Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1896, Image 1

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Olaims of omo Captured Oubana to Privileges -
legos of American Citizenship.
: JtisIiletiep lii t1ii UiIteI Suites
Hu ri Iy I.i.iii Ii..igIi to 4ec.irc
sittirsiII zit ti.ii He f.ire ILetil ru-
jug to CuIuu.
iyrIght. 1C , hy I'rcs PiaIUhIng Company. )
I MADItI ! ) , .May 12.-VIa Bayonne , France ,
York % 'orId Cablegram-
ay 1.-NeW ) (
Sicelal Telegram.-"JI2rlScOUUltS ) believe
taIn iiulght male a utrong case against
Znoit ; of the naturalized Americans arro3tctl
in Cuba , " aiul Senor Lastres to the \Vorhl
correspondent today ,
Senor Lastres it , the leader of the con-
' ervativc deputies from I'orto rtco : , is the
. %
first 'Ico pre&dcnt , anil Li much respected
by the Spanish conservatIves lie L devoted
tb I'remlor Catuovas. It lii well known here
that several of the naturalized Americans
arfested in Cuba resided In tlio United States
: vcry little beyond the time reuiured to ob-
tam naturalization. Some had even until
lately ililed municipal and other ofilcos In
their native land , thus , by Implication , pretending -
tending to be subjects of Spain ,
'Scam could ahow , " continued Senor Las-
. - trea , "that the majority of these claimants
to United States protection conic well within
the rcope of the sweeping , stern comments
once made by Prusident Lincoln upon Gcr-
xumammg and other luropeans unduly Invoking
American citlzenElllp to avoid obligations and
responsibi ti to their native country. I
adnilt that the Svauisli authorities in Cuba
wcro negii&ent in mint properly seeing to it
that the treaty mtipuiation was observed
before the liiIluster. of the Competitor were
tried by court-muartial , as Consul General
Williams had made repreentat oils upon the
subject long before. Time \Vaslungton ! gay-
crenmemit not only instructed Mlnirter Taylor
at ladrid to call attention to tIme treaties ,
but imisisted upon Minister Dupuy do Lomne
getting the sentences suispondeil.
"I have often cuideavoreti within a year ,
though vainly , to Imluco Prenmer Caumovmui to
limit rcfc rums In force in Porto R'co. I be-
hove he certainly sviii draw up amid keep in
rcadiiiess a uuiorc complete seliemne of colon-
ml reforms than was contcrnpiatetl in the
lull of 189 ! . Only such a scheme will be
purely administrative nail economical. allow-
mig time colonies to put In opernton measures
voted by time imperial I'ariiamneuut , but reserving -
serving all legislative , initiative and power to
the home government , and the imperial
Parlinnient , iii which \Vcst Indtan semmators
and mleputie iil contxmuio to sit. ' '
Senor Lastre.3 IS very confident that Pro-
rnicr Canovas wilt , ersevcre iii tile etruggie
to PutcitY Cuba , and is equal to the task of
cam rying nut the program lakI down in the
royal siecch. AItTIIUt I. IIOUGIITON.
UIiGI 'I'll I 'i'itmt'i'v's t iiiItLt'i'ION.
luuI ii I .It l'u Ier4 l'oi ii t ( I ii t ii Course
fr ( Iu ( , , yeriiuuuCItl to Iuuliov.
( Cpyrght , 1 ( ; , by l'rcus 1'mmbiIulmiumg Comni'any. )
MADRID , May 1h-NaW ( York " .S7orld
Cablegram-Special Telegram.-Tiie ) majority -
ity of tIme Madriul newspapers ask time gov-
euimcnt to repumdimttc the treaty of 1795
'c'Itll time United States , and time ( Ctuslmlng )
protocol o4S77. Timeso journais allege that
tIm c3nvemtiouis referred to are bInding ommly
on Spain , as time United States daily proves
Its contempt for international law and
uu'ages aummong civilized nations. Time
United Statea , say thesa Journals , openly
tolc'raten acts of piracy , violations of nemu-
trality auiui filibustering expeditions against
Simnium , because it supposes Spain is weaker
, - - - than time United States and in a position in
which it would be uliillcolt for it to 'indicate
Him riglmts and obtain fair play.
The mhiul reason General Weyler gives
for remmmaining mm comnmimand in Cumba after time
government has dissented from his views in
tIme Competitor case , is that lie ( looms his
presence tlueo necessary to rosraIri the
/ vohmnteer ami time Spanish party in havana ,
who show a stroimg di + mpooition to take time
law iumto timelr own imands and wimo lmmsis upon
the puutting to death of the condemmiuied fill-
General \'eyicr contemplates sending sew-
oral bittalions of volunteers to renforeo
tIme forces "bluckmmding" General Macco in
I'lnar dl htio lmrovinco with a view to uislmmg
regular troopa how tlmcro to reinforce time
coliummmns trying to arreat the aulvaimco of
General Gounez toward Matanzas and
Mmmcii stress is laid by the iress and time
omeinl circiem on the fact tlmat time continental
Eoucpean and time Immglislu press nmanifest
'symnpatluy with Simm again on tlio occasion
of time new ( : ) me ComPetitor ) Incident.
21A' S1iItItFNIiit " .VIIlN 'I'IIEY LIi(1i.
Geuueruul Y.yIer IsNuii' $1 Xi' Order
* .u E tue I umsiurgeuui heiIeviu.
HAVANA , May 13.-Captain General Woy-
icr has prolonged immdeflaitoly time period
given to time Cuban generals In 'hic1m to
surrender and obtaiu pardon.
1'ieumi'im i.i hues Coumti one to I'rotc.f.
I'ARIS , May 13.-Jim the Frenclm news-
m papers of today tlmero Is further adverse
t .rIticismn of the attitude of tim Uniteul States
iii Limo uimatter of Conmpetitor fIlibusters. Time
tone of the comnmnemit corre.5'ponls ( wltlm time
following , a imkim iii from time Eclair : "It Is
clear that Brother Jonathan has Just as
many scrumpiec aim his Ilrothmer John Boil.
110 vants to lumterforo at aimy price In affairs
which mb not concern him. This policy will
Riot flumd supporters iii France. "
( Jouuumsel Sum iuuuult.4 Ii is ( ipiuuioum ,
CAIRO , May 13.-The crown commmmsei sub.
omitted his couujuaiomms in limo action lirouglmt
against time comummissioncr.s of the Egyptian
thbt to the tribunal today. They are to the
t effect that the conumnissiommurs imavo the power
to dimpo'o of time reserve fummul for unforeseen
stab expenses , ammd timat a majority of the
comumuumissioumers only Is necessary for sucim
action to be taken. Juulguument will be iro-
nouaced on Juuma 1.
hirotlmerlmoud of iuugI ulcers ,
OTTAWA , Oat. , May 13.-Cimtof P. M , Ar-
tlmur called time annual convention of the
1irotimcrlmood of Locomotive 1umglneers to
order today , Time only buslne s transacted
at the opening seaion was time appointment
of a ccuuimnitteo 0mm credentIals. lIr Mack.
enzio h3oteil , ex-promler of Canada , will
- visit time convention tommmorrow ,
hmuaveuise iii Freimoim ( ; ustuuui .
I'AltlS , May 13.-According to the ofilelsi
returns the French ctmstouim receipts for time
first four muontlms of 189G simow Increases itt
imports to thu amount of 167,000,000 francs ,
aummi of exporiti to time uuium of S3,000,000
trmuneu , as compared with the same liellod
of 1S95. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hiritislu Sti' Got's .tsimnri. .
loRI' SAID , May 13.-The lrItilt steamimer
" . \'ooiwlch , Captain Ruebbin , wimich sailed
train New York on April 5 for Jc'ddap , Aden ,
tiuignporo , etc. , and which pasued Imore on
May 6 , ts ashore on Simab.el.ICeber reefs ,
I' J Is lmopeti that limo steamer cam be floated ,
StrliIiug ) ) oule'rs imuict , Trouble ,
ROTTEIID.M , May 13-Timo serious coil-
dition of affairs caused by limo striking
dockers continues today. Time police are
still on duty nail In addition time ironclad
- . , JCortcnau has arrived at time Maas anchor.
r ago to grotect time shipping.
Great hirhlmiimi lu humipaficuuf ,
J.ODON , May 13-The Standard's parila-
V ruontary correspondence reporbi a rumor tlmmzt
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain has cabled
to I'resiilent Kruger an expostuiation at lila
delay In announcing time ( tital sentenceu of
tbo cQvIctvd : cfvrincr.
