Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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TILE OMAHA DAILI IE E : 't ' ( ) DAY .MA4 , isni ; .
- - - - _ _ - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1Iio rcg'i1ar iiionthly meeting rf th , cIty
cotincU ciccnr * thIs evenIrg.
C.V. . Atwc'oil , whi , ho b'en erIoiiIy
III for the Iat ow is c'nvaIeseerit.
The Wornn' 1Lc1Iet C&rP atteiitleil the
Aftornnon meeting at the flroailway Mella.
c.iIt church yetvrday In a bofly.
Fho Orniid hotel , CoutclI High
cIA In eety Jtat. $2.50 per 1ay
cnil IIpsar(1. F : . F. ( Jnrke , proprktor.
There vIIi be a InctIng of thn Young
Mcn' ChrIstian nF1'ocItiun thIfl evening for
the purpose of atItig upon the iw by-
Ia w.
Tfio ( nyne:1o : : WIicn chib run yeskrday
wa a very it1eantit ( flu , UtI1 WaM eujoycti
by nearly all of the nieinbr ant many InVited -
Vited guet.
Ite . jr. I3tiIklcy ( e1Ivcret an IiiIcrotIng
ai11re In the 13roaday MctioiIt ! cititch )
iait ovefling on the uIjeet of ; iIoler days
of Metho'1lrn ' In IIiInoi.
14 There. % III be a pecII m'tIng of Wo-
' - . niali s Relief cori 180 thIn afternoon at
: 2 O shnrp ta arrange for Memorial day.
Aliw othrr buInens of Importance ,
: tl 8. C.V. . lIurrltt suffered a painful ac
cldent at her home on lienton htreot 3'cNtcr-
( lay afternoon. She IIpped inI fell down
tlio cellar staIrs and was so svcreIy In-
juted that It wa ncccsary to sunimon
llIytCIaflS. ) For a while It au feared that
3110 was dangerously hurt , bitt last evening
abc was restIng comfortably.
The VorkIngnien'a 1rlondly club wIll
meet In rcgular &c9lon at the Farntera' halt
In the court IlOtiSi ? tonight. The electIon of
otileera for the next three iiiott1is and the
ork accomplIshed by the club since It
organizatIon Ill be among the specIal
feitiires. A full attendance Is eirnestly ( IC-
sired , as the revisIon of the constItution
wilt also probably be coiisldered.
heck hammer % ns locked up at an early
hour yetrday inornllig and a charge of in-
ainty Placed oppi sIte his name. 'rho Iwilco
found lilni lii the alley near tli cIty buIld-
lug after mlilnlght vIgorously fishIng vlth.
liiiagliiary hook and line , baited wIth mi-
' - nglnary inlnnoas and catching great loadn
of Imaginary fish. For beverat hours after
bt Iiig locked tip ho was quIte vIolent niitl
hail to be conflued lii the upper rcoiiis of
the jaIl. hut later In the day he grew
( tIiIt't and wan turned Into the corridor with
the otLor prisoners.
The Chaso-Llster company clocd a two
'week. ' engagement at the new lobany last
evenIng and plased the usual big audence
with ' 'Lbrd Cliumley. ' ' Manager Altoti has
glveib ( lurIng the season sixteen eeha of
repertoire shows , ttiiil thirteen weeks of tli'
period at 10-cent prices. Some of the plays
liavo been as fine as any of the regular t
one-night companIes gIve. lie has demon-
t'trated the fact that the people of Council
] lliiffs ileslic entertaloitient. but desire it
at cost. While lie has tIlled the house
nightly and given the public general aMid-
factIon 'he has inailo no money , and when
this season closes It Iii ziot have been a
protltatIC 0(10. ( Just as fasalonable and velI
tlIOSCJ audiences have gathered nIghtly to
, eo the 10-cent shows as coiiio to see the
liIgier prIced attractIons. The iiotue will
be clarl untIl Sturday night , when Murphy
and Mack wIll give the public a chance to
witlietu ; all the fun anti rare Incidents that
happened at 'Ftnnegan's Hall. "
' . Moderi
Tel' Ilent-lne-rooni dwelling.
and centrally located. "tV S. Cooper , 10
Main street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Htit lied Szitdi.
IVo have 1,000 hot bed sash which we are
\ going to cicwo out. They won't last bug.
1Xo' many do you 'ant ? We will make you
a price that can't be duplicated , C. 13.
i'alnt , Oil and Gla. company , Masonic Tent-
pie , Council Blurts.
Ilotiekeepers are In despaIr when they
visit the Durfee FurnIture company. All the
now thinca are so iiandeoine and ao cheap
that they want the whole store.
Young gIrl wanted to asslst at housework ,
Inunire t Bee oflice.
1' ) t liii. U ( 'II,4iI of 111P41 riuctloui.
There will b abouL Th0 delegates and rep-
revntatlvea from Knights of Pytlulas lolgea
iii s'caiern Iowa here tomorrow evening to
attend thu i'ytlilnn ealtool of instruction that
has been arranged. They will meet in ICutlgluts
of I'ythias halt at the usual hour. The fore
part of the evening wIll be devoted to the
work and the latter part to a gencril good
tlnie. The ( lelegates will be the guests of
tIto local lodgee , nod it Is needlees to say
that 1l1C3 wIll be royally entertalnej , and
nothIng be kept trout them that will adil to
their pleasure.
F' . E , Duneaui , Ctato inetruictor from Das
Motutes , wilt be in charge of the work , and
( lelegatw are exrtectel ( from the folIovIng
lodges : Zermatt No. 217. hamburg , Ia. ; Ito-
' 1 chor No. 6G. Missouri Valley. Ia , ; llarr.son ,
No. 284 , Iunlnp , In.'alley ; lodge No. 822 ,
VacItle Junction. Ia. : Avoca No , 104tveea. .
Ia.'inouia : No. 57. Thurman , Ia. ; SlIver No.
22i , Ute. In. lmeraon No. 408 , Fmerson. In. ;
Crystal No. 22G. Neola , In. ; DIamond No. 874 ,
'Walnut , In. : lhctor No. 308 , Logan , Ia. ;
Mauitil No. 179 , ManlIla , Ta.
A number of the grand and suprenielofllceri
of tIm order are c'CIetei tO b here atiti will
lenti a special Interest to the affair. St. Al.
bane lodge No. 17 antI Concordla lodge No ,
P2 are IrePreI to give all the vIsitors a
royal welconie.
Tlio order ot excrcks for the evening will
be as fclIowe
OpenIng of oulg In due ( orni. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Conroitl'a lodge No. 62
, Aduiret3 of weiconio..J. C. Smith , C. C.
Instruction In Secret vork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F' . El. Duncan , 1) . S. C.
Cloilng of lodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'l'lio doors will then lm thrown open anti
the invited guests admitted. Tue following
prograuul will be renedored :
! dtiec ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Llnilherg
Ad(3r0514 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . I. . . . Seisin , H It.
2Itisic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Llnilberg
Address..F. A. 1bnnett P. C.
