- - - - - - r- , ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAHA DAILY i3I StTNDAYMAV 3 , lS9. liS - - ? \ PHU-t NOTI@E8. Au rt INtII etit fur t1ier , coIn iii , . ' vI1L ) i ( tgiktti until 12s80 p. iii. for the ' , ei'i' and until S p. in. for thu nursi I ii nul Sitidt cdlt ioui. AdefIii r , 1 reIIul'NtItlg Si hum- 1creil elieck , cnn 1tite nnMvcr liii- i1rsieuI to n niiihered 1'ttr In cure of 1'I' 1kp. AliMtcrs I ) nhIIreMCd vIlI 1)0 SICI IercI U 11011 Ipreacti In tin" flit , ( iIueIc only. JtItCI , 1 1-2c n lirut jnsertlotil le ft worl tIerefltr. % otI , I , i tatleii for ic' ' Ilinu for tii ii rt tnMrtl.tI. TIcc nil yertIeittii tM , , iiiit lie run coflMcCI Ii'Vti'iOS 1'A N'I'ii ) . NTifl. IIY A O1tAtL'T1 ANT ) 1tl,11STlfl , ni 1'hnrinacit , iOhtiOfl in country. l 0 4 IicP. YOl N ( ) MAN ST1tN ! ( HTil1IiAP11\ % 'flt1t 1)IHC ( ' in irivnt' tnitiY t , s otk for IxMIII * ; refrt' . AhIro 0 1 BPO. ! A DILT'l i1iUVANTS A Fittlation at low wnge. inpre , 131S 1arflntfl. AN LATY flOflK1CI1I'fl1t wflflt8 ii B ( ) It tenograpiir ; refer- Alidrebs 0 64 , fl ( . A-Sfl 3 wtc'1'Efl-M.t 1.1 II 1LI' . % VANTED , T.O cioo ; ) . 3AI.IsME : ; . ( iAI4. , t StIth 1&th St. I1-1O. A GOOD MAN wANrFD TO S1LI. TO T111 country and retaL % traita , with hk other oo.I 1r3P goLRI , pecIaitieI4 Ofl commaslon ! , 0. T. if. Ichrarnm , ? Jgr. , 21 $ Chestnut ht. , Phli1tIphIa , f'a. U-M3i : i WANT1T ) . MEN AND WOMfl TO WOflK AT horni I par S.3O to per week for mak. tag crayon portrnit ; new patented metho4 ; aziy one who can renil or write cart tin till ) work at home. In i'ara time. lay or evening. Send for partieiilar and tegIn wtrk at once. Ad- dreB If. A. OrIp. Qernan Artist , Tyrone , l'a. U- flAT.TMA TO DRUG TItAIU. BIflU LIU or ntherwLe. . .1.V. . InIght , i-3 Htat' t. ItaCItl ( ' . Wifl. Ii- ; - AGtNTS.fltFATIST OF'F1tt ( flVflN 13V ANY newiuper ; fifty ceOth to ngent on each dIlar. The CatirnUe Nev i endorepti by the Catholic itlshohIh , Priests anti emnent ! vriter. flh ( lie leading Catholic Faintly Veek1y , i4tileiprhlthon price , one ar Ly loath , OflO ilollar ; cinvie.eri ; are nhhowul thi large ronmileilon of fifty cPflt4 flit each , $ L.O' ' . gPflh wanted in ery Cithiolic prirlhi In every city ant town. 1perleiui' hot aeceihary. Write for eample copy. . Acid The Catlolhc Now. 13 I3arclay Street. New oi-1c. Ii- ii-1r : fl\'EItY COUNTY TOr AS 1'IU- vale detetiveh under instiirthon ; ehi'rlcrieo unnecessary. Aui4resq UiiIri iai letuilve Agency , I'leI building. indlanapohhe , md. n- VANTfll. OFFICU MANAfll1tMUST : 1IAV1 ffoi ) iahary , $12O ) ; good cluince for right per- soil. Addrces danagcr. 201) Monon bldg. . Clii. cuge.I Ii- A MAN IN UACIt CITY OR COtTSTY TIIN opportunity ot a life thini' ; will eoon forget ( lie hiitI ( mice : $1 t ) $ G per day easY ; no expe- rlence required ; aluminum good ; sign letters : lioiii niinibers : ihor plaice ; streCt clgne and novelties ; ilenianil never euipliel : a perinanelit tiusinese ; elUsiVO control ; $ l a veek gUiir. hintiCi (0 ( rIght parties : haniple lOc. Aluminum Sign Novelty Co. Coiumubu. 0. 13- WANTID. SAMPL13S D1SrItTUt7T1D 13VEI1Y- where hy either gentlemen or ladies $ a thousand : poehtlon pernianent : enclose stamp. (3enova I'harinacal Co. . Chicago. fl-S9- ? rIIAVELING SALr.SMAN. TilF flISP Slht.- log ihde line Is our premium speciahhtleim ; p pular attractive and brand new ; samples light. Lord. Story & 18 13. Kinzia St. . Chicago. U-81-3 WANTflD , SAfiSMi TO SIILL DICYCLEIt \ to dealers anti riders ; high grade yhieei ; how irado irlco. Progress Cycle house. Chicago. B-82-3' ! ANU1"ACTUitUlt WANTH SALFSMLN TO carry I'atenteit Staple ; sells everywhere to hmnniware trade : bhihenlid slie line. Cormany Mtg. Co. , 2i 1)earborn St. . Chicago. Ii-&O- WANT1D , HAI.ESMIN ; 13XTRA. INDUCE- nmeiit. . to dealers ; $ f ) to $160 per month and expenses. 'mthley Mfg. Co. , 113 Che..tnut St. , St. Louis. wANT1:1) : , 1wt.tAimFi AND coMI'ETr.NT man who can handle branch business or state agency for well established lmommso on high grab amticio miireaiiy intruluced , and invest l.o,1o to Si,54J ) in some to be carriel In stock at iii ; hicathuarters ; aiary $125.0) hier mmioiith and slare : protlta Adiresa N-5 care Lord & Thomas , Newepaper Advcrtising Agency Chicago. 13-fig-I SALESMlN $ l DAILY MAI)13 SlILING OUR maclimes for coolhnr refrigoratormi ; guaranteed Th pr cent cheaper than ice ; charged hiio a storage battery ; keeps perisimabl. articles in- dehlnltchy ; inilestructhi'ie , everlasting ; i'very - . - - owner of a refrigerator bupi them ; exclusive agency given go&kl mimen , Address Arctic Re- frigemator Co. Cincinnati. Ohio. 11-881 3 WANTED. APPLICANTS FOIl POSITIONS OF postohhico clerk ansi carrier to write for alua- his information ( free ) concerning clvii service exanilnatiomis scant to occur in ( Jmahma. U. S. liuroau of Information. Cincinnati. Ohio. ii-s. ; 3 / CAN'ASltS ; 3 TO $5 IAIIX SI.i.fN OUlt staple goo.is and novelties : business pleasant and permanent. Western Novelty t. . St. Jo- ephi , Mo. I1-S.S4 3 MENTO SE1T. CANDY TO TIlE URTAIL. trade ; steady employment ; experience unnecessary - sary ; $73 monthly liahary and expenses ni corn. If offr satisfactory uttdress. With particulars concerning youmseif , Consolidated Candy Co. , 8i Van liuren ireet. Chicago. 1I-SI I' $75 TO $1 A. MONTIt AND lXt'13NSIS I'AID salesmen for cigars ; experience unnecessary ; standard goods ; little clerk cigar machine free tO Nich customer. Bishop & Kline. St. Louis. ? ! o. H-iS9 J2 VANTED. YOIYNG M1 TO LEARN ILtlllhIIt ( ratio ; can ho hitch ( or flrst-elass situation , or turntshet good lacation for business after oimiy S weehc' practice ; complete nutilt of tools ciovmftteti : cat1ogues tree. St. Louts flimbor coi- iege. S13 N. fib St. , St. Loun , M. 1t-lIOi 7 WANTED. LOUNIIU MAKEI1S. OMARAITP. holstering Cunipany. . 1I-ih)6 ) t I'Elt 10) ) CASh , 1'AID I.'OR DISTItIIIUT. in ciremmiars ; enclose 4cts. U S. Disiriiuling hlurenu. Chicago , I.Aimi : ciit VlltMVAN1'S SAIt4.1AN IN every Ioe.tiity. $12 per veeli anti expenses to h'ginneis , or commimission ; entirely new in. uiimceiuents to agents amid denlrs. Adlress liox 121G. Chicago. WflITI1tS W'ANTEf ) . TO DO COPYING AT hiutmie , Law coiiege , Linma , 0. hi-8I-I lI1I.i. % tI'i3iFi33ItLE. VNTEn , A N INTEI.LIOUNT WOM AN TO nminago : an ohlice nuhmiltic of the city for the Viavt Co. Addiess Dept. A , ZIG flee 1311g. C-MSS 4 WANT1II ) , OlltL. FOIl. Q1INEHAL. 110(1513- vuiic at l5 Ctmlc.go St. C-111-5' WANTI1) . I1X1'U1tiFNC131) 01fl14 'tO 1)0 awcnii work. ( loot references required , Call at fourti , ( louse east of 11th 3t. , one block north of Si. ? dary is .Me. . Mrs. Francis C. Grable. (1-IS ) VANT11D , FOIl. TilE MAIL OitDilIt DKI'AItT. fluent , in dry goods , a young lady , with ox. perienco ; must ha good corneiiondent. Adv - v dres4 0 , 14 , thIs otlico t Vu'ANTiII ) , (111(1. ( TO WO1LK 1ff VIT1'INO 1)1i. inrtmnent ; one wh understands bow to operate icathier machine. and is handy In tttting up- rs ; rail Mon.iay noon. 0. Uran1enburg Co. , 1013 Furnnn simeet , t3- . % vANT:1) . it 1'OMl'ITf1NT GIRL. FoR lIEN. rrui housework ; no washing. irs. Ernest I , hisrt , I6 So. lth * It. , Council lhluirs. is. C-Its 3' VOl ! . ih11N't..11OUS1S. IIOUSIIS IN ALt , PAItTS OF ThU CITY T113 0. 1' . 