Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1896, Part I, Page 7, Image 8

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. TIlE OMAHA DArrV imu SUNDAY.I tr 8. isn ; .
' Ironty W. Yato Disonascs OtirTent
lems Before the Life Undorwritor8 ,
Grii t st I'.rI nil of ' . . I I lie
Cfluhi t r' Imp , II tii , ' ii Jiil l.ueil t I.e
) . , , lzst lint ut Mu , er-.tgl-
Its flu ii tj UNel ( leN Cutiftil ence.
The Nebrnka LIfe Utulorwrtters' asocla-
ttrni held Ite regular monthly meeting at the
ContnDrclal ! club hut evening. The rneinhcr
r nniI the gtieit at uc cvenlng 1r. iionry w.
Yae ! . & 'at ' ( lOWfl to a FII1)Ct ) at 6:30 : p. lU.
After the clgari , Mr. Yatca ad1reed the
Darty on the inoiiy questlen as niphlCd to
( the hite Inauranco bulllcs , and the general
t effect of Irco Fhlver Ofl the life lliUrflnCC
and general buhne.
Iii ojnlng , Mr. Yates 'ah1 that WhCU lIre
1nuratice cornlanIc9 collect premIUtiu on
risils they ilo iw with the exectathon of laY
lng thin POHCY. but tin lint OXIeCt tO pay It
with depreclateti currency , connequently , they
do not want their prenIutn paid In auch
currency. Speiking of the demonetization of
IIver in this country , the speaker saId there
wa no iflltaneo recorded In hiMtory where
the 1elnonetlzatlon of ehlvor had over hurt
any country.
Iteterrtng to the prospect at a bountiful
CTLI ) In th19 ectiOfl , Mr. Vatea expree3eJ
the conviction that good crops would not
count for niuchi until tim agitation about
free Miser is stopped. The lCOlIe would
havn no confidence until this question had
t ) en ttlOd anil Uflthh then Ilioney would
continue to be hoarded. TIle country rnuet
conic to the general money standard of the
world before it could do busIness with the
The greatest prosperIty the country had
over seen , ho continued , had been during
-4--- the year8 following the vo-calhod ° crlmo of
73. hi 1872 the total of exportE3 alit ! 11U
ports wan 1.O7OOOOUOO. In 1892 there totalg
had reached the flure of $ l,57OOOOOO ,
or nearly double in twenty ymr.
In the years from 1876 to 1892 ,
with two trifling excoItIon4 , ho ald ,
the oxlrnrts had exceeded the lllllOrts l,923-
000,000 , or over hOOOO0OOO per annum , and
' aggrcgate1 a aun ; equal to olie-haif of the
' gold circulating an Intinoy in the entire
world. The assesard valuation ef property In
tiit , United Statei during tiio poried froni
18Il to 1890 hiatt increased $8,000,000,000. a
SUIII equal to all tile gold flfll ( diver inoticy
lU I ho world , all or which wont to show , he
.iald , that the period mentioned had wit-
fle3seJ the groateat ProsPerity the country
iiad ever seen.
t Idr. Yate. read extracts from messagna
uent to congress by I'redent ! Grant , show-
Ing hiat lie thought on the inenoy
p tloii. A ine&ango dated December 7 , 187.1.
Contained thio following : "The debt ccii-
tracted in good faith by borrower and lender
idiouhil be Imiti Iii coin-auih nccordiiig to the
bond agreed upon when the debt vas con-
tracted-in gold or Its equivalent. flut , in
my judgment , the first stop toward accoinB
phishiiig tliI object is to secure a currency
of fixeil. stable value-a currency good
wherever civilization reigns. l'rovisinn
hiould irn made by which the secretary of
the treasury can obtain gold as It may be-
necessary from time to time frozii the
h' \ \ date wheii , epec'o ' reuiuption commences. "
Another message , ilated December 7 , 1876 ,
contaiiied the following : "Nothing seems
to file more certain th h that a full , healthy
niul Permanent reaction cannot take place
iii favor of the Industries and Ilnancal wolw
fare of the country until we return to a
measure of value recognized throughout the
elvillzod world. "
Mr , Yates continiieL his talk along the
lines covered by j'resden Grant and at the
conclusion of his reniarice a general ills-
t ouitIon vn indulged in by all present ,
many questions being propounded to .Mr.
Yetes and the main points in his address
being gone over again , bringing them out
flora clearly.
At the conclusion of thus part of the pro-
rniii , the party adjourned to the parlors ,
where the regular busness meeting of the
ssociatlon was h&l , with t'resdent John
Stool In the chair. Those present at the
- . - . , - - - - - . gathering , nil members ci the association ,
were : . .lolin Steel , 11. It. Gould , C. Z. Could ,
w. A. Carter , II , D. Neely , A. L. Wigton ,
0. F , Funke. A. It. Fdniiston , J. M , Ed-
iniston. It. A. Dowl , Simon Ooetz , V. D.
Reynolds , \Vllhlaia 11. Brown , Ii. S. Ford ,
r j. Egan and It. C. hoover.
f . W'OliN'S C1Ull IiSCEISS IiltDVN1NG ,
, MiI.tYiit ; : ; ; ; 1iieresthiig
After valtliig over an hour yesterlay ( after-
1oon for the twenty-lIve niembera iisceseary
to iiiake a quorum of the Woman's club tile
Laithfui were sufliclenthy reinforced and the
( dub procreiled to accept its rearrangedcou5ti-
tution with commendable alacrity. The svork
Ivas completed iii a hoif hour. and inembera
of tii club express themselves as satisfied
With tue work of tile coninUttee and the liii-
Provinent they have made.
' 'flrowiilng as a h'roiihet" was the siibect
of a very able and hiolarly paper , read be-
fore thu Ilrowiiiiig liepartuient and ito friends
1t the Woman's club rooms yesterday after-
Mr. LIwyti said in brief that Browning was h
a ircpiiet , iii that he was able to bleiiti thi
hiighicst tdeais with the everyday 1iv of t
iiirn-wliat is , with what ought to be , aiicl ii ,
9 to b. Tue flrt qiicstloii to be iiropooiided
of a lirophiet 1.3. "What is his message ? " Th
second. "iii whit manlier dose li convey his h
message ? " and lastly , " \Vhat is the program
( if hits practIcal actions ? "
h'.r the flrt flrowiiiiig taught a magnificent
optImism , Tue world t'i the jest world iio5si- e
, ble at hraent , aild. growiii3 better. Maii , n
although so dull beelde lila Creator's eplendor ,
18 Ills iiiiage and Ills witnes , . flrowning gave
, iiis messag by iiiosii of rugged , terse , eseen-
.tiiihly 1lrliilatic. lie belIeved in the
onward movement of the world by means of s
great iesilers-bieroes. P
' ThiC hirowning departnient gave Mr. Liwyd
a iinirty vote of th&axilca & for lila kindly effort
dii their behalf.
SI1IICS All ) Foil , tN ( ) il'h.t'S lIO3Il. c
2I liii I' I'I1 eli ( ( e t i' is huh Iii- oIci
h Coiirs of Ciinst rueIo , , . in
Mr.i , it. A. Foleoiu of Liiicoiii Ia in the city sc
' , nh her seventh annual tour In the Interest of cr
r the 'I'uhiltha Orphan's hloiflO of that city. Mrs. ci
l Foisiuli , who Is siflgul3riy successful in her fa
work , reporfa the iioiiie lu a flourishing condl.
tioii. There are iio' eighty-five children'S
eared for , only five ilesthis having occurred in 'S
Geven yars. An effort iii being lilade to h
eoniplto tIi Luildhrig this suinineir , as ten th
children ar waiting to coiiie in , A number hie
of Oiiiiiiiii chiltiren are ininatc.s. anti it Is cx- st
3I'Ct5It thu PeoPle viI1 1w lIberal in their bi s'
donations. Mrs. Folsoin is oiidorst'd iby the ro
ieaiilni ; clergy. busines3 iuuen and other re w
epotisible Peoiule of bincoln , 01
( hohIe'tcI Liberesi I'iiy. a
' . 11 B. I.oinbard uiiitii recently hiau been a vi se
traveling salesman for Cole & Chapman , ih
' COiiiinissiOil merchants near the corner of
TweiftIl niiil IluvnriI streets. Lombard is
saII to b soineuviiat of a high roller about
Uic tliue ; tile thoilt vuhks t'ulch mouth and ba
SilUilila mousy freely. To obviata delny the Y
Jiriui tiectileil to s'ihhlhiohtI ii small amount
iiiie liiiui yesterlia ) ' ulillil they land seen hini A St
rly aboard thu cars in hits outward trip.
! rhi it ; plai did hot sii I t 1o Inbard and 1n I lie Itu
afternoon liii hired an cxpresg wagon iiuid ni
. 'Wh1ie the menibers of the estabUbilinent th
were absent loaded 7& Worth of eggs , but- of
'tar ' and produce tub it. These. it wa'i te
.afterwarU learned , he lhitfllOse(1 of to 'arIoui no
grocer'Inen nrouiid ( fig city at a lirice ge
.dhghutly ( below inai'kt't Value , Be then ha
, took u train for tue east , hJi former eni- Thi
piLyerll iiav issued a warrant for his or. lth
'tInrrijiie i.ii'iiies ,
h'criuht to wed have been 1suel3 to the bo
oiowhuig luarties by the county Judge ; thets
Name and A'tdress , Age th
Jakal Johnson , Omrihr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CV
Mrs. lar3' Autis , ( Jir.aha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an
r-1 3oliiu j1e1lovI , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hi
, .gnes L.ausliinanu , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no IL
Charles hterckt. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l.l l'auiin. Iouin , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
? Cilolies lloimqutst. Routh Olniuhia , , . , . '
Ida Johnson. bouth Omaim . , , , , . , , . . . , . . , . Fv
i tfl8Ut/rS ON ThIl ltt'SING TIIACICS.
