- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 'VIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : TIt 1flA { , At'1C14 3O II ; . - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - F couNCIL BLUFFSDEPARTMENT _ ltIOIt ! 4I'VION. I' cottage on Ixti nvenne iiear Tw nly- , Iglith trt wn ninost totally tctroycd by flr lii cveng. ! TILO Ornn1 itc1. CMlrcI1 TUu1. flgti ; cIa , ' In e'ry ( , ! . Itatci pr thy ani upsard. 1. I. CIarlc , troiirktor. 'I'Iw 1.nthcs' ? fllveRti ) , a.ocIaLlon citil , , ptrgt.is , 1H tict toiy at the rei1eiico of Mrs. II. A. Coo on Irank ticct at 2O : p. . MrL Celia ? 1organ , ageti 79 years , tIcti yeter0ny of t1ropy. Servlce3 Will be hell nt O o'clocl thIs morning at ( lie rek1c'nco , 206 i'outtli fitreot. 'rie lnIfaII lraniat'c cornpny I arraig ng for n tratiiatc entertatiimt'tit to ho gvel1 for th benefIt of St. Ilarnar1s ! aopttal. It sIIl occur otno time durinc the latter fuir of May. The Foresters of Omaha. CarnI ' . Moderti Vojdintti of me ? ka , will he irtcflt at hazel camp No. 171 thiR evening to give the Itiltiritory work.tII toanihers are ro qticrtetl ti be irCSt'flt. Marriage Iicencs crc IFtiel yoMtcrILIy . , to John Lnrin. ngcI ( . 10 , anti Mary C. Oien. aged 2 1. ttotli of Council I3tuft , and to AIonzo M. SirnmotU. aged 27 , antI Odessa .1. Iavls , httli of Omaha. There viII to an adjouritel itie'tiiig of the Yottiig Mens Christian nioeiatIti Monday evening tt 8 o'clock to take Ilnal action on the lrcpoed new coiittitt1tiofl. All active menhrs : are urged to attinil tiliR important met tlti F. II. hCy , President. "The Fair I'arIIan" drew an audience had evening at the New hohiany that Ilhhel every part of the tioue. This i one of the Ftrongetit plays givan duitng tb ieason anti at Its cconti itcrforinaice by the Chase- LIter conhialty last night every part wait carried through ithout a. flaw. Clara , the 8-months-old child at Mr. anti Mrs. L. P. Chrstensen of 1927 TostevIt Street , tiled yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ch'hl was taken suddenly III with cramps while tha family was visiting iii the conn- try , anti ( hieti Insitle of twenty-tour hours. The funeral vihI tztko idace tomorrow afternoon - noon at 2O : o'cicck from the family real- deceit. Mrs. Celia Morgan died at ltO yerterday morning at the home of her soit , 206 Fourth - street , after a four months' ihinea , of dropsy. She wae 79 ycar of ago arid wa. born In Virginia in 1817. She came to this city about four years ago. She raised a famity or 'sie children , three of vhoni survive her. 0. II. Morgavi of Arlington , 0. ; 1. L. . Morgati of Creenleaf , iCt'n. , and It. J. Morgan of title city. Funeral siorvicee at 10 a. m. this morn- log from the residence. Jtiittico Cook sient the day yesterday in bearing the grand larceny case In which a cohered rn' r 11lnIe(1 William. Blackburn Is defendant. fllaekburn lit accused of stealIng - Ing a wat and shotgun from Mrs. Johnson , Ills defeii was that he received the aiticies from her in consideration of his attentions during the absence of her husband , vhIo is a cook In tIto Union Pacific tiliting car service. Ito offered a bill of sale of the articles , whi ii was practically proved to be a forgery. The case was not concluded last evening. The little 9-year-aid daughter of Leon Losier was bitten by a dog a few days agn and some fears are entertained that th' . wotintis may become serious. The dog lcnew the citilil and had ne'er been considered vicictie. Tb aninial belonged to a neighbor , Mrs. liuchanan. and hien the g rI entered the yard the brute seized her twice , nflict. log several deep wounds. There are srno grounda for the fear that the dog niight have had the 1ydronhiohia. but as ho was kllle4 \ rninec1iatcly afteraartl there is no means o Icnowht&g. The child whit suffering severely last evening. Another attempt was mclii ! to rob the gra- cery store of Eli Brown some time after midnight - night yesterday morning. One of the block watchmen discoverttl that a front window on the veranda , wheig the thievca effected an entrance the night before , was open. Officer Sleati was detailoi to assist In making nit Investigation. A ladder was founti. leading to the roof of a tear buIlding , where the burglars could step uiou tue veranda. The Cliii store was opened anti thoroughly Eearchled. Traces of the thieves were found anti the omcers believe that while they vent down stairs to look around the burglars were concealed in the tirtiter rooms and made their escape. The men engaged on the Indian creek work have been compelled to lay off on account of the high Water in the creek for the past two - - - days. About thirty of the itienvero discharged - charged Monday for "soldiering. " They tic- quired the impression by some means that the work was being done largely for the purpose - pose of distributing several thousanl dohiari among the deserving poor and that all that was retruired of them was to make a show Ing. They made ouch a poor showing that 'when iilght caine they were given their time. The heavy flood of vater that went down the creek has only had the good effect of further deepening tlio channel at the lower end , showing that the work already accomplished bait been vohl and wieely dotw. A i'ix weeks' teachers' teview class will be orgattizeil Monday evening at the Western Iowa college , also bookkeeping , stot-hand and typewritIng. IINtrIe Court ltt.-rM Thiti entire day In the district court yesterday - day was consumed in hearing the evidence Ln the case of liolitten , the New York broker , against Wheeler & Ilerohti , Thto evidence was all In anti the arguments begun when court nil- journed last evening. The defenco scoreti a Point when it introduced letters froiti tIn New York broker showing that the highest patti for cggs wittiui the shipment vas reeivcI was 17 cents anl that the best price the 11,000 dozens shilithied by the Council fluffs firm was l2 cents. The defense seized 1Pon this to itltot' that the New York firm hind only sought t3 break the contract after a big elump unit occurred in the market. 