Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1896, Part III, Page 19, Image 20

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    TIlE OMAJfA DAILY J c1'fE : SUNDAY , MAY 0 , ] SfIG. Yf )
n - -
V f-aj wcLDh :
34SCi : 1 :
The actual cost of mamdacluring a high m
Tale bicycle has been frequently discussed
'nd various estimates , ranging tram $25 to
(50 ( , have been made. Ilut the actual cost of
manutnetura hue been a ctnsoiykept trade
secret. A recent fire In Iloston , by which
the warehouse of a prominent manufacturer
tvaa destroycd , together with several hundred
high u giado wheels , brought to light the se m
trot In the setllemont of the Insurance.
Then the underwriters came to settle ahoy
, v t pvailtvl lhemiselves of their prlvllcgo of doing
to at the full cost of the propertyIt Was
carefully calculated from the concern's
books , and to the astonlshutent of the wheel.
men among underwrllrra It. turned out that
lima congranles only had to pay $33 ns time cost
of a luryrlo wldrh is sold at retail for the
Grimy nlatntalned price of $100.
The revelation that this company's bicycles
nro worth when comiipieted only $33 apleco
thaws how enormous are the proflls that are
being wing out of the packets of wheelmen
' Racing wllh motor cars on sonic of Omaha's
streets , particularly on North Twentieth and
Lenvema crtli , Is n common liranlice anmoug
scorcherH. The fate of one of their kind hi !
Ilaltiuwt a may Interest those whom luck
has hitherto preserved front mutilation , "i , t
lie it. Andrews , n cyclist who had a reputation -
tion as a scorcher , " says n Ilaltluiore dispatch -
patch of the 22d silt „ "met a terrible death
this afternoon while racing ( long the York
rend with an electric car , he was r.lurnh1y ;
from the ball gnome and was eucouraged to
Taco wtlh the car by the crowd that tilled It.
"Tho motorman put au full speed and there
.was a nick and nrck race for sane distance.
"While descending a ateep hill at a terrible
- -
R-- pace Mr. Andresen front wheel eras ioticeI
to turn suddenly and the rider was thrown
over the handlebars directly in front of the
speedhug car.
"Tie motorman made an ineffectual attempt -
tempt to check the speed of his car , but the
front wheels 1)0550(1 ( over the young n'an ,
nearly cutting him In two. Ifo was dead
when his dlsmenibered remahs ( were plcked
up by tlo police and sent to his fume. ' '
A boy on a bicycle and holding ono end of
a chain at the other end of which was a
vlclons-looking bulldog pnssed dovn Chest ,
alul street , Philadelphia , thin other afternoon.
At Ninth street something occurred that
spoiled the boy's fun completely. The rear
wheel of the bicycle had picked up a piece
of raw meat that stuck to the tire. 'fho
dog smelledL the meal aim once. Ito snapped
at it , as It came around , but missed it. On
the next revolution he was more successful ,
and got not only the meat , but a mouthful
of wad tram the tire. Ills 'sharp teeth
fad punctured the the beyond the posoi-
Idhtty of repair. The wheel wabbhed to one
aide and the rider shot over the handle.
The boy ; more frigldened than hurt , picked
I Inmself up and , whim his hrokeu 'wheel and
the deg still holding fast to time meat , disappeared -
appeared down Ninth alreet.
The blcyclo has entered the city canvass in
/1Vaco , Tex „ as am Important adjunct to
those candidates seeking to attend several
ward umeutlngs Use sane night , 're neutralize -
N ize the advantage posaassed by the wheehnon
1131110 of the other candidates Iua'o secured
fast moving horses. The bright moon , the
gocd weather and the nearness of election
day cause nightly meetings In all the wards.
These meetings begin about 8 o'clock and
close at 10:30 : p. m. , so that an active candidate -
date can speak at several of them the same
Amusing races have occurred in eeveral
Instal eas. The dealers in wheels congratulate -
late thenuselvea that political excitement vvtll
hemnf a hncreaso demand for bicycles. It
1s not al-m a in time city that the wheels babe
come Into use as n uueans of covering din-
tance in the interest of a candidacy. T'uusa
seeking election In the county denocra-h :
ynrimarica , to be held May 10 near , have several -
oral of them mounted wheels and mr' be
seemu spinning over the praarie yards , luait-
dug at time fences to canvass Vsu farmers and
nail up cards.
( Oue candidate appeared at : wo nmceti ( gs
' - the same night fifteen miles apart and the
aIext day rode hula wheel front 1Wesl to Mc-
grego * , which is nearly longlhullnally across
AlcLeunamu county. 'Flue swift-gnera um the
nwheela are nuatcheJ pretty weI ! by the imrse-
mnan. Two of this caldidates disdain the
liglmtntng speed methods of time wheels and
fast trotters and prefer riding patlemmt , slow
footed , but absolutely sure burros. They
] mvo secured pool nmmmts in burro's and
they go along at a gentle pace with camping
equlpmeuts in their saddles and are at small
expense. They sometlntcs speak from the
back of their donL cys.
t As a matter of local pride , anti to preserve
tmrulded lbe honor of this city , wheclere
to a man , and wonuau , too , should utter a
] not howl against the Insultlmug practice of
t a Chicago cycle achooh Time iurofea.ars
tench tlmo whee1'"g art In what is ( mown as
Ilattery D academy. Among lima accessories
fu time school Ic au cncient bllco , of the
viutago of ' 91. It weighs sixty pounds , and
Is reserved for the usa of fleshy men and
avomen. 1Vhon wobbling under a mouutnin
of flesh it creaks and groans anti longs for
deatlm , or time retired list. Ihut its nnxhaim-
lcnl agonies toucii no trader heart , amid it
contirues Its dally and nigitly round of
' burdene , bearing , in addition , time title , "The
Omaha flyer. " Away withn Ill Seread bottles -
tles on its track. Put tacks on time floor.
