Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1896, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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4 TIT1 OMAJrA. DAILY 1311 : SUNIA.Y , 1 AY 8 lSOfl.
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It Bccoines the Prevailing rad with Society
1eflhulIIgtII iitiul A flcrnon Tens , for
( lie 'lime ut 1.t.Iisl , ( aIc % 'ny
(0 the llIvelo CFItTC-
4ocIty ote.
The weeks that have foItwei1 the ICter
peason have not been remarkable for their
ioiaI brilliancy , flfl(1 In fact the sprIng 8ea-
son prornI'es but very Utile gayety for t1ic
floxt tow weeks. An occsioiini lunch , ken-
Ington or t1arco I all that has occurred to
relieve the rathrr nppre.ive quietude.
The particular fad at this present seanon
ieemi to ho bicycling : There i no doubt that
during iiummer evenings wheeling will be
one at the favorite arnuserllentM. The Inter
05t In thIs particular Hport scctii to have already -
ready rearhed the height of IloPularity In a
certain well known neighborhood. where it
1ia been n'tlced that every family has Its
repre3entativt ) , but In some lnotances one
could ovry rnemIt'r ) riding their hobby.
It ns lii thin same neighborhood that a
barrister of national rc'piitatton , now living
in Chicago , took his first lessons , witb all
the neighborhood ( or an nutlienco , and the
wortb3 ( if udiiioiiticn nil advice he received
vero many. Failing to learn by himi'ehf , lie
caihid a conchnian of one of his neighbors
and asked hint it lie wanted to earn a dollar.
of cotirio ho did , so together they started
out wltti the te't of results. so Utah. at lie
end or the evening lie felt almost as tiiotuh
lie a profcssIonal , 'die * ccond evening
he ventured out alone , but when lie reached
the corlier what. was his horror and dismay
to flee another tIcycle coming dowii that
cr093 street toward him and at full speed.
lie slioutel at the top of his ( leep voice ,
" \\'hat is the matter cith you ? Io you
want the whole street ? " The approaching
bicyclist seemed not to notice the remark ,
vhieii the b3rrkter called out again , "Turn
out there ; won't you ? I urn a ie'ginner. "
In a breathless way thin other one answered.
"So am I. " The iiiovtt'iblo collision was one
of the maiiy amusing incidents witnessed.
A wholesale grocer who lives in the saiii'
neighllOrliOOl ( declares lie cannot ride if
there is another wheel on the street. The
wife of a lumber dealer ridei like a Centaur ,
but when it conies to turning around she is
obliged to call in asilstanco. llovovcr , slii'
will sooli ho an expert , as any one would
vouch who had but aeon her on the wheel.
Another of the group who sells boots and
shoes , and ohio sits so erect on his wheel
that iio has won the admiration of people for
blocks around , had an experience which
fairly made his hair rtso on end when hits
wheel ran aay with him down an incline.
lie yelled to the driver of a passing vehicle
to turn out , for he wao running away and
could not StOl ) himself. It Is needless to say
that the man turned into tue curbstone and
Mr. IC. reached the bottom of the 11111 in
safety , but there fell off. sustaining no Injury -
jury excCit a slight hurt to his dignity.
One man said , 'l doii't see what people are
thinking of. They walk out into thin street
Just as it they had a right to be there and
some coo is niways trying to cross Just a I
want to turn a corner. There ought to be
a law against it-a law that wouid compel
pedestrians to remain on the sidMvalks ,
where they would not ho in the % 'ay of these
who really have rights In the streets. And
there are others.
A man occupying a high poeltion ii South
Omaha. together with hits vife , are the latest
recruits. Each stsrted out to learn without
tiio other's kuowledgo , the man practicing in
hack yards and side otreets , his wife taking
private lessons and eventually goIng so far
as to order tier is'heoling suit. All of this
neighbors wore let into the secret by both
parties and they waited in patient expCct-
ancy for the time when , to one another. they
should displey their proficiency o the wheel.
That time has not yet arrIved , hut when it
doei there will be a circus on wheels on the'
bill. _ _ _ _ _
.1 o ni it flii : . . ore.
The prettiest wedding that eoclety han
graced for a number of months took place
at St. Matthias' church Wednesday at high
110011 , in the inidet of a large and fashionable -
able congregtithOfl , which hail gathered there
to witneu the marriage ceremony of Miss
Helen i3ushinoll Moore , Lecond daughter of
Dr. anil Mrs. Richard Ciianiiliig Moore , a
pretty and attractive brunette. who has been
a favorite l.a oclety clrclen for euveral sea-
Gibson Jordan , son of
sona , anl Mr. harry
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jordan of St. Louis ,
who Is ivehl known in thin bIieIne93 world ,
as well as oeiahly , and who iii au irniular
as Is iiiii charming bride' .
Thu interior of the church was beautifully
decorated with Faster lilies , carnattono ,
painu and smihax , and in the soft light
shied from the chandeliers , presented a very
pretty ncene. The bridal party entered the
church to the organ e'traii.q of. the bridal
chorus frin Lohiengrin , played by Mr. Arthur
East. It was vreceded to the altar rails
by Dr. Doherty. the officiating clergyman ,
and the ushers. Mr. Wili Pease , Mr. Charles
"V. Martin , Mr. J. M. I3aldrigo and Mr.
Charles Howe. 'l'iiefl followed the tsvo pretty
brhdeiiniaids. Miss Grace Alien and Miss
Fredericka Wesselis , who wore dainty white
organdlo gowns , erimmed profuRily In lace ,
anti mache over phiik satin.
The maid of honor , mtlster of the bride ,
Miss Lydia Moore , a lovely blonde , walked
atomic and wore a gown of white swiss , made
over blue satin and trimnmetl in Valenciennea
lace. All the maids carried large , fragrant
bunches of white lilacs tied with bows of
whIte satin ribbon ,
The bride , who entered upon the aria of
tier father. lr. ) It , C. Moore , waa a perfect
type of girlish grace anil beauty. 'l'hie hand-
sonic bridal gown was of heavy white satin ,
made decohiete , mind trimmed with rare old
dilcilesa ? lace , though thlletl at the neck with
chiffon into a 111gb satin coilar. The gown
was walking length , atiti time bodice was
trimmed 'ithi rich pearl trimming. Site
vore an exquisite Iteari brooch at her throat ,
and in her veil 4io hail little sprays of white
lilac. Shin carried a. shower iouquot of lilies
of the valley. Thin briiial party s'as met at
the ciianct'l rail by Mr , Jordan anti his best
muami , Mr. 'i'ilhiam Ii , Adair. The ceremony
was vl'rformed by Dr. Iohmerty of lirowneil
hail , the organist playing softly several love
Alter tue corernoriy a wedding breakfast
was served to thin bridal parLy and tue lot-
niediato relatives of time bride and groom
at the beautiful itomno of Mr. and Mrs. Moore ,
which was attractvoly decorated with cut
flowers , tahmns and ferns , The ( lining room
waa prettily ilecorated lii junk. On the table
was a lovely centerpiece of Ia France ros
antl the candles anti shisiles were alt 11111k
I hero was a lavish nimmhser of costly anl
thoughtful liresents , The library s'as coin-
plotely filled with ( item , The bridal bouquet
wan caught by Mien Moore ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan left ott the afternoon
train for California. to be gone about two
O''i ii ii , rIi ro ii ii ii ,
Mr , I' . J. O'Connor of South Omaha and
MIs. . Nora ilrosnau of this city were united
in niarriago by tile 11ev. Father Galvin at
St. Phtiloniena's cathedral Tuesday morning
at 8 o clock , the groom's best man being
! tr , John Chancy , and Miss Joshipitina itros.
minu the bridesmaid , After tue iu'ri'icee they
returned to the home of the bride's sister ,
Mrs. J. II. Torreil , where dinner was served
to a few itear relatives and friends ,
Mr. and Mr. ' . O'Comtiier will reside at their
new restdenco , Thirty-third and It streets ,
South Omaha , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% ' ( 'Ill-StLth'r ,
Mr. Janice L. Wells and Miss Alice M.
