- . - _ - - - - - fl-- - - - Trn OMAUA DAJLYBEE : SUNDAY , MAY 3 , 1893. 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ LUCK OFT TAKES TIlE PRIZE Dark Hora * , Oonspciou in the Htory ! of the Frcdency. ! POLITICAL FORTUNE FAVORS THE OBSCURE I'nIl1nry nuil flrlIlIniicy Turneil Is.n for lii of : oIirnl' tzsitie AtcIil ! H In I Cii nil I.InleM % % 'Ito Cup. ( sired lit ! Ceted honor. ( Copyright , hh . , by the SyndIczti , Pre3i. ) 1S'AShhIQTUN , May 1.-A Iance nt his. tory 8)oWs ) that ninetceri men have been iioctec1 to the prh1etIcy 'i1co 1789. Four other. , elected vice prcaidcnu , have hoW the omee for portkirn of ternu' . 1iht hav3 been te-olccteil , and one han IcrtorlIcd ! th duties of the 0111cc who was chosen in a manner wholly unknown to the constItution. It tft' tiatic count. there are a dozen men and 1)IyS flow living who will at omo titno duN , ig the next haItentury become presidents. hUt the past proves , If It proveu anything , that chance and accident will have much to do with bringing them the coveted honor , and that ability in political manijniiatlon , EVII1US in sheping events , pcraonai magnet. ik.rfl , eloquence , statesinaimhip and a resolute . " Ill , OVn shon conibried Iii the anio man , and subordinated to a hong-cherished ambi. tion , rarely avail in snatching the coveted prize. It i a fact that since the first days of tii , , republic. in no instance except in the cases of Van liureti and liuclianan , baa the sliest CU1SIICUOUS ) candidate for the prosidc'.cy over reached that office. Noiic of the brlhl. hail a dozen inca in New York an Penn. sylvania were secrtIy opposCd to it , ant In the end secured Clay's dotcat 1io they ere able to do this fcini3 one of the etrangest tales that our Ilohiticat history haste to telL ( h'rerai cott was used as a talk. ing.lior to tate the New York delegate. away from Clay , to whom the ) ' rightfully belcnged , h1ie In I'ennsylvania the anti. Iaonry Chiiode was artfully employe(1 to conceal the opposition of a few pollttians to Clay. Tbee maneuvers , together vith the lack of generalship shown by th frlcnla of Clay , assured his defeat. and the nomi. nation went to the comparatively obscure hiarri9M , who had nat lifted his lnger to secure It. Four years later Van Ituren. who was do. featel by harrison In 1844 , should have been renonlinatel by the democrats. A clear majority - jority of thirty In their national envention favoroll lIla candidacy. but his friends fai1e1 to defeat the adoption of the two-thIrds rule , a mtasuro fraught with perirto ht , fortnne , arid James IC l'olk. who had never arpired to anything higher than the vice pre'lf1cilcy , was Ilominated. 'Tho nomination , " acys Colonel flenton , "was a eurprise and marvel to the country. " in the wlilg convention of that year Clay was nominated by acclama. tion , and at fIrst hi olr'ction seemed certa'ii. Ihut Ciay'o bitter personal enemy. James 0. Ihlrney , accepted the nomination of the free soil party , and , s many charged , prosecuted an active canvn& in order to defeat Clay. flirney's candidacy , whatever may have been its object , PrOVed fatal to that of Clay. The 15.000 votes which ho received in New Turk were nearly all drawn from the whiga , and this defectic gave I'olk the state and the election. \'AN 11U19N fllAT CASS. In 1848 howls Casa , who had been for ninny years an aepirant for the presidency , was nominated by the democrats. lie was an able 011(1 astute politician , and with a unitel party behind butt would Ia all prob. ability have been elected. hut Martin Van I3uren had a score to settle with the men A promise made to a friend when speaker of the houso. General Tyner of Indiana , then a member of that boly , desired to become chairman of a certain committee. ile charged that flame promIsed him the place and then , without warning , gave it to another. Tyner faced the speaker in hi private room , and there resuhteil hut words anti a ilangor even of blows The Indiana man warnel ! Jlaino that he should rOnlembor what ho termed his betrayal when maine was a candidate a year or two later for the presIdential nomination ; and , In answer , fllalne , it was said at the time , 1auhed at the throat Implied. 1.ater , however , he hiatt good cause to remember It. In the convention of ISTO , after the conteft between Blame , Coniching , ilrietow and Morton - ton had becn somewhat prolonged , Tyner called the Indiana deIeatIon together , and , after negotiations with the Ohio nn and thou from some other states , Induced them to come over to Hayes , who up to that time had been an inconspicuous candidate. When this conseat was given Tyner's r vrngo and thu nomination of hayes were assured. T11F IAIUC hORSE OF 1SSO. A dark horse won again In the republican convention of 1SSO. No one can doubt that but for his presence In the convention , by which ho waa enabled to favorably impress the delegates' , Garhleid could have taken the prize away from uli giantsi as Illaine , Grant and Sherman. Had Garfleld kept away fromit the convention , as it was at firet his purpose tO do , ho could not have been nominated. The democratic convention of time same year was not less surprising and dramatic in its outcome. Tiiden was tIme natural and logical candidate of his party , and , as Is now knewil , secretly coveted time nomination. flo wrote a letter in which ho profeo'ed to refuse to be a candidate. It was expected by his New York friends that this letter would bo read to the full convention , when , with dramatic surprise , some one was to rise and insist that the party Ignore this refusal and Put Tildon in nomination in spite of It , This let- tar was conlnlitteti to Andrew Ii. Green. an old and tried friend of Tllden , hut William - - MEN % IO HAVJ3 MADI HISTORY. r--- _ _ * - - rrI \ I JffbA 1 ' - . . . . . * 1 - , . ' < , . I i- % , j ' * i74 Jottj p ant , few of the popuiar men , have been * elected , and , indeed , when we read the ntorics of nomInating conventions , and of aubsequent elections , it would almost seem as though Imo who bad mnaOe a moderate fame and then waited for the happy turn of , iortuno hind far the best chance for success. hAMILTON ChOSE JFFL'ERS0M. A rapid glance at time record vIii confirm N thil lmpresm'lon. Adams was time natural and unopposed auccessor of Wnislngton , but the first election of Jefferson was a idriking case In poimit , Burr and JolTer- semi were the leading candidates and ro- eivod an equal number of electoral votes. Under time practice then observed no separate - rate vote was taken for vice presldenL 'l'lio candidate receiving time larges * number of electoral votes was declared