Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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: : - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THEOMAILADAILY _ J3E1i : 't'11U11S1)AY , MAY 14 % l8) ( .
, .Attonoy Oencral Finally States lli CaSG
hi the B. & M. Land Oa3o1
- /
It TI. 1 , . IN tCCIteI1 lh ) t1ii liii ri ltigtoii
Set ( Isrs on ( lie in titi , , In ) ,
lviii 1k IL.1ltyeL of
WAS1IUTO , Ma 13.-Spedal ( Telo-
grasn-1Io1deri ) ot UurIIngtn lands n Ne-
bruka and Iowa need have little frar of
return tlay. They will probably not have
to go lntt , court to ( lefond the itiIts corn-
Thenced by the government agahzt ) their
Droperty. for Attorney ( leneral Harmon late
ti1IR afternoon telegrnlied Senator Manler-
on n. folIows "have directed the dlnii.saI
tIt It the CITfliafly s.lII pay cot. ' The
. Jat day for the return of Bulp ellas served
upon the holders of lnrllngtott lanils I
tornorrQw , awl olliclals both In Chicago and
Omaha ilecaillu directly aiixou , as to jtit
wiia the I..ay department Intended to do ,
A long cnnfcrence wa lielil between Attor-
ey General Harmon and Senator Alien this
morning the latter urging the attorney general -
oral to d tnis. the suit. against the set-
tiers , tak ng the poItioii that the pendency
and iroseiltlon of the SuitSb evc'n tltough
they shonld result In victory for the set-
' tiergvoiihl utterly destroy a lni'ge per cent
4f thoni ilnancially ; that It wa equivalent
to harlcrnitcy , to a great many , who w crc
compelled to travel the long dstanco , employ
counsel , meeting the eC1)eflseS aiitl Wa3to of
time lticIIexit to the trial of these case. ,
'The sccrotary of the interior recommended
the rli5nial of these suits some time ago.
Attrncy General Harmon wanted to be sat-
lsflcd ef the good faith of the settlers , and
. ) . toolc time to debate the question. Senator
Allen n3surol him that there could be no
doubt a to the settlers , and that in any
' event the government's remedy against the
r conpy would be ample. It ts poedble that
the suits will proceed against the corn-
any , which Is amply able to ( lefend itself ,
'The dlsnilssat against the settlers , however ,
'will lift many burdens. Upwards of i,5OO
ioiilers in Nchra.ka were affected by these
JUits , commenced by A. J. Sawyer , acting
icr the govrnrnent.
The great American Sugar Trust is anc- !
.striclcen as a result of the action of the
German lteichstag in raising the export
bounty on raw and refined sugars 100 per
cent , Itepresentatives of the trust are in
tim city , and will use every effort to get the
committee on commerce , ot vhiich Senator
Frye is chairman , to take up tomorrow Senator -
ator 1'eikin' bill , countervniing ; tile German
bOllilties. The effect of the recent action of
the German government increase. to the
German ColIslIlner tile tax on raw and rufluied
sugar trout 18 to 21 marks.'hthIo tue con-
etinier gets tile Worst of this advance , tue
ernlahi sugar producer , supilying ) the American -
ican market with raw and refined sugar. , Is
beneflted nearly 100 per eent by the raise
In L1IC export bounty. Thu bounty on raw'
sugar , under the law Just passell iii Ocr-
many , IS 27 cents per hundredweight , as
igaIasi. 13 ½ cents formerly , and on reilned
sugar tile bounty is 38 cents per hundred-
veIgilt , as against 31 centr. the former
3wice. This Increaao will make it possible for
Oernian sugar producers to go 01)011 the
markets at New York , New Orleans and
San Francisco , chouhier to sheullher with the
Droducers of raw and refined sugars of Ainer-
Secretary Smtth today reverseI the dccl-
elon of the cornmlsstone. ' of the ' 1enerai
land office in the land contest of Joseph
1ratf against Chrstian Pasehoki and otiier. ,
Xrorn tile Lincoln laull district , Nebraska.
'The land IU controversy Is within the twenty-
mile limitS of the grant to the B. & M.
Itatiroad company. A flIlniber of hoinetead
entrhee vero made for the land , but they
wore rejected for the reason that It beionged
to thIa railroad. company. The company ,
however. fhicti a waIver of its rights to the
land In favor of l'asclloill , antI , upon this
waiver , the COmlnillsioller ruled that I'aschloid
has a preference right to make entry. The
acrotary , however , differa from the coinmis-
ioner , cliii holds that tile COIIIpany llad no
' - . . right to svatve in favor of any person , for
thIG reason tilat no patent hIm ! been Issued.
: flo holds all entrIc. for rejection , and do-
' cltlee that no disposition can be made of
the ILIIIII until a patelli. issucz to tile coin-
Secretary Smithi today rendered a decisions
s/ thio lliphication of the state of South Dakota -
kota for the 1)aYIflCIlt ) to it of 5 per cent of
the proceedi , of sales of Indian lands In the
state whilchi ilavo been opened to entry , aiitl
' .aiso tlioeo portions of such rescrv.itlonn which
have been retalzic1 by IndIans as tribes or
alhottol to them in soveralty. Ito dccideu
that lie has no authority oC law for diverting
uIy of tue money derived from the sale of
thlee lands to tli state , as the treaties un-
( icr Which lands were ceded sjeciaiiy proVide -
Vide tiiitt such proceeds shall be Placed to
the credit of IndIans In tile treasury for
their tiso and benefit only. Ito does , however ,
idm1t that tile stata has a valId claim for 5
Per cent of thlo proceeds of tlalcl of lands corn-
nhliteil from hlolnostead to cashi entries and
directs tue commissioner of the general land
oiflce to etart an account for buch lands.
IteprcieiiIativo Gamble of South Dakota hias
secured it favorable report on the ciaiin of
IVihliam Geminahl of Yankton , who sheltered
federal soidier9 in 1S73. 'rho amount is only
$75 , hut it has taken twenty years to get
eoiigres. to oven look at the ciairn.
Es'ery member of the committee on mill-
tory affairs hISS beoli interviewed today on
the Fort Olmiahla bill , and all have expressed
willingness to have tue bill conic before the
conjinittee. Senator \Varren vil1 move for
41 recolicldoration , Senator \'althialI having
tnted that lIe "OUlll not oppose the motion ,
ior wollilt ho cOllsillcr it in the nature of a
riticliii as to his course , The bill vihI como
before the committee tomorrow. There is
vcry reason to believe that it will be favorably -
ably acted 111)011.
