Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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_ _ _ _ 10 'rilE OMAhA 1)ATLY4H1E' . . . , tJNIAY , APflt1 , 1896.
PflIJIltItIIhI .Jnt' k ; ; : ( ilnr t'utiitIn-
, , , . , itini tIIIlti.r.
1AIUSprII 16.-Tho latest rage In PirIn
Is the Iooo jacket , which 1ia been elzo1
on as a relief from the monntnou capo anti
prornItR to ItO Oflo of the principal expre-
, , ons ot chic for the Rummer. It h a IIttk
longer than the watit anti qIIttD 1ooo all
rotirni , anti l Plain or plMtoci according to
the material or the tnsto. It will ho seen
oftenest fin iart ot serge cud flannel , own
Rince tioo ) have aiwayM a jacket , but It l
matle aitr In taffeta and iac a part of
elaborate afternoon dres. , with ilollclcnt , ef-
fect. Thl Jacket 19 Illustrated In tue following -
lowing lilotiClA.
A yachting gown Is of black s'rgo with
faclngM of white wash leather. The jacket
IA straight t.nti ! oo , and the rcver turn
over from the bottom Lit0 nrnfl witith all tim
way tip , anti the collar Is of the i'amn width ,
anti revers and collar are fnct'iI % lt1I the
leather , The seovo 1ia intipoti iearnt cor1oJ
with the leather , which give.i everai lln
of white rtiiinlng from the top to the bottom ,
anti a cliff of tim iethor.
'rho skirt has a 1iarros' ftont breadth with
Inpped seatno corileci With the leathor. The
'leather facing Is decorated with a pattern
In white m.tdo by machine , tltchlng , To
wear with thi9 very chic gown l a blouse
of colored mu'Iln in atrIpet , with a turn-
( lowli collar anti black tie , and a black tar-
pauline 'alior hat with white isather band.
A seashore goscn of navy blue twilled
flannel made up with light blue has the
skirt entirely sdo plaited and the lose
jackut niso In 81(10 ( plaIts. It will ho tinder-
stood from the description that all this
paitliig lutist conceal tiio figure more or Ie3s
-anti produce an effect ot extreme simplicity ,
and it Is pieclseiy by this simplicity that
' I l th gown Is notIceable and it is on tlii ef-
fec that the osner counts for success. Thora
:0 flu ryers , but the jacket Is lined with
I thin light' blue flantiet and the skirt is faeet
on the ilner side with the light blu . The
eoliar taiids high behind , with a b2acl
.st1ii paw. tq .Iild it up , anti turns over In
: frcntand s1iown light blue facing , Large
( till bishop sleeves are confined at the wrist
with a bracelet at black satin ribbon , Black
. .cathi ribbon crosse the buck and tiiefront
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at the depth of a yoke , with a how lii the
inititlie of thtt back anti a bow and eil(13 ( In
front , A crinoline lining is limited In with
tlio shirt anti there is no cttiier lining , Thii
thrcss has been made for a woman 'cil
1uown in I'aris for her exquisite dross no
ies than for her romances aiiii therefore the
tIC-tziiis nuule to accompany It will intc est
thu reader. They are as foliows :
A blanso of blue and white striped silk.
Tue sleeve boa the stripes rilnijing round
nut ! is shirreti cloo to the arm from wrist
to urmhole , with a email drapery ovt'r the
tel ) , "tnothcr blouse of black surah all In
entail box plaits , with a wide box plait in
front In viiich are set tiat gold studs. A huge
i'uehie of black brussels net. with the edges
bound vitii black satin , Is made to wear
with ( lie blouse whru the jacket is not orii ,
- A bolt of yIiuw heather , A flit hpahiehi
tot-hue in ruugii mixed green and blot , stvaw
tel' traveling , 'trimmed with black eatin c
rosettes Qf blue anti green tulle , and a hi
large hat of yehiow straw with soft
crown of cream net , embroidered ithi r
L black , trimmed vtthi roses , bow siioo t :
of yellowish red leather , the correct ohiaie a
fur the season.
'iien the loose jacket is mutlo in silk or
lace IL Is usually phaiteiL A model in ailQt
nd und rceii taffeta Is ucordiQII ileaIetl
' - . - ' : iL :
- .
anti tilO tot ) is drnpeI ( With blnc1 haco and
hhrk satin ribbon. The sleeves are full
to the wrest. to bormit it to gci on over a
LUIIC Ieeve , bit nra not plaited. Near
the edge is a jt pissmentsrIe Insertion
auth the same trimming to near the edge of
the skirt. Jot ornaments are in the lace
at the necic. The biohso with this dross is
of black brussels net , with apliquee of
white laee , with a wiiie draped belt of the
silk , anti the sleeve Is of the same net in
sveral puTs to the chhiiw , where It ends in
a rumu. with a sinaI ! clIng drapery at thii
top of thc silk.
Beige cloth with white trimmings , lined
withi steel passeinenterle anti steel buttons ,
is a oziiljination that for several seasons
buut not failed to appe.r with tue crccuse ,
It is a favorite with the dressmakers anti
t' ilt an elegant chientello , but it Is too ilelt.
cate to bt recnimendeii for practicni hiari
wear. One way of nrrangliig it is to cut
out a pattern in the cloth and set white
silk iiuidei neathi auiil edge the Iiattcrui all
round with a narrow thread of the passe-
nionterh. It titers I , a figaro the c3rnsrs
of the jacket anti tli close part of the leev
are treated in this way ; if there Is a blonse
the whole front sithi eiuuletto ruihies , 1 * thus
treated. Th blctio front may be cut low
antI slashicil open over a hugh gulimpe of white
siik , all dotted with teol beaus.
A more lroncunced combination already
signalled above Is that of black and white.
It. i one of Dcueet's ideas and is very
Parisian , A black cloth gown by this dress.
maker Is made with a figaro. with collar ,
revere and culls of whtto cloth , thio revers
running the same wtdthi to the bottom of
the jacket , and nil tue wiulto is crossed at
intervals by long loops of black braid coiling
each iti a black hutton , iii niihitnry manner.
The front breadth of the skirt is open au
the way down over white , with loops anti
buttons across.
\'h1to earges anti twilled flannels depend
upon a colored blouse and yellow sthoos for
their eltect. The fancy of time moment in
blouse frOuitu , Is for stripee.
Stripes are time favorite declgim in both
silk and cotton goods , anti stripes form the
ground of mutany flowered patterns. They
are of all whtltim , beginning with hair hues.
