Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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I . 4 . . - TIlE OMAHA DAILY 1flI . WEJNJSDAYMAy 6 , 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-TilE _ ONJAiIA D1uiv 13i
1. flOflSVAT1ifl , ! 1tt.r.
1XTTtY otua.
TTtM OF SltIlcIUr'Tt ( :
! ) aIIy 1n ( Vftiit 8tin.1iy ) On Year . $ S
ZaIIy flee awl 8unday. On feor P ) O
liii Tnntta . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
'rhr. MJnthII . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 2 c , ' )
Iunitay ; 1'i' . ( ) n. Yst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O
I3tIIhlay 1t . One Tenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O
Wtchly flee One Yeir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( WFrCt3 :
Omin ? , TIt fl. ' fltiIh1In.
Ioiit1i OrnPin. SInr flik. . ( 'or. N nnd 2Ith S ( ,
( ouneII 1Iurt , l'i ottIi Main ttet
( 'hi ag ( ) UIr , 17 ( ' ) , aIn1ir of ( ' .unmtc' .
Nw York , 1trna 13 , II nnit U , Tribune I3Idi.
\V41F1tngtn , 111)7 P Htrre ( , . V.
conIrPoN1)1NcI :
All i'mmtinI.'ntInn ( tr , flfl4 1I.
toilal fiat ter ? intzIt tA To the Itor.
1tI1INflS IflTTIIt4 :
MI ) JtItIrg I.11M14 nntl u'tnIttnnc t1iott1t1 bn
ItreteI to Thn Ite I iab1IsttIi 'otnp1fly ,
( Jtrnh. Trnft. dieck ttuI OtottIc rdtrI to
bi madi my1I t.i th rii.'r ( It elf' ( ) mtEIny.
R1' : o' C1flCt'L'TION
( leorgt' ft. TieIitirk , rretry of Th fl' Pul , .
IfhJn c'mpany. Ic.Ing , liily qwont. says tiult the
net,1,1 ntlmlr ut full nnI enrnilet. , coIe of tti
1btI1) IOPI1In frntn nn4 iian1iy Ilpe ptttItNI
ttlarttig tile rn. iith ot April , 1MG , % vn 1t5 fiIll"4
I 1.fti 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 1.11 i ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 . 17 1I ; Is . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 17.DIq
4 . . . . 1 or 4 11 . . . . . . . . . .
, . . . 19.F ) ' ) 2. . )
It . . . . . . . . . . . . . t7.s7 ! ; i . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1' . . . . . . . . . 1O2) ? 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . 1 'sf ' ; 2:7 : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 . . . . . . 1 S41 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT 9fl
1 . . . . . . . . . . . t ; ; 2 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TS.23
" . . , . 7 ) 2 ; . . . . t ) ) )
13 . . . . . . . . . I , : , ' ) 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 . . . . . . . . . 1tB4r ! . , . . . . . . . . . 11 9 4
I t . . . . . . . . . . icn : ) . . . . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 'J . . . . . . . . . . 1c IQ.1
Loqq 1tdtrtIctt tr , uno1,1 , nIII r'turni'I
Copl . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . C 1 . alq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Net. da1t nv.rilgi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r nnan IL rzrutR't.
Rvorn 1iitnr ni" n ! ttti ILcd in my
re'enre thl,4 1t , Iay r l1d , 1SIG.
( S.'at ) .I P. FtIL. . .jtiry I'ubli
( 'iiIll ) ) ( ' ( I ec ( vII1 otI 1) ' 1uiovn as
tli ( ' I'1loqiI city of Colorailo.
\VIio ( ltPi4 t t I OriIt'y CtlV'1 I Iepr4stlI t Iii
tlit' ill U t I t't a t t I i& ' si I oh II gt' III ti I I' SChool
1)011 ) rl ftiiit1o ? ' 1'lii lttt'l ( (11' Etlucat Ion
01' tln. 1ohIn bonlstiien ?
'P1 tt fa It I i hitttI I ii g I H tssl a ii bu si n
flhIflI ) ) ( tJ have dItt1 a nattirtl : olpithi.
Now for titO dIscovery of anothiCr
fen ii t a I ii o f lorelI it In I you t It.
Bohin's hoiitlstnen vant to setile tin'
Board of fltintatlon shortage at 7i
cdntit oil thii dohia i. 1htt If nothing has
lieeti StoiCil. hiov colt litero , be aijytiling
to sottie ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"lftittou , hut bit , vhio's got tli' button -
ton ? " Is tIi& ? favorit' gtrne just now
w'Rh flt iIeSltlellthli ) eatiditlitics.iid
the en in I ) Igit 1 tnt I 0 n in a keis t it nyc' on
tiit , , II t S U l a it in ereascd d o.iiit ii t for
thdr wart's.
\ \ iIMt ( tlic' farmers of NClrlSlt ) : biltig
the oiititit ) of their tigitr-beot thilols to
the market this fail they vI11 ho wishIng -
Ing they lILtl siiowii iiiot e efltgy In
t1tt orgaitlzitlon : of eo.ojeratlve bC't
itilgar flictoriCs Itist winter.
'l'itere ' iiI ( IotIItlt'SS be consldt'rabhy
cOtHit.titkIi ) ? lnh'o'eii CIitnip Clark and
'VIiiIuiii : .1. Itrynit to site w'IiIcii can outlive -
live the oilier. Etciivotlitl : iiiiko : such
good use of the opportunity to vro-
flounce a eulogy OVt'L the other.
Ex-AssI.sttnt City Attorney Coritishi
bobs ii 1) 1 S a t t 0111 L' for tue I I oil ii iii-
tetet. 't'itIs is tlw iiiituuiitl sequleliCe of
f the letter ( 'oLluiSlL wrote to Qxonerate
; 1101111 ltftI the Into' city tiusuirer lied
ochnovIedgedhinislf a defaulter.
'J'ttt klsii itt\VS1SiIL'5 ) V'I ( ' not ullOVet1
to give I lie ( lttah1s of the assasslitiutloit
of the .sl eli of Persia. 'l'iutliful : ic-
Coil II t S 0) I' t I t t t ti eplora tile oceti I'teiice
might hoyt' lied it mud ittiluetico vItii
refercin' to tIit safety of the Turkish
Iurlng tIt jecetit niuiuIclinul election
coittest at New Orleans , nirIy : 1.1,000
fraudulently tegistereti iiuiii : vore
strlckeit froiti the polling lists. i1aui.
festly it yis : high tittie for the advent of
refornu IiflVeItlCilt iii thitt flourishing
southierit city ,
'ETII'l ( ' Sani's i ) tt'uut oflice ( 'leal'Cd for
hiliut iieariy $2Xx1X ) ( ) duiiing the year 'nd-
lug Dereuiilc'r 8t , 1S' ) . Uncle Sate
ought to give Iii ) $01110 of his uhlIIOtitalle )
vetutures iII' the \Vilson tariff ; uiiul ciii-
bark iii a fts' titora enterprises that
leave a bahuitce to their necouuuuts.
\'yoiiuiiig u'f'lnhhhicuuIui4 ) lIa % ' ' tirratigeol
t 0 $ t'Cui I t' t lie iii utsit' for I lti r s t a t e fii
'veil I ion ii tx t ss'ok fm in Xci re skit .
lrISiI ) uvili be iheuso'd : to furnish tiohit-
icul : tiuuisie for cii of its iteiglihiors. It
is atiiiiitted tluu Ntiiriuska's iohitiTu1
tiutsiciziuis tire ulneujualeil lii the syhioI
Uuuiteui States.
Vo inive hitSiI'd nothing of late about
the dttt4rIIuiIilttio1u of county oflicinis to
see that uisst'ssors shituil retniti fran-
chulses 0) f inca I coi 5)111 WIIS for I it Xe-
tion , I I' I I i is is t a he douief I t Ii a s ln'oui
Htigg''uteth that the fruiiiiiiso ; of tito
] iriihgo : l itt or I I ii e I ic I itci U ii ed I ii t iic
list. I t Is ( tilt' of ilic most vehuiuuble
friunclilses iii thi ( ( it3.
( leuioral Taiues ii. W'eaver is out iii
OregolL trying to iuinko' tue leopIe 1)1'- )
hies't hint ( hit 110iuIiii4tt4 going to
curry that state iii jut' .luni' ehistioji ,
'ntis Is I itt' : iiuit' eui't'.ul Jut lilt's 11.
\\uz\'t'I % Viit ) , u'iit'ui riiiiiuiiig lot' thit
lrts III citey tnt I lie iOPII I 1st. t I ek et fout'
yeirs : uigo ) , tiit1 to tinuki' Itothi Itititseif
anti tint jn"tjult' it'lit'V ) ( ' thoU lie Ititil ii
ghost ( it 11 ( hHtiIt' ot' hteitig elected.
