- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - . - r1'nE : OIstAIIADAILY BEI : StJ'flAY , MAY 8 , 89G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 \ 1I11 ? TJ1USAXD IJSSIC Anouut cif Mnxcy ( otib's ' Shortage Grows ns InvstIgaton Procee1 , HIS LATE BODMEt1 WILL BE SUED Cnnii . IMNIOII rrM nf bit , It uer CIIIt ) ii , I'r'is VIs.sIruIIMI ) In t Iii ( ( ) SrIN 1oi C.IIt&In or th SInrtngt. LNCOt. , Ma ) 2.-Speclal.-NotwRh- ( ) tziflding the vIgorous ldck rcgItrcd by Altnrney 1) . G. Courtiu y agaInst the emi - i > kymerit of the aw firni of Laniberton & hail to asSIst Ccunty Attorney \Voodward In the suit to be Instituted agaInst the br.dmen of the hate Maxey Cobb , coutity tc3P.tlrer , the county coiniiiIIoner thith afternoon announced that tIiy houIt1 tzini1 by the contract mailc wIth Latijbcrtvn & hail , nnil that they know of no good reason why they shouh1 not do so. 1xainhiier l'od- tea has rcporteI that the lcflcency ! In Cobb's accounts amounts to nearly oOoo. The application of the various thepostors of the defunct hlncoln avIng9 bank for the rtmovnh ( if Itecever 11111 wIll come up In diztrlet court next Menday. A large nurn- ber of vItnesses have been siiinmoneh by the objectors , Including the bank otflclahs nod ivcraI tIepo&tori , who vhII brng : their books with thietii Into court , Itegarihing the story that State Aurlitor 1Llgene 1core ! souhi1 wltiulraw hii nnswer to the cmplant of the Farmers' Mutual In- rurance COtfliflhIY , Cr , rather , that portion of it in shich Is inised the constitutionality of thu law authorizng mutual tire Insulance ctnnlanIes , the auditor today stated hint lie was perfectly willing that the attorney general siioiihl v1tbdraw it , and , further- there , that the aiIeed "attack" on Insurance companIes cluIng buIncrs on the mutual lati WOB lnerted in the answer wIthout hs ! knovhodge , nnd that he fIrst rcaI It In the - Ianswer as submitted to hIm by the attorney guicral. The question hind been discused betwen hihne1f and the attorney general. but the makIng ci that portion of the an- liwer a poInt as done wIthout hIs previous knowledge. TIiI.u whole matter was cx- plalried In The Ihee two weeks sncc , by nu- thorlty of the auditor , and so far nothing new has transpired In connection with it. In the ofTlc cf the clerk of tue supreme court today It was stated that the attorney general could file a substitute answer , rnIuu3 time objectIonable constitutional point , but 'o far notiing of the kind has been done. From the State Board of Transporiatlon thc Unon Pacific flallrcad company has oh- taned leave to file an ansver to the coin- plaint againat thi new schedule of frelglit rates by May 20. In the meantIme time old sehetlulo xviii 1)0 in operation , but the hear- lug of time Eikhorn controversy Is iet ( Cr May 8 , and at this tIme time whmohe controversy - versy tony be settled for good. Tiii afternoon a s'poal train bearing thc Boston contIngcnt of the hotel mneri'a Cmiii- forna excurs'on paed through the city emi Its return from the annual meetIng of thie hotel Men's Mutual Ilenafit aaoclatomm at Los angeles. Tlm traIn containIng the New York contIngent through yesterday and tomorrow time Chi cage wIng f the cx- curion will flit through. Judge 0.V. . Ncrris. respondent In the contest - test stilt iiitttuted against hilni by Judge I ) . T.'eity. . In time Fourth judicial this- - trial , has flied another motIon hm the su- : preimie court , akIug that the ease be die- missed for want of ilrceecution. Omaha peopie In Lincoln : At the Lindehi -M. Meyer , 0. C. holmes , I. 13. Sadler , Gecrgq it. tay , 0. 0. Itushie. At the Capitol -George W. Turney , Edward htch. ! At the Limmcohn-II. T. Clarke , I. A. Medlar , J. II. Butler. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIl'AI1tS Ol PIlE Fish COMMISSION. StitteiliCli Coiieerning ( lie It iiiimurI4 of s'I , iiiieIsil IrrejiiIsi ii ties. LINCOLN , May 2.-Specil.-SInce ( ) the open letter of the ex-suporintenfient of the Nebraulca Fish comnnmission , M. E. O'I3rien , Wae pubhlshied in a Lincoln paper , various rumors have been flying around regarding alleged financial 1rreguiarItes ha affairs of the fish commIssion , but nothing of a definite . - , * . ? mature could be run down. Today Mr. lIen- - - - ton Marct , tile goverriOr'8 prIvate secretary. gave the fohiowlng statement to the premis "V7hien time reIgnatIons of Meurs. Melkho anti Oakley , as members of time flub conmmnis- BiOfl , were imresenteml September 27 , they were accompanied by a request for an Inves- tigatlon into the affairs of the flidi comnmis- sion , as constituted by appointment of Gay- / ernor iloiconib's predecasors , and especially Into the debtmrscmnent : of ( wide approprlateti. The governor exprcsetl hlnisehf as agreeable to an investigation at. some comvenlent dato. 'Later. on Icemnber 5 , tie Governor wrote Messrs. MehkIo and O3kiey , c.ilflng attention to time request for an InvestIgation and ask- lng theni to make formal charges upon which to base a hearing. No reply was recolveL troimi Mr. Oakley. Mr. Meikhe replied Dr.