Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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TIlE : nA 1)AILY fljlij1flhJAY APiIr 24 anr . t
L - - - - - - = - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' : , ,
, tandoron an(1 CJhoato Preout Their Case
to tbo Court.
D oti..y tui t1i I'ii rpuMr
Ii fnnrl'M IIiu Ileepi IIeII Up
Is Si tiIitI Ipri Juttit Ic
( ) S114c1 .
WAS1IINGTO , April 2.-SpecI31 ( Tele
ram.1-Twn notable IeaI arguments eru
niale today In the Tlulrerno ) court In tht'
uar b'tiiity C.l ! , ann both on the 8ame
nido , 1) ) Geneva ! C. I. Miiderton nn1
Joseph fl Chontc' of the New York bar. .Tit ,
; ) rLwITh ; to c'Iot'lng hlii argurnert for the gov
otntvr'fl' . AisIsIant Attorney General Whit-
mry ti1l t.Ii' court that he would ? m followeLl
, y a riirnseitntivo of the Sugar triat , an Ii-
Etlitillcn vidcti had wound itE , Wfl7 about
a th 11811 ! of coiigres and had almost
atrangl'ul hgIslatlon. ThL gave MaHderoi
9' hIs o11)fl-tUnity ; , ini1 for nearly two hours
ho 1liI the attention nf the ourt In a
maslet itil manner , 91105 lug not ouly a broad
3ni'kt1go of his subject , which he Itad
nrgtwl btfort' Cutintrollor Howler anti Secre-
tar ) af the Treasury C'.orlisli'but a wide grasp
of Lh ubin ) ' legal ,1iass Invohod , ques.
tions uf crnisequertIai Interpretation at once
trtinR and noveL General Muderaii
' state.1 that instead of represeiitlug the Sugar
4 trust. Ito repreocritd t,009 claimants to
bount3 vhicli was rIghtfully theirs , but
whIch waa held up by an underling ot go' .
erIltlIet , these claimants living In twenty-
Xour i.tntes and terrLtoles Not a tloflar ,
ho ' .alil , would go to the trust. and sarcasti-
catty referr'd to this nitsrcpresentatlon as
a long ltn of otliera of same tenor made by
cloriw of the administration. lb stated
that ho represented a constItuency occupying
the canh' iloltis of the ioutli and the beet
Ilelds of tlio north , stretelting from the for-
- . tim prairies of Nebra9ka to the blossoming
' fields of California. Five points vero dis-
. cusse1 by the ex.senator. That the present
case was nOt an actton of the UnIted Statc.s
nod contendeil that the court could not lend
it'cdt to either nuitilicatlon or suspension -
pension by subaltern occcutIo offlcer. of a
law Passed by congrnsi and approved by the
president ; that tlio power of alProPrIattOn
in congress alone : that the couro of
the fathers of the nation had been that of
apiroprtatIg money for the encuuragcniellt
of trbtutries ; that there rested upon con-
V gross a inoinI and equitable obligation to
eiict the coinpronilso ougar bounty of 1S9 , ,
avon it the act of 1890 was unconstitutional ,
and fifth that the' sugar bounty act of 1890
was part of a general 'choino exercised by
coiigrss under its ewer to regulate coin-
ntcrce with foreign nations. General lan-
demon was I argoly complimented upon the
completti'n of hki argumentMr.Choat'3 stating
It. 1tt little to be saId , But lie found much
to say In behalf of hIs clients , much that
had the ineilt of fre'hneas and novelty
' sslil ho finished tomorrow -
aleut it. 'Pho cases
morrow , Solicitor General Conrad cicolug for
tlio government.
The Fort Omaha bill received. a big au-
vaiieenitiflt tOIfly through a personal appeal
of Messrs. Thurston and Mandersoit to Sona-
tar Waithail , svtio has the bill in charge.
Waltliali has agreed , It Is understood. to
report thU bill to the cotnmttteo favorably
and there is now a chance for its passage.
Senator Hawley , who is chairman of the son-
1. . ate military coinniittee , has been O1)PtaSCd to
' the measure , because , he argued , it was a
gift outright to the state of $ l00.000 , which ,
It is ntated , the property would bring at
forced sale.
Judge and 1rq , W. it. Kelly and Miss
Kelly vero In Washington today en route
to Omaha from a fortnight's visit to New
York , wlier Judge Icelly was engaged in
inattera connected with the Union Pacitlc.
Representative namer presented a petition
of tue First Presbyterian church of Waluo ,
acking for the passage ot a Sunday rest law
In tti lIstrict of Columbia.
Lcavo ( if aIsonce in granted Captain Richard -
ard G. Shaw. Iirst artillery.
Cc .tain Frank Ilaker is ordered from
Watntown arsenal to Fitchburg , Mass. , on
business connected with the ordnance do-
Captain John J. O'flrlon , Fourth infantry ,
1 retired on account of disability Incident
' . - Ut the service.
Lieiiteuant Colonel William Ludlow , corps
. of engineers. Is ordered to Tompkinsrille , N.
.Y. , to relieve Major llenry M. Adams of the
- engineer corps.
First Lieutenant Charles S. Bronwcll , en-
giner corps , Is ordered from the United
Stetca Military academy to and with corn-
pany r : to proceed to St. Louis , Mo.
CLI'EbANl ) 'l'.tliCS . % . l1' OI'I' .
1'rta1 d I'H t ( mrs to Iei-slpij r , on
I' I'I,4l,1 , i.r 1xipitI I t 1(10.
W/tSIIINGTON , April 23.-PresIdent Cleveland -
land , Secretary Morton and Corurniasioner of
Internal Itovonue Miller left Washington lact
flight at 9 dcloclc over the Washington &
Ohio railway for Loesburg , Vu. , where they
apent all today fishing , as tIle guests of
Mr. Ilarr4son , who has it fishing reserve near
The iarty speot the night in a private car
on ttic' railroad 11011 vcre met at the station
by their host anti driven to tue fishing
grounds. Sirnrt opened lively and in a few
IlliflIltOC the President landed Eeveral speckled
beautipe. Tile party lunched On the banks
of the beautiful stream anti eoutiiiiiod fishing
until C o'clock. 'Filoy ilined about 7:30 wIth
Mr. harrison , and returned to Washington at
night. _ _ _ _ _ _
IIISIHi' lIA''I'D Ill ItILliSin.