president- elect , and time 'tco presidency fell to time one having time next largest numnber. No choIce Imavlmmg been niatlo by time electoral college , the election devolved upon the mouse of reprcsermtatives. There for a weelc time re.smilt . trembled in the balance , and , save for a strange and unexpected limb- once , Jefferson would doubtless have been defeated , This lmmflucnce was exerted by Aloxamidcr Ilaniliton. The great federalist ; % % au tIme political OPPonent of Jefferson , but me was ala thma unrelenting personal enemny Of Burr , and lmo chose what to him seemed . . . . the lesser of two evilmi when he secured the - - lection of the brat 'named. ' Title Iso accom- lisimed by Inducing the federalIst repro- aentative from Vermont amid time one from tary1and to cast blank ballots , so that in tlme final ballot it appeared that ten states , a majority of thoeo voting , had given Jet- Xerson theIr ballots. Tilusi Aaron flurr by a lmalr's breadth escaped election to the rcaldency , while to provide against aim- ) f lar COntest 1mm the future an amendment to the comiatitution was adopted requiring aeparato ballots tot president and vice pros- QIJINCY ADAMS AN ACCIDENT , , Like Jefferson , Jolmn Qulney Adams was In amo respects an accidental presIdent. In 1824 the four candidates for the presidency twuro Amlams , Jackson. Crawford and Clay , Jackson bail tlmo popular vote aimd led in time electoral College. Which , however , failed to mmake a choice , Under the constitutla tlme Itouso was to elect , selection being made from tIme candidates vhmo had the three largest votes , Jackson , Adonis and Crawford , " .Vhat . seenled at time mnomnc.nt a trifling mat- 4cr finally resulted In time election of Adams. In Louisiana at tlmat tlrmmo thmo irosidential electors were clmosen by the legislature amid 3mot by vote of the people. Clay was very popular 1mm that state , but by a plec of sharp practice tIme vote for lresldemitiah electors was 'taken by time legislature at a time when. hi riemmds were nearly all absent from that body , TIme electors tlmims selected voted timree or Jackson anti two for Adams , whereas hlai the election taken place vheri Clay's friends 'were present , the five electors would have leomm Clay muon. This vote of five in time electoral college s'ommhl have made Clay's vote 'reater than that of Crawford , lie , then , In- itead of Crawford , would have boon a candi- slate before time house , and in such an event Clay bateaU of , Itmlamns % * ould , In all human probablhIt , , have been elected presIdent by time hmoum'e , This immiachmanco was time first of a long list of untoward circumnatamicea which mntll Clay's death blocked his way to the twhito house. hOW CAUIOUN LOST Tilil PRIZE , In 1828 antI again in 1S32 deathi alone could have hireventoil time election of Jackson to time presideacy , but In 18ti chance played , ft8 Ilart in the choice of Iil el1cce.aor. CIa ) ' L anti \Vebster were then pre-cimitmiemmi In the whmig party , anti Calhmoumm and Van Buren hold like 1.10005 In time tiomnocratie party. ; Calhoun , but for art untimely quarrel with Uackson , vbio lmad at first leolcetl upoms hlmmi wIthm favor for tile successlomi , would , wIthout - out doubt , have secured tbo prIze , This luarrel % % 'as lirovoked by the belated dis closure of certain critickmns whIch Callm'ouu had iassetl UPOIb Gommeral Jackson's conduct Iurlng the Semnimmole var , many years be- fare , Cuilmoun's friends clalimmeti it was t ; ii5iilta brought on by Van huron to sup- I Idamit Calhoun In Jackson's favor. amid of I 'imIch Jackson was the ( hmipe. ThIs was I tenied , litit It brought upon Calliotmim time mmiplacable enmity of Jackson , while Van Juremo gained what Calhoun had lo.t , Whoa 'Jackson sent Vami Duron'd name to the soni i _ ; ate as minister to Great lIritain Calhoumo i commlbinefi with Clay and Webster to defeat the imomnlmiatiumi , The triumvirate were sueI I cesful In securing Van Huron's rejection , littt at the end of the bitter colitemt over time i hiiatttmr , one far-seeing sommator remarked * 'Yomi have broken a minister , but you have elected a vice president. " This prophecy proved more than true , for not only did Van 1 Iuren bocommie vlco president , but with ' Uaelcson's hmowerful aid lie becaimmo president Omi well , Calhoun lmatl abilIty. experience timid ambition. amid lie w.ia the Idol o a con- * ldurablo htortlon of his ilart ) ' , yet all these things could imos offset one little blunder , like the Personal cluarrel % ltb Jackson , C TIlE ' 'cjy CAflAL. LI In 1810 Clay's hour , long delayed. ocmmmcd C : about to strike at last. lie lied been for I mIxteen years the nmc.t comislicuous aspirant mi u iii. party for the presidential olllce , and 3ie had been thmirlmig time same Ilerlod his a marty'a Imsoat brIlliant and active ht'ader. lie fleas In close anti constant teuchi its V . - * local leaders in all Parts of the country , amid r -.5 * lme action of Important comiventione and ii caucuses was Influenced by advice frommi him. b t ' dureuver , ems oyerbolnhiIig majority of time ii . 1' tvhmIgs favored his nomination , however , e AF. ' who had encomnpassed his defeat in 1844 , and ho wiped it out in his own way. lie accepted - cepted the nomination of the free soilers , though tllere was no chance of his election , and in so doing dealt Cass' candidacy a heavy and what vrovcd to be a fatal blow. The whigs , on the other hand , when their success seemed secure , Ignored the weighty and long-itammding claims of Clay and Web. stor , and fixed their choice upon Taylor , a maim vhio doubtel his own qualifications for time presidency and sicouted the idea that his services in time Mexlcaa war entitled him to such civic distinction. scott , th0 real hereof of the Mexican war , thought aim active c.'tndi- date and backed by skillfuL poiitlciana. was passed over , only to be nominated four years later , when his defeat was a foregone con. elusion. Taylor'a election closed the political aSpirations of Clay , Van Duren and Cass , who had striven mere diligemitly to reach the presidential office than any other promniiemit ! atatosmirm of the time. Webster's ambition , though Imo was loath to recognize the fact , had been wrecked seven years before , when hii.j tardiness 1mm joining in time whlg repudiation - tion of Tyler imad provoked coidneas In his party which his long servIces and emincimt ability could not overcome. PIEI1CE NEVER DREAMED OF IT. )3iichtamian , Marcy and Douglas were the leading candidates in the democratic con- vontlon of 1852. All three bad ability and honorable Iublic service to conimnemmd them , and their