Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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- 3 TIlE oMAhA DAirY JV1i : TIItT11SIAYMAr 11 , 189fl. .
rnlnfall amntntR to 2.t Inches. Fruit pro
poet I flnt' and the tarmer , ttro rejoicing ,
IIIATRIC1I1 May 1L-Special.-WIth ( ) a
raintali of over three inI1eH within the past
twenty-four hours ann tiiI a eU'ndy (10Wfl
pour it thoki as though thia aection of the
tnte haa enough niGlatlire.
TIKAMA1f , Neb. . May 13.-Sp'cit.-tt ( )
lini ; raine4 herA teadI1y for the paiL twcnty
, four hour. , btit the itorm ha at no tirnO
been peyote ,
. TfCUS1ti ! Nh. , May 13.-Spcelal.-A ( )
, aoaklng rain fell over Jehnon county iat
night anti tolay. Two inchc of prectpl'atbn
watt rte1.
W4YN1 , Neb. , Mny l.-SpetIal.-Wayic ( )
county 1 enjnying riflO of ttie flit rains .f
the ieaon. It cominenco raining Init Iit
arni It i ; tI1I ratning. The cropi are all in
fluio condition. Conlk'rab1o corn 1ia been
lilanteil. nrmer are nil grently cncnura'c'1 '
over the trovect9 of an nitiithnt harvvt
thh fall.
YORK , Not ; . , May 13.-ISpecial Telegram. )
-It hn ben raining here Ine early tlIi3
mernlng So far over an iiicli lifl fallen.
with propect for rn're tonight.
1.IiI I A N SIS'I'IItIi ( ) fli ) CoNY iI'llN.
( ra tisl , t MM fl ' II I 1 I ol 1 re1z ( I.fl rg'I ,
t t ( e ii ii I' ii ,
, ' IlOll)1tlGX , sob. , May 13.-Special ( Tom.
gram.-Thu ) granl assenibly of the l'ythlafl
i9tert1cl of Ncbrnka 000venol ( In this city
today cml the bunting aiul triangles hold
high carnival tonight. fled. yellow , blue and
white are everywhere anti all tlio-lninlnesu
lioiie are protii.ely decortted and illzplay
large triangles CU11IOed or the eolor3 of the
order ovorbild with the letter3 I" C 13 and
I. ( frlolld3hlp. charity , benevolence and hove. )
There are in attendance Mrt. J. L. Grant
frotti Madison , Neb. . grand chancellor ; Mrs.
\v. A. lilworthi of Lincoln. past grand chan-
caller , and nil other grand ohhlcers. There
nra dclo&ates In attejidance from Onrthia ,
Lincoln , Madlpen , hlavolock. l1aeting , Kear.
nd , Granm hsaniL Gibbon , Shohtoii , McCook
and hlcatrico. The ho'al aetnbly of thil
Place entertaIn their vlitlng Iter at thu
B , & M hotel.
Most of the 1lelegate came in on tralna
hnt night anil were tnlen lii a body to the
opera house , where reerveth Ecats lied been
prepared for theni by the locah aisemhly.
% 'hiero they were entertained by a hecture by
ltiw. hr. McIntyre of 1)enver on "Buttoned
Ut ) People. "
Mrs. L. .7. TIthe gave a reception at her
home thili evening to the members of the
graii1 assembly anti frIends. There wa. a
iiintcal 01111 lIterary progrant by hmtiu talent ,
aaloted by Mrs. George Taylor of I1ntings ,
'who has charge of the prgram ( if the grani
, The grand chapter opened this morning
; in Ma200hc tetIIlle ) , where the re'ti1ar routlnu
: of buine of the asacinbhy wa. taken tip.
' Tomorrow vIll be the' election of oihlcer ,
( fohlowed by a banquet In the evening. There
are about nlcty members in attendance and
more are expected.
Vxiviiier n n.h 1IIs nit Hurt ,
CO\V1AS , Nd , . , May 1.-Speclal.-1tn ( )
aceldetit occured on the hhlhl ranch , four
miles north of town , last evening. Mr. uihi
Vtt9 trying to puhl the chevis pin which held
thrco horsea to a hister wheii the horses , at
wlio'e hieaihs Jlllt' sari , harry , was tandlng ,
becamu frightened an1 phungod forward ,
khocklng harry to the grcund , 11111's foot
caught in tile machine and the horses ran
away , dragging hint by the hog. Thin boy
\va.q caught In front of thu machIne and
draggei sortie distance when It pa&'d over
hits 1)0(13' ( . The hiores stopped at a wire
fence and lLihi re'eared himself and went
back tied carriel the boy to the hicui'e , but
flu signs of life were evident for sottie time.
1'hyiIclatiii were summoned and an examina-
tIe0 &iowetl nearly aih the ribs on one side
to be brokea , how had the Internal Injuries
. are La not known , but it h thmught they are
' very serloun. , Mr. 11111 Is considerably
shaken up himself ,
.s 111)141 II'I ( ' S114)II 'l't'iit'Ii ers II'Ct4'I1 ,
IIOLDILEGE , Nob. , May 13.-Speclah.- ( )
'I At a niecUng of the 13ard of Education the
I fohlowln teacher vere electel tot' the ensuing -
suing year : Prof. A. B. Stevens , superin-
tenihent : J. it , Fulk , principal of the \Vest
vard ; Miss Della High , PrincIpal of the East
ward ; Mls Reason of Iliac 11111 , Neb. , as-
sletailt prhncipal ; Mlae Gayhart of Blue III ! ! ,
Mrs. Porter , hls Exia Frank , Miss Edith
leghtoh , Miss Case , Miss Crawford and Miss
Barr of hlolthrogo and Mrs. Cortard , The
Hoard of Education has ducldei to raise the
teachers' wages , as the city's finances are
: In much better condition than for the last
three ycars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C1aiirvd ItIi Aiding CsitdIe 'I'Jileyc' . ,
O'r'JEILL , Neb , , May 1h.-Special ( Toe-
gram.-The ) county attorney swore out a
Warrant yesterday against John C. Carberry
Of Stuart charging him with aiding and
t abetting Fanton alid others in stealing the
Cross cattle at Atkinson last December. Car-
berry was arrested anti brought to this city
- today. Ho WaiVed rohIiiiIiiary hearing and
. was bound over to the ditict court In the
sum of 5OO. his son , Tom Carberry , and
John Fanton have beeti convicted of stealing
these cattle.
L 4)iiiii Jut Lfl % ) . 'I % Merts II IM Itigli t ,
TEICAM4\ , Neb. , May 13.-Speciah.-O. ( )
0. I'ope , an attorney of Omaha who visited
Lake Quinnobaug last vcek on his wheel.
got into a dispute wIth a farmer over their
respective rights to the road. The result
was that I'OIO ) ( hruw a revolver ajid the
farnior has had 11111) arrested for assault and
. threatening to shoot him. The case has beeti
: et for hearing on Saturday. May 23.
I I i'loiic&'r Viiz' I : , ( nily
flENiCE1MAN , Nob. , May 13.-Speclah (
Toicgram.-Vr.eIilan ) Scott , Otto of the first
settlers of thus county , was serIously In-
. . jtired in a runaway iiear town this morning ,
auth owing to his old ago it is doubtful If ho
will recover. lie was riding on a cart when
the band broke letting time cart drop back
ani the horse ran away. heyeraI ribs wcre
hlroken , his back Is limjureti and other In-
ternat Injuries ittay lIt. O fatal.
Mei'i'Iuim ii is ii nil : i.iin.i's 3Iet't.