1)avis Commipany , 255 Fatnam. fl-lw . ; , 310(15135. IJENA\VA & CO. , 108 N , lf.TIII3T. 1)-Itt ) $ ODEI1N 1I0USES C. A. ST.tlthl , 911 N.Y.LIFU u-ni 3(0138135. WALLACE , BROWN lILh , 16 & Doug , D-7t3 2LO15I3 1'Olt ItIINT. IJtltQ1 1.IST F1tOt 15.O ) up. MeCague investment Co. , 1106 DOdge. 1)-lit 1.Oit mINT. IliliClC RESIDENCE LOCATED at his eoutbwest corner 11th and 1)otglas $ ls , . formriy time residence of the bite henry Vundt. lspociaiiy suitahhu ( or oltico ot physicians or doutists. Alpiy to the SUmerintendi ( of Thu IXou buiidin. room 103 , 1)-.I CIIOICU 1hOUSE AND COrrAn1s FOR TIIINT all over time cht , 85 to Vidhlty , 1102 Farnanu - Fort RENT , IICL'SFI O' 10 conveniences ; very handy to business , inquim , at 2)9 5. 16th EL. , D. ' 1' , .1ount , Iron ( ( lINT. MOD1IIINFLATH. LANG1)11LIC. 64 5 , 11th St. D-111.Mh1 yolt ItINT. ONi OP T11h3 Mosr DESII1AIILE .q _ cottage hoimmes in ( hi city ; large grounds. J. 11. Dunmumit , 1414 1Larne St. IIENT. l-ItOOi1COTTAGl. 3i1 WELl. 'l , 51cr hIt. Also other dy 1 , 8-room cottage , 1117 ( 'apitol Avenue ; 7-room cohtag Ii1 Davenport ill Henry \v Yates SOUTh ? Y111 1"Oft 3tITliOVSi1. ( Continued. ) 51313 rlNI3 , N13AT SIX-ROOM 1lOT13 III SO. 21st st D-M1213 FORItI'.NTflOOM 11tAMI DUTACII 131) dwelling at i)2 ) Mnon strust ; all rnslern eon- venienres ; tent , $3' ) pr rnenth. Alto 3.Mory hflck ulweliing , thirteen rooms. hot water , heating Dlnt ifld nil Cnnvenlnee , , in- eluding range for kitchen ; rent , III a month ; locatIn , 2102 ( 'sss street. Aiso I-story lrlelc dwelling. thirteen roams , nil modern conveniences ; rent , $25 ; location , lEt Casq street , Abuiroom la'eillng. with nil niolern conven. hi-nces ; rent , $2.1 per month ; location , 27i unit Ilowaril stret. Apply to V. . U. 13etkle , Lot I'trst NatI , nal Ilank building , D-MS5 MI flCStitAlil.13 rfAT OP VOUIL IIOOMS. 2O4 Pierce str'et. SIX-flooM TETACIIET ) 1tOU813 : I1ATII ; ( lAS ; furnace. etc. ; iafl. 121 South 3th. 1)-M13 M3' ioit RENT. MY 111511)UNI'l : , T1AItN AN1) t'o acres ground for sunimner , It , C. Patter- son. IJunlee I'iace. 1'OR 1tt1T , S ROOM hOUSE , hb MOiEhtN cnnvenienee ; large rnoms hard wosi flnished. No. 411 N. 23rd. litOOM hhitiCK 1101,511 ; MOTURN CON- vetiieflcc's ; very hmanly to bushnes , 1' . . Cliuric , 12Y Iouglas Street. D-MStq 4' FOIL I1ENT , I1Vl1-ROOt hOUSE. 133 SOi'TlL 2th. Apply on ( ho iremlses. D-Mu ' 11L1 TutU ELEGANT 110(1513 I'Olt ItENT AT r.5i So. 16th ave. ; all conveniences ; low rfmt. llrennan-Love tIe , , l'axton block. D-MtlG 7 G-I100M NICE MODI1I1N COTTAOE , $ lN1'll ; lawn ; good repair. 2106 Seward. Inquire 2lO. D-Mc)9 3' volt hUNT , l"t.ATS ; MOLEItN lMl'ItOVII- inent ; each Independent entrance. Ill' N. 1tli Street. I-MS2G i Foit RENT. NINFI.itOOtt 11011511 ; F'f.R. niehei ; for .Tune , July and August ; near Mali- ion hotel , Address 0 13 , lice. D-MS3I 3' ! "OItflllNVFOR SUMMELt MONTIItI TO smimail family ; elegant residence. iocation , furnishings , lawn , etc. . sill fIrst cines. An except ionable opportunity for careful people. Aillress 0 59 hoe. 2137 ST. MAI1Y'S AVE. , MODERN 9-ItOOM house. ( larvin Bros. , 1113 I"urnarn st. u-sc ? 3 14-ROOM MO1)13ltN 110(1513 ; FINE FOR flOO.l- ers or boarmiers , $21.0. . ) per month. Lyman ' , Vaterman , N. V. Life Ihliig. 1)-I.E 1' F'IYhtNiSltEt ) hOUSE ; MODllltN , T. S. Ciarknon , First Nat. flank. D-134 3' IO1t ltllNT , CITTIAP ; 10AltMUitS tll13 : large boarding house and him : near Wehistar Street depot , 506 N. Y. Life building. D-S92 3' FOIL I1ENT , FURNISI I 13D S ! 1Vi1N-1tOOt house ; line yard ; trees ; laved Street ; cheap. _ ± . _ ConnettIOIN. V. Life. 1)-ID 3' FOR I1IINT , F'l.ATS IN TIlE I' . Ii , ILRR blocic , eor 11th and Jackson ste. ; they oontaln Raven I'OOIIiS. with all convenIences , including steel range in kitchen ; we furnIsh rater , take care of garbage , and keep hahn clean ; aumnmnier rate , per month. ( "cli at Ill2lfurney st. FOIl RENT. LARGE 7-ROOM 11011513. 1'INU iawn , 113.0) ; 6-rammi modern cotiage , reluical to $13.14. 3037 California. I-9.xt I' FOR RENT. SEVEN-ROOM IIOUSII ; ? 1ILKS. from ilancom , I'ark ; large grounds and burn ; party owning pri4lcrty would hike to hoard ritij harty renting. Call at 1I IJo.urd of Tnuile. 13-873-3' 6-DOOM COTTAGE : F PuNIShED OR IJNFLYIt- mulched. 102 So. 30th nt. modern ; . D-slEl & roli. Itli'1'-FUltN1Siul11) 1toohiS. : FLTRNISIIIOD lOOMS FOR LIGhT hOUSE. keeping. 1919 Dodge. 3 ICUILNIS1I1ID I100MS FOIL IIOLTSEKEE1'uNch for man & wife. Rent taken in board , 119 N. 17. FURNIShED ROOMS. 2106 CASS. ELEGANT FRONT ROOM. WITJI ALCO VU ; IN best location in city ; alt conveniences. 20-IT Dodge Street. E-M7)1 NICELY FUI1NISIIED ROOMS : LIGhT 110(11313. keeping ; double parhorn. 603 No. 13th St. U-MIll 5' FIJRNISIIED ROOMS. IIOUSEKEIOPIXQ : COOL. -large _ lawn. 2IIi St.1ary's. U-Il163-4' N1'llIX 1'lJllNlSlIEI ) ROOMS , ID FLOOR : cheap. , Inquire 506 South 16th st. , upataim's. 13-1.1911 5 IN 1'ItIVATE FAMILY , hiGh ! SCHOOl , NEIC.It. bomhood , one or two furnished roommms ; one hhock to Ilarne ) ' , two to Farnam line ; references re- quired. Ill N. 26th St. 10--lOS 3' NICELY I"UltNlSulEI ) Oil IJNI0tIRNISUED rooms , modern improvements. LU South 2.S St. fl-S8.3' FURNISIIIII ) ItOOMS AND UOAltfl. FURNISIII'fl ) STEAM ItEATEt ) UOO.MS ; 2501) . em conveniences ; board. 602 S. 13th. F-743 ROOMS AND ] 3OARD. 2310 DOUOLAS. F-MIR-M it. NICEIX FURNIShED ROOMS WITh hOARD ; I'ates reasonable. 'rho Rose , 2020 llarney. F-Ill-MS ItOOMS WITh DOARD. UTOPIA , 1721 DAVEN. port. St. ROOi ! AND BOARD. 204 13. 2T1I. . F-Ms22 I' hlL.13GANT 1300255 WITH FITISV CLASS board. 1tD Capitol avenue. l'enbody reel. dence. F-25S62- & ' \VANTED. TWO YOUNG MUN TO IIOARD IN reilned private family ; line Summer home ; con- venhent to motcrs : tea mInutes walk fm-nm pontomce. Address 0 GO. Bee. F-Ss 1' IN PI1IVATIc 1"AiIILY ; ROOMf LAltGil AND desirable ; newly relittod ; excellent lOcatIon. 1023 Dodge. F-9o3 3' FUItNISItUD ROOM AND hiOAItIFOlt gentleman only. )1S ) howard St. F-87i4' DPistitAhiLti FRONT ROOMS , WITII lIXCEL. lent table ; references. 2)2 North hIigluteenthu , V-MIll 1 FLJRNIS1IIID Oft UNFJItNISIIF2D hhOOMS FOil rent , sIngle or ensuite. 1713 Chicago Si. Si.M022 } -M022 I' Foil , 1tI1i'1'UNFtJflNIMIlI01) ROOMS. TWO TO FIVJI-13002it I1OUSE , AT G' ) % NOItTII Thirteenth St. G-MT053l3' FOR RUNT , TIIRFIII UNFUItNIS1LIIO ROOMS for light housekeeping ; references recuir.d , Iii South 20th street. 0-13130 4' 3 LARGE , 1YNFUIINISIIFD I100MS Foul hiciusekeeping ; ( irnt lioor ; w.uter ; very' low lent. 11113 1-'arnamuu. O-Sfl.a FOIL RIINPMTOithlS AND OF11C11S. FOR HUNT , TIlE 4-STORY BuICK lIlYlLiJINCi at his Farnutnu St. ThIs building tins a flreprool Cemnt'nt basement , complete steam heating fix. lures , vater on all floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olflce of The Ihee. 1-010 IItJSINIL $ $ 11011513 FOP. RENT , NEV Tulitili0- . story and basenient. brick buit.ling , GlalIt southwest corner of Ifoward and Fifteenth street suitable fr jobbing or manufacturing purposes , Address Chuas Turner , 331t3 Farnarn St. I-740 FIRST CLASS I1flC1C STORE uItflLDlNO , toil 1'amuni. three stories and basementl wIll alter to suit tenant ; low rent , 314 let Nat'i Bk bldg. 1-70- ) STOIttI. SITUATED IN IIUAItT Ot COMMtS. Mon district , 4R So. 11th , corner howard , gonj basetuient & let floor , 314 let Nat'l L'onkbldg. STORE I100M ON SOUTHWEST CORNER 11Th and itoward streuts ; good location for any kinil of business : rent cheap , Wright & Ia. bury , 11th antI howard streets. 