. - - - - - - _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - _ . 2 - _ _ - - . 'I'JIE OMAIIADAILX JflEJ : SUNIAY , MAY : . 181)8. ) SILVER I)1IOCItATS ) LEAD Twenty Oounty Conventions of' Iowa Have Selected Do1egate. SOUND MONEY MEN N THE MINORITY' One It .inil red si tiil S.'ti Ph'slgi's fltll'M ttiil liii' % V1ilt * 51i.tsil shut sIl'I' u ( PInNI. nis : MorNis , ty 2.-Spcclal ( Tele- gram.-Twenty ) ( lemocratic county canyon- tiowi In Iowa thus far have elected 107 delegates - gates to tile state convention pledged to Ilok ? anti free sflver , ntiil i.ilxty-two dote- gates lIolgCd ) ( to soiiid money. Tue same countIo , with a dtrterent represc'ntatlon In the sinto conyentlon , Iat year gave 107 votes for free dIver to 101 agaInst. The free ilI- Ver force have thus made subihinttal gaIns so far , Imt nfl examinatIon of the countIes Iiov that many of the conventions wore catted tarly for the sake of eftect. Of the sixty-two SUfll ( ni000y democrats nircaily elected , forty-live cattie from the ts'o coun- tIcs of Clinton and les Mohtie. Thio summary - mary ( lC ( Hot Include eIther Black hawker or % 'oodbury cotintloii , whore the coiiyen- tIoii spilt , anci contestIng delegatIons were chioei. hhOO ! , In. , May 2.-Specla ( ) Telegram.- ) 1)Ito the Utmost effcrt of a number e former democratIc henilers In thIs county the democratic county conventIon hell hero today tank the hit In Its teeth and resoIve' In favor ut horace lloIe for iresldent ansi tlelegate-at-hargo from hewn to the nntlciiil rciiventlon and InstructIng the delegates to work fur the free coinage of allver. In- , struetlan n _ ' ; uI.o given that the dolerate % vork or lion. It. 1' . Jordan br dUstrlet dolecato frc iii the Tenth coiitreitonnt ! sits. tr c' . Mk MIller , the now el.tor of tl. lz1Iocrat ltd the free sllyar icrccs. The S doIcgatet to the state convention arc : MIke 11111cr. .1. F. Creeks , J. Cooper , J. T. Ms ( ' .SW. F' . J. Vcst , L. L. Sawyer , JoeTh AI'tnIHon. ! J. T. i'lattcr It Is undertooi & 'onw of these delegates wit refuse to act und2r this' Zree sIyer ! Instruction and It. ' . Jordan In a scech to the conventIon after thus resolutIon favoring him hind been iasesl Et d lie was opposed to the free conage o sIIer at the ratio of lt to 1 ansI w is willng ; tO hi ? a candidate for delegate c'ii oi tba ti ndct sta odir.- . 1iI'i'i % ( 1iIlIINI ) ( i.tSII ) i)4)It4. ) Urots ( cli it nil ii I-v t-it-et Vrleitils ( tl Iivr itt \'stIi Iiiitoii hli II. A number of the frIends of Mayor Broatch Yield a nieehlng \Vasltlngton ball last oven- hog to devIse vays anti ineasis to Inflate the boom of the mayor for goyernor. Th great. ( 'St of serecy was maIntaIned , and noise but the faithful svere adinlttosi. Each one was conipohlod to ghvo the hasword at the door , anti even the PosCe3Ion of thIs was not an open sseanIe o a seat ninolig the elect , as several reporters ( hIseovored when confronteI ity a full grown bouncer. who Informel thien thnt newspaper iiien were not wanted. The ineetltig was somewhat slow In assem- bhing , and It was growing quIto late before alt the trusted ones hind been gathered to the faith. Aniosig them vere : lr. Peter . Schiwenck , PolIce Jusige Gordon , CIty Attor- itey Council , Lee lttehle , \ \ ' . J. Broatchi and Mayor Wertz. There were a nunibor more of the ksser lights. who were consulted In view of their supposed pull In various wards. The earlier hours of the meeting \ere oc- cliptesi iii on Informal discussion of the sltua- than. All were of the opInion that the Jlro.itch boont stool In need of some boo't1ng I other titan the Wertz literary bureau. Tue 'ward workers intImated in a quiet s'ay that a little "s'ater on thie wheel' ' mIght help thilng along wonderfully. About 9 o'clock It was suggested that the L jueethiig had better perfect seine kind of an organIzation , oven it It was only temporary. w. j. Connehl was elected chairman , and the nitetIng wds called to order. , Mr. Connell , upon taking the chaIr , made a short sPeech , In whIch lie etatod the object of the meetIng. it was suggested that the r club be called the ° llroatch Campaign Club , " and that a number of coinotitteos be ap. a Pointed to canvass the dhiferent wards of thin city to solicit the voters In his behalf.n A general discu8slon of proper titeti to do this work followed. but no definite actIon I % vs taken. It was , decided to hold meetings in the iiiayor's ofilco , for the lntrpoe of nor- ' fectlng the club. ani also a general meetIng a of hIs friends at Washington hall next Friday evening. .91 0 ONhY ll)1'h hS ( ) . 51'titII'F' ISStri. FiztiJIlit i'Y4'iIgli ( Zl.-s ii Ctt.jit ii-tisoii for tiIiliolh&iig Soiiiid 311)it.- ) . - ChICAGO , May 2.-Hon. Franklin Mite- 'oagh , the democratIc candidate for UnIted Btate senator for Illinois at the last dee- 5. LIon , joIns Ieaue wIth Governor .Aitgelii , who represents the free coInage faction. Mr. lTacVeaghi Isinies an appeal to the d mo- cratlc p.irty of IllInois. lie says : "That hr tue deniocrats of hllhnols are really for dis. honest money I sb not for one moment ill believe. That the democrats of ChIcago are IS for an hoiiest dollar is already clear , but I have no doubt at all that the democrats 01stin ohio of Chicago sire also for hottest money , c whether Iii the conihng convention they shah be justly represented or not , I. ° ht is , however , a trying hour for the re democratic party of XhhlnoI3 , antI through It for the tientocratic hiarty of the nation. at Fvery deitiocrat of thIs Iivotal state hunt a grave ditty to hPCifOIiii and that. duty Is bothi to aNsort Isis pereonal Inieienclencl ) , and Iii litienco and help to dtetid the wislosn , the CII integrIty and thie usoftihisess of his party. ) The life of lila Party for titassy years to n pothiaps forever. hangs In tue b.il. alice. Chicago is walsltig up ; istay the rest re . of the state wake up in tIme to save the party. I ) 'Tiie actIon of the republican cQnvention at pringllohsl nail the rapid focussing of the rejiulshcaii itatly thsrotight thin natIon itiukes it cle.r that the cardinal hirhiclphes of the Party . will he ProicetIoli zulu lioneit lii0flo ) , Ti If i.n shall be foolish citough to 'straiilc' titi' thlsitonest dollar questIon the casniiIgii will be foughit on thit question anti the ni deinccrjtlc isarty after the fIght will no bo ad rccogiiizabit. , for the Aiiierican people will Cc go In an avalanche agaInst idlver Inononiet. sit S allliii. hut it wo sistriti siPlarely agaInst as thn tIiithtLiTiest doilsir we shah completely ea ehhiuhtinte the ciirroney (4U1't'tiofl from use foi C.liliIilhgii atiti have ott open field to isteot tiii the republIcans on 111(1 Isstiii of tIle revIval he S sf Melchiileylsni. it .ili gIve us an honor. utile caitipaigit , a fair citaisco to vIti nnt the iij certainty of iireervitig the hosier and the of usefulness of our. great p.irty. " ILtNts Cl'J'YJS i'oi M'lCJNhhy. ! ( , lI iitui it hii Ohio lgitt' Xiiiiu , . ( 'ri-ates ii Stortit j. ( , , _ CI ICANSAS CITY , May 2.-Tho republican , county conventIon to stect forty.three doho. rates to the etuto conventIon at Seilalia ( May 12. cotivened hieiq shortly after 10 o'clock Jos Lists inoiiiliig , Ccislderabho delay cc. gu rasinacil before aity ActIve work wjs aecom- sot pliihied. 