Mrs. W , V. Alien left for her liorno in Nebraska -
braska today. Silo rili stop ill Iowa en
route ,
ihilis to pension Mrs. Mary F , Hawley at
3O per nionth and Ilirahil II. Palmer have
boon reported from tue senate committee fa-
Tile t'onca Indians of Nebraska will get
15,000 moore tl'an over hoforo a. a result of
, the conference on the IndIan appropriation
bill. Tile appropriation for the Genoa Indian -
dian school remains iii thIC bill and ceveral
5lnClnlCflf5 ) by Senator Allen a tt
Ii , ban Ianl am-c ale ieiMned.
'rho War thpartmeut hums Issued ao order
tratt'torrlng 720 acres of lantl in the rort
Niobrara military reservation to time ecrL'-
tary of interior mr dk'position.
AdON(1 ( T111 AlMY MEN.
Cipt3ins George W. Cnft awl Eitlridgo It.
hills of the liTtha artillery have exchanged
lollowing asaignments of additiual eccond
lieutenants , Corp5 of Engineers , to vacan
cies of Seconli hienteilant in that corps are
announced : Additional SCCOfld Lieutenant
William 1. Ladtie to be scornl lieutenant ,
vice lchoIs , promnrtoil ; Addltioiltll 5000011
Lieutenant William .1. llarden to be second
lieutenant vIce \Ichndce promoted.
Following assignments to rcgirnentfl of .Ifl-
rers reeenty lroillotel ) are ordered : Cal-
tam Janlea t. Leydcfl ( prOnflltell ftotii first
iieLlU'tlallt , Iolrtl ) Infantry ) , to Fourth In-
f.intry , cOllliltlly U , Vice O'IirIell. retired ;
IlrI Lieutellaflt Jollil M. Sigworth ( promoted
fr'nl eeond iicutenaflt , Tenth infantry ) to
NitIm infam'try , conllany 1 , vice Tyson , re-
IgilC'1 lirst IIelltPflRnt Percival U. Lowe
IprIllutell froiti 'ecolid hicutenailt , Iigh-
tP'llil iimfantry ) , to Fourth infantry , corn-
la"Y I" to ( late from April 22 , 1S'Jd , vice
Leyden , Promoted.
Tao months additional leave k granted
Iirst Lieutenant John M. Slgwotth , NIit''h Iii-
I'ernihslon to go beyon(1 thosea is granted
First Licatenant Percival 0. Low" , Fourth
Infantry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.tNO'I'il i-ui : 'hiOI , ILt V
I I UIIMP I"I 11111 I . % I.I'IPM tO II ( ' ( 'Illlllli (
I lic L'mts. ' fiji' II 11e'olitit uf IlIlliflIM ,
W.SI1INGTON , May 1.-Tile house , after
coo of the Ilarleft fought parilamllentary bat-
ties of the session , recommItted the con-
tetel election case of lUnalcer versus Downing -
ing ftom the Sixteenth IlliflotIm district to tha
collimittee on electiotis with instructiolis to
recount the ballots In dipllto. The vote
divided follows-Ayes , 67
stOOl 139 to 35 as
ropiibitctilis , 69 deniocrats and 3 poplllist.9 ;
nays , : i ; republicans. The supporters of time
majority report to unseat Downing ( doom. )
anti coat tile contestant realIzed from tile
disaffection on their side that the minority
leport would probably be adopted and they
inaugurated a systelliatic filibuster to gain
time to rally their forces. The first test of
strellgtht Ofl a motion to adjonru , 96 to 139 ,
confirmneth their suspicions , but they fought
vallalitly to the end. The epeaker gave
thorn considerable leeway at the beginning
of thle fight , but toward the CIIII 1111 tIeChiflell
to tolerate dilatory tactics. As a lnat resort
many of the 'upporters of tile majority re-
ijort refused to vote , but the speaker
counted them aiid the democrats and (115.
rooting 'epiibhicnns scoretl their victory. The
speakers were Messrs. Cook , republican of
Illinois ; llephurn , republican of Iowa , and
Cniio1ly , republican of lihinois , iii favor of
the collteatant , anll Messrs. Lacey , repub-
ilcan of Iowa ; Shatrothi , republican of Cob-
rallo. and Daizoll , republican of I'c'iiiisylvania ,
iii favor of thIC resolution ot the minority to
recommit the case 011(1 recoUnt time elilcial
voto. III ciosing tIme debate Mr. Daiz2hl do-
clareti tilat a partftaml decision of thIn case
would ho a disgrace to a republican con-
grosI. .
Tile filibusters , after having exhausted
every CXICl1Cnt ! , were obliged to allow the
vote to Io taken OIl the rubstitute for tile
majority resolution In favor of seating jim-
aker. Soverai advocates of the majority resolutions -
olutions loft tile 1101150 on thlis roll call , but
the quorum hleld , and the subt1tute was
agreed to , 139 to 35 ; eleven preselmt and not
voting. The rosoltitioti as amended was then
adopted , 137 to 12. The speaker counted
thirty-three present and not voting to make
lip tile quorum. Mr. hopkins carried his ob-
structlve tactics to the last ditch. and made
tIle point of no auorumn on thlO formal mo-
tioii to lay on the table the meLon to reconsider -
consider , whIch rejtilted , 129 to 4. Time
speaker , however , amid great applaase ,
cotlnted the hlouse , 011(1 announced 180 nlem-
hers present.
' 1 challenge tIle count of the .speaker , "
shlouted Mr. hopkins , "amt ask for tellers. "
"Tile chair disregards tim clialbemmge , " replied -
plied tile sPeaker. The hlouse then , at 8:05 : ,
nTourned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No AC'VmON ON i'isi : I'ACIFmG ltO.I)5L
S'lllltl'M 'I'lllle IM 'I'OO 3 , ' Oeeuili'il
" 'I'ii I' Ill 'I'll P $ II Ills.
\VASIIINGTON , May 13.-Tile repnblican
steering comnlnltteo of the sc-nate hleld a
brief mcotillg today for thle purpose of con-
sldering the order of business outside ot
appropriation hills In tile senate for the remainder -
mainder of time sor0ll. but wflilout roach-
log a definite. conclusion adjourned till next
Saturday , The Calulflittoo (1C-cldetl tentatively
to r000lnimlend thIat place be given to eavoral
1)1111) which it VIIS of the opinion \0llhl1 not
lead to a prcicngr1 debate. Among them
were the bills restricting immigration and
providing for 5 per cent of the proceolL of
the ullbllC hands in tile public lands states.
