' .T- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - : - - _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 q'iii orAii iirii wInNEsI , MAY O , 1SIfl. ) - - - _ _ _ - - - \\TJIEEDON \ \ IVOULI ) INTERVENE Attoriey for Old Line Compank OompH- catcs the Mtitual Insurance Case. QLJE STIONS TUE LAW'S CONSIITLJTIONAIITY A,1i PerivilaMlon ( Pt IIIC Ssiircne Ci.itI ru. . ft IIrIif C4IrIii 1'IIIlM I tui t iru tIteiiiI tIt.d It SIlIflhllItloll. t LTNCOI4N , May 19.-SpecaI.-Another ( ! ) ; . eIlodo ) ourred today In the controvcry be- teeri State Auditor Moore and the Farmeri' ZItituaI lnsiirancO company of LIncii. fly LtIItiatUpn ) all the allegatloits In thu nnner of Auditur Moore to the petition of the hisur- ahlco company for a writ of iaflt1atfltis to COflhIC1 ) hltfl to Isstio It a cortiflcato Iiavs t b3tI1 witlitirawo but tbs one denying the right of tiLe compatly to teko Irointory liute In paynicnt for InsuraneG IoIicIc. fl bad boeti siippotitI that In thts shape tli matter woul(1 reich the supreme court and bo considereil solely on thu merits of the caw 115 3Ct forti ! iT thU lunonde(1 answer. tnornIn Attorney C. 0. Vbeedon nppcarcl It the upromo court anti asked leave to file a brief on the question of con5tittftlonaitty of tlio mutual cnIany ! ) to do buiiicss in tiii state. This was one of the lOifltR Which , by stipulation between tim state auditor zuid the officers of the 1.'arinnr ? Mutual Insurnuco coinpaliy , It hail been agreed to drop. C'n- scquentiy the aiponrallcu of Attorney Wiiec- ( ion Was in tim nature of a surprl6e. Deputy Atturiiey General Day as Irescnt , on be' half of thu state auditor. lie asked dr , 'VIteeion for s1ium he now appeared in till ) case. To tlil ( luestion Wheedon vouchifed rIO attsIactory reilly , merely stating that he appeared 011 behalf of the "facts" in the case. It aplcars that wind ball been got of Vbec- don's intelitloli to ask perntit'sioii to lila the brief , for a letter had been received by th' ' su.rome court front Attc.rltey Fruiii Mart'n ' ( If Fails City. stating that If Whceilon va'i OlilIwOd to file tilli brict , he , too , WOuld 1le ' 9 illo 0110 ln reiiiy to Mr. Vhcedon , and beIi1f of the 1nrlllel3' Mutual collpuly. , The upreno court took the matter Under advIlllent and tii decide the ccestIOii to- InUrrow iiioruiii. Auditor deere Is out c ( towli at preseilt , but ofliclab iii his oilleo in- titnalo that tilL $ move on the part of Mr. \VllCCdUIl is entirely WtthGllt tile aflctIoti 0' Mr. Moore. It Is kIICWU tilflt lil' . Vhecdoii lii th retained attorney of the old line coin- lialiles. It Is. also. a recognized fact that Ilie stii3renie court has the right to consider the colistitittloitailty of aiiy case submitted ' 0 It , regartliets of tile mat ter embodied tile picadiiits on record. President \Vooda fI" the Farniers' Mutual company Is riot In' dined to diiicuss tim liresent condition of the case. but It I evident that ho Is not In a vry uod humor over tile turn alTairs have - - takezi. In his statement to tile court \\'iice- dOll said that ho lint ! llreilared the ailswer of Auditor \Iooro to the application of the F.trmers' Mutual COllllflfly for a rIt of mail- ( Inmus , that the constitutIonalIty of the act of 1S89 wee attncbed in that answer , and that the auditor had siiied the aiiivxer. Subsequently - quently It had bceii stipulated out of the caae Without his 1nowledge or concnt , and lie COtiaiMloCiitly holY desired to submit a bref , W'ELTY-NOlfltiS CONTEST ENIED. The Weity-Norri. conteit case , In the I'ourteoiitIi Judicial tiis'trlct , Is a thing of the past. Tubs morning Judge I ) , T.'clty , the contestant 10 the case , 1ied a xnotioii III the sulirolile court askilig that tue ca.'to be diaiiilsscd with costs on Iiilnbelt. Tile motloil Was granteti , it Is said that JuilgoVeliy will Illako a campaign for congres9 In the I"ifth congrcsIonal dltrict , The Froinont , Fi1iliorn & Missouri Valley Railroad company today lllcd with tue State Board of Trauportatioil its answers to the conlpialuts of citizens of the tovn of O'Neill and 1'lainvicw , Iloit and Pierce counties , ro- apectivoly , concerning the rcfii.ai of the coin- valw to suIpiy tilol.o towns vttb transfer svitchcs , The nnswer' , which ara practically the same to 1)0th ccunplalut.s , admit the first and scc.nd rnragrnphs , and deny all the other allegations , ue-folIo'a : Further , answering said flIldingi of fact nnhi order , tills defonilant alleges that the tltnte flolrIl of ' 1'inm1)ortation of the state of Nehraiica hais no power , tinder the stat- titos of iethl Stilt4' , or otherwise , and no authority Ill la' to make or enforce said order COWOiling tills defendant to construct 01111 operuto a transfer switch , or aiy per- tion thereof at the village of PIain'lew , In Sf.til state , or to recve 811(1 haul over its own hues the cars of said defendant , the Sioux City , O'NeIlLVcstern Italiroad corlIpnily , or of F. C. hills , as receiver of such railroad COnlelfly , or of any other railroad conlpany , or to deliver its OVII Cure to sUcil other railroad cc.nany to lie therenfter transported by such other railroad company to lOtntH and places beyond - yond the ruLe atid off Cr0111 tile Itno of tills liofendant , the F'remont. ElicilOrn & MIsSouri Valley Ibilirond cOmpany. \Vherifore , 5IIII ( ( ICi'Cllllflflt demanils that saul findings of fact and order ho vacated fill srt asIde , an.I that this proceetIin be In nil thizijp iiisinissed aiid ( liS000tiflUed , Tue time set for tlio hearing of these caste hae beti continued until tlio second week In Juno , when ( eiioraI Solicitor flowers of the Norttisvestern systexii of Chicago will appear - pear , In company with \VliiIain Ii. Sterling , attorney for the Eikhorn , on behalf of the road , The ailss'ers of tiio lIkhiorn anti Union Pacific roads in the lilatter of distributing rates out from Lincoln , were to be flied with tim Board of Transportation tomorrow , To. day Attorneys . it. 1ehity , for the Union I'aclfle , and \V. Ii. Sterling , for the iIkhorn , naked an extenahon of time , anti Secretary Slithierhand of the State Iloard of Traneporta- tioii sot the date at June 1 , 1896. The following clainti for water , under the new irrig.ltion law of tile state , were allowed today by tiio State Board of Irrigation : McCarthy - Carthy ditch No. 1 , for water from the east branch of lirush creelc , Unit county ; Ashton ditch , Elkliorn river , liolt county ; ErIckson ditch , Goo'o creek , firown county. The following - lowing claims were iiiiiiietl : Frederick Crook , claimant , Goose creek , flrown county ; P. S. itonocite , North Loup river , Cherry county ; laiiiel L. Joililson , North Loup river , Ureeley county , Oniaiia People in Lincoln At the Lindeli- 1 % , II. liurnott , Johtti L. iCennedy. itt the 1.incoln-E. J. Cornisli , A. L. Cunaway , E. A. llolyoko , htobert W. Patrick , J. Ii. Mein- tosli , Chiario U , Lee , I. N. l'ratt , George Wiliciiit'oii ' , E. W. Lee , E. IL Mumit and wife. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , StI''t't lighitN .tgiiiii , hilit' . O'NEI LL , Nob. , May 19-Special- ) O'Neill Lu again hit up with electric light after four and a half IllOflths of darkness. A Petition was presented to the council last iiight signed by eighty-five business men of the city , praying the council to again ilght the city , 'rite lietitioii was granted. Lsst December tue councilmen decided that owtng to the liar4 times tlio city would have to do away with the street lights , and on January I tiio Ilatit closed. MaI l. C , Miller of Lincoln rc.unied control of the Idant and baa lied it lii operation since , Tiio city fortiirriy iuid $ S.OO a light per month , while 110W it getS litoni at 6.0O per month. Tue city council last night got In hue with the rest of the cities amiti ia5CtI a curfew ordinance , hereafter all children tinder 10 ye3ri of ago nih have to be at home after 9 o'clock , . - 11.141,1,1 % % 'ortc of a Iistrit't Jiisig1- . CiIIt'IiON ) { , Neb , , May 19.-Special ( Tele- granm.-Tho ) adjourned tormil of tue district curt of hianes county convened hero today. Judge \Y , L , Cireell of Kearney presiding. Tu'ree iiiiiior criminal cases cliii 277 civh ! cases appear 1111011 thu dccket , and If Judge Green kt'eps up his record of this afternoon in granting tour divorce3 to as illftIl negro Womneil of Fort Itobinson in twenty-one ilium- tiles , It will no take long to clear the docket , ( i,1.Is' JII'zIs'IIIillvit I.P'fli i'iI , NIhi1tASiCA CiTY , May 9-Spocial.- ( ) John W. Dixon anti Will Hayward of time State umiiversity arrived in the city last evening , mimi brought with them a iropottIou from the University cadets , who are do. sirous of holding their annual encauipmnent iii ttita city. Scrotal leading citizens have taken the mutter in hand , sail arrongemoitta vliI in all irobability bi made tor the cciii- lag of ( ho students on May6. tIiInmiI'tl Oi'Uuiiliseonliit'd , , rcUMSiiI. Neb. , May l9-Speciai.- ( ) Perkins & Moore have 4iscontinucd the nub- Ilcation of the Johnson County Itepre9enta- ttve. tiu ohiiciai alliance organ of the county , or tb ivant of suppori. SlILa.- - NihIlit .t54i.t M lii't I. fOGtIVt'Y 31 II1TS 1'ei -iilgui ii .1mninI , 4ott % ( 'nt loll Iii 541'MMIiI iii IiIl'oIn. LtNCOf. , M.iy i9.-Ihpedai ( 'i'eiegram.- ) Thu twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Mdlcni socIety COflVOtlf4l i'l its opening sesioii at the federal court room this evening t o'clock. THe mneetng will continue thrc days , and , jmmIging ( rein tin' elaborate pregram prepared by the committee - tee , timers ii an immense ainliflt of work before - fore it. l're.s.icnt ! J. 1. Summers , Jr. , o' Omimahia called the memImilers together , who Iistene.l to tiio rEPort of the commnittee on crecleiitiais and iarticipateii In the election of new membrs. Eleven nppi'cants wore ad- nutted to the society , as fellows : 3. M. linuloy , Fontant'iio ; W. 3) . Jones , Itislag City ; Emnnla Warner Ieinaree , lton ; Frederick Lester , David City ; Minervii N. Nowbecker , Onmaha ; I' . ii. Sake , Norfoll : ; C. F. StoekcrtWeston ; Carl A. ilomnan , Onlaha ; Johum ilarnes Jnek , Nebraska City : Josephi M. .tikei , Omaha ; John A. ihaggard , Ktarney. The Presillont's acidron , wimit fo1loctl by iime roporta of Secretary Wilkinson of Onmalla ; Corrospndlng Secretary W. It. Luvemider , Oniatia , amul TrEasurer W. M. Bnapp of Liii- coin. A numimlier of tntercetlmig hollers wnr.1 read by lrs. \ . 0. l3ricigo. . W. hi. ChristIe , \v. it. Mllrtlii , 11. M. MeClanalinu anti F. E. Coulter , Onmalia , amid lirs. (1. A. Meredith , Crawford ; A. N. Loller , College View , ar. hi. P. hamIlton , Omaha , At 11 o'r'Icck this mimenibers sat down to an chahrnto lunch at the Lincoln hotel , At to- imiorrow's scs61c.Ils twenty-five IaPers arc' 0' ) thu programil. Tue election of oilicers for the L'nsimhni year will acetic at 7 p. in. . ollowcd by a banquet at 10 p. in. at time J.undelt hotel. The following delegates registered tim's oven- 11mg : Diii , II. M. Everett , W. M. iCnap , II. ii , Lowrey , J. \ . Haggard , A. It. Mitchell , J , Ii. Tymidail , George if. Shnlmons , J. 0. Carter , J. 0. haws'on , Lincoln ; 4 , 11. ilostet- tsr. W. It. Lavender. it. M. Stone , W. 0. iirilig'i , V1cttr 11. Colfimlan , II , ii. iavis , Omaha ; C. I1 Coffin , Auburn ; John 11. Miller , Goring ; George itotier , Grand Islanul ; J. W. Tilomnilsoll , Strong ; II. S. hell , Keanney ; ( I. M. Johuneonston , Geneva ; l. A. Barton , Cell- tral City ; ira U. Stone , Meati ; M. J. ( lagan , Grailti hsiatttl F. N. ilck , North l'hatte : J. % , , . Buthiard , Pawnee Cit ) ; E. It. Fletcher , 0. Grotliall , ( leorgeinna Grotian ) , St. Paul ; Eti- ward Turner , hattie Creek ; \V. H. Ely , Ama- worth , timiti A. \V'.hkhnson. I . Lincoln. lJ'v ( ) . % bI.l6fll ) .i [ 51(1)1111 lDH IC.il.I. l'Ml 1111151 ( 'I' G rillilllll's A I Shitei'M MttIi' ii Strollg l"Iiit. BhiATItICE , May 19.-Speciai.-Tho ( ) jury iii tue Zlmlnorillall mllurder ca'e was sent out this forenoon anti within an iicur returmieti a vertlict of not guIlty , The coac throughout - out has bcoii a lecuhiarlY iiiterothng 0110. On thio evening of June 5 , 1S95. Grailain , tue IlostIllaster at honor , Jefferson counly , was confronted In lila Store by two mnaz.'ketl mmmcc amId orered to tllrow up his lmand' . liit'tenct of cnmplyung Graham grabbed a chair 81111 started for his assailants , whereupon iie was shot twice in time ciiet and again in the head , death resulting. AbomIt the 15th of time IllOtitlt folhowiiig'iliiamu lhenry ammtl Louis Zimnmoemmiian were arrested for the crime. After beIng bound over to appear at tue tlis- tiict court of Jefferson county the defendants - ants accurol it chiatige of venue to Gage county , At the February term Henry sa,1 ttictl amid lmotWltiiStallthilig th defence ea- tahjlhcd aim exceient a'ubl lie wac convicted of iilurder in tue .ccond degree. A moticml for a miow trial was filed , and being overruled - ruled at tile preront teriml by Judge Stub tile defendant was semiteuced to ten years in idle penitentiary. Ihenry's attorneys gave notice of appeal and the defendant is now in the Gage couilty jail awaiting the action of tile BUpF illl3 comirL One peculiar featmmru of time two cases is dint it was clearly hewn by time teitimooy in both cases that the defendants were together at the time of thu trial and vero either camped out imear Itiverton or wore at or near the scene of the murder Attorneys feel confident that upon the .ahiow- 11mg they vihi now be able to secure a hew trial for Itinry and that lie svilh not be furtiler IrosCctitCd. The main fact the pro- eecution dopondei Upon in the Zimmerman case vs a confe3slon mode by Zimmerman that Ifenry did the killing , and that imo was with him a1 the time. It tieveioped in the case , hotpver : , that Zimmerman was lei to make the commfes5ioil by being made to he- hiovo through milcaims of a bogus telegram that henry had comlfesscd and chargel ilim ( Ztmmrman ) with doing the t-hiootung. The court'a Jnstructior.es upon thus imhnt were very explicit , to the effect that if a coiifeshoii Imati booii obtained through fear , threats or promIse - Ise no weIght. should be given the same by the . jury. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1ill(1 1iiit W'zillitig the 'VrimIc , SPRINGFIELD. Nob. , May 1D.-C.pecial Tolegram.-About ) 10 o'clock this morning tiio east bound Rock lelamul poseengor train. rail into and killed a lilami two and one-half miles east of Richfield. 'l'hie coroner's In- ( ltlest developed that time man was \valkung in a deep cut iii which there was a sharp benul , antI was not aen by time onunoor until the train was within 100 feet of hhtui. The maui was struck 'ahille stepping from the track. The lad ) was him no wfly disfigured anul It is believed that death reeuited Iron ) a broken ick. flesidos 90 edits aimul a few personal olfectu , , letters were found upon his person aicIrc.fsed ( to George luhhln. Nebraska City , Ito had evidently been recently at work In a South Onialia iackiiig iuouse. The remains wore turned over to time county undertaker for burial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' Ganie Ilslm ' 'i'itld mig Jcminlm' . FI1EMONT , May 19.