" - " - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ F - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -fl---- - - . - - - - - - - - - - -v-v _ _ . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .rrllE. . ( _ ) : IlA1IA .P.ISI1.4Il I HEI : 15'IuD4ii\r ' , _ AI'illr 3f , 189fl. column mty jtit1y an rnprIy iilnnIt It own prettrenc for the ropublCafl ! nornina. tion for the preh1oncy. In the proeiitatkn of lion. Mitthew Stanlt'y Quay. the to. mblIcan , not alone of Pnn31vana ! but of to entire union , 'vIII rocognzo ! ono of thor ! foremost 1ea1er , wlto In coiineH and brU. Int an1 able n ootThzi , it OflCO ti ) type of , , the hieHean JLIzen , ichoar , ioldler and ntfteaiiian. IQCI , I'JOT1CT1O FOit I lirat Cf nil national Istie4 Htarni pro. 1 ( ortIm nnd flrt amoig Its advooito hnye boon the repubilcans of I'ennyIvanIa. We I bO1OVO Ifl ttOtPOtIOII ) as a Hght to aI Amen. ( au IniuI'tnIe , but a a , pecjnl fa'Ot to mane. It hoii1t1 bO neither llntI3I , 'ectIona , 31u3 hypocritical , nnd liouId bB a nearly a OSIb1O eiuaI and ummivenmi.Vo are miot pIciged to any nchod1. but we detiianil a ro.toratlOmi of the poII'y of PrtotIon arid .wo p1c&1io It as t'oon ' the repubflcan PartY mlmII ; bi fully restored to power In th oxecu. tlte and congreon31 rpItrmieritm of tie ! government , and It eha1l be retnred eriuItb1y to tire fanner and the nilirer , t the imiatru- jacturer arid arthian. Vo ( lenlRnd the re'toratIon of that w1 , , policy of reciprocity winch wa framed by Jarn Q. lilaino and adopted by the wleo arid b'ncflcerit admninitratiorr of Prealdent Harrison to the great bcmwflt of time corn- iu ° rco of time country. amid aban. tk'ned by the prc8cnt ( Icunacratic tion. . . \ o approve time policy of national protec. tion to our imij ) owrrer and time ship build. 11mg ntcrcats by dlscnlmnlmiating dtmUa In favor of American siiliping , in order that tim Atriorican hag bO re'torod ' upon the higim ° TIme republican patty has a1vay nialn. tamed tbo national honor and redlt. It fqrccd tile ro'urmiptlon of Hpecle paymnunt. It kept faith as to every debt creat&iI for the VrcervatIam of tire union and has jiald tire . greater part of It In accrrdarice with thu lipirit arid time letter of the iar , under which It had been cDntracted. It largely reduced : the lntcrct cirarge9 upon thu balance of tire debt by rofumuIuig at lower rates. It substi. j tuted for tire fllmcttmatlng and Inadequately so. . , cured notes of tire atato banks a urmiformn mia- tiomint crmrrency of stable valno end of equal purcimmisimig irower. Faithful to Its record , ha. , . lieving that tire peop1 are entitled to tIi Uflo of the best money , armd anxious to rez'tore , and nra.'rvo the Industrial and eurnurercial Imniperlty of the union , the republican lamty : ( avor3 International blmetalb'rn ! , inni mmntli . that can be ethbiIshed upon govarninent account demands time maintenance of the . oxi9ting gold stnndarii of value. , 'Thore should be no statute of lImitation . cgairt a grateful recognition by tire govern- flicirt of the eorvlcerr and sacriflce of tire aaidler and salionri wimo preerved tIre union. We tlcuiounce thu pre'ont adrmllnl8tratlon of . the venston bureau for Its betrayal of thu Interert of those Imuroos arid Its attempt to - : nullify exiating laws. ? Vo believe In the enactnrciit of such re- . ctrlctlvo legislation as wilt admit to our ahore3 only tlroee Immigrasits wimo have the , t capacity and desire to become good Armrerlcaii ; I 'Ve ccngratmmato the administration of t IJovornor Ilastingri irimmi ibm wise diecninilna- Uon In keeping exirensor , within timeir proper : f llmit , and yet remneniberlrrg that It reflocte thu Interests and vlowm of a great amid pro. gronalve atate. It i justly ( pitlilo' ] to tire 1 .1 contiried conildemice of th' republicans ammd the people of l'ennsylvanla. 1 "We reaflirru time declarations contained hr , time 8tato Platform of 1&1 looking to needed ' rclormna In state and niumrlcipal governimient E4 and to tire jrurIflcattcii of electione and the , J exercis ? of the elective frarichlee. We earn- . ' eatly recomnrond to tire conIdcratlon of tire . next legRiature the several reform mills promulgated - : . mulgated by tire rejrubllcarr state corrrniltteo and reque't tire reptmbllcana of both iroimses 1 to give tirorn favorable cenelderation anJ sup. , iq port. " kJ ROBINSON ItATSIS A 110W. r Wiremr Gr'mmorai Bingham had finished read- ; . lag tire platfornr , Delegate Schaefrer of Dde- : ware county offered as an anundmnent a res- olutlon auggesting that candidates for the UniteI States senate be glvc.r the right to register their names In a leglelatlve dIstrict ) anti be voted for at the prImaries. The ' amendrii nt wae defeate-yeas. 86nays. . 172. l A dlotrirbanco arose when Congrcsurnrr r Robinson offered ae an anrondnient a resirlu. tIon l'ItrrmctIrIg th delegates-at-large for McKInley for riacond . choice. "No , no , ' anti "Quay , 'Quay , " came from all over time hail. A motibn to lay timl on th tablewas made , and tire cirair decidort this question was not debatable. Mr. rtobinscn Inristefi en speakIng - Ing on a Iroint of order , nr.rh the chair ordered - dered thro roll call to proceed , tire yeas and nays having ireen called for. Time result was a p.amrtlemnoniuni of noise , drmring which Mr. flobirisun stood In tire aisho shakIng his fist at tire cimainruan and shouting that ho "de- mended his rights. " Order was uriahly obtained. time chair withdrew - drew his ruling amid Mr. flobincoir took tire platformn anti muncie Iris speech In support of iris resolution. Ito declared lie was heartily in favor of enat'r Quay's candidacy , and wommlfi , as a delegate , 'oto for hint at the SL Louis convention. lie felt , however , that back of tire desire of Sinator Quay's success timere Is a feeling In favor \VJlhiani Mc. IClriiey of Ohio , If , after au , it Is not paz- Ibl to confer the nomlmrntlon uirori Mr. Qusy , Mr. ltobimrson was interrupted at tins point by burl cheers for Mclclmuloy , with strorrg shouts for Heed. Senator Penrose responded to Itobinruoru's speech. un broumgirt the deic- gates to theIr feet whim the nrost genuirre entirusiasmu of the ( lay when he declared ire % vas opposed to any acrion that would bout. tIe ammtj make ridiculorms tire grant ! conrphi. irrerit the conventIon has iald to Mr. Qmuzry. dr. l'emrrose accmwetl Mr. ltoblnsorr of workIng - Ing a small political scheme for lit's own ire- Iltical aggrandizenreurt. Mr. itoirlntromi attempted angrily to Inter. rmmpt Mr. I'emrrose , hut tie crowd hooted hire rlowmr , When t3cnator Periromue hued concluded , Mr. Ilohrlnz'on asked for an tra teller , tay- ing timer had been cases of lnmperrtonattomr on the irovtoirs , roil call. BENI 1JFCOMES IJVILY , ThIs ltrecivutated a scene of violent disorder , Mr. 1oblmrson { being hooted nun hissed for seine rrulnutez. C. ii. Magee said Mr. Itobn. ! coil's ricmmuand was a rertbcxrrrble erie. and this gcntlorirarr wtj. 1rlr'ed and hocuteh as heartily as Mr. ltoiilnscrr irud hreeri , ( 'imainimian Myilmr quickly named ' 4r. flolir. ! 50:300 : a teller , but. tile latter deelimretl , say lug he vms ; 'iiml interetel ( party. " hemistor l'enrose : "Are we to Infer thai . all interested iersons are dIshioii.et ? " At this Mr. Robinson runt rhown the aisle , r'imook Iris fist In Mr. I'eni'ose'rr face arid imoutetI out seine mieflumnee tIra was mmot hrarrl on sire irlntfcrmn because of time irnian tli't Irreralicti , Order was finally obtnlruoti and tire roll call prucet'hetl. The prc'posl. tiorr iras defeated-Ye.ra , 65 ; minys , 178 , Mr. M igee marie a slreedlr against the on- 4hlrsemiremt . f Air. ' ) uy for iumesldemrr. lie ald Ira re'lrroserlttud ' ! Udtrict a Mu'Klmrey ( ammd. as a deIertto to the St. Louis oonverrtiorm , ire would lir reem'eant to Iris truet If ire diii not .irubhiciy enter iris lirotest against Mr. Quay. t 'Fins 'mrtleml tire lIght en tire 1Itrtforrr , arid at 4 : 15 it Vflt' fInally adopted. Camuihitiates % % 't're ( imemm t'leeioI as follows' Cnlrgressnuen.atIarge ( ihrsiua , t , Oror of flu srjri e Ira mm mmii , rursomrmi Ira I ed , err d Samu imol A. Jhvtrulrort , Of Erie , ' NatirraI deiegates.at.Iarge , Janros S. lice- . . .conmVestmnorelarril ; tiovernor I ) . It. liszt. imigs , who a il rrormmtnate Quay ; James Elvt'r- 5011 , I'huiIu1eipiriri ; Vrimrrl , .1. 'rorrerice , r , .Ailt'giramu ) ' ; Dr. ' 1' . 