1-25910 5 AGENTS WtN'EL2I ) . WANTED , AGENTS CAN MAKE 10 WUEKLY in any localIty ; faliurs utterly impossible ; will prove it or forfeit $100. Address P. 0. Iho Slot , ihostori , Mane. J-25S31 4' AGENTS MAKE MONEY AND PLENTY OF it seiiing our aiuminun ) novelties. hlhu.trahe4 catalogue. price itst free ; ten cents brings a samnple. Novelty Introduction Co. . ) S State it. . Chicago. WANTED , AGENTS TO SELl. 1IASII LOCIS and door holders. Sample saBlu lock free by mali for 20 stamp. flest sellers over in. vented. B'st weights ; $11.00 a day , Write quick. Ihrohuarul & . , IJo 71 , I'hiiadelphh , , AQIINTS-hIilS'rI.llliS ; * 5 DAILY SIlf.t.lNtl only revolving griddle cake turner : samnphs 0-k. 0. Mtckei , mausnufacturer , Ilaverhill , Maze. iiNTS WANTED EVEItYV1llIflE ; Quit wonderful novelties pay $4 daily sure ; no ex. nerlenCui required : ulemnand never supplied ; cta- hugue tree : sample , Ito. Aluminum Novelty Co. . 131 llroadway. New York. J- . AO1NTS WANTED FOR TIlE CEL.EIlltA'l'lil ) Astilan non.nisrcotid pure Turkish cigaretteel send too. o or 31 for sample , 25 , Ateshian , 34 rremnent et , . hloton. Mass. WANTED , AOKN'r FOR 0(111 IhIGH Gut.tfl13 1806 bicycles In our town. iVe start you Iii business ; no cepllai requIred ; send .O0 for e. press charges , illustrated catalogues , nIvottiiu. ing inattfr. Carr-llinus Cycle Co. . 175 Dear. born ilL. . . , Chicago. J--S37.3 AGENTS. SECUIIEYOUR TI-1IIItLTORY ; IN. troduce our flon-aioctioiie . .uvorin powder ; work up a steady business ; liberal commIssion. CoasoiIdstcd Fhavuriog 1'wdar Co. , Niseseu. Idle , N , Y. AhINTS W'.t'I'i1L ) . ( ( 'ont itmuel. ) bAttlES MARE 1110 MONEY SI-ILLINO 0111 Muiekintash skirt anti other n.'w gi.ls. Fresh teliitor3 ; b flrnt ; emutnl'gu tree. I.adien' Sup- lyCo. , 3113 1'oreet Ave. . Chicago. 3- WANTED. LAI ) ? ACiUNTS TO 5131.1. Ot'tt mod-I hoce * tmluhiorier ani other peeinitteii ; cnn make bIg amonu'y ; ehcini inihumeem"lmts ; cntil. iogu free. Aurora Suspender Mfg. ( o. , 1t ) :2 : Ituren St. , Chicago. _ _ _ WANTED , Al1-2NTS ; A NEW 1Q94 OFFICE ani famIly nhlas ot the s'orld ; this leost on time market ; for the price ant other publIcations : Pxelunivn territory ant iileral terlius to ganh enhiettore ; don't delay. AIhre'es John P. W'aite , l'uihhinluing Co. , 415-1(7 ( Dearborn at. . Chicago. Iii , J-014 3 AGENTS , ( lOLl ) IlLASS ShGNSNAMII rLATr.q nummhern ; leniluluie mialkest nights ; write for samples , Thomas & Co. , Umigtewoo'I lii. 'I'NIElt IIOTII 11AI1S"-rS.O ) AVI1EIT TO agents : new Iook ; hu'r.le mini plenhiih f attires of the clvii % uar-both 'il's : ea'ery worl tm'rit- ten by arm eye-witness : etomy of esmnp lire. ii'c1 of dash nimi iharlng , ornuuradeshhllu , A I- venture , nneclote. etc. ; huumhulr14 of great War pletuIie : over gat massive iages ; ( mile agent reports thirty-live sle iii ten hours : Write quick. I'eopies , 3011 Market , at. , I'Iuilad'lhi'uii. 1V.tN'l'Il'I' ( ) ltI'.N'L' . 11- ' YOU WANT lOOT ) TUNANTS VOlt YOFIt houses list tliem1m s'itim Fidelity , iO2 I'arnani St. WANTED. AIIOU1' MAY 1ST , A MOTllItN It or niore roam iletnciied house. ithi lawn ; will pay liberal rent it suited ; state lnccuihln. N 31 , lien Oillce. K-is.- ; WANTED , A FiTltNlShlEfl COTTACII ) FOIt six months em' longer. Addrea 0 12. 11cC. K-2.1S3 1' ( 'OTTAUE 01' FIVE ROOMS Oil I'AIlT OF' lmoum. for man and wife , within walking ills- taliCo of poetniflee. 0 18 , lIce. K-ISO 3 TVO Ci11iTt.flM13N WISH ROOMS NEAR hIumnwom l'ark In private ( amnIly ; rsf'ranOes. Address 823 New York 1.1Cc. K-1S3 3' WANT13DlUItN1SIt13l ) ( 'OTTAO 1-i. Ott PAI1T of fimrntshul house : toilet be central and cheap ; small family ; ito children. Address 0 12. lIce. K-SIt 3' \VANTED , TWO PLEASANT flOrMS AND go.sl beanS for man and wife anti two daugli- tees. aged 7 and 10 ; state location ant terms. Address 0 57 , lIes. K-ISO 3 si'OIlAGII. STORAGE , FRANK 1IW'L'RS. 1211 ILtUNEY. PACIFIC STOI1AUF2 AND \VAI1IIIIOUSII ( ' 0. , 0105-910 Jones. General storage and forwaiding , 21- ; ) ) O2t.VAN & STORAGE. lii ) FAI1'M. TilL. lEO. 31-219) ) JI " , 'A1'Vl1l1'O IhIJV. WANTED. A LIGhT I'IIAETON ; 2lt'ST 1113 strong. in excellent condition anti cheap , for cash Address with price , Lock Box 34) . lIeu- wood. ha. N'-2(1li-M3 \VANTED , TO DUT A FIRST CLASS 111351- ulence ; S or 10 rooms : for a customer. The 0. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Fornam St. N-3i-2l3 \VANTED. A SECOND-RAND I'IIONOr.ItA PIt. Addicas 0 47 , IIee. N-2ESO 213' IIAT1N TO MOVE ; WEST I'ART CITY PEE- farceS. .7. II. I'arrotte , Douglas 1Iioclc.NSGl.3 N-SGl.3 SOME LIVE TIMitEhi SQlYlIlii-LS. ADDIIESS J , \V. 1hine. Nil Grant St. , Omaha. N-SG0-l' volt S.t1.1,3FtJ1tN1TU1t10. MY ENTIRE FTTI1NITUI1II AND IlOUSEItOLD goods , including somuip very lIne pieces , sa ill be soIl at auction Monilay , at 10 a. m. at 523 N. 20th St. Mrs. S. Lehman. 0-542-4 ALMOST NEW OAK FOLDINO BED AT YOUR own mriee at 412) Nicimolna nt. 0-552 3' A FAMtLY LIIAVINC' TIlE CITY \VTLL. SELL their furniture at private sale : can be seen on or after May 5th at. Ed S. 30th St. 0-21872-4' FOR SAL1ih1O1tSES AN ! ) W.tlIOS. ONE TOP DELIVERY WAGON. 571 : USED only one month ; two goad family carriages ; "bargaIns , " one furniture u'agonj $50 ; flake wagon $0-i. Irumuumnond Carriage t . . lsllu and hlarney Ste. l'-MllI-MO _ _ FOIl SALE. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY 11011513 and phaeton. in excellent condition. Inquire at Windsor stables , Davenport , betteen hum amid 15th ste. J'-2l8t4 3' volt SALE2IISCELL.tNIlOtJS. BEST HAI1D\VOOD 1100 AND ChICKEN fence ; also "all wire. " C. U. Lee , ill Douglas. Q-74 DON'T BUY A BICYCLE TILL YOU'VE SEEN time Union ant National i1cyc1es ; the two lead. ing wheels sold in Omaha : a large line of all other makes ( room 130 and up : caSh or easy payments. A. L. Deane & Co. . 1110 Farnam. Q-2I20-2Iit ADVERTISING FANS-IIUURLEY r'T'tl. CO. (3-2iEO--M23 TILE FURNIShINGS OF' A FINE ItCSIDIINCII ; also coupe , sewing machine , and iatly'a ahdie. Address 0 14 BeoOihtee. Q-Sii- FOILSALT2. 6 hEAD NICE , FF113511 MILK cows. Call afternoon , yard Etim & Burt St. Q-839-4' FOR SALE. A CALIGIIAPII TVVBWftIIR. No. 1 all caps ; will s'hi cheap : iii gd crIer , Call or address 3. ST. lilacs , 2017 Grant St. Q-1513' - Foil SALE , A FAIItL1ANK STANDAIID SCALE 3.IiJ lbs. , at hess than 5 price. Enquire 1318 Farnatu. FOIl i.LJ2 , SMALL. STditI3 BUILDING IN good condiilon. lId So. 16th. at. Q-SS7 3 roit HALF ) CItLIAt' , A I'IIY14ICLAN'S ChAIR , Clark & Roberts , Indtanap'hls. malts ; also desk ant other ftmruuituira pn'talning to a uloc. tor'ui oliice. inquire at 1203 Douglas. Q-iil 1' M I S C J2 i.I.t N I2 ( ) VS. TIN AND G.1V.NIZhii ) IRON Sl'O(1TINC ) html liP front Ic toot. Savage , the Cheapest 'rianer. hI N.1Gth. _ - - - - - : : : - . A GI1EAT DAhtCAIN ; EiOltT. room hIatise ; city water and tautim ; with twO late ; on comner ; Vest 1)odge street : 02.70-1 : cash ciii mortgage ; apply soon. 101 N. V. Life bulli. ing. il-EEl 3' C1AiltVOVANTS. MIlil. DR. If. WARREN , CLAIIIVOVANT. Ill-I- liable business medium ; 8th year at lii N. 18th. .9-726 ION'T FAIl. TO CONIUI..T I'ROF. flWIVN. the clairvoyant and developer ; St. TItus ihane , paralysis , ioeonmtor ataxia anti oil nervous diseases cured. 1212 Capitol avenue. 