Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 9

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    8 TILE OMAflA DAiLY lIKE : SUNDAY , MAY 8 , 189b
Large Invcstment in Inside Property Being -
ing Made by Eastern CapitaBBta.
L(111 IIII AIMU IPfl the Iitihet for
AiitIsI hg 3) ( , ) , 1-
I ( CflMI'e I tIlrI4 ttIItM Iii
CIUheIIIItLl 1111.
There ran no longer 1)0 ) flfl qt1etton In
( ho mInd , of conservaUve Investors In real
tnto that the title has turned In Omaha anti
that Lencefortli realty vaItie. Ill n4vanca
with cach aililitlonal nle , arni n the saIe
Increzu,3 In tiunibor Ju.t so mph will lie the
iuFvancc In the value or Omaha realty. Turo !
novr vas a tImt ! n ( lie history of Omaha
when Omaha real e3tate votlhI not sell at
a. prco that vmihl net the ehIer 1tter re-
iUI(8 ( than the average ileposhior recehveh
fron ( leprslthIlg the caine amount of money
In a savings bank. la54tern caphtahht9 have
their eye constantly on Oiinhia : real etato
anti whenever a bargain Is offerel for sale
one of them snaps It up uhcldy. 1)urng !
the Past wntcr : btisiness Property has been
more active In thu market. Aniong the
InaTly tienis made might ho incntlonel the
salc of the ! cCorinhek proIerty ) , corner
of Fifteenth , and Farnain street ; the UnIted
I3tates National hank buhldhng and the Mercer -
cer hotel. Ica1 estate acnts Iio repart
that Omaha peOllO ) are vakIng up to the fact
that Omaha homes are good things to own ,
and that a great many Inquiries are
mache for residence property , espcclaily for
Iotii a little further out , costing from '
to $5 , the Idea preva hing that with the
oiecLre ear lines furnishIng rapid and corn-
fortable travel It is better for one's famly
to hive a little further cut fcr the foil cii-
inyinent of health , wealth anti hapliiIesS ,
APropos of tito subject of vacant property
In nitti around the hiert of the cIty a prorni-
Cent real estate man rld the other day :
"Thero hai been a great deal of wIld talk
regardIng the grcit amount of vacant ground
wIthin the cIty lhinltii , and ocoahiially you
vlll hear seine one remark that Omaha ha
Iota enough platted and laId out to accoin-
itiolato a millIon people. I delro to call
attentIon to the fact that a lrrge lropor-
tlon of the land within tito ciy : liriilts Is
eIther too hIlly or too low to be available
for buildIng Inirposce for litany years to
conic. The result Is that Omaha tGday really
has less de'irable and accesible building
lots titan moi4 cItIes of Its 6ize.
"I venture to ay that the cIty of Ienver
has &OO chtolco lots wIthin its corpoate
lImlti for every one that can be found In
Omaha. Our citizens do not seem to realize
that an Influx of 10,000 or 20,000 more people
In thIs city wotiid abearb iiractIcall' alt the
do'irable relenco property here. . Whtcit you
are riding or bIcyclIng over the residence
streets of Omaha , Juat notice how iiiany
undesirable lots can be coon scattered all
Over our suburbs anti hiov few really do-
trablo properties are to be found. "
A prarnltient real estate man , who is
Itnown to travel more titan any other itinit
In this line of bu'tness ' In Omaha , was heard
to say the other day that In all hIs travels
ho had FaIled to find any cIty that offered
better facIlities or moro Inducements In Iil
particular line of business tItan Omaha. lie
is a man when traveling , keeps his
eyes and carti open. and , beIng a gentleman
of rare gcod Judgment , the Information that
ito gathero when away from Omaha Ia pe-
cuhiarly' valuable. lIe Is a man entirely
withiGut bin : , olid prejudice and having a
keen eye for tIme almighty dollar , he is Per-
fc'rtly willIng In his Jotirneytmig , to find a
city where he could mnalct , moro money titan
In Onmahia. The gentleman referred to Is
backing his judgment up by contemplated im-
provcrncnts of vroperty that ho owns here.
and before tIme close of the coming summer
lie vIll have spent over $15,000 in new build-
legs and Improvements that ho has practically -
tically doitltti upon.
Tue lublished cabs of property to eastern
lnvcetcrs , who have put In several lmupdred
thousand dollars as itermanent lnyestrnonts
In this city In tim past four months , Is Indeed -
deed a macst hopeful sign. This , taken in
connection Iiht the ceriainty of the coming
cxpcet1on two years hence , has Inspired all
real estate operators wltii time brlghitc.t lme-
vlble hopes for the future. They nil agree
that the advancing prices of today , whihlo
tile ) ' may not reach those of the bomImmg
thinoa of 5011w. few years ago , poInt to a
much healthIer condition. The tact Is , that
time great proportion of the sales that ar
1tow _ being made are to people of moderate
means , hio are purchasing bionics for them-
ttolvc. Tltero are more callt' today In that
direction than there have been for the past
three to five years.
. . A resolution lmaum been prepared anti will
be prescmmted to the next mneetlng of the
Omaha Real Estate exchange , caliimmg Its at-
tontlon to the wholesale destruction of
pluinblmg : and glass In vacant hiou.4ei. Thmd
object Is to break up a gang that makes it a
PractIce of breaking Into vacant houses
and stealing about everything In sight. A
sties mnotiern residence was vacated out In
thio vcttt part of town recently , arid before
a week hind passed these house robbers hail
stripped It of every particle of lead pIpe ,
bath tim ! ) , locks , leys , even carrying off tIme
hot water tank anti part of tIme dears. It time ownem of this property several boa-
mired dollars to fix It up , anti thIs Is only one
case of hundreds like It In the city wiThin
time past year ,
A vehI known Omnalman , hmo is the financial
agent for time comnpammy vhIch he mentions.
repeated to a number of real estate imien aot
bug ago time view of Omaha that hail been
expressed by time itresident of hum company ,
lie saitit :
"lion , Cimarlcs Dewey. president of ( lie
National Life Insurance company of Mont-
pelter , Vt. . for which company we are flnan.