Spain t'jN ' , fl SiIrIt or 111-
, ' , . ! I liit t C'osires- .
WASIHNGTONAprU 23-Secretary Olney
lia.n rreelvcd ( rein Consul \Vliilarne a con-
urination of the Aaociated press report from
IluvIlila that I3iehop Iiaz and his brother
are to be released upon condItIon that they
leave the Isiatid ,
ltepresenthtlve Black of Georgia , who saw
$ Seerttary Obey at. the State department
today. is of the opinion that tim Spanish au-
thoritirs have ordered the bshop's release as
an act of courtesy to tue UnIted. States. without -
out a thorough investigatIon of the charges
against iiitii , but with enough belief In a
foundation for theni to tlemuiid us a condi-
3 , . ton ! of his releasu that lie leave Cuba.
1Il t' ( % l'l'llIl'lI LtTiOS 1111.1 , .
'ii'ii ii Fi' l'tiPIt'S I ls S'iIUI' ISI fit S1111
ii ra ti I nor , tiii'itiltuicntii.
\v\ SIt I OTO , April 23.-Several rnlnbr
1Ul eio Paid at the opening of the see
ate today , ) nclutlng : the bil authorizing a
bridge acrcia the Missouri river at Iloono-
yule , Mo. Prior to taking up the lnlan ap-
propriatlon bill , Mr. Call asked for an
agrerncnt by which the senate would take
up ills rc"oliition directing the president to
dliatch a naval force to Cuba for the pro-
ttction of Arnerkan interests there , but on
niii'eals not to interrupt the milieu bill , he
withdrew his request , statting that he would
call III , his reeolutlon later ,
The Indian lull sas then taken up , the
lliiestion being Cii Mr. l'iatt's amendment
extending the services of the lawes corn.
mittee with the view of making a roll of
the Cherokee and kindred , iatlon& . The
etiiiirnilsiofl Ia given directions toward
terxiiitiating the tribal relations of the In-
dlans and directing their lands in ioveralty.
'rho lbato ae irotracte1. In course of it
Mr. Vest , ilernocrat of Missouri , spoke of
the conditions of the Indian territory as
colistitutiurl a iiatlcnal POSt housb and
nulranc ( , a harbor of refuge for criminai ,
depreciating property it adjoIn9g states
Mi- . Jones , democrat of Arkansas. spoke
vehemently agalni.t the rate of crime ani
outrage in the Indian country , and appealed
to the senate to put on end to it by this
reformatory ameitilinent.
Mr. Ilate , democrat of Tennessee , on the
other hand , spoke of the "bummers , land-
grabbers and thieves , " seeking to rob the
Indians an ! who would be given further
po era by this amendment.
Mr. Platt. author of the anienilnient , do-
dared that nowhere in Russia. Armeilia or
Cuba ( lid InciTe brutal and savage conditions
est than in this Indian country. Five bun-
tired white moon , masquerading as Indians ,
had seized the property and the government
of the Indians , making the exporirnent of
Indian self'governinent a failure. The mooney
appropriated for these Indiana was used In
hiriiig hobbyists to send here and vrovent
legislation ,
Mr. I'latt declared that he had never In his
senatorial service known of so much money
spent on lohbles to defeat legislation. It
was tIme congress Imut an end to timla foul
hint and disgrace on our national honor.
After further debate the presiding olilcer
ruied the entire amneudnietit out on the point
of order made ly Mr. Waltiiall , democrat of
Misi.issippl , that it conteniplated "general
legislation. "
Several minor amendments wee made to
the bill , the most Iniportant being the Insertion -
tion of the item of $1,600,000 for payment
of tIme Cherokee outlet fund , which had been
struck out by tlu coinniittce. The Indian
appropriation hill as thus amended was then
The amimidry civil appropriation bill was
theim tnkou up with the agreement that it
shmnuhti not displace , except temporarily , the
lioiiil resolution.
Me'srs. I'cttigrew , Teller and Cockrell
were named as conferees on the Indian bill.
hlliils wore iassed for an addItional circuit
judge Iii the Sixth Judicial district ; appropriating -
priating $500,000 for a public building at Salt
Lrke City , nnd $188,000 for a public buildIng
at Ogden. Utah ; for the dIsposal of the ahati-
, lonell Fort Shaw military reservation , Moo-
( silo , under the homestead and mining laws.
At 6 o'clock the senate went Into executive
session and noon after adjourned.
r-1' I'1tlSSINI Volt S'I'A'I'IIlIooD.
'l'Iiree 'I'errltirl's ' .VJ lhii to ' .Yiit
Uiiti I .tfl er II1'i'tI iii.
WASHINGTON. AprIl 23.-There Is a
strong hoedhiiity that time delegates from the
territories who have the intcrcsL9 of the
statehood. biil In charge will not attempt to
eccuro congressIonal action on their bills
until the next session of congress. Delegates
Catron and Murphy have been makng a
canvass of the louse since the New Mexico
and Arizona bills were reported , and they
have encountered certain obstacles wiich ! lead
thorn to believe that the biis ! vlil command
moore votes in the next gesslon than during
the present one. Moreover , the effotts of
tile republican Ieadcr to bring about an
early adjournment have to be taken into
consIderatIon , and time d&egates do not care
to have the bill suspended in conference or
between the house and senate when congress
It is expected that the commnttee on terr-
tories will report the Oklahoma statehood
bill this week , anti then Delegate Flynn vllI
center with lila two cohleagucs lIjOfl their
line of actIon. Time three delegates are working -
ing together and declare that they expect to
ttamul or fall together , so far as the fate of
tile statehood blli is concerned. They say
nitllout reserve that political considoratlons
may enter Into the action of congress and
that memmibors might fear to commt themselves -
selves on time queston ! of admitting new
states on the eve of a prosldentiai electIon
wile would not hesitate to vote for time bills
Comimmimi I tee Oil It tiles , \VI1J lie AM1.ed do
S.t it limy fistIlIlrlIlg. .