- cemnber IS that he would consult lthi Mr. Oakley and wrto further concerning the matter ; since whIch nothing further ban been heard frommi elthmer _ "It Is understood that time present comm'- elemi line made 'omne Inquiry into time cx- penmiltures of time old commission and cx- iccl to follow It up by the ciosest scrutiny 1)05511)10 ) wIth the records obtainable. Time comimmlrsiomiera state that theIr hmmvostigatlon rhil have to be bar.od almost solely upon time records In time othlco of the audItor of imubhle aeccunti' . inasmuch as the retIring coimmimmir- sloners turnoi over to them only one book of record. This was a bert of ledger account of time appropriations of time last few ioglsia- ( ores and contained also brief notctt of a of time board meetings. Repeated requests for further records of the acts of the old commnit-'slon have , we are Inforimmed , been jg- norcd. Time lrcseImt board lCeIS a fuii record of all cxpenac Incurred , to whom miii blue are paid and a copy of each voucimer Issued. " 1311. M'iCi.tY IS I'Ul.i.Y JIXtNlit'l'IiI ) Goverimor Iloicomuim .t U rilimites tlii ( 'liii rgi's to i'uvt Ismi a 11111S , LINCOLN , May 2.-Speclal-Govornor ( ) iloicomb today unnoimocoti bbs findings In the Norfolk asylum Investigation. lie at. tributea the charges , In the main , to parti- eati bias , imliti dr.cilnes to amk for time resigna- thou of lr Mackay , superintendent of time In- ? vItmmtlon. So far no romlgnatIon line been offered by lr. Mackay. In dlscuaIng time matter Governor Ilolconib saId today : " 'I'he charge3 against Dr. J. ii , Mackay. vuperIntebtiermt of thmo Norfolk Asylumu for I ' hit , limeamme. are In substance timat time super- hmmteimdtxmt hiss been guIlty of cruelty to pa- tienti' mmii , auio , Inmimmoral conduct. Tlmesr. mire tie : emily two that I deem It imecesmary to coimsitht'r iii this coimnection , and , after carefully - fully commshmlerliig all time evidence lmreeemmtetl. I mini of the opinion that micitimer are at all supported by the evIdence , nor him there aimy vulhlcicrmt foundation in fact to lead an tin- vrt'iumile'tl imiiimd to a different conclusion. "Thu charges , In my judgment , seeni to grow out of personal anImosity and rc'3eimt- mnent on time Part ci forimmer employee agalimet 'imo iiuperlntemmdent , rather titan a disinter- ? I- s'sted desire to liromnoto time welfare of time Inbthtutlon , 'ut Is also quIto apiar nt to mime that lo- flUeimces have hecim put III motIon in order ho lend color to lime charges , whore pro- ' iootcra would not imeritate to destroy the mt'ofuhimet's of tide or army other liubihe Iii- etitutlon Iii time state It It were thought that ImattIl1 mzdvnmmtago could be gained thereby , " St'vt'rul , tt't'Iileiitpm is t I'mi I rmuuut. FAIRMONT , Neb. , May 2.-Speciai---Yes- ( ) terday was a day full of miccimlenta In FaIr- mont. John lloird , while breakIng a colt , timro mm fremu time agon ammd lied iml collar belie brokcmm. lr , Carr was driving In time cOUimtry to vIsIt a patIent , % 'lmen lmIm hmorLu balked ojid upset time carrIage anti smoashmeil It to idecca. I'rof , GoodrIch left hIs hmormo anti carriage hitched to a Immmt at the 311gb school bulldlmmg. Time horse got loome amid rsim away , In runnIng down time street It caught a wheel of Jacob Kelcime'a buggy anti took It off , anti theim took a bee ihmie for . - , - . _ 1400W. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fuimermil of nit 5)11111 liii " . ' , 'oimimin. COI4UMIIUS , Neb , , May 2.-Speclal--Timo ( ) , f funeral of MrmVfllIsnm Oeotivmmmamm took * , . Iaco yesterday , Time Cathollo church iii Wjle14 LrYlcce wore 14eld wu crwde1 with kRLLRv , STIGER & CO. Unusually Low Priceon First-Class Merchandise. Mid-Season's Sale of Late Styles lii. . ! ? . DRESS GOODS 65c. . . . . . .Whitc Wash Silk , one yard wide. . . . . . . .65c 60c. . . . . . . . . . Black Flgurcd China Silk . . . . . . . . . . . 60c 75c . . . . . . Black Fine India Silk1 one yard wide . . . . . . 75c $ I .10 . . . . . . New Style Pornpadtur 1'affcta Silk . . . . . $1.10 85c. . . . . . . . . Grenadine , Fine B'ackS'ilk . . . . . . . . . 85c 75c.Pcrsian and Fancy Silk Crepecut from $1.35 to..75c 75c Taffeta two toned wonderful variety 75c SEE OUR ATTRACTIVE DRESS 0000 $ AND NOTE PRiCES 35c . . . . . . . Black l'lain , and Fancy , Mohairs . . . . . . . . 35c 50c . . Genuine Black Storm Serge , our 75C grade for . . 50c 60c . . . . Black Mohair Fancies , also late novelties , at . , . , 6 Oc You SHOULD SEE OUR COLORED DRESS00003 BARGAINS _ 25c . . . . . Attractive , all wool , Fancy Worsteds . . . 2'5c 50c . . . . . . . . New Mohairs , regu ar 85c quaity. . . . . . . . . 50c 75c . . Silk and r00 , new effects , cut from i i to . 75c 75c Serge , $1 quality , Scotch Suitings , i quality , now 75c High-Grade Dress Stuffs , Black and Colored , Exclusive Designs , Rich Mohair Novelties - elties , Crepon , etc. , at cut prices. French Oha1ie 35c anil 49 nowPet'sicim Laces. Laces.La La es. Novelties Just Received. \\'iiItt , ei'elilt' hIfl ( 1)111 ) Ici' COiOI'-1)Ilit Lk'i'i'e , IltIDit'1t4 nIId 1'mIum'lt Alldllne. ) ( IilPtOhhIle , Aiitlmlue imthliies iiiid PoInt d'Fsiiilt Lfl'Cg-FlOIlm 81to . ! 10 Ittehies 'ii1t' , itt 1k' , ; ik' ; , iOc , 7e up to 2.5O a ymii'd , I'V'hlCiI 8 iitl I tal Ian \'milenelt'iiin's Lice : iiiitl linreil Ions Iii eiit1ht'ms variety , fitiiii l'tje , 2e , c , 'Ic , tie , Sc , lOc lii ) to roe mi yaitl. It 1dm I'litieii : EII11)I'olh'reI ( Limicim tml IlaIUlm4 lii'aiitifiil ) ' designs - Ot'CI limit hue ( OlL'lt signs ) , at 1ie , Oc , 2ie , iie , 50e ip to $2.O 8 ymiid , Now GrOSS Lhiiemi EII1iroidl'rll'S mitid Iitsei'tloiig itt. 15e , 20e , 2e , 3ie , 50c amid Tre ; u yard. It kb Inibroldemctl Ibekhll 'i'btittie , a 1tts llk mititi litiomi fabile , ctpeclmiIly stilti'tl fot. lilotise fronts. etc. I-iiiehm geilillilt ? Frelmcli ChmilTomim4 , cx- tm hut' ( itimihitY , aimly 7c a 3'at ( h. NOVCItV I tOlmitOhl Ilortler Veils , Trc , se : , 1.OO , $1.50 t'i'hi. Latest iiiesiies in 'i'iixedo Voiiingm , 18 Immelmes wimle , at 20c , 2c , ie 1111(1 50c a yard , . - Lads' ! Leatheil Be1ts. lit mill time Intett leihmbtV ( mill coIomm ) , tt 2k' : , : uc , 50c , 75c , $1.OO $ I.2 , 2.OO ac1i. C ; 'xoinan has bren in Iii hehitt for covera ! months , . and , beconing depopdent , decIded to cfld her lc. ! lhe ! boi'n ' In thIs city about thirty , years ago , and was married five years ago to Mr.aulr. . Two small children are the fruit ot ttim nloim , . . " 1'mi'nce Soehii1"1iv iil. PAWNIE CITY , NeiL , ' ? s1y 2.