YoItK , Neb. , May l'J.-Spoclah-At ( ) a
joint meeting of the York Coijimnercial club
and the farmers' InLhtuto held In the court
hiamico yeitrday Chancellor MacLean of the
State university dehivi'eth fl lutoresting ad.
dress , There vas a good attendance. lii the
eycniiig hia miiade an aihdres , bitt being cent
htell'd to leave at an cary hour In order to
catch a train , It. rathiei' short ,
' ( ) , ) t1 IiIt'U liii nu.'ti JIIINtI ngs.
H.\STINGS , Neb. , May l3.-SpecIal.Thi ( )
Modern \Voodmnoa of tiii city gave a ban-
iluct hast night to their friends. It was
give1 In thu Knights of h'ythlas bali auth
"as muttendod by about 300 peopie , flitting
this evening a finn aihdress was imiade by
Siato Deputy 7Jnhc , % liu SPOke at length
upon the order and was loudly applauded.
iteIIhIiICatIIN lt'i't un rvi'II ,
' flt1ItVELL , Nob. , May .
'I l3.-Spcclah-- ( )
The rChubhican county central coiniuulttea helil
a meeting Saturday muuud called thu county
convention to fleet at this hiluco Juno 13.
Tue call Is emily to elect delegates to th
etato anti caiigrttshomial coimvoritjons and
r there will tie a call later fat' county othicers
and 5tate i'enator.
ilittr orllenlrluo hhI'MI7IM ,
DiATfllCIL May 13.-Speclal.-Mayor ( }
Grablo hiandeti In his rclguatIon tr the city
council Ia evenhmig , amiti time vacancy wa
flhlcth by time election of John lwyor , coin.
morclal aRent of time hhurllngtoim. The Va.
canry In the councIl will be Upplltiih at the
next maccling.
Liver Ifli
Like biliousness , mhyspepsla 1icailache cQnstt-
Istloim , sour totuaclt , hmidlestloi& are Iroiipthy !
nred by llood'3 1'ihl. They .10 theIr ork
easIly anti thoroughly ,
host after dinner 111115.
2A ccnt.3. .411 driiggbmts ,
I'relisred by V. I. liooti & Ci ) , , Ljwehl , 311155.
Tb wily l'iht to tko wIth 1ood' , Strai1hha.
Military Boa'rd Rocommonils a General
Massing of Nobrazka National Guard.
.tih 'n ii In ge ( it t iii' l'Ii ii 1'r.l't4'lh S't
Out Iii n Coniiileidlisi tIP the
( ini'riurNt hpinmighI
CIIMII .t'.ithhtihihe.
LTNCOtN , May 13.-Spcclah.-Tho ( ) Mill-
tary board , which consists of PatrIck Barry ,
atljtitant general ; C. J. hills , brlgahler general -
oral ; Johmn P. Iiratt , colonel of First infantry ;
William nlscmiorr , colonel of SeconI Infantry.
anilV. . I. . . Stark. Judge advocate general ,
has been In eesslon conshhcrlng thu vrac'
tlcabillty of holding annual oticamupiiients
of the Nebraska National guard , auth
while adopting no deflnlto resolution con'
CornIng the subject , has addressed time tol-
lowing communIcation to Governor hlohcomnb :
'rile Military board , after ihue Inquiry auth
exanilmiatlumi . , wuimlil respectfully advIse for
youR. coitslderittiomi :
1. That section 40 of the milItary cothe
Il'OVIhet4 ( Ill mnaiitiiutor terms for an annual
endainllmnent of the Utitirti. 'L'ltat Lit0 gun-
ei'ttl guvuinmmlent litia appropriated the stint
of $ IOOOO for tttc. It1IIOSe Of provIdIng nrmi
aflti etiulhimonts for the whole hofly of ( lie
Guuird , ve reuelviimg our nlportinhilemlt
therefrom , anti belIevIng that congrcss ox-
leet4 us to curry out tile ldrlt or the No-
tit'iiskit law , by lmohthliig an annual eneanil-
illi'iit , anti we believe the ruatoii for musk-
lug itticil nfl npprorIatloit iLS the fact that
ucarhy till the states t'rovlihe for an annual
Cncl lupine at.
2. l'ast expemience lint shiovn that to
tmntleitako to nmniiitnln the Guard without an
Clicitni 1)1)1011 t tin iilitl ly Is a gret : t ( h clii mu en t
thereto , and moqulireg at least two yours to
hn'ing tlitt ( tiam'l back to Its former stanch-
lug a nd elhclency. (
3. \S'lm lie each comnpa ii y c's ii inn In ta I n a
certain degree of ethlelency at Its home
statctmi ( thuring ( hue yetimIi ; company maUve-
IiieittH It l iieces.ilry that thte whole coimu-
liHititi be asserableil uminually for ibid move-
.1. That wIth the proont nilhitary plrlt
and high standing of time Nebrntica National
( ] lmard , I t Is very iinportn n I that an encamp.
macnt of the entire brigtutho be held during
the ytu1r 1'J , us we believe a htirge portion
of tile vork ahreaily Performeth wouhti he
materially lost wIthout such an encamup.
5. , \s the law nrovides that. tIter0 shall
lie either a regimental hrigniie enCatupinemmi ;
we tlir' Military board , ilfter having carefully -
fully estimateth the ( 'ost anti beneAtH to lie
( heriveti from a brigade encampment , lfltead
of a reglniental emtcalnpment , mind it to be
to the best interests of the Nebraska Na-
tioimril Guard , nmtd the state of Nebraska , to
itoh a brigade cilcamuihlinent instead of sep.
arato regimental encamopiuleilts.
C. \ e regret deeply thai after a very
careful uuiicl Conservative ndmnimulsui'atioit of
tile itffiuirij of the National ( itmarti dtmring
thin last year there are not suiticient utiiiclq
remalnimig froni the appropriation of 1S
and 1&IG to pay the entire expenses of tin
emicnmnpment as provided by law for flue
year ltsfi.
Therefore. In conslriei'atlon of the preni.
laos. we reiuectfuhly recommend that .youi
order t lie Ni braska Natlomiith C Un rd into
brigade encamnpment for 1893.
By time terms of special order No. 23 , ic1-
juitant General Barry baa accepted the resignation -
ignation of Captain. Ira E. ? ttminget' , coiup1n3'
D , Second regiment , N. , N. 0. . to take effect
to.lay , aitul appointed Tuesday , May 19. for
the acsomnbhtng of the conipziny and the ciec-
Lion of a new captain. Special order No.
21 directs Lieutomiant Colonel N. P. Lundeon
to lrOCeed to Central City. Merrick county ,
and muster cut Company K. Second regi-
luient of that place. and take charge of all
the company property whichm may be un hand.
E , G. Gearoy of Fargo has written to
Adjutant General Barry , asking for the
present addreases of Captain Jackson'Llu-
tenant Teta 11cr or Lleutenauit Noruthee. formerly -
erly of company 13 , Black howe 13att.i1ioi ,
Nebraska Volunteers. 1r. Gearey desIres
th addresses of these officers In the matter
of a pension for a NorthDakota veteran.
Jtmihge G.V. . N. Norris , the respondent In
the Norris-Wolty contest In the Fotirteinth
judicial distrIct. non : pen1ing in tIme supreme
boimrt. filed two additional mnoLlomm today witlm
the clerk of the court. One Is a motion
to strike from the reply of relater some ten
or a dozen paragraphs which are alleged
to be redundant anti Immaterial , and the
other Is to appoint a referee to take audi.
tional evIdence in the case tuow under consideration -
sideration by the supreme court. -
This morning the State Eclectic Medical
association resumed Its aessini at the Lhr.-
colmi hotel. Applications cf Dr. S. I' . Tra-
coy of Milford and Dr. C. Drumninorid of
Firth vero receIved and approved , and tlic'y
vere amlmlttcul no memnbers of the , isocia-
Lion , Br , Loimglubridge read a paper en
"Ohstetric.e amid Gynnecohogy" which was tlis-
cui'sed by Dre. Heynolds , Moore , Fllppin ,
Voodward , Grlmuca and others. This evening -
ing the a.sociation attended in a body a lee-
Lure by Prof. Brace on the X rays a the
State Uiiversity , The president delivered
his address this afternoon.