I , nst flny of flu , Sirhttg Mcet1111 nt
hleiiitlig.i ft 3 , , si'ly one.
VASihlNCI'rON , May 2.-The spring meet-
tag of the Wnihington Jockey club ndeci
t oday. The Washington handicap of $ l , )
a nd the Sherilan steeplechase of $1,000 at
ar t hree iniies uere the features , end both
r esulted in .grnnil contost9. The former
% 'ai won Itoundmrnaii , the favorite , who
h , at Tltige 8 head In a hot llfliRh. with Sir
1t ) ixoti , jr. , close un. Only four started in
t he steeplechase , fut it was 110th ) ' COn-
t ete,1 all the % nY. Lafayette , tile seconil
tc hoice. iumountuucti cointnnnl hioil a mile from
t he fInish and won In a drive from the i'eer ,
t ii CVPn money favorite. The weather was
C 011iY ( , hilt tile traclc reinailied fast In
s pite of 8. light rain last night. Itesulitu4 :
First tore live furlongs , hiure haJ Liz-
Z it' Ii II (7 io 10) 's eli hticycle Girl (1 ( to f )
erinel.'aiiiiarlng S1iiIe (15 to 1) ) third.
T imP : 1:01. :
Second race. purse $100 , 6.3'enr-olls ( and
II I , , SiX furlongs : tiettour (8 ( to 6) ) sven , I'rig
( evoli ) second , ilonwell (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time ;
I :16 : 3-6.
Third rare , % ashington handicap , Inirso
$1 .20' ' ) , 3-year-oils aiiil up , mtie flint a six.
t eenthi : itouin'lsinnhi ' (8 to 6) % Vl1 , 'I'ingm' ( ii
t o I ) ei'otui1 , ir 1)ixoli , Jr. , (11 ( to 5) ) thIrd.
T ime : 1:0 : 3-6.
Fourth tRC ( , luCe $300 , 2-year-oils and up ,
se lling six furlongs : 1iitrmissioui (1 to 6) )
w on , ilk ( S to 1) ) secoiid , Lou (8 ( to 1) ) third.
T ime : 1:16 : 1.5.
Fl fth race , 4hieri4an teepIechase. liandi-
c ap. Purse $1.00' ' ) . 4.yenr-ohih and lip , three
un ties : Lafayette 8 to 5) ) won , Tue I'cer
frT ven ) second , ' ' . ooiltord (1 ( to 1) ) thIrd.
T ime : 6:11. :
Shlli'F'IFt1) . Xml. , May 2.-First race ,
fihl ve ( ui-longs : Woodlake (3' ( ' . in 1) ) s'on , Jim
hl ea (6 ( to 5) ) second , George Ii. Swift third.
T Inie ? I :01. :
.Secotld race , seven furiongs : Constant
(3 ( lI to 1) ) woti , Pat Miihloy , Jr. , (13 ( to 6) ) seeth
c ml , Itoyni I'rince third. Time : 1:32's. :
Third race , one-half tulle : 11db of Nih's
(5 ( to ) won , Thomas Paine (6 to 6) ) second ,
l' rO'ident third. Time : 0:51 : % .
Fourth race , five furlongs : 1)ominico (3 ( to
I ) won , Ieiiver (4 ( to 1) ) ccond , ilUck
K ntmht third. Time : 1:03't. : '
Fifth race. one inih' : Llfiian E (15 to 1) )
w on , Still Itoss ( it to 5) ) second , fled Sklii
th ird. Time : l:4l. :
Sixth race , live filrlouigs Anna Mayei (9 (
to 5) ) won , Nellie Smith (12 to 1) ) second ,
hi rltiget third. 'J'iino : 1:02. :
Seveuitti rare , seven furirngs Dick liehan
( e ven ) won , Evnnatu (7 ( to 1) ) second , John
hh ichcev (6 to 1) ) third , Time : 1:2Ot4 :
IAINGTON , May 2.-The track today
w its rather heavy from last night's miii.
'r ho feature of the uthy rnu the Itreeders'
F uturity for 2-year-ohio , its grosi value
w as $5h0. Ornament , this 10 to 7 favor-
It o , Won enshiy hiy three lengths. 'I'hero
w as a. struggle for the liLiCe huetweon
G osheli nnl ? IeltLloWthlOi'lO , the former
fl miaiiy winning. The unit went to a second
ch oice , the second to ( lie favoritp , the
f ourth to a second choice and ( lie fifth
to a favorite. flo'iults :
First race , tliree-qtiutrters of a mile I
S trathimeei ( :1 : to 1) ) Annie M (1.2 ( to 1) )
'i ( coiui , Auutia Lyle (10 to 1) ) third. Time1 ;
l : 1C,16. ,
Stiofltl race , one mile Ace (6 ( ( a 6) ) won ,
M oyian ( I .to 5) ) second , Sunburst (8 ( to 1) )
t hird , Time : 1:13. :
Third rave , hlreedems Futurity , for 2-year-
ch ile , lIvo-cighitius of a mfle : Ornament (7 ( to I
10 ) Qfl Gohleim (20 ( to 1) ) uieconrl. Meadow-
th iorpo t 1) ) third. Tinip : 1:02a4. :
Fourth race , four and a half furloiigs : Lady
fl o'er (24j ( to 1) ) won , Mnrgnret 110th (11) ( t4
1) ) secoiid , Cappy (4 ( to 1) third. Tune 0:57' : ,
Fifth 'ace , live ftirongs : 'J'rcopia ( :1 : to 10)
w on , Cherry Leaf (30 ( to 11 second , Fugarot I
(2 ( 5 to fl third , Time : I :0lt. :
NASIVIhLE. May 2.-'rle veathp r was I
cl ear , but the track was very heavy. Three
fa vorites won iteruits :
Flrt race , three-quarters of a mile , se'lI I
ho g : O'd Dominion (5 ( to 1) ) won , Tarrior II
se cond , Audrax third. Time : 1:19'i1 : ,
Second race. one-half nilie A'.ent ( S to i
6) won , Cheatlunin second , Abe Furat third 1
T ime : 0:52. :
Third race , seven-eihtiis of a mt'e Gerst I
B rewing company handicap , $1Old : Lnly
t rez (3 to 1) ) von , Nick second , Tartarian I
th ird , Time : 1:33. :
Fourth race. one mile , Eeihlnmc : l3inebtnger
(3 ( to 2) ) won , Leonard 11 second , Joe Thayer I
t hird. Time : 1:49. :
Fifth race , thmree-qtmarters of a mile , sell-
In g : Lormalna (7 to 10) ) won , l3etroiene I
s econd , Fresco thuiril. Time : 1:20. :
StN VftANCISCO , May 2.-1teults at I
1i geuide : First race , one-bait mile : Love- I
le igh avon , Jerildirlo second , Shasta Waterl
th ird. Time : 0 : i9 % .
Sccnd race , seven furlongs : All Over I
w on. Chartreuse second , Olive third. Time : I
1 : 29lz.
Third rake , mile and an eighth : Don I
C' easar won , Yangetiene second , Articus I
ti : Ird. Time : P57.
Fourth race , distance and time not given : I
M ontavo won , Slhverncio second , Colonel I
\ Velciitman third.
Fifth race , three qumarter of a mi'e Corn-
m ission won , Abi 1' second , Warrago third. I
T fme : 1:17. :
Sixth race , thirea.qtiarters of a mile : Gods.
w in II won , Fncino second , llearVs Ease
th ird. Time : 1:16. :
N I1 % ltllCOhilS FOIL 'IllE COAST.
I' ole 1mi lilt iiilil Shot Put t1zirl Set Iii
IIi'ttei' NItt'iitN ,
tAN FRANCISCO , May 2.-The Pnclfic '
C east Athletic association held Its field and
tr ack games at Central park today before
6 , 04)0 people. The proceeds of the game
v ilt be used to pay the expenses of the
te am which the State university 'wilt send
ey ast to compete with the athletes of liarP
y ard , Yale. Princeton and other colleges.
T he weather was Perfect , but the time for
ld l ie track events , c cepting the 1& ) yard
d ; ushies , was slow. nwinmm to the new ( rack ,
wc hich svmis very soft , The most stubbornly
wo ontesled event was time pole vault. Dale
o f Stanford 811(1 Lloyd of Californium tied at
10 feet 7i.i inches and 10 feet 9 inches.
wD hen Lloyd injured lila knee amiti withdrew. li
D ole topped the lair at 10 feet 10 inches ,
w hich l a new coast record. A. Cheek of O
t he Oakland 111gb school put tim Sixteen
p ound shot 41 feet 8V inches , a nosy coast lI
r eeord , Edgremi was second with .10 feet 11 r
ln clieH. Captain Morwin of California uni- N
vT ersity won ( tie mile walk with ease. H
T homas Carroll , profes..ional hammer
t hrower , gave an exhibition. lie threw a
f ourteen pound hammer 171 feet 9 Inches , se
w iiichl Is said to be time world's record.
