; THE OMAHA : DAILY BEE. , , -4--- = . - Jsiiir1sJiED J.UNE : : : io , 1871. OMAhA , TUESDAY MOflN1G , MAY 19 , 1890. ' - uo"r FtV.i OENTS. SPANISh LEAIERS ) PACIFU senor Labra Not Alarmed Over Prospect of War1 THINKS A CONFLICT CAN BE AVERTE 8c11.r SlIs'elt fIc1Ii.e41 to IIi O1pIiitO ( Iii Silli tts CnhIrMe Of IMIJhIHIIL In , . , , , t1TlIIrN MstIcM Her Sit 1111 * lIPU S'lrNC. ( c&r'rtght , ww ; . ) , . rr ! l'iihlh'hlng Compnny MAIIUI ) ( Via Bayonne ) , May 18.-e ( York WorIl Cabtegram.-Specfat TcIcgrtm -Senor Labra , c1oeti cnator from Ilavan iinIvcrIty at the tact general election , ha Leon chief of the autonomsL party tn Fevcrr tpanIsh parIIarnept. where lie liaa sat a deputy' for Puerto IUco or Cuba tor twent earg. Ho was the leader of the abohitlor BtR anih Ia nn advancoti repubhlcan. lie a Spanlarh by liltthi1 however , though Ii ZIaM tepreienteiI thio colonial Interest I Madrid boti as a politician and as a jucccs 1W barrIster. Serr Labra said to the World corrcsont tint today : "I cannot vehI discuss the meril of the Competitor case or ot the royal speoc at the OlCfllflg of tlio Cortes , M I have enl just. rettlrne(1 ( today from a fortnIght's toij of thlo southern provInces ot SpaIn , where found the people ll9tenoil to ni spoochc In favor of colonIal autonomy. That deem thic best way to pUt an ox1 to oil 1ltTcrc1ices wIth the United States and I the civIl war which all inllltnry men an civilians coinIng back from Cuba tell t cannot h concluiled b1 force of arms aba . , I coiiskler the Competitor case merely a IncIdent In the general ilrltt and cornplE state of our relatIons with the UnIted 3tato rrhey could euily ! ho lmproveil anti probib1 arrtngcd , If the Spaniards would onlT undc atanil four things : "Flr8t , that In all cba-es In the Unite tatc there exists a strong aynipathy wit Cuban autolloni3r , anl even intboliondenco. S ( cond , that the same reeling Is equahl strong In all the Spanish Aiucrlcin reiiUl llcs. llcs."ThIrd , that liuropoan sympathy for Spal Is conditional , as both re anti governrnonl tccoinhiieiiil our making timely c ncosslor to the colonies. "Fourth , that In Cuba antI Puerto Ric thio separatistE owe thclr strength to Ui fact that a rnajorlt' of the Inhabitants ho ) aloof and keep away from the strife In drea or being soiiie ilay sacrlflce to the so-caibe conservative party and mIlitary lnfluenc that will be dominant when Spain triurnph EASY TO AVERT TltOUl3hl. 1,1 firmly lehievo that It would be ear'y fci Spain to avert all complIcations like Ui Competitor case and more serloua dlbcultic ! yet ahead iii our relations wIth the Unite Statc II our government only lint ) the coul age to go absolutaly to thin coboiilei in ' manlier compatible with imperial * ovcreIgnt3 \ bellovo that Prorident Clevelanil is elncer enough to meet US half way on such groundi Anyhow , ( beuuncbation at pront of ou treatlihi with AmerIca or denial of assent I fair reciainntlon9 would be inadvisable. "In my 5c3t In the Sonata I propoi.e shorti , to make seine revelations on Cuban affair iluring the bai't fiftean mouths that srill ohio ; that the ntlveyit of the coni'ervatives to ci lice liaH aggravated the sltuatlnn , but I vl1 never do anything that could play Into th hands of America. 15 belIeve that Premier Canavas and Ui Spaniidi governhlient vlll do their boat to Ui very last to avert a conflict with the Unitci tatcii. Thitroloro , I do not apprehend an : trouble over the Competitor ca It pros and opinion on both eldoi keep cool. " Sonar Francieco Slivela Is the chalet dIe sentient of the eonsrvaUves. lie way Ist r of Jui'tice In several cabinets presldei over by Canovas amid ti a learned meinbe of time Madrid bar and ttcaileiny of Juris prudence. d Ho said to the World corrcipondont : certainly belIeve that , the CompetItor Inciden coimlil have hiecn avoided by tact on tIme par of the authorities In Havana , elitiply by re spoctimig the texts of thu trelty of 1795 aw . thmO protocol of 1877. No alteration of oii / native flfll penal begli'lation by the mllltar : or civIl autitorttlos cotalibisimlng ruriIiiiar proceedings unit trials by courts-martial otto procbaniatlnn ( if a state of siege could so ai'ido our International obligations c'mitracte before ald domestic legIslation came inti force. I believe that the prorent government mont has umuberetood this to lie the cui , am will take care to avoid fresh lmicidontij aftol the Competitor case Is ient back to oui court of naval appeals , to the proper June diction umnuler the treaties. Of course , Spuin like any other power , might ni4c for a revision vision of tier treaties with America , or hu nuigiat denounce then , hilt this vonld hmardi bo couiduelvo to improvement of our re lntlouie with the United Statci , anul I tbouibl If the government harbono any i'umcii Idea. NO RUi'TUh1i APPREIIENliIJ. 11 do not apprehend any nuptuire betweci Spaiui auiul Anienic'a and I am oonvtuced tim : Promnlcr Cauiovas will continue to control thu iioruular nut ! patriotic feelings that the presi and the opposition are now attempting to cx cite. I believe that it will be hmnposshlilo tu rafuca to extend to the suulijects of Fuiropeii powers oxeuiiIutlouie frouui the rigor of martia law granted to Amnericauu citizens. 'II certainly timluik that Spain would be hi' a better nosition in her dealing vhtim th United States if our govenuimnent hind not neglected Iuunoiean ; alliances and folboweil a 1)oiicy of isolation. lint this muletalco hi now perhaps too late Ui remedy. Our rein. tIori % % 'Itm ) the United Stales amid with Cuba might have hiecu placed on a better foatIni luau ) We carried omit early last year the colon ml reforms that it he now impossible to at tenhlt In the mulct of a civil var. " Time real iuuuhiorta000 of the oplmmion mtate'1 by Senor Silveba lies in the fact that. al thotgli p1 dissentIent. ho is conshulereut b most conservatIves and tue rest of time Span. lards to be time contain successor of Premier Camrovae in time loaulership of time consenva. tlvo party , frommi whIch lie is separated only bocauzo lie diciented from Itomnero itobleibo's reactionary views in the colonial scaruibals at Madrid. AJITIIUR I. IJOUGIITON. 1 ittI'I'SI' IS t'IIF SR.tNISII SlN.t'i'i , $ iIi or ( fl ruin Coummiulum i mis iif SImIni4rN ITt ii'i t.iI lii % 'nsiui , ij.tiumm , MADRID , May 18.-In time 8cnato toiay , Senor Glron , a liberal , pnotesteil against time elamudors of Siuatn which were uttered in time Unitemi States senate. lie Intended lie 50111 , to denommmmeo the Intolerable conduet of inate9 mimul brigands against Spalui. Time day hail cotime. lie said , when io simoulil have to con.ihor thol.iretchueul ucts or Intorfer. enco of limo dollar princes with time affairs of \ Spain. lie protested almo agaInst time \'asiu. legion slanders aKalnet the qu000.rcgent , 'Tho ihuuko of Tetuami , minIster of foreign affimirmu , replied to Senor ( Jiroum that the gov. ernmncnt might jolmi iii time latter protest , but they cuhl muot approve time remnainder of Senor Diromu's remarks. President Cleveland and time United States govoramnent lmnd given proof of their respect for limo pninciphe of International law. lie mnaintaimmod. Time uhtiko of Teutan then amided that time Sonatu was miot yet formally organized amid could not linocoed vttim time 'quiection. Time iinemuhdemit of time senate upimeid time positIon taken by the duke of 'feutami , anti time matter vae dropped , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I S i : Sorimi 11.115 iimi iIuIeli. 