4 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T:11F4 : OMAItA DAILY I3EESATURDAY , AP1IL 25 , 1896. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'T'iic OMAHA DAILY I3EE. a flOS1WATIfl , r4ltor. p , = = _ _ _ - - 1'U1lt.SIUD 7VtUY .lOltNI . - - TtRMS : OP RIJIiSCItIVTXONZ flatly fl. ( WIthout Ufl4Ry , ( ne Year $ O 3)AIy ! flee nnd Sund.ty , One , Tear , . . . . . . . . . 1 OG HIc .kiith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 'j1ir fnt ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 IuMny IJe. One Tear . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Inturdny 1I. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 51 % cekIy flee , One Tear II orv icrs OmPi. TIi fl fltIflIIflg R'uUI Omnlin , HIner fltU. , C r. N Mid 24th tL COUnCIl lflhltrR , 1 North 7itln trvt. ChIclg ( ) om , 317 Chamber o Commtree. N v y1j ltnrrnq , 13. II nfl 13 TrflUn. Bldg. Wohlngton 1407 1' Ittt. N. kV. conTtlI'oNDtNc ! Alt communleatIn relntliig to nw nI1 Ct tClnl rnattr phoul..l ) e , l1clrecI1 To the 1dlor. flUSlNEs L1TTF.flS : All lttts ttnd r.mlttnnce Ptiflhtd ( be e04resel to Tli ! e 1t11)1lhlng CmPflY Oiahn. flrnf ( . checks Rn4 poetomc orilt're to 1)0 rnndo yitti to thA ( ) fllei of th company. mr nit PUIThISIUNG coMrT. T.TiM1T OI CTflCU1ATlON. flnre fl Tz.cliuck. ecritary ot Tli. UC Pub. llhln ctnpnny. l'Ing lttly wnrn , eay that the acIut rnlmpPr of tull gint competC coplee ot the InHy. Morning , thenlng nnl Sitnlay flee printed during low the month of March , I)0. was n tol. I . 1L00 17 2 ; ; iq : . 1&ftfl ) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 'G7 ' 4 l.t92 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,015 . . . . , . . 1 ; DEl e . . . . . . . . , , , 1&0t3 22 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , 7 . . . . . . . . 1t 07 23 17.9)3 ) 19.100 21 9 . 1.23r. o ; 1.017 10 . 1R.)0 21 . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . U . lq.2c * 27 . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . 17,04 12 2 . , . . , , , . . . . . , . . . 18,079 13 10,070 ) 19.00 14 1,22 50 , , . . . . . . . . . . 1ROl 15 18n.A 31 17,0:6 26 18,055 , Tot'iI r.cI 8I I IcdueIons tor Un8olil and returned cople . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , , , , , , , 6,215 ! 'et eni. . Net dali ) nerege 10 00 cnoncn : ii , T7.C11T7C1C. Rwor tt l' totmn and uhecrlbe.1 In my prPcnce Sd dsw ot April. 10. ( ECCI , ) N. P. rFI1 , Notary Public. fly Ilsitig lngnrltbnilc tal1e Illildi Of tlit' lIthorlolls work of first ballot eoiiiini. tiitloii 111113 1)0 nvoltled. 'ri (1IIetIoI1 ( 11O\ itt , how can nfl the vItt' ht'PSklCflthtlI ) CllflhIItItUS be aceoiu IllotbI 1(1 ( oil flh1 tlcJ't 7 Senatorial tflgiilty upparenfly does not xttiil to IIIIJIIIIHJN of thit house of rep. flSIiIIt11tI'C1 es'cii If the member In tillust Ion I a SCULl tor-eket. hi neqtihi'Itig thit' Big Horn hot sprIiig tiw fedural gos'erilnlciit h1l4 : evkleiitly (11'1'eul U hot bargitin s'It1i the 1l1lIttllS anti lhI oOii Ix' III 1t imsitloti to shtow r that It Itits ' 8L'Ured Iossessloii ) of sonic hot stilfi. Cougressinnii Mercer's energet Ic work got the 1'ort Omaha inhhltni'y training school measure through the hiotne. Ne- brnokit's repreteiilntlves in the selinte ought to be able to do at least as w'ulI w'Itii this 1)111 ns tUtiIr , ? Iercer. Live stock bushtiess , telegraph bush. 11eS ittiti 1)05101 1)I1Sh1it'Ss ) file gralullly : Increasing. The sveekly cletrtuce : : tah1e give cvhilencc of thin lIIereasI ( voliune of tra(1e.Ve ( IIOVO reached bottom and fl1c 11o gratliiaily getting out of fie hole. President Cley'latlI ( en linot reire his grea t athuiration for the late Vi1- liii in SllakesJenI e. I f ShiakeSl)1'lI'e Wt're only l'i'storetl to life for 0110 lrICf . 1)tH'ktI ) ht votiid ri'ehifl'oeite : the atteii- t bit 1 > y I iii niorta I izi ug 1r. Cleveland Iii 0110 of ItiM tlt'aiiiittic ilItStei'lIece : ) $ , [ i1yoi' Brotleli 'ttotl the resolution for IIII oxti'a tO ) 1t inoiithi assistant IltIhItlhlIg hlIsleetor. ) Ills iiiotlvo iii so doing Itas , Iiovever , bi'eii hInjliglie(1 ) , Let hihiti iioy veto the orliIlahietj i'tlshiig : silaries : iii the trensiirers olhlce as an atiditional guai'niity of good fzltli. It s'iil he 1ittetl flint the Pennsyl. vitiiia rl'JllbhIeahIs ) lI1t'e ehhinhiintetl all tl 1tCt ) of the $ lO per calIta folly and are this year 1)lilflte(1 ) ( solidly on the fouiitbi- titnt of lioiiest IIioIIey. 'J'iie i'eplilhICI1I lL1'IY e'erywliere is thio Party of stable Ilnaitco ilial lIithinlaiired ltIblie credit. So the senate Is to have a steering coittiiiltteo to ltIioI't ) tlio relI1lhI1dt)1' of the sessloit to the coiisltlei'ttloii : of dir- feretit iileastii't's oI Importance. In that case the bill that % 'nil1s to get tiit'ouglt before coiigross adjourns s'iII lntve to IIZI'C fz'Ieiitl on the coitlinitlee. If thin lL0111iitlOIIIsts ) are tile Jli'st to hIlI'lOrUtn ) IL Id to I. free shyer colnugi' 1)11111k In their nutioiinl Itlatforin 'hhI they hot have a Iirst claim 111)011 those fi'eo si iverl les vIto htn'e liei'ii iissei'tiiig thint they ithitco tiii'ir devotloit to fiee coinage lilgiter titan their IaVt3 ) nile- glance ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Thin 1)001)10 ) of Li ( ) II should iloti get excitt'd over ( lie Iroslect ) of a rahlsvay titriff frniiied w-lthiout discrliiilnntloii Iii favor of itiiy coiiiiiiercinl center. Uhteii' iiterchiitiits ought to be 111)10 to collipete f r 1)tlHiIIes ) Oil etitlill teriiisVitII othiei cities 1111(1 1S'htlIollt dojelldhtlg ) oil special VLth1VOl1l ( favors. EX.OOS't'i'11r ( [ eI'Iitli'y's trlenls point to tito longevity of his inreii ts us nit a i'gtl Inca I I i I ( a var o t Ii I s 111)111 I a a I I on totS the Il'esiiellcy. 1x-Iovui'iior 1c. I'hii1t'y's eolllltititL's ( itre pointing to tite 5:11110 : fitet us an argument. vhy lie cztij , nI'fortt to defer his jresitleittlitl aspira- tiotis to a later period. ' \'htat is JOhiliiIy 'P1101111)SOIt to get if lVelh4ter itecoiiu's vice pi'eshlent ? Thu 'ic& , preshth'nt hits the nppohittiiieitt of just OIIP mall , Ititti lie hit'ars tito 1)1011(1 tithe of iln'sst'iigi'r lii clitrge : of thu vice lVesIIellt'H ) ( 1'Rltl. ( 'J'II ( ) 11II is $1 , l hO a y'a1 , 'it1i nil average of six itiouthis V8CLtiOi1. Is this ( lie 1)111111 ) ? ' .Vhto OllIlthlO 'tVOillilll't club has Jui } celebrated the thiit'd niitiiversary of its fttti itti I hg , 'i'hi is t Ii ii vI ug oiga ii I zat foil hits acconlj)1Is11et1 ) niiicli fot- the at1'iiiice- Ilient. of voiluiii IIIttL tito (1tlVeh)1)flh1ilt. ( ) of thu ctlflflhtlllitY lit the short jC1'I(1I ( ( of its ( 'X1t4tt'll't ! . 1 t Is entitleti to 'ehI inenlit 'h811ei4 thiiit It sees III1IIIY rccui'rcllces . - . of Its iitititl t1ii' . 