( 'hal agents in Omusita , was 1mb town last sveek
looking over the eecuritics we placed with
them durimig tIme past year. lIe expressed
himself well satIsfied with Omaha's nros-
pects. 'tItle comimpany hiatt large invcstmemmtmm
Iii St. Puml. Minneapolis , Ieu Moimmes , iCanas
City anti Topeka. but Mr. Iewey stated to
us that durIng ( lie vaet three years of tie-
pression time National Life Immsumrammco coin-
POIIY receiveti time interest oil its mortgages
moore promimittly trout Omaha than front city
other western clt)1 iii whmicit our company has
interests , "
A mermmbt-r of thin Real Estate exchange sas
overlietrtl to say the other day ;
, , \\e hmami miii offer thIs eek of $6,000 cash
jot' a resdonco ! In time western part of the
city. This lropcrty was taken Iii by an
eastern company twelve nionthis ago utmiler
foreclosure of a immortgage , anti atiiotlgh' ( lie
amount offered woultl satisfy the claim of
the company , ( lie ) ' refused to accept the
offer anti imolti it for a profit. "
There Is Protabl ) ' Ito piece Iii time Jjnlteti
ltatcs where there is so good aim opening
for a good large sanitarium itit iieasant
vitirrouiitLmmgmm as in thmo Imuniedlate vicInity of
Otmialma , Vlthmin six mileim of tIme. Omaha
lIestofIlce there are now probably 200,000
PeoPle. There is nothing of time kInd withmhmi
Fovoici lmuntirotl mIles of hero except santo
simmahl InstItutions In the buIlt-tip iart of
time city or iii other respects tmnavorably
loeatetl. TIme hIlls arountl Onmahma offer lung.
nlflcent ste : for such tin immstltutiomm , white
thto locatIon amid atmosphere alone will cure
malarial and IncipIent pulmonary diseases ,
Iii soimme places good , pure , clear running
spring water can be obtained , vhIch mIght
ho immade a valuable adjunct to uch an in.
William J. Gaibraltli , cldef surgeon of time
3lnion Vacifle , line Purchased a beautIful
lot frontIng cast on hlanscom park , next
to Judge lialdwln's , The consIderation for
the fifty feet was a little over 5O00. lb
cxIects to buii 4 fiflO rest400co on timid property -
erty Ibis ( all. '
Charles ci. Iughmca , general smperIntentient
of time lithort road , Is preparing to buIit
ri 8,0O0 e&.dcnco on his hot frontIng cast
cmi flncotn park , on the corner ct TbIrty.
accon avenUe anti Hickory street. I
New Jersey pa ies have bought 100 acrei
of ind in the southwest part of the city
ad a invcttnent for consideration of
PatrIck Ifarineti , an employc at the UnIon
l'acifio shops , last week purchased as un
1vostment a sixty-foot lot and Ove-room
house on North Twentieth street. Mr. hart-
, tt hai been In th * inuirkt for real ebtat
during the east two ycars and believes now
is thmo ( line to buy.
The affa Cs of the Omaha heal Estate cx-
change are attracting a great deal of at-
tentlon and none npprecate more ken1y the
necctity of wine and considerate action
than do tIme unenibers themselves.
iUai estate men are hopeful anti predIct
Considerable activity in their busIness this
year. There Is renewed Interest in Omaha
realty every day , causel ( by outsIde capital
making large investmmn ! . , in the busineSs
portions of the city and the fact that the
TransniIslaeippI exposition is almost an as-
sureil fact. Mesmy new homes wIll be built
title year , an active File of residence property -
erty between now anti October beIng pre.
( ; .t l.ViSTON VA l.S IN'i' ( ) LIN fl.
'Fm'cn , . ( ' ( Iii grewsmimvnitrlmeMted t mm A Iii
liii'i'i mItiimmlMNlMMliiI ltImuMith.Iis.
TIme city council of Oclveston has Passeti
the foilowlng resolutIons endoralng time Traits-
mississippI expositIon :
IUsolvetl , by time city council of Onlve-
ton , 'Flint tIme boiling of IL ' 1'rnnsnmisolSIlpI
International expcmltiemi at the citY of
Omaha , Nc ) , . . Iii tilt ? year IM'S. ' is hierelmy
lieu rm I I V fi PPr viii mm ml emitlort'e'l mm s roInO-
tivtm o time muntcrt"l intr'rets of nih mime
'tmtte anti territorlin lyIng 'vest of the
: > lii i''er. ' as well au of time pros.
PeritY anti wslInre of the country at large.
lIe It further
lieOi'Cil. 'runt 'lie icnntorR antI rt'pre-
semitmmthvett Iii ( 'eylgrcis train Tt'xmts lure re-
title , ted to mm'e tiu'im' brst efforts hit Procur-
log tlmt' lntge at thIs se"milon Of comigrece
t f mu ititi giving imatlonal recognition to m'mitl !
PXllOSItiIlt flhll ( prOViding for nit appropria-
lion for a hatknai exhibit anti time nccesnry
anti Prover bmuiidimigs to contain the same.
FtP it further
ltesolVt1 , 'runt a CaTty of the foregoing
rem'oltmtictmm be sent to time renntor anti rep-
reeetattves in coilgr"ss from Texas , antI
also a enp to time iimaor of time city of
Oninhin , Net ) .
mltuttntI unanimously at a regular macet-
Pig of time cIty coumicil , hiolti Mondtiy , April
20 , 1S1a.
Aititroved 4pril 21. ISt ( .
A. W. FiMayor. .
( _ ; . v. IIOWIE ; ETTbi.
Attest : city Cleric.
( Seal. )
ltsoIutions approving anti entIosing time
Tratmsniississlppi aum1 International cxpcsi-
tioim , atloptt'tI by time Nebraska Irrigation
Fair associatlcn , North I'latte , Neb , , April
10 , ISOG :
Rnowimig time great impartance of time
lflO'Cmll"flt for the 'rrmnsmtssisIimpi expost-
ti mI p.t I ) nm'mima 110(1 ( the lnimmienstm ienetita
which slii rePUlt to Ne1ralcrt and time vest.
erim Stmits it carried to slicceEs , we , time dl-
rectors of time Nebrasica Irrigation tair mlii-
m'oeitttlomt , hmcurtiiy ct1orre the effort for
'itich epositlon nntl rcccmmenml that coIm
grees amid the legIiiative Imodics of time vest-
ira iit'teS render such mms.Mistanco Itil Itiny
be miteesmtar to make Sticit wp3sItion a
iiecommd 'orld's fair.
lit ) 'i'l' 031 l'iiliIitS .t'l' 'l'lli OUTS.
A it ( IitI-'l'limie F'eliil itreuhpt Oil ( lii it
i'iuet' .
Jolmn McElhmattoa , head of time McEhimattoii
cud of time famous bottoms feud , furnished
a considerable ammtomimt of amusement In police -
lice court yestertlay morning by tiefemudimig
hihmiself cmi time charge of commitlttimig an as-
satmit upon Mike Costvhio , another bottoimis
met tier.