Statler were married last Tuesday evening
at tito home of the itrde'a paromits , 1609
Chicago street , Rev. Hawk oiiiciatlng. Only
the relatives anti imitiniato frIends of the
contracting larties were Present ,
'i'Iii' iIiItt'siIiIii .iiIiit ,
Last Thursday evening thio Montezumas
gave their closing ( lancing larty of the sea.
- on , It was quIte well attended , there being
upwards of fifty couttlea vro'ent. Twenty
tiumitbers were danced , Thti , many friends of
the Montezumnas will undoubtedly be delighted -
lighted to hear that it is not the intention of
the club to disband , and they ittay rct as-
aured that they can emijoy themiiseive ac
well at the club's parties iiext season as
Foliowln were noticed amnoug those lires'
omit : 1isus MeOsi , Motciit , Lundeeti , Paul ,
hteitlon , bowls , ltIplr'y , Thirle , Andreesn ,
I innie , 1ettr , PsnnIn , tnilon , 'hUmore ,
T.aion , Joiiee , hiranilt , 1e.lnr , Wyman ,
hlrinkmafl , lhurkhart , Vilson , Johiison , Thiiele ,
iamont , Pierce , \ Vititer'elt' , 1dith lint ns ,
( 'orhett , Quick , O'NoiI , ( Iiihert , Morrleon ,
Moore. Miua , lrl&bachi , Abbott : Messrs.
( iririlan , Patterson , Irke , flhlhngtnn , ( 'oontbs.
C. Ii. W'nlkrr , Grhlfltli , Ionahime , Stilii'nn.
Montgomery , Scjnmiobottd , Niclolanfl , , Dtvar.ik.
iiorton , lfa1n , KneetiS'hittnan , hiatt , 11,1.
flier , 14. hiorheim , J. ivans'hhtufrtii ,
Stokesberry , Knapp , Harris , ( 'lark.'Iitomt ,
1Cnislc ) ' , isacker , hieitehier , Ailanis. 1renchi ,
Julio ( loaner , O'ohI. F. 11. 1innon , i. ' \ ' .
Olmeteti. ( lcrnhimirilt. S. .1. howe. J. ldard
Kaufmann anti Clifford N. lorbea.
$ uriri.i'il , ; : ' ; ; ; ' ; in lime.
Time 'I'hurston Utile's were romnpletely tokei
by stirprlso last Mandit ) ' evening , when they
returned to their armory , after their regular
ucekly drill. Captitimi Poyn marched ltl
htoys out of the armiry with as much haste
and itrecision as though lie were going to
clear nit obstruction at some dangeous scene
of trouble. The regular inspection was how
ordered , anti a few of thin melt were rejocing
to think the sante hind been forgotten. as
they foamed their rifles would not pacs the
critiei scrutiny of the nhihrcrs. Such , hots'-
ever , was hot Ito case , as the inepsetion cere-
inoiiles were hteitl on Douglas and ilftenthi
streets bt'fore a large gathering of "tithmu-
elastic bystanders , with highly gratifying
rehuits to the comnmantiant.
After an hour of go'ttl , hard drilling , tue
coinpahmy returned to its qllarter. . Att the
boys tnarcht'ti up the stairs , leading him the
thrill halt , their attention sins attiactod by
thto chiattem lug of familiar itterry voices , anti
visions of a joyous time at oni'c roco up before -
fore their gaze. On entering the vestibule
they vero gteo'ed with bursts of apilatuso
ailti waving of htanrikerriil"fa.
Things ss'ero quite different thiatt when the
boys lt'ft to drill , aitti in thieli' aitsenet , theIr
fair frientla ftmriitsited the votibule tith dc-
gout rugs nod nttIci cf furnIture. Tit
soI&lerss'ere so thoroughly taken tuck
that they fohioweil t ho advice of their chaplain -
lain , Ites' . S. Wright iiutlc'r , anti surrendered
gracefully. The eloquent divine was present
in dress uniforun , aol hIs svltty anti iitimoroils
sitechien nrovolced any amount of mirth , titer-
rinient amid laughter , froiti all present. Ice
cieatn , cake amid other refresitnients were
served , alter which dancIng sas the order
of the evening.
Members of the Imperial hiatijo anti Guitar
chutit were tite guests of tito Thornton ltifies
last 'i'hitmrsilnlevening , and the mnembes of
the company , s'iio i'apenci to be presant , en-
joycri a rare treat. I'rnf. Cummings plaYed
the "Thurston lihilen' March , ' ' whIch was srell
received ,
The annual Inihihary tournament of the
Thiurston Rifles will be given at the Charles
Street park , Friday evening , May 22. On
this occasion the companies , composing the
111gb School Cadet battalIon , s'thi give their
aitnual competitive drill. Aside ( roni exhilil-
tloti drills Ity the lc'eii crack companIes , an
interesting feature of tue rograitt s'ill be
thi May indivIdual conipetition for tile
Titurat' ii itiedal , A aLt ert parade is ii ! precetl
the fe.shlvltles at the lurk. and will be par-
tielhiatoul in by all the local and visiting
organizationi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\VIli Iit' flmiinlimi Gummed , , .
Interest in the competitive thrill Manday
nIght was iteightened by the fact that It was
participated in by all the members of the
company. It usually requires Solon time for
a hew itiaii to actiuiire atithlcient comtfldcnce In
bits own abilities to volunteer for a competition -
tion , but Captain Muiford , knowing the cx-
ierierico to be tiartlcuharly beneficial to tltoo
having thin smallest amount of confidence.
occasionally assists a man's resolutien by not
gIvIng htitit a chance to escape tue orjeal.
increasIng thereby interest in the drill both
within the ranks arid among th spectators.
It was a long lIne , therefore , that begati the
mirill Monday ittght. The first half , ccnnlst-
ing ciiiehiy of tue inexperienced now men and
the careless old ones eas soon dawn. The
rate of reduction titeti fell off gradually unti
but sIx men were left. Thin clx , however ,
eonted iintht determined anti competent and
made a stubborn fight. But tile ) ' went iliais'n
one by one before the assaults of tlt enemy
until Sergeant 0. G. Osbarne alone remained
'i'he itreseittatiozi of tim medal svae' tna'le
by D. A. I. Ihcklnson , who made an inter-
ecting adtiress on tue subject of "DIsciplIne. "
The evenIng ended with a jolly dance
whIch ss'as enjoyed in spite of the warm
woathior A May varty is untier dlscu&tlan
amid will probably occur before ic'ng.