Oume-hlimif of tIs IuuIifte5 Of lime Ciiiii
lunhir iii ICi uusim. CI Are 15 % Out.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 13.-Time trouble
between time Armour l'acking company and
Its employos In Kani'as City has assumed a
serious aspect. Seven imuindred men are now
out , reducIng the vorklng force of the plant
fully one-halt , Time strike of forty-four fire-
nuen to enforce an eight-boor tlay at $2 per
day Imas finally lnvolvet almost every do-
iartment in the big plant. Yesterday even-
lag time company dischargeml 100 macn. Today
fifty girls in time tagging and trimming departments -
partments walked out , and this evening the
company tlimolmnrged a large percentage of its
emnployo , numbering fully 500 and coming
front avery department of the works. om-
dais of time company irmoict timat time men are
being discharged simply to reduce a vorklng
force that. is altogether too large , consider-
lag time light btmeinesu of the present season.
Tlmo strikrs and time men discharged , however -
ever , maintain that only macn wimo ympnthIzo
with time etrikitmg threaten are being sent
Notwithatandimig time injunction lemmued from
time federal court restraIning the labor or-
ganizaticims from declaring a boycott against
Armour's products nil of time labor minions involved -
volved met tonlgimt and elected delegates to
U 11155 $ meeting to ho Imell in ifmimusas City ,
Ifan , , tomorrow morning , when an executive
cnmnmnittee vIli be nppotmmtNl to COflimict the
tight against the Armotmrs on the ituies Previously -
viously mapped cut.
In hCmunsas City , 1Csn , where several thousand -
sand minion men live. many of the retail
meat dealers vere notifiemi today by several
of their customers timat they W0U1l withdraw
timelr trade If time dealers continued imamimllitmg
Armmmotmr'si meat. Timts , it is claimed , had the
effect of causing many dealer.s to refuse to
give orders to Armour's solicitors , natwitlm-
standing the temporary injunction to prevent -
vent the enforcemuient of a boycott secured
by time company cii Monday. To what extent -
tent today's boycott will affect time corn-
pany's litusiness cannot be comujectured at
prccermt. _ _ _ B _ _ _ _
5,1' . hALIS i : SWi1'T 11 % ' % 'iNi ) .
' . . 1'oieu
Ci I iii ii eys mm uid'lt.lepIm.uuIe
flivum ) , . - _ . ileim I ) ruvumid.
ST. LOUIS , May 13.-One of time nmost ter-
riflc winmi and rain storms that ever etruck
tlmimu city prevailed tlmls evening between 5:30 :
and C o'clock. Trees , signs , chimneys , smokestacks -
stacks , house roofs auid telegraplm and telephone -
phone poles , with timeir burdens of svires ,
were prostrated In various aectionv of the
city. Time continuous and heavy i'treamns
wimicli fell formed a connection betveen time
trolley sires tumid time ground , causing the
escape of tiun current , whicim resultemi in a
stoppage of cars all over time city during the
stormn. 'rvo tmnknown men iii a klff near
tIme Illinois side of the river were drowned
by time capsizing of timeir boat , and two more
vero thrown out of a yacht by the violence
of the wind and had a narrow escape from
( loath. At Fifteenth and Washington atreets
time large wooden spire of the German Lutli-
&mran clmurch was twisted so badly that its
fall iii expected momentarily. The 250-foot
smokestack at time Antimony & Kuhn brewery
vas blowim down. In falling It strmmck the
corner of tlto brew hotmmc , cutting it off clean
to time ground. Several people therein had a
narrow escape from deatlm. The same stommn
prevailed throiuglmoUt Missouri , Kansaa , Arkansas -
kansas and the lower and central Misieaippi
val'ey ' , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _
F'II.IIILJS 'I' 11tS 1'1iAI ) O'1' G ; IL'I'Y.
Oliteers of time ih'ruuuum.ln .tuluimttted to
html it.
NEW YORK , May 13.-John D. Hart , Cap-
tam John O'Brien , Mate Edward Murphy and
Colommei Emilio Nunez , wlmo were recently ar-
re.sted In l'lmIladeipha for violating the mtetm-
traitty act in connection with the first trip
of time steamship hiormnuda to Cuba , appeared
before Judge Benedict in the crmninal hart
of the United States circuit court today.
Since their arrest the prisoners have been
indcted. I'ieas of not guilty , witim leave to
withdraw If considered neccoary itm time
coure3 ef temm days , vero entem'el : for each
of the ulefendantum. Judge Benedict fixed bail
in eaclm of the cases at * 2.500. Time mulieged
ilUbusters will not ha broimgimt to trial , it Is
believed , until the United States supreme
commit t1.echuies time appeal in tlm hiorsa cases.
which are to be argued \Vasiimmgton next
Monday. Time prosecution of John D. Hart
for the Laurada's first expedition having
been abandoned. United States Commissioner
Simields today disniirsed the bail , which was
H.500. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Aumumuuuul 'uhu'etiuuw of tiut- ( ' . , it. .c : Q.
ChICAGO , May 13.-At tIme anmmual macct-
tag of time stockholders of time Chicago , Bumr-
llngton & Qtulncy railroad held hero today
ttmo old board of directors was re-elected
witim ommo cxcemtiOmt , where Hobart Treat
Payne , time second. of Boston wau clectol to
succeed Charles J. Paine , who is now in Vu-
rope. Ttmcre were 48:1,211 : simarca of rtock
rcpmesomited. Time only busimmc' % Os imat
of approving time president's annual report
antI ttmat of relectlng a board of ulirectors.
Thu meeting was imarmnonlotms. T W. Bar-
imydt of Burlington vrcsiclel at time ineetrtg
and 14. 0 , Goddard acteml as si-cretary , Ctfl-
cers of time company will be electml a' time
next meeting of the beard of directors. IL is
said time old omcers witi be re.elacted.
imm.l of tii ( .huiel4soum Cuise lu. Sight.
NE\VI'OitT , Iy. , May 13.-Attorney Craw-
fermi , of the defense in time Scott Jacicromi
ease , limmished his argumntent at noon. Aunong
the PropoFitions preseatod tolny ( WIlS emma
that h'earl Bryan was dead before imor boiy
was taken to Kentucky anti another was that
If sue was killed in Kentucky time murderer
vas not Scott Jackson.
Comumnonwealtim Attorney IckImart cloati
tIle urgumnents this aftermmoon ammil tommiorrow
uumorniuug time case rtii be givemm to time jumry.
Somime of time jurors are becomnimug eximauated
amid for that reasomm it vas decided hot to
give time ease to timemn tazight.
iiusuu1 Oiileiuul 'S lumti.'teaI.
1FflIt' , Old. , Mtty 13.-Time grmuuiul jmmry
Ut timit4 country imas returned an immultetmuent
agmuiuist George H. hartley , lmresiulrnt of time
First Nationtul iummuik of Arkansus City ,
Kmmrm. , ( or wrecking the F'irst State bank
at ( him' Place last ( miii nnd nguimmm't 'P. M ,
htielimmrulsoml , Hr. . anul 'P. M. Itteharulsan , Jr. .
iure8idemit ammul cnsluicr of time Oklruhrmmna City
First Natinmmal luauii- , and Fred 'tV , Farr
mind Fred Gunt oftimis 1)10cc.
.11 lt.ul Lucr Comum miii ts 5 , . Ie'iuie.
AUBURN , N. Y , , May 13-Charles A.
\Veddington , aesistunt tlnatmcimtl clerk of the
state senate , shot himself at the imoune of
\Vilihmim H. Webster ii ) this city today.
W'euldingto. swims Iii love with Miss lIeu
\'tluster , fluid ii Is tlmought iii sti'ctulu sY.i8
beenumso m'lme ltmmd rejected lila iroPnsai of
atari iugo I he .mts about 21 years old mtiud
haul bcc'mm keeping c mflimafly with Miss \\'eh-
muter about a year ,
'l'm9ust Iircctor's Fl Ic Ieuumurr.'ra ,
N1 % ' YORK , Mmiy 13.-Counsel ( or the
otilclnla of the American Tobacco conipony ,
wimo were lntiieteul last wck for 'ioimution
of thuo monti.trumut law. mm ppetured lii time court
of gemuermul sessions todmu ) ' 1111(1 tllt'l us tie-
mutter. No uhmit lmna yet been llxtl for
argument On time demmttmrrer
i4iSI'uIIt'lmtN of Oe'e'muum't'ssu'ts , Imi j ; ,
At New York-Arrived-Dresden , from
flreuumu'mi : 'reutommie ( rein Liverpool hovel ,
front lirernen , Saiied-l'aris , ( or Soutiimimnp-
toil ; Germanic , for Liverpool ; Nordtmtnd , ( erA
A a twerp.
