Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1896, Image 1

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[ nsnrgnt9 Turn Cannon on a Spanish
( , , IteMrrvP 1'orcc , 1tiiiuIrd In
Sztvc ii Cnilikrii , ble Ieti.cli-
l&I.II t fif. I1.I icr , ,
' froii 1)cst ructlnii.
X'rep I'ublIIiIng
( CopyrgIit. by
1fAV4 , Cuba.prIi 21-Ucw York
rhi Cablegram-Special Telcgram.-Ter- )
rifle tlghtlng nt Zatija has just been reported.
74uJn is at the mouth of the Jobato river ,
on Lhe soutlitrii toast of I'tierto Principe
provthce. A strong insurgent force , wtth
two rapid firing cannon , recntIy anded
froiti the United States , beMeged the Spanh
troops in the fort there for five days , The
InMurgent forcc , mid to have numbered
: L&oo. 'ero commandOd by flodglz ! , Itabi ,
Capote , Itojas flnI ( others , The Spanish of-
final report ntlmatea that the omclnla of
the so-called Cuban ovcrnniont v.cre pres-
One rapid firing gun was innnne1 by Amer-
Ican. One hundred and cloven shelI In
all ralijed on the fort. Th wutor iippIy
wa cut off by the rebel artillery restroyllig
a rcscrvo r. The commander of the fort ,
CaptaIn I3rnaI , refiiecd to yield. lie ts
rate ! to have been informed by the rebel
Ineeseliger who bare the demand for sur-
t render that "the company , " that Is , the Insurgent -
surgent , lost thirty-three dead In the first
day's fight.
The be&gcd soldiers suffered horrIbly ,
They managed to get word to General Mu-
nez , VlI ( ) formed a column of 500 men at
Mauzanlllo , which was carrted to 7.auJa on
four gtinboatti flfl(1 two tugboats. W7hen the
relief column landed the leuurgcnt retired.
'ritey ' were ptiro'ued a short dirtanco.
atsicral Mtinez found th remains of a
large camp , from which lie cstimate9 the
number of tlii' enemy. 'l'hc Spanish loss was
only eight wounded. That lo the substance
of the Spanish account of the engagenient.
IteY. Dr. Iiaz had obtained permission to
renlnln in Cuba three or tour days to ar-
rouge for the care of the Iiaptt church
property , which Ia valued at $100,000. Mr.
Iaz : ti3'i the 1IZIItllt ) ( fllIriOll must be
abandoned for tile prerent. Ho attributes 1il
arrest to religious opposition , but the gov-
orlinluit ( l'flleS
niaiIpox Is spreading ire Matanzas prov-
General Macco rends word through the
Ilnea to 1112 frIends , in answer to nerai
Weyier's offer to pardon nil the rebel leaders
DII the outside of the troclia In l'lnar dcl 1110
provInce , that he wIll never tirrender. The
( laltiltioss cavalry leader is again ln0vi1g ,
and the Spanish columns under General In-
clan and Colonels Dubos and Villa are tryIng
to check hk' courco. l3andcra and Macco are
taking ( lItrerolt tllrectlons. It iooko as It an
attack will 1o made on the trocha soon.
Two small rebel band tinder l3ermudez and
Salnz are rUII)0od ) to have crosrd the barrier -
rier Iart night iiear the .3t1thern coart.
General Woyler Is stIll crnfldent' that Con-
oral Macen cannot escape. lie thinks Ills
offer of pardon will cause the leaders of
small bands wIthout fool to eurrentier , atiti
that their exaitiple wIll be followed by the
leaders of larger bands.
\'omen anti children arc trooping Into tue
SpiiIsit camps front tito famine itrickon dis-
tricts. General Macco Ls recrrlng all hID
Xood for tile fighting men.
Siii ninrdM 1t'II'I IL VIgornii Ailacic by
Ilu I , , MtrI'IIt lliiiitI.
- lS3 the As.oclated I'ress. )
- rCopyright ( , , by
hAVANA , April 24-Dlspatcltes recctvo1
hero from Mnnzanliio , vrovluce of Santiago
do Cuba , give details of the gallant defense
of Fort Zanja , near Canto , by a email force
of Spanish Uoops. The fort , It appears ,
, beheiged by about 3,500 Insurgents of
I the provinces of I'iterto I'rlnclpe and San-
tItgo , tie Cdba , commanded by Rodriguez ,
flabI , Capcto aiitl others. riie attack of
tim Insttrgcnts was carrIec on with vigor
for four ( ( ) * , tiuring which the detachment
of the troops defended the place day and
atiglit , ultitotigli the soldiers suffered terribly
from lack of water.
'Fite Instngents itad with theta two rapid-
1rIitg gullS. One of titein belenged to Itubi's
calitintl atiti tito other was recently landed
2etlr Gtiaynbaii , and was inantied by 1tinerl-
can gulltters ,
The latter made excellent practice , firing
: iir tdiots from their Piece and destroying
tlto entail reservoirs used for the storage
of s'ater , ridtiiiilg tue barracks , beating
iioii'ri the storehouses 011(1 doing great damage
to the fort Itself. Three times the litsur-
gents sent messengers to Ilie fort offering to
accept the stirreniler of the garrison with
honors. but the Spaniards refused to give
tIP the light , ahtti fighting with grcat en-
tltiislastti. announced their Intention of accepting -
cepting death before surrender. 'l'Iio be-
itavlor of ti1e Spaniards so inlproseell the
nu'ssenger of the insurgents , that , after ltis
visit to the fort. Ito decided to remaIn under
the Sitanleli flag.
He said that tile instirgents , ( luring the
first tiny's flgiitliig , lost thirty-three kIIIel ,
muons them being the insurgent Colonel
l'citil , i'Ito hail recently landed in Cuba ,
and that In additloii , tue enetny itad inaity
vottnilcti. Tue messenger ivits tiriablo to
say how xtiatiy Itistirgetits ivero killed dur.
lug tite other day's fightIng. The garrison
only hail eight melt iv utttietl.
Neirs of tile sIege of Fort Zanja was car-
nod to Manzanllio and General Mtinoz with
a coltittilt of troops sooii afterivard left that
city on board four binall gunboats antI two
tugboats For tite river Canto , tutu. protecte'J
. ' by the gtltls of tlto war bilips , the troops
vero lsndtti at two lohnts In the vicinity
of the besieged fort , The Insurgents 1(0 (
sooner saw the troops lauding tilall they
bent a hasty retreat. So sooit as all the aol.
diera vere asituro the column started in
Pursuit of Lii Iitstirgents , and fohloivctl them
to Jpgttez C4tltanlgan , where General Munoz
ciostroye.1 a large Cnil ) ivhiiclt itatl prp-
'iottiy beet ilto rendezvous of thu insur-
sent forces of hint district.
( 'aptaill Ailtoillo Sanchez Ilornal of the
Un Ic ii hat talioti , into cotu tu a ntleti t h a do.
tacititietit of troops whIch 0 bravehy held
the tort , baa been promoted to the rank
of Major aittt Lieutenant Victoria l'erez aiil
Sergeant LOretZQ ( Abastino have hieii itro.
cseti for the cross of Sait Ferdinando fr
vztlo'ous conduct In conveyntg wIer to
N the fort under tite fire of the enemy.
( 'aPtaIn Canos.t , at Soyllie , surprised an
inturgtnit caijip at tiiItt trilli a force of
IUorrliias , kllilflg eight insurgents , incbudlit ;
Calderln , the icader. Tito Spattish force hind
ailtto men wountleti , 'Tho "Wufllafl of lIterary
instincts , " wise has been liIlprIbant4 at Ar-
tciiilsa , itlovlnco of Plnar del 1110 , ttirn itt
to be the isIfe of Fretlrlco itlfoilso cue of
ii , LttsuEt'Ilt , SP * i ttttrel : with
otltertj with itaviilg btitet1 the vflItgc ci
Iahiubo , In the Ilisurgeiti camp& , It al''ear' '
alto always dressed in tunic attire.
. TItlED fl' COtlLF.MAItTl4i. ;
The Insurgent leadvr. Mariani ) Martinez
5Vl iUlhJUUl-l1OD ( tj POil SU.t. titzmuj
stlghit. The publIc IrnstItor tas asIJ i1at :
thu death penalty o Imilosstl ,
boilte Insurrents recently fired upon the
tuilitary him opposlti Ilte piantalioii of Canas
and retreated an wou a. Iltelr flr' iya cc-
turned ,
Colonel Narlo met the instirgenis at the
Canteras Clenea and attacke4 ai.l
them , fito troopi lureued th enemy tIronI.
