Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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S TIlE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : SATTTBDA.Y , AI'llrr 2t. 1SI. ) ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Over Egypt's ' Dark River Echoes the Mai
tial Airs otMarchlng Troops.
AI'nitc' fiti ttic HIfllU ttMft ft tid H
I'ripIttiIe CoIIMcl1tIenecMScues
1111(1 1 IIII4ICII ( N lit t lie SIULI. .
( FS M Hf the 1'rniiiIilw.
I The following letter from the pen of Co1on
ohn A. Cockerill was wrfltcn a ( ow daya b
fore hlu PtItItlefl and mournful 1cntIi n CaIr
Egypt. It. t1eah In an IIitere3Ung way wit
the war feeling In Igypt and Iucidcnt of III
In Cairo , and sas pl2blIDlicd tu last Sunday
Now York Herald :
CAIRO , 1gyt , March 29 , 1SOG.-To n
that 1gypt's capital Is a zttrrin spot the
days is to convey but. a frunt idea of tli
activity , ecciLerntxit and usponst pravailin
Upon every hand. arrived here two day
after the Isaunuco of the decree k'attlng 0
lout tim Dongola expedition. The city wa
alive with moving ldIers , pupply tralin
camel herds and rnarcling recruits-ragge' '
children of tlio desert. rangitig from swartli :
Soutlaneso to p310 , cadaverQIs fellahecu-al
bending to the POiflt of Intorest-Wady Haifa
No tliundorclap ever came train a clear k :
with moro auii1eziiics than uld this orde
from Englniid for the ndvancc up the NIic
A few otlleiaIH may have known that the ! nov
1va contemplated , seeing the threatening at
tItUlO of tlio derviios ) arid the melanchol :
condition of tlio Italiano In irythrea. but t' '
the inasses the order to advance upon Don
gala was a crushing surprise. Lord Cronier
the British represcntattre , had no lnkfluij
of the stroke. and I can Bay , tIpn the nu
thorlty of a gentleman untitled to speak fo
hlrii , that lie does not now approve ot th
JlrItlsh POlICY. Ho 1109 steadily worked to
somethiiig like fourteen years with a view t
the ultirnato withdrawal of flrlttsii Influenc
and protection from Egypt-leaving Igypt t' '
iho 1gyptIans-nnd lie feelS 110W that all lii :
labor directed to that end is to bo wasted.
With tire masses of Engnshrnen hero thi
war for the subjugation of Soudan is mi
inensoly popular. They are glad to kno
that England Ia manifesting something of he
old riplrlt. They liavo contemplated tli' '
hostilIty of Russia and France and the niant
feat unfrlendlinca of Germany wIth the cus
toinary sulleness of the Briton.Vo'vo go
our backs to the vali , now , " said an Engllsi
oflicer of the army to mo the other morning
"and let 'eni all come on. "
The realIzation that Russia has been arv
still is backIng the Negus Menelik in ht
war upon ttio Italians solIy from a desiri
to crlpplo one of England's friends fills Eng
lIsli hearts with the old bitterness born o
tlio CrImea. As for France , the ally e
autocratic Ituesla , when dId an Engllshmai
have anytliin.g but contempt for her ?
The policy of sendIng the Egyptian force
to the front to draw the fire of IChalifa Ab
du1Iiil , the sucen30r of the MnlidI , anr
present ruler of Soudan , to regarded as a wl
one. if they push on far enough th's sprIn
they are certain to meet strong oppositIon-
psrliaps defeat , In the meantime , Englanc
Is carefully preparing , and when the autum !
arrvea her Invincible battalions wilt mov
on to Khartoum , and the Soudan and Egypi
will remain dcpefldeflCles qf Great Britali
for all time. When ono contemplates th
good that England has uchlcved for Egypi
In a very few ynrs ho thought must com
that no other natlon could have d5ne better
the feeln !
To the dtaintereatod Anglo-Saxon
of pride must follow the consIderation ol
things achieved. The hopelessly bankrupl
and demoralized empire has been lifted intc
prosperity , the financial status has beer
steadIly raised until It Is better today that
that of two-thirds of the European nations
' and hero today ono finds order , t'ecurlty and
Iiopetiilness The burdens of taxation liavc
never been so light , and all the world may
como and go.
The French have an Idea that they could
do great thlng In Egypt , bat their record
do not
away from borne
of (1OCt15 ierfOrIi
' justify their assumption. In Algeria we
find a close French corporation , with spa-
clal privileges for French commercial pdoplc ,
and all peoples
while In Egypt all traders
stand alike. A short time ago a Frenchman
residing ii CaIro wrote and publIshed a letter -
In the newsPaper , Le Progres , favoring
' tor
contlilileil occupation of Egypt by the
hIs consul
called before
EnglIsh. lie was
sternly rebulCd and ordered to quit
at once
ho went-this ctlzen of
the country. And
French republic. At the same time
the and Cairo
of Alexandria
the French press
finding fault with BrItish
' adruiniatraUofl goes On day after day , and vilifyIng
In the days of the
the British race. as
ruptured treaty of AmIens , and nobody pays
the racket.
' attentioa to
the slighteE't and doe-
That there will be hard fightIng
campaIgning up the Nile everybody
belIeveS perato who knows anything of the sltua-
European war may
tion. That a
' Is
aggraIvo move
grow out of
r.ot improbable. I have given caine consider-
sent to
material being
iition to tire fighting
the front from Cairo.
little confidence In the Egyptian -
I have very
inciter how well led , The natIve -
, no
tian trooPs
regIments that I have seen are ve1l
drilled atid vehl armed and equIpped , and tlio
. lint the
; are not lacking in physique.
men . Ito lacks
A EgyptIan is not a lightIng
something of the
fightIng instInct , I wzw
worthless force eent to Turkey in 1877 , and I
t , ! have read tile pitIful story of General Lorlng
concernIng thio expedition sent agaInst Abys-
1876. That army
; eliila by Khedlve Ismall In
had been traljicd and organized by splendId
American oiflcers-Mott , Loring , Stone ,
vcro ox-
Field , DennIsOn-ad great things
pCCteI of it. As well might an army of
ICing John's domInIons -
sheep have been led into
mInIons Ba this host of Egypt's alleged var-
rIori3. No ooner dId they come In eIght of
John's barbarIans thou they began to evInce
sIckening signs of cowardice. NothIng could
induce thorn to light , nod the retreat of that
army on Mas.'oiiahi was a hideous burlesque
Oil svnr. That tire expeditionary force was not
entirety aniilliliiited was certainly due to the
forboarancU and IndUcrenCO at ICing John.
