits gang ,
Fred Parks , who wan on lute stand Monday -
day , was recalled and gave the names of all
those sio were at the dance , lie scold Jlut
Ford had Orr a swallow-tall coat tad dark trot
shoes with pointel toes. from % a8 the only
1(1311 who had on a swallow-tall coat. Then
! 'arks told about his having taw fight wltli
Campbell after the dance , IVltei Il seas
over L'omo ono handed him u lint and lie aaw
solute of his friends running west on L street
and ran alter then , lie did not know who
hit Oawald. 11'hen asked why he ran. Parks
replied that ho ran because ho was atrald of
beiuig arrested for lighting with Campbell ,
lie wont to the side door , he said , for the
purpose of settling his disputO with Camp
hell , either by a light or peaceably , After
lie clinched with Campbell ho saw seine one
atriko Oswald , but did not know who It was ,
Oswald'u name was not nieutloned by any
of the gang wldle on the way h01ne ,
Mike ford was the next witness. lie said
ho was a nephew of I'atrlck Ford of Omaha ,
lie said that Janice 1''ord had on dark clothes
and tan aiioe , Wiaen lee reached thu side.
wane Ito saw a tight , but by the thno ho
aeached lire alley the crowd had dispersed ,
Did not see Parks run down Ij street. The
four Fords walked don L street to
Twenty-sixth and went hone. Ile did not
recognlzu any auto In the crowd which was
alatding at thu toot of the sldc steps ,
All of the Fords stuck together from do
time they left the hall until their Monte was
reached. Did not sea Oswald attar he Icft
the hall ,
James Ford came next to tell hla side of
the story , Ito was dressed Sit a dark cut ,
away coat , dark panta and tan shoes , with
yiolnted toes. Wltnexr said that the four
Fords and Charley Slvo left the hall together ,
At the corner they saw a gang fighting ,
"Pretty soon the gang Sveut away , " continued -
ued Turd , "and uvu went on home , " lie dc-
riled getting lute the crowd , bacauso lie was
afraid of being tilt. I'arks wium the only one
In the crowd that he knew. On the way
down the otrcet nothing uas said about the
light Tim reason ho ran was because ho
urns afraid of being arrested tor being out
late.iVllness contradicted several stateunents
made by Parks and his cousin , Mike Ford ,
and declared ( hut lie dId not have trouble
w'Ith any one that utaht ,
Adjourned until S o'clock this afternoon ,
Anon llroourtlt4d Tithes ilnt I'olso
nud 'Theft Calls n lorlor.
Anna Ilroomfelti , a woman living at 111
Davenport street , had reasons for believer
that her husband , George , was "trllling" wit
another woman of dusky hue , co yccterda
afternoon she got out the family box of re
poison and took a liberal dose. A few mfr
nips' struggle with rodent killer convince
Anna that she had chosen the wrong rmlt
so she notified a friend , who telephoned fe
a doctor , After half an hour's work Ili
woman was given another start in this trot
blous world , and late last night was per
nouneed out of danger. Anna left a Ion
note written to her husband on a piece t
wall paper , which 1s In the hands of tit
omcert' . George Ilreomfleid w as fonnerl
employed as a porter in a barber shop nee
lho corner of Sixleanth and Dodge streets
Of late lie has failed to provide for the fan
fly larder and otherwise neglected hle wift
lie is said to hmave.gow to Chicago ,
Mr , Hurley 'W l1 Sprnk.
An Important meeting of the Omaha Rc
taller ? ncs elation will be held at the Cow
nterclal club rooms , Wcdnestiay , May 20th
at eight o'clock , Will Gurley has kind.
coitsenlel to address the meeting , It is int
pedant thsl every member be preeent
cordial invitation to all retail merchants I
extended , Come early.
CHAS , D , TIIOMI'SON , Secretary.
losv hales to Clcvelumd.
The Nobles of the Mystic Shrine wil
meet at Cleveland , June 23 and 21.