-Special.-Durhng ( ) the 111gb water of last week tiuo Elklmorn overflowed its banks and filled up a good many low places in Ehicliormi township. 'Flue river linus now gone down , leaving couahiieza- bin water standing. Thesa pools are filled with fish , bass and pickerel principally , John I4ans of Elkluonn towniiii ) was in town yesterday - terday vith a wagon loath of fish wimichi hue took from a reel on lila farm , Thm water was subsiding , the fish imad no way of get- tug back to tIme river anti they could be caught very easily , A good Izeui delegation of Premmuont fishermen ent out that way this mornIng and expect good sport , l'mN1i I ui i.lgtJmminmigi' Cimses , FItEtIONT , May 19.-Speeial--Judge ( ) Marabni held a scslon of tile district court yesterday for time miurposo of hearing hnotionil anti takIng defaults , Court auljourmieii to Thursday , at iduiclu timime a decision is ox- iectcd omm tlmtm motion for a new trial in the tiammimige case of ilonsai against The Elkiiorn. Ammotlier one of Limo ledge dammuage cases is set for trial at a special term of the district court to be lielti mlext month , , The attc'rmueys for 910 paiimtiffe in these damage cases ox. lress their hntentton of going almeati with them whatever mmuny ho time decision of the court in the one already tried. lkI1) ' of ii Siiimllt Omnimisa iiii' iiimti. I'LATTSMOUTII , May 19.-Special.-TJme ( ) body of a boy , apparently about 15 yearn of age , was found in the Missouri river near ltock iiiufZ this forenoon by John flyers. Thie body was dresseti in light striped trousers , shirt anti shoes , auth hail been ill the water for sornio time , though quite well preserveti. It is believed that tlue boy is one whuo was drowned mmear South Omnalma sonlo time ago and thiti uutimorltie. at that place have boon notified , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A vrniigl tig for dIme' I miterstim ft. itt-union SUPEILIOR , Neb , , May 19-Speclal.- ( ) August 10 to 15 , unclusivo , are the dates agreed upon by Comuniunder Shualor amid thu council of admnimiletratioum for the iioltihng of time interstste reunion at tub place , J. F. ICemimlail has been appointed adjutant and Ii , F. Iimultmnan , quartermaster.Vork has already comnnienceti and no effort will be spared to make this reunion one of the most eucceasful over lucid here , mii ( ' ( , Arr.'stSu.mluious CJiirutiti'rs , Gil/tNt ) iSLAND , Nob. , May 19-Spcciai ( Telegram-The police authlQrities today ar- rctud three strangers , 'imo lied a sack of huoes , a lot of imandkercimiefs and under- ciottmlng , Possession of wimich they coulti not satisfactorily .CXlmhaia. It is bolloveti comlsid. erabio mimoro goods lmave been hidden , Seine of the amhioes are itlee & llutciiuns' make , 1Iiimii Stumleims 1mitertzilp , , NEBRASICA CITY. Itls ) ' 19-Speclal- ( ) rtuero was a unusicul entertaunimient at the institute for thu ilitnul last evening , and a lergo auullence was present. The 1)ovey sisters - tors of. I'lattsmoimth sammg some delightful veiectionz. Thu inutltute orchestra : ondercd a number of selection. ! , 'Vriist iislii do liii v.o tIatie' ii I'll robust. , BItASICA CiTs' , May 1'J-Hecai.-It ( ! ) is rumored that the dtitiiiery ut this point ito : beemi purchased by Ibe Imiami. SOUTIIERNE1S PLAY TENNIS Competition at Washington f'iir th Singles Chomploaship of time Soiili. Two CIIFORNIi\ \ MEN ENTER. TilE DRAW 'I'olmi ii Sin rls till I sl t It 'l'ss'u iove Sri , lom I DrlMt'ulI i.uue't by 1h.faitil I- ilglm t l'reI I miii tim. Mit tvii us St'ttit'tl. \\'AShiINGT0 , May 19.-Tin' tenth comical tounnamemit of tii S'utiifnn Lawn Temimlia 85 Pciatiom1 for time coutluern chanipiommship. cam- mnened this aftorimoomu on the court of the flachelors' Tenmik' club. Aimiong the specta- tars were ninny ladies , and Secretary Ohncy vao an interem'cd spectator for some time. Time greatest imitorest centers arotitud the sill- gie.9 , with which tluo title of cimamnploml is connected. Time winner in this 'iht be re- qilireti to play A. Ii. S. I'ost , tiio imre'emit holtier of the clmammmpionshlp. New York is reircsentetl Imi the mmiatclmoo by Worthington amuti l'arrott , whmlhe llockwith from Cleveland and Tobimi from Califermlia ' will coiutt against limo sotithierners for their championship - ship and challenge ctiii. Iriflcoil of Caiifoi'iuia wa also imt the draw , but diul not appear on thu ground. The piaylmig In time singles bromigiit forth no very close niatchos , amid imm no case were three sett' liecessutry Iii order to decide the winner of time ireltnlltlary boumte. Time re'ults of the singles today vere as follows : L. 1' . iarrctt heat it. IC. ( lower , C-i , 6-3. .1. Clay buIlt Mc.\inhiomi , 769. ! . J. Tobin beat l. K. McImutoc , 0-0. 6-0. w1' . Metcllifo beat ' 1' . A. lrhscoil , lmy do- fault. 1eckwitii bent II. P. hlovle , 0-0 , 6-1. 1)avitisoli beat lj. C. Stistle9' , by tie- - . lmm.ttV. . 11. Bmmittlu 6-2. 6- & . ( eim'ge Wortimhnton beat J , dooiieiiow , 6-1 , 6-8 , _ _ _ _ _ (1'itI i.S ! OF 'I'Ili NA't'ItXA 1 , LLGt1fl. isiil Clnrist' ( ulveslim , ' ( imIts 'm'iiulr First Cull I ( IfVit I t'vnsIi , CIIICAC.0 , Mny 19.-To " 1)ad" Clnmkc lie- I ngs thu credit for time Colts' first shutout this seasomi. FIve sIng'eS , widely scattered. s ei.o all the hilts unad oft 111111 , timid bimt two of time locas reached xcconti base. I"mienti s'aa , 'tlectlvt' , excepting In the eighth , when hits debvery wns ols'cd for five singles amid a triple. ilvo earmicd nIna renuitung. Attend- : uiie , 2,00' ) . Score : Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000000-0 Non' Voik. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 O-t hilts : Chicago , 5 ; New York , 9. Errors : Chulcuigo , 0 ; New York , 1. Erinneti rumuui : Chicago , 0 : New Y"ik , . 'J'wo-base hits : VaIl I1miitren. Three-b.ise lulls : Clarke. Sucriilco : lilt : Conmuaumelitop. St .InI ) lit-es Iiymlii , Stafford. Dommbe plays : FrIend to Iaiilem to 1)ecicer ; G. lavls ( miml.usited ) ; aensoii : to 11. 1)nvi (2) ( ) ; G. DavIs to ii. Davis. Struck out : liy Frhemu'i , 8 ; l ) ' ( Clailue , 1. Itat-ca on balls : Oft end. ' ; cfL Clarke , 2. hlht'itli luau : G Divi' . flatterhes : Chicago , Frlentl and Kttirc1ge Ne' York , Clatke nmudVilson. . UmnhIrti : Siicrhdaiu. IIEIS TAfl TIlE LIdAD. CINCINNArI , May 19.-The 1ieth ilteIpetl Into first 1)10CC todtiv by df athng i'hiadtl- ! hum. They batted a i.imadt' hotter tint ! ) the visitoru' , anal the errors of the luther were tiani4iou. Attendamice , 3,601. Score : Cimuclnnati . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 .0 ' -8 1hmauh : imimha ) . . . . . . . . 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Jilts : Cincinnati , 9 : l'iimhadeitlila , 7. Errors - rors : Clmicimimumm.ti , 2 : I'h'lattelpiuiit 2. Earne.1 runus : Cincinnati. 2 ; l'hilutdeliilut , .1. Two- base hits : Miller. Thiomnptomm , Ialeiinety. Turner. Tbree-bise hits : l'eitz. home ruin ! : Iloy. Steen bases : Ilujike , Iloy , Mu- her. Double jm.a's : Smith to Gray to Vaughn. First base on balm : Ott' ] ) wyet' , 2 ; ofT 'raylor , 4. Struck out : By Dwyer , I ; l ) , ' Taylor , 1. flatterIes : Cnclmmnatt : , lwyer and Peitz ; Phiiiauleiphiut , 'rayicr and Clem- cr.ts. Umptre : 1eefo. IIUGIIEY'S VOltK WINS. PITTSDUI1CI Pa1 . May 19.