_ - -r -S----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 9hi1I : 0MAIIAJAI1YVIDNJIAVLAY : 4 _ , ) , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 'ruE OfAI1A I)1iix Bii 1. fl)1\VA rIfl , T0lIo . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ - - 7----- 1'Ut1t8Ilt1) 1Vt1tY MOtIO. . TEItMH OI. $ t'flscztIl-rIoN : 1k' . ( Vtiout SUid3) OIA efIr 3 * Uy Ike ao4 Stfl1) , One Ytfr . . . . . 1 O I3Ix MrnthN rhre Mlmthf4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' " ' " 2 . ) 4tjnIj' ih t . One Y'4r . . . . . . . . . . . . . fniir1sty ILee , Oii Y 'nr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I \hekIy flee. Oflo Yir , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ot ter : Onthhn. Th fl. l3iilhulflX. flIIUI OmAhz , SIn&r fllk. Ci U tiM 4th St.t CntinII 1Iutt. , . 1' ' NrtIi MnIn )4tret. ( iI ( nr ( ) 0:3k. : , I7 ( ThanIcr nf ComnirCt. Nw otk. Itsfl 13. 14 iDi E , TTIbU1' Ilhui. \'nington. ) Iv7 P Sttt. ? 1. ' % ' . con1usPoNIflNCI : : M ; ommunIeiIni rctIng tn nw IflI tetI1 ) fliattef ? Ii.tii1 ? L n4rs. r To the I'4ltor. ] IttN'Is8 1lrrlfl3 ! : All butncui , li'ttrs stnt temIttnee ahnuhu b i1ctre1 to The flee 1'nt,1lhIn Coiflhlifly. Omntin. flrrte , chicki nn1 1.oCtItflC tt1I tO be main v nhiI to ( Ii. nttler of tb .nrnV'flY. 'riii UTF I'UflT.ISIIlNU COMPATY. TAT1MVNT OF' CIflCtI1.AT1O& a ( ergO It. Tttituk. pretary of The 1I riib 3IiIng ) cm'ony. tIng 1ily vntfl. ( hOt fiCttih n'ImPn.r ot tntl nn.I eQmpht o.T'tc' of the hIy tornh , , 1venng nnd hinly ltee TTfltL9l ) ( lUling the month ot .prhI , 1C9C , WI'S fl ? fOl1OW' I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,1I1 1t . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . 19.tit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 17 t14 iT . . " . . . . . . . 1.fIt IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , . . . . . " it.n ; n 2t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; " . . . . . . h9,11. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ; . . . . . . , I.7 21 7 Vt.02' ' ) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.Otf 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . , . . . . 17.Cl V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.t2 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . te.221 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 179 $ ) 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.n1 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; v ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9l 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.r4 2. ) . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . Is oi ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8jO1 Tntnl 11N1t1ctICn ( or tn.o1 ( nn1 TetUTT'Pd COt)1C9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.1) Net i1e . 1 lfl pt (1hly : overage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l7J3I aioimt it TZI1t1'C1 , RwOT fl tfl t'tore me id ltecrlted th flI ) r'repncp ' thIs 1st ! 1fl or MOV tG ( seat. ) N. P. 1'vtL : , Ntnry Public. T1ic RI1V'IIPg 011 tlit' 1t11ii SCh)1 itnir : 1)Oflf ) IUtVt' l'ttSOl ) I 0 4ll ) V8 t 11 lii I i' t Ii iltl $ CtV'H on gtttIng nIT so 1tsfly. Isn't this rntlier ( 'nrIy to rolflh1lPliV ( flit' 8111111fl1 tIi' III tilt' pilce of Cofli ? 9'Iio 1c ( Ihhllhlhle has not ytt eoln. 1)1tted Il work. 'VR1t 8 c1lIck4ll latin etnb1tsi'd ] Iii 011 II tct lOtiVl t Ii I Ii 1' COil H t J ) Ot ) ! Ii OqtI I t1 tlit' tlnforIlllItL ( ' Ihhh11ltt4 ; of tliitt ItlHtit'l ' toii ! ought to 1tt. lit high ft'lt1ier. A no I her lt'ti 11I eti d Iqii It I I o n I Ill orl er fioin on r : t ni lititi ' Cl ) I ) I pill IOVU ) ry that vI11 t'tillglitt'it tilt. ? itlt)1)t ) ) V11CIJIeI t , v8 .M a t i. ) I l1 II (10 , t CYCI)11 ( , fl Ii U ITIil I1 ( . a slinoon , i lilohisoohi , Ol SOIHO Otltr ( COIIINIOII of ( lie e1e111121118. tht' (11'gflt(1S ( ( to flit' St. rlII ( 'OIl- vitttott 1ii.e : bteit electel. 'I'Iie f01- caiters ( FOlU I1OV 011 HUIHI 1I'flY ( ofT flgtt titi g w I I Ii tltl Ill it I I t's 1111(1 1 ) I S ( ' I II el i cnlt'tiIi I tolls Oil tito ( Xj)1'Ct ) ( ' ( llCtIOfl of Illell W11t ( ( It1eittitti I1V ( khlVll. ( Flelti MflVItIRI Yllnngatft : lins reichetl : toscov s-l fely flfld IM lllItIClIlttIIlg ) III the COrOhlatIll f'lt ; tlit' r(1)letIlIfl- ) five of tw ! JltlOIICSO elnpt'ror. fltit In all the festivities 'we dart say lii' will flfl(1 ( nothing thnt 'Will IluIrt'ss him flH tild thi ) 4OCUllC(1 rnhlronl ( depot at Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aitt I1O\V tliiy al e talking otit in Coinratlo Of Senator Ih nry T. 'rtuer a ; CalhlIllfl ( tt' of' the free silver dPino- ILtH for thn prsit1hlcY. ( % Vliy , tlit'ii. fliP they Sll(1Illg ( ( Sitntor TOlltt to St. Ioii1 nt tll1 litid : of tlit CloraIO ( t11e- gatlon to the VOlUb11C811 national coti- voittlon ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nobraslut never wa so lh1ii1Vtilltt a factor In iitf ! 1iolitlcs as It is totluy. It f1l0fl1IM to leitl : tim lOhtllb4t na tional ( NllYetit ) bit 1111(1 t4t''IIIS to 1)1 ) tlit Iilitit' ) ( ) vliIcli tlto fate of t lie ile- nloCrly tliiil. All(1 ( eveii In tlii' pro- lliIitIol ) ( OllY'Itt ( Ion It Is 1)01111(1 to lllV ( a. front seat. It Is rCIOrtcd tlttttU Co1orio WOIflOfl last w-eek ltPSit1e ( over the lhtOt (1Iiorkrly COtlLtty conveittion that wat' esr held nlly\vllPre. lInt if anyol rliouhl ilItIIllltt ( ' that ltIlfltlS Ilittt VI : $ why It was ( IFor(1t'rly lIe vohhl(1 1)10b- ably be forlhvIth dIhIollIlCCd US a horrid - rid , Ifleflll , 4)1(1 ( tiIit. ! ( nngrcss ShoUld 1tMtV4 a few of tiIOi4e coflte4tcd leCtIOll Cii ( ' ovt'r to ltt short scsIoii ilcxt viiitel It voiih1 ho cit- throb' contiary to prceehtt ( to tlltpose ot all thlSC ? citses In tinie to lot the iicct sftll cotitestant t8l ( ' his sett : aliih serve ItIOl'C than half the terill lot' vhilcht hits s'tts ehtitet1. Tile IO'fl Sthlti' 1liJocra1 Ic coitveittlon oechll.s tO(1tLY. Its tittlitti lit thin sehec- iloit of a tehegatioii to ( hiletgo :11th ] I lie fra Ill I lIg of I It o I iist rtit t in its hilt1 t'r vltlcht tllh' nil ) to Work vhhl he fiiiih : Bit to I hits pltce : of' lVlt' $ VOtes. ' 1'hit COllVehItlth1 vIh1 ( h'CllL ( for Iloles ititti fIOe sliver lhhhhtts till signs fail. SetuillIg a ti'heriiti : over 17O ( ) inlics of s ii e Is rcgtr'hl : ( us a iititt ttr of CO1Ir1e lit tiihi VOt'hcIth15 ( ! hl(1-f-thle- ( ) vorhi1. But thit ulneteenth-eeiittlry tng- getlori 0110 Inititlred yctrs : ago that we litighit hOh1me dtty CtlItllhIlhhIcatn alitiost lhlHtflhltflhleOlISJY 'With ] ) etIlO ) ( hi$4tahtt hitilf vty itrotinti the gloln vtnild have hceii recelveti as the vlItIest of liahlu- chijatloits. ' 4'Iie voi1t1 dot's illove , : tiitl It illOVtH rnpldhy. IIov (011 'e lnit inilnicipal ceononty nud coitst&tiitly crt'tte : hlltrtt otilet's ? Nu' It. 114 proposl to ithlt 011 t o iluire IIIeII UflIher I I ic Ph II Il IIhlg ) I lth'Ct ) ( or. 