At bommthamnpton-Arriwul-Spree from
New York , ( - liuemen ; New 'ork. front
New ! m'ork Saihed-'l'rave. for New York ,
At ( I iuagotv-Arrived-Ethiopia front New
At LIs'erpooh-Arrivnd-Monnolhan from
Montreal ; \ mmmicouver , irons Montreal ; Mu.
Jestie from New York. b'ahietl-lhrltaiummtc ,
for 1 umiladelphla ; Ithltmelanul , for Phitadel-
At ( liljrnltnr-Sailed-MnrailIa , ( rare Na-
I ) ' " , ; for Ness' York.
, t lmostomt-Sailed-I'eruvlan , for a lasgow ,
A t ltottordmumn-Arrlved-Mutmeda at , from
New York.
At Copenhagen - . .rrived - Titinvaiia ,
froums New York.
I" Oreenoek.SailedAseyrian , for Pimila-
do. tullin.
4t l.'sboum-Sollcd-Ocyenuni , ( or New
A . from
t il.sltImore-.Arrlved-Munche1l
Spanish Press Indulging a Dream of British
Sympathy anti Assistnice.
iumroiue Iitllc Iticel to Iuutcrtt-re uumul
Ureuct iirituuiim Iii 'II ) l'osliomt
to iiuu3uuper tile United
Stubs ,
( Capymigmt ) , 1196 , by I'ress I'ubiistmhng Comumpammy. )
LONION , May 13.-New ( York Vorld
Cablegram-Special Telegrarn.-Tiio ) WorimI's
Matiriul correspondent's dispatch tlmnt the
Slanimurds are comforted by English syma-
hatliy simows timat ( ho Spaniads Imave
beet eitimer misinfornicul or are liv-
lng In a fool's paradise , so far as
public opinion Is expressed. In presa or
Parliament no worul iuas beemi spokemi imoro
adverse to the contention of the United
States in this ntatter. Sir Cimarles Duke ,
who foliota foreign affairs sitim keeui and
hIghly tnformneil interests , tlmimilc serious
trouble mnay ultimnately grow omit of time case.
"Spanisim anul Portuguese people , " he said ,
° are very strong on the point of honor ,
anti where a menace is aduiressed to tlmeni
they are always apt to rueh to the con-
elusion that a strong commrse Is always time
bet one , witimout any' regard to time commee-
qtmonccs. As to your questIons , whether iii
event of war , I consider ammy European
compllcatione . likely to follow , or that Simaim
t.iui be assisted by any Eiuu-opean power , no ;
Spain must rely on imersolf alone , No European -
ropoan cotmntrv can have any Intercot In
supporting imer. "
After all , England could lmardiy abject to
tue action of the Unitoul States iii tlmis muat-
ter , commsideriuug Secretary Chamberlain's
Practical demand upan I'resident Kruger
against the recemit uleatim sentences In time
Trnnsvaal and unuier mmmcii loss urovcr cir-
Although no mnentiomm of time tact Is likely
in the London press , time Standard Oil coin-
pany ot the United States was prominently
comucorneul In an extraordimmar3- scone today at
a uirlvate sitting of the parliamentary select
conimittee. appointeul to Inquire Into the ad-
vie'ability to raise the hash point of mineral
oil sold In the United Kingdom. Anthony
I. Mundella , M. 1' . , who had to retire front a
position as presiulent of the Board of Trade
in time last liberal government because of his
connectiomt with an unfortunate joint stock
enterprise , is chairmmman of the comnmnlttea ,
anti ime brought forwarul as a breach of Parhia.
mnemmtary privilege the accusation made in the
Scotsman , the leading Scottlsim paper. that ho
was conducting the inquiry in the imiterests
of an American oil ring. , Iumndelia tndig-
miantly ulenled time cimarge and created a
heated controversy by accusing one of the
Seotteh ! members of the committee , witim
imavimmg umispirefi time libel. Aim altercation ,
lasting nearly an hour ensued , but though
the statement of the neaspaper was' cieariy
a breaciu of privilege , punialmablo by severe
pentities , as it involved the charge of coat-
phicity in gross corruption , it was ultimately
decided to take no action. TIme trumtii is the
original appointment of this committee was
motmred by certain Scotcim mnembers of Parlia-
macnt acting imi the interest of a Scotch oil
cemilpany which having quarrelled vith the
Stammdarul Oil company iuopco to hamper its
trade witim the Uniteul Kingdom by obtaining
a legislative enactnient raising the fiach
point. The Scotch oil company and time
Standard worked together untii a couple cf
years ago , anul qumito recently negotiations
wore opened for a renewal of the arrange-
ntents between them , hut it came to nothumtg.
It is estintated that if the Scotch oil company
can secure the object it Is aimning al it will
mmiean a gain of CO0,000 to its income aimfi
a cormespondimig less to the Standard Oil coin-
imny. On the tlmole the origlmm and oh-
ject of the committee is a serious semmdal
and reflects little credit cmi the bonotei
purity of the lIritili legislature and legis-
Lord Lonsulale'o ahieged statement that the
German emperor aught challenge for
America's cult vith his new yaclmt , laummcimcci
today , scents preposterous fem several valid
reasons. but chiefly hecatmso in a clause in
the gift for the Kaiser's cup ammnually raced
for at ( 'Owes the emperor explicitly frammmed
c3ndttlons so as to exclude American con-
tetsnts. Thta unfricmmdly act lion been
much commented upon by Americana living
abroad. It will be remnembered timat when
a similar report sums published a year ago
about the prince of Wales' intention to
challenge witim hirittania. lit case his yacimt
proved superior to Valkyrie , imts royal higim-
umuss addressed mu very courteous letter to the
\\'oriml througim Sir Francia Kmmoliys , Intimating -
mating how impossIble it would ho for royalty -
alty to engage in. such an International con-
teat for obvious political reaE'Om' ,
IENltCflS ; jjjj ; ' 1'itAtS' utAh ) .
: si epimhuir uf Cuujue t4.iuuul y AMSeIIIIl J Ie-
miumuIllis ltevoiumtlilmi of time' ( juizui'ter.
CAPE TO\'N , May 13-Imm time lIout. of
4\eernbly Mr. Merriman , on mnoving a reso-
ltmtiomt in favor of revoking the charter of time
British South Africa commmparmy , maintained
timat time chief culprits to be dealt with were
time niembers of time Chartcrcul company ,
vlmlcim lmad been gimilty of corruptlomm. Ruth-
crfom'd Ilarrimi ( time secretary In South Africa
of time Charterci commmiany ) ought to take lms !
race , , iahul Mr. Merrlmnamm , alenguide of Mr.
GardmtcrVthiiamns , time manager of time D..j
Ucers mine , tried for simppiylng arms to
Joimannesburg , iii the dock , It was a scsi-
dm11 , ho weumt emi to say. to procecmmto the
agemmts and imot the ; rinclpale. lL' dntmnced
time way lit whmichm Ithodesta haul beoui de-
mmimdetl of troopa to take part in the Johmamtne-
burg ra'd , leaving time people there at the
uilercy of the MatmUntles.
LONDON. May 12.-A dispatch from Cape
Tov.n to time Timmmemm says : "Local feeling is
so atmong in Cccii Rhodes' favor that if he
were a canmildato here for election , or In any
British center , lme would Imeaul time poll. "
It ldth ) V 'I' ( ) ( ) Ct'L'I'Y Volt' ! ' A ht'i'ih till.
fluutire ilumssin mm S.tmiuul roum ltt'iiuI t'xv oils
mit ( Ise Vtuu , .
LONDON , May 13.-A special dispatch re
ceiwed hero from Simaoighai says timat time
flriti'hm and German mninlaten at I'eking imave
protested agaimmmtt time action of Russia imi oc.
copying part of time forcalmoro at Cho Fee ,
contrary to treaty rIghts.