-Speclal.- ( ) The juniors of time academy. gave a farewell social lasI evenIng to th senIors at thmr. academy building.tn Inhirestlng programim wau rendered , followed b a. social tIme. Time hadles of time EasterngStar gave one of their entertainIng and picmsIng banquets him the Masonic halt Friday evenimmg. The Ipworthm ieagtmo gave one of ile socials at the recidence of Dr. J. W. Billiard Tuesday evening. It was well attended , IIcimtes of t lie Cripple Cre'tIc Slimier. . KEARNEY , Neb. , May 2.-Special.-The ( ) fires at Cripple Creek the past week have effected several present and past Kearneylte. uhte severely.V. . l. Jackway , one of t ! : largest hardware mercimants In tim.s ! city , had another store in Cripple Creek , was burncd otm , In the first fire , nimdV. . M. Spence , a former dry goods merchant , amid Mr. Squ res , "mm attorneY , 1)0th lost everytimlng , oven r the clothes omm timeir backs , 1mm time blaze. Iiemirlli-y OhIit'er' _ % IiiOI mm heil. ICFAItNEY , Neb. , May 2.-Specizd.- ( ) Mayor llmmlbert has made time following up. polntmonts tom' hIs term of 0111cc , and they have been continued by the councU : cty : attorney , Judge W.hltam Gaslln ; chief of p'iIce , Iten A. Juilan ; sewer and buildIng inspector - specter , EmIl Olson ; chief of fire departniemmt , Jot10 Wilson ; assistant chIef , IS. A. Juilan. Ilommored me Grituti Ishmtiid Girl. GRAND ISLAND , Nab. , May 2.-Speciai. ( ) -Time hIgh school yell resounded ho every part of the city last night when It was known hero that MIce Cora Neff of time Grand leland high school timid worm first imomiors in the dra- mnatic class at time state contest at Asimland. UntIl long after midnight the celebration contInued. V Clmorgemi aitIi .Jur lIrIhizm. NELIGIf , Ncb. , May 2.-Special.-P. ( ) B. Pacimwood was arrested last evening on tim charge of attempting to bililo time jury In \Velclm-Funcross case , ( room PIerce county , This morning lie was held in $300 bc41113 anti tim case was coiitlimued untIl time next termim of court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II liii inrgt' I Ime lII'e'Ir. I'lz ; iii. ICEARNJ'Y ' , Nob. , May 2.-Spcclal.--I ( ) [ . II. hake lmis : sold out lila Interest In time ICcarney Cyio Manufacturing commipany amid time how stoclhoIthers wIll Increase time plant iii every respect. Time company line orders almond now to keep it going r'aycrai weeks. l'l it'im I Crmi , lVsJie'lM. ORE ) , Neb , , May 2.-Specliml.-For ( ) time wcek endIng Timursda ) ' , 91,1O.O of an Inch of raIn huH fallen. The pfo"pes so far are wommdertimliy good , ThmosIa1J 'graIn Is about all eovmm anti farmers ? ir'o iim'mr.y plowIng for corn. Considerable breakIn1is boiimg done. .It. if. Pri-jim rI imz. fim r l'ii cc ( Joim ii h y'14 F'ii I r , I'AWNEII CITY , NchinAIav , 2.-Speclal.-- ( ) Time faIr pamlmlmlmietmm are ant announcing time savomitec'ntii anmiuai fair of time Pawoco County Agricultural , Mochlamilcal amid iloril. cultural asiKiclatlon , to boithold Iii thIs city September 8 , 9 , 10 anttilld3 Secret Sm'IttIs Chimir , , AShLAND , Neb. , Ma -Specmil.-Time ( ) reimmalns of Judge TlmpnJ ) Johmmson , vImo comminmitted suicide Thuremimmy , wi1 ba burled by time Masons amid Kimlghtis of l'ytliia.s to. morrow afternoon. Tbe macmi wil be a large one , no. lnimgimters of tIit' . imit.rmiin. ScilUYI..lht , Neb. , ,9tay 2-trecial.- ( ) Thured3y evemmlrmg the iladlcs of the hiebokaim lodge omitertmmioctl about 100 of himeir friends at the lodge roommi , TL'ere1vac a fine literary and musical program end1rtrosimnients wore eorvd , : . himiIimei'ml tlii Nimimilmer of SISIOIIH , KFAIINFY , Neb. , M1Y 2.-Specal.-At ( ) the last ses'Fon of limo city counc I time i - cense for rmmmmlng a saloep was fixed at $800 cash per o'omr , As a result only five 11cr- semis have taken out a Iicsnso so far , 'i'i I br Iiojm 114bItml , JIFF1ItSON , Ia , , May 2.-Spnial ( Tele. rani.-The taIlor shop of John Byerly tms mroben Irmto durIng the night arid four smuts of imew clothes taken. ThIs I.e the thirj time hIs shop Imait been robbed , liidlii , moIn'N Nt'v S'iiotiI i'rl mmclimi I , INDIANOLA , Neb.1 May 2-Spr.cIsi-J. ( ) H , Cramer of Cresco , thin state , has been elscte1 VriucIpai of the local Qubilo choo1s. Ladies' Shirt Waists 51"AR LAbjE \\T have tiow Ofl exhibi. -v' 14' tion the largest and most \ complete line or shirt waists V ' ever shown in the west- ; ml I ' \ , . , . ' j 't ' 'I it1c'uVll1g the celebrated V ! ' I ' 1 ' Star and King waists for / \ , V /lJ / \ which wa have the cxciu- - \ 'i ' sive salc-Thc most cor- ( rect and latest shapes in I , , . all tile popular Initerial S. - ib ranging in price from oc , , , -crP to s3.o-attached and de- $ V' tachabic collars , so that the waists can b worn with either vhite or colored . V collars. A large variety TRADE ) MARR of individual skirts and THE BEST MADE swts at 1OIUiar ptccs Paras o1s- Our second shipment of paraso's has