1 1G 'I'Ili : OMAIIA DAILY UEE : SUNDAY , AI'tIT. ) $ ( hlsI ) ( ; , Good Morning. Carpet for the parlor ? Certainly. Next floor. Take the elevator please , One Grant Rnrgnln thts week is f0 rolls of x Tnpetrp llrus'els , the latest style ptt- terns , th.Ilnd usually sold for 75c , but nil we tusk Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e The next "Greater Dargntn" In Cnrpets is n Brent variety of Ingrnln Cnrpets , beau. { tlful pnlternm , very heavy , its the kind generally sold for 70c ; our price only , , , , , . .r Last-not least-but mho Grrnlest Rnrggin cf lo.lny's sutprlses ; n pure nil wool extra super Ingrain ( 'appal , choice of n great va. ty rirdy of the latest style patterns , nil b. . auttful colorings , worth every penny of 90r , but w'e say only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ah1 Truth is good c11o1 > li for us. . . Greater Omaha's ' s 000 a fl1 Orl . 1 . Additional force is lent our great Surprise Sale by the addition of a number of very c nvi Icing illultrttio ts of the purchasing power of the dollar at the PEOPLE'S FURNITURE CARPET CO.'S OUTFITTING PALACE. Comparison is a good thing , especially for a firm whose goods arc the best for the least money. 1 Iere is a ha f pagefull of bests for the least money. We point to many of the items as binJ pdrtlclllariy suggCStivc of your dollar - lar being worth two at . . . . , . e People's" Great Surprise Sale. ' us that the plain Ou 1. e . truth is for good enough f any busincss house when you sec the goods we advertise. when we say values , it's va'ucs ' , and when the People's Fur4 nature and Carpet Co , say reduced prices on such values or such lines , you'll find it s0 every time-and that's what it is this time--sure enough gain. thg Reductions on the best kind of goods made , and all the latest style , with a quarter s to a third and nearly a half of the price knocked off , - Ma Uillgs \\'hnt Is ulcer , clennor auul sw ecter for stluumet than a Cltlucse or , lapliII C lbtttI ig ? Tau Ca II depend oa bu } lug the cholecsl pnticrns ft t 8110111. oue hnll reg.ilflr prlresVe quote here at cotton warp that you elm get else. where for about 15e ; thls week's prIuc Is only. . . . . . . . Stylish Drapes That.'s Willit totes up n MettleV0 \vlll sell this week. ( the greatest snrprls ( ' of all ) It ) urge assortment of ( Jheullle Curiltlns , ho ndwnuely fringed. full size ; sold everywhere for 41.50 ; QI' .25 \ve cut It Just la half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baby Carriages Are Ripe we congratulate ourselves upon the fact that we ni'e agents for the cele hrnted "IIEY\VOOD" Carriage.VC sell The Stamp on a Coin I'fet'1i1IIII Its vltlue , provhi ng the iii etnl has ih0 right ring the right stamp on the w rang i letltl becomes a couttterfelt. Pile " 1''oide's" guitrnlltec' (111 ltllythling Inctns ; merit.Ve guarantee the Gladiator Bicycles 1 Cep It In repltlr , lucludlag puacttu es. Frce rldlug cebuOl. ' 1'svo numlels. 85 ° ° and : STIUCTI4Y IIIGII GItADI , Iron Beds Any size , the best material , the finest finish , salad brass tiinunIngs.'e bought over 500 of theul- nod can there , fore sell them at a less pr1CC $ 95 than others pay for them. For this week only. . . . . , , , C Ace you ready for some good tltiugs ? Solid k Center Table , Nicely Finished and well made , C Surprise Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' Rockers Kitchen Tables A stylish Ladles' Rocker , an. tlquo tlnlsh , sells regularly CVe . hard wood for $1.c5 ; this weep. . . , , . . , . . , . \Ve Kitchen iave over Tables 2E.i , large Sfze ; 8 5 CReed sells everywhere for $ L50 . All we ash Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reed Sewing RockersAll 135 Ladles' Reed ( lockers , well And nn nntlquc Kitchen 5afefj' worth $ L75 , our price this ' worth $1,50 , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mantel Folding Bed Dining Room Chair An antique Mantel ¶ very fine Dlning Itoom Pled , Including supported Chalr , that Is worth every C woven wire spring ormer . . . , . . , . . . price $19 , Surprise Sale Irlco bit o [ $1.50 sole 1Irlce. Oak Sideboard Antique Chair A Solid Oak Sideboard , an- 1'A hardwcotl Antique Chair , tique tlnlsh , bevel mirror , 1' , . C , regufar price 75c , this week , . former price $21 this week OUR EASY TERMS : On a bill of g 10.00 , . . , $1.00 per week or g 4 oo per month On a bill of 23.00. . . . 