Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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t ase in Which Itusbarni ftnI ( Wifa Ar
Each Seekinga Divorce.
1IrM. 1.1 * fI t Aeeiuiie , 11cr II I.Mlasitl
( it I ) ni * ? tititi ( risely
11111 I lie II usbi' nd CIisirg.s
'rho Lingafelt divorce suit Is on that In
3iidgo ICeyor' court. ThIs Is a stilt brotight
by 1r3. Martha M. Llngalelt , who a2k , for
ft divorce on the ground oE extreme cruelty
r habitual trunkenncs9. The hutbanil ,
I Harry 14. Lingafelt , a letter carrier. In hIi
ansver , chargoi unfaithfulness and cruelty ,
and asks that he may be granted a divorce.
: In the opening , tnternent8 made by the attorneys -
, torneys for drg. Lingafelt It was stntc'l thit
they Iropoeed ) to liow that hingafeit had
kept a jug of whisky in the bou constantly
during the past five ycar and wa almost
constantly under the influence of liquor aol
that on many occasions ho wa so Intoxicated
that lie wai' brought home by some of lii
' friends ; that ) o was ( luarrelsome and abusive
to his who and family awl on one occasion
: liati struck iit' vi1e with his fist in the sle.
. causing her to expectorate blood ( or reverai
veOk3 ! flfld causing injuries from \vliich rho
still suffers. They wouil also show , they
Mild , that ho had iiiazlo a practice , 'iien
drunk , of circulating scandalous stories
I among the neighbors concerning his wife
and reiicctlng tipon her chastity.
Tue attorneys for Lingafeit stated that
they would show that hingaruit % as but
. little i4iort of being an angel and had provided -
vided munificently for his family. Thr'
striking with the list. chargc by the
, plaintiff , they said , was lue to the fact that
he was obliged to strike her in order to
I prevent her froiii t.trlkittg him with an iron
J poker. ft % ould also tj , shown. they raid.
. that Lingafelt came liomo one night in
' . Airii lagt and rat reading the paper for
some time ; afterward ho shaved himself
' and was preparing to go to beil when ho
saw a man concealed behind a door leading
into the bedroom , where he had been concealed -
, coaled about an hour.
The first sii'ess called In the case was
, Mrs. Lingafelt , who testified that she was
insrrlod to Lingafelt ii llollidaysburg , Pa. ,
: January 8 , 1879 , and that they had Iivei
iii Oniaha , at 24tS Hamilton street , since
i\p'il , ISSI. She said they have four _ . cliii-
ilten , two girls , aged 16 and 14 , respectIvely ,
and two boys , aged 12 and S years. Six
months afor ; coining to Omaha , she said ,
Lingaclt comineiiced dritiking. and always
kept a jug of wliiky in the house. I to made
a practice of drinking to excess at night ,
after lie was through work , and on four
occasions had. became so Intoxicatcil that lIe
was unable to go to h1 work the next
morning. In May , 1893 , she testified that ie
came home at noon with his mall iack over
hi sliouliier. lie was so much Intoxicated
that she asked him to let her take his sack
and send It to the office , so that ho would
not be discharged , hut he struck her with
11113 flst in the rIght 51(10 ( , just below the
lcv'rib , and taunted her by telling her
that lie had a woman in East Omaha who
, , would take her place in ten minutes if lie
said the word. She said she was so ashamed
that she did flot call any mnclical attendance
for three weeks , hut wsia spitting blood
all of that time. She was conflned to bed
. ; elevemi days , 00(1 hail never rccoveed froimi
. the CffCCt of the blow.
this point Dr. Spaulding was called , auth
. confirmed Mrs. LhmigaIelt'n testImony about
the nature and extent of the blow inflicted
by Llngafelt , the doctor's testimony being
i to the etTQct that time blow had realmltel in
I injuries which were likely to bri felt for a
I , long time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IiltIGS Sill' ! ' ON SOiIIi F'15'Z'hItES.
, $ Iluimiter Sue , . for Mnuie tlimst Iiilmigjit
Jabez U. Hunter ha commenced stilt
against the Union Life Insurance company
of Omaha for 41,2i6.hS. alleged to ho duo
I hiiiui on account of a contract between himself -
self anti the company. In his petition Mr.
; hunter recites the history of the company ,
Including its organizatIon In hastings , this
tuflc , under the utame , 'hleiievohent Union
of hastings. " and time change of name , first
to "Unhoim Life Insurance company of hlust-
, logs , ' ' 811(1 afterward to ' 'Union Life Insur-
alice company of Omaha. "
lii October , 1890 , ho alleges ho entered
Into a contract with tIme company to act as
Its gdnci UI mUttilagOr for tile toxin of ten
years at a stipulated salary of $2,600 Per
Iumliiimmu tutu a coIimUisi4iOn of 2 per cent on
all PoliCies issued by time company. In Je-
ceumiher of thio same year , he says , the head-
( Ilmartere of the counpamiy wem'n removed to
I , Oir.alia , anti tii namno was changed to con-
( em in with the ne' location. lIe alleges tlitt
lie faithfully performed thin duties devolving
tuhlomi huh timitler his contract until November
23 , 1S94 , when lie wait prevented front so
thing tiny longer. He allegct that. Ito has
bent ready anti willing at. all tinie since
that time to carry on lila portion of the
contract , but that the company has re-
ftscil to allow htimmi to do so. The action of
time company , ho alleges , has thrown him
out of employment , and lie is unable to
reeiire as good a Posilion on as favorable
terms. If lie lmiiti beemi allowed to continue
I . to carry out his contract , ho alleges that
lie would have been able to earn , during
time remmuainiier of thin term , the stun of
$ 10,000. amid un asks tbaiumagca In that .ahmlount ,
together with comumnisslons anloumnflng to
$ i,236.3S , which lie alleges are duo 111111 ,
a IM 4I lilt i'IUNOLNCIiJ ) IXS.tNl.