arrived COfll- ) rising all tile latest uiovctics. Persian and Dresdeit effects , Stripes aiid Checks. Cliiffoii , brocaded , plaili aiid triiniiiecl with chiffoti , Poiigee and Linen effects Our fancy parasols are nlounted wkh Paris , Enameled Sticks , in coiors to mttch silk in ptrasols , Wilicli is the latest European fad. Prices Ranging from 1 to $10 , We have by far the nicest line of wash fabrics in the city at lowest prices , INDIAN DIMITIES , In light grounds , at 7 ½ c , lOc and 12 ½ c a yariL lush LA\VNS , 40 inches wIde , iii al I time latest shmadlmigs and ltnen elTccts , tast colors , 12c. A FULL LINE OF LINEN colored llatlete , in plain and In fancy stripes , at i2c , 15c and ISo a yard , lilISil DIMITIES-Another large shIpment In all colors arid designs , colors guaranteed , 25c a yard. I'IIRSIItN BATISTES. 40-Inch , 10 cimolce colorings , fast colors , only iSc a yard. COLOItFJ1) SWISS ORGANDY , 1mm PersIan and Japanese Olfects. a imlee asmurt- nment , 2Sc a yard. PURE LINEN IJATISTa , In plain , at fromu 20c to 45c a yar.I stripes at from 20c to 40c a yard ; imlaids at SOc , mind polka dote , Iii different eolorm , at Oc a yard. CORDELETTE , a new fabric , in Inca eects and I'eran deslgmms , only lSc a yard. SWISS ORGANDY , 32-inch , fast CoiOfS. iii beautIful colorings , IDe a yard ; werth 30 centa. SILK PLAIDS , in linen shades , frcst quality made , G5c a yard. KJIAJiY SPJ IFJ11 & GO. Corner and Farnani 15th friends of the family , who also accompanIed the remains to their reetlng place in the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Gentieman was one of time pioneer9 of Platte county , and was lmlghmly esteemed by all acquaintances. Site \vau , 75 years of age. 11cr imimehand'illiam Gentleman , died In this city elgimteemt montlms mgo. Survlvlmig them are one daughter and three e.na-Mrs , U. C , Cavanaimgh , wife of SImerIff Cavanaughi , and William , Robert and Tlmonmas Gentleman , reeldentu of Omaha. All the cimhidren and a. number of gramideblidren attended the funcral. I N'I'Fi it II S'I'ING LE G .t I , CON'I'EST. School IhitrIct mind City of GrnimI Islim mmml I ii Court. GRAND ISLAND , May 2.-Speclal.-Qulte ( ) a legal contest has been waged lucre In time past few days over the apportIonment of " 01110 PtmbllC money between several school districts. Time Contest originated from a law passed by the last legislature. The law 1mm que'tloii provldoci thmat when several school districts were i'Ituated withIn the cotimoratlon limmiltt , of any city , they were ontitieti to a proportIonal smare of the nioneys receIved fromim dimes and licenses. Outm'de of tue school dIstrict at Grand Island tlmrce other titetricti , were in part within the city lImIts of Grand Island and timey at once got to- gothior atid applied for a mandaniiumt corn- pohhhmig the city treaaurcr to pay over the amnoumit dime thorn. Time Board of Education of tiulii city by reE'lutIon ' Imad instructci the treasurer not to pay over the money. WhmIle the suIt was pending the city autimoritlos secured a petItion of what they claImed to be a majority of time votero of certain per- tlon.s of thobe dli'trlctr. , asking to be taken Into school district No. 2 , otimerwlse known ait time mtclmool dIstrict of Grand Island. This rmetltlon was presented to time county superIntendent , who notified time county clerk of the changes amid time annie were entered cii record , A march wait stolr.mi on the dl- rector of school tiletrict No , I , as well as Impoil time other school distrIcts , and time hatter - ter at once took time matter Into time court. This case , undcr title of the State of Nebraska - braska ox rel , agaInst Maynard Spink , county suporinter.dcnt , is also pendlmmg , A demurrer. maklimg time chmeol board of Grand Ilaimd also a party of the stilt , Iman been sustaIned. An amemmded petition hiss been third , and time case wIll agaIn comile up for hiearlng In the district court next Wednesday , In rmmhlmmg upon time demurrer , lImo court gave out time Iimmprcsslon that time petItion was not entIrely legal , anti In time meantirno thmo city council adopted an ordinance changIng time corporate IlmItu of time cIty to coimforot wIth tIme botmo- dary lilies of time Granti Islamid scimool dIstrict. Tlmlf , Wail tiono just prcvlouii to time payment of a numimber of ealoon licenses , ammd wimat- over time otitcomno of the cases now pending In court Ili be , it I lIretty certaIn that In time future time moneys receIved froiui fines and hieepsemt In the city of Grand Island wIll not go to tIme outlyIng sctmooi dIstricts , As ho tIme mIIs'Isiofl of time moneys for last year , timeco all depend upon thm utcommie of the casois now on trial. Wimatever time roicult wIll bo In time lower court , an appeal will most likely ho takeim to time supreme court. It Imas been In all a very Interesting legal combat , ammd the enml 1.9 not yet , as even more Inter- cstliig do't1iopimiCnts are looked for in time very near future , si.nt ts hullS' Count y lItigutloim , CIE1IINO , Neb , , May 2 , -SpecIal.- ( ) Time i'primmg termo of dletrlct court 1mm Scotts Iliuff county wIll begIn Mon. day witim a docket of ' seventy cases , mimore timati at ammy prior sIttIrm sInce the coulmty % : a.s organized , One of tIe re. cent cases fi'ed ' amid among time most tin. portarmt is a imetltton for time appolmitimiemit of a receiver for time Farnmr.rs' Canal con'paiiy , time largess IrrigatIon enterprise on time r'ver. Time cuummmi Is In hut partlaihy completed con- thition and at time tlmue the flmmanelal itrn- gooey cot In work was prosecuted tuo lung In time hope of early assIstance. Time Immdg- immemit lablltIes ! of time company amount to about $8,000 , Time petItIon Is tiled by I ) , C. Onstott , wimo asks that Charles A. lionton be appolmited as receiver , ( 'Iii'ers for Vuirr'mi Slisumn , F1IEMONT. May 2.