Fbr this occaeion the Ili & 0 , it , fl. Cc
twlll cell tickets at rcducetl rates from al
palms on Its lines west of the Ohlo river
for all trains of June 21 and 22 , valid for re
turn pasaage unlit June 25 , The tare troll
Chicago will be $ S.50 and correspondingl ;
low rates from all other points. Ticket
will also be on sale at all points throughou
tln west ,
The 11 , & 0 , is the only line running Pull
man Sleeplug Cars between Chicago am
For full Information write to L , S , Allen
A. G , P. A „ Grand Central Passenger Sla
tlon , Chicago , Ill ,
NlaV ' 1'IMI' .
Chlenrro , alilssnulcee & St. Paul it'y
No , 4 , laavo Omaba G : i0 p. in. ; arrive
Chicago 9:25 : a. rte.
No , 2 , leave Omaha 1t a , tn. ; arrive
Chicago 7:15 : a , m.
No , 1 , leave Chicago G p. in. ; arrlve
Omaha 5:05 : a. m ,
No. 3 , leave Clrlcago 10:25 : p. m. ; arrive
Omaha 3 ; " 5 p. m.
City OOice , 1504 Farnam Street.
Itpeeptiuu to the Eptse"pal Clei' v
11shop ! amid Mrs. George Worthington gay
their regular nnnual reception to the clerg ;
and menbc s of the Episcopal church it
tlriu diocese at Brownell hall last night , Th
sliaclous parlors and hails of the seminar ;
hnd been prettily decorated with pttet
pants and cut flowers , ttnd a s trhig bout
ensconced bchlnd a hank of foliage hi tit
main lutil filled the air with sweet strains
The attendance was very large , , Includbnl
all of the clergy anti lay delegates , tvhi
nro In the city for the purpose of attendant
the church council , which convenes today
as tvcll as a large number of townspeople
These annual receptions of the bishop out
hits estlrnnble wife are vcr3' popular , ant
it has been found necessary to hold then
at lirownell hull , as the spacious rooma a
llishoplhnrpe were unequal to the tnsit o
accommodating the large number which at
Cnudldntes ] vest' ilusy llseivhcre.
A dozen members of the Eighth Wnr
lluslness Men's Itepubhican club met a
their hall , Eighteenth and Cumhig stre"ts
Inst evening for the purpose of transactln/
the business nf'ilrs of the organiz ttlan. Th
meeting was cnlled to order at 0 o'clock by
President W. N. Nason , and upon a your
the names of nineteen new members were
plnccd on the club roster. A grand rally I
announced by the club , to take 118CO a
tht' hull next Tuesday night , nt wlalela tht
principal candidates of the city are booked
mu speak. _
NP:1v T'Ia1E CARD ,
] 'Ia Pneltle Ity ,
On and after Sunday , May 10 , the Mls
sour ) Pacific will put on a Fast Limited
Train , leaving Webster street depot , Omaha ,
at 3:45 : p , m. , via Plettsmouth , Nebraska
City , Atchison , Kansas City , reaching St.
Louts the next morning at 7'0 , tasking dl.
rect connections to all points south and east
in the Grand Union station. No change of
cars. Through Pullman servIce. Night train
for Kansas City leaves at 9:30. For further
information call at company's omces , N E
earlier Thirteenth and Farnam streets.
J. 0. PHILLIPPI , A. G. F , & P. A.
No flurry ' 1'111 ] ou Start.
Spend all day in Omaha and leave via
CHICAGO SPECIAL at 6:30 : p. m , ( daniup
car. )
Then there's considerable hurry , for the
train arrives at Chicago early next morning.
This train is equipped with EVERYThIiNG ,
and words are very hard to find that do 1t
justice. If you must leave earlier , 1nquite
about tha 4:45 : p , nt Overland Limned.