E dgren of University of California threw H
ti le i4iXteeil POUnd 'hammer 136 feet 11
in ches.
Stanford unIversIty nthilete'won the pole a
v ault. running broad Jump and 200-yard us'
The University of California track nthltic
eam will heave on May 9 on its eastern
our. The teani will first go to lJnion vol- Ci
le go. where gnnios will be played on May
16 , The Californians will next go to Cain. Cl
h ii'lge , where they vlii compete with thin C
arvard athletes on May 23. The team will Y
lso take part iii thm intercollegIate and on
P ennsylvania events on May ; io and Jimmie 3 by
re spectively. Tile western Intercollegiate B
velits to be held at Chicago June 6 viii be to
th e most iniportant In whiichl the Cahlfor- Cl
ituns vIhl participate , from thin frict that U
ti iey ahreiily lucId theciianipiomishtip _ ,
Poigli ( I ii ii. Corn Cml J ,
WAHOO , Neb , , May 2.-SpciI-Tlio ( ) hi
parrIng contest between the "I3iack imhi In
earl" of this place and Lou Carder of (
L incoln Came off yesterday afternoon , It ni
as not a howling sticcess , so far as gate st
re ceipts were coucermim'ul ' but ( ho two macn ph
rn aiingtni to get togeth'er in a corn crib af
fter looking about for seine time for a Da
onvenient 1)15cc In w'hlchi to thtimnp each At
lIer , Five rounds were fought , at the Br
iui of which ( lie advantage was decided W
favor of thin "illack Pcar , " lie having
'oredt several knock.cwns. ! , The train rc.
illeel iii ahiout thit time , and as ( lie 3 ;
owd wanted to get home the rtferee tieJo
tleil the light in ( lie 3'fllaclc I'eari'a" ba
vor ,
'l'viiliier Slitie U Siihilt' hess. wr
LOl'ISVILLE , May 2.-Louis Drake , 1. 3 ,
tiite trainer foh Ifankins Johnson , whose lCe
orses are now quartered at the race track ,
is afternoon Lit 2:30 : o'clock shot and
rhalus fatally wounded Albert
Neal , colored
able hioss in the employ o "Lucky" hallft ft
Iii. '
iitldvlii's :
strIng arrived this morn-
g from Calforiila , Neal Vanted a feed
om Whiiehb 1)rake hind possession of , but
hich lie was not using. 'l'he men quarreled
1(1 they drew revolvers , Urmilce Ilrinmf two
io ( . One of ( lie bullets tools effort Just
bove thin heart , Drahco .surmendered. him.
lf to Marshal .Fretlericlc of South , Louis-
lie. Neal vns taken to the Cii ) ' hOspital ,
i case Is considered hopeies ,
Vrt'i'tlilliIyl flt'ill'ig the II iisie Sorr ,
NEW YOiU , May 2.-/tmos Itusie , ( lie
se ball Pitcher. Ia miot to rejoIn the Nor'
ork club. That , at all events , i limo
atement given ou ( todDby l'resident
ndrew Freedman , Time nllegatio ( lint
isie Is on hiI way east , having comhiro.
ised his differences with the manap'r of i
e club anti hiiteitding to take his cia team
1890 , was called to Mr. t5reelnman's at.
ntioii and lie said : 'Thiore is absolutely
truth in thin story that I am trying to fr
t hush' , I don t know where fltisle Is. I
ve tie , hieartl ( rein him and I have not
iit for him , 1 hove not conihiromised vlth
iii amid I don't Jnteiid to , " I .
Comililet 'l'htiiiorsuing , ! '
Hayden lJro'is. auitI Leand's Colts nra
eked to meet on the grounds t ( lie hit-
r this mormiing at 9:30 : sharp , Since
e recent aneetlnf at the above teams. thit'
ItB have been Practicing himird miii wIll
iieayor to regain their lost laurels. lint.
nes : hayden Broit.1 Tliiepsomi and O'Ctm.
r : Loylaiit' C9lt. Lnuiichibavh alud IE .
asIer. Uniiire , 1'ngorty.
( ) rIgiiiui iisu Siildivra. ff Ij
J'iil afternoon at 3:30 : on thin grounds at
rt Oninhia tue Originala and Fort Omaba
ems will play their first game of the sea-
U niveraity 0mb Team Defeats the Un- !
. vcr3ity of Nobratk.
f .ntiw 1.1st tif llrrors Coiiliiif Singe-
hiirly , sI Ill ( Iii' Shini'i , .ciye
I.'orl iii tile Vim'rs
Ir.iii lIiieil a ,
1flivers-ltv , 9. Umilverslty of Nebraska , 6.
New York , i ? ; i'iiilmleiphila , 10.
l'ittsinirg 11 ; LouIsville , U.
( .le'eiarid , 2 ; CincInnatI , 1.
\Vmulitimgton . , 4. Brooklyn , 1.
ItOStOmI , 10. thaftllnore , 9 ; ton lniiings.
( .hicngo , 1. , ; St. Louis 8.
1)elmoit II hiidiOiinhmolis , 5.
Grand tnpiila , 6 ; Coluinhmuis , 5 ; ten innings.
1\hilwauikep , 9 ; St. i'aui , 4.
Zdlflhie8lOiifl , 13 ; iCniias Cits' , 6.
flurllnglomi 15 ; Ceilar Itaplds , 12.
IMIbuijimi' , 2 ; St. Joseph , 9.
1)05 Mollies , 6 ; l'eoria , 3.
itocitford , 16 ; Qulncy , 25.
Tue Univercity ladsdkl the usual thing
y esterday afternoon by defeating the ited
B irths front the State university. It was tue
Ol ienlng game of the season , so to speak , be't
ca use it as the first one hilchi has yet bean
pl ayed with an outaido tesin. Iii comisoquence
th ere % s'as a nice little crowd in the grand
st and and a still bigger one on the bleachier3 ,
th e latter being coniposed largely of rooters
fo r the visitors , who , it might be memitiomioil
In cidentally , dlii not have mucit to root for.
Thio trouble was that this State University
bo ys could not find Jeilen , who pitched for
( li e home boys. lie was Iouiid for emily five
hil ts and three of tlies were gobbled by Italmi
of thii' visiting teamii. Johnny ilil mighty
w ell , getting a three and a two-bagger and
a nice little single. The rest apparently
co uld not handle ( lie stick and fourteen of
th em fell victims to Jehien's curvni.
Aittioumiii little Thorpe did fairly rehl him-
se lf , striking out eight men , thu game wan
ro sily vomi by ( lie euperior battiiig of the
hio mno team. Its fielding was at ( hues very
ye llow and was inferior to that of ( lie visit-
or s on the whole. One incident of the hat-
ts r's liveliness should . be inomfli.-
r - -
---J ;
N ew York htrciiksIts Loii List hiy
'l'iilcliij : One from Ohio Quiiulrs.
P1lILADE1PHIA. May 2.-The New York
G iants broke their long list of defeats toy - I
da y by a vIctory over the home team. It
'w as a game marked by hartl hitting aiicl
w retched iItching. Carsey , who had ilpt
nl tched a full game this season. was put
lii to do the twirling for time Phililes , but
af ter tha game had been : ost. he was taken
ou t qf ( lie box and Taylor substituted. At-
to rfiance , ' 8,660. Score
P hIladelphia . . . . . . . .5 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0-10
N ewYork . . . . . . . . . .010060422-45
JIlts : Philadelphia. 15 ; New York , 17. ErD
ro rs : Phhiadelphla , 2 ; New York , 2. Earned
rU flS .Phit'.alelphla , 4 ; New York. 7. TWo
ba se ii1t : Grady , 2 ; Carsey , I-f. Davis , S
Ti ernan Farrel , Vanhaitren. 'lhree base
hil ts : II. Davis. Stafford. Home runs : VanC
ha ltran. Stolen bases : Ilalman. Struck out : I
y Carsey , 1. Double plays : Fuller to
Gl eason to H. Davis. First base on halls :
ff Dohcmiy. 6 off Carsey. 7 ; off Taylor. 1.
lt by pitched ball : l-Iaimnan , Batteries : n
hlladelphila. Carsoy , Tayor and Grady ;
ew York , D.'hieny and Farreh. Umpire.
