Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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, .
rrii : OMAhA DAILY fliF SUNDAX , Ai'llrL 20 1Sfl. ! ) .
spring Work is Keeping Mechanics Far1y
Well Occupied.
Lt Iinr 'Ecitilile . III ( ' In ; tllIII 37 I'IfletM
U t II c hi H I P ru I I ye ' % 'st ge tu
IlItl..IrftNIIeelM fur ( lie
An air of quiet now hovers over Tuber
temple , In strong contrast with the latter
da of the Valter ugltne. The bureau l
flow going forward quietly falfllllng lt inls
sian In the best manner pDslble. Though
the managers are not making much tIs they
are evllefltly aceonipllshlng scmethlr. .
The greatest ilemnnd the ternplt ha to
atlfy ki that for really competent female
: help. The appllcatlon8 for glrl9 to ti house-
work arc far In excess of the supply anti
tiitre are flaw cvcra1 good tiIace. at the
1hsipoal of the bureau which cannot ho filled
at pre3nt , at least. The apphlcathon for
poltlon are by no moanti numerous and
many of those who do apply are evldtntly
not. overly anxious to finil work , It tiey are
to be Jucigetl by the objections raised to
every place offered. Of theEc SuperIntend.
ent scott says there are two classea , one
which would work If they could secure a
pines that was ' 'real nlco' ' the woric not
toe haril antI the hours of leisure numerous.
The other ( hoeR not want to ork at all anti
files applications cut of curiosIty or seine
ulterior motive. A Ihtth' experIence has en.
fliiCd the superintentlent to sIze up the tilt-
brent classes pretty accurately , and the two
classes mentioned get little comfort or en-
coil rogenient.
For gIrls who really wish places there Is
a steady demand and all such can be prc-
'vlded for without. cost If they wIll only file
theIr applications. It Is purely a matter of
charity and a desire to fin.l 'orlc for every
wIlling vorker that actuates the Temple
Among the mon the report. I that just at
present the tradesmen arc faIrly velI occu-
, hed anti In some lines there are few , If aiiy ,
Idle nien. l'alnters and paper hangers are
partIcularly % veil eluploycti at present ' Ith
the annual sprIng cleanIng up and reitecorn
attrg. There Is also a considerable dcni.tnd
for carpenters , brIcklayers and phaterers In
the same class of work. though there Ici as
yet nothIng bIg In chghit for them this season.
There are several large buIldings In conteni.
platlon which , If they go through , vihl take
care of the surplus In the lIne of the buIld.
lag trades.
\'hat Is true of the trades mentIoned Is
largely the case among all classes of iiiot
ebonies. SprIng work koer them lairly
" oil eiuployoI , though In the nature of
thligs thIs cannot contInue long. and unless
some of the contemplated projects materIalIze -
Izo the conditIon wIll , eon relapse Into Its
former state. LiborIng men are hopeful that
the future wIll iot be disappointing.
Ttio least favorable conditIon of all from the
laboring finn's point of view Is the demand
for day labor-unskIlled workers. The annual -
nual spring cleamiIg up Is affording seine
eniployment for thIs class , It Is true , but
Just at present there Is nothIng in sIght for
them whIch iromises steady employment at
renumeratiro vnges throughout the season
Fho season is young yet , hiossever. amid all
are hopeful that before long somethIng wIll
develop to lend a more rosente hue to the
- 0 -
IIOtItl ) 01' l'IJIIIIC VltltS MAY tC'1' .
1'OHNIII ( that I.ilII'rs 3ii ! rt-nr
Iivii ii It itt Iritza.I lirIqige.
The Board of Public \Vork ha a knotty
questIon on lt8 hmaittis In connection wltlr the
ordinance which was recently tiassed by the
councIl In regard to the bridge over Four-
teenthm street , occupied by the UnIon Paclfl
and Ii , & M. tracks. ThIs ordInance Is an
iimnendmueiit of an ordinance that 'as pas'el
April 19 , iSt)2 ) , The first ordinance pro-
Viied that the wooden brIdge should be ro-
vlaced at dice by a 110w atructuro whIch
should stand on stone abutments , Instead of
havIng an abutment In the center of tIme
street , as Is now time case , thus openIng
the o'tn'et. to Its full whmitim. The ordinance
lirovldeti thiitt time work murt be done wIthin
nInety dayit.ilthcugii thmIi action was taken
( our years ago no zictloii haim been taken by
thmo railroad coimipanlea amid the old
wooden bridge still obatructs thea
! treet. It Is now said that
time brlt1c is In a dangerous condition , and
that a serious accident is lIable to occur at
ally time. Time imow ordInance provIdes that
the raliroad companies shuii contiucL an
iron bridge at once , as called for In time
prevIous qrdlnammce. and that in case they
fall to comply , the wooden brIdge slmrihi be
torr mba mm by time Board of Public \'orks.
Time ordinance lisa been approved by the
mayor and transmitted to the board.
Street Commissioner Kaspar declares that
time riiatem has bc-en allowed to hang fire
too bug already , and unless time railroads
Iroceed to coimmpiy wIth It at once , he Is 1mm
favor of forcing matters by taking a gang
of immen and tearIng down the old structure.
The board was to have met at It o'clock yesP
terday forenoon to decide what action It woimid
take , but as the xmmommmhers a crc etmgacd in
pollee court , the immeetlng was Postponed.
- .
Cii litmil ii l'e Iailit : I us 'Ii , ' I t ' % % 'll I
NOt ( u do S.Yii ii ito Ii.
A rumor that Adjutant General Mimbry of
Texas , time custodian of time CaIvcton cup ,
had , after investigatIon of eli nmutters con-
cernlng time affaIr , filially ordered time cup to
Savannah to be competed for at the Ur II , to
be lieu May 11-16 , was extensively clrcimlateil
about town FrIday imlghit. mind yesterday mont-
'I'o a flee reporter CaptaIn Foyc of time
Timurston itliles said tlmat Ito had received no
ortl that iijuinimt General Mabry hami or-
I h'etl at a iInml decIsIon In time imimitter. Sv.
t'm.ii ' wcIs ago he satI time cup must go to
3avummmmaIm CaittaIn Foyo at once wrote tmlimt
fmiIly , statImim time oiijcctions of the Tlmuretomm
It lie. ; . the vrinclpul objectIon behmig that the
n'suatlomms tlpuiateti that a challenge mimust
lie limt receIved by the company imoidlug the
cui ) , .mnmi that time Thurston Rifles had re-
ceIvd ito cIialIeno whatsoever.
' 1teii timis fact vns imiadu known to tha 3
cutoUinmi at liii' cup , ho at once began aim s
Itmveatlgatoim ! into the immatten , 'L'lie local or- a
gaitizatlaim lies iecelvntl no word that lmo Imas
commul'kted this 1tmvvtigatIon or decded tha
inn 14cr. p
Asked It time CUll \voilu1 go to Savannah. s
iiiouhl ; 'tdjuiant Genetul Mabry now decide
that vay , CaptaIn Foyc that It ouIcl a
mi ttt. lie iimotimjimt Unit the. iegtilatlonm , must f mi
gird be complIed with. amiti as yf no chal. mi
bail imeemi received ( remit Savannah. o
Even should a cimahiemmge mmow be received , time
mup would not go to Savammiiah , L'eausii suiii-
dent flume would hot Imitervemme between time
receipt of time notice timid the drill.
r5 buys Rfl ErIe wheel , strictly imigh grade ;
$ G5 buys a now ' 5 Waveriey scorcher fully mm
gmmaraimteetl. I have but eight of theo wheels ; t
( icy cannot be duplIcated. F. r. Itustell ,
S13 South 1&tlm street. p00 103.