'l'hio boiler Insurance i tibotit to he rcnevet1 1y the city. In 'Iu' of the fact that certain olhicials of 11w govern- IIIt'IIt 1i1 o insiiraiit'o zlgent8 It aught 1)0 ) 'uIl ( or the hzts' tleItlL'tlflt'lit ) to render an ophiiioii on t 110 chiai'tcr jit-ovision vhilchi foibids IIII ) city olilciul dI reutly 01' Inthht'cctiy to profit trout iiiiy contract rhtii ( lie city. An Iusurauco policy hi t contract. - - iioxisr izoxin flJ.8IoUfl.4 TS A ! IOUSD. The ilnnger of tim Chicago convention Iteing doniinatetl by the free silver clemocrttts Is fully realized by the honest iIloney ChelileUt of the pnrty , which Is legirlnlng ) to itinalfest more Interest In the situation. Until recent devclop lilents the democratic headers opposed to the free colnnge of sliver were hot niprehienslvo that thic silver inca might get control of the llntiollnl cotiveittlon. It not nctiiahly Indifferent , they vero not giving themselves any serious cone corn , and it titituber of them hind do- clued not to attend the convention. The aggressIveness of tii lien coinage 1)1011 hag , It is said1 aroused such lenil- em as Senators Ciorman niiti Brice and Wiliiaiii 0. W'hiltney to thio necessity for vigorous work if ( ftc danger of the ascendaiicy ot the silver inca at Clii- engo Is to lie averted and It is premised - isod that from this tinie fors'art1 there will 1)0 ) it colitest for ( lie control of the iitttioiial coiivciition. Senator Iirhco hind 1)iflhIlie(1 ( to go abroad with his fninhly at the close of the session of congress , but lie has been persuntled to remain 1111(1 nsIst In time hoiiest iuoney ciun- iahgn. ) lie is relol'ted ) as saying that 'hillo there v1ll hie a. gooti dciii of talk about a free coinage phatll ( , there vtll be no SUCh plank In the Chicago hint- form and there vill be no free silver caiiditlate nominated. It Is thought prolinbie that Senator Coiiiinii nini cx- Secrotai'yVhilliiey vih1 take time field actively in time Interest of sound money anti recoimshtier their 1)urlose ) not to nt- teiid tIme Chicago conveittion. Timere Is manifestly nim urgent demand hil)0i ) ) tue EOUlld ) i11011e3' tietnocrats not to waste flh1S' thmmie If they would save time iiatioiial convcimtloil froiii free silver ( iOIfliihiltioml. Tue oilver 111dm flEC nO- tlvcly and iiggiessivcly itt work and they inteini to keel ) tIE ) the tight until the last delegation is chosen. At 1)I'eS emit they ni'e COhiflleiit and hiitve very good ueason for feeling so. They are sure of ml , very large majority of tile delegates from the south and west and they ha'e a good flgimthimg cimniice of socnrlng time deiegntioiis from 01mb , Indiana - diana ittitl Illinois. Conservative estimates - mates accord themii a majority in the national conveiitlon 1111(1 ( if they secure this tt free sliver 1)iOtf0m11 with a cami- tBdtito in full syimipathmy vitit it viil be inevitable. It Is doubtful vhethmer tue honest motley deinocritts cati avert this result. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DISCIWIZXdTIXG nurms. Tilt ? repubiicaii national convention viil l)10lliY be askel to declare for diserhiulnit : lug ( lilties itt favor ofiner - lNthi 51111)5. F'otir state comiveiutioiis , those of Mnssaciitisetts , New Jersey , Pennsyivaiiii atiti Oregoil , have pro- nouiiiced for this policy anti It is to be eX1)CCtCl ) that othiei republicahi conventions - tions vet to 1)0 hielti wiii do so. But eveli if they siioulti not the 1)roposltion ) is very sui'e to be presentei to the mitt- thoimti : convention and to have stroilg support there. The Massachusetts ililt- ) forum says : \\e believe the tinie has Come to t'ettirii to time policy of Washington - ington anti llniniltoim , vhlchm , idis - ci'hininatiiig duties in fmivoi of American bottoms , twcuretl 00 ie ) ccitt of our cai'rylimg trade to Aimmerican ships , amid 'hich , If iio % ' restored , ivould again i'evive omitSlmI1)Iimlg atid cause Anmet'lcamm freights to ho latiti to Amnerlt'tiis. " The I'emimisyivmimiia reinhidicaIms tieciared that they approve tue IoiieY ) of imathonal Im'O- tectioii to our 51111) owiiers 1111(1 time ship ltuiihtlinImiterests : 1) % ' dlscrimiuinutiiig tiutics in favor of Amimericaii shipping , In order titlt time Amem'hcan hag be restored - stored 111)011 tlti' hugh seas. As a imicails of restoring tIme Anierhenim niem'cliiint iiuu'liio this 1)roposltioIm mnem'ht serious consideration. One of the earliest acts of time first congress was to iiimpose discriiiiiitatimig dmitles on iinhorts ) him favor - vor of Amimericih1 : vessels amid It is uimi- ( luesthoiialio that tilt' t'ffee-t vims hiighily favoi'able 10 tii luhhding 111) ) of a mimer- chant nmamlue.Vhmwi the policy 'as lnmtugurntel only 25 cent of our ( 'X1)0mt5 : uiid imlmlOi'tS ) w'its eavrhetl Iii A itierheilu bottoimis , bitt timider thiat 1)01- ) icy , w'imlclmv11S mnmiittmtimietl : for about forty ycam's , Aiiiem'icaii vessels finally cmtrriotl niOtit 90 ier cent of our expom'ts tumid hmnport3i. Is It jmrobnbie that a lila' result W'OUll ( foiiow' ml m'emievai of that h)0licY ) ? I t is to be lOVfle ) him mniimtl thmiit thioro ha vemy wide t1hhTeremiee lwtweeil thit coiidhthiiim that irevlLilei at. the 1)0- glmimihiig of the gove'i'iiineIit mimi those of time presoiit. 'Phiomi tiiscriinhiiitthiig ( ititicH 't're colnlltii ' , vitht oilier coilim- tiles itimmi oumm alO1)tIOIl ) of them vas Iam'geiy a immatter of self.tli'feiise. Is it imot to be mipprtmhmeimtlui ( that a revival of timmit. lOileY ) by time United States vouitl Invite dmmmuagiiig i-titmmhlitthoim 7 TIme llilitt)1 IS of sumhhieieiit lnmpom'tance to tie- iiitiitl : ciirefui coimsidoratloil. TJIJ IOfll.I1JN . ii1iiigiT : Il14USflN. ) One of the ( l'lmiCiiitIC ( ( iihmmt fin'iiis of time jresOIlt ) w'ct'k toimgm'ntumhntt's time COuiiltV , ' Iimiit uimiier time \\'iisoii tnrif lit v oil r forehgmm eomii I mieree is rim 1)1 d hy imicreashimg , as t'vhloiiccd by time tremis. ut.y " 'I X ) ml 8 Ofl ( 'Xiii ) mt s of' ii gm'hcimh t U 1 8 I iimiilt'iit'iitS ) ( , cot ton imiiimmumfmtvtumres , oils tutu ot her 11 it icleti. I t 114 a fit et , it mi ml ii gmmttIfyimmg omme , that time exports of satin' imimimiuifmictimm'eti piodmicts hmimve himcremised 'itliIii time hOst year , hilt I here hiims beIi 110 sucim grovthm as to vnriitiit cx- uitntiomm ( iii tue 1)iil't of the sipportel'.4 % of thin 1)ieSClit tiui'iff hmi' , vimichm himis hmimti vem y little to tie 'uvithi limo iimmittei , the article vhmiclm figures umost. imrgt'iy him tiitt iiicit'liSe , t't'fiiiel ( nmimu'rnl oils , be- hug emmtlrely ummmitTetted : by the tarhfl' . I I : lhi ie rt'imioimmhvretl tiutt. soimitm three lmitimtlls ago time secretary of state , iii tinimsmnltthng to colmgress time reports f Amuericait t'oiisuihs on tlm conlimierce atul linitistries of timttir i'esjOcth'c districts , .31ii tliitt time m'cceiit iiicrease him the 1)01- ceimtiigo of ex1)0Vt14 ) of imimmaimfoetmired nm'ticic's as