, ptito woods near L.a Carboner. fZie itttrgcii's
left eight killed anti four rltla Ill fiiei'
ilight , 'rite troops hati four wunlel.
fr Captain Metilita. In command of tl' I el
guerrillas of La Jas. hats been engaged
In Insurgent Itand Which had fortilkil tIE If
at the iJatey itiaiitatlott near l& eII.t Ie
troops dIslodged the etenty , iIt left twelve
killed on the ficid , as well as a quantIty of
arms , anti retlreil with a number of wnuniei ,
A squadron of cavalry , while pursuing the
lrtstirgents ttt Auras , killed five 0' thteni , Ta. "
local guerrllias at Catabazas , In Sagua dIn-
trict , have Itati a brush with the insurgents
and klik I ttrLo ) of thsm.
Colonel ( , at'l1a , whiIl rcconnolte.1nr near
( huirra , thIs province , hinti a oklrn.'sh w'th
the insurg.nts under Antonio Calero. The
000lflY left SeVen killed anti one man wounded
on the field ,
A dctahtnent of the ilamburano battalion ,
near Cienfuegos , while reconnoitering
wttindeil , two insurgents and ff11101 Alvarez ,
their leader.
WhIle reconnoitering in the cane flcis at
the plantation of Valdlvizi , after the recent
engagement. with tlte Insurgents , Alden -
den , In coinmanti of tiio'Spanlaa forces ,
found tue bodIes of thirty-seven mttre iii-
surgenis who had been hcliled bi' the troops.
Tli Invettignticn Into the conduct of Colonel -
onel 11chevarrla for his failure to relieve the
Aifotiro Trece battalion 'it the engagement
of San Claudia has terminateti favorably to
the colonel and ii , ita.i been restored to his
command , A column consisting of the bat-
taliori of Cantabria lied a stilt brush with
the insurgents in effccthig a laudIng at
Cortei , In I'Innr dcl Itlo , to reiiforce the
cottimna operating agaInst Macco In titat
province. Tue celuflin was protected ii'hllp
landing by two gunbcits , the guns of which
swept tito iteach , wltichi was held by the in
oiirgents , The landliig was nttue untler other
dlfl1ultler , as the wharves ittl store. ' were
burning. On this account It was found ccc-
carary to throw the borecs overboard antI
tverai of thieni ivere drowned. It va'
found quite impossIble to laud provIsions.
The rcport eays the troops after landIng went
in ltirauit of tite incitrgotit , , svhto ieft twenty-
one killed , Many citizens roro roruei wlto
were bc'iig held prisoners by the rebels. Tue
ptirsiitt was kept up to the village of Fe ,
thIrty-five insurgnts hieing killed.
Tite ateamer Montevideo has arriveti here
with a battalIon of engineers numberIng
1,000. The houses in the town were decorated
antI th0 newcomers were received with much
enthusiasm. A atory I. . In circulation hero
that Macco L greatly dI'gusted because
Gotncz itas designated Calixto Garcia as the
general-In.cbtargo of the insurgent army , re-
serv'ilg to himself thi0 command cud the
stiprenle leaderehip ot the revolutionary gov-
ornment. -
Details of an outrage sala to have been
committed by the Insurgents in I'Inar dcl
Rio have be'n received here. It Is alleged
that thit , Insurgent chIef gave an order for
tlto execution of thrco vcli known old-time
.SDanlSlt residents named Joaqttln ilarquin ,
BIas I'eraland Andres Delgado. The order
was given that a nyaterious disappearance
of these tiien should be effocecl. Tltcy were
clocoyoti to Mantua , In I'lnar ilel Rio , on some
pretense. by an associate Insurgent leader ,
flainon Laze , wito took his victims to the
woods on horseback , where tltey saw thie
ropes prepared for hanging. Senor llarquIn
thteri saId to Senor Poral , "I fear those ropes
are for its. " Senor Poral titercupon fell from
1ii4 horse with an attack of syncope and
died. Senor Delgado , maOaenetl witht rage ,
exclaimed : "I wIll not tile Infamously at
your hands. " lie quIckly encircled his own
neck with the rope and eptirred lila horse
to a gallop , and so was strangted after shoutIng -
Ing "Viva Espana. "
Senor Iiarquln awaited his fate more coolly.
IIt thiought the branch to whlchi lt was to
be hanged was not strong enough to bear
his weight and implored his captors to re-
mayo tito rope to a stronger branchi. Ills
tears proved well founded , for tue branch
gave way and its fell to thte grotind halt
strangled. 110 pleaded for hi life , but was
strung tip a second time , and tiiI tIme ito
died , ItIs brutal executioners ltanglng to htls
feet to Ini'uro his death. Senor I'eral's dead
body was then hung up with tlo others. The
neIghborhood is terror.strtcsen ,
To ! steamer Montevideo , whilcht arrived
today , brought Jurln Urigla , accused of be-
lag the principal agent In the forgery by
which Belmont. & Co. , tIle Now York bank-
ore , sycro defrauded of several thousand del-
hare. Police Inspector TrujIllo conducted
hIm ashtore.
, Thto battalion of engineers which arrived
wIll go to I'Inar del Rio , where they wIll
work on the new military lIne. At Sagita
the in rgent leader , Lieutenant Caries
Morales , and six armed privates have surrendered -
rendered In compliance wIth General Wey-
her's proclamation promising them liberty ,
Colonel Ilernandez lies met 000 insurgents
tttitl Inflicted tipon the band cC Dchgatlo the
loss of ten killed wIth th e machete charge.
Colonel Ahbergol met the bands of Agtilrra
aitd Valencia to tite ntimber of 1 , OO , near
Aguacate , Havana province , and inflIcted
upon theni a loss of five hclllcd , the troopa
having three wounded. Tltey again fought
at Jumbatiera , near Aguacato , anti the in-
surgcnts left tweitty kIlled , withi their arms.
They also carried off numerous wounded.
MADItID , April 24.-Scsior Canovas dcl
Castlilo usa. declared tltat. the Cuban rebels
itro convInced thtat they will not be recog.
nized as belligerents and tltut thtcy are ,
thieretoe , greatly dIscouraged , lie says 1,500
of thetti itavo recemttly yielded and thlat if the
cotlrr0 is continued at title rate the govern-
tntiit wIll offer them Inducentents to sur-
render. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NE % ' 1i.NLcINr' lOit MiXICI ) .
Xii tIovil ihitnie Sstt'n& I'rnin'tei1 Iii it
lull SO iiitht ( ii O ( ( ) tIti'eflI4
CITY OF MEXICO , April 24.-A general
banking law , of great Importance to the
future development of this country. has becti
proposed In tite form of a bill submItted to
congress by tile Finance aeparttnent. The
NatIonal Bank of Mexico , witichi is a pri-
s'ato instItution , always contended that char-
tore grantoti for loeah banks in various parts
of this country wore in violation of the terms
of Its charter , btit that oppnition ho prac-
tlcalhy overcome and the bank will receive
a money indeitinity for relInquishing It
rhghtit. The mInImum of capital stibscrlbed
for any new tanhc , wIll be acout $500,000 , all
of which , or at least one-halt , ohahh be paid
Ut ) In cash before tue bunk cotnmencott busi-
11588. Cash on hmand shall never be less titan
half of Its notes in circtilation , ihtis this
aitialint of tile tleposits at call. No bank
shuli be allowed to Issue nets , ( Or an amount
exceedIng three tlnies Its paid-up cnpliah ,
Notes shah not hie a legal tender , and noito
shtall ho IssUed for less titan 5.