It Was ah decided to repeal tile existing
ha' regardillg alcohol in thie arts witll the
ullllerstanlhhllg it i'houill be taken up as all
ill(117Iellleflt meaL'nro and not prosed , as reported -
ported by the colnlnittee , as an amendment
to the brandy bill.
Tile committee was generally of the opin-
loll that the l'acltlc railroad bills could not
be Iassed , in view of the desire for early
aIjourmlnent. ( The committee may , however ,
at its next meeting decide to allow the.
friends of these meaCures to get them UP
for a test of time spirit of the 'enato withl
time understanding that if they bid fair to
load to a continued debate they will not be
Senator Allison was chosen chairman and
Senator Dubots secretary of the committee.
'E'rrehl's 'iNi I Not iIl'llIl t.
WAShINGTON , May 13.-The coming of
Ummlted States Minister Terrell to Washilng-
ton from hIs Texas lionmo , it Cl1 be utated ,
is not because any emergency oxisti , nor any
threat of trouble in Turkey. lie lIas been
summnoncit here b ) the president for con-
sultatlon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jiiiiik tlo''s lo SilokIllIP ,
WAShINGTON , May 13.-The title of the
1irst National blIrlIc of Sprague , state of
Washlington , 1155 been changed to tile Fidelity -
ity National bank of Spokane , Wash , , the
bank Ilaving been removed to tilat city ,
lelorti 'll Cli lllIliill II Cre' ' 111(1 Imi , mi ,
WAShINGTON , May 13.-The president
has approved the act making provision fertile
tile deportation of Canadian Cren ImmIllans
fm'oln Montana and their delivery to the
Calladian authrnrities , Of tiit 'l'rcitsiir' .
WAS ! IINOTON , May 13-Today's etato.
ment of the condittomi of tile treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $267,330,759 ; gold re-
tervo , $116,000,795.
- - -
- - - - - - -
, -
4 -
g -
4 JvSI , , tlbU'I' ( OtI'I' tI SIjii'l' . . . . .
' It is a very annoying OxperienCe-an(1 it
not attended to ill its inception loathe on to
an entire loss of igilt-tlo little twengs of
. paIn across the eyebrows-time dark spots
that keep constantly apltarllmg-thmo twitch-
lug of the eyelids-ought to tell you tllat
tbero'i , ionmethiug tile matter wItl your eyes
' -a pair of eyeglasses or bleetacIes mimay be
needed-perhaps not-anyway , our opticians
will be perfectly frank with you amId will
honestly tell you vhat to dc-we tot eyes
tree-and wo have the largest and most
. CoIlmilleto stock of optIcal good.a In the west ,
I Aloe & Penfolci Co.
V 1gl f 1bI T.tois
ntrou&otsboru. a
5111 , CIL.t H I.IS Ili1.t'l'ONIhIUOGIS'1'
Formerly with Snow , Lund & Co. , is now
one of tllO mnclnborll of our staff-lIe will be
glad to meet any of hLs old friends hero and
give ti'emn thu advantage of buying at the
ICIVeSt. lrices ever quote'U-C4)ticura Soap. 15c
a cake-hood's Sarsaparihia , GSc a bottle-
Vine Itolafra , SOc-Value's Celery CoIn.
pound , GTc-Castoria , 22c-antl all oIlIer pro.
priotary mnodiclnes at the same proportion-
ably cut Prices-and Illind-Wo dii any dcc.
tor's Prescription at the lowest prices known
-graduated phlarlnacists in charge.
Kuhn's Drug Store ,
Really the only fli A.
Cut } rice Drui Store ' ' otig as
Appmprtion ! for Rivers and llarlors
Finally Go Through.
Alien I'rntpltM tUliIlMj Lllrlxe fiemi.1-
Iture , . nii.I l'ryo iteilileM that
tim 11111 Is 'hllt thu
I'Clile 'l1llt ,
\VASIINGTON , May 13-Tilo river and
lmarhjor appropriation bill was passed by
the senate today after an unusually sternly
uxperielIce , lasting many days. As finally
lasseh , tile bill nlakes direct appropriations
of $12,200,000 and authlorizes continuing contracts -
tracts of $ GI.OOu,000 , an aggregate of about
s7o,000,000. nllring the debate today the state-
lilelmit was muodo that. tIlls vas tile largest
aggregate for a river end harbor bill in
tile history of the government. Mr. Gor.
mIlan sought to secure an anlelldmelit to the
blil limiting the contract expenditures to
$10,000,000 anlllls.hiy , but the alnemidnment was
tabietl-ycas , 40 ; lISYS , 23. Mr. Frye , chair-
muon of the conmmnerco conilntttee , closed the
debate on the bill by a statement showing
the ronmarkohio deveboplllent of American
comniorce and tito coliseqIlent decreasing
freight rates , On the final pasmage of time
bill , nine senators voted in the negative. A
milliuber of iietio bills on the calendar were
passed during the dab' , illeludlug tile bill
requIring a year's resitlenco ill allY terrt-
tory as a reilniatte to divorces. Tile 1)ti-
pout contest came comes up by agreement
Tilu river and harbor bill was taken
Imp as ooon as the L'cllato convened -
vened today , the agreement being
that the final Vote be taken at 3 o'clock.
Tue pending question was Mr. Gerillall's
anmolldlnent directtlig the secretai'y of war to
so nplortlon contract app.oprlations that not
moro than $10,000,000 be expelided on COIl-
tracts in one year.
Ilefore a roil call , Mr. Vest gave IlOtice of
a mlminority report on the milled cheese hi I
by himself and Senators Walthaii , Harris ,
Jones and \\'hite.
Time bill wa passed for tile appointment of
gllardians for pensioners in the District of
Columbia to prevent the squandering of peo-
slon money by drinking or vicious iuibtts.
Proceeding witim tile river and harbor bill ,
Mr. Vest oIpOsOd limo German amendment ,
declaring that it would permit tile secretary
of war to nullify time river and harbor bill
amid to slibStitute hil' opinion in iiOtl of that
of congress. lb dill not believe there would
he a parth'an in the chamber vhw would give
such autocratic power to a cabinet officol' .
lie Imaml never known a secretary of war to
whom 110 would extend such vast power.
While he was a. democrat end knew the ox-
penilltures would be made by a dorn'ocratic
otflclal until March 3 next , yet that was not
a factor to consider , as lIe oppose1 any such
abdication of power by congress and its
transfer to olle official.
