Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TILE OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY , MAY , 189 ( ; .
Theodore 0. fltih , a dnlryman , and James
Sttlbbflng , a p1atrer , were called In quick
puccolor. the latter proving atifactory.
In t'xfrcifiIng Itn tourth peremptory chal.
Ienge the .eton , xciied H. li SarIoi a
clerk for 1nui 1raltor ) .
Wililim IPck , a negro. was caliel. lie sail
he ha1 ricvcr heard of the capo and had read
nothing about It , ( or the very goo0 ren
t that ho erniiil wt read newspapers or anything -
thing cIsc' . lie alI ( hs * orked in the packIng -
Ing hotie at South Omaha. He as ac-
cepteil atter a lengthy eximinatlon.
on its fifth peremptory challenge the (10-
tense excuod ( . W. Olcott , foreman In the
1)x factory of II immoni's packing house at
i3outli Omaha.
i : i' . heavenwortli , a stenngrapher in the
II & M. hiealquarters , was called and ex
CU'i on account of a tlxerl opinion.
1re1 Smith , the well knon bHk rnanI-
faturer , was the next man called anti ac-
John Urevort vas rcmovel Iiy the (1efen'e
on its sixth peremptory challenge.
.tens Atuhrr'm , a laborer , was cihlel , Ills
ignnrane was PtIIlCfldflUS , lie answered
. questions In a mumbling. rangling manner.
anul neemr'd to b' entirely at sea a to the
, ieaning of thin ( ItlOstIOflS. having ( hispIayel (
tIm neossary Ignorance to qualify him for
jury dilLy. ho was seated In the Jury box.
; % 'llhIam hicks. the South Omaha colored
- nan , was excud by the state on its second
veremptorY challenge.
la'Id ) l. Carpenter , a solicitor for a local
tea anti coffee hou , * . called and ac-
lrd Smith was excused by the 1ofense on
its seventh percmptnry cialIenge !
/ l'rank hUrt. deputy assessor for the First
, ward , vas the next man c.llel. lie bad a
pocitivo and fixed opinion that no evIdence
could renlevo and lie as excused.
I MIchael McGrath , a laborer out of em-
, ploymont. was called. lie had formed an
. . 0lIt0fl ) from readIng The flee and was
challenged for cauco by the defense.
} ( itarles Ihentley , a collector for the \Vestern
Ioap company , wa calleil. lie bad reid
I rhe 11cc and bail formel an improsion based
on what lie had read and was challongc4 for
: ' cause by the ( letf'tI'C. but the challenge wao
. overruled. On Its eighth anl last challenge
r. , the ( lefonse excused Itontley.
l'eter Svacina , a grocer on South Twelfth
street , was called.
) On its thIrd and last chiahictige the state
; waived anI the linpanehing of the Jur ) ' was
ci coijipicted , thirtyPaven men having Ien ox-
h amlncd In the proce of securing twelve
Then V. ho tettflod that they could well and
truly try the case on the law and the cvi-
do1 Jur > 4 was notIfIed by the court that It
I would be kept together and would be quartered -
tered at a hotel during the trial.
- "
. vE'1IILiSS I'O tq' VtbbEY.
liite ( f tiii' ; : ; ; ; iIs.-uI fir tIi
F qIIIrl S'tih Iii .tU41I4t.
The Douglas Cointy Veteraiw met at the
Henderson hotel last evenhiig for the pur-
rosa of ( hladuselog plans for the next re-
union. A. I. McIougal ) , prellident of the ae-
eclation , C1I10I the meetIng to order at. S
o'clock. and Secretary henderson stated 1t9
i. object. The committees having in ehargo
t : criangeinents for thio IrocUrillS of speakers ,
p booths , prIntIng and traIuiPortatIOll , reported
) r0grcS ,
r Tim COiflIflIttee on locating tim grounds reported -
ported In favor \\'hltmoro's grove at VaI-
by etation , 1111(1 the report was Unanlnl us.y
t adopted , tIle date. of the reunion being fixed
. for Ailgilet 19 , 20 and 21.
4' . vote of tliaiik was extended to Atlanta
Post Of Waterloo for the banquet given tile
Oiiiaha delegates who visited thltt place
March 1 1 in soarclt of a locaUoil for tile
- aniiual meeting ,
Upon motion of II. it. Bali. it was decIded
. to appoInt a committee , collIpocell of J. P.
lieUdOlSOfl , J. It. Gilmore of Valley aiid fi.
It. Bail , to CXteU(1 an Invitation to all the
nacletles of young POOPIO In Douglas county
to attend the reunion. They vere empowered
to vIBit the secretaries of each society and
extend the Invitation in person.
Upon a vote It was decided to haiti the
next meetIng of the membera of the Douglas
County association at Vahioy atatlon , July 25 ,
to perfect .arrangellleflta for the coming reunion -
union ,
, . The cO1iiniittee on procuring niusic stated
that It lIed decldd ( liOfl offering three
prizes Ill tile band comletItloll : FIrst prize.
1O : secOrll ( , $20 , 1111(1 ( thIrd. 15 ; Omaha and
South Olnalla bands barred ,
'Flu' 'I'o hillS A. 1)S'id1tiNG.
Tiieeiilinrles Set I'I ri' ti II house at
'I'aeflt y-NI ii tIl II iiai Iecsi t iii.
FIre was direovored at 1 o'clock thIs morn-
log in the housa of Charles I. Whitlow , 2909
Iecatur street. The building Is a two-story
franmo etructllre rlth a kitchen annex.
Shortly before 1 oclock Mr. Wiittlow found
the rear portion of the cnnex in a blaze.
w'licrt tile firemen arrlveil they made short I
, work of the tiames , and upon exam'natlon
It was found that tiley were of Incelidlary
: origin. Time Panel of the outer door of tile I
S fljx ( ilati been amaslied in large enough to
aliow of the passage of a mnaifs body anl (
kindlng ! lla(1 ( beemi taken into tIle room. piled
against tile mnam1 wall of tile building. kero-
acne oIl thrown over it. and tllO whole set
afire , Mr. Whitlow said that nothing of an
Inilaminable character had been left in tile I
place WllOIl tile fanily retired , and that he
could aeIgmi no reason for any ono , try'g to i
burn hini out , as lie had 110 ( nelnles In the
; nelghboriloo(1 of whoni lie was aware. Tile
damage was $25.
A blaze in a coal aIled In the rear of 1715
Dodge street half an hour later dli little C
dalllage ,
- S
: : i O1tI.IIItNiA SII1S i'OIt M'ilNLidY
iltmiJimrI ) . fit the CuiieutIuii feEIlIg m
1 'l'Iskl ) i'llHr tl.1 Ohio Iiii , .
SACRAMENTO , Cal , , May 4.-That California - f
fornia vlll joIn time' McKinley lrocesslon
; eeeimm to 1)0 a settled fact. Tii , at3to repub-
Ilcall CoIlveIltiOn will nlect hero tomorrow ,
: and tile majority of tile delegates are wear-
log MeiCinley badges and are shioutiiig for
- time OlIIq moan. TIle sentiment is not tlflflfl-
iIIlOU ( , llowever. One of the two contesting
San Francisco delegations , under time leader-
hlim of John 1) , Sprockels , Is making a hard
battle for an unlustructed mielegatloll , amid
illey have not yet given UI ) time fight.
IIreckeIe. wile aIIlirtu to ie the leader of
time republican party lii tlmls state , Is a callmli-
. date for delegate-at-large. lie is a pro-
001111 ce'd 4 % II I soil in a mi , alld today a flIlouncemI
llat If time convention 5)1011111 ) Insist upon
loluhImlg all tllstrmlcteli delegation lIe wIll
wIthdraw as a cammdhmlati 01111 wltimmlraw atlp-
port froni tile repuilllcan Party. Owing to 'l
tIme wave of McKinleyislml which appears to
have VVeilt over tile state , It Is extremely
Probable tlmmtt silver will not receive much
euplort. There seemmis to be a dlaposition F
llmllollg tile delegates to Ignore the silver
( jtlOStIOll entirely. or at imiost to give free ti
coinage imlt a half-imeartod enilorsemnent.
Vim urs fimi' : l.i ( I mIIt I it % ' , , li154.