Xot lIt..miommsililoforltmm vi mIJ.r mmmitcme.t
' mm iii t' i n ii S I 'itt. k t book p.
Jim Siiiith , the negro vhio was bound over
to thio district coumrt on the charge of rob-
hiery for snatching a pocketbook from Mitat
Julia Matiiie.en , March 2 , lust : , 'aa brought
Imuto the criminal court yesterday morning for
trial. Dr. George Tlidemu informed the court
that lie had eammiimmer1 the uutan and pmo-
nnuncetl himu imisiuno. Jhls attorney vus ,
thuerefpre , directed by Judge hiaker to apply
to the commnly cemnmnisulomiers for tranporta-
tloii to send immuItit to his liomno imi Iova ,
( rout vhieio lie had bccuu shipped into
Siutltlu hind beca arrested several tirne for
smuatchimmg pocketbooks , and the last timne
lie Was Iii the district court hue 'as released
cml tue representiutiout that hue wouiiti be sent
to an asylum , but lie 'as amot sent to such
a place , cmiii was in jail again vithiin twenty-
four hours after on a similar charge ,
hit 'Voi Ito 'Flits ,
Do not lie induced to lilly any other if you
htvo miuatlo Ui ) your uiiintl to take Iiooth'
Sarsaparliia. ReumlenTher that hlooti's Sar-
apariila cures when all others fail. Do not
give up in deapair becauuia Gthur iuiedlclnes
hero failed to help yoim , Take 1Iood' Stir-
, eaparihia faithfully amid you imuay roasomiably
expect to be cured.
hIoocI'a 111116 are purely vegetable , carefully
preparei froze the best. Ingredients , 25c ,
I- . itv 'vuit
'lii iiu iissoimrI I'iit'itic IIy.
On amid after Sunday , May 10 , tito MIs.
soon ltacitlc .iii put on a 1aSt Linuitet
Train , leaving Webster street depot , Omaha ,
gut 8:15 : p. in. , via Phattsniouthi , Nebraska
Lily , Atchilsomi , Kansas City , reaching St.
Louis the utext mnorning at 7:20 : , masking dl-
rect cominections to eli voints south and east
in the Grand Umiion station. No chiamigo of
cars. Through I'uilnuami service. Night train
for Kamisami City leaves at 0:30 : , Foe further
Information cali at company's ohlices , N , I.
ccruer Thiirtoomith amud. Farnamus streets.
ThOMAS F' . ( IODFI1FW. P , & T , A ,
- J , 0. I'IIILLIPI'l , A , 0. F. & P. A ,
? N1'v TIlhI.
Chicago , ltlilvrmiulceo & St. I'miul Zt' ' ,
No. 4 , leave Omaha G3O p , in. ; arrives
Chicago 0:25 : a , ni.
No. 2 , leave Omaha 11. a , an , ; arrlve
Chiicsgo 7:15 : a. m ,
No 1 , heave Chicago 6 p. an , ; arrives
Omuahia 8:05 : a , in.
No , 3 , heave Chicago 10:25 : p. in. ; arrives
I Ornalma 3:25 : p. ni ,
I Thi " 1II.\'AL'1II. '
' -.t , city Office , 1QI l'aru1m Stc't.
. - - .r _ . ! ! - - - _ _ _ _ . -
Till PhiII Al.AItM ihOXlS.
( 'hslef iletiell of thaoIiIiiion tim t tIme
s , ' " . i'Iti ii ' . % 'I i I lie Sn I isfnriir ) ,
A radical change in the method of numbering -
boring the fire alarm boxes in the city is
about to be inaugurated. heretofore there
hat' been no system in vogue , boxes being
tlilntberecl in a htoiterakelter fashion.
This hiss been a bugbear to Chief fledehl
of the fire department , who has for 50010
time been desirous of a rearrangement. Ito
hin finally mapped out his ian On paper anti
time workimig force of time fire amid police
alarm system is now enggeuh imi the work of
hiutting it. in operation , Under the new aye-
temn the boxes are numnituered froni I , of
course , hilt box No. 2 In thin neareet box to
No. 1 , box No. 3 nearest to No. 2 , antI ao on.
This new systeni hiatt the advantage of
convenience , and , lnorc'over , is expected to
mninimizo tluo ( hanger of mistaking the numn
bore as they are turned in , Cases hare cc-
cilrretl whore engimie cotnoanios sillier have
ummistakeut thin nummnhwr , or by Olu1o fault of
thio syCtemmi the wrong tumnoer , hiss been re.
celveul. The resuit has been that time COOl-
luammies ran to the wrong locality. For lii-
litammee , it a fire was turned In train box
No. 94 antI through some ntlrtake it was
receivel at t5 , or was unistakemi for that
nhinlber , time compamiiet , might run to a Point
. hioek away ( rout time fire. Under time new
I'ysteni , if the unistahco is loathe , butt littie
time vili be lost , as box h5 will be tlue nearest - i
est to box No. t'4.
So far only seven of tue changes have I
licci mnaulo. The tOX at ee1th and heaven-
worth streets , which was formerly t ! , to now
13 : that at Sovemutoemlthl ami St. Mary's
avenue , fornierly 82 , is new IS ; that at
1ionthu anti Iloward , formerly 18 , Is now
21 ; that at Twenty-fourth anti Sp'iuhihing.
formerly 79 , is now & 5 ; that at Twenty-first
and \\'ebutter etrects , formuorly no box , is G9
that. at Twenty-fifth and Farnamu streets.
fornierly 211 , is now 7fi ; that at Thiirty-thuirti
anti Faruuamn streets. formerly 69 , is now 82.