coinpameti with time total of otmr exports seemmieti to himilicato that time Iiimited States Is upon time tlmi'eshiohti at 8. great devehopumen t of this Imupor. taimt bmitmicim of huterimatloimni trade. % ii oxmminiimatitmi ) of tue stiutist los of exjortmt ) of doimmestic inantlfmmcturt's avahhalhmi at thmmut tlnmo ttimSVL'1l ( timut Ilmero Immiti becim aim iimereaso In thu precetihimg year of about r'ooooooo , iuimil of tlmis unmoimut llemmrhY thiree-Ilftims comisistetl of relimmeti iiiiimemmtl oils , thu bmimmnco : ielroseiltimig ) thu Increased oportatloii of more than a score of oilier mnntifncttires. It will hardly be preteimded by nnybdy fit- mihlar with the matter that tue large Increase in the exportation of reflumed mineral ohs was titue In time shIghtct degree to the lresent tnrhff. The fot- olga ( lemand for these oils would have existed it tue inst cohmgres bad not muitle a slnghe change In time tarilT. The fact titat there has been a somewimat better - ter denmnmid abroad for our ngrhcimiturai Imphenmeumts , uimachmhiiery , builders' Imard- wnro and some other articles Is testimony - mony to our greater ingenuity anti skill In the mnnkiimg of these articles and imas mmotimitmg wimatever to do with time tariff. Timere has beeui a slight imnprovcmmieumt hut our exports of time manufactures of Iron and steel , but time rate of irogress Imas not been suicit as to eumeonrage time Idea that tinder time 1)resoumt ) tariff we are go- lug to capture a large share of time would's markets for our nmuntmfacttmres. Ehimtiimuto from the statistics of Increased - creased exports time articles of dounestic manufacture whiieii immuve not been at- fected by a cimange In time tariff and there wIll be extrcmnciy little heft to JustiI'y democratic congratulation or varramt time 01)1111011 ) timat time litilted States Is upon time threshold of a great development of this Inmportammt braumeim ot iuuth1ationai trade. Time tr llm is timuit the idea of time tariff reformers thmat ummitler their policy thmis country would realize a rcmmmnrknhie 1mm- crease him thm foreign demnimuni fet Its immamumfactured prodticts has betnu tiemnomi- strated to be a dcltmsioim. flvcn if nIl time gain In time exports of domestic mmmnmiufnctures were directly due to time democratic tariff it' Is utterly hmisignlhl- cammt in coimipitrisoil wltii time loss .Aiiiei'i- emma ummnuitifacturers have experhemmced from Iumcreased foreign competition hum tlmo iiomiie nmutrkeL iON INl'.1MOUS 1)lF1ThSI. There have 1)00mm ) a great munumy wrongs and Infamities ierlmtrntei 1mm the nammie of justice under time doimie of time coimmity court imouse. Bimt never since time earlier- stomrn of timat structure was imuiti hmas tIme profes siom : of law been disgraced i)3' ) a , more infamous defense titan lies beeti attempted lV ) , time attorneys of Heimry Ilollim , now eu trial on the charge of enmbczziemmment of iimiiic fumuls. Every mmiaim accused of crlmmie is pro- sumimmemi to be Imimiocent ummtil irovetl guilty and is entitled to time bemmofit of every legitimate defemise tlmat time law aihows. But no imomiorabie lawyer wIhI go beyontl time ioumnds ) witheim time law prescribes , It Is left for time scoummdmei to Invetit excimses for clients by cimiirg- Ing timeir immisdeeds impomu others aimd relying impon Imis privilege as atm attorney to give uttem-amice to 111)015 wimieli lie would imot dare to print nild to vilify hut court tue ciiiracters : of rejiuitalie ) niomu who have been forced to appear amid give testiniommy under oath : ms to timcir kmmowhedge of facts :111(1 events. It m'emnitimmcd for a conscleiiceiess scoumidrel hike IdcFmti'haiitl , who imas been smuircheti with garbage deals aimtl jobbery - bery , to cimmirge 1mm open court timrtt Illemiry Boihmm was time victim or a COmlSIirmiCY comucoeted by time edhtr of 'Piuc Boo amid soumglmt to 1)0 comisimmniimmtetl : tlirotmghi time ageumey of pouiimred witumesses. It re- mmiilned : for imis associate , \Vest , to join 1mm time cry of ct-tmcihlxioui amid to assert that henry bun was time nmmoccmmt ( ml- ject of Iersecimtioml , wimen , mis a. iumattei' of fact , lie aimd 0'0m'yiOti3' him time coimi- miiumiity knows that no seit'-coimfessed 1)111)110 defaulter immis evei receivei ( simeim ieuuiemit treatmmmtmit ) aiyvImorc at time imituimis of time nutimorht ics and time in-ess. ' ' if timere imas beemu 'i'hmey kimow thimit aimy commspim'mmcy it has leemi ) the commspirLmcy of inmhiic thieves aimd 1)umihiC robbers , Inumitleti togetimer against time Imommest tax- payimig citizeums , to imreveimt time exposure mimul pmmmmlshmmnemmt vhmicii imupartimmi justice metes out to cuistodiuuims of ptmhiIic fummds who letray ) their trimst , Immstoatl of heiimg maliciously hmouimmded , Ileuiry Ilolimi hums been slmIeidel throughout - out by time suiprCsSioIm of ) imiihCity o ills shmmtimieicss ( lelaumchmcs. 1mm miii time immontims since Ilemiry Iioilmi left the teih- tithe unto in his ofilce nnumoummmehiig timat lie couiltl not survive time simliuile of cx- lOSmimO w'imiclm ime foresmts' 85 immevltabie to time pm'eseumt ( Imly , imi slims have been covered vithi a mimmmntie ol' charity. I us gmtumulmhimmg timid licentious lis'hmm hmive luce'i hmu'diy : ahitmded to except ha exjlammatiolm ) ( If imis fili : tVhiy , t imen , slmouii imis imters Imuve time brar.eii audacity to cimmmm'ge O1)emmi ) _ ' ' 1mm court timat ime hums 1)00mm ) Coiiilmthht5l to 511111(1 tiimti for loot hug tiit' tm'eaiflmry vlmicii lie w'as sworim to guimi'd : Iii tmm'der to gratify the lersommai nmaii(0 or aim editor vlmo mmever immid any quiam'rel -iv i tim Imi I Ii iem'sommui ihy or ) ( i t i ca h hy , a 11(1 iii ftmm'thmem'amice of time 1)0111 ical mmspira- I iomis of olme of Imis OWn bommdsummtnm vIm ( ) stood up for huh wimemi ito imuctied a surety ? Iid time emiitor of 'rime Bee over ask hiemmry Iuoiimm for a loati of 1)111)110 ) mmmoimey ammuimy other iimOllOY 7 iid lieu ry liolimi vacate time olilce Of tremisitrer at time dietatioum of time editor of Time Bee , am' dhtl ime imot vacate because his i'etcmmtiomi imati becommme a IihiIh1t scaimial ( emiti immm ilmipossiihlity ) ummiticu- I lie law's of Ne- lm'mmslfli ) ? 1)hi the editor of 'J'hme Bee coiitiminmiil Imhimi to deoul imis hmroiCLIY avay toVhihimiimm A. I'nxtomm as trustee for time himdoinimlhIt'atlout of hiltl bounisimmen ? \\'oimhti tlmere 1)11 anytiming t'aiiimmg for imuiemmmiii hlemi tlomi I t j home imn ti heeim imot Ii- lug stiOmm ( 7 NOiOdy ) conimeeted vitim 'I'ime lice iIii ) itimpt'al t'ti 1101 IL vitimes , No vItmmess thmmtt did nppemimimmatie mummy immemition of 'File lIce or Its editor. No- hotly cited aim eitlmer side comilil tm tim. ftmiiy say thmmtt lie hind talia'ml 'Itii time editor of Time lice om' immuti imeemi iiiree'tiy or Iiimiit't'ctiy aphrOmiChlti ) ( l ) 'mm mmybotl , ' coiumiected s'Itim Tile lieu. lmViimit right , thmemm , immil either of 1101111's imtv'Crs , to cimnmga time prosectitioim or Boihmm hl1)Oii timis vmir amid to seek to conjure Uj ) iOiiiimtm ) ) imt'immiICOs ( to himfitmuncu thm jury Iii beimmiif of timeir clicmmt ? 