ClE'ENNi , slay 4.-Speclal ( Tolegram. ) I
-Iteports were received hero today Iron )
F'teIflOllt , Crook , Albany amid Sileridan counii
ties of republican county conventions held
tnttmrday aimtl toJay. In all of tlmo counties
hmmstrmmctkims favorable to McKinley 'ere
adopteml anti Judge \'Iliis VcIlIevellter ( rec. 'V
OlIlIllemIdod ( or mlational Collllmlitteomnan for
Wyolllimlg to succeed cx.Senator Carey.
Ciusil rimmnli liii rrIl Cmiii , . a Ii-e-Im ,
I'lIlt.AiEhi'lliA , Ma ) ' 4.-Chairman ilur.
rity 1)1(5 cmlIeti It meeting of time subcomnmnit. Ii
tee of tIle demmlocrmmtc ! national commIttee to
tie 1ICIl ( lIt tile I lotelV'ellirmgton , Cilicago ,
oil Friday , Iny 8 , at 12 o'clcck.
ltsi'l I ms , Si'lmoill Itum , rd tI..S lug.
1tA'WLINSo , , May 1.-Speclmtl ( Tele- "
granl.--Tlme ) annual 5011001 metIng tonight Ill
.IIS Ill l'gt'i y mt I temmil cii , Job tl C' . (1 unnlti g svmls
lmfllUmiImmulli4l ) ' tit'eted trustee. A tax of t5GIXI
wiw VOIL'LI , $ iUuO ( em time teaelmeri' fund amId at
$ i6F ) fa ; time cclntinl'cmlt eXpmlses. tl
t-- _ _ lit
- - - - ' - - - - - -
Lammses flmli ) ' lmalf time slckmmesm In tile orkI It
rctaimms time digested food too 11)1mg 1mm tIle bowels
anti iroduce blhiouimess , toilliti liver , mdi-
tIttm , bad taste , coatemi
tolmgmlt' ' , sick lleall.SCIW , In-
sommillla , etc. hood's l'lih LI
CIICO eollstilmatiOlm auth all its t1m
results , easily ammd tilorougllly , 2c , All druggists.
I'repared by C , I , Iloomi & ( o. , Lowell , ilass.
Tlae emmly 1'hll to tko with 1Iooti' Saraaparllia. hI
Wornon Delegates to Mot1idit Oonferonco
Withdraw Pending Dobato.
, ( ' I , ' : l I n on I y iteort $ lrrgImms
flits I .t .1 ni IMMI Oil Hf % oIl ( 'H ' % VIIliIl
. lh.Ni .fly I I ItPWIlt ( OC I lie
(1i1rei& CiamstlimtIimmi. (
CLlVFfAND , May 4.-The anticipation
of time disposition of the woman qtletioml
called out a large attendance at the general
Methodi3t Episcopal conference tImId morn-
immg. Time ( IlegatPs were early in thelr-seat3
and time spectators were more numerous than
on any proefomla day.
iliehoim Merrill of Cimicago prcsiiied , alid
time lla'mlllI was announced by 11ev. Dr ,
liurlbmmrt of the Sunday School lIllian. A
ferveimt prayer was offered by lr. Ilurlbtirt ,
after which time'1juincsq of time morning was
taLon up.
ReV. Ii. A. limmchtol of Inmliana desired
the Iplcopal address rosil in every Imulpit.
Tile conference adopted a resolution to send
a copy to each Ilastor.
Dr. Zducller of Cleveland presented resolutions -
lutions favoring arbitration for all Englich-
speaking countres , which was adopted and a
copy ordtrod semlt to tile ireh1ent of time
tinited states.
Tile resolutions pictured at length tile horrors -
rors of war alld announced that the Engliah-
speaking countries .cf time world ilIlil ton
much in comnon to risk time lives and treas-
urea of their Ilcopie in a bloody conflict. The
rcsoiution fmlrtller reported tim favor of an
arbitration eolnlnis'on. '
Time OxCitilIg featlmrq of the day was wilell
Dr. itlommroe lire'ented to time collforence a
written statement from jour wonen dole-
gates. It looked as thougim this statelnellt
might solve tIle perplexed woman question ,
but it dill not. Following is part. of time
"Wimile Wo regard ourseivos as laynion In
tile full mmenr'o of the term and hold that
time lay electoral collferemlcem are entitled
tlllmler time anteomlmnent of ISGS-72 to chooee
their delegates , subject only to time restric-
tlon therein specifled , wo are unwilling to
VCOlfl to Insist upon persoimal rights whIch are
ill dispimtti. Tile cimief question , as It now
8501110 to LIS , arlsas over time metimod to be
pursued open this , We recogimizo. iloneat
differences of opinion among time locaL In-
teiligent alid conscientious mombers. It
sOcmim to us that were tile conference re-
lleved from the tension which our presence
occasion. it might speedily ( Ievls3 a plall of
admissIon upon wilich tile great majority of
tile mnemnilers could agree. While we am-
corely regret to dIaimpont ! time chIvalrous
cilalnplons of womnan's eligIbilIty. we cannot
consent to a protracted debate over our
personal eligibility to tills conference with
time ailenations whldh we fear atmcim a strug-
Sb mlgilt : ca'e. We therefore cheer-
fuily rollimquimim our rights In your
honorable - , body and await sucil a
settlement of a long vexed qmleetion as
your wisdom may devise , coniltient that in
dIr action vill he ombotilod the spirit of the
golden rule. We dciro to express our
appreciation of the courtesy shown us and
assure yeti that we shall continua to pray
and. to labor for time prosperity of our zIon. "
The statement was prc'ented by Jane F.
Iiashford , Lo'.a S. Parker and Ada C.
No sooner had the communication of tim
women delegates been offered than Dr.
Ky'natt , chairman of the committee on
elIgIbility. ubmnItted the majority report of
tllO comrnltteo. It briefly announced that
tite commnltteo had decided that the women
were entItled to seats In tile convontiori ,
Several delegates arose to defeimd tile report ,
but there was a universal demand for tile
minority report It as a lngtimy document
anti was read by Ir. ' 1' . B. Nealy of Phlia-
deipilla. It found tilat time challenge of the
eligibility of- the women whose namnos appeared -
pearod 00 the roll of the general canference
is sustaIned and that the electione of women
by lay electoral oonferemlcc. are Illegal acts
amidtimat to seat time claimants would tend to
destroy all respect for the conatitutloim of
the church and the decisIons and In.
terpretations of tile general conference ,
After a warm debate over the two reports
time aettiemont of the question waa deterred
until tomorrow.
T1IQ thirteen smum1ing committees and tile
mpeclal committee on Epworth league organIzed -
Ized pcrxmmanently thus afternoon and will
Imegin work tomorrow. Among timem are the
onmmnitteo whicim will consider the advlsa-
) IIIty of having moore bishops , and that whIch
vIIl 'make a reconimnendation on time propo-
cition to mitigate the severity of time rub
overnIng the itinerary of ministers. Bishop
Ioe-a said to the Macelated vress again
Loday : "I believe that more of the bishops
ilan hot timlnk our number simould be in-
reased by three or foUr. Time minority.
motvever , Is very strong , My Idea if more
ishcps are cilosen Is not to make bIshops
If Immdla , Cilina , AfrIca , etc. , bmmt to have
horn bisimops in a general sense , so that we
an devote wimat tIme is neceaary to this
ommntry , and certain of us go to foreign iands
'or what timno is miectiod to be ( levotell there , "
The supporters of the women delegates'
auso claim tonlgimt tilat they ilavo certainly
OIl the victory , and tim.4. time final vote w'lIl
Ieat thlO WOfllVfl. Their opponenta , wimilo
hey concede timat the other sIde lmao imad a
argo majority of tile delegates froln tIle
tart , declare timelr belief to be that tIme
ide was turnedby time * 'pcochea in tile con-
oronco tOdIly. Time debate vlll ho resumed
onmorrow nlgimt.
ILls sttod tonight that 11ev. A. F ,
CoIasswskI , pator of the Independent
' 011511 CatholIc church of time Inimnaculate I
leart of tile Blessed VirgIn Mary. allmi also
ill ? head of time Independent I'olkh movement -
mont In the United States , has apprcaciled
liapTaIn McCabe with a proposition to turn
Is church , with Its qongregatlorms , to tile
tetliodist ( lenomulnation. Chaplain McCabe
ImiJe admlllttlmmg tile offer Ilad been muamle
echoed to discuss it. It was irnpoesibla ' 1
0 800 Rev. Kolasmmewskl tonight.
Time menlbcrs cimoaemb to servo on the
arioumi comlferenco conlmnittees from what '
lay ho called the cemltrai districts are as
ullovs :
SventIi Distrlct-Jumilciary. the Ilo' , A.