1.ttisle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Lfndberg
VIsiting brothers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1tttsle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. I.Iniltierg
Address..Tirotluer C. CL Stitindere
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Llntlberg
000tl of the order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gas ranges antI service connections at half
price for fifteen days. Call at company's
chIco for ( mill itarticulars. 210 MaIn and 211
Vear'i streets.
\\'alI laper cleaned , iioi' process , with
patent right at Miller's , lOS MaIn stret.
Sea our 3 orexeuro svater filter. NothIng
clieaii about It but the Price. Absolutely high
grade. Stepiiau Broc.
% . , Dr. Clcaver'somcu ui1ved to 600 Broadway.
) Itobiteil ii ( IutIm 11mg St on' .
An auctIon clothing store on Broadway
; . , ownctl by Charles Sax & Son was burglarizeti
about ti o'clock last evenIng. An inventory
t \ of the stock hastily taken revooled the oh-
' Felice of three suits of ctotlt axiti several
lIght pvcrcoate' ' . The cash drawer hail been
Prlul open anti all of the change taken. Titls
amounted to but a sniall sum.
Entrance was effected by renioving a Pane of
glsu In one of the rear wintlos's , Newspa.
3)ers ) hail bceuu pnnetl up to tIICj front vintlowa ,
arm a ccotnniotlat Ion for w iticli I he t ii loves no
doubt feel tinder obligatiouis to the proprietors ,
for It enabled them to tb their work without
beIng ebservtii by the etiicora anti crowd.i of
. people on the street. Tue burglary was only
* discovered viieui the itrlrato 'titchimaui , Mes.
sier , 'cnt to tbmO rear t thin store to see If
tht tlarti anti svintIovs were properly fas-
teneti , Time glaite hiatt been carefully cut out
and laid away. The proprietor supIokIl they
liati a clew last night and followed it to
Omaha ,
PaoturageFor horses or cattle ; plenty of
shathe , salt regularly ; good runnIng water.
AtIdreas Mary ( lallagherWeston _ , Ta.
Wo otTer you emily clean , crisp , riow whulto
laundry work auth best delivery ervico at
Eagle laundry , l2illroadway , Teleprono 157.
Modern roouut antiboartifor to gentle-
then. Inure ! at Ilee oliice.
mIiIIc Iii Siniutinrul.
Milk lnvpector Fiemumniuig has fileti hiI report -
port of eighty inspections ( rout Council Bluffs
da'ries , and In emily ono Instance dIll lie find
tlii milk furnIshed the patrons deficient.
ifoffmnayr's Fancy PatcatFiour inakes the
best anti most bread , Ask your grocer for it.
Wanted-Three good canvassers , flood pay
for right PartIes. Call at lCicb's hotel.
! ui I'asturage , I.p. Juduon , 929 SIxth aye.
Davis , drugu , aIut5 and Elass ; tel.
I--- _ _ _ _
Council Bluffs Ohurcho8 Unite in Ohierving
the Day1
Hritst I1maIogleH t i.e % trk a mu ii the
'ork i'r , ii 0 ii 3 ! r' . L'tmi t I I e 'Iii I I. : ,
01 * tim. , Motlucis' Side of
the QmueMttoma ,
Yesterday ne ClmrItIan Ilomie Sunday In
the ehuuirehies of Council Bluffs. The Voting
Mur.'u ; ChristIan asvcIation and nearly all
of tila churches in the city united In umiton
meetings during the afternoon and evening
at thu Iirct Methicaliet church. 'rho after-
110011 tervlces begun at 2 o'clock , and long
before the hour ai'rivc ul oil the seats were
cctupIeu1 , To accommndatt' the multitude
chairs were Placed in the aIste. . The church
was elaborately and beautifully decorated.
flanks of palms , the centcr ones utearly
t\vtuity feet bight , Illieti thmo corners of the
itlatform. In time center , beneath the pulpIt ,
svami a vhito chIna vase ilhhetl with roses on
opi'ye four feel long , iiankeml with feathery
valms timid ferns , antI on each corner of the
altar were large vases of red , \'hItt' , yellow
aliti pink rosoa , On the s'aIl back of the
itUtitIt was a large whzlto banner , bordered
with green , t'itit an inscrIptIon In lohiage
letters : " ( 'hiristinut Ilomne-1SS3-1S96. "
Thu mervices were opr.netl vIthi prayer by
Rev. Mr. Young of Chicago , foIbved by time
reading of a portion of I Corinthians , thir-
teentli chapter , by 11ev. Mr. Senseney. In the
choIr , mc. addittun to te regular niemubers ,
wore Mrs. bit , Mrs. Miultia nuil Nc'i Mitchell.
Iloui.'illiam J. Bryan of Nebraska began
It ll'i1dl1l SPeeCh of t'enty mInutes' tiLt-
rattt on the theme ' 'Our Duty to Orphans , "
hiy i'aying that Iov. J. G. Lc.mncn auiti itiuit-
tlf grct ill ) together itt Ite amite town. amid
that their parenta lcnet' each other befure
ito and hIs friend were born. lie paid an
eloittuent tribute to tue character of the
uuian whom hi , , as liroilti to call friend , but
caiti lie vat inure Interested in tlic. cause
than Iii tltoso vhio repreaent it. lie felt
stirta of the truth of the divine utterauice
flint ' 'shioever shall lcs'a lmit life for My
itako shall flail It again , ' ' and lie thought
this had a wide application. Mr. Lenten , hie
thought , Imami found and iII finti a higher
life , lie SPOICO of the feelings that tilled
lila heart viicrt lie read the imiscriptioum over
tIme doorway of aim orphanage , "llrnuo for
thu 1rteuitlle' . ' ' lit' tried to realize the
feelings of a nian hiomncless and friendless ,
to whioumi tIme crotsded streets were as the
doeolato deeert't'Iiat thea must be time
feelings of a child that Is homeless and
fricndli'ss ? lie said he sometimes doubted
that men were time architects of their own
fortunes. if e Were born homeiess and
cast upon the world riendle's , would we be
any different than the waits we epuro ? 1 !
tlmoo'o chIldren , barn from crime and into
crime , could die nuiti dIwippear , it might be
well , anti our rcsponibihity would ccat'c. but
thiy do not die. They live and grow. Time
'ame Creator 11mM gave tie Paer fur good
gIro them the power for evil. Oar respell-
hibility is direct , real and persommal. We
seek to shift it upon the state anti are prone
to be content to know that where the mdi-
vidual arm is too short time state re-.clmes
out as time guardian of the chIld.
lie then drew a comnparkaui between the
state anti the borne instItutIon. The nearer
the itietittition is like timeimotume In Its care
and training the better it fuifllts its destiny.
'rho Christian home under tIme managenunt
of time ChrIstian men and women who acre
devotIng their lives to it was the nearet't
approach to the IndIvidual Christian fire-
stile. lb referred in eloquent terms to the
work of tue Council Bttuffs InstItutIon , where
Cimritian care and trmtinmng are being given
nOW to nearly 200 helpless chIldren , and
front Iience over 1,000 have been sent out
Into individual Citristian hjoimies.