F ortuinti tely in wiis so wi'hi kiio'iu that
lie 4TehuiIletl io title butt hiliuiseif , tutu lie
is likely It ) lIio.'eI vit ii similar success
ou t on t It t' I 'a tIl ( i eon st ,
¶ J'hio Ilcuil Istattu :
excliaiigt lies tikt'ii :
istIe vifit the Ititto sayllig : "It is
cItu iii' r t ii IIOVO I ha ii to vai'ii t' I ts
utieiuile'rs iia o i''S)1V191 ) to utlojit tic-
fCIusLY ( ) ilitsisli Iei4 age inst I ii a a I I egt'i I
fuiereisi tug U U III itr ii t sh I It I tug I s
V'lO ) gel l'ssessIou ' of ii duvt2i1iig hituuiHOb
only to itt' rtirtil alit for Iuii-iIii.VuuuI'uit ) r
rental. Ii htit : ii'c iuie iiuiUiftst ) to houiui
. os-uuet H tiflut tiut'y lutist kito' the lettuiti
of pLsiI't't ) I 'e t cii ii a t s I a I It Is i..git iti ,
'I'ltey viil uidohit a systeni of teptuuts to
thu excIte lige , a ftt'i t lit' taut ii iueof th
credit ngi'iuclt's , anti svoe lie utiuto the
Intuit 'ito hits suitsftihly t'u'ntled the
lillIdiOltI. 'l'lie itiSui Esta to t'xciinuigt'
ought to bit able to t'iioek deaObeatlsuii
'tiong tenants In this city.
t $ TO 2Vt .tL .t1'1'U)1'ZttT1OXS.
A r'onlhIet between tiu' senate niuti
1ioiit' o'er ntis-ni appropriations was
Hot c'xlueeteol , the geuieral Impression
having t'eIi ) tiltut tin' fot'uuit'i body
ynuhtl hn tnorp hIln'rnlly disposed tinuuu
the butter. 'Flit' hiotiso' tint fiorizeti the
Coitus t reel Ion o f feui r I ii : tt lt'shi ii' ' I I i t' a
grvguto : cost at' vlileIu. with nrnirimo'iut.
svas estliuuiiletl at ohout $2..OJ0.Oth ) .
rFln st'uiutt' itiloitteil nit anietuthituent re-
diiciiig the uuiitiibc'i' to tvo tutu the uiunt-
t'C will iurouhtuIl , I ) " scttlo'tl by n eon fer-
t'uto'e o I' t itt' I houses , s I ice1 I I IS
Ito ru ly : 1 , it I I to t I I i t' house v III
iueeIut I hi t' i41'iifl t t't4 ii tilCil ii iii e ii t.
'i'itt' 1)1)15)51 ) I 11)11 t 0 I lie in rge a lJluOl ) iii-
tutloit for ndihlt moat lotttleshilps : sius
1)3' Sciuntor ( lotinuuu of 1turylinii. : ott the
score of cettiloiny. I t suis urged thin t
uitutler es i&itlttg oireuutuustniievs the gos'-
et'tt I 0 Cii t Ott gi t t no t I 0 Cii t o'C coil I lii ci s for
itththiiotiui ( sviur vtseis Itivolvitig so
large nit outtilay nuid thiit : it svotthtl hr
till ' ' tutiol itilsaft' to ole so. I ii tic-
fetid I tug hi is tuosi I on Stun t or fh ) nun n
111:1 : d e ouiic' st it I 4'i ii eu I s tutu ii d iii I s' to ii
svhuieiu flrt' iuitert'st lug as ' 4htosvItIg t let t
the etuitilitititi of the ti'iisuuiy is fr ht'o
fiuvorulli' : tinuti it is itfiutle to ulppPar Ity
the monthly sttutetuui'uits of that oI'aurt-
I itI'ti I . I IL' ti sst't'tt'tl. t luitt gut I ii s I. t I t e
10.0XO)0 ( ( ) IIOSY iii t lie ti't'iisuti , hot
I itchi il I ii g fiu t't lotuuul en ri'ui cy tiou t lie
$ It ) , ( H(0 ( ( ) t'Sei's'cd for t LII' ri'tht'ttipt
of gu'eel I I ua ( ks. t I n're ste ii us : L ci i ii rge 0
S 1 it ; ,0JoJ0 ( { ) svi i I cii con gri's lii : s a
lit' ) 11 I ' t1 I ) V br to ) t i I Is sossl oil 55' ii I hi lies
ii I ) t I ) lS'ii th I 51)11 I'.4'tl . I II' 8t I ii I I tat
tlt t i.t itVt ( Ii U igt's a u.Iu I hIS I. I I i t' t t'lI $11
ton I a y vI i Ic Ii svouuhtl ciuui sit tilts 8 1 1 ii f t Ii e
futuitis In tue treasury outisbole of the
gold ieserve , so that In imint of fact
the treasury svouild not lt1ve a dollar
tui'uut , ii tit o' red dept to t i fit nil I f I t sI iou I oh
tiltsI the chiurges : against it , the : ul-
iegetl surplus exist lug , : us the 'oltry- :
I a n ii Seil a tor sa hi , si iii ply oil il per ,
1' htt'i'o. ' en a I u a t ) ltl est t lie t t . (
In ii U IC svl I I it form cii In thul s in a I t er
at1 iii viesv of hubs statenietits , iuivouttru- :
dicteol on the tiour of the schlutc , t he
only conclusion Is I mu t the cut Ire : uuuiouiit
of ninitey nosy hi the trt'tsuury u'ethly :
repre'seiits oliligatiouis ttuitl calunot ft : lily
1)1' ) teguirdetl as it ii'source , aIthioutht
uuuade to npn'ar ns such Iii ( lie tr'as-
uu.y relorts tiltit uur1 giveut to the 1)111)- )
lie. rukt out. the gold rt'sers'e atiol I ho
treasuiry huts uio iuiOii'y except svhuat
stands for charges against it. 'L'iubs Is
th coinlitlon to svhticit It huis beo'ii
brought unuoler ( leinocratIc POIICY _
\VIth titIs fact confronting it enti the
llilCti'fll ) ceu'tniuity thiut : reveiuuics vihl
hot greatly btnpiOVC utuitler the lreseIit
taLhir llts , it iS IL t1uietioii svhethcr congress -
gress should 1u1)lutoIhLte [ ) so large a sutiti
for aolohitloiinl naval vessels : us is cu-
ricol by the iiouts : uhpI'oblbttlifli ) : bill.
'I'here can be ito douilut thttt : public seitti-
fluent is favorable to tue inuhic of intild-
iiug up the navy as raluhtILy as lflilCtI-
cable , but iii doing this the lInuncial :
conohittoti and the resources of the
trcasuiuy inuist _ he cotisidereti , as wehi
as other duinautis upoui the governint'iut
tinit caiiuiot be ohisregiuroleol. Coast. do-
fetuses ai t5 quite us much iut'etled : is
Inot es'llt' vessels tuuuol there should lie
it Judicious distrhluuit ion of money to
both puuuitoses.'e' : ure inelbueti to think
that the senate decision in favor of
tiutthiorizitig otily t svo hattle.sliips at this
titne is jIuitIeIit autul 'tylhl hitvo : the tip-
ill oval 01' the count ry svhicii the real
cOhitlItitii of the treisuury : Is utuiolenitonol.
rt is blitilcuted , liovever , that. the hotise
ssIhl streuuuiotish. , ' insist ttpoii the larger
U U utber.
.1 nisciii'i' IIIJJII.
The SP'CC1I of Presbolciut Kruger to
( lie 'i'itiiustiih : ltii'lhultflOtit fiiruiislies fur-
titer o'yklo'iice of the good Juiolgtnt'utt. and
stuuiiiol thlcretioui of tha chief exeeuitls'e
of the South A fricauu repuililte. 'l'hiere
si.s : Pl1'1IIY of invituitbotu nuiti ituceuitivo
lii the existhuig situation to expressions
of harsh crltl'lsni and iuudinittunt iti'O-
test on the iltirt of the 130'C luresloleuit ,
butt nothing of this kind 111)1)08 ES in his
speech , It being on tin' contrauy dis-
tIUtly Pacific In languiage 811(1 ( spirit.