1)111 Dtirhiig the progrcs of tenhiiorary orgsaniztj. thuit , ilaJor WillIam Watoer lr'aontetl a ref ml rosohistipn enslursing Major 'iVIihJun Mc. tar iCiitlc'y as the conyentInn' , ilnahifflious ebsoico - . for lireidentlai ear.silthittj , Iiitsiis cii. thitsisipin followed the mention of the Ohioan's name , anti , after the cheering had ittIsIdod , thin rt'iohiitlon was asloptel by a COil rising 'ote Thto forty.three delegates to the Fiti state ConventIon svtil doubtlos ho IneruetoiI but (0 vote ni a unit for McICinloy. htiC 'ljster the convention tigain went wIld sin when a resolution was presented Inatriteting at th deleg.ites for Iloit , Cistniiicey I. Fliley of for nsttiooal coninihttoeinan , i was also Thit luloptoil tiy a IJsing vote. After the PP0iIttof 1n011 of this usiliti coxinntttees a recess tiii that RftrfltiOfl was taken. 'hien the conventIon reeonveno it Is said ez-Msyir W'elssjer Lavis wiI $ be endorseil for ECvornc'r antI Msyor Ciiarhe Id , Jones for d.oiestu-ut.Iirgv , 10 At tIn' ilternson eestlop resolutions en- sin doriiig tIcFliitsy , rIhley , jyj and Jono (13) reSpecIlvely , tar vreslilsiitlal c9nclhlates , naCat : tiiini e0ninsitteeniii , goveruer and dehg4emo ( &t.iarge , ire presented by thu conimhtho on Tb reaolutIon anti adopted. The forty-three hs3 dheia1s I.l'tsd t the 3sialla cenventlon slit ivere Iflatrueteil In accordance wIth the fora- going rcolutIon. : iit. Ii.iuit' : : 4'.tIII.tY. , 'I . ' . % ' hlhitek liii en ls .hmi Int II IM h'o.i- Inti is itil ( 'urr-M it 4llMJihjI' _ OM.1iA , May' 2.-To the ? 4Itor of The flee : The itnprosIon et'emn to have gone forth that I Am manag'ng or in some way am re3ponahlsie for the polItIcal interests of lion. David II. Mereer , lire nt member tr coligress from thiq distrIct. It has beeii elated to me several tlnies that iersonn have been tohti thiat I have licen sehoctel by Mr. Mereer as lilt ; campaign nianager. It Is olihy just to Mr. Mercer am ! myelf to ay that thIs is an error. I have not aspIred to the PosItion of IolItical manager for anybody aisl Mr. Mercer has not askeil me to have anything whatever to do wIth lilt ; campaign. I am au ent1iiilaethc a1miilrer of our eon- grem.nmn ( soil beliov hiI ninist excelhesit work for title tiItrIct emitlties hint to a re- nomination and reelectlcn.'hsatever I can do ersirially , to bring tiiI about I shall cer- ta'ihy (10. ( No titan that has over repro- tented thti , , distrIct liii iiCCOiflhilISliei ( as as Mr. Mercer and ho imi now in posi- thou to servo hIa constItuency bettor tItan ever. lh hiii done nothing whIle he hsii , antI lie has' ilone a very great deal for which 1)0l ) in conres for whIch lie need apologIze , liii is entitled to the hlgltest ennimenlatlcim. I have no word to say againsit the gentte. mess shso are aspiring to succeed hIm. They are alt. o far as I know , my warm Personal friends , for any one of whom I can cheerfully - fully vote if nomtnatcd. I believe , however , that good tiiihnes 5(11Cc and good polItIcal 00050 dhctata the advisability of re-eIectIig lave Mercer to congress , and I ft.'el quite sure that If the hicOphe of this dletrlct are given a chance to show thieir apptecintion of itls servIces that ho will be re-ehecte by a very large majority. I am attersdini to my own private business and It occupIes niy time completely. I couli hot therefore taice the nianagement of any- bo'iys campaign If I % rcro asked to (10 so , and as ; I have not bccsi askel ciiii tb net expect to take charge of Mr. Mercer's , campaign I doom It proper to maIm thbi publIc an- notinecinent of the fact , ro that no perron need feel called upon to antagonize Mr. Mor- ocr on itmy account or on account of mity friends or lied him reponshblo for n.ytbhstg I may IIty or attemsipt. T. 'V. BLACKBURN. St. 1.011 Ip. ieeiii rfir iIi'l I iihey. ST. LOUIS , May 2-The republIcans of thin city , in convention today to elect 108 ( lohegates to represent St. Louis In the state conventIon to he held at St. Joseph. May 12 , adopted resolutions statIng that "the cause of hsrotoction to imerIcan industries amid z\merlcan labor can ho best advanced by the isoinlnation of William McKInley , jr. for ltrcshtlent of tlso UnIted States. and to thIs end we llsstrisct our delegates to secure tin ? election of Chsauncey I. FlIhey and F' . (1. ( Nchdrhssghiaus as delegates-at-large to the repubican national convesitissi. " Vitoiiiu-rr ( 'oil ii t v ls'iiio-rsi Is Still t. Sioux CITY , Ia , , May 3.-There was a bItter fighit , ending in a spilt , In the Wood- berry democratic convention. Tue free all- cer lng defeated the gold or admInistration 'S hag. The latter was led hy Jolt11 C. Kelly , 3dltor of the lveiifng Tribune nod internal revenue collector for the northern Iowa sits- net. After the reguiar convention Kelly ) rganlzed another and a double delegation Ii Ill go to Duhuque. ( s.- ( 'olti. fy ltijtuulillt'it us. BBATIUCE , May 2.-Special ( Te1egrani- At a meetIng of the republican central corn- nittee held thus afternoon , misc ! ) fixed IS the tliiio for hiolillug the county convention. rho primaries will be held the Saturday be- tore. rA'I Ui. S.tIPlN I'htOI'FIILTY. hlltllIlitOli Iloittli 'tiiihps a Pull Ac- clii , Ii t I tig to I IIM Silrt'essor. NE'SV YORK , May 2.-Coinman-Jer Booth- fticker of tue Salvation army heft last nIght or CalifornIa to bring his wife , who Is Ill , sack to New York . Am important announcement to the Salva- ionists and theIr friends was made 'by Irigadler feobert Perry last night. li said : Just before Commander heath-Tucker dei arted for tile West. ycerday Commander a laihingicit Booth formally tranrferred to us Ii tIle propelty of the Salvation army in the nited States. There was no friction In the r iatter at all. The prelimInary legal steps c lid other preparations for the actual traiisfer c ad been going ( fl for sonic time , and all u hat necessary tolay was to go through p titii the formality. that completed that trans hi ctlon. 'Tho property Ilichudos the Fourteenth a treet headquarters buiiding stid every item a f property which stood in the miarne of t alllngton Booth and was acquIred by thie ii alvation army of which he was fornserhy b aminaridor. Commander Balhington floothi P sade no objection to sIiiing ovcr the propC rty. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y ( ) ( INI ) 'l' ( ) hi IIIIUI LI ) Cit I I'1'It CItliilC. a olurnilo ( l II lhliiiiri-s eolll ( ' to ( iii- il : tiit oC ihii' 4trii.l.t.ii ( i ty , ti DENVER , May 2.-Arrajigernents are be- fc ig suede for a bIg mass meeting of business en at Cripple Creelc on next Tuesday. It expected that D. H. Moffeft , Eben Smith , fc 1. S. Stratton , N. J. .Tackson , Irving 110wtI .rt and other capitalists interested in Cripple reek and 1t future will be present and thie ibjeci for ( Il5tIIIO0III ! will be how best . to s build tIme camp. rt is reported that all of the gentlemen oyc' isaitied have signified their intention aidilig In the rebuilding with their money id thii exatuhila , if tulillciy asinouisced _ ft hilieved , will do munch to bring oilier . phtahists to ths state. \v. S. Stratton is reported to hiave said that I will furnish $1,000.000 to reipoissible lneas much of CriiiIl ) Creek who wish to build In the burned district. ar I ViSiON OF' 'i'iiV 'I' . I' . A. 11 lI'i'S. Ti - t % ( 111111:11 l1'iioi-ts O4ltosv a I'm , , rlshil luir ilu ( ; oiiilitlnii I. ( Ciiiriht'r. ( . ItlOItIA , May 2.