Time trouble occurred over a fence wbich
separates time premises of time McEiimattomis
anti tIme Dm-lfcorns , McElhatton aeserttng timat
Costello Was not doing his simare iii caring
for It. Iii the course of time quarrel Cos-
telio liimmted that some of hIs cimickens Imad
tllmiappeared and intirnateth timat. MeElhtatton
knew soniethlng about the theft. According
to hIs own testimmtony. ho provokeml tile as-
samilt by calling McElhatton a "thief" ammO
oimer mmames. vlmcreupon McElhatton strtmc'
imlmn. Nevertheless McEhhmatton t'as fimied 5
iimmtl costs.
MeElimatton ditI not know enough about
law to produce lila wIfe as a witnes until
after the ease was closed , anti then time
judge refmmsed to hmear her , Time two. in
retaliation , attempted to have a warrant
sworn out for. time arrest of Costello , but
failed to sumcceetl. the city prosecutor refus-
log. to isslie 0110 , lmnmuediately after the
row which figured in time case , Mclllhmatton
'anted Cosiello arrested for provoking amm
a'sault , but failed.
- .
\l'Ji'i for the Creche lituitlIt.
OMAhA , May 2.-To the Editor of Time I
flee : Can you find space In your widely
read journal for it few words in imeimaif of
time Creche Imeneilt to be given at Creighton
theater next Thmtmrsday evening ?
I viium to may that this Is the first call
oil time public of timts society since the noma-
blo itminstrel Performance of one yenr ago ,
mumil for this reason every tiicct itimouitl bQ
taken. A number of our townsfolk hear-
log that our funtls were low , generously
offered their services untler time direction of
Frmtnlc I'a Short for a dramatic entertain-
macnt. Tlmi offer was promptly ncceptetl ,
time theater secureti at a reat'onablo rate ,
ticketo ilrimmtetl anti pinced In the hands of
time womnemm of time Creche sonic weeks ago.
Thmey found flint timc ticket selling from door
to door was too slow. If a greater interest
cannot ime awakened mull timis labor ammtl
irelarntoml ! will iii a measure be Iot anti
time really excellent entertainment will be
enjoyctl . by very few.
\.o lutist not forget that the players are
our own eons ammd daumghmtens. earnest stu-
tient of their art. wimo sivuld not lack the
inshmirmltion of it foil imoumse Oh timii4 , to many
of thitirn. their tint important dramatic
vommtliie. Another interesting fact is timat
time opening drmtmna is from time pen of one
of our gifted citizens. Itubert It , l'emittte.
It hommlti be a matter of no mimmill pritle that
our city imoitls it live drammmatist , a competent
instructor of the drama anti a company
of amateurs capable of the Intelltgent
timtIy of 'Nance Oldiieltl" anti "Tue Ueils. '
rhmo children wlmo are to receive this ben-
etlt are our own poor , who to the number
of fifty ( IttIlY , anti mnaoy of timent nightly ,
are eareti for Iii timis nursery. Think ( or
one mmmolmment of time probable yearly expeimse
of maintaimmlnur , even with tIme strictest
economy , a family of flfty clmlltiren , all
under years of mire , with their matron
and mmssustaimt , anti tell us if we arc ammiciimg
too much when we beg you to buy these
tickets. -
I hope that every one wimo urmderstnniis
time work we immivo done for nine years anti
are still trying to tb-makIng a home for
timese lIttle ones , sumpplyirmg to theta
time tentlc'rmmt'is of Inotimer , time
strength amid courage of fathers , of whmommm
death or desertion hmns miepriveti timemn-
\-hlt slmow that time ) ' appreciate our work
by filling Crciglmton theater anti our treams.
ury to o'er1iowIiig.MitS.
MitS. _ T. 14. KI.\ii3ALI.
m 1 OO.OtL.-Ii i.eies-i7.O9.
$75 buys. an Ideal wheel , mmmatie by time
flabbier peapie. Strictly high grade , guaran-
tcetl , Waverley 1)elis ) , $75. An Ideal
ladies' wimeel , swell , $50. F' . M , Rumseeli , aia
Soumtlm 15th street , Imhmomme 503.
Sanmi. l3tmrmms' . will Imavo a dinner set sale
mmcxl week ; 50 to 1)0 ) StS , at $4.50 to $50.00.
Six I' . 3t.
flmmmahma ,
Cimic go ,
Limited ,
via the
' 'M ii uatmkee , "
F. A. Nash , gemmersi agent ; George Ilaymues ,
city passenger agtnt ; cty ticket oiiic , ISQi
Faritaimu street.
A mu hiimprotiiieIi I.
'rime flyIng Northmwcsuirn Line ( rain to Clii-
"No. 2 , " "TIme Overlammd , " Omaha 4:45 :
mum , , Cimicaga 7:45 : a. mu ,
6:30 : p. in , , Chicago 030 ; a , tim ,
The last fast train In time evening , Omnaima
to Chicago , None imettes' are built.
City ticket office , 1401 Farpaum street ,
Gasoline stoves repaited , stove storage , va-
ter fronts. OmnStovo lisp. Wke. , 1207 Iougiat ,
have your bIcycle cleammed , adjusted , punctures -
tures relmuIred anti kept in guod repair for
$1 per muonthm. Ak Sar-Iien Cycle Co. , 319 S.
15th street. _ _ _ _
- Julia Ihaumer Jewelry Co. now at 1517
Famnam street , opposite 'lalmiuff's.
'I'lte "i'm I it t liii t I ii IIM I ) ii 'i'i Imue"
is tIme l3urhimmgton's "VeatiLuled Ilyer" for
Leaves Onialma-5O0 : p. m.
Arrives Chlcago-S:20 : a. nu.
Tickets at l50 Farnam street ,
The Young Iuton'8 Republican club of
Onmahiawill imolil ite annual election Wednes-
1ay umiglmt , May 0 , at atterzon hail , 17th
sad Farimam , it Is dslred thtat every member -
ber bo present.
If. IT , 3oYLi , President ,
- -
, D7u. I
flOM1Y-Louisa A'7T ) . USC , wife of Max
homey , mmged. 9 yars , ltiileral at 1:20
o'clock Sunday , zuuy 3 , from her late
residence. 3326 floyd street , to Gorimirun
vammgehIcal church. 202G Sirague street ,
Iimtermmment Forest Lawn , lPrient3s aud dod- I
era \Voodrnefl tuvitcul.
_ _ _ _
following well consIdered estimate of
time genitme of Atm Itehan , thIchm appearetl
lately In Iharpere" , is reprInted as pertimment
In vIew of Mite Rehan's coating to Omnaha ,
whIch is annotmncei for Wednestlay ot next
wcelc. The r1tcr , Lady Jetmne , Is known as
a frcpment contributor to AmerIcan muaga-
ames ; itnml her uttcraaces on thIs subject
may perl'nps be fairly taken as Inmllcating the
Ioslttorm which America's foremost actress
occumple3 before time luibhlc of Great liritalit.
