- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIlE OMAhA J.AITjY flEI : 4A'I'tr1IAY { , Ai'ItIIA 23 , JSOG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I . - - - _ c UNCIL BLUFFS DEPA R TMEN T4 - - - - - - .1 , if1TlON. , , pcIa1 meetln pir uy lolgo No. i , tolht , Work L. P. degfeo. 'rho rgiiInr meeting tf the 1nlht ot bor will bo held thIs evening In ( lie Itoyni Arcanum hU. The Grind ! iolel , Council flInff. high t1as in every respect. flnte , 2.&O per day arnh upwd. K F. Clarke. proprietor. Ltitln hIa'c. colored , iUeh yesterday at the home ot her parents , 202S eventii avenue , at the ago ot 20 ycar. Dcath was caused by pnetrn on Ia , v , i , Thickatun has concluded to perrnn- nently locate In Chicago. lie baa been ClOCtel ( to the position RR organist In one of the largest IpIcopaI churches In the city , arnt hia the training and Instruction of 0 choIr of fifty boys. An open alt meeting wa held mat night ) ear the Q round house , unlcr the nuRptce of the ocin1It aection of Council l3iufTR. A. C Swanholin wnz clectcd chairman , A1- t1ree wore nado by Messrs Lawry and Travis of Council illuffs , and ° ( lenernl" Charles T. Kelley of Omaha , Fully OO eopIe histoneil to the tnIk. } vangeiIt A. Martin of Michigan arrives in the city today. lie cones to assist the Christian church In a series of revival meet. Ings which they have been looking forward to for some time. Tomorrow ho will begin the work with an address at 10:30 : a. in , , and a lecture in the afternoon at 3:11 : to men only on 'Tho Fast Young Man. " lioth services - ices in the Tabernacle. A bhillard room is one of the recent ac- fit1IsItIons at the Grand hotei. The room formerly occupied by the Carbon Coal corn- pany has been refitted and converted Into a coIy twcMable bL1hiard parlor. ThG room has been hanIromeiy ( decorated. The walls and ceilings have becn tinder the artistic hand of C. Miller and it is ale of the finest bits of free ilecorativo work to ho seen in the city , Tue t1e'lgns are ticat , the coldrs plena- Ing and all of the work done 'n a thoroughly nrtietic manner. Today is the time set for the conference of thio property owners along lndiaii creak and the cmcers of the Iowa ConstrI'tion corn- pany for the pnrlosa or arriving at an tinder- stniidlng concerning the anihunt of daniages the cnipaiiy must pay for the right of way along the creek , A large number of them have already visited the ofice of Mr. Paul and examined the vlans of the proposed liii- provoinent and have signified their willingness - ness to gtve the right of way Without any monetary consitleratloii. If Dohinny's thiciter was just twIce an large na it ii ; it woul I have still been too small to accommodate the crush of people who stn'ggled with each other to get into t last nIght when the Chase-Lister company played "Monte CrIto. " Thu curtain was hold 1lown ton mliititea to permit the crowd to got sot- ; tIed , and when it finally went up , there was a crowd jainmeI into the rotunla flUd reach- log into tltr' street , as far as the car tracks. There was not a vacant. space in the buildIng - ' Ing anywhere large enough to accominodato a man. woman or a child. There were over 600 tickets sold more than there were seats In the house. At the matInee this afternoon the company will present "The l'lunger , " a . , llOSt ( leliglitfill hittl comedy , and iii the evening Ieninnn Thompson's original "Old homestead , " not the Joshua W'hitcornb ver- sioti , which has bean piyed hero freiuenthy , On Sunday evening the love stoly and r.ielodrama , "Lady Audicy's' Secret , " will ho given People vhto expect to get tickets to- iighit vlll have to purchase them early In the day. _ _ _ _ _ _ Notice l ( ) I'roilert Oyllers , All pcrans owning property abutting on Indian creek , between llgiith and Oak otreets , are hereby replcstee to appear at the Union Land and Improvement company's office , over Officer Pusey's oank , on Saturday - day next , April 2 , between tha hours of 9 a. in. and 5 p. rn. , to determine the amount of thamages accruing by reason of the construction - struction and maintenance oi a sewer and railway over anh along said Indian creek. IOWA CONSTIUJCTIJN COMPANY. By John \\T , Paul , PresIdon and General Manager. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ReductIon on all trimmed hats. - Miss flagedale. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIsrIet Court ( : iiIflhIgN. Judge Smith yesterday entered Judgment against 3. E. Riley , the Omaha paving contractor - tractor , In the stilt of ( ' , uanehla against James. In tliia action James was surety on Riley's bonds with a Sioux Falls granite detlcr. Riley defaulted payment , and * uit was brought against James. The case as to I James was continued. A demurrer was submitted to the petition of the Sleflert & Wieso Lumber company against henry Ilolzfaster and others. The lumber company seeks to have the township board of Minden township make a special tax levy to pay a lumber bill , amounting to several - oral thousand dollars , and running over soy- eral years' time. It is one of those clainis that' Charles Aitmanspergor forgot to pay When ho was clerk of the Minden board. The Insurance Company of North America cornincnceij proceedings ngaint W. A. Myn- ster on a mortgage for 8OOO covering 200 acres of hand at the Mynster homcotead. The Mynstor springs are located on the land In ccntrovorsy. The Case of the Fred Miller Brewing cam- paiiy against the Council Bluffs FIre Insurance - surance company was submitted to the court , Garnishment proceedings vcro commenced by B , WT , liraley on J. M , Caidwehl on a judgment obtained against France Nelson and Lena II. Collister for $698. IJot hlcil SIINl. ' We hiao 1,000 hot bed sash which we are going to iose ) ut. They won't last long. flow many .10 OU w3nL ? We will make you a price that can't be duplicated , 0. 13. Paint. Oil nd Glass company , Masonic Tent' : pIe , Council Blufls , Iloflmayr's Fancy Patent Flour makea the : Lest and most bread. Ask yourgrocer for it. 