1Ilitf.iN , May 18.-Time trial , wimich cciii. ncnccd last Frldiy. wa c'nclud9tl today , of the fonty.ieven s'oZIailete , ? ie1udlmmg the pnes. Idont amid rmummmbera of time executive coin. znilteo of thu party , vhmo cre cimargeul with ( tie violation of time law of thu avoeh.stlomi during 1693. 184 omit ) 1S95. As a result of time tniiil , Herr ilebel imami been fimisil 7i marks , Herr Aumuil I'famikauchm &I ) marks , antI Ilerraul Singer amid clentaim 10 muarhe eacim. Ioet of time others were lIned 30 muarke. T.o reit , Including two women , were acquitted. l'etnril Iai,1oibcd 1mm 3lnilriui. MADRID , May 18.-A petard was exploded today in the street near time royal piacc. o damage was done. - - - - - - - - IlIiiiIS 'IOhi.tCC ( ) JXI'OhtT.tTiO ( pim'rtl V.e1.'r isiP flu Orulc xvii IOu 31mi Iuie Cigmirs Cushy. i1AVANt , May 18.-Captain GenerniVe ion baa u2tueml an order forbidding time oxpom of leaf tobacco from Cuba , The order lii crontemi consternation among the toreig commerchai houses in this city. it I understood that General Weyber bas take this ftOp because of the financIal assistanc rendered to the Cuban insurgents by Cuba anml Spanish ciganernakers in the Unite States and ehuowhero. Some of time foreign commercial houac have complalnom ) to the consuls of their rc spective countries of the Injury which the will emitter through the prohibition of Ut export of leaf tobacco. The consuls lmav cabled to thehfl respective governments aS ing for instructIons and calling attention time injury which It Is claimed the procbamor tion will do to commerce. The insurgent in the province of havana are salt ) to ii discouraged. TIme insurgent governor , At reilo Iletancourt , anmi Macon , the lnsurger leader , have been making great effonta concentrate the hmuuiumrgont forces , but up the present without success. The Insumrgent bands commanded b Colonel Laze and Ilorges whIch have bee mirulteil whim the intention of Joining a Inng force of immtmrgemuts and attacking tiuo Majami line have been dispersed antI have sough refuge in time . swamps. They arc said stand in tear of iletnucourt and Macco mind ho trying to avoid them. Colommel ilernamidcz , while reconnoitering I the uuwauuip land of I'Inar dcl Rio , met a forc of inaurgemits. In tlmo engagements whic followemi six of time Cubans were killed an one uuman was made prisoner. During several skinmuuhee ) imhch bay recemitly taken place In the provinces Ilmivana , Santa Clara and Santiago do Cub the tnsurgent9 boat ten killed and time troor had two men killed and LIeutenant Cobonu Julo and several privates have been woundet N1\V YOltiC , May 18.-Importers of t ( bacco fromim Cuba wore inclined to doubt tc day the authenticIty of time dispatch ar nouncing that General Weyler timid forhuk den time exportation of tobacco frommi Cuuii A mucmnber of a wimolesale grocery lmotmse thr hmnponta more tobacco amid cigars front Cub than oily other flrmmi Call today : "It tim telegraphic dispatcimes concerning this mnattc are correct the whole mmmamiufacturing tobacc trade in tims ! country will be ( bemoratlzor Time price of havana clgnr conatantly ilmactu atemu as far as the dealers are concerned , al thougim time consunmers , penimaps , do not kumo It. There has been a gradual increase in th price of tobaccotimo last two or timreonioimthn but It is Impcesibio to say imow nmrucim tim turbo of ( bomeatic chgaro is to be incrca'me by our faIlure to get tobacco from Cuba Some Sumatra leaf ii , imeed for making chgarm but it is not so eatlafactory of course , as th havana. The enforccnimmt of Genera ) Wey lcra ( lecre would greatly Interfere with tim factories In Florida. But it Is early yet prophesy. I thInk time manufacturers in Liii country have Cuban tobacco on imnuid out hichent to last them for a few months. " The importatIons of leaf tobacco from Cub ran from 10,000,000 pounds in ISSG to 21000 , 000 poumnds in 1896. The valmme of tobacc ramigeil from $1,000,000 in ISSO to $9,000,000 I 1893 , and 7,000.000 in 1895. Time value c imianufactures of tobacco ( cigars ) importe from Cuba In 1586 was $3,100,000 , and tim importations gradually incrcasel ummmtii ISD ( when their vaiue vas 3t00,00G. Therm tim importations , "or saie. ' decreased until 1S9 when the total vaitme of the manufactures o tobacco ( cigarm' ) , irmiponted were only 2,010 , 000. Consul General Williams lmaa tebegraphe from Havana that time authorities there re fuse to deliver Zor extradItion to this court try Marcel Martin , alias Gonzales Menuhozu who Ic wanted lucre on time charge of swin tlllmmg August lielimiont & Co. out of $24.00 by ummeans of a forgemi draft. WAShINGTON. May 18.-It is learned a time State department that time report of tiu refusal of the Spanhahm authorities to cxtramhit Mentloza , alas ! Martin , is an error arlalni out of the fact timat Conouml General William : whod timat Limo oman ias under arrest , no on time charges mnado agaInst hIm by tim United Staten. but for othmer causea , tim nature of 'which ho dId not know. Time Stat departmomit papers' asking for his extraditlo , have 1101 yet reached havana. iIkI'l'hiIt hi.tIt IC IiIAVS OUT TO SI % Cozielimsive hideiiet' timmut lime Shim mimis ( mme h. , time Iimltlumm. VANCOUVIIt , B. C. , May 18.-At las ruamume definite news imas been received of th fate of time BrItIsh boric , Cadzo Forest. whtc has been ao long missing and which has bee : given up as lost , From news received yes terday it appears that time ( ears that the es : 'el was wreckeci were only tom , well founded IL wihl be remnomboremi that time ve'sei va iai't seen off th mnoutim of the Colmmmbha river having come up fronm San Frammclsco to ioai grain for Portland , Owing to time storm , slit was blown out to sea amid never again imear fromum. The little mirsionary steamer Glazl Tldimmgs belonging to time Metimodbt church , nrnlve in hart from a cmmmhse aniomig time hmmmlhmin mis s1Quary statiomt Inst night. Wlmiie at Chin lint , on the west coai't of Vancouver Island Captain Alcock rej'orts tlmat some Indhant ihowed itlni a life buoy bearing the mmammi ( "Caulzo Forast' ' wimhch they hail picked ut Limo day before on time beach. Time lndhnnm ilso sold that a large quantity of wreckagu umd lumber was trown along time beach. UOSttJiI ( ) I'RISIN'1'Eh ) , I'rI mmevss of VumIesIIuIdum liii. Lmmrgipmi JJrLI msiisr Itiioiui of t lst Seniuoi. LONION , May 18-The prIncess ofVabes , uthsted by her daughters nod I'rince Chuanlea : f Dcnummark , imad the largest drawing room of hmo season at hiuckingimam palace today , ho ohalf of time uUeon. Time weather was warm iumd great crowds ilneil time Mali. The mar- juts of Salisbury anti thmo counmnanmier-in.clmief , Lord Woiseley , as welt as all time nuembermu if time dhplommmatic corps , * ere ahmuong timose rosent. Time /mnuertcans presented were the duchess : f Marlborough ( formmmeniy Miss Couimuuielo Van- berbiit ) , Mrs. Calvin hirIce anti lien two iaugimters. aimd Mrs , iauglai Grmtmmt of New 'ork. Mrs. Ibemmry Asmimmitim wmum also pro- ented , Mr. Thomas F. iiayard , Mrs. hiayimrd nd Mr. Carter , Mr. hiayanmi's secretary , % sere ho only reimreacmutativcs of time United States mbaas'y present. ti.O3hIiit'S ciltris iit COMlS 1IACIC. , 'urdovui's Si'uir.I , fur flit' Itt'i mIflmlImi it'sluils In Nuitiiimsg. . c.1pyrlght , 1S % , by l'resa i'umitsiimm ) : , Comnpnmmy , ) COLON , Columbia , May l8.