-The state dIvision of thie ni avelers ProtectIve aswclatlon is meetIng w Peoria today. The report of the chair. or all of the board of directors shows that by 'ertisIng arraisgetnent with time Mnonican zniiietcIal Traveler PublIshing company the us ito dIvision netted $1,3Ss , 'hich Is knowsi $1 a hoapitah fund. oust Is apportioned to $6 cli local post at the rate of $1 per member by the honetlt of sick members Ilnanclally ro : ihtie to care for themselves. The mciiithi rehslp bias increased 177 duriiig the year. o pin rehiort of thin secreiary and treasurer iwa receipis Lit $15,801) ) and disbursements in $ l5S00.2i. los I'Isera was paId out In Indenintty claims j ring thu year $6StIl. The total member- aft lit is 1,4ST. , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ cli Mi hIISON llhN'l' PIL.tiJh ) (3ASiiS lNlIl ) . - do sill-N , lit. ' JtNSIN huh ItiIliCV , Ftiilioi an ( hiii t ) 01(11 Si I I 1k' St'ti teu'i-iI. JARSflI , Nov. , My 2.-Thia juiy in the CO lies mint cites brought ins a vordlt of we ilty thit afternoon. lie wIll appear for 511 deuce Monday morning , So far as the of bite knows , thtl coils the celebrated Carson ' a lit fralni cabes. Jonee , who wait nishmiamit hoer and nieltor. was arcuti'd of iseahhisg a gqiiaittlty o ! bullion from the taint. - upi l.a rice li , . lit C Ii'ii ttory liii cii , Ion AN FRANCISCO , May 2-pontanoous at rihisistlon In the jtaiit : faccsry of \ \ ' . , ia ! her & Co , tuslay started a lire which zmetl the thrco.stary brick hiiiiithlng cccii- 1 as a factory and warelsouso oust do- ycci htropel ty vaiuet by the unlerwriturs ( $130,000 , but stated by a reprezeiitntiye Mr Fuller & Co. to be worth about $00,0OO. S firm declined to blab time exact aiiiuunt insursace. statIng tb risk had boost parris ly covered , of - * ' d'tJ Oiitniiii ihitister lii 'iSlIJtillg , liVCASTLB , Wyo. , May 2-Speeial.- ( ) of ' . . Charles W. avIdge at Oniita , muisi hits ger , Harry Crimtis. ! arc speiidlng a few s hit this cIty aiiil Jr. tue mnltilng of tibiia , working for the Zitn1er. T1ie scr- ICes nsj ale very fine and the iangs in'piring , Sed my . vail eastward i'.lentay night. They yem .o lisu is very m.aececsful trip iiirougis titi vdg ts. QUEEN DISAPIO1NTSSOC1ET has rinauy Deckloa She Will Not lIolti Drawing RoDm8 in Person. THEAIERS DOING A RUShING BUSINESS Nis .1st jin ilepo' i'iti . ft Ba hy'N 'hii itlil i-s S ii lperM I o ( iI ii I iii'y . -.liiiiiloi ( mIINMI p. Siit iit I u liii 'l'itentritnl. ( Copyright , 19' ' . .l.y the issicIaiesI I'res's. ) LONDON , May 2-Tho qilecil has changed her mind . hhtl will tint hohsl any drawing-rooms In pereon thiI season. Princes Christian of Schle.9w.g-lloh- stein ( I'rincess helena ) , second dauihtor of the queen , will presldo at iiext week's draa - Ing rootsi in behalf of her mother , the l'rln- ct'a.1 of Wales belmig .ln the south of France. Tue hatter , hioever. viil represent time queen at the followIng drawing room. This chlulge In tlso plans of her majesty has greatly dh6000corted a number of hieople and the feeling of discontent . ha been Increased - creased by the lueen's actIon In curtaIling the festivitIes , etc. , whIch had becit mapped out for the marrIage of l'nincess Maud of \Vales to I'rlnc Charles of Ienmnark. It is reported thiat the marquis of Sails. bury has decided to apliohflt Ird Landaff , better kiiown as Mr Henry Matthews , U. C. . irho was boimic eecretary in Lord Sitlisbum'y't last cabhiiet , to succeed the niacquis of But. forum as lint sh ambassador at ParIs , Tii Peiltion of the Clyde shtpbuiding ! business is the best It ha attaIned in years. All trade differences have been settled antI there is enough work ahead to keep the yards busy In 1896. Iii coiincctton with Lord Lonadale's visit to the Gerisian captal It is reported that his trp is also connected with Emimperor William's desire to hear just how Fnghtsh society really fools toward him , It is 110w said that tue Kltson-I'iayfalr stilt wait settled cmi tue basis of Ir. Play- fair lIayIiig Mrs. Kitson 8,000 Imsrtcrnl of time 12,000 awarded her , againi whiich amount the withdrawn alIlical was takesi , It is added that cachi sub wIll pay Its own costs. AMERICANS CltOWiING IN. The incomIng eteaniers have breuht so many Amsiericamse that. IL Is already diiiicult to find first.cia'a accommodation In the big hotels. Mr. Joseph Pulitzer , proprietor of the Now York World , has retaken Moray lodge , a beautiful lihaco standing wIthIn acres of handsome grounds at Konshngtoii. Mr. Pierre Lorlhlard Is satiefled vtht the form of his hiorsea , in view of the short tIme they hia'e been iii the country , and lie is contldent that the best Amerlcait horses will hold their own here. He says thie American animals are harder and more wiry than the Eiigiishi horses. Among the reforms of the new kitchen committee of the house of Commons will ho the siubstttutlon at waItresses for walters. The (101(0 and duchess of Marlborough are In town nail with Lady. Blandford are inak- lag the dual arramigemnonts for a liouee in London for the reason. The prIvate view of tIme Academy display itt the year i fast declIning In popularity as a fashionable function , and yesterday the view attracted comparatively little iotercat. FIVi POUNDS FOR A SlAT. Moat of the theaters have been doing a splendid business ( luring the past. week. Thu latest craze Is 'Tiio Geledia , " the new Jap- imieco play prothmcrl at Jaly's on last Sat- rday , as cabtod to the Associated htCSS at he time. Thorn was such a rush at the romsshoro that a tspeculator sold a seat. in : ho droe.i cIrcle for 5 ( $25) ) . "The. Geisha" aaS itrosiouncc'l to be the best thing of the cind ever done on the lighter operatic stage. An American play , "A Night Out , ' at the I l V'autlevilho has been yell recoiyed and the New Iaby , " at thio Itoyaltjr on Mdnday , I vas also succeasful. . . One of tIme most remarkable sights seen n London for seine time sva. thie testimonial It the Lyceum yeeterday afternoon to Charles Vyndharn , In celebration of the tWentiethi : nnivorsary of hits management of the Cr1- orion theater. Long before the hour for he performance to commence all the , npm roacime3 to the theater wore packed with rnwdmt of poaplo watching the arrival in I arriages of the faahiionabhe people present I ipon the occasion. The committee was corn- oaol of seine of the most beautiful actresses 1 Ii Lisdon. Including Esmo I3erlnger , Lily fanbury. Evelyn Millard , Jullette Nesvilie mid others of the highest socIety of dra- iathc art. The ladies stood at the door of lie theater , opened time carriage doors and 01st programs , in which they did a rushing c ushmiesa. Some idea of the success of the ragramn selling portion of the entertainment an ho gathered from the statement that snie Beringer , one of the prettiest tmf the oung actresses present. sold her programs o 5 bight as 3 ( $15) ) each. Although "The Prisoner of Zenfit" Is still a rawing crowded ImoimOes at the St. James , I to new play which Mr. Carton has written b r that theater is already in rehearsal. It r ill 1)0 called 'The Tree of Knowledge , " a 1(1 ( will have an exceptionally strong cast. c . Iii hinted that a new play by Pinero will 0 illow 'Tho Tree of Knowledge. " whsichi , in U inn , will 1)0 succeeded hmy Anthony hope's V raniatic adaptIon of lila novel , "The God 0 I tile Car. " A concert given on board the Cunard line teanisimip , Campanla , on Vt'ednesday realized n 100 , the largest amount ever collected by similar entertainmelit In thie hiistory of Jo Citmiard line. Marie Engeil Mantehil and " ' isconi nero ornong those who toalc Part in 10 pertormmmaiice. Mine. Melba was uI , but tnt a donation. . MATAIIELB DRAMA COMING. Cloniemit Scott has writtemi a one-act drama t r Leo Storiiiont. It lists ( or its iiubject a lam's. of life in Matabelehand , and comprises military sulject , which is calculated to oimse the enthusiasm of EnglIsh audiences. me hoe' play , witichi only occupies atiout 'emiLy mInutes iii rendition , wIll be pro- ci ccii ahtosit Jumie 1. d. 