City office , 1401 Farnam Sr.
thlens o ,
Train No , 4 leaves at G:30 : p , m. Ar-
rlves at Chicago at 025 ; a m
1504 Farnamn Street.
Itedueed Itufes In I'Itlshurg ,
The Prohlbitlon National convention will
meet in Pltteburg May 27th to 29th.
For this occasion the B , & 0 , Il. R. Co ,
will sell Excurslan Tickets from all points
of Its lines cast and west of the Ohlo river
for all trains of May 24th to 20th , Inclusive ,
valid for return passage until May 30th , at
one single fare tar the round trip.
Tickets will alea be sold at all coupon staMens -
Mons throughout the west amid northwest.
The Il , & 0 , malntalns a double dally service -
ice of fast express trains , with through
Pullutari Cars attached , between Chicago and
Pittsburg , Be sure your ticket reads via
"Plcturesquo U. & 0 , "
Tht' Only ] 1'ny
to go to California is itho t delays or annoy-
atlces , and in coutfort , 1s via THE UNION
Toll don't have to change cars , and you
get there several hours ahead of all other
For time tables or other Informntlen , coil
on A , C , Dunn , City Passenger and Ticket
Agent ,
1302 Farnam street
Ilettt'r nerd. I'"ster
Than any train of any , other line to Denver
-thu Burlington's "Denver Limited , "
Leaves Omaha-4:37 p , m „ EXACTLY ,
Arrives Dauver-7:30 : a , m , ; NO LATER.
Sleepers-Chair cars-diner ,
Tickets amid lull information at
City Ticket once , 1502 Farnam street ,
Ioi limes to l'Ittsbnrglr nud iho East
Spochi excursion tickets via Pennsylvania
Short IIries from Chicago will ho sold as fol
lows : To l'ittsburgh May 24th , 25th an4
: Gtlm , for Prohibition National convention ;
tiiii Juiifl GUI , 7th mind slit , for North Amen-
eau Saemtgortest To 11'aohington , D , C , ,
July 4th , 5th , 13th and 7th , for Cbristian En-
lcavor convention , Dering , 248 South
Glade street , Chicago , for details ,
Otutthit-Cu icmi ro Speelul.
Train to
travel exclusively ,
6:30 : every night ,
Sumner Iteaortr ,
There are many of them on ( ho line of
CHE UNION PACIFIC , and before arranging
or your sutiuner outing you should make
nquiry ao to rates and routes. For full In-
orniation call at City Ticket Office ,
1303 Farnam street ,
If You 1)utt't Sleep ] Veil
rake a book and read In the electric lighted
merlhs of the Chiesgo , Milwaukee & St
'aul fly , City ticket once , 150t Parnam at ,
' .AFFENRATIIC-Flerenre ! lope , aged 5
months , 1'unerul services from residence ,
sit Southt Tlilrtyseventit street , 11Lduts
day , 1 p. ta.
Mayor Vetoes the Resolution Logaliziag th
Locationof FircHydrants.
flans frlr RepnirliK the raevenl
Street 1'luduct Snlimit led by the
hoard of Pltllle Vorhis-Oii-
hue Idrlups Unsntlsfuctorv ,
There was a very small amount of bualnos
In sight when the city council congregate
meet right But the members seemed to b
disposal to make the mutt of it , nual lent
diSetisalonc on unhnporlnnl matters pro
longed time cslon ,
The orditianco approving the locallon o
fire hydrants , for which there was no au
thority cn the records , was vetoed by J1ayo
Broatch , The veto way sustained ,
The Omaha Jtetallera' aseaclatioii protesla
agalnt't the action of the council in suspend
Ing the building ordinances to permit thu
contdruction of wooden buildings inside tit
fire limits. Referred to pub11G property am
buildings committee.