Mr. Gormuan insisted timat tlmere was not
au abdication of power , but merely a llmlta-
tipn of the P0WO of time secretary of war so
thmat not more than $10,000,000 would be
spent annually on contracts. It wasa neces.
sary provisIon , said Mr. Gorman , in view of
the fact that "this is the first time in the
hli.StOl7 of the government timat we have gone
Into time wholesale business of authorizing
contracts. "
If he were secretary of war. said Mr. Gorman -
man , lme would apply time rule suggested b
Mr. Sherman of Ilot obligating the government -
ment for one dollar of these contracts until
congress made. provialon for the revenues to
meet tilellI. This amendment was mereiy a
caution to our executive officer that in view
of our condition lIe mnust not spend more
timan $10,000,000 a year. The senator cx-
pressell 'Ills appreciation of time river ammO
harbor bill-the most important of the appropriation -
priation bills-hut this amendment would
Iernit anmpie expenditures with imroper him-
Ill reply to a , suggestion of Mr.'hite that
the secretary of war had already ehown a
dispositIon to restrict river and harbor work ,
Mr. Gormall took occasion to express lila
high personal regard for the present score-
tary of war , hut time renator felt that hle
could not conscientiously give his vote to a
immeastmro that would "put it in the power of
one man to spend money that tile government -
mont docs not l1C'SCsS. "
The debate took a wide range under tile
IIVO-lllilllto rule , which had been agreed on.
Tile amnlldmnent by Mr Gray was accepted
that time 10,000,000 restriction apply specially
to comitracts anti not to direct alpropriationa.
Mr. Allison proposed an amendment fiximig
tile limitation on contract expen1iturcs at
$12,000,000 annually.
Mr. Vest moved to table tile Gorman prop-
Ositioll and nil amelidmonts. which muotion
revaiied-Yeas , 40 ; nays , 23 , as follows :
Yeas-Republicans :
Alirlch , Lolge. Quay ,
Balcer , atclrlde , Soweii.
mlmrrows. Muntid , Sliarman ,
( 'alneron , aitlellell of Ore. , SlIoup ,
CUm0lll , NeI.on , SluIr , ' ,
mlllwte , l'erklns , Thurstnn ,
lilicins , l'etttgres' , V'tm'l- & ' ,
l'rye , PlaIt , Wtlsomm-2.
Cal I i nger ,
1)ensocrats : I
llncon , Oeol-ge , I'tlgb ,
13i-ry , Jones of Ark. . Ve.t.
Iml , ' ckt i.rn. ri Ills , ' , Vtilt lulI.
C' 'leery. l'aSCO , Wllite-12.
Pop-uiista :
PuLler. Jones of Nev. Stewart-S.
hiisoa , Chendler , Hawley ,
Llrollm , Gear , l'ructol-G.
Democrats :
nate , ( ray , iltitCilehi , Wis. ,
lIrice , linIris , itoach ,
CoCklell. Still , illlitt. .
FauhIllCr , mln'maty ,
German , lartill ,
I'opulist.s :
. % Ilemi , I'eOer , iyle-3.
Tile Sabbie I'aas , Texas , project was re-
dlmced from $1,403,000 to $1,000,000 on imso-
thIn of Mr. Frye.
Mr , Llmulstiy , democrat of Kentucky , offered -
fered an amelmdliment directing time aecretary
of war to so adjust contracts that not more
tiuin 20 jier cent of ermy appropriation would
be expenmieti in any one year ,
Mr. Smniths , democrat of New Jersey , said
110 hoped annie alne000lelIt limiting ex-
ImenlitlIrea would prevail , Th.o aggregate of
tile bill , including contract , reached about
$70,000,000. an aillollnt UnpreCedeflte(1 ammO
( loilbie that ill tile best timuce of the country ,
Commeidoring the busilleoJ conditions of tile
4. . .
thIn ut , i1tl Is-I ) ' 1O 'i'lii 1".tC'I'-
That tile "Eclipse" bicycle is bV all odds
tile very best wheel mnanufacturod-it lIas
more improvements that others are unable
to copy-because fully patented-than any
other rmiachluo made-granted that rldord
ilero know but littio '
about It-it's all
eastern maclilac-and this i its first year
hmer-but for all that It is tile highest grade
high grade bicycle ever seen in tileso parts-
its beauiy-lt strength-its sv1ttness-lts
weight-appeal to the best thoughts of every
expert who looks at it ,
Wolfe Electrical Co.
Nothlsldeftrcot. 4 .
Opp. now l 0. RPJ 0 ye
country and of time tr.pllry part of the
government money beifl raised by bonds ,
Congress was not justitleil In appropriating
a gre.ter amount thsame-.ver befipre in tile
history of tile governrnon ( ,
On motion of Mr. Fryi ; the amendment of
Mr. Linllsay WflS tabledi "Yeas , 37 , nays , Is ,
'the detailed vote beinf Ubm'tantiaiiy the
sarno as the previous one.
Mr. Alien , populist of Nebraska , said lie
was astonished ( list i1emtjcrats joined with
republicans ill Bmlpportin ; ttis bill. The vast
atliolmllt Involved would be exlendel ) by a
republIcan secretary of + ar , according to the
present political otmtiook , imq saul. It would
doubtless benefit reinmbllcitn camuaigns. and
thin senator said ho could mn(1erstalmd ( why
republican senStors supported it , bmt not
wily democrats should. , Mr. llon pointed
out. in detail time number of creeks , mill
) On)1s ) , lsgooas and m1itchem in tile imlll.
Zdr. 1"rye vigorously ro.ented Mr. Alien's
reluarks. The Nebraska senator ( lid not
know what ha was talking about , declared
Mr. Frye. Some of these so-called creeks
.sero great arteries of colmitnerco. Tbl was
an old play on time word creek. It was an
antiquated , worn-omit play , imearll time and
again. Mr. Frye said ime was sick of hearing -
ing senators rising here and talking ecolmonmy
when the sonic cenntorh caine before the
COmnlmlitteo amid demmianded increased appro-
Mr. Alien responded that it was always
possible for an artful mind to conjure Ill )
a stibterfno of defense for any injustice.
Mr. Bate. democrat of Tennessee , solmglmt
to secure an illcreae from $ SO,000 to $250,000
for Culliherland river , Tennosse. Tue seim-
ator cleated a laugh by declarIng timat
while hme aiProwed ecanoniy in apPropriations ,
yet it was hardly to be exlectetl lie womld
stand by and see people get a wimolo loaf
and lie but a lIce ,
Tile anlendmnent was tabled on motion of
Mr. Frye.