WAShINGTON , April 23.-Notwlthistand-
Ing time fruitiess caucus recently heM on the
Immigration queatlon by time house , republican -
publican momuhers who are interested in
legislation to reduce the quantity of mini-
gration ere still making efforts to secure
conolderatlon of one of the two bills reported
fi oni time ImmIgratIon committee , Titore Is a
possibility that the immigration committee
may be reached In time call of eomnmitteea In
time houC within a few days. In that event
Cimalrniamm Iiartholdt. will call up time McCall
bill to impose an educational test on Imnrnt-
grants. If the comnmnitteo does not setmre
a ( lay in time reguiar orders3on there will be
a petition presented to tue committee on
rimitu askimmg a day or imioro to be given to
ileblite on the McCall bill. A Petition bear-
log moore timan 100 namnes of republIcan
mnemnberm has already been laid before that
cornimmlttee asking for time for consideration
of time Stone bill.
\YitsiiIiitiiii Isimi limis t I ) ho ltcserys-il.
WAShINGTON , April 23.-By executive
order Isud fronm the War departimiont a
part of the group of Islands located In time
Gulf of Georgia , Washimmgton state , known
as Sucia Islamida and cornprisimmg 490 acres ,
ima been reserved and set apart for military
purposes anil proclaimed a mniiltary renierra-
tiomi. The lanil so reserved La shown In
tue plat prepare'i last year by Major Post of
time engineer corps amid is wanted for coast
IoWitt's'Itc1t Hazel Salvo cleanses , Dun-
flea awl heals. It % las mimado Ion that purpose.
lisa It for burns , cuts. bruise. , chapped
hands , sores of nil doscniptions nmmd if you
bavo lilies USO It for them.
Debate in the House Participated in by
Mans' 11ember3 ,
Tto lIClire1o'lltml4ieM Vhliig Atmry
niiil isri'.i'lic ilressiuii ot
One Atmitlii'r . % eron's t lie
I'ioorIviimte t.ljuiiriieil.
S'AShiINGTO , April 23.-Time house today
on motion of Mr. Taibent , democrat of South
Carolina , unanimously adopted a resolution
calming on time secretary of state relative to
tiio arrest and Inipnisczimnent in Cuba of 11ev.
Albert Diaz.
Consideration of the Pickier general pen.
eiomi hilt was resumed and Mr. . McClchiami ,
democrat of New York , epoke in oppositiomi
to the nirasuro as intended as a republican
soil to time aldiers amid a reflection on the
aillninhtitratiofl. The best time mimajority ecuid
do for the old soldier was to bring In this
lihi , wimicim proposes to ptmt. upon time tionsion
rolls the imarnes of bounty jtmmnpers and moon
who imad dcserttd from the ranks of the con-
fed eracy.
Mr. Smith , republican of MIchigan , opporel
timat section s'liLch linovldee for a n1ioommtin-
mmance of lienslons for 'mmmistake of fact or
recovery fromim imiJtmry. "
21r. Wood , ropubiican of Ilhinoi. favored
time passage of time bill vith eaveral amuemid-
Mr. Talbort , democrat of South CarolIna ,
was particularly oplmOcti to that liaracraimil
permlttlmig deserters from time confederate
armn to draw pemmsiomm' .
Mr. i'atrick , republican of Kan'aa , thought
time huh a atoll in the right direction.
Mr. Maiiany , nepuhiicamm of New Ycrk ,
nniIortod time bill aiitl renmarked upon time
strange sight of a semi Cf General ( ieorgi 11 ,
McClellan standing au time floor of time Imluse
opponing justice to time muon whom his father
had led to battle.
Mr Mahammy then turned his attentiomi to
time good taste of comifederate. opposing pemi-
sian legirlation , lb said that six years ago
ito imaL witnessed time reception givemi lii hit
senate to Mr. Heagami of rexee , and post
mnastcr general of tim autherii confederacy ,
all Ito today wltnessud oter , ex-eonfem1pra's
in time house , like the gentleman from South
Carolina , bioclcing pension mogislatlon , while
the mimen who saved time uniomm were atarvhmig
In time niniiotmies.
"I challenge th gentleman , " shouted Mr.
Talbert , juniping to his feet. ' 'to show where
I OplOilOd a single bill whici my judgment
did not tell moo wac tinmimerlmorinmms , "
"I would he intim ho accept time gentleman's
jlmdgmnent , ' ' replied Mr. Maimamiy , "on that
or amiy otimer subject. "
"And I would not accept your judgment , "
retorted AIr. Talbert , hotly. "I desire to
say , " lie contInued ammgrily , ' 'that I ann no-
sponsiblo hero and eicwiiere for what I say
and do , "
"I thought time gentleman was very irre-
aponihie at all tlmnes , " returned Mr. Ma-
hany sarcastically.
Mr. hager , republican of Iowa , made a
speech in support of time bill , , tnd Mr. Mahon ,
republican of Pcnnvyivania , in the course of
his remnarks , severely scored time admimmistra-
tion , ascribing its alleged hostility to tile eel-
tiers to tue lose to the democracy of 60,000
votes in I'ennsylvania.
' \Vo will , " said lie , "ne'er see another
lIoko Sinitim in tile pension nmco ( republicamm
applause ) .
Mr. Hepburn , republican or Iowa , gave no-
tlco of au amendment Inutrlmeting time pen-
don 0111cc to construe time pension laws iib-
Mr. Sewnrt , republican of New Jcrey ,
closed time debate for the miay.
At t o'clock the house adjourned.
SAN I'IIhIt ( ) iSI ) S.N'l'A MONICt.
A IIIrsm prImm I s fo r I iii p royeimm ( 'mm Os
ii miii % 'orlc Vimil ( V Cimmi rme ( Ssttji ,
WSII1NGTON , April 23.-The senate coin-
niittee cmm conimnerce has agreed to place both
he San Pedro and Santa Monica improve-
joints under contract system In time river amid
harbor bill. The addition in. favor of San
'eciro sas made upon time motion cf Senatr
Tte committee has also put the Oakiand ,
Cal. , lmarhon Iniprovenments under contract
systenm , evUmnating $741,000 for time cnipic-
tiom of tliork , iirovidma $75,003 to he cx-
pended mmoxt year. Ac time bill left the
house it appropriated $100,000 for next year
but did not mit tile work wider the cantinu-
leg contnact syctem.