A jur3 in the ilkutrict cotmrt Is wrestling
witim a case in which time Karsmeyor Phtmmb-
big comupamiy sues J. H. hartley , John 11.
McClay and Louie Meyer , bondsmen of Ccii-
tractor \V. II. ii. StouL The suit is brought
on Stout's beau to recover a claim of $500
for putting In the heating apparatus at the
court lmouee. Stout built the court h'ouse
and defendants were sureties on. mile bond
given for completion at a certain date.
John icastle. thin young malt who stabbed
hlormnailil F'rans during flit election brawl In
tlio F'lftht yard last Novommiber , was this
mnornhng pemitenced to torty.flvo clays In the
county jail.
A Miss Allen Is supposed to have eloped
witim a mmian named Fred Bradley , from tIme
town of Geneva. 11cr sister Is lucre looking
for 11cr. It is hot believed by time Limicoimi
police that the eloping couple are In this
city , although they are Iccopimig a tharp hook-
out for tieiil.
Iii the district court title muorning Judge
hail overrimled the demurrer of the stockholders -
holders of tile News Pubhislmiiig company In
the libel suit In wimlcim Itutas 13. Townsnntl
sues the NCV'S for $10,000 damages. The
question of the right of a newspaper to primit
a pleadlmlg In a case was not passed upon.
The cotmrt lucid that the petition nowimera
alleged -that the article claimed to be libel-
louis was a flung lit cotmrt , but that it was
therein. alleged that the publication s'as
muahicbous , viiichm constituted a cause of ac-
Lieu. In effect this lmohd3 the article libel-
bus as to Townsend , Defendants vore given
fifteen days Iii 'liicit to aimawer ,
Articles Of Incorporation of the flee Cream.
cry association of the town of lice , Seward
county. were filed today with the secretary
of state , Thu capital stocic Is $2,500 and time
incorporator'j nm'o M. Dunegan , W. J. Batch.
eluhor , Ii. S. Baxter , William S. Ford , J. J.
Ernst , A. Terwlilger , 0. M. Welty , 11. lIar.
reid , W'Ihllanu lQc'ese , John Dalton and F , 0.
a umboi ,
Oumiahia people In Lincoln At the Linulell
-itichard Smith , ft F' . the Cap.
ltal-G , F , Bond , At thto Lineuln--W , C.
tharmies , J. A. Prhiiies.
' ' ' ' 1)umy at liht'y.
1311)NEY. ) Neb , , May 13.-Speclah ( Tele.
gramnj-Thls was Epsvorth ieagmmo tlay at the
Mlitietorlal aseociation meeting. 11ev. Allen
iCenvorthy of Sidney was elected vrcsldent
in the distrIct league , and iLc' . Allen Chamn-
hmorlain of Gnm'hilg , secretary. I'apera upon
Epvorth leagmmu tallies were reati smith sIlly
hiiueee0. The Womimemm'v liormio amid Ioreign
Mltoionmmry nclety was given cii imotmr tide
afte-imO'n for time discumr + iomt or iimisu-'homuary
% roihi. 'rite eermnn tonight -was tleil't'red
by Rev. C. C. Snavahy of North Platte. Itcy.
A. J. Clifton of Culitertscn caiiilueieti the
utter imicoting. The sessIon will cleua to.
morrow iulgiit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In fl r' F , ' L % ' .n s iii mi Ii.
fl1fATfliC , lay 13-.pecial.-Time ( ) trial
of LewIs Zimimnierman , charged 'vIlh time
uurc1er of the pot'tmuaster at iiowttr , began
this morning. 'Fhe Gage county proeccutor
cxporlnieed : sommme little trouble itt sdcurlmlg
totmmisel to 0511181 luimu Imu LImo ilrosectmtion ,
oning to tbo fsct that tue court allowed the
dofcnet emily $150 In the I lomury cmae , whicit
'uui ; upon the same hiarge , and the counsel
miket ) to 5i4i5t did miot. care to take hold of
the case for that amnotint. Asurance was
received front Jcfersoa county this morning
timat a roaaonabho commFoiisabomi , ( would be ah-
ios'ed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1)1st rIot Court of
TECUMb'fihl , Neb. , Mity 13.-Spccieh.--- ( )
'Flue spOrIng term of district court convened
lucre today With Judge C , hi. LettQn Imu the
chair. Time' aesiton will continue at least ten
' it ; -
hitt ) I ( ' 0 I''i lit ) I ) 31 I iI I.hL
Mint , ' lIiiiriI MnttIei I. ( LII4M ( Inn ( Pt I ni lflrfl ( hOt' ,
141 C0tN. May 13.-Speciah ( Tehegra nil-
At the ahjourne(1 ( maccling of time Hearth of
Ehucational Lintlu and Fmmnds held today In
limo govermiors ellen an agreement was
reacied In regarti to the $25,000 worth of
Boone county court imotm and jail bonus.
The mmiembers of the hearth Pimrchasetl tlmt'ni
arid the Iloone county comnmnisslomiers will
formally turn them over to thmo state.
They arc mien in tiitt hmnnds of the i'eeretmiry
of state for record. They are 5 pr-r cent
boa d a.
At a recent meeting of the beaM a res-
hmitlon to Invest a portion of the permanmient
school fund In coimmity or Unltcd Stnie'i
i > ontls , introdmmcpd by Governor hiohetumuhi , vas
voted plowmi , Tothay the goveriior imitrothuced
time following :
Wlterenw , Tb0 nuthoritiem of Otoc cOttntY.
Nehrnmkmm have issued rtfmititiing loiuhui of
mtbh enuniy iii thia stmmn of $5OX ) , hitte'i Mn
I. 1S9i , hrnhtig Interest lit til , mate of S
per cCitt per a ii nu in , Put 90 blo metni-tminhiut : II y
on tlio 1st tinyt of May nmiti Nnvnmbor of
mtchm year , tlmii hllYflhh ) In tveiity yai s ,
with the 01111011 of Ilaymnemit after ten years ;
auth. -
Whireit Saul county authorities have
soiti aiii hom11i to lileiz , heiiiioii & l'rlor
of Cleveland , 0. ; antI ,
Whereas , rht puum tIe hlurchnsing said
tomid.q oftr to sell the piano to tIme state
or Nobruika us no iiivta'tnient for the itor-
mahiont pehionh flinti ( ubjeet , however , to
an ( lIlLian given mimi Smilhi boiid expirIng
Thlur.'ohit ) ' , Ma ) ' II. 1Sf5) ) for the i'umn of $ l.Tl
on the hihar and micrnmeh intereMt ,
thmerphy ykithing mc rate ofI 7-It ) per ccitt In-
tet'est 111,011 tli0 fmn't value of such bun is
for the hienefit of the temnporary school fund ;
therefore. bt' it
lteiolvch , 'i'hnt said offer be anti is hmoreby
il000liteth. priviuhed that sa hul homltls are in
mill respects regularly nmii Iegiihly Iastie'i
timal legisterod its reqimlreth by law ; amiul this
rtmitc' tmeatUrer Is hereby mttithiorlxed mtntl di-
rooted to m't said hulrtiCu ) ( for said bonuth
101 cents on the dollar iutr vimhimo and
neem'imotl interest timeieon to tIme ( hate of lntr-
eiumit'o omIt of the permnmuent school fmmmiti
now in hik hiamitis unml to receive , stmlmnp
tiiid iiolil smuhi bontis mis mumi imivt'striiemit for
sttlil permanent rchool funih as requIred by
law ; mtii'o flint tIle secretary of timl hoard
be remitmesteil to notify 1)ietx , flemilon &
l'rlOt' of the board's neceptamice of their
said offer.