1.25 per week c'r 4.5o per month On a bill of 30.00. . . . I:5o per week or 5 00 per month On a bill of 5o.oo . , , , .oo per week or 7.50 per month On a bill of 75,00. . , _ 2.25 per week or 8.oo per month On a bill of Ioo.oo. , , 2.50 per week or Io.oo per month On a bill of :00,00 ; , , , 4 oo per week or 15.00 per month heated by electricity ; a email laundry in which both washing and Ironing svlll be performed by that agent ; healing and lighting apparatus , mechanical devices for lightening labor and manifold applications of this force will be displayed. A novel Idea is the electrotherm ; this is an asbestos blanket , ornamental In appearance and of any aizo desired , which is interwoven with German - man silver wires which act as a high re- sstanco ! coil and give out heat. A switch regulates the degree of warmth required. The electrotherm Is designed to take the 11 fc want time people of ecia ill ® ice . O111aha and vicinity t0 full } understand this sale. It shows what a large firm that does busincss on hoftcst 1)riffcJSlcs and fnvdcrtc tcthods can do , 1\Tc have always made it a point to do just what we advertise - tise , and we arc always really to stand by our advertisements , ' Any of the articles mentioned on this half page can be had during the next week only , We have Sonic Suits that svcro never egtutlletl at twice the prlco. 1''ot tllStllllCe. n pretty , substan till , Y pluco shit , bevel nlato mirror , full size , antique lnish ; Sfl former 1)1'1C0 * _ 3.00 , this $13 week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did you over see n 5 piece nrlhnir crush plush or silk tapestry Parlor Suit with full speinw curd solid ark frame , highly pollhhed , about $10.0 I ? Yes ? QQ \ , that's the kind wo are soiling this vicek tor This is still better A 6-foot Extension Table nicely finished is nntij1m and ss'oll put j O up , worth $ .OO ; otu pl'iCO , lots of them mud uevcr hns 0 any' troubl ' . ' 1'hls w UC1rvc . trill olTcr , l ; r A'S ' , , , , n Parlor lamp . 05 the regular 4o.u0 Cnrrtugl ti worth gLif , our price. , v m C \ A t . .a L LC C I 'RIC SCIENCE UP T0 Darr Romarkabh Displays at the Coming National - tional Exhibition , WORKING MODELS OF INVENTIVE SKILL Edlaon'S I'er frrted h'hteroscapc , Slur- urti Fnile I'un rrLltlrthu ; by It Ii.- rho 'IhtbeNVltboat 1.91tunents , turd the I.Ilerattu e of the Selcnees. ICopyrtght , 16aa , by S. S , McClure. Limited , ) The National faectrle exposition , which opens in New York City an May 4 , will be thu first of its kiul since too very successful - ful electrical exhibition of 1SSI , held in I'htl- adclpida by the Franklin husutute. The purpose - pose of this exhibition of 189G is to set forth the development that has been made in electrical - trical applications during the last twelve yeare , and line National Electric Light association - ciation , under swlmoeo auspices time exhibition huts been organized , announces that there will ho gathered together in the Industrial bulid- Ing on Lexington avenue and presented there throughout tire month of May seine most in- tereeting and important evidences of the progress made bm this branch of sctonce. 1 iiSON'S FLUO1tOSCOPF. One of tire most attractive features of the exposition will be till exhibit of Mr. Edison's fluoroscope , shich has been tnado a practical Instrument by the American inventor , al .though the 11rst experiments with It were ture of the hand does not form instanta neousiy , but is seen after same seconds , and perslets for an equal time after the object Las been removed , In Mr. Edison's exhibit the Crookes tube employed will be connected with a mercurial pump In order to maintain the highest possible vacuum , a very important - tant point in generating a strong stream of the Roentgen rays. It will be shown