After a duet by Mesdames Ret ! and Mul-
Ils , "There's a Green 11111 Away , " Mrs.
l'1liaV. . Peattic of Omaha reati a paper on
"The Motbers' Side of the Question. " She
said :
Fvery little living creature needs above
other thtlngo a mother. For the iliaC ten
years of bite there ems to a chfld to be
little iii : ire hemltie mother. Mother Is not
exactly tin individumtl to the chIld. She is
the whole universe. Food , clothes. boil ,
kisses , piaything. knowledge , linpplncm's-
ttli thlngii comae from mother. Mother Is
the great comnfortnbo ! fact. She semna al-
ui1O4t omnipotent anti omniscient. Fvery
steed of aou , minti and body she can satisfy
in part or In whole. In her eyes is rena-
turmnce. : In her kisses is contentment , In
the havemi of her arms is safety , thotmgh
llghttuluga itumim anti s'Incls Itluv , though
fever rages and hunger threaten. Only a
few Persouts , saIn'R ' , wIth a geniti' for trust ,
can ever love Goti as a child loves its
What then is tli. ' duty of tIme public toward -
ward homeleals clulltlren ? It Is to prepare
time bct possitmle tttuhmttittite for motlit'r. 'I'lie
young AmerIcan , entranced vith the large
ttsiiorisma of repubIicinisnt , Is apt to say ,
" \'heui parents full tIme state must care ( or
time clilidreul. All children belong to time
state. This larger parent cannot nfforil to.
neglect her children. for all promtperity de-
icnls upon them. 'rime state must play the
parent Irovitlc' homem4 , education , neces-
varies ! ' Bitt In course of time the .Anmer-
Icon hits an opportunity of seeIng and in-
vem4tigatlflg the institutions In which the
tttmtto cart's ( or her children. As a result of
thIs seeing anti invcstlgathg he arrIves at
no deilulto conclusIons. lIe simply percei'ca
conftmsilOn woutte titan death , . lie tllacos'era I
that the state Is time paorest of parenta In
ltmmtny respects hecatise the nurses provided
mti e unreliable. In one instItutIon he may
timid these chIldren vcil cared for during
hoc. gubernatorial administration. A man of
intehilgeulce , hiuuitanity , self-respect anti ten-
ilerness Sony presitie over the InstitutIon. a
Ito inn ) ' ( tumid , ito excellent substitute ( or a
mother. limit s'imen tIme whirligig o ( poittics
has deposoti that milan hits successor may be
ignorant of his tiutlea. perfunctory In hmi
work. merely venal in hIs mtunbition , and mis
Iru'ellglotmtt as an anarchist. lie may mmtko r
ps'iaonerm4 OUt of ehmlltiren who are mi'rely
LiiitcrttisiatO On'e'rt lto criminals the ilttle
oucH viio are sImply untraIned , and many
tIll With fear time illtifui little niinda which
houid ho iiroteetotl from apprehension as
cmii'eully as a IitiiemiPPiO Is from ( rust.
iuipoaiuig ) 'oti go to ttmt' county iioor huouso
vest of Omnmihu , where the county piurparta
to care ( or tt ogoth , Its sIck nnd its tIec
mositeti'hat 'IIl you ilnti ? The SIck feti
on food whichi only the hearty van eat ; the
ottl anti tim blInd thrtist In vlth time moti , C
ututti obliged to alt by duty anti lie by mmlght
in cotistmtuit terror lest some tiemented and
repulsive creature leap on t bela to do thuem I
injury. Yeti wIll finti no prayerm ttwro t1mivo
tilt the young nien of time lirotiut.'rhootl cc st.
Itnt1rTVs conic of a Suntimt afteritcoum to
iray anti read. Yet the oiil love mrnyers ,
far mnortuil lift' 'Itti its joys lies mill beimlntl
titeiti anti in Immortal life meats their only
aiitlclpmttiofl. Yeti wIll find a mann Itt charge
L'iio WitS appolnieti btcntise of hIs polItical
lniiiieumct ? , anti It woman over those Of item'
ttex 'Iio obtained her PositIon by the annie
ullemLiit4. NeIther of thesn Is pniseased of all ) '
untiHumil quallllcatlonht ( or the task , umor hate
they taken miii theIr work In the llghmt of a
great opportuutity. 'Fo them It is a ilDiltlcal
101 , . Whereas , tt alioutil be taken as itot-
t'iuuihy anti atm sacredly mitt n mlnitter of
Clitlat hikes c'iimiige of hilmu church. or as a
mother takes Iii her hinumds thie care of bier
family.STATF AN UNFIT GU4tflIIAN , a
' ' AmerIcan after observIng
'I'Iio young a
similar stmtte C I affaIrs to utmany Inetitutiona ,
collies at length to have grave tiouba about
the ability of thie slate to propcri care ( or
Its Indigent citIzens. lie especially iou'
tioubta about Its nhdllty to care in the best
" ay ( or the chilldromi. The mimirseryniati hi
when ho sees a tree dead at the top ceitse3 t
to itieni iul energIes upon it. But uut
time tootler young m'uiplimmgs he lavishes the I
best of imla attention. In that tree Is lIft'
iititl hope of benutifu' mtrborescence , Ieemty
is tar off , Blight has not appeared , lit'
knows hlmt work will be rewardetl with g
beauty iii the course of nature. ChIldren
( re as saplings. The man or 'oman vhmo S
works among theni has every reason t
DlieCt good fruitIon , But hoiv ti ill this
work be tione ? If the state falls. 'hio shall
undertake It ? Obvlouvly those who front
me humane Impulse or sense of Chrstlmjii 1 ]
irivilege , take It up mm themselves , of 'imomn
'hrist said , "Of such is the kirmgtlom of
ieaven , " Adnmittliug that it is unsafe to
'iy upon mnstltutIoiumm founded by sucti Per- P
orms. grantIng that they deitenul too flinch C
in Intilviduals anti itot enough tuion sysa
:00113 : , bmeii free to confess that they tl
cii anti f.ii to viecea any day whmm dc'athi
utah conic to the mersoim who has fountted
mnti suatalmmed stich a hcmno , still the ( net
emaIuma ttmimt In such a place can ho found a
he bt'st yubstltute ( or utother ,
. In the Christian home of CouncIl Bluffs , 01
.un by it man of ha : : divine courage , the Cc
first idea is to etiticnte the moral nature of
th chIld which baa been turned adrift upon
the world , lie can tell you , can thia gentleman -
tleman , how many little ones there are in
thIs country she am wIthout homes Cr
inr'thierr. lemtth , Intemperance , improyl.
dance , the cruel greeti of the time , thin land
system a tmIh ohtalnmt , the cruelty of man
to man anti of woman to woman , the tib.