-I tughey pitched' a gooI guunie and kept hits sc.tt- teretl. The game was.won in thin tenth l)7 a bai'e on bails , mu sacrifice mmd two imits. Atteiitinnce , 2t00 Score : Plttshimrg . . . . . . . . . .0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2-6 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . .0 0 0 2 2 0 0 I ) 0 1-6 111th : l'ittsbimrg 11 : Brooklyn , 12. hrrors : I'Ittsbmirg , 3 ; llrooklymi , 3. Earned ruins : Pittsbtmrg , .5 : Brooklyn , 2. Two-base hUn : ! ) omiovan , lltmgiiey , it ntherson. Three-base hilts : Lly Stenzel , Sugden. Steep ! bases : Smith , , temmzel , 2 ; Corcoraim , Grifiltll. Double plays : Ely to liicrbaucr to liecichey ; Donovan to hteckiey ; Buirrel to Corcoran ; Cor'oratm to I..achammce to Shundle : Base. . cmi lialmf : Off Kennedy , 2 : ot1 liughoy , I. Struck out : DiKemmnetiy , 1 ; by } hiighoy. I.Vih1 mittcmmes : I4ugtiey. 1. BatterIes : l9ttaiuturg , Ilugluey mu Stmdgon ; ltroiiym } , Kennedy and lfumrrel. Umniuir hnishie. LOUISVI LLE , May 19.-W'nshingto-L : ui3- yule ; IF ) caine ; raIn. CLEVELAND , 0. , May 19.-No game ; wet grounds. ST. LOUIS , Mny 19.-St. Louis-Boston game postiloned ; wet groummutla. STANIING OF TilE TEAMS. hiayed.Won , Lost. P. C. CincInnati . . . . . . . . . . 26 17 hI 65.1 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 15 8 C5 2 L'ostomu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 16 9 61.0 l'ittsbmirg . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 : ii n 60.9 htaltimnor . . . . . . . . . . . 25 15 10 60.0 hhmiliuheiphlia . . . . . . . . 25 14 11 56.0 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 15 12 55.6 \Vaehungton 26 13 11 50.0 ltrooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 10 15 40.0 St. Loimk . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t ( 9 17 81.6 New York . . . . . . . . . . 25 8 17 32.0 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ii 21 19.2 Ganles toulay : Baltimore at Cheveland ; Philadelpiuia itt Cincinnati ; Jhrocklyn at Pittsburg ; New York at ChmIcauoVasiuung ; - ton at Louisville ; hioston at St. Louis. WES'i'i6IttV tSSCI.i'1'1tN ( ISIISUL'I'S. 'VrzmfiIt-y V'lt-OiIil'i4 1114. Simmisiti mitby 'tVliitiltmg 11 is Fiftt-emit Ii DES MOINES , Ia. , Slay 19.-Score : Dc Moltues. . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 3 0-9 Burlington . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (1 ( 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-i flits : I ) Motmme , ii ; Iimjriington , 8. Errors - rors : Des Noimmes , 3 ; BurlIngton , 6. TInt. tories : Smiler , Lohimiiumu amid Tratiley ; Nlciiols ciii Armflstm'Ong. s'r. JOEP1I , May IA-St. Joneph-Quimlcy gomno iOtPOmiCi ) on account of mum. ClDAlt JtAi'IDS , May ] 9.-Scomc : . Ct'dar itaihls.1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-6 Jtockford . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 Jilts : Cetiar Italiil ( ( . 6 ; iiockfortl , 9. Errors - rors : Cetiutr ihajids , 2 ; lbockforl , 2. lInt- tories : Gmagg amid Stiilivnn ; Ilorton amid Smlyder. lUII1JQUE , In. , May 19.-Score : 1)mmbtmquo . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Jilts : Dubumque , 6 ; I'eoriuu , 5. Errors : 1)ubuqtme , :1 : ; l'eorha , 2. flatteries : Ditimnommtl and Zaluner ; 'I'lmomas and lugilalo , STANDING OF TIlE 'I'EAilS , l'lnyedWon. Lost. I. C. De Moines. . . . . . . . . . . 16 15 1 91,8 ltockfortl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 13 7 65.0 Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT 11 6 lumbuque . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 11 9 55.0 Iutmrhington . . . . . . . . . . . 22 9 13 40.9 ( umhney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6 12 33.3 Cedar hiapitis. . . . . . . . . 19 6 13 31.6 St. JOuielh. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 14 22,2 Genies today : Burlington at ies Molnc ; Quincy at St. Josephi ; l'ooria at Dubuque ; ltocicford at Cetlar Itmuplds. SColtilS OF' 'l'iIld ' . % 'iS'l'lIItN J.ii.iGhhlS. St. Pills ! ( illmullt'N the' ( ' .mtm. . ' lflm Ca- Itimuiums imi ( lie 'It-nih , Sr. May 19.-Score : St.Paul . . . , , , . , , , - Coimmmmubus . . . . . . . . .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 06 Hits : St. I'amil , 16 ; Columbus , 11 , Errors : St. l'iuul , 1 ; Columbus , 5. Itatteries : Muilane anti S'ie.s' Jones mUlti \Vilson , Zttl14S'AUKSdhi , Wis. , May 19.-Score : Mllwmtukeo . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-4 fJrmumd ltapitls . . . . . . . .0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 Jilts : Milwatikco , 11 ; Grand ItaiiliS ) , 8. Errors : Mils'utukeo , I ; Grand 1tmipds , 4. Ilatteries : ltettgcr and Spear ; \Valters and Smink. KANSAS CITY , liiay 19.-Rain vrevented touiay'S game betweeim Jommsaus Cliy amid Dc- troll. troll.MINNEA1'OLiS , May 19.-There was mme gahmlti here today , time limditmnapoiimm team railIng - Ing to arrive In time. A delayem4 train was tile cause , STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. Piaycd.Won , Lost , J ) , C , Detroit . , , . , , , . , . . , , , , 20 15 5 75.0 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 14 8 63,6 Kansas City , . , . . , , . , 2t ) 12 8 60.0 Minneapolis . . , , . . , , , 21 13 11 54,2 Miitu'nukctu . . . . . , , 26 14 12 53.8 ir.uiiamuapoiis . . . . . . . , , 19 9 10 47.4 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 7 ia 2.0 Grand itapids , . . , . , , 21 0 18 25,0 Games today : Petrolt at 1nnsas City ; Gramid Ihapitls at MIus'auIcUo : hnuiianapohis Ut Mihuneallolts ; Columbus at St. Paul , lut'r liiiys lnmi' limes. LOUISVILLII , Ky. , May 19.-id Ike Dwyer today PUi'Chlused tile remaining miter of time hot Sprimigs stable , Lady iiue. Time sio Ymul cuimsumnmnated this afternoon time Price belmir kept a secret. Titus Mr. tvyci hiss 8r'tlimltrl t1dI4'1timi meeting a tijitop yenr-oitl colt , tlm qilt-en of 23'enNold flutes. Cit'opht : , ccii th'.t great i.yntr.oit colt , lieu lier. n . i.i II EMII.'I'H : : ; IThtACiS , 31 urtIN i'iiI . ( 'CF4il 1)mm . at it ml I her Tsi.1hl1'.re.t itmit.l slur. NEW 'voYt Mny -Today's eontst at Mcrrl pa1' i'ere not of it high order. 1tesiiit : Sit , First mnce eix'furlongs : ( loiti Crest ( S to 1) ) woum , bii t9c to 101 second , Titunoute (5 ( to 1) ) thlrl. .Fun : 1h5' : . feeoiuti raj9 , .dOfle mile. seilimlg : lien .li ( i to 4) ) % vqu , Wentnmina tS to I ) aecond , \s-ilii,00rl ( ( S tO 'II third. Timmme : i :11' : . I'lmIr.l rare , it&eity atmike , , live ftmromigs : Ambtickli' (12. 'Id I' 1) ) sven , i.itiiou. (5 to ) i'ltt'iud , Iloyfit tHee (6 ( to 5) thmii'tl. Tiimme : ' ? . 'imrtlm race , 'Ilarioumu stmiles , seven film. iomuus , reliimmg : lheidemeru (12 ( to 5) ) Won. ( 'r'mnwell (4 to I I 5e'onti , Ilamiweli ( IS to I ) third. Time : i:9' : . F'ifthm race , five a rid a hal t ftiric.iiga : I lnm' ; iliarl : ( ow mm ) won , Tnieiimmunn ( ii ) to 1) mice- omni , Time Manxman (4 ( to 1) ) third. Titus : 1:0 : ½ . Sixth race. mile nnul a slxteemuih : Saint M axiin (3 ( to 5) ) svotl'uhloy (15 ( to 1) ) seeomi,1 , 1)iriafl IT to 6) ) thiitui. 'l'ltmle : 1 :49j. : 1.OCiSVlLl.1 Mmii' l9.-1'iil Wan gettwny : hut ) ' ut Cimimrehi lwmip , nnti II ) commsemlumemice time lleid weltsnuahi. . htosuits : l"iu'st race , six furlongs : Straihmcmil (7 ( to 10) womi. Penury (4 ( to 1) secomld , The tragomi ( ii to 5) ) timi ii. 