Tile total appropriatiomi for Santa Monica
wiU ammicummt to abommt $3,000,000 with a
corresponding smail appropri.ition for next
year amId for San l'edro to $392,000 , with an
appropniatioi. of $50,000 for miet year. the
Sari I'odro appropriation to be expendo'l cmi-
tlrely in time inner hmanbor. Thin rasult. was
reached emily after a spirited contr..versy Ill
which no little fooling was ( isplayetl on
both oldes , Senator Fm'ye leading the fight
for Santa Monica and Senator \Vhite oppos-
inig him in the interest of San Pedro. Time
first vote was takemi on the Santa Monica
proposition , the vote being as ohios : For-
Santa Monica , Frye. J01102 of Nevada , Quay ,
McMiiiamm , Squires , Elkins , Mcl3niilo , Gnrmamm ,
Murphy. Against-White , Berry , Caffery ,
Neison Pasco , \'cst.
Senator White gave notice to the committee -
tee vhen the hill reached the senate ho
would move to strike cut Santa Monica and
Insert San Pedro to which Semiator Frye replied -
plied that If timore was goIng to be a row
over the' bill lie would not take clmargo of It
in time senate , Senator White retorted to
this that he did not propso to allow tile
result of the committee's action to go en-
cimailemmgefi onlees convinced that It was time
general vIshm of tile ieopli , of California
that the verdict of the commIttee should
etand , _ _ _ _ _ _
1)zmy Set for tue IIiiimicriipte iiihi ,
WASHINGTON , April 23-Chairman lien-
doreen of the judiciary conmmnnittcc has Intro-
dueetl iii time house a resolutiomm pnowiding for
the consideration of the bankruptcy bill on
Tuesday , Wednesday anti Tlmlmroday of next
week , with a vote on Thurelsy ,
Atiii'o s'il U Joi sit Jleoiiai Ion ,
WASHINGTON , April 23-The president
Imas approved time joint resolution over which
the imoummo had mm warm debnito to appoint
tour nicinbers of time board of mnanageni , of
the national home for disabled volunteer
emoldicms ,
- _ _ _ _ _
iOl II VliiiRS iqt ) ; , oi ( tlIlSS.
Seiinle ( 'n imeus - nuts' for use
I'I on I AtiJIIm'nhsrtit ,
WASh1INQTO , App 13.-the republican
Penators hicimi a brkf caucus today for an exchange -
change of views on tth uibjects ci' foal ad-
jommrxmnlent anti order' buasmioss before atl.
jourament. Senatof' 4iisandier stmggeste.1
that adjournment ottlut to be poIble by
May 15. and was suppfled In this opinIon
by an almost unanimmpy vote of time caucus.
Brief speeches w&rb made by Senators
Allison , Frye , Culiotii'mlnd ' other senators ,
all concurring in thq .ppnIo1m timat atm early
ailjoimrnmont 'as deeirqiie mind iDSihle. It
was timc general opiditht'that the appropnia-
tion hub t'imouid be tit to the frommt imatii
disPosed of nod no moore ndjoumrnnmenmts oven
Saturday are conteinpiated.
Senator Shenmnaimva authorized. as chair-
mmian of time caucus , to appoint a steering
committee of nine to take charge of the details -
tails as to the order of business in case it
was found posslbie to commslder other thatm
the anpnopnlatlon bilk' .
Mention wee made of several general bills
which it was cont'Idered Important shioull
receive attention bolero adjournmiment. among
them belmmg the l'aclflc railroad , the batik-
nmmptcy , time imnniigrntion and the flileml cheese
bills. But It was the general opimmion that
no attempt shoulul be made to got lip 2I1
of them-a at the expense of any appropriation
bills and that tlmey shotmhd be potponed until
the appropniatien bills one out of the way.
Time order of theIr oomismioratlon will be
loft wimoiiy to the steering committee. Con.
sitlcnabio interest 'as inanifcsteth In time
caucums no to the attitude of the tieniocrats
on time subject of nhjoumrnmmmeimc , but imo one
was able to give deuimlite imiforniatlon on this
polmit. It sas Ctatc4l. however , that i'a far
no individual dcmrmocrats imad expressed an
ehiifllomi to republican semiators they hind iii.
diceietl a wliiimigneas to iiztvc an early 11(1- (
Senator Slmerninmi appoInted Messrs. Alit.
"Sn. Aldrich , Hale , hans , tuay , McMillamm ,
Dubou ! , Perkins and I'rlichard as the steen-
Ing commIttee. _ _ _ _ _
FltVOt'tIIl ( ' fsm liniaomisim ,
W'ASIIINGTON , April 23.-The imouse coin-
muittee on tcrnitories today decIded by a vote
of 6 to 2 tn ) report favorably a bill to adnmit
Okialmomna to statehood. Thee who voted
in favor qt the pnopcsitiomm were : Republic-
ntis-Scranton , l'erklmis , Avery , Ilarris , had-
hey ; themocnats-CocPCr of Texas. Those wimo
voted in opposltlcn were lCnox amid Taft ,
republcans. The other members of the coin-
mmiittee cre not prcsellt.
i'V4'Slili'tmt ( Iso'S Ii ) % % 'otsdley ,
\VISIIINGTON , April 23.-President Cieve-
land has taken UI ) his cbode at Woodiey fertile
tile spring mommtims. Mrs. C'cveland and the
chiidremu have already been immetahhed tllere
for two veeks past rim account of the appear-
amico of measles in the holmu'eimold , but all
traces of time malady have now disappeared
amid the lineluhent goes out every afternoon
to his euburhan home.
ltNil1l itA'i'ii ( 'tS M.iY Go oi'icit.
Sinie's .tti 0i'liYS ( 'mtnimt Ge4 It t'mil y
emi lii. ' umilt' Set Isy ii. , ' Court.