'I'h4 of'ales attended the prince of \ perform- ice In the evenIng at tile Criteniomi theater , M iiicii 'as crowded withi enthusIastic adinir- \ % s of Mr. Wynditsim. It was nearly muiti. gut before the prcgramn was ended , In em ' ( p01150 to loud cries for a speech , Mr , Wynd. pi Liii appeared , cliii briefly announced that at e ftmiiii would benefit to the extent of 1,500. It Is understood that of tbi sum cc 00 was obtained by the sales Cf programs he tIme actresses , and Miss Eeme lieringer Is 11 ported to have headed the list , turning in 0 largest aniotint of imioney , and having p hil LImo most mrograrn5. bc I Mr. and Mrs. Wyndhiant issued over 1,000 hes itationa for tIme supper cliii thence whIch at k place after the performance at the itch Cecil. Time supper was a most brilliant tu 'stir. ' Baron Ituse3hi of Killowen , the lord e let justice , vropoed limo health of Mr. and in \Vyndhmanm , and the guests included the tim istrian ambassador , Count von Ieyiii ; thio ko and duchess of Ahorcorn , time marquIs Ut d niarchiioness of Oranby , time marquis and ireifloness of Tweeddale , time earl and th intems of , Arran , Vtecoitnt and r..ay Cat. lie ly , unti limo earl anti countess of Lathmommi , . Artlmtmr Sullivan anti issany oIlier persona equal importance. .Tho day 'was well ad- .j need before the last of time guests left tue tel , this lenimian Merivalo hiss written a islay on of S perennial subject of "Charlotte Corday. " pr 'iso first iterforiiiance of "henry IV , " ) fl 'itichi ileerhtohmn Tree Imami been sit g egnaged , wlhi oeetmr at tile Itayniankot ft niatlntie performance , Monday afternoon , sic y 4 , nfl t Is rumored that flaIl CaIne its ongaed (101 itt a t1rtniatizntion r.f isis miew novel , whIch Ca I far its seener ) and ilmciiient9 a pitaae hL ' life in tilt' east cmiii of London. In this ' ° V venturi , Mr Caine hmms co.iabored with % I . Zangwihi. test i L is riimuoieii that thto next production vie Ich Forbes itohertsr.n nail Frederick liar. At in vill umidertoks will lie a dramatization bet tIme nevels Magmla" Onli 'T sa of the dim 'rbcrvihiem , " hiolit of which are aelecte4 hi a VIPW to sticotitig the requirements Mrs. Patrick Cantpbcll. ing ata At'tiiii Itril of sti Mird.-r ( iitzirjIItwo IACON , Mo. , May 2-Simon and James flat tnI , charged with killing Dick Collins of tthia , at New Cantbria , in leceinber 1S93 , 'O 'C ac-juttcd : Imrr Iot1a' . SInmon aclsnowl- c.l i ? u Itmotin. bIll platitt.i seif-defuiists. ex u.s ibL3 : . ! an h , ' ? eascry , iris llAUS iii' . ' 11.15' 'it ) .t lHltltloll , ( lot I hi-hi % .iii'l hirleit , Ii'MlitIiUlOlit , lIltL # flYN 1.1 f. ' iI ) 54i1 I'il ( . , Goiieb ' 'ihimrhch ' , a restaurant keeper at 122 South To t4sti'et. . coinimiiite4 suicide Iii his itiace i.tst tmiglmt by iiamtging. \'itstimrIch has bell In tue habit of dos- lng hIs restaumt at inlInigiit. About I :30 : thii lmiormmitg ii { wife , viw roommis tihoVe. lie- came anxIous over liii' nonahipeiratic ! , alit ! making a oarch found hiitmi suapemitieti it few iimcheti frnmrrtfl floor by means of a ahiwl straji. 'hich hail b'emi tied to the knob of th door. Ieath had reasmiteil trout strangulsIdmi. ( The coroner % as called. Mrs.'uethtricii stated that imer ittmshasmd hail not been tii'Shiofltlent , anti vitii the Cx- ception of III lieitii time could ns'ign Ito reason for 1111 % desperate act. lii. Uassei tue greater Part o timi evetmhtig in hilaYmig wlthm Pits ( cite chi'httremt and site hind beet apokemi to hint at Ii : i0 , shortly before ret'rhng. ' V.'uethrich lies boon a resident of Omaha for seventeen years. A lirothmt'r lives at h'ender , Nhj. . anti another , Charles W'ttethm- I rich , lives lii this city.Vuethtrich was a I nitmuber iii gocti atatmtlng ! c t the Omaha Swiss soc'ety anti carrIed an insurance w ti the organization. TIme coromier tonIc charge of tii romaimma and wIll itoh ! an lmiqueat Mosmihay nmorning at 10 o'clock. Icceased wa'J 13 years of age. SlVilt.l. Iti ) ' . IS thihthh ) hs'ro ONII , St' Jerse Coriportitlons ( lit I ( CII I ii Iii It Siiiiie OigiilllrlitIiIlt. PhILADELPhIA , May 2.-Thmo raliroads itt southmern Now Jersey controlled by tIme h'esitmmmyivanla railrcad were niergcti into one domporation at a musetltig in Camden teday. The new railroad Is to be known as the Veet Jersey & Seashore Railroad cnlnpamty. Time conipanles mmioigeti are time \\'ost Jcr- 50) ' , Carndemi & AtiantlcVest Jersey & Atlantic , Ahloiay & Qsiimiton , I'hlhmulelpimla , Meilford & MaclIon , amid Chelsea branch , Tlto stock of time various conipatties was takemi up 00(1 StOW stock amounting to $ i- 500,000 watt Issued to replace it. Time luergimmg at these roads will reduce exltemises in the clerical deparImmienta nut ! sini. hihify the keephimg of accounts. George II. Roberts is itresisient of time new forimiod cen'pany amid tlimitetl States Senator \'il- 11am J. Sewehi is vice lirosidemit and general liianager. VlmI ahi1l'1' IN ( ) ilAllA. IX'I' 'i'I3ii. Chief Cu immi silL Seeui-s Cini.'i.t I tilt 01 Ii till ity Sit--hmil Agritts , Chief Canada of time Unloit Paciflc's special service bureau hits returmmcd trout Kammsas City , where a meeting of the Assoclatioii of Railway Special Agents of time United States Wand Canada was in session. The following omcors were electei for tue ensuing year : l'rcsitlent , 3. J. Kinney of tIme Santa Fe ; first vice presb1eitV. ; . T. Cammada , Uimiomt l'aclflc ; second vice Itrosidemit , It. I'iamit , lCat } ' ' road ; , thirti vice prosldemit , John JeLommg , Ml'souri Pacific : secretary amisl treasurer , W. S. Cain , Chicago & Alton. Mr. Canada also stmcceeiieth in capturimmg thie liext meeting for Omaha. It will he imeld hero in October next , the meetings opemmltmg on the second Timosday. It wIll be atten.lei by the representatIves of about 100 roads. Sleemilmig Cltl Ito ScM Comilititreil. The sleeping camc9mpanles are happy over tlmo action of on conimnerce iii inthoIiimiteiy .jrniitposmlng time bill rccommtly Introduced by Comigreasman Corhiss for the purpose of compelling the companIes to reduce - duce time Price of berths. Thu travelers' as- acciatlons and 'thm labor organizatIons that lmolped along with tim bill are correspommil- bigly dejected. Tlmey are mint withiout hope , however , amid iitovuso to renew the flgiit in the near .futimts , TIme hong suit of time sleeping car comnp4nics was In time cormipari- eon between Anmemcan and European sleep- 1 log car rates. i3th time Wagiter and thif Pullman comnapiest presented tables siiowiii that the sleeping -car rate from Paris- Madrid , 892 mIles. l $11.82 , while from 'ow York to Ciilagd. 