Time change viii be made as uxon as pos-
sibho. Superinteiulent Vantlervoort of the
fire anti police alarm rysteuut began work on
May G , but up to date has oucceculed in
making only tIie'e seven ehmamige.s , If this
progress is kohL Oh ) it will require 501110 lit-
tIe time to complete the work , its there are
over 100 boxes. This system has been in
Vogue in other cities and has worked very
satisfactori I .
y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I ( : lum Ito ns 11 ilemi for oii.
Mr. 1'red Miller of Irving , ill. , writes that
ho houl a soveo kidmicy troutile for inauty
years , witi severe pains in his back anti also I
thud lila blaultier was affected lie trieti unamiy
so caileul kitiney cures , bum ? without any good
results. About a year ago lie luegaru use of
Fic'ctric flitters anti founti relief at omice.
Electric flitters Is especiaily atlapteul to cure
of all kidney amid liver trouhils and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial ivihl
Prove our statement. Price emily 50c. At
Kuhn & Co.'s ( Irug store.
o n , . t t. SM.
Thn enormnous engines that haul "The
Northuwestermu I.iie" ! OMA hA-Cu ICAGO
SPECIAL east at 6:30 : every evening ( Union
i'acifio depot ) and into Chicago at 9:30 : next
morning-well worth tukmig a little time to
ee thueni-mlothing ill this country like them
-nearly as high as the Union thepot , but not
tiflite an long. City olhice , 1101 Farnamlm St.
' 1' Ii a ' 'i'rzi I ii ti ii t Ii e St't'ti ii il 'F
fit the Ilumrhington's 'Vestibuied Flyer" for
Tout domi't have to climb over car piat-
formns or full over baggage trucks to get
to it.
' 'Its ' 'tIle train on the second track. ' '
Easiest to reach. Best to make the trip iii.
Leaves Omaiua-5OO : p. m.-fiXACTLY.
Arrives Chiicago--S:20 : a. m.-NO LATflR.
Sleepers--Chair Cars-DIner.
Tickets at 11.02 Farnam street.
MOlLF 'I'IIAN IllS 1'II'F CAN S'I'.tNL ) .
.IrM. tlniirii lrnwM the I.imit' out I lit !
Iesti'iieiliimi tif lior Cloth , , , . .
Daniel Mourn was fined 1O and costs yes.
terday uutorning for conlunltting as'ault amid
battery upon hula wife. Time ml'inateci couple
aeparated sonic time ago , after only a few
tuonthis of married life , and it was at tiita
timno that the aisauit was commnlttej.
Shortly after the warrant for Mcurn'5 arrest -
rest was iseticut the wife agreed to drop the
care if her husband would gather toi'ethier
his good. and get out. .iourn agreed to do
tlii , but. while hue tts liackilig cp Ito ills-
covered a $20 silk dress that hii wife was
niakiuig. TIC cut it Into stripas. 'thIs action
unauhe Mrs. Mourn angry nnd uho not only
tioteriiulned to push tue asaauilt aud : battery
case , but also began another In whlci Mourn
was chuargeul with tue naIIuiie uleatmiict'oii
of proPerti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hlucklemi's % Imu1.x ( Sti lye.
The best salvo in the world for cuts ,
cruises , sore. " . ulcers , ett ! rnr'tmin , fever sorea.
totter , chapped hands , chilbiain , corns and
all sum eruptions , and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfactica or mercy . refiinled ,
Price 25 cemits per box. For sale by Kuhn
&Co. I
Cuitre at' 'II mile.
CAGO LIMITED of the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul mmiv leaves the ilium depot daily
itt SiX-TIIII1TY (6:80) ( : ) p. iii. . arrivimig Chi-
cugo at 9:25 : a. m. City Ticket Olhice , 1504
Farnamui street.
p -
Just Omit.
The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
railway's book of Summer Tours , showing
routee and rates to the eastern resorts. One
of tli handsomest PUbhlc.itiofls of this clmarac-
ter over issued. Sent frco out application to
B. P. humphrey. T. 1' . A. , Kansa8 City , Mo. ;
C. K. WIlber , A. 0. P. A.Chiciugo.
IoemieN Snmni Stoleit I'roierIy.
Jobml Woods. residimlg on Eleventh , between
Dodge street anti Capitol avenue , yesterday
morning made a fluId of a portion of 501110
property that was stolen nearly live years
ago from a lodge room in the old lloyd
theater , which wac located at Fifteenth
cmiii Farmlaun streets. The property consists
of four silver-plated ollicers' b3dgcs of time
Omaha lodge American Theatrical Mechanics'
esuociatlon. Nlmio badges were originally
Tiio badges were packcti into a little
wooden box , which \\'oods found hithtlcn away
boiiimid one of tue rafters of his barn ,
\Vootis turmucd them over to time police. by
viiomn they wlli be delivered to tile rightful
Miihions drink Cook's imuperlal Extra Dry
Chmamupagne every year and the numbers are
rohllmig up with a rush.
Oiisi hit-Cu ion go-Spet' iii I. -
Train to
travel exclusIvely
6:30 : every night ! .
It Yogi ion't Sit'e'i S'i'I I
Talni a book atiti road In the ehectric lighted
berths of the Chicago. Milwaukee & 5 ! ,
Paul fly. City ticket office , 1504 Farmlam at.
llet't Smmjtmir Comivciitliii utt'iuirt.