that the fluoroscope offers Immense posslbihltles to the ordinary physi- clan , for It can be built of almost any size and note of tire materials are expensive. Tungstato of calcium ( formed by the futon of tungeten amid calcium ) has been known for same time , but its fluorescent qualities were only recently discovered. It fluoresces only in the crystalline form , dho powder befog - fog quilo opaque. Next to it. in etflclency comes Umgstate of strontium , and ordinary rock crystals ore also highly fluorescent , so that not even the poorest practitioner need ho at a loss to have his fluoroscope , and if need be to construct one himself. Mr. Joseph Wetzler of the Electrical Engineer - neer , and n member of one of the committees of the exhibition , is of the opinion that , with time aid of perfected fluoroscopes , which will soon be introduced , physlclans will be able to exantine fractures in time human body by actually seeIng then , and to locale with great precision embedded shot or other foreign bodies. They will also be able to examine or discover cancers , tumors , ulcers , and other malign growths that might otherwise have existed unsuspected , and by treating these at an early stage in their development avert serious or foatal results. The fluoroscope will also be of great service - ice in construction work , both of bulidings and machinery , snco its heightened powers of vision will enable experra to locate fractures - turos , flaws in castings , defects in welding , brazing , etc , Indeed , It has neon suggested that , thanks to the fluoroscope , steamship companies may soon be able to send out their ' I ( hF. I 'D . I .s . I \ I s I , ' f i\v\ I I I I ; I It I ' TIIE EIISON FLUOItOSCOPF IN USE , conducted by Salvlol6 Imo Ire ordinary forma the fluoroscope 1s a flaring box about eight inches lung and tapering from a size of about ee.ell inches square al one end to two inches by four at time other. Inside and out it Is covered with black cloth and has a handle on ono side for the convenience. of the cx- . . porhnenler. At time small end through which the oblervor looks are curved pieces of black felt that fit closely about limo forehead and eyes , so as to exclude every ray of I1ghL Time largo end of time box ds closed by a strip of collodion , time Inner surface of which is coated with crystals of tuugstale of cal- cium. Time object to be viewed Is placed between this end of the fluoroscope and a wooden box cautainiag sonic form of vacuum tube , usually the Ctcokea yarlety , The Roentgen rays entitled from this tube pass through time object into the cryetais of tulmg state of catciau and cause It to fluoresce , so that the observer can sae pialnly the shadow of Ids lmaud , for example , the bones being iuito distinct amid the movements of the pagers easily dlscirnel , Thus shadow idle- " - - - vessels with absolute confidence based on the gunranteo of an examiner with the fluoroscope - cope that their great steel screws arc absolutely - lutely free from wtuk spots , caused by a concealed coaled air bubble or acme tuequality in the annealing , Mr. Edison will also present tire perfected phonograph upon which ho has beeu working since he bought back the rights In his own hlvcutlon from limo New Jersey receiver of the American I'Imonograpb company , Time great dllilculty with tire old phonograph was the scratching and rattling that accompanied - panied limo production of high notes , whmelher of voice or of Instruments. In the new phonograph - graph this trouble has been entirely done away with and oven a shrill piccolo Is re- pr dIlced with smoothness and brilliancy , NIAGARA'S POWER PLANT , In the center of time main floor will be a striking exhibit showing In miniature all the machlucry of the Niagara Falls power plant , This remarkable model Is composed of wood , glass and pasteboard and is about fcurteon feet square. It was built at a cost of $2,500 by Mr. Allen of Philadelphia , under the direction of Dr. Coleman Sellers. The model shows the falls with real water running - ning over them , the in-take canal , the power house