' 'L'icket 0111cc.
CIII' - . _ _ _ _
Mr. L. D. harris of the ( kin formerly
kiiomvn as Fnest & lianmis , is now connected s
vItIm time 1)rtimrnond CarrIage company. where p
hIs trIendm. itnil forimier ilatrons will be wel- o
romped amid theIr wants carefully looked
after. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a
- Union riding schooi at Armory daIly , and
Tuesday amid Wednesday eve. Lessons free.
Lco "ad" of Al.Sar-Uen Cycle Co. , page 20 ,
lie-re's' Yimur IcniIvoosI Trnlu _ . t
the I3urllngton'u Ulack hIlls lfxpress.
Leavog Omalma 4:3 : p. xii ,
Arrives Ilot Sprlns 8:50 : a , in.
ArrlvPa Deadwood 11:58 : a. in. c
Vaatl Of c'outse It's fast-iVa a furling-
ton train ,
Ticket omce , 1502 Iarnam St.
Ccimnblnatton horse aale April 29 and 30
nd May J. Soutla Omnaba Walwortii ltroct.
r Co.
l ' ( llt 'riiI IlINIVl'I' ( ) ' 1'iIi ( 'IIICIIl
1 a tereuI I ng lmt'n t I'Innnrtl
for 'I'liirMiIn , % it I.
Time good women of Omaha whe are Inter-
e steti In time work of the Creche are hIghly
Im icased slth time prospects for a most sue-
c oasfill entertaInment that will be gIven for
t he benefit of that Institution at the Creighc
t on theater on the evening of Thurii1ay ,
M ay 7. With the daily work of the Creche
a nd with the prospects of the ctahutshmcnt
o f a branch Creche at a no dietant tin ) ' , the
m anagenmi feel more than ever the need of
e ulietantlal mmpport.
A double bill it , promIsed for time evening
o f May 7 , amid both eomndIes will be preb
i' entcml under the dIrection of Frank L.
S hort , and wlil ehow what proficiency line
b een attained by the pupils of time Crelgimton
T lttater School of lramatlc Art. 'Time
1 3db" anti "Nance Oltifleltl" are time titles of
t ime attraetionmi , amid time various parts are
n ow engaging time unmllvltled attention of a
n umber of Omaha's fairest daughters.
"Namico Oltitleld" l baied on Chn1es
l feamI' ' 'Art : A Iraimintle Tale. ' ' It tnals
a clever lIttle comedy that abounds In scenes
w imlrh cannot help InterestIng. Anne Oiti.
fi eld is aim nctrcs. , ishmo , through urmtlntng tie-
v otIon to lien art , hiatt mmmado an honorable
H alite for heracif tlmroughotmt London. Alex.
a ntler Oldwrrthy Is a young swim viio line
b een s'.nt in ( remit the rural harts by 1mt
( tither to leant t1m profession of law , limit
A lexander sem time queen of time mAngo over
w hem nil London I wIld , amid it Is all over
s'iUm the poor lami alter time first sight of. her.
lW l ie Is conmitietely Infatuated , mtpentlo hIs daym ,
W I lUng her love dittle' , and imle evenlnga
I n watching lien perform , ommly to be so
g reatly wrought imp that lie hangs around the
s tago exit for the momentary iileaeiire of
e eulmmg her. Through a mutual friend
Natimami Oidwortiiy , Alexander's fatimer , hears
t hat lilim son Is not studyIng the profesriomi to
m mmastcr wlmlch lie was iient to the mnotrop-
o Ils , In fact , time love.slck miwaln cannot cat
n or m"leep umor d anything saro timlmik of time
g race , time beauty , the majesty of the one
whom ito adorce , but tices not know. The
e lder Oldwortimy proce2mls at once to Iormdon
f or time iurp003 of breaking up the silly
b ui'Inec.3. lie starts In by reprovIng time
a ctmess for hmarlng alIenated time affectIons
o f imii son away from time law. but before
t he interview witim the wrmnan Is tlnlsiie'I
t ime 'bnrbariarm" I competiy ! sutijugoted ,
a nti It quite willIng to belIeve time actream I
when shme tolls hint eme tires not kmmow hiit
s on , amid to take lien advice as to time beat
i miarixier of cmmnlmmg tIme lad of Imis Imifatuation.
' 4' hmcrpic remmiedy Is applied , amid so m'trong '
d ce It itrove flint the verse-maker Is left
m uch worse ofT than when lie coimlil not cat
n or sleep for lmi love and worehtp of time
great actress , At firrt Che Imad unwIttIngly
c otiseti hlmmm to love lien. Now site Imad wIll-
f ully dnlmed down all hIs hopes and caused
L ilimi to hate lien. The fatimer implored time
magIc ( IIIOCII to now cimoose a nmltidlc course.
As llffcult as it may be to Imnaglmie such a
r eommit , it was accomnpllehcd. The story does
n ot end with a marriage. It dommbtlers galni'
by such an ommilmiion , It led to a very
t ender amid lifelong friendshIp. Anti , imow
f ew cut of the great aggregate of love aifjlrs
l ead to 50 bight , or eo good , or so affectIonate
a permiianemicy as is a tender frienctahlpl"
Mit rrimmgi'Ifce. tiMVM.
PermIts to wed have been lsiqmed to the
followIng Parties by time coumity jmmtlge :
Name amid Addret. Age.
tiernmirml McHugh , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .no
Mury A. Donovan. Omnaht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
J. lttmrrv'iikIn , Gienwood , . . . . . . . . . . .
MInnie M. 'ripton , Glenwood , . . . . . . . . . . .
\Vlllinmn S. Metcalf , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrti. E.laVnllaco , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
MilItia 1. Autlreasen. Council lilufim , Imi..20
Annie Nelson , Council liluff. , . . . . . . . . . .
Joseph Glenmi , Omnairi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Lucite M. Weir , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
John S. ltnncck , Stanton. Neb . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Joi'ejIiine Iteyman , Omnalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sit )
William M. ICockel. Smningtk'iti. . . . . . . . .
Nettle 0. C'mirley , Iieatnice , . . . . . . . . . . .
olver : A. Wood , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Laura Itarnett , Omnalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Ernst Pieiwr , Omalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ernestimw. Zager. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Joint Zaviel , South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, itnte iCIui'on , South Omahi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cimarleti Marttnsen , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Alice Olsen , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mig i'jil r ( rmimiitli 1immiryea'iiti _
Time improvements to the state fair
giotmads , and especially those to the track ,
attract a great many % isItors these ( lays.
Abotmt 10 o'clock most any morning may
i tt' t'emi a Imirge ntmmber of fashionable traps
d rlvlmmg out ttmer , nmmd agaIn from C. to 8
I n time evening there Is quite a procemedon
o f nil kinde of % 'emIciex. ) 'ilie grountig are
ouch anti all nrc privileged to drive out
o n time track.
Ail , .r ( lMer'i IIz.imuiy iilde for 1 Still.
The Lyman D. Morse AdvertIsing agemmcy
o f New York City , whose reputatIon among
a d ertisers amid publIshers is world wIde ,
h ave just Issued the tveifth annual edition of
t heIr "Advertisers' handy GuIde" ( sIze 4x
oer one Inch In thIckness amid COOt
t otmms ? 7 pages. PrIce , $2.00) ) . It contaIns
i ii coimdeiiseil form all the lxmtormnntlon con'l
e ltiereil essential by aim advertiso.