The SoiiihiiflOSO troops at ( lie front are floe
fellows. They ore barbaric , but they are
' inticr good disciphlno. Although mercenaries
III time seI1to that they are servIng Egypt
vhiero they oUght to be serving Soudan , they
are thought te ho renihy to fight anythIng
atmil anybody. Much is expected of tileni in
time hiami1s of Imigiisli ctflcer. Slatin Vacua
p expressed tIme OlI1110fl ) to me the oilier day
that no army contaIned today better fighting
troops than these traIned Soudaneso in the
servIce of Egypt. We 2hlall know more later
' Mr. Curzon. I observe , has made the state-
iflent that England does not contemplate
rending au expedition to Soudan in the au
' ti-mimi , Tue luau Is 10 bake thio rising of the
ilerviimhes AU excuse for sendltig out the
3igyptian force now movIng 00 Dongola and
when It receives a chock-as I pretty cer-
tam to ho the case-to follow with a fermi-
( hablo British force upon tile ground that
Egypt must be Protected. Tue affair wIll end
In the conquei't of Souden and the annoxa-
( Ion of Dotigola to Egypt , miniet' , in the
noantiriie , England becomes involved nearer
Iiy refusing their eOflI4flt to tile IIO of the
rer'rvo fund of Egypt In ( Ietrnylng the ox-
p005013 of thu campaign both Franca erich
] tussla have shown useless stupidity. 'lice
Pun is only 500,000 , a moro liagatehto to
iigiaiid. The expense of the forthcoming
war will be mainly borne by Great Britain
: and In the end tier claim upon Egypt rIil be
tiiornioueiy Increased. 11cr right to the cc-
cupancy of the territory wiil he riiagnlfied ,
ami this man vhco will see England's yolun.
tery withdrawal ( rein Egypt La not yet born.
The social seasci in this world's winter resort -
sort Is rapidiy closIng. Thu big caravaneary
boteis are emptying. A ( ow Cook's tourists
are fitfully coming and goIng , but gone the
anaemia invalids , the bedecked belles , the
' loudly dreased European sweiiii , the studeut&
of Egyptology , the strollIng fools svhlli money ,
thiO Idlers , ganiblerd and advcnturera. The
donkey boys in the streets are thInning out ,
and thco csiiy Englith newspaper in the town
aojminces ; its stlSpeIiiIOn ! tntih time return of
tue birds winter.
Thu season iii Cairo cioas with the vernal
equinox , though the climate will Lie lovely ( icr
the next liiOflIh1 barring the lCilam5lu winds.
We have had two days of sand dust ( toni the
_ _
deoert already. co of these days of dii
anti partIal suffocation Is ucotigh to 'tart tI
elderly tourists northward , and , according I
Arab tradition , fully fifty are intermIttent
due. 1.ast year , residents tell me , there wei
really but six days of actual sand storm , At
they are all hoping in Cairo for a similar o
einption this year.
The only excurelonists up the Nile now si
the troops and their supporters , who ai
bending for the land of the Soiidaiiee de
vishes , All of Cook's boats are carrying so
tHers and supplies and war material. La
year more than 7,000 toursts and iccaUii sel
era touched at Cairo , ninny of them remaim
Ing for weeks , and of there fully
were AmericanF' ' It Cairo is not hnken
wars nor dceerted by its English protectol
it will become in a few years tico greateI
winter pleasure resort in the world , Cue
astctiiimled now by the grfincleu of Its hotel
the beauty and cleanlinee of It avenues , tt
splendor of Its eqicipages , the gayety of ii
cafes and the brilliance of Its opera.
There is vice enough , and depravIty , too. I
attract the most blase seekers after novelt
That extratngant , reck1os Ichiedivo , Ii'mal
the speiidthrlft , may have dragged 1gyf
1oui to bankruptcy cml war , but the beatlt
fled Cairo. and the traces of his prodigalit
are to ho reen cii every hand. Ills gorgeoli
Ghczlr , h palace , flcroe3 the river , Is now
hotel. with Its harem buildIng and garden
and kiosques , and a finer hotel no travole
bath Over liming up lila hat Iii. \'hiI1 tic
average new hotel in Europe amid AmerIca
a niarvol of brilliancy and comfort , It is nc
with tint'el aild Lincrtita-\'alton , herd cii
fiuids iubitantiahity in alabaster , onyx , marbi
cml gold. Think of rooms wherein are man
telpIecc and fireplaces costing $10,000 each
To vicat better uses can palacca , built froi
the unrequited toll of the people by profllgat
kIngs. bo put titan converting them tnt
hotletnios for the acconimodatlcu of LIce general
oral iniblic ?
Whillo Carlo has many attractions it I
lamentably destitute In the matter of mu
ESilifli ) such as should constitute its chile
attraction. One nitiet go to l'anio , Londol
end Berlin to study Egyptinil iiltory ani
commiinm , with antiriulty , and while Ilonie
lans , London and even New York can ahoy
front OTis to halt d dozn oblIskci. the c3pI
tat of the land of the Meniphilte kiiig. tii' '
Ptolcmnles , the I'hiaruohis and Khiahifs end
leai has icono. how shiancefuliy has this an
dent aect been pillaged and plundered
Mine. llyaclnthie-Loyson tins recently beci
writing in the iiewspaprs here to urgci for
elgn countrira to return to Egypt hen stohei
inOiiUnieflt anti. the bones of her ancestors
Or course , no more attention viIi bci pali
to this appeal than is given to tue groan o
the complaining camel in the desert.
The Ghlzeh muo3uni , which represents thi
Egyptian government's collection of an
tlquitles. is a woful exhibit. One finds then' '
thio well preserved niummy of that Itamnesci
Who was the Sesostnis of the Greeks , and o
Thcatmes II. , and of pnincoses vhio flour
leuied fifteen centuries before the dawn o
tim Christian era. but Lice best exhilhita an
jewel and coins discovered only a few year :
ago , antI most united they are. how natura
It to that should sympathize with thci
despolld Egyptians. Carlo Is rich ii
momiqices , and It 1 not probable that any a
tieso wIll be torn down now and carted off ti
embellish this cities of "civilization. " llov
vehl that alabaster ncoaqiie of Mohamnmec
All would look In one of thc squares of ga
Paris !
Despite the destrucUon of the pleaceure eek
ens , ltcturra'que Cairo is not lacking in gay
ety. Tue brIllIant shops are still open ; thi
roulette wheel stilt whirls at night In un
restricted joy ; the al freaco cafes an
thronged rith bibulous crowds represnthn
every phase of th Levant and the Orient
tie painted feminine adventurers ( rein VIenna
onna , Budapest , Ihmicharest and sunnl
Italy ply their arts with commercial vigor ,
and there i much happy leavp t.aklng of thi
soldier boys billeted lou the Upper Nile ; thi
gaudy uniforms of the 'CcnnaUght Rang.
ers" 00(1 the stiff-backed davaliers of the
"Queen's Bays' gIve vivid color to streeta
already radiant vithi Egyptian military
dress ; the agile syce , more gorgeous thaii
the paradies bird. leaps and shouts in front
of the carniage loaded witi veiled favorite
of the harem ; marching soldiers are everywhere -
where with their trumpets , and the eye ii
never free from 'shanghaled" gangs of rag-
ged. shinnibhiiig recruits of every shade and
color , fresh from tue adjacent deserts ; the
peripatetic merchant , wIth his lottery , ac-
co't you at every turn ; the cries of mccndl-
oints and tJho shouts of donkey drivers fill
the air , and an Egyptian military band
blares and wheezes every afternoon In the
rich garden of Esbekiehi. Such is Carlo today -
day- ° out of season. " ,
Then there Is the drive to the Pyramids.