Lady Jeumme'e critlqtme Is especially interestIng -
Ing 1mm that It refers particuilarly to Mice
hteiman's iCatherimme In Time mating of time
Shrew , ' ' time part in whlch site will appear
at the Creighmton , anti which is generally regarded -
garded as time stromgcst of her mimany strong
roles ,
Lady Jeumne says : "it seems Imimpossibia.
In iooklnm back on MIss itehman's first appear-
anee in Emmgiaimtl , to realize that pie tas mu-
loweti to tlay to ehumost empty imoimses numd
unapllrec'ative mmumdiencms. In both 1881 ammO
1856 MIss flelman playeti in smahi timeaters ,
anmi use cnnmmot but feei that for her repertoire -
toiro a large theater Is almost a iccssIty
to imer personality. 11cr strolig uiramimatic
louer seemns crmunmped ammiong entail smmrrolind-
lags , aitml we mmtaintaiiied that had sue ap-
pcared at time beginnimmg in a large theater
ire smotmltl have to reproach otmrrelves V. itim
our sommue-wlmat tartly appreciation. Every one
remmiembens , when site appeared In iSIS , ( lie
surprise , the geimliImme del gut , time lrreimrss'-
tile amlimmiratlon amid applause , which greeted
tlmo mmmott fascinating anti brilliant iCatiter-
Immo tlmat thus cemitmiry has ever seen. 'hmo
camm over forget time storm of passion , time.
vIsion of wild , umntammmetl beauty which ap-
pearcd in time first scemme of The Taming of
the Simrew , ' or time intemise Interest anti atl-
mmmlm'ation with which we fohlovetI time tie-
velopmmmemmt of time mmmad , angry , outraged
uemunmi Into time lovImmg , gentle wife , or forget
time sveet ammO temimler accents 1mm wimicim
lCatimerlne acknowletiges amid giores in tmer
iubjcctiomm. -
"In all Miss htelman'e actlmmg , qtmite apart
frommm her genius , omie cannot but be struck
wIth the signs of hard ammil jatlent usorlc
% imiclm it shows. Sue Is hover careless : ( lie
snmailcat tietali Is vatchmetl anti attemmilci to ;
nothing is ever slurred cver ; the tomuea of
th voice , ( lie Intonation of every worti , are
tiistlnct to time mmuirniteet degree. 11cr in-
dommitable energy , her restless force , are cur-
m-rle'mig , atiti thit aumuoummt of pimysleal fatigue
she has tmmmdorgono mmmust strike even tIme
veriest tyro In sumeh mmmruttera. Of Imer
genius neeti not speak , hut site has per-
imaps ( hue strongeet personality amid greatest
vitality ef aimy livlrg actress , amid when
site im on time rtage It Is Impossible to look
at. army one eisa. She commciuera by Imer personality -
sonality almmmost smmperlmmmmuan d Ificulties.
iIot often lies one seemm Imer carry time fortunes -
tunes of a play on her slmotmitlers , anti carry
it to victory ? Sommmo one with great appre-
ciatlon of draimmatlc performnances and great
critical capacity said of imer : 'Wimatever
she many be playing , antI wimornever alme immay
plavntr ! with. onecannot take omme's eyes
( if iter viiemm she Is omm time stage. ' Amid it Is
so ; she Is ( lie central figumre around whmicim
everytimog moves ar.d In w'ilch all interest
is cemmtered.
"However , vamitlng we nmay have been in
ready apjmroclatlon of Miss Heiman iii the I
early dayn of her visit to Englantl , &ime caim-
not fail to believe how how tieeply ammO
varmmmly we adimmire omme witommi we consIder by
far time most perfect exponent-nay , we
shiotmltl aimmmost ray , time emily Slmakesperoan
actresu of time day. It sub still retaina a
feeling of ammger at our simortconmings , she
intmt , with time real rtrength of her generous -
erous nature , rernemmiber that to her great
predeceasor , Mrs. Siddons , In her early
d3ys , ve were equally unaplmreclattve. She
cami well afford to forgive us now , for mme
tnmmst be well assured that there Is no one
to wimomu we give so genuine a imomnage as to
her , and with thm inherit wit and sense of
fun of imer native country , she can affect to
laugh at our.infatuotIOmiWhieXl smeaIrmigz' ua
now in triummimplm at her cimarlot. s'heeis ; anti
the triumph iotiia more coampletein that
it is time tribute of a cold. philemnnatic and
critical people , vimo imavo beemi fairly con-
qUerei anti carried away by imer genIus.
"Apart frQimu time atimmmiratlon sIte Inspires
as an artist , there is another aspect of her
cimaracter , in whIch sime Is infinitely more
attractive. 11cr generosity , cimarity. mucdeaty ,
anti her sinmpllclty are only a few of time qual-
1(1cc luIcim lmave endeared her to mnammy
friends in this couimtry. It would be Irnpo-
mlble to imagiao any one nmore free fromn
affectation of aimy kind or more hiunmble as
to ( Ito etandard site assigns to herself. 11cr
nature , like her gifts , Is great in every
miens ? of time word. 11cr devotIon , naxelfisit-
neSS , loyalty ammti abrolute absence of vanity
are qtmaiIties vhmIcit strike one nmoot in in-
tlmato intercourse wltim imer , for site is ab-
lutely devoid of time weaknesecs of many
public people-such as love of popularity and
ostentation. To be allowed to do her work
( lmiietlY , to carry out the ideaie hma strivee
for , amid to be time friemmti only of timose shmq
lIkes amid respects are , we venture to siy ,
her only anibitlons. -
"To time many public and priVate apprecia-
( ions of her genius that have been- offered
her iii England site lies turned a theaf ear.
fiat what 'she has refumreil to accept at tite
Imaimils of the public sime hiss received in amm
unusual measure from timoso of every rank
amid class tim Eimgiand , who have learnt to
care for Imor more anmi nioro as they know
her better. Of time feelmig ! of time pubilc
it is unmiecessary to say nmore. nut outmide
of and apart front that universal trbute
timm'rc are time affection and regard of time
smmmaiier b-ut ever.widening circle of reaj
friends. to whom she has entleared herself ,
and whose regret at imer leaving Emigiand Is
only exceeded by time real pleasure with
which timey tllWay8 welcome her back again. "
It is a sincere pleasumro to announce in thus
way , over and above the statemnents of thmo
paid advertisements , time rturn to Omnalma of
Clay Clement , whose appearance earlier In
time i'eau'on occasioned cite of tIme commipietest
and most agreeable surprises of the year.