. Muimin of Itichmonml , Intl. ; constitution ,
lie ItQ % ' . W. 11 , ' 5111cr of 1)etroit anti It. S. 1
'emmnammg of Terre Haute ; conmmolidmttion tile ( I
tey. L A. Bucli of .thllIlL , IthIcim , , and VIil. h
lmn Newkirk of Connoraville. Izmd ,
Eighth district- Judiciary , the Rev. S
mnory Miller of Ies Moines , Ta. . consoli.
Ittloll. tile 11ev. 11. D , Clark of Gmtiesbmmrg , V
ml , , amid J. 11. IIoImls of Chicago ; constitu-
Ion , time ito' . F. M. BrIstol of Evanston ,
Ii. amId I. M , t3lmmtw of Denmmison , Ia.
i'fi11tii mllstrict-Jtmtliciary. Judge 11. It. C
irlil of St. l'amml ; consollmlmmtion , time 11ev. 5 ,
I , 'l'rtmmuiell of LaCrosse amid J. It , L.Inmgremi I
f Es'nmmston ,
Temitil district-Judiciary. tile lion. J. D. I (
immg \Vaymle , Nmb , ; constitution , the 11ev.
. ii. Maxilelil of Omaha amId J. 11. MIckey
t Osceola. Neb ,
Eleventim district-JudicIary , Judge II. (1. c
'imitlock of JaclcsonvIlle , Ill , , and time 11ev.
V. J. alartimulnie of Vi'ieimitmi , consolidatiomm
Ill ) Rev. 0. II. Clark of ilelieville , Ii ! . , anmi
mmmigoV. . J. OlimBomi of Om-ammt Cli ) ' , Mo.
'FllIrtet'mltil (1Im3trIct-ConoIIIlmtion , time
ev.ViIiImmm ICeemmeko of liellovliie , Ill , , '
mId I. A1)ISI of Cillcago ; comlstltutiumm , time , ,
ov. JllCOb itnthweiier of I.ouisvllle and 11.
Iemldixon of' Sprirmslloid , IidImmm ,
( olormimio 'I'u'n II1ICIIN Up. N
TENVER , May 4-Time jiusness Portion of I
mo Gr v , Coio , , was destroyed by fire
'hicii broko'out soon- after xmmti.ilglmt thIs U
morning , Loss , about 20QQO. The fire hi 'F
elioveilto 1iae been of thcemlciiary origlim , L
SA1IATQaA. , N. 'i' , , May 4VIro ilas do- .
royod time Adiroodacic hotel , Emerson bank ,
mo MusIc ball andoveral residences mmmmd
ore \Varrensijug , Warrcn county , on
itlimiga loss of ioooO ; Which Is party in-
iromi , ,
IILJFFALO , N : Y ; : May 4-Fire In the
mur-stpry , brjck building at 104 and 108 I'oarl
root tlliJiI caimae l a ios of $100,000. The
oodyaar ltubber-conmpammy , tIme' William 110mm-
erer conlpany and Abranme & ilymmmamm , man. -
racturera of xcolslor , occupied tue struc.
. - 1i
Lmiytm.emi N of ( ) et-umm l'i'HSVIM 3Ii' 'I ,
At Livorpool-'Arrived-GaIIIa , from flos. t
n , li
At San Framiclsco-Arrlyed-tJmiited States
eamllsimip I'iiiladeIphla , trout San Iiego.
At New York-Arrivem--Ooorgia , from Smi
verpol ; Pemminaular , from Liatmemi ; 'erkcn. UI
Un , fromu Itotterdam.
At A ntwerp-Arrtvod-IL'nsingtan , from
a % , York ,
At Iialtimmmore-Sailed-Ithaetia , for 11am.
I rg.
ItESI'l.'i'S ( ) il'NNItl Til , tCRS ,
( ) iemiimmer nt .tqlm.-iltiet ( gets 1 %
( 'mu ii ii ILmi . int , 1J'iiet.
NEYOlL1' . iTny 4.-About f.O ) PeoPle
vere at Aqueiltmct 1)111k tOlml ) ' for time C mien-
11mg of time season. The day was perfect. nlmml
a cool breeze blew in rbtil the osnn. Time
best race of time ( In ) ' Vfl5 time se-ommd , at one
511110 , in which timere was mm driving fimmiii
betven leggett 0cm Jefferson ammil liamniltoli
on ICing ' 1' , tim" formuer VImlfliflg b it Sihort
hesil. Time starting nincilimme WIt ! trIed in
the' timirti rne anmi resulted in a fine start
after s"Veral atte'mimptme. liesmmlts :
Fmt mare. iivi furlongs , se ling : Temuler-
tlee q to 1) ) 'xun , Prettier ( to 1) ) m'eeomiml ,
IC1 limo , timirl. ' 1'im'-o io2a :
He < 'onil rn.'t' omm tniie , selling : JeIf'rson
( C. to ' . 'i worm , 1itig 'I' , I to 1) ) sei'ond , htoyiml
I'm-Imre'ss thirl TIme lIVI' : . .
'l'iiftil rni' . hulf mile , spliimig Joe Ilay-
Inami ( I to I ) ' 7'II , YolmmmC harry tie to 1) )
seronil , : Its Ill ) thIrd. Time : Od'4. :
Fourth ruec' , mile' mind tine-txteentli , sell-
lag : ( "imtmgnut (2' ( ) to 1) ) % 'nn , l'rg ! ( It t )
Ilet onil , ( 'haramiP I 11 third. Timne : 1:51. :
Fiftim raCe , one-hair SmIle , iC 111mg : Free
I.'imiCe (15 to 1) ) ' won. hir'hton ( a' tO 1) ) St'0
olimi , Friendsh'p tilird. Tlmne : O:59. :
LEXINaTON. MaY 1.-Weather e ear and
wirmn ; track fast. itcsulti * :
First race. omme mmlile : Time 1)rmgon (3 ( to 1) )
almil Sinlomm \ ' (1 to 4) ) miemil heat. No otimc'r
starters. i'mmrse mlIyii1il. Time : 1:11 : 1.5.
Secolid race , six fmrlongmm ( : Caesam'Iamm (3 (
to ID ) von , Gnlon ml'Or (4 ( ½ to 1) ) second.
liremldoo 4 ; to 1) ) thiril. Time : 1:15 : % .
Third race , Asimianmi Oaks , onm' mile : Myr-
telIt' ilarkness (8 ( to I' . ) won , Brace CUrdle
(2 ( to 5) ) mieconil. Timne : 1:42. :
Fntmrth race. six furlongs : Cmii (3 to 1) )
l..nn lZ.le'n lie'1 , ' (10 to l'ieeonml , l'roimasco
(2 ( to 1) ) third , TIme : 1:15. :
I'iftit race , ilve ( tIrlumIg : Mead wthomio
(3 ( to 1) ) womm , Trnopia (1 ( to 3) ) secom'tI , Sharon
( ; to 1) timird. 'i'Inme : 1:03. :
NASIlVllhE , May 4.-Tlmc' best attend-
nmmee c f time mleCtIllt 'itnesrot1 the best rnce
of the meeting. irotmr favorItes wcre beaten.
In the one nmti a cmtmlmrter moile immindleap ,
With a good mtmirt , flm'mi Eder clInic away
amid wom easily. though the ilmtro vlls ridmiemi
omit. Tomorrow tile mneeting closes. Ito-
First race , three.qummrters of a mIle :
Itonilo (2 to 1) ) won , Walmg Secolid , Nick
third. Tinme : I :14. :
Sccond race , flve.eichtiis of a mik. mmcl' .
lug : Itoemilimul (7 ( to I ) won , Tlehie of Ark
Grove mieconmi , Kitty Scott third , Tilno :
1:0li-i. :
Thirmi race , mile almil oncquartelUtopia
hotel handIcap : lien Eder (3 to 1) ) sven ,
Maurice ccond , ltuthven third. 'I'lnie : 2:08. :
Fourth race. one mle , selIinmc flinglnger
(3 ( to 1) ) Won , Ovoreila miecomul , hilly MeICen-
zie third. Time : 1:41) : .
Fifth race. ( our 011(1 one-half furlongs :
Mammzanilia (7 ( to 10) ) won , Izeyl second , Con-
Ole Lee timird. 'l'immle : 0:56. :
SIxth race , iIve-eightila of It mnlie. e'lllng :
IIOLmmlllIlg Cecil (3 ( to 1) ) won , I'etrolene see-
end , Audrax thIrd. Time : 1:0I1 : , .
lIAittItl ) ( 'bASS ILtC16A SUIt1'It1Si.