CLEVEI4AND1 0. , May 2.-Thin base bali it
ason wa opened here today after
tw o unsuccessful atteiflhlts en Thursday.
ut 5,000 people took the chiiinces. The B
ga me was a ptcher's ! batte , the home team C
wi nning by luck Time players were given
warm receptIon , and the local favorites E
' nre remembered by their Triendi with t
fts of flowers. Score : C
eveland . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 il
ncInnati . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-i
JIlts : Cleveland 4 ; Cincinnati , 5. Errors : S
eveland , 3 ; CIncinnati , 1. Earned runs : D
evelanil. 1. 'rwo base hits : flhirhett ,
oung. Stolen bases : Miier. 2. First bsse S
bulls : OfT Young , 2 : off Ithines , 3. lilt mu
pitched bail : By flhlnes. Struck out : S
y Young , 3. Wild Pitches : Young. 1. flat-
ries : Cleveland , Young and Zimmor ;
nclnriatl , hthlnes and \'nughuii. Time ; 1:40. : D
mpire. Sheridan. l'
1 3JtOOK1YN , May 2.-McCauiey's timely D
t for four bases , conililned with Solbachi's g
onomnenal runnIng catch In the ninth S
ning , won today's game for \ Vathiimgfl
oh s. Tue Brookiynis hind tImings pretty fl
uhi their own way during the earlier Q
age)3 ) of the contest. Mercer imitchoil a
enomenal game. Kennedy was hit hard Il
ter the fourth imitilng. Catchier Con O
iley has been released by the Jiroolcymis. 1)
tendance , 6,000. Sere :
ooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 2 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0-i
ashington . . . . . . . . . .000002110-I D
l Ute : Brooklyn. 6 : " , Vashilngton , 10. Er1)
rs : flroohciyn , 2. Earned runs : Brooklyn , l'
Waf4iulngtofl , 4. line hilts : laiiey , hl
yce. home runs : McCauley. Hto'en S
ses : Joyce , Sobachi , (2) ( ) ; itogers , Aiibey , C
uble plays : Abbey to Rogers to CartQ
ight. First base on balls : 0 : ICennedy , ] J
Struck out : B Kennedy , 2 : by Meroer ,
Passoil balls : McCauley. W'ild Iitches : to
nnedy , 2. llatterlea : Brooklyn , Kennedy M
and flurmeVVallnrton ; , Mercer and Me.
Cauiey. Time : 135. umpire , Lynch.
LOUlS'lT41J3 , May 2.-Thio ColoneLs could
not hilt lCilen : today , while thin l'lretes lat-
It'd Weyhltig at witl..1U1leiu , te5k1C5 pitch-
lug great hiihl , hmnttfd in live ruins and
scrcd himself twice. .1.uiiager McCioske'
tolay traded Outfielder. \ ' right and Catcher
hhoyle to I'lttslurg , , fsw. Third Baseman
Clnginan. ! Attcnu1atmrii 1.000. Score :
1 , ouisvilhe . . . . . . . . . . . .I ) , q,0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . .0 3 3 1 0 0 2 0 5-14
hilts : Louisville , 5 ; Pft1sburg , ) . Errors :
Louisville , 6 ; 1'lttbim1ti , 2. lamned runs :
l'lttsliutg , S. Two hilts : Ely. Three
base hiit : iCihii'n ammu. .j.nltb. Ilomno runs :
Fihic'n and Lyons. 5k61.Cli Imases : Domio'ami ,
2 ; Illerbitier. DouitSe. v1u s : 0' linen to
Eustico to Smith. FItjo0 iiimIq : OtT W'eyhi-
big. 2 : off Elilout , I. ' 1 Itt by lltChieti ii iii :
Miller. Struirlc ( Lit : Ily'ehying , 1 ; by
l Cllon. 5. hia'terio. : liulsvi Ic. VeyhIii
anil ? , ilhier ; l'ittsburg , ' iCii en nail Sugicti.
Ulnimire , Einshle.
TIIEI' Tihl'Mh'Eh ) Th1EO1)O1lF.
ChllC'AGO May 2.-The Colts feI onto ( lie
t iiimhitv lireflenstein at tue start , liountling
i iltii all over ( hi' held atil romelimg him to to-
t ire at thin iitl of the f tirtii. 1'iirrtt. who
r elieved him , was given nit equally hot res
c eptloii in thin sixth , whueii hit' i hilt ( or
t hree singen , two iioiiihis mid a four
bagger , which netteii six riimis. Tliorntoii
, iIs Invincible for sx ! inniiigs , but tIll iiot
e xert himself iiftt.r ( lint , with the game
eh h imacticaflY V.'Otl. The decliei featur.
a lIghtnIng trIple play by Reilly , 'I'mub'
i tiud 1)eeker. Decker 110(1 a haul badly In-
j umed in ( lie seventh , givIng way to jflsomi ,
vlm celebrated hIs rettimn to the genie b
t iiuiihng an ens ) ' Poll. hiu tirst chalice , intic
t o the amnuisemnemit of tli iurge crowd. At-
t Ctidaiicc , 11,0) ' ) . Sroreh
C hicago . . . . . . . . . . . . -
CS t. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 08
hits : Chicao , 17 : t. Louis , 9. Errors :
Chicago , 5 ; St. Louis , 6. iCatlieti ruiis :
Chicago. 6 ; St. Lotiii , 2. Two hattie hilts :
haluge , Decier : , Everett , l'nrrott. Thur-ne base
h ilts : Laiige , Cmos..hionie . ruiis : Truby.
S tolen bases : h.ange , 2 ; lCittreulgc , llyaii ,
Trlib ) ' , Decker. Trpie hiha's : lteihly to
Truby to hct'ker , Struck out : fly Toormi-
( cit. 4 ; 1w lircitentuleiti , I ; by Parrott , 2.
hues ( it buIlt : (1ff 'l'horiitoii , 6 ; off
I breltotistoin , 2 C if I'arrott , I. \\'hld hiltchei :
l 'nt iott. lilt wIth bail : Lange , flatteries :
C hIcago , 'i'hornton and Klttreuhge ; St. Louis ,
h hrelteniteiii. l'arrott. Umpire , \\'oydman.
BOSTON , Mit' 2.-Boston defeated ilaltI-
t rore again today in a ( cmi iniuimig game.
Both hiltehiers vere batted hard nOd ( lii'
g ame was tmndoubted'y io'it by the toking of
IJ tuffer omit in thin nhiith imiulmig. Long and
J eminitigs xnai3 ( costly erm-rs at short , the
whinIng run being luatie oil it ild thiroms'
I ) ) ' Jennings in the tOnthi. In thin fourth
I nning ltetz and Ciu ko each made a ) iomt's
m olt Attendatice. 6,000. Score :
ihB i0ton , . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 I ) 2 2-10
B atIniore . . . . . . . . . 022000131-9
flits : Boston , 12 ; Daitimnome , 11. Errors :
i lostoti. 6 ; flaitlitiore , 4. Earned iuiis : tios-
t an , l , flutltImn'ro , 4. 'l'n'o base lifts : Stiv-
e tte amiti Duffy. Three base hits : iCehly ,
S torlctiale. home rumma : Iteils azd Clarke.
First base cmi bahs : , Oft Stivotts , 1 ; off
1n 1 ffer , 6. lIlt by pitched bali : Long , Jemi-
n lngs , 1)omineiiy. Strimek out : fly Stivetts ,
1 . by Heifer , 3. \Vilci hItches : Stlvette.
flatterIes ; iiotoii , Stiyutts , Itynim , Temumiy ;
B altimore , Iloffer , Sto hUale amid Clare.
Umpire , hurst
Piayed.oii. . Lost. P. C.
l 'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii 9 2
l 'hiilumlelpiiia . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8 .1 f.7
B ostomi , .i . . . . . . . . . . . 12 S 4 66.7
( 'iilcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 . 7 5 63.3
Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 7 5 53.3
Ci iuclniiati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii . C r. 51.6
CS hroolclyii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i& . . 6 6 01.0
S t. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12m 01.0
C leveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I haltimanre . . . . . . . . . . . . . , j' 7 41.7
N ew York. . . . . . . . . . . . 1t1 2 10 16.7
L oulsvllle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 i ii 8.3
Games today : Cincinnati at Louisville ; St.
L ouis at Chicago.
S ( OR16S OF' TihlO VIi'b'I6ltN L1LGtJfl.
( iiintI Iiip1i1 lieu Is ( Jliiiiuihiis Out Iii
ii Ciiist 'l'en .iiuiilng liuuine.
GRAND ltAi'IDS , May 2-The ganie kept
tt he fan.s guessing frono start to finish and
t here was great excltansent during time ninth
Lun nd tenth Innings. } 1witt's level headed-
n ess won ( Ito victory. Score :
G land Itapidi. . . . 0 1 :0 : 0 3 0 1 0 1-43
ohumbus . . . . . . . . . (1 1) 0 21 1 0 1 0 2 0-5
Hits : Grand htalld ; 3XT : Columbus , 13 . Er-
r oes : Grand Hapids , 4 ; Columbus , 2. Bat-
( cries : Hewitt , and minc ; Mq 3rcevy atid
, , Vilsn. . . .
MIEAl5ptlS , , 0I1C , . , '
M lnn0oiiohi . . . . . . . . 3 $1. . 0 1 1 4 2 2 O-13
l CnnsasCity . . . . . . . 400000200-6
HIts : Minneapolis. 12 Kansas City , 7 , 'Er-
rt ors : Minneapolis. ' 1 ; 1anxas City. 9. Bat'i
t erles : Camney and Schrlver ; Callahan and "
L ake I -
.DETI1OIT , May , -Score : t
D etroIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t101001315-1t
ndianapolis . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 05
Itita : Detroit 10 ; Indianapolis , 13. Errors :
D etroit. 3 ; IndIanapolis , 6. Batteries : Gayle
a nti Twineham ; Cross and Buckley.
ST. PAUL , May 2.-Score :
S t. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- !
M iiwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 3 2 0 2 1 -9 3
Hits : St. Paul , 7 ; Milwaukee. 10. Errors : t
S t. . Paul , .1 ; Mflwaukee , 2. flatteries : Den- c
s et. auiui Sltes ; Barnes nnd Spear.
Played. Won , Lost. P.C.
D etroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jO 8 2 so.o (
M ilwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 .1 55.6 m
M liineopohI . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 13 5 50.0 e
t. ,1auI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 4 4 60.0 .I
K ansaS City. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 5 41.4 ,
C olumbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ifj 4 43 40.0 Il
ndianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . S 3 6 37.5 s
G rand itapids. . . . . . . . . . 11 5 27.6 S
Games today : Indianapolis at Detroit ; So
M Ilwaukee at St. Paul ; iCani'aa City at Mm- e
oapohls ; Columbus at Grand Rapids. o
iirliiigluia timid Peorlmi Ilreiik Sire Iglit m
Seures h'l a a ing an 1 Lost mug. it
BURLINGTON , May 2.-Score : t
urlington . . . . . . . . 3 1 2 0 1 2 4 1 1-15 T
edar Itapids . . . . . 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 2-12 lt
hits : Burlington , 18 Cedar Rapids. 13. m
rrors ; flurhIngtn , 2 ; Cedar Rapids , U. thatfi
ories ; Burlington , llargott and Grimm ; fi
edar Rapids , ICinimer , Walsh and Stit- C
van ,
ST. JOSEPH , ; SIay 2-Score : F
t.Josephi . . . . . . . . 131200200-9 E
libuque . , . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 2 0 4 1 1 * _ 12 J
Hits : -St. Joseph , 8 ; Dubuque , 15. Errors : F
t. Joselh , 3. BatterIes : St. Joseph , Woodth
le , Siage atid Ahitciteli Dubuque , Taylor ,
mith and 7ahncr. b
DES MOINES , May 2.-Score : h )
eimMoines . . . . . . . 103000020-6
' coria . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000120-3 \
hilts : Des Moines , 9 ; Peoria , 6. Errors ; th
es Moines , 2 ; l'eorla1 .1 , Batteries ; FigE
emier and Lohuinan ; 3homaim , Sowders ahid S
elser. ! T
QUINCY , Iii. , Ma ) ' 2.-Score : s.
cckford . . . . . . . . . . 0 4 0 0 7 3 2 0 -16 'r
uincy . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II .1 0 0 4 2 2 1-15 'rJ
Jilts : hloclcfori , i3Quincy , 12. Errors ; T
ocltford , :1 : ; Quincy , 11 , hiatteries : hermit , to
miflithi , Underwood and Sz der ; 11111 , ea
ubb , Ttelily and Qtmt , al
P1td.Yofl. . Lost. P. C. ni
ilbuque . . . , . , . , . , : . . . . s 7 1 87.5 th
es Moines . . . . . . . ; . , . 117 6 1 85,7 2 :
eoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ockford . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 60.0 on
t. JOilihi ' - ' ? ? ' - - . ' ¼ -j3 : : 3 5 37.5 onE
edar Rapids .8 , , 2 6 25.0 ya
uiney 2 6 25.0 'ru
urllmigton . .r. . ; . . . , 1 7 12.5 W
Games today ; Cedhiplds at Btiring- !
n ; ltocicord at Q1thoJl ; I'uorla at Des
oines ; Dubuque attJoseph , B
_ _ _ _ _ _
Email Crowd Witnesses the Initial Races of
the Season ,
( liii tiiiirI I i's hiisv ti' I ii llt'I I or Foriii
'lIme l1ei-i1fferts I u 3liike % esv
4tii to It , eurd l'mi I I
Siiusilh .tlii rg I as ,
A more ideal day for bIcycle racing than
y esterday could not hove been osked for nail
t he 300 imeoltIC that took ( lie trouble to visit
Charles street park In the nfteriiooti were
Q ifllii' repalil by arcing sonic very Pretty
C Omilett. Thin field of starters in each race
s u'as cOmmthiaratm'eiy stitahi , but tue Inca who
were entered were anioiig the bct Imi this
s tate , and , therefore , the racing was of a
h igh order , and was deservlimg of a great dcii
h otter patronage. The mnanngemneiit Is , lion'-
e ver , not to be iliscouraged nod will , upon
Saturthiy afternoofl , May 16 , gIve tts scc-
c ad matinee.
Tue first event ott yesterday'a card woe the
t wo hub itovicL' race , wiileli brought nut four
s tarters. It was a 'ery close race between
Iriiiemmieaul \ran43er.rt , ( lie latter wlmi-
t iing by a small margin , Tinie : 6:07 : 1-6.
The second event was an attenihit by Floyd
McCihl , the heaver haul , to iower thin Ne-
breoa state one mtiIie , tiiipaced record , which
s talils at 2:10 : 4-5 , At ( lie crack of ( lie lttol
l ie got away 111cc a bird aiiul for the tir'
t hreo-quarters of a imiiie vie ; vcil timidi'r the
r ecord , hut showed a trifle on ( lie last qimarter
a nti faIled to get ( lie record , his timne beliig
2 :20 : fiat. Comielderimig tIle fact that quite a
s tiff n'lml was blowing , ( lie ride was a very
meritorious one , it belmig oiily 1-5 of a acconi
s lower ( lisa the record.
'h'lio next oveiit was ( lie two tulle iiia'a.'on-
g em boys' ran ? , \vltii four startere. italpii
Brown irovcut nil cat'y victor , hIs tliit beIng
5 :113 : 1-5. -
This fourth event , a five-mile nm.ateur
h iamidleap , hail six starters. ahid wan cue of
t ile hretticst races of the day. Dan lirewer ,
a commmlarativeiy tien' rider. who startcd ( toni
s cratch emil hind lmidtcaps : of front 150 to
3 01) yards to overcome iiiade a very garmie rum
a iid iamidet first prize iii 11:56 : 2-5 , whIch is
g oed ( lute for this dIstance.
The tiext eveitt. a three-mile colored mneti'a
r ace , orovel laughalmie , as well as Iiiterestimig.
Count LoiitV Napoleomi iuhcirry Maloiie , the
' rourist Vlieehinen's macsoot , was ( lie wimumier.
T ime : 7:31. :
The SeventhI event , ( lie ten-mile open ainif
t eiir roe ? , brought otmt. five starlers , imiclud-
l ug Frederlcksomi anti Eiiwood. " breti" is rid-
l ug better ( lien ever , and while Edwood gave
h im a hard chiac'e. lie' wait ilamuilly. ' 1 * iiie
2 9:00. :
McCall attenipted to lower the oiie-hinhf tulle
s tute record , uiipaeei. of 1:05 : , but falleii by
t hires-Ilftlis of a vcomid , goIng ( ho distance in
1 :05 : 3-5.
italpli Brown , the mneSsenger hey , vhio is a
g aol rider , hut at tim sanie ( line hardly able
t o C01)C WIth euchi mute as McCall or Feeder.1
i cksoit , aspired to be a record breaker amid
a t ) ) nude an attempt to get the one-half mile
r cord , but fali'ii by juet fotmr seconds , which
i leinonstrates ( bat he was ridIng out of his
c lass. TIme : 1:09. :
Tue last event , the ten-mile lirofesslomual
r ace , had three starters. itealitig , Iloltoit anti
rh all. the Mic'soiiri iiian. vhio set a merry
C III ) and niade ( lie rope tIme more intereotlng.
Reading deinommstrated ( list he Is not a hoe-
b een by rlnnlmig time race easily Imi ( ho
s PhOmllId time of 25:25 : 2-5 , hiolton second.
S ummary :
Two mile novice ; Vundervoort womi ,
h irimismend secOmid , II eGovermi third.
T ime : 5:07 : 1-5.
Mile recorci F. 11. McCall ; ( into , 2:20 : ;
r ecciril. 2:19 : 4-6.
Two tulle niesmenger boys : Ttalpii Brown
wDii. C. A. Iholtomi ecoitil , San Vantier-
v ooit third. TIme 5:16 : 1-5.
Five tulle handicaP : P. 0. Brewer , scratch ,
\V. lirlnemead , 301) yards , seconil ; C.
l it. I'arkor , 101)'ards , third. .Tlmne : 13:53 : 2-13.
One-half nillerceorcl Ii' . H , McCall ; time ,
1 :05 : :1-43 : ; state reCOri , 1:05. : .
Three mile coioied mnefl's race : Maiomie
w on , 'V. Jacicsomi second. Time : 7:31. :
Ten tulle open , amateur : Freloriekson
'i con ; Edwood second , J'arhcer third. Plume :
9 ' 430 t
Ten mile professional : ReadIng won , 1101-
oil secomid , 'rime ; 23:25 : 2-5.
h iGh % % 'INh ) Ah ) it I'Olt ( 'J'flACIC.
i 'i'os Tiii'lte ii 'Fough Conihii , iiitIohi mu
the Smu iitii Itiiees.
SANTA ROSA , Cal. , May 2.-Between
, 000 and 4,000 spectators attended the na- n
ional circuit races , which were given In
onjunction with the Iloral festival today.