I uAed to think of a vIsit to the Pyramids In
conneption with donkeys and camels , and
sunshades and linen helmets. swathed in
ptiggaroes , and arid and dust , and much
fatigue and objurgation. That was doubtless
the case in the days of the "Buckeye
Abroad , " and when Howadji Curtis ascended
tue Nile. Now you throw yourself into a
handsome baroucice , driven by a whip-crack-
Ing Arab , and you are whirled to the
Pyramids. a distance of eight miles , along a
roadway as smooth as the I'rater , and shaded
an both sides with stately trees. You have a
verdant landscape for at least six miles , with
the eternal pyramidical monuments for a
background. At the foot of ohil Cheeps you
Find a coirfortable. well equipped hotel , tilled
with semi-Invalid board3ia ; you lunch sumpt.
ucusly ; you smoke your cigar and gaze
: lreamniiy at the overshadowing pillars. rntch
thio crowds going amid coming , the camel
riding and the English equesirlantain , and
then you take your carriage nail are \vhctnIcl (
beck to the cIty in the glow of the richest
iunset you have ever known. You have
Impiy made a trip to an attractive road
ioIis& . Of course there is no aentirnentailty
In this and very little romanticism , but it is
In Cairo one can frequently see the young
chcedivo dashIng about In his open carniago
loaely hceinmeU in by his liantIsonie cavalry
: scort. hits residential palace is Icoobohc In
he suburbs of the city. ho is an eaniy
ieer. Some of his receptions begin as early
is 7 o'cloclc in the morning. lb drives daily
: o the Abdeon palace In lice city. where lie
: rar.sacts official business , ho is fond of
: corees and lie spends hits 10,00o pen year
vitii considerable lavishness. Seated in lila
: nrniago ho is a rather liandsoiiiu Person , but
iii foot 1db heavy legs cud waddling gait
ictract very much train his appearance , his
) opularity with lice people has increnael
'eny much tnce ice iimarnlecl his servant
Ii vetheant aiid legitimatized her chill.
Ills brother , h'rncco Mohiajuineci Au , i very
iiiichi in evIdence in the streets of Caine ,
Ic i iiniiiensely fond of hiormies and equally
udlffereict to female society , 'Fandem tiny-
hg is his tad , and lie spends his 15,000 a
tear lIke a true "sport , " and is always in
iebt. lie lIlies foreigners very inicahi anti the
orelgoora who know him speak of him as
'a goad sort. "
I saw the kicedivo tue oIlier morning under
avonablo circumstances. lie took tue lead
n the ceremony of setting the foundation
tone of a new ma.iqice. I was the only cm-
flicial foreigner Invited , anti I hind the pleas.
ito of taking with me a young American ,
die greatly enjoyed the spectacle , What
night have been the cornenstoxco of the now
ehigious tructuro was nenhly the center
deco of the front vail. It stood in ( lie
reach , a massive , hioiiowed stone , The place
11 about was guarded by miiounted police , and
eapie were driven ( remit the tops of adjacent
ulitliiigs , so soieicin was tics spectacle ,
Time icliedivu , upon arrival , entered a beau-
Ifully decorated pavilion , where ice spent
01110 time In lrayer with the high priests.
'hen the time for tb ceremony nrnis'eti he
aiketi down a carpeted and hover bestrewn
assago , in plain dress , to ( he ceremonial
tone. The vniests walked solemnly behind
iiii. With considerable fonicinilty ice scaled
I ) the different objects which wore hcantleil
liii and placed them in lice hollow stone.
, ii ( Ice whiio a choir , coicipoaod of thirty
oys , with thin voices , chanted a monotonous
yinn. Whicic ( ho stone was tilled a cap was
laced over it , and , as ( lie hciiedivo anti his
arty retired , a bullock , which had been
ieously ( bleating close by , was dragged forth
ml its throat cut in tico most brutal manner.
. vessel cias Promiiptiy tilled ilhi ( ice hot ,
ushiIng blood , and an oltiiatiiig pnict
aured ( tie contents over the sanctifIed atone ,
his heathenIsh sacrifice was particularly
, voltiug , Thea , while all thio workmncn
Liout the Iclaco hcasened ( to carry a bit of
ortar to cast at ( lie toot of tics ensanguinech
one-being religiously improved thereby-
io khcdivo and his functionaries repaired
I ( ice beautifully embellished paihion and
irtook of a feast of confections and sweet
atena. Tbo service employed , being froiic
10 palace , was beautiful and coMly.
I icad a good view of ( ho lehiedivo duriiig a
mrtion of this coreinoicy , lie hiciireucd me
I a kindly natured , well intentioned persomi ,
together lacking In intellectual force.
Ticero is one thing to be said in his favorS
lie ha not offensive in ( Ice use of his powi
and he has a strong hiktng fan sensIble me
leans. The fact that he has plunnged
this Sotidaneso wan without arking the CDI
sent of his suzerain , the sultan of Turke
shiowts that lie has a high sense of imhi
penilence and is wihiing to cast hI lot wit
( lie bold liritobs.
The khechivo was on public exhibition
such tourists as were willing to tiso earl
yesterday morning. The occasion watt
ceremony conmiecteth wIth the "Tapis Sacro ,
on Sacred Carpet , which is annuaiiy sent ( ml
Egypt to Mecca to ( aria a canopy over II
tomb of Mahomet , Yesterday niarning ( I
various pieces of this cotly fabric woi
brought to the citadel , and after a certal
amount of praying antI palaver , In which U
khodiva took an active part , they were 501
of ( to a mottque to ho sewn together. TIl
sacred camel which Is to bear Egypt's gil
to thco holy City was paraded In the citadi
ttqtiano In rich and ornate housings , much I
the delight of thio early risIng tourists. Thi
sacred camel , with Ito sacred load , In charg
of certain sacred pilgrims , will depart Ic
Mecca , by way of Jeddahi , in a mouth or ttt
Tin , cancel , if Ice stands the trying tour , l
bring back the sacred tapestry which we
talon oven last year , and this fabric , havin
rested for aim entire year upon the tomb
Allah's sole terrestrial ox-agent , will be a
object of veneratIon quito too sacred to ( al
about. On ( lie day of the cparture of Ill
cancel anti carpet the khceiliva will be out I
all his effulgence. lie is very fond , I ac
(01(1 , of these religious ceremonies , and b
lila strict obr'cnvanos Ice doubtless draws I
him the respect and admiration of all devoil
Aside from its dust , its importunate beg
gats , its snake jugglers , its table d'htot
dInners and its screeching donkeys , Cairo ha
one nuisance which wihi nhiva .9 be a 'eniou
liiipedlment to its e'cpaiieion na a restiii :
allot for tic ceary anif jailed. I allude to it
flies. Of all the ancient plagues of Egyic
this one ham , been carried oven in all Its dia
boiical , Icnistino vigor. The nvcrago do
miicatic fly in most hands posaeaea a ahlgh
share of timidity. It can be flicked ani
scared and there is a. limit to its pertinacit :
anti persecution , Not so with lice Egyptial
fly. It huts so long ecijoycil mnimunity at tIc' '
hands of the natives that Its iinpufienc
knows no bounds. Time uativc eIther by
tico ticklIng sensation produceti by flies o
their religion , which teaches consideratiom
for nib forms of life , carries thceiii to tic' '
extreme in their tolerance tocmrd flies. Time :
seldom brush them or interfere with ticcl
pastimes. Noticing is immure common tlcac
to ace a chill sitting in tn sun placidly vit1
a hundred flies crawling over Il tacO 0
perchiiig upon its eyelids , Tile fly , enjoy
Ing such privileges fan ages , has come ti
think that lie has vested rights.