4 forecioittiro was taken by the Lombard Investment cotnpany upon the property of IJittis Baldwin to satIsfy a mortgage for * 4,000 , John W. Paul fileti another counter claim In lilt cults vthi F. W. Nash , claiming $21f40 , with Interest anti c'sts. The claim is based upon the joint lurchaso of roveral tracts of lard that voro turned over to the Union Land and Improvement company sub- sect to mortgages for about half their value , itntl for which Nash hail taken stock for the full amount auth neglected to make a division. hlousokt'epers are In despair when they ' 'visit the lurfee Furniture company , 1111 the 'b' r new things are po hiauideomo and so cheap that they want the whole store. , , The stereopticon social anti song service at t Tireauiway Methodist church this evening. l'ubhic generally iuv.ted , Ice cream anti cake berred , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .tIIIN'Ii It Chuhlil , Comp'aint % viia inatie to Chief Canning yestertlay that a man named floury , hivuig on 'Furelfth avenue near the Third Street school , has 1)000 abuaing a 3-year-oIl stop- dliii. ( I , A , aia , representative of tlto Children's home in Iea Moineit , wni ahi'o notified , cud with Chief Canning made an Investigation , They found suiflehent cvi- deuce to juetify the charge , and the chief vas on thto point of hunting up the cruel : - teIl.fathicr ihlPfl the mother of the chIld beggetl to let hiliti escape punishment , as It vould only itiake her lot the harder. Upon tile condition that # l would eurrentler the liIhtl to Mr. Sala the request was granted. hii ry i a painter , rod has just completeil the work of pnintiiig the county jail , have you seen the new gas heating stoves t tito COntpany'sofilcc7 We offer you only clean , crisp , now white aulu1ry work and best delivery i'ervlco at Eagle laundry , 74flroadway , Teieprone 257 , , % vihi , Iuilui ! ui'CJuureJie , , A bedbug of ( lie ofllclal board of the 'Yaung Men's ChirstIan asi'oeiatlon was hiehtl ) Csterday afternoon for the hurposo of ccii- sidering the invitation to join the Methodiet and outer churches Iii making Christian home Sunday at th hIroadway church a lucre than ordinarily memorial event , It Wa8 decided to accept thie Invitation. - I' , Ir. Cloaver'soflice fllOVeitO 600 tlroaulway , Special aho , Trimmed and untriwJ kfttL , 11it Ragsl&le , No 10 l'earl1 llNEY ) tOES ; TO TUE STA1F Three TiJOUEftfld Po'iar.i that Its Eec' Unclaimed for 'Ewenty.Five Yrtr , lv , PARKS DEPOSITS IT AND DIS\PFZAR ltftul'tM Its Fl huh I li hiu'It'w of sin Ohul 'I'Iiui CItiziii tuf Cttiiit'Il htliuIT lieNiuhl ( tiuh iii i'iu I I it re. Tacnty. five years ago William I'ark was a Prosperous merehant and mechanic its Council fluffs , In the course of time Itir % II1)ItIO ) earnings , which had been regularly depot' heil in the First National hank In this city , had acuintilatc.l intti a eutn of a little over $3,000. In 1S71 Parks engaged in tue cattle business , went vest and left lila little lle't egg without diatuirijanco on deposit in the bnk. Little is known concerning' him after lie left here , but the report was brought back one day that lie bail been murdered In \Vyonuing. In the course of flute the report - port received every verificatIon and the hi.tn.c ! iteople bgaii to InquIre for his heirs. \'hieti I e htv&l hero lie ii'as sI ugh e , anti the moat careful inquiry failed to discover flat lie had left a friend who able to give the address of a single relative. The matter scas written tip in the Iiowspapers , tlio litost nicurate persouiai descriptlonts given tiiitl oh thitit sns known of the man inane public. but it all tailed to reveal the existence ary- st'horo on thio earth of even the most remote blocd relative. Tlio hank held the money anti tiniler its Various managcnients silice then diligent efforts - forts have been made to find some one entitled - titled to receive the money , but in vain. Sonic time ago the matter trait taken into court upon the hietltlOn of E. W. tavenport aui'J he 'as appointed thi admlnistratt'r. The intlepentlent efforts he made to tlIcover the rightful heirs were also frultler' , anti the matter has stt.od in that shape until a short tIne ago when the state of Iowa presented a claim to tb riiooe tinder the Street law. For reveral days th hank omrers have beeti negotiatng direct aithi the state to surrender the money. Cathier Patton of the bank is In Ies Moines at the present time making tortmr.i wIth the state board. The present batik illanagemnent has had butt little benefit front the money and tIe officers have nmamle a proposition to pay Into the state treasury tb face of the certificate with interest that hmnti accrued at f er coot since the change of nlanagt'mxmcmut , It. was reported last evening that tb state officials had accepted time prop- ositiomi and the cash will soon be covered into the state treasury. No othier part of the bank's liabilities baa caused as much consideration and Investi- gatlon. Time original certiflcato drew a high rate of interest , anti according to Its face It has doubled itself several times. The certificate was Issued at a tIme when cstCrri banks \'ere getting anti giving high rates of interc't. 