This feature ( compactness ) , together vltlm
a reputatIon for accuracy In its ratings ,
l uive made timIs book a standard work mind ii
I s to tie found on tIme desks of all the lead-
t og advertIsers of thmo UnIted States and
Etmmopo. In it will be found a lIst of thma
l eaduimg papers anti penlotflcals of the Uxiltei
s tates and Canada , arranged In alphabetical
o rder by states and towns , stating the Itoh-
t ics , day of lasume , cIrculatIon , etc. , while time
P oltlmlatlon obtuinod fnom thmo latest autimol-
t ative sources Is appended to time name of
e ach cIty , village. coumity and state.
Iii addItion to time general list of dolly anti
veehiy papers % Ill be found special lists of
c lass PublicatIons grouped linden the fol.
l owing imeads : MagazInes and medIcal jour-
m inis , agnlctmltmmral and relIgIous papers and
t hose pubhisimed In foreign languages.
Tithe admuirahile coimiphiathon is very vale-
a ble to advertisers and reflects great credit
o n time Lyman D. Morse AdvertisIng agency.
For flent-2704 Farnam. furnIshed. for 1
y ear , wItim Or wltlmoutEtabie. W. M. Rogers.
See "ad" of Aic-Sar-Bee Cycle Co. , paga 20.
- S
coiiiri t , Icttiiiimm nimd Speed
C onmlmine to mnake time weekly excursions via t
t ilt ? UNION PACIFIC time most pcpuhar of t
a ny now runnIng. They are personally con- I
d ueled nimil offer every convenlenco to. the i
t ravehiimg publIc. Oct your tlcketH at 1302
F arnammi street , A. C. Dunn , City Pass. i
& Ticket Agent.
Valerla W. . 'tllenspachm , formerly of lixe im
M illard imotel , Imas Opened u a neivatanti , a
c Igar store and : flower amid fruit depot at
10 North 16th street , Sue will snake a
pecIalty of floral goods , wctlthhngii , ball room 3.
nti theater parties aimmi otimer receptions ,
esidcs beautiful floral desIgns for ( ummerals , d
M iss Allemmapacim takes great linde In her
otted anti cut flowers. Time very best o
ranus of cigars iii time city wIll be con. th
tmmntiy foummd In stock , vhIle Imer abIlity as
mmews dealer is attested by time fact that .t
lme ahrealy has a large subscription list
or mull time leadIng ClmIcago dailies , as itch A
s Time lice , Site never refuses to take ito tI
rder by telephone-No. 111 $ . g
- - -
w . ii. 1lIXE'i"t' Co. T
C oIn'M Viimmsmi'IiI I Selioul Ommly It ) b
Cemuipt , in
Harvey's great book imas nequiremt thu
argest sale and circulation of any book of h H
iodera tlnmemi ,
'l'tioso who bav not read It cannot afford lo
o mimiss this opportunity of getting a copy. tc
O nly a fev loft. ti
JIINN1TT'S P111011 0ilX 100. tie
w , i-t. BENNETT CO. ti
S o
Viit 'I'uti Ssut.ottm , ti
Time tracks of the UNION 1'ACIFIC arc h ri
o inmooth and time care furnished so coin. Y
lots that you can imagine yourEelf In your
wn luxurious apartments at home. 1
Inspect time Uuffet Library and Smoking A
C ars as they pasts through Omaha every w
morning. a
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam atreet. o
oa oH
Hamilton \\'grrexi , M. D.1 eclectIc and fling. a
n otis physIcian ; special attention to dIseases m
f women and cbildren and all obscure and
eng standIng dtm.eases , 119 N. IGIb St. . It. 2 , s c
- b
An Jzimpro'remneut , a
Time flyIng ortbwesterp Line traIn to Clii. aY
ago. h
"No. 2 " "The Overlaud " Omaha 4:15 l
. , , : p. mm1 o
C hicago 7:45 : mm , en. g
:30 : p. in. , Chicago 9:30 : a , en. a
The last fast tralsm In the evening , Omaba to b
hicago. Nce better are buIlt. li i
Vhty tIcket oeo 1401 Farnamu st. l
. ; _
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - WlWW
At 10 o'clock this mornIng the annual
c ommvention of the grand ledge of time C. S.
I , . S. , time Iholienmian banovohent anti fraternal
e cciety , % ihl open in Metz ball , 1315. South
T hirteenth street , The sessIon will continue
t omorrow and Tumesday , It beIng anticipated
t hat adjournment will be taken some tIme
d uring the afternoon ofi the hatter ( lay.
Time C. S. P. S. Is a society which lies
b een In existence in timls country some forty
y ears or more , havln been Instituted at St.
L ouis. It Is represented in almost every
s tate of time umalon. The headquarters of
t he supreme lodge are In Chicago. TItle
mu impreme lodge meets annumnhl ) ' . The next
m eeting i to be hielti in St. Paul during
t ime immititile of Jumne.
In Nebraska time artier is In a very pros.
p orous condition after a growth of twenty-
fi ve years. There are about 900 members on
ti me rolls , dlvltletl aimmong twenty-five lodges ,
e cattercd all over the state. Two of time
i o.lges are in Omaha amid time remhnder are
s ituated at time followIng points : South
O mmmaima , Wilbor , Crete , Mlhligan , Prague , Lint
w oed , Morse hlhtmffs , Iiruno. Ord , Niobrara ,
P lahielvihle , St. Paul , \Vest l'oiimt , Dodge ,
Vnlico , Ciankeon , Scimeyler , llumnboittt ,
D avid CIty , Ouleil , I'Iiittsnioutii , Ver-
d lgris amid itavenna. Each lodge
I s entitled to from one to fou
d elegates to time grand lodge , according to
t ime nuniber of its macinhere. In consequence.
I t. Is estiniated that there lli ho fully l&0
d elegates iii atteimdaxmce. A Portion of these
C aine yesterday , K. W. liartos and Chmalus
S tiger of iocai lodge No. 19 , Joseph Kmcnt
a nd Jammies Kouteky of local lodge No. 141
a nti J , 'tI , Tobias amid V. iloracek of South
O maha lodge constittmted a reception corn-
im mittec anti moot time delegates at time traitis.
An heretofore stated , time comiveiition opens
a t 10 o'clock today , hut it Is expected that
t lmo business which viii be transacted will be
i , relhnlnatY. The real work of time eeion
w Ill begin at tommmorrow's meeting , which
i lso convenes at 10 o'clock.
Timero arc many muattermi to come ump for ccnA
s idematlcmm , but time greater part is of interest
eholy to the mactimbers. Omie poInt of the
g mc.ttet't Interest viil be time Lelectlon of time
t imree delegates to time supremno lodge , amid time
f mmutructioxms that. will be given them.
For sonic time past a senthttient lies been
g rowing aniong time nmenibero ) mi favor of the
g raded systeni of aseasments , wimlch is coins
mu on to EnglIsh fraternal orders. Action is
b eing taken on timis poltmt by the different
g rand lodgea timroughmout time country , armd It
I i , to be brought to the attentIon of time
p reaent semxiioim. It lii considcrcmi hIghly
p robable that time delegates will go to time
upremo lodge with instructions to favor this
e hanze ,
Anotumer matter on whIch time delegates
wIll probably be Instructed will be time propo-
s itlon to catabilsim juniodicufons timrotmgimout
tc he coumxmtry which elmall have the power to
c ollect theIr own assom'vments and pay ( lmeir
d eath Ioss. Timis plan he duo in vogue
a mnomig sommie EnglIsh secret octetlos. Tue
d eleg3tion ( room Nebraudia will probably go to
t he supreme lodge sessIon pledged In sup-
p ort of sonic ecimeine of thIs kind.