Aii.'a in great favor are checks , which run
front pInhead ' ! ze to inch blocke and to
grounds barred with lines mumuch - farther
apart. A similarity oxiutta in tIle designs of
cotton and silks , anti with some reserves
they arc made up In flinch the same man-
her. The skiuth of nil striped and checked
material are cut In a partieuml3r way. All
the breadtho are gored on both itidee , cx-
acthy like a front breadth , s. as to Itormit
oil the etrtpes to match in thio seanw miad
keel ) all the lines upright. There are seven
brcadths lii a silk skirt , and as they behui
at tim foot with the width of time silk , thia
reader can judge of time width of the skirt.
Time bark is set into the belt with box-plaits
or gathers ; I have just seen one at Felix
in mcii deep gauhee. after time moanuier of
two years ago.
A great deal of thmin embroidered muIin
iii used on both silks amid cottons , It is
laid over a color so as to forni a trans.
pam euucy anti throw up tno eumibroidery very
white. A gown mnade at Itouffs of blue and
white flowered taffeta , has the front of time
bodice cut low , and cut down through tlu
middle to the belt over a huigh mmeckod front
of embroidered muslin laid over biuc. The
edge of the silk Is neahiopei so tie to heave
points and ii bound with gimup. The sleeve
has thuo chose part mnade of time omlmrcidory
over Hue. .An organIl gown of striped
mmamlve and whmite , made up wlthu embroil-
ered muslin over mauve , hiam the boimro )
and thie oboe part of tue sleeve of the embroidery -
broidery , with a drapery of tIme stripe coy-
oring the blouse under time arm and running
to the top of time shoulder to join the Ieve
A great deal of tulle or imitation Tlrua-
sels not. is made up with silk gowns. 'rime
tulle I't dotted bhck on white. or white
on black , and thuc - net has a cimainstitch
pattern giving thme sammmo contrast. In general
it makes time blouse and thmo cios part of
time sleeves. Some slight drapery of time silk
often iartIaIi cver the tulle , with the irk-
tontion as seen in thc organdi mnodel above ,
to relate time parts to each other and form
a harmony.
When the sleeve is hong it fits the arm
very close or is usually hIrred Its whole
length on time imiside seam , but timis depends -
ponds on the material. Somuie sleeves widen
omit on the hmand anti have a haco ruffle
to make them still longer. It was to bo
upioumed that thUs extra long sleeve would
tilsappear with time winter , but it Is re-
talmud on sonic of time summer models. The
top drapery is 'cry amail. When the .leevo
is short it is a simple baleen or else It is a
series of ioose ptmItm coiling in a ruffle at time
eibcw. Belts are worn cithpr wide or narrow -
row , accordIng to this figure emi time design ,
Sonic striped silk gowns wIth a tulle blousa
have a draped belt of time sfihc , sonic live or
six inchues wide , nmade with tIme otrlpes run-
nimmg roimumul. The collar band is still worn
high with the bow behind. Certain dressmakers -
makers are trying thmo experiment of kay-
lug off time hand so as to expose the neck
entirely. but it. is doubtful if this idea Is cc-
copted at present.
Two ityles In particimlar domInate among
thmo large hats for country wear. The first
ttmrmms up bohimmd with a comb of iiowors ,
like that of th iast whiter , ommhy thuto tc.n-
buoy of the comb Is now to fall 1)010w the
hmat rather than to itarmd high above it , as
i thmo past , and to femme a sort of cap over
thuo haclc of the head. To give a fommnuhation
fcr thimi comb they add on mu band or frame.
work hchov the brim. The other style hma a
brim fiat all time wa round anti looks like a
very wide r'ailor , Thmis shmaie seems to Imo
a reaction from time count ) idea , which hits
becomuue perlmaps it little mnommottmmmoums. 0mm
form of crown swells out round time tel ) amid
permits .t garland of flowers to mmeutlo umuudur-
ocailt : ahuot4 cr forte iii sumtr loaf mliI el'-
pours intended mmmerely as a hmop for trim-
amimig , which 1mm imiost caset , covers it on-
tireiy ; tbmertu is also the ooft crown mna'ie of
tulle anti time simple sailor crown ,
Time braids are iii gay colors , pink , green ,
blue anti greomm mmmixeui , This mnodilhi' , the
trimmmmimug aimmi gives novel effects , ( or cvi-
dently nny surface niroaiiy gay tiocs not
mmccii gay trimmnlmmg to bring out Its clmur-
actor hut sober trimming. If color Is uscil
care zniiet b taken to huarmonlze It. with time
net. Thmmms a Pifllc strumV is made exquisite
ith black tulle amid satin and shaded pink
roses , A green hat km trimumed by ViraL
with hmlack tuhio Eatin , a whIte panupon amid
Sommia straws have foreign materials
braided into them such as horse hair anti
lik cord and gimmup , so that two or three
olora are In the same braid and so that
hmo brumlml 1mm soft enetmghi anti ormiamnenteul
nought to be lumotteui immto bows and form
, art of the trInulng , whmlch commfmmec time
ommnmharles betwcemu hat trimming and gives
otv citCets , Nets' ribbons ore In stripes
checks. qhoworeui ribbons are used ,
mmmd muehu tulle anti hhrtmssehs' muet. Violets
loch ) to lie in as great favor as ever. Some
mats are comnpiethy overcd svltli flowers
ut they lark character.
Itought auirfacoivuitlngmu arc being used.
i'tmu gray and ilghmt brown are mixtures with
suite , with the threads so line that tiuc coiumr
ippears plain , oxccpt at tIme clnsD range ,
Frouserlmmga are fine black anti hito clueckB.
r else inthistimuet Plaids Imi two hmades of
ray or browim ithu it line of rctl scar.ely
Time cutaway coat Is made very long ba.
uind1 mmmiii time eamno may be said of thmo tails
if the dress coat , which imavo somnething ilko
wetity.four Imicimetu. Time sack coat. with four
muttomis is cut tjua'o ; Imu ( rout and has not
mimamigett Thu usunmmmmer overcoat In light
trown is ordinarily lit sack forum , but ultra-
ii'buiotmable young men who wear frock coats
mave it cut long In frock form.