5-016 3' ) IASSAGE , IIA'i'IiS , uFI'C. 212513. SMiTlI , 3)23 IOUOL.Ai4 STItIIE2T. 2131) 11001' . enema Ii. massage , steam , alcohol anti sulpliurino baths , 'l'-Sll 11 252113 , A2itlS FOIt2IIII1LY OF ST. 1.0(115 , M.tS. s.ugo and baths , 501 ft. 13th St. , 25 iioor. rorn 1) . T-iiI-M1' Mild. Dli. LEON. ELECTRIC 2IASSAO LI PAIL. horn ; efrestuing iuntI curative ; don't tail to call. 417 S. 11th at. , upstuoius , T-MTO.3 MI' L'IIRSON. ' . L. jjjj ; , MASS.8l1O , 253W. I'OST , 3l0 S. 11Th , U-Ill MISS VAN 'AL.KEN1it1flOlf 1)ESTItOYS PElt. nmanently by electricity , superituous ii.Ir , molest waits , etc. Itoorn ill N. V. l.tC , bldg. (1-753 jpTUItI1CURED ; NO PAIN ; NO DETIIN- tion train bunlnitel ; we refer to hiunireds of patients cured. 0. 3-2. MIller ( ' 0. , Dl N. V. bIte 1iuldhimig , Oniatma , 13dm. YIAVI-A hLOtlE TItEATMIINT I"OR tITEIILNE troubles. L'hyuuiciisli In attendtncu. Consuita. tion or health Look free. hE theo bldg. NEWYOIIIC GLOVE STORE AND MANICIYII- 1516- pariahs , 13194 Farnaun. U-3122)-tilt TIlE l'llOPL.Eft P1iIl'IINSAIIY , 152 1)OUILAS 130. . treats dIseases of the sexual organs of both sexes with unfailing success ; ) yeaime practice ; lathes % VIIII delaytil coutsee consuit at. once ; de1y dangerous ; cniinemnent l0 ; charges for umiedicine only. U-MIll MO' SUl'flltFL.OL'S ( IIAII1-WIIITFI FOIL FRtU IN. formation how to remove hair periumanently without uilighitest injury to skin. supemlar to electric ltedle. CurtIs Co. , 154 OIimU Street , Chicago , (1- MAKE 21013115' 11 ? St''CESSFI'L , 5l'ECULA. (101,1 send for our tree guide , "Itw e Sl1eau. late on Smnail Capilal In (1mm ampS Stocks ; " good srvice guaronteed , Cornitock , Coat. , & Co. , Itinlto Iildg. , ( 'imiengo. WALL. PAI'ilIl CLIIANEDLIKU NEW , NLNU years' experience ; looms , ft to 12 , UI ) , ilutus 1515 Cspital avenue , Tel. 1i13. tX-il ) ' . .tSTIIOLOUYYOUR 1'ilOPUCT Volt TilE coinIng year and character tohi for lie ; send I : Lof birth end sex , i'rof. henry , MOIIV TI ) I.tAN.4JI tI I2Oi'V.tl'I. .NT1bNV LOAN ANlTft.MT : CO. lit N. V. Llf. Loftas at low rI.t fur cOmics securIty In Netraska & Iowa tarmhi ur Omaha. city lrp.-rly. r 'I .t. _ \ -Ill CITY LOANS. C. A. ' , . 6 N. V. LIPII. . i MONEY TO l.OAN OMPitoVi2D O2IAIIA real estate. hirennanLite Co. . l'aston itik. ? au LOANS ON I MPliOV13LT t113131 pvffl CITY liroitertl' . tV. Famnamn : JSIi.l4 & I. ' ) . , 132) F'nrn ml i'll 0130. 1' . ltiMLS , PATON1i1.OCK. 2SONEYTO LOAN O' 'tMt'IIOVTIP OMAHA Property nt 5. 544. 6. aI1uj 614 percent l'ut.ey & rhmiiumae. roolum 20 , 1'lmst National lt.ink iIJ. MONEY TO 013 ( 'lT' PttOI'EIlTY , $0-.0) up to 1)0.001.00. l'id'iity Trutt eomnpany. W-77 ; 2SONIIV TO LOAN AT 1.0W hATES. TIlE 0. 1' . Davis Co. , illS FarnutniSt. ) V-6S G1'IIItCENT 21013EV To 1.OAN ON OMMi. I cal estate & Neb. Iarmns. W. II. MetItI ' , omaha , \--lGJ MNII' ( 'i'O hiOANUhl.t'l"1'IIl.S. MONIV TO L0.24. 3) ) , I ) ) , D)1)AV5 ; l't'itNt. ture , litanos , etc. Duilt Green , roomS , iharker Ilk. 2tONlV TO LOAN ON FUflNiTt'll11.PfANOf horses , wagoas , etc. . at iowm'st hat' , In city ; ml. ) removal of goods ; strictly cotifl'hemitial ; you ' cati hay time loan ott at any tlmo or In any amount. LA. 2tOltTUAG II l.OAN ( ' 0. 301 IL 11th St. N-Ill 1IUSllSS CIltNCIIS. FOIl SALE. A CLEAN STOCK 01' IlAltL ) . ware , stoves and tinware ; about l)0 ; chueni , for cash. Address 0 22 , lIce. ' -548-2t23 , , SOt.,1 fINAl' . I'OIt SALE , IIARIiltY , LOT building amil brick 01cfl ; Very cheap ; geol trate cml good location.'rlte or call on N. Bagge , Alvin , Texas , Y-21S2 9' CLlh1'l'LlI CEECK lOlA ) STOCKS , SAFE ANI ) Sure ; 15 and upwards invented often bmimugs fabulous anti quick returns by placIng ) 'our orders with time Van Iluren Investment Cam. , Immcompomated ) , bankers and bmokeia , S0 Iltim 51 , Denver. Cob. 21ACIIIN1ST. MOIJL.DIIIIS ; TVO CO2LPIIINT umueclmanica working together eon lic'ar of a simlentttd chance to mmatce umlomicy ; business sehi establ shied amil lIn mit thurouglily eqtuiimpei. Ad- tires , George U. hell , Cashier , Grant Island. Neb , , or 1' . 25.Vales , Truy N. V. V-ill-Mt FOR IAi.13 , AIIOUT 2,000 LULL MLNION TYPE , ' :00 lbs. agate , COO lbs. brevier type , 15) Pair two third type cas's , 40 SoulS" iron stands for two third cases. This nuateriul was used on The Omaha lice and i In rainy good coniitlOn. Will bo 5)1(1 cheap in bulk or in miuantitles to suIt purciiarerui , Apply In Imersomi or by ninth to The lice I'ubllshing Cu. , Omaha , Nob. Y-713 0(111 CLOTHING AND 511011 STOCK FOR sale , for each ; 11,20) stock of stiocs ; $ t.4t ) stock of clothing ; vihI sell tog1iier cr sepamote. Martin & Olehioodbine , ha. 'V-2t734-M4' FOE SALE-FOIl CAhIll. STOCK 01' IIAI1NESS go'atts best trade iii hio city ; Wa4mt to quit bunimmess. Addrcos 1123 , Shiemiauidoali. In. Y-MSil I' rolt SALFI OR LEASE. SM.I.L , W'12L.L equipped job printing Plamut. Apply at I2i N. V. L. Bldg. t-2tS24 F I'OR SALEA'rA 1l.llGAlN ; \\'ILL 1STAhi- hisluol Conumnission business , with Colt storage rooms ( ummodern ) . 1"oc particmuiar.o address 1- ' . Ci. l'm-tau , III H. 11th .St.Qinahia. Y-SiI' TEACh I 10115 , lii HN , W'OM EN ANI ) STU 1)13131'S can ihmak ? $110 ma 01211) ' SUm Ins vacation ; muumuill capital ; respectable cash' business. Bets & Co. , 200 Deariu'rm St.Chicago. . V-SI- ) ' $1,200 : INCI1IIASE YOJ1t Ai'1TAL. AND IN- comae by our emystema null forecasts of turr speculations ; our last , 'ears forecasts averag'd over $12' ' ) ) , par nuontim ; ruin ) 'OU poimit anything offering equal return. ( 'onden & Co. Civing- ton , ICy. , Compiled SttIsie free. Y-S55-3' DRUG STORES , Ill2FOItLI YOU IIUV Oil SELL , send ( or our circular of'-inforimmatlon. InterState - State Druggist . , tgency l'mtntiac bldg. . Chitcago , V-Eli- ) ' r-i511 AN IIONOHA11LII YOUNG MAN : vehl aequiainttd in the city , to tiik mm actve interest in a growing ttrc insurance and mental agency in Ounah - , ' troferemices iecjtuireti. Au- tIres , 0 61 , liec. Y-I0I 3' \'ANTED. \\'ID12.A\'iCU IIUSINESS MAN. to take an active imitereet Ill ii Icing estabhheheut Cloctrical ctunstructicnu supply buslnes.s ; 'must have about f4.I)0.tiilall thui Is womthiy investigation. Address OtJ , Ilee. \-902 3' volt JIXCII.tNC.ll. TO TRADE. FOR A STOCK OP DRY GOODS. clothing , or boots and shoes , lirat-clnes real eState , located iii a gosh avestern Kansas town ; consisting of ii store building nut mesidemice ; 1)0th rentIng veil : also turmut adjoining town ; will pa' cash diOterence If such is required. Ai1lress Albert Kulmn,4)3 East 5th St. , Sc- dahla , Mo. 13-25123 WIMP IIAVII YOU TO TR.II1 Fort 'J\\'O g.iod clear huts In Shem itami , Wyo. ; a thriving Westermi city ? Vahue. 1110. Address (1 5) . lIce. Z-SSI 3 WANTED , TO TI1ADU. 1113135013 LOT } 'Oil horse anti buggy , Lilano or dianioui.1s , Address - dress lIox IRG Itch Oak , In , 13-ill-I' FOIL SALI2-ItLl.iL ESPATFL I1AI1GAINS , SALE OR TRADE. IN CITY I'EOP- ertios and ( arms , Jno N. Fi-eazer , opp. P. 0 , Itll-Il3 CEO. P. 1)112118 , 110(151301 , LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lamicla , ioans , 301 and 20 'axton block. U [ 'I-Ill AIJST1tACTS. TilE IJYI1ON FIllED COMPANY. B 1-Ill ItOIT5ES & LOTS. Et0to $1.20- ) EACH ; VACANT hots , from 3-I ) up , on 10th & NIh ; Fmrnnm & Dodge. lb. 1) . Reed , 212 S. 14th St. ItE-27I FARM LANDS. C. F. IIARI1IIION. 