F'reMlmiii'ii 1)o'ia'ii Ii e ( rmiek Semi looM
Ii Vu ' .Vl ii uI I It 1dm. si' . ,
CAM FlitI DOE , Mass. , May 4.-Tile annimal
ilmtrvartl class races on the Charles river
tonight reemlited in 001 ? of tile biggest stmr-
prlse 1mm years. The freshmen eIght for
the second time In the annals of harvard
aqtmaticim won quite handIly , rowing with a
iligh stroke and excellemlt effect. Time senior
crew , Witil itS six ex-'varslty oarslnon , was
time primne favorite. I'he frehmnen 'were mmot
even cxpectod to finish. third. Tile crows
got away at C o'clock , time freshmen amId
senior crevs tnkim time leaui. The course
was d : wn the river-One mIle 1111(1 SOVCfl-
cightimim-to the Union boat billie. Tile
fI-esillmlen immediately hit up a fast stroke ,
running from thirty-o'Ix to timirty-nlne per
mninuto , and the ) ' kept it ip In gallant fornm ,
liflishillg strong and fresh , wInnIng the race
With ease In tile very fnst time of nIne mm-
tmtes , twenty-eight second , which beats the
record by ten seconds. The Juniors led tim
801)115 at the start. lImIt were soon over-
imatmed mmmd paem1. V'lth the freshmen an
eaci' 'Inner It was a pretty finIsh between
the otlmer three crews. Time copims werc jmmst
a length behind the sonI"r ammd ti-me juniors'
shell wa overlappIng the sophs'tIoat. The
wlrnlng crow was made up in this order :
Stroke , E. A. Borrirnn : No. 7 , C. iLMeDuille ;
No. 6 , C. Thomson ; No. r M. Donald ( cap-
taln ) ; No. 4. J. Id. Perkins : No. 3 , 11. 11.
Whltheck : No. 2 , F. 1t. SwIft ; coxswain , F.
K. Plumu.
YnIt"s II.'iily Crew.
NEW' hIAVE , Conn. , May 4.-Bob Coolc ,
Yale's crew adviser. and Captain Treadway
of the 'varabty eiItt conferred last even-
lag and selected tile canlidatel4 for tile boat
whtch will td tnkCn England to race for
Yale ia..the henley , They are : Stroke.
George Langford. St. Paul , MInn. ; 1 1mtiph
Trcadway ( captain ) . SIoux City , ra. : 6. A.
ai. Iongncrem.Philmiiio1phffl5" PhilIp Dailey ,
\'imlilsor Locks , Conn. ; 4 , Janios Rodgers ,
Toledo ; ; l , WillIam Bea-rd , Pbughkeepsie ; 2 ,
Alexander Drown , Philadelphia ; bow. James
BImpon , MlnneapoIi. SubstItutes : George
P. Marsh. Lansimmgburg ; Patml Mills. West
h'olnt , anti Payne WThitnei''Nev'Yorlc City.
Three of the fmmrteen men now in training -
ing have been ( lrcnpe(1. They are : Thea-
dore Miller , Akron ; David Rogers , New Tin-
von , Conn. , and Stewart Patterson , Chicago.
Langford . , Treatlwmiy , Longacre and Beard
wem.e on last year's champion Ymile ilight.
NEWT 'oitrc. May 4.-A special from New
hIavemI to the Press says : "The announce-
niont was , made tonight that the 'varsIty
crew willch Is t.-m represent Yale let time lien-
icy regatta wIll aimmo probably enter time
most of the German' regattas at llamimburg. I
Time idea of enterIng the German races 'was
not suggested by htmt by 'tile Germans ,
Im time form of an InvitatIon froni A. 0.
Schurmamacher , president of the Algemeiner
Aster cltmb of lfamiurg. I'rcsiilcnt Schur-
macher 'oo'nts ' omIt that the Hamburg regatta -
gatta viil be hold Jul13 and 19 , ammd cx-
tends a mnot cordial invitation to Yale to
enter Its crew' . Time Yale authoritIes are deliberatIng -
liberatIng on acceptIng the' chaulOmmgd , "
% ir limit of RhixOrM'
Susie Rolls and Anna Brovn , eqlored
women lIving at 207 Nbrt& ? 4lnth Street. got I
into an nitorcttipn 108t night. lioth drew
razors ammd started to carve ench other.
) tllcera arrIved and put a stop to the trouble
iy Sendlmlg them to the station.
About the satne timne ' George Cravat , a
10gm , went Immto 020 CapItol mivenue and
) ullIng out a rmmzor , mittemptemi to cut Iluzel I
Dean , an inmate of time place. lie was
: ima.sed out of the imotlac by an officer , but
rueceedeil in mmihing imis escape. 'The woman
ustained a small cut 0mm the hand.
' 1'li' "I'ri ; Iii , thu t. It immis on TI mmmc. "
I , time Ilurllugton'a "Vestibuleil Flyer" for
ImIcara. C
Leaves Omaima-5:0O..p : , m.
ArrIves Ciilcago-8:20 : a. 81.
Tickets at 1502 Iiaraanl street.
W'iiA'l'ill'flt IcOlIFCtST ,
I'mii1im vmmr 1141 lmiIr lii Nehrmmskgibmmt
'Imils\S'Iil lii' Stroiijr ,
\S'ASIIINGTON , May 4.-Time forecast ( or
ruesday Is :
For Nebraska and Iansas-Generitliy fair ; '
otmtiierly winds , increased in force.
For Soimth Takota-l'artly cloumly weatimer , r
robably followed by local simowers Ttmestlay r
vening or rllgimt ; cooler Toesiay nIght ;
omltimerly wlmmds , shiftimmg to m'csteriy.
For Oklnimnmmt and lmmdlan' Terltory-Fair ;
outimeriy wimmils.
For Missomiri and Iowa-Generally fair
eatimor and continued warnm ; soutimerl ) '
ind , - I )
For Coiorado-Genermtlly fair ; cooler tim
ortimerim Portion ; wimmds aimiftlng to 'mi'esta
rI y.
l'or W''onming-Partly cloudy , followed by
mill mmimowers ; cooler : westerly winds.
For Montamma-l'artly cloudy ; lmrobahiy a
) cal simowerli ; cooler in eastern portiomm ; a
msterly C
1.ucml Itecorti. .
ItlAIlA , May 4.-Onlaula record of .tenm. C
eraturo amid rainfall compure(1 witfi the IJ
orrespommdlmmg day of time past folmr years :
1696. 1b91. Iai3l. It3. C
Faxinlumn telmllmeremture. . : . 79 82 79 55 e
ilnimnumli tenmlleraturo. . . . Si ) 08 'i2 42 S
verage temperature. . . . . . 6' ) 74 C4 4 b
'recipltmttlon ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .oj ; o , oo , aj
Condition of temalmeraturo and precipltatioa
tOnlailmi for time day and since March 1 , t
rom4nal tenlleratlmre . , , , , - , , , , , . , . ' . . . , , , . . . , . , . ,
ixcesmI for time ( lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U
ecimmulateil excess. sInce Marcim 1. . . . . . . . 15 P
ormunt lmrecipltatlon..j inch 1'
Icticloncy for time tilt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilmctm fetal
otal Irecillltatlon ) sInce March 1. .5.81 . incimes ol
ixcess since Mnrcim 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imull O
citciency for the com' . period 1833. . .14 inc'im 11
elicieimey ( or cor. lrIqd , , 1SmI . , . , . , , ig Incim imp
11e5ft10t5 from itmtIoims at N p , , mi , :
I-i 'e Hi
I JE I )
I i' mit
- - - - i
'maim , cioud' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -
cr111 Plutta , part cloudy . . . , , , , , , , , 71 71 .00
uron , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s , O 1mm
Icaco. clear . . . . . . . . .l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gi 72 , Oi ) p1
. i.OUIN , part clouI > ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si
, l'uul , mart cloudy , , . . . , , . . . , . . , , , , .s 72 .05
cmmI'ott , cloudy . _ . . , , . , , , . , , , , , , . . , , . . 71 o , e )
amma City , hiart cloudy , , , , . , , , , , . . , . ho 72 ' 1' emm
ritna , cloud- , , . . . , , . , , , , . , . . . , , , . . , , & 1 6 .08 in
myra , inrt t'Ioutly. . . . . . . . , , . , . . , 6) 6' ) , 'cr
It 1.111(0 t.Ity , clautiy , . , , , . , , , , , , , , CII T .00
smnart-Ic , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 'r
WI tumor , lart cloudy - . , , . , , , . . , , . . , , , , 70 12 .00 I
Iilitoo , part eioumly1 . . °
iI'id City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so , oo 2.1
ilvcimr mm. ram t ciriuti' . . It .7 .00 , L (
' ' '
r 1IWICCIeA mrac , tif lmreeiImIa'ii'i' N
I. A. vii.sii , ( ) ben'eri'
tate Assooiatl jjlArranog for th3 Tonriia-
mOflti1hIg10s and Doublol.