'limo fashionable necktie is a ecart folded
.0 cover entirely time shIrt front. A very
mall pearl or other inthoiteetmal Pi is
laced in the center of this large cravat.
tmmmoug the lrefurrcil tiesItms arc Scotch
laid iii blue anti green , dcc black amid white
lmecks , amarrow trIpos , and IiiaIi , m'ounds z
rccauied with emnalt sprigs as rod otu black ,
u'othmer style of a cravat hut pa5b.l twice C
oummid time throat amid tied lii a knot or imassed o
Itrommli a ulmmg. It gives a iommgisim 1130 neck , C
nil is lIked by time young sweilL' of tIm C
'Imamuups Eilysec quarter , Time said woihs
rut cii in Ruugllshi frock coats , black or 0
may , with fine cIcketi trouer * which are a
kely to be turned UI ) 00 line days , pre. U
I suulntihly because it may ho muddy In Lon-
Ammmoni time new skirts are gray-blue anti
hiht brown plahleti with darker hilmcmu of the
tame color. Time cmmftn match and time collar
is white. Time ctmffs have link buttons and
fail npamt as in the English fashion ,
Frenchmen In town wear a silk lust all
day , thotmgh time nub l not so rigaromus as
in Engiant , where the rammed crowum felt Is
left almost m'xcimmnlvely to tradt'smmuen.
The correct cane is a large knotted atick
witim knob hmeaui , varnisimoti light or dark ,
withuomit a trace of mmmetl.
Thu miress worn by britiegroome is black
thm'ommglmoumt and mmuamie witim a frock coat. The
vest is low and shows a large expmtmmeo of
shirt that is garnished with two stills , black
iearis preferred. Square white lawn tie.
Pt tent loather elmoes. ADA CONE.
A .1 I'Vhh.Ei ) 'mi iINA ( I Iit I i ,
% 'nmiiieruui i c.l . , :7i- : ; ; ; O'iiii iumt.muliih
Ihirui'u , il.'mMM % mmmiii itt'ml IiI'M ,
An unIque elhection of jewels is that
owned by a well kmuown society womnan-Mrs.
Ieaac Lawrence of New York ,
It is a mmmcmuagerle of beasts anti hInds anti
reptiles that is ahimuost equal to a h3arnumtu
From time accomopanylmig Illustration one
can form an id'a of the variety of tIme col.
loetton , which Inclmmdes tIme s iset of ovs-
all encrmmstt'd with uliaumuomids , with mmmoonstomuc
oyes-percmeti ) ellen a uilamomid crescent ; a
liarrot sparkiimmg with rumbicu. ' , smeralda , tim-
mantis aunt mtaihhmiros ; a wee topaz cimickitmi
gazing with awe tmiton a silver amid gold lined
egg shmoli ; a diamemitI anti cms.rald duck which
does dmmty as a brooch ; ammothmer s'tso diamn'mml
owl is perchiemi upan an amethyst crescent
with a diammmomtd rat in attendance.
in malilmig this collectnon , tvlmich numbers
nearly fifty pieces , there are no dupitcaks ,
although severai pieces are mumewhat sun-
A spitier , a bee , a butterfly and a wasp
sparkingly Iridescent emoraimis anti sapplmireu
and topaz-adorn the neck of beauty as lace
One swallow may riot make a summer ,
bmmt a liiglmt of swallows assuredly makes a
gift-aim Easter gift in tutu case-of mm email
value antI beammty. when made of the most
glittering briihiants. And not alone is such
an ormiamment lovely to gaze upon , but it is
excet'dIngly useful , Each swallow , there are
five , can be separated and worn either as a
brooch or as an ornamommt for the hair.
It is a mutest proper thimug just now to adorn
time coiffure with diamonds , and an eminently
beconmtmmg fahmion.
A fammclfui little pun is the robin retlt'roast
UhOfl a brancim of leaves amid bcrrIe : ho
robin has jeweled wings with which to nuriommt
upward mmmi away and his breast is enameled
lit irideacent red.
Ami odd conceit is a white rabit , imt h'ly ,
all imearls , hula pink eyes are uf the bales
ruby and his long. long cars , they , tn , are
Ilcarhe , with a suggestion of ltmmlc about thme'r ' I
tiii. The plmmk of time balas ruby , Ity
tile way. belongs to time epinel class.
Said little rabbit. perched upon his hind I
logs , upon a gold bar , Is gazing upon a
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imutterfly eli glistening whtls yellow and pur- I
Ida , vithm golden bcryls and amcthmysts. I
Very , very fierce Indeed is the dragon , I
breathIng thro and all other terrible tImings I
In a hIgh state of glisten ammO glitter front I
time tip of hula tail to thmo emud of huts llerce
mmoso ; timat bmo is a solid immas. of semnt-prechoutu l
stones mtmst , of course , be a source of great
satisfactiomu to hlmmusehf as vehl as hulU mis.
tress. Aqua-mnarinoe , topaz , garnetmu and a
variety of other gems it took to immake this
dragun lace pint I
Time mutest pretentious ornamnent of time coh-
lection , heat to time flight of swallows , is a
butterfly of goodly proportions , which may
be worn upon th corsage or as an oraarmiczmt
ror the coiffure.
Time number of thieso useftmh little orima-
uients , stick-pins , is large , Only a few are
thowmt In time accomnpanying hulctura. A
mound In full cry ; a I'ohar bear , pugnacious
uli ; a partridge ; a Thanksgtving turkey ,
iii done to a turn in rubic and emneraids i
mmiii brilhiunts , are among the number of
uticic.ptn.s which ve do not oo in 'tIme
tcturo. -
Fur beatmty's sake , one - of the choice I
loces of time colhectioi is a broecit of pearls I
intl moonstones , the nmeoimetono heart with
te circlet of pearjs supporteti art either side C
my a swallow wIth outspread wings-all of 1
marie aimul noonstommc-the hucky stommo , as a
mmoonstonos are called. t
Time fells in which to mention other i
kiditmes of this odd collection ; the emerml
lii frog , with cold imuoomm8t000 eyes , the I
uby monkey and beryt cat. and time diaii
muonui duck vlthm a turcuoiso bill.
Nor do time jewels cotmuprio all that are s
ned by Mrs. Lawrence ; thii collection is ii
fad , amid moore for ammuu'emncnt than for use o
ml orsmammmemmt , Of Lovely Jewels , diamond suo.
iuumrsI and etlr"lmum4 rlngmi anti wateimes ittumi
cresceOts sinl hlmt a vast tmumuuber , nui they
are eli very-3ary beautiful , 1'l l ,
iNiCih.Ai ) .
'I'iie Ki'ts tiuetmuIvcrn1 V.mrmut of
t4nintsmllotm Iii tim t ( 'ouImmtr' .