912. N.Y. Life. Foil SALi.TWO COTPAGIIS , COR. 0- ) & Saimter Sts. ; cistern. cellar. city water ; Sl,2ui0.Od ; long time. Unqumirelals Farnamn , hti-0---iGd I FOR SALFI , I STORY hANK BUILDING , 1W roceiu'er In chose the busIness of bank ; rare chmant'e. Wmlte or See 13. 25. 11111 & Sons. IIu'atrice , Neb. 1113-21870-4' tILl L1)IXG ANt ) I.O.N A SS0Gl.t'I'IOXS. SIIARES IN MtITUAI. I , , & ii. ASS'N PAY 0. 7. 8 p'r cent when 1 , 2 , 3 yearS old ; alw.m'um reuleemmiatule. llOi F'arnam St. , Natlinger , Sec. , 770 110W TO lFT A hOME Oft SECURE (1001) interest on savings , AhiphY to Omaha L. . & II. Aas'x , 1,04 jearumaumm , , 25 , Natttnger. Sec. 77 ; 1'AW'N II It I ) IC II It S. II. 2IAI1OS'ITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. II lIT. 771 S1fOhL'I'Il.tNI ) .tNl ) ' 1'Y1'1lVItI'rING. A. (1. VAN 1IAN'I'Sta'C'IIOOL. 113 N. V. IAFII , 779 L.9Si' . LOST. LADIES I)1.2t0Nl ) FLihlI1ING. turn to loom 1 and I U.o. N.et'1 bank building and get reward. i 0 ? list8'fl. ' I.o3.r s.ti' . MA't 2 'i -1OLi ' ' ' , , , , - ) i' . i. o. S'l'AIt lila : lIlbo Hotmrnmn engavel on lunch ; leward p.thul for return to ( ajj- hardware Ce , , 1101 LouUlaue at. Lost-if 5 3' I 11 LOST , Wl11)NEHLAY4PIilL. 23 , 113 1e1CINV ( of 0. K. Scotlid'a tp Store , a lady's ( lack loather umursu' . wIth fufittf 25 , 1. . 10. eflgr4'Ch , cmi iIt'er ct.usp ; pUrhm'0lue.S us a keepjaloc , Fitutter COIl himivo cdnt,5s it lie will returmt purse to Time lIme Lmst9i ) 3 _ _ _ : LOST. L.AlY'S liL.AC'U , UNDI1I'ISSEU Xli ) glove , a'ith clasp ani , chain , Liberal rewatd for returnIng to mOgmm , il1 lIes fluildtng. C * t - I.ost-3i921 4' ml : H IC )01JIS. TIlL ) 1(11)113(3 ( S1lASOi HAS COMMIINCIIf ) and our prices make it 4ssihule I buy a wheel at unusually low tlger.s ; terms to suit pulr- ciuleers ; Union NtiooaI , , iimd Nulsheon arm , cc- icnowllded ladcr , ' uve. have sonic 111)0.01 wheels , barrel hubs , lorga tmbiiug , tine tlnistm , at * 7.0.08 ; beconul-hnnd wheels ot all iiaks mm ( all prices. A. L. Deane & Co. . 111 J"arnanm. - )2iIIA iiiCYCflO CO. , 131351' I'L.ACE TOIIUY bicycles ; blc'choC repaired. 'J.3 N. 16th lIt. 783 VF2 S'1LL. CLIIAN , , rjt'sr ' , 1tip.urt I'EYNC'T. ures un'S keep your bicycle in good repeir for 11.0' ) per month , .Ak48.ur-iien Cycle Co. , 113 so , 15th St. 7-2-1123 WiIISrN hJlCYC'Lt ) & 111313 CO. , 24113 CJMINO. ( 7Ji A SP1ICFAI.TT OF I0EMAI.13 AND chronic diseases ; PrIvate Iiosplial. gives vapor baths ; cures cancers and luimmors without a knife. Dr. 1' . Lieber , 1918 Leavenworth Si. . bal 10 anti 25th 5th. , Omaha , Neb. , Tel , tilt. 'I'IIHES . % NX ) SIL1IIS1ZIILIIIY , tIIRUhtlflSItY. Ffll'iT & SIIADII TitIlEil ; IOW. eel prioii& F. it. Martin 3d house w. 1) . & it. Inst , ICHOES OF THE ANTE IOOM. = Mention has ulrend beel litOulo In Tlmo Itee of the imligritnage lmhitlu ) by the nobles of Tatigler temple boil Thtirstbty Ihight. wlut'n twenty-three of the great tmnvtaheml were en. corted over the hot mails. Necemmiarlly there can be but bare inehmtlon of the afalr , as nfl the cerelmlony ss'as secret except Limo banqtuc't , which wounul It tIp. The lmthbllc Call only be taken t far Into conflulenct3 as to lmt Ihiforlnrd that It was one at the most enjoyable - joyable , suercssuml and entertaIning In Limo luiimtory of the tt'lulplO. The olhicers ol Limo new l'an are highly elated over itii Succet's , traIn tlm fact tliltt IL % va time first pligrihilage undertaken b3' them. They strove harms , especially l'otentato It. hardy aiuul Recorder Los'Io Wetling , to make it a hllelnorable 0110 , anti tlio success which has crotvncml theIr labors Pins recolnpehised thiplll entirely tar the toll of imroParatiOll. 'I'tio affaIr , too , wan of Imlore Importance thiaiu an a Shrlnor lmueetlng only , becatise It brought to time city solute 200 lflelt frohil htlr rouimding towna 011(1 , citlt'ti In Canterul C - branka and Iowa. These were of the heat cIai at citizens , and while tue luajorlty Spoilt but a day , or oven only a part of a tlay Iii the cIty , nevertheless they carried nsvay 'lLli thelit nicilierles of time hospitality of Olmiaha , though It was offered by Shriners. Consmlitiontiy Limo local Shrinerus ciii , be credIted with not Only workll1 a. benefit for their own order by the nteeting , bill also of doing a bit of advertising for time city. Aim all Iimstuthice of the territory represented thin fohIotsihIos is a luartiat list of limo tOIVhlS that hiatt reluresentatives : Dalhcroft , Teka- rnah , Wayne , Blair , F'relnont , Norfolk , Grand Ichand , Ord , Cohumbun , North Platte. iCear- lucy. Gibboll. Broken flow , St. t'ani , Oakianul , Lexington , Iiaetlllgs , Auburn , York , Asii- lanml , LllmeoIn , l'iattsiiiotlth. To titeetu voro added rclmreelhltatives ( rein time following I'.va towns : Otttiinwa , Perry , htariaim , Council Ilitiffu. ' , VIiIisca , Cornhtmg , Mlssotmrl 'ai- iO2' , llflOgCllO , Iteti 0318 , SIoux City and other points In time eastern part of the state. The ceremony occupied over four hhoilrs after it begall , at 7:10 : o'clock In the evening. It sas iarIllg the hour of mldnlgimt whnn the 400 or lucre spetatorn Ilisul down time staIrs frohhl the hail to time banquetIng room , with the ts enty.timrco bhiimdtoldcl novIces bringing lii ) time rear under guide' . 'lImo feast vama an excellent otto , both In ei.tables 011(1 ( drlnkables , anti the nfterumatim or speeches that closed It s'as by no llheaiiS the least enjoyable part. It w rather late In tile luorlttmhg when tita hiobies broke up their gathering and wended Solnewimat dcvi. oils WAYS to their homes and wives. Tue following are the names of the novicea u'ho were ptlt through the nulil. together wIth theIr addreeses : W'ihlialn It. Ithiades. Fort Cl'OOi ( Ernest A. Schiolz , Corning , In. ; John 21. Killgrey , Harlan , Ia. ; Archibald Whitelaw , George fludlo and Charles llurr Towle , Council flhtiffs ; Charles J. Swanson , Oakland ; Joseph E. Bhenkiror , Uancrott ; A. 0. Itreitemufeid , Frernont ; George SF. I'orter , John Donald , George H , Barber , George Ii. Miller , George II. Caldwcil and Herbert II. Loughrldge. Grand Island ; Thomas L. Dali Ord ; John D. Gonimlil and P. L. Ilitgimo , South 01113115 : Lyman U. ' , Vare , F. IA. I'rawh , Wilitahu V. Toetzei , Augustus IC. Detwlic'r anti MattIiev II. Collins. Omaha. A number ot time iccal shrinors arc talking of attending time annual session of the hut- imerlal council , which convenes In Cleveland Immediately after the repubhican hiatlonal convention in St. LouIs , begInning on June 22. The local temple is , of course , entitled to a certain number of delegates , hut It Ic cxpoctcd that in addition a utimber of others vihl go. Omaha has sonicllnowloJge of vhiat a meeting at the council nieans , since one of the sessions was held here Soilie years ago. During the few daps that time gsslon lasted time local teluuihe spent l2,0O0 Imi time entertainhllOtlt of the delegates and time Shtrincrs rhto accompanied them to this Citicme local temple Is talking about holding an open session during time hatter part of the summImner or iii time early autumn. The date Is still tOO far away for any particulars to be tVehl. _ Order of lIlIes. The local lodge of time order , No. 39 , Is priding Itself on havilig tIme finest quartca of amuy lodge In timls section of the country , If not In the entire lJmuhted States. ThIs bcust lies snore than. enough foundation Imi fact for Certallul ) ' Imo organlzatlomi wlmiclm has ever existed In Omaha line bath as lauti- ) ful a suite of