I Iii oleclares that hits desbies I'tIc anti
exIrcres thtt 1101)0 ) ? that the intiliauuieult
svihi cotittibute to flue restortit ion of
leac ( . to thtt cml that tin' Count ry uiluly
flourish and li051)e1' ) ) fou the lueuiefit of
till. Lli is iiiuuy sceiti sot nt'svhia I I inoit.
slslent with thic reports flint lot ye celtic
fiouu t ItO Sout t It A frica a ui'puibhic of ac-
I ts'e iii II I ta i' iu'p : iii ( lou s sv It leli suggested -
gestod a ( ' ( ii u I e ni liii I cii ii gguossi so uutost'-
iiitiit of seine iuatuire , butt It Is quIte
possihule that. these reports were extig-
gerateil tutiti if not It would le ) eassto
ululiCi'Stfltii suithi hieluu'ittI01l5 Iii vbosr
of the fiuct thtiut t lie hio'r govtiuineuit
lutul betti givoti I lit' tot itutigist P055illC
I tuusoht to uupureIieud tituit not otily its
penc5 bitt Its exlstetuce uutighit he' iuicit-
at a iiy t Itnt. 'Fitern is IntL ouue
thing Iii the speeli of Pi'esldent lCruu-
ger . tluut : call ctuulso tiny concern to
the eiieuuiIe of tItt little republic
tutu flint Is his uefpretict' to the lrshu't ) (
of atom Ititlinnie u'hiIIoits : svithu tutu
Orauige l'roe State. I Jittlouibtcdiy an iii-
liuuilcob bet sveoii t ito two coutni rh's , for
( Ito hotter seeuii'ity of luoth : uguulnuut for.
elgut Ititerfercuuce , sVIli be scatter or later
etulisli hit 11111 1 OtI , to i I t Is I be In t ( 'Ii by every
enuislilertutloti tuf self-Interest utiel niuttunul
aiivuuttitge. 'J'iie euit'uiuies of the Boor
reputIuiit svihl littol no cuuustu : of grIevance
iii Presloltuut Kruigeu'uu slutecli ,
uviiii'n ' i. lt:1'iusHNri 'irn
lttcetht uitteraitces of the Colorado setu-
uutot suggest the ( juuestiohtViuIchi one
of tlut'uuu rtItrsetuts the doittinant senti-
tutu t : ii tuiOflh t lit' ripe Iul lee its If t Ito
stuutt ? Siuuuitout' Voleot ( , svhoose slutcejity
115 it free silver noivocato' svill not lit'
oiliest initcul , hits subtl : tittut lie luuteinle tO )
ste tid I' t lie reiun hi ice ii uu ; ii y , sv lie I.
us-CL , 11111) lii titO adieu of tInt ituutioutal
couivcuitltuu regarding sliver. lie iuto-
1)055 ) to tie nIl that Ito cuuti for flue rt'eog-
uultioti of sliver by the St. Louis cout-
vtutlon atiti It he fails to uterotuuphishi
itu.yttuIiig lie sviil aceelut the result nuid
like a truut io'iuuuhuhIcuuii suiuport I hue can-
il ithu t e of Ii Is r t y. Stun tour LtI Icr , otu
thou oIlier ltuutil , oleeluires flint If the tiuu-
I limit I t'ouis't'ii t lout oleelut res ii gtu lust si i't'i
he svhli ( ILsert t lie republIcan uiuIy ,
I t is hot to he thuuhled thin t a lturgt'
iuuuuiuL'r of ( 'ubtutiolo u't'puubuicens utoss
f''t1 ' its u1 , 'l'lll't' does , hut svu buhieve
that svhien thit' ility ( if citet lou cotuies it
will bu found that Mr. Wolcott repro-
sciuts a uiunjority of tlietuu , Tue repuib.
li.cans of Coloruudo lire eartuestly devoted
to thto' cause of free sIlver. 'J'Itey slit-
cerely thituk flint it wonlol be of great
beuteilt to thl ( country. But there is
good reason to behle'e that niost of
titeiui tb iuot , hIh' Seiluttou' ) 1'ehIer , hut
free sIl-tu- above iveryt liluig elso' iuiutl
tu ic ss I I I I ii g t ( i nhti it d on ti i e li it svhl cli
ntattols . for iutt ioiiuul iuiogress auid 3urois-
inrit If It refutses to no'tle to ) their
viesv r'gturohiulg silver. titl shiflt is
title of ( 'oloruuulo sve hose ito douthit Is
0th tHi I I ) ' t rue o f t he i'puubl Ice ii to o f titus t
or till of I lie other _ qlls'er stul te.o. 'l'hii'i" '
tire other littetests iii I heist' stetes la'-
si ulos si I 5cr SV ii I ci I \Suutlh ( 1 it' Ii il i n'tl 1 ty
I lie ues tel ru' I lot i o f u' uuuil i Ice a boy , I I I
t 11(51 ' 4 0 I I s-ti st hy utituut' uti ii " n tel I in-
I icita tuc' t Ii ii I I I Ii e sS'Ii I I e filet a I. 'l'lte
viuol I ii uhtist i's' , a butt' o I' sevota I ui t hteiti
Is ssu Vt I u tile thy t I UI i's tim it t 0 t lto'I r io-
lilt' tlttuti silver.Ve lut'Iies t iii' gee-
era I ii lt'ut t I I ult I Ito i'uuui I d Icuu us of t I i e
sliver states svill to aity large extent
iii tutu deut t liii r iu : it y I I' I t. oh n's a ot ro.'c-
ngt I I zt' si I i'f'i LI I S t . I ouut is I s eliot ) t'tuul .4
uulid sve think It a stufe luro'ohtetkn flint
lutost o f I hoist' ste t o's ii aol iuutul at I fly a II
of titenu svIlI lit' I'ouiiiil in the tu'1)uuhhlcilu ) )
col ui Ut ii fiX t Nouveunlut r. Stii a I or \\'oul
cot ti4 55 ise ii lid I at t riot Ic ittis I t I out etu ii-
ito t fit I I to hiutve tu sti I ii t ii u'.i' Iii II uteuice.
fl1.1fl1b1ZtN ( ( . ' TIll suvu' : ; .
\ ' ii tui .1 . 1 hoe I cii Inca lilt ulnlytr ( if
ouululuiu ) for thu first flute , lie uut once
assui in iti t lie l ush t 10)11 0 f ii ii os' rloiul , to
svl in Ii I ti hi ti ty olhicers. ii I gli a ii ii I osv ,
OVt'ul I'tsuuulul I st'i's 1(1' ti ii ii ti I I tgla ii cc.
I Ic I ii hhctl it Innit iiiy 1101 loiii cii , ' ' " lily
ti 11111 ( 'Ii , ' ' ' hll ch ciks. ' ' ' 'niy us I to ru cy' '
U ii ii 1113' st u'et.'t ( ' 0111 III lsslo ii eu' ' lvery
ituttu on flit' city ii : roll svuus trettt'ti :
uus ut I)0)hbtiCiul ) vtussul : uitni ( 'XhCCtctl to
( It ) ( lit' llitlO1'5 , bltlding vItluouit oiuuestiotu
uutuol svitiiout complaint.
'l'iil autocrat Ic hot still lueruilettes :
flit IuaIi of Mayor Broatch. lie scents
to iittvt' no conleelut ion of tile fact that
hut Is oiily a oulhhic seivuuit : eluuuigeol with
suuucuvIsing thit ssurk of other iiulldic
set's-ui ills , OC wIth co-ohuerat hug ssIt ii
otiier luttithit' servuuuits acting Iii difleretit
( i'iSl itmitwuts ( 'rented by lass anti reguu.
hated by Ituss' . I Ic st ill persists In 'iev-
hug city tmuploycs as his lOtly SelVulilts
obhigi : tt'tl to tuluYy ) his oi'dei nuuti ihui'sts
iii till tultutters , whether tt'itI : itulmig to
( lie 0111(1(5 ( of thick olhice oi his oss'ui
lohittctuh anihitiouus. lie calls tin' lllulstr
roll of city hall inmates tis If tiny vere
so meetiy serfs. or a polItIcal chain gang
( lepemuoleuut lull I i I in tot I I iti r luienti a mid
vatcr. 'nit' kk'L tutu tu'y illCilC8it
cltlzeui who accepts a co-orolhuuuite o1
SuulOItlilflttt. ' ethic reuuiuiiiiiig : free to do
his own pohiticai thiluikitig auth cxiiress
uk oss'ti political Itt'feu'ehlces Is entirely
foreign to his hmtuior's tucuitni makeup.
' ' and hiumuuuilliutlon to
'I'Iio tlCgrflltihhl (
whIch nueui Iii tIlt ? tiuuuiuicliutui elnhlOy 8iC
suibjecteti by Iayor lirotutehi has ito
parallel iii tltis or niiy other eity Lii the
conuitry. It is siniply tllsgracefuui to )
set' the posl tiomu Of miuuuyor prostituted
hi the Imisamie tuInhltiofl Of 1111 occupant
who Is willing to stool ) to aulything tiuiol
intike any proitiise or iitrgi : in to gct : i
ieltguut Ion fituuii I iuis eouumity to ( lit' coin-
lii ; : repuililleaut state comismit bit t blat lie
Iea3 _ 1151' tiS lit' IlCiseS like so miiamty
1)85-his ) Oil fl ciitss board. I t unit tiers to
hiitui miothlng vliuut tl.e Iimbhic hiuterest
demiuttuttis or vhietliei' flit' lilt' ! ! shio oliasv
iu flout the tueasuuty render the city
itht service. It Is only one sitighe
overshiadowhmig auiti controlling mettle
to ) hiOVC euuhu and every tuittit au ( lie city's
mu roll eniolled tis mimi active mtuemiilier
of a persouitil juohltlai niaciuine
110w far ( lie ramuk amid tile of repumb-
hicemis wito tuio not on flue iuthuic hniy
roll wIll samuetioti ouch abuse of iuossci
remains to be seen.'lille ( lucre Is miot
05011 fl temimote puohnihllity ofIuyor :
itroatch rcctIs'lumg tile uiouuiiuitttioii for
governor. the cfihticiicv of flit' puihuic
service iii thus city Is seriously liii-
lutil'Qd luy the dehilotuLlizlhig iniltietices
hucluig eX'uiOI by tim niayor for time promotion -
motion of Ills hopeless canlilacy. (
rim sciioor , i'ur'n S1OflT1IGI.