Tito Board of Public Works transmitted I
communication from Ilugh Murphy , relatlvt
to pavhq ; Third street , from Pierce to Wil
( lams , and l'lerco street from Third b
Fourth , lie represented that he had enteret
into a contract to do the paving in Novemnber
1893 , Since then the work had been eloppot
three tinten by the city , and ho wanted to bt
alcoved to either complete the job or be re
leased from lily obligation , Ieferred to pay
Ing , curbing and guttcring conndltee.
The Board of Public IVorks tranumitted
piano and Ipecifcatioms fur repairing the
Eleventh street viaduct with their approval
Kment ss anted them referred to the South
Side delegation , but Wheeler objected , and
the matter went to viaducts and railways
A request from the Board of health to
assignment to other quarters was referred
to the public property and buildluge couimil
tee , vilh power to act.
Gan Inapector Gilbert reported that durlnE
the bad weather of the past tttb weeks many
of the gatoline lamps In the suburban ills
trlcld were not lighted , The service was
very uusaliefactory , and a test of 131 burners
showed an average of 10-candle power. Tht
report was referred to the gao and electric
Ilghta committee , in connection with the city
A long potation front local wheelmen re
cited the fact that the pavement on Coming
otrcet , from Thirty-slxttr to Thirty-eighth
street , was in very bad condition , and asked
that they be accorded the use of the side ,
walk. A resolution was passed directing the
chief of police to perndt the desired
A proposition from an eastern firm to sell
the city retno steel cells for jail purposes
was ordered returned , with the information
that the city hind jail fixtures to burn ,
a E. Howell and Brennan , Love & Co.
protested against the action of tbo council
ht not giving all comilpanicu a chance to bid
cn the boiler insurance recently placed on
the city hall. They etated that wltlle the
city had paid a rate of 90 cents , they were
willing to write It at 75 cent. Referred to
public property and buildings committee.
Paxton & Burgess were given a permit to
construct a roof garden on the roof of
Crelehton hall.
A catch basin was ordered constructed at
Twenty-second and Magian streets.
When Nntcrc
Needs assistance It may he best to render it
promptly , but one should remember to use
even the most perfect remedies only when
needed. The best and moat simple and
gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs , manufactured -
factured by the Californ'a ' Fig Syrup Com-
nany. _
'rh re Are 'rwiClnsseu.
Of railroads running between Omaha 'and
Chicago , the MILWAUKEE-nnd "the others -
ers , " It doesn't cost any more to ride by
the best line than "the others , " Magnificently -
cently equipped , electric lighted , solid vesti-
buled trains leave the union depot daily.
City once , 1504 Farnam street.
F. A , NASA. General Agent.
Front 10 l0 1,000
feet down , gold Is found in abundance ; the
deeper you go the rihier thtc ore. Thcsearp
facts concerning Mercur , Utah. The Union
Pacific is the only all rail line to Mercur.
f'or Mercer leaflet giving full particulars
call at City Ticket Office ,
1302 Farnam street.
Summer 'row's.
Full information at Burlington ticket once ,
1502 Farnam street.
Drop in next time you are down town ,
I.OC.tL 1iltEVI'l'IES.
The water in thin river raised sixteen
incites yesterday , but. Is still eighteen feet
below the danger line.
A warrant has been issued for Joe Flood
tor haullug manure and garbage without
fist obinluing a permit from the garbage
George Koch , a prominent real cetato man
of this city , has recently purchased the Ar
lington hotel and furniture at Coon RapIds -
Ids , Ia.
The remains of William Soildcy , brother
of Mrs. Maul , wife of M 0. Maul of this city ,
were sent to Hanover , Pa „ last evening for
interment ,
Members of the American Federation of
Labor will hold a special meeting ht Knightti
of Labor hall Thursday evening to take notion -
tion regarding the labor troubles In Kansas
City ,
A R , Ilensel alleges that ho was assaulted
saulted by n man named Gels several days
ago and has caused a warrant to be issued
for his arrest on the charge of assault and
The owners of the United Stateo National
hank building at Twelfth and Farnam streets
have been granted a permit to expend about
$5,000 in repairs and alterations to the
structure ,
Sonio time Sunday evening the shop of J ,
E. Lindley at 2808 Sherman avenue was entered -
tered and a number of barbers' clippers and
razors were etolen , Lindsey suspects a Por-
ten w'ho has disappeared.