Thu precnt grand lodge omeers are as
f ollows : I'resideut , V. Sestak , Wilber ; see-
r etary , J. 11. Jenista , Wilber ; treasurer ,
F rank Sudik , David CIty. Time headquarters
o f time grand lodge are locatemi at Wilber.
T ime delegates to tlmo grand lodge from time
l ocal lodges ore : No. 19 , John Ilesirky and
I C. flartos ; No. 144 , Josapli Kmnont and James
K outeky ; South Omaha lodge , J. ill. Tobias
a nd V. Ilorarcelc.
The delegates and members of time order ,
w ith their friends , are to be entertained to-
n ight with a play wimichi is to be given In
N ational umail. It Is a hIstorIcal drama front
t ime pen of J. iCollar , entItled "Time PrimsW
e lan Jew. " Time scene is laId in time early
P art of time seventeer.tim century. Time effort I
t rIll be given under time auspices of time Tl
J ed Sokol. Time east or characters comprises
t he foilewing :
Mceuars. K. 'V. flartos , Dcli LudvIk K.
P rucha , Miroslav Letoveky , J. It. Fiala , V.
S ebek , A. Turynek , J. Match , V. J. Rba ,
F red Kunes , J. duIc , 13011 Bartos , J. ICune ,
J . Ilavelka , J. A. lJbl , E. Cernmai , Vac
I liaha , Ant Ilutiecok , lttmd Ilavelka , J. Sa-
b oda , A. Steiger ; Mesdames ii. JIamduiauer : ,
M. MIchel amid M. Ilavllcek.
l'iu'imtlemi t ( inter ( If hull F'eliouM.
Today is the seventy-seventh annIversary
o f time foumitlieg of time order. None of the
l ocal lodges , however. have made any spe.
c iai effort to celebrate the event. That the
d ay should not entirely be forgotten , time
Mens chub of the St. Mary's Avenue Con-
g regational churcim have extended an invita-
t ion to all the members of time order to at-
t end time services in that church tonIght.
'l 'imIs Invitation lmae been accepted , and a
c ommittee , coeslsting of John Evans , David
T . Mount and Charles A , Patterson , has
5tiCi time following cIrcular to menibew :
'rhmis invitation hiatt been accepted by the
m' uhtortiinate and ltebeltah lodgeit in time ety ,
a nd by liesperiami encampment No. 2 , anti
C antommim Nos. I anti 9. A1 meniberit of
t hese hotiiet' aimd visitIng members of time
o rdem' viI assemble at the Independent
O rder of Odd F'ehiows hails , Fourteenth
a nd Dodge streets , Sunday evening , April
2 6 , 1503 , at ci : , o'eiclc shmnrp. Services cornE
m acace at 7:45. The evening servIces of the
c iitmreh are under the auspIces of time Men's
c lub , and it hits itrranged a program a.t3pm'oW
i riate to time occasion. Iii % 'it'W of the fore-
g oing It. is earnestiy requested antI desired
ta hat time order be largely represemited. The
a nnIversary talilng on Sunday. no more
ti tting rmmanner of celebrating time event
c ould be provided. Our brther , Rev , S.
Vright Ilutler , vil I'o inspired by your
it resemice anti 'iil royally entertaIn antI in-
truct you by his forceful eloquence , anti
s timulate you to greaten efforts iii the cause
so f Odd F'eilow8liip.
The only other local reeognltioo of the t
e vent occurs tomorrow night at time temple ,
mm ear I"ourteenthm anti Dodge streets. Can-
t onetto No. 1 , l'atriarchms Militant , wIll give
a n entertainment , s Idcim is to be followed o
bo y a hop , Time program Is to be coimiposeil
o f a variety of short selectIons , Time can-
onetto lies been but recermily organIzed , but
he prominent and pleasing part that it took
n a recent entertainment promises that its
nItIal affair will be very enjoyable.
Time Odd Fellows of Sioux City are prepar-
ng for a grand celebratiomi on next Tuesday.
ime program Inclimmies a parade , pcec1ies t
tr ain prominent mimeimibers of the artier amid O
music. In time evenimig both Odd Fellows
nd Iaughteru of Robekaim will exemplify a
melr degrees. After time work a grand ball
is to be lvon. It is expected timat between ti
. 000 anti 4,000 Odd Fellows wIll be In at- flh
te ndarmco , as time railroads have gIven no- ee
ucod rates , h
Dispatches indicate flint the event Is being th
r will be ceiebrated In various ways of
roughout the territory of the order.
mit'ii'it Prt'e nimil Accepted Immsomi' . , oc
Next Thursday evenIng Tangier temple , ocT
ncient Arabia Order of Nohies of time Mys- ca
c Shrine , will escort a band of time umire- iii
enerate over the hot sands to ternmil joy.
ime class is expected to conmprlso some
wenty-live novitiates , aithougb thmo nuimi-
er may be greater before the eventfuL even-
g tails. ci
In connection wIth time affair , Potentate th
enry llardy and Recorder LouIs E , Welt-
ug during time 1a51 week issued time foi-
wing sumxiiOmis to the imienilmers of time
niimle : T
Is It not about time to efld in thief petl-
on ? Many complaints have reached our
ars durIng time fast of Raniridan , and they
tlist imave our early attentiomi. 'rime deent
f Nebraska lii overrun witim wandering In- k
deis , groping about for time light , Can you b
ot get-a strIng on one of them and lead to
Im into our iiuyei-i of rest oem Ley id ci ti )
omn'i Kamls ? O
On bimu'i Ka'ada , hegra 1313 , xlth month , la
7th day , meaning in Nebraska , Thmursdmiy of
pril 30 , 1690. tIme noble of Tangier and ai 5n
aritiering Arabs of lime tribe of A. A , 0. S
. M. S. vltimin sound of time muzzins cmiii l )
rc commanded to gather within the gates U
f our temple to celebrate lime feast of UAt
iiem'n Neosoem , ithe brsath of paradIse , anti It
id in making preparations for ( lie greater 0
ilgrimage to the lCmt'aija , C
0mm this occasion the book of the prophet C
ays it i time proper timing to offer up us a i'
pecial sacrifice on the altar of Alboomnazar , C
. 780. d , b8i A. D. , astronomer ( svlio wee 15
lso very learned in astrology and magic ) . ( S
oumg : novicea are preferred , they usually D I
ave great staying qualities amid are apt to '
ese their temper mono readily therm older I
nes ; but to not on the question of age ,
ot novices amid get 30 dolls , with each pet.
remise imlm anything to get iii8 signature
nd ealtim. We'll do time rest. anti he'll
less you forever thereafter. Tben if hO
ves through it , what Is left of him will be
nvited to assist us at time elebratioa of or
ime great feast of Daroo'z.Zceyaialx , which th
- ww , eWw.ew v-wnfl.
f oiiow Immnellntelfr after the elonasln
i roess has been finiplicti amid they are a
it i nirilled nod regenerate. ( lramiti liltmrninmt-
t iomis , gorgeotme PrOcetsioimP eimtrancing reel-
t atiotm anti mtmch satisfylmig of the Inner
m an , nhuo time /iki of Abdon'l.Qadeer-el-
.I tlatiCe. Our Iiiumsttious imperial potentate ,
C herlemu L. FIlti , lies het'im reqimesteti to
g rmunt tie Imiti ( liitlC-rmSatiOfl so that PetitIons
mc ay ito received , noteii tilmim flnti time oruier1
c onferred upon itIl who pass safely through
t ile hntidmt of our IimqumisItors. lIe stmro to
imb mivo your Victlni imOre cli time. for will I
b egin to agitate timt'mn nt 7 sham-p. In tIme
m ucontinie get petitions to time recorder as
qt uick anti often n .ossIbie-wo shouhti like
t o see hIm kept btmsy ,
The ceremonial session occurs on Thiurs.
di ay. April 30. 1tusIneis at 3 p. am. sharp.
i ) Isttmrbnnce at 7 p. in. sharper. Oct under
y our fez coil into your dresq itumit , lii Ing
y our victims nhommg nmmti it 3'otl iieed ens' asin
sp istmmnce call on time Arab vatrol alit ! time
p roithet.