once of moral reponsibtlity anti parentn
inrtInt are the forces whilch meet to thrust
tipoli sir ianti thIt ; dilable army of htomelcsm
boys nail girls. They come fromsi city anti
Country , fromn every race which has met
to promluco our heterogeneous ieOPhe. 'Fimey
arc tiara. carrying In them the Instincts In-
elimiatlons , vIfIs nod aPpetites given them
by tue muon anti wonten vhio vere theIr
parentsthe men anti women who have
failed anti gone tinder , who have been
trampleti in the m're ( f our civIlization nnh
beatt'n nothineneas tintier the Iron hoof
of the time. \'hat Fort of a nation sima.l
" 0 raim'o from a brood lIke this ? They
iCflt the attune relatioms to civilization that
the wI'd hogs of tue snomintalims bear to the
1'oltiqi Chinuts cf the stock breeders' pens ,
0 ? ' the wild ass of the desert does to time
Obedcnt ! friend which loomis hIs back to
draw uncut's burthena , or curries 1dm proudly
through hattie , iiootl omiti heat. A Patriot
cmtn perform no greater rervlce for hIi
country than to tame these Poor , wIlt !
tImln. A man cr a woman can never he
more' tiuflitifle titan s.hien lie or ihmn gmttiiermt
to toonm tltem't' poor iittlo iienrt , fllemi with
im thintis' biat'itio , fitittorlng wIth half-
tItieth ( ears anti hungry for the intImate
htuinnn Compammionshmip which is the titmo of
elilithitootl , A ( 'hrlstinn cnn do no greater
service for his horti than to win to ) rhnes.
those whore feet iu' force of cIreumtnsmces
hiryositi ' ' their control take hmold on heli ,
'i'iie state titLIst iinti a new mtiiii ht'ttcr way
of caring for Its .hmomeiepg children tuna it
hiatt yet ( lone or good snen auth women vil.
imt'ver be attiafleti. : it must traim spe'inhists
f r the task , not app itat lioliticinna. It
n'tist mit women In charge-wosmien tritinel
( is mitli'CC' .
na etiilcmitors nOti ptilii-titit (
intie't have a hIgher lolitical
Sysiemn than s'c have ever hcuiown. a higher
omit' ' titan the majority dream of , before thin
' 'aifs of our world viii receive hiroper care
front thu state. Anti In time ineantinme the
best nail nmost effective work must he done
In time institmitloims % 'here relIgion anti ten-
dertmesa tmiitigne ( the charity which is he-
Ftisveml. At Iircent the itate Is to herd
Its tiumfortiunajee lute :
nnmnn. Unttl a
wiser tIin nrrtves it hotuht1 be time effort
of a I thioe vlmo trtuiy love thieir country
aiml their ldnti to help sustaIn tue imonmes
whnm'e they tan ho cared for hike imunman
creattures with Immortal sotils ,
Colonel D. B. Ba icy grew eloquent in ii
eulogy "cf time ivork of tIme orphanage. " lie
said he hati no doubt timat this event aiiti
thIn occasion hail a far grainier fountlatiomi
than any. amid all thiat had ever been hmehd in
time church. lie thanked God timat the stub-
jeet of tue clmaracter aol longevity of the
Ctmristfan hail lang been settled ; that
time hmonme that sheiters the imomimeicas anti
friendless must be ChrIstian. lie timanhced
God that Manager Lenten Imati taken time
"stoime rejsctctl by the bulimlers and made It
tile hmeati of the corner" of a structure that
shed nmore glory upon time name of Council
Bluffs titan other tnstItutlorm itt It. Tie believed -
lieved that inca should not be turned out of
state institutions' , but they simoulti be made
subservIent to the voumien , whose motlmer love
and mother hearts ehiould be the dictator of
rule& To be a lmonmetess and fatimerless boyer
or girl vas an awftml caiammmlty , and make
the cimlld realze ! that It was homeless anti wag to niake It take the first
steps towari criminality , Speaking per-
sonaily of hits knoaledge of time character
and work of the Cimristtan houime , lie said :
"I uleeti not be told , I know of my own
knowledge , I kmmov tlmat time blush of shame
bias miever toticimed the cheek of a niademi at
the imonie : hot a boy has beemm led to take time
first tep in crime. " lie spoke eloquently
of the formation anti concept'on of the work ,
and closed by saying timat if lie was not a i
beihever in Gel , what he had seen In connec-
ticn with the a ork would force him to do-
clara that he was a bOliever in Jesus Christ ,
wboee sptrtt prompted anti whmose love was
time Inspiration of the Chrlstan ! honie.
Pasturage at Union Driving park.
'C lo time im'ruiuiuluighi
Our prices are right ! Our . goods v.ll
please yout H. L. SMITH & CO.
( iIiltOKEI1 LflF'P IN I.titFESS.
Electric Light Compstuu- Cuts OfT flue
. ( ( Iigiita itt Ctsuuueil's Jielseid.
CIIEItOKEE , In. , May 3.-Speeiai.-Thio ( )
trotmbbo that lmas been brewiig : for sonic
timmie betweemm time city aimd the electric light
COittliiY has comae to a sUtllCfl ( focus , and
ce a result the city s'as in total darkneas
last nIght , for the arc lighits acre all cut
cut and the ieiatot1 pedestrian groped bitt
way through the darkness and rain as beat
lie couid.
Some timne ago th council aphotimted a I
conmsnlttee to at'certaii 'hetiier time city was
paying mome for lights tItan other towns.
By thorough iimvcstigatkn time comnmmmittec' assorts -
sorts it has found that most al ! towns and
cities \iiCre there are electric lights pay
from 50 to $ I0 per year per arc light , ama ]
most of timeimi run all night. while Cherokee
t paying a tlmlrd more and tIme plant only
runa until 12 o'clock each night. Upon rcc
amnmimendation of the coniinltteo the coLI'eih
: lrew up a reaolution , wimich was unanlmiiousiy
sdopteJ , offerimg time light cornpnmmy $60 imer
year per light , anti If the offer was not accepted -
cepted the lights to be cut out , as the city
refused to une them any longer at the od !
A meeting of the stockholders of time Ecc- !
trIo Light amid l'ower company 'as home-
liately cahied anti they positively refused to
iccept the city's offer anti time highito were
: ut out.
Menmbrs of the hlghmt company say that C
hey cammnot afford to run the plant anti fur-
aich arc lights at time figures offered , anti
hat they will not. The council is juat as
Thm , anti One of the members is reported as
) eng authorIty for the statement that par-
ics stand reatly to furnish all night light for
ho prIce offered shoiuiti the present dlmeuhty
met be satisfactorily settled , The light corn-
tony says It holds a twenty year3' franchise ,
nil timmit It viil wage a legal battle should
sty othier company atiemmmpt to put iii a plant.
rimere is a rumor afloat to the effect that a P
atitiomi wIll be , or is being , circithateti among E
ito citizens tvhmichi asks time cotmncil to also
egulato time price on incamideecermt lamps. flSI
Ii.'J1lt lI'iS . % Itli 2O'l' So CiTit'I'AIN ,
- hr
iii timnthi"s Ctii't'itfitmmi in lJmitmmm
( 't'uuisty i * Viiitt' tli-tii 'Ivtor , ' , ci j
CI1ESTON , In. , MaT 8.-Spectai-Ummicn ( ) a
ounty'm , democratic convention is over , but IU
he fight between the
diver and gohi men
ontinues unabateti , and time animosity crc.
ted itt Saturday'eu conventIon bithim fair to
uicreaso the chmismn already math , , The all-
'er men assert that four of the six dole-
rates elected to attend the state comiven-
ion vere elected with the impression that
hey were free silver men , influence Is now
aimig brought to bear upon somimo of the
Ieiegatea by the gold men to inmiuca timeumi
0 change their minds on time money queatioi. ;
hmo whmIt metal utica huavo becmimime apprised
hat such efforts are beIng nuatle to seduce
lie delegaea ( chosen by them at ttme conven-
Ion amid bitter feelings are aroused. it
Las Conhiflon rumor after the convention
tijourumed that the gobti omen humid got thiree
uid possibly femur of time delegates , while'
tie silver men were under the Impression
list they had four of tue delegates , aimti they
till believe that they Imave. They now
hink that undue lntiuenco is beIng brought
0 bear upon time silver delegates anti mire
reatly exercleetl over the affair.