'anted-Man antI wife desire board and rOolil for the summer in private family with no children. Address V. P. . flee oftico , _ ; 4uIlt'rIPr Court Pill lig. Four foreclosure suits were contmenced in the superb : court yesterday. Two vero against R. D. and Martha W. Pratt , and in favor of C. Ii. Williams , on two note of ; $400 cacti , J. W , Sjuiro brought foreclosure suit against 0. Ii. Drew et ci , , for $709 , and Anna K. liruinbaugh commenced foreclose rocoedings ngaifl8t C. L. filers for $6T6. Wihllaia Sledontopt continenced suit In ejectrneiit against \'nlontino Milburn and Jeeiniahi Ihelt. for possession of certain real estate UOfl vliicli the defendants are trying to oxociso ( lie rights of squatter sover- oigns. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Untrimmed hints , lOc and 2ic. Miss flagadale , _ _ _ _ _ _ The Blue Flame coal oil stove. odorless , eont on trial , You cafl't get a drop of oil out with evry 'vaivei open only by upsottiiig the stove , Cole & Cole. flr , Cleaver's olfico moved to 600 Broadway. Green ( tlllN il'Il 'l'lliIl to. ICi'llllik , Thu'oglo twins and Jim Siiiith , arrested for using tile mails to further their green goods operations in Iowa , were taken to lceoktik last night to stand trial , They wore III charge of Deputy United States Marshals Gray and Richards. This trio wa9 arrested in Chicago soillo time ago anti thou arrested again by tile luwa teilerai authorittes. Tlley are iintier bonds of $25,000 each to appear for trial at Chicago for swilidhilig. Call and eeeour $3 water pressure filter. : Cheapest 111gb grade filter on tile market. Stephan hiroe.,529 Iroadwtly ) , It costs no lucre to run our Now I'rocess gas ranges titan gasolille stoves , Cole & H Cole. _ _ _ - Genuine Bokhara divans and new pieces of oriental furniture at tile Durfeo Furniture company's. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iII'lllll'd fur t la I't'iil (4'ildiltr' , Sileriff Morgan wont to Fort Madison lat night in charge of John Leonard , who bits been sentenced to one year's Imprisonment. Leonard was convicted of robbing the Iars of the Rex Lumber company aad J , It. , % % ,4 , iu the FrlIIiilScti Why7 13eeuse our goods are the best , Our priceti are right , and we guarantee satisfaction - faction , See our new 1)icturel. Ii. L. SMtT1I & CO. Davis. drugs. paints ann glass ; tel. 28L liii'iiBIRs : Ih1VE A KIcK CO1IING Grievances of the Iowa Grocers Against Ec- cent Ruliroati Rates and Rule3. CHARGES OF UNJUST DISCRIMINATIONS SOllellieS Used to Get n Better Itntc Thou ( lint. Phcii iiy tIle .SIUC Itlillvil' Ciniiulsslon-VnssJr L'eiili' i'ONttIgC. The Iowa \Vhoicsnlo Grocers' association concluded a two days' session at ( iTo Grand hotel In this city yesterday , and passed upon a number of matters of interest to the mom- hers of the assoclation It tas announceil that the meeting was purely an informal one , called for the purpo'o of having a lore feast among tile members , But the facts are that the hove feast developed into an Indignation mc'eting , and a bill of grievences was forntulated to be presented to the railroads - roads and the state authorities. The Jobbing grocers feel aggrieved at the railroads on a number of grounds , In tIle first place , while the rates it Iowa are fixed in the main by tlto state railway contmls- sioners , the rniiwaye have a decidedly unpleasant - pleasant habIt of changing classifications to stilt their own convenience , and to the direct detriment and loss of the silippers. One Instance - stance of this nature was cited In the meet- lug. 'Flie rate is fixed by the state law on woodonware. Tile rate is reasonable , but the railways want more , To accomplk'h tIlts the roads have made a rule that the minimum tt'olght of a carload of woodenware shall ho 15,000 pounds , In view of the fact that it takes a might big car to furnish roont for 10,000 potmnis ( of wooJenware , It does not rjtiire an expert mathematician to discover that the jobbers lItre to Pay a price an a ilalf on each carload shipment of freight of this class , The inemitbers of the asssociatiOn were unanimous iii favor of taklrtg united action , saekitig , an adjustment of this this- ci Iminatlon. The railroads have recently made another rule in regard to the unloading of goods. ThIs rule provIdes that all cars shall be tin- loaded within twenty-four hours after theIr arrival. This , the jobbers , claim , if enforced , would work a hardship on every jchblng grocer in time state. Where large shipmneitta are made it Is almost imposIblo to provide help and storage room enough to empty cars In the time allott ed by thei ! rule. Then the railways have adopted another plan to get a rate better than that pro- ecribed by the state board. If the board 1135 iIacett a rate on a certain class and the railroad managers want more money for hauling a certain article , they simply jump it front one cia'a ' to another , and there you are , and what Is going to be done about it. Theec grlovance9 against the railway coin- panleit vere formulated and will be used in an effort to secure a readjustment of me of the arbitrary ratca and rulings recently hut in force by the railroads. Tile grocers also took a hand in time penny postage matter. It was decided as the sense of the aEsociatlon tilat a penny pootage rate should be made on buslnosa letters , and that u jcit a change hiotiiti be brought about even at the expense of an increase on the rates of a lot of stuff that now goes through the malls as second class matter. A memorial giving tile views of the mnombere of the as- iuciationvas prepared and sent to tim mem- hers of the Iowa delegatiomi In congress , and their efforts eallcltcth in the direction of securing - curing the adoption of the penny postage plan. plan.The members of the natoclatton outside of Council Bluffs WilO attended the meeting wet a : n. A. West , P. C. Frick , 13. II. Witmer , Cedar Rapids ; W. B. Warfield , If , S. Prouty , Dos Moines ; C. B. hoffman , D. J. Stewart. Manon City ; W. II. Ktefer , Independence ; J , C. Letts , Carroll ; F. C. Lotte , C. itt. Carr , Marallalltown ; C. F. hancock , Phil Ryder , F. N. Schroeder , John Mebtiiorp , Iubuqu ; C. F. Fowier , a B. Smith , Waterloo ; J. I' . VanPatton , C. T , Smith , Charles Bolder- becker , Davenport : W. L. Mull. Musatine ; M. N. Spencer , W. B. Fishier , Hal Fishier , Red Oak ; A. Buck , L. A. Hamlhl , D. A. Collier , iCeokuk ; Theodore Blaul , A. L. Map , John fliaul , Burlington : Frank L. Brown. D. B. Howell , W , E. Tackenberry , C. Shenk- berg , A. 0. 