-New ( York Voniml Cablegraumu-Speclai Toicgrauu-hme ) ; uimboat Cordovo , time converted mniclinnt- maim bought in New York by the Coluumublum overnuutent , imas returned without enc.iumnter _ rig tue llcrmmmuda. Uplmmlon lucre Is divided as to Vimat wouulul 0 time Issue If these shIps ahouid nice' . This epublican 1)0110) ' of arrogating pomhc Jumnimu- ictiorm vim open ceo is mmuueiu discussed muimiorg uhnn cynipatimizers. 'Vime Cerulovao Aumaenlcamm crew , Imucimutitiug ime eimgineere being dlsaatisfied ( h tJmhr ages amid fQolimayo left time vcsI , Imi JIIIfUIIh , Iler Cuiui , . 1SDG J'rea ' : . U.iyrIgimt , by i'utiiisitnm ; Coimulauly. ) COLON , Coummmbiu , May IS-New ( York % 'orld Cablegranmi-Special Telegram ) -The : ovenmumuent imas revoked Limo law rohlbitImig imu himupertatlon of Cohumumihlan hulf doii.ir , 5 line. This revocation benefits large Cur- oratltuus , which find ditilculty in getting slI. or to pay off labarer. 'i'i.umullje I mm lie IhusiumeMM t'o rub , LANSING , Micim. , May 18.-umiient & one , extensive ummakure of stoves and ugni- uiturai immupleimments , timis afternoon fled two imat deeds to secure claims amounting to 300.000 , about equally distributed between cai mind outsIde creditors. COi..UMiIUS , 0. , May 18.-Edward iCelion Co. , luuumtuer dealers , assigned today to congo L. . Comiverse , Jr. Assets , $200.000. ti liabilities * 111 nmo exceed 160,000. The aslgmmmeot was precipitated by time failnro r ttmo Ketcimum L.umuber company of Chlcao. Iuuinuvm.tiu ; oC ( mecuumi YrNsi.le , 3inr 18. .v Naples'SalbedItai'a ' , from New York , 1osCo\v \ CREETS TIlE CZAI Ooronaton ! PestAvittes Inaugurated in tb , Ancient City. ROYAL TRAIN ARRIVES IN A RAINSTORI IteUreseju4mi4i es Arc Gmshl.ercul frium All Cormmers it time itittl& mmmiii Permit ii u him ten-el I mm St mmuiy _ _ _ Li ii , mtu $ . CIimtmi A rrL 1-ru. MOSCOW , May 1S.-Timo arrival of th czar anmi czarina this afternoon may be sal to lumatigtmrntc time festival seaoomm In celebration tion of time coronation. TheIr majesties am rtved in their specIal train at time Smnoben station at i:30 : p. ni. Time station im atuot : haif way between time Kremlin anul tiu l'ctrovslcy iusiace , which Is to be time abluilmi place of time czar ummtil the triumphal enutr lute the city Otm Timmmrsiay. Time rain was pouring down Iii torrents ii the train arrIved at time station , but timi seenued to imavo mw effect oim time loyal arulc of tue IICOPIC , amuul they were gatimered at tiu station to time nuuuuber of several timousan to accord a welcome to their sovereign. Tim etreets were full of tumid amid the coummtle flags and streamers fluttered fitfully in tim breeze. Aim inmperhal pavilion had bee erected at the nitatlon , iumto wimicim time in' perlmul party stepped fromn their train , an from whIch they etepped immto the equmlpag whelm carricd timeimi to time h'ctrovskl iiac Time vavlllomm svmm carpeted amid was brig ) , witim floral decorations. A squad of tim czarina's regimument of Uimbans vau time gui.ir of imonor on time platform. 'rho Grammd Duk Serglus , ummcbo of the czar and governor gem , cmi of Mosiaow , wIth bnlllLmnt suites of clii core , awaited the arrival of time lmperi party at the eLation. Time appearance of tim train was time cignal for an outbur8t c cimeerlng , amid time military band played reglmnentmul mardi as time czar left his car riage. Time czartmua , when silo entered tim imnpenhal pavilion , was attired In a wimit tmiiie dress , which was adornemi wIth alive s'pangbes , and sue was presented with bouquet. Timeir mumajeetlos descemaded time car peted ctalrma fromn time pavIlion , entered a carriage riago amid were ( irlven to time l'etrovsii palace. escorted by a cavalry otlhcer of tim hmigimeet rank. Following their carriage came three troykas , whelm were occupied b time Grand Duke Sorgius and his gran dimciieas , the Grand Duke Micimaei-Micimaei ovitcim , coumuin to time hate czar. amid hits grauu duciuces , and by the Infant Grand Ducimea Olga Nlcoialevnma , daughter of time czar , wit is not 6 months old , Time pai'ago of th party timroughi the streets was greeted wit great emmthuislmiam , the route being lined wttl great crowds of cheering spectators. UNIFORM OF IllS FATHER'S GUARD. Time czars as imo mtepped from time train a the Srmtolenk e'tatiomu , wore time uniform o Aioxaimder Iii's regiment of the guards , ant lie received the reports front time Grand Duic Vlndlmnir ( time oldest aurvivhmtg brotimer of tim late czar ) , who is commnammdor of all of th trooptj in Moscow. Time czarlmua , as chief of the Uimlan reg lntemutreceived time report of the commando of that regtment. Time drive to the Petrovsici palace was nmami by their mnajesties in a closed carriage , Qivini to the raimm. Upon timehr arrival at the palace lime penal standard was hohi'ted there , amid forty four of time Nhjni Novgoro4 dragoons mountc guard. The czar received a delegation fron time Zeematvo , from time province of Moecow ho timemi proceeded to time state npartmnentt man time first floor , where a to datum was cole brated. and the priests blessed time czar or Lime occaclon of bile 28tim birthday. Earlier in tue day Li hhtmng Chang am buito arrived imere from St. Petersburg Time Chminea'c envoy was received in a moe brilliant manner and afterwards presided ii a reception given in time Chinese embassy which was profusely decorated wIth flags. Fheid Marshal Yamagata , time Japanese en vol. the duke of Najara , the repreaentattvu of Spain. and tiuo crown prince of Roumanha have also arrived lucre. Time latter was re calved at the railroad station by the eranu ( luike. nrand ( lUCheSicS ana high oflicial : whtim milItary homuors , time banmi playing thi national antimeni. Representatives of time rural population tu time number of about COt ) iuave reachemi bert and are lodged in time Korch theater , wimosm stage has beemm transformed into a vas dining hail. The c3stimnues of tue countr visitors