Io anyllming and everything to avenge the
slander !
hollowing is the 1)rogranu of time Louisville
meet :
Mordng-Reghsterhtg viultors and issuing
credonlials ( this department will be upon all
week ) .
Afternoon-Visit to Fountain Ferry track ,
Evening-"Sntakor" at Fountain Ferry
Park. 1'imlc , pos. lbiy , at I'hoentx 11111 park ,
Morning-Runs about the city , to 'tho
Parke and to the knobs back of New Albany ,
Century run to Frankfort.
Afternoon-VIm'ils to time stock fauns and
other points of interest near the city.
Evenhmg-"Smoker. "
'l 1)NESDAY.
Moruhmg-iContucky dirlsion bus'aoss meets -
s jag at Jacob park.
Afternoon-Annual parade of League of
v Anierieun Wheehnou oat the boulevard.
wntaruelon feast or barbecue at Foun
' lain Ferry park ,
] : venous-Open hnuso at the Iroquois club.
Mordng-Trial heats for races , Runs to
Joffcrs'ontown , MWdletowu , Mount W'asluing
ton and Sheybyvlllo ,
Afternoon-Races ,
Isvening-Great manufacturers' pageant.
hall at the Audilorlunm ,
Fit 1DAY.
Morning-Trial heats for races , Vlslts to
the tobacco breaks ,
Afternoon-Races ,
- Evening-Steamboat excursion , for League
of American 1Vheelnen members only ,
Morning-Trial ! meals for races ,
1 Aftenmon-Yates.
Ivenlnir-i.oiisvillo by gaslight. Rallroad
Dxcuraiun to Manuuotim eave ,
Start of tours to Frankfnrt , Lexington ,
I'arls , Maysville , llardstown , Getbsemano
Abbey , Perryvlllo , high m Orldgo and Shaker ,
town ; Manunoth cave ,
, { WOMl'1N ON 'I'1161 . .
v BIyliYIi Cowtmuce sad NaveIlca Seen
on the Ilnnd.
Tlmo modified divided skirt , which is so
adroitly arranged that one can uotlce no
singularity in Its constriction , b now tint-
versa'iv adopted by women riders of all
classes in the cast.
It is muade with a tabhier front effect ,
beneath notch tall the tuvo dl ldot sklrts
al' ' fa ouch a ssuy that srlmen on Iho ubeel
time rider presents the sane appearance as
h alto wire the ordinary single ek rt.
' ' The great advantage of lhls skirt ar-
raugmuteut is ticat It permits a woman to
rdo : the dlamrnd tramo without any In.
convenience or ungraceful effect.
Costumers , both native anti iuropean ,
arc nil racking their brains to conlrlbute
their quota of comfort to the b'cyele
gltl'n get-up. Among the novelties is the
blcyclo glow's , which is really a modification
tion of a driving glove , the palm being
of slroug leather to withstand the wear
and tear of the haudies. It collies in all
ohera to mmntch all the costumes , and It a
I rcat boon , as riders know to their cost
how little staying powers the ordinary
rlove possesses when iii contact with the
Another novelty recently Introduced Is a
small leather bag , intended to be suspended
trout the belt. ] la minaton Io to hold ehenge ,
tickets and mull other little et ceteras which
men can stow away in some of their nu
tnnroua pcckete. Thettgh , perhaps , eomivod-
ent , it does not seem a very secure method
of carrying small valuables , as , In the rapid
motion at the wheel , these little attachmmlta
may oftcfi drop off ,
The new bicycle boot has n grout many rec-
onmendalloms. In time first place , as it
reachee away up to the nee it does away
with the necessity of wearing gaiters and
gives ntueli niore liberty and toot mollon.
It is usually trade of tan leather , in nil
ale dlfferent slates , and laces up the middle
to time kmiee , tvhero greater security is given
by means of a strap Cron ing from side to
Soma of the now sweaters , put on the
market by enterprising manufacturers , for
wheelwonen , are pretty enough for tiny
dressy occasion. Under-artn and shoulder
seanus are the only oven used In their con-
structlon. They button Invisibly on the right
t + houlder. 'rho neck as finished with n high
nlamiding collar , which has happily supplanted
the ugly and old fachionel roll-over collar ,
so hug tit adjunct of the sweater. { With
this waist time short , double-breasted reefer
lout's svehI.
An inventive maumfacturer has put a
novelty on the market , which he hopes may
appeal to the bicycle woman. It is a land
of half hoop arrangement , adjusted to time
front of the skirl , It Is supposed to keep
it down and Frevent it from shifting and
blowing about , limit it ( hoes not , + eon like
a timing that will cimarn muany riders , not-
wltlietcnding Its recouunendatlons.