'iimem'o Is mL hmotimmtiimry vimiclm mb decent hayer iii OvOm'Ntej ) mimid tue attorney yimo goes beyond timat line ummerits umot onhy time reproimItIOmL ) of his O'.VII. profes. sioim , but time commtcimmpt of nil imicit vlmo rt'slt'Ct time lumus' , hove justice nimmt ablmor ci'lmmme. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aimotimer class of twcmmty doctors of medicine limis beemm imuiimchmctl upon the suIt of irofesslommumi ) life , this thmimo froumi time Crehgimtomi Zttedicmml ummmivem'sity. This uuivcmuity Is recoguizcd as one of time strong edqatJominl Institutions of the west nndf constant evIdence of keeping airenst tue times in ( lie tenchi. lug of medical science. Within thmepnst few sears two mm- - Isters intro been ineumlbcrs of time Board of r0ucntn , 80(1 ( both resigned before time expiration of their teruns. 1acii was thins ( leprived of an oportummlty to go before his constitueimts a. second thno 811(1 nsk tor ponmhnr npproval of coim- duct In office , Nehthmer eiihmaimced his reluitmttloiins a sciiohar or as a irenchmer by acceptlmig inibhic otilce. Both much , stromig In timeir professional calling , wore tiisalmpoluitimmg to timclr frheimds anti 1)05- ) slbiy to timt'ummsolvcs wimeut thmey essayed time role of luibiic otticimui. Tue deep- rooted semitimmient favorable to time post- tive sepaiatioui of cimmircim auth state does not disqualify a mitmister for Public ofilce , but Ime could veli niforil to leave au 1)111)110 ) busimiess to time laity. Wimat does Nebrmiska reaiiy want ? \vIiI it project lohmi L. Wbster Into time race for tue 'rice presltlemicy wimemi McKinley Imas already not less thami four vice presidential nsliraut5 ) oIl Imis imaiids vimose ( lehegntiommm4 are mmot In- stt'tictctl ? Timore Is hobart of New , lcr- soy , for example , who imas six more votbs timamu Nebraska itt his back. Timen there is Lowiities , whtim time state of Maryhummid , and two iossibiiities 1mm Ness' lumginiitl wimo arc wiihiimg to lie suer- ! flced If Reed gets out of time way. Is time WelSter ) hlmmg to be raised omiiy to ime hos'creti ? So far limo migitmitiomi Iii favor of rc ( imiceI ( iumsmmammce rates lies mmot beemu witimoiit sommue gooti effects. In imummy 1mm- stances immmeqimuuh rmitem4 imave been mhhmlie umniformmm and commmpiaints hmavo beemi given it meslectfni hiemtrimmg , wimleit s'iis hot time emuse before time himsimmess mmmcml stuirted time crusade for fair treatmnemmt. Timere Is groumni for time iretiictiomm timuit soouier or imttcr our hmoperty ovmmers immuist lre raIl hum their deinauni for eqimitabie amid reasomimtlhe lire lumsuraumee rates. Timat is it terrible tale that coimies to us fm'oim : honolulu. 'lime Ainem'icamm minister - ter Is slui(1 to halve neglected to observe time Ilmuvahlan lmmielendemmce ( tiumy mimmtl aiso to iitve : fulled to Invite time otiiclais of time limtwamiaii govcrmmniemmt. to parthci- iite : iii \Vasimlmmgtomm's 1)Irtimdmmy cx- ercises. Notimimig simom't of a imigii court of ariitratlomi nimpoimited 1' nit time van- oims natioiis will serve to settle timese grave amid omniumons huiternuttloimal ( lifer- emmces. ' Time eoaj'mict r for gasoiimme Lqmms , vimichi are a1tegei to hhiuuuimme time patim- w.ay of ltlimttel ( simbimrbamm residents , promises t r&muove every cause for conhliahumt ) , fuiflui evemy lroIflise ) of his coumtrac. , 'flmere is evem'y reason to lCiieVO that ho I'1il 1)0 conmpeiied to dose so or forfCit time contm'act. 'J1imere are otimer imeoimle iii the iiiurmmiimathng iuSi. ) hess emilupimig 111)011 Imis tm-mill , nild they are lcmiowui fcl have sonmethmiumg of 1)tmhI. Time [ utlm.ilimil league shmoumld 1)egin ) agitating for timtit'tet amueimdmmmemits 811(1 ( lead off 1mm it mnov mmmeimt. to aroimse time lumbhie imihfilI li ) time hmocesslty for timoroimghm ( iiscimssion of time subject. 11mm- iess clmartor : mmmmemmimlmonts cmiii be mmma(1e aim issue thmere Is no teihimmg wimetlmer time' heglslmttumme time commiimmg viuiter can be Immdtmeed to concede time nmemmlmneimts osseiitinl to time woifare of the cIty. Tue si' , , ( riot of imrilt. New York Sun. 1on. Cliacbng Crane , a d'.stlngulshed and apparently a himniorous tribesmaim of time Sioux of the Lower lirule divlson ! , ima put tn a chant for a government pension. He has mint been fighting for the United State3 , but he imas been eating for It. and lie aesert that Imis health has been damaged by 1ii consunuption of the rations furnished to imtmn hion , Chasing Crane hn. what i poetically descrIbed a a great heath Whether or not his petition ucceds , time country will be proud of such a mound ; nor has any Lower flruio statesmamm brighter imopes than lie , if ho doesn't eat tro mnuchm. 0- Yu1it's 02 % Its if)1IJIJ)1 I' . SIouc CIty Tribune , A free sitvcr populist simeet printed in Ornahmw undertakes to conb3t Secretary Car- ilsloa speech. It Hal's : "He knows that time law of supply and demnarih applies to money as well as to all other property , and. yet lie mmevcr considered the effect wimlehm time open- Immg of our taints would have In Incret'lng the dcmammd for sliver. " In otimer words , Mr. Carileme does net suppose that a demaaimd can be created and maintained by fooling the country with sliver , Very likely , There is nmmve'r much demand for anythIng of which there is a bIg oversupply. Time immoro the silvorhtes attempt to answer Mr. Carlisle time vcre they make their case. ( ies.1iiid htzijhuI. w . it. mmemm In I'hiiadelphmla Nartim Amex-icon. Proshdent Cieveiammd Is aiimg very rapidly. People wimo saw huh at his iast tnaugur.mtlon wotmld scarcely kites' imlto now if tImer met littim fact' to face outemde of the wimlto house. } his nioustacimo is no hommgor d2ric ; imis forimmer erect stature hao gIven way under time velgimt ot his oillciah care and aid 'rime ; lila cheeks are flabby and colorless ; limo imas kc't ' time sprlnto lila step , atmml lie now goem situffling along Imico a mmmnm nmamw years older than ho i. this health is mio. longer robust , as time almost commutant mmresurmco of a PIIY- elelan at the white house lmmdlcatc. . For this. if for no other reasomi , Mr. Clove-land does mmot care to longer romuahm chIef oxecu- tive. till time thIrd tcrmn talk is wIthout hits banction , IL is extramoiy dotmbtfmmh if ham could Mimrvivo anuthmor canmpaigmm , amid cer- taimmly act azmothc-r terra as premmidont. smmNshimLIl YitLC mNiHS. Mlemmeapolls Jounii ; T ; Tlmo American l"cde- ration of Labor recently endorsed time free cofimago of sliver at. iG to 1 , but time various local organIzations timroughout time counb'y