811 miles , It is $5 , with tji addltlon idantage of greater luxury 1 Dr travel on tiii , ttlcl'e of Amnerica. . Tue sleep- og car comir.tss also insisted that the mamne ncconimno4tions furnish&d travelers lwenty-flve eaF& ago at $2 per night are low given , oo.otJst' carp on all western oad for 50 cents par miighit I fii1 e of a , ( Iorjtsi Itihiroiiii , ATLANTA , Ga. , May 2.-fl. J. Lawry , one a itt thmo special ivmrnlasiozmers to conduct the 1 re-sale of the Mamhetta & North Georgia rail- oad , has been notIfied by telegranhi timat time iecond paynientof $100,000 has been made In ew Yorlc by th Atlanta , Knoxville & orthern Construction coliipany , and acting r In this information Judge Newman of the I Jnlted States oimrt isommed a special decrea t iuthorizlng time acceptance of the payment , cIte Ito suspensIon of the sale and providing c hat the remaining $861,000 of the purchase C irico shall be paid at Intervals of sixty dayc U torn May 4 , each payment being of the sum 0 It $100,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft 1.11cr tile Lliicoli Ciie. Utah is enjoying a railway controrersy Imat is somewhat parallel to the complaInt f the Lirtcohmt jobbers for alleged ditcrim- nation on the part of time Union Pacific B imil Elkhorn roads in favor of Omnmthma. The o : lb crande'estern road hia been accused p y tIme jobbers of Ogden of mnaking such v rites as will iscrimnlnato against that city ' ml In the interests of Salt Lake City. A ormferenco between officIals of that cons ! , 01 f the Union l'acific and of the Southern in acilic hits been cahheil for May 21 at Deniii or for the purpose of investigatlrmg' tile 81 tatter , Siitilit l'i-'N ' ' ' ' h'lyt'r 'l'itkemi Off. CHICAGO , May 2.-Boglnmmlng tomorrow a ow time card will be put iitt.o effect en time anta Fe road , Time principal change in it ti 'ill ho tim discolitinuance of the fast Call. p1 rnia hlyer. hiastbounti , imowever , timl train. to ho Cimicago limited , i'hhi be centhmmmieti imittil I'l lay 6. The California service will ho concc lieu to omme ilally traimi iii cacti direction. an htso trains still miot lie so fast as were c to California nhmil Chicago hlimiitc'd , but ss'ihh of ( I eomnewhat fasitir thiami under Use old cc imedule. Itnihtuy Notes' it i.d l'tsrttoiit Is , 0 T.V. . Veal , tax agent of the Union Pa. fle at Topeka , was at headquarters yester'I ty mornlmig. Gemieral Manager ilolthrege of the Ii , & ' . returned Inst evening frotmi a trip over the ye 'yontlng diviehomi Of time flurihmmgtosm , . liij The proiitotlon of C. ii , W'Ilber from nest- 0 passenger agent to snisistant general issengor agemit of time Lake Sitoro road is mnounced. tii Tue Chicago local of the Northwestern On ad , train No. S. vhhi , on and after today , CO ave thIs cIty at 10:5 : a. in , , instead of at phm o'clock , as at preitout , go Beginning today , time time of time dcias rture of the Itock Island train , No , 2 , wilt bo nsaiio thirtyflye . : mttnutos later. It now atl ayes for ChiVt 'dat 6:25 : p , in , On amid pa tee today itsUh eve at 7 o'clock , hic Judge Woolwottb 4yosterday mornIng re- qu med from Wavitington , where iso repre. ml sited tIme Ro1c Ieihnd and the Milwaukee terests In tisulOimimtima bridge case before 1c 0 supreme court. l cIT Judge Cornlsli , master-in-chancery for the ilomi I'aclfie syatIsmni lies just tiled with the ilted States nurt a report recoimiinonding 0 Ilayment of thiatJuiy , 1895 , interest on time V S at imiortgage ciUnion Pacific , aimiount. Cute to about 60IJIJ0. It. is miot kimowmi at5llurlington headquarters ( tether 1'rosidefl1Vmrkins ivill be lit Oniahia xt week to mnNati the representatives of Sti S TrpnmnIS5Id4pphiop0aitIOfl directory and tue Cemnmerabl lub om' isot. lie is at eselit in I3oston. WOi 11,11 riIIIN A giII'liI4VIhiigt mir liitiis issi-il , age rime Hoard of'Oltire mind I'olico Coimimiathii nens tteitl a'E'1khJlnl meeting yesterday hoii ernoolt ( or the ' pumvoste of hearing cvi. in liCe oil the clursss hireferreti aalnt ittain Toni Ilumimme of No. 3 engine house. car ammo had beset accused by Comnilssioner blo rmtiervoort of jieghect of duty itlid italmig time oxlcatlimg hiqupr t'Jillo emi duty. Several jo titeesea v'ere exmmmiiilmed , itil of wimoni Unh l tifteti that hiunree s'as initocent of any latloits or time ruca of time department. . lethlsteninm . to the evidence. the morn- .5 of the board voted to disnittis time P08 irges. . - . Shins Out to Set , tile Vurhti , silts not 7-year-old son of 'A , W. Chance , reald. cati at 2313 South ' Ts'emity-eIgitthi streeg , ban nod out yesterday Immorning to view time as rid on hits own aecoumit , The pollee were hlleil and last evenIng a party mimimed roam C. Kirk of Fiorense telepimotmoti to this The tfoim thimit tie hail the rmmnavay hay aliti uid hiring him bstck to thin city at once. 11i Cistrko atated ttit ho tied started to , , tie to l"ort Caiho1mm antI It tie Cmijo'tsd time Ciettce would have extended his petiesIV I It to tit fu r I tier , Ii all I I i1NOTIIER CRY FROI AR1EN1A Two llhlndrel ( Thu3an(1 V10t1n13 of FurIous Hatred of th3 Turks , STORY OF ThEIR WRONGS RECOUNTED lelsIlIrilIsr ni h'liilfi. . % ii % II ( 'lii lit 'Uli elm' l'rt-si'ii * hit'it I I I y 'i'iii. ' l.I . . mIl't'54 It lh-slri' III Mlgrslt' to . Aitot her ( 'titi ft I t. NiV TOnIC. May 2.-The National Anne- nliiti relIef coinntltlee lies receIved tim' tot- iowing dccimiitentiq freni Turkey sitowing the feeling of ninny of the survivors of the .trimmeniami immareacres : , lt Is mmow more titan five tiinnthts that sword , fire , famnine antI cold have lmen doing their chrcatiful nork nmnoiig tie. Not least thtaim 200,000 of our People , hurgely mmmcmi and trout ltmiitiemitial alit ! ProtitmCtlVe cha.ses , have fallen vlctirmis to time fury of our lleraectltors. More timan 60,000 have umisier threats of lit- stoat ilcatit hmrofeaes1 the crecil of Islamu. Tilommeinds of our sisters amid daughters have been s'lolemmthy carried oft to time Imaremmia of tue Turks and ICtirtia. Not hess timami 5,000 of oti r ucla ci pa I mmmcmi , in cltid I ng mna ny Gregorinmm priests and I'rotestaitt pastors and teacitersi , are hamigitislilog in Turkish dtimmgeomts , nrrcstel on utterly baseIes charges anti given ito opportunIty to vinthicate thiemmiselves. A very large part of our property - orty ttas been stolen or destroyeti antI all our business is paralyzed , so that the imroim- erty we still own is for the itresemit Inmgeiy vertliless. "Nor do we yet see nity slgmis of muankesi improvommment lit our coittlhtion , It is true tmmassacre amid open lltmlmiler have iteeti forbidden - den , bitt oimr Moslem miolgiibors are still imimtintaining a fiercely limeuhthng aitil threat. enimig attlttmdo towarl us as a race , aim(1 ( even 'Vera they comtstraiimed to abandon theIr itloody Purposea the fammatical fury of time Moshenm peoples amnoimg whom we live has been so fiercely lnilammieei that It Is quite Simflicietmt even against any ( celtic efforts the government ttmlgitt lie constrained to immahco , to commiphete the work of deatructiomi , ' \Ve have long since aiammilomted all Imope of any political rights or standing in this land. Time only pohtlomt possIble for us is that of crfs. We 'have chieriatmed tIme hope of effective alt ! trout Cliristiami mrntloiis. It hiatt falic sh us anti ve are sacrificed to political ammst selfish nnibitloii.Vltat then are we to sin ? Three poeahbhe cOUraoa of