Abomit limits there oeeuts to be no cut and
dried fashions for the bicycle girl , She invariably -
variably adopts what is most becoming to
her , and there really Is a large collection ,
all of which look well , to select from.
Thera is time derby , time Alpine , the sailor ,
the Inverness , the Tam O'Shmaluter and the
ordinary Ingllsh traveling cap.
Silk waist. , in all colors and designs , will
be popular during the summer days. They
are cool , durable and inexpuisave , and for
tourists nioro tmsotut than the shirt waist ,
nil they do not require to be laundered.
nrlous Im'sIrrM Itruught Out by the
{ { 'hell Cram.
A New York man has perfected an electric -
tric bicycle having a storage battery , a
motor amid a switchboard , anti which Is regarded -
garded with much favor to wheelhug circles.
The battery , known as the dry cldoride ,
weighs fifteen pounds. This , applied to a
wheel with a motor and switchboard , brings
the weight of the wlmcel to sixty pounds ,
which is touch lighter than any of the devices -
vices used in previous experiments. The battery -
tery and motor are attached to the bars below -
low the saddle and the swllclmboard is near
time handle bar. It is claimed that this mna-
chine in capable of great speed. It is particularly -
ticularly advamtageous in ascending hills and
riding over rough roads. Means for regulating -
ing speed mire provided and , R desired , time
electricity cau be used to light an incandescent -
descent lamp at night. The apparatus is
said to be inexpensive and can be easily
appllel or ntnmoved w illmout tyre slightest
Injury to limo wheel.
A simple shield has been placed on the
nuarlcet to prevent trousers from being caught
betuveen tine chain amid wheel. It obviates
the necessity of leg bands and permits one
to ride In ordinary attire.
A blcyclo fire engine has appeared in Paris.
Tito nmaohimo bna time appearance of two
tandem ii heele coupled with a single steering -
ing post. Ranging between the two bicycle
frames are the liouo reel and a rotary pump.
The whole outfit 'neighs less than 1.40 paunuhs ,
and four experienced wheolmnen can push
thla along taster than any other tire engine
eve went. 'fho foot power of the four eon
propels the machine to the scene of action ,
and when once there the sonic power pumps
the water. After the arrival at the scene each
non Is assigned to some part of time duty of
makhmg the change. One rakes the back
of the mmrhihe on n leg , allowing the rear
wheels to revolve freely. lie also throws
the pump Into working order , and time others
have unreeled time hose anti made the coup-
ilty ; connections. Then jumplug into the
saddles agutin the energies of time men are
directed to pumping. About 4,500 gallons
of water per. hiour can be thrown between
76 and 100 feet In the air , 9'he rapidity
with + uvbictm this utachino can be propelled tea
a lire and also with which It can ho put into
action are its two great advaaLages. In
two or lures nulnumtes after Its arrival all time
muecessary changes can be made anti the nma-
d umb Is putting a stream over .tho roof ,
IUnoug the wow bicycle seals is an atto-
nalic saddle , consisting of a carrying bar
whlehm crosses limo regular saddle bar , to
which It is attached at right angles. Upon
this bar are two seats that work autonati-
cally , adjusting themselves to time form of
the rider and the movements of limo Ihnbs ,
ihy a screw under eaclm seat alma oscillation
of the caddie can be regulated to any pitch
thu rider desires , it Is chimed that tads seat
is as comnforlahule as aim old-faalmielleti rocker
oral , being adjmmstable. Is as readily adapted
to the rider who weighs 300 pounds + as to
one vvyio weighs 1,00 pounds ,
Mt unibrolla holder for bicycles , simple
amid light in weight , has just been placed on
sale. Il is a tubular support , attached to the
crossbar , into which the umbrella handle
can be inserted , It ! N designed to give aumple
protection trout the sun and can be stored
when not wanted.
A wheel constructed to permit the rider
to alt upright seas exhibited in New York
last week. It has a triangular frame , two
sides of vvblcb are formed by time front and
rear forks , with tfo sent on the apex , In
steerlug time ( toot wheel la turned as in the
ordinary safety , but the handle bar masses
bohlnd time rider and a little lower than time
seat , while the leg and foot press davn on
time pedals , time ahoulders are thrown hack ,
the hotly is erect and too arras pulling up
against time foot double line power applied to
limo pedal Another featmiro ! s a seat as
bread and flat as the seat of a chair. The
advantages of this wheel for hill climbing is
said to be very great.
The bicycle ltea been held respotsiblo for
111011) thhlgs , some good , otimers not so , but
now conies a western ifveumlar wlmo attrib
claim to the wheel his clahtn to having dis.
covered limo principle of perpetual ntotlon ,
ills nmachino Is au Inverted bicycle , "The
Principle" Is applied to the front wheel from
a stnall wooden box , A narrow opening 'n
the box admits the Inflated tire and ( ho
nmechanianl drives the wheel , The box is
locked , but the wheel revolves from one
hour's end to the otlmer al time rate of nearly
100 revohntiums a mhmto.
A bicycle 50(1(110 with a rest for time back
is one of limo late patents of a Dresden ntanu.
facturer of blcyclo fittings. The advantages
clalutet for this saddle are that the back
rest Ina ) ho tastenod to remain In a certain
Iu u ilioa , but it vviiI automatically collapse
as soon as the rider rises from time saddle.