14. Flood. Me.md'Jllc ; V' . v. ( irlent. Larrcmzier : ; F , hI. iarker , ( 'amnlrnia nmrrl JCsvlt ; % liosler , douutguniory 't'huu last ; nct of tire convention wrum ; to re-elect Samrtor Qrmay na state chmrl'rrtamm by neclanrsticirm. 'l'iro convention adjounircud 'rlmru die at 5:10 : . imu. itri ; liet pr'II ( . 'rrlorr'il Sr. J0Ei'lI , . 'tpnli 23.-ir. J , 11. A. ero'lamrti , irresiderrt of tire C1sred 1iouuhiieamr . .SIate ICUUIr , mia'S time mali for a eorr'enton of tire mncnmb'rz to ire held at ihedalls. trim . May 7 , W84 umrautIiorzrd try the lerleIrt. ! anti first there uvill be no cnmveirtjerr at tiit tioro at Sr'Jiila. Secretary J. IJ.Iaz Harris of Jcsnsaar CII ) ' . in issimir : tire veil , rcmrms to Ijive greatly olTended tbe Ottur Pit1i'm' of the orgammizatloim. turd at a umeetlug or tire exo- cullye ctmmrmnrlttee , to be held Ic iarrsas City Friday , they vroruIzc to ta summary at1utr th his case , 9lrerIrIn U Cuturl p. i'mn uei'nt'r , IUJ3tI1LLE , eb. , Jr PrIl TLIegi'sur.-The ) Siicridn coun ly tiemirocrata suet Imr convention today curl zelectol C. I'at- ttersofl , V. U. Peelc , Ham , icice , 3. I. $ iirreil , and fl , H. llemnmmmlng at. i1l.'gat.s to attemid be L.Irrolri comuyermltuo , AItfIL2 , , % % Jli lie fl $ pIritrrt ( 'omigz ( , ClUlT } , Neb. . April 3.--trc1aL-Tbo ( ) VLdttte wIll tunmorrow annouro : l. 11. Den. ulsumi , c4uhier of the First NatIonal bank - of thir' city , as a candidate for state aenator from Saline county on the repuirllcnn ticket , The other tairthIt1ate Is 1tI Wntt'omb cit ttto in1entl Telegraph. hour carrdlulatea have utrong , ulmpIrortenn anti there will be a shsrp contot In the county commu-entlorr for tire nomuminmitlon , VI U ( II .t it ii't' : ii i.it' . s i' I'rii ) . f'mmr'tInmmmmI ( % lImmrrpIM4oi 1h111 1m hm immmI Cu ii e is I o mrs. ITA1NT0. Va. . April 23.-Tlm repubil- can onventton ta eiiect r1elegtes.zt-iarge t St. hotrl assCmnhled hero at noah. Chairman - man hammrb of time state conimltteri aillrrg It : to order. A conference of tire ieader was I held to arrange a comurpromulso between the warring factIons , lol respectively by Chair- mrraml I.arnb amid cx.Congres3mrran'addihl. . nod bire sonic fruit. Meilinley iraulges wore In evItletic evenyu'imere. F'uhiy two-thirds of tire ticiogates tro white and In opening the con vention Cimamm'rnami Lirmib ciimgratulated the rciirmlilicans upon their splendid showing. Refei'erices mnsle to time "Napoleon of jrorcc. tIoir" biougirt forth great appliuse , witleir was courtirrued when sormie 4ielegrte irropOsed tilteti cheer's for McKInley , iLi'tereirces to Reed , Aldrich , Mortomr and others vero cheered also. lie closed by offerIng to sacrifice iilrnsoif Lor time irartY'S good. Colonel W. E. Craig of i3taumrlon was for teu.pOrlum'y cbnirmruamm. Tue op. ponent of Mr. Larrrb proposci the minnie of lt'ireemrtatlve } Jarires F' . Walker , leader of iitrm1OValI Jaclurorms old brigade , but General Vahlcer wIthdrew in the Interest of haririony. As a result of n compromIse Colonel Iiamnb will retain tlm atate timalrnrarndrhp and wIll yield imirm ; rlace as natIonal commnitteemnan to the opposing faction. The delagates'at-iarge Irroirabl' will ho Celonel liemb , General \Vnlker , S. M. Yost nirul Colonel t'at McCauhl. At 113O the committee on credentlaho camne In arid Chalnmnrrn Craig called time conven- tirmr to order. Time report 'Cs agreed to without dlscueslour. Tile commntttee on permnamu.ut . organIatlon iamed : Congrcsrrrarr Jaune A. W'alker for chaIrman. Chairman 'r'nker thamrked tire boly , and without monk- log a speeclr , u'ahie.i for the report of tire cornmItteo on resolurtlons. These declare timn.t "the republican party of VIrginia reamflrrns Its allegiance to the prIliclirIci , of tho..party to which it belongs as enunciated In the natIonal platform , ani expreasee Itp' pride 'ii being a itart of an organization wlrlc'h faithfully , idireres to thu great irlrrciiilC of protectirn , In . whicir no furiraco fires have ever boon put out , no faetorle' cioectl , arrti no ttrmury of workers thrown upon lime streets red hmigirvay.'r In omrf3rcetl ldiene.r ; " ( lrxr000ce the democratic .atimn'iutstratcn } , and Invite the eupliert of the Indep.tdent votere of th ertate ; oppose tire call for a convention to revise the constltu' . tpmr of thp eate ; ud. ; cloce as follows : 1'rlto ' repurbhfean party of Virginia , proud of the posscsIo of tie coterie of eminent rmtatenron wiio miarnes are Irefore tire coUntry - try . Err connection . wit h time nomination fur lrcsfdent of time lJnlted State oy tli coining ilat'fnnai retiblicarr convention. cannot reframim from expresruirig Its preference fcr tire urorni- natIon of tire Idol of the Anrerican working. men , tire 1101)0 of our business and agricul. torah clauaea , timO pioneer of prorulIsed irros- perity'IllIam McKInley of Ohio , urlid we Instruct the delegates elected by tiiI conven- tlon to vote for hIm au' bug as there Is any ProPcct for his mromlr.ntion , arid thereby ca- utress the love of thu VIrginia mother for lion Ohio child , ' ' The piatform was road by General John E. holler. Tire convention lIstened imu silence rmntil the firetruetlons were reacirerl. their there was muich elteenlng. With a few hi.u- cantIng voicr'a the eport was adopteJ. Mr. Maicomn Colas of Northumberland tried to get an adjournment untIl tomorrow , but failed. Delegates-at-large to the St. L'uls convert- tion are WillIam Lamb. General J. A. Walker , Major S. Iii , 'iot and A. tV , liar- rick ( colored ) . No alternates vc.ro chosen on account of confusion due to tire nruititude of names offered , and at 1O : a. rn tire euro- veurtion adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow. K ICIC Oil' W'l1S'FIiItNR1t'LJIm IICtNS. oIJ tWit * 0 Cn rr I ii I I iirt I ngt err's Se1r.'ue irs sit t'sr ri y ltmrrrIezr. ST. LOUIS , April 23.-A specI8i from Washllngtort to'tlro Republic ceys : The report this evening is that tIre republican leaders have crmrcluded riot to force tire Pacific railroad - road futidlfig' bill' to hn Isuu during thIs sci- slon of congress. An arrangement has bctmr reacheri between Mr. Huntington on orru attie amid the republican leaders our the other timat time HuntIngton fmmndlmrg bill was to be criled up in time house and passe4i tins session , amrd that tire senate ehmould take hold cf the subject - ject promptly on convening next December. It'a. . mumado icnown to the republican lead- ens of the house , however , that time democrats would contest witim all the power at timolr dis. posal tho. effort of time republican majority to raes time 1)111 , As an ammgry debate on time question arid tito Inevitable drawing of party lines ungirt imav a bad effect upon time re- puhillcaum partT Imi some of tire western state' , reprcsentatlone 'ere made to Speaker Iteed that it would riot do to load time republicans of tire wcut down vith time' weight of hunt- lmrgtomr on their slmoultiera during the ensuing campaign. Several comutoremrces wore held and Mr. hlurmmttngton , who was ho ew York , was comnmriumuicated with. As a , Tcslmlt It is now umraerrtood , although not yet officially declared , that the furrtllmrg selmenre vili not ire pressed dunlmrg timJ sea' ulon , but timat an effort vilI Do made to pass tutr bill thrommgh botir houses or congress muext wlmuter. That huntington and time repubikauc haul arranced a rucitemne to pae tire funding 1)111 timrotlgir tlrl , congncs.'t tlrere appears to be no doubt , but It iu irrobablo that llummtlng- tomi r'ill recognize the validIty of tlmo corn- plaimrts of time western republicans that tIre allIance would be a itard loud to carry dur- 11mg a iueatt'II irolltlcal cammmpalgn , anti consent to postpone it ummrtll after tire elections. Jt Is proirable that the repubimcamrs OXlCCtdd timat time democrats would romrtemrt tirenuseivos with rrrercly golmrg on rc'cord agalmtst the fund- log bill and not contest the ummcaatmro fiercely. but time drimnocrats , after imoitilmmg evcral iii. formal comrfei'emies , commciudod to fight Mr. linntlmrgtomm's selmemnec r'itir aft time force they coimlil command , amid hence time conclueloir of the republicans to POstPOmW the comisummunra- tion of their tical with Iluntmngtomi for a few mitomiths. . Gil 1.t'L' 1) . 1. l"Oll 'i'JI Fi ti'lt I 'r'ii Vii. 11mm I I me V'mr mmml Gmmtlrm'rt'd I mm lirririrmof mm IrlirI'r'N 1mIrtIrIn' . C\N'r0N , 0. . Apr11 23.