'I'ii'U'IillON ' , , IIIII hl ( Nt't'iii'I. ,
LONDON , April 21.-Thio Field says : "Lord
Dunraven's wIthdrawal of the Valkyrie III
has hiatt a good effect In the senate's paid.
lug Senator 11111's huh ( to authorize revenue
cutters to keep a clear cotirsa at yacht
races ) , but until torpcdo catchers are suhi.
stituted for cevenuo cutters tite ItroPosell
retnethy appears very inadequate. .It cruisers
vcro appointed to clear a course , it mIght
eastly lead tu a sort of naval actIon anti
uaclcss stilts In tue atimiralt ) ' court unless
thin lull citipow era this United States govern-
maclit to control time AtlantIc. Thu only i'eal
reittedy is to educate the excursionlsts to a
scnctJ of fair Play , "
( ; nl iir A hit' hirnsIl 'I'rntlt' , :
LONDON , April 2-Tiio Times says it is
credIby Informed tltat this North German
Lloy'l ' Steantshtlp company is asking for ten-
tiers ( or the building of fire ateaimiers of
5,00Q bus each for the lirazll trade ,
, lhl lii. , Cittlit' 11111 ,
LONION , April 24.-The Daily News states
It is ahmost certain the cattle disease bll !
lookIng to tito restriction of the ImportatIon
or Canadian cattle ivill be nbaothtnetl by tue
governineilt , _ _ _ _ _ _
Oit'iil ( it. Cii tin Is for 'l'i'n file ,
OTTA"t't'A , Oat. , APril 21. Thio st. iw.
rettee amid Snult canals ii'hhb ite tipsitc.l . on
May 1. It Is possible that ttt'chIand canal
whl be open1 a few days earl'er ,
A , ' &rt'iitliue's L'VtiIt lot' ) , , , - ,
IIUENOS AYJt11S , April 21.Thie ArgentIne
cabinet favors the stiggusted t'iula of ( lie
settleinc'itt of ( hit , frontier dIfhl'eulty with I
Chili. _ _ _ _ _ -
l'liisctt ShI'eit4hiii iii CtIi1Ifl ,
I.O'IriN ; , i\lrll 3.-Thic Times hiac a dls.
l'aVh ' frr I , ' Slngoptio % vbleh says that the
I lug' Is pri'.i 'lag in C anton ,
Small Band of British Troops Makes a
Sortie anti is Repulsed.
tt1eIiiit to Siirprle ( lie Mittitijele
\'nrrInrM itostilts III a iittr.l PIghtt
( ( lilt ii Victnr' for ( lie
( Copyright , II41. by the Apsocinteti Prei.s. )
CAPE TOWN , April 21.-Telegraphic coin-
muiticatlon wIth Iluiuwayo was reopened for
a time today anti then there was anotltcr
break , believed , however , to be only a toni-
porary InterruptIon. During tIme time thto
wIre was ivoricing dIspatches were receIved
froiti t'everal sotirces In the besieged town.
The news flashed south Is somewhat con-
dIeting , but tue tnaln facts seem well es-
tabhishied tltat the British have made a
cortlo In force , cncounterCd large numbers
of Matabeles , InflIcted great loss upon them ,
suffered In return , wore at one time iii
danger of annihtlla.tloa , amid fitially retreated.
Thin story cf thie light lutist be divIded Itito
two citaptero , the official report and the uu-
omclal account.
The otflcial version of tito sortie says that
the BrItIsh force , shortly after mntdnlght.
was quietly called to arnie , amid without
appareitthy alarming the native part of tlio
town a force of about 300 men under Cap-
talus Napier and Duncan , with one Maxim
rapId-fire gun and a llotchikis quIck-firing
gun belonging to the ltagsliip St. George ,
niustererl outside tlto barbed wIre fences
voro served with a ration of ruin and sail-
died UI ) for a tiiii at the oncmy'e lInes.
Swords anti all clatierimig accouterments
were deadened wltht clothes and the horses
composing the advance guard were "bagged"
( htoofs covered wIth strotig sacking ) . Owing
to thiee precautions there was considerable
delay in getting off and tlio fIrst streak of
gray on the horizon could be seen witon the
colunin arrived within striking dIstance of
thio enemy. The latter were quietly camped
behilmid their stone topped earthworks , about
four mIles from Iluhuwayo , But , contrary to
expectatloti , the Mataboics hind thrown out
pickets , whichi , althioughi itirprised by the
advance guard , raised the alarm , Title was
Ito sooner done than the troopers In advance
charged anti simot down mnany of the fleeing
natIves. ThIr , vas the signal for the nil-
vance of thte maIn hotly of the trooprirs amid
tltey galloped forward In fine style to the
support of theIr comrades. Unluckily for the
plans of CaptaIns Napler and Dtiitcan , by
thIs time it % 'at' getting quite light anti the
Matabolc had iprumtg to arnie all along the
lIne. As the BrItish advanced they vera
receIved by a scatterIng rIfle fire from behind
the earthworks , but the advance guard
charged right up to the niotinds and spurred
their htorses over them in tveral places.
Then fohlowed a setback for thte troopers.
The Matabeles charged In force and drove
the advance guard back , anti being met by
thto main body of the lluluwayo force , fire
\vas opened at about 400 yards on thte Mata-
beles' posItion. This was kept up until
broad daylight , when thte atlvance was
ordered , In view of this fact that too much
ammunition was beIng wasted.
Up to this time tflte los on either sk1 had
not been lteavy , although this Matabeles had
by tar the. worst of it , especially whten thte
Maxim and } lotcltkiss guns were brought into -
to play to cover this retreat of this ativance
Jurt previone to the citivance on the Mata-
behos' position , the two rapId-fire guns were
again set to work anti for about a quarter of
an hour they ivere made to sweep thte Mata-
beles' Position in front of the flrltlshi force.
When the right mnomuent seemed to arrive ,
the charge was ordered anti thicre was a
prolonged period of sharp fightIng at cloae
quarters. Piatole , rifles , shotguns , war chubi ,
spears and knives clashed prettIly , the music
of this rapid-fire guns , sent to the rear for fear
of their Iteiimg captured , htavitmg ccasei.
Bothi shtlert foughtt bravely. It ivas a case
of a Itanfiful of well armed whites against
a small army of badly armed Mtabeles , Tie
former were figittlug for the helpless wonton
and children In the beeagured town of Iitiiu-
w'ayo ; thto latter ivere fightIng for what they
considcred to be their own , their natIve land ,
( or lluitmwayo , thin old capital of ICIng
Gritltiahly this Matabeles pressed onward by
sheer force of numbers , aimost rjrrountleil
the Liritish , who , to avoid being encircled ,
retreated flghitlng foot by toot , but being
driven steadIly back. One equad for a
time watt quilts ctit off , and only extracted itself -
self by a brilliant charge ttrougii the Mata-
behe cordon ,
- Eventually , the flritisht were very herd
pressed anti gave ground fast ; tlieii m'ailletl by
Napicr aitd Dtincan , they again assumed the
crfcneivo and drove back thte enrarmns of
natives under a ss'ell directed flee , Thten It
\i"as the turn of thie Matahehes to gIve ground ,
amid a oiiafi of troopers chargIng with a ringing -
ing cheer , thirsts' them into confusion and thtn
hiritlahi were apparently gettIng tile tifl2C
hand and slowly forcing this enemy backward ,
when sudilettly thie retreat was ordered , anti
the Iirlttsht retritetl tow.ird iluluii'ayo , which
llace ) thtey renehisti considerably the ivorso
for ivear anti tear.
Muichi heroism was displayed by itidivitlual
lhrltlsli troopers anti volunteers in rescuing
their \s'otlntletl comrade. , . On trooper is
said to have charged alone clco up to the
Matebteic ivorks , to have picliefi tip a wountled
friend , dragged hInt upon bla ratidlo anti cc-
treatetl , after emptying time magazine of his
rule at thus eneumty. Amiothuer trooper stood
over ii fallen comrade anti with the stock of
htls rifle beet off the natIves until both his anti
hIs frienti ivera reecueti by a charge of their
ceinraties ,
'rite losa of the enemy P. saId to have been
very great , No correct estimate could be
mmmdc. but the reports place t1tt number' of
Matabehes killed at lietiveen 400 auttl 1,000 ,
The loss of the llritisii in not stateti , but it
is behieretl to ho more severe ( lien this cent-
manders at tiuluwayo are wIllIng to admit ,
The unofficial account of the sortie places
ituatters In a somewhat dIfferent light , i
says thorn was a great deal of unhiece3ry
ieiay in gettIng the troopers away front
litiluwayo , ciii ! that It ii'as almost tlayhlghtt
when thtey itarted , Consequently vhton they
encountered the Matabebe.s they' found the
attor fully prepared to receive timetu. Tiici'o
vas determIned Ilgl&t'ng & on hiothi aldos at
lo'o range , atid the liritisli , whets alniost
urrouiideti , retreated , fighuting stubbornly ,
ivith the loss of many killed aiii wotmodel ,
In brief , the annIe ias a failure , a defeat
ror tbto lirltish , and , what Is worse Littler time
lrctiuiietances , ( hero was an expenditure of
ituchi of the ' , naIl stock of antlutinitlon cc-
tmainlng at jluitiwa'o ,
The Mataboles ore believed to ha Ilushied
tub victory. They hare driven back fntp
luluwayo a strong force , about half the gar-
.it'ouiJ ctj h.iat place , and thtouihi thtuy stifferefi
taverely , tb0 loss in prestIge and ammunItion
0 thio llrltIt'i is much mare severe ,
F. C. Selous , the explorer , with a e'qtiati
if fifty troopere , was last roiorted on ills'
tRy to Mangwo to complete this repali's of
Ito telegraph hums at Fig Tree and protect the
'Ito as far as polbIo from marauding hand's
if Mutabehos ,
Further particulars received front hiuluwayo
It regard to the sortie of the iiritith : hiow
hat when tue Matabeie ittain tody was first
antic out , about four tithes tvest of fluluwayo ,
ito enemy occupIed a ridge , emi top of which
icro the earthi'orks and stone parapets , and
i'ere Itropared to r'ceIvo tue flritish force ,
onecqucnthy a slIght detour was in.ide tO aS
0 brIng ( I.e column slIghtly uuorilt of llultm.