Thil resolutlomi was amlopteil with mimi
aniemidmuent to the effect that the preniltint
i.oi : be paid to lietz , Dctnison & l'rlo , nut
of the first Installment of interest duo
from Otco county. This will likely have
time effect of preventing tIme ileal , as the
firma In iuestlon will probably not wait
six months for their small bomius. Coy-
ornor Iloheomb hiatt recently been securing
information comicorning homid purchases amid
believes that the comintT is Ieg.uhiy emltithed
to imivest hue money In mmcli secimritie.i.
Regent Victor itosewater's rcsohimtidmi to
Iimvost mibout $80,000 of thio umilvorsly ; emil
agriculttmrai college funds in a way tlmat
wcmumhd net $1,000 Ier anmiiitn to the state.
wimichi recihtmtioii was adopted by the board
of regcimts at its last meeting , ras called
up liy Governor Ilolcomb today , but no
mictiomi vas taken upon It.
'L'ItUlmm,13 lx iECL'it iNG A .1 LIlLY.
I'tii'ti' tl ii ru or ; ; ' ; ' ; : - : ritot hit-c . .t tt'ii-
I ( ipia ii Sjpi'&iit'ttt' .
SPItINCVIEW. Nd , . , May 13.-Special (
'relegranij-G. A. Porter , on trial at tIde
lulace , charged with the killing of young
\Voodfork iii Julio last. is about 50 years of
age. lIe enlisted at the ago of 15 ycarm.i at
the brc.akimig out of tue civil war and Is
iiocv a menthor of SprlngvIew post No. 212 ,
Gramiul Army of the Republic , lIe hmas been
a cItizen of Burton precinct , Keya l'alma
county , timirtcon years anti hmehl numerous
precinct offices , justice of the peace , etc. Tie
was nhways considered a good neighbor.
\Viillo the killing of Wroodfnrk was wIllful Imi
a degree , It wao provoked beyond mu a.'iure.
I'orter is married anti the father of two
children , who in company with their 3nothor
wore waiting in the court room yesterday
morning when the court opened. '
At 9 o'clock Porter was brought In by
Sheriff Lalrd , looking bleached and careworn
after his year of confinement in time county
jail , and took his seat , after greeting his
wlfo and children , with composure. 'ester-
day and today noon. has"boen thkon ip with
the empanelling of a jury. The regular p01101
has been exhausted and a epccial venlro for
thirty more has come and gone , anti no jury
Is in eight yet. Most of the jurymnen wiieii
asked 'Aro you opposed to capital jiumuishi-
mont ? " answer "yes" arid are excused.
Ono jurymuan from time "strip" northtif thio
Keya l'aha river was excused because lm
was not us citizen of tIme county , tIme deteumse
claiming that this piece of ground' Is no Part
of time county and sustained by the
court , which , if true , gets the county in a
mnuddhe , flil this strip has boii consid red a
portion of Koya Palia county for years , and
voted anti paid taxefi as such. There seems
to ho a mmestion now whether a jury cami be
had In this county or not. It not the case
will perhaps go to seine other county , Brown ,
Boyd , Itock or Cherry.
GIven a ' ' ' iP , ' Cill-
rc'hs ( If Iluit ( 'It ) ,
KEARNEY. Nob. , May 13.-Special ( Toe-
gram.-The ) memnhors of the Omnuiha council ,
together with Mayor Thoinpoon amid a few
members of time city council of Granul Islamid.
orrivoti here at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
They were met at the depot by the Mltiway
mnhhitary iiaiutl , and were irnmediatoiy tucketi
in carriages to the cotton mill. Watson's
ranch aiuil the Inulustrial sciuool , after which
they were taken to the Midway hotel for
supper. They then visited the Kearney cycle
worhcs anti from thiero ivent to the city ttali ,
whore short SPeeches vcre made by Mayor
liuhbert , City Attorney (3aslln , Judge hlaskehi
of Omnaha. Mayor Thonipon of Grand Island
and Councilmen Christie , Albami , Kment and
Wheeler of Omaha and Lowe , Clapp amid
Boyul of Koarnoy. The objects of the trip
are to formu acquaintancee , dIscuss umiatters
of mutual and general Interest to tile varIous
cities in the state , especially In the matter
of assec'mnents anti tiatlon and Incidentally
work up an interest Itt time Tranemnisolsaippl I
exposition. The visit has been greatly emmjoye'l
by both the 'IsItor. and citizens of Kearney ,
anti it Is believed thmmit good will rerult front
thu gathering. After the exercises at time
city lmail time guests were invited to the rooms
of the Buffalo chub , i'imero they spent time
tlnmo pieaeanthy imntll 2 a , mu , , when they
took tue train forhoimie ,
( , sise Of Stipi 1gzihttst Fitiier.
YORK , Neb , , May 13.-Sjmecial-Thmo ( )
niatter of the appolntmnent of a guardian for
Cornelius Cahhcina , an aged niami of Iushmton ,
was tried In tite county court of this county
yesterday and today. The applicatiomi i
mnaulo by DavId Calkins , his son , who alleges
tilmit the oith mnan Is wholly Incapable to juan. I
ago his busimiess affairs and taking care of
his property , which is quite extensive , Time i
trial of the case was interetitig , but mtmclm I
of the evidence was conflicting' , The son
clalimieti that tue father lmad been squander.
lug his mitonoy , transferring miotes In his
favor anti convoying lila property , oil without
adequate consideration , 'rlmis was milepuiteul
by the olul man. lie Is 83 years of ago cmiii
remarkably stromig , botlm plmyicahIy and macn-
tally for cue that old. The case imas been
thoroughly db'etimmsed wlmlie on trial , antI I
sympathy seems to ho with the older Cailc. C
Ins , Judge Wlldmmian imas taken Limo case on4
thor advisement.
Co I . 'irn I i31 rs. II ro'i&'N Ill rt Ii tlmi . ,
FALLS CITY , Nob. , May i3.-Spclai.- ( ) I
At the residence of W. Vt' . iirown , two imiiies I
east of thmis city , Monday , occurred the cehe-
bratiomi of tito oiglmtheth anniversary of time
bIrth of his mothmor. About 100 friends amid
relatIves were present , After an elegant i
dimmer , at which four generations were rep.
resented , thue guests aeseimibied uiuher tile
ehado treemi In tIme yard to liBten to an ad.
dress by Rev. Mr. Barker of time Methodist
church of this city , after which Mra , Brown
was preeemmteti with an easy chair amid a
numuber of other tliimigs , Mrs. Ihrowmi was
born In North Carolina May 11 , 1816 , mactying
at an early age to Intliamia , Site mnos'etl to
Nebraska Iii iS4 , mnaklng her home with
her eon , 'V. W. Brown.
S imeei'ehs ilishinmi ilumaihton ,
HAMif.TON , Ont , , May 1.-At the sea.
sion of Angelican synoti of Niagara today ,
Canon iumouhIn of Toronto received an
uhmost urmmeuilmuoua eicctioim as bishop of time
Niagara diocese , as successor to Bishop
lie mullion ,
- -
ltuIi'l Moanhi ) ' Itimisimig CiicekN. C
NF\'AflK , N , J. , May 13.-James Crce. I
gan and Charles Becker were arrested hero
today on a charge of check raising , by
whIch tlmey .icurvil fromn the bank of Nevada -
vada of San Francisco $22,000.
I ) '
, it ,
Twonty-TIiird5 Aiitiat Meeting of the
Homeopiithc Medical Socoty.