This evening the children of St Pat-
rick's school will repeat their entertainment
( or the benefit of tltotto who wuro prevented
by the rain from seeing the children's oxlil-
bition last Tuesday night.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the county cleric of the Omaha Mint Mining
company. The incorporators are Ezra It ,
Gesford , William Maloney , IV , IL hunter ,
It , i' , llodgin and Lee S. Estelle.
The sociable at the First Congregational
church next Friday night will be given en-
tlrcly by the men , and le expected to be
strictly up-to dato. Twelve of the proninent
society young men are holding rehearsals
nightly , and much enthusiasm is being' manIfested -
Ifested , The program fe held a strict secret ,
but a laughable , rollicking , good-fellowship
tlmc Is promised , The understanding is that
the refreshments , especially , will bo up-to-
For Tired , Achlae , Irritated Feet 4 a
warm bath with ,
and a gtatie anointing with CUT ! .
CURA tolotment ) , the great akin cure.
This treatment allay. itching mind lrrl-
tattoo , sootbea lnaammahon and
palotui swellinglof the joints , sell-
ens han6 ruugheucd skin , and curlew -
ew the persplratlon ,
itoid throughout the tertd , Yarns
Dare a Cula Cozy. , i'ropt. , Dwtsa.
III:1'Ei'17' b'llll'1111fil'It111'Idlt MIMMFO
Nent Sulu itenllmdrbtfor This Cliii rite
lilt' Tdsteorprise ,
A musical am ] literary entertainment wa
given last evening at dire First Congress
tional church under t the auspices of lit
Emma Fiowcr misshn , The "Euterpe n
club , composed of hurt'l'es Claire , Chamber
lain , Cce , Balbach , ( Allen , and Mrs. T. d
Mahoney , vlolinistsn mind Misses Jooephhi
Allen and May Baibadh , mandolin players
gave a number of + stlections , which forme
the musical treat of rho evening , "Titer
Flower. , " a readings by Mrs , J. J , Dickey
and "The Legend of the Organ Bulider , '
also by Mrs , Dckey1'completed ! a thorotshl ,
enjoyable program. The receipts of the en
terlainmenl , which were large , are for tit
benefit of the Emma Flower mletiot , Th
liover tntrsloh , which was organized by Mrs
George A , Hoagland nearly two years ag
In memorlam to iicr daughter , Mica Emm
Hoagland , has ateadily grown in Its minis
traticns of mercy ley brighutening the varlou
1lcspitaly of the city , until at the presen
tirne over 300 bouquets of flowers are ills
tributed emit-monthly among the patients
Many of the flowers are donated , but tip
greater portion are bought of the fioristt
and it was. ' to defray these cxpemr'es that tht
entertainment was given last evening , whlcl
Is to be one of a series ,
- - - -
Pilgrim Congregational church , fortieth
and ilndge. Sale of work Wednesday , Ma
20 , anti Thurelay , May 21. Dinners carve
from G to 8. Ice cream , lemonade , candies
Concerts and onlerlaimnents , 5 and 10 cents
Utcful articles at honest prices. Admisalor
to the church , tree ,
ylonsters ,
Thin enormous engines that haul "Tht
Northwestern Line" OMAHA-CIIICAGC
SPECIAL east at 6:30 : every evening ( Unlor
Pacific depot ) and into Chicago at 0:30 : sex
mornhig-well worth taking a lltlle time ti
see theta-nothing in this country like lhetr
-nearly as high as the Union depot , but no
eluite as long. City office , 1401 Farnam St
Chuta e of 'I'hne ,
CAGO LIMITED of taw Chicago , Miht'omkec
& SL Paul now leaves the union depot dally
at SIX-Tif1RTY ( G0) : ) p , in. , arriving Cld
cage at 9:211 : a. to City Ticket Office , 1501
Farnam street.