-Speclal.-About ( ) twenty students of the Frenmont 111gb chooi vent to Aslmland yesterday to attend time state hIgh scool oratorical contest and cheer for W'arren Slesoim , Frenioot'ms represcitatIve In time contest. They returned at an early hour timlu immornlng IeehIimg yory enthusIastic over Slsaon's succet's in wInnIng the highest prize In time oratorical class. Ytmhimmiiiiu lodgc County history. VIIEMONT , May 2.-Speclai-J ( ) , Towimor Smoltim of thIs city has kept a diary for over temmty.flvo years , in wimleb he lies recorded hmimi dommgs and busIness tran6actons each day mtnd noted the happenings of lmnpor- tant event. . lie thInks that few It any uu dlarlea can b. found in IhI itat &xni yaluca it very highly. As ho was one of the early settlers of this county , his diaries are vain- able hmletorical documents. 0 ILtTOIL ICA b CON'I'FIST WINNEItS Ietnlls of jut' Stmte .tIrmiIr lieu ! at tslmIs.im,1 , ASHLAND , Nob. , May 2.-SpocIal.- ( ) Slmnlngtomi's opera house was packed iaat nighit to listen to the state oratorical comi- test of Nebraska. The followtng were the contee'tanta : Oratorical-York , "Power of Free Ideas , " Elisha Jackon Tecumi'eh ' " " ; , "Valley Forgo , II. P. Miller ; Frernont , "The l3oy Orator , " . Warren Sisson. Drarnatlc-J'awnee City , cavern scene from ' 'Sue , " Mamnlm' l3ettys ; Grand Isaimd , "Swan and Gazelle , " Cora Neff ; Soutlm Omaha , "Chariot Race , " Fred Winslmlp. Humorous-Blair , "Tea Lite for the Train , " Macdo Cunningimam ; Aurora , "Mr. I3rowmi Gets His haIr Cut , " W. M. Dixon ; Mlnden , 'MIce at Play , " Mary Hammond ; Aiijmlaimd , ' 'how Itimbeatein Piayed Martima , " G. Iteaeoner , Warren Sissoit won first place In time oratorical - atorical chase with time seicctioim , "Tile BOy Orator ; " Eiisima Jackson eccond , witlm "Time Power of Free Ideas ; " Cora Neff won the firaimmatic with time selection , ' 'Swan antI Gazehia , " and Fred Winshlp of South Onmaima [ 'OCC ' nfl place , with time ' 'Chariot Race ; ' ' Marthma Reasoner won fir.st in the imuimioromma chain witim "flow Ruby I'iayed ; " and W. M. Dixon second wIth "Mr. Brown Ceti , Ills HaIr Cut. " MIss Martha Reae'oner of Ashland - land , wlmo von first prIze In time humorous , also receIved the hmighest markings over all time contestants , She makes time tlmird prize vlnner in the state contest , iiaiihs'mt'i' ut . ' ' Stolt.i i'rojp.-rt' [ 'ommimil. FItEMONT , May 2.-SpecIal-Laet ( ) fall time Freinoimt Brewery company missed a good mnary kegs of beer , LS'hmieim were taken from time brewer- before time lJimltetl States stamp was alfixoil to time keg. They woo unable to timid emmt what bec4mo of timemo , timough timey hail surpiclonim that time beer wao gohmmg to a farm house near time Elkhorn yards. Time place was searched , but there was not siifflclr.rmt. evidence found to warrant a prosecution , This epring tIme farm cimanged temmants , and limo new tenant , vimlle plowIng , ummeartimed a good imiany Imoops anti staves t'hmlchi wore omico a part of beer kegs , They were not mmli foummd Iii one place , but vcre scattered arounmi near the lmoueo. burled nearly a toot deep. Judging from time 01mm- her of hoops and staves found , a good mnaimy kegs of beer were atoln from the comnparmy , T loilc ( , ii H t ) ' Morlgmijt- OSCEOLA , Nob. , May 2.-Speciah.-Timo ( ) nmortgago record In Polk couimty for April imow tlmat for time month timere hmmivo been twenty-one farzmm rmmortgagem , filed , amounting to $16,120 ; tweimty.sevemm released , ammmrnmntixig to $20,030 ; town amid cIty flied , one , amount- lng to $700 ; released , timree , $718.35. Timero imave becim seventy-two chattel mortgages filemi , amountIng to $11,297 , and ' 131 released , ammmountlng to $62,4 I4.i9. I'IERCE , Nob. , May 2.-Speclai-Tho ( ) PIerce county mortgage record on file In time county clerk's office gIves the ( ohlowlmmg figures for the immontim of i\pril : Farm imlort- gages tIled nine , 7,379 ; released term , $4,56150 ; city mortgages flied ammo , $1,200 ; roheaseml two , $3854I ; chattel mortgages filed 162 , $10,861.21 ; released eleven , $5,618.10 , ' % 'ii r fli.mg Coiei'rt is t \mlno , \'AilOO , Nob. , May 2.-Special-A ( ) war scog concert mis given by the musical tel. cot of time ety at time opera house last nIght. A good crowd waa In attendance , SUTTON , Neb. , May 2.-Special-TIme ( ) Sutton Phmlhiarmoimlc ) orchestra gave a comm- cert last e'enlng at the opera house to an apprcclatlvo audlemmce. Time affaIr was a very creditable one , as It was entirely of aiumateur perforincrs. Time programmm was enhivemied wIth vocal selections amid reclta. 'louis. I'r.emmilsir Aei'IIi'mi t a t l enrtn' ' , KEAI1NEY , May 2-Simectal-A ( ) few days ago Dr. C , A. Jackson had hIs hmandmm antI vrIct quite severely burned ummmler very peculiar clrcummistances , lie had cleaneJ Imi" gloves with gabollmme and pmit therim omm mini becra gong out struck a niatchm to lgimt : imle clear , Time flames Immediately IgnIted the gloves and before he could get imis lmammmI. out Or time blaze smothered hIs hands amid wrists were blistered and burned very badly. _ _ _ _ _ Slt'lc ' .l'onmii mm CommIts $ tmlt'Idt' . PLA'hI'SMOUTII , Neb. , May 2-Speclai. ( ) -Mrs. Coon Vallery , tfo of a well known farimier hivIng tour mIles west of timli city , comnimmltted suIcide ibIs afternoon by shoot- log herself In limo temple with a 32-caliber revolver. The tragedy occurred at the home of 14cr znother Lu this city , The unfortunate ChECKS CRAPO'S ' CAPERS Burnham Heirs Object to His Reappoint- mentas Guardian , PECULIAR LETTER OF THE PETITIONER lIeIrm4 Iesigmmnte Elmer II. 