Time dispatch adml. that the entire ltuaIan
suluadromi in Chinese waters % vIli rendezvous
at Clue Fee in readimmess to occupy Port
Arthur or Kiacho bay , on receipt of instructions -
tions from St. l'etcrsburg ,
In well inforimmed comnmmtercial 'lmmarters in
London it Is believed that time Cimo Fco In-
chlemtt is nothing but arm ordinary busimmems
deal , as Ferguson & Co. have been offering
tifu hand wimich is alleged to have been
asized for eilo during years past , Time ony
cause ( or disquiet is found In time fact that
time hiusahan Steam NavIgation company ,
timrough whose agenI , Mr. J. Smith , arm
Amnerican , time haumd Imas been occupici : , is a
commipammy subsiaized by limo Russian govera-
meat , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ihummors mi ii .tmuitrieii mu Sciemu t
IIUDA I1EST , May 13-Time university imere.
iii contmnenmoration of the millennial cehebra.
lion , has been authorized by Enmperor Fran.
cia Joseph to confer the imomiorary degree ci
doctor of medicine on Br , John Shaw
Billings of Phuiadelphtia.
Morc AmutI-Miasioummury it ints ,
SIIANGIIAI , May 13-Anti'intssionary
riots broke out at IClang-Yin yesterday , The
Uritisim mission was looted ana burned. The
mtsionary escaped ,
Forty Arrests fur L'ae Mmmjcate
JIERLIN , May 13.-Forty arrests have
beets made for ieee majesto at I"rauktort.
M1'I'itOiiST COVihtIdUld lOlGS.
lny Given lit , hnttre1T to l'umre1
It oil t I no i'roeed 1mm gus.
CLEVELAND , May d-.tThe.dolay In the
proceedings of the MtbudIat general coma
ferenco on account of the failure of time cent
mimittecs to present their reports is about at
an end , With the election of' ' bta'hops anti
conference officers , shlcim begins tomorrow
nmorning , time conferen'co wiilget down to
real soild work and the' sessions from now
on are likely to be fuiii of interest. Follow-
immg the election will come the rettlement of
the time limit question , and there will probably -
ably ho a spirited c mmtezt ver that. Time
most imuporimmat busIti'ss at today's sessiomi
wuta time auloptiomi of a resolution cimangimig
the time of meeting of time general conference -
once front time let of May to tIme first Wednes.
day in May. There was mmmcii oratorical
sparring among the delegates , but tIme best
of epirits prevailed tlmreughu'Ut time sessiomi ,
Time conference was opened today witim
hlisimop Vincent iii the cimair. The ulevotioutal
services vem'e eommthictoui by Rev. It , E.
Gliiumn , a coiored minister front central Mis-
Tile first re.oolution offered denounced in
time strongest terals the Arnienlan outrages
amtd mmmassacres amtd referred to the apathy of
the Cimristian governments of Europe and
America. It closed by eaiiing cml congress
to pass a joimtt resolution authorizing time
iuresidemit to enter into miegotiations with the
European uowers umiost directly iumterestei
wttht a view of interfrIngu and preventing
furtimer nma.osacres. Time resolution almo provided -
vided that a copy of tlme.resolutioIi should be
sent to both houses of congress. it was rc-
ferrel to the comumnittea on state of the church
witimoumt ( llsctmssiomt.
The proposition to change time time of
holding time general conference from May 1
to the first \Vednesdny in May aroimsed a
thirctmssion on time pohnt of catmatitutionaUty of
tIme action , Three-fourths of time annual con-
fcrommcea have approved it nmtd it was ap-
provci by ntore tluan ('irds of the gcmt-
oral conferemmco. Dr. L 'onarul led the opposition -
sition , but lie wns literally' buried , as time
vote stood 397 yeas anti 19 nays. Time next
general conference will therefore meet on
time first \Vednesuiay in May , 1900.
A ; mroposltomm was prcsoumted by Rev. L.
Ii. Fiske of Detroit tobold time general conference -
ferenco each six years. The reasons given
were that it would savtt $2,500 per year ammd
woulul rave time and under the present ar-
rangemttent 540 nmemt are out 'of church vork
four wceks , or an ngregate of forty-five
year.s. Otlter reasons were that It would
redtmce time anxety incIdental to electiont ,
vauiul give a more satisfactory test of officers -
cers electeul ; would save criticisms and would
give a longer tmmme in whini ? to test chmautges
iii ullsclplimte and would jmisure greater stability -
bility ammd permnanency. It 'was referred to
time conimnitteo on state of time church.
Chaplaium C. C. McCabe prcented a con-
stltutcnai amnendmemtt which ferbido any
mmtiasionary society from , appropriating any
sum in excess of the laconic of the year
previous. This was to vail a Imait on time
appropriations wimicim lmaxe been made iii
excess of income.
A largely eulogistic resolnUon regarding
time work of ntieriommaries vas Limo firmt ulecu-
meat prerenteul after recess. ft eat May 19
at 11 oplock as a day on which missionaries ,
doaconesDcs , etc. , are to be appointed to the
coumference. A , motion to refer to time corn-
mnitteo oil timestate of the cinmrch by Dr.
Buckley was defeated , as was a motion to
hay on the table. Time resolution was then
Great imtterest warm manifested wimen time
commimitte t on episcopacy 'aa called. Dr.
Ilumckley rQported timat hu caunmittee is unable -
able to report at present mn , the , number. of
bishops , but he promnlseul to do so time firrit
timing in the moruming. P
A report in wimich a cluange was proposcml
iim time matter of imaptam caused a prolonged
debate. Time proposition was to tbo effect
thmat those who were rrlnkled -immfancy
eouiiui , if they desired , be Immersed wimon
they grewolder. Timis was opposed by Dr.
Leommard and others on time ground timat it
vas dlreriummlmiatiomm against infant baptisnm ,
and after a prolommgeul discusson time report
of the committee was recommitted.
Time comnnmittee out ihook Concern ntade an
nulverse report on time recommnemtdation to
ostabitsim a Mothoulist daily paper ; it also
made a Ike report on time recommnenulation
thtmt time Western. Northwestern and Central
Ctmristlan Aulvocate he cormoolidated Into one
paper for time Missbsaipii valley. Time report
was immtntediately adopted. Anotlmer report
rccomnmmmendeul thmat time Dcok Concern ruob-
lithu ammul commtaium bookm' nd periodicals of time
Methodist clmurclm in the Spmlnizh lammguage.
After announcinents laul been ummade the
conference adurneul. '
The commtmvmittee on epiopacy decideml to-
ulay to recommimend to , the' conference that
Blehops Bowmnamm and 'osler be deenred
nomm-effcctive , vhicim is equ4valermt to retirement -
mont , and that two new ilmops be elected
It was practically decided to take time rome
action in regard to Bisimpp Taylor of Africa ,
anmi lila speach to the cpmnmitteo induced it
t : ) defer action , All timreO bishops were hue-
tore time comnnhittee anti 'raid they were cuat-
lsfle'J that whatever' time conference mlgimt
mb would be time sviil of God. Bishop Taylor ,
imowever , explained lila peculiar relation him
Africa cml tile SUCCCSO ho had achieved in
ralsiumg money for it , efforts in this directton
beimmg still In progress IlisJmop Ilownumn ha
Sn years old , Iiisimap Foster 711 and Bishop
Taylor 75. Time conmmittoti u1ecied to recoin-
aloud timat one of time now bhshopu be a maim
of African dercent , Time candidate of tIme
colored delegates is Dr iloweum of Gamnmmmon
Theological insttumte , -
Tita conmmnittee cmm httacrary will recom-
ntemmml that in rare cimses the tive. year until
mumoy be extended one year by aim appeal by
time congregation to the mjuarterly conference ,
smem'o It mntmmut imave a 'tbr'ee-uiuarters vote ,
after which it must receive time vote of a
mttajorlty ofthme cabinet pf presiding elders ,
imiclumdimmg that of ttto prariuling elder having
charge of time chmurcb , amid timen tmo bisimop
iumuist _ consent , Tlmimm may be done year after
year for five years , making time longest umos-
3ttmhu pastorate top ycar Time laity c'aimmms
It wihi defeat this plan' tomorrow ,
A mmtinority comunhttep rcport asking for
the aboilsiunment of time time liummit will ho
ti'bntitted to the comaferdnce and will hiroba-
bly be supported by time laity ,
The revisal eomnmltteqoruired that there
ho lresented to time comm eteimec tomnorrow a
rule reriumiring timat one of tao , flrst qtmestionr
asked in examining catmitJates for licenses
as local preachers must be timat regarilmmg
tIme muse of tobacco , sat framthhthat a prommuiso
to whmoiiy abatain will be necessaty ,
Smu I i's. ( I f 'l'rnt Is ilmuve , Fuu I I on OtT ,
Nfl\V YORK , May iL-At the meeting of
time Amnericami Tract socIety tday time report
of Flmtammcial Secretary Elmearer siuowei
receipts' , $230,254 ; di'mmbursemonts , $18,250 ;
cash balance , 212O03. , Dr , Slmearer suppie-
ntented imis statIstical rcpmrt 'aying tlmat
mime ahes for lime fiscal year jiut ended were
less by 5 per ccmmt timaim they .wero time pro.