'l'iiiie : I : IG. Secrhnl race , four ftirleng.q : floy Cutirumilm- ( ' 18 (7 ( 1" 1) ) won , Oriomi tS to 5) ) second , Zolo (314 ( to 1) ) thmlri. ¶ l'lmiue : 0:50' : . Ijihlirti mace , one mile , selmuig : Lester (3 ( to 2) won , icorga (12 ( to I ) secoilil , Mate (3 to 1) ) tllirti. 1'imne : 1:47. : Foulrthi rtcc , itummilmigtoml takrs , gunman- tted $2.U'Y ) , live furlongs : Etlici Lee (9 ( to 5) ) won , Lady ieoruimu : (3 to 1) second , Clmappie (5 to 1) ) third. Thnio ; 1:03. : Vlttlu race , SOvell furlongs , soiling immrsu $8113 : Nituimlic' 1) (3 ( to 1) ) w.n , .lntnea tttummro (7 to 5) ) eCJmml ( , iliirdenbtmrg ( S to I ) third. Tituic : 1ailC. : ST. i.oiiis , May 19.-Two fmtvorites , two sotnimi choices mind an nimmsiiler won totlmuy 01) fl sloppy track. ilesitits : First race. live itntl it Imumif furlongs , sell- lag : lath (13 ( t' 5) ) won , .lohmmuny Mcihitlo (15 ( to 1) ) IseCOtlil , Cass (40 to I ) third. Timuic : l:1l,4. : Second race , four nnti no half ( mirlotugs : Buick \'Idomo (3 to 1) ) won. Algol (3 ( to 5) ) tetoiiui , Satyr ( S to 1) ) tlmirti. Timmue : (1:59. ( : 'i'liimii ince , seven furlonms , selling : Battle- ( hIre (4 ( to 1)s ) cc , Syeamuiore (15 ( to 1) ) secollul , 2tllilutimd ( I ; to 1) ) thlni. 'finue : 1:81. : Fouiili race , linhmdical , , fom' .1-vear-oltis ninth uip'ird : , sic furlongs : liuvid l to 5) ) woiu , I tanilmo (5 ( to 1) scomid , I ilimlhilitlml (8 ( to 5) tlmird. 'I'Imne : I : iSi. l'1ftim race mile amid a sixteenth. selling : Jmuo (16 ( to iS won , Sunburst dl to 5) secomid , Ilawtimomne (15 ( to 1) ) timlrd. 'l'unue : I :55. : ( .tIili OF' 'I'ilii 1.1 'Ei ; .ttl.i'l'tiEItS. 1"itlis CIte \'Iti flu' Set'imttl lmlmsht' ft-usia I ist' : ii t'ta 'I'umu iii. - FLLS C1TY , Neb. , M ny 19.-Spncini.- ( Fulls City \inu aan ! victorious , with a score of 15 to 2 against Sletz hlros. of Omaha. 'rho game Was Plal'ol on a heavy cltaimuommd , nail 1mm-st of the emlors weme cx- cuisitilie. Omaha tried I hree idtehms without - out tmccuss. lint "Ia.l" ( 'itirk lu'.tehied a good paint' . nm1l uuhmig I he vtttora emily two safe iliU' . 1)avt' : wiumi litlit in thin hlfth i'u- lung amid m etimel lIt fuvom' of Stutfti'lder. hall's Imenvy battiau , mnalclrg two stngle.s ailti two dotmh,1el , anti l'erry's Chad ) lieutiing : cr- the f.t'urt's of flue gummiuthcorC : M'tz. Ii. l'aila 'tty 11.1 loAn. lit'f1nu.r. 21. . . I ii I , I I ) mn.o 4) t 2 o Stiamiiiun , a.i.O C 2 5 1 hieluulc'm : , , 1t2 II 2 0 1 1Iaui , lii. . . .m i I' a I itil1. c. . . . . . . . . 8 C 0 5t' , ' . . . . . . . 4) 02 : u 01llen , F.s..I : a i o hiritnies , rr. . .0 1 1 ii I ) lCo'i . . . . . . . . . ) 2 2 1 lawiui , . . . . . } ; ) Jo I ICoiitztr. 2t.2 0 : m a I I iii loan , l.0 4 7 I ) I ii.tiiu'tI. mui . I : : i ) 0 0 Ibaftli'r ! m'.fl 0 I ) 2 0 ( i.utlu , i . . . . .4) 1 2 3 0 Shiu2i'.unn , lt.0 1) ) ' 0 1 toektui , mt.0 I ) 0 0 . , . ---4--- Totals . . . . .2 .327-iS .1 Tetais . . .lI S 27 1 3 1't1ls : ( 'fly. . . . . . . . . . . a a a o 1 4 0 (1 ( 2-13 Mez ! hlrotIion..i..i. . . . 1 0 1) 1) 1) 1 0 I ) 02 1at inl rtun ; r.iuu.s etmy. : 1k'tz mtrilier , 1. raqos oil i'imts ; 5. itriuelc , iit : Ily ClirhI , C : in' Met. 5. ! nit.frr' ; : Mr. Ftuu rtne'on. CUEIG I 1TON N1i. , Slay 1'-Sjieelal ( Tel- cgraiui-Tlio , otoulng gumne Cf tiui' seaoiu : ' 11 time homi. erotiniluuvaa 1iuuyeli : toilav lie- tweeim the 'u'aiiaa Ltiie'3 and tile imoine tOamul. it wa nm excellent game , ecepthnx In the tluimui imunlug , vlmei1 cur hays lxltunded Morrison for seven rumus. Score : ( 'r&giiton . . ? . . ? . , ' ) . .1 0 7 0 ml 0 0 .i 1-ho Wimimsa . . . . . 0 0.0 0 .0 1) ' 0 02 1annetl rimamiCreghton ! , .5 ; \'alisi ; , 2. 1ljs ; hilts : Ci'elehmton. 5'aujn. ; . 1. I'uussctl leilmn : hutton , 3 ; 3momm'iron. Ii. IIhe on lutlls : : Off rilimuunL2 ; off r.lrsm'minei ,2 . Struiek out : Ily 2.Iorrison. ' .17 ; , ( ) rahaui. 12. flatteries : Crelirhiton , Gm1'haii atud the Imuniimm''ausuu tiuo Moriisomu brotluiir' . ' Cris el fihlOfM C Ci sit-i su ummit I. C1N(1NNATI , May 19.-A four ( hal's' u4llo : thng tournament will begIn. lucre today. 'It wthi be exelutively at clay targets , There will b two seec of traps , of five iii each set. itapill llminmg trill be the mmiethoil used anti Amerienmu uussociatton rules will gtivormm. 'rho targets will hi ! thrown at known angles for amateurs , amid at u1ilknovn angles fem profeu-ionais , 11af a huumldteul crack shots are lit're imlreaiy. among whmom are hluclti amid Gilbert of Iowa , Crltzer amid McCormuuick c.r Samu Amutomio , , Fuiford mud Glovey of New York , Dickey of lioston l'armuualee and J.OonliS of Omaha. Collins of ltrtltiimuote. ifollewehi 01' ' 'ucson , nunud others. 'flue arizes uro guaranteed wnrthm 52.0(3 ( , nail it Is lo- lieved not fuvcr than 50,000 shelhs vihi be tired durIng thefour Ilamitil l.iii'n tT lit1)on't C.i , . DENVEIt , Ma' 19.-Chairman Gideoii of tluo League of Aimmericaui'heelmnen racing hearth iun'i notitleit Billy llumnilton that the bnrul luau refused to reconsider its decIsion disallowing iui recorul ( If 2:01) : 2-5 1Cr an un- vaccd mIle , amid will not reolien the case. 'ills record at ilrit alloweul , but th1 declsioii was uufterviii'd reveret1. bt'caiise Iluimhitomi was paced to the tape. llmxmuihtozm 'hll appeal to the imexI maccuing of the league from tue deelsionof tue lion rd. St. Joi.s 'l'vz.msi Sii It- . ST. JOSEPh , May 19.-There hinit been a t1bagreenien aniong time owners of tIle St. .rosepil Ijase Bail clImb nail franchise , and after tt Jlucetiimg of tIme directors , iued : to- miigimt , it vn5 d ctde ( ] to afTer tue team aol ] franchise for sale. Tue team has made momiey for its ovnOr.i aimmee the openin1 ; slay , but it does mmt steal iosslbie for timemn to arrive at an agreement , and I'rcsident Ilesso has nutluorizeti thiesalc offer. SeimmnelTvr Inert-ti is ; m rn it's' , ChICAGO , 51113' i9.-Schum.effer defeated Guum'nier iii tonIhit'm gains of the bIlliard totmrmtmnent 11) ' fl score of Sts ) to 275. The lunmudicap was tile saino as last night's gauntScimneffer to iuiihce 5oo to his op- ' ' 1iOmlelut' 800. Sehineffer' average was 11 27-43 ; Gnrmuier's aveingovas 6 23-2. Consul I 1)t''m.ts 1'ipsc'iii ti is , . ITHACA , N. 1 , , 51111' 19.-CoroeIi 8 ; Wimi- comusln , 7. " : iiuts. I'1TItiI'1"1" IS M its. i. u.i , ii I LL. 'olilhl Ti' , ( I I ii i.imm mill ( mt hI vs fro mis La is- thou tslil isir I litif ihie lh Creimiss it'd , NEW YOI1K. May 19.-There is lttio ! quca- tion now that tlue Colonnade hotel slmfeide , "Mr. Everett of Boston , " is Mro , Edgar B. 11111 of London , formerly of Columbus , lad , Judge Ralph hlili of. Immdianapoiia received a cibiegram ( rom , lmi ; son , husband of the woimian , saying that the woimian had alu'ays desired that after death her body should I ) " cremated , lull asiting that timat disposit'oim be uiiade of tile corpse , Ex-Congres.sinan LaCe l'emlco , vhio kiTOSY Mrs. huh as Mary Keith 'hueni both were romiuiemmts of Columii. bums. and Wiiiiamui T.4liord of Cohiunuhue. also an early aequjnmapco of the wqnparm , visited ( hue morgue tj.4 ) 1essrs. Pence cud Hard positively liemilifiotI ] the womamm. Iavid Carvaiho , tlu imantitvritlng expert , luis examined 411t , ignature of "Mr3. Ever. ott" on time imolbi rpgistcr and the note left by the suicide , flmudthmo miinature of Mr.i , B , hI , 11111 at the Continental luotel , and finds thou to have been written by time sanio per- son. . Judge Hill tothfr 'arranged with an undertaker - taker for the aklng of the body of Mrs. 11111 to F'rooh 1'ondV. . , Friny , The body will be cremnatod , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I ) lii Cli COt.i1iSSll ) N II itS ( I US'I'lII ) , (5ovt'rmlol' 'siorrIh lcammsus a Cosssimmoinmm ( in lmiiMimM ( 'I ( ' 1(1111. KANSAS CiTYIan. , May 19.