Gii'n for thIa ( irtom
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Love gave a very
enjoyable dancing PartY last Saturday even-
log in honor of their guest , Miss Gorton of
iiulfaio. Although time mnueic ssas line , the
night ss'as so bahmity that th house was coan
desertemi icr tue Parchea and easy corners ,
ss'hcre hanitnochms hail been hung , rug , laid
and easy chairs placed , making charmIng retreats -
treats and iilaces for tote-a-totes. Refresh-
imt&nts wore served about 11 o'clock. Many
dainty organdies and summer gnwns made
their first appearance at this party.
Among the' guests core noticed Miesee
Iittlly Wakeloy. Daisy Doane , Grace lilmito-
baugh , hattie Cady , Amity Iharker , Sue Col-
petzer , Georgia Lindsay , Mabel Taylor. lichen
and Lydia Meare , LouI Squires , Grace Alien -
ion , Fredricka Vesseiis , Terry , Gorton , Car-
thu Curtis , Rowena iligginson ; Messrs. Cur-
tts Turner , Luther lrako , Frank HamIlton ,
Paul liarback. Charles Wilson , harry Jordan.
Netherton Hall , F'arnaui smith , Charles and
Janice howe , Ziegler , Arthur Guion , Hilton
Fomitia , Gould Dic-tz , Ed George , Stockton
heath , Lieutenant Ilutciiinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Citarlen OITutt.
Gijie ii 1'z * rew'eii 1' , . ri P ,
Time KnIghts of tue Golden Eagle gave a
fareiveli party in homier of Mr. l'ltlti Austin
at the home of Mrs. Tait , on Friday even-
log. Mr. Austin leaves soon for Chicago.
high five and dancing were very much en-
joycil , ant at a late hour refreshinientu , were
served ,
I'rcsOnt were : Messrs. omit ! Mesdamnes A.
Ed ' John I' , Nestle-
14. Underianti , Lel'age , -
bush , Charles ColtIn , Nols Poter'ami ' , Mrs.
'FaiL , Mrs. Cooter , Mrs. Rhyn , Mrs. Worloy ,
Misses I'oari Stevens , Ethel I'iyntpton , Lulu
Ocimeenbein , Roe Hilton , Lena Gimiwits , Not-
tie Martin , Lora Martin. Nellie Cherry ,
Etiaio Talt , Iiamtmiaht Swendby , ilulda
Swontiby , Messrs. Frank Brown , J. W ,
Juriiine , James T. Wilson , Tony Footq ,
George Iiinzmnan , Peter ilotigeterbecit , J. W.
Williams , I4d Triltp , I. J , Springer , Joseph
McBride , 13. 13. Arrlngtlshe , S' . L. Baxter ,
Charles Lewis , I'liin Austin , Froil Martin ,
Jack Garihiner , A. ilimlilersan , Low Cooter ,
harry ithiyn , Ahfretl Johimicoo , limIt Larsan ,
H , A. Overmitami , Sam Ochisonbolti , Joe
Reynolds , C , W , liaton , Cal Plympton and
lit. It. Jones , _ _ _ _ _ _
Orgim mm izi'I ii 'iesv Cl mmli.
The Forest Glen club was organized at. a
meeting helti Tuesday evening , The olflccrs
elected are : President , Joe Driesbach ; vice
president , Lee Ilarter ; secretary , George H.
Garrett ; treasurer , hiertnnmt 1Vachiter ; invite-
tiomi comitniittee , Fred Martin , , SVili Baxter
amtd W. IC , Mardla , 'lImo musIcIans are ;
Messrs. Baxter amid Jones.
'fhie club i'iil join the "C. M , A , " and give
a party anti dance at the bicycle park ,
Seventeenth anti Charles streets , next Thiur.-
they evwiImi ,
The club bombers are Charle.s hialilwln ,
George 13. Garrett , Lee Ilarter , Will Baxter ,
M , A. Jones , W. IC. Martha , Charles Thtehmna ,
Ciirtie Jatomt , Jomt Overnian , Owen Overman ,
Jab11 V.'ilsomi , Dave Goldmnami , Tom Tipton ,
lierutan W'achter , George Iioyor , Eu Hey.
wood , Charles Stewart , Joe Driesbacli , Fred
Martin , George Gardner , George McNeeco ,
Bert hales , Charles Martin , Ilmiry Schmniidt
amid \Vill Falconer.
Orimil , . * ,
Last Saturday evemtimtg the Oriole club
gaven an ciltertainment anti dance at the
t'iub rooms , Stmio of the best talent In the
city lwoferrod their aslstance toward mnak.
hug this entertaimimnetit a aucces.'t.
The comitinittec , Messrs. lien Maistrom anti
Ted Wirthi , also deserve considerable credit for
making the affaIr a pleasant one , Time lire-
grant was : Opening athdrcs , H. Augustimie ;
seicctiomts , Attollo Zither club ; vocal aoo ! ,
J , J. McAullffu ; mandolin amid guitar duet ,
Matatromu amid Echiiiek ; comic recitation , Ii. J.
Lyman ; vocal eeiectlono , National Guitar and
Vocal trio ; overture , Prof. Letovaky ; ciub
antI lautemit owlnglng , Mr , Zturpliy ; b'ack
faced comoiamt , hairy Bend ; banjo sole , l.
U. Hhmnigor ; vocal palo , A , Myers : recltatiomi ,
J , himuiey ; celeetions , Apollo Zither club ,
Iancing followed ,
Hiifrrhtimel ( for tIns OgmI.ley.
Mits Margaret Cook gave two very pteds.
alit kei'slgigtons ' last ss'ek in honor of bier
guact , Miss Oakley of Lincoln , last Monday
amid Thursday afternoons.
'L'hi'm gttests on Monday ss'ere ; Misses ) a'&c
by of Lincoln , icse Dicklnuou , Ura K I.
by , Margaret Drown , Louise Squirsu , EaLelie
, 'iati Hells liamhitoti , Mity McShane , Amy
Ikirker. l'iorencq hnoz , Mao Mmmnt iil
Aleznder , Lily Tukey , Sarait haunt , Kin , '
bali and Isaacs , Ott Thiurt1ay the giiets
5SCte Misses Oakley , liImeiaugh , C' , 'tit'hzer ' ,
iav's ' of l.cads'lllo. l'nimner , Brown , McK'i ,
l.twilor , sargent ; Metmisme , Samuel A. Me-
guatbm Coles , Iteed , Frank Clarke , Chat'oa
Steiit , _ _ _ _ _
A I'h'n'mnnt 4irirIse ,
Mr. anti Mrs. 3. Keysor were rery Itleap-
anti ) ' surprised at their bamo by a nunt-
her of theIr frientis Thursday evening. The
hiotire were itloatiitly spent iii music , sing.
imig anti dancing , after which dainty re-
freshiments were served.
Tbtem'a present were : Mr. . end Mrs. A. A.
Keysor , Mr. anti Mrs. Iluekicy , Mr. nnii Mrs.
Cook , Mr. antI Mrs. Shoemaker , Mr. anti
Mrs. Cannomi , Mr. anti Mrt. Gahlon , Mr. anti
Mrs. ( 'oreoran ; Metetra. l'hitlipe' , Shoentaker ,
IIiirttgan , Shthlley , Mostyn , liurchiard atiti
George ieyuir ; Misses ' ICing , Shoemaker ,
Jennie Shoemaker , Lena I1arttan. Mary
ialy. Mary Cook , Butler , hazel Ramsey.