.t ft i'm' f is e . o % ' 'ht'oiiti. mititi
tf m. htntitl pie ittiMi-
hI'MM vilMrt'ztiImslti't t' u'pnrt
iiim ' ! ; ! ' . Coisil I ( hut.
The tnenty-thhril annual cnnventlomt of
the Nebraska , State Ilomeopathic Medical
n.ssociatiomt convcnnh at. the Comnniem'clal chub
rcnims yesterday mornIng. The attontlanco
at thu opening seeslomi was small , btmt hater
In the day Imicreasecl mumiterially. Time oven-
lag trains lmm'ommglmt In still others amid at
n gut Limo attontiance more mmearly imuct time
expectations of tue olhicers. hard tIines aliti
time dIsagreeable weather iiave teiltiNi to
keep many at lidmmie. As a. consequence of
Limo email attondanca very little business
i.e.1 attempted at tiio forenmoui mie"s'oim.
Time society was calleut to order by ts
preshlemit , Dr. A. Ii. lcmrris of hhmicalim , after
which pr.iyer was offered by Hey. Vi , ' . P.
Ilelhings , pasior o the First l1apttst chum'ch
of this city. Dr. 0. S. Wooti then extemided
a velcomne to the visitors Iii a brief speech ,
whmich receive , ! Cii ' apt respomise from ir.
l. B. iticlmte ? of Limie'In.
I'rosltlc'iit Dfmrrls called attention to a
change Iii the Imy-haws , which Ime proposed
to offer at the next inoetimig. Under time
prest'mit rub tIn' c'balrnman of burc'aums were
flPPoimlteti hmy time acting presIdent Imimmiietii-
ately after each Laireati comp1ettI its this-
emission. Thu effect of thIs rude was timat
tite outgoimig president appoimiteti the chair-
milemi of btmreaims wlmlchm were to act umithem-
the Incoumming president. Iii Imimi opinion timis
elmouhd be chiatiged to give time new imresident
the power to nhipohmmt his Oi Ii mtslstaiuts.
The euggestiomi 'as favorably recelvemi anti
lr. DerrIs stated. that ito wotmiti consult the
wishes of the miow lmresldemit imi mualcimig lmls
There vmcs nit extentled chiscimesiomi imi to-
gartl to tIle nrmt.ltutyinemit of hues by niemn-
bets. There are mummy mitembers of tito society -
ciety who are In arrears on their tiumes for
ieriotls ranging front one to ten years. At
tue last ssioii a resolution was adapted by
which any nicimihier aught be reinstateti by
tIme hiaYmiieiit of $3. Time i esuiht of the di.-
cuesion was tue adopthomi of a resolutIon by
which time santo rule wait contimiucti Imi force.
The report of tue treasmmrcr , Dr.'cod ,
showeul timat time treasury exulted in a baiammce
of I6.30. Againt thin balance stood tIme
suni of t00 that hiaml been pledged as a
contribution toiartl . the erection of time
ilalmneiuianmi muonumnent imi W'audmimigtoui.
Time president - appointed these conimuitteec' :
Auditing , lr. F. B. Richter of hlncohii amtd
1)r. D. A. Foote of Onmalma ; resolutions , Ir. ' .
II. 1' . holmes , 0.5. Wood and J. E. Mamiim of
Omnalma. , i . -
Au it mi9arly noomi wimeit tue routine
buslacas s'as comnjile'teti , , an adjournment was
takemi ummitil 1 :3 : o'cl clc.
There sas a'dethedhy larger attendance
at the aterndn 'bsoIcn. wit cii was very
profitable fron1'u iysiciami's pont ! of view.
TIme pa'er.s reach nvero aimoet witimout cx-
ceptiomi indicaLvb a close study of the
subject , anti tio'i1hi'cussiomms which followed
were eroductivd 'c ! , hew ideas and nmany ohh
oiies iii new fUrnts The papers were gait-
orally of a character , anti wlthcut
interest to tlio .qusdo of time niedlcah'bro-
fttuslon. Dr. .f. fl.I1awk , of Grand Islamiti
reu1 a very hmttereuting paper on , 'Paedol-
ogy , " and iin4cr imo same head Dr. S. J ,
Qumhiuby of this city s-poke en "Capillary llron-
chitie , " and Br : WT. Ii. Hamichett talked
about "The liaby ; Hi First Two Years. "
The bureau of .aanitary science presemited
seine papers , . , vhl ii were of niore practical
intcrt1st to non-prp ezIonaiuc. l ) . Jumhia C.
Stnr of Bcatrct.'tohd , a paper on''Preveri.
don of Diseases of Reslratory Tract , or Am-
tiseptic Measure DurIng Epldemica. " She
stated that the germns of many aeuto con-
tagfctms diseases \vere received into the sys-
tern through the lungs. 'Fhicy are drawn Iii
s-itht tito air , pass throughthemjolicate morn-
branes into tue blood , anti lcre develop
their poisoiioUs properties. Whooping ccumgim ,
measles , scarlet fever , diphtiter'a , irmd even
tuberculosis , were carrIed in this manner.
ir. starr contentleti timat dlslnfectauits were
not all that were needed to avoid this resmmlt.
If it was possIble to keep imi an amitiseptlc
conditton the therues of the lungs , not only
ct the patient , but of those w4mo had been
exposed to time disease , it would be a wonderful -
derful autsistaitco in prevemitirug the spreati
atmd devehopmont of the disease. To accomn-
pUsh title tIm agemit titlist ho thrown hub a
vui1ou1 as lgbt ! as air , which comilti be drawn
Iii 'Ithm the air. A vaporizing instrument
was eximiblted In this connection , which , the
aimealcer aerted , could accomplirhi the desired -
sired result.
This paper brought on an extended dlscims-
.eloii as to the advantage Cf the local treat-
macat suggestoul by Dr. Starr , as compared
witit the internal remedies. Time argummient
was generally adverse to the treatment 81mg-
gested In the paper , as it was asoortod thmat
title was not true hoummeopatimy , but , being a
vomait , Dr. starr refused to ho convinced
amid hind the last word by declaring timat she
had expected that. her suggestions would pro-
voice discussion , but alma must contnue to
believe in ( lie muerits of the local treatment.
Dr. George II , Parsell of Omaha read a
paper on ° Somne l'ractical Hints in Sanitary
hicmIetry , " and Dr. E. N. Leake of Fre-
mnomit dit'misseJ "Practical Obstetrics. " Dr.
Leako referred to the daimgers which menaced
the lives and health of vornen on account of
their ignorance if tIm hans of their nature.
lie confidently preihctcd that vthi tim tires-
out imiovemmiont irj the direction of dres4 reran -
ran amid physIcal culture. two nioro genera-
Liomms would witness a decided change In the
present experienCe of women.
About twenty-five of the doctors sat
iround the bamiquot board at the Coimimuercial
: lub last evening amid discussed at seine
tength a macnit of splendid proportions. After
duo last course hind been served h'residemmt
Portia m'appot torordcr and opened the lOSt-
rantliai exercises. All tint toasts were full
] f intere.ot to tile members present mtimd time
orchiai mnanner in which they wore reciived
Lestliled to the appreciation of tlmem by time
neclical banmiueters. Thu followimig is tIme
ompIeto toast-list : SIlent Toast-"To time
Icmmuory of Samuel ilahmncnmann : " "The Next
iceting of Tim Missouri Valley ilonico-
athiuu Memiicah iVthaciation , " W. A. flinipim-
ey ; "Timo DetroIt Meetimig of The American
mistituto , " V. II. llanciiott ; "Time Lone
lommieopath , " B. N. Leako : "Emergencies , "
1 , Ii , iiaivk ; ' 'LincolnVInd , ' 13. F , Bailey ;
"limo Gentlemanly Physician , " Julia C.