on its bank , wldch will be lighted at nlght by tiny Incandescent lamps , and the wheel pit down which the water falls , turning - ing a turbine at the bottom , and then dls- clnarging through a long tunnel into the miner under Suspension bridge. The machinery by which the power is conducted - ducted from the wheel back from to the surface and thence distributed is also shown. The shaft and tunnel are nmde of glmhs so that time operation can be clearly seen , and only distilled water can be used , as ordinary water would clog time delicate turbine mode ! There will alsa be near this exhibit n model , sixteen feet wide , of tire Erie canal , wlth canal boats and a power house on the banks. Thls will show exactly how the energy generated - erated at the Falls Is applied by means of trolleys to the "electric mulo" which pulls the boats. The above described model Is exhibited by the Historical and Loan Exhibit commlt- tee , and to Mr , T. C. Marlin , chairman off that committee , belongs the credit of originating - ating the exhibit. Mr , Martin is. most anxious - ious that the model be run with motive power generated at the Falls , The Western Union people have offered him the use of two o1 their wires for the purpose of trans. mission , providing the amount of electricity to be sent be not so great as to endanger the instruments and buildings through which the wires pass. It would be voycd by an iron wire to Buffalo , a die- tanco of twenty miles , and mho rest of the way over the usual copper wire. Mr. Martin also proposes to have the electricity brought from Niagara transferred to the submarine cables so that communication - tion with London may be maintalned by means of power generated at Niagara Falls. The success of time scheme depends upon the anlonnt of power needed to run the model , which should sot exceed one-quarter house power. Dlr. Nicola Testa pronounces the scheme perfectly feaslhle , and bays tlmat starting with one horse power at time falls end , they would certainly have power enough to do all they would wish. The Long Dls- tanco Telepkmono company ilas arranged to have instruments in time immediate vicinity o1 this exhibit which will produce time voice of the great waters , so that at the same time one can see and hear Niagara b'alls 600 miles away. To time great disappointment of electricians as well as thin world in general , Mr. Tesla has announced that he svlll make no exhibition - bition of his work. The most valuable of his instruments and models were destroyed by a fire a year ago , and Mr. Tesla has nothing on hand that would adequately represent - sent him. NEW SYSTEM OF LIGItTING , One of the most Important oxhlbits will ho that of a new and valuabio discovery mown as the Moore "Etheric" Lighting tubes. This is time result of time labors of Mr. I ) . McFarlan Moore of Newark. In the apparatus , wldch is very simple , an electric current passes through a vibrator contained In a small glass tube , exlmaustod to the highcso possible degree , The atmospheric resistance belug removed , the vibrator is enabled to attain a rate of 100 vlbratlons a second , From this vibrator the current , pulsating at the some rate , passes through the lighting tubes , which may be of aqy size or shape and 1n which only a low vacuum is necessary. Tlmeea I'glmting tubes contain no filaments , their ends i ehng simply coated with metallic paint with which the wires are connected. The rarefied air In time tubes being excited - cited by the pulsations of the current conl- Ins from the vibrator becomes luminous and shnne ° with a phosphorescent glow. The light is very pleasant to time eye , and Is so evenly diffused that it will offer great ad. vantages for ordinary lighting purpores , as well as for such special uses as photography , Illuminated signs , etc. One great point of superiority of Mr. Moore's system ilea in the cheapness of its manufacture , the cost of production and maintenance being lessened - ened by the absence of filt.nuenls , Mr. Moore will show theme new lamps in a dark room about ten feet square , ELECTRICITY IN THE