are hot utmammlmously emmdorsing time propoal- tloii no requested by time ftderathon , Time St. Lotmls amoxmibl has declined Paint blank to do so ammd'ttyImYy oilier labor ormimnizatiomm iii time fcderatJ mim imo iU refuin to entor3e a vrocos wlm1rUm'iit hit time pocketb00k of every laboriqm iamm In time couimtry wltlm deadly effectmtc it will immoyltabiy reduce time mmurcl1auulmFP0)V0r of time dollars In It one-half andJIeaas time vrico of every- timing the wbrmrner comisumaes , Time free coinage Ill to 1 'Idea is said by its uro- mmmotcra to be "him the Intem'eot of labor. " It Immoanu time roimimory of labor and the iromo- tlomm of desperately hard times ChIcago Tribune ; Time AmerIcan Fedora- Lion of Iabor endorsed the frau colnago of sliver at the ratIo of 16 to I last mmmontlm ammd asked local organizations to do lllcowlai , On Stmmmday the Central Trade amid Labor assembly of L3uIsvhlie mmmet and unanimously refused to Coimiply wIth the request , Not a imian lmad a word to aay in favor of it. This epeaku volumes for time irmtohligeimce of time organIzed wprkhimgnmen of LouI8vihlo , They do aoL wammt to be void fui O-cemmt dollars wheim they ecu get 100-cent ones. They act ami it they had read and comprehended thorougimly Mr. Cariiahos speech , In wlmlcim Ito demonstrated - stratod time injury done to labor by cimeap money , It lie to be hiped timat time Chicago worktngmon for whoso special benefit that epeocit was made will display as touch good sense as their Kentucky brethren. lLtILitAlS IN 1'ItUSStA. Wiatit aos't'rnimtentflymmersjIms hIns Ac- cohmlmltphie,1 Acrns time Atinnttc. i-'red hiethie in the Chicago flecotmL MOfloOiit imavo said that governments are not able to administer the affairs of rail- roads. They try to make time peopio beilevo that thmo plan of government roads is a pro- ductlo of thc imagination of socialistic and popuiistic dreamers , while In reaiity time aye- tOOi of government adnministratiori ha a attmb- horn fact and railroads of this character have been operated for decades with greatest financial success , I'russia u'as the first country to introduce time government railroad system , to thmo cx- tent of oxiuding nearly all private railroads , and lt infimmemico lies induced a large umuimibor of other statea to adopt time Mine a-vstemn. After the I'russian constitution of 1350 Imad closed the rov'biutionary period of 1118 to 1850 , time I'ruasian government directed its attention to time material Interests of time people amid conmrncncod the government comi- strtmction of roads In those Provinces wimich were imeghected by time prlvato companies. This s'as not for the purpose of mmmakiimg 11101103' , lint to develop time agricultural , corn- emercial and industrial interests of thmeo see- tions. One of tile main roatis thins con- etructed by tie government and run unmier governnmentai administration was time great eastern road , connecting lhorihn and Koonigs- burg. This action of the governnmemmt mnado all claera of time people faiiiiilar whit time systemmu of govermmment roads amid naturally toil to the Idea that nil roads should be OWlieti anti managed by tii0 govornmuemmt. No actual imrogrcsq In converting time l'russan ! private roads into government roads ias made , lmon'evcr , until time now h'am'llanlent of time Young Uermnan empire appoInted in 1S73 a coimirnisalomi for time Investlgatiomi of this rAilroad question , Thie cornmmmlesion , after ft timorough Investigation of all circumstances , decided in favor of the system of gos'ermm- mmmont roads , and this system was recoimi- mnemnhcd for adoption by time wimoho German empire. In consequence , fllsrmlarck proposed in ISTG a govermimmiontal railroad project for time empire , offering to soil time Prusaiaim state railroads to the enmplre : but time other Ocr- moan states , especially the so-called "immlddlo states , " timoso of muedlumu size , tlmo kingdonms of Saxommy , havana and \'urtemnberg , op- l)0SOmi ) anti ( lefeated tbls plan , because timay were jeaiomms of time growing uowor of time empire and preferred to control their own rallroads Not discoimraged by flismarck's failure In thIs matter , the Prumselan governhmlommt began in 1879 tIme work of introducing time systeimm of government roads. Time aequmisition of private roads by the governtnemmt was ac- cornpiisimed by voimmntary sale and tmrclmaso. In purcimasing raIlroads from private corn- panics time governmnent acted with great liberality , giving mmear time taco value of time shares in :34 : er cent interest-bearIng bonds whicim had a imiglmer amarket. value than had time shares. Thmimi made the shareholders very willing to agree to thmo trnmmsaction. All time railroad otilcimmis wore also taken care of , their rights beIng reserved and time moat of them being appointed as ofllcial9 in time state raIlroad service. TIme directors of time private roads , if they were emmtitled to certain percentages of the profits made m ) . time roads , we-re ln.demnnuuled , In timl way time relative proportion between govern- nment and private roamis was in time coum'a. of fourteen years thoroumglmly changed , and tim miles of railroad wore considerably aUgtmlemitel by the constructiomm of new roads. 0mm April 1 , 1870 , time day of the last statement - mont bolero the iaw of 1879 , there existed in Prussia : itiomoters. ( io'ernmeemt raiirlB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'm-ivatu ruitroaxis , mmmimmxaged by govermunent 3S12 l'rivate roads managed by prtYate cam- Panics Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,537 On April 1 , 1S93 , Prussia imad : Go'crmim'nt muds mind prtvnte roads man- umel my govermuflent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,435 t'm'i'ate 100dM muanmiged by jrmva&o commma- mmie5 , not moore than. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,716 Thtai This slmows clearly the progress of time sys. temim of government roads. April 1. 1893 , tIme govornmmment roads had also 95,670 officIals appointed for lIfe and 191,679 ether employcs , besides those who keep time roads in repair. About one-third of all time empioyes are imp- pointed for life and are considerably mom-c mnmlelcndent than any of time oullclals of pri- ate roads , l'ruseia's example was followed by other German states. Gorrnany had in 1874 : Ki mo meters. ( ioernmcnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t'm i'tite uads namlngc.m iy govemnment. . . . . . . 2,035 I'rmvate roads mammage. ! by iri'uto coin- xanieim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4S7 Gornlany had in 1891 : Covcrmimneflt roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prmvale ioa.1s rnmnng'd by government. . . . . . . 