vayo. The enemy were found to be coverIng
our miles of well selected positions on tue
orthi bank of the Umguza river , After fierce
lgbtlng the natives drove the Ilrltlshi back
nd dowii ( Ito bank ,
Crossing the river in this retreat , F , C'
blocs had a aarrow est"ape. lila horse wa.
Illed In utiltiotream and ito became cittautohed
lii the etirrups. When ho extricatel himself
lie was lialf-tirowneti and w ultl intro stink
had it not been for Lleutcinnt Wintlisy , who
swamn his horse out Into the anhtlille of the
river In the face of the fire of the enemy ,
rescued Sehous and reached the heft batik
without Injury.
\S'hten the lhritieh rallied * ntl drove back
the Matabelea tiiey were engaged with only a
portion of the Mataiielo force ani soon as
the enemy swarmed over th ritlge in large
numhiers they almost surrountied the firitish
antI the latter were comupehieti to retreat ,
The rquatl of troopers , provolulsy etaiti to
have been for a time quite cult off anti only
abbo to extricate Itself by a brIlliant charge
thiroumgh the Malabele cordon , was Captain
Gray's scotits. They were to a certain degree -
greo ambushisti and almost in the hands of
the eneniy , when by a tiez'perato rush they
extricateI themselves.
It Is tiow saId that bptht the Ilotchikiss anti
the Maxim rapid-fire guns worked badly anti
( hint they were only iteoth for a comiipnrativeiy
short time , as the inechtanleim jatuimeil repeat -
peat edly.
No correct estimate ot' thu. killed or
wountleti line yet been reqoIvotl , the only
statemnent ninile on the subject beiig ! that of
tim omclal report , which say that thio 1lrIt.h !
loss was very slight aiid that the Matabelos
lost heavIly.
The impression Is gaIning ( lint time llritishi
suffered a bati defeat and that the Matabelo
hors was utot o great as at first reported.
LONION , April 24.-A ilk'patchi from
Cape Town to thto Times eays it Is reverted -
vorted front Johiamtnesburg that numerous
floor s'agcia , all In charg0 of white men ,
wIth no ICatlIr drivers , Are leavIng l1reinrla
with amnitinition antI field equ.ptiieiits ,
theIr dsetlnation being unknown. Tue floors ,
It Is further said , are Ia copatant cotnmnuni-
cation with tlto artillery canip front which
thiei.'a wagons load anti tiepart ,
LONDON , April 24.-The Daily Telegraph
ha. ' , a tlispatchi trout Gwolo , Mataboieland ,
which says an epidemic of Influenza is rag-
tug thicrit and timat 50 per cent of the troops
rehloa on for defence are sufferbig from It.
ItliLOhtM l.iiAh1EItS PI.tI.tIJ GUII.'I'Y.
'l'rInl of ( Ito , Tztl1lM.i1 Gztii SiniihhIk-d
itt ( lie Sirt.
PRETORIA , April 24.-Thte court room was
crowded whtcn tlto case of the reform coin-
tnlttee rtrinors was called , but the crowd
was quite orderly and there was no demon-
stratlon , altitoughi tue towmi Is filled with
burghers and wIth candors. Great surprise
was caitseti by the prisoners pleading
"guilty. " Their action is regarded as
greatly simplifying matters.
The rinlerpest Is stIll making terrIble
ravages in licchttmanmtland , where thin natives
are klhltog what rcmnains of thtoir cattle In
order to supply food with which to sustalmi
thioniselver , A famulno is in vrospect , as the
herds are , In one way or the other , being
wIped out of existence. To make niatters
worse , the plague is attacking the sheep and
Politically there seents tobe a aught change
for tue bettor , due , no denht , to th in-
tlutne or BerlIn. It is cantered that the
members of thtc reforni Committee had boon
gIven to understand that they would be
leniently dealt with on 'condition that they
pleaded guilty of comispirimig against the gov-
ornament of Pretoria , and itisatldod that the
"reformers" ara only too gLid to escape at
any cost from this tIght fix in whticht they
find thtemasalves.
The chances of President Kruger visiting
Tngland , It is also 'aid , have Improved during -
ing the past few day.
Tue news which ht 'reached here from
England that reinforcemnetis Of , flrltlhu troops
are to be lturrled to the capolitw given great
satlefaction to the IlrtiBh ! ' orttcn . of. the
itopuintion and many have a , good. , effect in
other quarters. . ' ' - .
is FOItliIIlEN 'i'it'ttc It11LIElt' .
Aiiiet'iii .1 iiIssituimii' lii Aruiit'iuhmu
( Ii ii O1'tiet'.4 i ) I lie Cziim' _
LONDON , April 24-A , Comistantinople dii.
patch to the Chirottiche 'gays ; Ily an order
front Stambotmh , an , merlcln missionary at
Hadjin bait beemi forbhtidemj to give relIef.
The vail there has Thrinahla accttecl hint of
being the abettor of treason on this ground
of thi uretended uilacovery of nit insurrec-
tiottary plot , In conmtt'ction with whIch titany
young men liars beemi arrested. There are
muatty thirenis of a reneival of thto inasutacres
at IChiarput. Crowds of Armenlamis would
emigrate to America , but the governmnent
refuses its permIssion , T'phioid fever Is
raging all around , and it Ia unsafe for for-
oigtters to travel wIthout ami escort. Tue
niIsfona'Ies ci the Aniericnmt'boaud at IIa'Jjht
are Rev. John I. Martin and Mrs. Mary I.
Martin of Dtmntiea , Quebec , ' Mrs. JosephIne
L. CoIling of Dreden , 0. , MIss Eumla G.
Bates of Ahitngcloti , Ill , , amid MIss Agnes E.
Swenson of Chicago.
I 'It'tiils GuIlty to high Teomistumi ,
PRETORIA , AprIl 21.-Mesutro , . Francis
Rhodes , Lionel PhIhhlpu and George Farrar ,
three memmibera of ( he Johmanneslturg reform
commIttee , pleaded guilty of high treason
today and the other macothers of time same
comntittro pleaded guilty of los majeste , but
wjthatmt hostIle intentions against this lade-
pendemice of the Transvaah , The case ivac
adjourned until Mcnday , witen the defendants
will be sentenceti.
LONDON , April 24.-This Daily News
says : "It Is statc.i that President Kruger
hilut unofficially prontiseti o remlt a portion
of the reforniers' sentencel. "
A dIspatch front Pretoria to the Times
says , regaruling the trIal of the reform coin.-
mittec of prIsoners : The prosecutIon withdrew -
drew all counts In the indictment , except
titouto to i'hmich the accused oleadeti gumhlty ,
John ilays Ifamtimonti and J. S. CurtIs were
absent on account of Illness , but they are ox-
pecteil on Monday , It hut undorstooci that
cogent reasons , which vlhl be publlshei
shortly , actumateti the accused In pleading
The Stanuiarti's Paris correepomident says
that this Temps huts a thlspatchi front l'retoria
eayhmug : ' 'It Is tlechavctl the prcsecuitioii in
the trial of thus natlomial reform comilmittee
will hrotiuce crushIng proofs of complicity i
against the Chartered South AfrIca corn.