IIOUSEIIOLD. Time possibilities of electricity in the household will be displayed In another aec- lion in the shape of electric stoves in prac Ucal operation , which will bake biscuits In three mlmtlee ; bread in ten ; chafing diehee meats and apparatus , will be in charge of Dir. Max Osterherg of Columbia college , who will each day conduct a number of interesting - esting experlnmeuts. This laboratory is designed - signed to show time actual methmods of study- lag tire electrical science , and the processes gone through to obtain well known results. For instance , on a large screen will be thrown the magnified reflection of an arc light In which time carbon points can be seen to diminish as the light burns. There will also be standard instruments which will show the method of measuring the dlcc .1' N i " ; + t I = 1 - - I DIODEL OF THE NIAGARA POWER COMPANY'S PLANT. place of the hot water bottle , to serve as a foot warmer or as covering of any kind where warmth and htghtncss are desired , AN AUTOMATIC ELEVATOR. The Edison company will also show an oh- esator automatically operated by electricity. The persan desiring to ascend , enters time car , closes the door amid presses the button marked Up ; another button stops it , and still another sends it down. Safety is ensured , as time circuit Is not complete unless all the doors opening on time shaft are closed , nor will any door open unless the car be ex- achy opposite lt. This company will also show an Improved stop-cylinder printing press , in which the motor is connected directly to the shaft. This Ic a simple illaslradon of what Is now being very generally done in the way of dl- vlmiing electric power by applying directly to every tmiachlno a motor of sufllcient size to drive it , which camJbe put out of use when the machine is not lu operation , Time General Electric company will combine - bino with lime Edison , company in a very complete exhibit otr the evolution of time incandescent - candescent lamp. AN ELECTRIC BUOY , Models of the Godney channel buoys will make a very Interesting exhibit , as they mark an era in harbor hightimmg. There are ten or tweivo of these buoys on each side of the Godney channel at the entrance to time New York harbor , They are like gigantic - gantic wooden lanrplpostmt , seventy feet long , anchored by heavy 14nuchroom" weights , time top of thin spars projecting about five feet out of water at Imlgh' llte. ( The lamp is made' of very heavy bell glass and Is five inchea in diamneter , It gives a light of 100-candlo power , and the filament is spiral From than dynamo station on Sandy hook beach run two carefully Insuleted , submarine cables lying along time ocean bed , Offelmools from these cables supply each hemp. The entire length of cable uaed , including offshoots , is a little over six miles. It is expected that the horticultural department - partment of Cornell university wlll make an exhibit of time application of electricity to growing plants , They have lately been making some successful experiments by radiation - diation trout arc and incandescent lights directly upon tire plants , and forced Easter lilies two weeks ahead of time , In Russia two years ago vary satisfactory results were attained by passing an electric current through the ground In which the seeds had been planted , COMPLFTH ELECTRICAL LABORATOitY. A complete electrical laboratory , filled up with the finest and most complete Instru- trical tolls of pressure , quaintly and resistance - sistance , I , c „ the volt , the ampere and thin alum , The United States patent office will have a largo exhibit of electrical moielrt In charge of an expert. There will Ito an extremely fine collection of eatbodographs , taken by the Roentgen rays , which will bo mounted as trans- - _ _ _ - The Quick Menl Gasolilie Stoves the nest ou litll'th , \ d have so nrnny styles we camml lueghn .80 to enunmerate them. Prices thls week will range from. . . . , . Ill ) Refrigerators , The beauty maul nm liefrlgerntorm Im that i the ehemu leml one is made Just us lood nut flnlehed just am well as the best. It's