Thus it wll ) not ho in the way If the rider
wi imeH to dlsntount backward from the saddle -
dle , llyglonlcally time back real is a great
improvement upon saddles for time bicycle.
One of ( be most practical Invoutlons of
blcycju aeceagorlos is the bicycle brush pat ,
tenet by f ] , Menko of Framkfort oa lhe llain ,
It really consists of Ibren bruthes of dif
( croft ahapos , one being conclave , one comm.
vex and ono ryllndrical. The conclave brush
is particularly adapted to cleaning tires , the
point of the brush takiug awsy all the dust
and dirt from the groova where the tire
joins the rhn , The inshie of the rim and
the lobos may be cleaned with either the
cancavn of convex brush , 'rho concave brush
W excellent for taking away the dirt from
time axles of the wheels , without placing time
hands within the spokes , and time cylindrical
brush is most valuable In cleaning the places
between the epolcee near the axle , the chain
and many of those parts which could heretofore -
tofore only be reached by taking the wheel
apart. Tim cylindrical part of the brush can
bb detached , and the entlro appliance is so
small that It can ho placed Inside of the
tool bag without trouhule. It lakes but little
space , and weighs less than two ounces.
Titesa brushes are made In various Irngths
to fit different makes of tools loxes , but time
longer the wooden handle time better the
1'hhtperlnlH of the { 1'Imeel.
Local wheelmen have been compelled to
palrcnlzo the Street cars a great deal during
limo past week , as it has beau ahnoot impossl-
lute for them to ride their wheels owing to
the wet weather. Time writer , just to satisfy
lila curiotdly , celmted the men whom ho knew
to be wheelmen coming down town to work
in a Sherman avenue motor car Friday
morning last and found that there were just
an even dozen , which meant an extra 60
touts that the street railway coupcny would
not have got had It not been for the rain.
One can therefore readily realize why the
street railway people do not look upon the
advent of the bicycle favorably and why
they will not aglow' a wheehnan who lmas
been nnfortuuate enough when omit for a little
spin to break down a milo or co front home ,
to carry his broken wheel home ut the car.
It Is retreeh'ug to learn that if Zimmer-
nutn cannot beat the Australians there
iii uue Amierican who can , and that this ono
wet formerly a resident of Omaha and
learned to ride the wheel In this city. "Sol ,
tiler" Martin's ' caccese hm Australia nuakes us
feel good. It might be volt to say here , for
lime benoflt of those who were not interested
bl cycling live yarn ago and who have euco
tnken up Iho sport , that Martin was n prl-
vale In one of time companies at. Fort Omaha
in 1891 and that Imo rode Fla first bicycle race
fu time old Coliseum during that year. It
was a 100-tulle ammateur race , held tinder time
auspices of limo Apollo Cycling climb , an or-
ganbatlon that was compasol of Onlalm'e
fastest wheehmien in those days and that has
bug snco : become a thing of time past. Marlin -
lin wet the race easily and surprised oven
his adndrers by so doing. After that he
trained faithfully and improved so nmuclm
hunt Ime decided to join time professional
ranke , whichm lie did , amid after defeating
many of the fastest "pros" in the west secured -
cured lie discharge tronm the arniy and went
cast , where he won a number of Important
races. Last year ho wont to France , where
he also showed up well against some of
Europe's fastest riders , he is now 5t Australia -
tralia amid seems to have 111110 trouble In
defeating lumen that Zlnuuennan failed to
vanquish , lie was known in time cart as
Plugger Martin , but in Omalma was dubbed
the Jack-kmilfe on account of limo peculiar
position lie had on a wheel , being doubled up
almost like a jackknifs.
The $12 Japanese bugaboo has again rearel
its bristly head at high and the dally press
has taken up the cry. how long will this
impossibility inflict itself on the reading
pnbhic of the country ? The limit has been
reached In low prices wlmen the dry goods
More , time butcher , the undertaker and tine
salnouman sell alleged bicycles for $30 or
thereabouts , and we may safely rest amgther :
year before the Invasion froum the Flowery
Ii migdonl ,
Louisville , Ky. , has recently mounted a
number of her policemen on bicycles. Their
duties will be to look after fast riding and
driving on the boulevards and places where
this sort of Sting is most liable to occur.
It would not bo a bad idea for Oniaima's
Fire and Police commission to Pmmrclmasc a
few bicycles , train up some of tltelr "cops"
and have then' look after time scorclmera that
frequent Sherman avenue and the Nineteenth
street boulevard , If a few of llmese violaters
of the city ordinance , which n prohibits a
wheelmau riding in the city limits at a
rate of Speed greater than twelve miles per
hour , were arrested and umado examples of
it would put a stop to this sort of thing.
Since the demise of the ingtorious class
B , and tfe foruuation of a pure amid sniple :
omit-amid-out class A , sr professional every
professional who has am eye to gold looks
'lomgingly toward the fat purses which are
offereml by time Duropean countries , and
France in particular. Since yhnmernan's
return last year will heaps ct nmoney and
nil the honors that Italy , Germany , Relgluo
and France could offer , all the rest are
thinking of gohig and necuring their share.
Danker , time "Yankee Vnlantc" who could
mot , however , coma many races in ahead
of Zlunnennall , has now proven his undoubted -
doubted suPeriarity to limo beat of the Premich
and other foreign racers.
however easy it miter look to go over
anti beat the French at tlmis particuiur clays
of sports , there is one man in France who
is nt the present tine considered the fastest
nmzu that. they 'havo ever produced , and
tluls is "little Mlchaei.