The proceedings of the second general convention -
vontion of the Nebraska hleot Simgar assocla-
lion , which was held at Freniont ott February -
ary 5 and 6 , have just been Issued in neat
paniplllet form by Secretary . N. Nason of
this city. The little book of over 100 pages
comitaina tile reports of nil time officers , the
addreucs of Uo many prominent men who
appeared before thuo convention , the debates
and tue rcsqlutlon adopted , together with
the other pro eedings , iii a word , the
amuphlot is a history of the growth amid
progress of the beet sugar industry and
gives its present status.
Legume Ilmis 'I'roiiblo emi hiM hlminils ,
James 'SY , Logan of 4007 Leavenworth
street appears likely to have a good deal
of trouble on his hands because ho himself
recently put Ia sewer connections on liii
premises. 'rwo complaints wore flioti against
lihu yesterday morning. one by License Inspector -
specter IIurt4 afiti the other by I'lumblng In.
specter Llchtcmuberg. The former charges that
Logan laid his pipes vitiuout first obialning
a license from the lloard of I'ubiloVorks ,
amid the other that he diii not put In tht
conneciiona in accordance with the provisions -
sions of the city ordinances ,
Most COIflhllCXlOfl powders have a vulgar
glare , but Pozzoni's is true beautller ,
wheso cfocti arc 1istiig. , .
The Entire nrp1us Stcck of Large Eastern
Manufacturers Comes to Omaha ,
Nsii si ' 1.OI ( ) % t en's it ii ii htos' Sim i I s to
Gii emi Sub htsiti.riimiy ioriiing _ _
Tue l'immest 1mm thit' ' . 'iirid-
Imir I lie I.iitst ilim.ey.
The Continental has juts ! closed out the
entire whuolcxale stock of clothing made tifle
year by Miciiaels , Sterns & Co. , of Rochester ,
N. Y.
It is one of the luiggest ( bale in clothing
ever colisunimnated at one throw. Miehacie' ,
Sterns & Co. were nnxiaus to dispose of all
this ycar'a unako as soon as peasibie , niuti
this offer cooling from the Continental met
at the right time enables them to at. once
prepate for the making of next winter's
output. White the money consideration
ruins imp into the thousantis , the aCttlfli price
poitl is nlatmt fifty cents on the dollar.
_ Some Plea of the magnitude of this purchase -
chase tony be galnel from the fact that
there are represented 3,000 muon's suits ,
1.200 boys' suits auth 600 short pante suits.
The stock hi been shipped and is at the
present rittng this side of Chuleago , anti
be hero today or tomorrow In piemity of time
to go 00 sale Sattlrtiay.
Tluis juurchine fliuist not , in any way , be
construeti in the bankrupt or even cheap
iitlC , as tue ciothing represented in illade by
0110 ci the huigiuc.t grade nianutnctumrers of
the woriti , whose clothing , all expertcl con.
ccd , le the very essence of ierfcctiomi as
for instance , ttieri isn't a five dollar man's
stilt in the viiole lot. nithoughi there lirob-
ably with be aon1e to be sold for as low as
that. This sale illUSt be held separate and
thit4imict front anything ever put on Ontauta
cotmuters , , far th sumhts are all high class.
both In tIle making autui the materials. lii
that. this bulge tiei was made for elIot cash
it % .ili be absolutely necessary to conduct
the sale on the same lines , for fifty cents
on tito dollar bought it and for fifty cents
on the dollar tile wearer flets It. Foil
varticutlars in tomnorrows paper.
No excuse for sicepiess nights wncc you
can procure One ihinute Coimgh Cure. Tills
viiI relieve nil annoyances , cure duO most &C
rest and health.
'inre cough anti give you
"I-i you afford to do wltlioutit .
'I'hereArc 'm'vo CIgt'
Of railroads runniilg between Oniahia anti
ChIcago , the Mi I\VAtTKEfi-am1ti "the oth-
era. " it doesn't cost any moore to ride by
tile best line thmaut "the others. " Magnificently -
cently etiulppeii , electric imgiited. solid veeti-
bumled trains hebve the union depot daily.
City oflice , 1504 l1arnain street.
F. A. NASI ! , General Agent.
In t'iitted StmtteM Caiivt ,
The care of James Stubba of Mount Pleasant -
ant , Ta. , agauilst. thio Union Pacific Hallway
company for tiatnages amnouimiting to $9,240 ,
on a lot of baFast furniahed the roa } , will
be taken up today.
In the United States court the jury In tue
casa of JohulV. . I'eterson , who claims $25,000
damages from the Swift I'acklmig company
for alleged Injuries autaine at tile hands
of a mob of strikers In Jimly , two years ago ,
retired at 11:30 : yesterday morning.
For this morning the case of Farwehi
& Co. of ChIcago against John Troulpen ,
sheriff of Lancaster coumnty , is scheduled.
This Is a damage suit for $2,500 , Farwehh &
Co. claIming thtut the sheriff reized a stock
of gools front parties holdimig the same no-
der a chattel mortgage.
DoWlit's Witch hazel Salve cleanses , purl.
flea and hUal. It was made for that pumrpoae ,
Use It for burns. cuts , bruises , chapped
hands. sores of all descriptions anti if you
liavo putea use it for them.
; , , liicrr 'Fill ' 'ouz Start.
Spend all day in Omaha and leave via
CHICAGO SPECIAL at G:3t : p. in. ( dining
car. )
Then there's considerable hurry , for time
train arrives at Chicago early next morning.
This train is equipped with EVERYThING ,
. SlId words are very hard to find that. do It
justIce. If you must leave earlier , inquire
aiOtit the 4:45 : p. in. Overland Limited.
City omce. 1401 Farmiam St.
Out , , CL A. It. ! Oiieutiimimiient.