presemut a most picturesque sight comprisIng all khnuit from mIddle Polanmi tu the extremuto Asiatic districts of the Ruesimin enuirc , Over the maisonperbow , in viulciu the Clii nose embasmy is located ( time building belong log to atm Important finn of tea importers ) floats Li hung Cimamug's crest , time doumbit dragon. Time imoUSe Is furnished tlmrougiioul 1mm Ciminese mt1yie. Time movements of Li hung Cimang amm Field Mareimii Count Yanmagata are followet : ui'htim time keenest popnar ! Interest , wimile timm amir of iioicimara and imis suite , In timeir 1110g. tiuicont robes of gold cloth , tind otimer eastern potentates In gala attire exchto general 0(1. nitratIon. GREAT CNGRESS OF NATIONS. Nearly every nation on earth has 5ent lucre i special ambassador or representative , and avery nrovineo in time vast Ituscian ermmpirc tatu Eent ft deputation , mnakhng an assemblage vhmicti in Itself fornis amm imiteresting ethmmio. ogicai congress. Time trIbes of Siberia anti he steppes , flue Eskimos. Poles , Finianders , apbanders. Cosiacks , Tartars , Armmmenianru , ] eorgiauis. Clrcassianus , Cainiucks , ICurds , imIumeeo , Mongols and a dozen otimere In : trango outialmiish costumes and mmumknown ongues , have come to Moscow front all time thus of tue empire to renew their imomnage ' 0 thmo great viuite czar , time autocrat of miii imo ituscias. They are wandering timroumgh iua streets of timis ancient capital in motley lmromugs today , under time wonderIng inspec- 'ion ' of other strange people , event train time estornmnost part of Aumiericafwimo imuive come his long joumrney for time spectacle. Pnimice lenny of Prussia , representing Emmiperor WI- ) loom , OenermI von WormIer , formerly German inbassador to ltmmesha , anti the grant ) duke Of ) ldcnburg have arrived hero amid 'erc re- dyed with mmmilitar ) honors. On of time rpecial features of the preemmt yen in Moscow in time dohmmg away witim ime custonm of eniplayhng special constables Ii citizens' e1rct' . to guard time route of time zar's coining and going fromum time city. On eneral occasions time route of time czar's regress ts guanuled by a mioumbie line of null- ary , a doimtmio rank of sworn civilians , the rmllmuary police in ummifonm , time police of the efemise departmnemmt and time detective police. 'lie niolmig away vithm the ewonut civilian aimks will give better opportunity for time zen's subjects at large to witness lila prog. ess to time cprenation. ST. PETDRS1IURG , May 18.-The dumko of onnaughit , vimo % ill represent Queen Vie- nIa at time czar's coronation , accompanied } _ time duchess of Connaught , has arrived I htuesia on board time royal yacht VIctoria rid Albert. which wait gaily decorated froni tern to storum. The war aimipo and forts In tO harbor 'of Cronstadt saluted time royal acimt ae aiie entered. Time United States steamer Minneapolis , dnimlral Soltnidge's flagship , Is lying in time ) ads ut Cronetedt anti 3oined In 'the ' aulutes iday in huonar of time czar's imirtimilay. Ad- uiral Seifrdge nail party started fo Moecc 1 the afternoon. tmi i I A rn yes 'I'it u ti ii ml i ii ii Lii I MANAGUA , Nicaragua , May l8-Via ( Ga- ) escn. Tex.-Sixty ) seeks of mail matter romn time United States and Europe , lumclmmil. mar letters , etc. , from March 12 on , wimch ! ad becti detained on account of time rerolu- on , arrived iuere today. 'l.ehaya , a member of time cabinet , imas re- gneuh , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fester I iimisglmri ; h.iI Govvrimor. B4TON htOUGF , La. , May 18.-Murphy J. ester of St. Mary's was inagurated gor. rnor of Iouisiana for time second time , and obert II. Snyder of Tenses Liemmtenant goy. mon this afternoon In the presence of a Lrge gatherIng. ittrFl'AI , ( ) C.titi'l'VlfltS f.OCiCih ) ( ) U'I All Viut ) Iceiumre 'i'miu'ineIeiu fi , IIgit Iiiurru Ilruvii rgoul. hiUFh"ALO , May 1g.-The proposed otrlk of carpentdre today for tLmc elgbt.imour wont day was met by a lockout. s the men pnu sented themnselve's at the shops they wem requmlred to answer a questiou as to wiuctimi they were fOr eight hours ; it time reply wu In time .mlflrinattvo theywere discharged o time spot , fly noon 200 dismissed carpenter hind reported at union imeadquarters. A ) ut tractel struggle is antictpatetl. IIUFFALO , May 18.-The twenty-seconi antitmal commvention of the Journeymen hors Simoers' Internatioutal unicn of the Unite States and Canada opened its sensione iiei todrmy. The convemitIon will last probabi until Friday. Time secretary's report mhmow a membership of about 2,000. MiVAUiEE , May 18.-Time s'trcet c-au are running as u.cumal. The boycott , imoweve : Is perimucating every branch of bimuinese , secret conference of Milwaukee republican % vns belch title mnormultig for the purp"ee of tic vising sonic means of alleviating the situ : tion , Nothing wits aconipiihet1 fmtnmln than arrauugemneuit" for a conmferemuc-a betwee time ofilcials anti enipboycs. - _ _ - SiItiiih , 'I'O hIXOW' IN % 'RS'I'IGA'I'IL Cimnirirus Agmi ( , ( Ol1Iilui I lie ) , . ' . NEYOitiC , :11mw 18-Final dlm.'positinn to be mmmdc Timmireday of a ntinmber of Indict mnemuts agaluist police otlhclale , time ouitgrowt of the senate investigation of 1804-5. Dlu ( net Attorney Fellows coin today that is probable flint au of tue untried cases wi be dismissed execopt timQ one against fornmc flulluiing Supenimitonmient Thonumia J. llrad who is elmargeul with acceuting a luiauuo I return for favors ectenui i by iitumm. Anmon the indictments which It Ia timomughit will It ( hismnisSoI Is timat against Captain Ma Sehmnittbergcr , vhmo vnain ocnnnianul of tim Tenmderiotn precinct at the time time Immycati gatlon vmts begtunm. Schmttberger's ) confer sion of police corrulution fiirntsiied a cilimia of that highly scumm'athonal Intmumry , wimich wa surparsed in sensatiouial interest only b3 tim dlscloumumres by Captain Cr00000. It i under stood that Sciimittberger was promised lot munity in consideration of his evIdence be fore time senate committee , Time otimert wimore lmuilctnuonts will be dimumnlssed , are cx Captain WIlliam D. Severy atmd Captain Job Seibert and five or six wardnien. 'M ItS. IiYRRi'i"r"-AIN ; hIFN'I'hI'I lOt ] .Judge It lit ef hiudim , immitmolis Sumys tim \auuiiI Is Ills 5fl $ , Vite. NE\V YORK , May 18.-There imas bed imnotimer Iuientiilcrmtion of Mra. Everett o Boston , " tue Colonnade hotel euictdo. Tbi : tinie Judge Seth liii ) .f Indianapolis pa serts timat the wonian wits the wife of hi : son , 10. E. } ihIi. , The son Is at prosen in London ; his wife is .aaid to have comnu to this country about a montiu no. Judge hIiil'a statements , are reinforced b those of Joshua Cantrowitz , a lawyer , wium says that ho recogumized time body as tima of Mrs. 10. E. Hill. lie' says she caine tm lila oiilce on May I to make time transfei of semite real estate to Cqlumhia , hod. , wimici che owned , to imer hmuisbani. Mr. Cantrowit : said that Ito imud known M s. huh fromr childhood. She was May. ICoithi , daugimtei of J. A. iCcitim of Columbus , md , Mr. Can trowitz said that Mra. huh's husband , Edgal 10. 