'rho first contingent of American profea
sonalu ! uvho have gone abroad this year are
now at litho. Italy , training , This con-
Ilugent consists of Tbonas W. Eck , the veteran -
eran trainer , who is locked upon as one of
the greatest and is surely the veteran in hls
businre' , and has always hamidied time ( ant
'non ' , A. E. Weaig , the well-known rider anti
one of the Eck team , is n nicutber. John S ,
Johnson , who bore the name last year of
tine " 1Vhiie Flyer , " and did work whichu
opened the eyes of Ur cycling world , was
out. lie is the holder of the standing start ,
paced , one-male record , time time behmg 1i0 : ;
also the etmtndbig start , paced , chase It owe
tptartcr tnale , time :28 : ; the one-third ntle ,
:39 : ; one-half mile , :551.5 : ; two miles , 4:01 : ;
three utlles , 609 ; ; four miles , 8:153.5 : ; lying
start , uue-half nullc , 55 ; Antone Johnson , a
younger brother of J. S. Johnson ; A. P ,
R'onlg , harry Ilulse of Toronto , ex-amateur
chanupaoi skater , and Florence of Indlnma-
polis , are wills time team en this tour ; and
Ray McDonald , who did good work hum class
D as Eddy Dald's ' t0an mnate.
'rime aggregation cotemplato coming back
to this country about Auguat 15 , mid will been
on hand at time Ramblers' of Iluffalo bag Labor
day tournament at Buffalo September 17.
Before returning they will visit and race
in Emglaut , Scotland , Ireland , \\'ales ,
Oermauy , hollow ( , Belgium , France , Spain ,
Italy , Greece and other countries. Johulson
himnself will not go into many open races ,
but will race alone against time aclnmowledged
chumlplona of each of time above-nauietl
connlries , and will also go for the standard
record of cacti place , weulg will also go
onto comnpelltlon , and it is thought Ito will
naaks n better showing than ever before.
Johnson hinmsclt Is looking for time little
Mlchael's scalp , and will undonblediy make
wanner matches timau that young flyer lies
ever tackled.
Charles Darnum has leased time old fair
grurnds and has bath the hair-mllo track lint
hn first class shape for wheclmon who may
wish to go through a course of bicycle
training , lo baa also fitted up one of time
largo bulldhtgs formerly known as Floral
ball , whlclu will be used as tralning quarters.
It contains bunt's , lockers , shower bath and
everything that goes to nmako up Ideal training -
ing quartora. A competent nman will be iii
charge of the place to sao that the track
and quarters are kept hum good shape. Nearly
all of the fast riders iii limo city will begin
tralning there tonorrow , and as ( tie place is
01101 at all tines to spectators limo ltleatont
evenings will undoubtedly see a number out
to vateh limo fast brigade work out for the
coining moots ,
John S , Johnson , time Anmerlean rider now
In Italy , hiss arranged two peculiar races
with Jaap iBgan , the cyclist and skater , and
the winner of the Sattonntall trophy last
year. One race will be on skates end time
other on bicycloe. The bicycle race will
take place probably In Paris and the skating
mace in hamburg , iii care each wine a race
Limo umcu will decldo by loss svhuether the
thlrl contest shall be on time ice or on the
bicycle track.
An eastern doctor has discovered that an
cverindulgenco 'am cycling IS liable to bring
on Inmamity. lie clahns that a conatant
pmesauro on the spline is disaclrous , We have
heard of many complaints , alleged to love
resulted fromn cycling , but this is time most
ludicrous , Evldently th0 physician is not an
active rider ,
There is a difference of opinion concerning
lb. exact status of racing in the League of
American 1Vheelnuen , trhe. general impres'
alan Is that the i.eagunmof American l'heel.
men has taken the prot4lsionals under its
wings , and will foster la the future both the
amateur anti "pro" clasresl This is not sn ,
I'rofosaiaunllsm is no niotem to the League of
American R'heelmen on taosar allied than it
was last season , when the natlonsl racing
board countenanced time sport by cunctioning
profesalonal events.
Many years ago whed + time league took life
the Interest of the members centered in
amnteurlsnl , not this atatidarti was maintained -
tained until 1693 , when 'time manufacturers
began to covet fast riders to the extent that
the Racing board war 'eonpelletl to take
tuanme action pertaininglto a clasalficatlon of
the riders. Many suggretlons 'pre proposal ,
but none with more wiulon anti good eemm
than the theory advanced by the then chnir
moan , llowarl h , ltay'mend. Ile deemed it
advisable that amateur anti senmi-amnateuir
clas'a's exist , and Fla theory met with unaul-
mous favor ; so oath so , ht fact , that rules
and regulatlono drawn up by him were ac-
c0pled. Two yearn of class ii sufficed. At
the last National aseenbly nucelltlg limere
wan a determined opposition to anything
that sasrored of class 11 , It was decided to
return to the old regime , but the idea had
gene abroad that closn B was turned Into a
professional class. Tlds la not the case.