P ii
iiCItPETOWN , AprIl 24.-Givermior SIr 11o-
cumles Itohlmimtomi has cabled time reply of I'rosi-
dent Kruger to Mr. Chaniborlain's invIatiomt
to visit Englanti to discusut time ultlatmders'
grievances to Mr. Chamberlain , TIto reply
atates in effect that I'reskicnt Kruger cannot
01 csently llrocee'l ' to Emilan0 , as his Irescnea
in the Tramisvaal is required by the Yolks-
inuim'i ii I ti it I'mtrhlnmitemuj . .l'r .rusriiiql.
OTTAWA , Omit. , April 24.-Tho sixth sos-
jIon of the Seventh Parliament of the Dominion -
minion wait prorogued Iateia9t nIght Ivithi the I
usual cermcntcs. LortiAberdesn was ac-
compenled from Rldeau hall y the cuts.
toutary mounted escort and wa. mecelvetl at
the l'ariiamnemtt buIldIngs by aguard of honor
while caimnomi boommied , A atotlon was mnnmlo
against the niothiod of purcharlmig fircarniti
and anumnurmitlon by liberals , but It was tie.
( cated antI 1O00,000 for this purpo.o was
paneeti. The supplementary estimates ivero
paeech as enibodieti in the atiliply bill , after
which the Contmon was Pummtioned to the
Senate amid dhemnlseed by Lord Alierdeni ,
IttGu'iuvje lCmuiiiii ' . % 'ihi Iteti it. ,
LONDON , April 24.-The , under secretary C
for foreign affaIrs , Mr. Geo'gc N. Curzon , in L
the House of Commons today , replying tea
a quuestiomb. said that 11ev , George P. Knapp , r
the American missionary , was chiargeti by
the authorities of HithIa with breakImug the
pPJco and stlrrlmig up the Jtrme'nlans agaInst
the Ttmrlcs , wito were thtereby moved to ro-
prlsais , Mr. Curzon atlded timat tue United
States legatlon , untier the clrcuntetances ,
consl'ioretl It best to arrange tue dIfficulty
by withdrawIng Mr. Knapp. Mr. Curzon
also said that Ito was qrt aware titat army
turs found in Mr. Knapp's posseson had
been seized r
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'i'Izt. for l.smt cii Cisjiimts UmilIumi f ,
I.ONDON , AprIl 21.-The Statist recently a
ffered a prize cf 1,000 guIneas for the best I
ss3y on this subject of imperial customa
iimtlon. The ccmuitliloq Is cmaled autth thit
im izij ivIll tie tiii'l'it'l between .1 , (1. ( ( ialni-m ,
icting C itimttis'slomtc'r fer Ca'aihs , sutti it. S C
% stttun. 'l'tit-ro uset , lId entros , ttuI tbi ti
titlgs ii'sro tan iiiai''iu a LI b l'ui.a ; t.J , Larch C
iIabialr ti
Spanish Commander in the Pillipines Sto
an Official Complaint.
Xtt tiit'n Coimuhulmu I ii of I hue 'l'rent uuieitt
Acooriieul hiy ( lit , Siumuhtili tfhiehuiln
unui hteiInrIs fit outrages
Atti I'uubhlshietl.
( Copyright , igw , by 1'ress I'ttbitshtng C'cttuipnny. )
M lIlI I ) , Spaimi'la Bayonne , Prance , )
AitrIl 24.-Noiv ( York \\'oriti Cablegram-
Special Telegramn.-Advices ) fromii Manilla ,
l'htihhlltlno Iriantiu' , report that tue American
consul titers , Isaac M. Elliott , flied a cable-
grant early in MaccIt for the State depart-
inemit \Vashiimugton , claIming that the vexatious -
atious cumstomtt hmouusc tttctlue.iut would compel
thio AmerIcan umuerclmants who had sfltled lit
that Spanish colony to abamidomi the r tratlo.
All tclegrattis dispatched froni Maitlhla mire
submnIttcti to ntmtlioritos before belmig sent ,
Gemucral lilanco causeti thmo Amimoricamu comi-
sul's cablegram to be tletaineti tmmmtii hu hail
tlimto to consult bothi tim local .coutmtcIl ( comtl-
posad of the loatlImig authiorlticut ) amid the
chief oihlclnl of time custom houmee.
'Flue customs ohhciah [ naturally declared that
time asrertlomis of thmo Anierican comiul amttl
mnercimamits were false , anti slated that ito
had emily applleti the regulatIons Imi force
against all exporters of products from the
I'liihhlplno Islamids.
lit cottBctluenco of this Irtmlry , accordIng
to thie Spammisim ohliclal versIon , the Aniericamu
consul comiuentett to caitcet iuis cablegram ,
which the Spamuish authorIties would not have
forwarded ammylmoiv.
Time govermtor general of time Phhhhlppimto
Islands has been arrested In Mammihia aitti
flataugas , it Is also reported from Spanish
saurces , and transported i'ithout trial to the
Souiou Islamids , tltat. tnamiy Inllucnital and
wealthy natives are accused of sejmarattot
amid autcttomntrt inclInations , whmllo mammy 0th-
era have fleti to Ilomig ICong amid Shmamigltat for
safety. Governor General llhammce asks for an
Increase of Spain's naval and milItary forces
itt the Phihllpplnes wIth a. i'Iow to check
thto natIves In time island 'of Mtntlauiao amid
thto separatists 1mm the witole Pacific colcmy ,
as vehl as to cottmtteract Japamtcse Iniluence
In the imart of tIme far eact.
The SpanIsh Itarty in Manihla wanted to
niake amttl-Atmiericami and vatriotio , iomomi-
strations , but Chic authorities forbd them and
took energetic steps to protect the Amncrlcamt
Spanish ad'icen attrlbuto tlte discontent
iti the Piulhihpine Islands to abuses Imi the
local administratiomi , tIme Inimorahlty of thto
Spanish oiflclahs atid , above all , to tIm Ijetty
tyrannY of time reigious ! orders , ivhilch time-
ticahly are more powerful titan thuo Spatmish
viceroys. A1tTIJUIt fi. IIOUGIITON.
TIme Phiihiplne Islande , 1,200 lii all , hying
In the South Pacific , are SpaIn's imiost valuable -
able cblonial possession next to Cuba.
ChLISIS 15 NO' % ' ON IN F1t.tNCIL
l'ojuuhuir 1)t'uuuotuOriittOliM _ tcctuluiMt ( lie
Seiuuttt oh tltt l'arls Stve'l ,
PARIS , April 24.-PresIdent Fauro put In
tue tiny imu conferetices wIth thtc political
leadora of time varlotis parties and M. flour-
gebis' successor is still umidetermlneil. M. .
Lobet amtsurctl the president that the Senate -
ate , having amrmtted Its constItutIonal lire-
rogatives , would imot offer any factious opposition -
sition , oven to a radical calilneL M. Brisscn
attti Poincaro ativised the president to forum a
radical repumbhlcami cabimiet , M. Fauro imati
oter an itotir' conversation wIth M. Mehimme ,
amid It is believed lie Itas asked him to
formmt a cabinet , its It was foreshiadoireti hto
weuid do last night , But M. Meilno wammts
a decree to dissolve tlto Chamber antI go
to tIme commuitry as a condition of his accepting
the reponsibihlty of fanning a cabinet , anti
this request l'rcsident Faure Imesltates to
agree to. This activity of the socIalists Is a
mmoticeablo feature of thu situation , amid
niaices It evldemit that lucy regarded a flour-
gcois cabinet as mnoro aptly represetitimug
timemim than any other they cami hmopa for.