viOUa year , Timis uleprecatfoa ! , 'as attributed
to limo agencies in Clmicg . 'snd San Fran-
( , -o rgin it I U 's'4 im ' .4.umo t ii , . r Cmi p ,
SAVANNAh , OaMumy 13.-Georgia riflemen -
men again , proveul timei. superiority iii
marlcamnen over tlt hl'strmct of Coiuntbimm
cngimmeer corps today by innhng the 1J. C
t'-'wuler company's mmumtdsoimma sliver trophy
lii lImo rvglmentai temim match ( interstate ) ,
Time teumi from time 2tvunnalt volunteer
guarmis Imattalton w n the match by a score
of 1.071 , hientlng lime team ( roum the DistrIct
at ( 'iumb'a engineers corps only tlmree
t)0mtts ! 'Flue latter team wins second prize
150 in cimmhm. Four teams of Ix men each
vere entered in the contest , The eommteut
vus ten simota at 200 auJ 300 yards targets
anti a skirmisim ru ot' twenty imOts On a
target orresponuhing i a COt ) yards ,
- B' -
Ammvrii'nmu 'i'ruivt Soeit'dy ,
- NH\S' YORK , May 33.-/t time annummi
nteotinK of the American 'fract society to
doa motion wamu auloptmtl rcctnahdcrlng ( ii
aomiomt of the special committee in ThS7 lu
combining time husimmess mind luenevohent do
parintealmu of the oeiety. The minion of
tIme two dclmartmenhl4 wmms dtsu'olveti by all
uilmmtOitt tunmuimiumioutt vote. General 0. 0
iIovaruI svls ; elected preSIdent cC tha societ )
and 11ev. 11 , itlmecartimur of New York vice
maresutdeut ,
Oontros the Machinery of His Sthto and
Heads the Delegation.
M lmiuoumri lluiumli Icuumi Cniuvemmt lou i'iIOs
I'm ) iiuimmors flu but' St. Iotiis
lemuher-Plmtt formut Pn'ors 3hc-
Ici muiu iimuui Itomiest huum ) .
51' . JOSEI'II , May 13.-Not ummtii 4:30 : this
muornummg did time repumblican state convention
adjourmm , after resolvimmg in favor of McKimmley
for president , in favor of sound ummoney , mind
electiumg fomir delegates-at-large to time mm-
tional commventiomi.
The commvcntiomm was in some respects the
noiskst amid mmtost trouubt'ronme ! over itch iii
time state , but at. ita ciose Chatmncey I. FiIli'y
of St. Louis still held the route. Time dole.
gates-at-large are : Clmauumcey I. Filhcy of
St. Lotmh , c'x-Congressimman F. G. Nietlrimig-
imasms of St. Louis , Major Williamn J. Warner
of Kansas City and 3. Ii , Ihothwoil of Sedalia.
Alternates : Byrd lhmncan of Butler county ,
Charles F , Galiemmkamnp of Franklin , II. It.
Wiiiiammms of Greene , Charles P. Covington
of I'ike. Major Warmter witimdrev his namume ,
but was elected as the last delegate cimosemt.
Time convention re-elected Chaumnecy I.
Filley au , chairimman of time state cemmtral coin-
mnittoe and passed a resoiumtion favoring him
as mnommtber of tue national republican cant-
nmittee , to succeed It. C. Kerena , who was
turned down by the delegates.
Filley , In auhulitiomt to being made c'imamr.
mummin of time state central commtmmmittee , nammted
mill the mnemmtbcrs , nmmul controls time mnacimhmtery
1mm every respect. Time downfail of Icerens
and Imis followers was commtplete. Kereims woe
voted for as national delegate-at-large , after
Ihittinger of St. Jcseplm Imad witimmirawn In
1mb , favor , but was defeated. Time enl > rift
lit thmm clouds was time election of Major
Warmmer , cimo Imas been classed as a follower
of Kerens , but wimo secomtded the nomninatioum
of Fihley.
After the locking otmt of time delegates by
time Keremms followers yesterday , Fliley is
sahul to have roeclveul to leave no stone
unturned to secmmre timeir mmlttmnate defeat in
everytiming. and to timmit end viii this afternoomm
try to commtei ! time cznventhcn of time F'ourthm
congressional ullmtrhct. whmlcim ummeets 1mm tmi !
city. Timis convention mnet at Platte City
Monday , but routine proceedings adjourned -
journed to nmeet iii St. Josepim timis nfternoomm
at 2 oclock. A commibtnttiomm had beoum effcc'e'l
betweemi time anti-Flileyitcs by vitcIm ! a silk-
stocking district delegation was to be seat
to lImo natiommal convention , but Filloy is
r'aid to have laid plaits to mlefeat this scimommme.
The fight between time followers of Kerens
ammui Fliley mviii , therefore , likely be renewed
at the district convemmttemm. Time lostimne-
mont of this comuveumtlomt was imaul in order
to allow time election of lhitthmmger as district
uleiegato ut case he was defeated as delegate-
at-large. But Filhey's imresemmce mmrny hr mm
time title , and this afternoon's tight will be
mis bitter , on a amnali scale , tie was the one
of yestprday and last nigimt -
'vEiuEmt IN Co'i'itl , IN COLomt.tnO.
% s'luI Iheuuul the lchi'ggitiom to St. Louis
limit Vi1i NOt unit for Silyem.
PUEBLO , t1ay 13.-Present Indications are
timatSenator Teller : ull be endorsed by for-
mnixl 'resolution tomorrow afternoon by time
reptmblican state convention , , and will be
chosen by accianmation to imead the leiega-
tlamt to St. Louis. Free coimmage and protec-
Ucmi will be declared time carmhimmai pr'ncIples
of the republican faith 1mm this state , but mme
lnstrumctiomms for any candiulato for time presidential -
dential nomination mvlli he givemi. There is
little lIeliltood that time conventiomt will tim-
Strtmct time Colorado delegates to bolt time St.
LoUts gatimcrlmtg If a gold stamidard plamtk is
adopted , and a mmtan in imarmmtommy with rucim
views mmommiinated. Senator Teller's friends
and eumimporters mvill imuve entIre control of
time convention , but conservative leaders tb
net Interpret imium recent utheramices as favor-
immg a. bolt. Senator Wolcott , it a said , will
either be overloalted In time resolut'orms or
endoraed mmmercly as to his llglmt on sliver. It
is imow believed timat McKinley vihi be time
pemsonal cimoice of a majority of the Colorado
( hciegates.
senator Tehher'e nanie was cimeoreul to time
echo at time repuhiicamm convemttlomm for time
Second Colorado district , wimicim met at 2
o'clock. lieyemmd citoor' mtg 110mm. hlccea Town.
cend of Silver Cliff , ox-member of congress
fromim Colorado , temnporary dhmarmnamt ammul then
mmmaichng time organIzation pernmanent amtul ap-
rointhimg a commtmnitte cmi resoltmtions , xmotim-
ing was done. Amm adjourimniemmt was taken
umnthi 10 tomorrow ntornimmg ,
iENVER , May 13.-A. M. Steveoeomt of
Demiver ammd Joimmm F. Vivian of Golden vere
chosemm as deiegatem to time aatlemmal reimub.
lcamt convention thia aftermmoon by time 'omm-
venthon of tIme First congreuxulnal dhmulrmct
of Colorado. C. H. Tlmberiake of Pimillips
county anti James Cowio of Ilouluber are bime
aitermmates. No reslutiomms wore adopted anti
time ubehegates are unhmmstructed , but Mr. Stew-
emmeon in a sieecim mleclarcml that hmo wotuhul
follow the lead of Senator Toiler ,
h'rohi I hi t isumuist far Free Sil 'er.