0. Tolerton , Sioux CIty ; lion. J. G. llutcliinsoa and Samuel Malion , Ot- tumwa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gor JiU'I' Lt'1"i'Lti SATISFACTION. Di'elslon iii Cms'of SlimmiTer .tgnhmlNt imiit' Illmlxlsll hill I irnitti CIbJIlIPIm iiy. Judge Thornell yesterday sent. his decision in the case of J. C. Shaffor against the Lake Marawa Railway company , and the plaintiff got decidedly the small end of the bargain. 'ntis suit was tried last August , Shatter is a Chicago man , who had bought a few shares of stock in tile Lake Manawa Railway company , Ho went Into court , alleging a whole lot of things and made requests for a general overhauling of the business , Ills petition asserted that the funds of the enter- prtse were being used for lurposos other than svero set out lit the company's plan tom- busIness , anti that time operation of a saloon and bowling alley anti other like sources of revenue anti amusement had no part in the curriculmmni of a motor riiiiway ethication. lie asked an accounting , a jutigmuent for $8,000 on his share of the profIts of the concern , and asked that a receiver - ceiver be appointed for tile company. Shatter also asked an lnjtimtctlon , restraimilrmg the company from operatIng tile saloon , bowling alloy , mtwitchback or beach railway. In huB tiecislon Judge Thorneil decded ! that the defendants houhti ho enjoined from operating tile saloon , bowling alloy and switchback , lie also keith that C F. Reed wan Indebted to the company in tile sum of $1,558 , which had been withihelti by him as salary for services without the authority of the company , by charter or rules , to do so. Tile application for a recmlvershlp is denied and the request for a judgment and accounting - ing Is also overruled , The costs , .ibout $500. are taxed , two-thirds to time defendant , and one-tilird to Mr. Shiaf- for. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ASI'Il.ti'I' OIL lilt ICi , COililt'll ViII Ii't'iit' 'I'iidmiy on hmt , l'lI'l'l'lllt'mit fur l't'ii ri Strti't. When tile meeting of tile property owners and those interested in tue repaving of Pearl street adjourned Thursday evening it wa tin- derstood that tile asphalt man wotmid rest tileir cause upon tito strength of time original ietition proseiiteti to the council. Yesterday imiorning tilO advocates of' vitrified brick went to work to add a few more namnoi to their liatition , They had not gone far until they tiiccoyercl tlmnt the aseertlomi of time ai'phmalt mitemi that they would "stand pat" was a do- luon : anti a smtiro , that they had been at wrrk sinca early mmiornimig cntieavoring to get new names to their request for asphalt amid urghmmg this i'giicrs ! for brick to change. 'llio fight was bat all slont the street thur. log tile whole they. Last miigtlt eacim eido was claiming tile victory by a majority of about 1,700 , The city council wili mmutat as a cent- inittee of tile whole. at 10'o'clock this morning - ing for tile purpose of IlearIng tile petitioners amid counting up time number of feet that each petition represents. Thm one baring the grestect number will be taken as final by the council , anti they will decide upon either brick or asphaltasthe case may be , In speaking Cf Charnborlaiii'mi I'ain Bairn Mesurs , Daugherty of IndIana , Pa , , say : , \\o knew of imiany of our customers Wllo have U5ei ( it for rheumatism , anti they all lraiEo it imiglily.Vo sell more of it timan of any other houseiiold iieimont. " Fo sale at 25 auth bO cents per bottle by druggists , WY , , offer you 3niy clean , crisp , snow white laundry v'ork and best delivery service at Itaglo launtiry , 724 Broadway , Telephone lT Siiocal ! aio , Trimnmneti and untrim med hats , Miss htagathale , No 10 I'oari. have yiu seen tue now gas heating stoves at the conipany's otflco ? SVaII paper cleaned , new process , with patent right at Miller's , 103 Main street. Bowiog girl , wanted immediately , 132 i3wy. lLtltltY 1iiSliI OU' ' QN IillIT hlAib. liehil ii hiq' ( hrnnmljurr lliiuler 1loiim1 Of 'I'ii roe II ittlil reil liillnrs. harry Riser , ( ho boy who ierfotated the cheek of "Cyclone" McCalnttmt with a to- voiver bullet , was given his liberty yesterday - day upon filing a bond for 300. The lad wae given a hearing by Poice Judge McGee yesterday morning. lie toiti the stme straight- forwarti story to the court that hi had given to the reporters , Ills only plea was that ho shot to Irotoct hIs sister's honor front the assaults of a contesaeO libertine. lie frankly admitted that ho followed "Cyclone" with the deliberate Intention of shooting , not to frighten ilim , but to kIll him. The court room was well filled with people and thin straigittfortt'arti story of the young titan and his manly bearing under the trying ordeal - deal won respect as well as sympathy. Judge McGee , after revIewing the case anti gettimig at time bottom om the facts , con- eltideti that it tt'.S his duty to holti the boy to await the action of the grand Jury , anti he ruled accordingly. his bonti waa fixed at 300 , which was promptly filed by the boy's mother anti 0. W. 