-Yt'stcrmiay was mm ltmirpy day iii tire MeKhuiiary famimily at time old 1momtmetnad imero. Major MeKtmuiey amid ImI lmmvnlitl wife vere lrresemmt at an immiom mnal fanmily gatimerimig 1mm cemmnemmioratloir of lila rmiotiucr'B S7tlm hirtlmtiay , Mother Mclclmrley was In c'cchlent health mind urpimija nit the occrsiomm , mw she is generally at imer omivamucoci ago , reemmbilmrg , 1mm that respect her decemed luoubamid , who was up i.mmd . nttemutiiuig Li , business - ness vithiln a few days of hrms mleathi at I he dto of S5 , ut few years ego. There verO lmml'sermt mit yesterhrry's gather- Irmg 4lmmer MeKimrlc'y anti daumgimuer Mabel of New \om'l ; Clma ties 1'd II br end vtru ; ) Miller mind wire of tins city , ceumalmis : Osbormu of Yormngetoswn armd Mrs. I'rrrcar. of Clevaiamtd , deters of ilottmcr .MclCimmiey. 'I' ru II 3l.e' Sr II I I IU11MINi ml tM. 4ifO 't1trii 2j.--tt : ( ] recmms. bore today tire Ninth rt'puirliean curmvuumrtien mmiet , but ( ailing to agree. time lividutti ummti held two r'minvomrtlonms. Time MeImley ) ; laction iIetsJ1 Dr. 'V. J. h1mmgIme anti \V , L. iairdemz mlcmicgtrto9 It ) WEt. Juts , anti iluimlili. mute j . ! . ' 1' . ieFCtiwry of : Jicseummer' for comi. gr ss. ht'i' 0 nmmtI-Mtu1Irmk'y ( aeliou , lm.mu"d \v. . C. iIanlr murid A. J. \ % ihii , age favor r. ; itoti , time mrlhcr Zrtertomi. 'V. II. tldm'lcii vn.t irornimraterl for' rrmigm'e.i. GAIVES'r0N. i'ex. , April 23.-There was a split in time 'l'urthr djetllec 3 ) ( ( Coil. % 'L'fltiOn toay. thu MeJtt.e'Iles : lmmrldtrmg mu convention tif tholr Quit. i'ho regular u'cmm- vemmtiomm e'lcmted : ( ire ( ( mltmiuvimig mielegati's t' , St. louis : B. ii. hlawic'y r ( Uai'i'rton. M. M. lInger's of i.ararmge. i'Ime 'leicnlc'y $ comm 'r'mrtlomi eiected as ti'legaue Ic , St. Loimirm : Grcsr 01 c1oratir nmitl'iabm'Jgtrt of Fayette. ( mr * t.ImI rigs Jcelmi rvs fur i'rm.m. tI I ' . .r. MEMi'illS , Ttsimm , , April ? i.Aaieelai ; frorr : Grerrmvtlic' , ldas.s , t Ile Cutrrurort'ial.\ppeai sayr. : A loller was received irro today fi'mun Congrezzmrrtzmi Thmomnas C. Ceteirings an. rrounclmmg that Imo will vote for tire frc.m nuJ ummihinmited coinage of rdlu'er at time ritlo of Id to I it time ulonrot'ratlc coirvoirtirir. meimih ureats ber omr My is , rm'mmeouiaatt'a hint , torrwmezt.Insmm I C4myer I loris , DI'TII0LT , .i'ri 2.-1'iro Fimzt tiitnlct ne- publlm'amm congrculouat euzi1e'utlomt was held irero yt'sterIay , 1)avkl Megitmn.ty auul Freemimito ii , Dickemtumu WQCC cimosca dstemutes. L - _ - - Tim convention a1opteti strong McKinley teoimmtlona , Time , dIstrict .conmpniaes fourteen warmTh of this city. I'EOiUA. ill. , April 21.-The repubilenos ef tIme Fourteentim IllinoIs d'trlct ' Imelmi their convention lmere anti remrommi Irma ted Congrenu'- man Joseph Graff iry acelanmatloim. C. Ii. Snlvey of F'umitomm county arid 1. C. Pimmkmrey of Peoria were elected deisgates to time St. Lauls I convention. ltr'selmrtionp were adopted in. mutruetlng for McKInley. ALTJANCi. 0. , APr11 2L-Tho repimirlicans of tire ifgbth , 1icicirriey's old comigreesloirni district , remiourrinated It. ' . Taylor of Ltsban for ChICAGO , Aliril 2.1.-A ePocial to the Post . frrn .Incksorrvlio , iii. . says that the rolmnmb- lican congressional convenUon now 1mm session iii timat city ' 'il ' urmdriimlutediy r'emmomnlmrate Con- greszmnan John 1. ltirmnmker. anti send Coiomrel A. C. Matthews of Pike coumity arid Colonel S. McKnigirt as deogates to St. Louis. % 'I'l'lL INM'I'ItI't"l'iONS llit I'IlNIiIiY illimimils Itt'mrrrIileimrilIsii'iet Comrvi'mr- I , , , It'et 3)r.iegmr I es for 4t. Iommis. ROCK iSLAND. ill. , April 23-The Tentlr dIetnict republican convention met here to. day. Goom'go W. l'rlmrce was remiomrrinatc'd for congress. Thomas P. PIerce of time state board of equailzatlomr , Charles II. home of Mohine and L. Ii , hirookfleid of Sterling were selected mrs delegates to the rrational con- 'erutIon. The resolutions Instruct for Mc- iCirricy. LA Stl4LE , Ill. , April 23.-Time ropurb- Iicamr of time Eieventim commgre3slonmtl district today renomninateul Waiter lteevee ct Stroater for cormgress. lummcamm McDommgall of La Salle anti General Timomnas 13 , hlentierson were named as mlt'legatos to tire mratloumai curl- veumtlote wttlm instrurotlorms to vote far Mc- iCinley. IVilUamu F. Mason was endorsed for United States senator. LITCIIFI1CLI ) , Ill. , Aitril 23.-TIme reiub- licamus of time Eighteenth comugresslommal dls- trict today nonrimiatod 110mm.V. . F' . Iladley for congress. ltoolutiomls were adopted en- nlorsimmg McKInley for itresitlomit. 11. J. hlanmi. 11mm of Simeiby county amid Lewis M.cKlnne of iutndison were cirosemm delegates to tire ira- tlumual convention. JACKSONVILhII , Ill. , April 23.-Time Six- teentim coimgreslomial district republican con- ventlon today Instructed its delegates , A. C. Mattirow of' I'Ittsburg aud S Iulclcmrlght of ( llrard for McKinley , General ltlmiaker s'as imornimrated for commgres's. - ossI 1' I'ItOtt 'llIfl S'l''i'l'2 IIOUSI3. Governor .lloliruimuhilssmies U , it t'qiilsi- ( 14)11 ( em' mu llmirglrir I mm OkImilmoirma. LINCOLN , AprIl ' 23.-Spoclai.-A ( ) requi- 'Itiomt was Issued today fromn tito governor's office on the gorornor of Okiahomna for Cimaries 11111. Ire is wamrtld in Motiisorr County fortImo crime of btmrgiary , time charge 1)011mg preferred by Alvin Low , Omi time mrlght of Februer'y 19 , 1S96 , Hilt trnd James Mtmrphty are alleged to have emiterod the barn of Loan amid stolen a imarness of the value of $35. Simenilf 11. 'L. Sicatridluig or Madisomr county is named In tire requlsitlomi as agomit to bring back 11111 , 'who' is now uader arrest at Ktngiislmgtr. Old. Governor iiolcomnb left LIncoln at 1:15 : p. In , for Norfolk , " lie' ' was accomirpanied by Dr. .J. H. Mackay , superiumtemuient of time Norfolk Hosiltal 'for t'hcy lumsaure , ai Inves- tlgatiomi of wlmcoe management of tire Imu. stitmitlon is set for tomnorrOw mirornlng. The applIcation of the L"arumers' Mutual Instrratmce company for a writ of rnamrdamnus to comirpel State . 'ut1Jtor Noore to issue a certificate has been advanced by the supreme court. amid tire 'hearIng' vIIi be lmad eu May 7. Tire rurotiome of time company to strike out time charge of uriconstitutiorraltty In the audItor's answer sas overruled. Tins mnrormuing time aumfiltor's attorneys filed a brief In relation to thispcdmit. notr'itir"tiriilng tire fact that tire mottomi has been overruled. GrtumirI lsImmirtl'14 Crtmele uniX 'l'emmiri. GRAND ISLAND. April 23.-Speclal.-Tlme ( ) local base ball fans have organized a club and are ready to meet all amateur corners hr the stuth. Jolmn Ilapprnoister Jo captain. Tlmo team consists of ; John HapInieiater and 1"red Glade , pitchers ; Dan Linrriramr amid Joe Schyaiger. catchera ; William Ryder , flrrt ; Cart' Wililarti , . 'acutt1 ; Cimamrcy Nusz , short- otOp ; flcrbert Crossmnan , tirird Phil Glade. left field ; , 11. S. Ileacir. center field. and Richard Bu"mrz , right field. A flmie danromrd ) is beirrg made at Pukwamia park , onlya few blocks from time btmsincss center. ' : rs Jtrixioiis to Die. GRAND ISLAND , Apnif 23.-Special- ( ) Joe Wormier , a teamster , who is addicted to drink , was arrested yesterday afternoon for borrg ! drunk and disorderly , and wimlie in jail during the night. ire tried to hang imini. self witir a entail rope. Ho was already hanging froni a'poSt , when 'another imrrnate of the jaIl dIscovred , time situmatlon amid cut time rope. Later on ire attempted to eat matches , but in thus he was also prevented. - lie vau , tins mnormulmig lined 1. and coats amid 1mm etili . . Imi jell. t'mtlmiiirr itoimNu' 'VlIl ' Not Cios. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. April 23.-Sps- ( cial.-flumor's' ) 'im'ivo been set' afloat tlrat time I'aimmuer imouao at this place was to be cloeJ. These are tmnfourrded. Time recotvcr of time thank of ComnmcrC , under whoze control time motel is , has appointed A. IL Baker , a funnier residemit of Onmatma and on old imotel mnan , to toke charge of tire instItution , Mr. nakcm will keep time hotel otren to the vubllc as usual. ' , Vorklmig mimi mm. 111. ' Cmmmmi I , 0C0NE1 , Nob. , April 23.-Spcclal.-The ( ) surveyors of the Great Kascern Canal corn- pammy are at work In this townrimtp now , Time company inns eight large gradern and many scrairera at work on tire ilmio west of Imore. 1)emntlms ( it mm Dmiy , DIJIJLiN , April . 23.-A dispatcir from MItchrellstown , rmoar Cork , announces' time death timere of time Fenian loader , J. S. Casey , wimo was one 'of time orignatora of time Lammd icague. NEI3I1ASKA CITY , April 2'J-Spocial.