At ( lint ( Into hue cammto to us almost entlrc4y
uimknomvmi , ammO mastIc so mmmany frlemmtls timat it
would seem that his edgagemnent next week
imiust ho as great a success financIally as it
i smmro k be from tIme artktlc Stafltlliolflt.
Goimmg into Chmlcago vitii mmotulmmg ) bmmt tIme
immodestly expressetl pretilctlomma of tIme ad-
vammce agent to recommmimmemmd imhmn , hula fine per-
tormimanco so iimmpreset1 critics aDd public that
umis hutlnce's mtugmneimted nightly ammti moore omi-
gmmgemumonts were offered himmi for imext ceason
( hail lie commid accept , -
Aim occasion seitIommi nrIs 3 wlmen one is
umiovetl to urge lImo imumbilo to g to ceo a cer-
( alit ploy or a partletmiar actor , In time case
or players of established reputation far good
or inferIor work stmcim recommmmiiemmdatlomms am a
superfluous , l'coimle wIll flock to see actors
wbmo conic flaumitiiig time bammner of eastern or
continental success , and are often surprised
when the Ulamnotir of tim&r introductiomi imas
tatieui , to timid that ( lick own sober , hut tonI.
ily working judgnmommts do not cormfinmn time
favorable verdict. A recent experience of
timle klmmti is fresh iii ( hue memory of those vimo
crowded time Creigimton wimemi Loie Fuller
danced , hut when an actor of great natural
emttiowmmmemmts comuos before them out of their
own west , and nOde to those qualities which
weno born iim luimmi a perfection of style wiich
is rarely seen even ( ito work of artirts trained
in time immost imphmroved schools-anti title without -
out time a'tl of Now 'onk or Loiuulon-tlme
people of time u'cst are apt to neglect imini and
so rob thuemmiseives of an exceeding Imicasune ,
Not very mimany , comparatively , saw Mr ,
Clement when lie played lucre last winter ,
Thmat in 'Iew of au tIme circummistances , was
not strange , for nobody know hIm , anti ai.
though time vness was wanni In commmmendaton !
of imts imenonmammces his engageimmemmt was so
simort thai the public-eyes that small part
of it wimichm seemus to believe in the sincerity i
of newspaper dramatic criticism-had little
opportunity to ECU imhimm. Thts return engagement -
gagement is shorter still , being restricted to
two nights and a matinee , Mmothmer dose
of neglect at the hands of Omaha daygoers
will probably not. vonk serIous harms to Mr.
Clement ; but that numerous and usually
somisible body , if it will take the entirely die-
interested advice of The flea , will not willfully - I
fully deimfive Itself of one of the most do-
iiihttuh theatrical experiences which the
pfesen season will afford ,
' .
Time roof.gardenlng industry , like other
agricultural pursuits , would scent to flourish I
imiobt hUSlil ) in warm weatimer. Time yenturo
Iii ths ! direction of i'axton & Burgess , wlmich
mviii have Its beginmiluig before another Sun-
a ) ' . is announced as ossessIng features unknown -
known to former wonlerb In this field. The
hii , eorlclicd b comiuus pkhiCtIa ot that
most potent of fertilizers , the coin of the
realm , ls expected to produce abuntiant crops
of a kind of garden stuff miot too commimon In
tItle region. The matter hf irrIgation will
be carefully icoked , after , even to the turn-
lag Into this new channel a branch of that
foaming stream whmith flowe below ; anti It
is said that wectisantI all thmoe rank growths
which plaguio rootgturdeners here as elsewhere -
where will be rigidly and reieimtlessiy eradi-
Cinnhmig lI-ent , , .
Prof. Xaver Scharweumka's pIano recital to-
muornow' ( M mmtIay ) night at floytl'e will be
Otto of the chief events of tIme seasan In the
ioalvonid of music , mind from preeent Iii-
dicatlons thin attendance 'Ili be gratifyingly
large. lr , Schmarwenka's commmposltlcne for
tue Piano are knowmi to every perfsnmner on
that instrument mimiti to all lovcrs of the best
mimetic. Ills fanme am , a lilammist , If lees wltlely
spread , is equally secure , mtimtl a rich treat
immay be anticipated In his appearaimce lmero
In tlmat capacity. I'artlcs from imiany mmetgim-
borIng towne are expccted to im. present and
limo reception given to the tilstingmmiu'meti art-
1st Monthly afternoon at time Woimmaii's club
is likely to ho a nmost emmjoyablo occasion.
Mr. Schmarwcmmka's prcgramu for time even-
lmmg concert It' as followo :
It Pmmntatse-Op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ) Scherzo-Op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sonata ( Allnussionatn-Op. ) ST. , . . Iteetimovemu
I fl ItiiproimmptmmGiinor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .chumhiert
b Menuictt-li ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C NaehmtctuclcF'injor . . . . . . . . . . .Scimmmmnmtnmm
0 Itotmdn Cmm-rlceoso--Op. 14..7lommtlelm'oimn
a ltlc'ordaflzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.irzt
b Te1 Overture ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a Noveilette-Oji. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .chmurwemmkmu
b l'rairk'blummme-Op , td . . . . . . . . . . .Scharweimka
c SpanIsh Smrenmmtie-Op. 63..Scharwenka
ii Vmtlse Caprice-Op. 31. . . . . . . . . . SiJmmrwemmktL ;
The muammagement of time Creche anmmouimmccs
a bemmoilt perfonimmance tam- that Institution
next Thursday mmlght at time Creigluton thea-
ter. A strong commmpany of local nmuateumrs
under the directiomu of Fraimk Lea Short will
Imnesent an adartatlon of Charles Icad's
"Naulco Oidfleld , " and will untiertake "Time
Belie , " Mr. Short appearing In Sir Ilemmry
Irving'a well knswmm rant of Mathtamm.