COLUMBUS , May 13.-The thirtieth en-
campmcilt , Department of Ohio , Grand Army
of tile itepublic , opened today , Department
Commander Major Clunrieut J. Townsenti pro-
siding. Public buildIngs and ltuslncss houees
are decorated. Public anti parochial schools
are to wittu.ess the parade tomorrow. Tue
200 OhIo war regimental flags in the state
house are to be carrIed. Natlolual Corn-
muander Walker will arrive Thursday. The
Itoit. feature imitroduceul by J. M.VehIs pret
of Columbus , of huavimig "past asaociates , "
the latter composed of men who vere not In
tint uar , btmt who pay annual diuce anil attenti
open camp fires. is to be consIdered with a
view to adoption. The other business will
be mainlY routimle.
JI ( ) ; out Trial for ttimrdr.
BALTIMORE , May 13.-Tiue work of so-
leeting a jury to try Jerome Counceil , a boy
little more titan iS , for the murder of lila par-
ente. Captain Frank and Mrs. Anna Lang , was
continued in the criminai court today. The
murder was committed on November 4 , 1895 ,
s'htile the aged couple slept in their home In
thio suburb. The cr11110 was most brutal ,
both victims being beaten about the head
vith a hammer and gasliel au over with a
knife. Captain Lang was worth about $200-
000 and the motive tincribed to Counceil
was hiI desire to obtain his share of this
mooney , but when the will was opened everything -
thing of tile fortune vas found to have been
left to a charitable Institution.
Faileil to See the LlSt Act ,
NEW YORK , May 13.-William Tucker , a
theatrical man , who came to this city from
Chicago with his faupily a short time ago ,
died sudderuly last night whIle witnessing the
perfornianco In the Union Square theater.
The cause of his tleath has not as yet been
determmtinefi , but it Is supposed to have been
heart failure. lIe was 40 years of age aol
had been traveling actor and stage manager
for a number of years , lie recently traveled
vithm Robert Gaylord's "In a Big City" corn-
pany ant1 had acted mis stag manager for
"TIle Fortune Teller" comnr'amuy.
Four hilled h , 1iglttnlmig.
LOUISVILLE , May 12.-A special to time
Evening Posts from Catiiz , Ky. , sgys : During
a severe hail anti sinti storm hero John J ,
Wallace , a prominent farmer , and his thmrco
Sons , sought shelter tinder a large tree , The
coon haul no sootier reached--the tree than
a bolt of lightning struck It anti killed all
four of thiern instantiy ,
Iluiby MeICe' , Is SeriommsI III.
SARATOGA Sl'ItINGS , N , Y , , May 13.-
Benjamin harrison McKee , grandson of General -
oral IIarrion , is seriously Ill with what appears -
pears to be pneummionia. his father was
uuntnoneti from New York anti arrived today ,
Highest HonorsWor1d's Fair.
P WIf It
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulteranV
40 Years thc Stand4rd ,
lihitllIS 'itSTIiILll' 11AII .iiii'iiits. :
Illimmois htnmitminl4.un'iet I ml ti'rfere , oh
lI.hlmthf.itt' lie In filti Is.
ChICAGO , May'I3.-The fond father , the
admiring uncle , anfl.tho doting big brother.
who have been In ithue habit of strapping
baby Into a baskeb or other contrivance and
giving the yotlngtorsa ride on the bicycle ,
must forego that storL of amusement or incur
the liability of prnsectmtton.
Such is the edict of the Illinois hiuniane
society. The omeers of the sodety have
been giving time tn&ttcr serioums investigation.
The brunt of a shotkiwhen a collision occumrs
is only one of tii least of the objections
ralead. Molical experts , they say , are comi-
vinced that the rapid anti unnatural motion
affects the child's bralmi. The ofliclal pro.
toolers of the children propose to invoke the
alit of tile laW.
I lCmins'i-ii ( 'rooks huh let . 'sl.
S.N FRANCISCO , May 13.-Out Friday
last the grand jury fotunti trite bills agnitust
two men whose htaflIes anti crimes have titus
far been kept secret. Then meim Iruuiicteui are
Charles hitcher , known as "time lrimmce of
, forgers , " anti Jammies Creegan , vimu hints no
equal as a negotIator of spuiriotis PaPer. flail
waa fixed in each caee at $20,000 anti bench
warramuts were iu'sumed by Judge Slack for time
arrest of the ute expert crimittaiu' . iii order
to make tiiu'e lmmuhictmuients lrnso'ible tue titan
now In jail Item e ch2rged t'itit the Nevada
bank forgery by which a 'codiand draft
for $22 was caaimei ( for $22,000 anti wiio is
known at' A. II. Dean , Frank L. Scarer amid
otherwise , ttirmteti state's evitlence , told a dra-
mastic tale to time grnmlii jury anti va3
promised on behalf of the distrIct attorney
tinmiiutttity from the operation of the law.
( i'tM iii thit % 'hiV ( II II Iliihit' ( .
DENVER , May 13.-Comedian J. Stewart ,
formerly of tIme llaveriy minstrel troitp , anti
lately one of time mnanagcre of the Stewart
& Young Graphaphiuiie counbination , was
fatally shot by Wliiiamut Newell , alias Kid
McCoy , an ox-convict , in Pat htickey's
saloon about miuinightt. Newell mimI wortis
vitht Ilicicey over time pa'mnettt for drimjks , amiul
putlleti a revolver , intentiing to hioot ilickey ,
lie fired , the bullet striking Stewart , vhmo
% as stantiing at the bar. Newell anti Stevart
hail entered the ralootm tcgethmor anti were
frlendum. Newell was arm'estcd.
lemier Itim ii Ic to Itisi. mmiilimusi mb. . , , .