friends lied time promise of vie- tory at the Polls to inspire thiemmi with en- thimsiasm. However , It was soon made clear that none of them could be nominated. had not Daniel S. Dickinson of New York peremptorily declined to permit his nammie to go before the convention lie might have been named In their stead , amid Connecticut politicians uaed to assert that nothng btmt thmo Inability of time delegates from that otato to agree on th name of Thomas II. Seymour-time New Haven mcmi would have none of him because lie lived in Ilartford- . prevented hi. nomination , When more than forty ballots hind been taken in time con- vemition some of the southern leaders said to time New hampshire delegation timat any miman unanimously put forward by that state would receive the support of time aouth. Time New IlanmpshIro delegates fixed tmpon Pierce , who had never dreamed of such an honor , and time anmbitlon of time great leadera of the democracy vas balked by a nian who was almmmomt unknown outside the confines of imis own city and state. ENVY KiLLED DOUGLAS. In 1856 the envy and the liersommat hatreds provoked by his brilliant career as a leader prevented the nomination of Douglas , anti liucliarmami , whmo , as niimmlster to Englamid , had been for sonmo years in Practical retirement , was chosen anti elected by time democrats , Hero , for tie first timno lii two deeaiiee , an active mupIrammt for the presidency was she. . cesatul Imi his amubition , and but one simnilir instance has occurred in time forty yonra that have olapse(1 ( simmee thmmit day. Time year 1SGO \'recketl forever tile bmopes of attainlmig that office which had lomig beemm cherleheti by Douglas , lhrecklnrlilgo amid Seward. Lincoln lucy hmave expected at sonic time to be cimosen irt'aldetmt , hut it is certain that ho was i never an active aspirant for tile office in time H&iIIt\1 in wllicbm Douglas arid Sewaid were in that day , or in wimichi Clay , Webster , Cass intl Marcy were a decade or two earlier. Most curious was tIme combination of circumstances - stances which aeured lila success am ! Sew. arti's defeat , For years the , mowiy tcrmmmeti republican iarty hmmW looked upon Seward as its natural leader , anti his nonhlmmatioml was temmeraily regarded as certain to be made. But Seward had given mortal offemiso to horace Cireeley , and the latter was resolved , It possible , to prevoit his nomimiation. Gree. ' Icy could not be chioami a delegate from Now Thrk , but lie appeared in the conventicn with the proxy at a mneinber fromn Oregon. Fhio great editor labored night and day to sccorimpiiah his purpose. arid lila efforts were midod by the voice and immiiuemiee of Andre' : i. Curtin aimd Joseph Lammo , the cammdidatea or governor of Penmisylvania and Iiidiaiia , 0 who believed tlmat tbey could imot carry their h respt'etlye states in time October election if aewarti vaa mionmimmated for lresitlemit. IL was ) f vital cOiitmequemme to their party that both Jurtlu and Lane shouicj be elected In Octo- er , The argumnents of these three soon irovod effective , HAYES ANOT1IRIt ACCIDENT , An overwhelming amid irreelmitibie public a emitinlomit immado Grant preldent , wIthout any ii morL on his part to mnoulti o direct It. but ai lrans successor , t'.iyes , was In every way a 0 accIdental cammdidate , 1mm the mouths hIre. 31 edimmg the republican convention of 1876 it OCImIOtl certain that iilalne would be the al omimleo. lie had for years been forging to rt lie ( ron a'j a hiarty leader of ability , force h mid maEuetismn , and lila popularity equaled a hat of Clay in a by-gono tIme. Imigersoll ii : laced him in nomination in a ahmeech still emuemberemj for its eloquence and earnest- es1. Smith In time number of delegates pledged a imis cause tilaIno hod all the otimer candi. I atea , Still. lie was defeatetflViiy ? Ho- ause , ii Ii said , be had once failel to keep ' ° C. Whitney know that it had been written and lmad been Permitted to read it while on the way to CincInnati , where the convention was hold. Through \Vhttney's naneuvering the plans of Thldea and his friends were corn- plotoly upset. Whitney so imaiiaged it timat this letter , instead of being read to the convention - vention as It was on the eve of makimlg a mionmimmatlon , was read to time New York delegation tIme day before time mmomimla- tion. Through time suggestion and by time holitcs ! of Whitiiey time New York delegation - tion vas induced to take Tilden at his word , and amzreo not to imiako him a formal camidi- date. Later it was found that WhItney had been working In time interest of his father-in-law , Henry 13. Payne of 01mb , and expected to see Payne nominated as soon as the demoralization caused by the action of tim New York delegates had mnanifeated Itself - self among time delegates from other states who favored Tiiden. Whitney was disappointed - pointed , because lie met opposition where be did not expect to find it , and that was In the Ohio delegation , which refused to present - sent Payno's name unanimously. lIe had defeated Tilden , but had not saved lila father-in-law , for , with Tilderm out of the way , the convention , passing by all the erni- mient leaders of Its party. selected Hancock , a veritable babe in politlea , as his conduct durIng the campaign showed , flLAINE'S LAST CHANCE In 1884 l3haine secured the nommiinaton ! lie had long been seeking. only to ho defeated at time polls by Cleveland , a imiami who tour years before had carried a torch as a private In a campaign procesalon , and who was selected in preference to such tried amid ox- perier'ced leaders as hendricks , Thmurmnan and flayard , because time party managers as- surned tlmat ho would be stronger in the I pivotal state of New York thami any other I democrat would be. Four years later. Sher- miman , hong a conspicuous aspirant for time I presidency. seemed likely to lie nominated. I but time l3laino macmi. believing he imad PlaYeI their leader false in former years. at a critical moment threw their strength to liarm m rtsomm , who had never beemi seriousiy considered - ered as a candidate oimtsitio of his own state , amid time Indlaila man's success Wfl8 assured. t All of which proves that in preIdentiaI con- I ventionfi it Ia UsUnil ) time mmmiknown who Is I nominated , and tjme hero who is defeated. I - I LAIiOI1 ANI ) INLJSTIIY. I Indiana has fourteen woolen mmmllls. A pneumatic churn has been immventctl. Paper pianos are being niade in the east. San Francisco has over 200 idie harbors. I The Coremimmilcers' union of time United states will forum a national orgammizatiorm. I A commtrnct has just been let for time coil- ttructlon