Within th0 present century ( lucre lmave
beemi only foumr leOlle Iii the woniti vimo ! mo'i-
tetu'liti timytim'umg 111cc tIme mimagnetirmum of 'oIe
ammO preucrice that we find Iii ltobent 0. ii ,
I gerezdl. They are Edwin hiocmtim 1Iemmr
\\'artl Ileecher , Sarah hlernhmmirdt amid 1Co
aumtlm , time liumngarlamm patriot and orator
ThmcirV5t time wonderfumi gift of swaying
muon amid women by time witcimery of their
wortis amii looks ammO to Coonel Iugersoll time
imower ima becim givemu lit a aIil greater do-
gree. There Is something so warm anti
cympatimetic In time appearance of tlme imand-
conic , Fllvery-Imalred , refined man , who bcammme
upomi his audience as hue takes his place at
time reatilimg desk , There is no moore for-
immallty about his manner of bcglunsmg ida
lecture than if ho vere talklmmg to fniemmds
In lila library at hwmne. lie waik qumletly
upon tlme stage ar,1 begins to talk. There arc
no oratorical flights in time mmmammner of the
spicati-cagie speakers that foreigners often
regtrd a' , the type of Aimmerican lecturers
There is poetry. , imowever , becausa the mmmind of
Colonel Ingereall is attt-ied to a nlmythmnlcai ,
lmmmagimmative obr'mn-vation of oyerythmlng Ic
nattmre , anti ito is poetical because It Is in
born. Coloimci Iimgeroll Is amm lnnovattcim , -
revelation in the world of Ideal' oratory amm
abotract thought , unti his last perforniamice mm
Omaha tlmls ceasan , at Boyd's theater Tues
day night , will undoubtedly attract a grea
autllence. lie will deliver his fanmous rmeu
iectumre , "The Foundationem of FaIth , " for ti
first time here , 1'Icketp riil be omm sale t
tmiorrow ( Monday -morning. )
Maimara'u Colored Mlnrtreis , headed by
colored comedian Billy Young and hula
Brewer , ( lie boy contortIonist , wihi nmake
bid for popular favor at the Crelghton fc
two nights , ommunenciog with a popula
priced mmttinc.t. today. " The tompanyu.thilri
In number , iscomposed of an efficient coni
of. vocalists , . buck ammd wIng dancer , , copie-
diana amid vauileviile artists , and incluides Gordon -
don Collins , Tim Anderson , neb Webster , all
formerly of hiaveriy's Mastodons , w'heim that
Pioneer of colored minstrely was in Itt ?
prime ; time Ponce Do Leon quartet , Leroy
Bland , BaIley Stewart and James Jolinsoim.
Peter F. Dafly , the popular comnedian , will
be the attraction at Boyd's theater on Suit-
day , Monday and miesday , May 10 , 11 and
12. Mr. Daily will , on this occasIon , , preesnt
JoInt J. McNally's latest laughing smiccess ,
"Tue Night Clerk , " which has already re-
coiveti ( lie indorromnent of every large city
1mm whmlch it has hean pra-'entei , Like all
( lie former vehicles of tiitertainmmment in
which Mr. Daily line rucccssfuiily appeared ,
"TIme Night Clerk" is devoiti of plot and
sustained etory , It was constnmmetetl ( or
laughIng purposes amid to enable army auditor
to enjoy two cmiii a half hours of contituoun
hilarity. Ills supporting eomnpany liuciucles'
Jmmnmmie Yeaniens. , John Spark , Gentle Fort ,
Raymond hitchcock , Irreda Depew , JUts
Enmerson , hectIc Dyar , Nellie V. Parker ,
Ida hock , Eva Ilutler , Chance Sturglum ,
Lawrence Sheehan , time Olympian qumartet
amiti hone Strettl. Mm' . Datmy's muanagememmt
has bestowed a lavish equipment cii "Time
Night Cleric. "
Clay Clement , supported by a strong and
veii balanced company of comedians , s Ill
again appear as Baron Iholmenstauffon In "The
Now Dominion , " at the Cnelghmton for two
nighmts , connienclngTuesday ; , May 11. When
Mr. Clement played here last Iecemnber in
the same charming comnedy It was coxmcetled
( hint title iimmper.t'omutIomm of time Ilaromu entltleti
himn to the distlmmctIon of having enrlchmeti the
Anienlcamm stage with a new anti lnterestimmg
character. In imis portraiture Mr. Clomtment
gives his lmoro all time Orcaimmy nature of the
Cermmman student , and every hit of hula deli-
cioums mnaltreatmmment of the IhngIIsim latmguage ,
Ilerehmu lies mmmcii of the chiarimi of time chmarac-
ter , other attributes imelmmg its nianliness , its
tender love for time heroine ammd all the Plc-
ttmresquo feattmres of a foreign nature set
ammulti novel surroumtdtnci. Tlmo play itself Is
almost purely a Commiedy , anti as a cause-
quommco time serIous scenes are not over-
prommminent , butt such as are Introilmiceti In tue
unfolding of the lmretty story It tells are % voll
acecmpliaiuetl , There are two scones worthy
of muiemmtlomi. One is time Gertmman lesson ,
where the baron struiggles between 1mb love
amid luic sudden immability to speak Ihngiish ,
Tue other Is time quarrel scene at time chose of
time second act. A nmatlneo will be given
What Is a pIcture play ? Don't all answer
togethmenl Very few can nnsver correctly ,
because there W only one picture play and It
imas riot yet been uten lucre , The best way to
ascertain the corroettareuver Is to visit Y , M.
C. A. hail next Thunitlay night and witness
one of ( ito most camplete amid enjoyable performances -
formances ever given lucre , Time title of time
flu-ct pIcture play is "Miss Jerry. " and time
story is saId to huamlnterestlng and absorbing
frqm start to finish , Tiuc' story is illustrated
by over 250 stereolmtlcLmn pictures nib-i Is tohil
by time celebrated rder , Miss Carrie Lotmime
flay who speaks thu lines of seven distinct
anti e'eparate characters , changlmmg her voice
to suit each chmamigeof elmaracter. 'limo New
York hieralti says oft'Miss Jerry" : Time idea
has been cleverly worked out. The hihctures ,
of whmicim timono about 250 , follow tIme story
very closely , showing the Incidents of Miss
Jerry's daily life , IA number of New York
scenes and time Interior of Mr. Delmeus's prl-
rate attica lit the Grimed Central depot , with
( ito adimmirabic uterleaof time genIal Cimaumm.cey
( icing Intervlewedby 1'MIss a
whole It Is a cbarmlng and successful effort ,
Mme , hiortenso Rhica , time well ktmown
uctresms , will soon lay an engagement of
hmrce mmigiits at floyd'a theater.
Next Saturday 'night will mark time opening
if a new place of amusement in Omaita ,
vhmleit should prove a success from time start ,
'axtolt & Burgess announce time first perform-
thee in Creigimton Music hail for that. even
rig. It tim theIr intention to build an dab-
trate. roof garden above time ball , whuicit will
) O ready for occupancy early in Juno , Time
: iew r oort iii to be tile hmommmo of huigit-ciass
audevIlie , with time most prominent artists
a their respective lines. Time management
-enlizea time popularity of thIs class of en-
ertainimiemit and will conduct Crelgimon
duslo Iiuifl In the emamo manner as that
vhmlchu lies aszureml ( be success of Koster
thai's In New York. and hte aeoio Tenu.
mb Itoof gaPe.mi Ia Cqeao. The hrothmers
) Iantae , musical clowM , Leroy and Clayton ,
] ertrude Jlaynca , Truly Shattuck and Leola
lltcbeil arc snion those who will appear
the first week , to be follow-cd by others
Cqttally prominent. .