Maui ! Buckley mmii Anna Buckley.
1 , ii I i-iI ii i ii t-it ii Lii iie'iell.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker entertatneti
charmingly at luncheon iaat Friday Ito honor
of Mr. E icu'aril F , Schneider of San Jose ,
( 'al. , who was on h : way home from New
York , ss'hiere lie hind boon finishing a course
of study In tousle , and Miss EdIth ilotttleiti
of Kankakee.
The table was prettily decorated with pink
carnatloits. Itiring tue afterncOfl Mr.
Sebmicitier tielighteii time guests with some
aeleettons of Ciicpn , ithayeti in goati taste
nni with hutch exhtreO5on. : lie also Played
belly of his own cotnpasitiona , which were
enthtte'asticaiiy received. Several of his
songs Were also iieari during the attermioomi.
ml I ii gpt Ii II ml Id ii cim 1 $ " iii e ml Is.
( 'artle were received in towil last week
atinocitcimig time wedding of Mr. W'alter J.
Morrb of this city to Miama. SelIna Mate'ohl of
Fremnoitt. vhtieii occurred April 29 at Fi'e-
mont. They ill ho at bottle after June
1 at 2114 Ohio areet.
Itumor saya that the wedditig of Miss
iCotintzo amid Mr. Nicholson ; Miss Nash aitd
Mr. Crowfoot anti Miss KatlierhmiO Barker
and Mr. Smith stilt alt occtir to Juno.
iIrs. M&'Gr'tt , , lImiiu'r.
Pr , and Mrs. MeGrew emiterlaitied their
frIends at dinner \'edmieixiay. The rooms
were decorated with carnations anti vahtns
and together with the liberal and exqtilaite
table service a perfect cntertainntetit % s'a3
tIm result , Thuo pretty gowns and witty conversation -
vorsation auided not a little to thtt altogether -
gother very enjoyable evening.
I'It'musuui't'M I'iist
The Current Literature club met with
Mits ; Mount heat week.
Mrs. J. H. Summery , Jr. , entertaIned time
Cooking club at luncheon last Thursday.
The A. hi.'a were ideasantly entertaltied
at ltmnchie&mi last \Vciliuesday by Mrs. E. M.
Mr. and Mrs. henry Wyman gave a dinner -
nor last night in baiter of Mr. F'lectwood of
A rcception was given at tim Womnan's
club inst Friday afternoon as a farewell to
Mrs. F. II. Tracy.
Wedne.elay evening a farewell dinner was
given Mr. L. M. Ithecin at the Commercial
club by a number el friends.
In honor of Mr. harry Jordon , Mr. Will
Peane gave a pleasant stag party last Men-
day ovomiing to abotit twenty friends.
In honor of her friend. Miss Rawe'ain of
Des Moines , Misc Himnebaugh entertained a
few frientie imilormnally at 5 o'clock tea last
M nday ,
The entertaInment given at the honio of
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake for thit benefit
f All Saints' church was quite a sue-
cess and attended by over seventy people.
There were musIc , dancimig and very nIce
Mrs. George F. Wolreston gave a Lilac
tea Fi'iday evening. lit itomtor of Mrs. J.
Ptcrd of VirgInIa City , Nov. The decorations -
tions were all itt lilac. In the center of the
tubie was an exquisite bank of lilacs. Covers
were lati ! for six.
Vcdnesday afternoon Mrs. E. Ii. Good-
rcim gave an enJoyable KensIngton In hiottr
of her gumost , MIss Kimball of Ohicago. 'fhte
guests took fancy 'jnrk anti MIsS Knox received -
coived a prettY iilncushuion for receiving tue
groate.t miuniber of votes for the daimitiest
voik. Itefreshiticuts irere served. Thio
guests were : Mieu'es Irake , Hayward , Knox ,
Boyd , Iiartmnami , Belie and Estchio Hamilton ,
Cady , Sloan and Mount.
Friday evening the regular meeting of the
Magnolia Kiuh" was held at the itonto of
Miss Ncnnio Carleton. The evenIng vtia
spent very Joyously , Playing genies , after
whilcit tito boys were PleasantlY surprised by
hto girls , who , takIng them to amiothier room ,
corved a most dehietous lunch. Those present -
ent were : Misses Ethel Close , love Mark-
wood , Julia and Ehizabetlt Sitortliff ; Mesars.
Earl Tate , Earnest Betebener , Elmer Ballard ,
harry Cicee and harry F'ishor.
Tint friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schlitz
gave themn a surprise party last Saturday
ovenimig , it being this tenth nnnlveraary of
theIr ivedding. A delightful ovenlmig was
enjoyed witht cards and lancing. Antong
those present vero : Mr. anti Mrs. Albert
Gladwin , Mr. and Mrs. George Gulre , Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. Joaph
Davie , Mr. and Mrs. C. Wenta , Mr. amid
Mrs. M. F. Cusack , Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Schlitz , Misses Giadwin , Eva Schlitz , Cu-
eack , Davin , Lutu Schlitz amid Mr. Giatiwln.
Mba Wiihelmimma Haunter was very pleas.
antly surprised at her huotite last Tuesday
eTchIng by a number of iter frientis. Cards ,
ulancing and music were enjoyed by all. The
first rlze , a i'ilver thimble , was won by
May Adelaitie Perkins anti tbto consolation
was captured by Eleanoro Danahmey , after
ss'hiich refreshments were served , Those Iwos-
cOt were : Mary Chirlotentia Baunier , EtnIly
I'rhmeau , Estchhe Datiabey , Marie Mullen , May
Adelaide Perkins , Myra hall , Antoinette Vor-
waid , Matilda Wilsomi , Genevieve Tyler , Eiiza-
beth Murphy. Kathleen Carroll , Eheamiore
Danahtey , Bridget McArdhe and Josepuilne
Harvey. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'im'unum r't4 I mm
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. h3runner have Irsued Invitations -
vitations for Saturday evening.
Th SewIni club will mneet us'lth Mrs.Vil -
haiti A. Itedick Friday atcrno3n.
Mr. and Mrs. W , N , Babcock wilt enter-
lain the Don Ami Card club next Jiltnitlay
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed will entematn
nt cards miext Tuesday evemmimig , in l'onot' n
Mhs Davis of Leailville ,
Mrs. William A , Redtcic will entertain the
A. fl.'iu at luachieoti Wedneaday. This will
be theIr final meeting ,
Mrs. George H. Barker will enterfata this
Forest 11111 Cart ! club \VotItiesisy aftornotin
at 2 o'clock at German whilat.
Monday afternoon , from 3 to 4 , the miiueical
departniomit Cf time Womami's club will dye a
i'ecoltiomi In honor of herr Sciiarwenka.
Invitat'ons ' are out for a Young Men's Institute -
stitute May pam'ty , to bo held in 1'attrsoii
bali , Wetinesday evcmttrg. This will b Inc
last varty of the season under the auspice
of the Young Men's Imistittite ,
Thin Othlcer-s' club of time Omaha 111gb
School cadete art organizatton that Inciutit's
all the olilcers above this ramik of etrpor.i1.
in making etaborato arrammgoinomtts to give
the swoilest of the high school dances on
the evening of Fritlay , May 8 ,
Frlm-immhty Gossip ,
Miss Chandler left last Friday for Clii-
cazo ,
Miss Curtis returned trout time east last
Motiday tuormitmig ,
Mr. E , I' . I'cck and Miss Peck spout last
week In Chicago.