of nn electric road forty-cute nmiios omig-fromu Oshmlmosh to Neenalt and Apple- omi.Vis. . I The United Association of Journeymnen Plumbers , Gas Fitters and Steam Fitters' { elpers has now 148 locals amid Is nmakimlg apitl hmeamlwmly. Time International furniture workers antI iiachlno wood workers have arnalgamnated mod adopted a red label. The name of the mow organization is the Amnalgamiiatcd Wood- yorkers' Internatiomial Union of America. a Under tim laws of Ohio an street railway ommmliany oleratlmmg eight mnllcs of track may y un Its ears over one mile of track of aimy dher ostaijlishietl road , and one mIle for m very additional eIght miles It nay operate. ft A white button with the letters R. it , T. p . , moamiing Railroad Teimlperance association , a S nOW worn by more thami 130,000 railroad ti mien in time United States anti Canada , The tl novommient was startcl three years ago by y ion , L. S. Coffin of Iowa , Certain San Francisco contractors owe Yer $7OOO back pay to laborers. The labor 0 onimnissioner will introduce a bill at the Ii ext session of the legisiaturo by whmicli a arkingmmien will be protected Iii ecurlng tc heir vagetm. P One of tIme bills signed by Goveronr Mor- emi of New York last week hirovicles that bUy hioura a week shall be time Imiaximumn of tC 'ork for women amid chmiltiren , that clmairs dl imall be provitied for wonien clerks , and that ii placcu wbmere womnen and cimihdren are mnployed shall be subject to sanitary in- peetien , Eva McDonald Vaicahm , labor cItor of time himimmeapohie Tribimue And now talcilig a tour f Europe to etutly time industrial questiomi teas as comnpieted France and sums up her find. 4 igmi In the prli Issue of time American Fed. ta ratioiilst , juet Issued , Simo says : "TIme ten- 01 our day imrevails all over the country. Car- U enters are paid from 1.25 to $1.40 a day ; loft ) masons , $1.20 ; machinists , 11,25 ; iron a molders. $1 to $1.25 ; locomnoUvo engimicers , 40 to $60 a iiionth ; llromen , $30 ; comiductors , m 10 ; ewitchmniemi , $15 to $30. Meat for roasts ti lit ! cimop. coats 20 to 40 cents a pound ; boll- ig nicat , 15 cents. Horse arill mule meat ti re both extensively sold , I'otatoca are $2 bushel ; sugar , 12 cents a vound ; butter , CC i to 40 cents ; eggs , 25 to 40 cent. , etc. to 9th wages at such a limit and work imot tlj ways steady , time struggle for existence iii macboa an intensIty tlmattmnerlcana can srdiy realize , The wage worker mmeed have 01 a ambitIons , lie will be a wage worker all a Is days , " to Coughing irritates tIme deimo..co organs an pm gravates the disease , Izmsteed of waitIng , U y One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at mt ice , making expectoration ea.y , reduces the v renos. asiti Inflammation. Every one likes it , . IIU1k1N BOJY\S ) \ AN ENCINE Marvoloul Instrument 1or ? Tesng ! its Mo- I jjfl chanioal cionoy , VALUE OF DIFfERNTt' FOODS AS FUEl. I / , , * II iteaiiils of tIme T.sp ' .liisle by time mi tintan I ( kit'ruimimemt t to letr- imml no ths iir.1 of iilIi'm m'imt I.ohi. on tii , , , hlody , ( Copyright. lt , ) y the Author. ) The reader , If he bottld enough , will r. call that many yeah IgG time unscientific public breakfasted eisa niornimig over the rathitr startling amimmouncemnent that no par. tide of energy expended in this or eurrountl. lag worlds is over lost , but that all the work done , all the tralmis hauled , all thmo coai burned , nil the ivondors nCCOmiilitishod by steam , meant simply tIme transformimatlomi of energy Eromim one forni imito another 1mm per. fectiy determiilnnto qimaniitie. Time men of acienco who put forUm this dogmna even went so far aim t show tlmat s somali a matter isa time mechanical or cbemicai effect of the niaklng of a cigar could ho measured , anti a candle flame ought have Its Inflmiitcalmnal effect upon the most distant shores of space. This , in a very rough way , is what after. ward canmo to be known as time doctrIne of tito comiscrvatiomm of energy , Amid becauoo muon emmiinemmt in the sclentlilc world staid that this doctrlno wao true , time rest of muankind accepted It as a flatter of couro , altlmough not really apprehcmitling how much was con- toimied in it.'hen it was sniti that a potmntl of coai burned in an emigino was converUxl intu 'i3xaetly mnoasurabio quantities of heat and rofmmse , that was well enough , Hut imo 0mm wenl so far a.s to say that a pound of food taken Into time bunion body was eon- verted into nit exactly equivalent quantity of heat amid work , Though a Professor of cienco is as fond of a paradox as amiy other well bred Iliac , thle latter seellied going rather too far. TIlE MAN IN TilE BOX. Nevertheless , it Is just this fact wimich a corps of Imivestigatora at Weieyan university - sity In Middletown , Conn , , aided by time notional - tional government , is attenipting to estab- lishi. When , several weeks ago , the newspa. pera reported that at a Connecticut college a ycung man had been sealed up in an air. tight box for ten days at a Umne for the pur. 11050 of testing the effects of various footis , doubtiess the reader , as well as time writer , attached but little lniportnmico to the mnmsttcr. It vaa odd and curious to test tocds in such a fashioms as th'.s , but there were countless other odd and curious tiings In time fits. patches of tito same day. Amid soniehow time telegraph reports failed to nmaiCe clear the very remarkable character of time experi. mncnts wimcii vere under way. Time experiments upon the muon in time air. tight compartment were to demonstrate that the theory of the comiservatton of energy ap- lilies to the organic or living world just as it does to time Inorganic or lifeless world , and that it applies so definitely amid precisely that Itvili be of immnemmse practIcal use to man in Indicating the sort of foods which lie ought to eat III order to get the heat results from that wonderful machine , his hotly. Thmo experiments ab Wesleyan ummiverelty are carried on In conjunction with the Department - mont of Agrictmlture at lVasimington anti time Storra exporimnemit statlotm. The work to' in charge of l'rof. W. 0 , Atwater , jirotcssor of ciieimiistry at W'osleypmm and director of time Storra experiment sfattomf , and I'rof. Edward B. Rosa , vhmo holdam th'nchair of physice at time college. Ac eated , hy Prof. Rosa , time tests have tub purpose : "Sir William Timompsoh , now Lord KoimyhmI , Joule and otimer eminent phiyslcista won a large part of their ( mmn9 irm establlshlmig time principle of the ommservatiort of energy for any niacimino or SystOtn * bf niachimics. They used inammitnato bodies solely. Time same