The Board of Eduicatboim Is to be come-
muieuided for not ruishuitig hteadhotig into
II. comuuiurouulise svhtt'reby the aunoultit dun
t lie school fniuul froni I Ienry Iloihmi would
lie settled.
'l'Iiere tire some fetutuires of flue sehounl
fu mid sI torte go t Ii mu t hiavi' not lelmi ) gi s'viu
( lie a t teiitlouu tiny deserve itt the hiamiels
0 t' in t'uuiiitis 0 f t ii e school Isia rd . I n I I it'
first place' , t huiie simis 110 shiortmigc In
thit' school fuuumd , leavhmig out 01' account
itutcuest duue , on thti' duty flout flit defuil-
t uutloii lii the trcasumry w'uus exlmseel to
thi iutIhiC. ) ) ' , \'hieuu thee botidsitmeut of
lhlhti tuok hrnssessloii of flue treui.iuuit'i's
oihlee it svns foimmiel thitit sotmie 1SWK )
55 88 ciethiteel to the school fumini deiiosits
iii excess of the nmtuoutit credIted to It
oil the treusumuetH : books. Ttitout1 : of' a
uochiool fuuuiel dellt'it there svmus a sihituol
fuinul sutrpln.4. 'l'itii4 surluluts svas dito.
tribumtetl iuinomig a uiummiihcr of local laimiks
miot cit ) ' e1cinisitotit8 , iuieluehitig time ? elld-
luuttil amiol tutu ( ] Itlue.
Out nsceitmuitiliig tiieso fitets the
luouitlsmiien luleYti lIed 111)011 1 khiil
to clack ouut t his ( Ity IliOhit'y
frame flue school finn ! deposIts uuunl trails-
ftr it to the credit of the cIty iii thnu
aphurovtah t'Uy olehutesitorfes , Six thioum-
smutiol dollars of flubs city ntouiuy , for
cxli mutIlC , SVO S Dii oleposi t I ti ( ouu ii ci liii atm
'I'uiyhtut" * Globe humutik. Of t his , $2)27.2t ) )
sas checked on t Oh .1 tine 22 , 1 St ) , l'oum r
( hays uifter flue discovcry , of thi miiIuezzIt-
uiituit , zumiothmtu $1 , ( MX ) nit .lummit' 22 tumid' ' lie
fintul , $3,20SI ( ) ( , on .1 umly 11 , svhiemi 'l'retis-
uur&r Iumuiiont umssumiiuiil ofllec. I it other
vortls , ( lieu lnuuuelstmieiu let U . I S,0)0 ( ) of
avuuiltihlu mnonev tuikimu out of the school
tumunh uuid t rmiiisfeured to the city ( uuuiels
to niuply out the cIty tohuortagu utiuci left
flit ) ohlsluuutei ( $ t0M ( } ( ) o1 IdIotic ! Inutuic tie-
I nusl t to t lutu itch t iioh ( um mit ! . ' ! 'Iiis ss'hioh
t imutismictioui ss'uiS clearly Illegal outuel
s'ouuiti iiot hold ssittcr for it itiouueitt lii
lull ) . court of Justice.
it is uuii iuecesui u y ulov to do tiiore t humu ii
uthluuelo to the large uuutioutut of itutert'st
Ott school futiud ileposlts illegally svIthi-
lucId by 'L'reiusuirer ilohiti nuid cotuverteel
to ) his owmu lust' 'l'htOiO miituy leo.ssliIy
I cc so tutu (1)1(51 ( ) kuti iv In t Inc t lie it ii itie
Oil his liutei iui'e hitililt , for I lilto uuiont'y.
hiuit if nuiy uudJuistuuictit of tlti , sehitnul
luu ii ci 5111)11 II go I s tu ) I a unuu oh c' t I ito butuds.
ilieuu ouight to be ghoul to concede flue
hii3'muteuit of tIle hniituie : of liii , $ i0XI ( ) (
MIhlenU batIk aeposit cut ! be smutislicti
- - - -
- - -
svlhi ( liegotlultiqes t eilt've t hucuit front
cia lois on luceohutit m of uttipaiti Interest ,
5ShtlChI , if t'niuiiu1ttii for the three amid
oiie.htuilf yea . i $ . 1ld ruin lute toils Of
t lieu smuu d s e ) I. ( htlhl'is.
.liiulg' Teysnt jumtt i dithered a tie-
ebsltutu delhiiluig hirt rights of he'positors
lii miii hiusoIs-ehit , ! mk ? svhulctm still mne0t
sv I I I i jm ill imi I cutum mit t' H ehui t inmu. Settle of
titt' slon'bchtoleleu4f ot t lie Inumik also
iht'iit)1teut. 'l'hi.y ? u'mmiuiiueled a shiuute of
t hi' ( hl'.itlCtllt4 ) to In' de'ehuitetl by the ic-
vtive'u lit ' . ' tin' lIffItiug of the
leumik. 'l'lte' coulut 4tehel ( limit their iuutei'-
'st I a t I t e elo'posl t s svouu hI 1 n ssl t hi Itch ii
lint Il uuthi tiimie ds it uthioutlel hue shtosvmu
shut' I I t er oi Hot t ii e elt'i utnil I eu's ( C f t lie
lie it k cmi ml he' mu i ( I I ii fit I I. I ii shmor t , t lie
coIl ut I imi S oid eie'ei t I t it t t hue s I lCk hioh oh er
shimuhi It'iuI flit' fuhl iliemusuuie of m'espoiisl.
ldlily nsiiiiieel ssln'mu hue euiiba rked iii
I I to' let nk I tig I uuiut I ness-mu pro I ty smi fe
mimIc to uihiboht' by.
'ri e li k I t omui unmi d. si a nil I tug a lou e Iii
I tt4 ( ' ( itt t cii t linu for eq ii I I ii I , it' ra I es ii to
t sveiu 0 nun lie a ti ii I i etol ii , hi mu s not re
(11 seth muuutehu o'mi teem gei it cii t it I I hi e
liiiie1 : of ( ) tmimuhumt siuiplucre. Its iate
muimukers muue' himuide to sscaha'ti lie-
( ' : tulSe ) of thi ( ' 1)itisi'Ct ) flint the sImile
I uou : ret sill I I ii ill t I up lh IC I torn do svmi , si tice
tIme I uiouu ! h'un'itht' huolc to thtt' 550)0(15.
I I ut.tmimu I ii s for I hi e sli I heis ) ti f t I i lit ( i ty
to stmuuiel by tli& ' hlhhioumi iii thmi iuimulter
mu hi ci sI io\v I I s 1 ila titi gets I ha t t I icy tipI -
I ) icelmi t e I I s e ffo it s ml nol I mu I en t louis to
demul fmuimly svithi Otnahiuu.
'uTmumimugeis of the .Tumiie rmtelng elect
himuvo' musked the rmullwmiys for a omie-t'mtie
late for vlsltoms. Otllclahs of ( lie i'omieh
himts' tmuinuu the meatier uminht'r ativist'-
miitnt. I t ought not to reqtiir miii uiet of
couigress to ) Ituilutec them to grmunt this
sI iii pie i'i'oiui est . 'L'li cv sv lii sit I 4erve
their iiitei't'sts bs' the
onvmi , grmintbuig ie-
eltldl ( itt t ( mul.l ) fury ssiil 11150) beuit'flt
the uiueueamilihe Interests of Omiiuuhimt by so
eloluig.rlhisy IlilOlt. ' cofl'eSSfoihu4 t'onlhiej
socic ty elicit s , mu ii ci t hfl' itt ci ii g mileet Is
au eveult of interstate iniiuortmimice _
Amiothier fmietouvavuoel ( hushIng
lii I I I-h in s I ) et'ui muhehid t o tue list o f I iiel ums-
t vial eli t & 'i rlsts mi t Imi St Out a h i a . I t v Iii
emuiphoy I It I tts' _ uuieut . l'ii Is mum cmi us an
: iceiuuisitloii of mit least fifteemi ( muutulhies-
say sivetuty-Ilve iueople. I t s'ihl also
hiluig a laige Imivest tiictil of inolicy to
ssvehl the aggrtgmute svealthi of Ountulimi.
For a quumu uter of mu cciii uury 'I'hie Bee
ittis at1vowutel the locatIon of facloules
in Onimuhimu. 'l'lie uubjcct is still Ieultt-
tnouuuut. Ve'o u"nnt iuioue fmu'tutICS.
, .
s.e note svIh sitisfactlon meneweul
activity in 1n1ek numimitifmietumre in thus
oity , tin iiueluustry s'hiich lets sumffereti mu-
imiost total collalute In recent yeats.