Professionals are recognized by the I.eagae
of American 1Vhcelmen , which ecuumtrolui time
class , but they mire In no way n part of the
organization , which has for its stand pure
amateurism , that will ho upheld If the
Racing board has to throw every suspleloul
rider out of the class to accomplish their
deslgne , Many wheelmen mire nhvl rudder the
luupreaeiou tlust prCfeaal0nale wlli be allowed -
lowed to compete In road races with Curt-
teems this year , This is not the case , however -
ever , and profee'sionals will not have mummy
niore right to ride Iu road races with ( ma-
lewrs this year tlmaH they did last. A pro-
feecional cannot compete with nn nmateur
in any kind of a race regardless of whether ,
the League of Anlerlcau t1'irluuen rccagnize
time race or not , unless by epeclal perntls-
sion of time Racing board , width cmin he had
oily wlmen it Is to decide the recognized
chanplons of bath classes , and then the
amateur prize nutlst b3 offered.
From present indications the roads will
hardly be in shape for the nnnunl joint ru u
of all time cyclhlg clubs In this vicinity witch
was called for tcday. It they mire , however ,
the ran will start from the Tourlot R'heol-
men's climb rooms ou Fifteenth amid Dougl'ts
! ionmptly at 9 a. mum. . and will be to Papal-
lion , a distance of about twelve nlles ,
'reui Isis lu the Saddle ,
Last Sunday the regular weekly run was
amounted for Glenwood , Ia „ amid those who
were there last fall w1'h time chub were building -
ing up their hopes on havimig a general good
time , butt alas ! they were doomed to uhisap-
ponlmeltt ! , for Saturday night a heavy rain
fell , which made the roads far from lu
vitlug for a spin of fitly tulles across the
country. [ however , Messrs , F , W , Filch , ii.
II. Neale , L , D. Erlolu , V. ' . II. lieynuumn amid
Johq F. ] Carling , In order to preserve the
reputation of the Ralmmnicers ( time gnme the
Tourists were dubbed last year ) , started out
witht the club , which ventured as far as the
Nortliweslerm depot hi Council Ilitiffs amid
then returned iionte , continuo.l on up to Glen _
weed , Mr. Fitch , Lrion and heynlan slaking
taw return trip with their wheels , hilt Mr.
Neale preferred svalkimig , and he is said to
have taken this mode of traveling part of the
way back. The other mnember of the party
took the train home' I
Mr , Fitch tele a very interesting story
that happened on the way home , while coasting -
ing down one of thet lung hills. As they
approached the foot of the hill several calvea
were lying directly 111 , thpir path , but on
seeing the appraachiuq m wheelmen jumnped
over embankments and thus escaped injuries -
juries , but a poor little rabbit who chanced
to see then' comhug „ ill its attempt to jump
out of the way , seas thrpwn back in time road ,
anti "lhmny" suffered the same tale that a
large dog did that attempted to cross ahead
of Charles tVille wlmlleridhig over time Dcdue
street course. Of course , puisery likes company -
pany , and while time ; latter gentleman suf-
rered a few slight brumes he forgot all about
his Injurlps when Lou , Allanms was tossed
high up Ipto the air in endeavoring to pass
a lemon amid lore a large hole in his "Sun-
tiny go to ueetht' pants , " but when all the
boys had returned' to time club rooms each
tried to console the outer by telling himu
hone much worse "mt might Imve bean. "
Today-weather pernittiog-a : ( stereotyped
phrase-the ) run wily be to Papilhlom , Neb. ,
a nice little spin of hvoity-eight milea. You
shouhdm't ndss It. A11 the clubs in the city- ,
aH well as those ( ruin neighborlmig towns ,
' 911 be there , havhug desigunled this as
their stopphug place for Sunday , May 2 , and
a very large turnout is nnticipaled. It's a
joltd run mind filly as largo a crowd is expected -
pected to go Ibis year as event last suni-
mer , when the number maim up into the Inn-
mire-da ,
Time following list of called runs for May
will give anplo opportunity for the nuenubers
to prepare themselves for the longer ones
which will follow later' In time season , Cp-
tnhn Spencer has designated time two ruts mo
Florence this month as "Scorchers' nights , "
but be does not wish to convey the Idea
that every one who goes must necessarily
scorch. Only those who svislm to test thel
speed and are airays anxious to go just s
tittle faster will be given an opportuniq
to do no en the e evenings. The first division -
sion will probablyhe headed by one of
'eau , ' and the pace no dotmbt will be simIIar
to the humid run indulged imi one evening
last fall , when Sam I1owe amid Leonard hart-
soul showed time rest of time crowd a "wurm
time. " The second division will , howeve' ,
cuufimo Its speed to a macro-moderate gait ,
amid those ss1mo wish to enjoy a nice ovening'N
ride need hava no fears that timey will be
unable to itt ep imp as I : is the intention
of the Tourists this nrasom to ride leisurely
on all called runs unless atheruvise ape-
cially designated by time captaln , iu order
that all may- obtain pleasure and enjoyment
as the uitlnmato result of their couary : trips
awheel , uvhicim the climb lies ndoptej as time
lendhmg features of their trips for this sea-
The Tourists' run card for the month of
May fmmeluden ntaly plosaimt rldea , an will
ltc readily observed by a careful perusal of
time follauvhlg sciedulo :
Sunday , slay 3 , lapllllon , round trip
t wentyehnht miles , joint run , Start 6:30 :
A , III.