DENVEI ! , May 13.-The Amerlcamt National -
tional bank , which receuutiy failed , lil lurob-
ably renmne busimuess at no early date , a
mnajorlty of tiio tlcpoi'Itore havimug agreed to
accept certificates drawhmig 1 per cent per
anmium. Temi per cent of tIme ( leilosits will be
paid in cash whtemi thuc- bank rosummues anti the
remainder iii six semni-annuuai paynuemita of
15 per cent each. Tue bank's liabilities have
been reduced to $821,000.
ltisi'nzitr-Irymimi ! m'bmi to.
Ititerest in the ltoseater-flryan debate that
will take Place at the Crclghton thtelter F'ri-
day night Is OO the increase. Yestertiny morn-
log there was a great thcnmanud fcr tickets of
admission. NotwithutnmttIing the tietnamid ,
tickets tnay yet be obtained by calling at the
Utishmiess othlces of either Tue lice or tIme
- -
Cli lengo ,
& ST. PAUL. ltY.
Train No. 4 leaves at 6:30 : p. in. Ar-
rlvea at Chicago at 9:25 : a. tn.
1501 Farnam Street.
Coughmng irritates tue tlemio..ce organs in-i
aggravates the dlseae. Instead of waitin3.
try One Minute COugh Cure. It helps a
'CcO. makIng exuactoratlon easy , reducca time
1re0ea or.d inflatnntaeui-j , Every ens lIkes it ,
Ciipit Iii , JHCk mit t lie Cvelglitoti _
Captain Jack Crawford riil give an enter-
tainmuent at the Creighton theater era the
evening of May .23 br the benefit of the
Grand Army of the Itepublic mllemorlal fund.
This evenIng lie will attend the regular -
ular rncetimig of Gengu A. CrooJ post , and
a thlLatteztdance 'oP the lnentbLrst'is' tiesiigd ,
Bad complexion IflObC4Ls 0n t unhealthy
etate of the system. DeWitt's Little Early
RIsers are pills that will correct tits condi-
tion. They act on the liver. they act on th
stOillaob. they act ott the bowels.
1)1101) .
M'ATJLIFFE-Mrs. Maria. 1711 South FIf. .
teenth street , died at 3 p. en. Wednoday ,
May 13. Funeral Friday mnornlng fromli
late u-esllemlce to St. Patrick's chum-eli ,
Fourteenth and Castehiar streets. Age ,
50 years.
DOWDALL-Peter , on May 13 , aged 40
years. 1"unerah from residence , 1217 North
Elguuteeutthu street. F'rklay niorninr , May
15. ttt S:10 : , to lIoy Famnuly ehurch antI
front there to St. Mary's cemetery. A. 0
ii. take notice.
. _ Wino doctn't
. ' ' , 7 -
( ! ' \ the feet rcfuine to
' : in o v c , a n d you
_ . ( Mt1 drag yourself along by
I maui force , with 501110 sort
. 41 ofterrorchtasimigafteryouu ?
I I I It is somiuctlmlmtg the same
, , 1 , , wnywithu tilewaking nightmare -
\ mare of ' bihiousmiess. " It
S j I seems to paraiyze your en-
. Ii. _ _ , / I ergies , weigh you down
A IL like lead ; and drag you
I \ back with nui unshakeable
- clutch. You can't get
away from tile misery that pursues you.
You feel dull and languid and low-spirited ;
your appetite is poor , your stonlachi is out
of order , your sheep is disturbed , you are
' ' " Tiucre's real
Irritable and 'craumky. no
lively etljoymenit of life.Vimat ou need us
Dr. Pierce's Golden Meducat Dscovery , to
tone up your liver and help It tn working
the inuputities out of your blood. The liver
has a large share of this purifying work to
do anti sanietimnes it gets ovcr.loadcd so the
impurities back up ouu to tile other organs
of tlue body : the kidmieys or akim * or lungs ,
and take root , then it's a harder tootler to
clear tlmeiil out. Wjierevcr they settle they
are alt blood diseases just the saiuue , and the
, , Discovery , " will cure any blood disease
that wa5 ever named , scrofula , eczema , Ca-
tat-sit , ulcers , swellings , severe coughs amid
even consumption. But the cure is a harder -
er job when time trouble has gone as far
as that. The right way is to go at these fin-
purities before time ) ' take root , whumle they
are still floating In tIme blood and over.load.
fag the liver. Drive them out early. You
can do It surely every time , with the
"Golden Medical Discovery. "
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad.
'riser Is the greatest family doctor book ever
published. It eximialna iuu.
. - . : . inautpluysiologyand the laws
of life amid health In plain
I ! ' ° . yctaselentific lammguage. It
Y.i has ! had a tremendous sale ;
t , * , , ; ° ° ° copies at $ mo each
r'9 ? - - boumit.lIti cloth. 'The present
I free eIitlon Is the same in
, I albirspects except that It Is
- i boumid.fn &trong nlamlilia pa.
perxovers. A copy s'ill he
absoituteiy given rst'ay to anyone .vhio
aends 21 one.centiatautips to pay cost of
mailing only , to 1Vorld's DlsVensary Med.
lcai Assoctatioui , No. 663 Main Street
Buffalo , N , Y.