Time white Invader is his special vanity. I
you alt down to road lie flops down on you
hose wIth a thud. lie seems to weigh a
least an ounce. You make a dive at bin
wIth your left bcand. lie t'pnings out of tiii
way' , but quicker than a stroke of ligictnini
Ice is hack iii time same place. You ewipi
him agaIn , and ho repeits the same porfonnc
amice. You keep on , acigrily chappIng at lilac
but the iiialigmarct : devil contInues to cling ti
you. You finally desist , Then your. 11cr
secutor unllmbere his suction pump anmh pnc
ceeds to insert It in your epifiormis. Tin
sting suggests tIme Jersey mosquito in hI
busiest season. By ticis time Ice has beer
reinforced by a dozen hilarious companions
who plait their hind legs and balance ci :
their hoses whIle Imbibing your bet elixir
You start in to fight again. They go through
their salutatonial performnancea agaimi , but the )
never desert you. You are oxhaurted an
angry. You swear and you brush the wlcok
lot away with your newspaper or book. Diii
the Egyptian fly has lila rhglcta and ice will
not be done out of them. You Icave an at.
tack on ncasse , and you spring out of
chair arid move to aiiotlcen spot. Thcero yet :
find a freah lot of enemies , who begin theti
persecutions , and in slicer despair you ivc
lIp and start out for a wahic or drive , Btci
your focci continue with you arid you never
feel quite safe from ( hem mcmii you curl ur
under youn mc'quito bar at night.
The natives sell you a gaudy , short-han-
filed fly brush , wherewith you may prptect
yourcbf from the haste. But they arc awkward -
ward and ugly. Noticing Is more ridiculous
than the spectacle of an aged English tourist
sitting on a hotel veranda fighting flies with
lila little brush and fairly anathematizing
his ancestors for bringing him Into the world
without consulting his wishes. Colonel Sal-
lers could see a great demand for lila ce
wash in sore-eyed Asia , but the man wbc- ,
finds the inecmna of destroying the Egyptian
fly , or reducing hiin to reasonable activity ,
will not only win the everlasting gratitude
of the white race , but put a considerable Sum
of plasters iii his pocket ac well.
Brigadier General horatio hIerbot Kitch-
ener , who commands tice Anglo-Egyptian
army , umider the title of "Sirdar , " has the
merit of being handsome. lie is the very
picture of a soldier and ho has a most cx-
eibent record. I feel sorry for lilac , ( or I do
hot hOC blow lie is going to glorify himself in
thcitt campaign. his iciongrei army is about
as certain of being wicipiced at the out'ct as
onythiing I know of. General Kitchceicer is
only 45 years of age , but lie has .aaen con-
iiherablo service , mostly in ( Ice pay of
Egypt. lie stepped ( roam ( lie rank at col'el
iii the British army to tlcat of brigadier general -
oral in the Egyptian service in 187.1. He
helped Sin Evelyn Wood robuiid the army of
Egypt In 1S81. nail was in tlco Nile expehi-
Ion of 1881. He was ccncerned in the opera-
Lions around Suakim In 1588 , and took part
in the battle of Gomaizali. lie war also in
LIce battle of Toeki iii 1889 , receIving time C.
fi. for lila gallantry. Sir Horatio is quite
opubar with lila officers and men , and the
; reatest confidence is reposed in lcim by tue
In Siatin I'aclia he has an ahlo and cxperi-
mncod coadjutor. Sintin was one of Gordon's
leuteimants iii the Soudin , and was a prisoner
n Khartoum when Gordon was slain. The
icad of ( lie murdered chief was brought to
iimn and exhIiitemi before lilac in all its
; hcasthiress on the day of the execution. ho
pent thirteen years in prison in the Souclcmn
nd yet lie is a hale , hearty man today , lie
peaks the dialect of Egypt fluently , and
cia knowierige of tue country and the tnibea
viii b of vast assistance to the sirdar ,
In a brief clint that I had with him just
; oforo Icis departure ton ( ho front , lie dis-
daycd a hopefulness wicicii ai'toniahed rae.
Ic expressed macic pleasure over tiio recap.
ion given everywhere to lila recently pub-
ished book , "Fire amid Sword in tiio Soci-
Ion , " lie said that lie lied not Iceard fnonm
ucconica , and tie greatly doubted whether
ho public in ( lint quarter cared very much
or the Soudan country or what Occurred
here. "
A'OUli ) % 'OitiC Ii'Oit UNCLE SAM.
; ix-'rIari.i. tililII'llllN 'i'llIimu Ciii
SarvIotl liit jul mImi ( iou.
A civil service examination of applicants
or positions antler tico governncent was haul
estonday i ( ice rooini , of the Omaha Corn-
mencial college. There are siXty.hte cancil-
ates taking ( lie examination , Most of them
once ( toni polmit in Nebraska , acid a few
rocn Omalca , There arc several , Icowever ,
rem neighboring states.
TIm Positions for which exancinations ore
slug held amid ( bce numnben of appl.cnnts for
ad posI1on follow : Clerk copyhat , 7'
tock exanminen , 21 ; tagger , 9 ; assistant cx-
muiiicer , 3 ; bookkeeper , 6 ; teacicer , 4 ; meat
specter , 2 ; nmutron , 'I ; compositor , 3 ;
Lemiograplier arcI typewnitist , 1 ; medical cx-
niirmer in imemision bureau , 1 ; physician , 1 ;
ookblnden in government printing depart.
lent , 1 ; mnes'enger , 1 ; watelincan , I and
wedlab interpreter , 1.p
Au huiuirneii.unt.
The flying Northwestern Line train to Ciii.
"No , 2 , " "The Overland , " Omaha 445 ; p' m ,
hcicago 7:45 a , In.
:30 : p. rn , , Cicicago 9:30 : a , in ,
The last fast train iii lice evening , Omaha to
hiicago. Ncrce batter are built.
City ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnamn at.
"l'hie Overla iiul hiiuiieil"
I the fastat train out of Omaha , and car-
Cs the finest oqulpmeat of any line in this
eat. Tickets via tIme UNION PACIFIC comm
I secured at 1302 Famnarn street.
Citsi , ( If iIsutiiiicui l.l.'m&did' .