11111 , conducted a theatrical academy hr London , whore ime Is.knon as 10. Zeeega lie also added that time woman was aim cx pert with a revolver. tt'1'1IEItlNG iO1I)1OCE-OI" MUILDEIL l'roof Aeciimiiiiliih's thud J.E. , Uhumnthel . Cupimmimmi ttt , l a SAN F'ltANclsqo ; tray 18.-Evidence ii accuntulating against J. E. lilantimer , sums- ] aectei of time murder of Mrs. Plmiiopena Lang. folOt on Friday night. Through time unwll. hog aid of lila bosom companiomu , George Dodge , and the voluntOry siatemument of J. If. Lynch , a fellow roomner , I3ianther's move- metuts have boemu In part traced. It is be- liered that the murder of Mrs. Langfeidt took place before 11 o'clock on Friday night. Liotween 11 o'ciock and mtdnigit Iuhantimer antered time bathroom of time residence wimero tie roomed , to wash his bands. When J. H. Lynch started to enter the room Biantimoni hastIly departed without caying a word , and us Lynch Mopped to time raim basin lie was turiurlsod to see that it was reddened as Limough with blood. It is said that time police mayo recovercul fromu a pawnshop time dimmiipiid , ringus whIch were stolen from Mrs. Langfeimlt l.by time murderer. A. description of Blamutiier mas been teiegraphcdaii over the coummtry. VUNiOit.tL OFJOuIy . .COCiCIOltllL , Immiii'cssiviSm'rvlt'm s Oer I 114' itt'iiiitlumru f t lie 1)c1ul , .Jiltmrmin list. NEW YORK , May 18.-The obeequies of time late Colonel John A. Cokerihi were held oday. From thd Press club. siiuero the manly had lain in state stnie Saturday , time reunalns vero conyoyed tq Scttishi Rite hail. : hvei the casket woe thrown time uumurturiry anmuer of time Loyal Leglop , and on thmis was t wreath of us lute roses and imnmnorteiles rhlctim compose the inscrIption. "Fromum John md wife. " Time services at time hail in- luded brief addrcsa by T. F. i3rohamm , nxaited ruler of the Benevolent Protective ) rtler of Elks , and Jos phrlIopumrd , Jr. , prcsi. lent of time Itmress chub. . 'hemm tue body of lie distinguished Jou uaiiet uvae' conveyed to aIvary Baptist cimureim , where religious crvhces were conducteul by time pastor , Rev. ) r. McCartimur. ulO'1' ANt ) ICIL.l.ED FROM AilttJSlt. tssusslis iImikcs I"imI I Cemafesslois amid 1,4 Likely hi ) iit I4yiielied. SAN ANTONIO. Tex , , ay 18-There Is a respect of a iyiuching takIng place In Duval ommnty , south of imere. Two sveelcs ago lemmito Ortia and Yldefonso Garzimm , tvo vcli flown anti imigimi3' respectable Citizens of lint coummty. were shot aQd kiliemi from am- ush. Circtiunt'tmtnces pointed to Vaienthno oicnzo as being timq murderer and lie has ust been ari'eatcmi and mnauloafuhi confession f lila guilt , Thu murdered mnen had nu- aerous friends and timoy arms nuiikimmg strong hreats of lymichumug Coienzo. Time latter It , In all , C ) ei.isiom Au i.i'st , tO Soul lusrrmm l'uieilti' , LOS ANGIOL.ES , May 18.-In [ United tates court today ap opInIon was ( louvered 'iverse to time defendant In the test cocoa hitch imavo been brought. tn establish tIme igimts of settlers on thpusanmis of acree of md In Southern CalIfornia claluimeil by time otmtiuern Poclic ratiway. Special Attorney . N. Call has imandluti the Cases fur the gor- rimment , Time decIsion tates that time allrcad was gumlity of grore negIieraco In ot tiling him' unap anti ftyQ YCtt5 of such do- my lies defeated Its clalnit the baud. Climi rgt'ul myItli liii sole iteiiliery , SPitINGF1EID , ill. , May 18.-EdwIn hey , i. nine years mnianager of Ilyan's bronchi rug etoro , a man of exceJhcut reputation nd ability , sue amrestet1todsyc1marged wIth eiiug Inmpiicated In time Buffalo batik rob- cry. Hey vcs mnanagerof thq store wiiore osph Khoppenbttrg clerked. Time latter Intel that Roy iit uptim Job to rob the ank and secured time largest division of time Loleuu inoumey. hIo refuses to talk. - - - - - - f----- SImi.hmr I ma time Itmiliii a ( , luimy , CATSKILL , N. .Y , , May 18.-Jeseph Cas. rta , a leading rn mber of Lime hta9ao.colony , , as murdordd uast night by a fellow couctry. arm oamed PascaL The deed % vamm conmmnitted a chniimteniiig , mit which there bad been nsimIerahlo inmluhgoimae iii himjuor , A quarrel rIsing ammmtng the unman about a woman , Pac it seized a gun amid mhm ut Caserta brougli to back , Pascal ici a arre.teJ , lmmntimer Not llemmr.R of for 'lure. ' 1)umys SAN FItANCISCO , May 18-J. 10. 11 , iantimer , the ex-hlungmmrlan urrqy Chic-er 'ho is suspected of cutting time throat of Ira 1tmngreluit. an iisui womnan. is still mnonig lime mnsIng. His movements up to mmtunmiuy have been traced , hut nfjr that flue his dIsapiiamai'ce bar , hem commtete tim known umt t' anther wr t to his room te Frtdny n glut. lie met a young mamu mmcd L'odge ' Siturday snerautumo LOST ALL TRACK 01 ? OS\VAL \ No One Appears to Have Taken Much Jr terost in His Whereabouts , NOT SEEN AFTER TIlE FIGHT STARTE l'nm'ipuVore tue limit ( if time 3ltirdert' Mmiii ; tluiimc After time Figlmt _ . _ . Caruimer'ms iimuiiit'iit ieveiuipN Little Coroner flurket imeiti no inquest yesterula aftenumoomi over time remnaimme of harry 0 : u aid , \vimo was mmutiruiered Saturday nIgh Time couiucii chmamnbcr , wimero time itiQimest uve lucId , was crowded to time doors bug bi fore 5 o'clock , time hour set for imoliling tli Inquest. A jury , composed of John F. Ritcliiuai J , \v. Slpe , I'eter Cockrell , T. B. hlatcime George IL htussell anti J. M. Nec , was iii uiameled to hear tue evidence. County Al tori'ey unhinge amid A.V , Jeffrhcs repr sented tue state. Attorney T. 'IV. ' Iliad iutirum appeared for 10. Id. Pnltcimuird , one time l3rlsoner. Tue crowd cuitsitto of time railing becam ito large before time case was called. tha Chief iiretiiuan ciemireul time room of a speciators amid closed time doors. Dr. W. ii. Sialmaugii was time first wIt 11055. lIe testified to imavimug assisted I rmnrmkinmg an exarninatiomm of tue body of Herr Oswald , Witness described time wounds o time imeimmi amid also a buiso on time heft ehoul der. There was no fracture of time skmml in imis opinion time wound was uimndc by somim heavy , blummt iimtutruineitt , such as a cliii The wound at time inner corner of time Ici eye wa tue Iuuost serious , tue bone barium beemu fractured. in the opinion of tue dec tor this wound wa made by some pointe I netnumnu cmi t. PRODUCED CONCUSSION OF THE BRA1I No gumneluot wounds uvero found. Tim woumnd at the corner of the eye caumeed con cussion of time brain , wimicim , with imemnorrhagt Vi1S tito cause of death. Omuwalmi must hay bcii down ic-lien time fatal blow was uleilverec Tim doctor thmougiit vosslbiy thIs uommnd liii been caued by a Icicic from a simarp.pointui shoe. Deceased had mme physical ailmnemu SImhcim mnlgimt have accelerated death. Wilhiamu A. Ramzer , an Omaha hattem Identified the hint worn by Oswaid , who for immerly worked for time