actIon are opemi to im'i , " ' "F'irst , s'e can eurrendor all that our fathers have citing to dumrhmmg their immany 3'ears of oplresSIos and sufferings ; ue can ahuistlon our faith , profess Islaiii anti lose otmrseics and our children in the limass of tim Moslem mr.asters ; or , second , we can go on , patiently dragging time chains of our opprcsiars amid bearing theIr insults atmd abuses , \v.lstimig away ommr ii't'cs amid our strength iii igmmoble servitude ; or , third , we can seek iii other hands and among liberty- loving people ri.ew imomnes and hew hopes of enterprise. Sonie or our PeoPle hmave already tried to adjust timemimselves to time first con- dIllon namited , but even imow timchr n ails of atiguisim amid remorse that Is making their n lives an Unsupportable burden warn us that C death is a thousand ttnmes to be lmreferred i' to a life so basely purcimaseil. Time second muhtornative is no doubt still open to us. We can repudiate all our claims and aspiraII tions for omanimood , we can mturremmdor all a hope of progress and take up again the old uorviie life of the ast. , We , should perhaps Y be allowed to retain our name , our tradi- Liona and our faith ; but how dwarfed , hi ranip ammd corrupted ! "Meanwhile other and Chmrlstian lands open ti mespitablo doors to us anti extend us symri ) athy and generous aid , anti bid us wicommte 0 shmare rit1i thmenm time hicnit.ago of Christian iberty amid clvilzation. ! Only two thlmmgs u ye need to know. First , will our sultami ermit us to emigrate ? If so , we sjmould ( to glad if arrammgernents could be mnade by g vhlcb we coumhil secure for our future use onio rcaaonabhe part ofthme property we cave behind us. Second , will tIme Chnistiami t tallness who hmave been witnesses of our ( it offerings grant us an asylum iii their in torders amid give us aid In time of our dis- ( a ross ? " - : REL1FF FUNDS RUNNING LOW. BOSTON. May 2.-A letter train Smayrna , reetern Turkey , uys that the Armemilan , chief funds are dlnminishming , whIle the mmumns er of destitute Is increasing. Contlmmuimig , SI he writer says : "t"romn every center oxin opting Van , where relief work Is hieing arried on , comes the same story of time iii- reasing miumber of time destitute who took P00 this source of relief as time last and nl ) mneamis of suisttalnliig life. It is indeed . aared by mnammy that the worst has riot yet sir olne and thmat famine and pestilence will ho meviabic during the approachlmmg aumnmner months. " In As to threatened ren.ousal of the massano res , says the writer , the recent trouble at .im : Ihlo was of a sulllcicnthy serious nature to th , ccite the greatest uppreimemislomis. Time roCO arts of the msumnber of Armenians killed any fromii 100 to 200 , whmihe the number of ounded Is said to be "some hundreds. In writing upon the irade to the governors r the Interior lrovinces ) , authorizlimg time immedIate expulsIon of nil the Amenicami Issiomiaries frommu their vilayets , the come- tii ommdent says : "The made was issued , and it was not ntil three days later that Sir l'iiilip Condo % ' atalned intelligence of it. through the Brit- h consul in the Mouth district , where wi seems tito goverimor , aetiimg promptly on so authority of his master at Commatantiimo- e had ordered tue American missionanlem leave wlthism twenty.four hours , Sir imihip Currie demanded the hmnmmicthiato cami- tiling of the iratle. Throughm Imis promtipt tO emmorgettc actIon , lila demands wore cxcto ited withiout delay , anti I preslimo but few I' time missIonaries are evemi yet aware of the mioi Istis through wblch they have passed. " p do , li.JiIC'I' ! $ Pt ) 1'lli' lJSIi OF' IllS N.till. c'i'ntue lmriitgs SitU to itt-st ritlit fits- oi Setral 1)eeiiiltt ii lit , J , hi. MgTague apphiemi to Judge iCeyr COC sterday tnornlng for an injmiimction restrain- \tn g time Omaha Carpet commmtany and time otimer Mu artgagees of time McTagmme hotel from using S name in commnectlon with tIme business C ey are conductIng at McTague'st old btstid ci also frommu operating tinder his liquor ii. No use. Tue care was argued mit length , the Art mintiff alleging that tie had acquired a I'Xt ad reputation in thus beauty for abilIty nianager of the enterprise svhiich his Tot rae hits miammie and timat the defendants were hxt entptitmg to use lila ropmitatuomm 1mm drawfsig lieu trommage. lie also alleged that ito imail a Dei enso for selling liquors at the idace in eatiCn amid lied not ghvemu any one itor. salami to use liii , miasmic or isis license. rim0 detendaimta alleged iliac the name of Tague had beemm obiitcratd by paintimg it T sIghs and by time use of a nmihber stahmihi Oil C ) statlostery. They tlimciaimmied army isslent gite trading upoii McTagmmo'a reputatiomi , lodge iteysor took time matter under nil- ut enment end gave notice that ho would do. 0 the case Monday morning. at t - jtIt. KINJlY ( LtSlthIii CIIIiCI , Salt - . , Ia Iii Ilelitimis it tot Security for ii L.iiit. B tenon J. Care , a stocieman from Deadmnai mnai ad , S. fl. , caine to Omaha several days 0 p with a caloa4 of stock. lie 'lispusted of j , S at South Omnahma anti tins emi lila way the steward yesterday with $ t5 of the receipts it , lmi htoeket when , UliDO boarding the " 1Im to tit cmslity , lie met hvo very vgreea thIs comnpalmiomits. They' ' wore well vemacil itt atock raIsing businee , ; tutu by a freak of ! itiiii ii luck ccc also botimiri ( or Dcatiwmmd. Jius ike Canr lucy had purchased a carload of A. ) dC'tl stock at Southi Ommtaimi , whiichi they ger 1 .0 taklitg to thitsr rancti fur ltraeiiiitg itimr. Igo as. Just before boardIng tue traIn mit time ilm bster street station one of time itnw acaiim ! listances chstnced to reinemmiber that tic. had situ paid thmo tramspartation etmaries on iil tends ic and Assumed a check nit a Jt'at1ymj'd j k ( or $300 , 'ould Mr. C.trr accept hilt And security for a loan of 463 instil they front uhmeul hionmo ? Sure tie would , nod did. atteit n they s'anlehed , l.hlu - - - Nt imt I tresr * Uuii'ri. Iiiiii'e , Dmmgn lie iahmolsterers and znstress $ niztieers W. e a ball and May tarty at tYrailtioity , lust evening , whiclt , desvito mhiu timreal. Crc-i THIE SUBSTANCE OF IT' 'RE , ! . OUjECT OP TIIR COPEI.ANI & SIIEI'ARI ) I'LAN - It ] : a Great 'tPrnctical " . JIUInRIIIt3P" foritofrors Compotcmat. Modicesi Treat. mont at tj a Month-This Foe Is Sultalilo to 'Ilieso hard Times. IrM , ( 'opt.iiiuii ititul Shl'imti'ui iliul itit Iii'iMe I hui.Ir ' , ' sif ItnlIot iehti iioiiii'hiii. gus 0 , ltiittt't niuulcIii psi'hit'in' , , u Ithi Site iturgetliii. . ! mluiiIi.r tour- IuilMe III emiitbhlutv PerMsIm. of , .uuuuihl iII.iIlIN tat itItiIti thu. , 'uiiii' tr'uitiitt'ul I lint rieli liotililo m'ttu htii'ei' utmuis of mtlfltli. for , 'i'iieNI' II Is lt'iui iii. i ( \ 0\ I liii I C ii i' ( 'ii It ( 'II Ci' ii lio'itsop , I liii I strike sit muiiui'-ti'iuIh , tur our Its'iIsii' II fill I Iut- litti I hut h ) uiilert INiit I Iii fuiet 1111.1 I ri'uiium 1)11 I riitti flit ii I ; rum ii it iesi I i' t Ii 4. t' ( 'II It it 1111 rtl Iii ( 'liii reti' it hu fiqIt , t'iu'er thu i' t'utMt uI Nervleu.M nutil it'ul li'l il'M , I ii I iuitrul tutu's Mii'ha it fiq 'oitiuuieiuulN Itself - self Iii ra ery Itli ii i'i'il hug iuuu'tl lt'at I tri'ntiii.i * , 111111 , lueuu lit , ' utlulilty 4)1 I lit- itli ) sli'iu , it Is Suitu'itt'il for ea'-ry 