'rime wide itmhiiclty given to the facts has attracted amiventurers anti claimants all ever tIme country , anti for a tIne it looked as If Wihliamit Parks was Intimately related by the ties of consamiguimity to a large per centage of the people of thin United States. Claim- cults sprung up on all sides , and many of the nioet elaborate schemes were aerked to get hold of the cash. Not one of them , however - over , was able to show tIn required rela- tiomishilp , anti they would drop theIr cases when time Investigations began to conic too cloce to the truth. For many years there has been good grounils for the belief that Parks 'as not tmuuCdcred , but for reasons best known to himself cheso to change hIs name and that be is now hiving somewhere In the weet ttiiiier an asstitmmed namniL If he ever turns up lie will finit his mnone' sate Iii the possessIon of the state , and If lie can prove bitt claim ito iiill have no difficulty In recoverIng - coverIng It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nusixmoss uiN urtVi t CSFEICESCiO Question tif ItOIIZIVI iII Semite of tile Strees 1)Isenssetl. The regular meeting of the Council Bluffs Business Men's association was held at thio council chamber last evening and a number of matters of interest to the asoociation and the business Interests of the city , were dis- cuseati. Tile executIve committee reported the following resolution , which was adopted utmanimnously : Whereas , It lit evIdent that Iii the near future quite a number of cur wooden bock paved streets wlii require repaving , we , therefore , ask careful consideration by our citizenit of the necessity of using home miontifactured material for i'uch pavIng , thereby furnishing emnpoymemlt for our citi- zomis , u9 veli as encouriugmng home tnanim- facturers In fumrnlshing. mite mamiutac- tured materials ; therefore , be it itesaived , That it Is the sense of thilit nit- sociatlon that home labor anti borne-rondo brick should be used ) in the future in paying - ing our streets , thereby furnishing employment - ment to our citizens , and. as we be- Ihtive , would , in the end , resut In great good financially and othersvise to time city at large ; amid that tiii tuititociatioti entiorses ( lie action of tb city council In eecting brick for the repaving of i'earl Street , antI urge that In nil future paving It will tidopt the name material , at. suchi improvementS - mentS irhould be uniform throughout the Cl I ) ' . Mr. fleilaven , from the special committee appointed to secure time belching of the reunIon - unIon of the Burlington employee In thilit city , reported that an Invitation had been prepared by the committee and had been supplomentetl by a letter from General Agent 1)avenport , which had been sent to a large miurnber of entployes of the road. lie sug- gesteci that 1)avenport be InvitJ to attend time next meeting of the association atid cult- hue his plans for the meeting anti thio best means of cecuring the location In Council iihtifIs , M. Ihouricitis offered a Buggestlon. Ito had been otmt in the country arid hail found some Council fluffs business inert nailing their siktl' over those of other bimitiness men , Ho was against such mimcthoti and wanted such hiractices stopped. It anyhohy's sigtms were to ho covered up he wanted to see the sigtis of time Otimaha firms covered. 't'hiat started the talk about patronizing Omaha houi'cs , end Mr. Bradley caid it was a fact that Council Bluffs merchants were selling goods cheaper than the Omaha honitea , amid ho was In favor of llereuasive metliotis to teach this fact to the coneumnera. lie uiid Ito lought goods In Omaha , but It was only hiecatiso lie couitj buy them cheaper than Ito could in Council fluffs , \Vhtcii time Council lhlimui's Jobbers got down to tb water's edge tumid sold groceries at time amn prices as jobbing hioun2s in Omaha CultI other cities lie wotmid vatronlzo Council hlhiifts jobbers cx- clurlveiy. C. A. Iheno saul Ito had itoticeil that there ias some hitch between the Council fluffs Jobborn arid the retailers , anti ho wanted to Iittii' ivht ) ' it Vait , en It it could not be renicilleth. lie imioveti the appolotmemit of a Commirmuuttee to Invite tue jbblmtg grocers to at- tt'ruii thie next imteetlni and talk the matter over. The cimairriman appoInted Keller , ileimo and filbert as such coinrmilttee , After sanmo general dieuasion as to the Pious for securIng a better share of the country trade the au'aoclatlon deciecl to have tbmrt'o conmjtilttees sciecteti to cohicit new mmietnbers for ( he aseociatiomi. Vice Presi. detit hush itoh appointed t he following ; Upper hiroailwuuy . I-i. IIradoy , M. flourl- ciu' and 0. Pctermi ; Lower Broadway , It , N. Eliie , K. M. Jolns'ori anti lehl C ] . Morgan ; Mclii and Pearl streets , II , A. Cole , John Gilbert and C , A. theno. Jillt lint Snsli , , \\o have 1,000 hmot beul sash which are going to close out. They won't last long. llo' marty do you want ? \Ve will make you a price that can't tic duplicated , C. Ii. Paint , Oil anti Glass company , Masonic Tern- plo , Coutuicil fluffs. , % ' 4 , Ho tilt , Fruuiilssgib Why ? Because our gooth. arc the best , Our prices are right arid we guarantee sati5- faction. See our new pictures. hi. Ij , SMITIII & CO , Oenuioo Bokhara divans and new vieces of oriental furniture at the flurfee Furniture company's , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vntrimummsect bats , lOc and 25c. Miss flasdale. ShIOtII'S A 'FitA li' IN 'I'll Li tuuuistt'i.ur l'rluiieln' ut till' Mii5zituhLee StuluM ii * lug i'tts'ut'igt'r , 'iiie police patrol wagon was called to the 'real u1ltOt of the Milwaukee Railway coni- , ) att } ' to meet one of the incoming freight m-aine , for the purpo'a of taking care of a ii ourideil tramup , who was being brought in. l'he ivoumicieti man was an Australian , who save the name of Jc'hin Orase , en route homne. lie was In company with another Pennilera traveler , named John Curtie , en route from hIs home , In Muscatine , In. , to .tlantIc. They hail been together for a otiple of days , and yesterday reached Man- fling on Conductor Primigle'e freight train. t'hten the train toppeci they were forced nt. auth waited aroumnil the phatfc'rimi until it startoil again. Curtis boarded it at thmo front arid Grace hear thi rear , atiti were occupy- log t'cats on the bumpers , when time brake- maim again threw thietti off. Conductor Prln- gut was on the platform , amid mvung on the caboose as it pared. The Auetraiian was also on the platform several car leimgths ahead , anti whemi the cahooee came by he caiiiis thie conductor pulled tue signal flag front its socket and wtruck at hiliti with tue staff. Thie tramp jtiniped bark anti dodged the blow , anti then got all th satiefactien ho could by makimig facee at conritictor , The tratitp says the conductor flew into a r.tgc , arid , rtus'himig Into the caboose , precumre.1 lila t ovolver amid tired two shots at limit. I ho chums thmat the first was tIred wlicin the car vas twenty yards away , and ittisoed him. The second shot was firerl at a ittlll greater tilittance , and tonic effect in the left knee. The train Pa'uetl cii aimil the tramp fell to tue earth , nmtul lay thmere until hut comrade hielpeii hilni up anti started with him clown tue track. They walked but a uihtort tiletatice until he 'as overcoimie by itain. They wit on a little bridge , alit' ! the comrade batiietl the woumndeii limb 'n ' ater fromti a heel by the tiltic of the track. After it while the agent at the station caine and hmClpcti the titan back to time depot , anti when the next freight train came along gave lila ii. ticket to Council Bluiffs. The other tramp thu not wish to come any fmmrtlmcr west , but lie 'asm Imifiticeci to get cmi the tralim to help take charge of the man.'hmen thie train arrived hicre the patrol wagon took bothi muon froma the tiepot , one to time "tatlon amid the other to St. llernard'n hospital. Conductor Pringle could not be found last evening. bitt it lit untleru-tood that his version of the affair is entirely dIfferent , arid is to thin effect that time tramp muncie a muurtlerous staht at him with a hicary club anti was fighting hils way on the train. On tue other hand , the tramp and hmia fu'enui clam that time cltmb was a stout green stick cut after the shooting for the purpose of a staff to aselst the wounded nman in hs efforts to walk out of town. County Physician Itehler examined the man at time hiospital , The wound Is a serious one anti may cripple the milan for life. The phmyslcan probed for the bullet , but was unable to finn it last night. Chief Canning called the attent'on of time county attorney to the case , anti the otter- micy expressed the opinion that the railway company lath haiti itself liable under the state law by bringing the men here and unloading them on the city as vagrants. When Xci- hey's army \as here tue rairoad companies fell back upon this law as one of time reasons why they could riot traneport time penniless iticiustrais. Ho promised to look up time matter today. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II , 'vt'nbb liPi A ( itlLt'1' HVES'l' . Citris taim ii otute Sn mmuiny mit I lie ilrond- . _ s.ll , 3lelliouilst Chuiii'li. The meetings next Sunday at the Broadway Methodist Ep'copal church will be of a most interesting and important char- acter. Time citurchu deserves credit for 'ta hearty co-operation in timee mectImig. A large numiiber of prominemit ministers anti laymen from different states are to be pros- cot at the anniversary exerciros at the Chmratian ! lionie next Saturday. The management - agement of the llonie , to give oimr ctizcns an opportunity to become acqimainteti with these Ilonlo wor1cer from a distane"and to hear them on iniliortant themimes of gemi- oral Interest to all Cumrstiauis. has arranged for a series of meetings next Sunday , the 3d ir ; : & . At the usual morning hour , Rev. J. L. M. Young of Chicago , ill. , v1lI preach. At 3 p. ni , , at the same place , the Broadway Moth- odst ! Epscopal church , there sviii bo a general meeting of which mamiy of the visiting frlentis v , ill itpeak. The meeting will be opened by scripture - ture reatling and prayer by time pastor n the church. 11ev. J. II. Semiseny. The general - oral theme for the afternoop meeting vhhi be , 'Orphian ChIldren and Our Iuty to Them. " The dlscumssion will be opeumeti by the lIon. W , J. tiryami of Nebraska. lie will he followed by Mrs. Ella \V. Peattie of Omaha , on "Our Dirty as Mothers to the Work for Orphan Children. " Then Colonel I ) . B. Daily of thus city will speak of thm work of the Christian Home of our mcmi city , J. J. Stewart , esq. , vihi speak words of welcome to visitIng friends , followed by general - oral fiscussion opened by Rev. A. Martin , the earnest evangelist who is at the present tinie holdng rvivai meetings at the Christian chmurch. All the atldresses , save the openlmmg one by lion.V. . J. Bryan , are limIted to five minutes. The exerc'ses will ho imiterspersed with music anti will be of great interest. At the usual Imour , in the evening , at the same church , 11ev. Justus Buhlcley , D. D. , professor of Church History in Shurtleff college - lego , Upper Alton , Ill. , will deliver an nil- .1 The day will undoubtedly be one of great Importance in the religious history of Coun- c'l Bluffs. Time speakers announced are all men and women of promnlnence and abhity , anti thin cimurcim will certainly ho packed at each service. _ _ _ _ _ _ CONSTRUCTION CMI'ANY HNJOINCI ) . Nortiu'tvvstermi liii ihl'Ohi4l A iit'nls to tiji' Courts fi' i'rolct't tori. Two petitions for lojuinction were filed in the clerk's omco of tiio district court yesterday - day , and Judge Sruitiu Issued temporary write Iii both instances. Time Petitioner Is time Chicago & Northwcatern raIlroad amid the tiofentlant is time Iowa Construction company. Tue Northwestern people ask for an in- jmitiction restraining Mr. Paul and his con- eruction company from building or attempt- lug to build a line of tracks on Twelfth street , from Second avenue to Sixth avenue , as such a line wotmid cross their tracks at eavermil points , According to time wording of tue petition , the Northwestern company lmmw received - ceived some pretty tangible evidence that time Iowa Construction comnipany iii not a myth , for it says : "Time plaintiff behioves and avers that the Iowa Construction cormipany threatens , anti wIll , unless restrained , build its tracks across time nlaintiff's tracks , " Thu company also asku for an injunction rcstrainlmig time Iowa Construction commipany from laying Ito lines on Union avenue , amid nmrakes it tIelilmInd by reason of its owners of hots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 anti 6 , in block 13 , hoer's addition , anti lot 10 , block 14 , anti lotS 'J and 10 , block 12 , eanme atitiltion , and avers that the new