- ( ) Joimn Wynromrd , mimi old cltizn , died yester' . day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'tt't'it'l'IIl1H. lO1tiC.tS'l. Uemm'riI I F'nm frryigmris l'mm rimuirit. , $ N m'lrmm N i.zi i'reil let I o a In r 'l'o mlii y. \VA flu IINCTON , AlrU 23.-Thu followimrg ir ( time. forecast for F'mitluy : iPor Nciiraka and ' lcunxas-Cenerally fair ; 'amlabIe wimmd. . For Colomutmiolrulr ; whrmnor In the mrorth- . tim.mr lom't Ion : varltminie vinds. For Vyomrrlmug-Ftrlr ; southerly wlmrda. For i'ilontmuna-i"alr 1mm tIre soutimern itor- tion ; local showers end partly eloutly In the mrortharm ; pomtion ; mrortherly winds , mlnlftlmig to outhei'iy , Fiji' Htamtim 1)akotum-Gemjerauly fair ; cooler in tire eastern irnrtiomr ; urtir'tirwesteriy winds. l'or Oiclaimomiimt ntml : iiitiian Territory- ialm' ; wam'nrcr ; aomrtimer'iy' wInds , l'om Mlsuri-F'rmir ; soutirerp . to westerly uimmirr. ' Fur bou'a-FrmIr ; wester'y ' wImrds , 'Izit'n I Ztt'car.J. OF1'iCr OP' Tlhl WEA'I'iIEP. 11U'RIAU , OlAiIA , Aitmil -Omaimmu i'oord of tern- 1I510 I ili' ml ad rain fmm I I comupareti rn I In thr ni eom'r't.r'rourdlumg day of tire imast four years : ls)1. : ) ish. lu1il. hi'93. ilmnxlmmrtimn tenuiuneraturm'e. . . 78 81 69 51 Mlmrirmmuxn Inrperatmmro . . 11) CO 43 2S , vm'Lmgo temaperaturu . . . . G3 ( u ; Cd 42 i'ccllmltatlomm . . . . 'p. .11 .O .01) , t3 Cuniiitlorr of' tenrpernturo anti lrreclidtrrtion at Omnuima icr time 115) ' amid since' Murchm 1. IWJO : Normal tcnllmcratumro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Jxeen , for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACtmmuitiinileih ticllclenc'y smice . 'i1arcii . 1. . 70 oi'mnai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incim xcet for' tlm day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . immeli 'l'clal lmreci p1 tim I loir nil nec : i mi rein 1 4 .20 1 micires 1acess since March t . . , , ' ,11 Inch tIejliii'iN flair , Simmilmirms mn p rim , . "i t'e . aTAT1CS ) AND STATD 01" 'EATiIEit. 3 & g : rltB : ' 'l . . . . ( imalum. 1t'ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 t .11 ? . 'rt1i ' l'Ial In. rica r . . . . . .r . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph ' 2 Or iiurt'mt. deur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cui .o (1mmt'uai. clcoil ) . . , , , , , . . , u..ii . . . . . . . . ' 5S ,48 mm. r.surg , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si .0' ' ) Sm. j'aimi. ilsar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . all - ts .oo iavenm'tiri , ouii' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h4i s .a lmmnina , rnmy , l'aml Uuuiiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 76 .00 I tr'intm , i'ait l.lmd : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5I O'i ' 1' linur. ' . mim I , 'iQtmdy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , 4I .mii Ucit l.nmte , itmt nlatId ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CII Cl .01 ) Imsmrm.trc'Im , t'loudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; c .oc CIm''nmre. emcur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) [ j .rc % iIIltomr , i'l , er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flu r All ltplili 'Ilr' . liar I ciouly. . . . . . . . . . . . . .fI ci . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4' 1i4tu'itrr. truce ' ii ireciniintiomi ? 1. . A. 'ILIE , Otervcn. . SIIOOTORSTATE hONORS , l'i t N0brftSkitCbinp1onsh1ps fIt the Trap to 1o I i'iIDCCIlCd ( Today. . qb 'I WINDUP , ' . TOURAMENT AT hAND liest or time 'tV.rk Are rum ( Ii. ' ' . . . . . ) ' ( . . " Si'.ir's itIit5'u' Ill. ' ! ) ; Mormey , tr'mr * ly 1)1 l.I 'I , it _ _ _ Today will wlrrcl UI ) the toirremamnerit amid frorri a locaistanmllrolnt will be time Imrtorert- 1mg tin ) ' of tbq simoot. There vIii ire ftrtmr target - get events , 1mm u'lmich all time crachmajacks lii comirpote , Inrmsnruclr as tireso evemmts % 'Ill do- clmlo whro ' ; ! 1 uIn Limo week's average , amid tlmereforo 'vIII bo unusually lmrtc'rcstltig. Time principal ovemrt , irowover , will be time Ila- nromrd ilmudge contest for tlto clrairrplonslilp of Nebraska , term live birds to time mrramr , $10 orrtrrumrce , $40 nddcd , iromre but Nebraska simooters being eligible. Next In Importance will be tire two-mmran teamir chanrrpiorrship race , for a medal emblematic of time honor , temu targets , $5 emitrairce , $30 added. The ummedai Is noWimeld by J. W. Iemrn of Wild horse Canyon and "Armmrlo" Rogers of Lln- coimr. Tire Iuird tnteresting event Is time i'lattsrmr utht crmlsimoot , , four incur to a tcalrr , cmmtrancu $10 per tearmr , $30 irduleul. Tire cup Is mmow lmeid by time Stammton Gun club toanmi , In mitidltloii 'to all timese good thIngs in tire simootlmig line , Toni Keller u'ihi uiamieo time TrIlby two-step wltim Miss Trotter 1mm lmls miery 100-case dress sumlt on a rahsetl irlatformu Otltsitie timO big tent ; lion. Torn Mursimali verformmrs omm tIme slack wire barefooted ; Ccionel Prrm'mnclc-e will warble an aria frorri 'iincagnt's tatast olrera , ammd Cimun'lIo Butiti vilt wimlatie ' 'Cimlpple , ( let Your hair Droke. ' ' \\'iren time sun goes dowir tire great tommnmma- , imiemit wIlt tr imlstory amnd time famous mdtats vlli radiate to time fommr Polmrts of tire corn- liass. Manager Loonrls will return to imis iicri in time II. & M. headquarters , Jack Read vlhl do a little jrlomnblmig anti Frank I'ar- maclee get iris iristol ready for time Joplirm simoot. Yesterday's smootlng was only up to time average. The day was favorable , but soimrn- how or other time proressiommais couitin't get. theIr eye In and the selling Piaters toted off time bulk of the stuff. i'arineleo amid Gilbert tie'i on tire beat general average amrd will exert timemneelves today to collar the 'imommor , alone. Paumi Lltzko , time Forest amrd Stream miran , s'ho kmrou's more about trail shooting thman amry im imi 1mm tIme coummtr'y , imas rmlado mu ircat of friends among tire local simootcrs and vlli leave tomorrow for .Joplln. lie Is a itarmdy ahlround sort of a flluw amid mirurcim in demand wimemmever big natlonral totmrna- mor.ts are Iroiti. MIlt Limidsie ) ' , tine King's smokeless ito\vder roan , amid his cimarrnlmrg wife , " \\'amrtia. ' ' wIll leave for Cimrcinmratl tomnorrouT. There vIll be a big crowd irrea ent today , a everybotiy Is mtmmxlous to wit- iress tire state events. Yestcrmlay's niomucy winners wercu Event Np. 1-Twenty targets , $3 entrau'c" . five moneu' . forty-two entries : First , Lir- dermnamrmr ttfi' , 2' see . 'od , Grlnmmmrr on 19 ; thin ml. Icach , I'rtumeije , lhrownimig , lemimi , Etllott. is : foUi't.i Qeorgo rtogors , l'etersen , S'r- g murrt. hlelei , 17 ; fIfth , Parker , Crairili , MacIc , Trdtter. Loomis , Sexton , fla'iton. IlL ivent No. ' 2'-amne conditions , forty-seven entries : irmt ! , i'etrsen , Gilbert , , flldiott , 39 ; second , Dermrr . iS ; t irlm'ml , Cottroi , Grimmir. Fasten , Ii1t1minirih. 17 ; fotmrth. Courtney , 1" . Millem' , Kliau' . Sorgeamit , hielkes , Younp' , Sexton , 1G lftm. 1'irlcer , Iiamklmrs , 15. Evemit No. 0-Same conriltiorra , thirty-three entries : First , l'armo'ee , 20 straIght ; second , Gilbert and (1iblil , 19 ; thIrd , 1aritomm. itrer. Kellar , J.each , l'arlcer , 18 ; fouihr. Young , Sexton , D1gu..tw , Trotter , Lindermnann , Gortimier , dmet'd. 17 ; liftir , Fllot : , Gritfitu , lurId , Horer's , 16. Fvcnt No , 4-Samria condltiomrs , thlrty.tirroo cm.trie'n : l"Im't , , Gt'iort amid Parmnelee , 19 ; acconti , hloikes. Grimm. lrudd , ICellar , 18 ; timiril , Youmumr. Eiston , nliott : , it. F. Mllhm'r , 17 ; 'fourth ' , Duer. Digelow , Mmr'sirall : , Linds- 11' ) ' , Linderrnmumin. Leach. Rogers , Parker , IS ; fifth. K.lnrnoUtr. Brovnlnnj' Lorn1s , I'rot- Icr , .Schrnlflt' , i ; : ' Eemrt No. r.-Ilandicap race , fifty targets , fort-sIx eritriesl First prIze , " K. C. I'owder cumarnyt3 slvdm' ctrp : Curtis and SchmIdt tied on ' 19. CurtIs wlnrmimrg' on simoot-oft' , 40 to 55 ; first unoney. l'arrnelee , Suxton , LJndermnanmm , 4S : second. Ifellces , KeilmLr , lit llrg , Ell'ot1 , 7 : third , Kinrnouth , Gilbert , lludtl , Leacir , Andrea's , Rogers , 46 ; fourth , Sergeant , Easton , Browning , Trot- icr , IJeno , Courtmuey. llariiln , 45. Event No. 6-Twenty targets , timirty-five entries : F'irt , Gilbert , Trotter , Hamilton , 19 ; secontl , ikxtomr , Dumor. Drowning. Grimm , Mrrrslraii , Parinoiee. L.mrdermurmin ! , 18 ; trmird , Raston , Elliott until , Gardner , hirtickec , , 17 ; fourth , huigelot' . 