all in time s zo. Our leeeisior ( wu' nre sole nprontm' ) hnv four lhieknesmes of asbestos 2 5 mind mineral w et , thorough ventllntlon mid fro nmlxlng of havers ; regular price , $9,50 , this week. . Rogers' Silverware. Is known to be the best. We carry n large ns'wrtmmenl of It , ns well as soterni other ' t tin e numltes. \Ve will offer this \soek a $123 sot of silver Plated 'fen Spoons f"r , , , A $3to sot of sIN'rr plnlyd Iulves and :1 : ' Forks for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) , : . } will be illustrated from the begimr ng , the earliest model of electrical locomotive having - ing been built by Thomas Davenport in 1538 , Another model was built by Dr. 0. Q. Colton in 1895-19 , in which time track woe ue2d as a part of the circuit , ns in the modern trolley system. In 1552 Charles Grafton - ton Page hunt a working model of a locomotive - motive whlclm ho exhibited to a committee of congress to convince them that electric force could be applied to railroad service , lie made a trial trip frmu Balthnu'o to Bladcnberg , a distance of fifteen mmdlos , when one of the parts became heated , cracking one of the jars and causing the liquid to leak away. Title model will he exidbited , RAItE IOOKS ON ELECTRICITY , A remarkable and novel exhibit will be of books and pnbllcaticns Imaving to do with electrical discoveries from the earliest times , and all form the library of Dr. Park liemmja- min , who has the most remarkable collection of rare electrical books to ho fouul any- lvimere. Beginning sIth mediaeval books on magnetism - ism , tire collection hriugs one gradually to the treatises of Galltleo , the original editions of Descnrtes , and time famous book of Otto von Guericko , which describes time first of all electrical machines. Then comes time first book on electricity ht English , written by Robert Boyle , and time treatise of Ilauksbe on light and electricity , wherein is described for limo first Iliac the glow produced in vacuum hmbes. There are also the treatises of Dr.Vatson , telling of attemnpte to send electricity over long wires and under the Thames , Thou follow all time original publications of Benjannbn Franklin , recounting his faunous oxperimenls , Then comes the epoch of Galvanl , his own treatise , with nnotations by himself , telling of his experiment with the frog's leg. Then cone time origlaal publications of Volta , and limo lectures of llunaplmrey Eavies , explaining thin discovery of time arc Ilght , as we now know it. Quito a member of old baoks have a special Imterest apart from their contents. Thus there is hook on electricity by John Wesley , who discusses tire curative properties of tam new force. There Is also a little volunme misted 1796 , by. Benedict Arnold , who summits up the electrical discoveries made up to that / + p y , . . ( , re11.S Myeyf , , 1I 1 .o U p 01:1 a i . . . f . //G I .0G n I I I r I w 'I tl6 , . . c of I Itu Y I w II (1) ( Prof. Morse's diagram of time Washiuglou & Baltimore line. (2) ( ) Prof. Morse's sketches of tin repair immaterial , June , . 1844 , (3) ( ) Prof Morso'o sketches of line repair immaterial , .June , 1814. ( From originals in possession of 'P , C , Marlio.l parencles , such as a man's hand with seventy. two shot in It , Sandow's soot filled wlllm splinters of glass , Jack MCAulitfe's famous Itift arm anti shoulder , Mr , 'l'esla huts promised some very fine spechnena. Mr. E , Lynda Morse , son of Prof. S , F , B , Morse , will allow to ho exhibited for limo first time all the apparatus his father left , and modela will be made tlmat the great inventor designed or mutilated , no that his work will be completely Illustrated , The medals bestowed upon Prof. Morse will also be shown , ELECTRICITY FOR 1tMLIIOADS , Electricity a. aoolled to ralltead .ervic. limo , A worn t + rnnch grammar Is filled with schoolboy handwriting amid a caricature of a school master , this being the work of James watt in thr veto. year when lie made lie great tea kettle discover ) ' , 'flmore Is also a little volume on utalhenatics , In- seribcd In time hand of Isaac