Always remeniher Ynwimioo'l.Aklmeer that
i rent mtiiii last tiny. 'Piensnnt P time no-
varih nimil goodly the cotmcim-Kormtn xvIII
2 0. Great will ho yotmr reward amid hmappl-
mie esa tim lmrolomtion to the immtidels you hoyt'
e mminre.
Last Monday evening Semimper F'idehis chap-
t cr of Rose Croix No. I and Saiiit Andrews
c ouncIl of Iatlos1m No. 1 imeiti a joint and
p ubllo Installation of officers at time Masonic
t eimmplo in ti'e Orient of Onimmima , Valley of
N ebrarhma. Time installing ofIicrs wore henry
C lay Akin , tlepmmty general cmiii grand master
o f state , anti C'manits SmIth llumttington , grand
m mmaster of ceremonIes' . 'rime affair wa.i mm
v ery Ixmtercmtlng one. Time omTleers lnstahicd
a re as ! oliows :
Semaper FIddle chapter of Rose Croix , No ,
1 : 11ev. Luther lit. lCmmhns , M. ; Claude L. I
T albot , S.V. . ; Henry Iiarmiy , J. W. ; Leoni
d as P. Ftmnkimommoor , 0 , : lMmmis ii. ICort ) ' , A. ;
L ymnaxi Fl.'are , S. ; William l. hthnaiies ,
T . ; Patrick L. Ilugimes , M. C. ; Louis E.'ett -
h og , 11 ; Harry E. ICirpatrick , A. li. ; John
C . Iluclmanan , 0. T. ; henry r'fuweli , 'I' .
Saint Aimdrews councIl of ICadosim , No. I :
J ames Ohibert. C. : Iuuls l. VettlIng , F. L.
C . ; Leonidas I' , Ftmnkhouser , S. C. ; iavltl 11.
G ilbert , C. ; 11ev. Luther M , ICu'mns , 0. ;
L outs II. Kotty , A. ; Lynmaim E. Varo , It. ;
William Fi. Ithoatics , T. ; Patrick
L . hughes , : tT. C. ; S. Roper , Crick-
m ore , T. ; theory Hardy , fl : Leverett M.
A ndersomi , F' . fl ; Elton M. Howell. S. D. ;
T homas C. Havens. Ii. Ii. ; Edward Aimgus-
t ine. jr. . Ii. S. S. ; Matthew If. Cohllnq , II. T.
C laude I. . . Talbot , L. of time G. ; Ileimry Now-
o llS ,
\Vtudimmemi fit ( lie % ' , prIut.
Tlmo annual rnemmmoriai servicca of time order
a ro to be held at Salem , Nob. , thmIs year , If
s uitable ite can be obtaimmed front thme rail-
r oads. Time occasion falls on June 7. Time
h ustle of time Salem mneximbors Is being feversi
a bly viewed by the lodges of thms ! city , as
t hat little city and time surrountilmig country
s ent several carloads of mmiemnbers to flits
c ity last year. when the day was celebrated
h ere. L. Fl. Gnitmshmea'l ' , a veteramm fraternity
a toll of Salem. Is at time Imeami of the scImemne
c miii is pushing it for all lie Is worii.
Soyniotmr lodge is havimig a hot mnemmmber-
s hip comfiest at the present timne. Time lodge
I s divimieti into two divIsIons , which ae
h eaded by E. T. Lowry anJ 0. Sadie. TIme
S ide whicim conies iii at tIme toil end witim the
f ewer number of new appilcatiomis wIll pay
t ime forfeit by setting up a supper. The
c ontest cicees about Jumme 1.
Commercial lodge , the new body of the
o rder , Is rapidly increasing its mnemmmbeusimip ,
S ixteen candidates were aduiiitte.i at the last
im meetlng , bringing the niembersitip up to 150.
A t time annie meeting time hoartl of managers
w as Immetructci.i to obtain time best. hall In
ti me city for meeting purposes. It is pro-
p osed to give a social functIon soimme time in
ti me near future.
The Alpha Camp Bicycle club took a run
ti p to Florence on last Sunday , where It
w as entertaIned by time lodge of tlmat lIttle
c ity.
Alpha camp proposes to visit Dcachwood
c amp of South Onmahma in a body on next
W ednesday flight.
I Imd'lR.liIi.Iit ; VOL.kIIm.mmt _ fit
The drctore. of Omaha tdiigo No. I are
b usied just now lxi. getting tlmo new lodge
q uarters , above tIme Postal
Telegraph office
i n shmalme. Au order has been given to a local
fi rm for tim0 furniture
cud furnIshings. It is
that these
xviIi be obtapmeml
t he
firet of next month. it is
promised that
t im ? lodge will hmavo as pretty anti
easy a ret
o f club
rooma as any other body of lIke kind
i n the Country.
It is hoped timmit the full
memhierehlp wIll
t urn ou for time
meeting tomorrov
night for
p lant , are to be laid for the opening. it Is
p ropoee now thmat the
opening shall be
t ended only by time
tb nmemnbersimlp , This will
e fohlomrej
by a reception to which tIme
li e sviil be admItted.
Iurimg the coining weelc
Sovereitim Clerk
D tekeno proposes to
institute two new lodges
i n tlmo state , one at Schubert and time other
a t Able. Time latter iomlgu promIses
to be a
ii Unmnier , as it already ha twczmty.flve names
e n Its charter list.
The siupreimme omeers are already
f or time
seralon of the supreme lodge uvimieb
c olmvenes In thmi& city In June ,
Oi'ler oftlm ( ' 'orli.
Myrtle lodge No. 330 , Order of time World ,
ti me youngest lodge in the City , silice time
ti ate it was instituted
, cariy this year , imas
o ver 225 members Imi good stanthing , C. I.
E mbree , the supreme president of the Order
o f the \'onld , ammd general of
manager time
W orld
llenefit associatIon , is in tue
c ity. lie was present at time mimeeting last
F rIday evening , InspIred with hIs usual
q uota of energy ammd good cheer , anti looking
\v ell to time
intereet anti advancement of the
o rder. During his address ime gave a very
in teresting statement of tIme condition of
fo ct as to time groathi of the order wherever
e stabhisimet ] ,
District Manager I. G. IlarigImt is confined
o his lionmo with a. severe attack of rheum-
m atisen.
Myrtle lodge , 'Jo. 399 , Order of time World ,
w Ill givq a May party entertaln.nment I'riday
' vemming , May 1 , at limo imahl , Seventeenth anti
F' arnmim streets , whlcim promises to eciipae
al l efforts iii timat line imeretofore ,
Over forty applications for membereliip
at Myrtle's last mmmoetlng.