Time bill was abotmt to be put on Its filial
passage , when Mr. Frye asked fifteen nun-
tIles to answer critlclsmns timat liami been
made on th 1)111. The senator spoke with
great animation 0110 was listened to with
much attention , Never before , said Mr.
Frye , Ilad there been such llnafllrnolls do-
liiatiil for river amid harbor imirovemllents as
tills year. It IntO come from all sections. It
had been the ( lenuand at tile Arnericamu ieo-
isle and in response to that demand this
bill was presentell.
The bill was then put on its passage.
Mr. Smith , democrat of Now Jersey , de-
mended the yeas anti nays. On tue roll
call tile lsihl was lassed-yeas , 57 : nays , 9.
Timose who voted in the negative were :
Ilate of Tennessee , Cllilton of Texas , Harris
of Tennessee , Hill of New York , Smith of
New Jersey and Vtlas of Wisconsin , democrats -
crats : IJrown of tJtall , republican , and Allen
of Nebraska and Kyle of South Ijakota , pop-
The chair named Senators Frye , Qnay and
Vest as conferees on time river and harbor
lUlls were passed as follows : Amending
time law as to Practice in the United States
courts in the Indian Territory ; amending
the act granting pensions to survivors of
11101511 wars , so as to include tile survivors
of the Fevre river war , Sablne Indian dis-
ttlrbance , Cayuee var , tile Florida Seminole
wars and the Texas and New Mexican In-
titan wars , time CalIfornia Indian disturbances -
ancos of 1851-52 and the Indian wars of
Utah , Oregon and Washington ; relating to
thlo sale of printed copies of patents ; relatIng -
Ing to guarantees on . proposals for naval
supplies ; making it unlawful to slloot or
throw stones or other ndssiles into any
locomotive Or car in Indian. Territory ; masking -
ing ono year's residence in a territory requisite -
ite for a divorce , and _ for-the construction
of a bridge over tue1 Mistssippl river at
St. Louis.
Mr. Allen songilt to amend time bili relating -
ing to practice in tile ourta of Indian Too-
ritory so as to apply to thoquestion of contempt -
tempt in all United States courts , except
the supreme court , and made a speech in
support of the amendment. lie characterized
the abuse of the rigimt 'of' injunction as a
term of slavery. This effort by Mr. Allen
brought out a statement from him that
Ito would seek to get up the regular bill
provilling for contempt of court immedl-
ately after the disposal of time resolution
for time election of "enators by time people.
Mr. Mitcilohl 55111 in turn ho would make
an effort to secure conv1ieratlon of th hatter -
ter resolution after the'passage bf all the
appropriation bills excOpt the general de-
Mr. Allen withdrew Ida amendment and
tIle Indian Territory bill passed. A
number ot hills were passed granting con-
( lonuned cannon halls to the Grand Army
of tile Repnbiic posts , to one of wllich Mr.
Cimanilhor of New Ilamupahire secllreli an
am0ndrnent that au remainIng comldonuned
cannon be given to time Grand Army of tile
At 6 o'clock the senate adjourned.
VellezmlehImmI Comnimmissiomi 11t-'tpm.
WAShINGTON , May 13.-All of the menu-
bees of the Venezuelan boundary commission
were present at tIle regular meeting save
Juetice Ilrower , who has been called to
Texas by the ( heath of his daughter. The
proceedings were of a routine character , being
contlmmed to time consideration of special reports -
ports from indIvidual members of tile progress -
ross mpa0e by timem in tmmoir respective has
of wc'rk. It was announced that the score-
tary of the interior ilad. detalied Mr. Baker ,
who ilas been engaged from time to time
upon cartographic work for tile cotmunuisslon ,
to devote ills full timme to that work. A
limited number of nanpa have been ordered
to be prepared showing all of the features of
all tlmo lmlap'J Of value so far preeemuted to
the conumniason ,
After disposing of time routine business
tile committee adopted the following reso-
I U Ii 011 :
Resolved , That tIme members of the 00mw-
mission present , ilavilig hleard with deep
regret that President Brewer had , since
the last meeting , met a severe domestic
aihiiction , they desIre to place on record
all extression of sympathy with him end
his fimnliy : in their sorrow , nni as lL marie
of their respect they now adjourn.
Commit Cu us fii' liii lIl'sllim ) ' ,
Judge .Slabaughl-45.20 , 43-138 , 47-31 , 49-Il ,
50-70 , 51-7 , 51.19 , 51-216 , 49-ISS , 52-51 , 52-161 ,
52-181 , 52-239 , 52-347 , 52-359 , 52-33 , 52-380 , 52-
:199. :
LOaL. ithtIt2'l'I'iES.
Karl B. lCnclss of San Francisco , chief
clerk to Gemmeral Agent Canileid of the Milwaukee -
waukee road , wes in tue city yesterday.
BOnn Ewing , charged with stabbing IAhlie
Young with Intent to kill , ilas been boumi
over to the district court by Judge Gordon ,
time bonds being $800 ,
A largo hole wasimed ommt by tue rains at
'ruvcnty-rollrtil and Franklin atroote was reported -
ported at tIme pollee station last maigilt ; a see-
timi of Faveilmellt caved ill at Sixteenth and
Jones and a large area of block pavolmmont
washed out 00 Sixteenth , south of the viaduct -
duct , I-
. _ . ,
IT'S .VICE 'I'o liE A "S'I'.tit" _
Every lady knows and appreciates the
"Star' silirt waists for her bay or the "Star"
waist for hmerselt-as being the Ilmiest in the
world-all reliable lluu'es sc1i thenu-ali good
dresaora vear theln-and "Star" shirts for
rnen-tnado by the iummme pooiile-tlme shin
has yet to be made tilat. equals it-time "Star"
shirt Is wilat you want-especially as we
sell for $1.35 the "Star" neghigecs that otilors
get $1.50 for-tile $2.00 kilmd for $1.50-the
3.00 kind for $2.50-going to have a "neck.
tie party" next week-When we vihl "string
up" a lot of PeoPle.
Albert Cahn ,
Mail orders
tIlled always. ariiatn.
- -
- - -
Drawers4 Uiidersliirts.
$1.50 French baibriggan /7j $ I,50 French balbrigqan
unbicached . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t''C uiidcr1iirts , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
$1.00 drawers , of fl iOo undershirts1 of
elegant quality . . . . . . . . . . . . LPC c1egantcuality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
50C drawers cut 50C undcrshirts1 cut
. . C . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
ill 1)riCC to , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III price to.