receltiOfl looms and pam hors as those wlulclm the lodge vosesses now in time W'are block. Time entire third floor , that formerly used by the old Uniomi climb , has been traIls- fon'ed during the past three or four weeks , sliuce tile place was first contracted for. The old partltlona vero knocked down and in their uuiaces were erected new ones to form the roonas that the melubers of the lodge desired. Tue furnishing is nlmmuot CcufllIeted , but. a little work still renlains to he done. From time elevator entrance , whichm Is ho. cateui aveil toward tue south end of the btiidlttg , a short lmhIway loads into thmo quarters. Ta tlue ouihi are stilt two unfur. Ihishoul rooms. one of which wIll contain a aldehoard. The rooms to the north are pntc- ticahiy comnpicted in potIlt of furnishing. A small ante radII furnishes entrance to tOm lodge luau , From the latter extend the parlors , card rooms , billiard hail and amok- ing roomil to time north. Alt time fmlrulslmillgs are now and elegant. ExpensIve and warm carpets of pretty design - sign cover the floors. The chairs , tables and otimer articles of fihrfliure are luxurious and invitllhg , rich allot substantial. The walls are covered with fine engravings ahid pIctures , whlchm reiievo the pretty wall paper dcaigns. Heavy draperies adorn the big win- flows , 'liich are large enough to upphy a great eufllciency of air iind sanshino aiu&l light. Quartered it' such a cosy and boamitiftmi lucille time Elks are contentedly awaiting the oiportutmities ) to tlenionstrate to their guests time imospituihlty and time good fellowshIp for whmich the order is so renowned. They have done thla in the past by nteahla of many a ineorablo social gatherIng in their old qtiarters on Farnam street , between Tbiir- teellth 1111(1 F'ourteenthi , Time lmalls and the rocms ttmeru , hmotvever , were entirely tea Sillali auth hnamiequato to give the members t'mihi sway , attd now that lucy avill be nq longer cramped IL Is proniisetl that they 'ihi Imave antI Lurnish no end of emhjoymont , Altimough they are already 000mipimal , time quarters will be appropriately opemmeti on next FrIday evening imy time lnhtiatloul 01 between fifty and sixty caihuihulates , Grant jreparatlons have boon male for this cc. casion anti It Is prontisemi to be a highly enjoyable 0110 to tile uiiembers at least , it 1101 to the candidates who arc to be put UQOII the rack. _ _ _ _ _ _ lumutighi toes of I'iit'ii Ii 1,11 tzi. On last W'edllesday evgnIig Aifaretta coun. cli gave vImat It called ait "old-fashioneJ party" In the Cc.ltlnentai . block In the lodge rooms. Ohui.sshloned or rowfashloned , It was a imunhmer and In every way a aucceep. It was largely attended , Time program , whIch was a very crijoyaiulo one , oecupleJ the early part of time evenIng. It 's'ae crnnposed of recItations by tloster John Jacobs , MIss l'iclcett , Miss Marg.iret S'aiker anti Mrs. Sophia llennctt ; vIolin solos by Miss Gceuovievo Jeifritos mind MIsc Craw- ford. a vocal duet by the MIsseS Jackluan. a piano solo by Mhaa Lymoti , a shirt dancu by the MIsses Sonnenborg , a jig by Mr. Oliver and an address by Mrs. Saphia Ben. nott. 'Tho grend march , which followed time pro- gralml and immediately irccodei the dancIng oxplalneil the secret of time name given the affair , Almost alt were ttIrot2 in old-fash. LL'IiOIS'1'1Iiitl l"lilI.i'I'lmIiii. FURNITLIELS IACICEI ) , 2tA'FTIIESlIS lulADlI on'S renovated , winiow cushIons immadu. m ices reduced , 25 , 5 , SVmlhcin , 2111 Cummmmg , Tel. I It. 7th MUSIC , .tlt'l' , tNI ) l.tNGLA.i'I , 01301(1113 F ' Gl.ILLlINltE'K , IIANJO AND guitar te.ic'her. liii L'imicumgo ill , 103 NEV I'LtNOS ltENTiIl ) , AN ! ) flOI.DAT FACtory - tory cost' hiurdette organ only 115. 111 Mc. Cagute ifulidltmg , SEE 9' 1)11 1lSit5i1If lG. CNOAOE2IENT TO 1)0 DRF.SIIMA1CING IN families , olieitd. huiisa Sturdy , 430 $ Ilurdette. M-.303-2thi ! OltCtl clothing of time days of Icing goio grnndmotlmers 811th grulnlfatilern. i'rizes were offered for time label "ohd-fasiilone'd" eon. ttilll 's antI these were Toll I ) ) ' MOSIOInCS A. 1. hiatt aiiui It. \ ' . Ilaidwin. The rest of the CVei1I1E7 'an silent Ill dancing , except that luortlnli during which refreshinents were served. of liii' % Vorhil , Unintentionally anti ullavoitlabiy , this cci- (111th tailed to make inentioii inst Sttnday of a very cnjoymtlule occasion imlch occtmrreml In F'lorcnco liidcr time auspices of liohuiti 110cm ! calmlp of tlmtt toWn OIl the lurerculilIg \\'eulhlCsulay , vhichm ivan Arbamr day. It consisted - sisted of a. celebration whmlch Imartoolo largely of an Arbor mlay character , 111111 ) 'et vas of a ilattire % hlcii symllbcmlIzel Ill a great Imlemla- nrc time order , vhiichi is StIpposed to be fottnded Upon woaolcrmtft. Tue ccremuolhies occurred 119 time evening. Tile naIls gnthieretl at time hail of time lodge , alll ( fahiillg into 11110 unarchetl to the park. Robiti hoot tnembers cere lmot aloha In iine , for Alpita camp of tills cIty hail been invltet to llartlcilmte , anti a collsltlerable Iltihhlbor of time illeinbers acceptetl Limo invltmutiohl. \\'iien tile park was reacimed two trees utero ImlahItetI , 0110 to represent Robin I hood cammp slid time other Aiplla."iien timis cereihloilY imaul beei perforimted , Sovereign Clerk \'ates ilmotillteth a imlatforni 011(1 Instructed the POilti- lace. Ills remarks sere drawn froimt time ceremnofly , alil coiishsted of a mtktcimIilg of an allahOgy botwt'ehl time mlttribthie's of the trees alit ! hula order , lie was fuilowed by Sovereign Colnulander Hoot. At time concitmtmlon of this bit at rustic cereumommy the 11110 of march wan again taliemi tip anul a rettmrll wail imiatle tI ) the hall. Time remainder of the evening 'as Sjellt In isielni ehIjoylIleIlt anti 1mm fenstItig upon the gooti thmiligui , eatables amid dri nkablos , whmichu 'ere spread before time guests. Commllmlcrcial iodge , time IICS' body of the order , has chiosehl Royal Arcantimmi bali in time lice huilding as It future meeting place. A commmuitteo which was instruicted to obtain the best Imall ill the city reported Iti favor of this hail , aIlmi its report sVaIa adopted. Tide fact is enotigh to show timat the lodge iiltonlS to spire neither tlnue , energy or maaoncy in fihhilhhing its illteiltion of becoun- ihig tIme foreniost lodge lIt the city , At time last hilcetilmg six 11011' IlleilIbora were mid. miLLed. lrulmi ClflP i'ilh give a snuokcr at Ita nteeting tomorrow nlglmt. Time affair wIll occmmr in tim lodge rooms at Sixteenth atmd Corby streets. All time imlelubers have re- ceiveil tmrgemit invitations to be preohlt , ahiti all Imitlicaticlie point to a big attendance. Ohi hicxL Tlmmrsllm3' , iuighmt time expected heap year party of Golden HOd grove Is to be given. .Aii the preliminaries are to be made by the tuiemnbero of Alpha calup , but no E'Otl as the huahi OPCflS the affair will 102 turned over to tue wolnemm of time grove. 