TIme commmur1 ssorktng ; dress of the fcelandie
woitmen , witimout distInction as to social
equality or ttthih , consists of an mmndergar-
omomut of wadmeol , in one piece , extending
from the shithmihL'r to the heels , fastened
at thmt' neck cs'lfm a. button or clasp , with
petticoats or blue wailimuci , and a
bimme cap , thq ti1 of wimich hmais down on
one sub anti iernminatcs in a tassel. On Silo-
dayet and festival occasions their dress is
singular. Then they wear , in amluilticti , a
bodice anti two or three blue petticoats ,
called "fat , " and in front an apron. bordered -
dered vtth a material resembling black velvet -
vet , tu-hmicli is a mionmestic mmmarmtmfaetumrc' . Time
petticoats are fastened imnmrmediatcly beneath
time bodlee by a girdle of timts blat'k s'elvCt ,
embroidered anti stuiduleir with such silver or
gut ornaments as they mnay 1)055055 ,
The bothicb is Also ormiatmuentod anti fas-
toiled In front with large clasps , gemmerally
gilt , anti rendered mOre cOmispicuotms by be-
log flxcmh tihdfl a broad border of black vri-
Vet. bound witim rui , Over time bodIce b a
jacket , cahiomi "treja , " fitttn' close to the
Shape amid made of black wadmaci or veivt.
Time stockings are of dark bitue or roil worsted
ar.mi the shoes , which arc of seal , 'hmmurk or
shucepekin , are made tight o the fotut nmmmi
fcstcmmod abotmt thu ammkles atmul lflSteh ) Vt'it'i
leather Ihcos , On their fingers the tomuuen
generally imavo mnamuy rings o gold , oliver or
brass , according to their ' , rtumms , amid , be it
known , no present is p acceptable to amu
Icelandic girl as a ring. The muost stigumlar ,
and at time sanie tinue time mmmust binumtiftmi ,
lurt at time femnalo costume is time hucaduleesa ,
called "taldur , ' ' which is mnado of whmlt.o
linen , stifily etarcimed , hcept In shape wltii no
imnmnense number of pins. anti froimi flficn
to twenty inches imi hieiclmt. 'fiuha Is the
hmoilday and Suntlay heath covcrinm.
When you vIsit a famib In lcoiam'.mi you
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must kIss each member , acrdiimg to ti-cir
ago or rammk. beginning with the Iuighmi'st ammil
descending to the lowat , not , ven excepting
the servants ; on taking leave time ordqr is
reversed you first kiu.t tim orvants , thmemi
time chmiliren ammd lastly the maater anti mole-
tress , i3otht at imic'etin , aod parting an of.
foctionato hiss cmi time maut3m , vmtlmOlmt die-
Unction of rank , age or sex. is the niy
mode of mrilutatton known to Zeelanti.
ict'i'za FIJiLD A. It CLI'I'JIESI'IS.
' 1lelk hi Ilzmmm'mtIl Sime 111,1cm its
Ilnsvuiizii * S'oimieii Ititle.
I've been amid gene and done it , writes
Kate Field in the Chicago Timncs-Ileraid. I
hmavc. adopted Hawaiian ways and teteti the
virtues of riding astride. here ratmve
tvonmc1 and white scamper about on maemm-
line saddles at all hours of the day , geci -
ally without. escort , so independent and fearless -
less aa to put our city riders to Ume blush.
'hero is your chance. " said mmuy nentor.
"Wlmen you arc him Rome do as the Itomans. "
t listommed , but itea'itated , for I comtfes that
timoimgh common sense is almost emm.irely on
tlmo siui of rldiimg astride , aphmcaramee favors
Imo side caddie. Probably wlmen Icw YomI : ,
Loomlon arid Paris behies sit on 1.0111 luii , of
a horse a costumio : will be cvolvetl ta
LImo tailor mnado hubht in tlmo slmado Jim
Honolulu wommuen lu-cc more or less like aol-
matet1bundltlThmero Is Iy'enawcil
mhmpointed coypocmitflt , hut the girl nsttidu
mae yet to atmrt an Ideal garb , There Is
mlenty of coiUf tt in a bifuroale.I skirt , a
mhirt waist artf L'kight' fitting cap that won't
low off itt t hjfi4ht trade wind , but I have
allen in loyf' Ylt1m no oquestriormmmo here ,
fter gazingtmtljion an aileed phmotograp.'i
akon of mmmc ni a's alleged horse among tite
: antana of "l'tlnchtbowi , " my vammmty r.cuivcd
I shock frommi''ePith'mmi mt can never rer'iyer ,
everthmeiess , I Imbunt thmat hmoreo daily and
acrifico appearance to a desire for knowi1 1
tigo. lit. , , C
Ten years mmoit woe not conmmidore1 reput-
iblo for whiWIwonuen to ride astride. It
night do torumtht natives , nut woo be unto j
he pale faced sieter ylto followed thmemr x.
umpioi Times have changed , The daugit.
ers of missionarIes do their own thinking ,
intl now black sheep are mere frc'quetit than
tdo saddles. I have only scemi one amoco
mmy arrival , I wish I hadn't. TIme rimitir
"oro a shoking bad habit on a shockIng bad
Igure , and sat on one sidob
Do I fesl safer aBtrito a horge7 No. I
'ealizo more than over time security of tue
econti itoimummuel , A moan hmoido emi by time
ulcos.S'onier , must begin their education
o'er again mind develop immuscles rarely used
mfaro tlucy can be as secure In thmeir seats
m ) man , ' I've been oft my itorae three times
imioxpectodjy , fortunately witbout injury ,
noreiy because I didn't use my knees as
lien use theirs. A practice makes perfect ,
immay tell another story a fots' months hence ,
r I iovb through the expom'lmnental imriod.
t preient I am so surprised to see mny feet
0 far away tro each other. tooling like two
1100 orphans , cud s absorbed in the novelty
t time situation , and so lost In Wonder mit
( hat umay happen , as 10 be nuore anxious
titan happy. hear in mind that I generally
rimie alone , men rulers being scarce nnti only
aymmiinilo Oil hohitisym' .
Native vOmen , who walk the earth as
thustigh they owned It-that Is , tt'lmen they
are larlfoot , or iim easy simoea-aro eqimtuliy
masters of mm imor. No bifurcated ekirt
for timemn , I don't knou' lmow timoy accomum-
; ilishm a miracle , bmmt thicy ( ho , By some hog-
orulemain they tuck their telokums ( Mother
itmubbartla ) huetwc'cn their legs , twist thmi
garnuent into cIse flttimmg tromisars anti ride
for imours witlmommt the least tiisplacc'mmmelmt of
clatiling , % 'ith or withmoumt shotx , wltlm or
witlmout stirrups , they ride front place to
place amid make otto green with envy at their
dexterity. 0mm gala days they amid two long
streamners of gay colored cloth to their Ortil-
nary attlro and mis timey tiash by resenuble
streaks of rainbow 00 a gallop.