16 ; fit Ii , Helkes , Young , Sergeant , Kinrirouth , Loomnie , IColinr , Linda- Icy. Petersen , Leach. Samnmah , Laraway , Coo , 15. Event No. 7-Same conditions , thrirty-four entries. First , hIekee ! , Elliott , Parmelec. 20 : second , Youmrg , Gm'itnm , 19 ; timird Dimer' , ljndermnamrmm , IS ; fourth , Rastomr. Ileedrer , imIgelnv. Gilbert. 3larsiuull. 17 : fIfth. Sexton , ICimirnouth , Drowning , hiutiti , Loomis , V. Event No. 8-Sonic condittons , twonty- eight entries : First , Gilbrt , Parmelee Trotter , Sarnrrmair , 19 ; m'ecomid. iligelow. Browning , Gmlinmn , hamilton , Smeed , 18 ; third , linilces , Sexton , Dodd , Mmurshraui. Parker , 17 ; ( ourtim , Jiecher. Tomis , Lintler- maim Leach , Jitntiem'1 16 ; fifth , Young , RI- ilott , Sergeant , Kimimnoutir , 15. Evemrt No. 9--Satire conthitlons , twenty- oghrt ! emitries : First , ileilucus , 20 ntralgimt ; s'c'onti. Young , Etrlon , Riiott , Marshall , 19 ; third. 1)uer , Riltott , lllgelow , Urlmnmn , 1c'ac'im , 18 ; fourth , Sextomi , Sem'geanr , Kin- rrioutii. 11ui1t1 , i'arneiet' . J'nrker , lIlmider , 17 ; flftir , LoomIs , Jelar , Trotter , Llnimlermann , Read , 143 , ' C..tM 165 Ol 'r'lhIO N1t'l'UNAL LILt ( ; tdil. I'lmiIruIt'illi 1mm ( trit'rielmes t lit' I.mrs ( Simir1e ( It' il.s , hall IIi , ' In ( .rt Imrmjmm NE\\ ' YORK , Audi 23.-Time setmcon mu Gollirtmn is less thami it % s'eelc old , but time crumnlcs are getting tirami alrt'amly. Timie afternoon against time Pimihlies tire Nov York'i immid what ioolced like a s'inning heath , irut 1ott it In tlm ccont1 Inning , vhmi'iu Clarke vai' batted ommt tnt the ho ; . 'rime Quakers gave 0. clever oxlribitlon of im.ittlmig Fuller mind I'fclTer % s'oro 'iii tire gammie , but hour jlia3ed iaori' . Attendance , 2,50' ) . Score ; . Nos' York . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0 1 0' 0 0 09 I'lmiiamlelrtsimt . . . . . . . . . .1 8 4 0 2 0 2 2-19 ihita : New York , 9 ; i'lmilathr'Iplnlrr , 17. Er'- rum's : Nev York , In ; Pimilad chum Ia , 'I. En rnenl turns : l'hiiaiieipirlrm , 9 ; Now \'rk , 2. Tu'o- brte hits : \umi j bItten , liroutirers (2) , Cturev. Three-immure imite : Cim'mnenitnn , Glea- son , 1)avin. Home ruin's : 'Nmtsim. St 1emr lnastni : iulelmmmnty. Broutlrers (2) ) . First I'iSO Oil imall : Qif Carhue,1 ; off ioimeny. 3 ; oft ilcGiil , a ; Carsey , 3. 1 lIt i' liteiicd , brtis it ) ' Clmmtico. 1 ; try Fl'Jrmm , 2 ; ijy iohmemmy , 2 ; by McGIll , 2. Struck out ; 11 > ' loheny ; by Car. imey. 1 ; I1eO'l1l , 1. 'lId i'it lies : iieGIIl , Flynn. Jhattera : 1imlntiellimla. ? 1cCIlh , ( rrm- Ill ) ' and r1craiemmts ' New Ym'k. Cleric ? , Flymunm , 1)oineny ammil Fond ; \Vllsorr ulici Zerfos , l'mrrpirt : iiurt. Sl1N4TO1tS JIlT TIlE Di6'FTEIt. \VAMIIINCdTON , AprIl 2:3-110th : inltehcn'l were imit freely todv. \Vmuilmlmmgtomi lill to better advantage. Dro'n rimalclnig a irornt' rmrir w'itir tire ilr st bali over the lifltC. A emmrlounm ( eatmrrs t tire grime was that none of tire oimttielil rr miracle an Um'siit. 'fire gamne uvorl mIsilt. c'tl In' conmztant svrammgiimr on the hart of time visitors , Ir.tl b Griiflmi , amid warm called jut the crimi of time nievenhim on aceoUmit of m urkitcea. Attenmd.rmrce , 2,5&J. ilcoro : \'aslnington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 lirookl9'ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 1 0 2-S Hits : Wrmslrlrgtomm. lid Ihrookiyn , ii. Rr- rors : Wasiminglon , 2 : hirookyn , 2. Rarnemi runs : M'mtsflhnrgttrmr 3. 'rwo-basa Imitir : He- ! bach , Andem'saum (2h ( llonrmo rumna : ilrous'mm , i4eiirucir. Stcmiwj fruc.c : ! ulurcem' , itogerim. llrownm Col' U l)3u14e plays : C rcornn to Laehanee. 1' irst on trails : Off 2ulercuer , 3 : off Stein , 1. lIlt by Initcirer : lfonner. Struck eut fh'L . 'tlOrcei' , I ; by Stelmi. 2 flatteries : ' % 'arnInIngtomr Merer'r ammil Me. Cauley ; 1lrriolclyni , rdn , Grimnr arid Dci ) ' . Umpire : Kec'te. CJIAMPJONB SHUT OUT. IIAIJJ'JMOJII& , 4pril -Boston 1mhayel arm errorless gmrm tOmlal' mid shunt the cliamruinlorrn out. Nicimois svmis iii splenrild forrrr , lire six Imits mmmdc off hmirir beln'c scattered , mm time second Inmminng ire struck Doyle out svir iu lime buses % 'pro full , retiring - tiring tire skle. ' Attemmilance , 1,207. St"re : Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hastomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 2-7 lute ; Baltimore , ii ; iiostomr. 10. Rm'ror ; Iiohtlmnore , :1 : ; Iioatomr , 0. Earned nuns : llo4tomi , I. Two-base irlt.s : Kecier , ilammnomr. Stolen bases : IteItz , ilmmnrllton , Long (2) ( ) lowc. 1)ouble plays : 1)omnneily amul loyie Fimnst on errors : iroston. I. First on malls off Nichols. 1 ; . off Clmnnicromr , I. lilt im' ritcimed bull : Collins. Struck out : liv Nlrimois. 2 ; iiy ( ! an kmronj. I. l'n.aieil , r'IIs itni.lr.son. W'Iimi init'ImeSi Clmmrlcsoni. Dat- tenles flaltimmiore. Clarknon mind Itoltinsan ; l9nrtoml , Nitimols and flynn , Linrrpirea ; 14'ncI : aniti lienmleraomr. Col'/rs W'1N A NICE ONE. ST. L0t'iS , Audi 23-The Chicegos de. I feated the lirtru'mma today In a irard fonmgirt aimil dune amit' , , mind ermine within onu rue - - ' et slrrmttlrug nnmt the' honiro te.'rIii It Va ft pltt'hier * ' ltrll : , Ilm'iggs , who wn'r 1mm thm Irax toP flit' first ttmnp. Iritt'hrcMl a gioii game ftmr tilt' 'isltom . , while ilrcltemrstemmr pitc'ired 1mm imis mmsnma1 foruma atimi ire'hil tine ( 'iik"rgos mlo'srn to live irhti' . ilothr Pitchers hail mOOt tmppnrt. 'utten1nnro , 2(100. Si'oro : St. brtik..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 CIrk'ir' , . . . . . . . . . . . 10000200D-3 ljlts : St. 1cuts 7 , ( 'imicast" r. . Errors : St. Tt ( mis 41. 'C1ut'ego I. E rrne'l rtmnrs : Cimiemugo I. 'I'iirtv'-Iaso Iultq : D"mnmglns . 'ttriemu lnnen : Cooley 2 , Everett macmd lalr'rJm. itmlmle lrla ) a : Tm uimy 10 llrtreuige. liretensteimr ! to Qtmtnmni to Connrcnr CrestS to lonnghts. Qrnimnn t 1)ammg. itm l' rst , % on itnis : Oft ltn-eltonste'mr 1. ff llrlggs 2 Struck cult : Dy iim1gmi 9 , in ) ' hr elt'irt ' 4. 11mm ( torIes : St. 1. nmis. iire.t. rm'QtoIrm nfl I iotlm.1mu5 : Chlcnno. lirigga amid Klttreilge. 1mrrIrire : Slrerrilami. CmuT.ONRIS S1'lll , l.OSINC1. I'ITTSiII'itfl. Alll 23 - T'rulsvliie lost the gunman today tliortrgim hIll's 'lldns arid Iii tiler's mu hit' rnitic. I imi m'd lmi 1,1 a y. h"nm'e. nimtmr pitched a line gnrne , mimi s'as voll sup. Ported. Cassld"mn uvnIst smus injmmred mr a col'i5nIoml WI tir Snrittm at Ih'st base , cmii h. ' % .lIi pr. 'inhily not Pia % ' migtuimi far several s'eeks. .A ttemitlamrre , 2,2t'0. Score : l'ittsimuirg . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 2 0 I ) 0 1 - - 4 lictriavilie . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (1 ( 28 Hits : I'Ittelmurrg 6 iourIsv1i1e 6. Rrrors : l'lttsiflrrg 2 , 1otmtmuville 5. Rnirnr'cI runup : Louisville 1. Two-base hrir : O'lircri , Tin cc- hrase inits : Clark. Stolen basea : lomro'nnr 2) ) , Smltir. loril'o urlah'Q : F'orenrnmr to lllem'trummier to liecitlev. First bnse orm b rib. : 1y : , iiiorbnmunr , lttaclc. Darrnivan , Clark , Smnitit (2) ) , liei'lciey (2) ( ) , hyena (2) ( ) . truc1c funmt : him'elcley. L'omrS , Frernnn , Hhmniurrorm (2) ( ) , hill , \'arner , iroyle. flatterIes : i'ittu'Lmtmrg' , ioremrmemr nmnd Mack ; Loumir.vuilc , 11111 and liot'Ie. limnplre'e1hmmrnn. . CINCDJNATI , t.iirIt 2.1.-No game. flnimr. STAN1)ING Oi TilE 'i'EtiilS. l'inyei , 'omi. . Lost. 1' . C. Plttr.burg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 92.5 I'Iilndellninia . . . . . . . . . . S 5 1 92.5 Wasininrgtomu . . . . . . . . . . . (1 ( 4 2 C6 7 ( 'iove1mrd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 2 C.d.0 Chlcat'-o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 8 57.1 iirooiclyrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a o &o.o Clutlelnnirrti . . . . . . . . . . . . r oo Ilamtlrncrre . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 4 42.9 iloslomul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 fi 4 4)4) ) fit. Lonila . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 4 4'q New Yorlc . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . 1 5 26.7 LOtdvlilo 6 11.3 No Cannes sciremiuled for today , % % 'l1S'rIllt N ASSOUI.t'i'lN OI'RNIG , II . I , rigli ( 'N ( t'ri mm rUnrimitIs 'r' m. ( ) ptmr . u Itii mm 'ietory mit St. .ionlemli , ST. JOSEl'il _ , Alrrli 2.1.-Tire eiramrrirloni'hlp , season of tire WestOrn nntiour was opened ltvmo today unrtier ver , ' fnvnraliimr clmctmnurstnmicea. The gamne s'as vell Pln'ud amid wits won by the visitors Imi tire sevonmtlr tnrmulng err an erior by Jolrtrson. Attendance , 1,900. Scone : St. Josepir . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Cedar Italmido . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ' -3 hits : St. Jo.epim , 8 ; Cedar Itnplds , 7. Em'- romi : St. .loscpii. 2 ; Cetlat' Itairids , 3. fluitterlea ; ? , inunn'k. Ithitcineil timid i'ar'ker ; Carrln'h and Innovmimr. 'QIJINCY , Ill. : April 23.-Tire opeurlng of tire \\'eatern an'soclatlorr gmumrmes was mr'mtunltei in ) ' 0. street 'parade , Irarnicipated 1mm by the city uurthmon'l tIes. Twemrt3'-Ilve In unrciretis Plo. li'were Irresont. Score : F'eorizt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 1 2 o 'o i o _ s Qulmicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 flits : l'eorla , 7 ; Quincy , 6. Errors : l'e- orla I ; Qnihmrcy , : i. Jintlerietm : 'rimommiag anti Siesiem ; I teetly mmmul Quimimi. I1I1IILINGTON , April 28The'eatorn nasoclatiomi genres olremmed hem'e todumy , ru'itlm 70Oreopte 'lmn 'a ttomdtnrce. A irarzrmie , ireamleni hr , ' ml brasun lnammd , irasSeti throumnir time an recta. At the.-comnnnt'ncenrermt of tire ninth Imirrimig till tlio olti bails hmatl been lost mmntl iu iruqmme reftmsnjI to iriaY 'ltlm rrew bali. The umirplm'e timemu set tire gane bcIc to tiuc' cdghtii Inning. 13mrllmrgtomi ; lided a Protest. Scare : hltmriirrgtonm . . . . .0 0 3 0 4) ) 2 3 0-S ltminmqmro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i 2 0 0 3-15 .hlits : Durllnigtomi. 9 ; Ilubuitue , 17. Errors : lltmrlimrgton , C ; Jubuqnre , 3. llzttteri , s : \Viilte and \\'aiker ; SmIth murul 7.ahmnier , DES MOIN1'S , Alirii 23.-'l'he base bril seas -'Ir u'as olrenenl here today by a game between . Jes Mo1ne mumumi Itocicforti , Threre r.ns a. straet p'tt'tntlci , mimi unnu attumimlammee o fn1l' 3,0.9) . It'OPlO to see tire gamne. I'nes Mo1mres rda'ed a poor gtrmrre , Score : ies Moines . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 1) ) I ) 0 0 9-1 Itockford . .1 . . . . . . . 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 ' - 5 lute : Des Moinnes. 6 : 1tot'kfortl , 12. Em'- ron's : Dc's Moines , 2 ; ltockfon'd , 2 Ear'mreci rumrs : Des Moines. I ; 1tolcfom'i1. 4. Time : 1:45. : Drrtterl s : Des Moines , FIgge. aider' and J.ohumnan ; Jtockforti , Uniierwod nmud Smrymier. Unilire : llaehcell. STANIING OP TilE 'rE1tts , I'a3'eni : , 'Won. Lost. r. 'i Cedar flairimis . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 100.0 1)ubuqumcu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 . 0 ' ilockford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 0 100(1 l'eoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 j o 100.u Iiurlingtomr . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 0 1 . , . . . . Dour rroinemi . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 Qumincy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 St. Josepmr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No gaines scheduled for toJay. Scoitlas 011' 'IIE 1'lOS'r'llrLX Li5.t GIn. : : um I , nnmt'mniroIis 'Vmnsrronmm 11 iIIMms City lit hit. Only Gain , ' l'Inmac'tl , KANSAS CITY , April 21.-Score : Kamiras City . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0-S Mimineurpolls . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 1 4) 0 2 ' -0 Hits : Kansas City , 13 ; Mlmnnctipoifs , S. Errors : Xnnsaa City , 3 ; AlInnmrenirohis , 2 flatterIes : llnrnet , Kilng and Lnku ; hutch- imrsonr mi'ttl Sciirlver. INDIANA PULlS , April --lr.tilamutupolls. . DetrOit , no game ; wet gromin'i" , Coil1rl1ilTS , April 23.-No gnmc' ; rain. M1L\\'A TKEE , April 23.-No game ; rain. STANDING OF' TIlE TEAMS. Played.Von , Lost. J'.C' , Colunnirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 o iou.o DetroIt . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 0 100.i St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 0 1ou.t , Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 1 fiO Minnermpoils . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 i so.n Grtnnid Itnpldrm . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 lmimiiamgmnrolts . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 It's , 'u'orl It' . ' 1)iry mm C 1l . 'irrplrls. 1ui PillS , A irnll , 2.1.-Tire weather rind traCk s'ere first cas. ! F'imr ftuvon'ltcrurom % vitii ease , nan ! Albert S mu time lust wmr a stromig secommd dmoice. Results : , .F'lrmt .raeo , for 2-yn'ar-oUs , burr f'mrJonga , seIIng : 2iloncreitim (1 to 5) ) von cash ) ' by a length , Goots Liver secamnd , Oleami lIrh'l Time : 0:51 : % . Secomuti mace , mnurre $100 , sehilmig , mdx fur- loings. 3-ycam'-oi'iur anti Imp : llamron (7 ( to 5) ) wan by imuthi' a ie Llm , Santa Mam'ia seconid , Sumatra tiriril. 'l'imne : I :16m4. : . Timiril race , imure seu'en fur'onga , 4- yrne-oliha timid umpwtuntls : Asrlgmremn I to , % votm my hilt a 1mnrgthr , George li' . Sumittli see- on1 . I ) ivhi t im I rd . 'i'nr : I : ' : I :2S' : ' , ' . Fourtim mace , purro ' 00 , selling , mix fur. lo'gs , 8.year.oltis an ] lip : l'mc'tender (3 ( to 2) ) us'omr by it icmmcttim. LomilVfllowlrrook secomud , Tm onion third , 'f'inmre : 1:17 : % . F'if&Ji race , hrnmm'so $ jia ) , rel'ing , malta. :1- : ycnr-oiiia anti up : Frontier ( I to 5) ) vo : . r'am.ly Pry a length , , hldmigbImuge m'sec enid , Lit- t'o Tonri tinir'd. Timmie : 1 ; 451. Sixth race , limirac' . 1O1 , e'liing. fire fume. icrgs. f r ; i-ycar-olds n'miti up : Wmri1iri (1' ( . to " ) uvomi In a ilm'i't' ii ) ' inaif a. length , Astoiilntt second , iols'oix thtr,1 , ' ( 'line : 1:03 : % . _ _ _ _ _ _ i , 'lsim.iitm ( oiitlniie mm I Xm'uvpom't , I CINCINNA'ri. April 23.- Tire raimi dumnlmig tire forenoon hut the Newport truck 1mm ox- I cni emit lhmaire , amid ( omit time was nrade. Ani- otimer uccimbunt ocemmrred today 1mm tIre see- I cmiii race. H. lucks was tinrowlu ( nummi Urn.briilu. a t time bait nile past umnt ! irid' : injured abunit tlt ( acm , anti hotly , J4esmmltz : First race , mneliimrg , lum'so .1II0 , firm. lur- longs : 1ertrantl (5 t' 1) ) won , P'alrc'lmlicl (2 ( no 1) ) second , Font ml' Or (8 ( to 1) ) timirl. T.mmro : lO2'm. : Secomiml ruce , se'enr fur lomigun , mrtmrsn $100 : I il'milcci (9 ( to 2) ) von , ivammescmt ( I to 1) ) vee I cril , Judge 1)anny ( I to 1) ) thIrd. 'ruin. . ' . I 'L'hlrd race , pnmrsn 910 ? , selling , ( iure.lraif nmmCe : t'vmitmla ) ml (7 to I ) worm. 'Femirnucalmi (11 ( to 0) second , Snag Ci to 1 tin'm'd. ' 'i'lmn Fo'urUr race , seiIng , puran 1103 flvp furlongs - longs : ltublrcr'necic ( I to 1) ) uu'omn , Pat 'i'udder (10 to 1) ) miecomitl. 'rougim 'rimnuter (23 ( iii 1) ) thrirti. Tinie : 1 :01 : % . 1 l"ittit race , irurse 1200 , nIx funclougs : Cyclone ( I to 3) ) svon. Mite Yotrmig nS to 2) ) second , Fromrtnramn (15 ( to 1) ) third. T.mnmo : 1iS3. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' lti.pinnltmn 81 inmgit'sI.im' . . SAN FIIANC1SCO , Airrhl 23.-Tocimy's rc snil te : First race , ix furlommgum : Edgenroummt trim , 'lrgIu A nrocomnd , Lu , 1ieclra timlrd. 'J'Immm' , : 1:17. : Second mace , five anti nne.humhf fumrumngs tutr'tiiirg i'oi. Crawtomd eecnrd , Yr etc i Urlrul. 'jimmie : lil'I. : . Tmim'mi race , omue-limmif relic : i"tghenm ( w mm - lonator Morgarm second , VllcIrg : tirlrml , 'i'imae ) : : ) . Jeouri hr nIce. lx ( mrr'hor'gs : J't'rjrrmis vcmr I'onimro seeoqtl , i3emrator iliuumrtl third. 'i'immn , Ll5. : I"ith raee , peven furlongs : Walter .1 won b'etmnltar second , Pamos Ilminti. 'l'lnrm. ' I ; S04. Slxtlr race , five mimmd a half furl mmg iirieldlteant'r won , Iamt Chance st'm.'unrti I Jregomr Eclipse timirmi. Time : I :00mi : l1erz't hr ilnoir Ii's host' , CHICAGO , Alirli 23.-The truck at For mythic warn very imeavy today. 'l'imiu lrooic aruicera were mIt hmord , lIve tavom lte. win mlm'g. Results ; First race. , nIx and a unit tumion' iretciimrt' ; ; t6 to I ; ) v.nm , I tiemmVn'n 45 I : ) s..rond , irasigoor iimlrtj. 'J'tne : : 1 271 . , I Second race ent'-imruf miio : 'tlmeam Iiaimre (12 ( to 1 $ u' ; mm , i'olr (6 ( to 1) ) neco.i' lel o of 4llc'um third , 'i'Irmme : O:52mi. : I 'l'hlrm.I ntnee , lIe fumiorrgs. Jisie F'er I grl'iOm1StOwon , Pttmrmrln llummmt (3 ( to 1) ) .Pf't'ond , Kth"ienim third. 'L'lirr. ' : I :06 : , 1 F'ittrrtim mart' , onto rriiie : l.lhilrmmm Fi ( I to 1) ) won , i4iOro ) ' ( eveni ) secntI , l'usiiler third. Tlmn ( ' : I :19. : F'iftir race , sIx mulmil a unIt fnmrlomrgs : Monr- tell ( eu'cmu ) % vorm , ilInml (2 ( t 1) ecommti , Rule 'I' tirird. Timmie : 1:23. : Sixtim race six furlomga Nay Arlimlt' ) ' ( ( to 5) ) ivan , 'ttmir' I , (0 ( to I ) i'peomrtl , Jolmrm vI lao mm I ii f Cii , 'Fl flre : 1 : lS4. ! SI hurt l'i'mim Iss mm 11mm I t he. NEYolti , APrIl hZ.