'l'lioiilmts its 'Fim ii r Clmoiee.-'I'n jigle It t'simi ts from Cruipo's F'ormimer Short S S en r.i , sli I p. An applIcation for time appokitment of a guardian ad 111cm imas been filed Iii the county court by the mInor imelrs of time late Leavltt J. Iiurnhani , mind thereby hmamigs a tale. tale.Time Time will of Mr. I3urnbam was flied for probate about a month ago ammO within a very few days Philip A , Crape was appointed guardien ad hltenu for the minor heirs , of which there are timrce , the oldest being nearly as cli ] as the "guardian , " and the other two being but little younger , The will bore miato about 1870 , soon after tIme mar- rlago of the maker , amid before any chIldren had heen born. By the prov1ions of the wIll all of time property of the teitator was left to time wIfe , and , at her death , to time clmlldren , If there were any. The emmtlre family was In CalIfornIa at time time time wIll was filed anti all of time parties Imomedlateiy concerned are still there , being represented In timla city by the attorney - torney who had charge of Mr. liurnimam's buoiess : during hIs iIeUmG. The guardIan ad hitern at omice comnmnenced all time legal pro- ceedlngs ho could thmlrmk of. lIe filed a long amid startling petitIon , asking that time s'lll be set asimie , allegIng that undue Influence hind been ued In cuttIng of ! time cimlldren and alleging that they 'ero time unwilling victims of a deep laId piot to deprive them of their m'hmaro of their fatlmer'a estate. Ahimiost m.Iniultaneous . vIthi time filing of time wIll a deed was tiled Iii time otilco of the register of deeds , transferring all of Burn- hmain'a property to Ir , W. 0 , Bridgea , and time next day another deed was fIled transfer- rlmmg time simimo Imroperty to Mrs. flurnlmam , the coimslderatlon In hotim cases being tlmo saummo , antI time deeda 1)0th bearIng ( late SCV- eral years back. The guardian ad hitem at once fietl notlcen of lIe pendens agaInst both trarmsfermm , thmeroby giving notIce that lie intended , as guardian of thmo mInor imelrs , to commmmmenco suit to set asIde hue trammefers , Abommt thmI time time county judge diecoy- ea ed that limo guardlaui bmati put hula foot imm It aimfi the young oman was called In and Iruformuied In a vIgorous mmmannor timat time county court comilml not gIve anybody author. Ity to file a imotlco of lIe pendens arid that ho hmad oxceedel hmls autimorlty. Tlmo guardlan thmen attempted to recail hIs notice of 11mm pendcnuu by filing a notIce thmat It 'as wIthdrawn , thus further comnpllcat.ng mat- tore. WItimlu a few days Imis applntrmmont am , guardIan ad hitcmmm sas wlthmdramiis , altlmommgim timat fact was studloimsy concealed , It leaked out , though , Crape boastIng that lie was to be realpohimteI ( when. time matter was agalmu taken up. Tlmla boart caine to time ears of time iittotiiey for tIme hluroham eotato and hue fiefi ! am applIcatIon for the appointment of E.mncr II. Thonmas as guardian oil 111cm. At. Inched to thIs applicatIon was a letter whmlclm Crape imad written to time flurumham chIldren at time tinmo of hula appolnimmient. It was time immoet fearfully amid wonderfully cormatructed documneimt whmlclt vas ever filed In any court. It was full of gramnmatlcai erroro , was so anmblgumous as to ho inure iininteUlghblo titan Choctaw , and was so full of repetltlois amid "doubles" as to rermder It , tranmilatiorm a rmatter : of absolute lmmipoaaiblilty , Time letter was sent to the attorney of the estate In thIs city by Judge Groff , form- oIly of this cIty , who repi eaents Mrs. hum- hmtiiim , Jim alluding to time letter of Cm'apo , Juumigo Groff says : "This letter of Itself is sutllclemmt evidence against time almpointmmmerit of. thIs unmimm a guardlarm for anybody. " In opcaklmmg of time matter yesterday mmmormm- log time attorrmey for the etato saId that time mmplOliitmmient of Crape In time first Idace y.ia illegal , it having been nmade before notica of any cppIntmemmt vas served on Mrs. Ilurrmlmmmimm , "Morecver , " said he , "this mmmamm Cruipo Is entIrely igmmorammt of time clrcurmi- stances of time llmmrntmsimm famIly amid , meemmma to have proceeded on time timeomy thmat hue nmtms % ralso time very devIl in order to make beiteve lie was doing somethming. I can Itraglno no reason wmy he was selected for ( ho positIon unless It was because hue Is a member of time republIcan state central commltte , lie baa glYeu it out that hme Is shated for re-appointment and we Intend to prevent imla appoIntment if It Is possible. As near as I can understand lmtmm wonderful letter to the children , he Is anxious to make a fee and didn't want. to comb square out anti nay n. Time fact timat he was actIng entIrely without army autimorlty of time chIldren is clearly m.thown by an affi- timmvit flied wIth time applIcation for a gumardlan ad 111cm , In wimicim they state that they have no Intereyts adrersc to timelr mother auth sImply want a guardian appointed in order that time affaIrs of time er.tato may be wound Imp in regular ortler amid with as lIttle