'l'hie 'hote voi'h f I ii I . o Pl U 10 ng iiite. t loll RIII1 5tVr ettitneetlons lieltitigs Properly - erly 11 tuher t ho eiigl neet-i ng (1 ( eii 1t to Ini 811th thiertt Iii ito liloro llecsity for a ittcliiI vhtllnhlllg lnsin'etor itilti t wo ati- tlstants tiiitii for lIve vhit'eh to a w1gohl. , 'Putt eOltSOhhIatloht of city othlces vii1 50011 be nii Itlnhtlto 1It- cesIty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'lto lH0h1IO of GV1I1(1 ( hhtlhl iiiiih ot OlnaloL auit the raliroaths to z'tiii ieclah ) exelIrsion t raIlIH bet vecli thtoso cities Stturhhi33 11111 ] Sunthiyt-i. 'l'o tb 80 Wtlhtl IttlVflt the l ) < 'OlhIJp ) the cities auth create biislntss for the roitls. : Tite Ihlatter , hiYeVer , 'WitH referreil to thu Chicago freight hod , and tito chair. uiItlL sahi no. ( Jlilcngo Is nIi.powci'ul. Its 1011S dictate teritis to thai entire Its eleVatorS ( lictOth ) tile hit-ice of grain. its Insurtuiec IIWU tell Ne- brnskazis wintt rates they illilst iai- In 8hort , our jt'OlbU ) jittist jiay llthllflgC auth tribute to thu z-uIer of thu great XUCtVOJOhId. : T,1 , h'I1VIdl . .sTAiAJ ; .S7. I.fn , , . .titlmiigh thl ( ' si1vt'r ittntt will hinvq it V'I'.S 14 hIm I I Vet C' I ti t Il ( ' 118 I 101111 1 IC- jitilhlcnii tbthlhIttiOll I1hl still hs.t In t I i t' ci eel iiia I col ht'gi' , I I 10 II rob to 1 l e 0 et I on of their 1h'ieSt.hltittIVIS ) itt St. h.ouls Is ( .i rtbetl tI S of so Ill t I ii t t I- ( 4t . I'1 U' t'itt'iiti ( lt'etOtIJlI 1 ( iloit f 11H 11:1- : t Itii ii I CflhlVt'tl I litti ( I ii nil t s a 5011 Il hi 11101 % ( fi :1 : tfhrthI n it i i st I ( ° i-ely h ) l 111011 hict's agaInst tlit' fric etiiittge : Of siier , itt tlttie I Ut ) lt'iIhlt lii ( IlhIlt .VIhI III' hi ( hhl ( ' I Iii. ' thel t gI : 11.5 ft hIl I I ii i' sli I.t. slatis vIh1 lsbt. 'I'itis lii Itily thifl itt- tehitloli of 1 lioe I t-iIll ( 'oilirthbo : end Itlthiti : n ntl iii'lr exntitihi vlIl tbotiht- iei be fohIoved ity the tIt'lt'jzt : ft's front \lhl1lflhIfl , 1511111 niid Nevadu , In nit tiiitty-tvo. 'i'hits would hot ) t. a t't'io1Is iilstttvt' SO far as lilt ? t'oiivt'iitloit is Chill- ( hEh1l , ( . I t oti I * 1 titit I ii I 1 i 0 iI1 St ( 'lll ha Irass I Ii ( ' tlt'i ibera t iou s or I I I c a ci loll 0. ) f I ii ii t I otiti ' , jitit' % 'Ol I I ii I t i ) II I Cli ii : tiy affect I lit' chItllctt : of 111V Cfltlhlhhitl ( ( ' for I Itli flhllhlIJl:1t10111 : I1' tue lttlil ( bitt IIhV stotids. lInt thies' ; st tti'o 1Ov ( ' sb tr ( ll votes In thto ci eel toni I eel lt'go' a it ti I t Is n li I n I t'r- h'MtItlg h1tlh'StlOrl Os It ) 'hiitt eliect thie litti I I ii g ti t t ito 11 :1 : t I nit ti i toii Vh'Il t 1 oIl by I I I P1 r ib i'ii'gt : tPg ivoti I d 1 i ye 11 I ) ) I1 t lie ( ' ) ) ' : V0le15 Ill Ilte election In No- vt'lll1ot'i 'J'lio' eiti'es1ooiis of tue state COhiS''lltiOhlS Jt'ii v Ito doubt t hint at hl ( , seIi t :1 : 11111)11 ii ly ot I I It ? rt'iillli ) I en 11 $ 0) ) f tllhSU stitttegaid : the : ltlse of free SIiVt itS stilit'i'ltit' to evei-y other. 't\'Iil ihht'3' h'OllIililte iii this oIIhiIOlt after 1111 ( I VO i'iviit'h n i I i ig I hlUO 11 I y hi F t ii e sell ta I Ives o t t I ih i : r ty ha v e ( I eel a it'd : tgt : I lIst t'ree si I vet' , ot' 'V I I I I I t ey (1 estrt tltt i)1 ) ity : illhl l'hJeCt Its lt'hlitIsC to glV ( ' the co)1hhitl' . ' ii ll'V' t'l'ht U t ft ) ( ' 55 Il tiol ) ) ) ' I1 t3 ? It : II. ilIg to get free silver , lil I iio' l'h'flISl' CVh'l't hiliig lst' iiiiil 'lst tla'lr volt's viiete thit'y ivihl hoe ill a lntpeht's in I II ni-I ty , or vhi i're I f by : t ny i ° $ SiIIII1Y I lit' shinulti itt. tIlt the vlit- thug side all their otiit Iiiteretts woithtl he sieihliced : ( a that of silver ? 'l'ht t' l'h'I tUb d ica us ti I I It o rI lve : st a t t's :1 : rt' lii fa vet of' P1'tt t'et loll . 'l'ii e I it I t'r- h'StS Iii those slates : tlIected by thifl ( a ii IT bin v t' sit hTei'o'ch si'vt'rt'ly front dcl ito- ert : I I e i toil I t'.sa . IthI 51)111 I' of I it t'so' I II t ert's Is Ih1.0' ' : tstly hiloi'e vtiLl:1IIt : : ) tlniii thit' sil- \-t'1. I it-otil ii i't Itiii. 'l'ii 0 wiol lii t'i't' t : tloiit , iii tivo 01' thirt't' of I ha-so' stntt' hi 0 f gt't : t or vt : i no' t hii : a t I it , it ii ii 11t 1 pl'O- ihtti'Iloii of silver Iii : ihl hit' thieni : tiiil it i 1:15 : I ) CPu I Ill I II t'iist'ly (1 ii Ill Ii geil by t Iii' I ) i'VSt'il I ta ii IT In w' . 'i'li e vloi gin \vt'rs ( if 2oloiltalit : alih1 1l:1ht : : ind loltihie , as 'ei I : t S of' Ca I I fhrn I a a II d ( ) rt'gon , cooll at ( lieu losses fiolil fret' wool : t t tells of ill I II of dohit : vs : t a ti I ii ey ii II de r- .4ttiid fully that thicie can lit' ito relief , 110 blelhIl a II ( 'It t I till ) tVh' ) tll'hlt i 11 t Ii t' Coil- ditlon , ) bolig as the itresent tariff lt' : rei 11:1 : ills i a (0 iCC. 'i'i i t'y 1 lll\s' t hat ( I ii iy by lest oil hg i i-ti t ( 'e i 11)11 1 0 'ooI caii this ilflpDt'tlhlt llIoh1lstl' le saved fi-out Zt1 inos t coin hilt' t p des t i-iet I on , a hihi 'hiat is true of wool Is no 1'ss ( tile of tos t'i-y liitert'st alTetted. by thio tai'iff thitt : hiis : sillYtit'd fitiiti hh'lnoeratie Itoh icy. 1"iee sib 'Cr a hcoiievoll I hi I tel p the silver niiniilg huh list ry and oiiiy that. It is ihiilRssilIO ) for ta'li ! to h)1)- tit ill bol I i free i i i vt'r n a d p ro t t'et I nit. I t Ivoll 1(1 5C'III 8 It' II ( 'ct I oil 11 I loll t it ' I 11- I t'l I Igel ice o f t I te si I 'r st : tl e ( ' ) ih lea II s th ) 855111110 1 lOll I iits re 1tllllet1 to l'4'J't ( tiit' latter if tlley i'alinot iitvt' : hit' l oi-tlit'i . 'i'hit're Is hittIt' r'tsoli : to doubt that the it'1)tllhit'lll ) ) : party ( 'flit elect tilt' 1)i't'SIhl'htt vithiout the votes of I hie sit- \ el sIn ft's. Bitt none tile less it Is de- 51181)10 to htive : I liese stltes : in the re- Illli11'011 ) COhLllilfl and tIleir Ilighiest in- t ( 'Vh'SI i4 shi oil It ! I ii 511 re t hit'i r be I ng In I I tt : t cob U Ill Il. ati ivo' :1 : it' i 0 ( ' 1 I ned I o l'hieve , 1101 'IthlStahi(1Iilg tue epi't's- sbus of coiiveill 10115 auth tile tlt'clara- 110)115 of eXtrehlle free silver icailers , that they s'ihl be foui.id there Viltll tile ebeettoni ietllilis are counted In Novein- b'r. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rh LKIX ( . ' ( "OLOVLtfIt1JOUM. Then' : tpH'llIS th ) ho' it il't'tty ) gti'nei'al stlit Itlieitt : llnollg Sianiish statesluell , esPl'cilhIY : those of the hIIertl : filetihat , In favot 1' 0) f I tist I t II U hg re l'o ii 115 i II ( oh at , I nI t II ii 504'ill to 1I& I lliIltth1Vi ) t Ii tile lohea tIm t great cire : must 1)0 takt'n to ine- SUl'Yh tue IliliH'rili : hlIgllIty. It Is coit- ft'sseil ( ill tI I 1 hlillt1i : that Stlliet hiiilg shtoulhl 1) ) ( 1ooie hy ) \ly : of ratlleahly re- fol'lilillg t I it' gitvi'lil lit ( 'it t II I .syst t'iil Ill I he alluded island , hIlt every PUllIC ililll ) lit Slalili vhio talks cit titi' sIlbJect shiovs grt'tt. : colicel-il iet ' 'Spallish hiottot' oath oh I gil I t s' ' ' be I II SolIlt' 'a y ccii ii 1)10111 ! setl. ' ( 'his sort of t'eehlng ntay be : lpjrt'cItteth ) : (11(1'Ol'ib lflt ill tlit' ' thieie iii I lit' ( ( \ ( , ) iie' ovlil ho lit the syiiipathiy ivithi it. 