-1)amm Slumart of Texas , wino imn bec'mi In Ne'w'nrk tire last nuint ii nrrnumglng iarms to trimrg C ° m' . bett nnm'l Fitzsimmrmnoritn top c'thmu'r In time ring , imn inms'itv'd ' I itt' I we iorxrr-s or tlnelr repre- tit'ntath'"m to rmneet imtmmr on Sntumt'iav to slgmm nurtleles of agreemnenut. Stmmrrt ( s1il ( iffer a lrnmm"e of I2n0' ( ) for it glove conrtot to lre Imeki bare timiro , lnmm'Imng Noremmri.er t'I thrta year , nmmd will guunrmunuti'e to ftmtmrlslr mu brrttit' ground wlmero a light can be imelil 'i'ittlOtrt trrtem ( en once or Ion felt the unrtlrt' mnmrse to tire PrimiellUris. lie will Iot one tirirni of time nmnnnmmit of the purse wlm.mr time an titles am t' itrnet1 mmiii tIme Utultrirce emi 8el teruiber 15. when ii nreetitmg uriE be imelil t' malcct a referee amid it flmial atnlceimoitler , lim-nily Corbett'mn mirnutuumger' , recei'etl mu telt' . Stimuli lm'omn the latter today nuthorlairug hun to sIgn Strmturt' artries. ( 'l-.ClNNATi , April -.l'lnrtimr .ltmhlnn I' m'lnytng F'Itvm'lmirmntmris Irene timitu veek. 'I'iioh' Vt ore iimuwn tire dlspatcim tLimrigiit abotmt laln Stuart immvltlnug timc' ltrx.n'ri , to mnreet inhmrt ( Inn Satumriay ( to m.lqn articles Cf aimeeinrt'nt , Jumiian satti Ii" hind s'lreiI ian Stuart that mmeltimrm he nmor F'hxslmnmnors , wormld him' inure mind that i"Itxsinnnnons vouhi trot rt'eegmrhrc ( 'ort'ett in his curs-i ummill the latter imati fought Simuvinu , Mairer or Cii tymrskl , 'l'rlei thi , 'ilnoliltri' nil fl.'mrmrlrigs. WItSIIINUTON , April 23---Timc' New Or- icarus starting nnnclminre was glemr It trIal hmr the last race nut lb'ummriungttrnr to'lny north viri1o ii good slant was tlmmaiiy eiTectt'i11 It svas mmot until Sir 1)Ixot , , Jr. , auth ' 1 ommi 7Jottn'o had run a immtif mIle in mu false break. itestrlts : FIrst m'ace , Irurse Z10.9 , nrc fur1nmig : lint. tomr ( I' . to 5) ) u'omr , 'I'uu'imugt , (6 ( to I ) niecomiti , Lanrct'r (20 to 1) ) tlmirii. 'l'imrro. 1:01. : Secourci race , purse 2350 , for 8-ycar-ohis , FoIling , i.dx fumrlonmgs : l'rt'nrler' (2 to 5) ) wunn , I'alnnermrtl'rl (3 ( to I ) st'c'ommd , Chnebur ( to to 1) ) third. Tune : 1 :1' : ' ] 1-5. 'riuln'd mace , 7ilommmit 'ernomr stakes , rnmrse S0O , fim r 2-yea r-oitig , ii I he" , Ira I I' mmrti eSumt'- : ceimsful (7 ( to 5) ) u'omm , FIom'rimini (5 ( to 2) n'econlIl , W'unmted Foot (10 to 1) ) tinlrth. Tlnmre : 0:5) : 8.5 Fonmrth race , Irtirro DudO. for 8-'enr-ohuIa amid tniruvam-d , millie timid lot ) yards : Goitleim Gate (9 ( to 5) ) % s' : mi , Chtm.nrtmt (2 ( to 1) ) zecnmr 1 , Eno miS to 1) ) tlmirn ] . 'untie : i :52. : Fifth race Pun'so 1 ; 5o , tot 'J-yernr-oitis amm'l tniV'flm'tl ) , selllmrg , omr mile : 111 1-Cenrne ) ' ( Ii to 5) von , 1i1Irtug. ( ' to 1) ) eatorid , Sir iixon , jr. , Ct ; to 1) ) thIrd. 'lhino : 1:11 : 2-5. Imrmin.shlIim ' ) , 'I.s tim , ' 'I'molou. LONIJON , APril 2.3.-At Sandown iurlz to- tin ) ' there u'ere fourteemr tartem's 1cm tire race for tire Tudor plate of 1,010 , for 3.yenr-olds , htch mayo not won ann ) ' race tip to time tune tnt cull 3' . 1. . . ( IL' ltotirechilti'r. Imnpou.l- herr comn , I-'rtl hiclnester's Lord 11t'rvey Slraddoclc tlnrd. 't'heVatomr 2-'eam'-oIl race of 1,000 second , arid time Dtmke \\'e,4tmmmlnr5teu'a 5O'ui'elgmis. limo virrmier to l ) ? fold at umm'tlumm mmnitier Lor:1 : Excttrm" coidltlomi : fur 201 , wa' vomr b ) ' l'r Ott ) ' ] tore , the lmromrertl' of Mn' . it , . 'bmmc'k , ? ilngnurhienru Gre pn'tnlrerty of 'I' . Canrmon. u'aq , ' 'C onti , amid JIoy.,1"rlar , owneni by it. Sherwood , was timtn'&i. RIChntrt'nl Cm'ok- Cr's lIeu hitImmilel timid \\'imrchc'ster were err- t'i'ed , bnit dId not ettrr-t. Elevemi imorres maim. . I Itichiard Croiter's brown geldimig. Fiuim Gaile , starteil iii tine r.uce for time 1'rinmcm.'s of'ales luamiciicmlt : of 500 svcm'cgmms ! , inimt was not pimum'd. 1"1 frrr1onus was tile ml tntitco nntni twelve hurst's stmmm'tcd. 11. tlc. Alniont'e Devil May Care won. ' Son imgmlulil t'uimm ; s l'IeIt liiy , S1'IUNG F1.F1LI ) , Nen. , , A9t'll 23.-Specinl ( , ) -Tire Hprmrmgrleltl Atimletic citib wil : hold Its fimst ammm'uni fell cia ) ' exercises Satnmr- do ) ' , May 2 , at which time , foilowhmrg pro- grain 'tIl ire earrk'tl otim : halt itnile hi- ( ' 3'CIt' race ( cpemr ) , 220 yamd foot mace , tirrow- irmg base bali , 104) lard ttnrer-li'gged race. cue mmmliii bIcycle race ( open ) , 21t ) ' yard "Peon egg mace , fifty yar'tl Iut Inch's race ( weight : 'tio pctumnda or over ) , 220 yard foot race fnr buys unitlor 12 years ct mmge , timmtie mile lmnmmnillap bIcycle racu ( opemi ) , nrrntcir grr mmmc ' of imnre hal I ( HPri a guh'iil nan I mmst honrisvilie , ) Entries lam' the ) IIC'iie races can be st'mrt to . 'r. C. iumm'bank , secretary , tir C. F. ( , rrhim'umt , prtsliicmit of time citmb. .At the ourera 1r3Us ? mi time evening time iromire lalomit trommp' wIll give a n'eiirfldtmt"tiomm or time "Spy of ( 'ctl3'nlrtmmg. " closing 'lth the fam'ce , "Iii tire \Vr-onrg Ciothict. , " Fl est ot' I ire Semisomi mm i lVzm lii ) . . . \\rJj ) ( ) Ncb. , April 22.-Spc1tml.-Yes- ( ) ttrdny ] 'Ztilinin irtrs , mqt and defeated a llcled nub fronT time lIin'em's at tite city lnv a score of 12 to 5 , Itut 3lttl brillIant work vas done on cit her mi1e. Gomnclrer timid Id. Kilhian , iiI ) the pitchIng for lClliimin I Ir'a' . , 'I tim .1 elm mutton It'lr ) inti.1 m Im c' ha I uvir I Ic \VillIa inn Glimi : , time e1onm lrnt. mIId tire Pitchimng for time l'ieknrps , with hiob GllcimrIt UI' tine Coic" Innrtnciijles Ireimimmni tire bat. ( , lout Imer .stcmmek out si cC the l'lclcunrl mad Kllliamr line one on Inn strimig. hllumck Pearl stm'uck ntmt ts'o of tire FllIiItnn llros , Ernie hIts : Kiliamr Bros. . S ; i'i'lcuirs , 5. ili'nIe It miets ( lii I Stirrup , 11UFF'A LO , ft trll 23.-IilCforc the Emnipire Athletic club tommigint amid Irm tire 3iresemrco mrt a Jarga crowd , 1'rank Ernie fought and whlppt'i Larry Uumrimtu of Co1moe' , l1UmSLm smooil inInri oft s'er' vch1 immitii the rnlilnhle of limo lIftim , v1mc'rm hrne reachuod 1mb. jaw vitin tt rig ii I Iran ii nn'I ng tim a t ilo'retl I ium Ca- 1,005 , incty. I le took nut'mo reyrui4 ( and err rising gat a iecontl awing In tin. : aannre sPlit. Ag.rin Ito mneasurt'tI 1mb. Jtmrgtim ( on' tIre time hunt emmnd. rore gm'5n : ) ' , emil ) ' to lno ltrmot'lced tlowmr a ni out 'l j in a thIrd biow In mire Idmrtieai lmlaeu. 'limit. thne ime in ) ' urmeunuwtcu.n five nnilmtimies. ( 'iemmr''ntt'r'limt. Iii. ' F'Imsl , I'IT'I'SI'l.'hlG , April 13.-- ' , ' . .11. ( 'lear- ¶ 'ater of l'ittslturg anti Art'd do Cro of Cmiba entered tonight on mm. 5C1'ICS of tinmee runimnes of 25th iroimmEs t'acin for time 1)001 Claim- lnitmtshi ; , of tini' world anti a strike of * 1.0th ) . Ciuarwnttem''tanm tonmigint's gaulle 9) ' tIne ( ol- iouvimmg score by Iramoes : ( 'lc'amwmtter--9 , 'I , I , I I. 14 , 0 , 2 , 15 , 1 , 12 , S. 15 , 8 , 7 , 2 , 9 , 11 , 0 , 6 , 11 , ' , 8 , 15 , 8 , 8 , 15- 201. St'rateines : 3. 1) Oro--0. 11 , 11 1 , 1 , 1. , . ii , 0 , 14. 3 , 0 , 0 , 7. 8 , ii , 6 , 4 15 , ii , 4 , 10 , 12 , 0 , 7 , 7 , 0-2SIL iditra trin es : XICJIOL.tS li.tl ) A J'lE.tS.t'l' 'l'Jitli. UoIiIt'4'hiiI. . ' S.'Imrir ( lie Slimmtly Sub , , : dme 'lii iir. ida King rural JIt'mnm'y Pmgie , itotir colored , uero arrested ystturday nniarnin'g at 1 o'coclc ! our tius charge of Innrreniy fronur tIe porron , the cmmrlIaimn unit iteimrg 1\ ' . ii. Niclmoins , smo ! is travc'Iimmg frcnm LaCrosse to Superior , Nab. Nlcimolaur an'rlvetl 1mm tine cIty \\'o.asday ; annd .Ietcrnnmlmlr'tl tti itirny over a feu' dayn amrd .iio time elgirt. ' , 1ie mtarted Inn eamhy autl runs Immveigel 1miO the alt ! Lawle 1uctuu cii Cap- Itoh mrvenmme. It m1rpcars tlnat ss'imlle tutu Ictnig ru'ornamm anti 'ilcinmjles were 1mm a riroirm mogetirer , Fogio , IIdrleintv nntcr'emi arid lrt'gair to n'aioe a nnnlgtmty I OW , s.tyimg : that tine wumnmamm was imiz ss'iro. N.'icin&i.ms urin riot boullmmg for truubtltr amid Look lmmmnnrediatc steps to nmtrve. lie dlii. overeil that lie bail hL'err roliljeml of bile ocicetbuoic , imouver'or , and tlml mmmt a diforcnnt nmupect tmpomi the V'iiliu lie was am- : nmsinmg I be two of rmriibhmng lnlmnr , Fogie svcnmt ni tsitlo mm miii ca I I oil for thu e lroiice. NI I : hal as a'a'J riot as green irs ire lookerl ammO worn riot e.rrred. Ito uvante' ] tue ItOIlCO as batliy mis 1i ) bo1) ' , antI Ir m'emrmaimmed right there ummtil rim oiileer' mnrrtveml , Viomr tine woman vas searclre'l at ttmc' roliro stationi time nione' , $15.55 , rr'inicii Niche. as bail lest , was fonma 1 uprim met person. 