Mr. Ray W , Vierhing returned front Ciii.
cage last 'Fhurday.
Mr. 0. P. Black Is the happy father of
A bright little baby girl ,
Mr. Ficetwood of Chicago is tlte guest of
Mr. amid Mrs , bury \\'ymnan.
Mica hayward of Nebraska City vill bo time
guest of Miss Cady next week.
Mr. George Paimnor has returned .Iromn
ChIcago , Kamtsas City and St. Josephi ,
Mrs. % V. A. Ij. Gibbon and family leave for
tiisr future htoitto in St. Lous miezt Sunday.
Mieta itawsom of Des Moines spout several
days last week the quest of Miss Ilimna'
baugim ,
MIv ' . % 'innle McDermott returned last
week from thu south , where site spent time
winter ,
Mrs. Edward Iickinson and Miss Jessie
Dickinson loft for Chicago last Monday
afternoon ,
Mr. M. C. Kastle , who Is at present In this
City Ct Mexico , ivith return to Omaba in
July sod take hits mother amid brother for a
- - - - _
tour throhl1i1Cufepe , after tuhich they will
go to hitirfleujAyres to teitie.
Gerti11tIe' It itgwalt has gone to Be-
trait , Mich , wjirre site witi vIsit ttioitd for
several werk"
Mr. anti Mt' , . l'hihip Potter rettirneul front
an eastern t.tmtiestiay. having been sway
over a tnonti
The et1gngemS t ( Miss Fannie Brown ,
daughter of 1. hiwri , to Dr. 1) . 0. Uol'iing
Is announced.
Mrs. Ocar.4) . ibarng iiaa returnemi from
. iistin , Tex. , where abe pet1t the winter
s'isiting friends.
Miss Stearne' ft for her iionie In St.
Johns , Minh. , 'tu t. Thuuratlay. where lie will
visit for sonwitinte.
Mr. anti i rs. 'Ii.1" . Weaver have gIven
up thor bioti1'j ojii'afic : street anti are itoss'
residing at t1itortiam.
Mrs.V. . II. ' 1ordtran , witht daughter nod
miurso , of Galveston , 'fox , , is vIsiting Mica
Coatl , 371S Farnani etreet.
Miss , 1.aura Morse loft for Ypsilanti , Micli. ,
Inst Thitirailay , whiere for several weeks she
will ho the guest of Miss Jenness.
Mr. Menmielsuimmt , who has been spending
several inomithit abroad , ha returned , ills
wife anti cimlltirCn are still In Germany.
Mr. Eu McCortnlck anti Miss Alice MeCor-
inick have returned front Colorado SprIngs
iiul art' spenillhig a week or tsuo in towit.
Mrs. Victor Caltiwehi anti chititiren , who
have been spetiding the wInter in California
with Mr. and Mrs. JoInt ltugus' , rettirmied
hionia ycs'tertlay.
Mm , Stephen N. Mealto rettmrned yesterday
niornitig trout a fortmiiglit'S visit among
friends iii Chicago , Reck Fails and Sterling ,
Mrs. L. Cohmi anti tisughitors of Chicago
are tit guests of Mr. anti Mrs. A. Martin.
2210 Sewarti strpet , whore they will remain
for about three mtititlus.
Mra. Guy Jetties I'arke , wito has beoti
acrding the past two months wIth her
parents , Mr. anti Mrs.Viilioin U. Cliamnbom'mt ,
in town , left for iter hiomne 'ii Decatur last
Thursday ,
Mr. amid Mr.i. W. W. ljmnsteti left last night
for a five or six weeks' vIsit to Cal fornia.
They uvill return via l'orthand , taking in
time Yehloss'ston Ndtional park. IL Is cx-
iected that the trip will greatly betteflt Mr.
Umsteti , who i just recoverIng frommi a
severa attach of time grip ,
' ' Visi I ,
( ) - - urn
Judge Cornish spomit several days in town
last week.
MIss Gibbon will be the guoat of Miss
Coad next week ,
Mis3 Celia Gibbon is to 'isit Mrs. George
fl. Payne next week.
Mr. A , C. Ford of Scotte'burg , Iii. , is itt
the city , visiting lila nephew , Mr. W. H.
I I Itch eect ; .
\hiss Gorton of Buffalo , N. Y. , who lies
been the guest of her coutain , Mris. Archibald
Love , for the past three mouths , left for her
htonie last Sunday.
Mrs.Vatts Parker of Lexington ICy. ,
Who has been vlrhtimig Mr. and Mrs. 'IV. ' D.
LIncoln of thus city for several weoka re-
turneti hionie during this week.
Mr. Edwarti V. Schneider of San Jee , Cci , ,
anzl Miss Edith iloniield of Kankahcec , spent
Foweral miaya in town last week , tue guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J , N. 11. i'atrlck , ot theIr way
to Califormtia
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LINCOLN , May 2.-Speclal.-One ( ) reason
assigned for time Pe5eflt dormant condition
of Lincoln society is that there is no otto to
lead it. This may be true amid again It may
1101 : be the reason at all. Society hiero ma ) '
have a capacibu choice " "
oI "leaders , and
may now bo sscalting for tue favored one to
take up this social leading strings anti trot
along into tue tuazol of oumnmer festivitIes.
Tonight titers. i to be a party at the resl-
denco of Brad D , Sisughiter , and a fi-ateritity
reception at 1)r. and Mrs. C. F. Ladtl' . Mr.
amid Mrs. ItmbinHoti have returned frommi Ciii-
cage anti Mi-s. i3enan Daws ima left for
Marietta , 0. Miss Maud Oakley is visiting
in Omtiaha , the gtzes , of Miss Margaret Cook.
Tue cngagomnjant o Mr. Hinter Merrill attd
MIss F'anmilu heater. Is announct1 ,
Mrs. I ) . H. Themjon expects soon to visit
St. Laukiantl Catro0
Miss Ethel Ilpoper has plannoti to 'spemid
the nummner at 1"aribauit , Minn. , the guest
of Miss Seba Case.
Time young lad ) ' inenibers of the Picasamit
hour htare beeti aikod to join the Flower
Misaomi ! club , amid as it is considered time
swell timing to ielong to the latter organization -
tion there is no doubt but they wihi avail
themselves of the immvltaticns.
Miss Nette ! Sherwood left Wednesday last
for her itoni in ConnectIcut. Sue bait spent
aevorai weeks in Nebraska visitIng friemids
In Omaha and her sIster , Mrs. G. M. Lain-
L'ortson. in thIs city.
Timcre was a jolly party on Monday mtightt
at M its Oakley's , at which a phmonographu 1
fornied one of the hrumcihtal ! attractions. Tite
guests w'cro : M. Homighton , Mr. Mallalieu ,
Mr. Fred White , Mr. Harry Reese , Mr.
Baldwin , Mr. Lansing , Mr. Dixon , Mr.
Ciought , Mr. C. V. Smith , Mr. Ilurhbut , Miss
Shaugbtter , Miss Mae Moore , Misa Ilohbouv-
Lush , Miss Grimtum , Misa Latta , Miss flute-
hart , Mss Burr anti lr , and Mrs. row Mar-
sali. !