Free- Lessons
Until further notice
MISS J. PIINLV.Yof Ilo'itout , who if
tile Immvemmtor stud patciitco a
tiLe ioadlue drcK etilt lug
D ft ESS systcmmutsofthmodhy lies
opotieda bramacii-
0 ° : ! L , AcADL1MY
At 209 5. 18th St. } Carbtichi ihlock , 1100w 303
HERE ladles can learn tim
W art of dro8B making In all
118 branches , by the quick-
eat method known. DnEss1s
Dartloa3 and soawless waists-
also , French bias and chlldrena'
garments. Tcauiors wonted -
oud for circular ,
; _ -
- - _ _ _ . 0 ' -
/ ,
I ,
- ' ' - :
: , ;
Gladness Comes
W itit a luetter tlild't'i.ttllidiItg of the
triuisieiit. timititie of time mtmtimty
Ictul Ills , vitichi 'nitiisIt liefort' pm'tei' ef-
fot'ts-getithu ? C IToi'LU-illt'tti.tuti I. eflorts-
rightly ii'ceteti. 'L'hi'ie is coiiifovt. Ill
the lciaotv1edg , that. et mntmuy foi'jna of
sIckness tire tint uitmc to tmii , ' actual ii Is-
ease. hut simititi.S' to mm. collstilittedl COili1
tinit of the systemul , vhik'ii the picusmunt
funnily Ituxittive , of Figs , PtOmilit
13' V'mlttVCS 'I'Itti I. . Is vii3' IL is time only
i'eiii..t1y vitii mU't11101114 of fimni'ihlcs. eutid Is
eveiyts'itere L'steeIuieul so iuighmy liv nil
viitt vtulttu goo'l ht iihtii. Its lteitet'ielnl
effects are mine to tue fitet , tutu it. is I lie
iCillC(1S' which ' iiitei'itttl
Otto ( _ lu'0i110t08
clcamiiiuess 'vitliotit ( lebihit tuthmig I lie
organs nit which It nets. it is tiieruforc
mill itmiportmut , iii oi'ilct' to get. Its benme-
fichtti eli'euts , to mtote ' 1iemi you pmir-
douse. thimit 'tti hini't the gt'mluiule mutt-
ole , wliii'li 'is unamiuftietnueti l' tIme Cnuit-
fornia iig i'iul1) imiI' niitl bold by
all rt'pmtt nude druggiMts.
If iii the ( 'tljyIIletit ( of good lti'nitii ,
timutl tue s1'stemu is regutinr , luxittk'es ci'
other i'euuicies nrc timeti hot miecdcel. If
iiihiictel t'ltii temiy mtetiiti clisetuu.c , onto
111113' lie L'uimlmlu'illcd to time ilutust sicillfni
plI'Sieiiumma , , lint if iii neeti of IL lmixmuth'o ,
OhiO Simtlilhtl have tite best , iLtud 'itiu tutu
% Vell'imlfOu'tfltUi everywhere , SYI'uil ) ( If
Figs stuimtls highest timid in most lnti'ely
uaad ninil gi'es nlont general satisfaction.
t 1 ,
- -
_ t z : ' : '
' ' " . , . "ul
q' '
f ,
Our liberal business
methods obtain for us the
I patronage of all GOOD
4 ( ( They readily realize
@ the saving in wearing our
V garments. 4 :
9 t. Nicoll's assortment
I the largest under any
one roof in the city.
c. You can bank on that !
Pouts to Order $1 to l2
Suits to Or.lcr $15 to $ M )
Stlillhs Mailed
4 ,
- _ _ _ _ _ _
liramiclics lit till I'rlmicipni Cities.
207 South 15th St.
. 1L-
\ _ - . / ' , 2
, I.e ,
Z.. ¼
- -
tAy mamma used Wool Soap ) ( I wish mine ba,4) )
It Wool Ioup ha used In the laundry. le
tllocleansIniofwlator bianketaltaeiuejs soil
all wool fabrlC bOlero awrthg for tUe soasoti.
Thu valuc of
Is Inestimable. Waihea sIlks , laces anti all
bummzer fabrIcs without Injury. JjuiaIIy
valuable for both , bousobomil and geocral
bunttry urposu. Sold by all dealers ,
Rawcti-th , Schodde & Co. , Makers , Chicago.
NewYorkOtfloeGIL.onard B&floztou.3Chatbamn6t.
. send the m.rtelou , Yrenchi
- CALTHOB free , and
Itmnedy ii
M E ieai , gusruinteetiust ( IAm.TuoC will
$ "IAt. Use if and iay ( f busied ,
'II t1.VON MOlD. CO. .
- ' Bole gt.i. , fl.da0t O1.
4 CCIZES tJO ) lIgtl ( or uumlslmtrah
I. . i to S diji. Ii.chrgva , Imillaquwstion. ,
. mrrilatlonu , or umceraiioui
DII OsI.51fl4 to , Umt , , , . Of UICOU. mI3eWbfbtieS.
, , , , itl or.iqioe. Piples , sa4 eel astrin.
0 THtEYANI OtculcauCo. gent or potitruous ,
CINciutIIuIm.o. Atold by Zrugtsta ,
17. 3. h , em seat In rialti wfa5sm ,
S % l ' 1rcuhac end sIt ttutlL I
( Itis a
I pecia1 ; Possib1c )
'Fiint theeo
k ' ( . Huilts will be cii
Men's Si-ut Itomie by attmr-
- I titty uulgIst , ticS- )
icr conic criy ' .
Sale , No. 2 iolco.
! IT S another proof of " The Nebraska's " undoubted
I superiority in bargain giving , and as a special midE
- season benefit to the public w will place on sale Saturday -
urday morning , at 8 o'clock sharp , a recent purchas of
Men's All Wool Stilts--
At the unil : picc of $4.00 a stilt. There
t are just a thotsand suits in the lut , and they
! consist of new cheviots , new cassimeres , new
hornespuns and new' &otch mixtures of the
; : latest style. The full Line of patterns comprises
7 Distinct Styles
Ranging from light grey to dark browii , and 1
c _ the trimmning and finishing ar th same as
c _ you would look for fn a first class , srviceabIe - '
. suit. Every suit is all WODI- Every suit is new
& style. and ,
At $4.00 a Stiit
They are beyond all question th biggest bargains -
gains of the age. We unhesitatingly make the
assertion. that
L ( MI . Suits (
( IegLt1ar ' , have never
- - - - -
c -i---- iiiL
- ; ; - been sold iii
t , ; ; iii . the
- - - lot iatti rday.