'i'il ( ) ) of tIle iilerICitlt l'oilhhIhIe.S ) , 'i'hit , Viitii' itllhI ( 'll' ( ' ilothIllIg ItliolIt "ihilili'i'IilJ digliity , " w iii have 310 toleration for : i stilit i Iliehi I. U in t oi a'rt : t Cs I h ) \V I t I 11101 U jUst It'e fro Ill t he ( 'ii ha a icopie a llhh to 1)10101 ig t ii C hX 1st t'ii 'o' I ) f a st a I e of a I- fairs tbolt is tleIbrt'tl ) ( b' tiit' civilized vori hi. \\'hi eli Spi : II isi i st ; t tes in eu aol i ii it that Otibiti. ought th ) haive eoilnial ito. toiioi II ) ' 8 ii hi I 11:1 : t tier peopi e I tave r'n son th ) hbelltltlll 1)0)111 ) Iciti reforills , Ito shIrt of sob terrtlgt' , seit t i nien ta I or 0 t hi t'l'SS'Ist. v1ll satisfy I hose s'hio art' Iii syiliathiy , vltii tito' heroic t'fl'oi'ts of I lie flilbalis to ft-co tlit'iiist'h . ' i'lh I Ill ' 1 s.t's ) ill ii it U ( 8 op- itl't'551011. 't'iit' flhhItlIsslOhl siioultl hi' fol. lhtVCi ( 'wIth tue least iiossiidt' delay by iU'l'tiCill etmortI4 to illstitlltt' I he liecibehi t'hi ii Ii ges. I t. i N ( itest Iti na hi i' , Ii o ivevt'r , vhiethier i4tl'hl ( 'lTOl'tH VOtllhl litlhla' a ( ii- Vol I'll I ii t' I in ilrtssItt 11 111th t lie ( it 1st us. 'i'itt'y I ill 'e I CII III ( 'hi I ( ) tl ii4 ItO ( ' 0)11 t1 ( It'll CO I it t hi ( ' i ti ii Isht gOVt'lii mdl t , viiose 11:1st : juotitlses iiitve tet'il 'orthiless. lIe- sitles , tItt'y htto : gote into this conflict to ) ii t Ill I a I titieitt'll tlhhiCft 811 ii I ln'y : t he itot hiii. i'itthy , hiI'o'OS'C ( ' tlit'y ility : lie lt : ter ( lii , t 0) sen ousl y cil si tb' t a ii ) ' ot I icr termination of tim struggle , . 1.1' WJ141 XT JIS'J A ii eititt'rit dt'iitocrit t Ic OfllIl : reillarico tililt Uia htttshittei Ititerests of thin t'QtIlI- try WOtlhtt bit La'sL subservt il by givi1l the tariff it rt'ot ititti 1)3' "givIng lh itrt'seItt bight li0te'tlVe ) l'ltt'S : 8 fair trial. " ! I'hiis is the geitt'rtI : dcnloci'itic : viuv , baIt the nvt'rlvhehnlihIg loPtllar selitlllellt ! of thu ctltIltrS' 15 agaiiist It , I Itt' call tim tariff be glvt'it a rest so long as the reYCIltieS of thu goverilnielit h(1'O less tlntu tiioi eXilOlti1ttltrci flIthi SI ) bug us there Is itniustrial stagitatiun tinti au army ot uuellilluyd ) labor ? it ii hit' 'I'i1 foiiiiibt'tl hiihhioti ) Of a barge Ill iijoil'I I y of I I ih. s itiel-lei : hi , ( ) t Ii ti I. tiit'st' ehiihhItiohi5 1110 titit' to ( lie ( ' ( 'hIiohttIC I )1 ) it'3' ( I 1' 1 Ii t' tl ( ' ttlOCi'it t i U I ) t1t' It it ( 'ill- ifthl'hi ) ) lii tiii t'xistlttg hit-hf iiis' otiti It 1)1 tlit ; tilltiOll ) tiiit'1i hits : t'atist'tl tile riI1it i'i ( 0 lii I. ! ol i-i ft I u t ii i' Ih'Itll ) tb I citit hilrt , , " . I'iii'i i' COIl itt' no hlltt'MtIOll that t lie grt'it t relnilIik'lil : vIlorIt's Of th i)5t ) tVti ycors vere hi onlght about boy tiio' tariff in hitlt'st 1(111. ( 'l'itey w'ere pro- I t'Sl'o it go I list t Ii t' ti t'lll ot'rn t Ic Pill I t'y t tin t ito Ee'lhIolIlhIt' fitt tiepressIoli 111111 treas- It i y iit'lIti 114 8 II oh govt'rit in en t I )0t'tO\V I ii g. Shah tilh' obvlotls :11111 l1tlhllIsti1l1lle Ill tI : Il I g a itoh at ipt'se of t ia'se iiiiti ha r 't't'il It' I s lit' I gtlhVetl a ad a I a ii IT t I i : tt Is % tttel'ly iiuit'fviislide itt' hliiVh.'d to Stilhihi ? 'l' ) il : t t it i-I if hi ti s 1 a't'n Ill Oh'l't t loll ltellriy ' ! - ) ( ' IliohitliS it.tlhb vhitt Ii a V ( itt'tii I I it' l't'Stl I I it ? \ $1 I'll ii I ly a e- CII Ill 11111 I I ug I ii1 so i' ii e Ilcit , i lIhitIst rI a I stagitttt 11111 , olepressloil In es't'ry olt'part- lltt'llt ( If lttilitii , IL host of pi'ojile nit- ilIi ) ( to Ciltit 4111 > Sistcllct' , thit' PtllIlC ) debt attil thit' iittet'est Inii'oht'it glovIllg. So rely t ii ii4 t 21 ti if It its 1 n'eil giveit a fti : i' tl'iill 111111 thit're Is itot hit' shIgiltest iI'O.- Soil to b'htt'Vt' ' that if It st'i't' let : iloiie ititti itlitow't'oi to cotitlittlo' iii- dt'fllllteiy itVOttlhI IllVL' flhl. ' iblITt'rt'nt i-esttlts froilt thiost' llhtt'tt1y cxifl'rICLl&'L'tl. It is lllOlt' lFhlbtiiibL' ) , ritllit'r , that Its lii effects voItItl iitt'i't'lse : , I t is Itot hleet''stL'y : to tlllhht'lrate t lie I I it totlI : t lice 0) f t Ia' cli l't'ell ty hill est Ion Itt ortler to recogtil'i.e the Illli)0Ititltct1 ) of the tariff qtn'st 10)11. ) si' 1lll'e llhl'e tl 1:1 : II Oh it't' Si I I ii , I 1 it' lit rgt' Ill : ij tti'l I y ott t\ I nei-h't : Ii 'h ) I i ' IS it l't. ' 111(1St UL'eiIy ) Coil- Cei'lll'hI itt this tillle ill it lIIL'y that viIl CII II 1 ile t lit'i it t t ) t'ilVtt 1111)11 ) e.y , t ii it tV Ill r&'vi'e the iIlhhllstrt"s of thit' ctllhitl'y ittid tot' labni' . 'J1hiey w'tiit : crete : it. ( lehllilltl ( g010hl iltoIICY ) 81101 tIiC. % ilitelihi to hitvt' : It , 1 oIl t I hey It I sto Vall t the op1)ol't ) 11 11 1 t y to cll'll : It. \iii tla'rt's'lil lie ito tti'hlf : I-eAt tllitll tIit'Y get tillit olpO'tihtiltY. ) ' ' i'ltOSl'liltl'l'I ? 11114 7' lrIbL. flSTJUI' ( \'htnt is to iittie : Nebrasht : lilos- lI1'rttD ) ? InInhhltIlt ' ) . 4 ( 101)5. I ) lvcrsilit'd lrl'ttlCtlOll. ) ) fli : lsiiti lilhl1' dull , hogs , en tile , sheep , sngtl' : Ia'o't5 , ( hiit'ol , ' , ilifithlit , Ilax , t4lllthl fruit filth vegetable s-els. : ( 'onveisioit Of 1iw : lllltterhtls Into lIntlIll ftcttireti : horohluets. ? olote : hihei-al pttroflflge : of home Ill- dtst ry. A retluetloit of taxes through iionest : ulhl ( 'CtllOlliiCii goVelilnlh'ilt. 'I'lie strict : lCCOtllttnbihltY ) of itulohic ollIet'lS for tile faitlifili perforulallee Of titelihitities. . ¶ l'hie eXtIl'piltlOil of hoodierisiti anti jobbery lii e'ry brinchi : of the public ser ice. Tue reloresslOll of SeCilollal jealousy : tiid local strife nini ( lie cortiiil : co- OpL'ViLtItHl of ithl Nt'hiaShallS ill ( ) \0r3' ( 'lltel'ilrIse that I)1'h)1l1i5 to ltllld ) llj ) Nt'bnas1t : 81111 de\'tJlOi ) its resotlrces. 'I'Iie elevatioii of tue standard of lohulnr Integrity by a l)101101111CC01 ) : iiiti llllCOlitlhlOlil isilIg hiosill ity to evei' silecies of reilihthittiOll iii either 1)t11)hiC or private 1)tishtt'Ss. ) 'Phie hiolli'st hlviiig III ) to conti'act olUl- gatiolis ittid tile restoratioll of coidi- deuce : lllloil cipltthlsts : : vhio ate dis- iiost'ti to invest iii Nelraska eittei'- iot i ses. 't'hiu jtihiielous 011(1 thorough advh'r- tIsiitg of tue ltittlltill : itivantages 811(1 resltiC5 of tIle state tllVollght thoSe IltOst clt ective llleihlllls , COlltlly , district - trict 111101 state faiis aitd the great 'I'ra ilslltis.