'Younkerman. Tue charge Was shooting with intent to comuntit murior. After the hearing was over and the judge hind approved the bond and told the boy ho was free for tiiC present , "Cyclone" McCal- milL became very uneasy , lIe had no nieans of ascertaining the state of young Ihiser's minti at the present tinme , Tllmtro Was room for a suspicion ( hint it. had hot changed , and that lie lilight got another revolver anti finish time job ho had begun. lie cohcludod to take legal stops to protect himself , The advice of a lawyer was oliciteti and ho appearcd in Justice Vien's court with an affidavit the- daring lila belief that iiis lIfe was in ( hanger anti prayimig for tile protection of time law. The justice examined time aflidavit and quc- tiomted time afliant. Neither was altogether satisfactory , antI the justice refuet1 to leatme a warrant for young lllser's arrett or place him untier a bond to keep time itcaco until McCnlnmut anti his friends made a better siiotvimig. "You are reitirel to produce tile affidavit of at least one additional reputable person who personally knows time mets alleged to be true , " romanced the court , Cyclone gave the name of Officer Murphy , and Murphy was Sent for , bitt in the court room he positively refui'ed to make time required aihithavit. Then McCalmmmt ealti Giber Claar would swear for hint , anti Clanr was caihetl Into court , with the saute result. This rather discouraged McCahmnimt. and lie left time cotmrt room with the prommtlse that lie would lInd two or three fellows who would swear to almoat anytblng for hint. McCaimiit was around the streeta yes- tertlay calling upon his friends anti exilib- ltlng a very sore mouth and it Oathly swollen cheek. 110 also had a grievance against the public. He says that "Cyclone" is not his real Christian name , nor was it a torni that had been applied to him to indicate lila ability as a hitter of men as well as women , but that ho had earned it leiLimately as a hightmiing butcher. Clt'Y iiAN.tGiltS GWI' 'I'OC E'I'iI 1115. Oimittiin tutu Cuimmm&'ii 111111T14 OlileImtis itn'e IL ClIlfereIl'e. Time men who get time credit and cussing for the management of time affairs of the cities of Council Bluffs and Omaha got to- getimer last night. in an informal manner and SIeflt severni Imotmrs in coniparlng beauty. marks and getting better acquainted. It % % 'as tue origimmal intention to have the Omaha officials come over and spend a few hours in time city and to limit the enter- taininent to handshaking and social inter- course. Front tlmat plan the program was extended until it took time form of time very complete reception tendered the visiting oIl- dais last night. At 7:10 : o'clock the motor company ran its big 53 double car acrost time river with a reception committee from the city council. The Ontahma officials were picked up at time Paxton hotel , and given a sample of 'what a real street raIlway can do In a pInch. The run from Omaha to Pearl and Broadway streets in this city was made In elgilteen minutes. The special car was stopped on Broadway In front of the city hail anti time visitors escorted to the coun- cii chamber. Here Mayor Carson welcomed the visitors briefly , and Mayor Broatch of Omaha responded Time city butlthlng was inspected , and themm time visitors vera taken In the specIal car and given a whirl around the loop and back to the cormmer of Pearl and Broadway. hero time car was emptied and tue visitors and local officIals were each supplied - plied with cigars and a boutonniere with the comnphintents of time proprietors of time Corner Cigar store. Tile vis1tora were escorted to time Grand hotel. where timey arrived - rived just in time to meet time ( Ire department - ment whIch responded to an alarm turned in from that corner by Cimief 'I'enmpleton. An informal reception was held in time rotunda of time Grand , and at 9:30 : o'clock tile guests anti tue local officials sat down to an clQimorato banquet. Time repast was followed by a season of speech-making in which tile ready talkers of time two cities vied with each other in saying pleasant timings. Mayor Carson , lion. George F. Wrigimt , City Attorney - torney Hazleton , City Clerk Phillips and Judge Smith stood imp for Council Bluffs willie Mayor Broatchm , Judge 1laeali , Jtmmgo Wheeler , Assistant City Attorney Estolie and otiler guests responded , The party was taken back to Omaha in time specisi car late onouglm , All of the Omaha councilmen except Duncan anti Jaynes , were present , and with them were time heads or representatives of every thepartment of time city cotineil. S S.11I ) BY A l'L1it OF SIdLF-HIIFIINSII \VilC'N lim'odllersofiPM Molmmes ' , Vii ) Nut iii lillhletell. DES MOINES , Ia , , April 21.-Speclai ( Toicgramrm-The ) grand jury today decided not to mulct Charles anti Henry Wilcox , charged with murdering ' 0 , II. i'carson. Pearson was a prominent pimotograpimer , An altercation with the Wilcox brothers resulted in a conflict tiuring which Peare'on wa thrown. over tue banister to thto street be- low. Ills skull was crushed , The evidence indicated self defense. BItjafltifl 'F. Wendell was arrested tada' for bigamy , lie imad ofle wife 'it Boone amiti married another inVthter.'ct. . Tito first wife cau5ti imi arrest. William Burk was seriously wounded In a fight today with James McGregor. They ate fellow workmen in a plaiting imtihl and Buric amti.'aultetl McGregor beiiUse the latter jolted a log , hiurk may not live , Ionu'St It ! 'l'rtiimlml's o ( ii 'lIIIiIt. Caimilit' , CEDAIt RAPIDS , Ia , , April 24.-Specini ( Tolegrarn-AboUt ) five years ago Samuel Mu. icr , a prospc'rotis young fellow of tlml5 city , was wedtlod to Mi93 Gariett , time tlaugimtor of a woaltlmy farnier near thin city , Tile married life of time young people was most ilappy , Lately a cimange has taken place , the young people parted anti Mrs , Miller institu. ted divorce proceedings. Time right of seeing hilt little daughter was denied Miller , anti last nigl't witrit 110 met lila wife out wahkitmg with time baby imo turned and accompanied her to their home.'imen lie reached the door he took the little one and sayfimg , "Lulu , you imave kept tier from mmmc for five weeks anti it tvill be live months before you see imer again , " mmmmtmle lila escape. lie refuses to give the cimilti up and the matter will be settled in time courta. 110th are prominent lit the city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIt'mtii'mtlimmms iii Slsellamidoimhi Schools , hIIiNANIOAli , is , , April 2.-Special- ( ) Time board of education hiss for several duys been deaii.ng with time hmroblem of retnmtch'- inemut in schmoah smuatters , Only erie teacher bas boon droimpad frommi time corps , however , ani ( no salaries nmaterially cut. Superintentleat F. A , Lacy wa.u unammimnously re-elected anti wili enter upon ills fourth year of service. Time course of study will be modified slightly to adjust it to tiio how conditions. 