STOCKTON , Cal. , May 13-Time state Iwo-
im'ljitiomm ' convemmticmm moot lucre tojay. Chaunecy
Dunn of Sacramento tras elected chairman of
time commvontlon , anti time miasmal comnmmmhttees
were appohmmted. A commmnmitteo omm idatfornis
is iii m'esmsiomm tommight and will not conclmmclo
its lalmors' until very hate. Time comnimmittco
imav agreed emi time proim i hi I helm lila uk a mimi t ho
finamico section is framed. Thin flnammdlal
Piammhc favors gold , silver anti paper atm legal
tontler lit hma'miment of oil debtum , ptmbhhc onti
iwivate , amtd conrmtquently time conmmittee tie-
dares for tIme free coimmage of silver mit Ifi to
1. Tiuey oppose lime issuance of bonds of time
government in tiutme at peace. anti hiolul thmat
tIme govrnmmmemtt shmommhuh mnalce time paymmmemmt of
bommmia in any thnme it may deemn best. Time
committee also agrectl to favor wommmamt euf-
frage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I umusu rumet eu t ml 'smt , ' ( or hhs'iCiumle
ST. JOSEPh , May 13.-Time adjourned comm-
vomution of time Fourtit cangresslommal district ,
wlmicim loot at Platte City ! sbonuhay to elct
delegates to time national convention at St.
Louis , concluded its work hero today , wimen
Major Joimmm L. hlittimmger of St. Joeeplu and
John 0. Grommis of Mmmryvilio were seiectcui as
delegates , anti It , 0. Stauber of St. Josepim
and II , B. Ralston of Nodaway county as al.
ternatet' . Time convention , wimicim was a very
spirited orme , onthors'eui Mclthniey for lmresitiont
ammd time delegates vcro instructed to vote for
butt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iuivnr mu , lumiomi of h'sret .4 ,
SACRAMENTO , May l3.-Thmo amonmied
platformmm of time state populist convention
reafllrms tIme principles of time Ornaima p1st.
forum ammd favors a uniomm of refcrjmt forces
at St. Louis on July 22 , provided , It camm be
cffectcti without the sacrifice of limo peoplo'is
party. Time platform opposes any proceeti.
ings by which time peopie'n party convention
uimahi cit or joimm any otimer convention , or
adummit any but the delegates elected to time
people's imart ) national comivention.
l'reimmiri muir ( or nut A ii Isomu lhumrruuim
DES MOINES , May 13.-Time Allison managers -
agers imeid a meeting last nhgimt at wimtcim em
cntract for 2,000 cotes wits mmmado. They arc
to be imiaced In time four-story butimhing rented
at St. Louis for Allison headquarters. Ar-
rammgemmtents lmavma been made with the Young
Men's Cimrieutlan association of St. I..ouia to
furmmisim nmeais for 25 cemtts apiece durummg the
convention week In time imeadquartera. Time
mnmmnagement items twenty.five men on the
road organizing Alhiaon clubs ,
hilimiuls ht.mmmoruilN for Free Silver ,
ThJSCOIjA , Ill. , May 13-Time democrats of
Douglas county , after electing delegates to
the state convention , passel a resolution
favoring William it , Morrison for presldemmt
and limo reetoratton of silver to where It
was before Its demonetIzation In 1S13I
i.lTON Ut' FOIL % 'lCl 1'iliSl iH'l' ,
imubs-ra f the' ; : - ; : : - . h'nvor ( liv Iumg
Ii 11mm Si'eomuul l'iuie 0mm liii' 'l'iket ,
. ' : ASIIINGTON , May 13.-Time supreme
. . 'I cii of time Ammterhcan Protective associa-
. - a began its rotmtimme business today behminml
- : l doors. It was decitieui to imolil emily
. - ssioim a day anti to devote time after-
i ' -.5- 0 cOfluutitteo work , Toubmiy's seioim
% % $ nsummmei 1mm time rcatihmmg of reports by
tim1 core. Presiulent Trimymmor reami hmhs
nil tltlress anti time report of Supremmme
Se i ' C. T. ileatty of Cimicago anti Eu-
pro eastmrcr C. C. Campbell of Mimtne-
zupoi to also read. Each report was
refer t to a special comummmtittee , mtmtmi no
Pmmbl tel ty WI i I tue glvemm t Imemim tin I ii th e commi -
mmtitteea have umuescul tipomm timemu anti decimleul
what lurts are suitable for gemmeral comm-
sumnmlion 'ammd wimmit simommlti be keimt secret.
An effort was mmiauie by newspaper nmemt
% % imo are delegates to sertire aubimtision to time
mmmeetlngs for immemmmbers of time press , but time
mmmotlomm vns lost. "Timero is really mmotiuimmg
tb ito iim t ime mmmcc Li mm gs ii 1dm could um at ProP-
eriy be imeard by time publIc , " eaiml Mr. Be-
Wolfe of time lbostomm Standard , time chair.
mmmmun of limo luroes eomummmhttec.
Time qmmestlomm of suutaimmhmmg the auivioory
board vimicim blacklisted MeKlmmicy caumees
more interest timmuit mmny other qtmcstlomm conmmec-
ted withu time coummeil. Mnmmy at time delegates
vear McKinley btmttomts. hiuttemmm.u bearlmmg time
likeness of Comtgressmmumn Lintomm of Micimigamt
are aiso worn by unammy of time delegates.
Little talk of Mr. himmtomt as a PreCItltmttial
cammmikiate is iuc'arui , but timere is a mmmovemmmemmt
on foot to secure amm emmdoreemmmemmt of lmimn
by the republicans for tIme vice presitlency ,
'rae hresiulcmmt's umteeeago consumimeul aim Imotir
anti twenty mmmintmtes in its readimmg. Time
secretary'r' report showed a great growtit of
the order timmring time past year , it etmiteti
that 963 cimartcmw for Imew cotuumu'ils imave been
Issued dmmring time year ; that time votimtg
vtrengtim imni , bec.n mioolmleti ammd timat time
order Is mmow Placed iii ever ) ' state mmnd tern-
tory. Time treasurer's report simoweti a satte-
factory flnmummcial commditiomm and was approved
by time ammiuhlng ( commmnmittee. Several recolum-
tionmu were limtrcuiuced rolatummg to qumestiomme
huefore commgress. Aummommg timemmm were resoimm-
lions caiiimmg for mumore stringent imnmmmignatlomm
laws , for comumpiete separation of cimtmmim ammd
etate , anti for time remmmovah of time etatumo of
Fatimer Marquette frommt time capital. l'nesi-
demtL Traymmor imas appointed time followimtg
conimmmittees : -
Ritual amttl Paraplmermtalha-G. B. Lowe ,
Alabanta ; 0. B , CrAvtonub , Okialmommta ; Owled
'iemm , lena ; W. J. Browmme , Texas.
Report of time Execmmtive lioard-J. N.
itobeyVost Virginia ; T. W. McLatmgimihmi ,
hnuilan Territory ; E. J. Stickle , Ohio ; Ii.
B. W'imorton , Sooth iakota ; Joimn Forest ,
South Carolina.
I'ollttcal Actlon-J. C. Ecitols , Ueorgha ; L.
S Davis , Maa'saclmnsetts ; IJ. II. Sellers ,
Michigan ; J , L. Gilbert , Califoritia ; Allisumi
Stocker , Colorado.
President's Message-G. W. Van Fossen ,
Washhmmgtomt ; J , Celia Moore , Alabaumma ; .1.
J. Itimodes. Verntont ; Captain B. Doviile ,
Ohio ; C. E. Ealup , Kentucky.
Agitation nmmml Etucatiotm-Georgo ! A. Muir-
dock , Ponmmsyivania ; it , L. Lutz , Imbaimo ; 'mV. '
A. Clark , /trlcamtsas ; C. A. Wolf , Kansas ;
It. II. Cuhiommu , Montana.
Committee omm Press-Il , II. Dewoht , Man-
sachtmsetts : ; L.V , Allumim , Califormmia ; John
litmsimel , Seattle , \'ash ,
The advisory Ucard met durhumg tIme after-
mmoon amtui tilscuseed various mutters , but muo
concimmaive actiomm was reached on any one
thing. The comnunittee omm thu president's
message mmmet ammd will be ready to report to
time convemmthon tonmorrow.