Ismugi , ( rrs of I'ijessimommggis.
Alteretta council viil give an "old-tash-
io ned" party in Red Men's ball , imi tue Pat-
raon block , on next Wednesday evening ,
ld cictimes will be time ormier of tIme
nd time guests , both men amid women , are
vited to ransack their warmirobes amid don
me nmost ancient cOtummie timey an0 able to
il. It is expected that time tasimions of
veral gtimeratlomms , if not ages part , wili
o dispiayed on tiiefloor during time course of
e evening , "This will be worth thmo price
admmmission alone. "
Old ciothmes , hiowover , are not to be time
ly attractions , A. ' literary programmi Is to
cupy the early JJortmm of the evening.
itle will ho followed by dancing amiml witim
rd lula'ing for timeso Wimo are not proficient
tim0 tenpaicimorean art
, Itefrosimments are
so to be served during ( ho counmu of the
Frn.rziai tImmIori ,
flanner lodge stow Imas 170 names on its
marter list , Parties desiring to unite with
mo lodge as cimartem' ' members are urged to
AntI the people etc Otnahmo. know that our
orner % fl5 time first Iftwmmer to save them money
y cutting prices-now some oUter korimer cininimi
be time ONLY koraer.-to cut prices. itiy ,
Ou korner morn , can aou. say imantmttiy timat ou
n not ray percvntoge to the doe alma omfice rent ?
h , we know you can't-and the public mire mmii.
g it out-too-mini you feilows in time niid.Ilo
time biock , arc Just as bad , only you don't
my gas Itiiis.
uipimur liitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSc
r , Kay's Renovator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7ao
rea ? South American iCItiney Cure. . . . . . . . . . 'ISo
iles' Nenine , , , , , . , , , , , . , , . . . , , . , . . , . . . , . . . , , CGo
yrup of I'1eu , . , , . , , , , . , , , . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . , , , , I2c
zqmulsion * t p $ . , . , . , 750
imatonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
imarnbcrlairi's Cough Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ito
aitue'a Celery Compound. - . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . , , , , , , rio
arter' I.tttlo I-mltts . , , , . , . . . , . , , , , , , . , , . , . , . , . , , flu
004's Sarsaparllla , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
cm Catarrh l'owder , . ; . , , , . , , . . , . . . , . , , , , , ' ' ' SSo
lectrio hitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , 400
uffy's Malt lViiiskey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55o
abet Malt Ixtract * e. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
16111 tind Cisicugo ,
p. 8.-These peti an. happy becausa the curfew
dInance is not enforced and they vita kuep
eir bois aiad girls it work.
do es right neny , as time charter .ill soon
Im clopemi , Ten new applications wefo to-
ceiveui at time last meetIng anti ten or fifteotu
lucite wiii be presented at the next rgtmlar
nmeeting in the Continental block on May 1.
'Fun cOncert which Is to bo given by lIen-
tier lodge imae been postponed for two weeks.
The sovereign banker , F. F' . Itoose , pCnt
s everal days in Lincoln last week , lie te-
p orts that tlio order is makIng good vrosress
th ere.
A beautiful button for members is being
m amuumfactured by the orders of time head
Of Ueem'ta. These can be obtained from the
su mprenmo lodge headquarters at Denver ,
A. 0 , U. % 17. liiuer $ .
Next Suimiday , May 3 , is time "floral ( lay"
of time Ancient Order of lJimltemlVorkmmieim
a ntI It Is to be cqlebrated tlmrotmghoumt the
st ate. Time grand ledge at its last sessIon
a uthorkemi its observance , Time idea orig.
m ated iii this city , where time day has bcemm
ce lebrated for two years.
Time resoitmtlomm imaSFeti by time gramid lomige
in establishing time tiny is as follows :
Itteognislng time filet that time PrinciPles
mm mmtl Itractices ( it time Ammuient Order of
t tmiic'ti W'oritmneii have only to be Set before
a ll lmolmie.tovlng men to meet their hearty
mm pprvnl mmmiii co-operation ; niso . thmnt nil
n mmmmtimml religious service iii mmiemmmory o ( our
tk 'pmirteti him ( 'thiiii Is it mmiost tittimmg recog-
mm ltlon ot olin irntenmmnl Interests in emicim
o timer. timereore , be It
lteois'eti , 'flint timis Ancient Oriler of
tl mmitvil'orktnen grand lomlge set impart time
il rst Suimiiny In May to bt' known its "Aim-
( kilt Order of United W'om kmnrmm floral timmy , "
a mmti to be obsarved each year by sumbomili.
mm dc bilges of this gramiti jtmnluttiictiomi hthm
mtl pprolmniate services anti time tiecorzmtion of
( l ie gntt'eS of their tiehutitteti tmrtmthrea ,
The grand mimaster further says , "I sin-
c ereiy hope that the spirit of time above reso
lu tion will ho carried out 1mm nIl otmr lodges.
V olt are Imeroby rcqtmesteml to observe Suim.
d ay , May 2 , 1890 , as "A. 0 , U. Vi' . Floral
D ay , ' It vili be eli for our lodges to imicet
in timeir lodge roonms prior to the tlmmie of
lm oluilmmg relIgious services amid repair in a
b ody to limo church where such services are
to be helm ! , After the religious services are
co michutieti , let tie go to time graveyards where
ct mr ( heath are sleeping anti strew their graves
w itim flot cr8. Let not one of ttmemmi lie over-
lo eked anti I specially tmrge that the cimlimiren
of our fammmiiIcue be encourageti to take part
in this service. Let us immake timls tiny as
mmt emnoriable to our Order as Memorial Day
i : to timat mplendid organization , the
G , A. fl. "
Dunimig the past two years time varIous
io mlgos In timc city and Soutlm Onmaima imave
c omnbinctl for time celebratIon , hut. this year
e ach lodge vili observe time day In Its own
fa shion , The primmeipni portion of time serv-
leg ns will coimsirt of limo miecurations of the
g raves of all deceased mmmenibers of time order.
T imo iotigemi have already appointed commimimlt-
te emi for this work.
Last Friday niglmt a miow ladge wise insti-
tu ted mit South Onialma , conmposn.&l of Ilolmemmilan
ma cinhere , tIme charter list contaimmimmg ahuout
siw xty imatimes. Forty-eight of the. cammuiltiates
w ere initiated , Time name of tlmo lodge is
P ralma , No. 328.
Tim niemimbers of the miew lodge anti a
bi g crowtl of Worleunen gatimered at Twenty-
l xtit anti N streets , where a procession was
fo rmned , Headed by a band anti time uni-
fo rmed cretu' of South Onialma momige No. GO ,
ti me line procecdcti to Kotiteky's imail , whore
li mo inatitumtlon ceremonies took place , Timc'ro
w ere about 320 mmmenmbers of limo order presI
o ft , Jacob Jaskalek , assisted by Ir , S. It. I
P atton , J.V. . Cern of .Omnahma , J. M. Gaila-
g her , 0. W. howe , A. M. Gallagher , W. A.
S teusloff anti William llrantion , perfornicti
th e initiation. During the course of the
co remommy the band of Union Pacific lodge
N o. 17 of Omaha arriveti and amidemi commp
el derably to the enjoyment or time occaaIon.
A nether meeting is to be hc.ld Wedmmeday
ni glmt , whemi time now officers will be In-
t alIcd.
Grand itlarter J. G. Tate of Lincoln wao
itt time city Friday In consultation with Dr.