'I'm ) ala iiiimo lttmm's Stmili-Ceimdt'ililimil _ DES MOlNI.S , April 2i.-Special ( 'fob- gramu.-Governer ) Drake will appoint Wil- Rain C , McArthmur and George C , henry. botim of Burlington , members of time commisvicn to have cimarge of time state somi-centeumial celebration at Burlington. 'time outer morn- her of the conimisalon will not be a resident of lhurlington , The state appropriated $10- 000 atitl Burlington has rabued a like &moummt for time celebration. fPASSINCOP iUi L. STE\VART \ iit1 SUthIori Death of' Qjofthe City's ' Prom- . mont BiiMn 's. Men. STRICKEN WITh PAIfAYIS WIllIE WORKING ititd usd1 i'rnlllliLsiuI ) ' Ilt'titllieml W liii tue (3It"s 1ie ihmmsimle'.M lImiter- irIe. for 'I'illrt ) ' 1'ent'Si.cleit of at. tjiis' Life , Joel Littleton Stewart , the junior member of the wlmobesaie grocery firm of Stewart Bros. , tiled at 7i0 : o'clock last night from tue effects of a stroke of paralysIs which lie suffered during time foreimoon , Death caine to Mr. Stewart swiftly ltil sudtienly. lie was attenmiiimg a meetilig of weeterim Iowa wholesale grocers at time Granti hotel , For a nimmuber of years lie bias had f&l cimnrgo of time wimolcsaie business of the firm , and hmaving made a great success of It lie was naturally forced to take a prominent Itart in the proceedings of time grocers' mmueet- ing. lie was appointed on one of the coin- mittees amid retired with time other imiorn- hers to consult and make up tue report. It fell to hi lot to write time report , and lie did so , ' wrltlmmg rapidly amid without hesita- tion. When lie flnlsimcd it lie pasreti it over to one of tue other imiembers for examination - tion , anti then turned around to time desk where he hind been writing. Both of time other members were reading the report whelm theIr attention was attractetl by hearing a ought imoIo , and locking tip from time paper they saw Mr. Stewart slipping front his chair to the floor. Before either. could catch him 110 hail fallen. Time gentlemen assisted hint to a seat in the char , and a moment after. lie attempted to rise , hut founti himself helpless - less , All rensmttion and control of his entii'o left side hind vanishetl , lr. Macrae was cabled anti atlvised the removal of the sick malt to his home on Fourth street. Thmk was done , nittl during time afteriloon he seenmemh to revive under time trcatmoitt to such aim exteitt that both the physician and his fanmuby felt little alarm and mmmdc tile annmmncommment that lie was only sui'feriimg from a sbigiit attack of uarnbyss anti would sOOit regaimi his usual gooti imeaitit anti strength , Ills mmml was not in tue least affected - fected and his general pityrcai condition o.emcd not to have undergone any chamige except for time numbnes'of iii left side. At 5 o'clock it was noticeti timat a stupor was creeping over hIm , and a short time afterward - ward lie lapsed into unconsciousness. from wbtlcim he never rahbetl. All the members of tile fanmily except his two children wore lures- ont when he died. Mr. Stewart has been a residemit of Council Bluffe for timirty-ommo years and during all of that time has been prominent In busi- nets and it man of affairs. lie was born In Mt. Cannel. Ill. , February 19 , 1837. lIe caimmo to Councii Bluffs in 1Sti , and for soy- ermil years was engageti in freigitting across time plains , sendlng' ing arId heavily laden trains to I'ikC's peal and Montana. lie continued - tinued titi btmsnem ! until time opening of time 1.Jimlomi Pacific railroad. when Ito retired with , t'imat was in those days , a great for- time. In 1870 ho bbugbt out the interct of Saniuei Irons in'titc whobesmmlo grocery fotmnded by his brother , Jolla T. Stewart , and Mr. Iinamm. lie dqvotet ] all of his energy to time buehmiess an"bti1t it up Into one of time most prominent\VhOieSabO iiouse5 iii time west. In 1870 he retutned to Waukegan , Ill. , and was united in niarrlage' to Miss Ieabchio Cory , daui3er of Dr. Cory. . They returned to timis cify otmd imavo been con- tinnous residents ever ehece. Mr. Stewart leaves a iylfe amid two ciii- ! then , John T. , Jr. , , * ' 1IO ' , is now a trcohmmmman at Yale. aged 19 , ani'I El anor. aged 18 , who Is visiting friends it Fisiilciil , N. Y , Both were contmtmnicatetlVitil. ! by wire last night , and will reach homqas quthciy as possible. No arramigenients for the funeral will bd made until after timeir rattirn. Mr. Stewart , during his long and useful life in Council Bluffs , earasti time esteem and profounti respect of thousands of peopie. Ho was one of time most tpproacbabie of men , had a kind word for cvery one , anti a helping hand for all who deserved amid needed it. Ho wac refineA to his tastes and siniplo In hits habits , and timere was nothing in lilt plain and unassunmtn manimer to iii- dicate timat ito was one of the waltimiest mon In time city. SUI'Itll3ill COIJIST SYLLABI. Fuller ngainst Paubey. Appeal from Madison - son county , Affirmed. Opinion by Judge Harrison. A pers'n wbio furnishes materials for use in the erection of buildings on band to one in iossession thereof tinder contract of sale , may acquire a'mechanlcs' lien on the prom- i i for any unpala nnmount of time price of the materials. but if there Is no agreement between tim vendor nntl the vendee of the land that the improvements shall be mmmdc , the lien cnn ony attach to time interest of the vendee amtd vlil ho subsequent anti in' frior to time lien of the vendor for any blmmnce of the purchase price for tIme land remaining tmnpatmi , 2. A finding of a trial court on em. point In respect to which. the evidemtce lit con- Ihicting hut which timere is itumilicient cvi- ( lL'mlce to sustittn , % Vili not 1)0 disturbed. lianima against Buckley. Error from Daw- ron o.umtty. HevcrsctI and remanded , Oimtn- ion by Judge Harrison , The buyer of port.mmal property may pc-nceabiy surrender possesion to a thiirti person cinimttnt