. I , , _
' I
'I'rmiiil , los % 'i Ii lie l'ii ' In lIe
ileimi mis 1)tt5imttq. of I , iii lviii imu I
' , ' ' . . ( ) , mmmiii Ilmist-
I mm . , ' 1'oimimi'.i ,
- , .
l'Iaoa for time' comning tennis seacomi were
'lisctmcseml at th annual mmmeotitmg of the
Nebraska State Lawn TennIs association last
night in time roams of P. 2.1. Crepe Ill the
ilacimolor's quarters. AItlmougim the lltlnmber
of rcimrcsentatls'es present mm simmall ,
timere was as Inucim entimtmslasnm oft tip
frolml time'o as If the ascoclatioma as as
strongly grotmemlod 1mm tile state as It Is imOlmil
it will ultimately he ,
A constitution and 'by-lass was adopted as
time lmrellmuinary work of time nmeetimag , Ommo
Provision of tiilzm called for time ciectlen of
repreaentativcs ( rain each of time lawim tennIs
associatIons of time state wimlcli s'ero mucimi-
bere , ThIs eicctIoe resulted as follows : F.
2.1 , liIIsimLineoln club ; W. Ilylos , Omaha
club ; S. It. llowpc. ileatrice club ; 0. A. Abbott -
bott , ( lrammml Island club ; E. A. Cary , Wil-
ber cltmh ; A. E. Gmmllmette hastIngs club ;
0. II. MilfortI , Ord climb ; Dr. Ward , Nebraska
State University association ; 'mV. ' II. VIl-
lianms , ShrlnerM' nosociatlon : D , 2.1. Vilmsomm-
haler , Timistlc' club ; lr , Jago , Maple Leaf
clmmb ; 2.1 r. Wele'x , Presbyterian Theological
Seminary of Onmmmlma climb. Illiali of Lincoln
as elected lmreedent of time conmnmlttoe and
Ilyles of Omaha time secretary and treaatmrer.
Tue remmmaltmder of time mneotlng wail tIe-
vota'I almnost entirely to time discussion regarding -
garding the tomirnamelmts for the state cham-
plomisimlp. Alt time members spoke elmtimu-
siastlcally of the future stmccoe of timese
tourmmamonte as' it is believed that with mm
little work a. considerable number of players
from all parts of the state 'ill be lndticed
to enter.
After somno discmmssIon. It was decided to
hold tile tourmmamncut In tile siniiio.9 In timia
city. beginnilmg on Saturday , Augtmst 15 , ammd
continuing elm time following Monday. Tlmis
Immmmmmediatoly 1)recodc time immterstate tourna-
ImleIlt , which will ho held on Tuesday ,
Augtmst 18. Time date was chceemt ill order to
allow time players to attend and , If they wich ,
to efiter time imittirstate. An arrangomelmt
wIll be made , however , that otmt-of-to'mm
players wIll not need to work off their re-
Iimmmlnary rounds until ? mlommday in order to
save tlmenm time expense of staying in time
cIty over Sulimiay. tiaturday vIll be occupIed
wIth tile prelimimmary rounds betweca city
Time tomlrnamnemmt In time dOmIbIOS will be
held at. Hastings on Jlmly 14. Time 1Iast.mgs
dm11) Is one of the mnost vigorous and one
of the strongest in time state , amId last year
muadmi a strolmg bid for botlm tomlmimamnellt5. 1mm
ammawer to thIs request time tournament w
con.quentiy voted to that city. Time ( late
mmmay lie chaned if anotimor is found to be
maore coimv"litntl '
The committee ' 1ient a considerable Ielmgtlm
of time in dlicuslng the question of pr.zes.
In tile past tllC trophies whIch Imave been
hung up ccnslbtmd of various artIcles of use ,
a system that Imi Ln direct contrarhictlomm to
the practIce WhIch" governs in other mirorla.
It lisa been ildIlt that some otimer more permanent -
manent prIzc Silotilmi be offered , somnetiming
that might b 'kct for a lIfetime if time
state chamnplcemsimip' really amour.s to am y-
' '
thing at all.
Time discusaloh over this qmmestIori finally
ouded ha a rcaolutlon 'umt a chammmpIrimelmIm
cup of silver ) mouid1he o1red 1mm tIme singka
the cost of it to b obtahmm.'l tmy amml'scription
from tile varlogs clubs m'opre.tante'J , in time
aaaacLaUon , 'File cmp ) i.e a l'andOmne
affair of pure , pmetal. It vIll be. Comnpted fr
each year , auj' held , by time wInner mmntil time
sUcceeUrlg totrnlmt8li. If It 19 won timree
years In ( ' hy 'mmiy 'Inc player It
) Into. imis p5aessIomm. Each year time
name of the winner vlli bmt engraved ulrmml
tt as timo.champlon of timat ycaP.
In addition to timis time 'mclmtn'r of ( 'tell
tournament wIll be awarde.l a mnejal , whm.'h
will be furniohed by time club unler Wiluse
auspices the tOumnamnent Is held.
Obvlousiy it was impcmnilmle to Imave a
champlonshtp cup for ilmomlimnere of the
doubles , Inasmuch as a tevmm rarely plays
together more than one year. It was thee-
fore decided to award the elmamplons & 'mmply
medala , similar to that whiih ta to be gIven
to the winner of time sIngles. ft was deter-
mnImied , however. to inaugmmrate sonic :
next. year by which some trophy to be c'rnt-
peted for for a number of years could be of-
rereil , p
It is believed that b' this 'ytom of awards
Interest in the game wIll be kept mminre
alive tilan In tilO old way , especIally in the
3'iiglee. It will Undollotedly arommac mnore
omlmetitICfl and work.
r.AMi6s oI vitii : N.'i'l'INAI. II6AG11l6.
. . -
ltmiTvit'y'l'i Vili1smesmi mtmm.I I'oor 'I'llrOSV
liit ( ( imitlI time Lt'mtilermi li Giiiii , ,
PITTSIJUHG , May 4.-Hawley met his
modoo today In the hialtlmores. HIs vlltl
) itching and poor throwing 'ere responsible
ror time home toalns defeat. Eper kept time
tits scattered anmi was well supported. At-
endance , 4,200. Score :
I'ittsimurg . . . . ,0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0-4
laitinmore . . . , 0 0 1 1 1 0 1. 0 0 0 15
jilts : Pittsburf 9. BaltImore 13. Errors :
[ 'Ittshurg 3 , 13altirnor 0. Earned runs :
I'lttsburg ii , Baltimore 1 , Two-base hit :
itonsel , Three-base lilt : Ely. Home run :
mitim. Stolen bases : Keller , Jeimnimigs (2) ( ) , ' 1
elly. Double plays : Jennings to lteitz to
ioy'tl ; Iceeler to Iteitz to Doyle. First base
mn balls : Smith (2) ) , Lyons. Merritt (2) ( ) .