I'EILSONAi. i'.tlt.tCCAl'IIS.
1V , F , Towner , Cincinnati , Is a Darker
F' , IT. Udey and wife , Utica , are stopping
at the Barker.
George A. Brooks of Bazile Mills was ix
the city last evening ,
E. G. Jones of lire Portland Oregonian It
in time city on business ,
II , F , Wilson , tvlfe and son cf Wayne were
Omaha visitors yesterday ,
M. C. Keath of North Palte ; canto in or
the evening train yesterday.
Frank Colpetzer has gone to Deadsvocd , S ,
D „ to be absent a few days.
Matt Daugherty of Ogalalla was among
the Omaha visitors yesterday.
S. S. Walters , Ed Perry , J. Mendel arc
Chicago arrivals at the Barker.
R , C. Talbot , jr. , and wife , Tecmuseh ,
Neb. , are stopping at 'the Barker ,
Gould P. Dictz left for Deadwood , S. D „
last night on a short business trip.
H. G , Burt , general manager of the Elkhorn -
horn road , left for Chicago last night.
Porter Warner , editor of the Times , and
Charles Waite of Deadwood are in the city.
Rev. Philip McKint of Norfolk is here attending -
tending the meeting of Episcopal clergymen.
J. II. MacColl , who has been in the city
for several days , left for Lincoln last evening -
ing ,
C , K , Lawrence , Dlma , 0 „ and James
Kingham , Troy , 0. , are stopping at the
Dr , George L. Miller returned from New
York City yesterday , whore Jae has boon for
a fortnight ,
Ed J. hail ; politician anti newspaper man
from Grand Island , was among last oven-
ing's arrivals ,
lioward Elliott of St. Joseph , a prominent
Missouri Pacific official , came hi on the evening -
ing trait yesterday ,
George B. Harris of Chicago , second . vice
president of the Burlington road , arrived to
the city last evening ,
D. G , Spencer , W , C. Drlsh , J. J. Mahew
and C. H. Word are registered at the Barker
from Kansas City , Mo.
J. F. Heftaer of Bloomington , Ill. , who has
been visiting in the city for several days ,
left for home yesterday.
Nebraskans at the hotels : G , N , Champion -
pion , llartingtcn ; George F , Taylor , Fremont -
mont ; P , W. Plank , Lincoln ; James hlasvett ,
I'npllllon ; G. J , Evans , Hastings ; L. W1i-
liams and wife , Gandy ; C , M , Clark , Friend ;
F. Hoofer and wife , Aurora ; F. A. Harris ,
York ; George Arlewright , Beatrice ; J , S. hat-
field , Columbus ; J. M , McClelland , Fuller ,
ton ; Pierson D. Smith , St. Edwards ; N. W ,
Wclla , Schuyler ,
+ 4 h
t - a f
Will Youth
, turn ?
It wlli , if you entertain 1i properly , but It wilt
tat remain Long unless health is Its companion ,
stealthy akin Is one of the essential requlre
ments for lhoao who desire to , rmaln young and
hc.h looking. Dry aktn la the cause of sallow.
tills and wrlnklea , Yon just as coon as the satin
incomes dry It turnslallow and wrinkles.
Yale's Skin Food
is the remedy rMdsrd to , remove $ rInkies anti
reed youth , It noar4rltes the skin and keeps It
in a perfect condltlenp making it ImpossILle for
wriakic s to fern , , ] t a/ea softens the expression ,
rivint ; It n youthful kiuw , me sure you get the
renulne-YALR'B , isdld everywhere. Two sires ,
lie , ) and $3.Oi.