thereof , but it he does so , in an imction between him and tIme Ibei' , iii order to sustain a. clalni on his part ( or dtimnges for time loss of the jroerty ; he nmlimtt pIove that the timird persomi had a tithe thereto , valid itntl liaramount to that acquired by time buyer from the iellcr , 2. Evidence held insuilicient to sustain time verdict. Iiowhmmntl against Sharp. Error from Doug- has county. Reversed amid rentanded. Opimm- ion by Jutige harm icon , 'l'lie evidence examined antI held insut- ticient to support time 'crtlict of the Jury , McCieband aguinct Scroggin. Error from Nuckobla county. itevcreti and remnitntied , Opinion by Judge 1-larrisomi , A tnotic'mt miami the aibidavlt tiled in supPort - Port thereof which tiith not show that if a eormtliiuiinctm wtmm grammtetl time evidence of the absent witness or imls personal at- 1 What - fDoThi Wai4 ? , & , . ; ; If t'i a nice , : r , ldI at a rnotrate price , Sargnt I , :1 : ; Has theni - Al ! Omaha cannot touch Us , , Look for tlieBetr. Customers' Shoes Shined Free. , 14i' * ' & ' + i + CCO H + + 'b 4 + p nlnn t c4ibl or wumi I be obtamnc I hiu Ii irctmtli tuft 2 Time cause , whitim may be termt 1 cr1 nary. i Stub ft deMre car as a truel * at nhiui reasonable titan w miii exercise uiiidcr the exhmiting cmrciltnttnl.tes anti contlitIofl. \VitCre time lcnown risks are enbmnnot'd the t1f.ifl ( ' of care should correspondimmgiy In- ctun5e. 3. TIme facts and elremmnistanccs , In cvi. mience In this care with reference to tue management anti operation of time engine of IL Stettin timre'her , immoro pnrti tilarby tn rc- epect in the manner of . ] ummping r throw- hug nsime nflil cInders anti ive conl there- from in the stttelc yarti neat' to time straw nittl ntacks of grain , and tue condition In trhleim mmcii asheS , cinders nod coals were there left. hlth to ; resent questions of iieg ligence ' hich simould have been ztibmnittctl to tue jury. houmii' agnilmat Union Pacific flaibronti corn- itahmY , llrror from Platte cotlnty. Aillrmmmed. Opinicn by Jtmtlgo Norval , A qtiestioit of fact ( letermulmmetl on conflict- log e'itbcncc will not lie received. Chiicmtgo. litmrlingtomi & Qmmltmcy Railroad coiiminhmy against i3'att , Error from l.nn- caster county. Aflirmed. Oplnlomt by Judge Norvmii. The clerIc ot the district court itt ebothieti with power to sign nmmtl niot' mt bihi of cx- cptloflmt , when it is nimude to appear by atlitlavit that time trial jtmtlge Is absent from bmi district , 2. The court will take judicial miotlecu of time boundarIes of a jtmdicial ( blatrict , amid of the eotmfltie Ilmcbtmdeul tlucreimi. 3. It is the ttleth law of tlmi state that time tt'rmu "crlnmhnmtl mieilgcimce , " as omit- pbayeti iii Sectioii 8 , article i , cimahuter 72 , comimpiletl statutes , macaims gross negligence , sticit as aimmouimits to a reckbes disregarti of cite's own safety imlid a wifumb iniliffem'- ence to the consequences liable to follow. 4'imOt'e a mitPpemlger lcmuowiiigby Jumps from a moving train tinder such circum. stances as to remider the hat obviotmsly nail imeet'mtamiiy Perllotis , amid to siicuts' a willful ( lisregarui of the damiger ineurretl thereby , it will prevent IL recovery for tIme injuries received timerofrotmi , Chicago , Btmriingiomi & Qtlimmcy itailroati comupaimy against Lamb- ntmer , 36 Nob. , 612. 5. hIe.tl , tmtttier time facts provemi iii time case , that plaintiff was not guilty of such neghlgcmice. in ahighmtuimg fm-omit it mnovimmg tritimi aim to detent a recovery for inJtmries received - ceived timerefromn. Ummion l'ncific Railroad commlpmtny against Porter , ! S Neb , , 220 , followed , lhtmrris against Court. Error from Loop cotlmmty , AiilrnmId. Opinion by Comnmals- sloner flyami , An application for a continuance is addressed - dressed to tile sotmnm Clscretiomm of time trial cotmrt , anti , imnlet's it tlppeltrmu that there has beemt an nbtmse of stmch discretion , its ruling will hot be disttirbotl , 2. An iimstrtmction by which time court aimby ; rofessed to thescrlbe , nail in fact ( liii mtcctmrateiy bescribe to time juiry time nil- mission of fact of a party as the smtme ltlmiCiti'cd on record ' cannot be asailt1 as erroneotis on time n'hlcgeel groimmid that ( lie adverse party limiti it right lit ( Ito first place to nh itdmnissiomm of greitter scope or coim- clusiveimess tbiitmt flint described as a cmi- uiitloit upon s'umich a continuance s'otild be denied such atlvermme party. 3. An admission of plaimitiff that proposed witnes'se of mlefemmtjarit , if ( hue itptileii for iiotlitl imo nilowctl to procure their evidence , woumlul give certain testimony itt not equivalent - lent to an ntbmnlssioum that suim proposed testimeimy is nbsoiutely trtme and imitlisput- ailo. ailo.May against Hoover et al , Appenb ( rout ? ihitdion coumity. Allbrmecl , Opimmion by Conmummisioimer Itagan. Evidence examineti anti imeltl to sustain tIme conclusion of the district cotirt that ( he commveyance assailed in ( lila acioim as fratm&iuiemmt was neitimer made mior accelmicub with time inteimt to defratmtl. iuiimdcr or the- lay the creditors of ( lie aPPoilee. Unlfummd against Gnrten , Frror from Sn- hue county. Aiiirnted , Oiminion by Comtm- immissioner Ragamm. To constitute a wnrrnmmty it is not mmeces- smury that time wortl warrnmmt siiouitl be uiseil. It is miuiiicleiit if time hangtmtmge umsetl by time vendor amounts to tin uimdortzulciiig or assertloim on ills part ( tint time tiling sold is its repmoseiuteth. 