An item i5 goinf thce rounds of the east-
.n jcrcss to tIme effect that I'ere hiyacinthe ,
do noted ox-Cmitiiohic lirieSt , is soon to be
anrieti to Miss hiushnebi of Phuindehphia.
lie statenicuit hi likely to prove emimbarras.
mig io imlici imiil. biic friends in view of tIm
Ct that lie tins a vie with whom he Is
ing , who is a sister of Mrs. hiuttenilelti
l3outhi Omaha , and wile has other
iVe hiving hare , It is I'ero hIyacimihci a
n , Paul , who Is to be iiiarnied to the
) Uiig JJroQki3'n woman ,
Mayor Ensor is 'expected to announce
the public today twoior thrc'o changes hue hi
deelcied upon. Thce nancc. of ( lie new n
poineaa ( will be Pont to the cIty Counc
Monday evocing for' conilrmaticui , TIm sui
gostlons of ( he mayor are being acted tipc
promptly by the proper committees. It
expected that ( ho Eiectnic Light conipar
wilt today place sixi addItional incandereci
lights in lice council ehiamber nail ( lie cii
engineer is figmiring.iwithi in Imainters win
time cost of 100 drooL siucs will be 1101
these Iniprovements were suggested by tli
mayor , along with a titimber of othcrn
lessen Importance.
Sui liiii iCeepers otI lieu ,
Yesterday afternoon Chief Brennan vis.te
every sabooii in the city and deilvereil to ii :
proprietor a printed card of rules which Wi
hereafter govern ( lie liquor dealers.
Utile 1 poitiyeiy lmrehiiblta the mb of ir
toxicntixcg liquor to minottt , neither shail
iiminon be allowed to enter a alocii for tim
liurpose of carrying away my liquor. A vk
lation of ( Ida rule viii subject the salooc
keeper to immediate 1iroecuition.
Another rule directs that the front dccc
lmii to kept closed and locked on Suuida
nnI : that strict order shah be maintained It
attic the 1)15Cc Ofl flint day.
No one , manic or feniaie , shall be ahlowe
to carry away frolic any m'aloon niiy ccl
bucket or Pitcher of beer on Sunday. For
violatiruc of thus rciie jmrosecution under lii
state law Is tiireateiicd.
The earth or instructions actiat be kep
posted in a coneplcuouia place. Every polic
oiflcen has been notified thiat it is hmi ( lilt :
to report to ( lie mayor at once any violatini
of the inrtructlons ,
l)111ulgli iyliiuiulu Itiqumi lreui ,
The big sixty-light Wood dynamo while !
vas badly daniageh by ligiituciucg iaiit Sumidal
night , has bach repaired , amid time streel
lights burmied as usual lact night. Tim new
W'ood ( lynalico will mrrive from Fort \Vayne
Imiuh , , tills ncormiing and Snpcrintendeiit Dim
iiioclt expects to have It In place and ii
workiicg order by Sunday night. Yemierda3
thu. , company began running wires for thmc
street lights ordered by tile old city counci
at Twentieth and Milnoy , Twenty-ilrat ant
S. Twenty-fomlrtlm and U , Tiventy-ilrst amit
II , Twcnty-thiinih cmi I , arid at the west em
of time L. street viaduct.
% ' -uil1 elm llrt'iik I ii I 0 1 ii ( ' Id ge _
Tucursthay evening while the Modern Wood
men of ncerIca were in sewion the woluan'i
auxiliary of thint lodge , time Royal Neighubort
of America , gained an entrance to the lomlgc
rooni and turned it Into a dancIng lcahi. Tin
wonlen lreselctei the Woodinen with an ole.
gent desk as an excuse for being present
Frail Pearl thanked the voinen in a aliorl
speech , and then the floor was cleared for
dancing. Retrer'humcents ' were served during
time interniisslon.
aiusic cit , r.OMMiI ) .
Mrs. B. Ii. Jennet's of Atkinson is visiting
time family of A. E. Blank.
The office clerics of Swift's and Ccimlahiy'a
mviii picnic at SarpyMihls park Sunday.
Captain rtusaell of the Deadwood Tliccea
In In the city attending to some bucslnesa.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Keith , 1111 North Twenty-fourth street ,
died yescrday afternoon.
Lilian hlohils , daughter of John hails ,
Twonty-first and P Streets , was hurled yesterday -
terday afternoon at-Laurel 11111 cemetery.
Frank Taylor , whoia at the MethodIst boa-
pital in Omaha , bias had an operationper-
formed on one of his eyes and is improving
Mrs. J. G. l-Tayzlett , who has been laid up
for some time with spinal trouble , is rio bettor -
tor , nail iii confined to lien bed nuid suffers a
great deal of pan. !
A niecting at the Municipal league vilh
be hcelth at Ancient Order of Jhlbernian hall
thila evcnIiig. Tboa'Transncisilsaippi exposl-
tion will ho talked over ,
George Jones and Wollburn Clark , the men
Whco assaulted Max Wiison at Albrighit lad
Thursday night , lcad a trial in police court
yeiterday afternoon , and both were seiit up
to the county jail , Clark for six days and
Jones for ten days.
'P. Dohamc. vlio has been acting as sheep
buyer for Cucishmys at Chicago , arrived hero
yesterday , amid will in ( bce future buy sheep
it this market. Mr. lohcan says that In the
future the Cudahys wiil , if poasibic , buy' all
their supply on thii market , and that they
will use all weigicts and kinds suItable for
Not 'I'oo Buq'otTi
Thmo trachea of the UNION PACIFIC arose
so smooth and lice cars furnishiej so corn-
plete thcat you can ImagIne yourself in your
awn luxurious apartments at hcome.
Inspect tics Buffet Library and Sccioking
Cars as they paso through Omaha every
city Ticket Office , 1302 Farnamn street.
It would eeern that there is something
wanting In tIme management of the University
; 'f Michigan Glee , Banjo anti Manclohin ciub ,
r ehso a lack of "team work" on the part
) t Ann Arbor aiuunoi in Ocimahia , for a good
program of college unusic was never pre-
rented to a sincilior audicnco than that which
) cCupied a few of tb leats at lhoyd'a last
light. There were no banners , no mstm'eamn-
: ra nor twined ribbons of yellow and blue ,
10 stage boxes radiant with girlish hoveli-
lees and garnielced with niatronly propriety ,
o visiting between nuncbcrs oy jaded bcit
ttiil eager youthcr' ; node of ( Ice usual concomi-
ants of a glee chub concert except tIme arc-
) ounded enthusiasm displayed ny tim Ineager
tudicnco , wlcicic chapped its few poor dozens
if icands at every opportuincry to the bhia-
erlng point.
Ann Arbor has sent out many organi-
: atiomcs of tlcis kind on touir for fauna and
here , antI never a bad one among them ,
rico clubs which are jutat now finishing ( hair
eason of lS)5.O ) are among the best which
cave conc. not only fromn tue University of
licicigan , but from any cIlcgo vhatsocvcr
0 Omaha , \\'ltli ally ert of managencent ,
'm ' aiiy onioumct of juflicions advertising , thiey
Drill have Iihietl lloyd's almost with Mtchii-
cmn macri. It Is hcopetl that they may Icc
card hero again next season cinder auspices
melter cahculatcd to stimulate Lhimimc to bingo
ChIlD veuiicicta.