3tonu ; "The Womiman Physician , " C. A.
prague ; "Ilom oiatbs Imi our State Inatitim-
lotus amid the l1tjoq. , our Society Bears to
i'hit'mmi , " C. V. Ii , Hasten ; "Nebraska us a
Ield for ilomneopaths , " I ) . A. Foote.
At the semisio"of tIme association which
ohlowed the bafuuet C , Van Iyke Itastemi
it Kearney conduted a clinic omm imaraiysia ,
t little girl 6 years of age who was afflicted
clthu the disease was time subject. A general I
liscuniion followed the clinic. J. ii. Mackay
f ( Ito Norfolk Imi4ne asylum conducted a
ureau on mnepjat anti nervous diseases ,
'rot. Clifford uJijheli of ( lie CimIcago Ifomne. .
patimlo Medical college then read a valua-
) lO paper on ' ,4Qpar9mitly Successful Treat-
nent of aix Cutt6t Diabetes Melhitus. "
Tlue anmitial address of l'rosldent it. 11.
[ ) orrls , A.M. , M.D. , of Lincoln , wa dolly.
tred and conmmnadeti. class attention , Mamiy
numbers said , itw'a time hmest nddress ever
holivured before thid associatlomm , At the
: onclummion of the atldress Ira , Iooto , Bailey
immil Ilanchett were appointed a comnmitteo
o secure its pulieation In suitable form ,
Br , Norris In his pretildemit's a'1drea
mtarted out witim the statemmiemit that it is
tustoimiary for the buzlnee3 imian to take
mtock once a year to see how ho stands , and
10 proposed to altu toek and see how the
iomneopatims stand in rolatlon to the medical
rofessIon , to their creed , to the community
tad to each other. "In relation to the
nodical profession there has boon a marked
imango In the past fifty years , " aicl ho ,
"I do not consider it neceasary even In
itis centemimmial year to endeavor to prove
hat homeopathy Is a true law of cure. All
ppoa1tion to our law of cure bae been coin-
tolled to bow to thO logic of facts. Tie
vorid has accepted It , those who do not use
L respect It. those who do not believe in ii
lId not ridicule , it. Homeopathy in the
rorld today ranks with tbcie other great ills-
caverlea n'lmleim mark tIe progress of ( ho
tines and gain new immater ithu nihvaticimmt
3 earL
"Ilnmenpathy hia won it way to a idaco
of Imonor auth remmon mm. Its hlhYPlCiIliS ! in ath-
thre.qs , culture anti achoiar.eiiip are the peers
of any. Its chientage is amitong the boiL elim- ,
cated anti the , wealthiest. It rceerh of
cures has never boon aiirpula9eh , and its
mmianner Of ( 'mIre vxei'lm' all others. rie : bat'
tIes for the recoeniticmi of hmonmeopathiy a
ml distinct school of practhm-o , its new law
of cute , iti therapemmtlis , the stanthtuig of Its
physIcians antI rerognition as datora. l's
place in th confitlence of tIme PCOPIU-tltCSe
battiei , have liceit fctmghmt anti ioii. Noiv Us
recognition anti repre.ientatioim iii tIme itsy-
hunts anti oleemnosynary instltimtioas .ini puib'
hlc Plam-es of lmOlitietl sppoiiitmc'uit tue enenmy
prcposes to Cohittet to the last gasp. hlcmime-
opatimy , mmmtiy Imavi , its iirlvate iuosp'Inhs i-tip.
hetol ) by lrlvatt' comuiribmitioumi cal emilow-
machits , ihimt ptmiihic iimstiLution supp'irtNi
h ) ) 1101)1 ) i c fim mm d s , endorocti by till C ciii dais ,
protected by ( lie strong arm of time las ,
mmovor ! "
" 'ohl we shall dee win title itthmt , per-
huam ; , mmot because of thin stiperUr imierits of
tliorapeimtice ; Itorhahis , hot because of our
inaterha immetlica , or oUr law of euro , htmL hi'-
cause time deimiocratle PeOPlO of AitierlC.t tie'-
hove Iii 'No taxatioit withOut repre.e'ntatlomm.
In cloalmig our Inveuttigatlomi of tItle Item of
our stock imiventory 'Our m-lattmi to thu
nicmhicah Profvesiohi' We mire brc'mmnt lace to
fuco with tle question , Itow shall wi' Imn-
prove thIs accouiit ? I lhihiik vtu are
drlvemi to ( lie comiehmislon I hmit w'm fast g
into politics. The tact is every citizen of
this gm-eat ropumbile ought to be in lmltiCS
nioro than ito Is. "
S'm'A'I'E ) . ( ) ( ) " I'll .tI1Ih ac Y 3m PiIi'I'S
'lt'iuhu.'i'M % VlIl te'I't .tIh nO ( Ito
t1luhIt't'IIMt'Ii lruiggl'tts.
The State Board of Pltarmnacy was in sesshomm
yesterday at Limo Paxton hotel. The botirth is
comimpt'sc'tl of the following : I'residemit , M.
it. Simimlta , Beatrice ; secretary , Grit J. vanq ,
hastings ; treasurer , C. M. Cleric , F'riemmti ;
A. W. Ilucitliart , Grand Island , Iletiry It.
Gerlimg , Platteinoutlt , mill of wltommi are pree-
out ,
At hifl0ii yestertlmty nlmmeteon applicants for
exanihmiaticn liresemuteel tlmemnselvcs to time
bnarh. Tue greiter portion of time i'epsioiu was
devoteil to atm exmimiuination of thieao amid others
for registratIon certificate-i. l'lw renialmidtur
of the mmietimig was tlevoteul to roumtimie fitmal-
'l'ho bn3rtl is prcparimmg to get after time
piiarmnaclsta who itave faileth to register. One
smmcIu case Itas been foniuth itt thmo city , the
hallegctl violators of time statutes being hlemiry
aiutl Mamy ilom'nhergcr. It ma alleged tlimtt no
( 'ito caminected with this estttbhiutlimnemit is a
m'cgisteretl liltarimuacist anti coiuscqmmcmmthy var-
rammts have hicen issmmeii for time arrest of
time lmroPrleto\'s. Thuo penalty for the
vlohatlon ( if thus section of titt , statutes it.i a
fine of mint losa than $10 nor mnorc thami $101) ) ,
or imuprisonmiment for mtot less than ( cmi dais
nor Imioro titami thirty tia's.
Thio complaint was sworn to by Treastiruir
Clark of ( ho boarml , wiuo states thmat hue has
anipho itroof , Iiiasniiicb. as lie imlmmmsclf nor-
chased semite drugs 1mm the eutore cmi April 15.
The mmiembors of time State hinam-ti of i'iiar.
macy iimilshmc'd time exanmitmatiomi of time nimle-
teen iipimhlcamits for certithcutemi frommi this
diu'trtct yesterday aftcrnooii and atijomirneui at
-1 o'clock , all the int'mmibers leavimmg for timoir
iiommtcon , ( lie evening trains. 'rho papers
lmaiiuleti itt by the local apphlcatmts for Pitar-
niaceutical honors will he cxaimmtnt'tl by a
coinniittee appointed far the purpose , amid a
report made at time expiration of a week's
tlmmie. Each appulcamit will be miotilleti direct
iy Secretary Grif J. Evans of lhastiimgs and
cci'tiflcatewill be Issmmeti to the foi'tunate
parties. The yearly meeting for time purpose
of ttleciiig officeis end auditing accounts
sihI take iace : iii Lincoln June 1.
AHOtm'L' mtiLl ) V 1'IL 1m maiomi IA 1. IA i' .
( ioiniiuit tees : uli't't , iiid ltlOCt SiitIftte-
( or ) l'ruJre'MM.