company vili Invade the imlaintiff's property riglmts In thin premnhi'as. Tue. petition further alleges that time construe- tion contrany imami niot cotnphlcui uithu the re- qulretmietlts of the city ordinance , gIving it time right to lay tracks on UnIon avenue , because - cause It immi not graiied the west side of time avenue , amid also that it has faiiol to commiply wIth eectiomi 4t4 ; , of time Inwa statutes , which requtires the payment of tuitablo tlamnages to property owners. and that Mr. Paul miot liar- immg connpiied whim these conditions , hmad no right of way. No date has been fIxed for thu hearIng of the arguments. One of the Northwestern officers was asked for an explanatIon of time suticlen appeal to the courts for vrotection againlt time neiv coma- pany , and lie said time only expiamiatloni was that it was a gocti deal cheaper to get an injunction , even if there wau no occasion for It than to spend ummy time watching Mr. I'aul , 'bmo Is , t far. the only tammgible hteati or tall of time construction coumipany. Our process gas ranges cost no more to run than a gasoline stove , Sate mind imiways reedy , Our gas Iron cobts C cents to run II tei'o hours. Sent on trial. . COIeB , hard- wale. Reduction on all trimmed bats. Miss Raguxisie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \S'all i'aper cleaned , new process , with patent right. at Miller's , 108 MaIn street , Keep santl ou of your teeth , See our 3 pressure water filters. Stephan Bros. Davi druEs , paints and la's1teh , zs. cRI1'IcIs\I ; \ FOR CLEVELAND 1 , 1 President Denounced at w'1'owa G , A. R. Encampme1t,1' 1 It - POLICY TOWARD PENSIOEfiS TUE TIIME ' 1 I I u' mm r I mu r mm t Cu , iii mum ii ii j ll' 'i'li mm mit ii so ii 'i'm keM Oecim slomu I mu ltiw . % u uimumi I .tul , Ir&.su to Au ' , Is. ' I tI' 'i't'tvIum tiM .t hint m Cc.rtumi 1.ljmes. C1DAIt ltAi'IDS , In. , April 29.-Specinl ( Telegram.-When ) the first business itesioui of thie Grand Army encatmipumiemit Was callel to order thIs mnornimmg Green's opera house was filled , tlm atentlnnce : being time largest ever known at an Iowa cncaunpment. De- pam'tmermt Comnntiander Thompson in hits aim- nuuml aduiress roasted PresIdent Cleveland. saylumg : "The damnumblo work of time spy amid itmformner is still to be recognized in time tie- bitrary cutting off and utmireasommaitle reduc- tioim of pemmsions mit mmeetly and. worthy pen- sioners. Time present adnminmlstrathon darted out to accomplish through its otfiects anti spies hmat It failed to da in the fielti , mmtmui by time nrbitmam-y dropping of penmitiouters froumm tue rolls has caused uiittcht misery arid stiffer- lug ammil slmould receive outr unqumaiified con- ulomnmiatlon. " Time following officers were chosen for the 00511 log year : flepartmn en t Cotmi mmianid or , ( ' , eneruul Josinh Given , Iomm Moines ; semmhor vice commmitiantler , General 11. M. lay , Cedar ltaplds ; jummior s'ice cotmmmuantier , Captain E. I.'lcser , lccorahm ; inecilcmui director , Ir. Il. C. McCoy , Algomia ; ehiaplalmi , itov. E. N. flaroit , Iowa City. The mmext cnmcampment vIhI be lmeltl at Mmii'- shiailtowmi at a date to be electeci by thme coumicil of atiumministratioum , Time Sons of Vet- cmos , vhme are boltlirig their anmiumal cormveui- tion , have elected officers for time ensuing year as follows : Comnmimander , Ii. M. lion- Sen. Mount Pheasant ; senior vice comimniander , J. a Wright , Centervhllo ; junior vice commm- niander , 5 , A.'aicott , lleinmonl ; ; council , F'tnmmlt iow , Iavenport ; Joe Oppice , Marshall- toim , auth George W. Cnrr , Farmmiington , The \'ommiatm'mt lteilef corps lmmts re-eletateti Mrs. lichen Griffith of Mount. Pleasant for lresltlent and elected Mrs. Emimily Aider of Clarion semttor vice president. Time rest of the ollicers wiii be elected to- tmmorrow. is ( tUl'i'I A II tlit its' TO iIl. ISVIL i'mm rlmmt'm' JIl CsM ii Is iron I mis flu t iii . hIM Vi'ift" l'resemmee. ShENANDOAh , Ia. , April 29.-Special ( Telegrammt.-llormry ) Singleton , a farmer resid- log four imilies southwest of Shenaumtloaht , committed suicide at hs ! home last night. lie had been at Omrmaha for several days anmi wimilo tlmero It Is saitl lie tiranik heavily anti returned in an Intoxicated conciitton last night. lie was met at the traimm by lmls son anti driven to h's hmomno. Nbthing unucual was noticed in imis appearajee or denmeanor. Presently he remnarkemi that ito hind pur- chiaseti a new revolver at Ommiaha , at thin saint. time displaying the weapon , which was riot loathed , Taking imp aum old revolver whicim va.s 1mm the house and whmlct was loathed. lie cDmmiparcd the two weap ns a inonient and then quickly putting the .pid. one to the sub of his hmeati ho "Goofls3e , mothmor , " amid sent a ball crasiting timroumgh Imis bran , pro- tiucing Instant deathm. Thu fa 'tihy consst of a Wife , Son amid daumghmtdr. Coin hell iiulI torn 'tttuts'enm I Ion. ONAW'A , Ia. , April 9.-Speclal.-Tiio ) tmird anmiumal umeeting of' titer Oprni Belt Etli- tonal association will be held In this city Jtmne 4 anti 5. 1. . . F. Cimapin of time Rock Rapids Review is presldem'tt , Elmer E. Joimn- stomu of time Rockwell Cit' Avocate is see- rotary , and .1. E. Jerome df tue Mapleton Advocate is tu'easmmrer. Anr interestImi pro- grain has been arranged. ' - 'I"iv'nt Yi'iirN for llhfnit lii Uiitliem- . . CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , AprIl 29.-Special ( Toiegranm.-th ) the district court today' Judge Thompson sentenced Thomas Lally , comivicted of niiurder in tIme second degree for killing his motlmer , to twenty years in the penitemi- tiary. Gus Trainer , comi'ieted of mmmnslaugim- ter , was sentenced to four years in time peni- tentlary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ieittriit'fl'eVorlc of Llg1itiuIiij. - JEFFERSON , Ta. , Ap'ril 2i.-Speclai ( Tele- gram.-Llghtning ) struck thmo big barn of Iticimarmi Iloothi , six ummiles west of Carroll , yestertiay afternoon and burned it , togetiter with fourteen hmead of cattle , six horses , a large amount of hay and graIn. Loss , about $5,000 , partally insureti. I"mii'orM for a Smismuemmuleul .mhiiister. DUI3UQUE , Ia , , April 29-Special ( Tele- granm.