The biftmrcate.l skirt tmetl 'it "hulking" is
well atiaptutti to the rntitile , ride which was a
wonunmu t % iii , as it looks hike one skirt , amid
omuable.q tIme rider tt ) free hucreelt front thmo
imors. : iu case of accident. hlowever , before
women riuio astride with ommmfort it satluiio
imilitit lie made for time PtflPO' . as women are
coimstnicted differently from macn. Meamuwhilo
muost of ims s-ili ummoumit , iii the old way , know-
log mill time time that the rIde saddle is a
ids-ahier. it e'thmuds ' to reasuami that a muothioti
of riding which tlmrows tIme teight on im
side anti thus lmmmrts tIme horse , anti wimiCh
cyorciceum bUt 0110 of time rider's legs , is mmot
time acme of eqtmestrian biis. Thom tlmero La
tim0 lOt''lbiittY of growing onesttiod , a hoed-
bility overcommue by a few Woimlemi who hiavo
two smuitlles , otto for loft-mind and the otimer
for righmt-luammul riding , et thmnt in two tlays
both legs mind both sides of tIm body can get
the amumo anioummt of cxercl.'ie. Better thou
tvo paddIes is one saddle with movable hmont-
mule ,
4s oven thio devil &moumhti imave his titme , it. is
bitt fair to nuitolt that , when i'elh citchied or
strappemi in time side eot1tlio of today , women
are less likely to ho tlmrotn than umuen. Simotmiti
time lmorso fall , however , the second pommumel
allows loss pomelbiiity of escape front dangerous -
ous envirotumnemit.
1101' ' % 'iiA'l'llElt. LthItISilINS.
\'hmimt . 'Uuit4'mm AreIoIiig do alimke
'rllt'l r II amulMes Itemm.i . fir t4ninmumer.
For tIme lmappy womnan who has before her
a catmntry house to furnish , there is tlis season -
son a wealth of quaint designs , cool , liar-
monlous tints , artistic coimceits and dalmuty
fancies that Imave rarely been at her cotmu-
nmand , Wimatevor be her special pemmeimant
as to formn and color , site cannot fail to thou
uniimnited poribihtie for its cxprossiomm ,
Perhaps first in popularity comes the lovely
bitt rooms , in svlmlclm tlml rooemutly revived
style of decoration mimi be carried out to
tiio mnintmtest detaIl.Vahl paper , china silk ,
cretonmies , ftmrnituro , dimmner anmi tea services ,
lamnhO , clocks , plaques anmi bric-a-brac mumay
be made to present an endlessiy fasclnathimg
repetition of blue windmills , pictmiresqmie
bridges , little stretches of water , tiny boats
amid conventionalizeml laumdscapos. hioudoir , I
drawing room amid miming roonu are equally ill-
cluded in this scheme , nmuui whore one Is
hmadhy bitten by time craze , it may safely run
rammtpamit over all three.
Nothing could be more exqmisite than
time white enameled furnittmre for time boudoir ,
with Its quaint delft figures chmarniing time
eyes from every available point. W'ritimig
dct'ks , dresshmig tables , chmoval mirrors , chairs
rival one amuothier in grace of outline and
beauty of detail. 'rimese with pretty deift
wahi palter , hmamugings of either ciuimua silk or
figures , and a I
cretOilne in time eamne quaint
Siniile white mnattimig make miii ideal ensemble -
semblo for a sunimimer boudoir.
Every comiceivabie variety of drawing
rconi furniture also appears In this beau-
tlfuhhy decorateti white enamel. In Place
of the delft wall paper , one may , if clue
chooses , use in tIme drawing roomn one of the
lovely shmade of bitme denimum. This many be
pasted on time wail in time same manner as
paper but by far the better way is to sew
the seams together on a machine , stretch
it evenly. amid with a fold of tii& denim
fastemu it to time wall with either brass or
black hoadCd tacks. Where denIm is used
on the wails , It is beSt. not to repeat this
immaterial In life hangings. but use instead
some of tIme bizarre striped Oriental stufft
with , \v.hCht ! time smart shops abound. It is
to bp obsCrved thmat this season time stripes m
run across rather than up anti down ,
Matting is , of course , always and everywhere -
where suitable for time coumutry honie. TherO
is , however. an altogether new material
on thmo nmarket this season which mnay be
comnq equally popular. It Is certaInly pretty
for a blue roomn , as this color appears in it
iii variomms geometrical designs. It Is caileti
paper fibre , is omnewiIat more flexible , and
said to be moore durable thmami time matting.
amid tony be had for 60 centS a yard , Very
pretty itoor cimelmions are also mnade from It.
Amid to our drawing room thus furnished a
tire viaco of delft tiles , and perhaps a bait-
quet lamp , and clock of time sante beautiful -
ful ware , amid we shalJ.imave a symaplmony in
blue not to be ommtdono. C
\'here the dinner on tea service is of the
delft ware , it givca a pretty effect to have
the dining room hitmmmg with time bitt wall
paper and hangings at windows and doors of
blue denim ,
In tact , denims are in greater domamud thuin
ever utile spring foil tiecorating country'
houses in a variety ot ways. They come in Zm
yellow , sage green , deift blue , deep red , L
browmm , creomn color and white , and are most
artistic lookIng fabrics. Chairs and couches C
are upluoleterod with this materinl and it
is also much usoul as a carpet. It will wear
much better thman filling , and makes au cxC
cttiletmt background for rugs. Some of tIme now ii
tableclothms , screens , sofa cushions , etc. , are c
certainly thmlmmgs of beauty.
Special attractioimmt are also imeld out this L
season to one desirIng the deltciously cool L
effect of a groeui rooni , time prevailing style
in the rmtttan furniture being a comnbination ti
of green with Turkey red anti Algerian stripe ,
Tea tables , with and without wings , titvans , S
tote-a-totes , couches , ottomumamis , chairs of all b
descriptions , train time fleeji , cotmufort. cool0
pciiing enmoking chimslr to the csy rocker
come painted green witim upholsterlmmgs amid C
decorations of striped Algerian cloth amid
Turkey red , A counpleto outfit of this hiretty a
furmilture In a room liming with ilglmt green o
cartridge paper anti delicately flowered frieze , b
imeeds only imammghngs amid cushions of Al. C ;
gorlnn strIpe or sage green tlemiim to give
it that air of cool summer luxury co indis-
iCmlsahlO to a country home.