'i'i'I& siI l7t9tM of hIgh , utu ; iuuhluuix ii miii n It hit IIVul'htfl Itie erit'I tu , i's Iii , ii ( 'si Ci. 4)1 In-re uit tuitld leitiu s'iit I etumi iii' unit , . for Ilti-iti , It islul sri-sit tltitt Ill i' suit ii or .ulttit ii a hit MaelM 1110411- Cfli ttttelutlitui ( 'till ttiitli' itt ) miIstuikt' iii guuIui ( i , lrs. ( 'u,1t'hutiiui it itd $ ltei- iui'i , P111111 AlVICII , NO ChiAflGl IS II\'l'it MAIFi FOIl CONSIT h'l'A'i'iON , tIN AM I NATION AN ! ) F1Tii. Oh'iNION IN 4N"t ( "ASE 1IlTilllt IN' TIlE OFFhChi Oil BY ? .iAll. hI' YOU CANNOT COMiC 'i'O 'FILE Ol'l'itl I' . VltlTl FOIl A Sl't1AiiY I'ltli'Ahth'I ) S'u'Mh'TOM BLANK ANI ) GET 1)115. ( 'Ol'iih.ND AN ! ) ShlBl'Ahtl'S Ol'lNlOX' 01" YOUR TIIOITULE. xo ' .tS'I'I' OF ' 1'tlII. 1101101 Comutes lii stI"e'w 'u-eks l' I lie ( 'iio-Iniid ii tush $ lucpium'aI % 0V :11cc : linus. There Is mme 015(59 of patients where the tutu rices ! suIte , I orl ty of t lie Copeltuui ii mmliii Shiehmard light fee system over time slow nuitl exhtcimslvo olsi eitool itmetimosis is better ii- liustrateti timamu In Peoi > io 01' mlivmuliceil iige. itt such etitues , whmi-te Ciutnri itni infectiomi It as I ado ced ssli sit lug of Ileit tiimti ( 'mit'tgy , svith ComflhhiCnleii miers'otii : tmuuittlcs , timiti mmiettmoii Ii. iromimnt mmmi elhtcieiit. Mr. A. N. Jmty , Otceoisu. Nebraskmt , Imlitil reecmttly lit tIme lmtirumeiss busimicasm in tittut city , tells about his case today. lie soya : I ' ( / : - _ . , ' - ' . i , - : ; , , - : : , A. N. JAY , Osi'eoha , 'Neb. "Time very hiitcmmti terms of Ir. . ( 'opelanul md Sitepul'd-.th ) it nmonthi , including mmmcdi. Ine amiti everytiting-seems all the niare 'emmmarhcmibio ( romn time fact that miesurly all rho have ever tmati experiemice withu their ytitthn regard it na superior to any oilier. Ii regmurd to time promnhit iLmitl radical bene- Itti that caine to me , ( or exaiimphe , those .rc time facts : "I veflt to these Physicians ohottt ihmree cars ago and took treatment covering a eriod of sixty days. At that time I Imiusi Ccii ailing for four or live years. My mmuding II'yfliptoiflm swere iteatiuchme , stop- age of thu , ' nostrils. dry omit ! isarcimeul imoat amid tongue ' loss of appetite antI Datless Itighits. I 'ihd must feel mighit iii any sty. I'flhi gradually louiimg 1weiglit. My lrength amid etmergy were impaired nimd I Iways experienced a lienS'thistress t irnugh tIme breast and ! lmngti , amll hitti a roump of minor symptonms. imli of which mrced time comt'irtion that I was Zosimig round in every Way. "Promupthy flter commencing with irs , oI > olan(1 mind Shu.ptird , iiomvu'ver , In ) ' itli- slits began to hm.al. multi I built up in remmgthi anti coimmj'ort might alomig , 'j'Jme sbihity nail miliiTerimmg Which immitl nmarheeti y Condition grew less 01151 less , ummtii i und myself In excellent health. 1 ama ming weather , drew alit a : sunge ntteimdance , iortiy tforo nmiuhnlghmt. a coinnmhttee svamt iiocte(1 to pass jlmtigment upoit the htinti- mflesit woitrnn in the hall. Miss 1.ottio tully wait at length selected as time for. lute person , nuid mt lmammtisomome gold watch as presemmtel to iter. 'l'ime program of H ( flees wa.'m then resumed and refrosimimments ore seived at a late hour. Ilieyel 1st Citusu's a liii umitvmi' . Mrs. Arnold , 2901 Pinckney street , was Is'iumg near Nineteenth amid \Vebstor ahsotmt II' ' o'ceclc last night , when a bicyclist , ss'iu ) is , scorciilng dowmt the lull , ran violently to iter rig. Time horse becunme frighmtemted , I ) ml , rmmmmnlmmg several blocles , threw Mrs. imoisi to the 'paventemit , hruulaing her about 0 head amid face anti reimdeulmig her un- mmscous ! , She was tukemi to lmer hsonie amid lhiYslCiaui called. \S'Jit'I'liElL 1rOILBCAS'I' . I mu .1 it'Yi I I He ii Fl ii u- Iui y Fu'l I o meul 1t' Ii ( 'oni i'lg I , I. Tc V4Sl11NGTON. May ? . -Thmc fohowlimg is sb 0 forecast for Sunday ; er i'or Neiraskti-Fsuir , winds shifting to sm4tenly ; cooler Suntiuy nigtmt. 'or Colorado-Fair ; cooler ; nortitemly lids. of 'or Wyomnlng-Oemmeraiiy fair ; su'esteny ! ads. po 'or Momitamimi-Local showers in rasterim rtlomi ; ( stir in su'est snit Portion ; svest.ri' rids. iji or Okittitommma , Tndian 'l'orrit'iiy anti 'uiis. irh-Ucmjo XIY f ir ; thighitly mm a m sm' ; utlm West % % 'iiidti. ciii 'or South Dakotmt-Prolmilthy ( muir ; coolci' ; bul rtimsuestem'hy wintit. . 'or louvit-Faii' ; south to svest wIimul9 . thst 'or } Cmunsas--Fair ; southiu'miy wlmmds , becite mmluim : vammable. twi ioeitl ltu'ciurii , FFICFI Or" 'rinlVBATJI1III1 BUREAU iAiIit , May 2.-Oniiihia merurd of tom- rL. . tutors' amid ralnimll comimpared 5'lthm the timii rcsulmondhimg day of thuo ; gt fommr yeam'im : lie 1S9i , 5s9S. talul. 1893. xlmmmnm temperature . . 7. 76 8 ( 6 j tiinutn temmsiielmitilro . . . 4 57 48 16 orago telimjttrstume . . . . . Cd Gd 67 IS leiltita tiomi . . . .0) 21 .00 . 'I' c omitlitioii of teifllmeratule ammO iirecii'ilation Oultitlmmi , for time dtl ) ' and simice' Mmmccii 1 , 'lel , " hi rinni temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 'ltiuimilatu'ul demielency iiice . ' .larehm 1. . . eRst for thist ulliy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to mimil I i tmCCiii I Fm t 101 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mmcli t iso icietmey for the ilay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 itmeim a I Ii reel iii to t loim Ninco 'mh um'ctm 1 . .5.1,1) I mic'im n's ' 055 slitco Msirciu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iimc'im"tt ieiency for c r. lteruui. JS't ' . . . . . . .02 inch Iciency ( or cor. iiC'rioth. . . . . . . . Inch vlm1tii. Otsrrur. - I'BIISON.ti4 I'.tIt.Jttl'IIS , abias Castor of LIncoln is in the city. , Ii.Vjiicea , I'hiliadehimimla , PA , , l a Barker ycal at , ( evil , hitmhrnrt and J. C , CJmegg , U , ft. A , , arc commi iso city. , A Porge J. hlidtmop , Topka , Kan , , is stopping rear lie hacker. 2123 ho It. IIya of Nom'foilc was an Omaha inlay visItor , ahig liii J. Coittatock , Jaimeavihle'is. . , is utop- A at the iiarkoi- , drrm 13.S'owl , a .Somiim Omitahia crilnmisubon . left for ChIcago iaat evenimmg. Its I \Viltiarmits , North l'hatto , and \S'ilhlammi Dc Csilmiih , Grand Island , arc registered at Over Barlece. I for A. WiclIIlmaimm , aulvahtco agent for the trivi mnegatt'tt Bail" coinp.tny , is stopping sit for Bamker. A Ii.'uotl , I ! . (3. Simemtcr zuitl C. Need. % 'ici are registered at time hanker front Kin. : was City , Mo. mit 9 hi. Ilutehtincout. gemsral ; travchimmjg passeum- rare igelit ( or liii' tlimiua I'4cItic. left ( or Chil. eaak yestei-liy. 11) . .5 , . ' % icSlsant' svifv of h'Iiillip ImieShsmic , 'l'im fammiily , retiirnei hsrone train an exteitlcd Ouiia with rLlaiivcs 51 Jeaulc3d , hi , I ) , , ) t5. Iietm iy. . i ; . ail 0. 