Tim Memorial day cornniittee having im
charge the arrangements for decorating a'oh-
filers' graves May 30. bed ! a short session
in court roomn No. 6 , lIce building , last evemi-
hog - for the purpose of reporting progress.
Dr. S. IC. Spalding , chairman of time finance
cc ninittee , in whose hamitis has been placed
ti3 nmanagc'metmt of ( ito lecture to ho glveii
at ( ho Crelghton ( heater Ma ) ' 23 by Captain
Jmcic Crawford , reported that ho lied male
arrangenmemits for ( lie distribution of several
hundred tickets among tile WOiliCli of the
Relief corps to be sold , and that already a
large number of Itcoimle hiatt signified their
intention of attendimmg time emuterainrnemmt. (
Time priccca decided upoms to be charged are
25 amid 50 cents. A special rate of 10 or 15
ccnta will probably be made to allow school
children to ateiutl and a canvass of time
eciucuols will be made shortly before they are
dlsniissed for tiio summer vacation. Weather
.orinitting , the financial success of tIme
lecture I.e assured.
If. hj. Durhin , chtalrman of tIme comnmitee
on music , reported lie had secured time
services of ( lie Mondamin timuartet to sitmg
a number of selections at tIme services at
lfanscomn park and titat several of tue coma-
mnittee Intended calling upon time St'cond in-
tamitry banti at Fort Omaha for time pmmrpose
of getting it to head time proceesiomu fromui
Sixteenth amid Farnam streets to the path : .
A communIcation was received from Captain
IT. B. Mulford of ( hue Omaha gumards signify-
hog theim' intention of joining In the paratle ,
and a like comiimunIcation in expected from
tile Thuursomu Itlils , who have aL been to-
quested to join iii tite parade.
John C. Jenkins was appohiuteti a commit-
tec of one to secure a speaker at IIancamii
nark and a number of imamnes were handed
In by Limo members of ( iemilrahht ) Parties for
tbis duty.
A , K. Rhmoauis , chairman of the transports-
Lion comniiiitee , reported ( list hat hmati eecmmred
an ammiplo mmmmmnhier of velmicles for the coma-
mmmltteeum uslma would visit ( Ito cemeteries , and
, \ , , S. Askwihm , chuairman of flue comimimmittee
on ( lie cohlectimig of flowers , reporteul a'atls- '
factory progress ,
There vili be a niecting of ( lie committees
next Wednesday evening for tiu liiitPOSO of
furtlter perfecting arrangements.
- -
SF3' ] ' 'I'll E I'A ml.t1)ms II.tCJC ( ) Xl DAY.
icil igli ts or Ale-Sits-lIeu CItti uge ( Ito
I'i'titrii lit I'ipr Stut t ( ' Fim is eohc ,
The beard of governors of time Knights of
Ak-Sar-flen have decided to nmnko mm. cimange
iii the tiacs of tIme , festivities of state fair '
week. It had been Intended originally to
have thom comnimieimco on Monday ovemmhmtg ,
bringliig tIme principal parade on Wedne's- ,
lay. Many mercimants and others tltouglm ( . , ,
Thursday would be more popular withm tluoao
who attended tit& fair amid ( hunt the opami-
log parade. if held on Monuay , would ho $
witimeseed by few outside of Omaha. lmi
uleforomice to these opinons tIme initial pa-
redo will be hold Tuesday night , bringing
the Ak-Sat-Ben liarailo Tlmimrsday niglut.
Tite following is time rograiiu for time tea.
Livtties of state fair week ;
'I'umesday , September 1-CivIc amid rmmihltnmy ' ,
Wednesday , Septemaber 2-Ceuny floats
parade , I
'riitmrsday , i3eptemnher 3-AIc-Sar-Ilen pa.
ra'ie , ;
i5rldmuy , Septemuber 4-Gramid ball ,
Suuttmrduiy , tit'ptemnber 5-Swedish Simigimug
society at den ,
_ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . -
- - - - - I'
'l'hmn i'rzmpiiitl I'ihi Cure Cpu' . ' . . ( ho f ,
Must 4tggrmi'mti'iI Csie of l'hlcu
- % Aiu.thtie Safety ,
Pyramid Pile Cure 'will cure the most ag.
gravatoi case of Imeniorritoids in an astonish-
log short timmie. IL relieves tIme congeaed (
parts , reduces the timmnors Instantly , tue mat-
tot huaiv large , allays the inflammmmation amid
etops time aching or Itching at once ,
Thousands ivlto Itad resorted to expemi-
ulvo surgical treatment hare boon cured by '
Limo Pyramid Pile Ctmre-In a tuumber of iii.
utancr persons usbo lied apent months In a i
hospital untier a pile sPecialist ,
It Is a remmiedy that none peed fear to apply -
ply even to the roost aggravated , wolicn
and initanued hiernorritoldal tumors.
if you are afihictet with flits stubborn 'us. '
ease you can master It , aul master it
IhtilcIcly ,
This remedy is no longer an experiment , ' ,
but a medicInal certainty , It is mantmtac.
Lured by the l'yramid Drug Co. of Aiblomi ,
Druggkta sell It aL 50 cents per box , IL
Is becoming the mmtost popular pile cure this
ountry luas ever kaouun , and druggists every.
, vbero are rcIiiing It far their custommiers ,
Board of' Managers Busily Eigagetl in
Mapping Out I'uturo Work ,
ht'iimt nil for Shupier by Li it hhil tart , iii
h'ift3' I'a'r Cillt Grt'u.t.'r 'l'iimp a
ltist Vt'nt'.3hsiti ) ' Imiumirovi'-
muai'uts ( ( P Ito 3ltmtle ,
At yesterday niorning's meeting of time
hoarh , , of macangers of tite state
tiir it was docliheth to hilaCo twelve
muthihitiomialmiter imarrehue emi time groumids ,
to contain iiriimkimtg vater. Tiie' will
ho elevated amid tro'iied ) with jsst-
eat tmitucets , thus doing away witim tIme
obnoxlcnmi , ( hlphmers. Chalrmnan Ilat'imes of time
cammirmmitteo on. Ice reported progress. It was
Voted to appropriate $125 to miiti time flii
comnmnlstmion In its exhibit.
Secretary ilolmoes of the Mamiulfactimrer&
auth Consuimiers' associatior aimpoareti before
the managers nmmti asked for additiomial space
iii the inamitmiacturem-is' buihiilmig. lie saimi
that the aimlmhicatluns already recelveti front
muamititacturers showed that immcrcaseti space
woimhd be sorely needed. It was decided to
huolil a conference ithm reprecemitatives of the
Omimaita Fair amid Speed association on the
smmbject. The joint meeting n-Ill lmrobably
ilecitie witethior time present bimilthiimg devoted
to the display of nmaiiufacturod articles simall
ie , enlarged or wimethmer an additional builtl-
Inn shall ho erected.
Secretary Fmmrmmami saiui that thte deimiand for
51)000 IVI1C from 25 nor cent to 50 per ccitt
greater tItan it last year , nnI , that the'
Imrohlem of IrOVI&imflg roommi for all cxhiblt
was a pcrithea'immg ammo. IL Is conteinplateui to
construct a new amiimilmiistrttlomi lmmiilding antI
to give ( Ito lresemit amimiilmmtsratlomm bumildimig
over to th edumcathmiah di'imarumnolmt. Tlmis
lll consiticrabl' rell"ve tiut' lrosmlrO oil time'
811cm-c' of the ma cmi ii fact utters' hiutl lii lmmg ,
it vas tiec'Imlo1 that all exhibits in comnpe-
titIomi for alfalfa lmrehtiiuimis shuotmltl ho mmiado
1mm the building t'.pecl.illy devoted to tlmat
lmroject. It was resalvt'ti that a series of
fmrmners' instItutes should be lucId on time
groitmide , immrimmg fair veck. They will ho
undem' the tilrecti'mn ' of ii. F. 3iclntoshu of
time ( ) mnmmlia Cultivator. There wili also Ito
lectmmres amid Practical demnoimstratiomus on ( hue
subject of domestic ecommeimmy ummder time
auspices of time s omneili's climbs of ( itt' otato.