There are also beautiful sets of cane seated
furimiture in fraruues of deilcate green , painted
to resemble Wedgewood in both color amid p
limit of all thmo rooms described to me ,
00110 struck me as being so exquisitely lovely
as a botuuloir in violet , which a leading deco. a
ratom' had just fimuisimoti doing up for two
young ladies , The room Wits first hung with
a wail paper of wlmito ground dotted with
bunches of violets , and a frieze of colonial
wreaths , Time floor was covered with white
matting , amid at time windows were curtains
of white. India ihk , with tIme same arrange-
m000t of violets as on time wall paper , This P
contituted thmQ settIng for time toast exquisite '
wbmit9 enamaeleti furniture upon i'hmlcht was 0
also caTlod out the samoa scheme of bunches
of violets and colonial wreathms , the violets a
ften being enclosed im time wreath , Two UI
tingle beds , a superb cheval glass between
wo graceful jireralmug tables , two cheffoniers , ci
fbireo chairs , each prettier than the otimer , bi
hviths ft love of a writing desk completed a di
oonl fairly fragrant witim beauty. di
Tiu1 was , however , alt expensive room , its 01
mppointmmmonts imi full costing not less than
500. TIme enamnelod furniture must always
e more or ies expensive. owing to Its CC
netimod of manufacture. From seven to gu
devon coats of specially preiared paint are en
used upon it , and nearly two weeks occupied lii
mm time process , \'hmen it iim completed , imowUi
var , the preparation is a quarter of an thi
Indm thick , can ho washed with as muuimelu
inmhuimnity as marble , nnti , as time tlcaler eatul ,
to rime , lat for germeration ,
However , tiuo eamno ulttlmitimuose , siveetmmcee ,
rehlnc'mnont atutl good taste may ho carrieti
omit 1mm cimt'aper materials as in time moro ox-
POtSiVO. The desigmmmt of t'xpommsive
and silks are repeated in cheap wall Iaimor
amm4 crotonmues , Vbito iron bd with brass
tthmumnlumgs are always fresh anui pretty , amid
whmero one can't aiforil the emunimmelemi fmurni-
tumre , a coat of ortliumary white ptimmt gives
ft miaiimty ammti irott ? fteCt. Upon title , if
skilleti In time lice ot paimuts , immay be hint
whatever ( ic'cornttomls one ClmtOdOS.
I have born recently greatly imitererteti in
watching a clever anti domestic hlttl woman
fit ith ) huer caimnmner home , \'Ithu very little
mooney lie has made it oxceedimigly pretty
amid attractive. For $20 chic cmmrtalneml Imer
entire immisto with Iirtty tiotted muslin , in.
cltmuiitmg blue ulenimu imnnghngmu for the dutImug
rooimm. 11cr curtain poles were Of whmito wood
with brass trinumingui , for wlmlch e'lmo paiui 1
cemmts apiece , lmmcltmd'ng brackets , anti s'crews ,
Simo waa nie uloltghtetl to find a new inven-
titus itt rode for each curtains by wlmhclm one
Piece of the roil slips imito time otimer , atmul
mmuay therefore he atljusteti to whmmiotvs of
varying sizes. Sue re-covereti nIl her sofa
PilloVS with cretomuno , mnost artistIc in color
anti tlcauhgne , but costing cnly cemite a
yard. By going about to diltoront shops abe
aucecetied in picking imp hero anti there many
pretty decoratio bits of cimina for very lit-
tie. She overt bore her husband iii triumph
to atm nucticn , where tlmey bought a mahogany
vimmdow seat for a comnparatlve trifle.
A utmost dainty amid effective bed coverlmmg
many be matle of fish muot over sonm delicate
t'nt of sheds , For this one requires two
longtIme of flab nets , time width covering an
ordinary bed to the cdgc.a. Time other length
should be cut in two In time mmiiuitihe amuti pieced
omt to either side of tIme fumhi witithu. 'rIme
beatiimmg fornming tIme edge or the fabric may
be cut oft anti umseil to l'nlahm tIme edges of time
completed drapery , or , If lireferreti , an edge
of time lace mmiay be used , With yellow , greener
or violet silesha , nccortiiimg to the prevaIling
toimo of tIme room in which it is to be used ,
tlmis nuay lend a mnost iiarmmmc.itous . finisim.
The rammie graceful anti vretty desigmis that
are comi."picuomma in time onammiolled furniture
are also fomimmti itt birti'mu eye mmmaple ammtl curly
birch : wlmiio rugs , bothm artistic aol durable ,
may he had in evcul some of time oriental
Stuffs for $7 amid uiward ,
FSIMII14)mm SoleM ,
Thmtm ribbon emmuploycil on modish mnilhiiiery
is oftemi twelve inches wIde.
Leather lOlts are of water enako skimi ,
Brazliicit lizard , elephiamit imido and alligator
Ted , or apricot , amid palo golden greemi are
beatmtlftmily blemitied lit shot anti flowered silks
for evenitmg wear.
The Marie Ammtoinetto flcmu is it very popmm-
tar entaIl wrap , anml other tyIe have peidum
ironts , Vrumdyke points , tnb , etc.
Cashmere house gowns are being nuauio up
xtemislvely anti as trimmed with flowered rib.
tofl and lace are very artistic.
Itibbon wound twice around time waist in a
mort of corselet effect Istioemned moro modish C
Lhan the regular sash style ,
Old-fashioned silk imadnkorcluiefs with plain
entere anJ iualm-icaf borders are used for
vestt to Wear with cloth amid pique gowns.
I'Iaid nllk are 'ery fashionable for young
ladles , amid they are Used for emmtire dresses
Dr combined liberally with canvas amid mo- a
iair , S
Cloth of gold is muiucht used for yokes amid
rovers. Thus gleammmiimg fabric is Shown
itutided with turquoise amid pearls , amid is
i'ery ellectivi' ,
Chiono floral velvet ribbon , with sprays of
Ilott'ors in smmbdueti coloring on a dark backr
rounm1 , is one of Limo latcat imovclties 1mm dress
: rimntmmmgr. V
Lterro Is the name given a pretty lace ,
lglmt in texture , with a grommntiworic of fine
iot , with a atragglmig pattern of leaves and 0
loscomns ,
Timer0 iii literally no end to the variety of a
mnll slmomilmjer capes , pelerines , berthas , etc. ,
eimmg imported anti copIed from for % rarmmi
md hot weatimer'ear. .
One of the fashionable laces is thmo Renais-
ance applique , The figures are Imeavler thiamm
he net fouidatiojt and are outlined with a e -
meavy cord.