-issi ppi ( 'XlOSI t ion. No'hiittsktt's lust effective step lit thli' hlilh'i't 10)11 0) f i'eiiewed prosia'rity II is la'eii tnha 1l. 'l'he niost gi'atifyiii t'eatui'e of tIlls inovenietit is 1ltt it ( OlllCS frolit tile hlOili'St fal'illers of Ne- ii'ti'kit : , V1lh ) loire beeti sotoly tried 'ttliIit the past three years , but nl't eaget' to hY their (10)11(5 ) ( CSCII w'hieic they were not expected to litY thcni. 'I'lmu.y ituinloer Of flalIhi & o1e'Ntlbyi Bllllkt'i.'i' ,1Otllilal ittYS ie1irtskt the fohloviiig C0iilIhilliellt ) A year agt a collection was tahion tip on ( lie Chicago hoard ot Tralo for tim purpose of lrovldliog ratn for seed for farmers In Nebraska atid Kailsas who had becit left by tile drouth of the ircvious year without seed for a now crop. Pfosldent Ilaker of tite floard of Trade appotntctl a coninitteo to solicit subscriptions for thio PIIrIiOSC aliti thto conilnittee secured 1hO5 aiul dis- tribtited thirty csrloads of wheat and thirty- five carloads of oats in KatiHis aflil No- hrahka. The money was ohIstrIlitite't withoul any expectation of its being returned. but the secretar7 of the Board of Trade tins re- eently received a draft for $ ri,122 , which will pay a 40 per ccitt ( hi''IdOfld Oil the sub- 100iitiOtlS , This money comes train farmers , hio svero aldeil by tile cc4 dstrIbutioit , and who , now that they have marketeol their crop , dclre to make 500(1 tile contribution. 1'11.J 1i1I'tJItL1CiA 1'IU.t'Aflh1JS , On Tlitllshhily of iiext week the ro'- it'1 01 ictii in'l ill it i'ies svi I 1 ht hi ci ti I 11 V is couiity to hJl&'Ct hiPIegtths : to t hO C0tl1l.S COht'ttJhll \\'ilt ) II I 1' to $ bhl'Ct 1 ii ; de'r ' - go it's to t Ito i-tttlti : chiti''l1 1oii. vIiieli ( 'iits'vfleS it t Liiicoiii July 1 to piitce it foil state 1le1et 1t nolnlnation. l's-et' icilil III leO it I it ioiigi a S ( 'Oh I it I y si i i I I hi tit ko a ii act i Vt ) I II I eves t I a t II e loll II 1.1 I y eleetiolt itt ortbor I .ii ' : I till ) . , ° I.e plot ro- j)0IlIllt ) $ county df the statshithi : ia' ct'eti I t :1 : I dy i'ept'stit I cii , 'J'lt is yen r , a s in OYtiS' Vt'tt. : sliiee 181)0 , ( ) iilitiit : ititil Ioughits ct > Ulity lVhii consul tittt thtt' IHt t 4 I t'gt'Otlil oh. I ) ittigi it s cull I I ty I S a ov Sit fely t'i'puhhiein : , ptovltlltig the atrty w'Iil titittilititte it t ii'ket iiiaiie Ili ) Oil' t'tioilhhie : lttl'it , \\lO lilt' hot ShllLrehit'th vI t I i poh I t I i'a I cOt'l'tl lit ot ( 'It I ailgiet I lii factional ft'tidS lilitt w'otiioi deprive them ot' I lie niuhivideti siljjlol't ) ot' tllC t-ntih 1111(1 liii' , 'i'ite time ititil phiie ( or voilehitg tilt' $ ( 'iltlllleitt of tii hti't 81101 lsti'riiig out ihltit01)er ottlditIttes : : Iii itt Ihie pi'inuti'y hii't't itoit. 'I'iie lice hits 110 OIjt'Ct to ) sti _ e 1111(1 ( itO Prt'fetTCd caiiilliiates to ah1'nttC : for itoinlitrt tloi. : I t deems it its oittty , iiOVtiY't , to itdiiioiiilsii relotti- hicitas agitillst I epettii , tiiipitrtbottiible bluitobers vitIeht have restilieti oilsts- : troitisiy iii fotiitt'i' citiitiaignio atiol w'oiiiol t his year jt'optrthlzti : latl'tY stlcces.5 IVIICII of all titttt's SLICCCSS s'lil boo iitost ( 'sHell t I iii. 'Fite iohlee judge ( ihiCit hot. itesititto to ( 'Xht1'S5 ) his iiihhl'lbltlhll opinion of the Ctit'fIIIV ortliiiiiiice. 'l'iieru Is no olouiol that shouihl tin oifltei' arrest an litito. cent , sensitive and hlg1i-itrtiiig child = ti ; - - - - ' totiittl on & ' after U It. votthtl o'altse 0 sI i IPIII < (6 ( t i i , 'rvou s syst ciii vIiIelt votthti rba.Oosit I-e1y Itijurlous to liii' citilol , itfl' ptteltts : V0tl1hl , iot'r- hii : ; , to)1erltth ° tills illthi4t' , Ittit otlti'is soitilol 1101. 11iit : jy [ city Is iiviiig : itsiif liable to ( : % ) 4tiiitgt's so lung as the t'tlL'fCihliocy1 lilil ) roittititi. ----4 ' - 'Flip ctotttity.1optttissItoitt'rs ; at-c l'e hItlired to rcIioht' ( ' any jllstlce of liii' it'aeu ) klloVit a diuitkarol. 'i'm' ( 'lttstittht bit , j1eiltte ( hrtnth''iluo'ss 115 gt'ottiid for lttTiletitll1Ptlt. So the colli. lhtissIoiiers hikt : ( iiitiitttt ( hh\ver to ole- hose it justIce1 ftPthtltI lit his ettits , It ottgiit to be olttIt' . 'I'hte Poor 1111111 likeit : hits tllsptttts , to tiii' justice court. I le Is etitlticol to the full lflelHttrt' : of jtlstIee A. di-tittitrd t'aItllot ithhiiilhiIs'ter JustIce. 'l'il ( ' cct'tnlttty of the exposition has Cllltt' to be CilCcIh'hl ( on all lutilols. 'I'iirtt tii cIty lutist be btit'tiishii'd ttp ititol Pitt iii shIp shape for the gi-i'tt : s1iov gLe4 ( sviIiotit ( saying , ¶ 1'it ituti ter opt It' : IlIg iPitI : rs-t hi' repinel ng ( if iii'- cayetl block ioV'iiieii : ts-littlNt sKIl cli- gtge : t it ittth'lltlOll of' the people of this city. _ _ _ _ _ _ ltitstlc lily , , ) Illeni mu. Ciiitigq Tinies-ilciatii. \SIIOII a alan writes 'Oreater Now York" after lila name on a hotel iegl8ter you nisy know he is train the ceuotry . 'VII'r ( . ir ( huh' t'fl. I'll ttadcliih Ia Record. The spoils seekers wile have beii soured by the alaroling cxtcnscn : of the clvii service rules may gather comfort from tue tact that all is hot yet hort. The vice presideilcy ha hot yet been addol to tile list. l'i.eehtpilt hi ( lip ggreguhe. 2.tInhlenuiok Tribune. If the great itorthiivet never has anything worse to worry about than too much rain Its future irihi be coniparatively care free. There iiay be localities in which there Is too much moisture , but tti general effect of this spring's iuagnlflceitt and i'idespread raitifahi will be excellent on the aggregate crop results. ltilCf ltloo.lce'ul P1) Silver. .Ioui uiaL This sessloil of congress will show fln relief accorded this treasury because tile senate has flatly relused to pass tariff alit ] bond huh. The hatter would have enabled the secretary to tirotect tile litbllo credit by the nab of short-term emergency paper , allot tile tariff bitt would have Increased the revenue which .s needed Loreiy. Tim niesident is said to be preparing ailother fileSoitco asking for treasury relief , but the rrea silver conspirators iii the senate wiii iioc : : and Itthi every effort to get revenue. They want to force the government to silver pavnients. hupuu ll'M ( Chieii i 141 tior. i'i : iliitliili Ia Lidger. It was ecarcclynecessary for Minister Dun to deny agaIn thip story that Japanese inane- factures are likely to compete IlIjurlously wills Americaii made goods In our own coun- try. It has bcei efuted frequently-and yet there Is just enughi of truth In it to keep It afloat. . It Ui a fact that certain clases of gGo13 are now being made in Japan , on thoi oijder of American IncrCllantti , for saie In the United States , but tlsro Is very little danger that the amount of such manufactures wIll ever be considerable enough