That La not to say , however , that these
oung iiicn did not do well last night , or
oemned to ho iteniotisly daunted by thce ser-
iecl ranks of empty piushi chiurirs in lice front.
'heir program cvna a popurar one , full of
oblige nonsense songs , nIarencs , two-steps
iid negro nielodiea , whichi wore rendered by
ii the clubs with more technical accuracy
Ican Is looked for at such timer , and with
a amount of "ginger" wjlichc offset any
hlortconcings s'huicii were apparent to tico
rltical can. Every miuiiilier was encored at
mast once , nuid tiiotclubs would doubtIoa be
arfoniciing yet if they lied gratified all do-
canda , Mr , I'ease , with an agreeable bath.
mu voice , was well liked in several solos ,
ad Mn. Miner , who icas a good iiaurai (
tiujimiflent as a comedIan , mode a Jilt of
real magnItude iii comic ealiga.
The combination appears in Cedar Rapids
) night , vono ( he' tour will close ,
An eiitortainmentl is to be given in the
iihitoriuln of ( ho Young Men's Christian
iscclation by ( urea ladies franc Tahor cal-
go , Tueeday , April 28. Miss Sylvia M ,
raice , a gratluate of tim New Finglancl Con-
rvatory of Music , a ealirano ; luhiss Paincer ,
pianist , well known in Iowa musical elm-
eat and Mrs. Jessie Brown forward , who
is read before Oniahia audiences several
Ilies within the last year.
Vaudeville wi'l ' be ( Ice drawing card at the
reighton all uioxt week , commencing with a
iv priced matinee tomorrow at 2:30 : , when
ence'a Transoceanic troupe opens an en-
geniont at ( list theater. The company in-
tides Lewis and Iboswehl , Ahcern and Vat-
rk , Signor Ajax , La hicaoiintl Norma , Kit
Wilson , Newman and Waldron and Ilanili.
a and Wiley. The Iroram will be on-
rely changed with each performance. Tbco
ual Wednesday amid Saturday matinees will
' given ,
Xavon Seharwenkacourt pianist to the
[ icror of Austria , anti one of this unost
ir.ous of living pianists , will 'ive a concert
thttf LL L&t
I Bee , April 21 , 'DG.
t Youth's'
t There isn't a place n the whole country whcrc eI
cotlilng ! for young men , 14 to 20 , is sold as we sd it
4 here. Not a place where the stock is so Iargc , the variety
s'-- great , the prices so pLeasing to the buyer. We take a
( pride in the fact that young men from every walk
! of life come here preferabLy for their clothes , and of the
thousands who come not OflC but goes away satisfied-
i La' pleased-determined to come again. Commencing at
3.OO for good , substantial suits , the prices go by quar-
j ters and haLves to ten dollars or more. Every material f
e.f that's good , every pattern that's stylish , every detail that
will add to wear will be found in our assortment and we
. ' wilL see to it that the fit and finish are in keeping with the
Lt general goodtess. If there are any young men in Omaha
M who aren't familiar with our Youths' Department , we
I have some surprises in store for them ,
-i ; : . Suits for /11'C lads ot ; file sailic ft o ; I ! dollar 7
i- ' . ocsfar//ic , ' Ikan $1.50 in of/icr s/ores , ezzd/1ici'cs " 7'ie
b iVb'aska" sajc ztards-mo//iers ; zw fliciji ,
at Boyd's theater on Monday evening , Ma
1. Many betters of Inquiry have bean re
ceived , frolci immusie lovers outside of tow :
relative to tilts eligmigelmient , and it is quit
likely ticat the pupils of several iiiuslc school
in towns near Oliiaha will attend tIme per
foriiiauice in bodies.
CohoneFitobert 0. hmmgersohl , tim renowne' '
orator and agnostic , will deliver a lecture a
floyd's theater on Tuesday eveuming , Ma :
5. ida subject being "The Foundations o
Falthi , " This will be the ecoiid lectur ,
( lint time colonel bias delivered in Omaha liii :
No excuse for rleepcoss nighcus whcn yom
can procure One Minute Cough Cure. Thu
tvull relieve nil annoyances , elite Uce most eo
Vera cough anti give you rest and health
Can you afford to do without it ?
Combnation ! horse saIe April 29 and 3 (
and May I. South Ornahca , Waiworthi Proct
tor Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hla 5' . as ,
Omaha ,
Chicago ,
Limited ,
via tlco
'I Milwaukee. "
F. A. Nash , general agent ; George Ilaynes
city passenger agent ; city tichect office , 1O
Farnam street.
10 Ii uuirs Suiveul.
Second class passengers for San Franclsci
via ( lie iJNION PACIFIC now save ton
hours time. Ttmrm is money , " Buy you :
tickets via "i ( .e Overland Route. "
City Ticitet ( ifhice , 1302 Farnam street.
The police have been notified to hook out
for a comlpbo of thieves who stoic two suits
of clothes out of tiio depot at Taiumcage , Nab. ,
on hast Tuestiay
Harry Soutienberg is in jail S' the coraL
plaint of John Verdergreen , who alleges that
the lad obtained $10 from lclth on an order
to which ice forged his father's annie.
Wiillamii II. lCelii , a IC-year-old boy , am-
rested on a charge of incorrigibility at the
irstance of his parents , aas remanded to
the district court yesterday by Judge Gom-
S. Garland , who hives In Murray row on
Ilamaey street , has reported to ( ho pohico
that a gold watch was stolen from hum
Thursday. Time ticker was taken out of a vest
viiichi hung in his room.
During the thunder shower Wednesday
night iighctnlng struck the barn of J , M.
Press , Ticirteeuith and Kavan streets. Omi
lcorse wac lciilech , amid , of course , it was
time mcst valuable one of several which ware
in the stable.
Tile pheasant weather is being improved by
tim street dempartmmient in cleaning up tIle out.
ido streets. The freqcment rains hiavo
materially asisted in thcIs undertaking and
with a few excCptions the streets are oil Iii
excellent condition.
Ed Sutton , who engaged in a cutthig airray
with Mrs. Beadle at tiiei.r home under tlc
Sixtcuith street viaduct about a veok ago ,
in which the hatter was badly cut in thmo
neck , was bound over to appear In the dis-
trial court ytg'terday ' , time bonds being $700 ,
airs. Mary Suhiivan , who icac been lyimmg
In jail for somno time on the charge of having
stolen numerous articles from the vicinity
of her home , at Eighcteenthm and Manthersomi ,
pleaded guilty to petit larceny before Judge
Ilakor yesterday , and was sentemcced to four
clays in jail ,
J _ Larson , a mnilk dealer , yesterday morning
picaded icot guilty to a charge of amaauit anti
battery. Larson , while driving hula muIr
wagccmm along North Tn'euctlehi street , encoun-
Lured a bicyclist , Charles II. Gumlou , Gulou
was driven Into tli curb' and thrown oft lila
wheel , suataiiiuig. a few injuries.