Newton , The collection le supplenentod by a nuln- her of works slowing tire historyy of the steam euglno , going back to the time of Hero of Alexandria. Beside these books on steam there are the flral treatises on meetlanlcal enghtecring whcreln are shuown time first uses of the crank and time paddle wheel ; and also the first publications on ( A wllirlwiud to the Crockery trader A 100-piece ninnor sot , lntported wnr0. guarantccd not to oraze , in hrow'n fir blue dceoratlon amid pretty , 25 patterns , soils rcgularly for r1 LUU ; our peiCO. . . , . . . Also it 1)I000 set , for i small fuulilies , sells eogu hu'ly tor i S.OO ; our price. , A 10 piecoToilet sot , beau- ,45 tifully d coratcti , worth OUOour ; pricu. . . . . . . . . . . , And a fi-picco decorated Toi let Sot worth 15,50 tot' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , n m _ it A I'RI TTY Library Lamp lvith spring extaieiom rcg. . ulat' pelco ii3OO ; our price. . . jl.G5 ) mining anti mettalnrgy , these dating from the 10th century , Floating in the air five hundred feet above the roof of time Industrial building will ho anchored a large balloon , armed which will rtm the wu ds "National Electrical Exhibi- tion" formed by incandescent lamps. Some very umlique effects of ilasidng anti changing colors will be produced , late lights being con- , t Y - f y i ( I . 1) ) , PItOF , DIOiLSE'S FIRST TELE0itAI'1l INSTRUMENT - STRUMENT , h ollod b ) ' a sssitch-bond ba the building bolo r. 'I'lmia Fannon will bo visible for. Imllea in all directiotus , CLEVELANII MOFFETT. -o- III IJGIl'B , The parlsiu church of Cheslcrhlold , Emig. . huamu a curious spire 225 feel Idglm and six feet out of time perpendicular. Canon llnox Little , who has been denotnc- Ing corruption in society In St , 1'nnl's , London - don , has been preacldng to small congru gallons , Evnngellst Saukey draws largo , but poorly. ' paying cross'ds In Oakland , Cal. Not cough money is gnlimcrcd m limo collecllums to pay for time lights , The friends of Ilev. Dr. Ilavld Riddle Breed , pastor of time First Presbytem'lan clmreil of Pittsburg , lhlnk that ho clay be elecled ntoderulor of the I'rebyteriam eral assembly , which will uucot next month. The seventieth amdvcreary of Lilo found. lag of la Congregatldnal Ilouto Mlsslunary society will take phase hm Now haven , ( 'ammo , nn Jute 2. At tlmu ssanuo timu and place three other socieltos will uicct , nattuly the Cottgrcgalloanl College turd Fdneatlonul eo- ciety , lluc Congrcg.mional Church Bonding society - ciety , and hue Congregutlenal Sunday School and l'nbllahiug hoclely. In a recent Itcturo on the hlstorical char. actor of hue "hook of Acts , " Canon Gore do. Glared that time spetclm of Stephen was beyond doubt mu shorthand report , amid gate proofs that stenography was a widely pructlcud art in new lealamed lhnem' , and that than as 1s'eil tot now shorllsnd was u distinct profcs- aiomm , Rev. Dr , Ilonghton of New York's ' famous 'IIttIo clumrch around time corner'Is raising au endowulent fund for his enurcim , tumid hues already secured $58,000 , if ho needed fur. timer holy thin actors and managers of Lila country world he vony glna to take hold- ' but Dr. llnughtnn will nut have to turn to that quarter , lie has the good will of tbq tlmealrical profewtion In any event , liev , W. Ii. Moore , pastor or one Methodist ehurcim ul h tevensvlllo , Mich. , is maw u firma hellover in special anewera to prayers , lie prayed for a tats' suit of clothes the other day , and on mho day following recemvod tt present of a fine suit from a Dnlmpia friend , 'nun fact llmat the suit was um its way to him when ho % vas pt'ayhn for It towns for nothing with Fin. Somethbmg aught have happened to 1l In transit it lie hadn't prayed , - - /Imel , ian4s Arntan Babe , The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever aoros , totter , clapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skim erupliume , and positively cures piles or nn pay required , It Is guaranteed to glvp perfect satisfaction or money refunded , i'rleo 26 cents per box. For sale by hfuhq & Co.