4 big attendance - tondance is assured and there is iittho quel- Lion , jtmtlgihlg from the PreParatIonS that are beIng made. that the affair will be one of the most enjoyable givemi by time lodges. Dr. Rodgers. time sovereign pimyaicialm , Is in Fort Scott , KillI. , today , where lie is the cimief speaker at time ulmveiiing of a ImlOllU- lmleflt to a deceaseti ipcmnher. Iuring ( ho lmlonth of April 2,100 certificates were latued to new members frolmu time headquarters - ' quarters hum this city. On host Weilnesday evening a number of time muenabers of Alpha camp visited the mneet- log of Iieachwood Calmul ) of SOtlthm Oullaha and ommjoyed a pheasant evening. On next \'u'ChIle day e'enIng time teamu of the local lodge will go to South Ommmalua to confer the Inarning degree upon a number of the Ucaehwood muenibers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( rmi iii ! Armimy ( If tI * ( ltcimlllie. Cuater post , No. 7. recently passed the following set of resolutions over the deatlm of a late comrade , Robert II. Walker , who was a Inember of Compahly F of the Twen- tith Illinois imiraultry during the var : Wlmerens , Ill ohedletlCO to that great and imuexorablu law of nattmre , our beloveth coin- mdc. Ilobert If. Wmmlloet , has crcssed the great rii'er whmich divides time and eternity : and , Whueremms , We , Imis commirrumles , metaimtllng , as It is'ere. on time hIther shore of that great i-hype waitImig our time to cross. are forcibly rcmlnmled of tile lulaIly virtues of otmr do- ceoed comrade : nod , \Vlmereas , Vu'e desire to leave some lmtlfllilC ) record that may oxprest otmr nppreciuitioli Cf his many noljhe qmmailties of nihtuul and heart amid ills patrIotic devotlomi to hula country In the hour of her great neeml ; therefore be It , hiesohi'i'ui , 'hlmat wlmhle we bow In meek cubnllaslon to time will of "him Ivilo doeth all things ivchl , " we realize tllmtt lii the death of Comrade Itobert 11.'muiker we have lost a true comrade , a tried frielld and a trusted brother who wIll b sadly ili1 Sm. ? II In time post mimlil at our calapllmeb' ; that his country Oman lost a true soldIer , an mmmmswerving jiutrIot , whose servica hiepod to lm'esorv 11cr integrity anti unity , mtmmml ivimoso last reqtmet was to 1)0 borne to Ills filIal resting place beneath the folds of that flag si hlcli Ills valor imelpeul to save ; tlmat tllCSO 105 uhmtlallg be entered 111)311 tIme 111111- t1tC of the post , anti that the ndiutnnt be instructed to forward a. copy of tlmo anle to thu bercaveoi family of our deeeosel conarmade , expressing to thelma time ileal'tfelt Sy1llptthi of George . Custer host , No. 7 , Gm-mind Army of the Republic , Departnlemmt oC Nehraslttt , In thiS hour of our great and muttlal bereavefllemmt. Asieleumt ( ) r.ler of United e'orkmmen. There will be no general celebration of Floral day by the local lodges of time cIty today. Several of them wIlt ctid commIttees - tees to the various graven of deceusd menu- bars , who at the titmie of their deaths wore In good ataildilmg. wiich will be aimpropri- ately decorated. Beyond thin , however. there will ho but l'ttle ceremony. Uiilon Pacific lodge , with which the Iulea of a Floral day orIginated , will do a little more. A committee wlil decorate the graves ill the morning and ill time oveiiiig tlmo lodge nih attend rervlces at the Church of the Good Shmephmerd. of which 11ev. .1. I' . 1) . Lwyml , 011e of time Inelmlbers , Ln pastor. lie imas ox- tenmied a special invitation to time lodge to attend Imt ii body. In South Oniabmi time lodges will tiecorate time graves of their niemnhmt'rs anti In time mnorniilg will attend serv'ces ' at Rev , Wimccler'ui church on Twemlty-fOthrthl strect. The nmogulilails of No. 17I are preparing for time mimmatrel slmow , whIch they intend to lIve on May 29. There will be fifty per- farmers on the sta2e. Itoymil A ro'u 1111111 , Last Thursday ovelliumg Union I1aciflc coun- cii held time sixth of its serlen of earth partieS In tile lodge rooms In Time lIce bimilding , Fourteen gaines of high live were imlayetl , which resulted 111 favor of time following : Wolnell'v flret prize , MIas VotIng ; ilecond prize , Mrs. J. SV. Vail ; uncum's first. prize , A. p. Brink ; ocoud prize. P. F' , Frcnzer. After the lrlzoa were aS'armlmil an clegammi suimper watt served. Tlte following Is time hot of thmo guemts : Messrs. and Meudanmes F. J. Sacicett , George fl , DyhalI. t.V. . PartrIdge , J. IL Reynolds , W. F. Timolmias. C. A. Griminel , A. j ) , Conner. F. H. Mrutullen. J. 11. Sheldon , v. A. SbropshireV. . C , Pritchard , A. J Vlerling , G , 11. Gritiwolml , II. H. Salisbury , I , ' . H. Gaines , I'I. ilucllltmghmaun , A. I' , flrhimk , J. w. JMlnlston. A. J.'caver. . George M , hunter , It. C. Ilayemi. Robert Itohon- zwelg , E. 0. Melihtoll. V , ' . I' . Campbell , Charles L. Gyger , 13. H. Morse , It. II. MeKoivy. Mrs. l3ryans , Mra. J. W. VaIl , Mrs. C. S. I'otter , Misses Manchester , Young , Dybahl , Dooling , Messrs. W. F , Thinner , J. B , Reynolulsand I' . F. Frenzer , ( JrI.'r at tue ' .VorII , The May party of Myrtle hedge No , 39 , Order of the World , as mentioned imeretoforo Ill Time lIce , rondereul its program last Fyi- day evening to a crowded house , and to say time leust. the expoctatiellue of all presellt were gratifleal. The recitation by Mrs. W. A. Ilostetter was well received. The imiuvicsl selections , as renderemi by time different cltmbs , anti also the ihlane solo by Prof. George 0 , \Vllllainta , and time zither solo byifred 0. Muller , were Iiltercmitlng anti tuito captlvat- I 11g. 11g.Comicordia lodge No. 315. Order of time S'orhti , hilee all other active lodges , Is booked for a May festival , which Is to take place Shimlrday ovenhimg , May , at hc bali , Seventeomithi and \'imiton ltrc'ets. Inmit-imeulil Cu t Orihi'r offlilul Fel Ioivs , 4t comisiderabho number of the inembern of thu various bulges of the city celebrated tile sevcnty-SOvdnhiI anniversary of time order last Sunday by attending the evening servicei , at the St , Mary's Avenue Coligregalional church , wimich wor0 held under the auspicet of the Men's club. The earmcrt was dcliv , erel by 11ev. 5. Wright ihutler , tito pastor , who I. himself w Odd Follow , sail therefore was maltlntlantly mtble to cimooso a topic of interest to hI hibteners. lhcfore going to time ehutmrchm the members gattmereuh together itt Olti tc'lIows te'nmple at Fourteenth anti l'dge stI-cels , wlmero they fornIemI in lint' of lnarch. liemieuh by time tmlmltorluc'tl ramlk they luroeem'h'ul IC time ( 'litiLcil. A eotmsiierabhe ImmIllIber of w onion \ere 110'- tIeibIo in limo lomlg lime , 1ii un , a''ml flrIo.r of lieu Telm , On last Monmlay ( 'venilig , Allrl 27. Yah- N'un-Dahm-Sis tribe , No , 2 , 11111 one of the Imlost enjoyable mneetings It tins hail for ii long time. 'lucu time regular order of htlsin.t'Ss imuitl 1)0011 tmlseii the EvItIlts re- netted titlingue from time hunters Uutt they hail sectiremi sime corn anti venison With which to feast the tribe. Iluslimess n-as liii- mmie.liately ( hlspensoh with. anti the brothers prorcedeil to emjoy the refreshimwnts tmro- vitletl by time hunters. They tiim'n playel high five untIl time clerk In time tower warlmr'ul theft it was timmio to take the trail to timeir tellers. TIme colmllluittee on clmtcrtainimment lis ole- eldeti timat Ill time fmmtmiroa one evrmlihmg in o'arh IllOntIm shAll lie oli'i-otemt to ellterlalmillmemli , hut Wimicim one ? lirotimers , ) ti 'Ihi have to be there to flml out. IiuthL'hit'lhilo'It ( ( ) riho'u iC l'ri'st i'v. , 't a hmlt'etltmg of court Mommtlatlitn last night It was uleciuled to oletlicate the bali of the ormier ill time llostomm store Imloek cii Limo ulftli Friday of this Immonib. The cero. 111011) ' WIll Imo Imerformueth In COiijilhll'hIOfl With court Ommialma , the oilier bilge of tile city. Time secretarY was Imistrticteul to neimd tmm'ita- tlons to imo tresemht to all tile mmtemmmbers of tIme order in time state. At time salhle meeting court Onlmiha hilrmg Its charter lIP in time lodge l'tOlllS it itim 501110 formumal exercises. . 