I'al MoDonouglu , living near Ninth and
Davenport streets , wac arrentod hast night
im a warranl sworn out icy Isis wife zihieglng
rpehty to herself and chuidren. Mrs. Mc-
Dommougim stated to thce police thlat lien has-
band frequently came home drunk and beats
or shamefully , also that lie fails to provide
roper support for herself anti family ,
Oiie case of dipiitiienia anti one of scarlet
even hcave been reportcd at the health olilco
his veeic. Delhi cases are light. The TO-
iorts of physicians are nil to time etfcct that
Ice city iii remarkably bccahtiiy. Time gemmeral
'reodopi fnomn disease is exceptional and abut.
lie only comnpialmit that in unamlo is of severe
molds , whMi socncwimcu resemble tIlO grippe.
A. I ) , Iloebme , mcgvnt for ( Ice new purchmacers
If the Ibid McTague , lIes been flPiOimlted )
emporary manager of tile house. A meeting
'f ' ( lie ucroprietors wiil be lucid in a foiv days ,
dr. flocihinie is immclined to iceliev ( bce miew
nymicra wIll flmmd it. muecesicry to operate the
iotcl to still ( littler protect their interests ,
ithioughi they are engaged ui oilier buualmieu.i
nd would raticer hlcive it oft thinir hiamuila ,
ricey were forced to buy thu property to
: ecuno certain chaiuums ugainst tie former
Inojlnie tons ,
[ Ugliest t1onor-Word's ! Fair ,
. DF
\ pure Grape Cream ofTartar Powder , Fre6
om Ammonia , Alum or any other aduhterait ,
X ( ) CtIi , iiit : .til ) hitol : cIilltAsic
: V. . aluiri' leM ( I ( ii I iou 'Fiuuui is Ii'oumnul I :
1'icr' i's , ri of I In' Gotuucr.
Ex-Governor Furnas hcas replIed to a let
( Cr of immqtmlry written by Secretary Wilhianc
son 'of tIme Nebraska club as follows con
conning false reports circmmlated hunt them
is mlestitution thmi year within time stat' '
mmoeuhimig all , The ciatenment comniuig Iron
one nice hucis made a careful uumvestigatioii
'uritlm tlce best facilities at hcarni for dolilt
So , iiouild be final , satisfactory fluid con
'lncing :
Referring to 'oura of March G , I ha'
heard of no sutfcnicmg icon ealli ( or tihil Ii
Nebraska thmhct vImci'i' ( above that of tisua
vimctcns , and usual iii mill hiltrts of mmi tcttes
01' course there I micore or hea call for nit
everywhere every winter. 'iihi us the wiuc
ten lirms been minucirilly maId , anti hielmce cud
mhcmccnmich bscs than ulamurul , I may nfeIy nay'
I himive both obrerved amid imimitmireti care
( icily ,
'J'tcese icrofesIona , irresponsible , unnu
thi'nizetl , pci loiVcai , nomadIc mtiii , 'cslcers mci
collectors iii other marries for Nebrashcmt l
rca a great Ivi-ocig , and should , be oxposec
and frowned upon. Olin state paoers oughi
to take mqc this matter nuid , give these inc
Iostei s tile airing they deserve.
-4 _ _ -
CIty Ticket Office.
. I EoiiSoNtl. i'Alt.tGlt.tPiiS.
C. If , Draimiard ofOakclalo Is In the city.
'P. II. Glichm'ist of Kearney was in Omaha
John C. Martin of Ciarhrs was in the city
last bight.
J.v. . Boggs of Blair was an Omaha via-
Itor yesterday ,
N : . D. Bethal of Blair was taklmcg in tlce
city yesterday.
George A. Cassldy and wife of Sicehby , Ia. ,
are in the city' .
Charles E. Forth heft for Chicago an ]
eastern , points last evening.
V , J. Bryan of Limccoin came tip last night
to hcear the great apostle of free silver ,
Rev. B. P. Burton and wife wore in tlm
city yesterday' tahile cmi route to San Jose ,
II. C. ltitehcic , advaucco man of "In Ohil
Kentuchey , " was intcrviowiccg theatrical
people yeciteeday.
Nebrasicamma at the hotels : J. II. Dallas ,
hlasticigs ; Dan McDoucald , Lagrange ; JulIus
Neuman , Wymone.
C. J. Auiderson of Nehighm , a prominecit
stockman , atopped air Inst. night , Oii route to
Chicago on busiumesa.
Colonel Fischer , a prominent railroad contractor -
tractor of Denver , was in the city y'estcr-
mlay on a alcort 'isIL With friemcds.
George 'V. Dickinson , assistant general su-
icenlmctemident of the Northern l'cij1c. wife
and party left for the east last night.
George F'Vest , city ticket agent of tue
Northu'uvcitemn ' , bus returned from a ldeasuno
trip through Wyoming , Idaho and Montana ,
J , G , Tate , grand master worlrumcamc of thco
Ancient Order of United Worhrnceim , returned
yesterday' from a trill ticrougim tue western
portion of thu state.
\V. IL Jacksoic stopped over in Omaha soy-
oral hioumra yestertlay while ems route home-
ivard. Mr. Jackson is on imis return ( romcc
a trip around tb world.
At lice Murray : A , G. Jackson , Moumct
Carroll , Ills , ; C. M. Adams , New York ; A ,
WciIl , hi. Lewis , Buffalo ; George D , Hoffman ,
Chiicago ; E. L. Zcis , Boston ; C. Chapln , G.
F. Merriamci , Springfield , icisics. ; C , J. Rob-
arts , New Yonhe ; Mrs. A. It. Davison , Denver ;
Frank Cccvciil , New York ; J. J. Nulleic ,
Chicago ; harry Schcicluedaimtz , St. Paul , Nob. ;
\v _ W. iligioy and wife , Cedar Itapids , ha. ;
Iii. M , Glmnn , Boston : J. W. Tinkei , Missouri
Valley , Ia. ; J , A. Ehiiott , flhcicago.
dJ4" '
osf'lJflhTYsiiofXClLE14C 'a
'A O1
[ cetli Extracted Painlessly Without Gas.
1 ( RIm mind Fti'nanm Sts ,
3rd Floor Paxtoii Block
Tel , 1015. Lady attendant ,
(2crmnami spokemc ,
let Tqieihc , omm rubber plato . , , . , , . . , , , , , , . . 8 5.QQ
lest Teoiiion rubber plate , , . , . , , , , , , , , . r
lest 'roetu , , on aluminum pinto , , . . . . . , , ,
icstTcetij , on geld pinto , . . , , . , , . , , , , , , e35OQ
reetli Without PIute-
ridge Tcotb , par . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , $ ,
old Crowus , warranted 22k , , , , , 50O to $ B.i0
ccgucn Crowns , . . , , . . , . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . p5,00
roticimig butZI Ifarat Quid used In our britigo
and gold crowns ,
as given Iii icainiu sxtmactiug when cabled
Ion. ItehiaIe dental work at rauoosim1
Prices That Please
Mcii's ' Ftiruil.thuuigtm , LaiBus' SVnist ,
Child eons's 1cefci' , SIikii.
. Great Sale from the Gatch &
Lautnan Stock ,
\Vc sell the l3uttcrick Patterns
Hayden. Bros.
Special Sale of
Men's Furnishings.