5.muytliIumg thmatJ svhhl strengthen the de-
uitmimid fore hutick. wiil ; vouk huucahcuihtuhle
bcmuelits to thuiu tomuuuuuuuuity _ It sybil en.-
able Ouiiuhimt : nutmuutmfmuctumrers to take
Otitmuhia chtuy mulud iuirn It lute btmildhmig
uutateritul , emuutsiti tin excIte huge of mifoticy
froiii ohio cit lo'ui to muneu1hier , keeplitg it
ill at iiouuie. . .1
Jutilge Ilalcet lies ordered that at-
tmuchies of huls hrmiutehi of ( lie eotmrt shimuhl
hut in longer hiouti's hereafter. 1'hie
reglmnemi lie iurcstilhe.s sviil riot mumeet the
tuiuluuovmuh 01 tIlt ? itir 01. ' tIme junols. lllt
It sviil lit' su : t lsfuctory to the taxiuayers ,
svhuo itmive uihiemudy pa id for one truth of
tue liohiti emise munch tuuuust now pay for
muiloit lieu' . 'i'lie outler of .1 uuohge 1muker is
'muihmtteti to ueduuee the cost of the
secoiiul tuiel to tiuc mnimuimtuuumn.
Iiit' tii'zi t fur % la isi.erM _
t'IliCfldO Trilutie
Oomn l'aul has stoWii the world by 1119 CX-
hmtbttfon of hovel head that a muuan may rIse
above huts whiskers.
ie'Iltc'rztc ) itiiti I-Jt.
A deficit of $4,701,4SS for April , maktng
$23,455,190 for time ten inonttu of ttuo fiscal
year. emphasizes thin ugly fact that the
longer democratic rule lasts time mote It
t 111gb Loii'iic _
liflnsd tot o Tribune
Senator 11111 will have to revise tuts fatuous
niotto. Ha Is no longer simply a democrat ,
butt 'thuo oleniocuat , " and tue only one apparently -
parently wtmo dares or cares to stand up tot-
Ills Iarty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% 'ttMIt II ii liii IPlINMIJItIt Camiel tdze c.
Ne % York Hun
For a political party in any country lLko
the t'mlted States , wittu sit inkling of the
laws of buuuAneuts , to put forward as Its leader
the repratentativo of a lQItcy ) teadtty fore-
11mg it to debt and baokruptcy , would be too
exIt-clue a departure frouuu ( hue comutnon ways
or iiuaimagiuig iuuibhLc alTairs. The constant
drain also on the treauury's gold resolve
In order to pay the curt-omit cxpenes of tile
governunent utmost tue stopped. A tziuIfT for
puQtoettQul tS a Rational vrolottiomu ; SO La a
tariff far revenue ( tily. A 'tariff for dofi-
ci t'u e ver I
SCull tortzel Ill'ohlMIMl-ll.3- _
lilt iatieltlila I 'toss
TIme number of buttleshuips for which tite
hOUIJI ) miinde apiroprtattouu has Iuoen reelmuceth
in the senate front four to two eu ttuo pica
of lack of revenue. Nearly all ( tie s.enators
who voted for ( lie reductton stool in the
way of an Inereato ( mu revenue by joining with
( ito sliver sonator.s to toldetracic the 1)iuugtey
btit. Most of tbemn , , too favor a vigorous
foreign tOltCY , butpmo opposed to the ulattoul
providtmmg for Ito ehetouuso In cmse of war.
Thio country nonit ; iuothi a stronger umavy anti
a very conslilerubty rCconetrueted enato. anti
In the next. ( WQycjs it with have lioth.
Only it F'i' . lezii to ( ) e , ,
1'isrt fj. -3hisi .ours.
nY ; ¶ 'nrk lion
As tIme republcan rarty irse ostabtishioih as
a national organizatIon in 185G , it celebrates
this yoau the fortieth year or e'xt'tence. IL
has parttcitmateci iii ten nattomimil oteettomus ,
amid this year's prebidenttai couite. wthi ho
thin eleventh itt which thto two conupotitors
for popular recogmu Linul have been the demo.
erotic party onbcfne side and the repub-
iican on the othr Nine states of the uiufoui
anti tilumo ouuiyii7i botemu uuutrornmty repub-
iican In all umat164,1'ontosts for forty years.
These 'tate ar1ta , Maine , Iuinssactiut'etts ,
Mimineota , NIiuuit , since its admtssomm ! ,
New hIauipstiirQ1uio. Vernuotit , anti Ittiode
Islard They ar ehutttled to roeogiu.tlon as
what , probably , ivay bo called the sure
republican states , " and the list would ho a
longer one but for souiuo political ummttiimuncete
anti fatalities siulcii have imnntrei ; the Integrity -
togrity or several , lit time iit of such to-
Pubtican utat , with otleorwbe an unbroken
record of undeviating party upporL at
pres.theuuttat ciectiouis , lit I'ennsylvania , which
the democrats carried in 1856 ; Kaumsas ,
uvtitch Mtippeti into thin popultst cotuiiiii In
1892 ; MIchigan , in ithiietu the atloptiomu of
"dtstrict eiectois' gave the deimmorrata tour
iii 1f02 , amid Oegemm , uuiulciu was carrlctl by
time douimocrats li a uiahi iuuajority Iii i8u.
Co the other sIde there are only two stattu
whiLeti have been uniforuuily democratic at
every election wittmout a break , arid these
are not , as iuutght be supposeti , eIther Ken-
Lucky or Now Jersey , two deniocratic strong
holds , tut GtorgLt , the 'Ermipiro State of
the South , " amid Texatu. Georgia anti Texas
are the only staes lit the union which have
beoa uuiforzuty democratIc a ( be last ten
r'me.'uthentiaI electirns , bitt ( hero are sevv'ra
oIlier ethIcs whIlchl , titHing that titus , hitivt
heti lernocratto With COO hrc'ak omuly. AmonF
thue0 ate New Jursoy and Ielawaru , which
were lost to the democracy In the eflrutesi
of 1s7 : in comeiuutenco of the defection oi
the thoniocratto "etrabghtouls" ot'poseh ' to
thte nomInat1o of horace areeiy and fl
Urmutz hirooum. htemittucky hiss been tletmue
cratle except at one elcIkn , that of 1S'OO
when tim umnkmn party. svtibeh mu John licE
toiprosttttttt , got Ei,000 Soles In the Bluic
Graa.s coimuunonweattim. ampeinst i3.000 tom
hireeklnrlthge. time southern demnocuatlo can
filulate. and 2OOI1 for louugias , the nortiierr
democratic ciflthtrlate. Mr. LIncoln , though
born to ICotuucky , received In his natIv
nate when flr.u't a canthbthttto for presio'nI
only 1OO votes The se'omn1 time he rat
ho received 27OO. lnirnetiiatcly foiiowIn
the reconstruction period , sstmemu the sumffrag
5sas restricted. Aiatuama. Arkansas , Miesis
sttpl and south Carolina wet-n carrieth by thm
repuhhleatms. Virginia never has becit car
mted by the republican party in a ilntioumuul
eiectioiu , ahtluoitgh the iturrim.omt and Morton
ticket came withIn a sniahh fraction of carry.
tng ( tie Old Ioinlimton In 1883 It went tom
( tie union party , hmt'hi aumfi Everett. by thuc
teiitier phumratity of 30 ( ) vOtes In 1860. Ne
vatha hiss beemu carrieti once by time demo-
crates tunti eco by ( tie ailvorites. Itoittin
ha been tWiCe rc.puubltcan. Wisconsin has
beemi earrieti by the eheniocrats In one tin-
tional election , that of 1S2 , anti MLsouirI
twice for the rupuihllcans , iuu ISGI amid 1868.
inthtamia hat , gone tieinocratl In four ntuticsmal
elections and ropuituitcan in six. There was
muD national election in Texas In 1S68
i'Ot.I'l'lCt14 SM.ti.i 'l'.tll.
Springilehl ltepuubhican : Tue emggestion of
tim cauttiern Paper that the oleumuocratit nom-
immte sonic one who is death mtght be comisiti-
oreth on Its iuuerIts. It woutid insure harmony ,
at any rate.
inthiaumaioits Journal : It is annouinced that
tt secretary of agriculture is going to lottie
a Inniluhiot on bilIousness and advIsing nil
to eat tettttcr. sptmmachi antI snchm. The sec-
retarys party tins beencating teaks for somno
tt flit ? .
Cbticago llecord After ros'iewiumg the various -
rious political Platforms lately adopted time
uumubtasett observer lutist eomno to tue conchm-
sian that the terms 'honest olchtar' amid
"sound mnonoy" are the utmost eomnprchs.misivo
iuhurasoc known in the English vocabtuimiry.
Cincinnati 1nqimircr : It is not a mimatter
of comusequenco to time democrats which liar-
tlcuiar reptibhican they defeat.Vtthi a silver
niatformu amud cantlitiates at. Chicago there Is
no chamico for a gold reptmbtiean , or one itio
dooorit quito kiiow wimettier tie is a gold or
sliver nitmm.
New York Mmiii and hxpree : Gemmerah
Weaver of Iowa is hmarul at work ott the coil-
struction of hits new political party. Ito has
collected a fine lot of Issues , iiictmtdimmg free
trade , frec sliver anti flat lulmley. amid 110w if
tue commiti only flail a few voters to join time
enterprise time now organization woutd soon
size up as a fornmidabio rival to tile populist
Pitiiad&pimia Itocord : Senator Album of Ne-
hrtislttt liredicts time dirumptinn of the demute-
cratie and republican parties amid the union
of the People under time bnuuer of poptmiismui ,
Omi tito other hand. Senator Wolcott of Coto-
ratio , who is no earnest a mitiverite an Allen ,
predicts that both the ohi parties will stand
iy the gold standard of value , anti says the
silver catiso is lost , auth since he hias proved
his faith by returning to the repmmbitcami
camp It is very likely that lie Is In pooos-
Clout of the better light ulpon time subject.