Their wrath agaIimst time Senate Is corro-
spor.dlnghy deeps.-
An immimuemise nicetimig of the socialists was
iteld tonight at the Tlvoil Vauxhmahi to protest -
test agaimmst tlto action of time Senate. Thuotu-
sattds of persomme had to be turmioti away , as
they ivere unable to enter. Mumiy deputies
vero amomig those presemit. lit. Poiletan mmtad
an address to time hugo asmiemnbly , In which
lie declared tlmat the tInts hail arrived for
aetiotm , amid thtat thte PeoPle imiust no homiger
putt faith In words. MM. Juaros , Valliant
also 51)01(0. When a resolution watt pmm : eon-
.iiilng the Setmate arid advocating a revision
of the constittmtlon , there we'o cries fromn
all parts of tIme hail of ' 'Down with the
Semiato. " The mneeting finally broke up Itt
throttler , amid with violeumt shouts against thte
Senate. The republIcan guard of police
barred time way to the Place do ha Ilepumbhlque ,
anti in order to prevent the noIsy demomistra-
tore fromti reachIng the boulevards , they
turned thueni in time directIon of time Canal
MartIn. Several persons wore arrcstetl , A
few groups reachieti tue hmculovardut In spite
of tue efforts of the iohIce and paraded
mmolslly tip and dowmm , shouting "Dowtm with
the Semmate. "
The parade of the socialists in the boulo-
i'nmds cauod somiie umicaslitese anti prommmp.t
uiieastircs were taken to suppress It. The C
ilsorder tilti not reach serleums proportIons ,
timough MM. Juares and Senibat , deputies , 1
trIte Imeaded tiio llrOcossion , seeking to make
Ii tiemnomtstmatlon , canto ltito vIolent collIsion
wIth the police. M , Guerin , editor of thte
Llhre Parole , was also arrested.
Thmims demonstration is tIme first evidence
Immanifested of tumy general popular imtterest 'j
Iii thto political crisis , aimti It uueeina to hmave
bean time result of the Industrious effors of
lie soclahist leathers ,
Time newspapers agree that yesterday's 'oto
Iii this Cimaniber of Deputies has bromght the
oumstItutiomtah crisi.'m to ( it acute stttgo anti
lie majority of time papers aumtclpnto ! a dissa-
lutiomi of the Chamber. Timime course Ia ( a-
oreti by mummy of the senators ,
According to Gaulols , the new premier , r
, 'htoever hue may be , will appear in the Cbtamn-
er wIth a disselution decree 1mm hIs pocket.
Fhie Gaimlois adds : "its a resuilt of the ox-
eriment ii ithm a radical cablimet , PresIdent
Iauro htas reinlveti to take a determined i :
ttand upon thmo constItutional grounti , ttntl o
vIhl pursue a line of conduct in opposition .
.0 socIalist ramicor , "
, Time socialists regard time proceodinga in
hue Chamber Iii time light of a 'ictoiy , mind
iemmian'i the summiniorming of the imatlonal us-
omnbly ,
The comtservatves predict a prcsldoimtial
: rsls ! ,
Tito Sonata today umnanimoimely adopted thte
rethIL asked for Madagascar.
Itl , Angles tlten submnitteti a itr000sal for a 0
civislon of the constlttmtlumi and deniandoti
irgency cmi tIme question , Time propomtitlomm
ens rejected by a vote of 214 to 33 , and this
lenato adjourned ummtll Tuesday next ,
LONDON , April 21.-Tue Pariui corresponti.
at of tue Cbrcnicle says : At the socialist
neetlng a letter of apology for htis absence C
corn Id , Goblet causati an uproar antI simotmtmi g
If treachmory , M , Pohietan ticclmireti I'aris u
tact rise anti take another liastlle. An.
tiler revolution vas necessary , hick said , anil g
miothter oumutlaughit upon sucim strongiuohtlu , of b
impital as the Itotimutcitilds , Other speakers C
chewed in time samime strain , Somne blows Ii
ere struck outciule lii time conflict with tue oh
iohIco. Two journalists of the Llbro I'artulo ti
ere arreated , but were released In ten mum.
te. Itummiore of Presddemmt Fauro'mi realgmia.
ion tire rife , M , W'mzldochc-ltousscau Ia al-
cody a ceumter of attractIon as a posihhn tl
uuccessor. M. Fauru's fammihly arid cntotur.mge Z
aver his resIgnation , but tito president Is ft
made of sterner stuff titan was Casintim.
'crier. TIme valaco of Elysee is guarded to- a
ighut by 100 extra cavalry , U
The l'arjs cc'rreapoimtieimt of the Daily News ti
ay : It is stated this resIgnation of this
abinet was delayeti to citable the rmilnlsters
: m cunsut $ tim ittissian arnbasitIor , wimo tiis ,
ousgeti tIe rillcy of radical reshuttioce to flI
Ftc 'coate ,
teather I'orecast for Nebraska-
Generally Pair ; \Vutrmttert Southerly Wiutt1 ,
Slniul'hu , Miuk , ' us Stuiit.l thutit % 'Iuis ,
Neii , of hltitti , , frmuu hluilumwtun ,
I I I seouu I i'u I I mu t lie h' Imlll I huh ii u's ,
lrkhituiuu-Yutrtlt'-iuuhIt.r Afl'alrq ,
Inqo of the i4titt t' SiuirtIuut'ut's Shoot.
. , turl ilryutmi W'ut'u Not , l'ul'utmuc'i.
.rtolk Aslitunu lumuitmlry flt'gltt' .
- iii lion ,3. IoIgc thin Isiu.
thu. . , ! . I rout muI cii t lie A. I' , A.
t oritu I Co mit iii cmi t ,
. 5loMlftumi 11111's hut crests (1uarlcul ,
Nuu I I I I t'lt I ii t liti Vt'uu t'muu , 'la mm I uuquulry ,
lttittI I I eul ii I I uuum I ii I Ii e Seiuuu to ,
a , Coimuicil Iliti iTs 1.t'al ahiutters ,
7 , Coin umuu'rela I mu imul t'i uitumt'hrsl.
1Itisliues Itotietu' of I.tu't 't'ci.
8. ( 'wIterilts lrt'rilt hail of Egyutltumi Vnr ,
A ( Ta I ci. mu I Saum I Ii ( ) inn liii ,
I ) . l.mucuhui % htttt'u l'rttt'st't I'ustptnuctl ,
I I , 'ii ry I itll ii' , , Cut se Suthumu. i t I ' .h.
, tmlgt , IC ( ' ) sIut' MtIk,4 ii Correction ,
1 0 , I uu.'et , i mu itti 'L'hi el r I I lguml'.e.q ,
l'ot , r l'Ie en u r L'no r I'ei , lull , ,
1 1. ( .jiui''r hmahima of ( J.tiurt. aliiit'rs ,
I ii I lu t , A fri I ) in uiuoumti I ) I ggl mu g ,
Strttiugt' Stury of me letu.l lrutuuumuit'r.
in. ' 'hiuimuulletul.iuel , by I'itte. ' '
lilt , , t , f } emmi I iiiiu c (1 o'sI u.
li.tMONI ) 'l'hIltd'lIS UP mx COlJht'l' .
ioucrs at' 'I'uuivuii'uil llumrult-it's llnmuue
flu 'I'm'IttI Iii hnniouu ,
( Copyrlghtt , ThOIt. by 1'ret' l'ubhmrlulmig Camupany. )
LONDON , April 2I.-New York Woriti
Cablegram-Special Telegrani.-Tuirtier ) anti
Dunlop , tile scr'anta supposed to have robbed
tIme liurdeti resiulenco in New Yacht , ii'ero
arraigned today In time Marlborough street
pohico cotirt. 'l'imo crown solicitor withitirew
the clmarge agalumet thmeni of borig found In
illegal possesskmn of stolen jewels. It Imad nil
beemi arranged In atlvammce and the lrheommers
wore duly dlachuargetl. But Iii the jailer's
room , iiIthicr they i'cre comutiucteti , Inspector -
specter flare rearz'eotcul them on extradition
warrants granted by Sir Johumi lirItige.
Thc warrants are for bumrglary committed -
ted within time jurisdiction of the Ummited
States of Amnerica. They were read to the
prisomuers , who made no remarks. Time two
mmmen were thien taken to 110w street , Sir
Joltmi Bridge's oxtrauiltlcri court Is a very
small , dingy , colti , chiocrlcuta roont on tlte
third floor. Sir John is commaldorcil the best
aumthmority In Engiantl en critiminal law. lie
listened attentively to the evidemico totlay ,
anti frequently imiterruiptetl both
anti cotmni'eh. Dunlop was the liret to outer
the dock. lie was fohioivetl by Turner , into
rmiulicd as lte eteppeti hi , and lmook hmatitis
warnmhy with hmimi sister anti brotlter-In-laiv ,
mIte mere sittIng jumst behInd the dock ,
Botht Itrisoners thmemu tutriteci towarti the
magistrate , after depaaltiug two glossy silk
hats on tile bench In the dock. Dummiop
looked tito imiiago of respectability , as lie
stood bolt upright iii time dock In lila well
fittimig overcoat , his hiantis hmoldimig a pair of
lieu. leathmer gloves outd resting atm the rail
in front of him , At first lila features
twitcited nervously now and timen amid Ito
looked aroumntl rathuer anxioumly , iicrhtaps because -
cause of the tardiness of hiI lawyer , Mr.
lIeu , whose late arrIval obviotmsly annoyed
tlmo magistrate , as It. necesatt.atod tto read-
lag over of rotne evidence.