Mrs. Robinsan left yesterday for itor home
in Chicago. Site wa5 accomptuitted as far as
Omaha by her daughter , Mrs. John B.
Wright. and Mrs. C. H. Yates.
Rev. Frank N. Riaio , who hiss been in-
viteti by the First Presbyterian chttircii to
supply Its pulpit , is in the city and will
.ureacm tomorrow.
Johiti It ! . Fairfield and bride arrived 3'OS-
terday frotn Indiana and are at the L.ndeli.
Ileimsuim Niitt's.
Mr. Harvey Holloway of Plattsmnouth 'iris-
ltet.i with hits cousin , W , C. Mulford , last
Mr. I. H. Watcnpaumgit amtd famIly are mak.
log preparatiomis to muove ott a farm near
Gibbon , Neb. , sviiere they trIll niake their
future itommie , They will leave inatty friemids
behtmtd them.
The cabinet anti members of the Epworth
League nitit at tInt chmurchm last Friday night
and selected the variotta comumnitteos , amnoog
thieju being a new iresident , to fill thin Vacancy -
cancy maile by time resignatiomi of Mrs. Mc-
Gitinis. Mr. Mulford was elected.
Last Friday beimmg tIme let of May , a numn-
ber of our yoummg folks partook in a May'
big by hmamigtng bashlets on tbo doorkmtobs
of theIr friends.
Time Frttiay Nlghit Musical club niet tsvo
evenings during last week , meetummg at time
hmonte of Miss Slger Tuesday and at the
chturcii Frithay evemting.
Mr , 11 , Itt. Meoinots hmitemtda to depart for
a visit on Momitlay miex , where ho will
remain for Borne tIme. lIe will leave ittany
friemitis bobminti iiimmm , especially in the church
amtii league , wimero he ivas over a faithful
worker ,
i3timiday beimigsctW'seventy seventh nnni-
vorsary of time fiaiiitdiitg of this Odd Fellows
lodge. tue mnem1irr pf time order In BQnson
hiaui their celebratiomt last Saturday evening
at thio Odd Fqlqws' , hull. An imiterestimig
program was ireard by the men only , who
wet'o out itt sit hieir glIttering regalia , The
event of ti'e'iyas thus drIll , witicit ss'as
repeated mitiritigntb4p evonlng by special request -
quest front thmo ujadtts of ss'itommi there were
quite a mtummtheiyipriaetit. Alter the emitor-
tatmimnent a delightful supper was surved by
this gentlemen. cc t
Last Timuratlay , ovetming Mrs. Morgan met
at the churciu with 4hmo I. A. II. society , for
the ptsrjtose of omramiiz1mig tUe band.
'I'ht' ' ' .Vli ' 14ttt'mmd Church ,
The nionibers rtli5MOfl Pacific lodge , An-
dent Order of L'i1 0Worknien , will attettd
servIces at time ' of tbio Good Sbmepimord
In a body this ovcimig. The rector , flew.
J. 1' , Liwyd , one xtf time moetubors of the
lodge , will htreach .tbo rrmon , It is re
quested timat as many as possible of time
members attend , as they have been especially
invited to be present by the rector ,
It. Is not. iii tiit vrOviuice of this eoiuinn to
express extravagatit praiue , lout thin action of
tIme C'onimmtorcial chtmht In fosterimig the Men-
daimilu Choral ocity , throught tito most try-
lag patt Sf any orgaitizatioti's career , namely ,
its infancy , is worthy of the utmost gratlittile
on tbuo vart of time society , tnthivltitmahiy attil
collectively , anti that time Monilatnin ( 'imorat
society appreciates the courtesy atid hospitality -
tality of time Cotmitmierclai club is undoubtcdly
trite ,
. 5 * *
Talking with an artist of the city , who Is
well kilown anti establlaimeti , time
'ivriter said , "I iuotuhd I iiiflk that
another field would pay better thait
this , anti that tiuttes are not so hard
everywbiere as they are in Otitahia. " The
reply 'ivan , "I hind tiiotigltt so , lttut snimie time
ago I wrote to a friettd of mmtllie in Ietralt
asking for his advIce as to mity remmtovimmg
to timat city , The ansss'er came quickly , 'if
you are tmiaklmig even a living iii Ommtaima , stay
there. We mull feel time hard tinmos here.
This iteetla imo further conittient ,
0S *
A bIrd in tii itmumtti is 'is'ortht two that may
be in time busim ,
* 5 *
That oxceitomit attil sttcesfitl institutioit ,
Limo National Conservator ) ' of MUsic -
sic of Atmierica , w'hicii Is 10
be fotmnti at 126 nitti 12S East Seven-
teemitbm street , Nos' York , has Issueti mu letter -
ter asklmig us to call the nttentlomt of our
reatiers to this fact that , vithm a s'Iew' of enlarging -
larging tIme ithmere of uisoftuhmiess of the Na-
Lionel comiservatory by liltuciutg its ttiitictt
witithmi time reach of mmiammy sttttlemtt whom
their school mimities tmtay engross duirimig time
larger hart of tue year , it huas bctrti decluht'ii
to inaugurate the third summititer term on
May I , to tIto aiivamttagciu of which tite at-
t'tltieih of tntisical ettiulents In out-of-tous'tt
colleges , setmi I on ri es , etc. , a flti lttipilS in time
enjoytttemmt of a vttctttiutt period , is particularly -
larly invited ,
* 5 *
The musical services at. time First Moth-
oIit church totiay will ho given by the lull
choir of forty voices , Mr. Timonias J. Kelly
organist aiii cimoirmmiaster. The progratn Iii
tue inorniitg 'isill lie as follows :
Organ itrolutic-Amttlamtte , from thin Fifth
S'mtihhioiilP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % ' .
Ilynmmi-ln the Croes of Citmist I Glory.
] tetitomtse-Thte Lomsi' I'rayer . . . . . . .AnOmt.
Offertory Solo ( orgamt-E.evattoii. ) . . . . . . . .
Saint Soemma.
.Antiieni-i Amn time lhreami of Life. . , Statmter
] iynin-\'iieii I Survey the \Vomtdrotms
Clioruti respoimses-"tlmttil lIe Conic"
( Sulhlvttn-"No , Not Despatrlmig' ' , "
Tersanctus - 'l'hcrefore with Angels
Gloria in Exceisla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old Chant.
l'ostlumtio-i'rehmiile and Figure. . . . . . . Itincic
I it tue evemtimig tue hia5tr will Itrencit on
'Cltarit ) ' , " and the musical mtumiibers 'ivihl
be :
Orgami Preuit1e ( liv requmest-Piigrimn's
Chorus , from Tnmimihnuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chmorai respomire-Abide with Us , for
it is Eveii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lCeil ) ' .
Atttitemn-Thious Keep Iiimti in Per-
( oct l'oace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Williams.
Offertory solo ( organ-Adagio ) , fromn . a
Somiat'u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mom lcd ,
Antiiemn-llnileltijaht , front The Mesutalm ,
handel ,
1'ostlude-1'omithmica March. . . . . . . . Lemnmnens ,
* 5 *
Tite mtiaidnlln , guitar and banjo concert ,
'is'hiicbt takes iaco at hloyti's on Wedmies.
day , May 13 , will be quite ummique lii its
character , tue program conslatitig aintost entirely -
tirely of the tousle of the stringed inrtm'u-
utionts. Mr. hionier Moore has becti cii-
gaged for tbe vocal numbers.