to excite alarni Should It become at all tlireateiliiig , howeveri , a restrictive tarltr cau be placed on Japanese gocds as welt as on 4liose from any oioer ountry , 1)t-t > i-W' , l'siug . CIncinnati 'Cammercial Gazette. Dr. Depew nlnite a good aher-dinner speech , tolls iveit a humorous story , and has delivered a number ot aotdremes that are marked by a. cOrtain state elaquezies anti ltgntty. lint lie can't write an epigram. At least , he did not when he was caiied upon. Saturday nlilit , to send a measage round tue world. Here is what ha said : "God created , nature treasures and science utilizes electrical power for tbc _ grandeur of natIons auth tile peace of the world. " That Is turgid , stilted and commonplace. Compare tt wIth tile famous liloorage of Cyrus V. Field-or was It Samuel Finley lireeso Morse who wrotc-"Wliat bath Gctl nroulit ! " There i majesty In these four words , dignity , and they are as simple as they are majestic. They leave something to tile Imagination. They speak to each reader accoiding to tile capacity of each. They are all of Anglo-Saxon origin-nut all short , of the twelve chief words in Dr. Depew's inesrage , ten are of Latin or Greek origin. Fverybody remembers the first. Let the other be forgotten as Dr. Depow's only ( allure. IoVA l'it1SS COMMid'1' , Ottuniwa Democrat : Nearly all the lead- log busino.ss men ot Ottumwa are democrats. Vc wo can call to mind hilt 000 that Is In favor of the free coinage or slIver , Des Mohno Cniital ; The people of SoiltIl- em Iowa wIil all regret tile death of sterling old WIlliam Liradley of Centerviiie , ivhio ranitod along with the venerable Idwin Mali- fling of ICeosauqua as one of the old-fasli- beet husinesel inca of the etate , Sioux City Tribune : If tIle libel suits brougilt by Ir. Traer of Viriton againit several loisa newspapers lisa the effect of arousing the press tq a sense of the itced of niotlern libel lawi , in Iowa they wiil have done good service , This paper has often argued ror reform along these lines , and the character of the Traer suits Is uchi as ° cni'haslze th iieed of It. Sioux City TImes : A young man from a Email college In southern Joiva recently car- red ! off the honors in Oil interstate era- torlcai contct In Kansas City against good iealers from a half dazen ittates , and last iveok a ( lctating team from the Iowa State uitivereiy ( won out in a talking contest in Minneapois ! wIth representatives of tue State Ulliversity of Minnesota. Dubuque Herald : Anti 110W comes the pro. hibition state convention of Iowa and adopts a liiattornl in favor of the tree and uttiimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. The iatllago is very near the same a that of the democratic coiivtiiition of Dubuque county , and tile Idea Is identical , What is to e thiohigat when the ticinocrats of Dubtique couitty and tim irohuliItIonitt of Iowa get to adcptIng the same platform ? IL would 5028) LOH it thL tact alone would ho uMc1ent to call a halt. Sioux City Jourilai , Preparations are being made for a grruild reunion of old sal- diors Ii bincoin the last veek of August. On the first tiaftfli proseot governor of Nobrioska alIt all the cx-goveriars living are to be lavited to sp4oak , , General I'rentisa a ill speak on the socJIj/iay on Shiilolt , and on 'icksburg day General Miles and General Manihernon will spoaR. The fourth tla ) is to be Gettysburg 'lay ' , and William McKinley and Joilil M , Tiitir.o'tTh are to spk , On p - poinattox day Itoo $ a. Ingersoll antI Chap. lath McCabe are ) . If tile program is carrietl out in th-(1.ihlon tue reunion wiii ho one of the mo4t nLXabie iteld in the west for a long time. i'lltSON4t h fl'I'i11hZ W'iSIi. Kaiser William ko1bciarod against clergymen - men taking any pai-1i1..roIitical affairs , lie say , . , thic-y should 1llhjr\tho souls of tile COIlI- untinity. The secretary Ofr4tio treasury aild Mrs Carlisle Iutvo take& house for the sunluter at Marion. a ahortdtt bco frouti the honie of the ircsident at Buzzarths bay. There t'CtitllS to be a fair chance that Aniericatis svlli ho able to take their suuii- tiler jaunt-a In flyIng Inachinea before this amazing cetittirCoflicto to an end , Victor Ii , Dohiivcr , younger brother of the l'ontii ( Iowa ) district congresoman , iassod a creditable exioulnatioti before tue Iowa su. iircnte court last week and was admitted to the bar. Miii. h-inma L. Mqnrpe , a little wentan of 15 summers , ha now full charge of the At- taila fleacon ( Aialiama ) , She Is said to be the youngest editor in the state , and couducts lie ; paper admirably. An } llglI9il newspaper remarks that "many pf the ittost agreabio people In tIm world will gather at Moscow , ' "I'edigreeabie' would have been a more agreeable adjectIve. Now York is about to clear away the buiidlogs on two dawp town blocks in the tt'neiiit'iit regions in order to hVlhlIhiiIltt two atnahi ioarke The vroperty will coat $ i.1hi , 000. 000.Tim Tim wife of Senator-elect F'oraker of Olila suit her three histIghter are enthtiI.tts Dii tile bicycle. They will take their whcei with thlem to Wat'hiniton when tile seiia- tOt's oilhcIai terni ht'gin. MIss Jane Stone. a I'hli&tlelphia gIn , has gtilO into the oil business in thin noaly thi covered pehroieum flelde in Tennessee. She lnotkeu her own leases. It Is her lltIOSO to drill ten wolis before tail , and ho tla COIl- traded for 100,000 feet of lumber for her derrIcks. 'I'tl.i ( .tIiflI'i' sl1'IIt. ChIcago Tribune : 'rho system of nattlre gives ulanIcinht golden SuIlSilille half the day 01111 ft variable quauitity of hlloOtIlIght at iilglit , tltotnlne4l by reilection from thai sun. Silver loss about tile Caine relation to gold ill tllO currency of the cIvilized hart of the sorlI. Chicago Journal : The plea is 5.illetiflles lint forward tilat It is Ito ivorse for thie'e silver 111100 oisnors to want to sell to the governtllent tilan it to for 1110 goitl lame OWn- era ; that the governntent is bounti jtist as mccli to take care of 0110 class as It is of the other. lint there is no obligation on tim hart of the govcruntont to take care of either. it purciiac'cs 01' goltl arc ittade without any feeling or cotlaideraticit for tile gold inIitt owners. it buys from them becaunti they happen to have what it ivatits. Neither alt the ground of sytnpatiiy or interest is there nhiy reatail svhl ) ' tile % 'esterll and Wihithern farmers should ally thoineclvca wIth Ml' , l'eiher and his friends. Nov ( c ! k Mail and Kxpress : Kx-Gav- ernor ihoics of Iowa , who eks tim democratic - cratic tiominatloii for llresidoilt on a free silver platforul , has written a letter , in V'hhiCh lie declares that wages , anti especially farm wages , arc too high , and should tie reduced. There can he lID questiolt about the Iova statesnialt's courage In tlmls matter. lie has balolly proclaimed