Tucsday , May 5 , Fort Oniahn , round trip
clglut miles , A clmanco to hear one
of Fort Onmaha concerts , Start
7 : . nn ,
Friday , May 8 , Soutil Omaha , round trip
1)lea miles , A nice evening run , Start 7:15 :
) ,
Sunday , May 10 , hanlhorn's hake , round
trip thirty-two miles ,
liming along your fishing -
ing I ume amt enjoy your eif , Start 8 a. m ,
Tuesday , May 12 , Flotetwu' , round trip fourteen -
teen mulies , You mmhoulugn / , iln enjoyable
tiIC la '
assured all 'svho' attend , Start . p , um ,
Friday , May 15 , Council Bluffs , round trip
ten miles. A ctmance to Inspect the Gany
mete chub quarters and meet a jolly set of
wheelmen , Start t:15 : p , m.
Sunday , May 17 , Fort Calhoun , round
trip thirty-slx miles. Some fine scenery anti
an enjoyable ride. Start 8 a , nu ,
Tuesday , May 19 , Mynster Springs , round
trip fourteen unles. ! A/m chance to taste some
excellent mineral water and a nice ride.
I Ask Ihtseell , two will tell you all about It.
Start 7:16 : p. m ,
Filthy , May 22 , Ituser's park , round trip
ten ndlec. A short evening run. Start
7:15 : p. nu.
Sunday , Moy 21 , Missouri Vnliey , roam
trip tdxtytwo tulles. A chance to view some
of Iowa's maguuhiicent scenery- amid enjoy a
good day's outing. Ile sure and go. Start
7 a , nu.
Tuesday , May 26 , irvington , round trip slx
tern miles. A favorite evening trip out of
Omaha. Start 7:15 : p. m.
Frldny , May 29 , Flcrene , a round trip of
fourteen nmiies and n visit to Onmaha'o large
water works , Iho Amuerican water 11'orks
company , one of Iho largest plants in the
world. Start 7:15 : P. m.
Sunday , May 31 , Kreuso lulls , rnuul trip
twentytwo miles. A slmort run time day tel-
lawing the lleceration day road race. Start
8:30 : a. mum.
Are you wit us ? Yon cannot afford to
miss these runs. You wlll feel better for time
exerelse , and whether a imucniber of the club
or not , are always wolconue mu any run ,
11 Is expected that the wonmomi will turn
out an tliese short spins , especially tie
eveuing runs , goys bring out your oieler if
you have one ; If not brhmg eamiebody else's
Time following members registered out hart
Sunday for the start to Glenwood : F. w.
Fitch , It , 11. Neal , L. I ) , Erion , L ilartean ,
C. 1Wllle , IL C. hartry , II. ( iunther , ? ii.
live , Miss Collie liamplo , Peter Peterson ,
'rout Spencer , It. A , ilayes , Ed Shrader , Jnek
Colley , L , Adams , I ) . J , O'nrien , Fred
Guldner , LV , IL heynman , Jahn F , Harting.
OIf1'r No. 11.
"Every t'nme the 415 nmlle road record is
brotuen In competition , on n Rambler blcyclo
tilted withn G , & .l , tires , wo will present the
fielder with a valuable special souvenir. "
OPFlslt NO , 13.
"era' Cme time 25 nine road record is
broken iii comgtetitlon , on any bicycle other
than the Ramimbler , but fitted with 0. & . J.
tiree , we sv.ll present Iho molder with a valuable -
able tecial souvenir , "
OFFEI1 NO. 14 ,
"To the lmelder of the 25 ndie competition
roil record ou Deceimber 1 , 1596 , if such
record was made mm a Rambler blcyclo fllted
with G. & J , tires , we will present a grand
aouvolr valued at $150.00. "
OFFER N0 , 15.
"To time udder' of time above record on
Dccsnmber 1 , 1S96 , if made ou any make of
wheel outer than the Rambler , but fitted
with G. & J , tires , we will present a grand
souvenir worth $100.00. " 1t'atch for next
week's offers , See F. 1t. Itusteli , 313 So ,
15th St.
Kalamazoo , Mich. , is faneus for celery-
also as the fone of Thos. Slater , whose ad-
vertisenuenl appears on page 11.
, ! r"Itr .1S : cul r , tlyct : 1Q' d
tWe make
- e s
Too I '
b y
dred e
They are the lightest Running
Q Wheels on Earth and 5trictty
High Grade.
r Z4
We Always Plate Good Sewing
tj Machines I
tI 1Vliy Shouldn't We Puke Good
' IVheels ? t ,
k Rcclor & Wilhelm S r Co , , Agents ,
OMAHA. liSli.
4'71 tiI ' ' . ' '
+ 7Isp7As1t141Tp v' i v
P4 k $
Omaha Local Sales Agents
These are still in the
Remember for $1.00
per month we clean
adjust , repair Punc-
tuns and keep Your
bicycle in good re-
his is a snap ,
and you should take
advantage of it.
Ak SarmBeii
Cycle CO.
I 3111 So. 15th St ,
Wlmeelsto rune ,
Full lbmo of summmlrles ,
r-- ' . ® . rf3tU ® e8 ® i ® IiPntB.OPffir YI
W 11'
e F t
) , ri
I G r Ut
OP'ndl limo 'fee's yrou ever saw
A'hoi clpso : wheel eclipses Umeni all ,
1'an may ride , you may whheel ,
t : r4 : Ifor ' ( eaay uro ue elect.