' * 5
This afternoon Mr. Taber will give iui.'j
fifty-third organ rocitsd in the First
'Congregaticilal church at 3:30 : oharp. This
is tin ? last recttal to be gIven by Mr.
Taber this season , amid the programu will
'connieL of selections that have been tue
most popular dumrimig the season ; and , ar
Mr. Taber has givut these recitals to the
public all whiter free of charge , lie expects
to ace tite church full of people today to
itoar tile foilowing interesting program :
Conimimnion itt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Homnance , EvenIng Star , front Tann-
imntiser , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wmtgner.
.Anilamtte , fr3m ViolIn Comiarto. . . . . . . . . . . .
introduction to ThIrd Act anti ] Jritial
Chorus fromti Loheiigrium.'agmuer. .
1ut'r ii.
March , Fumiebre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopimt
Vosplel to Lohemigrimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Vng-ner.
Melody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itheimiberger.
Song , 'ivitiiout wom'ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rhmoine.
Granti Processional March , iromn
Queen of Simoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gounod.
* 5 *
The musical services at St. Mary's Avenue
Coegregational church today will be under
tue direction of the Mcmi's club amid will be
as follows :
Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hi. .Ahheti
Doxology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congregation
hlynimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congregation
"Glory lie to the Father , etc..Comigregation
Sopramio solo . . . . . . . . . . . Miss LitlIami Terry
htymnmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congregatiomt .
Solo or hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'distu Terry
Vesper organ lrelUIle..H. II. Allen
Ilymmi 178-Time 'arIna , itage 4G5. . . . . . . .
Congregatiomi e'tnmtmiing , sing doxology. .Ahl
MIilarii's mm's , In G , by the Lorell itnar-
tet-'l'uiiorut , Iii las LillIan Tt'rry , ! il isa
MiIUdLOakley ; copranos. Mm's. A. G.
Etiwnrti , Mrs. 1) . A. Caimiphohl ; as.
sistod by : Temiors , Mr. W. 11.Vil -
bur , Mr. 0. C. hloitn , Mr. JtL
Northrup ; las , Mr. V. II. flussei
Mi' . J , it , Comiratl Mr. H. Shank.
"Gloria in lixct'Isst' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quartet-"Lord , I lettr Ill y Prayer" . . , . . ,
Tenor itolo-"O . . Lord , the Only htegottemi
Son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mm.Vihbur
"Qiti 'J'ollis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sopramto solo-"Tliou That 'I'iilcc'st
Awn ) " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Oakley
"Quonttim tim Solus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quartet-"F'om 'i'hiou Only Art holy. . . . .
"Veni Creator" . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sopramto solo-"Conie , Holy Sitiri. . . . . . . . .
. S 'ferry
Duet-"hmi Vaimi'e Turn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miss 'ferr' anti Mr. ilolmne
Quartet-"Cotne , Holy bpiri
"Cretin" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quttrtet-"Grent Is the Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alto solo-"l Will Sing Unto titmi Lord" . ,
Mrs. Etiss'artlim
. .
Soprnmio solo-"Ilcar My Petition. . . . . . .
Mists Terry
Quartet-"I Stretch My Hanils to . . 'i'htee"
Sopramio mtolo-"lf I Forget Thee. . . . . . . . .
. . 'iisg Terry
Bass ttolo-"If I Forget 'nice. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Comirail
Solrano solo-"Shtow Jtltt 'I'Imy 'nya" . . . .
IlIsi * Terry
I3a tsolo-"Qulcki'mt Me , 0 Lor
Mr. Conrail
Quartet-"HahieluJalt , Ilrmllelujtim' : ' . , . ,
"Sanctus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quartot-"hioiy , holy , Holy. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soprano sOlo-"tleaven nod Earth Are
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 'rerry
Quartet-"Hoaatmna lit tito hhigluest" . . . . . .
"lionedictus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alto eolo'-"lilossed iii lie " . . . , . Mrs. Campbell
. .
Qtittrtet-"liies.4t'ti , Ever hilesse. . . . . . . . . .
"Agnus Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sopramio solo-"Larii , We h'ray The" , . .
Miuu . . Oakley
Quartet-"LOril , W'e I'rty 'i'hmee. . . . . . . . . .
Tettor solo-"O Renew Our Somtls" . . . . . . . .
Mr. Wilbur
Qumii'tct-"Lord , 'We Pray 'J'lmee , " timid
"Amen" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ofertory-Orgath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii. ii. Alien
Quamtet-Selectetl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loreihi quartet
ltecessionai-Orgamt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II , 11 , Allen
* 5 *
Tlio musical miepartmnemtt of the \'omnan'iu
club wIll give a receptioti in this club rootnu
Monday front 3 umitil 4 mit iiomtor of herr
Xaver Seharwenka ,
S * 5
The choir of St. Cec'hla's will git's a concert -
cert itt Cm-eighmton hail Tuesday evening. The
program is as follows :
Piano solo.-'fitudo".MaCItsvelt
Mr. Don Long.
Soprano solo-"Winter Lullaby" . . . . loKOven
Mrs , J W. Hawley.
"Tue Ship I Love ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vi heeler
Mr. H. Ii. Dailey. . .
WmaltzVisiomis of h'itrittiiae..Lulgl
Intierimll tittmidohiu quartet. Murmulolimia , Mr.
Highest of all in Lcavethng Power-Latcst (1. ( S. Gov' Repod
DVA1 BkinE
Ciimtrl manuel , Ails Ihedison : gutters ,
l'hhlip l'ast'iiel . . , Cliurit Tiethictimi ,
" ( boil , ye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T..stl
Mrzi. Loonils ,
l'Ait'l' 11.
a Neetuirne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCmmrgauirff
b Itlutipsody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilszt
Dcii N. t.oiig.
"b'crnuiruio" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schtubert
Misc . Zeiin , h..ttige ,
"Will-o'-time .Wip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chic'rry
Mr. . . 11. V. llutrklc'y.
"March idea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daibe ) '
Imttpc'rlrul 'mtaitiolin , quiertet.
Sopuahio tie 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ardhlio
Miss Myrtle Coon.
"rIte Itobier's Dreamt" . . . . . . . . . .Atlani Gt'ibei
l'iilltim h'asehuei , ( AeCotitl'.imtlst . , , tr. lhtitler , )
* 5.
Tue concert under tite AUspics of the
arrangemnc'mtt comnmuitteo of thio Nomtiuwetttcrn
Scemnilnavian Singers' nscociatioii wIll ito
misen at thin Crolgimfon theater ttext l'ri-
day evening , wIth the following lirogrant :
1'AItT I.
Os'ortutre.-Zanipa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iteroid
\Ltmstcinmts' l'rotectis'e t7itioti Oreitostrti ,
Mr. Ermiest Normilmi , cotithmictot.
\'ttrsnmtk-Spu-iiig ( Somtg ) . . . . . . . .0. h.Inilblad
Scattt iiuns'ian Siiigers of Omnaitil ,
i'rot Au Etigren , comutiuctor.
Ftttit F'atilatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tloutiod
so : , FItiti' , Mr. Olaf l'etorsen.
Bet Scitiffm'r'mu Tratmni ( The Sitilor's )
I ) rctitti ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abt
Time Ut't-mnnti Sliiuilttg SocIety OlithicUs ,
Mr. hlatimu Ahi'ert director.