LINCOLN. Almrll 23.-Speelnl ( Telegram.- )
The State Board of Transportation received
word today fromii time clerk of time United
States supreme cout' that tile reargilmemit
of the mnaximunm it 'ease roust be imimude
before the Stim of Miy if heard at all cloning
time Present term oficanirt. Members of the
brand say timi is ImupoiaibIe. It wolmId lie
necessary for Attorney J'ohii L. Webster aimd
Attorimey General Cliimrcldil to prepare a new
brief to meet the omme suipmmitted by Attoneys
1\onlvortlm amid Cnrcr hut a short timmmo before -
fore the ricont submiitdidmm of the cao to time
federal supreme colmrt , ' 't'imls brief of caimneel
for the railroads cqmmtaihls coneldorable new
mliii tier wlmic'a was miot inch in the argument
of Mr. Webster nmrcf Attorney General
Clmurchmlil. -
l'ltrli i iinrret I I St'sit i'M I msMtsrunee.
ONEILL , Net , . , April 23.-Speclal.--Tlmo ( )
Ammelent Order of United 'mVorknmen , through
Grand Master \Vorkniamm Tate , has flied its
anrvcr ti ; tiio injtictIom , Mrs. flam'rett
Scott , in her suit Jgaiiiat ii for 2,000 , time
amcnmmmt ( i a botiefit certitleatu held by hmei'
liumeband. At time time , Barrett Scott was
smmspcmided ime hail ctf deposit s'ithm the Oman-
Cer of the O'Neill lodge $3.25 to pay the
azcsmimiemts and duos as they becanme due ,
as it had always been hits custom to pay
fcmir r five asseomunments in advance. After
Scott lied to Mexico , time financier cau&oJ
hiinm to be suspended , ammJ emiciceed time $3.25
lii an envelope and sent It to Ijarrett Sctt.
Scott iccOlved the miioney , but there vas
nothing in time eiivehcp to short from whom
it came , or for what purpose it was SemIt ,
The case vIhl probably comma up for trial in
tile circuit court heo in September , and vili
ho watched with interest.
Voi'lchmi t'.tt'tCnhiimuimt ( oict I'ieI shti ,
FOR CALHOUN , Neb. , April 23.-Spc.- (
cial.-Time managers of time Wagner vall
hut in another blast Monday , but thie bath
air 1)01mg mio nevore they did not get out
mmamy specimens , but what they did get were
very fine. fhmey went to Omaha Tueday
after time punmps to pump . ) ut time had air.
it is thought they v.ll have it. in run-
nlng order tomorrow.
: uiu hiosi 1St 'Oi'U (1rnmilze ,
UNIVERSITY PLACE , Nob. , April 23.-
( Special-A ) another of limo leading Metho-
diet women of time state muiet here last week
and onzanized tine Nebraska Wesleyan
Ladies' gulki. The object is to enlist mill time
Metiodlot women of Nchrushca in the \'cs-
ioyan , esiieciahly for ttM ulmmnmmcial miupport.
Siems mliii ' ) $ ( ' for F'rsmi I.
JIJrUATA , Neb. , April 23.-iipecfal- ( )
There imas not been a timmo for , mnny yeanm.i
wimon the fruit prospects were as hirornising
as tmow. Time trees are overlcathemi witim bloom
amId are in a Imenlthy condition , and with good
weather and proper attentioim will give a
large yield. _ _ _ _
J'i'usiml 4sf Iii \Vl'fllL'fl mm Quit vi ( ,
UNIVERSITY PLACE , Neb , , April 23.-
( Speciai.-Thme ) Wesleyan uaniot returned
froum a very successimml tour timrougim the s'tatn
ammd gave its entertainment In time chapel
TUe5i:3y : evemllmig. About 00 were prcont ,
This boys did Eplendidly.
Oiim-Isl hums Ilimil elivol' Comu'etl loss.
. 'm\'AhlOO , Neb. , Almrih 23.-Speciai.-TJmo ( )
Christian lndeavor conventloim of tills district
will meet hcro tomorrow amid continue until
Sunday. About 100 delegates from different
pants of the distnictwiil be in attendance.
Grss ( I immi ( 'ourji.r Sostietisis ,
GRAFTON , Nob. , April 23.-Speciai.-Thmo ( )
Grafton Courier lbs uptnded publication
amid timiti section is without a paper , This Is
a good opemming for molmle eimterprisimig all-
round imowepaper moan ,
City ofLtncQln Pursues theBankrupt Street
Railway Company In Court ,
Over Pony Tliounmmd lolinr iime for
I'it , i isir .tlsesMiiirtit titmil Cii )
'J'sixcs zmtid time llei'eiaer
himis o Pimisils ,
LINCOLN. April 23.-Spccinul.-Timis (
morning in the district court the city of
Liticoin began s-uit to foreclose its lien on time
Lilicoin street railway , including eitmipmmments ,
tracko , fraimcimk's , etc. Time sumit grows out
of tlmd non-paynment Or taxes. A mmmmnmber of
years ago wimen the city attempted to force
cohiertion tue colnipammy enjoined It , and for
t'ommii tochnlcal reasons the injtmmmctlon vas
allowed , and thin case is miow lonmh'umg in the
supreme cnumrt. The letltion filed thml morning -
ing , after recitilg the various items of in.
debtemimmess 1mm the aevoral paving districts ,
alleges that the atreet railway eomup.mny
hmnim paid but a Very simali portion of the
tCxes io'ied for paving between Limo rails
nih ! ammo foot omm the outside. nod that tlmero ma
no' due as special paviilg nssesemiit'nte $35-
000. whIch. with interest , ammloummts to over
$ 10,000. Aside fraum tue pavimmg asscssmnelmts
time commipammy owes $975.15 as city taxes for
1531 , amid $ S16.0 , city taxes for 1S95. Tlmc
comnpammy imas been iii the hands of Receiver
lhrad I ) . Slaughter for somimo time , amid is in-
scvomit. ! Its recipts are hmardly simillelent to
mneet expemmses Immidor a ismost ecomiommmlcal
mmiamimmgemmment. The Gimams'atity Trust comllatlv
of Ne' 'm'onhc , time Now York Security cmiii
Trust company atmd John Samimpson tmavc
jimdgmmmot hiemm migaimmst tine company , htmL thmo
city asks time ccumrt to declare these ileims
irmisriur , amid simhsequmcmmt to that of time
Time Union Savlilgmu hammk Is tryitmg to build
a brick block on Rieveoth street , between
0 cud 1' streets , bad has already got limo
\aiI vehi under vay , together rItii a 'cr'
ornate frommt amid bay window. Mrs. Ileleti
A. Leslie owmis time atijoinimig Property Ofl the
north , a brick blolc , amid this mmmornhiig slme
mscctmrod a tcmmmpornry lmijmsmction front the die-
trict coimrt reetraining further iirooaedlimge
on the lTnlomm bilmik iumhhmlimig timitil th owii"r
agreed to put back time ino3ecting bay win-
dew , and about a foot or time main front
on a line with time legal fromitage of time hot
Upon wimicim timey are attenmptiimg to build
Sine says in hen petition that the otilcers
of the bank are bringing to bear umithime imi-
ihuemmco' to induce the city coumicli to isaine
a nermnht for this ork contray to the laws
of the city , The czmeo imas bemi st-t for
Saturday , and mnean'iiilc vork on tile bank
block i suspended.