corn- pllcatlon as pcasibie. " S0UTH0MAtUNIWS It is ratimer doubtful if time mayor can make Imis scheino work of reducing tIme valu- atlon In order to reduce time state asr.ss- merit. Time local assessors imavo about commi- plcted time work of assessing real estate , and In all cases wimere Improvements have hot lcoii made during time past year time asseso- inemmt will be time same as in 1695. It Is the IntentIon of time assessors to raIse time packIng house and stock yards assessments. TimEs wIll help out thme levy to some extent , In assessing time packIng hmoumses It is time Intention to umiako mmote of all Improvements made during time last twelve montims , arid also of the visblo supply of provisions on hmammd April 1 , as reported to time Omnaima Board of Trade. ThIs action on time part of time assessor wIll b quIte a surprise to time packers , as It will be somethIng not before attempted In a long tIme. The levy Is now 35 mnlhla on a valuatIon of 1,669,000. This levy brouglmt in a revemmue of 50,000 lart year , but It is expectemi that this year tito revenue wIll be moore , on tic- count of the Increased assessment to be mnimde on time corporations. An effort hmas been made to keep the fact that time corporation assessment - mont Is to he raised very quiet , hut It lealct out yesterday , _ _ _ _ _ _ l'IIOVl 1)115 FOIL. ll I [ IC lNSi'IIC'l'lON. Nyu' ( lcd music , ' to lie Jut roil , me..i at 5 lmt' Nt'a t 31 tm.t I mmg of * Iii' Coui mu'i I. Time cIty attorney has lureparemi amid sub- mltted to time mayor the ordInance creatIng time olhlco o , . unhlk Inspector anti defimmlmig tile dutIes. IL i'IlI be time duty of timls officIal to Inspect all mnllk antI cream hmrougimt to time city and offered for i'ale arid alao to In- rmpret all cowa frommi vhilchm miilIk Is sold. I'aottmres , yards , ihmemis , barns , etC. , wlmere nmllchi cows are kept are to lie inspected , also the food , drinking water anti mIll : cans. Once a mmionth time pastures and barns , focal and drinkIng water mtiuumt be Inspectemi anmi ovary two weeko time mIlk and cream wIll tie lrmspectetl. No fermented slop , sour swill , fcrnmcntetl dIstIllery offcowt or rancitl oil- cakes will be allowemi to ime fed to unlicIm cows ; miothcr rnuL' timey imo allowed to drInk stag- flout. or immmpure water. A specific gravity or chemical test of time mIlk nmnml creaumi wIll ha made. Time Inmpector will receIve a fee for inspcctlmmg time labturea anti imarns and also for testIng time milk. Tlme amount of ttmO ( ce an vell mmmi time anmommnt of tIme ilcorrao to ho palmi by limo mlllc deahera will hiti de- chIcO by time city councIl at tine meetIng Monday night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'm''ii''s mm t t iii Cluuri'hic' , . , Floral duty for time Ancient Order of UnIted W'orknmen brotbmerhmcotl wIll be cebebratemi at time Frst Presbyterian cimurcit thIs mnorrmlng. Members of time order will meet at lime hall , Twenty-sixth and N streets , at 10:30 : o'clock and marcim to time church In a hotly. l't'st Master Robert L. Wheeler , U , P. , vlll deliver - liver time anmnumal address. At tIne ciiurclm In time evening time eIghth anniversary services will be imelmi. Timla mmmornIng at 11 o'clock. at St. Mai'tin's Episcollal church , ItisholVortimlngton \s uhi inmako Imlut annual vsiIatIon for coniirmatlon , at slmIclm tInme a class of twenty wIll be Prevent for cormflrmnation , A specIal rmmuslcal imrogranm imas beers arranged for' time ecca- At time FIrst Mettiomlist EpIscopal cimurcbm Rev. I ) , C , Wlnsiilp , lime pastor , will lmreaclm hum time nmiorimimmg cmi , ' 'Cimrlst , Ommr Burden hearer. " Tue evening topic will be ' 'Leav- ing hUmor , ' ' 11ev. lI. D. ( llmioon will preach at ( iraco MethodIst EpIscopal church timls afterumoon at 3:30 : o'clock , . 'i'e'stliuc time Nt' Ilumse' , The new imcso purcimased for time fire ( ho- partmumeimt was tested at lianmmnommd'u irrltlay evening and auuhujected to a pressure of 150 pounds to time square Inch and stood It all rl&bt. 1our lines cro 1rs haiti anti volid EXTRAORIJ IARY VALUES -IN- LADIES' ' AND CllILDEN'S ' Hosiery a ii d Underwear le'imtl oiler of fO ( ) ( lOzeti of Imitiks' fllehiollea ilimimeul'i'sts , lo' iieelc , no slt''vem , ttmlu'tl iiek nhiti llu'muis , a iuiilen. did 'nlue , 'I'omuorrnv , I r.illcs' : itlehit'hleti ilhitueti Vests , V imt't'k , 'Ing eleevemn , it veu'y nimusual inor- galmm , 'Iii iii mu r. I Te , : t ( mu r ite ) , Ladle's' hut' llsh' thuu'm'itl'estmt : , sqtiiii'e 01' V miech , long cur u.mhiom't t.tit'o'cg , elhhc hlnimtiivlmlt ( ' ( ml' cciii , 01St ) kiic immllmts ; a ( _ , l mlt'kj hat t'gmt I ml , 'I'iiiiorm'es , 2e. I ) ' ( ' ( SW'ISt illilfl'ti Vt'tts , lo' tiecic lit ) slt't''t's , I i I ghi ii 'eh , limmm g melet''s , 'iilte muumul cciii , thit' best valtie evet' ( ltiott'h fou' the prIce , 'J'omumim'eem , Ot' . 