You'll never get a better chance ,
. N > Y *
h--- , , : - ' - - - > - . . , c : \ - t 4/ . . -
V'15h11311. iit'hl\ 'l'O iIH Ci-INS'L ltFh ) .
Cetrnl I.mtlumr IJnIuim S's N.m ' .S'ny to
iiimf..rce I ito i'iimtl ty.
It was on the card that Presldeimt K. S.
Fisher was to be eer.sumreti at the meeting of
Central Labor union last nIght , but as ilO
steadfastly refused to be formally censlired
tile body could see no way to omiforce its
penaity , Tile grounds of Fisher's refusal
were that he had never had a hearing on
the clmarges of which he was convicted , hIlt
the trial was on altogetlmor dlffefent charges.
Resolutions were read from tile Typograpll-
ical union , which body Fisimer represellts Imu
the central body , protesting against time pro-
ceedlngs on tile grounds nuentioned. Tills
colnmIItlntcaton vas laid on thie table. Presi-
demit Fisher thereupon tendered his reslglma-
tion , but by a vote of 12 to 10 tIm resigna-
tlon was not accepted Ills opponents tllmaIly
decided tilat tue resobutiomma of censure passed
at a previous meeting were sufficient and
the luatter was dropped.
-\V. 13. Daniels , A. 0. Gale , Chlanles Salle-
Ilk , J. C. Anderson and 11. E. Easton , who
have beeml prominent in the prosecution of
Failer , tendered their resignations as menI-
hera of Central I..abor union , hilt they were
mut accepted on tile groulill that the dde-
gatea COUllI ilot resign and could only be
withdrawn by the body whlchl sent them.
The ( lelegates announced such action would
be taken before the next meeting of Central
Labor mIllion.
A ruling by tile chair tlmat J. C. Anderson
of tile Federated union was not entitled to
1 % seat because Imis uniomu was In arrears for
duos to the central body raised a stormn , and
on appeal from time ruiilmg it was decided
tile cllairlmian had no right to unseat a dclii-
gate before an Investigation hmad been held
by a proper comlmmittee ,
Omnalma high Selmol Alilmilmil Notes.
The delay in sending tickets for time an-
nuai reception to thosa who paiti this year's
dues is caused by tIle uncertainty which
existed until recently as to the date of
commencement. Prof. Leviston has notified
the treasurer of the Alumni association
that the class of' ' 90 wiil hold its graduating
exercises , Thuradny evening , June , so
that tIle reception given this class by the
alumni body will he the following evenilma
and in all probabihit5a at Metropolitan hal ,
Twemity'-thuird and Ilarney streets.
TIme tickets of admission to the reception
ilavp been printed nfll will be mailed this
week to all who have paid this year's dmiea.
Tile ftnfltlnl dues have been reduced to
50 cents for this year , likewise the initiation -
tion fee , in consequence of which a great
mamiy Ilighu school graduates who never
jinet1 time Aiumni associntion have been
enrolled as menuhers.
Mamay of the nlmlmni who intend to pay
tIme annual dues are still putting thmo mnatter
off. It is hoped that thley Wil not delay
any longer , but send the ro cents at once
to tile treasurer , James L. Houston , Jr. ,
505 Simeely block , that time executivci board
may know what funds it vihh have at its
I'i6iLSON.tI. t''lIS.
lion. S. It. Wetilerald of Ilebron Is in the
Judge IV. F. NorrIs of Ponca was In the
city yesterday.
L. J. Coyle and J. M , Davey of Ponca yore
imi tIle city yesterday.
J. J. Brown has gone to Aslmlaid , Neb. ,
on a short business trIp.
Ex-Judge P. G. Ilamer of Kearney wa
looking over time city yesterday.
F. Therney and J. A. harris of Broken
130w were Olnalla visitors yesterday.
George H. Brooks of Bazile MilLs was
looking over time political field yeateriay.
Grant Truborn , H. L. Ewing and B. II ,
Fogg of Beatrice wore at the hotels yester-
Lincoln was represented in tIle city yeter-
day by W , T. Stevens , J. C , White , S. J.
Dennis amid W. L. Barnum.
Mrs. Francis , wife of J. Francis of tile
liurhingtomi , left for Chicago last eveniog ,
acconullanic(1 by her daughter.
Porter Warner , editor of tile lcadwoocl
Times , ss'as in the city several ilours yea-
terday while en rollte to Cilicago.
0 cargo \V , Jiclciluson asslatami t gi'mmeral
superintendent of time Northmcrn 1'.ucific and
party left for their lmome Ill 'raaoila .15-
Benjamin Paddock of tills city heft for
Beatrice last evening in order to ottenil thlO
funeral of tIle eldest daughter of Mrs. S. C.
Slnithi of tlmat city , Miss Slllitil hot ! from
time effects of a sllrgical oporatian lwrfonllled
in New York city recently. The ( umlital
takes place today.
Nebraskans at time hotels : C. \Vaikor ,
Kearmmoy ; Henry Ilolton , Scbuylen ; (1. 5.
Ilardlllger , Lexington ; Edvurd L , liuolee ,
Genoa ; I' . Kamiagy' , Crete ; L. L. Lease anti
Ij. F. Gilfrey , Arlington ; he , L. and A , It ,
Oxford , hihootmulheiti ; J. 'F. Roberts , Tecumnsdil ;
JV. . Gnmbba , Rushuviule ; tseorgo S. Wooti ,
Clay Center ; it. II. lirainard , Cetlar Biufta ;
A. S. Sands , Wilber : George I ) . Itikor ,
Clark A. lianlon and J. H. Struve , Blair ,
- . \
1)1)115 'I'hllIVA'i'JIIt GO 'i'IlhIOtJGiI.- . .
Or is you roof in gotxt condItion-the gut-
tening-tor instance-stopped up-or leaky-
your cistern ought to be full by this limo-
after all these rains-we've got the handiest
hot of tinnenmi in our titlailop that fix up liii
roofs and gutte'nings in th quickest possi.
bbo time amid 1mm tile best possible manner-
It's a big branch of our business that we are
careful to see aucceed-wllcn we imromnlse an
order-you can rely upon it-one telcplmono
call does time businesa-and our bill ii
nearly nothing.
John Hussie Hdwr Co
Consider our prices407 C
How little they are.