witness. Mr. Itanmuze stated that Oswald was not of a quarreisom disposition , but on time contrary , was ver quiet and iteaceabie. Witness further state that Oswald imad been married , but did mme live with his wife , who was now in tim east. east.Clara Clara Schumlult , over whom thio Ilgiut started was next called , She said she was 10 ycar old , had been In the city about five weeks prevIous to that hte epent tvo years and half at flue Home of time Good Simephmerti WItness ttatcd that she had kiuown Oswal : five weeks , they hothi having worked at tim canto laundry. Joe Olsen took her to th lance Saturday night. Sue danced twice witi Oswald and Parks , amid three times witl Campbell. Witness denied having had amm iaik with Oow'aid about Parks or Campbell mtcaitimer did site taik wIth Parka aboum Dewaiti. She said that site tried to ge Canmpbm'll numd Parks to make imp 'intl la fri ndu , but they refusr..d Miss Scimimaiti said that Oswald amid Campbell and Park : lId hot hare army. troubie about her that ohi knew of. of.ONLY ONLY RECOGNIZED PAnKS , Oswald mmui Campbell veimt dow-n time eldu etairs With imer when time dance was over , At. time bottont of time stcls Fred Parks omit juite a gang sang omit , 'Now we got you , ' mud attacked Campbell and Oswald. Sue dim tiot recognize any one except Panics , wim jumped omito Cammipheli. Witness got omit o : imG way anid walked onto Twenty-fourth utreot. In a few nuuomonts sue walked bach lo time corner and time light was over. A feum ) f Campbell's friends were around imlnm. Slit teketi Camimpbeil where Oswald was amid 1m iaid hue tilt ) not know. In counpamiy with : ampbell and Olson site walked ( lown Tic-en : y.fountim street amid on imomno. Sue asked ampbell who lilt hint anti lie said lie did iot kmiow ; did not see Oswald after tim : rowti nuatlo a rush for imimn. \v. P. Mcflevltt , clerk at time office of tiuc olnt car inspector , testified that. In comnpammy with three friends lie was on 1mm' way down . ' street , going home , wimen they foumud timc otiy lying In time alley. lie imoarmi imoavy roatiming amid struck . niatcii. Oswald wan ying face ( lOWfl On time sidewalk. A pool ol dooti was umutler lila imeaui. Time matter uvaun lien repoteti to time police. Neitlmer witness mom. his frIeuuds made ammy exammulnatlon of thur uouly. John CamuupbeiI , erie of timc defendants , estlfled that he was at the ulance Saturmiay mIght amid met Parks , Pnitcimnrtl , Oswaltl anti ithers there.'Itness stated that lie anti 'arks imati sortie trotmitlo last fail and had mat spoken since. In bearing time ball Oc- c-aid amid lie ivent down the sitie staIrway t'ltim Clara Schmnldt. At time foot of the Lairs the crowd closed in. J'arks tackied hue witness anti a muamu with a freckled face truck Oswald. WAS A FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT. it was a free-for' all fight then. Witness rae knocked down anti kichced , Ho had sev rai bnmmlses on iil face which was covered Itim blood. Campbell did not see Oswait fter tIme fight started and did not aak about tm after the light. Isaac Chose , atmother one of the defend- mute , was c-ailed and testifieth to seeing Camp. oil , Pritcimarui and the Ford boys in time nude hail. lie was in flue imail ic-lien Os. aid started clown stairs ; aw Camnmpbeli after lie fight. butt tihd umot mice any of time trouble. II , mi. i'ritcimarmi was time next witness , and toted lme was at time dance Saturday nlgimt ; cot imp ic-lilt PanIcs ; auv i'arkm , ammd Camp eli scufilimig at flue sidewalk ; did not tee swalti after tue dancing stopped aruul mild ot take any part In time figimt ; heard I'arka ad Campbell taikhmug about fighting before ie dance was over , Parka wore Ouwalti's imat home after time ght mmntl it was foimnfl hum Prichmanti's roouim estertlay. Parks had lost imis lint In tue : uiileVltume.s tottifloui that wiueum n-tart- mg hmounie lie steppe ] over a biddy In time lie ) ' anui reimmarked to Punts that hue sup- aveti It ic-aim time "fat mnan , " meaning O - aid. Time wimoie porty , nummmhcnlng a dozen , aliceti on amid dld not stop to notice himmi. iii not imear any groatting as ho stepped cr tIme body. At time concuimuion of title testimony the In- [ meet was adjournetl until 3 o'clock tiils aft- moon. Tins remaIns of Oswald wIll Ito rwarded to Youngstown , 0. , today for iii- troment , Ji'umhhms of ii Jimmy. BERLiN , May 18.-Herr Otto Camlmhmauzen , irmerly I'ruselan unuumiator of finance , is rad. 110 ic-aS lionim In 1812 , amid ao minIster limuanco in 1880 imad to mnmmet the necessities : time situatIon caused by time muar between run-ala anti France. Ills services upon that : carlen were lmiimiy appreciated anti upon me retirement of aeneral von itoon in 1873 , err Canuphaucen was appohmtted rice preri- nit of the mnugtitmtty of state. l)1ONVE1I , May 18-lOx-Chief of Police dun Stommo tiled after a brief Illness. lie mc to Denver from l'iuiiadeipimia , whore relatives reside , Stone was in charge ' the force that u1efcned the city itch alnet time militia wimeim Governor Valte teunpteul to oust the iohlce board forcibly April , 1894 , TOUR IOONMex.May 18.-Time large flouring Ills anti grain elevator of the Aileinza Manu. eturing omnpany , situated here , were do- royed by lire. I.oss $150,000 ; insurance tail. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ubbed In I lit' until dim mm I'Jht'isiurk. LEXINGTON , Ky , , May 18-George Brad. v , one of Bradicy Brothers , a well knosim rman , had a row with Oniff A. White , a ibis hand , which resulted in flardley's Jab. rig a pitchfork imutoVimlte'a head , from ich tie t1eC1 , Ilradlouv was arresteti. 5 ' - Ts'o I 1N i.05i Tiltilit IIVi Qimnrter ' tihilinms lollnr Ilimmac m , ΒΆ tE ; . mmrulmlumghanm. WASIII , ; ' May IS.-A conulagratlo which resim _ lie loss of almost $250OC in which tu 'TI.- en were killed anti fe seriously inJ ' falling walls , oceurr in this city o'clock tonight. Two ty-ono buildln w tim their comutonts , we ihestroyetl in about two hmotmrs. The bumrmmm district. coimsistru ninmoct .ntiroly of comntumi sian and wholesale jobbing houses in ti square bounded by B aired , Louisiana av mmdc , Ninth cmiii Tenth streets. Time ft started in a brammcii ollbco of time Postal Tei gm apim , lot-afoul on I ) street , nutti is suippcu'u to imave been tatiseil by ilghmtiming , a eeve ( hinder m'tonmn iuutvtumg Just Imasseti over ti city. Tue bumiitlimgs ii ore tilled iiitlm a nun of immilamumuabic materiel , iluiCii tmiatle it mliii cult for time firenuen to 00)10 ) with ( he iurogrc : of the fiatmice , tvimicit spread with great raupi lty. After two hours' hard uvork time flaunt intro uinulor cotitrol. The list of tlt'aml mum' Imujuireti , all of wituumm arc flrcmumen , follows : Icati , : ThOMAS GiLIFFIN , mactimber of truck comm hotly No , 3. IA NIUL CONOWAY. ASSISTANT FOILEMAN GUILES , con uammy No. 9. Imijuired : Joeplt Mumilmall , .1. W' . MeDic-c George ICettler tuimti Artimur iomualuiomm. 