) eye , Keoler (2 , Feii ) ' . lilt ly pitcimed
all : Jennings. Struck out : Deck ey , Ioyie
2) ) , Reitz (2) ( ) , ltobinsolm , iitoer. himuwley (2) ( ) .
latterles : Pittsburg. hawley and Merritt ;
Initimore. Esper , Itoblusomi and Clark. Ummi-
mire : Lymicim. a
4.-Tile Senalors could t
CEVEhAND , May -
lot imitVIISOII today , Willie iloymI was Imit C
mard by time ilOmmme tenmn. That tells time
chain story , Attendance , ,00O. Score :
levemind . . . . . . . . . . I 3 4 0 0 0 2 3 -13 p
Vasiiimmgton , . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0.5
hits : Cleveland 19. Washlmmgton 10. Er- a
ors : Cleveland I , Wamiimingtorm 3. Enrmmed
mmmi : Clevelmilmmi \Vmmsimimigton 3. TwoC
ammo Imits : MeKean , qimilis , 'Foimenu , O'Conr
or'iison , AblIsy , flagers. Timree-laso hIt :
oyce. Stolen imasc Cimiid5 , lelohanty ,
o3'ce. Dotmlmio plays : MeKemin to ( 'imilmis to
'ebenu ; CtmidH to Toheau. First base elm
mills : Off Wilson 4 , oil lloyd 6. lIlt by
ItCileil iail fly \Vilsomi I , Struck out
13' lloyd I. hiattriti : , Cleveland , Wlleon
ml O'Connor ; Waimimington , lloyd and Me-
loire , Umpire : hurst ,
CINCINNATI , 2.likv 4.-A volley of hits
fter two mmmcmi wer , ' out iii the ilrst Inning
cored ix runs for imicinmmnti. The Iloetomm
ould not hit Eimret. end one of timelr two
unit was scored emi MePhee's error , At-
ndminct' , I,200 , em
Incinimuti , , , , . . si. . ; 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-8
eaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000002000-2
hilts : Cimicimmp.tti 14 , Boston 6. Errors.
ilncinnmlti I , Iitii1m.4. Earned rtmnm4 : CImm-
inmiati 5 , JiostLn J. Ilommmo run : Miller
tolen bases : McIimee. Roy , Irwin First
alit ) on baimi : Off Eimret 3 , nit Nichols 1.
truck out : Dy Ehret I , by Nichols 4 , hat-
tries : Cincinnati. Ehrct ammd 'mmugimn ; lbs.
) n , Nichoi nndJt7gtmm. mplre : Emnslie.
BI1O\'NS tl.OSH ON IiilitOltH
ST. LOUIS , 2.layIn a well ammd closely
iayed game the 1Iimiimttoilimia'I ( today tie-
matotl time Drowns. iireiiensioin , In the box
r the homno tellJ,4tCilCd good ball , us did
so Orth for tile SlaItors , and time support
r ouch was good. In tue t..s'emitim lnmmlng
lolman mnuffeml a grumuler from Cooiey'mm
pIt and aiowed two m'una to be scoreil ,
mmien Immimnedintel topic Imis place at aecommd
ttemmdillice , 3O0 , ' . cota :
L , Loul . . . . . . . . . . . . 0t.t,0 0 0 1 2 0 0-3
hiladeipimma . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 04
Tilts ; St. Lotlis 10 , I'hiladeipimia 0 , Errors :
I. Louimi 3 , Pililadelllhma 2. EarnelI runs :
I , Louis 3. PhiladelphIa I. Two-base imibi :
routimerit , Quinmm. Thremm.haso lilt : llreiten-
dim , 5101011 ijases : lewd (3) ( ) , SullIvan
irmit imase omm bais : Off hireitenstemn 2. off
rtim 1 , Struck omit : fly Ihreltemmmmteimm 2. Bat.
lies ; St. Louis , I3relienstoih mind MeFur-
mmd ; Pimiladeiphia , Ortil ammd Grady. Urn.
re : Keefo.
IOUIS'ILLE , iDY 4.-Time Colonels iaied
ice school boys today mmmmti the Giants were
sy winners. Ciuuseii Pitt'imed time first timree
1111mg ) . amid time Glanis took so kimmdly tea
a curves thmmt McDermott was substituted.
iptmin O'BrIen had the mniddie linger of
a 'eft ' imammd lirokett iy it timrowmm ball in
IC eigimtim Inmiing uhd' ' retired in favor of Attendatmce , 00. Score ;
uimtvlllo . . . . . . . . . . 004000003-7
owY'rk. . . . . . . . . . 22000412-I2
hits. LouIvIllo 12. New York 15 , Errors :
! .ommlqriIlt. 0. ew York 2. Iarnci rtlmimi
Ni 'IV York 3. i.otmimmviile 5 , Two-hiss hits :
Htrtffom(2) ( ( , Mrekimm1 ( 'Ieymttmm. Timrccm-imnse
lmlts : Van Tialtren , 2.teekitm , hinmut' rmmn
Ii. Ia'Iq. Stolen iiage : Tiernan. 'mmIm lid-
trc'n. IommbI plays : Stafford to 0. lnvlS
'mttm IImm'trerm to ( I , l)8v1M F'irse bmie on
ilmtlimi : Off ( 'intlsen 2 , off Mc'lernmcmtt 5 , off
M.mklym 2. Strmn'lt omit : Thy 2.leekln 4. by
Mclermit 1. \'iitl Pitcimes : MeIernmott.
ilattvriemgi Lomiii'vilic' , Cinimen 2dciermott
almd Warner ; Nets' York , Meeklmi niiil Far.
rid , Uhmpire : Simerldan.
Cl1ItAGo , t1n3' 4-Time Colts won today
1mm tIme' last InnIng titter a most immttresting
mind exciting game , Shinile wam4 hilt 1) ) ) ' ml
ltteiid lmrmll 1mm time fcmtlrtim atlil scomemi time
% 'isitor' m-mmfl ( lit it lilt mtlmtl It IlCimi Ploy.
' Steirm kelmt time local" doV.'n to fnmlr hIlts ,
semmttcrcml timrougim eiglmt immmilngs. hmmt % vns
fotllmil by immmgc ; nn'l Ryan br singles 1mm ti
nimmtim , vimIm t'mmrlc AIlson Cilille to time ri's-
0(1(1 mmmli scoreil imtim emil fl mmtmmaqimimmg imit
ttmto rbdmt ileiti. At''fldalmee , 2,500. Score :
Cimiemgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2
lirocklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o o i o o o o u-i
flits : Chmicrmgo , 7 ; lirooklymm , 5. Errors :
(2Im'.cngo , 1 ; Brooklyn , 2. Emim-imeil emmIms : ( 'lii-
1. 'l'tS' .bitmit' imits '
tInge. : ( 'orcmrnmm , Ritt-
reilgo , Stolen ba't' : Coreornmm (2) ( , SImimmille.
Ioimhlo Idni's : Daly to Corcorimmi to iit-
ehmlnc ; Corcoran to lalv to I.achnnce.
Strmmc'lc out : hly Grillitim , 4 ; h)3 SteImm , I. linen
aim imtlis : Off trlIlltlm , 2 ; oft Stein , 4. \'Ild
liittlm : Stelmm. lilt hmy lmitclmeil ball : Simlndle.
BatterIes : Cimiemigo , ( triliitim amid 1'ittreilge ;
hirooklymi , Stelmi mimmil Oritani. Ummmplre'eyd : -
I'layed.S'omm. . Loot. I' . C.
t'Itteimmlrg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'i 3 75.0
Pillimm.lellimIa . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 C1l.2
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 , 61.3
itoston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 s
Cimmelmimmmiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j3
Cicvelalmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u 51.5
Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 1.1.8
lhroodyn } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7 46.2
iiltltilflom'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7 462
St. iomilq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii 42.9
New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8 10 2.1.1
Loubmvlllt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 13 7.1
Gammmes toilmmy'b'lmsumimmgloml : at Cie'olnmmtl ;
hialtimmmore Itt l'lttsiitmrg ; . l'lmliai1lphimu at St.
IMuIM ; lbostomm sIt CImleilmontI ; New York at
Lommlavllie ; Brooklyn itt Chicago.
SGlltlphS OF 'I'hIl'h ' '
W16S'I'IdIIN I.ld.tGLIli.
Gmi mmii' iii li't not Umm l'tm'il hi mirt liii II
mmii I'jtrt of G rim iiii ltmmjItls.
DIi'l'nol'r , May 4-Today's gmtmne was
marred by a fist flgimt between Cnimtmtimm
Stauiimmgs of Detroit iilmd Catcher Smlmmlc of
Grand htmllmlils , DetroIt was at time bat imm
the fiftlm nimd hInd fouled time Imimit isitli otmt of
time grounds. Umpire Jevmme called for
three mmew hails , Cniitmmiim Carney ; mrotesteil
mtnmi oil gatimere,1 nuotmt letroit's bencim. It
Is alleged Smmminlc imaml tWo old hulls secreted
about lilmi persolm mimmd tried to rimg timemmm ill
time lmhit , Cnmtailm ; Stnilimmgs tnlked very
p1111111) ' amid SmuIrmk struck imimmm In time face.