211mm rack en bott k I in et I ! I gorto in rid rul tim it hnl s nrui I. ead ticket anti comae ushers. ( I.iI.b l'mm hilly Ihmir'ur'd. IIEA\'Rlt CiTY , Ntlr. , AprIl 23.-Cilpeclal reIegrnim.-Tie ) little darigimuor of 1'EI Stolts vas fearfully bmrn'rmed lsst c'vemmirrg and dUel iris rnrornlnig'ltim ii snmrihl brother' tiic' : iriltl imad tnmiO to tine field where time father vas bumnlmng aisllcmn. 11cr drcmr c.lmrglmL hoar a tiazo mmnmtl betirre imer f.ntimcr could reach met iime rues ( atoll ) ' Inurnnmuih , 1ni ii on ' I , r.'n's Ems ter'tnulrm , IIEI.LRtIE , Neir. , Arll 2S.-fii.trclal : ( , ) _ _ 'lie Yoummg I'eople'z Ci.irit'nmni Enot'avrr so- lety gave an tee creanmr ae al 'Ftie.olay er'nurm- ing at the ilommne of 1i1 , , . . Lunnr. 'rime l'ra- 'eti ' go t4' defray the oxiterneote of th.o to- Ct ) ' . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hk Orpo S'Int'rm ) 'mnlr trukm , iIiniV l'Slls. 'rimi big , trhii.mIt' onmj'rJ. s irgar-coit&'il : iiili ! , in inch tear 'omn mu to tlect'j1 anti riot 1mm it uuliim hood's. iris ) ' to tithe al Hoodi minI t.uny to uia.'ral l , ' Ii true ni jfnnitt' i'lhi ( , uvtmt"iu tire I njm to .I.rto In tuicr' respeel. I kufe , ct'ntrrint nulti sure. .tll U . # Irmmggi.tn. ir.c. ( I. 1 ifoid & t'o. , 1.on'il , niuss. : ' L'lmu ommly l'nlls to lake wills ilmani's 3ersaimarttia. : - - it .1.5 t.t'l'11i ) 'l'hhll 'b'2 % ' COM ET , / I , tilpt'r'rrs a I ( 'tel gim lou ( 'iii huge SS'miti'bilurg I iii' ( 'eIr't mu S'l'rltor. l'tor , Ottenn of tue ( 'reigirtonu college ob- q aervator ) ' , ushmo 1.4 keepIng a sinarp loolcout ( in tire imeavemus tirc's'r , , lrrii imlghts , lately camnio across ru Ira ? ) ' cloud of nmobuionnnr nratter In the far west , umear time region where the seven ' star.n t'u'lnikic' hr tine evening sky , mmcl vhrlcIr , itt thInks , rviil ire knowmm irereafc'r as Cornet Sushi. of 1896. TIre irOfuzaJr renrarhel thrat ammy one \vlthm aIm orilinnary teleacoito mria' fimmil thu colniet uvithonut nimumeir ulIfIlm'umity try oxnnr- liming the , 'icy a little to tlm mrontlmpast of tire l'letaiit's. ibowever , as there is a m'rnnhi , nebumla Connie few degree's to tire 'ourthcaMt. of tbuI conie'lellatuomr , care mnrnist Ire imati not tj nrIstnko time coniret for timat , r'lmiee tineli' pearrilcen are stmlllclenrtiy mriike to : anr Tlroe' nmmrnmitrles thennu track ' carry to I 1982 wIll . nmuc.st likely not be lrnrtlruiariy strtmck II ) time alniream-runmee of thrI new comiret , ' yet It is a'tlii ahrirroaeim.g . : tire sumni , amid as a magnificent sir t't'r of tall. If ulovelourefi at t all , is bronngimt onmt lrronrrimmentuy only nulmortly ' before ammnl after iierlheihomr lnnsnge. timt're f-n I cUll aim Iniflmnlteunintral cimauicmy that , sammmt' veeka L iioncc' , a fanr of lnmmnurroutn siniusrilor rvuii adormi tire nnortimt'rnr imeavsus. 1)lecou'ereti by Prof. Swift of tine Low mm observatory. at tire be- . glmnniimig of time nriommtir , the conirors nmmotlon. are at imresemrt closely watched. to asertalmr us imetlner It Is a visitor ( mmii Interstellar euace , lnonmmrnt emi a fiylmrg trill to time rotar t'ttcnui , or ru-imetirer It Is miot raLlier aim old rtcqumalmrtance , retmmrn'irg omiem , minor. . , frumuu Its ru'aywaril course to do mummer to time kIng of our hrlanetary world. If tire latter be thur ca'ja , timiti coniet mimury lioreibl ) ' me Itlemitical rulth Cornet iirooks , V. 18S9 , duo at licrlimm-'lIon iltuuIng tire sumrrmmier of thIs year , Ai timhs connret inns timnittr urn lmmtornstlmng irlrriory , Imramm. nmmnmcir its It Is irnssflmhy thu nurne as Lexehi'r , lost coiniet of 1770 , Iim nicxt four' rnromrtlis irray rtattio timc' mmrrmcim iiisruaieti qumortloum regarding I thmtt trnhapp' mmnemmrinar of tire Joviaui ( mimnlhy of connote. If , imoweu'er , at. appeal's Iuoaslbie moan Al Schunlhof'ni caicnmlmrtlonrs. swIft's conraiL ef last August be Idcmrtlcal witir Lexeii'n. of I 1770 , tiru nnilmntlon of tints inntorestlnmg tirobiom must -deferred till 1902. ilower'er , uu'iretliur It be tire' one or tIme other omm r'hiormr Jumplter ima. , turned Iris captmnrlnmg forces , obeeru'era miray for tire inressnt enrjoy. ru'itimomrt nitlmmt , the'--- floating bearmty of ( irIs celestial wanrihorer. To CUBE NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA 'no (11 I mm lirshi , I o Sleep 't'i I , I in I uno- % ' 1imi I % m'u'"t h ( e it miii ( limoil lIgi'j.- Iltini .iii'mm mm , aIrni.i. ii 'i'est of St imrmr't's I'sriemrslmi 'l'iI inlets , I nieces I I mug lii jr'rlenmee tn mm ii I mmd Iii ii- mimmol Is C.i'umtleumimi mm. No trouble Is mnnore corrummion or more mnuis- ummidernmtocnl their nnervous dyslropsia , i'eoiiio imavimng It timlmrk that their mierves mirm to blanmie amid mire uamrun'scl ) ( tinat time ) ' are riot cured by miurvo rnrodlcimmes qnmd spring rommro- files ; tue reai scat of tIme mnlsc1mif Is lost .slgimt of ; time stonrrach is the organ to be looked alter. Nervous uiyspeptics cftcmi tb not. trove any nalni whnatevcr lit the nmtomimacim , nmor terhaps amiy of tire irsunil s'lnptommrs of stomrracim weak- niess. Nervous dyapepsla simourmi itself irot In the stcrnmrtrcim , so nrucir as Iii mieariy every otimer crgamr ; in Connie cases tue heart Iralid- tates ammd Is Irregmmiar ; In otimers tito kldmreya are affected ; Iii otimt'rs time' barrels are comm- , stlpate'il , with hmt'auiacbee ; still otimcrs are troumbletl witlr loss of flesh and appetmte. w.tlm accumnulation of gas , sour i'Islmrga ammi ] lmeart- bnm rn. rn.Mr. . A. W. Simarper of No , 61 Prospect St. , Jnrtl'.anapolir , lund. , writeu mus follows : "A macLIve of pure gratItude Iiromrmpts Inc to wrIte tlmese few lines regarding tire mnew amrtl valuable - able urmcdclmre , Stuart's 1)yspopala Tablets. I mayo Ircemr a sufferer frotim nervous dyspuhr- sin for the last four ) 'ears ; have used varlomma Ira4eimt nuedlclaa'a ammil ot Irc rcnreii : s u'itimout mull ) ' favorable resnmlt. 'Flmy scrmnetimnes guru tenmpOrary rIlef nmnmtil tIme effects of time nrrezli- clne rvore oft. I attrbuteti this to mny sedentary - dentary ittuirits , beimmg ii bookkeeper wltln lit- tie physical exercise , hint I ann glad to state that tIme Tablets have overcome all timeac obstacieru , for I mare ganrud In flesh , alec ; ) hotter amid am better Imu ever' way. Time above i wrlttemr not for rrotorlety , hmmt Is based cmi actual facts. " Reu'prctfmmly ! ytnur- , , A. 'tV. ' SIIAI1I'Flll , 61 Prospect St. , Imurhlammainoilmm , Imid , It Is sfo to say timat Stuart's Dyspepsia Tairlets nih cure amry nttonuar.h weaknresrr or dseasc ! except mincer of sfonracim. Timey cure sour atomnacins , gas , loss of flesh and rip- ptlto. sleeplessness , Inaititatlon. ; ineantbtnrmr , comistlpatioiu anal headaches , Sent ( or valuable little ironic on stonriach dIseases by adtireaslrrg Stuart Co. , Marshall , Mcim. ' All druggists soil fmml ! sized m-neicagea at SO Comm ta. CRAB ORCHARD WATEF ,1uADf.iMAnua .1 TkI EflEflT llNflVjIPOB 'Good , Rocomrnondod , and Endorrrcct 1337 l'liyslolans ttil over tire world. Tim only Etnrnetty that aottu on tlso gi'omat oz'gauiti of tire human oytom. I1 The Liver , 4i The Ki(1teys , 4 u The Stomach , The Bowels. pouo'aDES 7H coMurD vlrrrucla OP % LL TH ( AMOUU ttilNtflIU. WATZF3. ( f-i.tltl ; by mmll 1)m-nrgglstmr. Crab Orchard Water Co. , Louisville , 4drh : / : Trumet IICarlnAJ l r ' 1 % Well 1athWie' ( uIi or write ( or ( 'simirgue : , Ni'ijrrmsbcn Cit'I" ( ( ) , , : : : ; S. I SI Ii SI , fir laura ( 'yele Co. , Coummc I iiifft. , Ia ; rNr-imON Wti ilEi CO. tMs.krsl 'l'uiJ' ' ) , 01mb. . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - .tMIiC2hhiN'I' , 'I ; -y-- ; IuhIuAY IlVHSIMI , - - ) LJ 4 1-1 Al'IllI. 24. CONCERT u t , , I S'ititSi'l'Y Ut" 3iJClIit.'N 1130 , Banjo anti Mandolin Cub ! im' so ltlCited 3'OUfl rmren trunnm iIm l'I eeibtri , tnmr Amber. It wIll ha omw .mf t1im sO"t n7 eats cC mime roar. Smile u'ens 'l'rnurday at umuml i'rlce. . I ' r Tel. t'3I , lIE CREILII I lIurcurr. Mmu a ugo ra. ONi ; 'EicC0mlbiN'lNu SIJI'Y .uIviiNiul : , At'Ilil 26. . . , FJ Nortbli's-'ii'erytItin Nra' , I , I hniiq'p V.'iI mrl'Mih.r y ml mmii Smut irriiiu ; 'ucli'gsc , ( Sc' , lAi---uio imlChi'r , Ati Matlnr.-.Sn seat tt' , - - -