T he races were devoid of sensational o
eatures. Time poor c3nditlomm of thin nev
th ree lap track anti a heavy wlmid hampered S
l ie riders to such an extemit ( lint time mile a
nnde tinder three minutes was considered
xtremely fast. Wlijor Edwards. time San T it
ome flyer , captured time one mIle profus-
l ommal scratch race whining his heat and thmo o
nal iii very easy laehioii. In time . .two-thiirds a In
cmatchi , professIonal , .L M. Campbell of
iiolcano womm his hmi.'tmt mmnd thin html. but
tvimig to thin poor time made in the latter p
vent , it was declared no race. In the mmiii- C m
ff , pacenmakerit Were imsed. Walter Foster hr
lniilng easly by live lengthis , with CampG
oil second. Bert i'arker of Detroit , Mich. , to
on the one mile handIcap , tirofessloimni , ot
rom the seventy-yard iiimttk The amateur It
aceli wemo well contested thmrougliomit , amid li
t many Instances thme Unto was bettor thmamm h
hat made by the profesmionnhs. harry
errihi was fimmed $20 for , hlscourtesy to im
nteroe l'humnnier. hcolou'immg are thin sumF
ans ; cl
ITwo-tIh..rls nile. cmatchi lmofessbnah , ti
mt heat : J. 1.1. Caniphell , pltane , 'an ;
. I. , . 1)avls , San 1'rammeii'co , secnd. TIme ; so
: 8. Second heat : Walter Fester , San
rancisco , von : Frank hlyrim , San Fran-
hico. second. TIme : 1:52 : 2-5. Third heat :
li Vimisett , Porthaimul , Ore. , woim ; Allen C
ones. San F'ranelmco , second , Timmme : 1:55 : ,
hmma ; iroster % von , Cmmnmpbei econd , Davis L
Ird. TIme ; I :46 : 2-5. OSsmm also started. 'l'l
Two-thIrd mIle. minmateur : F'iimui heat won II
y Percy Mott ; C. B. Bates second ; hardy A
ownimig thiimd , Tlmmmn : 1 :5-4 : .1.5. l )
One mile , scratch , profess'i-mial. ( heat ;
v. 3. Evamma. Grimni ltipdus MIi'h. , sven ; st
ert Parker , 1)otroit , snmmii ; Frnmmk flyrnm' , tu
mirtl. 'I'ltno : 2:56 : .1-S. ecommti heat ; iV. .1. a
tlwariis , San Jose , woim ; W' . A. Terrlii , oh
ati Fruiiclsco , second ; C. b. 1)avIs , third. Pa
ime : 2:53 : 3.13. Thud hicat : "IS' . 1' . Foster il
on , Oscar Omen , Smn F'manciecn , second. V
ime : 2:15. : Fourth hiemil : Alhomm Jommeit , San C.
ese , won ; .1 F. Stmtvc'r , Portianmi , second , ra
ime : 3:05 : , Dec'nred no riir'e. Elders fal'ed 2t1
qunilfy. Final : Edwards won , Foster
conil , Evans third , 'rinme ; 2:52 : 3-5. Oen
so starti
One mile , mamitlicap , amateur : Fimmal heat 'I'
on by J. A. Code , 2)0 ) yards ; 'Fony 1)el-
ne. iteratchi , second ; C. B. Bates , 21) yards , tim
ird ; G. F. Fuller , 35 ; ards , fourth. Tlmne : au
41 3-5. 'I'l
0mm mile , handicap , lmrotessiotmuh , run in nm
e heat : Bert i'arker (7(1 ( ( yards ) wan , .1. an
dvartle (25 ( yimrcis ) secomid , Aicn Jones (50 110
rds ) third , \Y. A. Terrlli (45 yards ) fourth. 5p
ne : 2:31 : Oremm , Evans , Stayer , Campbell , Io
'iniuett , Davis , Dow amid Byrne aiso T
arted. Fa
One mile , county : liemiry Noomiun won , U m
ert Nooirun titcoid , Time : 8:03 : , lo'S SilI % VtM A'I' CItICIC1I'l' .
l"irs ( ( lnuiit' tuf tiut $ eaann nit the
rflhI iils ut the fliiiiuhsiu t'IuiII ,
The Omnlmmt Cricket club PlaYed Its first
game yesterday afternoon amd as time score
will testify , the lmnmmd of quite a few hind
m iot lost theIr commuting.
mI In the absence of J. l'ramieie hull , Frmtmmk
I llidltehm olaimosed h'rest hail , atmi Mr. I ihI's
s tar was iii the siscotmthemmcy to thin tune of
f orty-cite ruiii.
hiliditehm's shin did not amake nil ) ' heiigtlmy
tamiii until ( lii' captalmi nail J. loiigltms gut
t ogether. lotmghns lilt everythiltmg In sight
n itil imimitie ihfte'mi hiefore 1i m'mit'cuummteii tts a
Yorker front tlt'oi'-e 'mtmiirlinim. I llhtilteli
i mhimyetl with gmetut PritiCimee tutu good jtithg.
l imeumt nIni it is to b' hmopel that hit' null
ll ipear oil time hell oftemier timi year tham
l ie thu Inst and gIve time club hIs imractlcal
s tiliport . I I I mm I lg hi t is I on good to lie hmlldeii
U nih or it htihm'l.
1'or ( 'rest huh's ii1e , Tulilohi anti ( hull
s tai'toil lii tim make tImings lititim , mull tiller
; itittiimg till sixteemi itimms timeS' vctI' rotlut'l.
giving vity to lIon V New auth (1. Ii.
\'ittighilitt , ut'ii then time ( mimi % 'n9 retit'u'ei.
f r I harry. 1mm crIer to knelt nit ills liii
ycam's iVhflitlmtiOml , as well us tim slmotv whit
gimol iitittluig wits , starteul lii by hilttlimg numl
c utting , at. thin amine tinme sltowlmmg remnuik- :
nile tiefoimse , niti It was item untIl hue hal
f orty-eIght ituims to hmi emelit ( lint hi' tried
t o fool s'lthm it. 'orker frommm Iluti , 'h'rtylor nini
I luirry html to quit ninhti ( iii' lmitutlits : of tIme
ninny i'pectlitimri4.
George \'itiutiiimmm mimic tout In good style
amid rt'tlmeti Imi frt'oV of Sprimniut' , a imew
i mietnhu'rv iii , en rried on t Ii Is Imrtt fimo ii s' . .
h irotohmle mtlo PlaCel live to lila em'olIt.
'rho i omvhltig until ileltiiimg vii a gooth for t lie
t ic'ghumniumg of tIme scasuli .5ev oral mmt'sv fares
s vome 50011 Oil thin gmoiimtds anil freni liresemit
sI I iii I c'lttloulit the I a litix o t umc'sv iii ouimhmm'rs liii 4
fair ( it mlviii nil imret'Iotts years. Suttjuiiteti
Is the .qcoie :
F'itANK hhhlAl'I'C'Il'S ElE\'EN.
IV. Vaughan , c. Spmagtit' , li. New. . . . . . . . . I
J. Camimem'omm C. iiuitl hi. Nt'v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
it. 'i'ns'lor , Ii. 0. 11. .Vniiglian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
l ) r. I'outtg , c. 1irtciile , ii. U. \'iuughmtii 1
lcrnmmk hhiliiltchm c' . Lawmit' , 1. New. . . . . . . . 15
A. Lawremmre , mtmtm omit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
. 1. 1)omiglns , It. 0. 11. Vnmughrttm. . . . . . . . . . . . 15
II I , . h'tmtter , hi. C. hi. Vaughan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I )
I t. Craig , moat mit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1 . lloh'I'ti , e. hlrotc'liie , I , . New. . . . . . . . . . . . I
- . ' . N. Oilier , ruin otit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
h J'es , 3 ; 'iihes , 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1' . M. A. I IA hil.'S EIJiVEN.
C. 'l'imlliehl , e. 1' . Vatmghmnmi , Ii. Camimeroim. 13
1 . M. ( bill , ii.V. . Vnuighitim..S :
I 1. Liiw'rii' , run ouut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
i _ imtrry New. 1. Taylor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
( 3. 1 1. 1atigiimmim , e. a lid h , \ V.'ntlglm Itim . . . . 10
I t. ioumithil , b.V. . Vitughmnn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
B. Iirotciile , c. Criiiierc'im , li. \ \'lttighiimm. ; . 3
: t. , , flail , c. Citmnemomm , I , . ' .5. ' . Vntmghami. 1
S . l1ethu ij.V. . 'itmighiaim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
1 6. ii. hmm-ngue , not omit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
I . Smith. ruum umit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Byes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii )
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS
Cu'It'l.u'I (3uuuui i' a I Purl ( ) uiiihimi.
I' llIcketi millie of time Gate City clmib ltirl'ctl
f ourtocim nll-commmers at 1"ort Ommmriimn yeutei-
i hity it ft emnoon. ' ( 'lie mtimm o cu-ui oil I lie ih ny
h , y IS muins to 22. The top score of thmt' day
\'rir tnuiilo liv 'I'liomnas hmrtrmiett of time OaR'
C i tymi , tIio iqm t hi lm'teen mimmmm , mm I mart
t ? ntii thy 1mm r'hmigios , before lie 'ris bon'c'd
h my Potts. Scores :
J ohn Coffee , c. Iticlmehictm , b. Iiower'i. . . . . . 0
\ \ ' . hlrrmmmtomi , c. Cimvanumighm , I ) . liotvet"t. . . . .
F. 1) . ihmitchimisomm , C. htlciiehieil , Ii. Neal. .
I t. O'Shea , I ) , Itouvt'rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- hllanei' , I ) . hioweus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1 . h'otte , ii. hhowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v. 1I'lh , ii. liowert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.l ohin I mu , e. Nomtlm , li. llnwers. . . . . . . . . . . .
\ - . Inwns , C. Nmrthm , li. Noah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ v Stammlsy , ( ' . Cavanaugh , hi , Neal. . . . . . . .
c i. hurst , e. htichehiemi , b. ihowers. . . . . . . . . .