one of the cardinal doctrines at ? lIe democratic pa'ty , auth one which none of lila rivals for the imotnination is brave enough to titter. Uncle Horace represents - resents the true deumocratte idea of the labor qtiestiolm , auth his platform is Loser wages , free trade , free sliver anti legislation to Itlako laverty a Imotisehalol word. Kalisas City Journal : Uncle horace I3oie has niado time womiderful diecovery that is-ages 510 tot ) high in this country ammd ought to be reduced , Uncle horace caii justiy lay claim to being the original discoverer of this simr- prising conditIon of timings. No one , not even among tue wage earners themselves , over oiice suspected that tile country's trotl- Ides were partly duo to out oxcessof conipeilsa- tion for its working veople. In fact , there was gencraily a prevalent opinion that the lowness of wages , nut , In many cases , the totai mdc of wages , forced on tue country by the democratic tariff policy , were the lirilnarY and prIncipal causes of many of tile poolil&n miserIes. It was supposed timat oveml such a stailmich democrat as Undo Horace would ho ready to admit now , after three years of Cleveland hard times , that wages are suillciently loss' . 'rime country iu certain hot to take the Boles view of this interesting subject , and for tlmis situ several other reasons Uncle Horace is quite likely not to be the iiext 1)residetlt of the United States. 1.0 ii't'l ( ) .t i 15 tAS'l'S. Chicago Tribune' Now that McKinley's relation to time St. Luis conventIon has become - come "sine qua non" it is coupled with "corn Quay , nit. " Globe-Ieniocrat : Tile Bland boom appears - pears to be principally remarkable for its lack of spreading capacity. In other worths. it has not yet succeeded in extending itseif beyond the limits of Missouri. flostn Traveler : Chairman Harrity de- dares that the democrats are not a bit hopeless - less over the outoolc ! , which is probably true. for the ratlk and file of the party care so hittlo about the election that they do not have stich an active feeling as hopelessness. Washington Iispatch to time Chicago Record : Senator Hill tilinks that the action of the Cimicago convention on the money quiwlion will be very close anti may depend upon the sixteen votes from Nebraska , There will ho contestIng delegations from that state' , and the national committee , which makes up the rolls iU undoubtdiy recognize the 'regulars , " who are led by Secretary Morton Euclid Martin instead of tile and , 16-to-I factIon , which is led by ox-Representative llryan. Senator huh counts Illinois for sii- ver on the advice of Senator i'almer , s-ho behioves thmat Al geld ivihl got the delegation , - NH\'SlI'IIIt MIIS VIsd hl.tNQUIdT. .tl4MOCiltlCIi Press 51'uiili'rs Gut tlieii un at the LuRe City. NEW YORK. May 19.-A party of distiit- guished newspaper men heft today In the Pennsylvania limited for Chicago to attend the annual meeting and banquet of the 4iSO ciated press in that city tomorrow. Among those in the larty are lion. Charles Emory Smith. l'hiladelphia Pres3 ; Colonel Ciayton McMichaeh , Philadelphia North American ; Mr. John Norris , New York World ; Mr. J. S. Si-ymnour , Ness' Yolk Evening Post ; Mr F'os. ter Coates , New York Commercial Adver- tieor ; Mr. Stephen O'Meara , Iloston Journal ; II. L. H. McDosselh , Lewiston , Me. , Sun ; Mr. John S. BaldwIn , WorcesteMass. . . spy. ; Mr. A. P. Langtry , Spriugneid , Mass. . Union ; Mr. C. G. Sherman. 'leer Standard ; S. A. McCarthmy , Albany I'rcss anti Knickerbocker ; Mr. George W. Ilihis , flrldgeport Post ; Geii- oral Icohix Agnus , Baltimore American ; Mr. Frank A hticiiardsoil , hialtiniorta Sun ; Mr. C. II. Grady , liahtiniore News ; Mr. N. Breck- hoofter , Ilaltiniore herald ; Mr. Frank 13. Noycu. Washington Star ; Mr. It. 11. Cabannis , Atlanta Journal ; Mr. Charles S. S. Dichi. as- slstalit general nianager of tile Asacclated press , and Mr. C. F. McMicliaei of tue l'hIla- deiphia Nortit Aumiorhcan. Other eastern members of the Associated press heft yesterday - day and today over other routes. Mr. Horace White of tile Nesv York Evening - ing I'est and Mr. St. Chair McKelway of time Brooklyn Eagle and Mr. Herman Ridder of time Nosy York Staat.s Zeitimug , ss'lio had ex- peeted to attend the annual meeting , wore prevented at the last nicmeimt by personal and biminoss engagements. ' . 'I'O ' ' ' ' " ' CLI1i'i.lLiND l'IIFISS 'l'iIll llU'I"l'ON. I'iesliiett ( ( I 1mztuguriie flit(3rzi iuit Nzuiilnl Sn-uiges-tt'sl , PITTSUU11G , May 19.-Prcidemmt Cleveland - land hiss written to tile executive committee of the Twenty-eighth National saengerfest , which begins in Pltteburg June 8 , that ho will be unable to attend , but that he svhl be with thto German singers and the monster audience In aplrlt at the reception concert , atiol will open tile uaougerfes by tue touch of 511 electric button at the white house , A monster flag in to be made of red , white amid bhiiu glass bulbs , which. at a ivcn signal , svhii be Illuminated by an dec. tric wire imas'iiig a circuit hhil-ect between thto saeiigerfeut bali and the ss'hite house , Tile iihunmlnatioit is-Ill tahoe place just before thiS reception concert , after time audience is reated , In thIs rnainer the president svlil tlolare the great iiatloiiai lest of nUn' ; olhhciaily opened , KILLIII ) IN 4 % . . SlNIJi.t it. ItCClii'N'1' . , 'i'ritu.llu 'rlt-s Ienih'huIiltIhlillg ha n flax Cal' . TOLEDO , May 19.-One mien was kiiiod and six Injured by a singular accident on a Lake Shore treigllt today , Tile train was golhig svestward at the outstde of the city when the air Ilcee broke near the middle of tue train setting tue brakes on the fiont halt of till ) train , Thu rear portion caiito for- word with uchi terrible force that one empty stock car svaa doubicti together as It It had been a ilaper box , In the rear were sevaii tramaps lttealimmi a ride. Frank hermit , \Vashiiugton , Ga. , had his hmoad crushed and sviii tile. lie was an eni- iioyo ) of Sells & Icoropaughms circus aild heft the show yesterday. 'Fhe others were more or less serIously injured , 'rbiey all lived In the south and east. . Still Iijrhajusp.r VlVCNt 1ire. PLYMOUTh ! , Mass. , May 19-Tue forest fire war1ens and a part of the tire depart. mont are engaged In a desperate strugio with a tire in tha svoods west of time vIllage it-hlch threatens the safety of a number of dwvii- inK. in the vicinity , A southwesterly wind Is biowing forty miles an hour , in spite of the efforts of tite dopartmitent the tIre coil- tinues o spread , After having swept Linrough St. Joseph's cemetery tine Itanles split , one goimmg In a southerly direction. while the other ran toward Oak Ridge. 