The board aJjomrmmeth , in time to allow ( lie
mmiotiibern to ( mike the aftermmooit traimiti for
iuommte , They viii meet again In thmis city
Junuc 3.
Cu''eiie' timu uummtm'rs ti-mush 11iiit , mIs
The itoirti : of mnutnumpers of ( lie Cri'ciue ,
In regnrtl to its recent t'msteralnmuentvisim's
to grntefmihly mielcuiouvheulgc time 'alcmuubt' !
aiti gIven It by the Omnuilium. prcs , notably
't'hio Omaha I.ully iitt' ; ummti S\'orlth-liermt , i
ttlsj time street mutihvuty ctmmupImiy. : through
it'4 gi mitlcinanly mCpresemttati'e , iti r.
To the actors ss'ho mnatme tIme affiuim' an
artistic Fitecess , we are ( hoiliiy gruttefimi.
Omim' net itt'nC'etiS uimflottmmt to $ fIJO. Couishder.
imig time Ititemmess of time semteomm , this is quito
sa t is factomy.
lullS. ' 1' . L. KIMITALL , Pmeshien ( .
MISS S. .1. lJAItttOWS.
l'iist niiel C iii' Sot'liul.
'rho social to be given by time yotmng mmmcmi -
of tIme First Commgrcgatmomual chiirclu thiu
evenimig imas imeemi Itostvoned umitil Friday
uvenitmg of next week , wheim the 'ouing aiim
svIi serve retreshmimemms ( anti give a pragramn
representing this life of yolmng umon in the
family circle as it will be mmi tIme twentieth
I1ow sYour Liver ?
' . ' : Or. hobbs Utile LiVO PiTb Don't GrIpe.jJ
Dr. IIoLbs 1.1111. . 1jie , PItS , tte gntmy
Set protntmly om til , , Li J'L'It , .vTO,1A CIA ,
null ill ) ir'I..v , dis.eIiinz 1meumtclcjF.v.
cmi , , int , ( o1d , clnan.mnc (1,0 34tom that.
otjuhyuil ) thuny cur. . iaIhtuai comitIpatlou.
1ie nre .iteitt-.copmem , vor inait , amid nri
piij vo5otttie , . l'ut , , m , Itt , ececai vittl ,
cotttlting 0) itlli , . 1'rrh'r dbgeMon !
fiiow , , tttetu- Thcnmomtttis , cmro Stc.t
lleufl'a/e , turnS are t aonitaerio , ( by i'lu- '
skians tunti drugit , l'rlco ,
ilosh , Iemd5 : Ci. . , ( il.Ae , i.,4 Sn. i'r.nict , .
How ARE YOUR KIDNEYS ? Dr tlobbsSpar-
ogus Kidney Pills will cure them. PrIce , 50 cts.
Ill Health _
Is the cammi' of tmntold suffering anti sorrow ,
Ila,1 , imenitit steals away yommtli anti bc'ammty
amiti darkens imsmtny a life' . It. makes many
a woman feel sith , weary anti despondent ,
Iimmt wonmon might easily overcome all tlmob'
distressimig aiimmmr'ntti if timoy would only as- .
51st nature by utslmmg ( list great imcaithi-givlng
stl imimmhaiit ,
Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey
wlmiclt iuimiluis tip time qe'mm amid imparts new
life. 'l'licro Is mmothmimmg cqtmah to it for quick-
citing time circulation , onricitimig tim blood
amid romlaclimg languor amid ue'akneas with
brlghtmiess anti vigor. Tlmotmsantls of wormiomi
testify to tim wonderful benefit they have froumi takIng It
lt.TWAY'h3 ilr.ADY ilh'.IllF Iii safe , r.hiebl
nt1 e1erttittl ItC"Itte of , me , tltmmtimt , ' lug action
ii hmii U exerts tuier the nerve. cmii vutni oiv.'r
of the t'ol' , tidlmng , tone ( I ) ( its Out , ant tnt'tting
to reteived numI Incr"asetl vigor ttte sitminbrtmtg
V m taliti' of thme PitsIcit , i St I utt'ttt r , ' , * , itil timrdqmgh
( ( mIs lm'aimlfutl stlittutititlt'ii and liucreasal notion
( tic' ( " \ ( ' 511 of titu , 1'A1 itt , lrmven miens mtmuI ii
iuntural eonlhmnn , ( reu'tortl , , It k titum' . ittat tme
html. DY I I I hI i.F' Is , , ntlnml rtibi' mu.huii'tnl for
( ( to ct'ttm : i ) mi' IN , nntl wllhmotit ( it , ' rick of in.
Jtmry wlmmeii is sutre tt reult funum ( lt ups of , ' 4
nttimmy of lit , ' en-enlird itain remitdles ott tite 1ny. -
It is Highly Important that
Every FamIly Keep a
Supply of
. ' & , t , READY RELIEF.
Always in itte Itntme. its misc uviii erove mienneiai
rmi aIm noes , ins of 1,81mm or ciokimess. Titer , . is
not imhmimr ma ( tmu % , , I lh ( ha t w iii Ctom no ma or a N t
lc-t itt , ' prngrei-a tf dis"a.e uta quick as ( hue
iteajy fl"t ' .
PAN ; 1
- tBn ) tier lot tic. .uI.I Iiy itil .1 ruggm'tts ,
HIRES Rootbeer absorbs
all the goodness of nature's
most healthful herbs , roots ,
barks and berries. ,
) ttds hy 1 mc Ctt , , t. mlm , , Co. , rhumsmempti
4 2'4 , macgn uakeg 5 caUout. . s..ul , , , , ,
i , "is- TRr.AT Aim.
- - : :
, _ * 4 ' . ' - U Years in Omatt.
c , '
, flk Free , L'onsuum2toU
-s ' 1 amid k.xntttmjuion F'rcc.
i4thiandflrui5rnSt $ . .
: uusitai itc'j' . ,
Creiglitoii Music Hall.
I'axton & ilurgess , Mir.
E-Iigh ClassVaudeville
Every Even'ng From 8 to 12.
tttrodumclmig The llretiters Blantas , Icroy and
luyton , Leoha Mitcimehi , Geotrutie iImynea : ,
'ruhy Simtttuck and Mcstsrs. Lutz arid I'ederson.
CiiANGl OF i'hto.ILAU ' . % 'JTEICLY.
4t. ' & ALL THE WORL \
Knows that the Pecriess Remedy
? for Diseases of the Liver , Kidneys
and Bladder is
_ Dr. J. H. McLE'S
It has Cured Thousands of Desperate Cases Try It
. , .
AT ALL DnucmGmsTa. Pntcr $ m.oo Pen IIOTTLE
Of looking at old antiquated chestnuts in fur-
4.t niture , and being shown those same carpets
your grandmother used before the var ,
id $ :
gI Make a Change1
Let us show yeti what a real stylish piece of
TIURNIJURE looks like. I-low a modern p-
to-date CARPE'I' looks on your floor , in those
I 1ICW colors-handsomely designed. ' 4' ?
Don't Be Alarmed.A'A
- .
.A'A )
About the price. We sell modern furniture and
carpets at the same price as others get for
; goods with whiskers on them.
- -
- - - -
Your Money's Worth or Yoiit'
Moiiey Bnclc.
, ? , . . .
- - - - - - - - - - ' - - -
- COMPANY , : '
1211 and 1213 Farnam Street.