MinneapolIs Tribune : A story is going time
roumuds ahoumt bow Seimator Jones of Nevath ,
dresottti imu seedy coattunie. entered a New
York jewelry store anti astonished the cleric
by selecting a $1,000 gold watch and a chain
and chiarun to mnatcb , anti paying for them ,
laying two $1,000 gold certificates on time
couinter. taking hmls ctuaumge in gold , anti ole-
parting an unostentatlomusly as imo came In.
So U seems that tue Nevada senator. wimo is
OUCh a fierce anti uumcouuipromiufatng ativocate
01' the silver etandard , carries a big roil of
goitt certificates in hits pocket. pum-chmases gold
jeitciry amiti takes his change in gold.S'hilo
he wamita everybody eisa to have silver Ito
deals in muothmiug but gold iiimnoalt. This is
upon the lirinciple that "the best place for
a boil Is 01)01) somebody el& micek.
i'IttlLSoNAL , tNl ) O'1'luiltuVlSh.
It seems to ho generally 1)eiIeved in Rumssia
timat at hl.s corommation time czar viti raise
i'rtice Louis Napoleomi to time rank of a
Laumreato Austin's apostrophe to the Ramid
raders ! shiouitl b read In connection Vttil
r'aul ICrtmger'o cipher comitributlon to ( be
history of tue affair.
Tim doctors hiavimig forbidden Mr. Giaci-
eteno to mimake ammy mmuore speectmes this year.
ami address front tIme g. o. imi. clay be looked
for at an early date.
It any doubt remains as to time oumtcomno
of the Cuban rebelliomu it still vanish like fog
hefome a ueunlmumer sun as soon as the Ciii-
cage alderumian amid lmt guards sight time
Salt Lake City is arranging for a timree
days jumbilee Imi honor of the formal adniI-
sion of Utah Into the umilomu. July 4. One of
( ito features of time celebration with be a
flower Parade.
One of the notable foattmres of current lIfe
Is the uroouad timankfulmmess mammifested by
tile afflicted when a etato legislature ad-
icarus. New York and Ohio people are
tious , enjoying a season of hlrsful relief.
Hamidsonie Elk. a Sioux amicteth with
spring fever is emi time warpath with two
revolvers and a rifle Six deputy marsimais
cure on his trait determimimieth to clip huts
antlers and reduce him " "
to a "good" Indian
Prof. John Fiske reiterates his belief to
tIme truthulmuiness of time story of l'ocatmommtas
and John Smith. I1 _ maya the latter's life
was surely saved by time former. amid that it
cannot be doubted by any aumo who wilt take
tim tmoublc iou lmivestigute.
Itusreli Sage is sery tumid of driving anti
hiatt narce1y blazed a daily title in Central
park in thirty years , except iimeiu tie was
ahiscuit trout the city. Ho generally drives
two hiomses. limit is tryimig a ( came of tour
iuhtch wtil not trot ovemily together.
It is rather remnarkablo Lust for moore than
thirty-four years the federal arms' has had
110 representative of this Leo fanutty of Vir-
gimiia , Time succession in thee semvice is to
lie remmewed , however , huy George Mason Lee ,
Limo 19-year-old semi of Ciemmeral Fitzhtugit Leo
Youmig Leo wilt enter the West l'oimmt miii-
tamy academy itt Julie.
Tim arrangemmuents muro now comnpietctl for
Limo uuveiIiu of tito otatume of General lien-
cock in Washington emi May h2. Invltatlomie
to t41O part in the ceromuuonlea imavo been
issuiel by Gomiorat Mites to the NatIonal
Quartl of ( lie District of Coiumnbta , various
Grand Arnmy posts atud pronuinemmt riieiu Imu
various cities of the country. Dotachumments
froimi tile arumuy auth navy' ivllt also ho present.
'lime programii for time retlgtouiu coreumionieme is
alto. , comnptete , The opentmmg prayer witi be
delivered by 11151)01) t3attorheo of the lpisco-
imut : dioccite \Va.iingtouu ! , ahid time bomuctitc-
thou slt be pronoummeed by Rev W. ii
Gotwaid , time welh-kumowui Lutheran umilmmtster
of Wasiuingtoo The latter is a niemmibcr of
( ito Department of time t'otommuac , U A. hL.
anti was iteincted at the ueuggeatemu ( of ( limit
orgammizatbon. General Johimu M. Paiuumcr , sen
flier trout IllInois % itI deliver th oration.
amid the Cull Marine bamuth will play appro-
lunate mUsic.
Si ts.'r's % Vuuiiliiut l'ijii I.
oh be-iemnovrat.
The muon who are puttIng Illinois' vote in
the denuocratic national convention In the
silver cohummuun are trepartng a surprk for
timozmwelveie , lienriciusemi ttimd Aitgold rami time
smtuiu conventtomi test June becauss ( ho goti !
liucmu muuade no fight. That commventlorm was an
emipty lotuionbtrattoml it. decided muotiuluig.
Thu comuvuntlon noon to take place , imow-
over. is of the luigitest ic'iiI of hmnportaumee
to the dcuuiocraey of ( ito state and of con-
uitdorabio censetutuuico to ( ho party thm'oughi-
out time oatjon. The administratlomu at Wash.
tumgtouu is understood to be u-uing its iniiucnee
Lu down tutu 16 to 1 mumoul , amid thor0 t good
reason to believe that its weight in the scale
ishit ho decisive , In lilmiois ! ( Ito sot eid uuuoumey
ehemmiocuats coniprlso ( lie bratmia amid wealth
of the party ill Limo state , and they are fully
inuprosmeed with thmo imumportance of this coo-
test , The free coiners in Miehiuan were
boasting up to the day of their rectumit coum-
vontiout that tiuey wouiti uowcep their state ,
yet they were overwhelmingly beaten. A
like resit ( flay reaicmmably be iookcd for In
lihotols ,
_ _ _ _ _ a- _ _ _
Cu tile lime itt nt't' I uu t Is , . 'Iremis ii r.
\VAthhlNGT0N , May 5-Today's state.
oucot. of the commdttlcii of thue treasury showo :
Available casiu balsaco , ald re-
t4tt-VU , 12JflT,251.
Frsk1ont of South Africami Ropu11io ii
1ot Warlike.
: l'ulsMeM ( isr the lLeent Crlshui
Ureiti lirituuhli % i liii ut
t 'iris ( bt : uittu era IC
Ttlit' ulilti SAIu lt.
( Copsrtgiit , tS % , by ( tie 5ssocIatt't i'res. )
t PRETORIA , South African Republic , Mmui
: 4.-Deiayci ( In Trnuusrnissiouu.-Timo )
: raatit ( inurlinment of the 'rransvaal
was opeiuNl touhay by I'reslticnt ICrumgor ,
Great nnth most utnuisuat immtcrest suns taker
in time proccethimtgs , In view of thu recent
: thiaclosuirem , mmuatlo by ( lie huubhtcatiomu of th
ciphuu telegraumie cschmauiged hetweerm CecE
Ithodes , thorn ireuuuier of Cape Colony , amel
others , whia took nuoro or ie Inihmortaumi
tumurts hum time Jameson raid iii the territory
of tim fleer republic
Thu town WmtS crowded stthl Iloers , many
of ivimom had uhalthcti iuuiuutircds or umtiie in
order to ho ltrescmut lucre ivimen the Voika.
raatht reassommihletl , as Its pueeumt scslomu i
hooked upon as belmmg omme of tue mu-
portmtmi ( In the history of time little republic.
Ntiimuber of tiieso sturdy , flgimtlmig fat-timers
cammio here days ago in order to bmimug thich
inuflimc'nco to bear umimoum nuemmuboms of the executive -
tivo council in thin hope of brInging about
time imiltigation , it mmot tue critir , comitnutmta-
( ton , of the semitences of time ccuuvicted loath-
era of time Johammmieshurg retormmi commimittec.
hut it is uiacicss to deny ( hint time lumbhic-utiomi
of tue uerics of iiicrtnuimiattmig telegrams has
halt a docitied ( lanhiter umrnmm time cffout of
time Doers to hossemu thmo pummmisiumimemui. of thin
hirisommerms , but it is said mmmumeii tmiay tiepemiti
umtlouu thio action of time htiittsli goemuuimient
toward Cccii flhiode. Alfred h3elt , the iii-
rector of ( lie
iirlttsim Souttli African emit
pall ) ' . who ( colt uiimeim mimi importauit hart hum
organizing . tue raid , mmiii toward the coin-
paul. itself , to say notiiiimg of time pummt&immueuit
wbichi tiuay be uncle ! out to lr. Jtimeson
amid hits iimmummcdtato associatem. John hlcys
Uamiiuumomud , ( ito comivicted Amiuertcan cuugimmeer.
will , however , be mmioro ioniemmtty deati iithi
than his follow nrioners , in i'hew of time
fact that ito wmis OlIOlted to actual rebohliim
against tim0 Tramiavant authorities.