L Ilcttrcoiiit'car this broad land for
, ic po-'imblo i ) tt aoicl thlip . fltiy , . .
? & i ( mmtcmit lui 'dzc. ) less tliau $6.50 ' ,
i1 @ ii
jc thQL
Bargain Annotincernents.
1-layden's prices on white goods , was1
goods , 1i1CflS [ , notions arid waists , Buy the
Butterick 1Datter1s ,
Sec our basement bargains.
Woiiders iii
Women's Waists ,
' ! 'p 1
: ; , : : i ; &
, _ # . . .1TJiiT : 16 ;
Remarkable retailing in that great second
floor Waist Section for Thursday ,
FrIday and Saturday. Thmomteauidu of
liamllsomo ( Waists , peericiut mode ,
make , nuaterlai , merit-and they
will cost this u'eek's traders less thiaml they
cost the makers to iroduce-nluch less than
you ca reasonably expect to buy theta for
later , even here.
SILK W'4tISTS of China , miuralm , taffeta
ammd novelty silks , plalmu black and colors ,
new' Imledina dark anti evening mtliauhoa , lateut
designs Iii stripes , figures , chocks , flowers
and plaids ; full front ; correct sleeves ,
'Flue $3.50 quality for $1.93 ,
The $500 quality for $2,93 ,
The $50 quality for 350 ,
Tue $8.00 riumahity for $4.75.
The l0.00 quality for ; 4.93.
Ladies's Suits.
Latest styies In fashionable suits at loss
titan the drosutmaieri4 cbargo for mutaking.
l'iaimi black eulta Imi cheviot , nIcely fin.
islued , present price 3,48 ,
Black and navy cheviot sumlts , box front
jacket , ripple back. hued skirt. made up to
sell tut $9.00 , special sale price $4.48 ,
Very stylish dresses in mixed colors ,
trimmed uvith satin ribbon , made to sell at
$10.00 , 99CC1a1 sale price $4.93.
Home of Bargains.
Fresh grass butter. Ic and lie ,
Creamery butter , 16c and 17c ,
StrIctly fresh eggs , 7c.
Full cream cheese , 7c ,
Sugar cured hams ,
Sugar cured bacon , 7 ½ c ,
3-hound caeua lard , lSc.
5-vounti cans hard , 25c.
1O.pound cans lard , 49c.
Wash Goods Day.
Youmr sprlmig dress can ho aeiecteti now
from the finest muesortmuent of wash fabrIcs
over nulL 00 eaio in this country. New ,
pretty , thainty fabrics , tuevt'r were blioWn for
the small irlccs tt'ltlcli prevail for the citoico
of tue cream of 1896 production.
Sitchi beautiful dimuitleot at 15c yard ,
Unbroken assortttlcnt of the finest Irish
tulmititcs , 25c yard ,
We show grass lawns in every effect at
12mAc uiiti 13c.
Our lace striped lawns arc beyomlti corn-
parisoti tuitit titlY goods shown , formuictily at
Mc , only 20c yard.
Elegant line of Art orgamidicim , 30 Inciten
wide , I5c yard.
I'crcales for shuit-t waisti , colors s'arranutecl ,
100 ) 'am-d.
The very best ahirtltmg percales at 12 ½ e
00-Inch dark chalUcu' , vasbiabie , at 10a
Fiticet zephyr gimughiatuis , till rica' , ICc yard.
heat Fremtcii lilnte(1 ( eateen. lSc yard.
:10-inch : imitlia dyed iauvtis , 7 ½ c yard ,
Thursday , tile nell' style sunnucr rbntU.
Sc ycarti.
Notion S1)eCialS.
Cbs ng ou lathes' new ilCClVCttr.
SOc fitmucy coilarettos at 39e.
$1.00 fancy collarettcs at SOc.
$200 faumey coliareitcu at 98c ,
$250 fmutcy colharetties at $1.10.
$3.00 fancy coihtirotten at $1.98.
All bilk W'Itudsor ties , ( mill size , won-thu 25e
otily 100 each ,
Enthroidery Sale.
lOa amId 12e onlbruitlery emily Cc yard ,
ISo anti 25o etuibroitlery only hOc yarti.
SOc anil 40c etiultroitlory only itc yard ,
SOc embroidery only 25o yard ,
Crochet Silk.
30-yard spools fhmicat crochet sIlks worthy
iSo oniy Sc.
Belts. .
Just received an slngtumtt iino of mmew Icathc
belts , prices hOe , lGc , 'lSe amid f.Oc.
Spangled bolts , 8 tons , 47c.
Our late linen Immiuuortatimmiis enable us tG
Ilumoto lower prices thiamu can be bad outside
him departmuuunt.
( hermmiaml twill table limuen , 12 ½ c ,
flood qtmnhity creumn darmlaisk , 'lOc a yard.
35 plecos extra heavy cream damnask , this
35c kind , at 30o yard ,
G'.lnch ' extra heavy German damask , worth
Gb yard , on stale at 40c.
Special sales on napkins and bedspreads ,
White Goods.
The lowest priceu over made ott newest
effects In 'bito goods. Ilniitiems , fanc
striped lawns , Swisaca anti India linens , all
at 12c ,
. now hino of check nainsooks at 3'4o
annul Sc ,
Striped lawn , very line , at 7c. I ' ,