GLIiNS'OOD , Ia. , May 3.-Special.-Tho ( )
tills county democratic conventIon , held
ICm'O yesterday afternoon to select deltrates
mm thme elate conventIon , elected ; W , C.
) eLashmniutt , I' . P. Kelley , F , F. Deaden ,
brace C , Leney , Id. Fiammant , T. J. how.
arid , henry Maxeehl mimiti L. P. Genung ,
lobes Instructions were tabled. Willard ( sIn-
to standard ) suffered a like fate , The dde.
ation is etiually divided between golti
tandard aod IC to 1.
fl'cmi'er to 't'i mm Oregoum.
PORTLAND , Ore , , May 3.-General James
I , W'eaver , late populIst candIdate for presi-
emit , has arrIved 1st Portland to conduct the
smgaign in Oregon iii behalf of the populist
arty. lie beilovea that tlio populit can
arry Oregon in the June electIon , anil says
0 StOflo will be left unturne1 to accomplIsh
iat result ,
Coughing Irritates the 'lelmo..ce organs aol
ggrat'tes the disease. instead of waiting ,
-1 0nMioute Cough Cure. It helps at
ace , makIng exmactoratioa easy , reduces the
renca asid llitlafl5flaiIoa , 1very one likes it.
( .4 ttt
ti o'
Hasty Glance at Ono of the Busy Towns of
South Dakotai'r
I ml
' ' " 'I '
Gutml iiiiirics l'ni mit , L % flit All 'iotI-
ersi . % I I rllimi tis of ii ' , ( , IN utiit
4iI emit mmmi i.tI ii it , ituJfmi I IlCeum
F'nnimml Im4 Gumium
YANKTON , 5 , D. , May 8.-Speciai ( Car-
respontlence-lf ) there Is any one who thuink
that Yankton isn't a metropolItan city us visIt
hero tviii be all sufllcic.nt to convince thmoni
that their "think thank" is neetling repairs.
It Ia certainly one of the liveliest , one of
tim toast interestlmmg , fleurisliluig and pro.
greasivo cIties in time whole grtatvet. . Its
attractiveness train a etandpolnt of both
health anti busirmesu is certainly uumsurpassctl
anti Its re.sources and itatural advantages so
great as to strike one with great emphasis
on arrival here.
i'c'rciieti on tlmo north bank of time Big
Mudtly , in time amIdst of at , ptouidid a commn-
try as lies out of doors , It claims instant
attention , The city In substantIally built
anti couitalmms every convenknco anti luxtiry
kmiown to mmiotiern scIence anti iuigenulty ,
souumo of tie private realtienees beiumg of a
italatlal order. The itimblic buildings , too , are
StibStflntifli anti mnipesing ,
TIme town lroller lies en nut tiplanti , nu to
fifty feet froumi the rivcr'n ) mlgiiest vater
iimarlc , obviating any daumger front thIs source.
Timis tablelaumti slopes gratiuahy tlo'um to time
MiesourI , creating a natural draiumago that
mnan"j skill could little Iuimprove impomi. Yank-
ton has also its full shmmmre of ilourlslmImmg
mimanufncturimig immdustrlcs , and niore are corning -
ing ant ! unorts being Iiammulci ) for. But to go
back to the city's appearance. Time streets
are attic anti r'cruptiiomusly clean , and vell
lIned with both ornanmeumtal and auntie trees.
To thie West and miorth , loouuiimmg 1mm bf'ommtifmml
symuinm.gtry , are time hmighmlanda , with their
princely hmonmes , etlimcational anti cleemnosynary
insttittutioas , umotltling groves and inmmumeratmio
other attraetlomis.
Yamikton'Im sound financially asmti coin-
niorcially. No city Iii time iveet tnnds better -
ter in this regard , anti it is Immmuumensely protuti
of time dietinction. Its shops ammd stores are
nil well atocketh , inotiern affairs in all tie-
tails , mtnti run out a thorougimly immetropolitan
basi. Its vubile bulltilpgs , cimoots aummi
cimtmrchmes are nil of a class to comimmnanti ad-
immlratlon , antI in fact in any hrammeh of at'-
cimitectiural commatruction iiuo city Is iii keep-
log 'IUm time very latest , mmmost approved and
beit. Tue State Hospital for time Ineaumo Is
a handsoumie and extemmsivo structure , the
largest iii Dakota , aumti fturnlsimos emmiimioy-
ummemit to nearly 100 pcrwnms. Time hotels are
all flrst-claes , theaters sup to date , arid lii
fact every feature of a public character is
beyommd criticism , Time ) ' compare veil with
the older and fimmisited cities of the east.
Ynnkton's citizens are 1topitahhe , geuttal ,
generouc aumd courteous , a soummewhat craino-
Politami aggregatlcmm , just , lmere one would
look for enterprice amid xobustrmess , , for time
advance Idea on e'erythmng jiertalumlng to tIme
rnirarmceuitent of hmuinaut affairs. Its business
men are in tIme van , Tmmtsthhitg , tireless and
thrifty , And it womimeui , , 1. almost over-
bolted thmis immdlapensable. coq'pouuitant to a
thmrlvimmg country arid ruaimIumi pity , anti umoume
other is so conm'Imicimomms. , Ymtictomm'r wommmemm
are charmmmlng , anti , of cqura'e,1 aecomnpl miumed.
rime imonmely face is a rare occurrence. Tue
stimmospimere C'eeuims comidurlvi tp form , health ,
beauty , rhiythmtm and vIgor. lndeed , Yank-
ton is rare gcod place tolhe.
Again , time city is nearer' the center of time
great northern corn , w'hmeat'and pork produc-
mig tlonmaimms tlmaui any of the'mJhissouri river
points , whemm graIn fields' d1atributtii'y..d1
t'amtages anti iork packing s carried omm , arid
It. ; positloui upon thmi 'river entttles it to
ravorn in the way of r flroatlrates which .In-
tenor tovims do not emijoym. . ' The Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. i'hul traibroad maIn line
intl a branch of time rmmaln line of time Chmcao
& : Northwestern rnilroati , mmd tue Great
N.ortiiern railroad , have heretofore affortied
mrnple commnecttons witlm the outside woritl ,
nit tue tlumme has arrived wlmen time ciy ( tie-
nauds more railroads. Arrangements are
beng ! emmatie to build a lIne thIs year front
Yauiktomm to Norfolk , Neb. Timis macarms the
Lmmuilding of a railway brtlge across the river
it thIs point. Time mIca ! line s iil Penctratc
: mme of time richest regiomma in Nebraska It
will also give Yntmktoo aim outlet to tIme
muthm , and direct connect'on ' with Onmaima , St.