principle , as applied to an anlniai , has never yet been tested , anti yet it i ot enormmioua Imnportance. We looic uan time footi a man eats as so mmiuchi fuel , When digested anti oxydized In his itystem it gives out energy. I'am't of this is turnhd Into mechanical energy - ergy , just as the otehimi engine convorte heat energy Into work , I'art is radiated away as imeat. W'o analyze the footi a man take , burn samnple in a special calorinmeter to determine time potemitial energy of the food anti then wIth our subject inchoacd wiiore all hits heat nitty be measured amid his work estimated we camm summi up all time energy - orgy absorbed amid balamico it against that givemi emiL" To do this latter wna not an easy matter. It required the commatrimetian of one of the most complicated and tlellcate macimirme3 liii- agimmabie. It is known. as a roiplr.ition calorlmoter , It is tIme only one' of its kInd in existence , anti Is time invention of I'rof. Rosa. That is to say , It Is an instrument tor measurimlg heat , and in rarticular the meat of time human body , awl what time hurmmamm body com'.surmmes and gives off. 4EI you look at this ITmacimine as it stamida In the baement of the Weshoyan laboratory , It seems plain and simnpie enough. If it were not set out in time middle f the rooimi you mulght mistake it for a butcher's cold ioat box-a bIg one- and , In fact. It is co'n- mtrtmctod on veri mnucim time same principle' . rIme Interior box , about as large as an or- ilnary convict's ccii , is of copper. Surround. ng this , anti timreo or four inchmes4 larger all cund , is another box of zinc , and around imis is a box of wood , and then the whole .mi encased In a wooden frame. Mi you I , eke your head into the little trlple-dcored I vlmmdow , which serves as a moans of I ogress amid egress , ) 'our . first : hmougbt is that time lmlteror would not be a tiocially comfortable place to lodge in for t S week or ten days at a timmic-thmat it would me very niucit lute living in an Ice cheat ; anti ; ecoiid , that you quite faileti to see shiat ioxi could come cit of ttUcii an alTuir. limit thIs instrument. simple as it. looka , 1mm m ltted witim an ammiazlng meries of electrical ommnrctlomms as delicate and sensitive as time mervel of time human body ; titii a bewilder- mig imumuber of tubes amid PtmmmIPa and thor- imommioters amid scales , and with every sort of I evico calculated to register tIme shighiteit 'ariatlomi of time temperature of the calor- meter , of the vahIa which surroummd It , of the lr between time valls , of time moisture of i ito atmnosiiimero lmmtroduiced into the box ; anti Lot merely to register , but to regulate all hmese as well and to all to so bite a point s the hundredth of a degree Faimrenlmoit. Tlmis maclmine Iii not wholly complete as Ii ot-T'rofs. Atwater ammd Rosa ammd tlmoir as- a latants are adding imew amid yet finer i.istrmm- . memits of measurement-html vimemi It Is her- cted It will ho able to immdicate , with great - xactmioss , tim amount of lmeat generated , a nd perimaps immeasuro variations in energy , lie to varying degrees oZ lntomislty of hunian momight. By ni'haims of this maciiimmo it may mit be possible to thmow UpQfl a gratitmate1 ) ale an intlicatlon of the difference of of- rt in ieadlmmg a modern novel , in workIng ' ut a hmarti problemisi In imiatiiomiiatics or canes , or In understanding time position of . It b possible pretmidemitial candltiatq. may a m measure the immaterial effect of ammger- orhaps of all imunmafl emotiomm , not excluding mat of love , It wili be possible to lmmtlicato b me etiergy constmmned in lifting your arm g t tlmo imeiglmt of yotirtliead , and even the tI florence of time worc-t : your body In wak- ig amid sleepIng hours. . a MECHAN1CA 1FICIENCY , I' But this is anticipahg. Primarily time a ilorinmeter is designed to shmow that a poumid r food burned in tim hUman body gives out me saimmo amount of eu gy as thought that toti were taken anti btmrneml 1mm a furnace. mmd eventually Profit llta hopes to lie able 01 expmeaa In ligures thip imiechianicai thu huniamm body , just as is now done in rm to case of time imteani amigimme , 'hat ito lmieamis Is thus , In the case of PoUmmtl of coal burne p an emglao , , part is flmverted into cinders , part iii given off as ideas heat , and part is converted into ac- ir mel energy or work. Now in time case of the w igino , timese parta are expressible In set wmims. For example , we say . that in a very so triple-expansion engine .it is possible to invert something like 1 per cent of limo tal hiotezmtial energy of time coal consumimed al ereimi Into work. And what Prof. Itosa ) Cti to find out is svhmat percentage the hmu- em an body realizes as mechanical work out I time Potential energy of time food which it io iii and digests , Timla is time aciemitiflo atatement of time mat- r. To rmiysehf I vut it tlmI wise , that this ofessor Is trying to find out how iimueii of IC nutrimnnt in a pound of beef is actually % l ( ado use of by the human body and conU nod into the energy that keeps you warm , lu id enables you to attend i.e business , read hi your newspaper or ride your bicycle. The practical or hmmnlmtmi interest that lies In all this to the layman. who hi not interested In the abstract principles of science , is that one of these t1ay we shah know just immit hint ! of food wihi enable us to do the most vork for the least amotmey. and. Incidentally , the class of foode tlmat It Is well to let alone. Just the manner in s'hleh the experinment. ers \Vesityan are trying to hilt ! this out is this : They have consrmmcted this air-tights box of capper anti zinc oath wood , a Ith cli its varied anti tlclicato appliances , and Into this box lucy iimmt A-victim , I Wamli going to call him- . subject , I simommlti say-seal hlni tii , and then proceed to measure nntl weight ever'tlmlng ho micea anti everything he cats. Take time air he breathes. It is dmasn fromim tlmo outside atmiiospimere down thirougim a collng apparatims. vhlcih reduces its temmi- imerMuro ttm abctmt 20 degrees below freezing lOimit. titus imiaklng it imlmmlost herfectlY dry. trawn through his box and breathed by the subject , tliI , air takes up ali time moisture givemm oft from time skin anti lungs. This air Is again drawn through a coolEr , which reducea It to the same temmiperature as be- tore , thus extracting time ater It alisorbetl. ss'iicli mmiay then be measured. Do you think timly is a smimail matter ? Are you aware , liray , that mmmerely in breathlmmg you throw out of your lummgs something like two potmimfis of water every day ? TIlE EMOTIONS REGISTERED. Cimemnical analys.a ! tleternminea time amount of carh'omuio acid gas which time pubject gives off in breathing , anti also time resitlmiai tunis- turo not depccltetl in time freezers amid thto quantity of heat given oft from the 51(111 Is th scumemno to nmoaammra things of the persomi ummtlor investigation. Tlmis Is done sinmphi by pas.'ing a streatu of colt ! vater at is known temperature through a series of copper boxes contained iii time elmamim- her and themi out past a miecond therniamneter , which registers time cliamige of tommiperattire. The ir driven tim is kept at the sammmo temperature as that comimlug omit , and the inner anti ommter walls of the chain- her are kept at an almost perfectly comlatamit tcmnporature homico it follows that this dream C ! water will absorb all time heat givemm off by the subject , amid so perfectly tlevelopeti is this device that it is already potwIblo to measure , with comlsltierabho exactness - actness , the difference botweemi the heat ox- emmdcd , imen the iationt Is perfectly still anti whcmi ho is in imiotioml. In time case of a Swede , who was amnong the firet subjects confined in the box , it was posaible to crudely measure the effects of his emnotion at being released. lie imad been In for live days amid thin mnero pleasure anti satisfaction expressed by imis botiily eLite were Indicated in time wontlerfui lIne of light tvlmlch serves as time mioedlo to the gaivanomneter attached to time machIne. So far the teats which imavo bean going on for several mommths have been directed ainiply to perfecting time apparatus amid to immaking a long series of trials as to the sub. ject's contiition durIng the variouc stages of htis confinement , The vractical food tests are yet to come , Later it ha proposed to Install within the box a bIcycle , which imas been mnado into a disc dyiianio , and sot time patient at work drIving the bicycle dynamimo. W'Itlm perfectly hmure. fresh air and nothIng else to do it will his possible to nmeasura to a very fine poInt the effect upon the pa- heat of i'arioue diets. Thmma thmozta experimenters - mentors wIll attempt to expresa 1mm terms of electrical unIts or oven in foot-poumids the amoumit of work which a glvemi subject will ho able to be on a diet of rump steak , of rice , of milk and then of various diets mixed. It Is titus that this machmimme vihl supplement - mont the extended researches which our Departmuemmt of Agriculture , mmmmder time direc- tiomo of Dr. Atwater , has been mrmaloimmg as to the nutritive value of various foods. Time poimit of time umatter is this : A chemist , In hits laboratory , may take a piece of sirlon ! steak or a giat's of milk or a. loaf of bread and tell you just how much protein and car- bolsydrates anti other scentlflcahly-namneti materials these different articles coatain. lie may than analyze the imiliscies of time htmman body , amid find out their composition and the especial ingredients which go to their malc- lng. And themi , If ho pats those investigation - tion together , lie may have an admirable theory as to just what foods are best adapteti for mmialcing muscle amid brains , and lcec-pilmg the body warm. hut it will be only a theory - ory , wimose value must ho practtcally tested. It is jmist this test wlmich will be made In the calorimeter at Middlotown. Then time anmotimits and comnposltioii of time excreta , solid , liqud and gaseous : time potential energy - orgy of the materials taken into the body and gven oft from itI time quantity of hmeat radiated front tIme body , and tIme niechanical equIvalent of tIme nmuseular work tione-per- imps eventually of tue braimi work as well -all these may be mmieaeured and recorded : It follows that with such a cordon of availa- 1mb data it will ho poaIble to accurately test the effect of various fooda , anti thus find the last termn in the analysis of food values. IN ITS PRACTICAL API'LICATION. Put ; in more practical termms the meaning of all thIs I that it will jmer1map be pos. SIile for time next generation to alt down anti muako up a scientific scimeduio of what it shall eat for breakfast , lunch or dinner , with an absolutely accurate knowledge of the heat and cmergy gIving value of every artlclo of food put upon time table , and of time exact food requlrementn of time hiummucmm body for every kind of activIty or effort. The cook of the future comm imiako up itis monti with as much accmmraey amid precision , lot us say , as tloe a dressmaker who takes Limo measure of a figure , compUtes the ammiount of clotim reqmmlred , the fiosirablo colors of the material and Its warmth , and what is still nioro to the point , its wearing value and its cost. cost.Yomi will reatllly perceive from all tlml Lhmat the \veyan : calorimeter means a dis- Linet anti practical atitiltion so the smmmn of I mummiril knowledge. i'rofa. Atwater and Iioa ava been tlevebopig their apparatus and iietlmodui for time nart four years , anti time ixperlmemitmi have cost mummy thimisanuls of loilarm' . When it is rememimboreti timat several 'xperimonters are rcqiiiretl to manage tile naimy harts of limo work tiuririg an oxperi- neat , cbservationa being recorded every two Tmi1utea , day amid mmlght , for ten days , It. is eadily aeon that cii experIment is a vei abarlomie amid expelisivo ummdertaking ; and 'i amItIes of all time food eaten by time subject mmider inveetigation must lie elmernicaily an- , lyzed , wimile other samnplci are burned him a mommib calorimeter to tretcrmnina their heat 'aluec. This expense Is distributed among bmo three parties to the investigation nametl ; z ho larger part , however. is barmme by the Jmmlted States lepartmcimt of Agriculttmre. I does not appear that confinement within lie calorimeter is a very mmeriou.'m hardship , or coo of time patlemmte who was immearcerate'i ' . Iaimmeml two pounds or more In weIght , ate 5' earthy , slept well mind reports baying liati good timmme. it iii proposed to conInmme hose experimmiemiti turtimor , amid time reaults ciii ho made public througim reports whmicim 'rot. Atwater amid Prof. item and othiommi saociated Iii the work will wrIte for time ) epartnmimit of Agriculture. CAltI4 SNYDER. . - . : - , , , ' o % P111.1 AhtI ' A LI. SI.lt LI ) % 1IlCI. . . , - ' . 'of ( Cosim Iii I'e.'mmt .Vmirrmimmis huisfemm.h Pmymmmcuit Of Smlnm'lt. . The cIty emImp0yC8 are all being treated like this month. Even time ommayer and the eatla of departmnciits are compelled to regis. 