571 m'rmvmmte roads manageti by private corn- jumnmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThIs muleago is equal to about 26,000 Eng- llelm niles , or three times as muclm govern- mommt road as it imad in 1874. Time Prmmcslan linances , of course , were bur- dene witim great debt for time purclmaae of the 01(1 and time construction of the now railroads , 511(1 somne people who considered theinsalves wise imredicted great financial dllulculties. Time followIng table of the immeomo cud expense - penso of time Prunalan government railroads fromu 1S82.S3 to 1894-95 Is comprehensIve , the figures given indlcatimmg million marks : i'aymn"nt Net Total 'ratni Orocs or ' Su. lmxcomne. l7xpenx3e. Surplus. Interest. plus. 1852-83 . . .413.2 21.t 133.1 93.7 42.4 lb44-8-5 . . .maa.4 Oi.4 386.0 143.5 45.5 155587 . . .056.2 46.Q 22:1.3 : 17.G 67.6 mSS7.S 101.0 mESS-89 . . .751.4 491.6 2165 r.1,7 133.1 iSSD-9) . . .sr.9 514,4 : mam.5 ir.a.5 156.0 l850.Jt . . .tST.S 5741.4 311.4 103.9 115.5 IS'Ji-i13 . . . 'J2m.3 64)7.4 313.9 212.6 lOm.3 mS2-03 . . .922.5 586,3 336.2 215.2 lld,0 m593 91' .93s 7 6043.4 330.3 2i1.R 120.5 uom-s : . .m63.8 515.3 107.0 210.0 157.5 -1 : st Immia 1 cci. This table almows that time not surplus in time years mmiontlommmd nimiomimits to 1,173,000,000 marks , and that the whole railroad debt can be paid oft iim thirty or forty years if time net surplus of time railroad income Is used for paying time irlnclpai of time railroad debt , lIven now time mmcqulslticmi of time raIl- m'oads by time govermmnment proves to ho an excellent investmemmt , amid wimen time wlmoie railroad ( loltIl shall be minim ! off time tate will imavo from its railroads a clear income of frommi 350,000Olu to 400.000,000 marks , anmi morimaps by that tilmie timis imet stirplima omay lmave been incrcaoed to such an ainoumit tlmat all direct taxes tmiay ho abolished. him I'russla , and afteru'ard in time wimola of time aermuan empire , uniform trmmnt'lortatlcn rates for paesongcre mind goods were intro- thuccd. This equalIzing of ratco was of great advantage to tlmo wlmoic people , aimmi especially to time comumnercinl classes , to whmichm time arbitrary chmmmiges of rates are very mBa. astrous. The rates of time l'rtmsHlan govormm- mmieimt roads are lower than they formerly wore cmi time PrIvate randy , and aim oooii as time railroad debt Is imaiml a great reduction of all transportation cimarges immay lie made. Thai esdabiiehmed "normal rate" fixed by govern. miment statute , witim thu consemit of time Prus- van ! Iandtag , cannot be rait'eml even by time governhmmcimt s'htimommt time coimseimt of time popu. hr brancim of time govorimmiment , itecluctiorma can ham made arid they sometimes are made for time lOmICflL of certain goods vimicim cannot - not etmmmmd Limo regmmlar rate , but such remiuc- tions are not nmamie before time matters are cohmm'mlered ' by Popular raiiroal councils es. tahiiemmed by law. ceiilentu elm our jrlvate raIlroads are more frequent than in Germany. In 1888.9 them yere , I113 Imerons killed and 26,309 in. juroil cmi UnIted Staten raiiroamls , For time sanmo timmie in Germmmany timero vero 5i8 perSons - Sons hilled amut 1,3S0 injured , In time tlniteml States omme persomm was killrml en railroads out of 1,5ol9 , travelers , and In Germany one ierson Yami killed out of 11,111,111 passen- ger' , In time United States ommo uxernaim was injured out of 220,025 travelers , s-imilo him Ocr- inmimmy one person was injured out of 2,770,000 traveler. ! . Since I'ruasia Intromiucemi time system of goermmtmieiit roads , mmoventcomm years ago , this systcimlhums galimcd time amhmmmirmmtion of otimmmr cot'mmtrlea ' in nearly all parts of time world , Not only time otlmer Germnmmmm governments. but mmmommt of thmo European govermmrmiemmtms , have adcpted this aystenm , It imas also been sue- cosefuhhy Introduced In time iiritislm depend- omicies of India ammd Australia anti may come back to Eimgianmh from these imiacea. Time /mmmatrahlan colormlos , though uimmier rltIsh protection , are actually republics and destroy timat deceptive arguinemmt that govormmmmmolmt railroads are not lit for republican states. Tlloro lies cover been logical force in timis assertion. because an addition to time weaker power of republican governmnonts is not so dangerous as an addition to royal aimmi im. umerlal power. The establishment of gov. orm'ment roads in place of time private , mionopolies voulmh , on time contrary. be in our country a powerful protection of the people a liberty and Indepentlente , vhicli are greatly endangered by Our railroad monopoilee. it for time next fifty years ( ho power of those monopolies shotmhl grow at the same always increasing rate at which It hmns been growing for the last thirty years our Mate anti as- thermal governments will be crushed out of existence anti our so-called republIc will ho fully suhject to a railroad aristocracy. For this reason alone we otmghmt to abolish time vrlvato moumopoiy syatenm of railroads , which already ima destroyed our liberty to a great extent. Grand Island , Neb , - - OThitlit LtNiS 'I'Ii.tS ' OURS. Time curious report that time president of time hoer republic has chainuisi an indemnity of $7,100,000 from the lhritisim Sotithm Africa comnpamIy Indicates a great deal more timan appears on time surface. It is true it means , first , that President Kruger feels very secure - cure in hi position , lie imas a legal rlglmt to make this claim becatmso Janiesomi's raitl has been shown to have been in tIme interest anti under ( ho auspices of time company , wimhlo time hiritisim government immis reptmdiated all connection with It , and virtually left time corn- pony to got oimt of tlmt' scrailo as it got Into it. Nevertlmeiess , it us-ommid not be prudent for imlin to Pmlsim any such deimmand uniess lie imad sonmo reiiaimco beyond his own strength. It _ Is imot to ho expected timat time commmpany sili pay eucim a bill on demmiamimi , nor commid It he collected witimout a fight , In wlmicli Englishnien wommid be killed mmmi wimich would bring british troops to time aiti of thme company. so that time umltimimato result would be a war wimlch time Trammavaal hums every reason for wis'iing to avoid , Moreover - over , time donmamid is In atrommg contrast to ICruger'5 usual lmrmldent , conservative commrs'e. Thmo story irohnimiy is mot true , bmit if it is true it can only mean that Oernmminy ima instigated - stigated time 130cr president to nmmike a fresim umove against Great Ifritaiti , either aa a counterpoise to time llrltlshm unoveimment against Mataboieland or witim time delIberate lmmlrposo to drive timemmi omit of the Tranarnal. If tim report is trmme , um-o shah imear more abotmt the mmmatter very soomm. 