Louis auid Denver , arid mmtan' other im-
rnrtatit markets , armti is an atld tion to Yank-
: on's resources , it Is lrnmmnl to have. Onmaha
timoultl hot overlook tlmo importance of this
mew line. anti simottiti leumti every aid amid on-
: ouragemiiemmt to the project. 1)Ircct raIlway
omnmtummicatioa will mean more to the Gate
: ty titan can bo thins readily caiculateti.
rIte Dakota people are all cnthimislastlcahly
utteresteti , anti t'itii hearty co-i perattorm front
) mmmaha'n eutti of the line , the road alIt be
irotugimt to a successful iastme before time
'ear extres.
In mme e'ectlon of the UnIted Staten , or the
% oriti , can there be fotmnd e'o ninny artesian
veils of as great pressure amid supplying so
; m eat a volminie of 'ater as thmoe flowing in
lila favored iocaiity. Tttghit hero in Yank-
CR many mmmanufactories miow rierive their
tower from thIs source. 'They imave the ati-
'mmimtage of retiutrtng no care , no expense for
uel or engtneer , anti rup twenty-four imoturs
'very ( lay. Yanktoum has all the conven onces
T an electric light system , as good as the
test ; fire tlepartment , anti uniforuumed police.
'here are no Citinamen here , and the for-
ign-born elernemit is small. Time people are
roapermms and coimaequently happy , and as-
erhi with good assurance , too , that they are
tie charter members , time fountiermt , of time
ictrepohis of tIme great uiorthmwest.
Yamikton county Is erie of the itoutimern tIer
Ii SommtIm Dakota , time MIssouri ri 'er forming
tie southern hountiary lime a.ti : Cedar anti
noc , counties , Nebraska , being its nearest
ommthmern neigimbors.
'l'hte Jarumes or Dakota riv r runs diego-
ally through the county train northwest to
utheast. Time bottom lands whmlclt (0mm time
tiritedir to valley of the Missouri e'ctenti for
miles back from the river , rcachiimg to time
emmchm land , a distance of from tiireo to ten
tIles. These bottom lantla ylolti , lit a state
I nature , a luxuriant growth , f pmmss , avow-
girmg not far front thmtee tons to arm acre ,
ocording to tue season , amid this na.ive grass
. + 4' + *
Do Yet
I .
ai. ) :
If it's'1 nice
m. a ,
I m:1J :
pretty at a
ieo .
moderatciprice , ,
I'm Li '
I-las them - All
Omaha cannot
touch us ,
Look for the Ber.
Customers' Shoes
Shined Free.
4 + 4ti + - 4 + CCO I4 + 1 + 14
uitakes as good itit for stock ami time beat
timitothi' or cloer \'hmen eimltii'mitcd , thtCse
lands ) lehml renmai'kabl3' large cri'ps of corn ,
oats , a heat and cli root crnim , immcftmtiimmg
, S % cot ldtatoes tuimi tobacco. rhuo nil'tvlal tie-
posits mmtmd iict'i'od : "gtablc timoi , ss'itcti !
form tIme soil no hmese hmr'ttnnis , averages
ummoro 'than five tt'et in depth. TIme % ailey
1anti of tint Jium or Dakota rivet 'iro tmrt
so a imie. but yield tIme crels am"i mill vi geta.
bls in stmrpi'lsiuig nt'smntiiimee. Time grc'ator
itortion of time eoimm'y Is uummtiating , coterel
with a deep , stPnrg Su1 , wimiclm respon'ls nmnt
generously to tit"lllgm'mit tiltm , . All tim
53101)10 graIns , root ti'ops as well as rrmuit.
grown in llliiutii. OhIo armd tIciitgart flourish
In Yanktomi county.
Several somali tc'unis of water run through
time eouimty , witi"h with nmmmmmoroua lakes aiim !
sprIngs furnisit Plenty of sto"tc water , oh-
thmotigim the at'tei'm i'ehi is rapidly stipphmmt.
ills all oilier sources of vnter cmpply : ( , L lug
to the facility witim whIch it can lte ccmttrt'ilel
and contiimcteti to ( lie 'ariomua Parts of the
farm anti to farun huiliilmm , thins proving to
be a vahtmabio tlmc' niuti halter , iaver.
Tlmc're is rmiiicbt more thuamm all thIs , hut I
'viii tiefer Pat'tICtmtirI'/.IutS until I ! imt''D fmmrthmer
famihinrizeti mnysolf a ih : the c.ty and ctmntr ) ' .
\'ANtIitHit ,
'l'O 'I'IItI IDl'l'lht.
l'ff'tl $ t"t . itimii' ' ! 'imi tth , ,
OMAhA , May 2.-To the 1iltor of TIme
lIce : At a recemmt zmmectlmg : of the peopia's
party central eottiinittd of Douglas county
a resoltmtloum ivan jiasacti requesting utie to
prepare aim amnentimimemmt for time niottey
imlanks of the iteoplo's part ) ' natioiiai Iuiat-
formmm , to be stmbuiiltteti for adeimtiomt at tue
comuming St. Lotus convention , , huly 22 , ISiG.
\\e ree'pectfuliy reqmicat ptiblicatioum lii 'fhme
Bee for consderation uiot 0(11) ( ' to tIme iee-
tile's htart' national convention , but to re
pubhicans , themitocrats , etc. , all who truly desire -
sire to renmetiy the btrescmmt chaotic' , tic'-
strtmctive anti barbau'inn system of utioney.
I alter it as ombotiyimmg tit 01111' ilittil amitt
scIentIfic reunetiy anti selimtioum of the otoutsy
aiim ! tariff ( luestiommo. I also offer it to
leutgo criticisni of the sanme , :
i'roposed omumeumtinmomtt of time people's tiartY
imatlomial lulatforum for 1896 :
Money-Wlmerens , VIto conu'tittmtioit of tue
Iltilteti Statett , nit Intel pre'eti by time atuiumemmie
cotirt , nays "Comigrest , shmmiii have xcltittiVe
liouver to declare u'iint shall be nuomicy , to
cmd it mtmmtl itri mm t t lit' snot o a uud regtmla t e t tie
tmtimue timerc''f ' , ' ' anti ,
Vlieremts , 'l'iie itower to matte anti reguitate
time 'mtluo of moitey is the moat luowerful
InatrtuumtetitnlIty on cam'thm for tIme veul or
% .oe Of It nmmtlomm of iieople. mtimd
\'iiem'eimi .As lmeltl by mill ; uollticmmi ec'ommo-
mists , mtnd tiemimoumutrmttcd by mmli past ( 'X-
hmeriemmee time emily mmietsmla by u'hIcim time
vaitie o smucumey Is or can ho regimlntemi is
by regtmiati 1mg t ii e vol imume , rein tI vely , flu Itt ,
'iierear' , Motiny , itpout whititover cx-
Itrcssel , i 'lmoIiy a. crt'mttloit of lcgmmi mov.
erelgmuty-'a fem cetl neceittlimmt c-is atmd simomuld
be exclusively me imatiomimil iumstitsmtion.'e
therefore tietaminti :
1. 'File liminuedinte t'etlremetmt of all priVate -
Vate bunk im'smmcs of credit money-of iamb-
tttituttcs for miuoumey.