4 ir their warramits anti either hold them or et tltemu cashed as best thmey may. Title is ho first time that the general fund mialary rmsrrants have not imeeti haiti. All of the vailablo funds have been transferred to meet tue interest obligations on bonds and i Ii warrants , wltimout excoptico. are being eglstereti for future payment. As soon as mu proceeds of time rommewal bcnds are ro- olt'ed It will bolster up tIm funds , joust of hiicim have been drawn upon to pay couponu II the districts inclutieti in tIme renewal iso'ue. Some banks are cmuiiIimg tlmo salary war. tnt. at. a dlscommmit and one bank is accept. mg them at their face value , l'htims fosltemi ml iii hH'rimmg hluises , Time city ongineeriimg department Ia carry. ig out the purpose of the ordlnanco that as passed some time ago , and which pro- Ides for a systematIc renumbering of busi. ' 005 houses anti dwellings , A plait has been j repareti by wimlcis time exiu'tlmmg inaccuracies J re renmedied and miticemi are being sent to I property owners , directing timomn to prop. ly siumber their houses Irmaitie of thIrty iys. There lii no ditilculty In obtalntmg ! the uibors , as enterprising dealers are sending mnvassera to follow limo notices. Time aiim- rs can be obtained at prices runnIng front camts up , D'Witt' viti ; Hazel Salvectearmaca , purl. 35 and bmeais. It was made for timat purpose. tao it for burns , cut , , bruisea , cimapped ) inds , sores oX all descriptions anti It you Lye piles use It for them. 1SLIAFT FOR THE ORGAN LOFT Qnality of Omaha Church Musk Vary Bhaiiily Criticised. SYMP4\TIIY FOR TIlE TROUBLED SOLOIST Summit. I'em't I iit'im I ( ) ijeet ltimi I o ' ( , mit'im its trgIiiilMt. . mimm.i tit Smiilir Comimmil lit ec mn 3i ' _ ) ( ' * , im'miiM mit heel liii , , , After mievorsi year ? residomice In a eosno- : politamm city I was able to look at Omimaimmu Witim the immlpartial eyes of a stranger , anti It came upon mime wIth a sort of smmrprlso tlmnt eIther time oltl Ommmaha Is no more , or that , ac- cortllmmg to the doctors' theory , had undergone - gene time seven years' change amid become somnobody else , Unwillingly I detected In sonic quarters a flavor of lmrovIimclalIsmu , a change oftemi strenuomn'Iy combated by me whmemm oblIged to take UP time cumilgols for the "mmico little town of Omaha , " its our l'aciflc coat frlemmds term it ; but after hearimmg tIme various choirs , which to a transismt visitor are always moore or less an Intlox of a clty'v immimsical taste , I was coimmpelleti to own to another simattoremi iilusiomm , naimmely , time itle that Ommmaimmt POiwCS's good mmmuslcal taste. F'ormmmerly when thmmut appreciative little body , tue "Ladles' Mtmacal society , " flourislmot ! , and gave ambitious programlms. we applatitled aml coiled ourmielves nit up-to-date amid eulttmretl eomnmntiiity. Possibly time santa elemnemmt still existi immergeti Into time \'omnamu'mm climb , iiImt speaking for ti1 cimmmrches , timero isi little that an aspiring village cimoir could hot surpasa. V'orrnerly , where every self-respecting ccm. , gregation hielmt its shilartet cimoir as mmmucim a mmmatter of cotmr.'e as Its mnimmlster , time churches ecemu tiriven to the strait of emimploying a soloist-that least devotional of all excuses for a cimolr. l'ituimi congregational singing is enminemitly immoro fitting. I'arscnally cue feels moore sorry for the soloist than the congregatiomi ; rime' has suclm a variety of crochets to conciliate , amiti often so little real intelhlgemice to respotmd to. Ammt ! to Ito a ehimiimmg auceess a soloist nmmmst be tIme pet of a clique , anti should furnish Interest in time immatter of toggery as well as vocal equip. imient-all for $5 a Sunday. It is said that 01)0 staId body of worship. home coumdemmmmiod a caliablo singer becatms- her mmiiiilmmery was mmmisatisfactory , and this. be asstmrcd , was not dmi to any aemmtimoticlsm omm the hart of the people. Another , vhio had heomu sealed with thm approval of umnqueo. ttoimablo critics , seommiemi to quail before the stoicism of that dull Calvimilatic crowd , amid was eornnmonted on as having lot Imer music trozmmblo-a piece of indecorummi on the Sabbaths - baths that doubtless settled her fate u that quarter. At best tIme soloIst's hold on her luPllii IS boummtl to be brief , A soomi as her variety , external amimi internal , has boon oxhauatedantl the inevhtabho satiety solo in , almo mmmay as well step down and out before almo is asked to do so. Most of tIme churches have a woman at time orgamm , an anomimaly that has rarely givemm eatlsfaction , Organ playlmmg seenma dhstimictly the province of mmman , hut owing either to time atrimigormc)4 of lImo times or to tim tlemnorallz- lag effect of the bargatn counters , ml , lots have a duty at time organ. Time full direction of the vlmmgors generally falls to time sanme management , and with all dime respect to woman's rights , I object to Imer in a position of commmmmmammd. Womnamm , dressed In a little hrif authority , i sure to want to put on breeches. At thmo St. Mary's Avenue CongregatIonal churcim I see time men's club is mimaking a bravo , If eametimes overdone attempt to afford mnusical variety. Ocasslomially the variety hiss overbalanced time imiusical imie , as on a recent - cent Sumitlay , when mandolins wore dowmm side by side with an organ solo. Tue great brain that arranged that program Inust Imave emanated from a mimusical committee. Speak- tag of that august body , there are only two tbimmge about it that always caused me to tvonder , First , I womider wlmy a mmiusic coin- mnitteo Is gemierahly selected from as urm- musical people as exIst. Second , I wonder wlmy the commnltteo never vemmtmmrw out slmmghy , but always In two or threes , as if a hotly guard were mmecessary. In a varied exlcriommce with time commimittee , I imave noticed that It always approaches its oman wIth thmo eamne sort of umidortaker air-at once fmimierai and mmon-commmmlttai-loolclmmg as if primed witlm wisdom amid state secrets. It iii a way the commmiittee huts of astiumnimig tilgmilty. Thmat s'olemmmmilty lies never failed to arouse In me a perverse desire to iaughi , ammd tlmat pompous reticence , tIme mood known as contrary , amid I am afraid that to ho an un- ijuahiflemi success witlm a committee , one mmmust hummmor ito role. But to get back to the subject-it is but i. atoll from mantiohlns to the banjo amId burmmt I cork. Timero Is no telhimmg wlmero a tiecade I nmay land us in the theatrical branch of lmumrcht managemomit , unleas true is drawn more atrictly. And there Is a pItiful is well as a ludicrous sIde to time efforts mmiade 0 caax people Into the house of wprslmip. There neema to he an umnuiermttandhng that lImo hOOPIO are to be propitiated tom' being imere. Time address is brief , that they may mat cavil , amid vehcment , so they can't go o