Turne'r is a typIcal gcntiemtman'mu servant ,
but time hackneyed term "gentlontan's gen-
theman" coulti not ho applIed to him Dark ,
ivithi hIgh chock bamios tund a btahit of licking
his hips , lie can scarcely be called prepos-
easslog. Turner evidently took keen ititerest
in time proceedings. lie leaned forward
eagerly every time hIs lawyer turned arommnd
Lo asic hIm a qumestion. Dtinbop rtood through-
Dut thte proceedIngs like a meiammcholy statue.
Turner' often entiled.
Evidence for tile prosecution was givemi
gllbiy by four detectives , ii'Jmo hind butmdlos
of tiocuniemits in front of titem. The recov-
trod jewels more protluceti for inspection.
1.Iaglatrnte Sir Johtn hooked at them listlessly ,
halt umnrolled the broad flammimol bolt to which
time tllamnoitds wore sewed , amid then let It
irop agaIn , no his eye waildered back to the
prisoners. All the spectators saw was aim
occasional glitter as the light caught. a face
if the dlamommd. Sir John did mmot deign to
look at the mems again , tltciughm they lay on
his table until the enti of the Imearing. Tltcn
they were put back into tlt famous black
bag ,
Itiring time taklmmg of tht police evidence
rttrmmom"s lawyer otmmphiasizetl the polmtt that
to jewels wore found on Tumrner anti titat
bo might not have known wltat Dummlop hmad
En the bag. Time lawyer eventually thus made
on immijmrcu.sloti and evidently Interested the
ithgstrate. !
\V. a. Lantler , Turner's brothmor-in-'aw ' , a
ypical EmtghIsiirnan , was rather too talkatIve
:0 : b a good ivitmtesp. lie knew little anti
eritaps wantoti to say less. Ills testimony
; htewcd titat this prisonera arc not standumig
ogethmcr ; thmat their Interests are likely to
: onlhict , While George lIeu was croas-ox-
tmtiinlmig Lander , ivhiotuo evidence hail tended I
.0 show that Turner mmtlght have kmtowrm miotlt-
ng of thto jewelry , Sir John broke in :
" 1 see yotur drift. You are using a very I
langerous weapon , sir. "
"I omit defentllng Dunlop , " was tue answer ,
"Go on , go on , " saiti Sir Johmn , scanning
us words slowly ; "assist justice. "
hell apparcimtiy was. tryimig , for .some rca.
On whlcim mill pmobahmly develop durIng the
rial , to citeck the defense that Turner was
tot ; immipllcatcul lii tIne possession of time jeiv. I
us , rallier than to diacmilpato his own client.
A fact wlmichi Puts Turner 1mm a tightt place
5 thmmut his chteck boolt was found in the bag
mong the jewels , and thmat thus bag Is hits.
hiIs was sprung ummiexpoctedly cmi Imiut counsel ,
rthitir Newtomm , rallier disconcerting hiimn , as
toUting was htrevlutmsiy kaoivn of the check
took htavimtg been tllscovered. 'rue priutommers
Li'ketl no questio'ns , replying almost irmautil.
iy "no , sit , " each ( line they more asked
r they wlshtctl to tie so.
\'lten time remmiamiti tIll mmext Thiurmiday was
; rammtetl. Nciwictn asked that Turner might ,
to pem'mltteti to ceo hmitu sister. 'Fhicmm Bell
equtested that some of ( lie .mumtey fotmnfi on
) ummlop be hiandeil to hilmit for food ; ljtmt
hir Joitmi remarketl that tie vrlson atmtluorl-
lea lirovltlo food , arid Inspector hare opposctl
Ito tiemnand , on the ground that thmo money
II probably thuo proceeds of the sale of sommie
f thus milolcn itropcrty. Turner' ii'as takeum off ,
ml smiles , in cute tiircctlpn to meet friemmts
rIte will provitlo huimmi witiu evei'ythuing tue
rit'on authoritIes mill perummit , autti Immuuiop
ins jeti baclc to hula cell as sad as oveu' ,
rlentlles'a and alone ,
At tim close of time proceedings Mr. fluid.
0mm , an English cmnployo of thto American
mnbaiay , who jenerahiy Stt , to legal mat.
era , thoumgim his ordinary itositlomm is that
f translator of embassy eudo teiegramns ,
end a telegram anmtoumnclng tIme saIlIng of
Ir. amid Mrs. Ilurthtin ,
Ctm I t it' flis'musc liii I Ilmmiuiumuhu , , i- ,
LONION , AprIl 21-The I'ahl Mall Ga-
etto'iu Lobbyist sny it Is evident train the
Itaracter of this dclmumtaion of fariumers end
razlcrs of Nom'folk autul Suffolk whlcim is'aitetl
pen Mr. Waiter Long , luresldent of tlto
card of Ags'lcuiturc' , yesterday , urglumg thin
overnmntsit to abandomm the cattle disetw'c
lii , contendimig thmat there is no disease iii
anadisit cattle amid titat there is no lick in
imuorting them , Irititcatos , togethier with
imer thevehopuientut , thtat tue governimiont will
ave dhtlIculty imm passing the immeasuro ,
hi'litu , ) f 'l'u'nuihlt , iii 'l'uIrltl'y ,
CONSTNTINOPi.fl , AprIl 21-Ia view of
to apl'uelntmnermi of a Muussiiiuumm governor of
eltouti , the iiiuibssatlor of thus iowors have C
rmiiaily domamitleti titat thit' TurkIsh goy-
riummient respect Its cngagetnoqts amid appoint
Chiris'tiaui governor , As titis tliepatchm is
tIit the auimbassadors are in ucsIott anti
Iscussing tiio mnatter ,
; ct , Orul or ( IC lCuuiglm I hmnoil ,
I.ONhON , lIil 24.Thie Gazette art
, iuices ( lint ii iiutv oudor of knIghthood , the r
- - . .u VictrrIafl , has been created ,
- - J
_ _ _
Some Purther Airing of Aristooratlo Lines
in London Divorce Courts ,
. .ttuterlesun'I fe of mu Noiule lint ishtc
tImuthi' I li 'l'nrget fur mu Suuhiel ( irs
Smirt'uisI Ic Slut fq Uiuuler
Crss-i iuut I it mu 0 I a mu.
( Cepyrtght , i6 , tty i'rcs i'tmt'tiutluing ( 'oumpiny. )
LONION ) , AprIl 21.-New ( York \'orltl Ca- .
blegramn-Special Teiegrani.-'rhmo ) cxtraor-
tilmiary civil sumit tried this week before Mr.
Jumstico iitwrenco nmiti brought by lion. Mrs.
Leilah lClrkhtamn Yarde-Ijiuller , an Ammierleart
ivonmami , hiss tlereiope4 certaIn facts oxcep-
tionaihy startlIng , evemi ammiong tIme mumany son-
salinas ii hiclm hmavc' fohioticti tito muarrlages.
of Anmerlean heIresses to Eumgiishinien or oUter-
foreigmiom a.
llomt.'alter Yartlo-tluullem' , this lady's hmus-
bamtul , Is ( lie ohthest brother of LortI Ciitirttomi ,
huead of a dlstlmmgumlsltel , lsvemm.shtlre fnmmtily ,
anti wltim a fine estate , ututrrotumudhmmg Limptuti
houmse , lit that cotmaty. lieu.'nlter huas another -
other estnte-Cimttm'ston Court-not far ninny.
lii 1SSG hue niatried Loihaim , tiatmghmter or lIen-
cmi 11. \ \ ' . iClrkhani , is'lto , I nun Imtformmieti ,
ivas a very wealthy hiatt In Samm Francisco ,
nrtd loft a large fortumuie to his widow amt
two thaughiters at his thoatim , sonte years ago.
ho haul a boatmtifuil Idace tin Lotte MerrItt , Onlilanti.
lion , Lellah lCIm'kliamti 'x'artio-hlumhler was
first nmarrieth to ut.iothlc : ltmahisiimuiami , a Mr.