2. Whether statements made by a von- thor its to time condition or quality of property - erty offered for sale were iimtemmdetl by iminm to be warrants of time conthitloit or qtial- iy of sucim property. or whether by such statements the vendor intentheti merely to gIve imi opInIon its to time commdltloim or tummal- Iy of suclm proterty , are qtmestioims of fact for ( ho jury. Lrsklne against Swansoim 40 Neb. 767 fohloweti. Nobraka Mohtne Plow company ngmiiimst Klingmnn Ct oh. Error from \Vebster county. .Afilrmed. Opinion by Comunis- sioner Itngalm. Whore a motion to discharge an atacim- mtteimt oil tIme ground ( hint time facts stated ium time aihltlmuvlt are untrue i. heard on conflicting evitience time dccislomt of time trial court on time motion will not be this- turbed unless it Is clearly against time Time book of r wonmamm's life i' dir - - vided into three ( r- , .f . . chapters : Girl- hmoodwommiammbood , .J.m \ niotlmerimootl. At - N. j the timmie when a - : . ; - t- ' young girl passes j . , ' into wommtamiimood- e1ct. . . . . ttmrniimg the leaf as ' sm.c ummay say bet- lu'cemm tIme first amid ' 2' ) mccond chapters of I her existence - a little care and I - thiougiitftmlncss I will dotible her cliammccs of future .1 , J lmapp'uimess amul I save umammy hours aI1tt of suffering. - ' Every young we- I " . ' maim should have _ : : ; : : . " I aim intelligent mmmi- dcrstammding of her own ibmysical mmmakc.imp. Half-knowledge vlmicii is little better than pure igumoraumcc , opemis the way to aim umitold anmoumnt of pain and wrctcbmcdticss. Pew woumicum realize time influence exerted on their bodily amid nmemital wcbl-bcimmg by the special organiammi of their sex. It is hard for tiieutt to believe that time little tlraimi whilcim goes oil ( rout day to day is stmfflicmit to sap away time very life forces. Yet it is so. Time weakness , exhaustion , mmiclatmcltoly ; time periodical prostratiomm amid somnctimmmcs ainmost torture has no oilier catise , two.thirds of time tiumme , than time abnormal timmlmealhy commdi- tion of time generative organs. Stramigely emmougli even doctors often fail to m-ccogmmlze time truth , For this commdiUomi there is mme other reimiedy in the world so helpful and ccrtaim ! as Di' , Pierce's Pavoritc Prescription. It restores health and vigor to tIme feummimmimie ftmiictiomis amid renewed vitality to time emitire body. It heals imifiaumimmiatioum , stops dis. charges , etmeumgtbieims the ligammments amid builds tip the iimternal ( issues which cannot be reached by " local treatimiemit. " It is of imiestiuimable value to 'otmmmg ss'onmcn and to prospective mitotiiers , gicatly lessening time and perils of cbiibdbirtbm if taken thur. lug pregnancy. Dtirimmg time "clmaimgc of life " it is immvaluablc. Dr. h'icrce'mi great book "The People's Coin. nmomm Seimse Medical Adviser , " hmmms mooS pages , profmimely Illustrated. Over mo pages arc devoted - voted to wonmami's diseases with suggct4lons for imome.trcatmmient , It myth ime sent fte by World's DItpemmutar' Medical Absoclatioim , 663 hilaimi Street , flumifato , N. \ ' , . on receipt of am ouc'ccut $ taiups to cover cost of mailing only. mm-eIght of time cv , kn e Wiiipplo against lull , 'd i"-ht , 7a : flt.tvtl 2 TiuC Itiet that a co partnership largely iiitit'i > it ii soils mn at of Its Itroluerty nntl i , itl5hmmC5 tO ( iflO of sntabl iumeamms lii con. si'ltrntk'ti of it small mtunotimmt of ensim anti tin" ptmreiimtscr's lurtimnissory not5 is a cireulumeta000 teniiitmg to m'lmow flint time transection was frimumdtulent , but net eon- elusive mm : ' ojotie suthicient Ovldemme that it % m.as fratidult'imt. Oyler against floss , llrror from Snilne eotmtmty. Aflirummed , Opimmion Imy Coummmumis. stouter flagan , A hmetitid'ml is umot essehmtlal to commfer jtmrls. diction upon a cotmnty ijoaicl to opt'im see- lion line roads mummtier sectioim 40 chapter 78 , compiled stattutes , The only inmitatioui tipoum tue discretlomi of tIme board Iii tlmmit respect is time ftitidnuutntnb one of oem- betmstttiomm ) for private Property' taken or ihmitimageth. hose against Washington counmt ) ' , 42 Nob. , 1 , 1obIovetl. 2. Atm order Of a Board of Supervisors utmstrumotlng time county clerk to cau'e a section lIne road to be rcstmrvc'ell nail cmi- ter elicit survey whemm inmido of record is not nit orther for the opeimlmmg of stlclm sec. tioti lute road within time meatming of mmiti sectiommii. . 3. 'chic e'it1eme ! exaimmined numd hmeltl to stistalmi time ilnulimig of the district court that tIme tiefommdmint iii error humid hot uletli- cn.tetl certaumm real eattite to time Public for tise as a umigimmvay. Tcetimmmsehi National linmik against liar- timomi. llrror ( rout Johmilsomi eomllmty. Ito- 'erseil auth reunatmuleul , Opuumion by Coum- ummissiommer Irvimmo. hi. suioub tile 9' . batik on a deposit. 'rime lmank nnswcretl by a gemieral demmiai. Dtmr- lug time trial it mundertook to lrove Pay- tnemit. Ohjectioui lucieg mumade to time relts- vancy of time proof , aim agm-eomcimt was titanic in opelm court tm'iiereluy the luank was nhlowotl twenty days to anmcmmd its numawer "iii . any , mmntmmmer ' ' with ( lie m'anio effect as it. ; mucsetmtiy tibet1 , amid tIme trial Proccedoil. Thmc immstrtictiOlms giveum exebtideil front tIme Jury (110 comisideration of tIme icmnme of lum'- uimclit of tviuichi was homily temidered by time arneuitleti answer , iiietl miller rial , but witimin tile stipulated timmme. I ieiii , that the Illitimitift' wait bound by time terms of iuls stipulation ntmul timat tIme Jtmdguitent mimtmst be re'em'm'eml for failUm'e to simbuutit time issues finally frmmummc'd to time jtmry. 2. Thin ptactico of proceetlin4 witim a trial miiuject to mm future ameimuiimmemit of time plemttiiumgs criticised , S. .1. Sjuumuidi uui. I miii I'teil , DIIS MOINES , Ia , , April 24.-Specinl ( Tebegranmi.-S ) , J. Spmtidiimg , who as treasurer of ( lie 5(4(0 ( ( pharmacy commisrlcn stole $13- 000 frem ( lie state , was iuuihicted totiny for emmmbezziemiment. lIe wili themitmir to time mulct- meat anti claim that there is mme brovlsiomm to time law requmirimig imini to turn money over to the state treasurer ; timercioro that hue cannot emmmbezzlo. It Is true ( lint there is imo birect reqimireummemmt for any scttlmmmeuuin with time treastmrer. Spaultbing hopes to go free as a rou'mibt of time weakness of time laum' . his br'tlsnmen , riIl u'et tip , likewise , that time law does riot require hint to give a bcntl , amid imemico ( lint time state cammumot recover out It , New Dohany Theater All This Week Chase''Lister Theater Coiiipany , _ 'I'ONI ( ui'I' _ iIINI1.N 't'tHai [ 'SUN'S ORIiNAIj Old Homestead. MA'I'lNilil 'I'll iS AFT1IISSOON , TH1 PLU.INGLR. Popular I'riccs- I'riccsIDe seats on saie at time box alIce. ! RST NATIONAL BANK --OF- Couiicil Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , . . $100,000 WE SOLICIT YOUIL IIUSINjISS. VId DESIIW YOUR COLLECTIONS , ONE OF TIlE OLDEST BANKS IN IOWA. ii I ER CENT PAID ON TIME BEI'OSITS. CALL AND SIdE US ORVISITII. . - IIifJCc'h'IOXL. Harvard Uuiversity , EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION \vi Ii uu hiel ii ium Ouimitbi a , I o I lu o roomm , a of time Y. M. 0. Assmi Jimmie 23. 