'V ( . ? iit'e : it fe' dtuzi'ii left of those him .1 . k's' I U m ( ' sI 1k 'i'mt ma rIhlt'd'est , ml , lov mit'ek , ut ) Sht'\8 , iouui iiliie 1.00 , 'i'o iii o r I'i , an. . I ni ml It's' I Isle I ' ii It ) ii Sit I t u , liii re lgyjm- t lii ii , long si eO'em4 , Ii lghu im.'t'ic . ; Ii Iso ho v mmi'ek , no sioe's , kmmt'c' li'i1.IthI , all sIlk 0t1g014 , silk bmaIui Ihmmlshut'ul soumimm' : , Sie'In i 'l'eummurrmnv , m t.IK ) . i\l iuoues' sIlk tiiiislm'd lIsle thuu't'id'ests : , V iOS' micek , emhi'o'i'less , 'I'uiierro .t II 51cc' ' , , .iie Ilneeli , IiidIei' I li'm'immsdoi'f Idmuck ( 'ottomi 1Ioe , sltiommc'mh w'oimmi c'm'ful geaud lime fill I ( a , it va , 'l'unrrov , 11e , miles for 21e. ladles' I hem'mmituhuu'f extua line bhmn'k mtiumi toni host' , exti'mt hIgh spliced heel mutmi toe , dotihilo sole , ( mmmc of ( lilt'- special It : i'gu : I mimi , Tomuiorriv , 2e : ; , 1nmdles' remul silk gutiizt' fmist blmu.'k lisle I lose , cioulule hmt'i'l , too mtimd sole , ' 'OUR Ll'LUEit , " 'i'uimmmrr.is' : t' , 8 u.n t rs fir iI.OO. A 5ll'elnlh fot' chuIltlu''mi's cimool 'eti'- : ( 'hilltl'rt fiust hmlack nuid Imimi i'Il.imed . hose , II ) mumateli simumi's , l1ii' gauge , iitmst ti'o' timi ( : iiIumc ( ) 3'mi'n : , exti'a bug , double kmii't' , hmei'l mumud toe. Stz 5 to I ) 1-li 'l'omumorrow , 2i , . streams vitim Inch anti a hmimlt nozzles were thrown to time roof of time tall buIlding. The four streammia were timen rummi into a siamese couplIng and one stream was timrown 145 feet In time aIr , wltlm a luressumre of 1.10 pounds at time pumps. Time councilmen whmo wit- nerued the test were well pleased with time hmoe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fem'ry Comiumumi ii' organ et'l. Yesterday afternoon the r.tockiohdera of the Beilevue Transfer c3mnpany met and - elected time followliug directors : W. S. IClmmg , J. H. AtkInson , 'tV. C. Bud , 'V. II. Betz , \v. II. PAtrick. The ulirectori , organized by electing \V. It. Patrick luresident anti W , 5 , iCIng secretary anmi treastmrr.r. Messrs. Patrick and Atklnimton weimt. to lien- ton , Ia. , last evenming to attermui a imioetlnmg of farmers vimo are lntereate'd in time new ferry scheme. Time' object of time immeetimig was to arrange for approacbmos , rIght of way , landing , etc. Time comnpammy expects to ho ready for humoiness by Jmuly 1. A boat uixty feet long by twemity-two feet wltio Is to be hiuiht in Oniaima. It will he a c'tern wimceh affmmlm' , witim large gasohimme engInes. Time projoctoro of the emiterprlso say timat the charges will ho reimsonable. Sites fr lieu 'mi lime' of ii lIuislmtmiil. Mary Borgluuim , whmose litmsbanti was killed by a Mllwaukeo traIn last Soptemmmber , has uoti time commipimy for $2,000 damages. Borglum was a Missouri Pacific ear Inspector and was workIng In time yards when two traIns caine along. lie SteIptl from one track to get out of time way of a wItch engine - gine and riglmt In front og tlmr. Milwaukee passenger traIn , vhmtcim going through time yards at a imlghm .rate of speed. MmigIe Cit ) ( .ossii. . Durirmg time muioimtlm of Almrhl the sale of mitamlis at time lOtOIhiCe ammmoumnted to l,895. There wIll be a meeting of time MunicIpal leagtmo Tuesmlay evenIng at Ancient Order of iilbernlan hail , Time Soumtlm Omaha hlosiiltai.asoclatlen gave a May party at Masumic hmmmll lmtmit evenIng for time benefit of time hospital. htocnis in time Finley block are to be fitted tmp for the mayor's ofilce , ito Ime tie in time same buIlding whim time rc't of time city of- ficiale. Coroner Burket held an Inqmuest on time romaine of Swami Olsomm yestermiay anti time jmmry decided that hue canoe to lmiiu deatlm no- cimhemitahly , Another mmieetlnI of time busIness omen In- tmestCd iii a Foimrthm. of July colehiratlon will be imelti at , time chloe tf L. C. Glbs3n Tucs- , miay evcnlimg. Yestertlay nmfternoonm a gcaohlne stove at time miesltience of hfenmry b'cbbert , Seven- tormtim nmnml S streets , exploded amid caused a loss by fire of $100 , Time Wimlat climb wIll give a theater party 'l'uesday evenIng , 'l'lie cliii , 'Ili take dlrmmmer at time Millard ammul tlmemi mmt4nmd the per- ( ormanco at time Crolgimton , At time etato oratorical commtest , whmlcim waa hmelU at Ammimlammmi Frlmlay evciminmg , Fred Yin- aimip of timimm cIty , ivlmo reluresonitod time 111gb scimool , was a'arded secoumml Irlzo , TImIH wau a great dleappolnmtrnent to lila mummy frlemmuis , wimo accompirmIcui Imlmum to Ashmlammth , aim IL was timoumghmt wIth time uiucces.s lie imaul nlreathy luau ! thmI i'prlnig lie coumhil not ho beaten , Nilte ecimoolmu were roprcsermtomi amid time first vrizo % vent to Granul Islammul , 'lImo comnimlmmatlomu imorso ealo at time steak ymmrmls last seeic was no sumecceum 1mm every way , RaIny weatimc'r was time greatest tirawbiucle , but In spIte of tints tlmore was a good crowtl in atteummianco every ulay antI time prlcea generally - erally were gooti. Somimo very fine ammlnvmlmt % vero on tIme market , aumml a nmummmbem' of east- ermm nuiti sotutimernu buyers matie purcimaumes , 'time cole imroiuer elasml Friday afternmoon , but. as ejuIt a number of really fine animals Wore left over , limo sale was continued yesterday - terday with gooth results. S l'unmue'o ( I t . l'emslollb'r. htfthiImi'll , PA\S'NER CiTY , Neb , , May 2-Speclal.--- ( ) The jmcstofflco was robbed Monday milghmh , TIme robbers opemued timi first tiour of time cafe anml got about $110 worthu of mitammips , but limo security Part of lImo safe bafileml thmemn , hind they opened timat part they would Imavu secured about $1,000 in stammmimn amid mooney for timur trouble , 'l'lml r $ ) ' Yi'it rs % ' .irlc I mu ClmImin , PAS'NEii Cl' ! ' ? , Nob. , M4y 2-Siueclal-- ( ) 11ev , Mr. McCarthmy , for thirty yearn a mimic- * lotmsry in China , ammO muon' cominecied with lImo Qiulna inmland nnlsslomms , gave some very Interesting talks uluoumt time Cimloeso in times dltferenut clmUrcimt'ms timlu week , No excuse for wieepmess nights svhcii you can procure One Mlmmuto Cough Cure , Timl. wIll relIeve all antmoyanmces , cure time most 00. vere couih anti give you rest ano beslIb Ccii you acrm1 te do without It !