MI nature smIles thursocimeery spring days.
The people are in a merry immooti. Light dl.
'u'ertlon Is time timing. Mornntl'is children s
carnival mind fancy dances at time Creigitton
theater , Saturday , May 9 , wIll provide It in
protilgal abummdatite. The hot weather Is upon
Un. but timat imuukes no difference ; all time
papat' , mnanimns , aunts and cnuislmis will ho
there to witness a itmost bewiideniiig show' ,
which will keep time people vIiutImmg timey
hind six pairs of eyes Ineteati of two , to keep
till wIth ( lie swift introtluictiomma anti rapitl
disappearances. Time pertonimmanco of thmet'e
ciiar.ictenlstlcs anti natioimai tla'tices by cliii.
dron hati an aIr of qmmaiiitfles , a touciu of
nattmral sImplIcity , amid nlmsetmce of pretemitloim
about it timat should commimmiend It to time
Murray antI Mack , iii timoir comedy success ,
"I'litiiigan's Ball , " vIli open a two-mmIgimt
cngageimiemtt at time Creigiutoii with a mimatimmee.
Suntiay , May 0. Time conipany is t'aitl to be
a large anti goomi Dime , amiul line tact with
lrrnounceti Lriccess on Its lrcscmit western
tour ,
h'nxton & Iluirgcst nnmmoumimce time coating one-
muighut Cmmgmigetmiemmt of ( ito emmilnent httissian
pianist amid composer , Leopelil ( hnomlotvsky ,
who hmag createul a furere In time imitislcci
world by his brillIant perfcmrtmmancea.
Time annual tiraitimutle entertainment iiy the
tiitlemmt of Crelgimton college will lie giveii
Mentlay evcmmiuig , May 11 , at time college huall.
This year Siuenitlamu'u , well itimowmi play , "Time
CrItIc , ' ' a satIrical commiemly , Iii two acts ,
will ho pree'emmtetl , This Is a eeier play to
' 'Time RIval , " In which Mr. Sol Simmithi Ruin-
sell imas immtide stuchi a ( leciticti success. No
expense hmas beemu simaretl in time immatter of
e.clmcry aiud costimimmes. Thin public Is as-
miuremi of it rare mmigimt's entertainmmient. Time
proceeds will be for tIme beimefit of thmo
tttitiommtmj' library.
5mm , iumimer Iheit'sImiH 'lmi Cite \'niuiiu
it. it ,
St. Louis Jumume 13-14 amid 15.
St. Loumis July 19-20 antI 21 ,
\\'aelmington , D. C. , July ItI , to 7th ,
Buffalo , N. 1' . , July 5th ammO 6th.
Jtimio 1 summommmer tourist t1ckct vhil be
Imlscetl emi sale , gooti rettmrnimmg until October
31. Now ott i-ale Tlmo Cook & Somme , sjme-
cml tours of Europe For itinerarys antI
tutu Imtfornmatlomm 1mm regard to routes for suimmi-
timer \'acation ( elms , ccii at'abashm oiiice ,
street ( Paxtomm imotel block ) , or
- -
We told you % k'ICiuley wotilti lead-'s'e tn1'i
ynmi tIme-to 2x4 Iiet , lIY ) a i'omuiimuksion-wo told
you ( hat time tloc iu.s , lila oiliee remit Putt ity time
pets-Icc totl you that we wor , time om'lzinutot-s :
iii aLit. Imrices-ummtl ; what we told you Is true-
llmmmiyathi'mttor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iie
Oioimmulslomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l's I mu C'S Celery ( Jmmm pou imtl. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . t7c ;
ltirnoy's Cttanu-im Ciim-o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41c
Ayer's lhmtir Vigor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iiood' Sarsaparhlimb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electric liltter3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
( 'hunt Imeehmuin's Cough tittre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Vluio homufra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7ac
PIerce's Favorite Prcscrlimthomu. . . . . . . . . . . . 0c
Grum field To u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iso
Duffy's Mmult .VImisicey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55c
I'ommd'a Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ctmtieura Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c
Scott's Enmulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOe
Hostetter's Bitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GSc
Warner's Sate Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSc
I 6th muii.i Cluictgo. :
llaydens'S1ioes '
IONDAY $2,25YORh1I , 3.OO.
Mcii's Fine Calf Shoes on
sale Monday at $2.25.
LflIiCS' ( Eine " Rochester
male ( , " \Testing Cloth ' 1'OI )
Lace Shoes , worth $5.00 , only
$3. ' 18 Monday.
Lahes' ( Fine " Rochester
iiiade7ici , 'I'an Kid , Lace
Shoes , worth $5.50 , only 3 98
Monday. All S i z e s and
Wilth ( s.
. . . .
_ _ p
ia--- cq 1t
If you care for artistic fumamlture why not
get time heat ? The finest creatiomms today
in the swell shops Iii New York and Lon-
domi are built In Flommtisb Oak , if for tiinhmmg
room are.
We are time oimly furniture house In tht
city simowing a large line of Fiemmiishi Oak
diIng : roomn cabinet vork at low prices.
Our prices for it are not amore than sixty
per cent of ( hue prices cimargeti fit New York.
'rite dark greenisim black groummd nmakes a
rr.mperb relief for metal trimnmIngr. Time
ornamentation Is greatly aselateti by a large
range of reproductions of olti hinges , locks
and fittings in wrought Iron , copper antI
Flemish Oak Ftmrnltumro Is just what Is
needed in roommis which have becim painted
in time late English art stains , or uphuol-
stered in "Morris" or "Liberty" fabrics.
12111 and Thuglas , Millard Hotel BIN.
Table Linen Sale
All our 'l'ahie Liien timid 'I'ovcls s'ih1 be sold
Monday aiidTuesday
At it reduietiomi ol ' 71) ) to 4 ( )
cents oii thu dollar , . .
Bath Towels- -
. . . . - - V ' IncItes long , 2 Iou' 25c ; 32 Incbios long1 7c ,
' - 1 - - ; _ - Haiictkercliief Sale -
, , - - - . - - : - . Emnbi'oidot'cu.l IIumidkoi'ciiic : ( , 23o , wou'tlm 50c ;
, . - - ' for 15e. us'ortlm 25e.