S. H. Pattemm regarding a rude of laws time
la tter is preparing for time superior lodge of
ti me Degree of Ilommor , wimiclm is to be Insti- I
tu ted In Jtmmme. It was decideti timat time code
sh ould bo presented to the body from the f
N ebraska delegation. Mr. Tate visited Union
P acific lodge in time ovemming.
Time lodge at Weston Initiated four new
imi emmibers last Thursday evening , the names t
be ing as follows : Frank Novak , Anton No-
ya k , Anton Malmacheic amid M. 0. Worrahl. j
G rammtI Foreman J. H. Enforti was present t
am md assisted in coimferrimig time degree. A a
su pper was served after timO ccrelmiommy. e
TuiiIujcniIeiit Ori.r cmf F'reitters.
Courts Omaha anti Mommdammiln have tie. I
cl ded to secure time imali above time Boston r
st ore as a lodge imahi , Time former will moot
on time first and third Frldaya amid time latter
C a the econtl and fourth Fridays cit each
im : onth. Whenever a fifth FrIday conies 1mm
a monthm , a joint meeting will be held.
Last weele another niecting of the mmew o
co urt in South Omnaima was lucid. Timere wac
aa large attondammco of mmiemmmbera of time order t
a nti the evening wea pleasantly spent. II
v as decideui to name time new eommrt Foumrmnemi ,
In honor of time toxin men whmo orgamiizeti it.
Thomas H. IC. Gray , recordhmmg secreimmry
o f Court Omaha. is about to leave time city
fo r Anaconda , Mommt. , to accept a ilosithomi.
IoiI gIt ( to ill G ossl i ,
Union Pacific lodge No. 1069 , AncIent
O rder of Unlteti Workmmmen , is mncrc.asimmg its
m embership as a result of time active work
b eimug done by time two commiestimig divisions ,
- _
who are hustling to get applIcations , in rt1t
to avoid the penalty of 'aylng for a ban-
quiet , At time uneetlng of lat't week twenty
almpiiefltiofls were received ,
Ommmnha lodge No. 120 , Modern Wootimen
of America , will pay a visit to Commncll hllumffs
lodge on next Timtmrstiay mmlgnt. Time lodge
will go over limo river In a betty , probably
In a special train ,
Next Tumesmiay night time members of
Anclmor lodge No. 75 , Intiependemit Order of
Good Template , will attemmti a hmoumso party
to ho gIven at time roht1enco of W. E , Card.
well , 111 South Soventeenib streetS ,
hLiMO5tliS'P Mbil.tla ( ( ) lS 'h' ( ) Ai1i.t1V
21 Isa A mmmiii. the1 I immisiim ( Iii' Smeet'ssfmmt
Comm ( CMI 8 iii.
Time joint oratorical contest , Oiimahma against
Valley , hell at time Second l'resbytc'risn
clumrcii tinder the atmspices of Mrs. i1 II.
Silimirock , state suipeninteiidetmt of demmiorest
work , was a deciticti success , The openIng
s'ong of time iloummoreet chorus ati veli ron-
( iered , Thmo first commtestant for tIme goiti
macminI , Miss Roark of Onmaima , time lmenrts
of time people by her Pleasant deliverY. The
second contestant , Mr. lsmmiiy of Valley , iii
hits stramighmtforwarti mmmanmler gavc spirited
evidence of tiecldeti abllliy. Time third coil-
testant. Mr. ilepimor of Valley , hio vammmo
as a miabstltute , eboweml , though wltlm only
a hmott time for Itreparatlon , tiumit lie vas
no simmali orator. Speaker No. 4 , Miss , Itmtlttii
Oisemm , time yotmflgest In time chase , convlncemi
time nudiemmco ltlm her limipressivo arguimment
that emily titmie % 'as mmecessmiry for tier to rank
vitIm the bcst MIss Etiltim llowzmrd showed
( lint Ommmahma was hot going to lie very far
beimtnih , 11cr clear voice ammil fmmtmhtles antic-
tmlation imiatlo It no easy tmlelc for time judges ,
but when Mies Anna MclCinnon of Valley ,
in her easy , graceful mmianner , carricti the
m otmillence commillietely nova ) ' aimti Ommmaimzt mimeckly
bowed its iic'aml amumi lail ( time laurels at her
feet the jmmdges tiecitied flint Miss MclCiimnon
vau winner anti MIss howard ns sooomiti.
TIme solo by Miss Edith Ford ymt men-
t iered especially vell ,
Time crowning ovemit of tIme evenlmig was
I t vocal tiuet by MIss Timumrmna Lammbeck antI
Mr. Gumy Mtmmichi.
lu a very neat and tasty manner Rev. Mr.
Ware presented the maedal. A reception was
given at Mrs. II. SlImrock's luommie on North
Twenty-fifth street , lxi honor of thio 'aIiey
M.tN1 lMI'ltOVliIilIN'iS lli21N 3tAhIO.
l'r.iperty Ow'mmerMAet Iii t1mt Un ( -
ter ( if Copistrmiet I mig SIIergu ilt.
There Is a decided boommi In clerical work
I n tIme ouiicc of the Board of Public Works
t his niontim. Tlme actiomi of time gas commipany
i n reducing time price to ccnsummmers has re-
s uitci in an umimprecedented demand far tier-
h ilts for gas connections. Time urual average
i s nbotmt fifteen permimit. ' , , but niore timan 100
h ave been issued already tutu tmiontlm.
Time demand for permmiits to mmiako sewer
a nd vator connectiomme Is aio immeroaslmig.
The number of pernilts graateti during time
i mmomith are nearly double time miummiber takomi
o mit in April , 1895. Astromig Lntiicatiomm of a
b etter feeling amnommg time property owners is
t h fact thmat a large nuniber of permits tar
p ermmianent sidewalks are heing taken. For
t ime last year or wo the city authorities
h ave been very lenicsit. In regard to coimi-
hp ehlimig property owners to repnce their
wooden valks with rtomie amid flue resumit Is
a vat number of defective sitiewalka all
o ver tue city. The number of permmiIt flint
a re now beimmg granted indicates that time
property owners are now goiig almond to re-
p lace the walks of their own accord.
hUId.N' ; .11111' IS O'I' YJC'L' .tGltIilil ) ,
IliforimuM thi' Tumdge 'I'IuerIs ii lifT-r-
( ii'l _ tif O , I ii 1u'gumrIi iigF'ItttM.
Time lloiln jury vas called Into court yes-
t erday afternoon by Judge Baker a'l asked
f there 'as any law point vlmich was pre-
v enting them from reaclmlng a verdict. Time
oreman replied that nothing of tithe kind
was in the way of a vermilet , addIng that time p
menmbers had not reacheml a conclusion as to r
ime guilt or innocemmco of the defcmv.Iant. a
T here was nothIng said to indicate Imow time e
uiry stood. It is the general opinion about
he court imouse that the jury will never
gree , timis cmpimmieim being based on the gen-
ral make-up of time jury.
, ,
, ilIe Oermn tid Limmi I ted"
s time fastest train out of Omaha , anti car-
les time finest eqt.pmermt of any line In time
west. Tickets via tim' UNION PACiFIC can
o secumred at 1302 Farnmmm street ,
See "itti" of Alt-Sar.lieii Cycle Co. , rage 2' ) .
A hayseed hop will bcm given by time ladies
f \Vasimirigton lolge No. 27 , Degree of
Honor , A. 0. U. W. , at Myrtle imall , Comm.
inental block , Tmmesday evenIng , April 28.
Tickets 25 cIa. ; sumpper included.
MRS. I. P. lUCKS. Chief at lImier.
I ) I F I ) .
JOIINSON-G. A. imged 70 yenra iO mnontlms ,
April 24 , l8tC. 'tmmmermti Summtmty ] nfternocrm
at 2 o'clock from fmmnmiiy rc'sIience , ii3
Sewmtr'l street. Interment at Foremut Lawn.
Fnientls invited ,
Funeral designs , A. Donaghue , 109 S. lOt ii.
4c % . . . ,
4- I. rpFIE Sporting Things are
44c ' here , all of them ; priced .3Ij
, I
4c . A . . .
in the
.505011 as everything else
4 house is priccdwith onlya moderate
profit ,
4 Is
4 c 89e for Tennis Rackets , trorthi 2o0 , new
4c j/f / ft'amncs , Om'lontal Gut.
Ct'oqtict Sets In Ilaid Maple , finely fiuilnhed ,
4c ( or ciglit players , O9 to I'ur ' four IlaYOrd1 1'
4 690 to $2.95.
49 THE BABIES.-whcol thorn out Into the cool country all' ; It's
4 111cc tL Spi'iim Tonic. Whitney Baby Cai'rlngetm ai'c the best always ,
4c and thu cheapest , tito way fUr. pi'lccs run.
4c The 1319
4 99-CeiTit Fa rtiniii
4 Store. Street. $ '
: Te
_ _
. . : MRS. .
We bas'u devoted all otim' g.
011th floor foi' dibpluylng out'
4 large amid elegant btcck of
Waists fle
, fl
. We have the ) Iand ; omcst , h
largest and filleot stock of
\ goctis for the money over
I nliown boforo-Linon I3atlato ,
Dresden , Pcrslnn ani other
flew effects.
. Prlces-39c , 5O
I 98c , $1.26 $1.75 , $2.00
, uliti $2.38.
' ' . . ' t1 These prices are much lower
- . . than tho5o goodii leave ovci
. been sold too' T
' Footstools ' 5e
i2' Eiianici ! Iir
7ul roguhir price $1.00. G
Al 1 our J3uskcts onc.tourtli off Regular l'rlcca 101' NOlldily. ii
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % I '
- - -
hIlit SChOOl. OI1A'l'ItiCAl , CONTtiSP
Scern1 1'iiuIl WiII't'r to ! leemre tim
The 111gb school will hmohtl an oratorical
contest at lloyd's theater next Friday evening - '
ing , The programn will ccnist of ft debAte ,
two orations amid three tlcclanmntions.
Four $20 first Itrlzel amid tour $5 second
lirizes imtt'o been offered to tlmo sumecctu'fui
competitors. Mcmmmber of all classes are per.
nutted to cuter as contestants.
l'reilmlnary c.mimteste vero held by the vim-
rious clasecs to deterimmitmo their reprem'enta-
tives , and final hrelimmuimmnrie ) were held Inst
'l'imurstlay evenbmg. Timnemi chosen to commipcto
are : Orators , Miss hello Ryan anti Italimim S.
Comimiell ; iloelaimners , MIS'S Belle ( loitismnitli ,
Miss ilayphip cmiii Mm' . Mardis ; detmaieri' , Odin
Mackay nnml [ Carl Council.
Time program sIil not coim'uumic more than
two houmrm , limit It will simow time best talent
in the high school ,
GasolIne stoves repaired , stove storagewn-
ter froimtq , Omn. Store ItCh.Vke. . . 1207 Doum1as ,
10 iIour ttyt'il. ,
Second class passeumgere for San Francisci
'ia timi , lmN'ION PA'IFIC now save tsn
lmotmrmi tiiime. 'Titan Is mmioney. " Buy your
tickets via " 1 fle Overlanmi liomite. "
City Ticket ( ) mce , 1202 Farnnmn street.
siT : ; . . .
ELECTI1IC LiiilTiD ( ,
STiAM lIiiATiCl ) ,
Orna ha ,
Clmicago ,
Lhmulteti ,
via the
' , 2hil atikee. "
p. . A. Nash , goimoral agent ; Cleerge hIaync ,
city passenger agent ; city ticket oflico , 150 $
V'arnanm street.
limroi , ' t
Reserve your berth NOW and you ruin no
r isk of dismmppolntmmmcmmt Inter on. iimigrants
a nd informmmntion at hiurllngtomi Ticket GUIle ,
1 502 Fartmmmmmi St.
No. I Cures Fovet' .
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Irifrunt's Diseasee.
No , 4 " Diarrhea. .
No. 7 " Coughs.
No , 8 Cures Neui'mlg1a.
No. 9 " Headache.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delnyod Porlods.
No. 12 " Lcuohol'r'on.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No , 113 " Rheumatism ,
No , 16 " Malaria.
No. 19 ' ' Catat'r'h.
No. 20 Cures Whooping Cougii
No , 21 " Asthma ,
No. 24 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-SickfleSS.
No. 27 " Iictney Dtsonss.
No. 28 Cures Nervous DabilIt.y.
No. 30 " Urinary Disease1
No. 32 " Heart Disease.
No , 34 ' Sore Throat. /
No. 77 " Cells and Grip.
lilt , Iiuiii'Iinrw's himMiom'ATmmmc : MANUAl , O
D msAscs MAmmi : ( ) l'mtci : .
Smmmtuil bathes of iieaint pellets , flt time vest
ock't. Stmii bi .lrtmgglats or S nt mreitiii ; imp , a
ecemmtt of price , 2. C, ¼ mt $ , e.C'pt Nos , 20 mid 32
re iittuilo ole ) i.Izt' onmy. ittimititleyK' Mc1i-
triti Commmpany. lit Vmllmani St. , Nt York.
llayddlls'Shoes. ' J1
Dilly $1.25 $ JOllllY1
A ilumo lion of Imuhlt't. ' Oa ford Tics on
smile at i.25 , i1.ti ( , * 1.18 i'2.uO Mttlidity ,
Lmm d lea' ii un I I m ci It 't it rum' , . ' lttmm'lmeste r
mm , ii ti C Lace Vehi I mmg 1.ot ii L'op tnuu Sim oos
itt * i.4H. .
Mlsua' Ohmic Iao r'eedlu 'foe iiioim 2,2.S ,
wortim i3.OO.
( 'imlldron's firm Lmc'mm : Nccmllu Toe Simoes
* 1.fiC. worth $2.50.
Meim'mt tine tatimm ( ' .ilf Lace Necmlio Too
iiiL'S $2.25 , wortti Vi.00.
" et Ii
I mievemIiiiz't. . ,
4 th 1'lOOI'
i i ros'iI 111k , out ft
1 6th itiid 1 > iliII , -
Do iiiitn
iiiitnDR. . WITHL1S.
eth Extracted PTiiiessiyYIt'nout \ Ga3.
l0tlt and F.triiaimm St14 ,
rd Floor Pitxtoii BlocI ;
Tel , 1055. Lady attendant.
Oerman siiokcn.
t Teeth , oma rubber plato. . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , $ ,
et 'ooth , on rubber plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ,
eet 'reeth , on alumoirmutu plate , , , , , , , , . ,
est Teeth , on gold pinto , , , , . , . . . , , , $05 ,
eeth Without Pintes. .
ldgo Teeth , poj tooth , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
old Orown , warrauted 22k . . . . .0.Oo to 18.01 .
o gep Crotiu. . . . ,
olblnt but 23 iCart Odd used Ia our btldgi
and gold crowns.
&i given in painless matractiog when caIle
for , Relilol. diatal york at roasoniii ,