In ito Instnmmt Smink was in the dust , one
of the llaYCrfl raimiming 11101 good and imard
just below time eye. It loolceil for a tinme
like mm , free-for-au light , hut order wns agaimm
restom'eii ummd 1da' resumed. Score :
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100110300-.d
Grand Rapimls . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
hilts : Detroit , 7 ; Grnmmd flmpids. : 6. Errors -
rors : letrcmit , 4 ; Grnmmd Itapids , 2. ilatterles :
Filicid almil 'i'rost ; Iliteijom'g nmmml Snmimmk.
COhUMBUS. 0. , May 4.-Score :
CoItmnhims . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0-7
lnllamlalmoliS . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-i
jilts : CoIummmhus , 8 ; Immdinmmnpolis , 6. Er-
roes : Colimnmlnm , 8 ; indianapolis , I. lint-
( cries : Domnveil and \Vllsomm ; l'imllllims , Damomm
and Iiueklev.
2.itNNliA1'O1JlS ' . ,
, 1'.Iny1Score :
Minnenpoll'm . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 03
Eansas City . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 * t
iIits Mlmmmmeapolls , 10 : KamIsas City , Ii. Errors -
rors : 2.limmrmealmolls , 3 ; KlIImsa.s City , 2. But-
terle.s : Jlmltchilmsomm and Scimriver ; DanIels
nmmd La ko.
ST. PAUL. May ' 1.-Score :
St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 I 0 0 1 2 0 0 7-1-1
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-13
hIItr : St. Paul 22 , Milwaukee 11. Errors :
St. I'aul 6. 'MII'ts'atmkee 2. liatterles : l'imyle.
Ienmier , 2.iuilamme and Spies : Iiettger , Ilarmmes
and Spoor.
Played \Von , Lost. P.C.
DetroIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 2 81.8
St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 4 60.0
Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . . 11 6 r 51.5
Mliwamlkee . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 6 45.5
Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5 7 41.7
2.1lnneaoI'm ; . ' . . . . . . . . - , ' 12 6 . 7 41.7 1
( irammd 1tmmlids. . . . . . . . . . 10 4 6 40.0
'Imidlanapolis ' . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 6 33.3
Gamnes today : Grammil RapIds at DetroIt ; I
Kansas City mit Milwaukee : St. I'aul at Mm.
mleaiolis ; Indlammnpollm at Coiummmbus.
It 00 lcfo ii1 , flemi : ti o I ii i's , Q ii I a e - ii a m
i'earimi , I.simiii 'I'lil r ( Iminies.
DURLINGTON , May l.-Score : c
Burlington . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1- . 4
Rockford . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 3 0 0 4 3 2 -i5
- hilts : Burlington 9 , ltockfrd 18. Errors :
I3urllmmgton 6 ; ltocforil 4. BatterIes : Bur-
get. "Walsh amid Grlrmmmim ; Underwood lund
DES MOINES , May 4.-Score :
Des MoInes. . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 3-10
Dubuque . . . . . . . . . . . . 201000010-4
hilts : Det , Moines 15 , Dimbuque 11. Errors :
Des Moines 1. Duhuque 0. flatteries : Sonler
and Lehman ; Kees anti Zahmmer.
QUINCY , May 4.-Score :
Qulncy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 10 0 4 0 0 1) ) 1-16
ledarflaplds. . . . . . . 00100000G.-I
hilts : Qulmmcy 18 , Cedar Rapids 6. Errors :
Quincy , Ceilar Itaimids 6. Batteries : Reidy
and QuInn : Carrtmih , Gragg and Sulivnn.
ST. JOSEI'II , May ' 1.-Score :
t.Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . 010000000.-i
Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00002000'-2
hilts : St. Joepli 12 , Peoria 8. Errors :
3t. Joseph 3 , PeorIa 1. BatterIes : Colburmi
and Parker ; Somuler and Immgdaic.
pa'ed. : Vb'Oll. Lost. P. C.
Des 2.1ine . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 1 88.9
Iubtmque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 'j 2 77.8
[ 'eori't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 2 77.8
Itockford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 4 60.0
it. Josepim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a o
tmirmcy . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ' 10 3 7 50.0
e(1mir itaimids. . . . . . . . . . 10 2 8 20.0
iurlington . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 8 2o.o
Gammas today : ltockford at Burlington ;
'cdar hlaplils at Qmmincy ; Dubuque at De
ioineme ; I'eoria at St. Joseph.
Iri'imimm.l hloimort'mt Ut Sioux hi'zmlls.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 4.-Speclai (
relogralml.-A ) banqmmet was tendered imerd
onlgiit by citizoImim of Sioux Falls to Arch- )
isimop Irelammd , Bishop O'Gorniamm , wimo s'as
'emiterday installed bishop of time diocese of
toux Fails , and hiiehop Cotter , Simanloy and
imo vlsItiig priests. , . :
Covers wore laid for 200 gUests anml the
ifair was one of tile Ilmost elaborate In time
' . timoso t'iio
ity's Imlatory. Anmong resimommded
0 toasta were Arcimblimimop Irelanml , Bishops
) 'Gorman , Cotter and Simanley , illaimop W.
1. Hare of tue Elmiacopal diocese of South
) alcota and 11ev. D. Ii , Scott , pastor of the
irat Congrt'gatiormal cimurcim , All tile
'rotostaimt imminlsters of time cIty were InvIted
nil niost were premmcnt , 'Flme adlress of wei- , -
mIme was rondo by Mayor Stitemi aild was -
espolided to by 11ev , Father W. II. Maiier.
Ipohiiil It Ilemiillt'smi Hoil' of ml 2.immmi ,
KANSAS CITY , May 4.-A epeelal to hit'
tar from hays City , lCan. , says : Time
eadioas 1)0(1) ' of em. mmtmi fotmnil twn'ye Inl'OM
ortimc'aitt of imeril lroveu me iii ) that of .lotmlm
raus , WilO had been workIng at W'alker , .
ran. lie was about 45 years old , It us
robahl ) ' ml. case of imiurder ,
WeMakefl ) ! 1
y y I s
V They nre tJe ) Lightest Running
Wheels on 1arth and Strictly
High Grade ,
Wo Ahvays Made Good Sewln
MilCthlfle8l e
Why Shouldn't We Make Good -
Wheels ? y j ;
- f
OMAilA , i'411l1.
Omaha Local Sales Agents i
One of' the Results of the Recent
l'zmsI Freight I htimimN I ill ii it S'imhiiii t ,
I'illiig ltiglime ansI ( 'sir , , , liii'
lhli'lm mumml iiliIiig timi. 11mm.
gi micer mm liii Coimil mitt or ,
LlllEiLTNob. . , May 4.-Special ( Tele-
grAmu.-t 3 o'clock tlmls nmornlrmg traIn 63 ,
fast freight orm time litmrllngtomm , going wSt ,
ran into a % vasllmmut. Time engine and three
cars Were 'recked , two tralnnmen vere
killed mmml several Injured , Time kIlled :
ENoiNlililt ThOMAS liltiiNNAN ,
Ilmigineer liremmnamm crtmsimed between
time engIne ammd temmder , beimmg instaimtiy killed.
Conductor ViIcox , wire was In time engemo
cab at time time of the wrack , was bamily
mangled , ammo leg being torn frommi ims ! body
armd time otimor badly crmmsimeil. lIe expired
a fev mmmitmutes after bemmg extrlcateml fromlm
tile lvreck , The firomimaim was thrown frommi
tIme cab timrougim a wlmmmlow , ammd c.tcaped unin-
jmmrcsl with the exceptIon of sligimt bruises , as
at time 111110 of timc' wreck , time tralmm was
rurmimtmmg very slow , havIng orders to do so ,
on accommmmt of time Imeavy raimfaul ,
Engitmeer Urermimarm's imoemmc is at SpottsvIlle ,
Pa , , almd his renmalna wIll be sent timere at
Time accident occurred simortly before 2
o'cicck this mnorlmlmmg. As time recemmt imeavy
rains imad weakermetl time support of timu track
In nmamiy places time train mnmi running slowly
mmnmher orders troimi time tralim dispatcimer.
Section mmmcmi han recently llmspected this Portion -
tion of time traclc and pronotmmmced It safe.
Time acciilommt simows , llowever , timat eIther
they erred or that the groummd mmmmtler time
imrlilgo gave' way aftjr they hind Ilassed timat
imomnt. The bridge vas a short 000 , and ammo
that had recently beemi filled ; timat is , earth
had beemm dulnped lim , mmml time opemm almace
bancatlm tile bridge hued up. It is ammlmposeti
timat tile recent rains imail washed olmt a part
or all of timis fllilmmg , almd timat when time earth
gave away a portiomt of time bridge went
ts'ICmm I.
Nearly all time cars In time train followed
tile emmgino tlmrotgim : time break , time locomotIve
lammdrmg ! bottom HIde up 1mm the water. 4' )
L'peclal ' from Wymnore brougimt time bodies In
tills mnornirmg about 7 o'ciock. Tralmms s'iil
not be able to iass tile wreck before to-
lmmorrow ,
llOl.3lIfS 11415 11111' 'i''i'0 l)4t"i'S 'I'll lIfl
hixt'cimt of I lie \'Iiqlesmi Ic l'olsuiier
I'IstqI for 'I'itimi'sslmi
I'IIILAIE141'IiI/t , l'a. , May 4.-li. Ii.
holmes. the convIcted nimmrderer , has how
about two days to live. Simerlff Cle'Imlt'nt says
the execution Ili occur about 10 o'clock
Thursday nmormmimig. The sllcrlff asserts that
there will be no semlantlommal scene on the
gallows. If llolnmems lmau , mllmythilmg to say it
mnay 1)0 said trolmi time cell. Ahotmt fifty imer-
aorta , lncludimmg officials arId rmesvspaper men ,
v li wItness time Imanging , altilommgh thomisaniis
are strainIng every lmerve to be present and
as hIgh as $300 ilas been offered for a single
ticket. Time prophecy timat ilolmmies wommid
cimeat time gallows by commmrmlittllmg aulcimle ilas
no irommmise of fulfillment. Strict watch Is
kept upomm him , but Imo seenms docile anti re-
sigmied. Wimetimer or imot his apparemmt coim-
trition is genurme or wimetimer lie 1 % ' ii die a
convert to time Ronman Catimollc faIth Is
largely a nmattcr of conjecture. Father
Dailey , imis spiritual adviser , biIeves time
omutrltlon is gentmlne. Tile priest lviii 'h3lt
iiolmnes every day mind will admlmmistor time
last rites of tile Itomiman Catholic elmmmrclm
milortly imefore tile hammgrmg. ! Tlmmmrsday mmmorlm-
log Immass will aioo be said for hIm In time
Jimtirch of the Armnuhciatlon. The scaffold
5 ready , but will not be erected ummtll Tlmlmrz-
lay mornIng. It % sihi lie placed 1mm the center m ,
if tile corridor in WhCil the comdenmmmem : ]
lIsa's cell aces.
t. I.ommls Semmooiflht'etiOll l'roli lbIlel ,
KANSAS CITY , May 4.-A special to tile
tar ( rein Jefferson City , Mo. , says : Te
uprome court today made amm om'der imrohlb-
tlmig the election tomorrow 1mm St. Louis for I
; chool director , and comnmanillng the dlrec-
ors to appear before time court on May 12
0 answer for commtenipt.
- - - - - - - -
j/ \
- "
- j'C"
'C" ,
, T
ii I '
jr. :
Gladness Comes
\/'mt1m / ii bet tt'r mmimtherstmmimdlmmg of time
trnmmsiemmt mimitimmi' of time immmmim , ' mliys-
heal Ills , WlIt'lt vammisil imt'fort' hmm'mPt'r ef-
fort.s'-cntltm t'llortsphetmmmmimt. . efFoi't-
i'iglmtly hlrect ed. 'Flit're Is commmftmrt In
time IcImolvietige , timat st mummy formmis of
slckmiess ' ' mint tine ' .
rii't' to nmm' nct.mimml tils-
ease , immit. hiimiph3' to mt constipated etmimill- ,
tIml of time s3'st'lmm , vJiich time plensIlImt.
fllmllIly laxative , Svrtmp of Figs. iromlmli- .
:13' : roimmoves. Tliitt Is why It. is thit tmmmly '
reimiedy "ithi mnlhllomms of fuinillt's , timid is
evcryvlmtro cstcermmt.ul t0 ImigImly by mthl
s'lmo value goomi lienitim , Its bencticIltI
. effects Ili'O IILIC to time met , tlmnt It , Is the
olme remmiemly 'li jell ) ( ( ) Cs IlItermImlI
clenimhlimess wIthout tlebhhltmmtlimg thu
ol'galls cmi vhIkIl It nets. It. is therefore
mill immmportaiit , Ill Ol'der to get Itx bemme-
tIdal t'f1ticL , to imote 'hiemi yotm lImr.
ehmrt.'ttm , tilat yeti lmmtve time' ge'imuimie nrt'a-
dc , whmklm is mmmauufncttmred by time Call-
forlmia Fig Syrup ( u. ommly mtmmd miold by
1111 repmmtalmie drtmgg'ists.
If 1mm time eimjo.vmnermt of good hmcnhtlm ,
nmmd tIme system is regmmlmmr , luxatives or
other mpmmmi'die.s lIl' times mmot ImeChed ( , If
miillicted Wit.ll nay lmCtUlti tliseam.e , tmmmo
1l1i13' ho eomnimmcimdetl to time imlost m.lcihlftil
lmhmysicItim , htmt. If iii mmet'd of ii laxative ,
cliii should hmrtve time best , nmmd 'Rh time
tvt'll-immforr'ittI evoryvhmere , Syrup of
Figs htlmmds itighmest mmmmti is mmmost largely
Lm'Jed ammd girea immost gelmeral hatisfaction.
' The ye
. I , .
_ ; -
of ttiecardln yoce
Lii' bloomers or Sweat-
3pl , ruilominlt.mi&ulton
_ b :
'i imtshmt'tI wIth timO
/ii"htma44G steau
and they vihl come out
bright and fresh as now.
Never Shrinks ,
Never Fades.
. . N
The only soap lit the market whirim can bo
relictl on to wash all mmmammmlor of woolen
fahrlcs wIth perfect satisfactIon ant mire-
terre mmmc colors in time moL delicate sIlks ,
mjiulls , ursmindlos mInd all waslm Ooiis.
G3Leonami St. , P. " V. . ' . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . flition ,
' ' ' ' ' . ' ' '
I'll lIt'L'1'1l'I'IL 4tNI ) .itNLIS S'I'REE'VS ,
14) rEnmtms , , balims. steamIm liepit 11111 all mmiodcra
oli'emlleaces. mlumos. $1.20 and $2.01 per day.
'able uniuceIled. Simeclal low rati' , to regular
csmr.lerg. FnNm Iil1mmTclr , algr.
3 O'YDSL 'rONIGII' ! '
iU ESIA Y , MAY 5 , 9 6
. . ' ' ' " "
beit G. Ingersoll.
] ii15 Foundations f FiEh , "
"A , nmarveloualy brIllIant , mmc'imulnrly mini (
tixliaUstiv , ' t'lueliiatiumm or LIItmgmmustli"i ,
mositlon.1 lostomm I ht'rill ,
I1ICES-Entirefirat hoar , $1.03 ; bimleimmy , coo
Ibid 5c : gallery. 25.
Tel. 1531-l'axtomi f limirc'i' Mgr.i ,
14ieeal return cngagt'nmetit
ONI ( ll'm' HI I n-'lilOlLlC ( ) V % ' ( I Il Ill' .
. ' 114t'Fl 2i6E TUMUlt itt. ) 't % ' 2rmI : ) .
m tile CoomI ! Vt !
iySmmceo.s DJ IYt.L
i'rlc it , 2' , 35 < ' , lIe , 75c , $1.0) ) . 2.latIne Irlecs ,
iimil r.o ( ,
Lllty Ib-il-F1NNIOAN'H mm.ti4.
I .
Beautify- .
Yoitr ' .
0 I S 0 Home
NEW CARPET for the Parlor , or a few
- , . .Lk.Parlor pieces , if selected with good taste , I
will add much to the appearance of your I
home , Let us give you prices'on strictly up- .
: to-date Furiiisliiiigs. i /
1V ? ' L\93&S !
COVNR. ! i , , 1
RECEP ' L 100 I.
New Lace Curtains ;
They are the handsomest ever shown
, i n Omaha.
D ( A T' IhT . vcz youR MONI1Y'S ' 'OllTii .
; ; I UL4tLI 3. I J-4l ) YoUhl 2.IUNIIY HACK , 1
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1211 nd 1213 Parnarn Street. '
: . -