-A commo- lion imas been created here by tluo roooip of IlOWS from Topeka that Governor Menu imas ousted time board 9f police conumlMliohiors for tilts cIty amid apmointeuI In thiefr s'ead Otis T. Clallin , John i. Sterrott . % itfl Thcmas Worthington. Tue former conuminiioners were remmuoved on account of their failure to enforce the ilroiilbitory liquor law in this city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , jimti-Gttummisll un : tirusmmdc in Sin nsns Cit KANSAS CITY. May 19-A crusade agaitmiut all forms of gambling began in tills city today. which bide fair to drive uli the umlenthera of that P ° fos5ion fromn the city. As a. result of actioii taken last imighit by time hoard of i'ohice Counmlssiomiers , in wimicii Mayor Jones t9ok eli active hiart , the imolice mimnniut toda ) ' Closini UI ) OO1 rootuua , "dynamite" bucket siuopms , "crap ' and all other aumieS. Mayor Jones says positively that he wiil drIve , every gambler in town out of business. - . . , . - . . - AC'l'l Vl'I'a I S 'I'll 13 ' % VOht Li ) I ) i' I.t 111)11. A lisnlgiushmlusi . ' ; ; ' ; ; ' I Itiis it'i'is itt letrollltIsj imi.le 4l rhIe , 1)ETI1O1T , May 19.-ne imiinilred amid soy- emity-five tleegato : ; vero present whemi the annual conventIon or the Ammualgaimunted Association - ciation of Iron and Steel Vorkers of America rami called to or.her todsy. Presiiiomit Char- land ot Pittsiimrg iiresiiieii. The morning ioui was occupied wIth ap. poufltnmelmt of commmiittees slid other routine prrhimlonry work. Tonuerrow the reporLs of officers \uiii be read amid Tuesday the wage conuimmittec' will imialue it3 report , wlulcli will hi , time iirunciiiai subject of tliscimsslon there- alter. 'h'Imo delemntes nreent directly represent 59.000 womht'rs , tilt 500,000 eniploycs of the iron traiee nrc ncttmaliy gosernmeil by ( lie d' Cisioiimi of this bihy. 1orty-flvo lodges immure Imeemi emlrollsti during time iua.t year anti time mepretentation ihie year is tIme largest silmco time liommiestemuil tremibies. M1i'AUiCEE , May 19.-Tue conlmittee of citizens which was organized to emlileas'or to tiring nbotmt an ndjuistnuent of ( lie street mali- way labor difficulties tiisso'etl this after- mlooml. I t reportel that it had received tIme imhtilluatummm of time cammupaay amid tluat of tiu macn atuil had reached the comietusion that ulitier the ire."oImt slttmatiu.im of affairs no set- tlonuemmt cmliii be reaclmi'tl. Tiucro i. mi-mile Indication tlmat the be- cott Is brenidmig. A nimmnber of dealers tOa ) ' notified tIle railroad commmpamiy that tile ) ' would trade with it , and that it heed seimd 1 0 lucre orthers to Chicago. Merollamits are said to ho meparimmg to In- stittmte a boycott , counter to timat of tlue atrIkers , by refu.'dimg to ccli to small dealers wlmo vili hot alree to dispose of theIr goluis to all coimmera , regarlk'as ( of alllilations. Meanwhile - while , bimounors in all branches Is paralyzes amid time cars of thm street raliway are only mmieagerly tatronizetl. lEN\'Elt , Co'o. , May 19.-Tlue anmlual eon- vcntioim of tim \\'u'tcrii Federatia of Miimors atljommrned today nflcr electing delegates to time Amerlcamm Fotleratlen of Labor , with u'liich the mmlimlermm imave uleciled to athiiate cc follows : Presicioiit Boyce , 1' . 11. Clifford , W. it. l'heips amid J. F. Melcunahd. OTTA\\'A , Omit. , May 19.-Tlue muuemuubers of the ilratimerhmooii of 1.comuiotlve : Biuguneers imad a ideasamut ttnte at lhiiicatm Imahl yesterday afternoon , alIti tlmo local rereptiomu conmnilttce Ia showing tttcimi nrounl tie hlfl'itammlclt. : Tile ccumuunmittee does not uumt'et ngainm imlitii 'riiurs- day. day.1iUFPLO 1iUFPLO , N. \lay 19.-TIme mmationai ccnmrenitiomm of jetmrneyhmuemm horse miimcers re- c'ived the reports of cemumittees : tolay. Jell11 O'Neill of Chicago ilrvsitlell. The elm- tire tiny va. spoilt in the tramilactlon of routlius hmusinoas. KANSAS ci'r , May 19.-Through the iii- torventiomm cf Secretary McGrath of the Aaiericuirt Federation of Labor a mlcflmmite llroiositloim iuas beemu c.ubimultteul by the Ar- nmmotmr l'cckimmg conupany to the striking fire- men. Tile C0flltlI1Y cffers tO reinstate time strikers at clii wages of 20 cents au iuoimr , hut to give theni the oimtion of uVorklilg eIther eight or twelve hours. It is mu- mated that in the event of the strikers re- turnimug to work their deimuamuds will lie ulti- imuatety concedch. : The ilromemi struck for an elglmt-imour day at 25 cents no hour. The fireiuuen vill reply tonmuorrow. NOI' Aul.li(3N liitiGik'l'lX. ilemu'ey Ito I ums I ii 'iOtl ( Ii Ism1ntzi lVlh I Ci.m migtl't I Iit'ismI ilt li.ssls , SIOUX FALLS , S. 1) . , May 19.-Speciah. ( ) -Dcsphto thue heavy maiimfahi which ha filled time dry rumis of time Jilmi valley anil sccuked the ground to a depth of a dozen foot , tue p'an of irrigatlmig by artcsiauu vehis will be tried on a tmuuch larger scale than ever be- fore. The great Ilumuter farm ha beetm often describoi. It will thIs year be extended both iii , ze auth variety or crop. But this sunluler there uvill bc mmiaiiy ttmers who will follow SIr. itiiutcrs example. Brule coummty vihi take the ! etd. Tiucro mire miow In that COUlut ) ' thirty-five wells rammglmig frozuu cix to eight IndIes iii bore amuti from 950 to 1,200 feet in depth. Time largest flows , 150,000 barrels - rels iuer day , is used for vov"er. Twenty-one uvare aiu.mmlc by tiio county for stock purposea and they supply 815 tIdies or ditches four feet wide and two feet deep. lbosidea tills aria seven wells hiut down for Irrigation pur- lofeS amid the land irrigated this year will anuc4mmut to about 8,000 acres. Davison county iuas 110 veh1s , oigimty of thuein witlm a two- . inch bore , and timirty from three to oiglmt iiucheu' . Time flouu' is frail ) 1,000 to 5Qooj per day. Most of theimi are used for stock thin year on account of time heavy rainfall , but sonic 3,000 acres will ho irrigated , Since Saturday the raimufahi huas been two inches over the iaoimthermi half of time state , makimmg a total of a little Imuoro tiuamu twice as mucim as fell In March , April and May last year All streams are ( till and the dry runs and lake beds are illici for time first time in ten years. Thme crops are fuhiy two weeka ahieail of the average for the season. South of time huron line , with tue exception of Saimborn ami Joratmid coumities , tlue acreage s.uui be increased - creased fully twenty-five uer cent , tiio wimeat being about time caine and the gain beimug mnoctiy imi corn , oats anti mulct. The grauaui Is coaked about a dozen foot in depth and old residents state vocltivehy tiuat unless an umlprecedeited : drouth conmes froni this time on a great crop ta certain to be raiceil thrcugluout the state. 01)1) F16LOWS it' ' ItO'S' Si'ltlNl'J. SsiltIL himltotxi 31eisa hers of ( Imp Ord&'i' In Comivelmtiolt , hOT SI'I1INGS , S. D. , May 19.-Spociai ( Tolegraiuu-i'tbout. ) 200 delegates to tue grand hotigo of Odd Feliouvo , and state assembly of the Daughters of Rebekab arrived by special train Sulutlay evening over time Eikiiern , mmmak- lag the tutu tronmu Sioux City to Hot Springs In time uimlprccedeiitcti timime of eleven hours and twenty-five imuimiutea , including a ttuirty- nuinmuto stop for dinner at Lomig Pine aiid a ehmort L'oii ' at Clunmdnon , necessitated by a hot box. This breaks the reord for fast tiimmo between hero anti Sioux City. A large dciii- gation arrived yesterday afternoon froiul tIme central ailti nortiiermu hiiils , aimd iast mmiglut a grand hmanquet was temuilored the vimiltorn by tile local oriiers of Odd Feliouvut anti ltebakalms , Over 400 were vresent. Manly briiitant nuid uvitty speechiemi uvure made. 