1 * The final and correctemi returns of the quln. quennial census taken timrouglmout the Ocr- muon cimipiro oil Decemnber 2 last mmlmoiv the increase of population during the last five years to have heemi greater than during ammy preceding five years. The total popimlatiomi of ( ho empire is simown to amount to 52,24403 , , vimielm , compared 'isitim time preceding commsus , marks an increase of 1.14 per cent per an- mIllie. Time German newspapers point out that time population of Germany now cx- ceomis timmit of France by 14,000,000 , and that mis time quintuonmmial Increase 1mm Gerimmammy was nearly 8,000,000 mis against barely 120,000 in France , Germany's numerIcal superiorIty is likely to go on Increasln propartiommately , a circunmstanco whicim must toll in favor of European mace. In aimlto of agrarian laimmen- tations , there is imarmily any truce to he fommmid in time census rettmrmms of time desohatloim wimicim Is supposed to bo overtaking the rmmral prov- immeos of Geramammy The alight dechimme of population wimlcim Was noted soimie timmie ago in I'onmerania , East Prussia , Mecklcnburg , has been arrestemi and in covoral cocos ima been followed by notabio incrrises dmmrimmg time period froimi 1890 to 1895. TIme chief 1mm- crease , lmowever , is still to ho founmi In time inmlustnlai regions , and especially iii'ost - plmalla , time Ithmineland and Saxony , mind time cemismms returns corroborate tlmo evidence fur- miisimod by other statistfcs that Germany is rapidly becoming an Industrial state of time first rank. a. . It beIng noms' defInitely settled that tlmere simahi ho a orld's fair 1mm I'arls in time ycir 1900. the first thought of time government it' to put time cIty hit0 presentabie simape for time occasion. Before preparing time grounds or beginning time buildings for the exhibItion a sum of 4,000,000 francs is to be spent in beautifying time varks and open spaces anml in creatIng mmciv breathing places in various harts of the cIty. The Ibis do llouiogne amid time Ibis do Vimicennei vuil ho put in order ; addItional rows of trees will ho planted in time Avenue dea Champs Elysees , from the Arc d Trlomnphmcm to time lmond I'olmmt , so as to make limo avenue look like a contimmuatlomm to time flols do Ilotmiogmie hrommgimt to time I'laco do ha Concorde and tue entrance to time cx- hibitlon grounds ; time Trocatle-ro gardens anti fommmmtoimms 'llI be restored to time condition In which timey were beoro the last exhibi- ( Ion ; nIl over Paris , in. ihellevlllo , Montmartre , time Fauborg SaInt Antoine , time Gobellns , green spots wili be created 1mm time Pimiiic squares amid in new equmaros to 1)0 ) mnade. i'arls 1mm to be made attractive to the visitor wherever ho may go , and is to remmmalmm attractive - tractivo for the ParIsians when time vIsitors have gone. There has been mtmclm opposition to holding the exhibItIon , evemu elm time part of the Parisiaas. It is noticeable tlmat time argmm- mncnt 'which seems to Imavo been used s-it1m most wclgimt agalmmst it was Limo danger threatened - ened to time park system of time city , and timis argumnent imas been seriously considered by time governmnent , wimich lies modified time origInal plans co as to do as little imarm as possible to the existing plantations , and imas pledged itself not. to leave ammy permanent buildings to spoil time promaenados and ) lay- grounds. a. . A royal deerco Imas been signed in Rome InstitutIng a now form of government iii Slciiy for time tern ) of one year. A royal corn- missIoner , a civilian , is appolmmted for nil time provinces of Sicily , who will live at Palermo , with time of local govermior. The conimmiiaslemier is Invested witim tlmo adminla- trativo amid politIcal powers apiertainlng ordinarily - dinarily to nmlmmlsters of time interior , finammce , public works , education and mmgricuitimre , Iii all imattors relating more iiartictmlariy to imubiic safety and tIme administration of mumicipalitIes ! time 1)refects in Sicily will car- reeponmi witim this comimmlssloner , anti also comicerimlng all affairs coning witimlmm time cam- letcnco of time central goverimnment , The corn- mmiisaloner will ummmlertake an extraordlimary revisIon of time provincai ! amid comnmmmnal budgets , wIth a view of apportioning expen- diturti to time iocai taxpaying capacity. Time governimlent also intends to hay before time legisimituro b'.hia reiatimmg to the export miutles on sulpimimr amid the creatlomm of a body repro- smintlng snlmmorai interests. with special rotor- emmco to time contlitlnim of time -mnintng popuia- tion , Time new comnmlmmsioner iii wimommm this great autimority is vesteml is Count Codroncimi , a member of tIme sommate , and imo svhli raimk ami minister without portfolio. Time decree now awaits earilamnetmtarY aplmroval. 'a. The wholesale emigration of peasants from Gahicla , wimlcim during the hast few years has constantly cccupied the attcimtiomm of time press and govermming circles in Austr'a , lmows imo sgns of abatemneimt. Lately time irovlmmcial authorities imavo again received expilcit 1mm- mmtructlomis froxmm Vieimna to check by every available iacans time eycr.lncreaalimg oxodmms , Notwltimmmtaimdliig the publicity giveim to ac. coulmts at time hardships and privatiomms aoait- ing time enmigrant in forogim countries , time rnovememmt is galmmlng ground , aimmi Is now imo- ticcable lmi districts where it was tornmeniy al. immost ; mmmlumown. Time clergy also Imami mmnder- taken to amts'st time authorities amid mlurimmg time Easter imOlliays ( hiatt donourmced time immove- nmeflt ( rein time iemmlplt , it meetemmis that time ( Its. content of time clalician peasammtry is duo to cmitlre'iy nmittmral cauces , lmmcluding time fall him time prIce of grimimi , the immdebtemlness of tlmo peasaimtry , tIme Immatlequato aimmi tmnsymmteinatic mimetlmomls of granting credit or pecuniary ra- hot , mtemimmty harvests , ammd uzmtowarml agrarian commditons in general , 'i'imr himmy Slim t ( . mm mmd fleim Jimi I hr. ( ilobc-1)enmocrat , General Ilutier viil get no statue in Masse. cimusettm , but the state will be fortunate if it eamm always ) Ut it imanmi on a maim am , fertiio m iii ideas , mis prommip to act , anmh as hard to feel as oitl ihemi was. . - - , I1ADING S1'ICIATi I'IATV1li $ . hit OM1UIASIJNL3X I3EU ; - , 4 flODNhY STONiI , A IlEMINlSCENCF OF TIIFI lUNG. By A. CONAN 1)OYI-.E : A new serial story imy A. Conan 1)cmyie , * entitled htodile ) ' Stone , begun Fnster Sunday - r day , to continue for seventeen weeks- Time tale is told imy the hero imimseit , who Is a retired mimu'nl oiiicer , anti recaIl timS iiieitlenta of imi career 'hen a boy--Time opening scenes are lalil at Friar's Oak a hittlo 'iingo between I.oiidon an& Jlriglmton-Timo story line imeemi Pro- uotmnceti by coilibetent critics to lie one written in Dr. Doyle's 'ery best style. IIOMFI GETTING Ill' IiPi INSPIIANCR : Aim lnemestlng nrtlcle by ir. i. 11 , : ii. Goulmi explalnhimg a uecmmhlar iiaim et ilto inamirammee wimicim lmna been upimlled with great sticcess in Beigitmnt , nnth