A packed 110115. ) at lloyd's last ta gut testi-
fietl to time local luolularit ) ' of Sutorllls' imman-
dolltu omchmostra , for , it is entirely safe to pre-
sumac , no musical trganizatioll cotmId hutve
drawn so many people through one of tIme
worst storlns of tllo reason unless its P1)1)11-
iarity was firnuly grolmnled. The concert of
tell liulllbers 51111)1) ' rellaill tIme audItors for
amiy discomfiture they mmuay imave experlemleetl
on their way to the timeater. l'rof. Slitorlus
nlutl hi orc.mnstra , comprising eighty-five hull-
aicians , were supported by the Imperial Banjo
altO Guitar club , thirty in number , illider tile
direction of B , II. Cumnllmimmg , amId time two
orgallizations tilUS comnbilletl were assisted
by Mr. Iioiiier Moore , baritone , almd Mr. Sig-
imiutiti Lulutisherg , uccolnpallist.
Tlmo opelmillg miulllber , time "iialtimoro Amer.
lean" 11150dm , by the full Ctreligtil of bath
organizations , nuado a favorable impresslomu ,
which was increaaetl by tue relmdition of tIme
nuarch 'Iloall Ideal" by tile imuuponial club ,
hIlt it was in tIme closing nulmlber of tile first
part , ' 'EvenIng Music , ' ' that time real miucrit
mmli strclmgthi of tiim ctmnmhmimued musIcal or-
ganizatiotus was bromlglmt out. TillS lmulmmbor
was given with a flmiishi of execmmtian eldomn
heard in like performances. Tilts , amid tue
nuelody "Don't Be Cross" were the luatable
lleCes of tilt. evening.
Two nuhuuber5 Oil time progranu are wortimy
of eSleClal mention. The guitar sextet. Cool-
hoSed of Messrs. Elliott , Berhmimard'igton ,
Ilindlnan , Zitzmumnnn and Suterlus , offered a
composition arranged by Prof. Sutorlus and
remltlered is'ltlu nallch delicacy. In tilt' second
part another sextet , comprising Messrs. B.
itznmann , Potter , Dulun , lhilldliiatuV. . Zitz-
mann anti Sutorius , rendered time prayer from
"Lohengrin. " and it proved to be the humest
luotabbe miumber of tluo evening.
Mr. 110111cr Moore received his usual Omalma
welcome and each of his three nunubers wac
heartily encored. Mr. Landsberg's ability as
an accompanist added much to the enjoyment
of the vocal nulnbers.
Altogether the colCert wac a success , graIl-
tying alike to Prof. Sutorius and time mnusl-
clans wito assisted hlnu.
A concert was given at Young Men's Chris-
than ossaciation tlahl last evenIng for tIme
benefit of tile Swelilsil Methodist Episcopal
cimurcil , and despite tile storlmay weather a
fair crowd was In attelumlalmce. The affair
was under tile dlrectiomm of Prof. Adeif
Edgremm , amid consisted of cimorlmses renllercd
by the Nordelu Sulmgihig society add time
Swedish Ladles' choir , salon by Misses
Macher amid Joliiuean and C. A. Jacobson , Tile
clmoruoes were oxtm-enucly well remltli'reti , and
elicIted a generoun amount of npplammae. Miss
Macher amId Mr. Jacobstc.mi are well lemmowlu
favorItes , and received au ovatIon on timeir
nppoarallCe and were compelhell to respond to
an encore.
By far time most tnkulmg Part of the pro-
graIn , imow'over , was a medley of old Swodtsil
"folk" ongs rendered cmi coatlllne. Artistically
it was muot up to time .standarll of some otimor
portione of tile programmu , perllaps , but it
appeared to awaken plearunt Ilmemaries in
tile ilearts of tile audIence , whmicim founli vent
in unstilitetl applause , and tIle sngers were
colmllleihed to repeat several llthlllbers.
A wondrous insigilt into tile life of Napoleon -
poleon in given by Iuloa in tile historical
play. "Josptmlne , " whilclm will be presented
at Boyd's tlleater on Sunday and Monday
nigimtti. Tue love Napoleon bears Joseplline
in shown timroughommt time play , notwitimstammd-
ing their separation by mlivorce obtailmecl for
state reasomms , the sufferlmmg of time remarkable
man is at all times aplarent , Tile parting
after the divorce lies been granted is said
to ho one of tile mutest affecting sceimes in time
earlier Part of tue play. JosephIne's ivomi-
derful loyalty. evelt after time eeparatietm , no-
veals 11cr ill all time streimgth ammO nobility of
true and falthmful weman.
Tuesday night lthoa will close 11cr hilnited
eligagemnellt wIth a pictureeqmmo prodmlction at
her now historical romantic play , "Nell
' ' decided hit this \vllu-
Gwynne , whmlcii made a \ -
ter in Now York City anti timrommgilout time
cad , It is said to lie a most charming liay ,
Leopold Godowe'ky , time enulnent Emmeslan
pianist and composer , iu-iii present a recital
at the Crcigimtomi Sattmrday , May 16 , at 8
o'clock , wllen lIe will oiler to the lovers of
numlsic emue of tilma moat oiaborato progratmlu
evel imeard in tlmia city , au follows :
Carnival , Op. 9 . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .Sciimmmmn
A.i'e ittnria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seiuulnrt.Ltezi
Flllehhimmgs-Glmtmlhe . . . . . . . . . . . Sc'imuhert-iiaxt
Ir.vitatlon to the Dance . . . . . . Weber-Tnimstg
I'rolullo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopin
Timnee Htudie' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChopIn
Itel'celto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopirm
Vltiite , Op. Oi , No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChoiLim
Scherzo , C slmnrp mnimmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopimu
I is linde , A lilt t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( lilopimi
r'o'onmtmse , Op. l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cimopltm
liahiet Music from Alcete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . , . . . , , . . ' , , " , , ' . . . , . Giuck-Saint $ aens
1Vmtlilemirauaeimctlm - ( Murnuers of tile
Forest ) . , . , , . , , . , , , , . , , . . , , , , , . , . , , . . . , , . , , LISzt
t- :
I'I'S I'Ol'iJL.t flI'V's I NOhI i.tSES- . .
Tile automatic plamio-tlmo one thmat plays
all by itself-doria by electriclt-calls out
bigger crowds every day-the recital lasts
from l:30 : to 1:30 : datly-aad is free to all
wile wish to hlear it-Saturday ovmizmllmgs
frormi 7 to 9-the attachment-while uaed on
a Italbett & Davis-can ho placed on any
llano-and is IlOt as ( iXielisiVe as sortie
would thmimmk-tlmo music Is not on time hmand
organ atyie-'but perfect. notes of the Purest
ammO sweetest soulIli-simowing a delicacy of
touch that is simply alnazing ,
A. Hospe , jr. ,
Music asmdArt 1o13 Douglas
IUE1 [ ( i\i'1IllEE : \ VOTES
Broatoli Makes a Disnitul Failure of 0ontro-
Hug the Tliuratou Republican Club.