E , J. Stickle , J. N. Stiliwell find Egbart
Jevllle , nmenmbers of the state executive
board of Ohio , imave addressed the fohiowummg
to tlm imattOmish board of time association :
time unulcrslgmmeui mnembenum.ot the state
executive board of time 01mb A. P. A. , after
mm. carefuui , timoromigh investigmuthon of time roe-
ord of William McNimmley of Oimto , vitim ief-
"renco to iuis nttitutle towarml our order and
his Ammiericzmmmlrrn. say tiumut we don't tinul
any evidence to vnrrant time cimorgus mrmde
ar'ainst iihmru by time executive commnittce
f your board ,
Time friends of McKinley 1mm time council
are talkimmg of the cimtrgcs against Juitigo
Stevemis , breugimt front Ohio yesterday. All
time papers ljc'arummg on time case imave bemm
pnimttetl anm ] .5 COIY of the clmarges semtt to
Mr. Stevans by General Gmosvemmor of Ohio.
COLt )'mm Ohi'i'mt's IN 1o'A.
h'roimhhitiuuuistu , Vnui * to See ti.t' . thumit't
Id. v lteis'ui ti'ii.
DES MOINES , May 13.-Speciai ( Tele-
gramn.-Iowa ) Pmoimthittoflsts ! imeitl timeir a'tate
convemmtiomm lmerc' today ivitim 300 ulolegates at-
ending , mmmaktng tint largest convention timey
t15y0 imeld him years. J. A. hl'arvey of Perry
swat' ' temmtporary chmairzmmamm anti delivered the
address 1mm time forenoon. 'l'lme pernmammemmt
ofilcers verc : CimatrnmanV. . K. ibrown of
Story ccummty ; secretary , J. 0. VamiNess of
Linmm ; aoaietmtmmt , Gemmovheve Fieummimig of [ 'ago.
The canvemmtiomm muontimmatemi cie'iegates to time
mmatiomai cmjmmvcntion 1mm I'ittsbmmrg , a state
ticket and mmmcd a new blab
entrai committee. Time delegates at-large
are 11. P. 'm'rigtmt of F'ioyml , J. A. harvey
of Dolls. ' , Levi ) lnrslmali of Jefferson , J. 1mb.
\Voctlward of Voodhmmry , Mrs. L , A. hlcmmnett
of Marsimali , Mrs. A. Fl , MeMmmrrau of Polk ,
T. C. Orwig of l'obk , A. C. Bonflunaumt of
Polk. Rev. 0. M. Adammms of h'owesitiek. hI.
I ) . Smrmitim of Jommos. Ihesitbes these two dir-
trict uleiegatcs are floated for each of time
clovemm congressional districts. Timere sas a
iommg contest over time platform. 'rho reeou-
tions committee hmad presented time Imiatformn
of last year , wlmhcim commtaimmeml deelaratiomma
on a large nummmber of subjects. F. V. Mace
of Polk coutmty offered as a substitute a
llatformmm of one lm'.ank , nmakummg prcltllmitiomm limo
nimly Irsue. Timis caumsed tite contest , but time
eoummmmmltteo warm overwimehnmingiy summtainemi ,
Time platformmm as a'boptcd declares agaimmmmt
ltcon.'tmg ' time lIquor traffic and for pmolmiluithon ,
for mvoiTmn mnmffrage , tree coinage of hotim
g'bd imnml sliver mmt IC to I ; for time imuitiatiwe
anti rcferenthunm ; ( or revision of time state
reventme Ian a amid agaimmet tim imtulet law ,
svimoro repeal hum demmmaimtled.
Time state ticket : For secretary of tate ,
\Vtiitanm ( \'m'rlglmt of Story county ; amimlitor
of i'tate , J. \ \Vomtdeis of 'mS'ebstor commnty ;
treasurer of mutate , E. J. Bye of Celar
county ; &ummpremmmo Jmmdge , Sammmueh llohnes of
Fremimont county ; railroad eomnmmmiesiommer , Wil-
iiamn S. I'iei of Lyomm county ; attorimoy gen.
oral , F. M , Vort of Woodbury coummty ,
unit's ii mid $ ii i'r t'i mm.
OTTIJM'mVA , [ a. , May 13-Speciui ( Tele-
gramn.-Slxty-flvo ) counties have reported
to Secretary Walsh up to tonight and free
silver baum a total of 495 uleiogates pledged ,
tweimty-ormo inure timan enough to control time
convemution anti assure time selection of Gov.
ernrr Boles as deiegate-at-iarge.
lE13 MOINES , May 13-Up to date seventy.
elgimt out of mminety.mmino counties in Iowa
imave held ulenmocratic convemmtiommuu , Time free
silver men Imavo elected rml2 delegates , time
gold men 22 $ , six delegates ommiy being
ulouhitful , Time sliverhtes claint a majority of
91 in time state commvcmmthon at Juburpme ,
even it time gold amen elmould elect all time
rest of time delegates front time twenty.ommo
remnhmulmmg cotmntlea ,
S'isim t 3hr , 'lii uiristomi % 'iumutu ,
ST. LOUIS , May 13.-A special dimupatcim
to time ( Jlobe-lemnocrat from Wusimhngton
says "Senator Joimi 1.1. Timuirston will Un-
ubeubtctily be time permanent clmahrrnan of
time St. Louis conventiomm , Hemmator 'i'immmretomm
imas also lmctmm spoken of for one of time head-
imuii eabimmet positloimmi in time eveitt of Gov.
ernor McKinley's election. Timis speculation
is unreliable. Semmator Timmmrston ummuch pro.
( era to imo tii amlnmlnistrmmtIon leader on time
floor of time senate , an'l timis ito undoubtedly
will be if McKinley becomes vrcsident. "
l5or I'roli limit lnmm mimm.i Not l.iuig E1lt ,
EAU CLAIRE , Wie. , May 13-The lmro-
imibitlon state convention was called to order -
der this afternoomu , bumt amijournemi till to.
morrow. Time platform will be adopted for
prohibition only , Hey. B. L. Eaton of
htacine is talked of for governor.
hurt Couimmt hlepumluiiemimms , '
TEKAMAII , Neb , , May 13-SpecIai.-'rimo ( )
republican county eonvemttion In hurt coummiy
Is called for May 22 at Lyons , TIme primarlee
to ( be dIfferent precincts 'mviii be held May 20 ,
Pointh in Nebraska Which Suffered Most
Tuesday Evening.
hhiglu 'mYmutor lit Vmirtomm l'murt. . of tlm
Stutti' lmmutii'utes mu iIemu . l'gtlL
or itmitiu in timummy
Seetioumus. ,
l'LlSA T BA Ll , Neb. , May 13.-Spe- (
cial.-A ) vera hmeutvy mimi visiteti tim'm ccc-
tion of time c'ommimtry last mmmlii. It coin-
nmemtced abommt I o'clock muumi caimme miowit in
torrents , flooding all of time Emottommi land
aroummd here. It commtlimmmed to raimm mill mmtgbt
and is still rahmmimmic this mmmorniimg It ba
been estiummateti thmat five inches of rain fell
in thIs lmarticular locality. Tlmi imitmnenso
volummmme of water imn timom-ommgimly soaked time
groumttl anti time fanmmmcnms foci immtppy. Most.
of the farmners imavo bet'mt iisttmmg ammtl iuiammting
corn time last few mbays. Time ) ' mire immure than
hmtif done. Time rye , wheat mtmmtl oats look
line. 'i'lme tiry weatimer prcccuihmmg timis rain
slgimtly retarded progress. About 3
o'clock yesterday aftermmoen a liccimlhar fun-
mmet-shmaimetl cltmui lmascul mmear this imiace. It
l.S5Cmi tlmroumgh train time sommtlmwi'st mtmmd cmmt
toward ( he northeast. its ! ma h was very
mmarrow-Ommi9' mthotmt a ulun-tr or tmalf a imtiio'
tim witltim , It stmcceedeul iii tmmmrojiimtg several
: oumscs ammui barns amttl biew over immammy cut-
ttitltiifl5. It is timommglmt timat it did comt-
sideralmie mbmmmmmago by kilhimmg steele.
L."m'ONS , Nob. , Ma ) ' 13.-Spcctal.-Raium ( )
immimu been fmmliimmg commtimmumoumeiy iim'm e for twelve
lmommms , Corn plammtumtg is smell ahommg. 1mtaumy
fanummera flumialmeti last \vcek. Smmmaii grtmimm Is
lit better coimtiitiomm for time seammomm thamm it.
itas lmeemm fcr time 1usd sIx ycurs. : 1mm a few
wetks mmtoro grnu's mviii ho large enough t
mummy. Time fruit crop prommmiues mt large ) 'ieltl ,
A few early clmernieu mvcre immjumred by time
raimmo lit AprIl , as timey cammme just as the
pollcmm of time flower cammme emit.