2. Thztt all mnoiley ithiall be ismicti hty time I
gemmerttt govcrmitmuctit ommly , mm mu d auntie etitiltil y
mt hub legmil tomitler muimi receivntie ) for nil
ilt'btq minti dues , both public and Private.
:1. : As a conceitmtioui to time bartmmtrltttm rio-
lion of' comimiotilty ' : tltme in money , we tie-
nmttmtl time free multi titmitmiulteti coinage of
h'oth gold anti silver , of all mlt'tlmnhimnt lute. at
I Ito Pt CFCii t it'gmt I in S to ef it t . I , I 'g .1 iii'
it'i's of time neiemm ot any Olmet' (
4 , A tile for mt 't'iemittilc amid Itt-
'itm'labte iticmu"tmth' of vaitmet in eciittiige , amimi
for thie Premlervation ct epmttics in tletcrri
pR I iiemt t S Sm titi I I tilt' C OIl I i'ttc' i ' 1 , Ii fl 1 bc t uveemi
tmiuti tax re cIt vu' , tot a st'-
liii ton of the liii 1ff qmmestioum , ani ucctiomm (
itt tIm" ioltie of time ihmiltt'ii Stales fmciit
thin tfft'ttu ( It' ftum't'Igmi eounprtltomi ( for imtenl. (
I i& . iminttt'v , , i e tI e'imm tm mitt I ii e 151 tiC hiV _ t im t' g iii -
era i got''m ii uimCIi I of tt full legum I tniIe r I a -
comivertiblc' tinter iuiomic'y. must ) recelvmiltlo for
oh I t itin to I it e goverit mmmcmi I , "miii ! itt nit , .v to
be istueti it I r'eu i ii 11a3'mnemi I Cur ii I it imml of
himibi 'c' mler vIet's timid iim ui ic I itt l'm" ) % t'utm cit Is'
alto Iii rctlefliitttomt Itt iimr : for nIl hI''i of
; tarnt' nOten or tiioii&'y Is'tteti by ( hue CTiIteIl )
stiitt.t ; nuui mittt % ' omitatrmmitiimig , immt'itmmilmig ita.
tloimrti h'mtuk mtoti'it , tia I lie mtammio shall hte
stmm'reodct'eil , uumtiem' lows to emiforce time
satin' .
'I'o rstore equities dertreyetl by past tie-
itt Uctiomi at gm'ei'mulmaeks timid hImnImttiomm ( of
tue coinage of silver. .titi iiC' issiuc of
mn'mmtey to In' at the rmttitm of itot l'is timan
$ . ) PC I' ettitlin 11cr nttntiumu , exelttste of timi'
aniri ml ( a issti'ti I mm m'Ctieitmi ii tout o f aI I ic I mitbi of
ciher lamitem' tmtiuimcy fltmti imcttes , uimitil the
aggregate of all tmuoutnv In CIrt'tmlmmtioit lii the
t mm I te'l i tmt I vs. I uue titi I uug golti ito it s liver ,
shall lm r.o lt'r emipttn , wimoti mauid tuc
dial I rca so , mi nti no rmmore sIt n I i iu I Sttttnil ,
oiiiy ti It slrnil Ic ime'eeant'y to atiti to the
% 'oliiilcI % of ummommey , as mortal rmuosme titn' tie
en tin r I i'u1 , mm uiti t o keep InLet' 'I I Im t tie iii -
cm'eae lii iiitttii I Iou a mi'l ' uuun I mm I a i it I im e
umimme of immoney , mtlwmiys eqtumtl to 1.0 iuer
cliii ltn ,
Vomits for &ounmi rmtoney ,
JOhN JiW1'OA1' .
'ii i' liii % I'M 'iuitM ) . a
( 'liEVlLNl ) , 0. , 3l i.-To tIme Ftittor
of 'fhte Lice : iii your lsstuo of .pt ii 29 you
niratien thmo fact of our imaving reftiseti
sO'e : ( If your city luommmlti , but (10 ttS
an imijimatice ill' rot givimig time reason for
such reftmu.ti. 'i'itt' brat legal cotiumeci a e
cmtmtlii dual ii pronotmum ceti thm e iesime I a cities-
tiomi illegal , CCuISC'tlUt'ntiy a o uuero obligeti
to tIL'cilae to tahe titemit. If time utlte'i' boutti
hiitti.ic's hiatt boetm as eormser'atlve ilerltalus
your dt'ht against I ienry hahn , ox-cIty
trastit er , votmil umot iiti ye beemm so large
lit , it Ic umotu' . Tiiauml < itmg you ut ativautco
for yotmr Icttdncss itt rectlfylrg tlirommgh
yotmr colututuimi time imtjimstice thomas tus itt your
lsUe' of tIme 29th tilt. , we reuiiaiut , tm'uiy
yours , \V. J. hAVES & SONS.
. hail lit' . . iiI rea'ui ti I
W'IIAiER , Neb. , May 2.-Tim time Etiitor
of 'rime lice : Itt 3'cur daily paiuer of FrI.
tiny , May i , on page eight , sunder imeatilmig ,
"Conic to Onmalta Next Year , " reads "Aim-
tier'ot'nlmo : , " amti luusteati it almomuitl be ,
"Atttiresvuu'iiber , 69 1-6. " Please uimake a
umotice' of tlutt : 1mm yasir comning Issue. Yours
truly , J. M.ANDI1ESEN ,
' % 'omnum II''i iii'st A I tim I lmmImerm.
There is only otto crown that fits time brow
of vomimaumhmooti coummtortabiy , autti that is the
one placeti there by the stttge ! ha'u'I of lore
amid mmot by time' world's accialni. Tltti cloy-
crest wonmarm in the whole wide 'orltl is umot
time a ouuman a Imo "writes stories" ammti ° iualnts
hiictures , ' ' atiti all the rest , butt time' ammo vho
knows how to mmuarry anti run mu cimaruiming
Iwimie. It takes a u'itolo lot of accomupiish.
meats to do thIs with all the biorfectiomi that
it Is wortity of beIng done' v1tim ,
; ' - _ Nothing to complain of
) -tile woman who uses Pearline. NoI1-
. _ jJ
' t _ ' , b . _ ing to complain of in the washing anti
, ' : J cleaning line , anyway. And
.7 certainly the 1)roptetors of
. Pearlirie can't complain. If
\ you only knew how many 'omcn ,
1 _ _ _ . every clay , arc making up their
U\ lflifldS that the old , w'caling , tearing ,
tiresome way of washing doesn't
pay !
I S growin c-u' , bicrcrer , than ever--the success
f Pearline ; though it has to fight not oniy
, .agaitht all kinds of poor imitations , but against
sort of superstition that anything which can
save so much labor must be harmful in some way.