Au'ia Imifeilco ( Op. Eritani ) oreitcetra
'dCct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Verdi
hias Solo , Mr. C. A. Jneoitsofl ,
a N'ocluirti , Op. 27. Chopin . . . . . . . .Wihiteimy
1) Itoitil tht'S Ituthii't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iiazziiti
Violin Solo , Mr. Ilamus X'lluert.
Olaf Trygs'ason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. A. hteissiger
Scimiid mtaviami Glee eltib , Mr. H. Nor-
thin. coniltietor.
I'Alt'P it.
Iromniebll'etlor ( i'k'turesquie Drennis )
Having recently littod up a build.
ing at 1214 Park Avenue , one-half
block north of H anscont Park , for
a first class ground floor PHOTO
STUDIO , and having secured an
oxporioucod operator , I am prepared -
pared to do the latest work in the
way 0 f photography , an d to introduce -
duce my work I will ( beginning tomorrow -
morrow and continuing one weak
only ) give
4.OO Carboiiette
Photos for $2.50
Street car fare paid those living at
a distunce. A cordial invitation
extended wheelinon and wheel-
( This week only. )
\Vlll pay for a full course in Dress Male-
ing at the
Boston Dress Cutting
303 Karbach Block , 3d Floor.
Fill ( ' ( 'aiim imimul 1)oiirlmus.
Ttte latest ysteiit taught ity Inventor. GLOVE
FI'FTiNCI rmuta4sES Itt/tI"Tfli ) tN TtmlutE :
IIINU'i'iei4. Itirtie't * and seamnles watats-
Frefleit bias-children's , tre-ses-tea gowns-etc.
IlOTtIEhlH. mtow Is ( lie titus to give yotir tiauglm-
tsr thus 'i'aiuable tiatie. After. this week this
eotmrso wilt tie $15.00.
We want ladles auni gentmenten to seth and
teach this system In every town amid county
throughout tue West. Send for cIrcular.
Any one hiving within 3 malice of Omiulma
viio caiiiiOt icavo hattie to nttemiti thmt Acntlt'rtt ) '
cin lotte title system with fuii instructions at
their homes frCt' of charge by getttmtg four ottter
titittits itt 110.15) mier ituci i. 11) ' a ilttte camtva.-
tag four scittitama can easIly t'o lied. Ixtteri-
t'nced dress makers once .eeiflg ulits mtytcmui wltt
use no oilier. 'roactiers wanted.
MusicIans' I'tat'etts'e tJnInn orc'hestr.
( tmnnti tti Chmnmites (8ing ( , SntIic' , Slum.
l'e ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Untitiod
Quirut'tet ace.'Ioiiii , Cclo , PlIi I'
anti tlgntt ,
MIsc Emtimtta Moelter.
a In Ait.enee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litirk
b Sheri at i.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iurner
Shiubert Glee ulumi , , Mm' . Lee (1. Knits , . .
uhutoctor , ,
Sotncrrto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vietu7.tentps
'tlr. 1 lens Albert ,
lrollops MiureitS'euluhlng ( M ' ' ) . . . ;
: ; ; . . . ' , Noruien ,
l'rof' . tmh Elgren , eomidtttor ,
a Es war clii Trumtiimt ( It % 'tus a hi-ttti )
Lu 4wr'4Ishj1'it'k . . . : : . : : : : : : : : J.DtIiiistdm
C ilonme , Sweet Ilotno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sir Ii. '
' ' ' liemiry JtIltep
eA'rmi'o'ticilo ; ; ; numd Il.itp , Miss Moc'lier
ium'ul : I'rnf. l'igromi.
a huge GJemtityitis Lis' i Noruien..Siunts
I ) N'ir'utc FrueIhI'laittisuutg..Nortirmunic :
C I ltir ts. Ss'ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \'ettmtertierg
Hlvetilii 1.midtes' Cimitrius. I3eiunduuia.
Viait Ut& ' eluuht , Nordcmt end
Oreluea tm.
511z1t'ln Um , Nt"itVe.hiit"diu' ,
The Willow Springs DIstillery eontpany
has found It ltnhiosttible to start tip Montlay ,
its mutticipatcd. Time long idleness htaa dried
out the vats to t'ttrli an extent thtat a per-
thin of tlmemn need extensive repairs. 'fliis
work is beiuig rushed ( hurought and wilt ho
routiploteti so tito first run wilt be mantis
\v1l1 inrtkti it iiutorostimig for bityori
In his lines
Now gopls have beomi t'ceoivvui
Ness' Liitemi Waists nt $1 7i no.1 $1 fIt ) each ,
New 5111Vnistts at $3.IS. $ i.1IS , $ G 50 ittiut $1 ,
SIlIc Stttrt'aittts , vitti whtite itutemi col-
hers ; % 'ery itow.
TIme iiitore'tt wilt ho kept up-A lot of imtigo
I Ii ito i'rh it I 'rmuplttrit
will ito : ulmhed , tiitso
are tiitiir Just netummil itltout. worth. hittif , , , ,9 ( , each . . . . . ,
dther equally oed values in the better
grades at 9Se , $ LI ttiid B.&U eiihi.
New Suits , $10.00
Two itew eiiinmies in ttin lhltuzer Stilts ,
lhiit'ti' finished ; iilso atiothor style lit navy
em. bituek serge , eqtIa to flit ) ' that were od
ttot long since at 5.OO.
New Suits , $13.50
A Stilt tluat mto haul ) ' heed be ashtmtmnetl to
wear timiywhiero ; iiothting to comnpare 'i'ltlt
them at tltt' price in Omitahta ; navy em' black
eteI'ge , box coat amid skirt.
New Suits at $18.00
hIanlsonie tint Stilts , also navy amid blanc
aerges , ttobiy Jackets , witlu foil , iwrtont
imangiiig i.ktrts.e can phtraee oti , for
we are plenmitig hutimttiretls of Petilite ( 'very
w'et'l with Stilts , mis we niw'ityuu have nest'
ones to shiost' , thtes' eittl tlmeitt mtltmiost daily
to us froni Ness' 'orlc.
$18OO $
We itaveStilts at $ O.O0 , $23.00 mttmd $30.00 , ii
lliietit ittado.
) 'oU watit the
' iultiuide for after-
' MOttlfl3'
Vlll be siiOss'n
receptionS. dinner ( lrurM q ( ' 5 or general
noomi mnateriuls anti
of flue
wear , miii initile l'rlces , from $30.00 to
untO iii every % 'iy
t.OO. )
of tirees
Just Save what the your dress will cost timid just how
' it.
you'll look iii
No two tireaseui alike mutd no
'ivihl be om'ierctl. s'ii be fitted in
Ladles front
tliiio to return home saiiie day.
Paxtoti liloclc , Car. 16th & Vum'iiuiii
_ _ _ -
- - . .
T- - = - .
Art Qalleries .
: ; ' '
Antique atid
: : : Moderti
Art Objects
On exhibition at our store '
Monday and Tuesday , k
May 4th and 5th.
. .
; ( t 1ittt01 -
, H
The collection comprises
Rare' Porcelains ,
Antique Eiiarnels , 4
Bronzes , Bric-a-brac ,
Artistic Furiiiture ,
Etc. , r
And twelve rare paintings by famous old masters.