'Fhmc titree deaul ummemm uvemit Into time ruin voimmuitarily to assist in roscuiimmg their Iii lurisonmeti comuuraties , nil of tvimeumi ic-ore resetme thought badly inujuireti , while timoso who a tetmmiuteti to rosetmo timemn huenishmeui , A rotmghm estitmimite lmlmuces time lees on tl btmiluuimug on LouIsimumua avemmue at $70,000 , mmmi on II street. $70,000. NEGRO IIUI1NIOI ) TO DIOAT1I. ATLNTA , ( ha. . May 18.-A clo'o scare of the ruIns of time buirneti Markimanu bioci whiciu was swept denim by fire last imight , nu Veaieui title unormmhtug time dunned remmiatna it imtmmmman hotly , vlmicii itrovod to be timmit I \v. ' 1' . Zacitar' , a negro driver ic-ho Wa asicep hi a carriage In Miiaum & Patterson livery stable , which was one of time tirat btmib huge destroyed. So far as kuiowmt no OtIi ( lives were lost. Ttuo muppioximnato loss is $225,000 , with mu over half that aimmount of immstmrmuimce. It I mutipposeti time fire originated lii a sumimiii eho iii time rear of time Manlehuammi hotel by the e pbou'on of a kerosene iammup. The shop we soon in ilaiuies anti time Palace livery stabic atijoimming it uvoro quickly enveioped. liorsot tmmuiies , carriages anti imearses iii the stabl Were burned , wIth a loss of $40,000. Time iiaiimes eiircatl rapidly , anti tii fate C time etitirtu block was a foregomie cauuehumumioi The largest part of Atlanta's tenticnbohmm tilt tnict was laid in ashes. Time fire began mu 10:30 : p. nm. and was not umuder control unmtl 1 o'clock this immorning. NE\V YOILIC. May 18.-Time vilinge o Waretown , N. J. . took fire today. It is Place of about 300 PoPtiititloii. Assistanc was tout frommi Maticimester , N , J. Fire Wa started in time woods near Waretown b sparics front a locomimotlve. alit ) 0 umhgim ic-in tirovo time flames import the vIllage. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 18.-Specla ( Teiegramn.-At ) 3 timis mormmimug fire broke eu in the Mercimutuuts-iuotei , owned luy ox-Mayo \Viiley rfltul his soti.In-law , exMayerVli hams. It. was a large brick yemmeered build ing , and tue blaze , whiclm started hum tli icitchmen , crawled between tile vaiis to thu roof , nmaklmug it dlfilctmht to hatudle. Time lire uimen foumgiit lmartl , but cotuld uuot get it maimlie coumtrol mmntil about half of the building wa coumsutumed , anti tite rest rendered practicall : wortitlc. So suddenly did time blaze star that the servautte In time third story scapet In their night clothes , while time guests los practicaiiy everythIng. Tlm Iqes , Js. . abou $20,000 ; insurance , $16,000. WATERLOO , in , , May 18.-Special ( Toie granm.-Tito ) creamery at Dunlcertomm buirnem at noon today. Lose , ' $3,000 ; Inzuirmmnce $2,200 iii Limo Fire Assurance asociatlomi o ChIcago. ChIcago.FOItEST FIRES IN TIlE EAST. CLEAILFIIOLI ) , Pa. , May 18.-Forest fire : are still ruugimmg iii many places timrougimoui this cauitty. Word was received from Mc Ieo'a Mills this mnornimig that five houses ant 1 church have been tiortroycd. At Montgomery the fires are btmrnimmu flercely , amid ummany Imouses and harris are im hanger. TIme Barrett betel mit l3arrett , four miiet mont this place , was burned last aught , ant Limo town is entirely surrounded by a bii ivoods , which are all ablaze , At Lick Rumm , Levy Mitchell & Co.'s logs whicim ic-ore lying in tim run , ic-crc catch u uy tint flounce. In Gosoimen tnwnniuip more barns ant iouuues Were burned iaat night , anti mama inure are in danger. PAItICEItS1IURC , W. Va. , May IS.-Foros Inca are raging in Tucker couuuty , anti yes ertlay humudrecis of mimeum effectually fought tlm ire. Luiummbcritien eztiunatetl the lose at $500 , 100. Thu nuidmhlo southern portion of timc : ouiuity is comnuuhctely wiped out. The adjoin rug forest is now burnIng , witim indicationu hat time entire county will be dovastatemi miii. ess ralim prevents. The weather is .lry aimi u-arm , iu-htht imIgli wiumils. 'Farmers have left heir hommmes to seek refuge 1mm iarger towns. o far ito tiotttiiui are reported lucre. , 'l'Alt'Fi I ) I I I S N JOt' II It V 'It ) I ) hOA'I'l 1 , Ilmir.ieriimis flt'ud of a Pa mimihleal Jn uiiumim Chief it , iliisitiu , SEATTLE , Weoli. , May 18.-in Jail at 'unoaU , awutitinig trial on tue charge o rnur- mar , Is Chief Ye Teetieiu , time yen of time iooutan Imudians , a small tribe of aonmc hun. trod momnbers , occupying Ciulcicikoff Island , .baut . 100 miles txmumthm of Jtuneau , The offense with wimicim time old chief Is hanged is thm mumrtier by torture of Imis epimeii' , whom lie flCctisemi of witcimeraft. 'lie chIef luaml a disease affecting imls right : .g , whIch haul gradually eaten tue greater art away. lie tircatuied that itiui nephew ad bewitcimol Imiuum anul on tlmo strength of his lie proceeded to inflict punhshuitment duo tie cninmo. 'Fimo vletlmmt's lcmmoea were beuut ciosmu back nd in this pshtlon ime was bound tightly to tree. An iron turmoil , a ( itlarter of an loch mlcic , was tlueui itiacoti arounui his ( ace , sink- mg imito tim nose auiii covering time eyes , anti dim sc-as also ummatlo fast to the tree , so that 0 ic-as ummublo to umove lila imeati In any dl- niation. lie ic-aim left lii tiuis poelilon to tamvo to tlc tttii. lie lived five days. Ihs ic-mis I years of age. S iulersluuh , Coimmu'rco Ctt.ui , Coiiiimmetl , ChICAGO , May 18-Time trial of John W. inoimart anti John A. lianley , ex-otilciais of lie Santa Fe raiiroati , for rioiatimmg time itt- arstattu comninerce iowa , iva't coiitimiued in utigu Grosscmmp's court tn'iay ' until Juno I. enerai Black , time ( iluctnict attorney , asked ur time continuance on time part of time goverui- tout on accounit of the alicence of Jauuues ii. lulehuls , the Iowu attorney In charge of time rosecution , It i hot probable that time ice wIll then be tried , as them most lm- ortant witnesses , Nelson Morris and l'rcsi- emit Jemmkips of time hlaunmnond I'aching cent- shy. are out of time couumlry and tie sub. oeua imas h.meenm soru'eti upoum them. 'uimey , 'Ithi ' Isaac Timcmnrmeon of Kansas CIty , are id ! to have receivetl time reduced rate on sttlu upon which time indictrnemtt.s are based , S Cumuil Jimmies A ru S't liji Ii Nuht'hi , I'ilIL1iELPhIIA , May 18.-It is stated on ) oi ( authority that many of time coal corn- mmiies that took orders at April price.s and 0 now filling tiieuii ic-li ) cancel elI that are it filled by time end of the month. All aalermm iutyo been notified of timis actioum anti Imas created a better demimimul for anmtiiraehte mmii. After May 30 time imew circular prices e to prevail and there Is talk of making a irtimer advance of 25 cents a ten out July 1 , m be followed by another on October 1. S igli 'miht'rs lIrcmtiC bite I.omc Ileommimi. M1L\\'AUKEE , May 18.