Black grenadmnes flounced all over in soft
: olors are s'cry popular for droasy gowns ,
toil very uauettmi as a covering for a middle-
uged black silk or satin dress , J
All tim new sleeves which do not termirmate a
mer time. elbow are cut long enough to fail a
ver tIme hand in points or wIth a flaring cuff , hi
intl ugually have tIme frill of isco to coften a
hue effect. t :
Moreen skirts , vlmlte and colored , are popn
liar thIs season. They are inexpensive , and C
:0cm : th retain their valuable stlftemmlimg C
mower longer than the lighiter hut more ti
ostly hmairciotim ,
It is a very easy matter in these days of
overs , vcats , coliarottes , plastrons , yokes and
heeves of tine immaterial and valsts of aimothmer ,
0 freshen and whmohly cimange Umo appearammea
It a Passe gown or bodice.
, BeaUtiful toilets of muagnehia-wimite satin
re made with shmort , full eniplro eleoves , tIme
lairy gored shirt hangIng in delicious creimmy
oldut , tIme bodice trimmed with pearl and
iohti pasementericj and Venetian lace ,
Belts for wear with fancy silk corsages are
umade of enimnieleti flowers or jeweled disks ,
onnecteti by golden chains. Other varieties
re of hamniered gold or sliver , in Inmitatiomm
if old Norse girdles.
Since yellow laces have become so conmmon ,
ilontio emlgimmg is often UCeul as it smibstitute
py thmo shuo aspire to sommmtithimmg not wormm
1 th mommy , IL is gatmered on silk , imet and
mimislimi dretu rutlles , armd time effect Is very
I'retty blouse waists to wear with black
: mt.Imt skirle nra made of flowered sosht rib-
omms. with time aththltion of a soft vest of lace
r chiffon to commmpleto time front , Time slemsvea
hmomuid be of satin , 111cc the chin , or of black
hmiffon over black.
KaleIdoscopic effects in bicycle stockings
ro tIme order of time day , The simops are ftill
t hose , tearfully mmd wcmmderfmmlly immado and
earing on timeir vivid surfaces the most cx- '
ititig desigmms anti scones ,
Immense cmmmplro bows of satin , with buckles
t sparhditmg Irish diamontle In the center ,
itim a small baketfmil of van-colored roses ,
Jolets , hmenrtscase , daffodils , etc. , are sot
1)00 ) round hate of black , grcoii bm'oen or
abs mauve straw , -
Time immode ot tIme mnoment exacts a bavish
dornment of thmo necir. Velvet collars are
oftcimod s'ltli overlapping plaitIogs of creammi
ice. or small tabs made of lace insertiotm
re laid at intervals perpenilicuhmirly aver time
rush collar.
Tim quaInt chine patterns of soft , urmilresscti
herty silks anti satins , figurcul witbm shadowy
lossamne and leaves , are immade into dnhmmty
owns , some of whIch show a jaummty little
uckot bodice , others a blouse effect , with ch
lain yoke time color of the flowers , veiled to
ith guipure net , and edged with a deep frill
F guhpure lace ,
l'omnpudour hrocadea , satn-stripod poau do
be or liowered liberty silks are being mamlo cel
F ) Into lovely evening toilets for the smimnmer , OC
me have an clegantl hung skirt with waist
ritiroly uf lace , or tbmero is a roummd.waistocl
Ddico of plain satimm hmoolcc-d up time back , amid eli
raped and decorated on time trout and shoul.
with lace and insertion-trimmed
ors - rullica Itt
r the satin , iii
dolt cloth Is a fabric that Is umiod both for
) stUWes anti capes. Timesu goods immsvo a ill
: iiuitie highland acctmn , with theIr heather
lxtures of color and pretty checks and
aided patterns , In silk and wool mixtures -
10 price for tbotxi stuffs is ratimer high , but
0 goods are wide. In tine all-wool ntis- .
Ground THICK for youradvantage , X X auaranteed ycnr9.
'fib Gsllon mails of htead.ixe4 paimd costiJut i ahIoa sI IdusI I'hlT P1OlETM arid I rubs ef
LIISEEIJ OiL fonmuwera of Jilted I'alst py for two tees IWO biei , time frtifbts , tea fCSt * ,
tic. , so I tili.LON OYACILILH1i' , Thlyiliopay $1.10 ( or tim. gallon of Oil Illilmm ibm gIber
( III , Wbi' rust buy a gslheim ci l'are Uameid Uli freih frani tbe dshr's barrti , s sbot CO tests I
guise auI btit Valet figiumints Iii O3i aim tbuximxmsr Feint ) , Aoy bsy as imiii theme. Time ! mur ( mIiioum
ImiakS per i'mmrt i'&lrmt gmzsrat td fer yesr , , costleg esly ibout _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at. lidtill. _
CULl ) Tilit000ui ONK htZSi'ONliiIiI.ii PEALICI.i IN xvIlty : TowN. WI' WILd. OtEm'UNI ) dIhlIV JI jCy
48 ILCI'miCIENTJCL ; , special Jnd.c.muuenls in iocet ? epci.dtrttilng , LJilv.rie , , imc. , Ia ietgti ,
\tdik-- - - - j ,
, , - . - _ _ Ols
- - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
terinii they cot atuomit as tntti'lm n elmilal
tcxtlltvi of thlfierent witvontiti l'ntierfl ,
Ve.uusliultic' ? otei ,
Miss J. hilton , who recently unamicu $2..OOO
an a mumimmimig itroshiector , is a umimtlvt' tif Ohmic ,
hmnvimig mmiovetl to Caiifotimla s'hmoui she wit !
it ; years of age.
Mla lIchen Ooimltl , tt'h is mmoteei for the
semmaiblo tluingtu cimo lisa t1omi , recemmtiy e-
Pontieui $35,000 for it single p5hmui , jmist by
way of ciumingo ,
Time tomuien of Kansas are atlil in cvi-
donco In time political tiolti , lIre , ii. A. Cmmr-
tie , over GO years of age , was electtl
mayor of Cininmaron over a proniinemmt ihmY
alcian ,
Time Princess Louise , iuinrcimhommess of Lormie ,
imas cnmiLemiteti to Opt'ii time Nimitim Universal
Cookery anti Food exhibition , to be Imu'lmi at
th Inulterial lmmstitmmto iii London , eommmmueuucimmg
April 27.