The vietmuity of tim0 l'arhhtummucimt bttildimmg
ems crowtioti with a plcture'quo gathering
of liners long before tins hmotur net for the
openimmg of its proceethimugs , vhio iuere warm
in time Comnunondatlormu , pasi'ed upon the
dipionuacy of "Ooni Paul , " who has so
cieoriy outfemuced the Iiritisiu secretary of
the colonies , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. froni
first to last. and who is now so completely
mmmaetcr of tin ? iitmmatiomm that liii toweru ,
iteati cud shoulders above everybody and
everything cotmnecteti wIth South Africa.
The president , hum imis eieccli , OUtfi imi brief
tiumit ( ho recent raids due to 'malevolent anti
selfish niotiver , " huati aertously autecteti time
Peace and welfare of tue Soimth African
Hepubhic , atiding : "It baa bet-ti over my
ieisiu to pronuoto the deveiopnietit and pros-
imrity of tiio republic in tile most peaceable
manner possible , so I aiim firmly convinced
that it is yotmr ssmccre ! wish to co-operate
wttht me in th ! poitcy , anti that you cx-
poet. with ( lie fullest commfidcnmee , that ( hits
session of thin Voiksraanit will contribute in
fit small manner to the restoration of peace
III thus state , In order that , through our
united co-operatiomi , our country may flour-
lehu and prosper for tile benefit of nil. " ( Lomith
applause , )
Thmo president ( lien toucimed upon tue for-
ohn rehatlons of tue Soutii African Itejnmbtic ,
the nmort delicate amid eagerly ammticipatei
pcrtion of the speech , saying : "lit spite of
past troubktz. , the republic continues to main-
tam friemidly rohaticrmm , with toreign powers. "
Thus subject was there shgumlfleauttly dropumed
antS ( lie president turmmed to time r4aiions
betveomi the South African itepuitile anti
its sister reputIic , the Orange Free State ,
remarking : "I hcpo that a ineettuig between -
tween representatives of time Orange Free
State and reprenuutatives of the Soimthi
African Itciuubiic will shortly be helti amid
pious for a closer iimmtcni betiveomi the ( iso
couuitries iviti be tiiitmseed" ( Appammse. ! )
This mitteramuce of l'renuhjcmmt Kruger woo
looke3 tupon as confirming the report that
negotiations hiavo for nonie tinie u'ast been
emi foot for an aihimtnco , offeumeive ammd tie-
femmelve , between thie South Afrieaui lie-
public amid the Orange Free State , looking
to rettietimig Cn ) ' attempt umpomi time part of
Great Britain to interfere with the lmuternal
affairs of time country.
The iresidcnt afteruvarti atiutled In an ap-
rroprtato nianner to time terrible dynanitte
thisaster just otitsilo of Jolmammne.obumrg on
February 19 , selion abotmt 120 persjmia uvare
iclllctl and tiiousauiti9 wet-0 roithereti home-
less. In this connection the presilont acknowledged -
knowledged the arslstance , rendereni by Limo
uiticiithcra of time Hanoi to thuo Hoer aumtimor-
itios , thu0 foreigners having tomiderly cared
for tini wounded amid cohlocted about $500,000
in tue first twenty-four hours otter the cx-
piostomu. for thic relief of the eufferimig
Ccemttnumtng , time president tuirimed to the
mining imiterests of the South African Republic -
public , declarIng ( limit time mining Wa , , luro-
greina'ng in a prosperouo mmuanner , and that
tue labr emue.otlomm , which at one timno throat-
oncti to Interfere with ( tie olevetoitment of
titt'o feature of ( ito coumitry's resmrces , hati
umow ar'unieth a much brighter aruiect.
The president , Lu huts speech later , said
thimut proposals deatiig : with etiuicathon amid
rarmimig wore ielflg iirertared for subnmmlaion
to thmo Volicaraatit.
FINANCES IN 0001) SIlA1'i ,
Iiofeuriuig to thin finanmces of Limo repmibiie ,
the president assured pmiriianuctm ( thuat. they
% % ere imu a counmti commdttion , mutthouughu time
expemitittures of tim coummtry wore growing.
hut ( bits , hue oxilained , was imu vioss' of uit'
fact that it wae miccersary to keep pace whim
tue mrogrcss of ( hue conitry ,
In comiciuushouu i'reueh.lcuut Kruigcr amitti : "No
doubt , especially in tiueae troublosomimo timmios ,
you ) will etrvo to fill your onerous ditties
amid devote your iuighest. powers to lbo earn-
oat coneideration of the cherished Interests
of the comniuuonwcattiu , "
Time pretddemit's speech was very weli received -
ceived , hieog coneltiered mumost moderate iii
tone , nithoughi meethumg every e'tuattoni firmly
ammii squarely , wtthmou bombast or bluster.
Thiotto ivito reath itetweemi Limo h'eio notice Iii
it a conthnuammco of timu same strong , tbtoughm
peace-toying , policy , whmichi tile vresidenit
has followed front thin first , anti it It , mint
iikeiy that titero has been ally deviati .
fromo ( lie couiroo tie was catieti upon by force
of circumuistamuOeto to &teer after Limo consphaey
of ( hue hirittaim South Afmtcauu company wa
hispatches fronu fluhummsayo say that Earl
Grey , ( ito newly arrIved co.atjmmmluuistrator
with Cecil Rhmode , of time terilinry of tint'
hirlthsh South African contipany , nosy it
charge there , has olhlciatiy expressed ( hut'
ohuinitomm that thin 'back of the Mtabele ro-
hellion is broken" ContInuing , hue saul us
hoped that all disout1ur wIll huvo iieoe
crtmsiued botoro the tmnperi.l troops arrive
hiuluwayo , tie asserts , atthuouighe at ommo time
mi the greatest of perth , is now , timmtnie , to
ttio perfected defense , amol to the lessons
taugtut by tue natIves by thuc repeated sorties
"as safe as Lomithiut or Paris , "
'The reformuerto utow lp Prison and awaiting
their tipat seniteniee4 hmas'o recenmtty been
allowed inauiy nuuore privileges ( lien wbmen at
first imucarceratel. They are allowed huettor
footi , can iemuil for little tiethicacha , If re-
elutreth , anti caui euijoy as utiucti oxorcine as
Possible uniter the clrcunmstanices ,
i'Jips dii. ' i'uij'rs , , , ui 0 iii' ( nulMt.
I'OiL'FIANfl , Ore. , MayAo artier of
foreetooturu mud sate of tite Nortiieri f'acifle
railroad has beouu takomu in ( Ito Umittesi Stales
circuit court before Julgo Gilbert. This corn-
iulaimmamit iii tim 1aruuicrt ? Luau & ' 1 rust
cOnmuteny of Now York amiti the decree of thui
court is in accordamico with thin decree of
Judge Jemikins of Mllssmmukee amid elliotJudge's
busying Juriutthtctlomu over sectIons of thin'
Nortimern l'acuflc ,
Vuuhiotig to lift n lortguige. ,
SI'OKANE , 5S'iush , , May 6.-Mrs ii , Lastby
anti her miamlglter Clara started hero toils ) '
to watk to New York. They live cni a farsui
hoar bore anti hope to mutake emuougii money
lit ( lie venture to Itt the nuortgage. Titey
are under comitract to a Itianufacturer ot a
health costumno.
: .
_ . _ _ _ _
'l'hti S'I'ilb I'Ol , A'f' S'OflfC.
- . /
i'rIue hi tt 4 of I ice Gouei Iuiui Ion liet tig
ilullilPel iuuOeu Court ,
Chicago TrIbune.
Ono of the first fruits of the formation '
of ties steel anti iron iOh will ho the closing
of thio works of the Ohio Steel conuptiny at
'otungstoss ti , w iiieti has'o been tuurtmirmg otit
nearly 1,000 tons of billets a day. The works
are to be idle. but time stockholders of ( lie
Commipstuy are glint-anteed profits eqummul to
Ss'Iiat they woiittl make if their Inlamit were
to prothuuco 10 iner cent 1 tIme total output of
the country.
This arrangement satisfies most of thin
otockholtl ra , iuttt there mire oitmt-r Indivitiuumuhm.
who are riot inuppy. Tue worklmiguutemi , who
are to 1)0 tlepriveth of enmployumuent , ulo no ?
thimihc it fair tiiiit Inroilts mihuoiiloh Ito guinrsntectt
ivhmito wnugo are not. Am. far as they van
t coo ( hero is nothing iii the pool arramigeuuuomut
Sihtiehi recognizes uhemmi ,
Sonic of thin stoeklmolilema are also ehiscomi-
teumtetl. They are the oSshiermo of muullls which
lias'ou lit-cit couisimumulng the proiltuct of time
Ohulo Steel compauuy. They took stock hut
L it to iut'hi ) it along. stipiuostmg tile ) ' couihd
secuuro mull ( ho slc'eh billets ( lucy wattled mu ? a
lawer rate , becatuse they wotuhti not hmmtveu to
PY freight clarges emu tiicnu. Ness' they
wit ! hias'o to iua iumuieiu emote for timeir steel ,
thin hit-ice of Wimiclu tins iuecuu auivammecti huy
tilL' trust , anti as they will hose to get it at
I lommiestoani or elsowitero ( lucy wili tuavo to
i'as' freight.