-A dispatch frormu iperlor states that time booumi at the i'eyton , tnmball & Barber sawmill broke yciterday , tting out about 4,000,000 feet of loge. About 100.000 feet of logs whIch broke away from IC Nemnadji Intro drifted out Into time hake md wiii probably be bust , Fears mire cx- 'omised ' in regard to time atety of 40,000,000 ot of ioga in booing at the nuuouthi of the uic river , wimich Is umiprecemhemitiy bigim. IN TilE STO1ll1'SPATII ' Fans City Struck by a Twistcr of Consul- erablo Proportions. FOUR KILLED AND MANY INJURED Dwellings Torn to Pkces and cattorea . Over Much Territory. DAMAGE WILL AGGREGATE A LARGE SUM Other cctious in Thich the Cyclone Bagoti. BAD RUMOR FROM TIlE RESERV\TION \ L'orly t'eoiuit , SmmhmI to itu * Met D'ittti iii I limit l'nrt of time Shut , ' itt tin . Iltmumt' . FALLS CITNob. . , May IS.-Special ( Telegrauum.-Tho ) lutist terrific wimmul storm icnowii to this section occurretI last night , It begaim to mImi at 5 o'clock , with time wiumil frommm time mmorthmwest , amid at 6 o'clock It lmauletl for a while , then it beemutno still amid thmo ic-luiti cimaimgcmi to limo cast anmi soon after it seemmmetl to Commim ) witit terrific force froni all tiirectiomis , mu trcmuucndous downpour of rain alit ) hail. At 9:30 : o'clock tIme storumu was over , imavIn causoti a great tic-al of tiniumago to tint city amid its sumrroumimliimgs , nearly mmli Limo windows on the mmortlu Ride of time bulidtmmga being broken anti biotru 1mm anti in uuiamuy cases imoutses flooded. South of town several lmoimiis ic-crc comit. pietoly demolished amid several noreons so- vcreiy injutreti. It 5001119 tIme tumaium hart of tuettormum strumck time soutim part of town , commmmimouuctmmg at C. Scliumminyer & Co.'s bottlhumg works. Time big brick cltiuuunucy uc-arm blowmm dow mm , crueimimmg hi time roof of time cold storage lmoume , Next it nutr'iclc time caumming factory. The ice house on the north sdtic was forms tiowim , leav. trig tue ice statidluig and the fmtetory court- pietchy ilemiioihshed , iuarmliy two bricks being left together. RAILROADS SUFFER SEVERELY. A etring of box cars stmmtuulmmig on Lime itouso track at time Miesouiii i'aeiiic uieIoL irero blown over. Omuo car conmtalmioti five tranups , otmo of which hind lila leg hmroken. Time 13. & Mt deimotuns uumuroofeti anti time freight depot wrccketl , Time yards ic-ore full of freight care , antI great stnimiga of thmemim were uurneti bottoium side up. AL tue Pania time iicis , fcumces and ammu- plmlthieatcr , boats alid heat houses mycre nil imbown into time river. Mamiager Niekerbock- ori3 hoitti wan ? umiroofed , mind nearly all time tires 1mm tiue park blown thown. The bridge over time Ncmmuttua ? was blown duwp anti about fifty yards upstreanm. hlrackhaimn's brewery , bottIehoumse , ice. Imoitso anti dwelling are comnlmietel3iureclcemi. . Time brewery war carried away , leaving time tone foumudatton. John IimCcimt's imotmro amid Mr. Watson's imoumic , outii of towum , tucru completely do- stroycd. William hicntomi anti famumiiy. who lived oouth of town near time excimartge mill , were preparing to retire ic-lien the wimiul blew time front door open and lifted time mouse imp , icttimug it drop , mimimaslilmug it Into dtmiiiimmg wood. Mr. iiiimton received a severe aitte On time head , beside , otimem' severe injuries. lb foummd his wire mmd cimilil about ten yards rt'omui ic-lucre time house stood , itisvifo's Imcatt liumrieti lii tue plowed ground , 'l'imey will ro- over. Time summokestack at time elevator , also tue mao at the electric light phamit 1mm time city , ic-ore blown down amiul the iuousemm fljotleth. auslimn all lIghts to go out. Time tIn root blew oft time Central echuooi hiiuiitilng. Many atimer muumuaii bumiiuliumgs were blown mlow'n , It us feared time fruit crop is coimmpleieiy iomrt. Six aiuui one-half inches of i-aImu fell during time storun. storun.KiLLED KiLLED A' ) ' FALLS CITY. As far its comm be Icarmued at present time tilled niuci injured by thu cycione last muigimt ti-c : lCiiiel ; IOIGIiT-YRArL OLD SON of J. M. bUCKS. hutS , SAM SAILOR. MRS. SCIIOCIC , JOhN S.\itTII. I nj mmrcd : \'ihiiumn hiranmion anti wife. J. M. Ifouckum , severjaiy bnumiced about body truth imip , Mrs. J , M. lbouchtmu , bruised armn anti smlmoul- er , Inane It. Rimoaties , head badly cult and mmjtmrci Intenimaihy , Son anmi daughter of Mn , Ehmoadea , both overely brumisetl. VIlilanm hilnuton , extensive scalp wound. lire , \Villianm Ihinton , luoduiy lmljtirietu. A miammglmter of Mr. amid Mis. lilmutoim , face mithly hirulumeti. Trautmp at MIsouurh I'aciflc depot , broken og anmi laceratemi knee. \Viihiamui Stutick , wuumud on left uurtu and nub. 'lImo farm linuecs of 11 , E. Lemnummon , 1 , I. Rimoamleum , W , it , Kemmt , ian Sailor , Jacob iciity , Titoummami ilakium ummitiVllhiammi irug- : uiller micro all liloic-mm tiown , ammul most of ho accidents nun uhtaatimu occurred at those iii ccc , It Is esilumiated that time damage mmiii bo 75,000 to time city ammul hunt , DAMAGE IN JOhNSON COUNTY , PASVNE1O CITY , Neb , . , Mruy 18.-Spccial ( 'eiegrarui-Thmo ) tornado swept Over a strip f country 100 yartie wItio ten mumlios uioumtit- test of timimu city last night , abotmt 8i0 : , carry- umg overytiuimig hutforo it. 'Fime storuut fonncul n a umieatlow on Johnson creek , aumml jomtr- : oyeti iii a zigzag tihroctioum , It titnmiclc time louise of Zhuo Fietcimer iirmst , but milti lIttle amtmage , othicir timanm unovimig limo lmouiso a few teimes off time fomirumirutiorm , Next canoe Pleas. nit hihil utcimool iuouse , which sass literally ic-cut from time founimlation , tue roof , in ante ieee , hicinug carried uuhiemit thminty-flve rods , time timer van of time bulitilmug beluug carrieui mey- rmml rouhui soutiteast , striking timm barn of like flung , wiulcim ic-mis numoi'ci fronmm Its fouruda- tori amid tloimtiiltuhmetl , hung's imouo. escaped aumumgo. while trees withmiim twoumiy feet , wore Wisteti neil torn out by time roots , Its jomtr- cy timeum wau nortimeamit. to time flue farm lace of Will Burg , Ills large hmouso and am ic-crc entirely demnoilsited , as though lucy had been chopped into kiumdhimmg with tin x. 'rite fiminuly wits in ( ho collar , to wimicim lace Mr. Burg was tictucemuding wimen time Lenin burst , lie was caught mmliii carried irougim time air a distance of tifty feet , cut- rnimug seycro immjuriemi. 'Flue storm still swept ii Its journey of destructlomi , teanimm trees Ut by time roots and picking main iuorr.oa and uttlo and carrying timeun for a distance of ac-oral rods. Eabt of Mr , Burg's Ml , zion church was rude and all tlmat reunaitmum to mark the site I time foundation. Corn cribs belonging to uric I'arII wore blown to time ground , East r imenti the house occitpieil by Isaac Cosel tnno In for Its share of destruction , The tat side wa. torn away , ( ho born blown awmi and deere blown In , Iiwoajmlng south- cetwarti the uitormn struck time barn of Ar- mimi i'aril , time largust of the kind mi time umtty. It and them imoumso micro groummul up I U eggtuieli. here , a. ' , in ; other Incidents , me famnhiy was 1mm flue cilar or thu lows Cf fe mnigimt imavc mnmmnbcred ruaoy , Mr. I'aril