-Timo ) Dubuque association of Congregational - gregational cimurchies and ministers has adopted reoIutIons disapproving limo sue- pension of Rev. Mr. Brown of San Francis'o by the flay association , commending his record and inviting him back to Dubuquo. 'ohuinht Cliargeul , sitli Emuluezziemmierit. SIOUX CITY , April 29.-Special Tele- gram.-Jennio ) B. Rogers , once a loathing real estate dealer of thus place , was arresteti today out a ehuarge of eumibozziemmient. J , P. Illoomb , her brother-in-law , claims simo .ie- tmsined money itlmo cohiecteti for him as agent. Shl ci CL h1iglias'u'imtani. SIOUX CITY , April 29-Spccial.---Wimilo ( ) resiotiuig tIme attack of a hlgimwayuitan on a fashionable residence street of this town C. P. Stewart , a local neivspaper maim , was idiot twice In the jaw and right hand. His injtmries are not serious , SioimN Cit ) ' Flritm Assigns , SIOUX CITY , Ajrii 2h.-Special ( Tele- grarn.-Time ) Sioux City paint amid glass works asstgmmeti today for tIme benefit of Its creditors. Liabilities , $15,000 ; assets , $12,000. Leetumreul Ott ttinmiieIitsmi Iti'formmm , BEL.LE'UE , Neb , , April 29.-Special.- ( ) Time third lecture of time "College free icc- turn course" was delivered last evening at the Presbyterian church by Rev. Mr , Lammlpe of time Omimalia Tlmeologict senminary , on time subject of "MunIcIpal Reform in New York , " 1mG having taken an actIve part in time movement - mont , adding interest to the discourse , What Do Yoi ° ' Want' 4 2 II it's . 'a nice , pretty : ; at a t modera&rice , Ii 'I ' t.Jt Sargent 1 1-las them - Al ! Omaha cannot touch us , Look for t1ie Beai' . Customers' Shoes Slimed Free , I . + 44e14ccce * 4i.b 144 $ lnli'lfl 01 'I' FitlllttN sClIlI'ltlt' . rluriislcui it'ti gilt' of lumni mm anti bIll liii- i mta , tsstt'Itm I I mu L1NCOl. April 29.-Speclal.-Time ( ) No- broeka Leagume of Loami antI ilutilihing nSsocIR- lions In sessIon in timla city late yetcrtlay afteneon eiecteti the following offiCers : l'rcsideumt , C ! , J. l'iteips , Schutyber ; first. s Ice president , Ci. M. Nattimmger. Omimalmit ; second vice Presitlent. A. Trmtestieht , Fremnont ; thmlrtl vice presltlent , Ii. liackeumberger , ( 'ohutotbuts ; secretary anti treasurer , R. l. liryson , Ontaima. Time next ummeoIng : will be hieiml mit Frcmommt time last Timestiny of April , 189 ? . The chief flint of the association is to utto- remit mtimtlommal or foreign associations fromu mloiumg bmmsiniess In Nebraska. George amid Jtmhin. Klmictach , executors of time will of Major J. I ) . Klunetseim , Imave miskel pernmmission of the Probate court to sell tIme Lincoln Freio Presse at itrivate sale. Thmey allege the volume to be $00 , exclmisive of time subscription list amitl gooti will , itnti claimmi that it has become nic'cessary to itell 1mm order to apimly ( ito proceeds to tIme education of ummiumor chmiltiren , the simoet htas'ing become ummiplofitable to lambhlshm. Time Woniumul's alliance of Fen tlmt Lao , Wit , . , hmait written Mayor Graumammi of this city aekiumg for intormmiation as to time work- lug of time curfew ordimmance anti recuimes'tng a copy of time nicasutre , The second annual Kaneas-Ncbraeka debate \u.Ili be imeld F'ritlay iilglmt at titis lOiitt imi the Fumuik'o opera lmomtse , Thin question for de- Late is as follows : "lteoIveti , That tile immitiativo and refer- emitluta should be iuitrodumcetl Immto our cystemu of govermimont after the imiammnc'r of time law of Siu itzerlaimti. " 0mm titis qumestlomi Nebraska Itan the siegative , anti will be represented by A. J. Weaver , Ii. R. Newbrniich amid ii. 'tV. Qimalimtance , who will spemuk In time order nammieth , The debate vIll easily be time big trans.- mmmliiissllmpi college event of the year' . Time sviiolo umimiversity , sttmdemmtiu amid fncimlty , will ttmrum ommt en masse , suitim coiors , yells anti hmnrmi.'m to encommn-ag0 thu Nobrns'ka debaters on to victory , General.Matitiersomi . amid ox- Regent Estabrook luave each takeim is ticep Interest in tiio affair , anti have etabllshied prizem , of $20 amid $10 respectively to go to tile beet Nebraska debaters. ' 0IiIltIi'Ub CROP l'itOSi'HC'l'S. Cliii Me Co mm mm I 's % eri'nmge t ron t or 'l'Iiii ii for alit ut i'emm rs. IMPERIAL , Neb , , April 29.-Spocial.-At ( ) no titan slmice the settlemimont of thIs county hiavo there been such flattering Prospects for a crop no tills year. Everything is at least 15 itor ccuit further advanced than at thus timmto iii 1S91 , the reason thin county raised mulch a bouiumtifcml crop aumul took second pro- mimiumn for county exhibit at time state fair. Vt'hmiit tIme acreage of time amnali gmain crop lii not so large as iii lSt.U , It is maiclmig won- tlerfitl progress , and there can be no doumbt nOw that it will muako a fine crop. Every farmer line been pimshing corn plawhmg , time ground being mi splendid shape. The writer ha lived In Clause county eleven years , amid has never tcen sucii a fall of rain In time coimnty , and never saw a finer prospect for a crop. The acreage of time corn In this coue'ty thus year viil ho the largest put out for years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II itiCfIeItl mm 41 SYRACUSE , Nob. , April 29.-Speclal ( Tele- grarn-The ) social event of time seasomi oc- ctmrrcd here tomiighmt in the wetiding of Jumtlge 11. S. Llttiefleimb , assietant sumjerintemitlent of the Nebraska Institute for the Blind , mind Miss Inimnaim Anmclrows , time accomplfehmeti daughter of lion. Edwin Amidrewe of timis city. Time wedding took place at time bcauti- ( UI residence of the britie's fathmer , wlmiclm vas tastefully decorated for time occasioum , Time cercumiotmy was wttmiesred by about 100 of the relatives anti a foiv friends of time bride and groom. Rev. John Ricimardim of Wymore oiflciateml , assisted by 11ev , J. J. W'ilulanne of the Syracuse First Baptist dhmmrch. After tue comigratmulatione of time friende , the cormmpaniy. sat down to an elegant - gant wedding supper , wimlch was tastefully serveti , Guests were hresemmt frotim Iowa , Otnalma Lincoln , Nebraska City anti neighboring - boring towns , anti nmany beautiful nt1 costly lirosonts.woro bestowed upon the bride and grdonm ; Mr. and Mrs : Littieficid will etart for Demmver tonmorrow muorning , amid upon their return will make their hommic 1mm Nebraska - braska City. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , April 29.-Spe- ( dm1.1-Lewis II. hastIngs amid Mary E , Singleton , two of North Platte's best known young people , were married at 7:30 : this morning and left for Aurora on their wedding - ding trip. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vt'ork of Vlremmigs at York. YORK , Neb , , April 29.-Special-The ( ) fire which cceurred In the Commercial block at titus place last night , is causing considerable comment. After the fire was extimiguisheti it was found titat it had gained munch headway oil time Ineldo of the buiiding before tIme alarm was turned in , The fire originated ne-ir a scuttle hole that leads frcrn a photograph - graph gallery to time roof. It is openly assorted - sorted by many timat time fire was deliberately started , for the purpoio of dong away with S ron' CURES SOROFULA , BLOOD POISON , SloE CURES CANCER , ECZEMA , TETTERI sBLOOD _ _ _ _ TWflI CITY DYI WOIXS DYEING ANDCI.ININa Clothing , Drcss3 a 1Ious1io1i Gods OMAhA OFVICI-iiZi Fmirnarn. Teh. 1521 , COUNCIL lLU1'F1-Vorks and Office , Cor , Ave.- flue A and 26th Si , Tel. 310. Send for I'rlcs List. rIRfNA'flONL ' BANK Council Blufig , LOVa. CAI'I'I'AL , . . . S100,00 ( ) % 'H SOLICI'i' 0U1I UUSiMISS , 'Ii ii1Si1tI YOUR ' ' ) ) COLIdC'I'1oM. ( ) l Ole F1lf.2 ( ) J.IiS'I' iiANlS IN iO''A. Ii i'liit CiIT PA Eli OS 'Ii .ii H I ) 11'OSl'I'L CLLL AN ! ) 8hE tilt OR WiiI'VJ. TI ! E N El' ' DOllA Y 'ill A''ER ! Clinse-Lister Theater Co. -TONiGhT- A FAIR PARISIAN. t'OPULAIt C Semitb oti stile t'Lti.iES. at box outed time tdoLk , If not the vh'l tit rthi t he if the Supitmrt. 1'b Itu t t hat I iCCt' flr" It u - t. eurfeti in tlt's ' s.imne hint k withith st slim I t time liii cii tietl mit u. hi to mit mit' dl I I m s ties 1mete thi real tire sins. titere titus .umi tier Place fottnd vhete a hiol' had ht'e'tt made timrotmglm time IlsstorInx and laths aim 1 a quisim- tity of oil ftntnd cmi Lt 'imsimle. Thihiu hal hmeen I gnu toil , bum t ml Id not lumen anti t lie cli .t m rc spot is still s-Irtble. Everything Ilaumits to iumec'mttllarisimi. Time , idoelt whmero time tire oc- cmirretl Is one otimc' ! finest. in time cIty. lli'Oitt'i htiluui'ltl lliurttiril.v. FlLFtONP , April 29.-Speclal.-Commsi.i- ( ) erabto lrmdlgnuutiomi Is being expri'ssvth hmcro over the way in which timu uu'citlemitnl tlemtlt of a 2)09' , whmo 'mis ruin over by the t'niomi Pacific , ehmromuicicti bit the herald , a local P.'mpem' , yesterday. Thie editor rcferretl to thi boy as "a 17-year-old hobo , " ammil to Imiti awful tbmti hi as "a terrible lcssctmu taught by time carelessness of a jtmremmibe bnmtim , ' Althmoumghu the be ) ' was unknown litre , amid utmaking lilt vay w cut 1mm , mimearcim of vork \ itit three other yomimig felloirs , consitier- able sorrow is beimig expressed over hmis it.iti ticatim anti resemmtmumemmt at time barbarity eximibiteti 1mm hut local futnmerai notice , ( ) ului F.'il uuss ( ' . 'leirim to. NRl1Gil , Nob. , APril 29.Specimi.The ( : ) Otitl Fellows anti liebtilcahi lotiges , vithm ninny immvlte4i guests , celebrated tiio revcmtty-sevvuith anmmiiversy of Otlii Fehlo i'ltIp by a dime smmhm- per to wimiclm over 200 were ineateti , anti a lengthy umimmsical aumil literary lirogramli. 'I'iio ntitire.qs of tIme evemmimig wmuui by I ) . 0. M. Tltotmmpson of . ! ! _ I'IlitIMIiIuiut hi ' 4'lIiIittit iumjmii'i'ul , I'bATTSMOIThI , Nob. , April 29.-Special. ( ) -Mm. I.ovi Goltihig , about 55 years of age , fell tiowum a fligimt of stairs at the rear of imer immmsbanmti's store ( lila afternoon amid sustabumed I tmj mm ries that mmmay terium I nun to quit o scerioumsiy. 11cr left m'itotmidcr hoii was broken amid s'imo was othierwise bauiiy brumiseti about thin body. ( 'iimbul ut I''t' it iit'suul s'er. M'COOI JUNCTION , Nob. , April 29.-Spe. ( ciai-Two ) trimmmips miiatlo aim attenmpt last nlgitt to break into George \\'ailins' house. Mrs. Clara Walhimia nmiet tlteumm vith a loathl mcvol'cr , halt titti nt hmave tIme heart to slmoot. 'l'huey eitcceedcd 1mm gettIng away. Ofiiccts are tiow lookIng for them. ilsI m'lot Cumin Iii N'llghI , NEUGII Nob. . . D's- , , April 29.-Speclal.- ) - trict commit convened yesterulmy ; mmiornlng , Judge Itobltmsomm pmestthimig. Mami3' lirommitnouit attorneyt , from abroad arc imreemmt. ibiuviul ( 'I ( ' it oh lOt ( 'ormis litmI i'rtn i mis , 1)AVID CITY , Nob. , April 29.-Speclai.- ( ) A Limicolmi Relief corps iicltl a camimptlro and reception at tIme Palace hotel this ovemiing. 'i'rume Ommunlse'Iemti'e , A good hotel clerk must lcmiow everything. lie must be able to rotti thm hmmnormmmost thoughts of every guest that coimmes to his itemise. lIe mmmust be ready to answer every question that is asked. whether comicc.rmiimig railroad trains , prcdestimiartanieni , politics , law , science , geography , nstronommiy r the- oiogy. Iloucton has one of time brightest imotel clerics In time world , according to the l'ost of that city. lie Is umiways affable , noady with ammy kind of immforrnatlon wimatev'ir , amri miever hiatt to be asked twice for nuiyt'thig. Two drummers were sittImit lii time lobby of this hotel a fev nmighmtmu ago , ammtl erie of them sae teilinmg time other about the clemk's readimiess , and saM : , , , Iil bet you tIme drimmics that if yo'i op'n that newspaper that you have incmur hanti , tielcct time iirst iiltrac thuat meets your eye , mmmci then walk over to Vie clerk anti say it over lmimmm , lie will respond in some way without a mimounctit's ikositattomi , " The drummimner openerl time iauer by cimamice at a political article , and time first words lie saw were : "TIme greatest good tim tlte great- eat nummnber. " lie alked over to time clerk's desk , leaned lila elbow on it , amitb saiti se- ricusly : "Time greatest good to the greatest rmimmmben' ; . ' ' Time clerk stalled pleasantly , tapped time bell , and salti to time hell boy : 'rakc a bottle of whisky imp to room 9. " Gladness Comes \A/Rlm n better umuuk'u'stnuuuhimig of time V V trnmimJent mutt rime of tin , mnnuumy 1mhms- lent Ills , ' 1miclm 'mmiibciu before 1mu'lcm' ef- forts-gentle e tfortsph e'mut.mtmut e'ffot-ts- rightly directed. 