Ma1L' , at. YALE , , health and Complexion
6peciallst , Yale Tetns1 'et Beauty , ito State nl ,
Tlrago. Send for roalma Yale'a "Oubla to
ieuuty , " mailed free. ,
ESTABUSfliin 1974 ,
G. A. Lindquist
316 Soutlt FifIIoed1t Sl.
: i Novelties
L of Sj5riseg
- $5.00
And we guarantee all our work to
bu the very best. Tooth extracted
for 25 cots ,
4th Floor Brown Block ,
10th and Douglas St.
9f 4f f Al bf l f f f df f f 4f 1f ilf f 1f f ! f
lice , May iS ; hS 6 , -
a f
db/ L / Owing to the Ra in I
t > 4f I
r of Saturday more than half the $4.00 Suits at ( 'The I
d9/ Nebraska „ arc still left , and we will continue to sell them
f at the same price until all are gone , so that people who t
f were unable to do so
4 bat O Saturday
- d f - Can get themselves in the push today without extra
Elf charge , The lines are still practically complete in sizes
and patterns , but 1f the weather isn't too pesky mean for
any use the large sizes will be badly demoralized by ted -
d f night. 4
_ .
w4f ,
Are the greatest values of the age. Never before have
'f similar suits been sold at retail for less than $7,50 , except
where some stores sell 'em for $6.75 to city folks and i
charge $10.00 to people from out of town , so as to get
. tiff - _ 'square. They '
/ '
tl MW Be On SaNe .
Every day while there are any left , but late comers must
i not expect tb find patterns or sizes complete. We said
ids last week , and we repeat it db
tSf 61
Again .
tbfthese suits are all wool and should not bz confounded del
with cotton mixed suits that may be advertised at the
-bi same price or less during this sale.
@f X11
t4i r I r f r
4 4t
f4 jai 1 18 '
i WASTSClosing I
Closing Out , . Z + h
For all the IME '
Weinberg's 5Oc and 75c It' - , r tlti ' ' Ve , L , : M
1 tl ,
ty ; s > 7r ; . .
Entire Laundered
Waists d e t , t dtr ,
Stock '
. r , i 3
New o c s.
in the Choice colors , . , r ter , l. .
One to a customer I ' ' > t E' pf 4 - , , . ,
Y. M.C.A.
Building. 39c 68c 98c
r r
Four Forall of Welnbot'g's All Woinhorg's Forall the laundered
line Ding , Stanley , and
Big Ladies' Star Silk
Waists lTrappers Waists Waists
Bargains in fustcolor Merltnue that sold up to $2 50 I that weinbm'g sold
and Simpson prints-teach go for OSc-lots'ior up te$4O1)--beml-
To d ay. ; tlw aye $1,00 bcto'o of them. ttful limo of colors.
1T I-I E S IL"jIF t before Must be May gone 22.
Can't cut 'e2ld
fast euvuglr.
95 C _ _
ayard for
. .
GEiVUINE = -.a 1
BODY r 'f
% Vou'th up to
$1,35 u yard.
While we have an enormous stock-or did have
when the sale first began-there were so many patterns
sold yesterday and today that we feel called upon to
. warn you that there will soon be an end to this sale-the
assortment is not broken yet-every Body Brussels
Carpet in the store is included in this clearing up sale-
borders to match-stair and hall designs as well ,
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Coe ,
1tLG'Dnuglas Street ,
t Ifundrrdtofremeareputupraatanleedto .
Do not ties with stopped bbLmtnanheodCapaUleurewannntedsnd
for . , boa Tueid ae l . T.asy . sad f ho Veak , , raln ' , sot Maim.
Y.umyroarPlllr..uretotba howl slanhLma7mo , iYnrsiol
' , , ,
9old sort IIAIL'B . youti tui re9
BLUmah.neb DymalL Mam.w . roUKesWrnauldouglbas'al'naascr tel Faromtlt..en.LaNtL.11.00baL ma1L ,
The I I
Read the Prices on Children's
Wear , Mackintoshes , Millinery -
linery and Silks.
Iron Beds at Selling Prices.