'l'aday tlio gramid imudgo and state assembly are lii soeaon. 'l'biimrotiay wihi cccumr the imueet- log of the gramiul cncanipuleilt : and election of officers of all the orders represonto. : ] . Friday an excmirslomm will lie taken to Spearflahm , Iead- vood and other lull lOints. Cmmiisesl a 31 i Id ' ( rmsszl I lois , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 19.-Speclnl-- ( ) t sOulsatiQim hilts been caused here by musts's of time nimirriatie atilton , In. , of Hunt Ifmmb- bard arid AIss Carrie Zehlers , The forimier 1 $ time soum of SiicriiT C. W. ilubbartl 'alit ' ] hmI fatally Is among the most erlstot'ratic in the city. lie is 21 yoarmi old. anti has boon regartied an wild. Tile girl is only 16 years old amid is tile daumghter of J. Iii. 7.cllera , luroprietor of tile Metropolitan livery. Shue uc'as on a visit to her ; raimdnuutlmer at 'ioux City. Nt'lthier fauiuily know of tue coming even , . 'WVE AWAY- ' KNIIVES and RAZORS In oxohango for Coupons with Mail Pouch "Chowlng and Smokinc. " 7Tho onij ANTI.NI111VOUS , ANTI-DYSPEPTIC 1 and NiCOTINE NEUTRALIZED TO3ACcO. JACK IWIVES and PEII IHIVES ( of first quniity , Amciican manufacture , itazor steel ; hand forged , finely tomporeci Blades ; Stag Handle. floe RAZORS , Highcs1 Grade tocl , Hollow Ground. CouponS ezplaii1ow to seoura time itboyo. On. Couem in iotA 0 cent (2 ( cuacs ) 1tajc. 4'CUUpS11 Lii .cch 10 cent (4 ( ouacs ) Jukags. Mall Pouch Tobacco Is sold b all dealers , l'nckiigt'i ( newoiu sate ) comitmmlmsiilg iso coupons 'will be muccepteil as colsisoims , ' u"l.'nnptp Iitm a. one fiupon , " 4 ot. " Empty JJa ; a. two Ceuqos. ! LLUSTRAT El ) Catalogue c/oilier l'atwsbt. 4rtfctea with cxvlaialoae , ltow to get 11.em , Mailed on request. The Bloch Bros. Tobacco Co. Wheeling , W. Va. 'io CuUiiouC ezchsuged idler 1uiy 1 , 11101 . DENVER BANKERS INIIGTEI ) ) Granl Jury Intlkts Loaling Officers of Two Inst.iLution. ChARGES DATE BACK THREE YEARS I.I isiimmt'l era % lmu .tM'IIMI t'sl I mm thmt- ut % 'ret'Ic lllir mttititiitI llmtiikt % 'ili lla't' to L'ntc Cr1 is , I mmmi I 'I'rimml a , DIiNVl'lZ , May 19.-The federal gmanti jimry now in Pcnuioii has fount ! eeverat unuiictmentn against bammk ofllciaha and others , accused of hating conspIred to ( iefratmti depositors in b.inks Iii thl city su huicim Ilavo closed their doors dmlrlng the past three years. John .1. itelthunami , presIdent , anti Joimmu 3. lleitiiunamm , jr. , vice president , Cimario M. Clinton , cashmier , 811(1 Chitries ICtimlzcumlliier , assistamlt cashier of time Gorumiall National imatik , are cimargctl with lmuivilig faisifleti figures imi tue report to time eonuptroller of tlit , condition of that hnstitutitmmi on May 4 , 1893. It is sold thiat cimargca of a snore serIous nature against timeno moon are belmig considered by tIme gmaimd jury. It. Is also amunotmnceul today that 0. 11. Mu- her of ChIcago ha been indicteil on the ciargo of emmmbezzhing $125,000 froimi thu Commi- muercial Natioumal baimk and thuat Charles ii. iow , ts'hi ts'as preslulemmt of the Coiiunlerciai , is charged witim imavimig conspired with Mu- icr to defratld depositors and witii imavlmig violated tile nutlemmal himumkiuig lass by inammimug to .Miiier 5i45.UOu. ss'horeas tinder limo ltss' the 1)111k colilti muot loan to one untllviiiimah or commpmiumy : illume timan 10 lrnr edIt of its capital stool : , ts'hmtch T200,000. 0. E. Miller flgimreil quite promimlontiy in 1)enver irior to thai Panic of ISP.1. lie uvas illiti I'tiil iii the Lead of tue titiier lierlufa commmpammy , tvhilcii hammtlies truscn anti otluer iateilts for time cure of rupture and Imas ohlicea lii Deliver , Ciiicgo ailli etimer cities. imurestigatioii of Millers hliuammclai affairs siiic tluo er.ish of 1891 1150 developed tin' fact ttumt ; hiii ciutire limiielmtNiimcat (0 tue mmattoimai banks of ienver aggregite 3i5,000. Of huts anmouimtt $192,000 was secured fmoiml tim Coma- lii ercia I ii iud C ermllati Ns ti oilm : I ba ii ho a tm ul the remimuuiiilmmg $153,000 was borrowed of biiics that allrvivd tue 1)51mb ! . 'l'imo Amimorlcan Natitmmiai , whitcim stisilclllied recently , is s.ild to imave bran a loser , Receiver Framuk Aciammus of thai Comnnierelal Natiomiai hanmk uimiui Zeilul 'I' . lull uI the for- manmi Natiunal imuvo been umrescilmg Miiler for a settlemnemlt , hilt time truss dealer , will ) illo'cd his rcmudcruco to Cimicago 000il after ills fliuamiciai backers us'ent to tluo wail , ham , been mitnimding thiemm oft witlm lroimlises to boimd lila 00111 PRll 9' aluci nlliare imp II is I ndeb ted mmcmiii. Miller limited betide in Chicago for 325,0OO , but not one edit of thmltm muouloy ever revorteul to tile iuanktmlg imustltimtlons in lenver to ut'lmicim lie was largely indebted. It was uiuomu the receipt or tile 110555 flat hue hind roceiveti time labIle ) ' from hits bonuhiimg operations timat time receivers withdrew au objt-ctiomus to crlmmihnal lroseciitlon , as tluey were now assuiroti lie tlitl net Imutetud to ta ) . \Viuiie ill Deliver Miller was very actIve lii church and SutIday 5011001 stork. lLhimiis : ' 1' 0 ( I.i3AIt SC ( ) 'l"l' .1 % GIS0N. 3lrs , I ) I I 0 hirt'du of t'sssnm'i ( ) s'cr- Iieuursi i , ' lit-let-i I sea multi . rreslt'.l , CINCINNATI. 0. , May 19.-Mrs. Otto liredo of Newport. who has beenm quite atteim- tire to Jackson ant ] \Valhing by semmdung tluem delicacies , scums today overheard by ohileors MuG store hut \Valilmigfortl'mi saloon to offer Wahiungferd 50 if hue ss'ouiui cbunge ills testiniuony imi time Wailing case so as to appear that It was some other Friday than the Friday night when I'earl Brynmi was at lila saioll 5 % itim'aiiing and Jack.in. SlIer- 1ff h'iuunmer recognized the womuuan and took iuor to Newport. Sue had iureviously beemu to Allen Jacksomu and muuado ilIfli a similar oiler and lie had arranged to meet her at Wailhngfortl's , and theus nottfled the police. . ( Claiuisge Its iIst At-minnie Strike. KANSAS CITY , May 19.-.Notimlng demimlite in the Ammuour fireiluen's strIke hmus dCVt'ioileti so far today. Secretary McCmaitim of tile Arnericami I"etiem'ation of Labom' nmil otiitrs I t'uuesenttmig tile strikers are uneetimmg with tile Arsumour ohttciais this aRerimoomu , tm'ying to eiTcct ii. commlpronuise. There is little chance of an agreemnemlt being reached , it is miald , both sides remaining detemnutned. Cripple Time ii'on gl'its ) of acrofumla Immis 110 mem'c > ' 1111011 its victiimms. ' 1'lmis delIlah of time hioocl ii ; often umot satislied with cai1mmg (1rcttlfuul : 0I'Cs , buul racks the 1)0(1 ) y s'i ti m ti mc pnti m ms of i'l mcli imi nU sun until lIootI'g Suu'wpui'iIta : ciuu'es. "Nearly four years ago I becamne af- ilicted with scrofula and rheumnati'mun. Wade Running sores broke out on my thighs. PIece3 of bomuecamo out arid cmi operation was contounplsted. I hind rheummuatisnm in my logs , drawn up out. of shape. I lost zip- petite , could not sleep. I svns a perfect wreck. I comutimined to grow ss'orse amid filially gave uij tim doctor's treutmnemut to WeH take Ilood'g Snrsaparhiin. Boon appetite Caine back ; the sores somumeticed to heal , My limbs straighteiied out amid I threw asvay may crutches. I am now stout and hearty and am farming , whereas four years ago I was a crippe. I giadiv rue- ounmmuoiid Hood's Sarsajiarilia , " UJIHA.e IIAaIutioND , Table Grove , Illinois. Hood's ! Sarsaparilla Isthie Ohio 'FrllO itiood h'urifler. All iirmmgglst.i , $ i , l'reiuareil emily by C. I. hood 4 ( km. , J.oss cii , Mass. liver liii ; ; ; ; - cure , ( cist J-1 oed s Pills taket'asytoolieratc. 