It is tim lmutention of these etockhmohtlers
to begIn court proceemlings to so if they cannot -
not 1lnck Limo gaimuc of time trust antI conupci
the couubmmumed operation of ttuo 'oummmgstosvn
\vorlcs. 'rimeso uitockItohu1Oi have tile lawon
theIr utitle The pool artamigcuuiemmt , is'hioso muiumu
is to destroy commipottulomi antI auivaumce tnt-ices
lteyomid what lucy woumith be if regulated by
hueahthmy comuupotitiomi , is umtterl ) illegal mind
ought to lie miiahicti.
, uiltsfl 'nu I FI.Ii.
'roxn5 Sifter Von can't toil nmiythming
nbout a email Icy his toimibstone
Phihlntlc'iplmtt floc'omil"MOfley may in' the
to 't of mill 5835 ( itt' Maniuytimilc
l'hiloutOiiter , "but everybody is out tine root
for it.
CIt'vciniumol Pitein IJenie rMts s Ammtt'elc-Do
you StiPlOiOt 1ve hail any doiit'o to 'ote ?
i' . SI immi mner-1 1 ii I , sue co mud mu' t , you kuios' .
Miss Amiteek-\Vhiy miot ? -
Mr. Sihnmmner-Stie , wnts lalrc(1 with Adam.
Harper'seeitly l'atsy Fimimmegamu-Pa ,
punt's a statestimun ?
Alem-uminut Fiminegtmfl ( coununincemmtiy-SVnti ) ,
01 oiiuuimio thiot 01 kin jest tiesciutolbe itt ,
Patsy , bmit-Oi'mn is'an.
I'atsy ( disgustetl-OWl ) , ii' is thiot nIl
it is ?
'l'rtitti "I'npa , shmat is meatit by hiavhng
horse-sense ? "
"It macant ; knowing enough to unnico hay
'hihi' the suufl shines ! itumi now ituni talk
to your grmtmidnuottier. "
\Vasiuhmigtnn TImes : 'Yott never loveti
mile. " shin ctieti , iiysterinil , ' 'timid 110w' , emily
to tittmiic of it , I amis mnarr eti to you"
"Vail n'CCtfl to forget , " he answered , tin-
feelingly , "that I am niso marmied to you.
itnrpor'nt Dazmir : 'Oh , mlomi't get bituci ,
lItctcs. Life is ftmtl of ups minti tionvuin' . Ivo
iuemtmti you eiuty immammy a tinne oturnuo'if.
"That's tm tie enomigti , but mimic more miii
1-ard ups and cast tiowmis , " sigimed Ilictcs ,
3omnervhhit ? Joimm'nni'inksMy wife Iinu
got mu imew degree. Site Is tin M. A. now.
don't so.
lttumke--You siy
V'lmiks-Yes , I do ; mini ] I ant t , P.s. . .
PhillaIoiiiilrm. , North American : fleporter-
ifere's a hit of news that is a scoot , .
( 'ity Eiitor-SVIuat is it ?
Reporter-The shovel muauiuuutictttrcra have
formimed a trust.
' ' ss'ito vanth Ot
( 'hitcago Tribtmne : 1ty ru
of statties to hut imp in the fromut yarti , ' ' said
Mr. Iootielie , time emmmimionnt comitractor , who
hititi stopped it time art store oui hits ss'ay
( iIwmi town , "Send her timu'ee or four totis
of ( lie insist yotm'vo got. nud mali time bill
to me. & ? odday. "
Cincinnati ] miqtulrer "I intend leaving nil
my fortune to soimio hon'pitai , " s.iid the umian
vito bosvsintl ewes
"Iear nie , is it so feeble as nil that ? "
asked the girl who is titil so yoummg moo tenet
not nituid making mumascuitume enemIes
lndinmiapoIi .louruiai : Rev. Mr SViigmms-
Brother Hakshide , I' was iincked desnpiy to
Hoe 3'Otm comning cumt of a commmnmomi tirimikmzig
sahoan. Think of the examntle to tue young.
lit-other 13acichide-5'en , I kumov , bitt none
of ( tie tim-tug stores 1(001) the kind of goods
I want
\'ashIiigton Slier.
lii ( lila honmr of m'cnovatiomi
Miss Coummmbli ; houimi uut pause
O'er the musty ieglsintlomi
\Vatting to ho turmitti to iaws ,
Often have her thrift anti bustie
licen ( hue s'onder of enicti citumie.
Good Colummibla. pritimee lutmatle ;
It is mioi' iioimsecieamulng timne.
VliFS E'fliYhuOlY IS ItiCit.
Wan'iituigtomi i'ost.
\Vhion we nit imutve mmia&ie dir nnhthhontt , fluid
on tcrrnpimi % % 't' Simm ) ,
Amid ihni at stocks amid rnitroads immetead of
seveum-tup ,
iJo you tliiumlc our tiiotmgimts wlii huger with
persistency imutemiso
On time ttnie Witen we were dining for ( be
sum of Ilfeen ( conho ?
io you think we'll feel a yeurmuimmg for limo
tiny's before time hoouum.
When we u toted cur few ito sesatomis 1mm a six.
hy.Se'cn roomn ?
Do , ou think w'ti tl'gr mtdly at the Green-
bark club to quotu
iiouoiniisceumeein of dlmmimers mit time uehtle-stu'cet
table d'lmote ?
i : timive known tiiemuu tin It oftenm-imi a novel ,
It L trtte-
% Vt'ep for ilcys w'hmeim comutto s'ere thureadhmre
anti time biit svere ) due'
Anti may fomni muuitietpauiomi a ( intL ttoumue nitty
you amid I
Shuit ho in time itroud positlomi whet-i' we'll
immive a c'iuttmite to tmy.
Haf A
To bo Civon P0wuy in Articles of
Roul Value to tt'uo Usor3 of
Nk P h ?
"Chowing and Smokln
( The Only AUTt.NEIIVOUS and liNTt.DYSrEPTtC )
. liandsonuti V/miter Cotor Fac.strnhios , Laud.
ttctuisammd.Simuine , uizo 14x28 , 14 rumtjecue.
0 rice Pastel Fac.5lmites , Lnnhec , , amid
e l'igiirea , size 2x2 Imiciics , l' subjects.
. flcauhiui ( Venetian Scenes , Works of ArL
size 20x30 imtclieu , 4 n.itiJects.
C Magnificent Water Cohir Grasures , after fa. 0
e utiouit aruhets , t'Ico 2z'2t3 Iumtia-iu,4 utuiJ.cts.
titc t 45c'eciet lVorks . / 4 it lava , zepr 9/ore
. beeiiorrct ? , Jcret : 7 'cntyh Ikalera , cOrny
. 1fJ/u/rlr6 / $ , 'I'Ie/flurd uutaUedcoutIo.te/or (
any ouieanl , o be 2iieefc vtust ic cc. , , ,
. CioiI Pound Siamidard Works , over 150 soP -
toctoti him's ; by Enuiuteuut It uutbors.
P oputar Noveis , Otimi tltie iyFtiv.itJtnAUUmor. (
. fluitber , eil'ctosinri , Ooiuveulmit
e PIPES , 4 ,
French IlrIsr ( Oumntrmuuute.'l ( lenuminc ) ,
Jack Knives and f'en tirisos , lint
. Amnricu uunniifactmure , IOnizer Ste , 9naity
. iorgedmlumely ( t'uicrel iilat1c , ht4g hiamithto
: IliIhest Grade Stoet. litil ow ( ] rotnid ,
S Finei ( Quatutt Leather , Ladios'nmtd ( louts' .
. 1000 Mile Itepeamunq , For amiy sIze flhcycic , S
S limo Mati Pouch Watches are mimummo iiy
a tcallmug Ammicricamu S5'tctm Commtpamuy
S ntuuhar.gsoraud4cd , Ivifhuiufqtuttijiemjoi S
. rhe''uvorhs"coutamui alt tmmiprovcmne'mit. mu ;
S to dato. 'Ihey until isear nuid pot , firma we I
for in tile ttmno if omtty tirtliuumr iy esrel fe , ,
Cotipitum.e - * ' , ittiw itt itt-euro it ii Art irle .
Oti OouJle iu eec ! . 0 ccitt ( ' come. ) J'a'kage ,
'rtro Coujaoni ' 'I ccc ) 10 r , tt (4 ( COOt , ) I'aeLayi.
IatI Pouch Tobacco Is sold b all daIers.
i'uortnuugr ( newell sale ) . 'untuiuui tug must
5 % I I I iii. lLe''tt , ui a e 'il U it111 IC. 5 ot. ' Iim.t hag
emi one Coujui , " 4 ca , ' .tIwpIy iJag as too ( 'ovjn. _
ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Mailed enap tilcatan (
aiding complete list and dtscrtptIoumoI alt 5dit01 anJ
lilies oi Books and Pictunes ; so 0.11. iss focS 11enu ,
The Uloch Bros. Tobacco Co. Wheeling , W. Va
1(0 CUUVUUC cxctmuuugetl ules , .Jui' 1 , IlSUi