000 dozcici Inca's film bniluniggamc lisle timreati
anti silk Underwear , nimunuifactuiren's picuitics ,
worth $1.00 to ,2.0O each , your choice on
Saturday , POe.
1 lot of amen's fancy iercaio Shirts , hahn-
tiered , worth $ b,00 auth $1.25 , go at PG each ,
1 lot of Poe Neckwear retluiccul to 25c.
Pod dozemi mdi's gemiuhlmmc htritliuhi Sax , worth
25c uumh 40c nain. on iathurm1ay , l2c ,
I lot of coon's hicruvy nil wool Sweaters ,
worth $1.10 , on Saturday , use ,
I case of imien's nctttui'ai gray Slmirts and
lrawera , oucly 2&c each , worth 50e.
rio tlozen inca's ihInclcouce ( uuiiauhiideret
iiirtui , our reguhlir 711c quality , reduced to POe.
1 hot of lath cc' film Kii ( hlo'c's , wortii $1.00
to $2.00 Per itar , Iii Siilflll sizes only , your
clcolco on ibiturtlay , 39 lcr trair ,
1 hot of ladlc' $1.25 kIti gloves go at 7e.
Ladies' atid
100 dozen ladies' fast black seamless lbs. ,
i2c per lmair , vorthi 20c.
Lmuhiea' fast black 40 gatuge cotton hose ,
17e , worth 8Pc ,
Children s
A compiste line of children's Reefers at
750 , PIe , $ l.hg ; . si.s. $2.25 , $271 anti $2Ji
, itil have large collars flint Unctitl trlcicmning.
Silk Waists.
\Vumcders iii \'aiats-Tlcommsand.s ot
Silk \\'aist , very' Pretty shades ton evenIng -
Ing wear , vorth $3.60 , on ctaitt Saturday' at
$ i.i13.
1111k W'aimuts , of cucrahc , taffeta mind novelty
silk , worth $4.50 , Saturday cii SPeCial aha
at 2.93.
Vqry faicey W'nIi't , l'ersirmn patIence ,
inatho with hlieicop cieeve , % 'ery reasonable
mit $0.50 , 'ci ' secial rule at $1.50 auth $1.75.
Special Sale
Natur& Pongee
There is no materIal made that viil give
bettec' 'ear than a genucine Pengec Silk.
It cccakes simbeumdid dressee , good waists for
boy's or girls , finest hiiucd itulnmner nght
shirts , shirts for gentheimmen , mcd it hmtun-
iiritjs beautifuiy , It only caucus 1mm the nate
ural color , In
13 inches wide at lIe a yard
, .
27 inches wide at 2hJc a yard. ,
Ladies' Debts On sale.
Sicziai hino of new , stylisim leatlcer Belts ,
the very latest , on sale Saturday froumi 25e
up.Suecial line of heather flelts , Sc , lOo amcd IPe ,
Job hot fancy silk Belts , womtii 25c to POe ,
on sale , lIe.
Dress Trimmings
25c fancy Spangle Trnicnings on sale Satri
undulv , jOe a'ard.
1. lot Jet Tnumnmccings , Sc yard.
Laces. .
New Laces. 2c yartl.
New Laces , Pc yard.
New Laces , lOc yard.
Lace Pillow Shcaucccc , 25c pair.
Redtiction S&e
Ott Books
750 i3oohcs , slcecial line , 25c ,
POe Books , special line , 22e.
25o Books , special line , Sc.
1 bottle of lair arid 1 bottbo Mucilage ( or Pa.
Crockery Sale.
23 crates of fine enaamel decorated ware
rons tice GATCII & LAUMAN stock , icoith
0 bond by tlco govcrnncent. wicichu we bought
'esterday for JUST TIl EIJUTV ALONE.
rhiero diFO jucit 1,000 dumncr sets in thiici lot.
atchi & Latimiman iiicported ticeso sets to oil
cm $15.00 per net. We &oll them Saturday
or $7 28 , ALSO 35 BIlLS. OF lECOItATIII )
4AtiPS sold to Gatch & Laimnian by ( lIe Co-
ierativc Giabs Co. and repiovicieti and sold
0 us at a lithe macro than freight , bland
amnp , aGtchc & Launlan's Ililce SIc , our prlc
C and so on thcroughiout ( hue lint ,
Washi bu'lns. 23e ; regular price 40c.
Dish pans , Ole ; regular Inico $1.30 ,
Ucmstiucg spoons , 7e ; regular price 25e.
Drip pamu' , 32c ; regular price , 75e.
Teapots. 'tIc ; regular lirieo 90c.
Coffee pots , 43o ; regular price SOc.
Mliii pans , lIe ; regular lIneD 40c.
Pails , 23c ; c'cguiar price GOe ,
Stow i'ana 21c ; regular nbco 5C.
Sauce pans , 23e ; regular Iiu'lcu GSc ,
Icicmvooti Tomnutoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63o
In Saturday iso will cell Iircmn-
ncr's ictire whole l"niilt i'reserves ,
hut. up in time finest grautulated eugitr ,
worth 20cm itec' hound , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
each , l' , Quiicco , Ciueniy , Plum ,
Strawhcem'ry , ate. , amcy icunul , . , , , , , , , , , 12o
iuporteti Chtomv tJhiow , icer uiuart , , , . . , , , 16o
iiporeii ( Mixeml Pickles , cr clmmait. . . . . iSo
muportecb lili I'icities , per qoart . , . . . , , . Pta
mclcorled Street I'icklea , per quart. . . . . lie
lureddeth Cocociiiut , very best ( Ilcahity ,
ucen iOUImd , , . . . , . , . . , , , . , , . , , . , . . , , . , 21o
an Sliced I'iiccaltlmio , eyeless and core-
lt'c's , Friday v.11th Satiuitlay . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
pound cane Coiifoncmia Apricots , . , , , lOc
icoulcil cans Caitfoiimia i'eaehes. . . . . . . JOe
itounil calms California Pears. . . . . . . . . lOu
I bars any branti of Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
ergo pails 'Fable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ergo pails Tnblo Jelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29o
( let our Iricos on Sagan , Coffee , etc. , Sat.
'tiny ,
Big solo on Candies Sathlrday ,
he Home of
argains ,
Guaranteed mccii eggs , only Sc.
lieehi Colinti7 icuittttr , 7o anti Va.
Very icest eouilhhry Lutter , lie anti l2i
eparutor creamery , iPc ,
ciiisu : t1'ECLALS ,
Vtcii cresiui niiese , 7fjc ,
'm'oumIPtinenlca full cream , s'c.
Prick chceme , 7'/c ,
Iiuiibergen , hOc ,
filusm chieeE ,
: 'inenppio , 49c ,
eufcIiati'i chuece per llacbugo : , 81hc.
halt panIc , 3'o ; pickle pig pork , Go ; conuetl
if , 3i ; hams , ( ; ½ c ; bacon 7'c ; suctcmner
isage , ISa ; bologna , head cheese , and liver
csago , 4c ,
best soda and oysfor crackers , e.
demons , lOc ; oranges , hOc.
HAYDEN 13805.