Some Meat Specials ,
The Celebrated Butterick Patterns -
terns are Sold Here.
Buy the Brigntcner Witchkloth.
Children's Dresses.
American makers surpass No world in
making Chiidrelt's Dresses ,
Au enstener has just sent us a largo order
wldch hnd been canceled owing to the buy-
er's fallure. lie was glad to realize 50c nn
the dollar , Thu gain la your. The dresstq f
are nmdo from handsome dltnitios amid lawns ,
with while tucked yokes and runes over
shoulder , herring bone fluid embroidery trint-
nmhtge , large , full sleeves , rump trlnuned ,
clzes 2 to t ; years , The prices will bo 25.
40c , 75c and 98c ,
Children's Jackets.
. -4
. '
n ; fe .
; , ca i 'Y' ; d ?
Children's , Jackets in red , blue and fancy
mlxUtres at 75c , 31.45 anti $1,98. Theca
Jackets are handsomely lrimnied w Ith silk
braid , in nil ohndes , have stylish reefer col-
lava and full sleeves. At the above prices
they are unequaled values ,
Ladies' Mackintoshes.
A complete line of fine Mackintoohes , becomingly -
comingly made and rain defiers , at all prices
from $1.75 to $7.50. You need a Jlackine
tosh in Nebraska.
See the styles-how pretty they are. Sob
the price.-how little they are.
Dainty Trimmed Tints at 9Se , 31 , 18 anti
$ L93 , These ! fats have bean selling for
$2,50 $ , 33,00 and 34,00. ' .
See the now sewn-inch tape braid in
Islander and kilo Ilolr t'hapes , The very
newest things In slyllsh headwear.
Trimmed Sailers at 35c up ,
Untrii nncd Sailors at 25c ,
Cblidren'n fins French Chipped flats at 39e.
educed froth 98c ,
75c Velvet Wreaths' for chlldren's hats at
.5c. These are beauties , j
White Leghorns at 39c ,
Latest Monchero effects in Roscs and I ,
[ 'ollago at i0c and 15c bunch , I
SIk ! Bones In all the newest shades mil 16o
iNEltY ,
Silks at Half Price.
Japanese wash silks , a magnificent assort-
ncnt of stripes , plaida and checks , our en-
Ira line how at one price , and that a very
ow one ,
21c Yd
Swivel wash silks , ahtsolutcly fast colors ,
oily 27 Inches wide , until this week they
ave been 39c per yard , now they arc only ,
2 c Yd
All our finest novelty silks In printed
rnrps , 1'ereian , Orienhrla , brocades , champ-
eons , time very best goods In the house ;
veru $2,00 , $1,75 , $1.50 nud $1.26 per yard ,
our choice of thorn all now for only ,
98c Yd
Our $1.25 grades of black dress silks , 23
inches wide , In l'cau do noire , gnus grains ,
hnln es , walhm duchcsso , etc „ ail guarantecdl
Ike , for only ,
98c Yd
ron Beds.
R'o are again In simapo to offer yon Iron
eds , having just received another carload ,
Ito first car sold 1n less than a month , ao w'o
tiered another , Full size Iron Ilels , brnss
hnmings , best white enamel , at $3.85 ,
; ,95 and 38,26 ,
1b50aby Carriages at $4,50 , $1.00 , $5,85 and
, ;
Sig Meat Day.
ants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6lc and 7lrfaoa
tit Pork . 3'fin
Icicle Pig Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
agar Cureti Bacon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7l io
meted Reef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31fsa
nlogna 4c
ga feet 40
sad Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to
van Sausage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /o
aveled 11am , In cans , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5a
rotted 11am , in carw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be
Irned ileef , In Cana , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , IOu
nnproased Cooked Corned Reef. . . , , , . . Oo
pound cane 1 ard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
pound cans Lard , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25u
.pound cans Lard , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49u
Theca prices to be bad only at taw IJOMll2
iY '