TIme ice questimm for the slimmer appears
to have been settled timis morning by the
action of I' . Ii. Cooper , vlio ciocd a coin-
tract with time Arctjc Machine Mamiufactur-
hmmg company of Cleveland. 0. , for a $35,000
machine. - A building fan its receptioll vlil
imninotiiateiy be coninnenceci en the corner of
Sixth and G streets. Tile mnaclmine will have
it capacity of thirty tone a lay , in cakes cf
: ioo iommnds each , size 11x22x44 imicimes. Tic
bihIdIng will be 70x70 feat , constructed of
corrugated iron. Time iiroccs of mimanlmfa -
tlmro is known as thie "anminoimla" process ,
and tiio vater used will be drawn fronmu mmew
woils to be dug by Mr. Cooper.
Omaha people iii Limeoinm : At the Lindeli--
I.V. . Mmcm' , II. C. Itountree. .Aumgimst Meyer.
At tile IJncoip-rWaiter Molse , T , J. Ma-
homiey , F. B. Crawiey , F. A. Fisher.
I'lFi.iS.tNT : IAI.Fi' C .OLI ) MINI8.
i1mn-rts 'l'lmlmmlc t I.e l'ieelomis 'll'ln I I , ,
'I'ii'V ( ' I mm l'mii miii ( timsint idli's.
PLEASANT lALR , Neb. , April 23.-Spe- (
ciai.-J. ) Ilanmlsomi of Xena , 0. , an ohd
miming engimmeer , is lIen' investigating time
gaul fields. W'inen Harrison was asIceilhat
me' developments tilere were , he said :
"No partcmmlar excItement apieans at tii
maiming camps of Middle Creche and Milford ,
hut simm aund steady work is hczng accolmi-
plisiiod. That gold exlr'ts here in jiayhmng
quanitiiies is mio lomgen qtm'stloned , OXCr ,
by a few learned amid well iaid geologists
and chemnmiot. wmc.oe old ehooh ideas have
taught them .tIat : Ituas lmnpossiblo for valuable -
able minerals to exet only ! n certaimi well
defined lines , laid douvim in thm hmoks. Just
micitim of his-ne , on the Landle lilacs , a oil
has been sumik to time dptil of 250 feet amid
micro water In abumidance Is reached. At 210
to 215 feet quartz rock whIch is considered
i-helm viie reached , and ashaft will be smizmk
to tiiis deptim on the l'higrlm mroport. just
north of Lands' . A maim frcmn Los Angeles ,
Cal , , has a vasher at vork here , vtim a
capacIty of twenty tons a day. Rxperts pro-
flounce time miiaciiino a success , amid the 'clean-
up' of several Imimmidred yards is looked for
with great eagerness. A property cast of
tiil is being developed and many curiosities
fatted. it Is believed lied roche will he
reached at aim easy deptim. "
A Vbfl r Do Ni , tis.
FULLERTON , Neb. , April 23.--Spcclah.- ( )
Arbor day was appropriately celebrated in
Fumlierton yemitenday by the public mocilools
amid tue people generally. Flags were displayed -
played 0mm tIme school imoumc amid Ilimblic buildIngs -
Ings amid time forenoon was deveted to ti'ee
planting and ieolmtlfying the school grounds ,
Tie banks wm'no closed and at 3 o'clock time
cltlzemmii repaired to tine opera imousa antI were
entertaitied by aiwropriate eercls'es Irons a
s-ell arraimgcd pnogram of tine different grades
of the publIc scimool. The PuIiIlu of cccii
grade mild credit , hotii to thcmmmsclves and
IIRLLIJVUII , Neb. , April 23.-Speclah.- ( )
The tttmdents of flellovue college duly oh-
served Amber day with appropriate exerciaca.
The public school Imas postpoiicd its celebration -
tion lmntll Friday ,
NIIURASICA CITY , April 23.-Speciai.- ( )
Arbor day was obeenved very quietly imero.
A. nummiben of time teachers took their chaieu
to time woods for nature studies.
JUNIATA , Nob. , April 23.-Special.- ( )
Jiloiata P003mb observethurhor day iii it
fitting way by setting out several hundred
trees , TIme schools hind appropriate exercises ,
and Planted mmiammy trees on time school
grouimdo. Time mmemi > ors of time hiaptist society -
cioty beautified timein cimurcim property by
setting out a iargo nunmber of flue trees ,
0 IIAFTON , Nob. , April 23.-Speciai.-Tho ( )
public sciicois yesterday celebrated Arbor
day witlm hnecomnmlng cercimmoimies.
UNIVIiRS1TY PLACIi , Neb. , April 23-
( Speciab.-Psrbor ) day % u'as oxtenmlrely oh-
served. Trocu imavo bccim set out by the
I orpic or
Dcir Sir :
Ta LL You nrc entitled to receive
FREE from your whotec ! dealer ,
M erchant " Durham Blaokwell's Smoking
' Tobacco buy. One bar
of sonp trco with each pound ,
' ' I 'whether 16 oz , , 8 oz , , 4 OZ. , or
'ha Retail oz. , pnckngcs.
\Vo have notified every whole-
aIo dealer in the United Stntcs
that wcwilI supply theniwith neap
to give you FREE Order a good
supply of U12NUIN13 DURUAM at
once , nnd Insist on getting your
8onp , OllebarofSoap FRECWItII
each pound you buy. Soap Is
offered for a limited time , no order
to.dny. Yours 'ery truly ,
-ft + + + + + + + if you hayt. any dhllicuity In protciring atir
soap , cut out ttsl notice and iemmd It with
your order to your wimolcsslo drnir.