25c , (1.17 mmimnouii cred Wool Soap ) ( I wish mine badJ WOOLENS WILL NOT SHIIINK - if Wuol ifouip ii used in thu laundry 1t ttiucheanstnmot winter bhankohi.miumunsls anti - - all wool tabrlc bolero storing fur lhjomiswu , ( Thu vaiuu Of 7 WOOL SOAP is Itmstitiuitble. Yastmes &iiks , lact's anal shl UWmur fabrics witbout Injury , kqomtlh , vsiuatlo for bath , bouiohmioli mimi gceurai laundry urpose. . bold by nU dusters. .aworth , Scboe & Co. , luTakers , Chicago. ' ? ffawyoflm OOice.ttlLceona 81. DosLoulCb4bam8I i ' ' MUNYON'S' . KIDNEY CUFE Macyen's ifuuilley ( 'tire cures Pain in the back , iolmm. or groilma frommi kiuhlicy ( itlOacO , Im1mly auiti ilabby fare , tlEollSy of tb fch amiti himiubs , freqtmemmt desire to I'55 svater , scemity' urIne , dark-coioretl and turbiti urine , etIi- macnt Ill limo urine , gravel in tiutblathior anil tOt ) great how of iiriumc' . h'tiee , 25 cemlts. Mtlml'on's I ) yslep.a : Cure 11051 tiVili ) ' Cili'CC mull torus of iudigustijn ! amid stolmiach tmotmbles. l'rico 25 Ceumbi. : d mm li'Oll's It lieu ama I tminm ( iii re cell ciii Ia us to relieve imi 0110 to three luoimrs , alIt ! cures lii a few days. Price , 25 cents. Miinyon'a VitalIzer restores lost powers to suik maca , Price , l. l'emnommnl letters to l'rof. Mlmnyomm , 1505 Arcil street , i'hhiadelphifa , I'c. , aminis ore ] ss iCi free ullethtcal advice for any dIsease , DOCTOR YOURSELF. A Separate Cure foi' each Disease At all Druggists , 25c a Bottle. KNCSFORYS Oswego Corn StarcH For Table Use , is the most delicious at all preparutions , DUFFY'S 1 PUflE MALT WHISKEY 1 All Druggists. . _ _ _ _ _ . 'iI' I'I ; iLiCA'm'tos. - - 5rjj C ) ' -I ' 'i'imu lutist en ml is'uitiilg tties : over totti. ' ' - Cimicagu 11cm nih ! , ! The Blnck Cat P01 ? JUATL I 5 e The iiouse Acmo4s the Weyl 'l'io , nuo'.t. ti , s I. a r t I I n g "fiilimiis'-skchntout.iim-thiu. I , iuut" story ever inibiimiuuui. c , . fr3ioami' Time Mrs. Curioltyi amlmlmslumg cx iii ut sm ii t 1111 of an im II iarai iii led svudti lmig , ntiiiomiiiceimvimt. , Tile SoflwCcLt hoosiii A ttrrhiiho secret j n or i liii sea , lmlmv.ui led by tutu tlf its vic- t hits , riomm froimi I heir grate to eommvict aim ii llSllSlL'CtoI C ri lilt Ii ii. Thea Second h1ditiommi A umiIrtlm llrovok- n i si g story of lmts' ut i eieg ra him od i tam' rIm turned lirilmior mit time Iloilut ( if it noviti- var , Time Lucit ( > 1 Killing lnyi Thu ioriiou mu i : isqtmo rail tu (1 f two ii nih ng lu I I cii c Stit.ts ; annoy otiie.er at. a frnoticr lutist. : OrIginiI ; ! Complete ! Copyrighted ! ' rn ; z All for Cents. I Of Newst1eairs , er iuy mall of r ) 'rmue Sliortatery i'uuiulisluiuug ( 'o.llostouiMiss I ) = - , tliUsiIMJ6r'1's. : Creiglitoti Music Hall. l'axton & Ilurgess , Ztigrs. High Class Vaudeville 'roNur.im'l' VmiOl 8 Ti ) 12. Introducing Jtiila ( Jiovrr , 'flue' htiiiers ltumnta , : .1'uu : Mtteuell , hiuiiuia W'es.uui , Kii'a anti Itteauri. F.utz snul l'alerson. ( ) IIAIYGFI OF' I'IUGItAM RAILWAY T1IECARD : u'es tmllliLlNti'ION & 1510. ittVlht. ; Arnmv" Onmatun tjuilon uemom , 1Gm ii & Jimaseil Sm a I Oniaua : 8O'lamim : . . . . . . . . . . . j ) eiuver : ' (5. . . . . . . . . . . . . inn. 4aSpm.liIIc : mmitis , Ztlitiit. & 1'ugit Suit ] 1x. 4 0.muuit : . . . . . . . . . . . ) ismress . . . . . . . . . 4 OlilIt 7Q5pmiu : .Nel.ruitki * Local tuiXci'lt Iilmuuuifly ) 7.11111mm . . . 1tiieoimi L eel ( except Hauiiui yl . I I 2.i nui 2niFaetMslIor iInccndaW. , _ 'ts'cIChilCAG0 , IllllLh.lNi'i'ON & (3 AmmIve" Ouluuhalll1llomi 1)cloi , hlttm & luiuis'ii tmims.I 01115 ( .1 5OOpma..mileage : \'e.tllimIe. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lISlrtiSH. . . . . . . . . . . 4llluia 7 ; ipinl. .C'hituigo & St. Juums 1si.s . . . Sog.imi : , 1 : . . . . . . . . . ' .Tuiiuctioui 1.ocuh . . . C muliui . 1'ast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ave , C'1li(2/tGO. ( 11i. u'r , I'A t'i , lArrmt'.i , OimuulliaI.lltOii ! Depot . I it ii & lti.ouu Sm s. I Onmvs iti G5lpnl. . . . . . . . . . Clilcuigo 1.tunlilei . . . . . . . . . . lflflnmui..t'ili'uuIOhXWtNi : ( t'X. m3unma ) ' ) . . . .pnvei1'ut1t'Ati0 & NOhi'l'iWrcH'm"N ( itrmivt'r onnatial lintoni lei'.it , lot ii & Its . .oum itt , , I flu.aua 0t.arn : . . . . . . . . . . . .4itertm ICxpmess. . . . . . . . . . . I 4 : tIlim. . . . . . . . . \'est I luutei 1,1 tnt I eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lpiul : . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul 115irtets. . . . . . . . . 8110,1111 I :41t. : In..t. l'a Ill 1.1 Hi I tc.i . . . . . . . . . . S 1031.111 7ilalil. ! . . .Ciil roil & t4iuii CIty hoeiI Ii : lOliui , 1iOlunfl..Ouisiuut Ci ,1.ien , 5r'ia I . . S fll.i im Miswjut'I Valley Lniim. . . . . . . . , eaves ( 'muICAGO , It. 1. & i'A'iI'fCirrli'c' " flnniIllifIifltOn : leiom.ISth & 11514101 ( (5. ( Otniut 5 ISAST. _ _ _ _ ) : lOam. . Atlantic I'xpm'eas ( ex. fliWjay > SlSpuii 7'ipul. . . . . . . . . . . Nigimi Cifuiess . . . . . . . . . . . 5lSuun : I : Oium8..iticuigo % 'mimiI I iuuiIuI 1t ma I I tt.i . . . . I ' ? .ipiil 118cinTi , . .1St. I'tiiul % 'rNiilIul1(41 1.brtte.1 I .lliuui WFst. t14.plll.OkiuiIIllIillt & rcxss Es. ( es. HUii. ) 10 3ai I . : _ . . . , ! . . . . . . . . . . I .rv ; t t' . . fis' . P. . III , ( ( 0. iAi'i - l"ss rmainal Depet , lIt im a ni ) % ' .ls'cm' S . Onto hut I , ltnni . . . .Siuii , I CII ) ' . l'9flhisiYllt Ion . Ii elpuji ZllliIlIil. Sioux ( 'ity i1i.mers 15K. tun. ) , I , tSaum ! . _ . . . ) ' . tii Th-'i1---o : : vA'ii.ir. : i.ciive ; ' 1)inutiis 1)rp't.IIth iii'.ll'b4itO' tI5. _ I Olnaluls iOOlJilI . . . . . J'.li't Mttil mi ru'l Jetl ( .54 . . . . . 5 0Piium tQOllli . .1. Slim. ) 'tVo , Jx. ( cx. Mimn ) . S T.0.imii N ortolk hxireu.ul ( cx , mtiiuitiuiy ) .1O.23.igui Slum . .lrreiueiut 1.nii ( S'tuiiln ' t ( , nty. , . . . ' . " . . 1 ljiiu , .euit'es I IC. I' . . ItT J. & 4' . IS. 'A ' Tire. , ) iunhiaiUrlon 1)epui , i0Ii ! & Siaa'n tilt 4)m.t u.s 1:05am. : . . . . ICansa.s Cimy hsy isliri.sl. . . C i'ipni ' ipim.h ? ! . 'rrnns ' , , euyesi ? iiHl'0t11tl h'AIiil'l ( ' . i/rrl" , ) uiuaiisi 0rtunh llZru'lm ' . . , . N. ifli ikut & lcui uias 1,1 ill I 'ii . . 1 I ' IPiuil ) . . . . . . . . urania , ( lily 1'xpiee. . . . . . . 8 Ca' . " I Sioux ( 'i'h'Y 5. 1i.tCile1 ( ( A..t s Hus , L . . ! 9 mc as ' ' CITY & Pittill'1 ( ' . ) imuilia ! jn Iej.tti. lurui a' M.mson fits ' ( ) 'Ilr , uP. :4Jnl : . , . . , . , . . St. P.'iii j'as.'ipr ill'hllii ' ' . . . . . . ' ' . , , . . . . : 'K'am . . .Shilis ( 'hiy i'nii.siutr S 6 iii' :58urn. : . . . . . . . . . , . Ii 'illlI ' ; i- ' tINiON' 1 .emi.ii- . l.r ) iiIabaitYa9flheio , iOhi ! & 31uscnHis , Otto :3).mmn : . . . . . . . 1Puirmmer P.slir , 4 iDi' II 8.Iam . . . . . . ( Jisiland t.iuiiited . I I Ilium ; : Ifiimtmlleat'ec 4 flroiisi'g ( ri ( cx 14e , , ) 4 1li.lm 4.lulii . ( Jriii.2 1sIn4 l1Cie e. , 4e iin , ) I ! . . 'il : tJinu . . . . . . . i'aat Math . , I it I "ales I _ _ , 'n.ulu mtmi.wy . % mmlt' s ) nuuthalt'nicumi fl.'pot. 10'h 6 Msiin flts. ' Ornai'a :9cm . . . , , . St. Luuii ( Sgnnoa 1Ja , liisiJ