\ v. Ilutchimison , c. ittiitim , li. Ihowet's. . . . . . . .
J . higgins , c. North , hi. ihoners. . . . . . . . . . . .
.1 . StriblIimg , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D ye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
JI . a. Neal , e. Stm'ilmhtng , hi. flianey. . . . . . . . . . I
I t. Bowers , C. immiti b. 111ane3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I )
J . Cavrmn.'mugim , Im. Potts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
:1 : ' . lIamaett. ii. Pottq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
A . H. North , c. huh , b. hihimncy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
\ v. , l'rlckett , throwmm out..I
\ r. Ittchmeihemm , h. Potts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
G . 'Wilson , 1) . l'ott'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
A . D , Jlobb , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
D yes , 2 ; leg byes , 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .is
1 'li3sIS t'lAYints ILEtiY 'I' ( ) BEGIN.
i I'e-tiuig of lhit Siii fe , tssmelmuflnmi 1 ( ) .
miiorrflt Fist'ii I ui ; I a Oiuiiului.
Thih week will rice tIme opening of the
cmmmmis seasoum in Omaha. Already wmmne of
ti me smaher clubs have beconmo active , anti
1ms m seine places llnY hits been golimg out for
everal weeks. 'l'hme courts of the Omnahma
limb ale now lii ilrst-class condItIon. Time
limb house huts been put into shape , mien
lo cks amnl hinges PUt oil the lockers , uni
in courts hiitve benmi provIded with nuts'
et posts.rithm how stmimneriimtimm rate it
exjitrcteti that tIme club wIll have a very
rosperous year ,
Tomorrow eveimitig thin atmimmiah macciting
f ( lie Nebraiki. Lawn Teimmmls amt'ocatlott
Cl be held In the jiacimelous' Quarters.
everal outside clubs have b-rim lmoau'ti front
iit ! there IS Ironmls' of a gooii maccitIng.
ime hmtmslimoss lmmcluiers time ohectiomi of oillc'ors
miti time lcatlon of thin state totimnrsmentx.
he niumochation Is formmaed for the purlo'o
f nliihcimmg the gamne Pormiular iii the state
uth encauraIiiag the organization of clubs
time maiier towns.
Last year tli simmges chianiphoimshmlp comn-
etition w'as hell itt Limmcohmm in tIme cant-
eneoment week of the state unIversity.
. S. Cutingham of omaha carried nIf time
nors. Tile douulilcis tornaimmeimt was at
rand lelamlil , Only four ciulnu formally en-
rch the association last mwasomm. Mmsimy
hers expressed sympathy , iiowevt'r , with
s objects , amid there are uenpons for ho-
cving that a mtiuehm larger mcimnhershlh ) can
it attaIned thIs sunimmmer. C. 11. Young antI
v. flyins , state m'tteretmiry , Were ltppOImltL'd
y the Ommiahmo. dumb at Its aumntmt : meeting in
c'hmruary to mnpreemmt thic Inierests of time '
imb at ( lie mni'ettmmg of time state associn-
on tomorrow. 'rho prccmikient of tile as-
ciatiomm is B , L. ( ielithard ( of Limicohmi.
Cm'eljmluliiui litti 'tti'sll , Iuuulums.
Time following i time stamidhmug of time
relghmtomi College Juumlor ieague :
1'layoti. WTon. Lost , P.C.
oyoias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 1 75.0
romme' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 66.7
( 'etora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I 1 2 23.3
riehs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 2 33.3
rotmmios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 j 23.3
l'hmo select yiimi ( mom limo Junior league
ill appear Jim its new unlformmmts for thin first
tu omm tmeXt Thimmi'.hty , May 7. Time average f
ge of the imlayem's is 35 amiti thci teanm is d
isit ( ci all oiiulheuiu from temtuis . of tim
ine itge. Players : .6. Dinitim , catchier ; .1. C
angen , tmifrhi'r : ii.'ehch , first base ; ii , c
mhey , st'ctimi imn'f'V. ; . Lymicli , short slap ; j
rmnc' , thiluil hiu5e multi captain ; J. Plmmm'b
y , left flail ; U. huh khiuz'd , center ilehulor ; b
. % l Uiieii , might field , h
i'lelii hiI' a I 5p vi iglht'l ii , c
li'ItINIci ; iiu , Nt-b , , May 2.-Spc'eiah (
olsgu'nm.-Tlte ) first anmmual ( fold mlcm' of C
e Simrhngticild A tiibeti : club caine oft tm-tiny C
th was a grammi.h mtuieccmt3 In os'ory m'espcct. mm
ie ummulti fcattim'o of 1hm uftetnoomi wa. a t
ati'li glint' of liuse between lommisviilo
ti SpringlitId , time former wItirlilIg by a
01'O of 2 ; to 14 , Strove :
rimmgthehrl . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 1 3 0 0 1 0 6-Il
tuisviiln . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 1 9 8 I 3-26 Su
iatteri.c : Sprlmmgiht'lii , Bates , Pihmig antI i
cklar ; iotmltmviiheVools timid hiuuliancir. 1.
nplm'cs : l"cmx cm mmci 'l'l ni I etImi ice. 'finic : 'fsvu
uis anti tllim'ty nmiuiiittrrm , g
t _
§ . - ' $ Ooooo - - FwiF
& -13 , Entries Close MondMay 4. Semi Entr.i09 to I 9-J3 ,
OMA11A sr A , PAXTON , JR , , Mnnitgcr I OMAhA.
i r : : = OMAHAI NEB. - JUNE 9'13.
; C , ' 1' . IIOGGS , Seci'cttry J'ALMEIL. CL/uRIC , S.cretitty
LINCOLN. NEB. - JJ 16 to 20 RE D OAK , IA. - JUNE 23 to 27
i 24) races , ' cacti for 1,09) ) , over geol immihi tracks. C41Iem but C' ) imilles apart. Ciasmme , purses. ceiulitluas autd date of cloeiimg cmmtru.s ( ho stunt. tipseimi r
tl'dimi eri'Ic'e anti lirst ehtii nircomtmnmudatiouim.
, 2:51 I : mec.for-ahl. cisie ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ) 2:23 : cias , trottln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ h,00) , alu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,01) ) 2B : cla , paclng , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boom
Il l , ti'ottliig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j cj h24 ; cham , , trtttlilg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00) . , : . '
J - i dcvi ( lettIng . . . . icio : : : : : : : : : : : r : : : : : : : : : : : mu oat t'lum , teeing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , oe :
r I ( $5)
2 3. cIa
ii i fib IJ m-ltts rbs trottirr trotUmg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ , . . . . . . liar ) 2:00 : climBS. trottlimi trottlmig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z,000 1 0iJ ' 1. ) I lais ia bt 3tjvlu' ' : : : : : : : : : . ' : : : : . ' : : : 1,04mm h Ci ) 3tm I : 15 iIi5 cias , I pau'in icIit.m- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I eji
I (8) ( ) Two , . oirh
trotlimmg I 01) )
4 ' i so .iu t iOn I it limb I ( t )
CON 1)1'1I - i iso em' ccitt to enter and S ir cat iidilitlonai from inommey winners Somericmn rctmtutmmg to gverrm ocept as aimti tytsim mautlul 1 f' , . I iins mu
jI C vldcd (0 , B , 11 and 10 oiit , .Ni. , ' , fliatamice In mmli mitceim Ii ) ' ,
. tier hter& to reoclvo aiim-u thrum Ilrst umilmimeY' Y'rhs , itli till' limits , hit.'t lliues iii ( Ire , est''lit
1 : tue two-yeam.ohd clas3es. Ibty to be mile imt'ntim , useS two In three , Itiglit reserved to tieeltiiu elf iut nut tillIng .emtlsscttmrlb , an d mmmaIauoium immay ti'IumtC'r such tuitrlm. , io time ,
. E next . eIlIlhe class , Aumy hiors5 amity tie iimrnmed 1mm two chasse jr two herse mmmay lie imitomud In JuiC Ci4 $ , vitli time prIvbl ge of ihropltimi g one t'Itgagemiicimt , imm or baur. ' Julio 1 at Oiuiiia.
1' .Iuiime 10 at Limicoin , or ht'nm3ay ' , June 15 , mit lied Oak. on I'ayxmietmt of 1 mr cent of tlio purse , or Iii ; utImerwie butlm imitricu Ia lie co misuluret its JtalSln fur hofull Pticmt , Ctthtcu'
li . ait'et mis ( oilouylgg lIED OAIC include Chiicigu , Peoria , llklmiir ( , Juliet anti Lake ( I tieva ,
- - - - EXTRA RACEa-90U tor3-yeir-ail-tu-oitors. ailmdbio 230cl'st'J1or3ytmir'olri ; picers , eligible 2m2 class. ' .
I CE S Coiidi tious- .4imeriemmnruie4jQg9venm. txcepuaaoflierwiemtrus'idedfor.'outttait1 ( eouuiliLuf
Ii 7-1. 013 S
sailie , a , a flnhmihed event. Nancy dIvlflt.3 -follows lie divided three , .
imp : TIle 0'OO to iiitu ecual JEttlil , JS ) ( or atehi hunt , wiii.lm y'
1 ' - shall lm dIvided 60. .15 , 13 aai 10 Item cent , im3 uwaided by the Judges In lime iiMual uittinmmir u ( t me ciii of each heat tu lImo hid. .4 ,
1 - ; , meond , limlril oi.d f urIIm lmo ueii. No htrmrae to revels o lucre tiutn lhit money iii a fly hiatt , PliItJtnCtm 10) ) 'ut. i1 , F Ito i'r em-ni ,
. , , 10 smIler amid live per cent ed'iIllonai from etimrlers tlim muight before tIme iuee , ilighit itrm.mruvett to deviamm oft' races mat ; lillimi ,
: .