4ccarding to the latest advices , th tires are still burning. o TIlE IIANKRUPTCYIIILL Nobrska $ oimtors Bilofly Ontliitc Their Attitude Toward the Measuro. OBJECT TO TIlE INVOLUNTARY FEATURE is-i I I I II II ) Voto' for it l.n s' I liii I , t lot utt lihuutest 1111 IS ierliiit ( II lie- glum l.if Oer in Ilulsi- W.Sllht'GTON , May lft.-Specbil ( Tele- graun.--Nebi-aska ) senators are being UI-Soil by their constituents to favor the iusasto of the bankruptcy bill. in an iIltdt'Viesr hiati With Senator .lien he stated he would favor any reas omlabit' voluntary measure , believing that the tiebtor class should have settle tmlCnSmlro of iirotection , but lie svouhi oppose the invoittn- ttry feature of the bill as attachicit In tile homise Senator Tllurston eLated that lie was on recorJ as favoring aty measmiro which WOtIbti protect an honest bankrupt allot imrillit hint to start again in bu.timiess. There Is no lrob. ability that a bankrupt lass' isili be liasetI at timla session , tile disperition of the rcpltb- licati steering ocnlmmlittee being against any it'gishation which s'Iil iiavti to run a chance of the hirorident' . , disaliprobatioll and excite is'ldo critidis'ill ' , lit ) iliatter 110W just the macas- tire is. Tue loc.ition of the Mitchell , S. I ) . , lamitl 0(11cc. ( WiliCh lies kicked uu n 01101 of a ross 011 nccoutmt. of local olhielals wamitimig it removed - moved to a olifferent svcticn of town , has bceii Slllllnmarily dispocmtl of by tlie interior dopartlllcnt , ordering all agitation to cease , amid titi' office to remnmtin ill its 0111 location. i.ocah licoldo OVOIl iemmt so far as to remmlove the oiltce , there being it question of Ixihitics lit it. itepresontative Ganihile of South lak-ota lies Succeedeti ItI gcttimig the conference cciii- imtittee of tii bouso on thin part of tim tiefi- ciency bihi to Insist tipom the retention cf thu appropriation for tlio fish imatcher3' at Spear- fi.ahi and tile assay 091cc at Deadwood. Tbo Dead ss'ood pmildic bu ut in g bi I i is liumig a p Ill coinummittee oil luliic buildings amid gromlnmls , tile deternilnatloim of the 1101150 being to vote no mIlonoy for liois public btiihtiugs at this session , l'ossibly next s-intcr the delegation froun Southm Dakota imay be able to linac thu bill , but miosv It is absolutely impossliile. Senator Tiltirstoil inirodmiceti a bill today for time relief of Ciiarhes L. Wood of North l'latte , hate lOStIllaI'ter of that plitce. ivito made an error of $100 ill his quarterly account - count , and is'hio nosy seeks to have Ida rating reetiileth by a speci.il bill ; also a bhhi appropriating - propriating fonmr eoiidoinnetl cannoit for S. A. Douglas host , Grand Army of limo ltepmlbhic. at North Platte ; aka a biii for tim relief of LewIs Keiser of hubbell , Neb. floprcseimtative Mercer Introduccil ( lie rcs- oiutlomis of the ticimiocratic state cofiveimtioii held at Lincoln , favoring the Transinisslssippi exposition at Omnaha. Itoprsentatli'o l'icicher of South 1)akota In- trodtmceti a nnnmber of itelmsidn bills for his constituency. Ilomi. George A , Johnson , chairmnami of the raiisvay comllmissiolers : of South 1)skota , Is in the city. The delegation of Otoc nni Missouri In- diamis now in the city sviii have au Interviesy svlth Secretary Smith toinorrosv. AICOIIOL VSHD IN 'I'iiIl A1i'l'S. heSitate I'rovlle'illiytlme VI1Nol lUll to lIe lCioekt'l out , WASHINGTON. May 19.-Tile question of repeaiing the portion of time intermlal revonmme haw providing for a rebate emi alcohol used in the arts anti medicine receiscti the attention of the senate comniittee on fInance today. Time entire committee Is favorable to tIle bill ivith the exception of Senator Platt and time conversation In tile contmlttee today re- vealeti a very general deirc to have it pascal upomi before adjourmimmient. \Vimiio no absolute determination to that effect ivas recllod , tIme understanding is that tile bill wlii again ho called up when tIne appropriation bills are iolllewhlat more ad- vanced. 'I'ho fricilds of tile bill in coma- niittce oxpres'cd the opinion titat they wctihd be able to pass time bill , but they realized that there will be a disposition to dcbto it and that the desire for early adjournment may stand in their svai' . QUAY GOING ' 10) SEE M'llNldY. Sitys Ihlo VIsit hlias No Slgii IliCililet' ii , II lei it i'Zli Slllr.o.- . WASHINGTON , May 19.-Senator Quay said today that if the business of th senate occupying his time could be arranged that 110 was goilig to ills itonmie in l'cnnsylvania anal svould go on front there to Canton , 0. When asked osiiat hits vhnlt meant lie replied - plied that it did not mean anything ; that lie was going to Canton to talk over Sh titian- ctah questIon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VlllIi lie , rauvi liii , I itdlitil Sersiec. WAShINGTON. May 19.-Time secretary of time interior has fcrss'ardcd to Chairman Slier- man of tile house committee oni Indian affairs a favorable report emi tIle Telier bill pro. vidlng for time abolItion of the offices of com missioner of Indian affairs anti time assistant commlnlsiomier anti the sub-ithtute therefom- a board of three Indiami comniissionerni. Tile board is to consist of two members of opposite - site political faiths and the other i , to be an army officer. Time only cimange in the huh suggested by Secretary Smith is time striking out of the provision that tue army oillcer immst lie above the rank of major. A rca llJ-h for Itea'lhIIIl ( I lIg t Ise Ylt'N. WAShINGTON , May 19-Tile house coat- lmliLtdO on elections No. 1 today udopted reg- ulatloims to govern tIme recount of tile disputed votes immvolved in tue Itinakor-Doss'ning con- test. from Illinois , vrovded ! in time resolution adopted by time house today. Extra cherical assistance will be engageti anti provisions wIhI be made for representation of both parties to the comitest during the recount and a1t disputes whmlcii may arise svili be referred to the committee. ILIIMMIIIJI Itilulint-r % % 'i I I iliutru-hi I ii. WASHINGTON , May 19-Tho Russian minister iiaa sent to tlmo ireshdent amid mciii- bers of tue cabinet and a large mmumber of Public porsomlages Iimvitatloims to attend thu ceretnoilies to be held itt hitsauvoir. Iii the suburbs \Vashimmgten , on Juiio 6 , In honor of the coronation of the czar. Coht' Hf Uni ( lIrilu l'lJl IslInlell 114. WASiIINUTON , May 19.-After careful ox- aioiuIfttilJll tile ilresido'mlt lISts aoproved thin report of a imival board appointed to inreparo a cotlo of uniftirni ltlflIlllliCflts 101 rmas'l offenses , atmti Ilh'reattcl' thno mtavy si-Hi enjoy is itli I lie arnty I Inc s1vsmttages of ttmmiformmmity iii tine senti'mmceii thlSt omay be impoetl by Ot'tlrt-ltl.lttisI for cffettees of a 1niIiar char- actor. 