, ,
i 0
- . ;
- ' . , . -u.4. . . , a' 4' t. - . .
, , " . , , . .
' - ' "k"S
Carpet , '
; , . Buyers 3- . 5'
" --5-
700 Patteriis of Iligrains
180 Patteriis ofTapestry ,
65 Patterns of Brussels ,
40 Patterns of Moquett e ,
a 36 Patterlis of Axniiusters ,
1 200 Patterns of Ltattiugs .
Linoleum and Oil Cloth .
, _ J
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
_ ,
' I-
Our Styles are Strictly - . " ,
U P - T 0 - D A T E
and we are well known for
Popular Prices )
- - - - - -
m )
1211 and 1213 Pariiam Street. '
_ . . , , , , , . .
4' S ' .A54J ' 1 ' 1' % V * - ' - ' 1 W 'ya5 # S..k %
. , .
ti LADES . crr
. .
pIlinodre tsotrcsn.'lieanrepucsmpuarnnteedto i5
. , .
k mcr.knrnntioti. Do aot ififlo wIth but etil ItOpPe1 51(0 I1 - . isi t CL'rOii4tnilUod.buttte mssoncy-timriioi Iim 1.ot 'iarhooi ; 1orc c'n1ume , ) are doi wnrrnnncI tdoit. itnd 1p.I
l fur boz Turiitm Tailty aist1 . , ii.r
p . l'cisiyrotm . , l' tie ' 1 hood , 2iChttislsiuc.Wealint tjtt , . , , , .
h. day. Sold 'niy iy hAllS'S i , .
ttorgi caused I
. ' by yutmitui errors. (1mvs (
r4 i'nlAmtm.t'v ; ooJ . j youeiYm.mE , $ oitonlybyIismms'sl'mmAmmsco
Lhoueand. A two-acre lot on time northeasterner
orner of time cmtiupus imas been jmianted to
treemi for a park ,
RAN1)OLPII , Neb. , April 23.-Special (
Felcgrmmm.-A ) rbor day was appropniateiy oh.
arved yesterday by the Randolph schools
and treec were planted litre , pretty gem-
araily. Time schools had a imalt hohiday.
I'm I IMliloti I ii , 'diii , ( roSvs iesiern to.
PLATTSM OUTII , April 23.-Speciai.- ( )
Charles Tiepei , a German aged about 50
years , made a probably successful attemmmimt to
coniminit suicide hero today by slmootlimg himmi-
eif throuim tue wimd pimie. Time veapomi umsc'h
wall a 32.cahibre revolver. 'repel was for-
mnmerhy enmpioyed in time Il. & M. shops here ,
but several vcek ago lie hail a disagree-
moot vitim time faremaim mmmd was discharged ,
Simico that tinio lie line been uimsuccossfmml izm
[ mis efforts to obtain work. lie line a large
family depcmmdemnt upon him for suppont , The'
last week ho has # hewn aigims of mnemitai do-
rangommient. Yesterday lie went to Onnaima ,
tnicthg imis tool chest svitii him , imtemiihImig
to go nbc-n to South Omaha , wimero ho lioit'tl
to Ibid emniioymnemt , hut Jim thin former city
ho imm solos niumnuer lost track of Limo chmesl
imd retimrmncd to I'hattsmmoimthi last rmlghit , mimome
lown-iiearteil than over. .Ahout I o'clock
today lie misdo time ntlemmmpt. at selt-destruc-
lion , Time piiysiciamms have na far been umnabhe
to locate tile buiiet amid cannot say as yet as
to whether time wound wilt prove fatal ,
'Vrniihl. ' fos' P1 iso hi Idril'eIJe ,
ChIAhrnON , April 23.-Special.-leputy ( )
IJnmited States Marshal hiohiluson and two
I'imno ltimhgo agency policemen , Frank Goings
amid lilunt Horn , passed thirougrm the city tonight -
night , having In charge William Randall ,
i -
, \ 1 I 61 4'
A 1.0'ING I'.tIfl
! ' 'e't't' fail out 111)1)11 ) thou' oplIliohl or the
"Silt'riR" ) r'trlgt'rn mrs-I l's hint tiilY hi
great } 3nt't9 of It o itmiti tooth-but it. litimi
II. elnstaut chi't'iiiiitioti of' iitre , di' nlr
-tlutt lililifirt It iit'nitiiy taste to its con.
teiits-It ' hinmi a I'eImlo'gijlclph iiiuble
( Irhi ) PIPe tiitit : Insures puru footi-souhe
its Io' us $0.00 ,
John I-Iussie50 ,
Comisuder ut tie our tim cy ar,2407 C iiiiiig
A Sh1S1'iCIuU itiAN
Uiteti to ttmhy uvily 1'ioiIi hioiiio eu
lug tlii'-litit hhOt lIlly liiore-It'M quilto , a
1lht'1ttlrtt to st'o 01113 of our lilr Vnmms
imc'R to the 'tlrb muiiil -
tip ( etIrh- oft the
w'tioie house at , loituh-w'e
omit - tutu do It-
't'XI1tiOtlS otihjcs-iio lim'oken
110 Ii - goode-
' ' done ' ' '
tiv'i'ythiiiig nt'nttl-ipik'kly omit !
cIIcahmhy-1c0113' Oil short notice.
Our tohemmimomie , 1553-
15534 F
inn Vs'ababs Oiiicu ,
A lIS'I'htAC'I'IiI ) W'tMtN
Is nIne hhO Suffers ht1i titat ns'fiiI
tootllnclio aIIII refuics to iiiLVO tihu of-
feiullhhg Ifloilil' extrtlctetj-'imy-afratitI it
% hil liurt-jiot tiiiy more-not by our
inethod-w'o re'inovo teeth v11linut time
least imrilehe of valmh-ammd tb time very
bt'st of deimtai s'ork-50e worth flee time
fIrst time-to get acquainted.