And not a break-down wIl hap en time wheel
® Although It is mitt light as a eu tnning wheel ;
limit its strong as a water wheel , t
For sixteen amen have stood omt time wheel. i
o So it y'qu want a good and true wheel ,
To eclipse them all tuts lit time wheel ,
/ : . it is strong , yet a beautiful wheel ,
p3J ! ' : I r'wla curry ycu along like a giant of steel 0
T It's sheen Is as bright as guy you've seen , f
Aud is painted brown , b.aclc and green , s
Tlmq putter color Is now to Ito Naomi
As you ride along on lime 1ciipao King ,
$ . . , v. {
o 00. r
f Opposite Now P. 0 , (6t4 ( CAPBTAL Ali ) r : . .
I OTIC ' ' , C - - uit this
„ A nit ndJinhljt ,
TO. . . . . ,1,1
L SiiAT.l. spare no cxpensc to make our Athletic
mid l31c } + clc 'l raining Quartcr , the most
popular t'csort for wh elulen this 5
% i city has ever seen' having the Old Fair
cxcltisivc control of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G1 o1111dS
--one-half mile track for .
- - - hicyCle use.
It is our intention to furnish a rcndi zvous for lovers of
the bicycle at y nlaY watch the traiuini. Of iCIr flIVorlt.C5. v
Such stars asVlll Pixley' Dad 1-lolton 0. 0. Hay-
man and 1'hoinP8011i and several eXtrelnelY fast tllen
with whom we are now corresIondint1 Ivill train 1Vith
us. IvILCaiI/ A. L. Deane & Co. , will also train with V
us. All in all we have the crack riders of the hest and
as sOOIl . 1s glen are in shape , 1v111 jo ; for all state records
1'he public is invited to visit the track Tucsday and
Saturday evenings , Also our salesrooms , 'litre you will
observe that the "hang of ' Bicycles ; " the ' Iunger , "
heads our fanlily , A Tribune" could not say more , even
should the "World" ride a "Relay" faster thatl a"Deere , "
Buy your bicycle front a bicvdr .
lnall , wholvill give you careful M 0 iiALuuydrugvfroma
attention li'hich alone is worth druuaivL IgdlugAtndemmq , dirt
, track frco , Urnlusnliuuntmd
we will call willm uuumpics , ea'mlm
$ $ t0 tl1C 11CIV elder , Imes time dcwlrccl effect.
WILL BAR NUM _ & 13R0.
SalcsronmS , I5th tool Cutpitnl1ve. . , tIA11:1 ,
® t \
. . .BUY A
' Pay $100.00
For it when you can buy a RELIANCE with as
fine bearings t , as were ever put in a bicycle for
$61,75 Cash.
A BELVIDERE , elegantly finished , adjustable -
able bars , and up-to-date construction , for $70100
Cash ,
. . SEE OUR - .
Children's Wheels.
$25.00 'Ill buy one for your boy or girl.
Nebraska Cycle Co0 ,
Cur. litll and 11arney Sts. ,
GEO E. 111:1EL : , : mnmmgcl ,
, .
' - ' ' ' rAFELLOW .
' ' '
c.b FOR TN'
f I
- r
' '
JM4 c-
4 : . ' r _ y J y
ThrSINfr ' r vF ' , = t ° E..r + tRt , 1r ; fn'af
® B e
. The D3es People > iicle
' e
Why ? Because they tu'o the boat whaolaInado. Slightly U ; d'mV
We have a lot that we arc cloaing out at from iitlii,0u to E , , , imjium'
tnaitoe that we have taken in cxehungo-wo want to got rid of thou-wjll
soil thou on easy tot'nis ,
.i. J. Icrlght , Manager , A
I lit ; Faruunl Streets , CO
¶ 50.00 Sho'r cksx
For a Fltat ClasH ,
1)ate'heel ,
The Elfrelc t
A nasv wheal we've lnat taken tin a nn'y
for . Ifs the best uv muol fur the annoy mum
sale. Lot us nbuw it to ym1 ,
'l'ima Jouuaad
llullable , ;
The Reniinlton ; , b , QI q
still keeps up-We're soiling tlmon every day.
have yon seen time dollar Oyclnnmetor-ritglstorM
10,000 utlles amid duos It accurately-Sells for uuly Q t / Nei
@loo ,
- r - - - rltOlftrmSc CUPPfn ( YfllIG s
' " ' - Salyl6a' Sf ,
m Jff DY1411
2. . . c'l4La.1j11'"liftm
u''hu' " "unun Y ti' ' l A'L
, 11Q121/Al1 S
51tJIINlt1 11111
I meat Dusmneas Iticyrlea for husinesr gal ph seurx nt time following lnlce. ,
1'lit 1101111 , 23 r'INTR I'1'Sl IAY. $1,00
flat iVINiNO. : 75 Ci.t'rs--flat FO1r1tV1ylIits , $10.00 ,
( 'all and get a stlireh miller you chest , time day' . work , and cnjay an remain ride wllii your
friend. . hiring the bicyelu down in tfiv inoil0x.
50111(1Il ( lhd'STN1 ; 1739. . + 'aa 7r y A ar ' GIVO V ER