Boyle hhlnir , tybtu tiieui as 11rmgifslu comiatml iut
South Afria , That mimarrlage , Imcr ncuiumalmmt-
minces ltcre tell time , titus muet mmtoro happy
( hiatt her muccommd appears to be , mihttce IIom.
\\'altor Yarie-Iiuilem Is mtoii' mnlummg her for dl-
vorco in the iingllhm courts , nammmimtg a Mr.
Valentine Gatlsden as co-respomijetit , Thmi
Mr. Gatlsdemt is ( Ito miext chief flgturc to tlto
plaintiff , anul the defendant In time present.
civIl sumit. I ant toltl ( hunt lie is nut EngiIshm- .
milan , ii ho appeared In San Francisco some
years ago and gave sumgimig lessans , tulthuought
lie Is mvunieth In thu luresommt legal pu'oceetlhmtgs
as boimig In bumoiness titere.
FIte tiefemitiamits in tite case are Messrs.
J. 11 , Dtmuicamm & Co. , lamiti agemits amtti ac-
countamits. They appear to lmavo imatl busi-
nose relatiomis with Gadstlemt , whuiclm , thtoy
chittt , left lmimmm 1mm their debt for $1.1 15.
'I'wo years ago Mrs. Yardc'-lluller vlsItc
California , as she has testliioti In tint present.
suit , to see her mtiotimer , The truth Is salil
to be ( lint site mont there to h.mrlmmg simit.
agaInst her niotiter ( or a larger allowance ,
aiieglmtg tmnzhtme hmuitmoitco of bet' sister , umimon.
hter mmiother , who , It ho saul , Iii the present.
proccedimmgs , is of weak mind. Mrs. Yarthe-
fuller took htor young son withm her , amid
Ito fell Ill In Cailformila , mund sIte was oblIged
to lcaio hint at a lmrivato hospItal Iii San.
Francisco. She itati met Gaileden in San
Francisco , anti she testifIes ( lint she ongagetL
hmltn as iter business agent Iii California amid
lucre. lie appears to litivo coimie to Emiglaitd
at about ( Ito timne of her own retum'mt ,
She hiati arrangeti that letters comtcernin
her sick chllth houhti be fom'wartieti to Gatls-
tlemi's care , at Duncan & Co.'s elilco. Not.
gettlmig amiy letters , site Caliti personally aL
ltimtcan & Co. , but they refused to gIve u
( hue letters unless she paid Gadsden's debt.
This , after a ltuuig' harley , siuc eonsemite.i to'
do , and nave tue firma Imer check for $1,000.
Thten slto sued to recover thu amount , and.
the jutry gave hter a vortlict.
In tIme course of the proceedings Mr.
Spokes , time defendant's counel , asked itoro
"ibm long htave you boon niarried ? "
"Ten years , " she amtswerua.i ,
"Is tlmcre. a dIvorce suit leltdlng now ? "
"Yes. "
"Mr. Valentine Gatisdemi Is co-respomident in
tiuat cas'a , is lie not ? "
"I do not suggest thtat the charge Is true. '
Mr. Jiullen ( thto lady's counseh-Yeu ) liars-
no right to sumggest It , but you do so In an
umiderhianthed way ,
Ummuher furtluer cross-examitlnatlon site said
that Mr. Gatisdon itati beemm stayIng at Cimurs-
ton Court. lie haul never left her for a tmto-
nmcnt slmmce the contract timmtier whIch ito
bocammia her agemtt was drawn dp.
Mr. Spokes : "Are yotm brnging an action
mgalnet a noble lord , amid liars yotm been cx-
tcrting momicy from him tluring the last ten
yearn by threats of an action for something
that occurred before your inarm'imige ? "
Mr. Bullemi said tlmimt was a macitt atrocious
way of cor.ductlmig a case. Wore they to
try another cane against time person whtona
his frlermti could citil tue "imobie lord' ' ?
Mr. Jnstico Luwremice : " 1 don't himiow , I'rmi
sure , "
Mr. Spokest "flare you vaid money for
yours ? "
Witness : "I refer yotu to my counsel. "
Mr. hiulico said it wart riot so , bmtt thtero
vas an actlomi pending. Thmo case In ivoll-
nformctl circles , partIcularly of political
[ .ondon society , htas excited time greatest at-
entlon , utimmeo this "noble lord , " ammonymmiously
referred to iii cotirt , is umrmdermttooui to ho
me of three or fcmur of the most lromnhmiemmt
eaders lii one of time great itohitical parties
it Great Britain. BALLAItD SMITH.
Valentine Gauiauiemi has been described by a
San Francisco correspontlemmt , as a "soldier of
ortune. " iitmwever , that may his , Ito seems
I0 itai'o been tite Ward McAllister or San
[ ramueisco's fashuioimable musIcal set. lie
8 a hiantlsomne mart , wIth polishieti manners
intl good address , Ito first nmet Mrs. Yartie-
huller 1mm i4mumtion anti inco then lie has been
nowlt as her cit-iso friend ,
( LtNAIAvi'tii'eij'i' 1t I'AItLh/i.illiX'L' ,
'illClumirles 'i'uuIi.em'Ai i'rmull ) ' Plgmrl mij
. .rm P'ornui mmg ii 'e'tt Ciihil tmi'l.
OT'I'AWA , Omit. , April 24.-TIme excitement
mm h'arllamnerit circles hero today was Intense.
: \Itc'r prorogation last night canto diasolu-
ion today , Tiucro is , timu'rcaro , no longer
tmiy I'arlltmmuuemit or reIureemmtutivo of Parhia-
mmont. The mmmimmlstry hold ofllco mmd are ro-
uponalbie to his excellency , this govermmor gait-
ral , No alpolntntemmtut ) Comm tie mantle except
lucy are of entergemmey , amie Clue tiit'tribution
it iuatronugu must ceace. Sir Mackenzie
lowell , the lrcmriier ) , whose resignation as
mulch will be animourucetl soon , has mnmtrmagod
.0 get over ( lie session anti to liars I'trhIa-
heat dIsslved ,
Sir Charles 'rulmper anti his followers are
titicailmtg ) It ) time lironiter to the somutethting
0 help tluemmm uund to accept santo chico under
.ho crowmm whIch wIll show titat thuo breachm
ietwcemi tiuommt hmaut been ptirtly healed. Sir
daekenzle refuses to accept amiythutmtg anul
viii retire from-tm Politics. As to who will
em SIr Ciuarheum Tuppor's now cabimuet , mmotlt-
rig Is ) 'Ct certain , though it Is taken for
trarmtetl that Mr. 'tlerctlltiu , the chief justice
it tue court of commimmtoq pleas in Otttario ,
vilt accept thio program of remnedial logha- .
ation , aititougim for many years Ito has been
ho opponent of separate michutoimt 1mm OntarIo
intl fotmghut his elec'tiemms en that cry. Jiugiu
olin Maclonald ) of'innijmeg may jolut the
rupper cabinet , but Lhoutt'iutmuit Governor
hiaItleau of Quebec wil not tie so ,
MJNTIISAL , Iilurll 24.-Tue general ehec.
10mm campaIgn wtu , inauguratetl In thmt city
onight by ( lie liberals , Wllfreul Lauriute ar-
ived front Ottawa tonight and ( ho demon-
tratlomm in his huonot' was the largest ever
li'en a litihile Than In Camtaula'im lmistory. A
orcit l'ghit ' liroc'ututlon , almost a nub long , es-
orted hmlmmi to Sohmmner park , where fully 2,000
settle gathered to hear ( Ito gifteti liberal
catler , us outlined tiuo liohicy on which tiue
literal party wht coimtluct tiuc election earn-
aign , Conservatives have not fixed tue date
n which they will open their campaign ,
( sf of fissl i..r f liii Oa'mu is.
IIIIEMEN , April 21.-Thus North Gomnian
'loyd Steaimmship comiupany has Iixeri ( lie toi.
) wlng 'tweondocics ratcal To. New York ,
50 mttarks ( $ i7.50) ) by express boats , 140
mum ( $35) ) by mimali boats ejiti 130 marks
32 50) ) by thma slow boats. 'l Ilaitimitore thu
ales arc 1111 mania ( li2.O ) by ( lie masU and
hue t'iubr teats-