'i'lmem'e is conufort In tltl. ' iuiovletige , tInt en iutmtim' forums of i-iehcuess uure runt due to nmmuiottuiti , uIi- ( 'muse. limit himluliiy to nt eotuutlpmmted entail- t'mon of thut' systemiu. which time plcnsmtnut fmuumtlly iiuottti'c , Sttu1i of Figs. promiupt- lt'mjtuiOVeS. _ . 'l'hiuut 14 vhty It 'us tue only reimmedy 'Rhi mutiilinuisof fuitilhies. nail Ia ovcu'y'imem'e estct'ined so highly by imil s'hiti value goomi ltemultlm. Its heiueftcial clYet'ts mire duue to time fmtct , titmut It. is I imo 0111' 1'4.'IIIL't13' 'Imiehu pt'mmmot en Imitem'iumal eemimthimiess 's'Itimout tk'Imilltutt hug thu otgmuius eta witleim It. tuet u. I t is t iucrvforo nil imnporttmuit , hum ouiom' to get its iatmuc- iit.'Iiul eil'cc'ts , to muote s'lmt'mt you puir- cimmise , tlmmtt ynim ituuv' ( lie goumiulmie nm'tI- do , wimk'im in mimauiiifmmcltimt'd by the Cutli- formiimt ' ' Co. itual sold hg S3'm'1m1) emily by mu i repuitmm ide ( it'uggl'.ts. If lit the t'uujo'imiemut of geoul imealtim , ammil time ucysteunu is m'eguimu' , Imtxmuth't's or Otifl'm' it'iumetiles mire timeuu mmot. mmeedel. If muilhieteci s'tthm mumuy muct.mnl : dIsemmmo , oimc imummy ho eommmiumcmuded to tue mnumht , sidiliful piuv.siu"mahu.4 , lint if Imi mmoecl of mu hmiamt lye , omit' simouitti mare tue best , utimil 'ithm time veI1-Inufot'nmt'd cverS'vitL're , Syrtip of Figs u.tntmida lm'iglmeot mmmiii Ia mumust lmum'cly tuaati mumid gives uimost. gemievml snt'usfactton. I EADWAY'fi RIIADY TiFo1iF' l satt , reit&bbu and cfrecummt.i beenuite of itie smitmmummnmlng ncttofl wmmmcii tu exerts over tite rmsr 'j anb vutam iowers of time lcNh ) ' , athlitmg totme t' ulme one nni Inciting it ) retiewel amid increneti s Igor tile sttmnihertng I vi unit I y of time pitysbeal su ameture , ani throttuti this iietmlthftmi sttmummltmttcn aunt tncrcasei mmctmon tue CAt'Si of the I'iN mit , tti'dtt away and a naittrai conittton restored , it I. timu (1mM the . itNAiY ltuii.T11F' Is me ittlmtilrmt > iy tmlapted for umme CtT1tF 0 Vi'AIN , and without time ttsk of InJury - Jury whIch i sure to result fronm the use ot many of the eo-caliQti pain r'ntehIes of the tluy. It is Highly Important that Every Family Keep a Supply of i : AD WAY S' .Lb READY REL1EFL Always in tint home. Its use vtii mirove bencflcia , otm mmmi occasone ! of pain or steitmiras. There is nothIng in time wortil that ctii clap vain or am'- rest the ; mrogrt'ss of dIscae mitt quick sit ittziiy ItCIttt. ? STOPS PAIN. gO0 ncr hattie. Sold by nil uiruggiNts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w iThen Yoit Buy aBicycle It pays to buy th"e best ; It pays to buy wheels of honest value ! You want something for your money. Do not be misled-you can't a'ford it ! You will make no mistake when you choose a wheel covered by our guaranty Itpays us to offer the best for the money , and riders now appreciate the fact. Tribi-ine Bicy c1esstut alone tug tIit rep. - i'cscntativuo High Grade lViiccl ofthie day-$100.OO Deere M.ode1sT nckisowIcded lcuidei' of . tue inediti ma pmiceJ high gi'mudes Sylvaii Mode1s- Fully oride gunarniateed huiKi buIlt - $75.00 I4o1iiie n1me bestlotv Ir'Iced % 'hecI ma Special : the mimarhet. 'I'iiL vIiceI Is hid ) ' 'stool plgu..on , " htit a bun a tide blnyclc tumid s'ili stand nip $60.00 \Vc carry the largest and most complete line of St inciries (111(1 Supplies in the mid-west. We arc general western distributors for the famous , T-/'arcu 'es I'Vood R/ii , the wonderful 'Reform" Saddle , and the U S. Cyc/one1er' . Liberal discounts to Deaers ! and Agents. Write for catalogue. DEERE , WELLS & OIL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. J. 1' . FINDLEY , Local Agent for Council Bluffs , WILL BARNUM & l3RO. , Local Agents for Omaha Dr. S. Mosher SPEOIALISP. Having tinily ctennonatm-atutl by yeats of sum CeiSful Prctlco and cxperleuico that ime is able to cure muihtbtuties t.f ttIiOubeS which buhil time skill of ordlemury phtysiRiulis , lie lidS it ititi duty to incite itmiousmi to buItemttit ; ilUt..ittmtty thuti he devotes his whole tiunmo timid eumergy to thio utarticular itranehi cit tine profession , cliii wll' puepmore amid furnisbu medicine Ut his oihite ; or visit tlmusu cuse Which utmay requiru PeiitOumtmi exannincutlon , I'a- tlenta a , a distance may ccrm'mill Pr. Musher by Idler. gtvini Li carefully written history of theIr eases , describing their symptoms iOImmuteiy lull porsibl , whiit wihi eumablo hIm to make coned diagnosis , end judge very accurately cf limo cutrmbllitv . of tile djaeait , arid to apply proper remnetlies , Itiedlcir.e ( oro'iardod chimer by nrntli or . .xproso amid all mnedcine prescriuetl by Dr. Moehuer is prepareil under his own tiersormuim s'mpervi4otm , lie trommtu nil dIseacs su'lthoutt mercury em iithei potsnmma. wimicim crc-mine disease ( if tltt'mni'eivos , The doctor by itlit new ltESTOltA'fIVFI rRIfArMIN'r curt-u mmli curahihm diiteawes , aM treats with success all affections of time Liver , 'J'hrormt anti Lungs , Catarrh , Epilepsy. Iiyspepuuha , ifemmit Disease , Itimeumatism , Neuralgia , and nil Nervous Iisemtses cauSed by overwork , time inmdlscretlon of youth , or the excesses of riper years , anti witettever may tend to lower time latent force or the tone of life's vitality , causing physical debility5 aerous exhauistlon , invaumitv , and preniatur e decay. Cormsultpcrsonaily , , or by Letter. free anti strictly confidentIal. AddreBs , Dr. S. Mosher , Office : 623 West Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa