- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - _ _ _ . . _ _ i _ _ . _ _ - ' - 'tilE OMAhA DAIt.Y At'IL1L1 t36 , IS9U. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ - _ - - - - - - = - - - - - = = = : : : = PEN PICTUIU3S PLEASANTI AND POINTEDLY PUT. - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - . . . - . . - . - - - - . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - ktL------ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ = _ . - - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - . . - - - - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ IIIUCK 1'OMlItOY. E''IVlO(1.V ( knows 1)IflI-nhltl ) En OVCrV1)O1y ) Imow that w sell light coats flhl(1 ( VIItS vIien tII 8085011 Befl.SlHt H COIIlO-O 1IlVe the COilN ( flhl4l VVSIMIll 11tio flfld 11nk rges-sIiiSIa itit1 IoI1)l.1)rntc'd.-8ny1olY ) ) who has j ( ( ) lU nobby coats kilows what wu flJ(1flfl l1i"r bter ( thrnii ever. Albert Cahn , 1322 Fariiam. - - . = - - - - - - - NOT UNTIL NEXT OCTOBER Maximuni Rate Oaaes Bet Back Five Months for Heiring. EASTERN IDEAS OF TIlE SLOCUMB LAW . - . . 1tt'irntittiv 1l&tIiir flt Itight n r ( . , , Ynrlc 1'riiil.t'r ' ? Ito IIn , Sine Cru.k itIu lb of Oiiiithn 1ornIs. WI\SIIINGTON , April 25.-Speclal ( Tele- graiii.-Tho ) Nebraska niaxlinum rate case vUI not be heard before Octobi'r. There has been no time sot for reargtirnent , the order of restoraUon being geiieral n Its character. The supreme court will adjourn on May 25 , to convene agaIn on October 2. The last argti- mont iIt be heard May 8 , wtilch setlics the niaxtniuin rate case or this term. Chahinan Powers of the Pacific railroads coniinttteu stated tonight that the bilL inght ! bo reached In the house Tuesday of uext week. Thb' , however , dpend upon pcidng niatterM which the 8icaker might desire to get Out of the way. Tlu , amount of nitsinformatlon abroad In the east as to the workings of the Slocum high ltcnso law of Nebraska is appalling. To fluitl ordinarily Intelligent preachers In- velglilng against this law Is no uncommon thing In the east. A rather InterestIng scene occurred In the committee on alcoholic liquor tratllc of the hous'e one day last week , when Chairman More's bill to aPpoint a cominis- elan to Investigate the liquor tratflc of the \ United States was up for consideration. itoprosejitative Hainer l a ineniber of that committee , and during the course of the lxearlng Roy. Mr. I'owell of New York City made the very bold statement that the social oyIi in Omaha was licensed , that the Slocuni high license law had been passed In the lntere.ts of the big cRies. Omaha prticu- larly. and through a combination of liquor dealero , brewers and those having the interests - terests of the liquor tramc In hand. Ho went on to tell thoold story whilith has been churned over many times. that the schools In thio state of Nebraska had been indirectly supported by flues and penalties received from liquor dealers and Police sources niul that now , bccause or a decadenca of moral sentiment. the practice was open. These .tateinents , coming , as they dih ! , from a ropre.sentatls'e of the cloth , brought Mr. Ilaiiier to his feet , who , in a yery emphatic inarner , told the minister that he did not . _ ; - Icnow what ho WaS talking about ; that the Siocum law , lntea4 of hiavng been prompted by the liquor dealers of Omaha and the larger cities. was the outcropping of a sentiment In the rural districts ; that. Instead of beIng satisfactory to tile liquor dealers. at that time a very large hobby was organized to defeat the lnea.ure , but it was lased. not- wtthtandIig the strenuous efforts on the pan of the hfuor dealers to kill the bill. Now the lkuor dealer9 would not have anything - thing else. or they have tested Its wIsdom. Ho ruruier said that the law was entirely acceptable to the citizens of Nebraska , and that it. solved a question such as no other hlih license law in the United States had attempted. lie made the statement that it Was hot a question of munclpal ! government nil to the distribution of police fines and II ceiive.i but It was made so by the state constitution. When it Is comisidorel that No- brasa ! : has ! OS illiteracy than aijy state in the United States , and , coupled wltti this , ita reniarkably low percentage of crime. k will eall' ho seen how cflectlve the laws of that state are a to regulating the liquor traflic. ASSAY OFFlCI FOR DIAD\VOOD. Thio director of time mint will soon publish his annual report. Although all tIme , returns are not in , a tolerably relIable eetimato can be forimied as to the production of precl2us metals in thio United States durIng 185. As bas been time case in previous years , the greatest dllhlculty has besim experienced in getting reports from the refiners and rnelt- ers throughout time country , as there Is no law to compel them to make reportt to the Mint bureau. According to the report , Cal- iforula still iead. as the principal gold pro- duclng state , Colorado ranks second and Iontnna third. South Dakota has madm a big Increase In her gold production , and the advance sheets of the report show thet the state vroduced last year $1,200,000 of the yellow - low metal. Thmi hio'n lug ban led Senator Pettigrow and Representative Camble to yig- orously urge an appropriation of $15,000 for the establishment of an as'ay omco at Dead- woomi In the hilack hills , This measure , however , has met tlio decIded opposition of the departmnntal oiflci2ls upon the aliogei grounm that it makes no appropriation for ' . 5'5. . otflcers of the proposed assay office. but only for the building Itself. It Is reliably stated that the real cause of time department's op. pooltien Ii that time oiilclals do not wish to establish any more assay offices because mmmmoItrtm In the vicinity of an assay oihlco will deposIt their metal there instead of shipping IL to a mint for coinage. This compels , the government to pay frdlght upon it to the nint. Thios legislators have also beers actively working for favorable reports upon the 1)1115 for the conetructlon of a PUblIC building at Dcadvood anti for the establishment of a tatIoual sanitarium at hot Springs. Strong showings have been mode before time comim- inlttees having these bills in charge , anti l'et. tigrew and Gamble seommi confitient that these _ measures will got through congress finally , r\ A tmvormble report has been received ( roll ) the representative committees of both hiousea for time ostabhlsbmout of a fish culture ate. thoU at Svearflsit. Senator Allen itas reporteti favorably lila bill for tIme relief of Isaac Marsh. who home- itoatled a quarter section of land In tIme North Plattu hamtd dIstrIct , to be thrown out , a abort tillil ) after by congressional loglaia- tion , The bill glveo hmlims the right of re. entry as comupensatiomi for work done on the former homestead , ORDIItS FOR ARMY M1N. The recent order relative to Colonel John w , liarrlger , nealotant conmmissary general of aubal4toace. preparatory to lila retIre- otiont , lu revoked , anti it Id flOw ordered that Lieutenant Colonel Thomnima 'ilsorm , occupy- log the same rank as Colommel flarrlger , will relIeve time latter , who is ordered to rc.nialmi In Now York and iroceod wIth the ettie. meRit of lila account9. Major ( liarlea A'oodrulf , comnmnleiary 0 ! subsIstence. Is ordered to relieve Lieu. b tenant Colonel Wilson at Oovertmors island F In May , First Lieutenant Edward l. Lawton , Nimme. teenhim Infautry , is granted two nonthmb cx- tenon : of leave. Major Robert II , V/bite , uurgeou , Ia detaIled - taIled az member of examimmin board cooL - L _ _ _ _ IIVIIJS V. I'lChCIl.tU. ITe lini ii rtpiittttoii : niiil they ioetl have to lflO'O-It'i4 lilimi lhl-IflnYle ) ) Ot1 hotter to hIltVO 01)0 bIg \'illl Collie and til : nray a 7.VOQll house at otie load tliitio have three or four siiiahi wngofli tttko it-nt cotirne It coMts less-nilti Its tloiio ( ltllelr and better-If you ide- itliolte 15P. Omah aVati relepimonA 1.O- 14f5 FnvnaiiI \'abnh Ticket Oflie.A veneti at the PreaIdIo of San Francisco , Cal. , vIce Lieutenant Colonel Midmileton , retired. Major John A , Darling. FIfth artillery , Is detailed n9 llIeflhhCr , amid FIrst LiemtOflaflt WiLson IL. comn , FIfth artillery , as recorder - corder of the board. Itepresentativo hltmll'a bill to establish a military post at Ice MoInei will not paus the house , notwithstantling tlto tmnanlmotmi4y favorable report of the conmmlttee. Thio War department Is against the 1,111 on the theory that such a post would ho too near Onaima or Chicago. The senate colnnitteo Is against this class of legislatIon. Dave Mercer rays there is eomnethlng wrong about the South Omaha postofflce alto. A pocial examiner has looked over tile grounti , although this was denied by a local correspondent - respondent of an Omaha paper , anti it , ie thought ho has timiitio a report to the See- raiary of tlio treaeury , but the nature of the report Is not known. Secretary Smith today renderci decisions in the following land cases : Nebraska-I'at- rick II. Dilloit against Loin forger , Chariron distrIct , decision rovereNi ; flerger entry to be cancelled. South Dakota-Noah New- banks agaInst Charles S. Thompson , Cham- berialn dIstrIct , decIsion reversed ; Newbamlks' contest dIsmissed : MartIn Thompson agaInst ' W'atertown die. Flora I. L'iitniim-TaibOt , trict , motion for revIew denied ; land awarded to Thompsn. The senate confereec have yielded in time matter of salaries of United Statea marshals and attorneys for Nebraska. Their salarico wIll stand as provided in the Updegraft bill. I'Iiliht.L ' 111001'S CUtIll ) ThlI ISLH. lOut Therm' 1mM 1104-mm No ( JllM1t of Aim- lhmority TiithLVmlMIIhImgtIIi UIIII1n. WASHINGTON , AprIl 2g.-It Is not be- Ileved that there has been any friction caticd between the national goverumomit and the govornnlflt of the state of Waslmlngton by the action of the former , in relation to the occupation of Sand Island at tile mouth of the Columbia river. The facts In the case , gleaned here , are that tIme state authorIties applied to the United States military authorities at Fort Canby for permisitlon to enor upon Sand bland , which Is a part of the United States military reeervation , to expel certalmi strikera , who threatened to destroy private property , consIsting of fish traps. Aa the United States holds exclusive jurisdiction over such reservations and may not waive it in favor of a state. the state authorities were informed their request cnud not be corn- pltcd with. and , furthermore , orders were nent by Gcnerat Otto , the commander of the department of the Columbia , to the coni- mantier at Fort Canby , to occupy time reserva- tlcsi hImself and expel all lntriider. ' . Under this order will be included mIlitary men as svehl as strIkers , hut as the removal of the latter will obviate the netessity for the pre.JnCo of the mIlItia , it Is believed here that the ends of the itate authorIties will be as well served as by the granting of their request. The order applies isa present to the land above high tide mark. ( siIe Agul mmt4t Carl Isht I'IMtJIIlmCd. WASIHNGTON , April 25.-The case of WIlliam Graves of New York City against Secretary Carlielo to compel time hatter to award to him $4,500,000 of the recent Issue of bonds to whtch , Graves claimo lie is eu- titled through accepaflc0 of his bids. will be hoard In the distrIct supreme court bore next Saturday. The case came up before Judge Cole today and was deterred at the request of time counsel for Graves , who. wanted more time to examine Secretary CarlIsle's reply. AssIstant Attorney General - oral Dckinsan ! appeared for the secretary. I''mmI4lIi 11111 t ( 1i4 'J'iheit IT. WAShINGTON , April 25.-Time house program - gram for next week was consIdered today by time committee Oil rules. It was decided to lot the debate on the pension bill contInue for a reasonable time , anti , as mommy inemim- hers desIre to put timemselves on record on the bill , there may be several night sessions for speecim making , milost of which will be done by time reptibhlcamis. No rimle to limit debate will be proposed by time commnittec , hint time house may make an agreement tu vote at a certain time. After thin Pemislon bill the bankruptcy bill will probably be time order. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Ctmuitlj tutor of iii lINJIN Ci t . WAShINGTON , April 25.-Cardinal Sa- tolli lies received th papal brief alpOIuit- ) lug Vicar qeneral Giennon of Kansas City to be coadjutor of timat diocese. iNSiI : i.ts ichi.i.s I'1H l'nItSONS. ) iior.ierer Fimiitii'Cmimmmim its Sumlelile Itmutlmer 'I'Imzuit Sumrreimui , 'r , ROCKViLI , md. , April 25.-Pete Igbort. a carpenter , 22 years old , oimmnarried , this mmmorimlmig , without apparent cause or provocation - tion , shot ammd instamitly killed Mrs , ifermnami linake and two chIldren , mmext door noighmbors. Ho themm reloaded his gun , anti , coming up. town , saw Sheriff \V , M. Mull armd Deputy Wtllianm Sweom in time FIrst Netlonai bank stairway , Egbert lnmllomi UI ) his weapon amid shot the simerifi Im ) time back of time head. kill. ing hIm instantly. Sweetim faced time assassin ammd received a charge of bucksimot lit lmls neck , ( alilmmg at time bank stops and expiring lmmsttm n tly. lgbert then made Imis escape to the fair grounds , just outtlo of town , A possa hum- mediately organized and starteti in PursuIt. Fifty or imore mcmi , armed with shot gumma , rifles anti PIStOlS stirroundeti time grounds. Egbert refused to surrender , and was fired 0mm. lIe diti mmot return the fire , but ran Into a stall and sent a load of buckshot tnto hIs breast , dying Instammtiy. lie was found to have receiveul ommo milgimt wound in the fusil- iado wimicim had boom ) going 0mm. Egbert's ais- ter , at time annie hour be killed himself. dloti at . time family imomimo of typhoid foyer , oung hgbert once was confined in a lunatIc asylummi , btm.t was diacimarged as cured , No reason can be assigned for time terrIble kIlling except that time nman was Imisane , Sheriff Mull vaa a colonel during time war and was lromnlnent in Grand Armmmy cIrcles in indIana. lie was also a republican 1mm politics and was only recently renomnuated. No trouble oxlsteti betweeu time mmiurderor and the Parties kilied. The coroner's inquest - quest imow that Mrs. Ilaako was killed by two blows oum tIme Imead witlm a blunt Instru- ment. Site was not dead , Two cimiltiren wore shot with a double-barreled shotgun , over 125 shots entering each body. Mr. Ilaske , time husband. was working at his trade as a baker iii Illinois , lie was tciegrapheti for sitU returmmed. to hIs sad imommme timls afternoon. lie takes time mtmatter nimilosopblcaily as a tragedy timat cannot be hmuipeti , The mmumrderer Is tlmotmiit to have beemm Immsammo to soumme degree all time wiqtor. Miss Florence Egimort , time sister of the nmurderer , vhmon sue imeard time 4etaiis of limo hcrrlble affair and that imer own brother was time central figure of time various trage. tilsi bacamno frantic unil died $ ummrnedlately from time almock. h3ho was In bol , sufforiug with typhoid fever. ( Lip-rAIN M.tif.tN Is recognlzt'd ntitlitn'lty 11w world over oil flilval lila I tm'us-.nnd tuo aie e 1)11 gas Imintttji'si-y have cruciceti lii ) the " , Tevt'i" gmls stove so inti'li that leoPle himivo coimie to look upon tis its ntitltotity- . we (10 ( lmamithlt' the only gus ; stove Iii towii-thie oiie that smives the gas mini Is the lowest lii prlet'-tlmc' " , Tewel. " John Hussie cOflsitlerourPricO12407 C nil iig A NICIIT SESSION Purthor Debate 011 POflSiOflS Dur'ng the Afternoon. BARTLETT TAKES MAHANY TO TASK Couuiplaimus of hie 1.nfler'pu Attnek on - CommreMsmmmmims tleCieitm * mmIS. ( tiles- tiomu of of Woruls. SASLLINGTOM , April 25.-In time Imouse today another partial report on time executive , legislative and judicial aplropriatiomm bill was adopted and time bill sas sent back to con- ference. In connection with time report. Mr. Gro3vcnor , republican of Oimio , called attention - tion to a provIsion in the bIii which would lrevcnt the logislattve assembly of OkIa- homa from remnovimmg the capltai of the tern. tory to Gutlmrte. Mn , Flynn of Oklahoma defended the provision. It. was agreed by mmuommimous consent to itold a night session toniglmt. for general debate oum time ponion bIll and after an unsucceastul attemnpt by Mr. PickIer to got unanimous consent for time consideratIon of a resolution to set astdo Saturday , May 2 , for the consideration of inivato pension bills , and by Mr. Terry , democrat of Arkansas , to take up a private peimsiomm bill , the house resumed consideration of the PickIer pension bill , Mr. Bartlett , tienmocrat of New York , speaking in oppo- sitien. Mr. Bartlett thought time scope of time iaw of 1890 should not be increased. Ire took Mr. Mahmany , republIcan of New York , to task for attacking imls colleague , Mr. Me- Ciellan , during debate yesterday. "I did 1)01. attack ltimn , " interrupted Mr. Mnhaimy. "You remarked upon the strange shglmt of a son of General George II. McClellan block. lug time path of justice to the old soldiers. " "io you Construe that as an attack ? " "L do. " "Yoim are entitled to your construction. " ( Republican applatmse. ) Mr. Gros.'vemmor enmlorsetl time bill. lie ntl- rmiltted that the first session grammtimmg pemm. slons to coimfederato soldiers who deserted time ummion armmiy iminoty days before Appo- mnattox mIght leami td a base steal. But , imo added , timere svere in several parts of time south , notably in east Tennessee , loyni unhomm men who had besim forced limb time confederate arnmy. To do jimatice to them ime was willing to hazard the PossibilitY of abuses else- where. Mr. Kerr , republican of 01mb , crIticised time actIon of time atimnlmmistrathon regardIng pen- slon mmatters and said time crusade agaInst ( ho 01(1 ( soldiers lmmmd been done desImiedly amid witim lremneditatton. All of the oihicera of the Interior dopartmment. lied been oelectetl with a view to putting obstacles in the wa' of soldiers obtaining pensions. Mr. Myies of Maryland thought time soldiers were entitled to liberal treatrnemt on pen- mmion matters. and said he lied endeavored to act on timat theory. He entered a pro. test against time attacic timmut had been macic by time gentleman fronm Illinois ( Connoily ) omm the deceased soldier , General McClellan , anti on his soim , wimo oplose(1 some provisions of the present bill , At half past 2 o'clock , witimout concluding tIme debate , the house entered upon the spa- cliii order , the delivery of ommiogies on the late Representative William II , Craln of Texas. At 4:05 : P. mu. , as a funtimer mark of respect to the mnemmory of the deceased , the imouse adjourned umttl 8 o'clock tonight. There were less thmami a dozeim momhers present when time lmommsa met tonight. for fur- timer debate on the pension bIll. Iteprc9enta- thvo Payne of New York presided. Mr. Hardy , republican of Indiana , Mr. Gibson , republican of Tennessee. Mn. Ctmrtls , repub- llcamt of ICansas , and Mr. Mahammy , repimb. helium of Now York , poke In favor of the bill. Mr.'hmeeior , democrat of Alabamna , spoke against It , . . .LlOSO : time Imoimse adjourned. I'rm.siIemi ( liii Soimmimmmi ( ( ill , WASHINGTON , April 25-TIme prcoltlent today sent to the senate time nominatIon of Citarles C , Field as isostmmmaster at l'tmyallup , Wash , iIO % ' lvii ( O ' 10 Si.iEl' , Nmmtumre's " .Yusy of iiiIttii lip 11mm' 11,1 eIi'd Sleeiii of Core. It is a curious fact tlmmt wlmomm time god Sam- Imus takes drowsy mortals 1mm imis care time iiroccs's of going to sleep Is accomaplialmod as systematically as Is any other purely pimysical function , s.mye time 1'lmmuadelpbia Roe- orul , \S'hcn we go to our slumbers we do not go all at once. In regular anti unvarying order time senae one by one give up timeir active working , and when sleep is actually upomm us It. is arm orderly sequence of events that hams brougimt it about , Time first stop takcn is the cbs- ing of the eyes , and natummimiiy , therefore , the first souse that Is dulled is that of slgimt. Immediately following upon timls is the suspension of the olfactory meryos-tho hoes of time iower of anmehlhumg. fly amid by time nerves of hearing grad. ually drop their usual work , rind finally time aemmao of touch uccummibsi to time soothing In- iiuenco. Amnormg the muscles and sinews time same slow but rure ios of power occurs. Ilegin- nlng at time feet , slumber steals along the 111111)3 and trunk of time imcdy until finally It nmOulflts to time brain , dulls eommsciousrmeas ltaelt anti leaves time entire body 1mm commplsto rest , If time feet are cold , sleep therefore is tardy In comnlng , an& if we vant to cure lnaomnnla One of the etmreat umicarms is to place a hot- water bag to time soles of our pedal extremni- tes ! and so aid imaturo's workimigs. 1very one knows that people are often suffocated by coal gas or some equailypois- omtous substance be'tause they failed to waken before time deadly odors did their mni.sehievoua vork , Tbis .s accounted for by time fact that time ronso ot smell. altitouglm the scormd one In diammppeanimmg , is the last to come bick as we are aroused ( remit sleep. Touch Is last to go and first to return' bearing bommmes quickly after ; tuste arrh.'ca alnmost inmmnediately in It.i sake , and then time eyes beg.mm to fiasim imimpreasions to time brain , Last of all , a we have satti. smell re- sumea Its acti'ity amid , since this Is true , too umucim care cannot well be taken to have all aleelming roommis timorougimiy a4ned , well pro- tecteti froumi gIts and secured against possible intruders whoao deft use of chloroformmu often makes a burglary succesful , if no more serious 0005OqUenCCs follow. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . ; ; ' M1lLqUIM Ol' SAl.lSlIUitY hues ft wlmi'oh-niiul the art of riding it 'lue't'l Is taught (15 ( ll. ' at out' large riding scitooh on tIn' thIrd hour of our elegant btiilmiiiig-seliool in t'harge o ( mum experl. emiceti lnstructor-prlvatt' lesomis i0e- colii.o of live lossotis $ LOO-anybod3' calm leat'mi-s'e gtinriintee to teach you to ride or your imltiley refimmidomi , Colunibus Buggy Co. C , lCitmz Doimmmmamm , liicyclo Mgi. at itey lhti'ii AtCOiIOhi WI 1,1 , M'I'A'V. Memmttors leeiineto i'uutpr 111,1)1 % flu Itu'imuici 'I'zriff ielmmte. WAShINGTON , April 25-Tho tariff quwion mmiade Its appoaramice unexpectedly lit tIme senate today , amid for a time It looked as though time routine of considering appropriation - . priation bills would give way to a general tariff debate. Mr. Sherman endeavored to secure action aui time bill relatirag to fruit bramulies amid alcohol used In t1m arts. Mr. Ceandier gave warning , however , that If the bill was taken up , it would immvolve a do. hate upon tile entire tariff question. Mr. l'latt vent further by stating that it this correction o the revenue tanhffl laws was attempted - tempted , ime would urge that. time entire Wil. 'on law be repealed amid time former McKinley i-sw be revived , After these anmtouncemnents , time vote on Mr. Shertnan'o motion was foi- hewed with great interemit , resulting in time ( isfest of the rnotion-22 to 27. The sundry civil approlritttiomm bill was comnpleteti and hassed durIng time day. As it passed the risouse it carried about $30,000,000 ; as re- porteti to the senate it readied $35,000,000 , amid with amendments edded today time tot.sl wan raIsed to $37,000,000. The novelty of a Saturday sassion resulted in a meager attendance today , amid some tlmo was consumed hum drumming up a quorum. Mr. Lodge secured tha adoption of a reso- lotion asking the pootmacter general to take stops for expedIting the iistribution of seeds through time postolflco. The resolution seeks to overcome a congesio ; i the WashIngton postomee , owing to thmd pressure of seed simlpmnemmts , the numpc of oed packages received being i3 great as to blopk passageways - ways and obstruct bd1ntcss. Mr. Shermmian again 'dught to proceed wIth the bill commeerifing the ta * on fruit brandies to wimlcim the finance committee had offered an amendment repeahhmig tac rebate tax on alcohol used in the mpts , Mr. Pefer objected. l'bereupon Mn , Shor- ins-n moved to take mp..to bill , and a test vote was In prospect. Mr. Chandler agaIn trged , that Mr. Sher- 0)1111'S ourse tnviteq . , discussion of the entire tariff qucsttoim , hlch. as ha been announced. Was ded a Julius Caesar. Whtlm a tariff debate iaugtrated other press- tog subjects would be crowded out , said Mr. Chandler. Mr. Shermmian responded tlmat there was mo purpose -to precipltat&'th'etkvlmOle tariff ques- tiomi and oxpiained timt millIons were being icst by the failure to' .t tieCt the errors of the present law. " Mr. I'effer added his protest against open- log a tariff ( leiate , which , he said , would crowd back the bond resolution , which haul the right of way by unanimous consent. QUESTION OF' REVENUE. Mr. Pbatt. republican of Connecticut , opposed - posed going on wIth the bill and. added : "If we are to enter upon time cornectiomi of tarIff umilstukcs then I thInk we almould correct tIme greatest mistake of all , time Wilson bill , by rcpeaiimtg It. With the repeal of that law the McKinley law would no revived. " "And then we would have less reenue instead of more , " interjected Mr. Gray , demimo. crat of Delaware. "It would bring more , " declared Mr. Platt. "Bring It in hero amid we'll discuss that , " said Mr. Gray. "Yes , we are ready to discuss it , " said Mr. Plcmtt. The vole W1113 then taken , much interest being mnanifested In it , it was felt to in. volvo the charmce of the general reoponlmmg of the tariff question. Mr. Sbernman'a motion was defeated-yeas , 22 ; hays , 27-as toiioWs Yeas-Republicans Allison , flroii , Slmer- man , Teller , Wolcott-S. Democrats : Bate , Berry , I3lackbuiui , Bnlce , CalTory. Call , Clmii- tori , Cockroll , Gordon , Gray. Martin , Mule , Palmer , Pasco , Pugh , Vest , Walthali-17. To. tel. 22. Nays-Republicans : Baker , Burrows , Cannon - non , Carter. Chandler , Clark , Cullorn , Davis , Frye , Gaihingor , Gear , liansbrougim , Hawley , Lodge , Mantle , Nelsen , Pettlgrow , Pbatt , Proctor. . Warren. Wlleon-21. Dornocrats : Bacom ) , Tillmnan , Turpio-3. Populiats : Aiicsi , Butler and l'ofter-I. Total , 27. SUNDRY CIVIL. HILL PASSED , , -Aftor timls flurry the consideration of time mundry civil appropriation bill was nesunmed. Mr. I'onlclns , republicamm of California , secured a new ahiiolmLlnitlimt ampnOpriatimmg $230,000 for a revenumo critter of time linat class for time Pacific coast. and Mr. Frye , republican of Maine , haul the number of time rovemmue cutters for limo great lakes increased from one to two , to cost $100,000 for both. An amentimnont by Mr. Gordon , democrat of GeorgIa , waa miiado immcreaaing time cost of the himibllc buildIng at Savaimnaim , Ga. , from $400,000 to $500,000. Mr. Bate. tlemrmocnat of Tennesee , cffered an ammmeminient embracing over 400 claIms aggregating $572- 000 favorably acted on by time court of claims. Mr. Allison made a point of order against aidlrmg timis to an appropriation bill ammd time arnendmemmt vent over until later. Arm ammmendment was mnatlo Increasing time limit of cost of time public buIlding at ICamm- sas City , Mo. , ( noun $1,200,001) to $1,316,000 ; appropriating iSO,000 fun a revenue cutter for the gulf ot Mexlo'nppropniatlng : $50,000 for lmuildimigs at the 'Inflgtary post at ills. mmtarck , N , D. . and a liIe 'm for time military - tary poet at Fort ItIle , 1Yamm , ; appropriating $75,000 for time public bultrtling at Salt Lake City. , ; , Mr. Hawley , repubiithlt1bf Connecticut , of- fared an anmemmtimemmt dr itIng timat time pnirmt- lag of lostngO stanmpa nt'tbo ' Liurcaim at Eu- graving and i'rlmmting ti&dJmucontinud ammd time pnirmtimmg be done by'eaMract after public competition , Thin ommuhiq' an extended ' 1i- cussiomm , Time mm nmerudmmiitwas flmmaliy rule'I out 0mm a lolnt of orde md Jle by Mr. Nelzsn , republican of AiinnesotttJ1 ' whmereuporm Mr. I'iatt appcaied from th'1ddeislon of the cimair ( Mn , Cllumtorm prcsidlngUuimmaimierablo ) ) feoliag was shown 1mm the disctIa4ldmt , Mr. Nelson do. dared that this move ' * a made In the interest - terost of diaappointeti iithIors. Time appeal was afterward wlthdm'awlm , Time ammondrmlent was later offered In iimitlmer form arid detested - tested on a vote. i'tJa The claims under 1hEslitlovmnn act were ruled out cmi a poimmt of order. As thus ammiended , tboimundny clvii bill passed , S Mr. Clmandlor asked for early action no the resolution for a senate Invoatigifloru into Alalmatna elections , 'l'Imis brought a stale- mont from Mr. Allen , poprultot of Nebraka , timat his vote anti that of otim'r ppulists would be givm'rm for the invsstixutiomm , so that If the forty-four re.pubhican ye' . .a wore givu'n for it , Mr , Allen said , time resolution would Mn , Pugh , democrat of Alabama , said it would be time moot remarkable event In tie : history of time senate if forty'ir tenators voted for this lmivevtigatiomm. At 6 o'clock p , ma , the itedatO 1c1d cmii executive aes.iion amid soon iftor , itljourncml. ( 'until t imumi of * lie 'l'rm'umsulry. WAShINGTON , April 25-Today's state- mimI of time commditlorm of the Ireaaury alioumm AvaIlable 'ca.mim balance , $271,3SS,036 ; gold ro. serve , $122rT7L37. ' - \t ' HlV.thIl ) .7 , I'llii.V $ \\'mts a uhlimloinat of great niark-uiide : a uumnrk m4OiiletlhIilg like ve've iumtde In tIi eult'idt ) itutti etirimilmi hlne-thioiigiit of t'ar- i't ' and eui'tnitts so much that thmert"m4 imotlitiig lit the carpet aunt etirtala flume 3'OU Cat ) think of lint 'ltnt we thought Oh1 Clht thiiimk of but what thought of. of.Omaha Omaha Carpet Co Omily cxc'iusive 1515 Dod c Carpet ilouse imere. hELP FOR PACIFIC ROADS Report of the House Comnmitteo on the Refunding - funding Bill , ARGUMENT tN FAVOR OF TIlE MEASURE Clmmmiruumnn Powers Urges flint time hi ilromtuis hhm'e I'imi Coriipiied i-iitiL 1serr iteqntremeimt of time ( iernmmcmtt. WAShINGTON , April 25. - Cimairman l'ouers of limo imousO committee on l'acitlc railroads today presented to the imouso time report of time majority of the comnmltteo on tIme I'aclflc railroad bill. It. makes a very coniimrelmenslvo amid eximaustivo document , Time report sketcimes very briefly time familiar hIstory - tory of tile legislation by which the govern- rnemmt granted subsidy bonds to the Pacific roads and then outlines eximaustively the pro- vlslomis which congress has ummade from time to time for the repayment of the bonds. The report says omm this point : "TIme acts of congress prescribing time provision - vision to be made by time conmpanies for time repayment of bonds arid time interest thereon have all been fully complied with by time companies. " "It vas believed by congress , " the report says , "tlmat time provialomis so prescribed to be made woulti sulilco to discharge the subsidy - sidy bonds end interest theroomm at maturIty. As a matter of fact , tlmey have not stmtflced. The insufliciemicy of the congressional provision - vision imas not resulted from any failure or omission of amiy of time companies to fully carry out tue provisions of the various acts of congress , but hues resulted from two causes : First , the great reduction in rates of transportation , wlmich have roiuced far beyond time original armticipatlon , tIme ammioumit of compommsation whlchm the companies were entitled to receIve from time United States for govornmnent transportation ; and second , time reduced. and until a recent vote , tim concmtantiy dimlntslmhtmg rate of interest updn the g&mvenrmmnent bonds in whicim the Thurman sinking fund was originally re- qulced to be iumvested. It was expected that the retentjomm of half of the compensatIon for servIces rendered for time governmemmt would equal or exceed time current interest upon subsidy bonds , acmd that time reserved 5 lOr cent of rmet earnings t'ouid suffice for the repayment of time debt at mumatunity. "It ia estimated that time aggregate arm- nusi interest would be $3,892,080 , numd time fact that the crummy arid navy transportatiomi Cud postal aervice to the Pacific had coat time governunent ar.nualiy $7,356,781. One.half of this compensation for services to the government would Imave very nearly vamd the whole anmiual interest account ; but , imot- witimstamidhmig the vast increase in the gov- ernmnemmt transportation to time Pacific coast , the rates of compensation at which the corn- panics were paid for time services which they rendered the govenimment % vere reduced so iow timat the conmpammies , instead of re- calving an amount double or oven cqmmal to the aimnual interest on the subsidy bonds , fotiid timemselvos left debtors annually to the government In time interest account in large amounts. PASSAGE OF' THE TIURMAN ACT. Time Insufficiency of time acts of 1862 and 1861 becomuug obvious , time report nays "con- gress , In 1878 , pasmed the Thurman net , providing - viding for limo reservation of time whole in- atead of imaif the commpensation for govein. meat trcnoportation , and that time anmounts reserved in the bond and Interest account ( so called ) amid time further amounts specified in the act to be paul into time Thmurmami sinking fund , should at least equal 25 ier cent of time umet earnings of time properties. The provisions of time law have been fully carried out amid timere imae been no interruption - ruption ( mmotwlthstammdhng the insolvency of one of timese companies ) In time continued corn- Idlamico by botim time Union Pacific Railway cormmpany arid the Ccntral I'achtic Railway company , wltlt the full requireriments wimtchm congres.i iman imerotoforo ostaimlished ; but tire expectation of Senator Timurman that the sinking fund could be irwesteul In government - mont bonds upon a 5 per cermt or anytimurmg iike a 5 per cent basis , utterly failed , as for a very ccnsiderablo portion of time govern. nment bonds have solti immucim nearer a 2 per cant than a S per cent basla. "These c inpanlcs have repaid to time Ummiteti States sums wimich in the aggregate are ci- most oqtmai to time entire amount of time sub- sitiy bonds ioaned and In time case of time Uumlon Pacific itailmvay company tIme repayment - mont tviii exceed by time sum of about $5- 000,000 time entire anmotmnt of time subsidy bonds Issued to it. , constituent companies. Time decline In rates of transportation is oh- vious wimen It is considered that the armimy anti navy transportatIon an'i Postal service to time PacIfic before the construction of time roads cost the governnmeumt annually $7,357- 781 , st'imile time cost of the like transportation on both time Union amid Ceumtral I'aeific in 1891 ( time latest year for whicim the accounts luavo beemm made up ) , wimon time volume of busine.'a tranmiacted must have be'eum many times as great as timat trammsported before the coumstrmetlorm of time roads , cost tIme goy- ernmocmt only $1,753,426. Orm time other hand , time Timurman sinking fund instead of earning 6 pei' cent ver annum on time amount 1mm- vested therein lisa yieldeml ommly conmparativoly instgnificant rettmrmis. " Fromim statements turnisimeti by time aecre- tary of time treasury , Cbairmiman l'owera ehows that time total subsidy bonds advanced wore : UnIon Pacific raIlroad , $27,236,512 ; Kansas I'aciflc railway , $6,303,000 : total , $33,539,512. Central Pacific railroad , $25,885 , . 120 ; Western Pacific raIlroad , $1,070,560 ; total - tal , 27,855,680. Total subsidy hands advanced - vancod to these companies , $61,395,192 , Time repaynmommts were : Uniomm Pacific railroad - road , $38,569.9311 ; Cecmtral I'aciflc railway - way , $18,185,458 ; total , $56,755,394. Time repayments to January 1 , 3897 , fail short of an nmmnount equal to the princIpal of the subsidy bonds advanced by about the surom of $4,639,701 , The rennain- log debts to the govenmiment up to Jamumary 1 , 1897. are : Union Pacific and Kansas I'aciflc , $53,715,408 ; Central Pacific aumd Westenim Pacific - cific , $57,681,514. TI1tE I'LANS PI1ESENTED. Three possible lines of policy seemed open to the governumiermt , Mr. Powers states. viz. : 41Firat-To enter lute possusslorm of the iropertbcs vhmlch would involve time mmmcdi- ate payment of $61,385,000 first mortgage bends. Second-Foreciosuro and sale of time gov. ernnmcuit's lIen. which wotmid practically roach time samne result of time government's actiuisi- lion of time roads. The roads , if sold for what timoy would fetch , , would yield little or nothing for time goverimmncnt on its debt , Third-To make an arrarmgemuicut with the sin. cit.ittis 'i'ti'l'iit \1iy hint hi't' iti'ehi it Ilve.dniiir : iliflh- but just Ilie umtne Imo ctim wear ui shine tom' $ $ .tiO-lf litijti vs It of tis-it's nil noust'usu iiyitig : tvo tiahimi rs inurc' for shiot'iheii cut gutt them for tiiu''e thohlim's : lint itre gliaraulteeui to lit' 115 good mis nay iihUtlt'-3'Oli'll lehlt'vo It's ; i- . ( ) Vltoii 3'Otl 8'e 1110111. Drexel Shoe Co. , Senmi ( or our iiltmsI I Ef V . trated catalogue. ' ' - ' 11 1111111 cornliarioa wlmieim should secure to time gov- _ rnunemmt timni i'al'mimcnt of hixeti ammmuimnts itt imres'ribemi ' date. , as large as limo reasonmaimly anticipatemi eurnimigms : would bear. 'rho commmmnitteo , the report coumtintmes , ' 'adopted the third iilan and extenticil the govenmirnont lien to embrace time whole prop- ertlee , iuicludtmig ternmInala , brancim lines and feeders anti equipnments. I n tlmi conmmectiomm it iii saiti 'Vitimotmt timesa it would be imim- practicable to operate simeceasfimily time sub. sluiced prolmertlos , which are confirmed to in- tenor railways vitimout time terminals anti outlets indispensable to ami elilciemit anti pay- log proimerty , On time other imanti , no sot- tiementa had been unatie which loaves the government at Its hirenant disudvamitago , and which does mint imroride for time government eecurity comimpleted In time respects which it lmmia bonm imeretoforo so clearly deficient. Time liens of time govermmnumemit will emabrace athil- tlonal indispensable properties , which immciude macro timan 20 per comit of time muaimm hue mileage of the Union Pacific ralirosni , 220 miles of brmincimes , its extensive torniimmals at Omaha , ICanras City , Denver and Ogden , time bridge acros3 the Misarmuri river at Ouminima , time entire body of umnaoltl lands , together with outstanding land contrcta. In time case of the Central Pacific the lierm Is extemidod to imiciude the nonaideti iands extendiumg from Niles to Oakland ( cmi time bay of San Frau- cisco ) , together with time local lines , termInal imrolierties and real estate in San Francisco , Oakland and Alanieda , steamers , ferry boats and equlpumment of ferries , which constitute the great ternilmials of time Central Pacific in and near San Francisco , " MODIFIES CENTRAL3 LEASE. The bill requires the Southern I'acific lease of time Central to be niodifled to guaranty the lndebtednes of tii0 Central The report estimates $4,000.000 to be a fair average of time annual earnings of the roads anti declarea that it will be folly to exact mnoro eaclm year than time incommie of that year could discharge. On this basis it Is estimnated the payment of fixed charges every year wihi be : Central Pacific , $3,825- 890 : UnIon Pacific , $3,628,548. In each case a snmall margin is left to cover unexpected commtimigencies. Time report continues : It Is provided that time charges due the corn- panios from time governmumt for transporta- tlon of mali , stmpphles , etc. , aimahl be wltim. held by the gevernoment if default is made in any year's payment , Timese charges alone will nearly meet the annual interest charges. TIme bill authorizes time Union I'aclflc to issime a new 4 per cent mortgage for time amnounit of its existing first mortgage , $51,000,000. Time Central Pacific fs to extend its first inert- gage on time aIded portion of Its ilmmo at a rate nearly 5 per cemit. This , amhded to ox- istimig first rnortgagoa , aggregates $63,564,000 , less time sinking funds applicable tlmereto , anmountirmg to $10,763,000 , wimicim leaves tlme mortgage indeb'edness on time emmtirc system about $52,801,500. Irs referrlrmg to the Union Pa'ific , time no- port says that at previous stages of time history - tory of timis quiestiomi it imas cumihrace-1 a vast and well aplointed property , with a mnileago of S,600 unilos , but there now no- mains only the Union Pacific railroaml proper , ocrbracing 2,000 miles , as a atubject for comm- gressioumal legIslation. Eveum timls property must be regarded as subject to dismember- ment. as a result of any proioumge1 onmissiomi on the part of congress to emmact legislation necessary for the protection of time interest of time government. Six muorigage foreclosure proceedings are pending affecting time various rmmontgago divisions of time UnIon Pacific railroad - road proper , tlmree of these imaving beorm instituted - stituted under mortgages prior to the lien of time government. Mn , Powers' report concludes : "It is man- ifeet that unless a bill providing for time settlement of tIme indebtedness of time railways - ways is adopted by congress it nmust uiiakt' imnmnediato provisioum for the payment of time first nmiortgago honda upon time smllallizeI ( portions of thmo Union Pacific railroad and early provision for the paymemit of the like iammthm upon the aubsidized parts of time Central - tral I'acific railroad , and , in addltioim to timis , adequate provision for time acquirement of such imortions of time unsubaitlizeti properties - orties as are clearly Indispensable to time operation of time aided portiomis. In time present - ent condition of time treasmmry no fumids mmro available for such application. anti in the event tlmat commgreaa simouid c1e.Iro to carry such an undertaking immto effect , It miimmst lriimetlately ! provide time mmeces- sary revenue to cover the appropriation , The provisions reasonably neceseary for such pur- P0505 would exceed $80,000,000. Time coni- umiittee carumot reconnmnemid any imicrease of public debt by time lsue of the bomuts of the United States which t'oulti be required for such a imurposo. It is bellevotl that , for tim first titan in tIme imistory of thIs nmattcr , the relatIons of time Pacific railroads to time UnIted States rosy , anml should , unlmesitat- inmgly be dealt with us a hmmshumess probleimi. It I'm lliC't'Otl timat timia legIslation imnuhl hO comnpretmenaibie anti fimmal , amid r.lmoulil ter- nminato time intinmiate relatIons of the government - mont withi the oniterpnises of these raliroad . " companies. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i'In ' , Vulehm hog's Nap. By conmstant working at It for thirty years , writes Chmamnp Clark in the St. LouIs Ite'public , Jumdge hlolmnan of Indiana had built up a miatiortal reputation as an ecoumoniist ommd imari earned frommu a grateful courmtry tue proud sobriquet of "Time Watch Iog or itte Treasury. " There was , however , a auapiciomm in time mnlmitls of a great many people that , it an approjmrition wore going to Irmdians , time Watch Iog suddenly took a hap. In time last days of the Fifty-timird congre tlmere was it liroposition to aipropniate a large sum of money for time relief of time raunnants of time tribe of noble red. nnemi lcnowmm as time Miammii Indians , supposed to be located some- wimere emi timuVubasim river. To tie amaze- nient of many of us who imad been sitting at time judge's feet to learn wisdom , lie eupported time measure. General Ifenmtlerson of Iowa began hula reply to tiio venerable Hoosier by quoting , witlm a aught variation , two famous lines froumm liryon : 'Thu sweet to hear time Watch Iog's honest bark flay deep-mouthed welcome as imo draws near home. I doubt it a neater repartee or more fitting quotatiomm was ever macdo , * . \Vimmut a iliut Mu , hI.itl , The rose turban is a brilliant. sample of tba amount of color anti style that oanm be crowniod into one conscientious nnilhirmery ef- fort. fl Is mauls up of dozens of crush roses , shading frormi time delIcate pimk of time l.a France to time deep , velvety carmiminic of time Iliack Prince rose ; heaves in various stmamirm of epnimig greens are useti liberally , and timorned atermis stand tall and straight in company with time black algretto. Time vIolet and mignonette turimans are les'3 gergocUme timan the rose hat , but wimemm they are found alto. getimer too modest in effect a viviml Ammmenlcau iieauty rose is Idaced at time base of ttue Aigrette In place of time knot of violets , .thuhl thi . i l.iCOlN , 'Phi luau ss'imn'-ce Pli'i iute nlvniys bold s.u.ii lii nhI3 kliiul or mm franiehe It elder or Ih'SV hstit your mithtt'i' pici ilu'e:4-\'m' t'flll fm iuue I lioimi for hiss , thait you eii : ) buy' I 1 m t' inoiiltl I mm g cm fly Ii't'e oh cue --ml hi ii ' , SO cmii ) 1)111 ) on I iii' In test style ninultlliig , too -nt ini'ge uim'tsortuuuu'iut to .seiu''t from- Iiui'lutliiug all tin , hmifest mleiguis. A. HOS1)e , jr , Music audArt 1513 1)oug1at - - - - - - - - - - - PROOF OF JACKSON'S ' CRINE 8olulbera Placo1 on the Witness Starni b7 tim Prosecutjomm , NETSLOWLYCLOSINGAI3OUT TUE ACCUSED Witumesses for tile Sinte Adul IIul After miutle to time Clummimu of Hl- deuce .t mxii I ii , , i iu.ui el ii r3'mt ft's Murderer , NEWI'OItT , Ky , , A lmnil 25-Time interest in the trial of Scott Jacksomi deem. imot abate in the least. Twenty-ommo witimesses were examumined today , Most of tlmese voro simmiply to fill gaps in ) time testimony already given or to corroborate time sammie. Tlmero was a etrong evidence to show timat time groummmi vimere the body was fotmmmti , mmear Fort Thomas , iias soumiced itli blood nicarly a foot deep , The iauclty of blood cmi time stir- face has been cue of time mnust strIkln lmoints on ) wimlch time rlefemmse Imas dwelt , TIme muost importaumt testlnimoumy was timmut of two or tlurec 'ltnosscs in limo afternioomm , Time exauimimmatiomm mf witmmeuea imroceotled rapidly today. Private Soldier Weaver Ott Fort Timommias testified conccrntmmg seine imummian hair which be fommmid 1mm a clot of blood omm time ground wimero time body was fotmnd vImen lie visited limo place shortly after time finding. Mrs. Bryan was recalled and prodtmced a lock of Pearl Bryan's hair , cut frommm the girl's lmead a yost ago. She compared it with tlmo hair mentioned by Weaver , and foumici the two alike. Judge Ileonett , formerly a soldier in the United States army , testified in regard to the amoummt of blood floe immg from a person killed by Indians. Fronum his observation ho esti- nmatod that there were about two quarts of blood where I'earl liryamm was feuumml. \Vllhinni Newell , a nmowspaper rune. liro- minced bloody lost wimicii lie imad foumul on time scene of time murder. Timomnas Boyce testified t havinmg seen a mole hole mm time bamik wlmere time body was found mm such a positioum that it would mmasit imm . draimmimmg at'ay time blood. .v. 0. l'immckarml , wimo luau. ! becomue tic- quaintcd 'ltit Jacksomm amid % 'nhling , testIfied tI at omm tlio 31st of Jaumuary last. a little after moonm , imo saw \Vahlimig amid a vommmami COmme ! out of time Atianmtie earden into C.lli-ge street. Jmmclcsomm appeared troumm toward Sixth street , anti the three stood together aonmme little tIme ; tim , . womimami roenmad to b 1mm ilislress and hesitating , Jackson was tmtiluimmg anti gest cu- latmmmg earnmehtly , time wnn..umum'a lumammnlor imimli- rated hesitation , while Jacksomi seommied to be trying to overcoumme lien objectiomma. They flmmahly iveumt omit together totvarml Sixth street. Mrs. I'iymmmuutim SVeclm , of Cincinmnati , a spirltmualist rnedlunm , testified that in time last week of July Pearl Bryan amid Jaclcsonm came to Imor imlace , arid in time course of a commversn- than with lien i'cani l3ryami told her wimo imc \samm and also told her of her commdition , TIme witmmess amivised lion to go imoumie. The witumess doiscribeti the dress vimich Pearl Bryan vore , showing timot. she was not nmlstaicen. Fort Myor of Bellevun , Icy. , tolti of Jackson - son and Wailing wltin a blonde wommiamm coimmlmmg to hus drug store in IJolleymmo Thursday or Friday before the flumding of time body , arid arkimmg for ferries to Walnut 11111 , Mrs. Icat. Ilolnimes of Bellevue testified to seeimmg timla womarm and two men mit time ferry cmi time utanme day , talking to Mr. Foster , Mr. Foator testiiled that imo talked witin these people arid that it was oct Thursday or Friday , between 11 and 11:30 : o'clock. iron time first tlmne sluice time trial imegan time s'trcet in front of the jail , where Jacicsoum can be seen on hut way from time court roocni , was free from imoopic. TRAIN DISI'ATGIIER'S STORY. The first witnoaa in the afternoon , 3 , Kugel , a Cimmcinmnatl saloonkeeper wills whom Jachwors left Pearl liryan's valise , testified to time fact and idenitihlemi time valise. Time st'Itmiesz imiemmtifietl the coat taken ( comm a catch basin in lmis vrcaenct' , i'robably the roost inilmorlant testinrnmuoy of the day was timat of Pat J. lCimmimej , Imolicemnan at time Central Union ) depot , from , : wimicim the trauma leave for Indianapolis , Kimmney's business is to utmmmmotmnmco trains , lie says tlmat omm January 31 , AlommzoVailing came iimto time slttinmg room , over which , he ha cimargo at time Central depot about , 2 o'clock in time afternuoco anti remained timoro ummtii 4:10. : This witness kmmows Aiommzo Walhi'mg erfeetiy. Timera wwi a latiy wimom Wailimig brought there , wimo seemed 1mm deep dIs'tr''s. WItness noticed timem particularly , because ime expected timomim to take a traIn , anti was surprised that timt'y thu not do so , thouim mommy trains loft the depot during time two hours , Time womimimim lmuml haul hen lm'xntl- kercimlef In Imor imanti all the tinmuo , amid wma shedding tears. Waliing seemed to be talk- hug to lion 1mm an canniest , lersumtsive nmmaumrcr : , Witmmosa' ulcacriptiorm of time girl fita i'eari Uryani perfeCtly , lie was simown a Ihto- graph of Pearl Bryan , anti imionmtiflpci It positIvely as timat of tiio girl ito niaw iiitim Valiing in time miepot waiting roomo. Lie said a train left at 3 o'clock timmmt. afternoon for Indianapolis , Time theory is timat [ 'earl went to time depot to take this tniimm I' , indiarmalmulis and timnmt.'aliiumg poi'suatlctl lien .101 In go , They left time tiepot togotimer , Tue rec"imml of this evitloimco brought tettr4 in limo c ) ' ( of l't'ari Bryan's mumotimer , wimo Was sittimmg inside - side time bar. This evimlonce was inmtomiule1 to atmpplernent anti fit into timat glycim by Mr. I'inkard in tile forenoorm , mm wimicim hue related - lated about seeing Walling commme out of time Atlammtic ( lartien with a blonde girl a little after neomm Janimary 31 , stopping a whIle in College street , wim.'ro Jockitis ) abed in ( remit of time pair talking anti geaticulatimmg wIth great earnestness. The tinme for time Wahiluig trial was chmangoi fromrm Mmmy S to May 12. Timit. 1mm' . dlestea that the lmreaermt trial will be vro'- longed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clever Ynumiug Fri'ut'hm % 'olmugu ii , All Frammea Is ( milking of Mile , Jeanne Ilena- benm' extraordinary attainmnents. Tim's cx- ceodingly aelmolarly young wonmiun received the college degree of baclmeiur of arts two years ago , wbomm she was 16. Slm therm became prof.'saor . of pimilosopimy in a woummsnc'mm c.ohi'go at Lyons , ammd this year was a eanmiltiate tm. time Sorbenimme for timu' inmmportuiit ulegrec of licentlute in itimiioplty. 'l'ha oxaimmimmerti , timounim prepared for a pr ° i'gy were ammua'sed at the extent of lien eruchltImmm , amid her aerommum composure in uleauimig witim time 'oxemi jurob- lame at loscartea , Kant anti rnmm'tP. Iiie ts'mm.s third on time list of 200 carmmitdatemm , all of timera older tl'an herself , and is now a lee- turer on time eclenes of lbs imminad 1mm time coi. logo of Itouca.