, ,
. - - ; : , _ I Liuhlc& : nice quality ptii'c linen hietmtatltcbcd
- IIuLntllfcrcimbcfs , 7c.
Lace tt'iinutod iJittidiioi'c1ibef , e. worth le ,
; : b. ' ; ? Litco t.m'Immned ! Iiuidkni'clutcf.m 12c' wmi'thi 2.'c ,
Coiit' all linmiui hlnudlcot'cliiolii , 2 fat' .5e.
_ thI ( till' hue 1z'onciu hiatiti ciiuhu'olclum'etI Ifuund-
cliIeu ( vII1 be sold ft'nimi 25 to .10 imom' ccitt
' ' ' * , iumuiidIcctc'mofs ( '
Off i'egmtiiii' in'Iec : 2,2-i cii'
I,7rsioo ) : hiitmmt1Icci'clilcf lot' $2.Oi.10 )
hmmimiti Icorciubefa tom' $ , OO-i47,7 hmutnd iccm'cliic 18
- (01' 5,50$1OO0 iimimmdket'chIuf ( oi'$7.hO-l5.OO
luiindlcoi'ciubofa lot' $9 50-$25OO lutndkw'chtio (
. . lot' $15.00 ,
t. .A imttntlaoino hue of Fans ( em gu'aduuitliig , sizes
; fi'oitu t iimcltos llJ ) ,
I- Mrs. J. Benson
Nature under-
4c IN IJE .
a change.--
4 gods
TIME Vc are emerging
4 of winter , into the luxuriitnce of Spring ; buds , fiowcrs ,
4c and foliage , with their freshness and beauty , viI1 again ,
brighten the world with their presence. In the home ,
4 too , there will be changei ; each nook and corner wit
4c be reno-'ated. each room vill be fitted , changed , or
4c beautified. We've anticipated these changes and
4 have a large assortment of pictures and casls , brie-a-
brac and ornaments.
4 Fancy Bud Vases , ( Oc Instead of 25c
4c White Easegs , 49c , that were 99c
4i Pastel Imitations , framed , 2Ic I'
4 From kitchen to parlor you'll find something to interest - '
: est you in our splendid assortment and at rg/I prices ,
4T1ie . 1319
4c O-Ceiit Fariiam
4c Store. i - . - - k - Street.
The Createst .
. . . , 0 F . . . .
S'lll ho cold itt ieqq ( hiatt tvhuolo.
sato luni'es.
Hur.dreds to Select From.
Ltrgest : i1iliIiici'y
Stock hi time ' % 'cst.
1512 Douglas Street.
.ttit'SlhtlRX'l'S ,
mri nnprnTTrnnT Till. . hUt ,
I 1111 I.jIlll lUll I U 1 I
2i30 8u15 $ mi5
i'ttmilumtmmi's tmu in immot It Colorcd
_ _ _ _ _ _ l'rlces 2lc : tlt' . Oc _ _ _ _
lmicsutny , fl V 1 I Mmutlmico.
Wcdmmc'ttlay , filM I uJtJ I s'cdmicaIimay'
1mm tIm' ' . ' ( 'ttuui- i IH 1
etly tmCCt's' Ill V IC
l'ric"u ' 'a' iac il $ lOt )
tlat Imice l'riCca , : 'a ttmmi 'I )
1 i ny 1 01 1 Fimiumegiutu a Ittli.
ONE NttihIT THcrui ! % ? I1RU l )
ITmutler tim etmuumuugeuumt-mu : : t of AlTO. O.t LV niuti 5mm mm-
lOrt.i tJ.I . I us 1uut emma couusmlmtmuy mt IC vrmmt it IN m
mit Siiakt'stemumcmm .lemrieat toiuu&-tIy ,
"Taming the Shrew , "
Sal e opemus Timtmm'tlty : ! Imm y 7 , ii . mum.
l'rice at ) , Tao 51.0(1 ( , il.r ( ) , $2.00
Cu'eightoi Theater
Friday , May 9th , 8:15 : p. rn.
'I'icltcts 50. . ( ui smile ' 1'tiedcy dt
iox ( ) ( tiCC.
Time worid.remloWfltYd h'inmuuct , Commmpomier and Con-
iluctor ,
XA\TER \ SUE.-\R\VIIA \ \ (
lOis otti ) ' appeltllIrIce iii u liecital Of Ronman-
tic I'ian.iforte alumFic.
Scilts 11m0 now cmi sale , at umsual prices. flo *
ollico opemu nil (1110' iiut5Ia ) .
IW the renowmted Oruutor , Logician anti Agnostic ,
" , ithio F'OFNIA'i'iONS OF' PA l'I'Jl. "
Sale of emtS wifl eiefl at 0 o'clock Momu4a
nm..immtng , May 4. Firit door , $1.00 ; balcony , tots
uind 5c.
'l'n 1 : 0 g I you 'rim tum-sti sy 0 VCI1 lug ,
Mmty Tilt lit
The Creiglitoti , T1ieatr
Nance Oldfield AND
The Bells
Under ( ito tllrectloim of
Frank Lee Short.
h'rices fI.flO , Te mmmiii 50c.
Tieicetc muow no sale mit hiuuriimmgtoim CIt
Ticke t 0 111cc , N.Y. . Utir. I 5t ii muutl Fit i mu :1 : imi.
Moxander BIacX's ' ovcl Picture Play.
--i-i n : : : Y. M. C. A.
M ' I ) ) Y .Ui)1'i'ORiUM.
- - - - - - -
Attmiilqhomi , wittu reiturvoti umotut , , O comits ,
The Oiily Treasures
, ,
which ' utcd ' than
mind mu'o mnou'u any
other tm'eaaut'c whim out oai'tli.
Have them
"A atitclu in tulle saves attic. ' ' Conult L ri'-
liable dcmutiu't anti iuo ) our It-dim , if moo far
mono it ) SflC , brim-c ) ( , UI Iieltlu by luavlmti
itrtttlciol ( tiles. 'hint u Iii beeomtme your macst
vatimattie trc-5t1'- l'liut is % vii.'fIi without
ifimrI1 ? % 'ito lu-atttu u-cry long
without goad 'rim'rii : 7
Dr. if. W. BAILEY , Dentist.
All classes of work pertaining to tlemitIstr
performed In a akiiiui moutl lauudess , manner. ,
Third floor , I'axton block , Tel , 1085 ,
h3Ixteeimtim ammO Vmui-nam streets.
Lady attendant , Exammuinutloit of teeth
$5.00 I
And we guarantee all our cc ork tc'
ha the very best , Tooth extracted
tot 25 cents.
gtImFloorflrownlhiock ,