1,0)11130' htoiiit ) I' . Thmo Patriotic latightters of Anlertea will gIve a May pole dance next V'eulmmestlay at Moranti's ' oianeing neuidenmy , to viiiChm umi Imirllmbors fllmtl timair frieimtlmi are cordIally in. 'iteti to hE present. Ivy Rebel-calm lodge vhhl give a May en- terlalilmmielmt cemialstIitg of music , dammeimig anti cmtrds at l'attersomm'a Immihl , earlier oif Seven- teehItlI amid Varmlalmm streets , Tmcsulay evellihlg. tttty 12. itefresI'lmlelits vihi be served. A gommeral gooth time is antiepaled. ! lh immeni- bees of the order ammtl their friemmuls are car- dimilly invited to be vrcsent. NO % ' LJliIlt l'OLlO'li SI L'ZIIIVIi4ION. A , , Ii's to . 'uil St'o'omnot- Xt'a-v ( IrS i limO liO' ( ' 1,1,1 liii imil lo'n lers. Yestertlay mornilmg Liii' 110W ordlIlmilICe w'imici was recently passed by tIme city council , rCgthiatlllg time bmlsliloss of pawltbrokers , lommhl brokers , jilnlc thealers aimd moecotitl-lmtnit dealers , \s'emmt bIte effect. l'lio orthlmalmeo imlaces loan brokers and second-hmnimd dealers tmlmder imolice tmtmpervlsloii , as 001) ' tIme liawlm- brokers amid jthmmk dealers have been hereto- fore. fore.Under the terms of the ordilmammee bait Irokers of mmli uleacripilolls are required to 1(001) ml record of flIOlICYtI they loamm 011 all articles of Persolmal (15(1 which are delmosited aimd not secured by cllattol mmiortgagos. They are reqtuireml to imiako daily reports to the chief of itolice of all such tralmsmtVtiOhis. Tlmy are also comuipehled to take alit a licelmac , wllichl costs $100 for a year or halt timat amount for six Inontims , alld to gis'o a bond of $1,000. - Secolid-hand dealers lutIst also comply witim thou provisiomis svhiichm require them to keep records of all secolmd-htalld goods that timey purcimaso alimi to hilalco mially reports to the cimief of luolico. Tlme iieemmse is ihxetl at $30 , alIt ! time ) ' hlihmst gIve a bolmti of $500 each. Jumik dealers pay time same license and give a lute bond. Time pawnbrokers are rcmiuircml to give a boilS of $2,000 and pay a yearly license of $100. Another lrovisioml of time ormiloance forbida that ammy article whmicii hums been deposited anmi on whiclm loans lmave been made simmmlh lie redeemed within twelmty-fomlr hours after deposit. This proviolon is meant to give the Imohico timiie to inv.'stigate the otvnersaip of any pawned article if theIr suspicions are aroused. Time imest' ordinance was drawn at time ye- qtmest of the police dopartmemlL Frequue.nt cmlscmi have arisen vhmero thieves have avoldemi pawnshops amid obtaineil nioney from ion brokers on stolen property. Time 1)011cc imo- hievo flint IllmmCil atohemi property has isap- pearemi , alld which might imavo been recovered haml time brokers been under their cuper- vision. The now ordinance Includes not only thin so-called loan brokers , but also the chattel mnortgmtgo ofilcos. It does not require a record to bo kept of loans made where chmat- tel mortgages are givemm , becaus In smiclm cason Liii ? papers ale oietm in time county clerk's Chico to time inspection of time 11011cc. 'I 1,1 , I'IIOSHCU'I'I'l 1'AlLi Ol'1eJl. % f,5 , 'l'o lIe Glum rge'il tall IsIoilmit I mig I Ii e ( 'Ity OroIlimiio's , Orville C. Johmmmson of 2424 North Twenty- fifth atreet baa anIloIlliced that ho Intmumida to have warramits Issued for the arrest of time memmabors of the park board amid for Smmpor- intomidemmt Adams on the cimmirge of vIolating an ordimmance of time city by keeping 0:1(1 ( maintaining a barb wIre fence about MIller park In time iuortlm part of the city. The ordinance tinder wlmichm the care is to be brought has been In existence for seine tulle. Umlder It a Imuimiber of commvictlnmt have heemm secured against private cit ziima who elleloSeul their pretmilses wIth the cli. noxious barb wire. It. Is stated that time C ty inmrchiased Mller : laric before time ordi- namice tt'emlt into effect , but it is helul that timia does not oxolmipt time Imarle amitlmoritloa In speakimmg of time matter , Joimlmmiomm sa'ul tlmat Ito had no spite against time city , be- caimso lie had never beemm arrested for yin- lating tIme ordinance. lie stmttol , however , timat lie had hmeamd of private cit zeus being arresteil mmrmtlem' time provisions af the orthi- nammee anti he olhul not hehleve that time c'ty of1lcial were irsa himble. lie said Unit so long as time ordilmance was In cxltemice time city simotihil be the very first to olicy it. 21111cr park is surrottndc'd by mi baib ss'lro fermco wbiIclt was tlmmiro whmeil it Vaj jour. chased. DurIng time years that tile cty : bias been 1mm possession of tue tract of grounml time wire truce has bean hmhailitahmmeil anti ftc- quently repaired with time saimlo Immaterial. , iI I Jul11 L'l2LlIS'l'I lS ( ( ) To Ltv , Ilimsi hess 1)pii I Co , mrs Ilmul liIo'.i 4tmlmflhmg II , . ' Chiiesi' . Au Yt'mtlll , "a Cimrlmetian ( Ihminalmian It there over was a Christian Cimlnarmlmtlm , " as hit attorrtt'y denomninatema lmimmm , Is In jail on time charge of olefrauding a co'pirtner. The arrest is time latest dtmveiojmnment in a quarrel which has beemm In existemico Icr miomnu timmie betiveehi three natives of time celestial icIngmlommi , Aim Youn , bun Chimirmg antI Sun Qule , Youn antI Olmung were orlgimmaily thu proprietors of time Chicago laimimulry. Last Jimiitiai'y Youlh olocloled to leave time lhrmm , , acI tioitt out Imii llmtcrest to a brotimor of Chmun ; , Sue Qulo , for 95 , Of thus almloummt Ito re coiveol $10. Some weeks age he attemptami to collect thin money whmich was still dime. lie alIegs tbat lam a as bodily throwil omit. of the John- dry. Nevtrtbeless , lie tm'as arrested , but time case sas ijismiaseol for want of prosecti- Hon. Shortly after Cluing and QIlie hogan slut In time cotmnty court for $ f.00 uiaingsmo , which they alleged wait tloiio to tie fmirmlturo and avails b3' jmarflo which Yothil threw ahomit. YotIli retaihiterl by bringing a collnter claim of $000 for olaniages done to his ciotimhiig hy the paste whIch Cimting anti Qomle timraw through the air , armol also fr the damage done to lois character by ( also lmmiprlsonmiiormt. Throughohmt thIs eiuarrel , however , Yotimh failed to sea time color of hIs 35 , and ho began stilt for this In a justice court. It Is charged timat the arrest of Youmm on thu hiCO' cimuirgmi Ill siiiiioiy time next mtove on the psrt of Chung and Qihle , and that It ha reality amnoUuts to imothing. Iliei'troeiiteil iuiim Left a VlhI , CINCINNATI , May 2.A COPY of the will of Carl Feigemmbatlm. or Seapn , wimo was electrocuted for time mhlrder of Mrs. Jolmanna IIoffiman , iii New York on Scptclmlber 1 , 1801 , ivili he 1urohatetl here , lie heft his property to his stoter , Magdalaimo roimbenmI , ° , Vhen lie lived imero he acquired a house land lot , no tVs a great traveler cud hIved himmuley Ohifereni names In piiy chtIos. MrM. hioothm-'I'lm'lei'r limit ( it 1)imigcr. SAN F'RANCISCO , May 2-Mrs. Iiooth- rucksr imss been pronounced out of danger by her physIcian. it Is beileyei that when Conmlnandar Booth-Tucker ari'tvcs In thIs city from New York Mrs , Tucker will be ebb to assist In limo uric sue had pisutied I. ulu On the 11ocia ( .otst. ,