'i'sv , . City Iimmmlli4)'M immimi ( ) mm , ( ) tlmi'r
5bemler of the Cimmim .tll time' SImm-
tiumm ( mm ltem'mmllMl , lt'r S'omm m'.I _ -
Iimmrte ltmmits ii , iisr.oimst.
There was a lively nmeetiimg of time Thurston
ltollllbhlCahl Clmlb at. its iIeatlIllmlrters in tllO
l'attermlu biocle lat Ilight , At a mmmeotllmg
, Jleltl about a ircele ago tim club imall IlhulIni-
niously lassetl rcsolmitioims Cildersillg time camm-
ditlacy of J. II. MacCoil for govermmor. Since
timat timume tile sullponicra , at tile Broatch almm-
bltion hmavo been endeavorimmg to induce the
nlellmbera to reconsider that piece of logis-
1511011 , Laat lligilt.las time tilmlo fixed for a
ilnal effort to strike a blow ill , iefolmsa of
Limo Breatclm interests , aimd instructions wore
edit to nuemimbe-ra with whommi time city 110111111-
istration ilas a 1)1111 to be llreselt to assist
ill t ill ) Uhmdeltltl ( 11mg. Sm Pel'ill tunllelltlatim be-
Sen of tile cIty Imahl ordereti two of hmi elevator -
vator COlldllctors'llO are miuetmibers of time
climb , not to tail to be on hahld almil midmmmimu-
intratien Pull was worked for all it was
worth ,
The mcmi who were expected to vote for
rescllmdilmg tilO rosoltitioti were on 115110 when
tile cilib met last niglmt , almd as soon as a
favorable poInt wau reached in thle proccmi-
inge Building IlmspecIur Ilarto arose amId
Inoved ttmat the records as reiatimlg to time
MllcCOil resailmtlons bo expumlgl'd. lie tie-
dared timat. if 1110 policy of supportIng Mac-
Call wore pel'siatetl ilm ituomlld break up time
club. Ito urged tilat it was ilnhlortahmt that
all Oumalla 1111111 511011 III be tIl (5 ml OX t governor
on a000mllmt of the Trllllsnhisdsmmilhi exposi-
tiohl. Time governor wullld ilavti the priviiego
of appointilig fully 501) ) 111011 to vitrlolls position -
tion coiitiectod witim tile fair , nmmtl it Brruatelm
vero ctected time fliliOlltCeS ) ) iioliiti nil be
Olmuaila 111011.
Othuor Inelubors called nttcmmtiolu to time fact
that tim only oulicial tue govermuar 11511 tile
llo\'er to appoint was 1110 VI'O jIresitielIt for
Nebraska , aliti as 110 liaml aircamly beohm fll-
Polluted ammO no salary was tmttucimed to tile
hOSitlOhI they could see no reason why timey
SiloUld tall over timellmseivos to elect Broatcim ,
A veto wac tilen taken. au liarie's mllottomm ,
\vhlicil WilO defeated by nn overwitollllimmg Inn-
jorlty , Only tied miuemnbers beslilea ilarlo
Vflteli for time mllltioli , 1(11(1 ( 0110 of tileln W.I5
aico 0110 of hiroatcim'ms appointees. hiarto then
declared that imo womild ittavo tue chili , , ammml
I mm tlmis hmo was iou hell I ) ) ' tit m ( it II or ci ty CIII-
ploye. Time timird flmelliber ivimn votctt to ox-
1)llIt0 tile resOllItlOlul ) dttl not Join in tile 50-
cession ,
SI m' , 1)t'll'l' Ieel I mmm's.
OMAIIA , May 13.-To tile Editor of Tile
Bee ; Itegarding my culmditiacy to be 0110 of
tile tlmreo delegates-at-large from this state
to tIme iOplmllSt Imatlonal coiivontioii , reference
to wimlcum was immado ill Time hleo of yesterday ,
I wish to say to Imly friends who have so
kindly oltereri to 'asist mu Ilmat I believe
our senator antI governor yllolmhll each be oimo
of time delegates-nt-large , amId as they 110111
live ill time North I'atto : hualt of time state ,
I tlmiimk no a Immatter of jmlstieo the timinmi , itiio-
gate Ililollid caine fromn IsolIthi of time l'latto ,
I tb Hot mmueaml by thtl that there is ally
sectional foolIng in our larty ; far train it ,
lint I 111111k it would give bettor satisfaction ,
almmi , tllereforo , I iVill mmot be a candidate far
delegato-at-largo. I ) , CLEtI DEAVEII.
. - _
tVmmitshm ( ui IM I IS It ii ii ii lug 'jimmie.
Effective Stmndny , May 17 , tIle Wabammil
will silortemi its time scllclluie between timl
city anti St. Louis. Time train thmat heaves
hero at 4 :10 : Ill thmo atterimoon will arrive
Ill St. Louis time next niormmlrig at 7 o'clock ,
rv'lmmcing the m'llrlnillg time twenty-five mnirl-
aloe. Tile retllrlm traimm isili leave SI , Louts
at 11:15 : i. nm. and arrive in thus city at 11:5' : ' )
tile next Illorning , saving ulfty muinutea ,
S1lell IL-ulmy woe sick , we gave uer Castorfa.
WIlell Idle iI'iIS a Cllild , lmo cried for Castorie. .
Whmemu shic hICcamIlli ithias , slmo L'htUif t1) Castoria.
Wiran she had Childrcim , abe gave 1110111 Cwttorl
' ?
' 1' SVO % 'Iii1DI Fi"J1iti : % ' I' $ iiTS-
Such a demand hia been made ion our
ladies' $3.00 tan simou-witim a pretty mmeedio
too-that we've now put in tile SOICO style
in black-at time sarmie Iinico-tbme tan-you
know-ia that Popular brummetie that is netlike
like anytiiiog else uI towmm-bethm of tlmuau
bmotts are time $5.00 srt-imut our lunice it ,
$3.00-you can jt'at us well save 2.00 as mlot
-for they'll be just as atyllab anti will wear
just as bug as amuy $5.00 hmeo you can boy
outside our store-the price. is tile only
cilcaim tilillg about tiiemn ,
Drexel Shoe Co.
Bond for our 111mm. . 419 F"l'u
tratetl Catalogue , " '