Peddlems and some unscrupulous grocers will teim yos.
B . mis is as good as " or " the same as I'eariinc. " ITS
e.\7aIcse ? FALSE-Pcariine is ncvcr peddictl : if your ' rcer sends
you arm imitation , ime hmommcst-snd it izck. 480 JAZ'IES 'YLI New York.
I LA D ES zr iIunr3rcdsoCEI1T ,
Do not trtfle wIth itoppet I - 1 \ IMI I euro iIunr3rcdso it ( r.mnzthood. frortmcJmeanroputuprtmaranteei , tut they don't do It. Turk. to
RT mtQntruatIoniut t'rti .tl ' LYSlbhLo3tManlmooiCatlumcaarewerr1Intn1iaitI . '
l4i for Lo Turkish Ttttty aitU inmoneyrcttmrtlcmrorocryratomtnoEsmuTct.'mtu . .
, . ' , .
lot vt'ttkz.mentoryI.otitrnIam'owert.ituari.
I I'ennyroai l'iiis , sure mo tito 'e , .
' ,
IpJ , i , " . Sold only ly ii.tttN'it [ ' ' "tf 'tip , Iittood ' SrganI. mgmttIrnmsmonsWenkneesot , . ' iterrndtic. .
( 'auted
AutatAcy.out i'arnsun ' . ' Dl'0 by you.hlut en'ors. OmVEs
ac. , Otnis ! , flet _ , . mm , auth . i. , . 'roe tuv , anim otilyby trAils's t'tuAutsACy ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' '
I. Cireim I Trim I ti atid it rmi Imsr liriunsim *
Omit ii t ii iimit'ii 'I'mtI.Ie.
l'us'o veil kmtowmm ttmsimmc'ps , 11100 u'er.
etieti nt a hmmiteli table i ecemitly e npttitlumii
tm ) hIl : of ftre. One of thorn looked fresh
anti brlghmt. the other % 'mi" vale amid iartgtmltl ,
- ' fer ( it tu Idle the slckh looking intuit thtreuv
git'ui it I hi ( ' iith i 0 f fmi re a mitl cx clii timmeti
"it's itt , tisc'i I lma'e flU appetite. I
rntm't eat. " ills friemtd loukeii imp , uimIutmt'ly.
' 'iiy , whmttt's tttd matter ? " lme kcti ,
' ' 'e I , 1 don't kmuot . " was the t ep'y , "I
hove' mu tiati eutugh Iii tht inormmimtt' , mu tick-
it ml g tim t ho' thi mcmi t a tuti di ihlctm I ty I Si brea tim-
Imtg. My liumhae Is quick utiy tireathm itt
shiort maid I hma'tu a ltghitness across the
chtet. I hoive tireli fct'ltmtgs anti st'eni
t'omuilileti'ly trot ri out. New , t'itnt tb you
thmItmk is tima mttltter wlthm imme ? "
"b ihcmmt't timimik , btmt I know thmat you have
time ilist t'3'imulutoimmmi of c'tuutstmitupti.n. I alms
ecm'Iuiceti Ut it. becittise I uvmmti once iii the
5111110 datmgeromis coittlltiomi uttyseif. You
Itltmpt do m'oittethlttg mit cocci if ytutm toiiow'
lily atit'ice u'Otm ii : do as I do amid tmtke a
11th e stinttmtttnt rogmilturlu' , I trio , ! ummnrmy
thilmigi' , btmt t ecetued ito ticutetit limit tI I tote
i'ttmffy'a tammo mutmult wuiiskey. I ittivi' been
tistimg it regularly for ever a year non' . anti
it immiti tittttin tnt' feel better mittii stt'outger
thmmimi I ever felt before. I multi umot so hi.
goteil tis to let mtmy hteaitht sufft'm' a best I
leimow 'imat uvIl restoi C limit ! ltrt'mlerve it. "
'l'lme miic've Is mint mum iruitMInar ) ' conversti-
ticili , I t ml Ct tilt I ly t 00k i"mt cc , uiuttstti ii t Ith lit
mmii ilarumuted. lt is a statcmncuit of tue cx-
irtemtco of tim'tmsantis of other icoiilo
t hi rough oti t A tmtorit'mt . I tm tT 'a * l ic umttt It
% . hi I akey us ii I cli nek , ' < , mmcim mill ittitim. v t Ii imm'e.
.emt t it utetm tmlOii Imt , vI l html I ti imp I tie sys t emit ,
ci it tk m'ml I ii o ci icumin t ton mm imti give uie' I i Ic ,
I t lit mmotimtimIiig' , it itt mm e. E'er ) ' gto'er
itmiti tirtmggimt keelis It bitt cam'e Shiomlti be
exercised to scetmre ottly thm gcnutmme.
eai'1es &
I' ? Eervous , Chronic
. . . .t't41 amid
.Q.w4i ; Private Diseis
All I'm'itmtto DiseiI
1& ' end DLsortter of . *
4vlUFy , 'l'reatmmiemmt by
oasuirmitiorm C nec
Cured for life arid the i'oms thorauhi ,
sl.anscd from ( tie syatem. l'Iittt FISTULA
VAflrCOCgTB permanently and .uccsisfuih
sursti. M.thti new aM unfailing.
Dy n.w mumttmod without pain or cutting ,
Cail on or address with itminup ,
, fly Cm'mrlo" 2 , L2nmrita ItO 8. 1 IttiS ,
ML. U5ULL3 ¶ L mimL&mt
Couiicil Bluffs , Iowa.
CAI'I'FAL , . . . $ IOOOQt'
g iiit CENT PAiD ON 't'iME DEI'OSI'I'B.
CALL AND SEE V Ott wiu'rzii.
Cliase-Lister Theater Co ,
I'Ol'ITIAR t ( TC etts Ott mmli ,
l'ltL'ES. .A ' . _ F at box oilic.t.
- - -
_ .
N account of Robinson Bros. ' Store being much too small to accommodate the
ci'owd that attended their Auction Sale Saturday night they will , on Monday ,
mo'e their entire stock of WATCHES , DIAMONDS , STERLING SILVER ,
the vacant room , four doors west of their store , and next door east of the First
National Bank. .
J. p. MOODY ,
ROBINSON BROS. , Jewelers. ' Auctioneer.
AUCTION7 _ [ ucrors
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1 . - , - - 4
Oh ! What ti Blessing is a Bicycle !
Aside from the pltoastii'e there lit Iii biyhing , It Is the timost cooiioiula metluo'J of trtiiH.
portitloil : tlt one cnn lin'mt. % 'Iio vuitId exoltauge a ii'cc , open-air spila on ti s'IieI for ii
,4. % ride Iii a sttitl'y , luintbel'IIlg tttl'eet cti' ? All slitides mind coudltkiiit of iiieii amid u'otiieii itt-c
'low loukliig lIlto tito utility ol th bicycle , Doit o'ti'1ouk titta % Vellltigtou nnU tutu J1tlll.
Ilton , 'I'Itiy urti the best ,
Henry H. Van Brunt 12 to 22 Fotiith St. IE
. , Council Bluffs , In.
6t6Oi 9t *