'l'hmo new conic ivlil be published in geitersi orders In tim eotircOf a few laya , (1IujrhletM ( Cr I lIslihlIl Mtitiilleii. \\\Sh1iNGTO. May lu-The annual let'- ting of contracts for sIlipiying the hnttinn sertlee' begun at ChIcago over two weeks ago will be COllIliletetI at New York beginning to. day. The force of five cierk frotmi the Indian blmreslm lucre wile sveue tietailetl to Chicago imase gotme tlirect frolu there to the Now York so-arelmouse , ( 'OinlillasiOflt'r Of liitllitfl Affairs liiosi-uiimmg WelIt tO New York yesterday with lmlspecior Mcl.ttuglihin anti Superintolitlemit Tayitir of tim Cimliocce , Oki. , indian scllool , who will act as experts in selecting Indian clothes. 'File atllcolilt itivoived in the Nets' \ork contracts Is estiniateti at $ S00,000 alid the bids tmtotly si-ill Ito for fernishing goods , coffee , tic. Assistaimt Cotimimtli''ioner Stmiitii is lit relieve Conintissionor hiross ntmig later In the week. IullllrIshulmlleslt ( 'lItluM , ' ( 'iIasiileretl , WASihiNGTO , May 19.-Tue 1101150 COIn- IllIttee on OonmlmlehCO consitbered ngaiit today tine Sim crmna im bi i I t o repeal thi a i nlhmri stmllllCiI clause of tue ihiterittato conlnierce net. l.zist week there was a sonmewilat stormy meeting over the huh In liici charges of raliroati iti. fluHIce store immobe , ntt toothy it was tlecitIoti by a iota of IC toI to restore it to It , former iliace Oil thmt' liotise calender. l'l-qlr St.tIthMflf3h I llh'M thu. \\.SlhlNGO , May 19.-'I'ite imottan cont- Intitee on tmuthlhe iammmls lIfts ertleretl a fitvor. cble report alt the bill for tine tninitmtt'namica of schooi.i , of lltiiIeS In tine' habIb land stntes alid territories by gm-amttlimg eat'in state , froiml tine proceetis from thm sale of llliilt'rnl hanols. $15,000 for tine CIII renu , tear amid an aiintmal iiicrca.so of $ tI)01) ) her year for ten years. 'I'lursuley's NllltlIllltilIll $ 4'.aIlilrila'l1. WAShINGTON , May ld.-Tiio soilate , in oxectitis'c ItesCioll , today conflrimet1 time 110111- inatioti of .loiimi C. 'I'arsmtey of Mliooitmri to be associate jiistico of the supreme court of thu terrItory of Oloiaitomima. ( 'oIIliIill of til ( ' 'i'renHlury. WASHINGTON , May i9.-'rotlny's state- flout of time condition of the treastmry shots's : Available CaslI balance , G7,299t'07 ' ; golti re- acne , 1i3,5i0GS8 , t11re ( , , td 'l'om , frIhull tIle Tro'nilry. \VASII1NGTON. : oiity 19.-The treasury today - day lost $231G00 iii gout coin and 5I00 in gold bars , imlaitilIg tue gobi reserve 1l2,3t0- 106. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lhltlflI'l' . 'tti ) llmtUlI'.Y. Detroit Free' Press : Madge-T nlwnys ct tragic stories fc-r hot wi'ntlmer reati- rel _ klmthel-On wilat iirinc'plo ' , dear ? Mittige-Tiley imttttce iiiy iiioott ittli cold ! Itau-per'no hlnaar "I lllldCrStalitl Jones Is iiresrc'd for money. " "Vi's , I sass' 1109 toc1rthook tile othmer tIny. It lo'ketl us if it hiatt been presscd by a hut- iron. " PIttsbtrg Cliromiicle : " 'nero is some sink. iuitc Imeis't iii tile paper , " I emnurketi North- skit' . "Labor tlOtmhIlCs or a eoingren'ntionnl cciii- mnittce mmteeting ? " mtsketl Soutti&de. Somnienvlthe .loun-nni : ' ' 'oIt cami lilly a parrot for only 10 cents imi some hiartS of Soimtti Anienicim. " ' "i'ltat is toaily cheaper than it is to swear Yonkers St'ttesmami : Mrs. lIichItmnchl-Thlnt ivas an excelellt sermon tine rector gave Ull tills morning. s-asmi't it ? Mr. lllciiurcli-Yes : I s'ontler whioso it was ? . / - Chicago TrIbimmIe : "flyers , why don't you buy . s-our osvn mnntclie's once in a while ? " fiinoklny tine b and of etgars I dO , Brooks , I ( puff ) can't itiford ( puff ) to buy Inlotchics. Thiazllcs , o'd felloss' I'll take five or six if y.c4m tlOfl't inimal. Beastly strong pipe you're atliokimIg.VhlI' dOfl't you buy a new olie ? ' ' San Francisco Examiner : Insurance Agent-.Yott ought to exaimiino this * oehemno. It otTers special imahuceunemits to bicyclists. llicyciist-O , I guess I can inauinge my wheel all nlgimt ! . Agent--No dotmbt , hint otmr COmnpitily wou1'I Pay yotmr famniiy so llitlChl a week oltirimig the t1me yotm may have to servo for mann- Slaughter , Indianapolis .Tc'urnal : It wes Grandpa A a roi ii t'ttt II hi rthnllay , liii ii cmi o cmi ( lIhIsitiN t Ic llteilibOl of the fntniily tilomimim t to aild to the Joyousness of tue reumiion Itlid ceeijiation : ly I e tt i hg ci tf a sl I Slha y of II resvol its , , I gim pt's I 'ml miiti rim ohni iged . ' 8th I tI I lie old lnlll 'hIlt I tIn hope tints Isn't mlii ) ' mihihiMioll to is'htt : I ant e-'ximing to bforu mnaniy more years , " Detroit TlihJIille' : ' 'AntI nimist you siy : fare- iveih ? she linIih'r.tl. , le gatla.rei licr to his bosoun. My tlnm'hlng , ' ' lit' nnswert"l. ' 'stireh' yetI ( ho not is-hut mime to Inc hilled for taking ltbr- t ics iii t II lilY i I lIes 7' ' Aii'nmlss-ilile , thin orcimestra IllayCti fItfully , in inlittitioni of tIle 'uIiili of the ( mites , ci. lently weaving tile Woofof destiny , DEI'iINSE , Nessi'oric Pm est , . Said a ivhfe , "Tllere's no darling oW ehiowi Do go olmt htiy you a cehio , So , tiltl hint Lii ) above \\ihi ho' vacant my love. And ivo won't hear that 2-year-old 1. , iowI" "NIGGEIL MhhJPY lIAl'l.Y. " , T. A. Maroni in L.t'nolr ( N. ( . ) 'i'npie. Ilor nitart a ru a ni whemm de eve scancithlin' ; \\'hiiju'rwiii boiler wilell tie jets' ( Irait Duclc8 Itee ! ) a-quacltin' isbeil do hart ] rain ho ill Crowa hiocic , togediler vlmemi le yoummg corn gm oss-in Pig gsi'lno , to 1iieai % % 'imc'lm tie Inuiklmlaiti cilmirnin' Nigger miniglity happy wIlenI tIne blackberry tuirmilti' . Squ'el go to jumopimi' Wilell lie scaly barks comiiin' hoe-mat tin cai ilien do honey bee hnuinninin' LOUmI hum-at' milclttttss'hmen the punicili vlmlu ' spreildin' ; Itabbi t hil ek Ii is en r ivhi cmi the en hi lago-stu I IC ' hicitihin' ; Itooster start a-crosvin' is-bell tie hiroatl tluy brenikin' ; Nlgger nlighlty lmilppy % s'lmen tie hmo-cnko bakimi' . Big flhi uniter s'hien lIe ( lone catch : tIe crheice ( ' itullfm-llo.r hibchy Sillell lie singing In tIe tilicitet Mimic ghti. siieict'r svhpn pl'tntin' time Ito over ; Colt mighty ga'hy iviien you turn lIla-i iii ti clover ; An' it caine mighty hnuaily to do imigger nmnn fluter When lie nooppin' In tie gravy wld a big yam titterl Black noitttksi WRhtill' while do ole lien Imnitelmiml' SPtrrOiv : Imitwic houltin' wimilo ole little chicken scratcimini ; I iig owl Jul i i , svhldnl do II t I ie 1,1 rd singin' 'POIOaUIII gsvino to dual Wilar do ripe 'iin month swingin' ; Nigger miglnty hlappy-If lie ain't wtit a dollar - \'hemm lIe's stantin' ou co'tinl' ivini a tall uttanilin' coilani R5TAN ll ' YOU " 'V 1" 1j5EG T _ $ ? &vj i2/ _ _ TOll will timid one coupon / : S ' I 2 imiehilo each two ) CUIICO huff - ' i'till arid two coupons Inbiolo each t' 0TH ING " - - ' ' , Iurbionln. fourounco lIny a bag of this ' ' celebrated tobueco anti road B UT TH E - r4 - ' I tine coupomi-wlticil gives a . . ? ! list of t'iuiuable Iirosent and G EN U I N E / boiv i.e get thorn. V .