sleep. TIme "attractions" are rangeti con- upicioualy iii line just back of lImo altar rail , md rmc'iutly complemmiemited iii the background ) Y four superimummieraries In straight backed - - : _ iitmlplt chairs , omnlietIy conscious of tholt hlcrlmenlllcmmlarity tttmd thot feet , in notable centrist to mull this , soumntled the trimly tevoiltnnl ! Services of Trinity and 'tli Salmmis , beih of wimicim have ecelicmmtly drillc'4 choruses. it a ImleAsuro to note thai Trinity hiatt beun faithful to Its fine choir throughout tIme stress of limurml times , and timat tiu lmlglmeM ortler of mnumste Is sting and graciously reer.veti there. Trhumty , by thi % a ) ' , is the mmmost "timankfut" bott of peopl to sing to of an ) ' In the city. in amy macrn- cry , probably because It eoummpriss so miman' cmii tured a mmii re'ept I ye iii i a tie. l'robmbiy thmo perein in this city who baa the immost reason to consider umiusic a failure is that icry stuperior orgammist , Mr. Taber , It. is itartily neeesary to suty what eery mimic kmttmtt-tlmt his recitals are ofl tlte hmiglmest lilamme. 'Vimis was cosmet'dsml. even by a su omuami sitting bt'hmimmtl mime tine Stuimdm' , wlmo fitlgeteul tltrotmghm a too classical mmummiber , and 'isImed Site singer wulti hurry tip , because this tm1au's immualo Is umever very PrettY , ci. th immgim its tutu mmiost fihificuilt there is TImemi lair escort asked tier if site hind change for a cent , as time contrltimition box approache TIut. ' flmimtmmcial returns hmnvt , beemi very elIgl amid as it imitmleiami cannot subsIst on eoi scious immerii , imnles hi wings imavo begummi to grew , Mr. Taber ummay net feel thiut he imub ntleqmtato encommrngeumient to c'omuiimiuu thummm. To chow wimut simpport is given tlmemu , some immtcrc'smtiimg statIstics were ftirmmiimlmet ! aim fol. lows : Abotmt twenty recitals have boec given timia seiemi. witim an average attont. ammee at tiOd people , emit ! an average ctiiiec tion of $ lS a Sumithay. TIme highest. aumuousut tYna $23 ; tIm. . ' lowest .tO. Omi April 19 , wIth time church filled. tlmo collectIon was l6TR , I ammtl over $7 was imm imickles. If each ( mmmi ) , ghemi ommly a mmit'kel. thmro womilt ! hive boon I 4O. It is estlmmiaid that mthommt one-foimrthi Of thmoee who attomiti comitrlhuite , whmiio the rei't tIe not. Tlit're' in mmsmumtil' one shlvor dollar , probably trout the same porsiu each titmie ; otmo or I wo halt tiollara shout $3 iii qmmarters , amid tIme rest in dunce , mmlckels and CyrIl PemiiiiCs. Mr. Teimor fmmrmmiehos all oumi- sltlo assistance , atteuiu ! to cii the detaii amid gives Imalf thui returns to time chmmrclm , so imim ought to be smiimportetl iii a imioru liberal spirit. MINNIR ItAThI'lNN. . vista t ; TlIl' UXt'tli'I'lO hiLT. . Gemti'rnl tiiuum.l'rsmt I , . in ( 'ommmntummicri- S I nit sti I Pm ( 'oumg reMMmncu. Askjxl whothmer or mint lie would go to W'ashmington next week in the interests of commgresalonai leglalatiomi for the Tranemmuta- siesippt exposhtlomm , Gemmeral MantIi'msout yesterday - day mmmornimmg saId : "I elmomild like very immuch to go , but I ilmmd such an enormmlous mass of business before umo that at present I casu hardly see amy way clear to do so. I an ) hopeful , however , that a special trip tO W'asimhmmgton vIll he unimecesoary. } 'rl. day afternuomi I telegraphed Conflressmuem Mercer anti ilainer , asiclng theni to adviSe mime of tile prospects for thmo consideratIon and the hias4tge : of time exposition bill by ( ho house. TIme latter replied that lie was hope- fui for the best results amuth woimlti let me knots' sommiothitig detimilte at ommce. I have not yet ime-ard frommi Commgroamiman Mercer. I shmali write to Speaker Reed and other mmmeummbors of congress , urg'mmg the inmmuediate consideration of time bill. I have just writ. ten to the mmmemmmhers of tlmo senate commmilttc5 0mm mmmiiitary affairs , tmrglng a favorable report on the Fort Ommmaba bill. " NO MOSEY 'l'O 1'AY FOR 'h'iLlO WOISIC. 1'mmm.1moumtm' Couil hmmmmeto She 1mm , ! leitteul by iCed Lights. No stops have so far been taken by the Board of Public Works to repair the weab- outs caused by the recent rains. TIme coun- cii ordered thme boarti by resolmmtiomm to mumbo tIm repairs , but neglected to imrovlde the fummds to pay for tlmo work. Consequently the wasliotmts have beemm mmmmmrked by red lanterns to avoid imijury to vehicles and pedestrlamis , btmt mme mmmcmi have boon emnployed to repair timem. Chairman Munro saitl yestertiny morning tiiat while there wan no mmiomiey In sight it was necessary timmut somime of tIme Imolea hmould bo repaireti. A snmall gang of macmm wotmid probably - ably ho put to work Moiitiay mnormmimig , with instructiomms to fix up tlmo tsorst places and tlio amnallor washtommts wIll have to go until aoune appropriation is made. iIIimor t5zu tIers lit Coumrt. The jury in time case of Carey } J , WhmLto against Ir. George L. Miller , a suit for $20,000 damages on accoumit of alleged mmia- Ilciosms hirosecutiomi , returned a sealed verdict Fritiay mmlglmt , after imavimmg beemi out about two hours. Time vermilct. wits upemmed yesterday - day morulmug and found to Ito for time defend- ammt. ammt.Tho The court tiocket for the May term of the district court haa been Issued. It contains 1,582 cases , beimlg 114 less thmamm were con- tatmied in the docket for time last termmi. The dIstrict court adjourmieti at noon yes- tertlay for tue tcrnm. The May terimi iIIlna Monday muortmimmg. Crzu.iI. ' mmmiii Ii ( rmvm' . Tiio followfag blrtims anti deaths were reported - ported at time health office during the twenty- tour hours ending at imoon yesterday : Birtha-Ocar W. Ammmlerson , 1420 North Ievemiteemmth street , girl ; Frank ICrebs , 1604 $ outim Fourteenth , iio' ; N. P. Johnson , 628 South Thirty-first avenue , boy ; B. F. Warren , 13111 Grand avenue , boy. Doathms-Mrs. Louisa Itowey , 3 , 3335 floyd , uberculoshs of lungs , Forest Lawn. Bad complexion lndmcaze an unhealthy ittite of the syattm. DeWitt'a Little Early Rivers are pills that will correct tbis condl- lon. They act on Limo liver , they act on the stomnacim , they act on time bowels. Beautify- 0 S You r H o in e 1 % NEW CARPET for the Parlor , or a few j\ Parlor pieces , if selected with good taste , vi11 add much to the appearance of your home. Let us give you prices on strictly up- il to-date Fttriiisliiiigs. PARLOR COUCHES kfiPL2 COVNR. jiu2P _ It , h' ° ° CHAIRS. ZWo , LET US SiIO\V YOU OUR 1 New Lace Curtains kU They arc the handsomest ever shown . in Omaha , - . , 0 POPULARPRLCESYOUHBACC BACC ! . OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO1VIPAMY , 1211 and 1213 Parnain Street ; .