Is being ntlopted throughout ltmtope-lr. ( letmiti ns time expert memit abroad by time Utiitetl Stntes Iluremuui of i.nhor to In- vestlgnte the condition of labor in Eu- rope. ltT.ECTI1IAT , SC'iiNCE TO 3)AT1I : rimls article icets forum time m-c'cemmt lirog. ress of electrical micls'mmct' as represented by tIme exhmihit whelm imnvo beem ar- m-minmemi for tlie NatIonal Electrical cx- hIOsitioil to be opemmeml In New Yom St early 1 ii : i ay-'l'ii e boa t immm hart a ii t cm t tIm e I a- 'Cmmtiommm ; to lie eximitmitemi , tiesc'rltecl omiti tlmeir slgnltlcnmice cplnii1Cti-lt' . Util- SOil'S ilimoroseope-Time mnomiel of time Nlmmg- nra l'ower t'OImiilii'S vorks run b ilWCr dIrect fl-oil ) time fails , ΒΆ - IlhhiTul OF' Tlil0ll ) FEt1.O\\'S : Tinmt'ly nrtiele , in view of 11mm , mtimmmi. vei-smil-y of the rotindlimg of OtImi Fellow- Simil ) , nfl ( ito lmistory of tlmls gremmt beimevo. ictit oniei-1'ersom1a1t ) ' at time fountlem'- Extent to wimicim time ergmiiiizatiomm haS grow-ti anti time wommmlerful work fl haS aceainphlsimcd. I1EAI.l.imt SCilLa'tP'l'lR'S PATiENTS : Last wInter when Francis Scimimitter , time New Mexican honlem' , wnmi lit Dcii- 'ei' , lie t mmmi 'lmtltexi by ninny Onimmlma 10:01)10 : wlmo imimil mm desIre to test his lmeal- 11mg lmowe'rs-Ulmon their rotmirmi mmiany of theimi insIstctl tlmat thme' imimd becmm cmmred or their ill--Tlie Smindmiy lien viil comi- thin interviews witlm nina ) ' of theSe Pit- tlemmts , mt few of wimnam iimsist ( lint they vei-o teiiIltcd Imy time trmmmtnient , wlmile otimcrmm declare timmittimere weic ho cures. MUSIC AND DRAMA : Tue musical ( Ieimi'timcimt of Time Sumu- day lice 'Ill Coiitnin mmmi mmrtielo tmpon tim stiimjeet of time grent mmimmsk'imi festival timat is to be belch in timIm city next fail dun- Jiig mmtmtte fair week-titim'Ieai nhulty of time Germans , S'tie mtmmml Scammthlimmtvimmns also dlscimssed-ileu'icw of time 'cehc itt time timemiters mimmd Iirotpecttms of entertnln. meats in imrosheet. IN WOMAN'S DOMAIN : French fashions in Jackets , color eon- hinatiomis mmmi immiliImier- disphtiyeml In Pnris-hIot wentlmet' moUse ftiimmIsimlimg thmat contluco to coolness aimmi comimtort- ICuto Field ii ) hawaIIan coummtr3' niui eommturne-Smlrpitms or womimen in New YOrk state-A jeweliei nmetmmigerlo the latest fnd-m"i-eslm fasimloim notes-New's ltcmmia about fammmoumm wommu'mi. TIlE WERICTI' SOCIETY : Social events of the welc-Society ilvemms up it tm-ilie---Otmt.of-towmm visItors time occasIon for botim formal timid 1mm tirmnai cmmtertmtiommiemmt-lou'eimmemmts , immmmi wimmremtloimts ) ) of time maclImbers of ( ho local sOcletl' set. TIlE COMING GENERATION "Timo I'adti ) ' , Vinks Aftali " mt revoiu- tIonitm' , ' story ot 1771 toltl imi language timmmt mippemils mhlrect to time boys mmml girls --Hcm-oisni ( , t a i-itmcky 9-vemir-old irny -ts'iml , snNi ImImi 5IHtet'm iife-Prmtttle of time yotmmmgmmtem-9 amimi Otimer brlgimt bits for our yotmthi'ui readers. , vITuT 'l'IIE Whit ItitiNGvi1Ei7r. . 7mlore mtbommt time latest ( mis Iii wimee- dommm-What time wheelmen are tiolmig or time IfllprOVemfleflt of cIty amid country roads-Everybody gives time bicycler free advice amid emmggestiommmm-Ncsu's of time iocai wheel citmims-Activlty limereas- log mmnmommg local wimeeimmlemm and wimeci- womumen. / _ IN TIlE \VO1tJl ) OF' St'ORT : Review of time tnto i4lmootimmg tourna. mont , with mmersomai goS.S13) of Limo cracks wlmm have been in attendance-Time base bali imeasomm opemming imp in full earnest nmmmi wltim good mmrospects-Nows arnommg the imorsemen-Gosally front ni time dlf- ferent lleid of sport , UNEXCi11LElNFi\'S SER\TICII : Fumli Associated press forelgmm cable and ( lomilestlo tOlCgTaim sem-vlec----Timq New York Worlml's tpecini foreign correm-pond. onco-tJmmrl'aIii't1 seecimul mmeuvs servIce from Nm-brnskmt , Iowa nmith ( ho western states-Well written anti accurate local zmews remmorts. Trn OMAI-JASUNDAY Bim TILE IIESTNEWSPAPEIII. itiiiitItY .IINGLiIS. l'mmilndelpimla Press. If Goodness would it face reiztx Tw'oumld have in ro fmuvor wIth the masses : There's no Persuasion In time ax , But 3)ient3 , ' of it lii imiolasses , Detmoit Tribune , hail , gentle spriggi Thy praise I'U slgg. But by coixi % O(1't led be do a tlmigg. New York Jlermtid. ' 4\ friend In imeedis a friend indeed. " 1'imat certainly seemmis funny. For instance , how commld a friend in neem , Advance a feiow money ? Cimlcago itecord. Wimen carols filter timro' time trees Anti apple-biossnin scent time imir , Slam ( hIves Into her trunks , amid sees Tmmerc's not a gowem that's lit to wear Detroit Freti PrCss , Time mnllilmmer a rIng , a bow Tim o bonnet pimt mmpomm Aemmi tiiemi time ladles imy time score , Did sot timoir lmemmrts timcrcomm. Cmmmcago TrIbune , , 1 'TI , ; now time womnan of time imomise , Wimlie sprIng's giami songster twItters , 1'tmimmes her Ileelmmg olTm'prlmmg with A. hattie of nrlmig hitters. . Wnshmlngtomm Star. Ohm , gentle Memy , Your iiresezmco gay lit-lags one regret to mminr ; 'You're imot to hlmmrmme , limit , jmist time caine , You lmavon't any 'r. " San I'rancisco N'wmm-Lctter. 'I crave not love , " lmO imiirt'lmly said- Sime was mm. yoummg Naiv Voimmmtii ; ' 1 soommer vouid a wlitl imemmt wcml , Vlmose longIngs are imot imimmniun. ' ' nit , yemmrmt mohled on. She mrmmtrried tlmrlce , Grew stomit amid imttmi live hJmmhJies ' mmd tim mt mm him t hit t imi emm-Imoor muon-are nice , Amid mimmffrmmghsts imave rubles , I IIJIIL iLIIm'I'I'I'NCmI , , Chicago Itecord. I know I'mmi cuileml mu queer old maId - . - -q A mmmi fol it In ugim mm t niy idetln blmtcle ml ress , It Imtmm't Jmmttt time imiglmetmt gramie Or ( tmmiiiotimLIii cluthmm'mt , I gtituss ; limit thIrty years ugo I wom ti Time gayest CrIstimlile of time gay , Altlmommgii It wmmmum't bug before I cast time sinful mgimmru away. I wore a brlglmt green hommmhj.azhmie , \Vithm ruliles four ( ie'I ) ( Jim limo skirt , \Vlmito unto nimti gaiter-tolls of gmeelm Aimd sachet bags of nmuthmerwort I immud e. necklace made of Jet , And wore it hremtstimin cameo Three titmiwi tts imtrge as those yotm get. 'i'imese wicked ilays of carnal show. " - iiI I hind cock ( catimors In my imnt Anmi vore a white Ilic Intuit slmmmwl , Jet bracelets ammmi it strikc mime ( haL I imitil a 'eilnw PmmrltsOl. , I simudler mms I thmimmic at wlmemm I wore timom4o alimfUl , emirniti clotlmes , 1mm xmmmimmemmm I rciemmmtl'mi-tlItfl Gave nil ( imthmilmgmi to Sister Itoite. A'imrmlNt at hhimynrmi , ( "itirmigi ) Tmlbune' . Armmbassader Jinyard has placed hmlnmseif on ecormi us OpiOSOti to time appilcat'on of time lommroo mloctrlime to tIme Venezuelan boummmlary llsiUte , This revelatiomm mmced cxcto no aim- onlsimmmitmnt , The Monroe doctrimmo its verdi mmd solely American , ( ---1 - - - Highest of all in Leavening Powcr-Latest IT. S. Gov't Report Bakii ftoyal Powd