'l'mmt ? , grandiumaater woukrnaiu itt time tends cut ( ) ruIL'r of UuiIlesI ' 'c'rkjtett ' , ruiirmui whilst Grand ftizunl last eueoiimg , l.a om'dm-r to that iii I Its , hut' rail of I. . Olsen , who vaa 1 at : ; auth Oumahst I"rI.iay. local brashmune at out hotels : Chanlst .1. lie m mm , Norfolk : T. B. irwin , ( lortirn ; I ituil'i Tratninchl , Ozforil ; rear'le iirry ais'j ibeci I , , ilanmia. liatUsCrecd. . ; Fred hail , but U Isluud ; T , J. Smtyt.icr , Wahoo , tmathi -i-i-i ; ; ; : ; : : ; . over utte. whmoe tm'ouiiil atmil hitmvn I''tt ever muimtr' uii. tru'tul flmu'uit , I mmiii 78 years old. " 'Hr. .luiy Is ilium- ' ' , , . hiiiu stun , ( 'ni.Itiu'tr .tsi ' , of ( ) uusiuhii MIru'e ( ItutiIimi u'oiuiusuui , 8110) .iu'u-eIitlt ha , 'uu.e , liei' hue uuuut ' in- jut ltl ) ) tutu' . II , ' i Ill gIitih' , serif liii' , 'ttitu'iitppit u miii ) ' liIl ( mm lit ) 11183' ivrIt or cmiii. iu .N "I' l'l' ilIil'rr 'Li , , . ' ' ' ' , ' utuual Shui'pmui'uI iniiIuii it4i . hit Hilt. , flit- , ul'hi ui ) lOt tmunult , , , , ' il , , , uI',0tr alit l , ) tutu if out aiu'i' , ' itrtI"I'u'ttIu. lilt stuHihu'u.uiifuil ei.ruoul , ' , , , ' ttul ( , , , 0h1'ut Its lit ittit Ilt , ' II mmli , , sill- for frnu , iuhiuri'Ii , lustltuiui , , ibrutuu - elul I Is , luuurtlmug' rl.t'uuutti , ( Isitu or ills- fll.&uirlui , uiIuu IIiu'iuu- , ltuuug or tl.riit it Iru'eiuuns. II m , 'r , klutiu , . , Iliutilt'r , Mttuuitiu'hi or Ituttu u.i hi'uiuull , ' or uiiy fit ht'i- i must lug ehirtuutli. uuiiuu'ui t ii u , , ti''lu'ou- i''er ( hue to mu II lii , ' luit'- Ilt'u uI ' , hi'etitiueuu ( mi Ihiuautut u'tmeiis" Iu-i'uuuul . tIt. liuuutulituil llsuui'MsStmu'lut ot i.hIh ) iu'r tuuiutls , till uita'.hIi.lme , , lit- rltui'al. lsti' ( Ilutut ititiutit liii' atut tlto lutIulit I'll Jo i.i.ii tlu4 % ( ) 'I'I I l % I 1,1 IC II il' , % 'iuriu % ' , irls of I'riilts , . uu-t ( lu'ii by a (11 roth i'tu I lu-tit. l'z'nutk ? .t. isuvlsu , Norfolk , N"h. . ii ; a cleric Iii thin' etimploy of lIme I' II , . - ui V. rmillvmmy , I I n' lii nm miii of tue mmmmt fly PeOiule u f ed mmcii I l m nuts ! good j litl g thou I % 'ltt ) htit Vt' fun miii i'h i e f amid eu ro I it i'ui nh I ) rts ( 'ohtt'ln mid a mmii. Sit ep. at'tl , 'ulr , lsi'ig says thus. h4iic'/ / ( FRANK M. DAVIS , Norfolk , Neb. ' 'it is imild , ' .tseeimtg Is hehirs'imi. ' I huavo hash a s'ery forcible remimlmmsier of this siti sutlmm me. I ii 1893 , a ft em' i rash sin I I tmg ( rommi I it it Ommmzuhma liu.lite.si Colli'ge , I Ionk in Itoalti it vltli I iCS'WOtt ! & l ortu'li of rimlcago. Somime. how I cnimtrtict.'ii it hIp.ie mvhtleii seenteti to 1)11910 tIme effoits of thus' bps't PltYsldimutt.'i of ( limit city. 'l'ite s'efl t of tIme witolu' tramub e seemmmed to ho in t lie titotmmneli. J'nlli nlwttya rlioust'd tatlumg , attil i kmiew Iiicr. ' was somumi'- Iiiiimg svroimg , hcius thiem is ito sulTenimmg' with it healthy iiigestfomm. "I'hue fact Is , I Itiiii Ito digestive hiou'er nt hi. I vomnitosh offer every mmteal. Sitir aaei auth firmmiemmtM ii'emmuuiti In lot foriiiimm i II the tiiim In the stoummiuu'im amid ltouvchiu , f 40tmiieti to be hungry , hut a little tooth lit lit' stomnacit woiuht ! httmrt co I m'ouuid h' femctot 10 Stilt eating. Alomig with tltms comilltion 'ero obttlumntu' coimsstipatiomm , ugommtzitmg hmemsd- tclmes nuiti lirofolund vettIemiee. "I Imsmmi to give ump nmy ti'e titter bu'iiig cc. limci'd froimi my usimtii w&'ightt of i6 to 12t ) motumitim' . I meturmied to Oimitthii.t 5iIiiII vUl3 ad. 'iseti to try Dm a. Copeiaimd anti Shmi'purii. : rhe' smail my ill"etm'e su'mts emitarrht or limo ItiifltuClt mimmd nt ommce tegan Voric mtloimg thimt iiie. I began to inipm'ovi' 1101mm thin very / lest tlmt3 , and ntter iu week html sin moro 'oimtlting , To hue hrief , I gmlmmesi lit stremigtim mmd hash riglm t alommg n liii a ( It' r ama' mmton t h's rcatmneiit vas i'ntiiely free ( rain every mfllitofli of riyi'peinhtt , or cuinrmht : of limo triuimitehi. That i vhmy I timimik there lii otimhmig 111cc , or ammyus'hmore neiur as good , S time Copolasts ! amid Sheiard trentmneiit , " ) RS , C1)PLLANJ ) ) & SIIEPARD , I100MS 312 AND 3h3 NEW YORIC LIF'id I1UILDING , OMAHA , NEll. ( lIce Iloursi-9 : to II a. rn ; 2 to S p. inEve. . miimmgsW'etiimesthays amid Saturdays ommly- 6 to 8. Sunday-tO to 12 mn , EFIES TIlE \VIIOLE \ ACENCY andsonio Elk Invites a Oonflict with Federal Authorities , AVILY ARMED AND FULL OF WHISK' ! , 'ui.i.ui I e ( ' ( , iilile , ( I teet-ul lletr. the iiloimx lIizii'u' Is I"upruit to Cotue in 'I'uruu.s mmliii tliu J'u , I Ice , CHAMflIRLAIN , S. D. , May 2.-Special ( iCgramn.'J'wo ) deputy Ummited States nmar- ais left haste today fur Lou'tsr linde sea- vatien to effect lime capture or surreittior of immdsommmo Bile , tim Siomux mvhio on April 13 it t wo I mid ian It0iCemuietl. svotm lid I tig 0mm is tmemn ! perhaps fsttnihy. Since tutu I hmummd- mmii Elk ha been Oh time ralmmmage. Itt'- rtam reach imore timat lie SUCt'eedctl iii seciir- I wlmisicy amid s'hiiic umtder ' . ' . imifiumciti'o at immto time log hmoimsme of ImuJiurmm , ngulmmitt 10111 isa haul gr.ovammcs'm , Dim evenmih ci' . mioums lie went % vitbmlmm slew of the smieit"y Ihiiimmgs amid rode backwartl amd forts mud-- I Soux mnetiiod of bithihitig tiollamico to ! mmmiea. I imtmitisommme Bile con ' 4 t.smi I hy cam ml ci 5 six shsooters aimd it rIfle mtmmmi lists some- sled I ii i mm tiimiitiat I sic immamiy I miii a ims oil t h a ervathomi. Smmmmmm hmoie are eimforlamimed t lie mmmii ) ' be immitmcej ! to mturm'ontlci' . if reIut'cmt a ulcs'iierato lIght wilt rouit , its lies s mu oi'mt t ita t hi e uvi II imot be ( a Iceut al I Va. I'i'rlsliu'iI iii tinilissuuui'i , hI4tMJJittLtN , S. D. , May 2.-(8lmu'ijtl ( egraimm.--Matt ) Stinger , ( iso I8.year.nltl boy it shot Nick .imsiIer at Oncoinmi , is heed - ed to hinva boemi mlrowmmetl viilio ittts'miiptlumg elcape. Time htoat svhsleiu imn sehiesi after simootimmg has been futinJ lhoatiimg hi tins tiouni river , _ _ _ _ _ _ - idC.t I. IlhII'S'i'j'i ! iso 5-ycar.old norm of lIt'iiltli C'omeimmshs'sioner t hi I a , syhsim Ii im.a hmeemt daisgerotiahy II I uvi Iii ieatlon of the Itings , Is liulmcli better amid rec'uvei'y is expeefteil , itige ulitim'as telegraphed from Jiibimqu , cemlay mimnm'umlmig litti t the regular .iey Ii of time United htate.s court roitid ui'jt femma hero limit I h 'i'hi mm rstd st y mmt.x I . timmiall blaze in a hue of rtiblilthm im the of a store occupied hty hicitry ihuliht , J..iavcmmvorfh street , Lalisul out tint lire. I yostenley at S o'clock. Tue dtmiimgt , was lit , email Chilith uscanimig a rash citrckc..reJ 5 WitS lucked imp by time imohice hear tile er of Sixteenth summil ( 'iuimtiuq's streets ye.- 3y aftenumituin tuil Seth it , ( hiss litaitoim until hiarents Cut 1)0 'p'.it ) ' ljmmlltil i'flates ? tlarahmal Bradley cauuie trout I sem mu' . I h 11 h ii Ifs ) 'OitermJay mumi.rn i is irtmnhc ( ilb."irlst alto is , imu jail imstr eu a : ai . 'hmarge. liji'jmrlsl is no iit'uI tim baa a ioitsi 100 sif tue hummer lit iv. smiuihi biz mi use lamnj' mo.imt of lIt. erie lsulth , TiiIrteetli antI I Jitigi' sheets , thus catisu , of a fIrs. .mhmlrmu ii.f ovemilim : ; o'clock. fbun tibiae origlmm uteti trout I lie Isa ttmrnwlmmg of ii muluts'hm itfm.imu the 'ih- esI fioo of time i'tmnim. The d4imrlg. w.tu ro n iii Ito 411 ' 'OItttStiiIg tiig'it' ' ' of t'ia isa'imi.'t cih a t itt ; to.v ulutrtt'ru , l t btmitmliimg , ( text W'DsiSit'siJ ) ' t'vcmmir . , ? 'h y III a corullil anil me'rt.ral ; In tati'ms : Ii s ( l to all wImlat htlal tr.u , unii lovt't ( 'C I him the CII ) ' to macct u'ihit tue mmmc immbar ssvormlitg , C mimsusnarial iou"oimill tee of I lie anicsil % _ posts of tint ( IranI .r..y of 11. " Iteiihi- tiCt lit court nont No. 7 st 'l'tm" lice leg host suigli ( . I'I sims far thy reprr 'aiice of Murnoil ul mIs ) e , ore d1smss 'd , tjcmulimitj iuctiiuii un tiium : sas a'ird IIIC nuxl iimvetmr.g , % Vc'the1im cit , atg.