STANTON , Nob. . May 13.-Simecial.-t ( )
lmCaV3' raimm begmtmm fmuuiimmg lucre muhotmt 5 o'clock
last nigimt , aitul it in still raummuumg , tlmougim not
5'O imard tEds mmmornimmg. Time fall nmmmotmnts to
1.21 immctte.s. Cormm imlammtummg is beimig delayed
cml muceoutmt of to ummammy imeavy raimme , but titus
far mme one imas beemu imearti to commupiaimm.
VhutlON , Neb. , May i3.-Special-A. ( )
heavy rmlmm commmmmmencetb falhimmg at timis Pla o
about 5:45 : o'clock yesterday evening. It imam
bcemm rmmimmimmg at intervain ever since. Thin
first r.imower was nccommmpaumteml by a fall 01
imail , which , timouigim quite imeavy. did no
tiammmage. Tims ! rain eamime In good timmte to
coummteract time drying cifecta of time imigim
winds. Vegetation of all kiummis is loakimmg'
fine. Reports front Falie City say that time
) estertlay ercmmiimg ammmommmmteml to a small
LINCOLN , May 13.-Special.-Time ( ) annoyance -
noyance of floods mmppears tlestimmed to follow
time wreck of yesterdays stornt iii timis mm-
nmemiiate i'idiimity. Timis aftcrmmoomt time vnterm
of Salt creek are rummmmhmig over its banks ,
ammul appearances imttiicate timat rnapy of time
fammmilies reahtlhimg cmi time "bottoms" nmmty be
aunmmnanily evicted by sheer force of circunt-
etamtces witlmimt twent3'-fotir hmommrs , Time
"ult basin" extending from the Bmmrllngtomm
railway tracks tvcst to Vm'est Limmcoln , on limo
somithermt hiunita of time city , is' a watery waste
ammd tIme flood is rising rapidly. Tlm Street
railway tracks extendIng lb tbtmrihpgtomi
Beach arc aifltost rulimlrgemi. From the
foot of K stret , muoutim , tIme hottonts arc In-
undated. Many families are preparing to
mmiovo omit. 'rime volice imave imeemm ordered to
lmav floomi boats in reaulimme.a for mite at abort.
Rain luta fnhiemt steaulily uuhmmce 4 o'clock
title mmtonmmimmg , amtui tIme local weatiter bureau
at the State university reports a precipitation -
tion since yesterday of ' 1.2 immcimomu. Time
Board of Public Lammds nmmd Buiidlmmgs went
Out to time lumtcolmt hloepital for time Insane
timia nftermtoon to eumevey time vork of the
utommu last evcmmtmig. Land Cemmimlsmulomuer
uttmmthuli reports that time ) ' fommnul timings about
am. represented by time stmpeniumtondemmt , Dr.
Abbott , last mmigimt. lie uloes riot. imowever ,
Imelieve that time amnotmmmt of ulamnage mlomio will
exceed $ I.500 In i'altme , wimoim consideration is
tmukemi of tIme fact that mmmmmcim f time work on
rcpaira can ho mbomte by timoso now 1mm time
cmmmplc'y of time tute. 'rime anmommmmt stated , imo
timimkmu , will fmmlly pay fem time mmcmv material
WEEE'lNG WATER , Nob. , May 13.-Spe.- (
cIii.-One ) of time mmiost severe lmail storms
ever kmmowmm in this commmmty visiteul timid eec-
lion ycaterubay , mucconmpammieui witim a tro-
nmonuloums rain. Muc'm ulasnage woe done to
orcimarule , anti reports ccmmmimmg in muimow that
not only were tIme youmtg umeacimes mmmi apples
lying t imick mummuber time tiers , but mnucim ot
tim ? planted conit woe m'nelm'ul out. Time rain
wait time lmeaviet Iii years.
ChAPMAN , Nob. , May 13.-Speciaij- (
Jack l'ower , a fanmmmer living five miles east
of imere , imad a emamrow escape from death bT
iigimtmmimig last evemmummg. Wimile heading mu.
imermue , liglmtnimtg , mtnmmck it , caum.simmg Instammt
ulcatim anti renderlimg Power mmnc'onscious for
somumo timmme. Time grounmi 1mm limits tuectiotm is In
exceliemit conuittion anti crept , are weil advanced -
vanced ,
ELKIIOI1N , Nob. , May 13.-Specinl ( Telo-
graimt.-It ) lma rained here immcessammtly since
3 o'clock timis nmorning. Imports from time
patim of yemttermlay's cyclone toil of eomo
excccd'ngly narrow co-capes , mlwoiiings anul
otimer buildings being missed emmly a few feet
by time twmmter. ! Fromn mull reorts ! in now
there were mme imuihuilmigs ulemnoihsimetl or fatalities -
ties in title Ircailty.
LOUIS\'ILLJ [ , Nob. , May 13.-Spocial- ( )
'rime greatest rain iii years for Case county
is falhimm now , It commmnmermceml aliomit 4 o'clock
yebterulay afternoon , ammd commtImtuetl timrougim
time ntgimt , uimd at 8 o'clock this mmtorn ng Ia
atlhi aim , More timait two inches of mvater imame
fuhicit , anti for time ) macct iart so gently timat
it all soaked iemto time grmnmnml.
WAhOO , Nob. , Ma ) ' --Sluecial-Yes- ( ) -
tordmmy uftermmoon about 4 c'&i'.ek ratmm began.
falling , anti iiI ) to date las mmot ceased ,
Sonmetiming like timrcc incites of raumm baa
fallen , and time soil in timis vlcimmity has imad
bite mmtost Iimorotmgim soak mmg timat it imams lmaml
for four years ,
II1IENI ) , Neb. , May IL-Sjeciai.-Thmis ( : )
sccttomt was Iven a splendid ra'mm iat nigimt
amttl this mmmonmming. Fmmily ommu antI one-imal ?
itmoimes of mvatcr fell , slowly , ro tiumit all has
gone Into time eartii , Corn pluumtummg is nearly
commmpleted , ammel Iii samoa fields conim iii large
entiugim to begin cuitivation ,
FItEMONT , May 13.-SIieclnl-It ( ) iiaa
rained hero steadily tmomst of time timmme ( or the
past twenty.fotmr hours. 'rimero Is a great.
deal of water mutammdlng iii low piccs In time
btrectmm and lots , humt no partlcmiiar damage
from it imas boon reported. Itawimitlo creek
mmorth of time city imas risemm rapidly and time
water Ii. high in time E.kimormm. In Bikimorn
towiisimlp and on time Platte liottommtuu north
of time city timero are large imoois of water
standing , IL iii time imeaviest rain tlmla eec-
110mm imas lmad for time past three years.
ihINNiNG'rON , Neb , , May h3.-Speehal- ( )
'lime report of time watcrspommt late yestertisy
afternoomt near Waalmington , four : mmiies west.
of imc're , was verified titus immorning by the
I'aplo creek being out of its lmammkmm in ccv-
oral places. It imas beeum raining continually
for time past twummty.four Imourm. , which imams
added to time high waters and tommlgimt time
I'aplo resemmiblos a somali river. Today's report -
port of yesterday's tornado Is to the effect
that considerable daago was dommo to live
titock anti buildings and SOtflC few people
slightly Injured , but no fatalities. Tito sec-
lion men were out last hmlgimt watch-
lag limo bridges wimicim croso thu river , the
company fearing trouble at tlmoso places on
miCCOmint of the imhgh waters.
WINSIDIJ , Nob. , May 13-Special.-For ( )
eight days , without irmtenmmmissiomm , a strong
south wind hue beemm raging. It culntimmatod
last nlgimt imm a soaking rain. It was almost
a clouulburst at first. accoimulmanlo(1 ( by mbar
itgimtnir.g and timunder , Entail grain Is in
eplendimi aimapo to receive time rain , and al.
immost all of time corn piantihmg items been done.
Gardens are luxuriant , imavlng escaped all
frost so far ,
[ 'AW'Ni CITY , Neb , , May 13.-Speciai.- ( )
A iteavy rain fell lucre 'ruesmlay nigimt anti
today , T. ore was a slIgimt lmaii Tuesday evin , '
tug , but not enough to do any dantae IbD