. . : .
o.ilii.AlL44. ° " '
_ : - Eutvlcs Close JUOIhI&iY. MaY 18 3.yoaar.oiil Cltisse.s , 2409 I '
- -
1,0 % iON hl I : 1.11 IS $11 1,1. 51)11 IL
Iifftit at Iiist1ni1"u IJierIeuit'o
llui'p Nut Yet ' , % ri tilT ,
( C.pyrigimt. iS"6 , iy tis Am's 'otntrt i'r.'si
h.ONPON Mn ' 2.-Tim l'Ilmi
, ) - , cotmittmcmmt-
lug uipomi tIm offer of ( lie New 'ork Athiletits
club to match P. hI. Coneff agimlutut F' . h' .
hiaenmm of tht London Athletic cliii , , limO
IOt'igim Izel ohms iii lihoum ill I ie rummmmiers of t Ii o
( 'idled Statea mmiii ( hremtt ltrttnlmi mepec-
tis'ely , says ( limit a iitmnmlmer of Issues arc
I tivol 501 ill this cel stitig& ' ' t Iii tipoum t lift
h mtrt : of ( lie New 'oric Athmletlm' dumb , amiml
recites time story of Suvem'im' , timi' Jtiitiper ,
m u liii t lie N ott 'i oi-k A t hi let e elum Ii's I nmhulu'y
i n t 0 t im Cliii lC , t tin I lie Is a Itretessiona I a ntt
comiiummiemm : l t Is over m4t''eit timoutthis urlnc'o
t he cant m'rit , lot uI I I ha t is Inmost-mt Ii t Ii 'it
( lie coimimimi t r et' of ititi mm I ry mu It.'m'ta hly it'le I cii
t ins titrowim tip the emuse 111111 mm im"is' ( 'ttttiiiilt-
( CL' his liciemi oi' lvi , to IC 'm'ie'tt'ml. It
t i-mull Ito nmm'i e lecoummimig to 11mm' cn' mmi k
A t hlet It' cI tib. It s I I-lIt ums , I f. Ii'forc try.
1 1mg to arrtilmg' a imew ( ' 011(051 , it sails.
t im-al Eimaihm'lm itthmletes lii tilt' b'wcieimy immOt-
( cv. "
'I'tie Sporting Ttiimes eotnmmtm'mmts fimvnntldy
milIeu I 'terre I .om-Il iii i-tI's hmoi'ses , hmr'i Ic I a t hit
timt'y svlIl tiitil'itvt' aimmi stys lit' svlhI in' tin.
huek' if In' fills to ts'lii mioc's , nhtiiotighm lImo
liii lmt'r dniulits If itiicmthutr , I rotimmois ( ii' l'aroiu
'lII iti fotimmi nhimoimg thmt'lii . 'hr ltii IihirmI
hma' nimantloneti tile Idea of tmikiimg I litre
Burllillg ,
, Ts the cxtermmal liutliention of a con-
ditmoii of the hlootl svluicli Prodtices a
fiery irritmttioim alutost ummmhmettmahlc. It is
a mmmstmtkc to tliiimk that this local irrha.
tloii is time disease itself-it is simmmply alt
evitictiec of a ilisordereti colmmlitioti of time
blood. The scat of ( lie diseac is iii the
blood , amid this is why the varloits salves
ttumtl oiimtiiiemmts usually applieti have no
effect whatever , 'l'hiey cannot hossIlly
reach time origin of time trouble ; oimiy a
blood reimicily cnn do that. S. S. S. is
svitiiout aim cmhimal for hmlooti diseases , and
lrmIiltly alP ) pcrimmaiieimtly cures 1czciima
nut ! removes all tnimmt.
rlimclm torture couhil lie avoided if the
first itchtimmg svimiptoiims were hucedeti itmiti
acouirse ofS..S. tal < eim proimmptly , as ap-
Paretitly iimsgimificaimt ada irritmitlomma
ustmtIIy : - ( ievc'loh ) imito time worst forum
of Eczcmima unless properly treated.
It iuumttterS mmot t'himtt other treatmmmemmt
lies heemi tricl iii s'.iitm , S. S. S. utiwitys
gets at tIme scat of ( lie disease , and
forces it. out.
Mr. William Armmistmoug , ama old resident -
dent amid highly respected citizemi of
Do l'crc , Wis. , writes on April lot , 1896.
' ( I have hicemi a sufferer for eight ycara
with that horrible ( intense , Jczeiua , at
timuies all over mamy hod ) ' , aimtt no persoms
calm ulescribe the burning anti itching I
11231 to emmdnre.
"I'hme exteiit of may sufferizmgs can bs
appreciated s'licn I state timat my con-
dilion vas sucK that I could hot take
zmIy bed , amid ( or three immommtlms I never
lai dowim , but was coutpelied to sit in
l ily chair wlmemi imot umoving nmoummid. I
vaii treated by the best of phiysiciatis
with ito itmiccesum , and tried all time pafent
i imcdiciiieut rccoummimmeimiletl for Jczeumma ,
withiotmt any good resttlts I then svemmt
t o time IniliaiuaItmtl baths , ss'ith time annie
r .sutlts , amid thou to lIt. Cicmeimts , the
celebrate 1 umetlical resort , where thm
t reatimienit parlially helped mime , but the
disease siort1y retimrmmmatl , I wemlt to
Florimla , thmimikiim ( lint a cliamige of cli.
i mmate amid v.tLer amid the citron fruit
o mmiglit cttre time , but founul no cure ,
' 'I then tried S.SSand after tilrcelayo
t ime burmmiumg ammtl itchaimig subsided , and
'I COmltiilimCl to iimmprove stea.liiy ummtil I
was wchl-eiitirely cured. After coin-
I nencing S. S. S. I never put an exter-
iaI ap uhication to Immy hitmibs or ammy part
o f any ) otly. You mmmay refer to me any
periomi suffering from flczcimia. I will
a lways keep the S. S. S. in mmiy htotise ,
f or I eommit1er it the best blood tmmediciime
o f time present age , I amnm seveumty years
o f age anti alit 110W iii perfect health , "
1or real 1)100(1 diseases rcli"f cruil only
b e obatimicti bv _ muting a real blood renie-
d y , So immany people viie are mmiiufcrcrs
romim an ohisthimate or dccp.tmentcti hlooti
isease immake the mitistakeof taking mcmii-
dies which at best mire emily toimics nimil
amiimot jossihly rc'mtclu their trouble. It
ut iii just such emises ss'iaich other so.calictl
lood rcmemlies cannot reich ( lint S.S.S.
iss timamie somnie of the most womidcrtil
ures ,
S. S. S. cures cmniancntIy Cancer ,
mttarrit , Rlieunnatmsmii , Iczenma , Totter ,
outmigloums llhoorI I'oison , crofuin , and
li other diseases hiavimig timeirorigin in
he blood , It is a
A Real Blood Remedy.
it ] gets at the seat of disease anti forces
t out promimpthy even after other so.cnmllcd
1100(1 rcimnethles have failed. S. S. S. is
t'muraimteed jmrely vegetable.
hooks on blood enni skin diseases will
_ _ . _ _ _ iI.1 / _ _ _ . m _ _ . . . . _ .i.i . I. . . o..m , . .
, i. ; , , .a. , . . S. , flJJ . . . . . 4hJ UJ IJU4IP
eifle Co. , Atlauta , Ga ,
ltiIIOh'li.tN ' 1'olltS.
ESTAI1I.btllEl ) 1041.
Al I lrusi'm'll uig I'jittsst's I eel uisted.
hh3i'AitTIIIIII FI1OM N13\s' I'OliK.
% iay C..H hi. "MaJ'msmle" . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 days
10. . . . . . ' ' ' ' 1miIsri' SVilliolnm Ii tI
2.1. . . . . . ' ' 'L'.Immtp4mIl' ' . . . . . . . . . so
20. . . . . . ' ' ' 'I"imt'rt ' iii I'mtmamrIi" . , 114 ' 4
JUmmc I' . . . . . ' ' ' ' ( iernilmmir' , ' . . . . . . . . . . (5 .4
12 . . . . . " "Non' 'm'rk" . . . . . . . . . . . 6' ) ' 1
27. . . " ' 'tn1rt' , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 '
July 7. . . . . . " " . % urmmriln" . . . . . . . . . . .1 Ia 64 "
Fitoil IiOtITON ,
July 4..5. "Scytlila" . . , . . , . . , 33 to a4 , iiy.
IIQUN ! ) 'liii. : s'OitLD I'it'l'h11f3 , ii , Oct.
1 , 11. .hA1.\N i'AItTY , Oct. Il.
llhtustrmttetl Im'ogm-mimmnm , ft cc , Itimllrouti 'mmmd
5t'attlItll , tickets ( or iimdeprntleiit I&.tveiers cis.
Vlmei u.
P1108 , ( 'OOhC . .r SON ,
6101 mitumi J23:5 : IIremutimii ) , Xi'n' York.
Or 1.iI4 ithi Giirk St. , (3hulumio ,