Dr. Dean , Dentist
N , W , Coroer 4Oifl 1,1
11th aimd DoUg , 4l0 1C agi-ic
t'lIoS hull IN ! ) 'I'IIli CtIht'l'AINS f
% \r4 ' are-It '
- there's IhmhytihIU nice-
geuiteel and chile In tos'n you'll fitieiti
111110 dISCS out of t'hi-ht. Chthllti ft'ohu
lmere-nimd hiimoItiins-thiu six imnil ts'eive
feet t'ide kind , timnt arc big emmough to
covet' the i'ooimi vlthout inllmmg-Iea1i- )
tiftil 1)lltterzms and an cimorimmous hot of
t1meiu-btsidcs-otir vrlc'CH are so Ios' .
Omaha Carpet Co
Only exciusivo I I
Carpet flouso here , r
EIIIJiS 1'OIN'l' 11L.NIC.- .
Slightly used Ilnnom4-railgilig lii Inlee
Ithi tim yuy froihi $ to $175-oit time
tntHit'St khiid of teI'hIIfl-soine of tiiin
hieai'ly new-all In flrtut cias himape-
ilitVilIg jtist coimie fi'oiim out' rI'hmmir ( tic-
tory-you'll Ihid every Ohio Douglas'I'I
be tue best imlilno bargaIn ever tImc.wn
JR timts city ,
A. Hospe , jr ,
Music mmumdArt 1513 Douglas
'I'I ) PhXI ) illS OWN 5111)105 ,
Tue sort. lie's becim paying $5.00 ( fli'-
1110 sold for .8.O0-nmakes a Immiln I li'pd- .
uftI'lhe tlil(1H ( It out-we s'Iil hmltvutt' tik
$5.00 (1)1' theimm ngaln-$3.OO Iii time iFict-
Yo do It to nmnko us frleimdmi-lliey are
heat aihd stylish-time exact counIirpal't
of otiher $ i.0O shoos-oimly you iimiy us
Drexel Shoe Co.
Send for our hllus. , j
trated catalogue. 's saflill
Frank Randall nod Juhianm W'hmlstlcr , half-
hneeils , accused of cattle stealing on time Pine
Ridge reservation , Aeconmpammyhmmg the party
are Imiterpreter Frazmk Yoummg cmiii Torn Fast
\Volf auth Iroim heart am , wiimicsscs , as well
as limo well known squaw macmm , Tomb ltnnmlali ,
lather of two of tine accuaeii. Time arrests
ano thio aftenmnaUm of time arrest of henry
Rye of Gordon on the chinrgt' or buying Iimdiamm
cattle , Rye has iieenm boumid over to thu
tJimited States court of time district of Nebraska -
braska , It is alleged timat iflu iirisommers , su'hiu
sold time cattle to Rye , stole thmem fronm other
parties liolihiiig tnlbai righmts on tue recerva-
tiomi. Time inriucticu of certalmi parties buying
Indian cattle for about ommo-nuif their value
has Icing hDCni In operation in this sectionm ,
but it seemmis thn matter has been uhmmally
taken up by tiO ) autimoritles.
l'ILIiCIOUS lililhSICA htRIlC'S ,
Sims n It Isiom'Ii'iilSoi.Ipi r ' . miliims1y'
$4. . . I. I ii jN. . ' ' Sis-ei iii I' II H ,
LINCOLN , A lril 23.-Speclai.-iiu'ery ( )
mow and then somime one sends limo State Ills-
tonlcal society somno mnelmlcnto of time early
huistory of thii tato. Tisireday , April 23 ,
A. B , hilluworthi of flcigrimmle , Naimca county ,
sent to time society several luieces of aim-
clout pottery , which immay have been Indiami ,
hut whichi are mere lihcehy to have broil mmnamlo
before any of the huneaeimt tribes of Indiana
mimamie their mippearamice oil tiiemin Plains. There
pIeces of imroken pottery are found In comm-
slilerabhim ( iuanhlties em hillsworthi'm. farm.
People tlmromigiioUt tin , stale will do wehi to
send eucis relics as these to the sochcty ,
whom they tinny be imreervod together. Ito-
coolly Major Fechuet generously gave to time
ilictorical socIety tlmo buffalo rains of Sitting
flull , together with time head phonic of Little
Asainmiibotume , hula sari , anul time guest daimcuj
svanuh that Sittlmmg hull usoil , U. 0. Mitchell
of l'cabouly , Icamu. , last year a student at time
State immmiverslty , sent to thin society a fec-
simnilo of the first newspaper ever iiubiishie'i '
In this country , time Iio-ton Nowun hotter of
1701 , Curios are very gratofliliy received by
thu historical sxcioty. Just now time tilhicenms
are busy trying to timid time whereabouts ol
tile murvivlmmg imlt'mmmbera of Olin first tem'rito.
nial legislature of 1855. Tim program of time
society at hiD annual imneeting 1mm January 'lil
ho devoted to tills legislature. Information
relative to ulecei'u1 mimemnhera will be very
acoptuublo If tout to Jay 11111013 hiarrolt ,
librarian , Llmmcolim.
Ni.lruslcii itiuiiiieiIr eta iiI ( '
NhiIili/tSICA CITY , April 23.-SpocIal- ( )
% imuinilmer of society young imeoillo last mmight
) resemnto(1 time Imlay "Our Boys" before a
crowded imouse. 'Ito hlcrternmanco Wile aim
1sctedlimgly crodltuhic otis. The procecmJs
10 to nsoii time library fund , wiulcim is stend.
ily growing ,
0111) , Neb , , APril 23.-Speclal-Thie ( play ,
entltloil ' Tatters. the Vet of Sthuattora'
Guicii , " was roiuiered lii lime concert hell
last tmvoning by local talent , for time vurposu
of buying ur.iformns for time 0rt1 brass band ,
A large audience was in attwufhncu , umid a
heat hUm realized ,
tihiurg.'sl vi I Ii ( ) pimsiiisr A iiotii'r's Mail I
AUJIOhIA , Neb. , April 23.-Spoclal ( Tehu-
grcmm.-Len ) Itudd was arrested by Untied
States authorities for openimig letters jmor-
soauaily addressed to lila imartliur's wife amid
gave bali to appear for trial ,
U , Jd , % zi lii'ii $ . 'i'ii.misl y III ,
RANDOL1'hf , Nob. , April 23.-Speciiml.- ( )
C , Ii'aiden , a local dentist , was found in
bed today vuffuring menu aim attack of ap.
DIiez ) ' . hits recovery Is doubtful ,