Even Zommtii iikota Ilvorcen are canto-
timumes very co.'utly. Commmite Ztmrowi4ci has
boon oruiereti to i'a' ' $ tioo to a Sioux Vmlls
man for a house wlmichi hmo iiotmglmt , but me-
fimseti to take ,
Miss i'enmbertorm of ' . 'nrremmsbmmrg , Mo. , lmas
been asked to be a cimnmiiulatuu for time ollico of
couimty recorder , an office sulme flulul satlsfac.
torliy upon thmo deatht of her fathmcr , tiio .
died ahiorti ) ' after 1mb , electhomm to time omce. " , ' . -
Mrtm. Jamnes (1. Illaltme hms practically tie-
citicul to remmiovo thu renmaitmu of imer late
husband from Waahmimigton to .umgusta , where
she Is negotintimmg for it site for a PrIvate
cemetery out a lofty lmihh wurlookitmg time
iCemumuebec river ,
Time tu-idow of General Custer gemmerally
spends the siuummnmor mnonthm mmbroaui , lmtmt the
commulng ecaen rube line deciuleth to reumumin in
thuis cotntry : , nmmtl thmo miext whiter t-iii floti
her in Egypt. Slio is sthli tiovotuig her timumo
to literary' purammits.
Queen Victoria has jurt received worti tlmat
articles imat'e beemi tiiaiuatclmtiti frommm liommmhuay
by tlmo aimmeer of Afghmamiistmtmi to bo lmresuntel
to her mmmajosty exceeding In vaimmo anything
that imas over before letnm sent to her. They
are vmtitmeti at 13 bakhms of rupees , or 130,000
at iar ,
Mrs. Carnegie of Pittshimrg , whmo owmue a
flue yacht imamuicil Dmmngemiesmu , also Mrs. George
Lenis anti Mrs. S. lrexel of Plmiladelphmiui , mmro
hag tnommibers of the Now York Yaclmt climb ,
A fommrtht lady , Miss E , L. iireese , has beuii
elected to mmuommibership. 11cr stcnmmt ) 'acimt is
lamneti Elsa ,
Thio Frurich ambassador at W'arhmington gmtvo
Sarah liurnlmartit a dimumier while she ties in
that city , which was attenmieui hmy sommmo of
the bset people. Society Imas tiiscovem-utj that
it gmmlmmn mimero by rocogmmhztng flermihuartit. timamt
iiernhmartlt tveuld lese imy being ostracised ,
Calve is wrltimmg a volume of persommal remmi-
lmmiscemmcet , of her operatic career ump to amid
Irmchudimg ! time imrcsemit season , Shm vIlI retire
ronm thmo stage tii five years , nmmtl ts-iil ulevoto
hue reimmalmimler of imer career to th atuitmy of
istrommonmy , in which rime is hlrofouimdhy Immter-
Time Archuimichmesc Stephmammio of Austria has
lanmmed a dehiglutfumi tix t'eeka' crmmiso upon
tahtan watt'ra , Imaving chartered a stcammier ,
; lmti viii be kiiowmm tlmrotmghmoimt. tlmo trli ; as time
ommntess Eppan , anti line invited thin Countess
] onuim'ocourt , tIm Countess PahiTy amid a few
timers to be hmer guests ,
Time fotmrthm woman to obtain the doctor's -S
iegreo at lImo Ummiversity of Goettingun is
lies Alice Luct' , a gramluate of W'eiiesloy ,
ilie iuiia heen maulo doctor of phIlosophy , cum
nuhta latmde , by Goettimmgen. She had spent
Vl'o years in iihmiioiogical studies at Leipsic ,
nti has been at Goettingemi through one
emnoetor ,
Princesses Klmnoumit amid Ita can lmaruhiy
10 said to be tmii to tiato , as they liveti in
gypt comae i,000 ; years H. C. , bitt tlmohr
nunmmnhes , recently discovered hy M. do
lorgaum , prove that Wommicim have ever
eyed thme jeweler , as the jetvels of tIme tvo /
trincesses , In the shape of diadenis anti neck-
aces , are exceeulimmgiy beautiful , axv.I in
vorkmnatmshmip equal to the beet of mmmotlorii
Mrs. Cantiaco Wheeler , Mrs. William Hoyt
nil Miss Stearns have formnetl a bumu'iness
artnorshmlp , ummder the namno of "Tho Towum
nil Cotmutry Real Estate and Rental cent-
ally. " Tlmey intend to deal In. time host class
t furnishmoul apartnieiits arid lmommi'os ' , and in
romhsing coummtry property. Timey have the
xchuslve hmandiimmg of time art cottages at
hmiminecock hubs , L. . 1. , amid of miii time vroi-
rty at Ontrora , N. 'u' . .
Mrs. Folton of Georgia is simon-log tlmo
lorid that time m'ifo of a politIcian at Wash-
gtnmi cams tin soummethmummg mmmore timan mimorely
hum at aftermmoon teas. iiur Imusb3nd , whmo
i 70 years old , is contesting time seat of
udgo Mnmidox in time imommse. Sue is 40 , mind
bright , aulrcit amid forceful wommian , So far
ito has done all time work iii preparing Imer
umsband's stile of time case tim time contest ,
nil those who hmave exanmineul tim papers and
lie evidence declare timnt they hmave been
morn ably prepared than those in any otimor
ommtcst tiuring tIme session. A wonmami who
an do political work that well is betor able
a m-epretti'nt a district thman many me'i who
incy they are the lords of creation.
- -
: ; ---s
: - - ;
[ -lAIR .
It auTords me great pienouro to call the atten.
n of the putsilo to Yule's lxcelsIor haIr 'roche ,
itch is I mu first and only remedy known tmi
emlatry which positively turns grey hair back
Its original color without dye. It has gone on
ord that Mme. 11. Yaho-svondertui wofulin
emlt-hmaim made this most valuable of all
enmtcai discoveries. Mme. iaia pereanaliy en-
rscs Its action end give. the public her soIeemm '
arantee that ii ha. been tcsmed in every con.
sable way and has proved Itself to be tfl ,
4LY hair Lipseifle. It fiTOi'8 hIitllL 1'ALIj.
U hmniedlataiy and creates ma luzutiouti growth.
contain. no injurious incredherut. i'hysiciSns
ii chemists invited to analyze it. It hi net
cky or greasy' cmi the comitrary. It makes The
hr soft , youthlul , fluffy and iteps it in curl.
r gnttemnen end ladies with imamr a little gray ,
. 'ake'l gray , entirely gray and with BALI ) /
ml is rpoclflcahly recommended ,
ii druggists sell It It , l'rice , * 1.00.
1 anybady utters a gubatitUte , ghun them ,
% oiO. U , YAIM , Health anti comploxioo
ltocIahIst Yale Temple of Beauty , it 8tti
Ilme.t , Cluicagm.
catered in 10613. "THERiAKI" hook Ftc. .
Ce 312 , 78 Monroe Street ,
t. IgV me