25 , 26 , 27. 'I'imo tt'rmums I f mmdlmlmi.ion. fees , oxlmemises , uutti imrivllogm-'s iii lilly or mull lcpmtrtmmmumits of tile i1mivoril y mlmay ho inarmieti fromum D.SCRIFT uVE PAM- P H I. . ETL tvim Ic ii miii y ho I i itmi aim uupjml ici : m lou tim time Correspondimlg Secretary , liarvmurd llrmivcrslty. Oammlbridi' , , Mum's. - ' 'p 'c/ro\ , a , . Ix ( T1u /j 4P1\V \ i- Gladness Comes W Ithi a better uiumdctwtniidluig of the tramisit'nt uutttiio of time uummmuy phmys- Ical ills , which 'nn1sh before wupet' of- forts-gentle olTom'ts---ht1emi.emuit efforts- rightly dit'ceted , 'I'Iiere Is couumfort- the lcimou'ledgc , thitit i.o umitny forum of slclumt'ss nrc not duo to mtum' mtctuinh (115- amuse , mit shithtly (0.11 countipmied ( cotmdl- thou of the s3'stcimm , w'hik'li tii hmleilSntmt Iitxttti''t' ' of . faintly , Syi'ut l1gs. hroummlt 13' ClliOVCS. 'I'hitit IS s'liy it is the emily remmmed , ' w'ltli ummllbioiis of ftitiiihies , mtumd is ovet'ywlu't'e esteemed so highly by all s'hmo 'mtltme gtOtl health , its bcimctlclnl effects mire tiuit to the fitet , that. Itis the Ohio i'cimti'dy t'bmicbi promnotu's Intei'imnl clemtui1imttss 's'ltlutimt debhhli tiLing time om'gnums ; on s'luichi it. nets. It is tliem'oforo null imitimortamit , lit ordem' to get its bemic- ficitti oiTcc'ts , to note vbt'it you Pile- chase , tlimtt 'Oul himive the gcimuiime urt- ole , s'bileii is immamlufmucttmm'ed by the Cmiii- formila Fig i4.'i'uuij Co , only alit1 solti by all repututbli' ( li'miggi'ts. ' If 1mm the emmjo'uumemmt of 'hood health , amid time systt'umu lit reguhnrbmuxmitives or otlitur reiiiecllt's mire thit'um not mucedeti. If nuftiictcd 'it li tiny mietinl disense , omme immny be eounhuicimdel to the mtiomt shdllful Pl13'SiCi1li1 , 1iuit if in um'i'd of mu laxative , oiie Shmoiil(1 himuvo the bent , timid with time woll-imiformmmed evet'vw'lmerc , , Syrmip of Figs stmtmmthnt highest mmmiii is imiost largely ttsd and gives mmmost geimeral sttisfmtctiou. : . ' " ST. BERNARD'S ' IIOSPLTAL iVNI ) REI'REA'I' FOR TIlE INSANE. In chago of the SISTERS OFMERCY This widely known Institution has been doubled in size during the past summmmor anti amado one of the most modern and motlel institutions of its character in the west. Time new additions will be ready for occupancy - pancy by time first of time year. When fully compietetl , accomummodatioums will be afforded for 000 patients , It is beautifully situated. overlooking ( ito city of Commmtcil Bluffs. A. full staff of cnmlncnt physicians and trained nurses minister to ( ho comfort of time p tients. SPEtIL OII S ( iVEN 10 LAUT A1INTS. TRi OOEHTE For fuller particulars , apply to 1" SISTER SUPERIOR , CouncIl Bluffs , Ia. TWI mu DY VJIIIIKS -et DYEING ANDCLIANIN9 Clothing , Drcsss and IIohls1liold Gods OMAhA OI-'FICL'-12i Fmmrnanm , 'rei. 1521. COUNCIL. ISLUFFS-WQIhB and Office. Cor. Ay.- flue A anti 2lttm 81 , Tel. 310. Send for Price List. Dr0 S. Mosher SPECIALISP. Having fully demonstrated by years of successful practice and experience that ho is able to cure mmtUhtitUdcs of diseases which bathe time shcill of ordinary phmysl"taims , its feels it lila duty to make lcnown to sui1eumng hiumimamilty that lie devotes imtu wimuie time and eumergy to timia imarticular branch of ( lie professioum. and vib' prepare auth fjmrnish medicine mit lila chloe or visit ( Imoso cases Wiiclm ntuy require personal examination , Pa- ( lents at a distance unity cou-iimlt lr , Mosimer by letter. giving a carefully written history of their cases , tieseribuumg their symptoms muimtutely as Iorsibk' , wlmicim will cnbie him to maice correct diagnosis , and judge very ticcmlrately of time curability of time dlsens , np i to uppiy proper mcmedies. Medicine forwarded either by mmmii or a.xpuoss amid all inedleine prescribed by Dr. Moimer is prepared under his own porsoulmuu s.mpervislomm , lie treotum nih diseases withr'ut mercury or other poisnns. wimlchm create disease of thieummtjelves , The doctor by ills new RESTORATIVE TRIIA'CMJIN'I' cures nfl curable disoasee , anti treats with success all atfoctloims of the Liver , Timront and Limmigs , Catarrh. ltpIiepsy. Dyspepata , hleti't : Disease , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , arid ciii Nervous Diseases cmiueth b overwork. time indiscretion of youth , or the excesses of riper years , anti wimcmtever may tend to loss'er time latent force or tIme tone of life's vitality , causing physical debilIt nervous exhaustiomm , insanity , and preamattmr p decay , Consult personally , or by Letter , tree antI strictly confidential. Address. Dr. S. Mosher , Office : 623 West Broadway , Council BIuIfs , Iowa It Pays to Investigate ! Before purchmasinm a moumn ( for . I. ' the season. Our Ilicycles wilt stanti inyestlitation , We nmiake - rio assertions we coanot subatan. State. We have letters of roe- ' " C mmendation mind pOLiSO from - , : _ q\ / 9 I-\ \ cur wileels are iureerred to ' , \ ' \ / ' . p' ' ' - . ' . . . . . . . PS' ' knowiedgud icuider of the . , \ tV / i - - mmmedlunmmpriced high grades. . 113 J - . . : - , ' \ - , . MOPI I ' 3-Iluhit ' ' ' ' ° - ' ' "Ib ' ' , " 't4 'q - . . . ' ! ' - 1101 INV i'FC1AL2-Ime S prlcctl wimel en the mar , ' _ . . . , , ' . . , . , . , : 4 I4 * r. + _ ' - 1 I--- - ' , , S I Largest line of Sundries and Supplies in the nhid-w.ist. General western distrbutor fo the flercuics 1-1ooti Rim , 1'I'/iccler Re/'ori Sadd/c and U S. C'cloine/er. Write for cataogue. ! Write DEER1 , WELLS & CO. , Cotiiicil Bluffs , Ia. LOCAL Ai1NTS- JI T. FINIJLEY' , Council Bluffs , Ia. WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Omaha , Neb. 1